#Apologies for any translation errors!
zoomzooml · 1 year
[Worldbuilding] Regulators and recyclers aka the fauna of Cybertron
Like Transformers, mechanimals are created as protoforms and hatch from cocoons. Types of mechanimals can be divided by their function, or diet.
There I will try to vaguely explain these groups, along with examples of representatives.
Regulators can be compared to Earth's herbivores; they are representatives of the fauna, foraging vigilantly listening for threats. They feed primarily on parasitic lichens and regulate their numbers. In addition they can snack on flora, usually built on synthetic substances and fuels. Different models of regulators may and will have different energon preferences.
There are Transformers that toil to keep and maintain certain regulator models so that they can then be used to regulate parasites in a particular area in a slightly more natural, yet controlled way.
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They are social mechanimals usually living in groups of 10-30 individuals. They are strong and fierce in battle, especially when defending young companions. They feed precociously on parasites that feed on the planet's substrate, such as Needler, so they have quite an appetite. Unfortunately, they are also quite clumsy, which results in injuries.
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These are extremely rare loners, and if they are in a group it is a small one, numbering no more than 3 individuals. It is so difficult to encounter them that they have long been considered legends or myths. They are neutral to the point of seeming mindless. But rest assured that they are aware, and if you try to attack one, be prepared for a powerful kick or stab with a horn.
All indications are that they were one of the first models created by Vector Sigma.
Regulators also include pollinators by some, as they have a role in regulating plant populations. Pollinators primarily feed on nectar - energon made available by the flora - but are seen feeding on the "blood" of dead or injured organisms.
In situations where there was a need to "revitalize" an area, one option was to plant a dozen flowers, often preparing nesting sites for pollinators and artificially introducing a certain number of individuals. There was a good chance that they would quickly contribute to the spread of flora. Well, as quickly as possible.
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They live in groups, but do not appear to be social with other individuals that are not their partner. They mainly inhabit table sunflowers, which are often accompanied by crested sunflowers - the needlebeaks' main energon source. They can also often be found in areas ruled by other flowers.
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Bumblebuzzes live in numerous colonies, in nests usually built underground, but nests in trees do occur. Interestingly, they apparently establish colonies near the ground, where there is an increased occurrence of their cocoons. They have a rich, hierarchical social life. They can be found near flowered areas and are passive as long as they do not feel threatened.
Recyclers act as Cybertron's scavengers, but often play the role of hunters. Metal does not decompose, so every time something on Cybertron dies, it would simply be stuck outside the planet's resource cycle. To prevent this from happening, recyclers exist. They find and eat the remains of dead organisms, tearing them apart with their strong jaws and teeth, pecking out every screw they can. From the metal they consume, their tankards extract all the remaining energon. Unnecessary leftovers would be dislodged usually in liquid form so that the remaining components could be transported, usually by root sytem, to Vector Sigma and used to build the next units.
Their job is also to hunt down damaged individuals. This made them a huge threat during the war. Some soldiers used them like hound dogs, searching for a hidden or fleeing enemy.
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Strong predators with equally strong jaws and a sensitive sense of smell. When hunting, they will assiduously stalk suitable prey to bite in at the right moment and not let go. They live in groups of several individuals and actively seek out and adopt newly hatched individuals.
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The big avianoid is definitely a terror of the sky, armed with a beak like a sword or spear. They live in small groups or alone. It is worth mentioning that on the ground they are only slightly less agile than in the sky. Toward unknown individuals of the same model they seem to be territorial and even aggressive.
You can also find models that fall into more than one group, although even then they have a preference to one diet.
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Adorned with two horns and strong legs, they were made to charge at danger. They are usually non-confrontational, but when provoked they have no problem breaking a few parts. Not their own, obviously. They usually live in small groups.
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Smaller than the similar Bladebeak, they live in numerous herds with a rich social life. They inhabit cliffs and rock walls, on which they are in the habit of hovering.
Of course, there are many other mechanimals, on the ground, in the sky or in the water.
What makes mechanimals different from Transformers? First and foremost, the t-cog parameters. Almost every Cybertron creature has some sort of t-cog system, but not every one is as elaborate as the Transformers. The Transformers have this system so advanced that they are able to and have a whole alternative mode that can have different forms.
However, the mechanimals' t-cogs don't allow them to transform so far. They can relocate their parts to maximize some trait or skill, like speed, but they won't have an entire alt-mode.
The range of the t-cog is also tied to the computational power of the processor, so you could say that intelligence in some sense of the word has some relevance here, too. However, this is a loose connection. As mechanimals are less intelligent than Transformers, everything points to the fault of design and programming, not t-cog parameters.
But this is worth keeping in mind, given that the root-mode of some transformers can remarkably resemble mechanimals.
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The above informations are old files, mostly from before the disappearance of the All-Spark. Propably, there are still some units functioning on Cybertron, but without active circulation of resources, mechanimals most likely only have a chance of survival in captivity.
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thistledropkick · 5 months
I don't usually translate NJPW backstage comments, since NJPW posts their own official translations, but I decided to translate Zack, Chris, and Taichi's comments from All Together anyway, or at least, the sections relevant to Dangerous Tekkers. Especially since DDT doesn't translate backstage comments in full, and NJPW doesn't seem to be posting the comment videos anywhere as they usually do?
I translated this part from this video
(My translation starts after a discussion about how Chris forgot to bring Zack's special tag team gear, and about where they might team up next - Zack suggests NJPW)
Chris: Also, hey, why'd you kiss Taichi at the end there?
Zack: I fell in love with him first...
Chris: Eh?
Zack (In English): Yeah. Before you.
Chris: You playboy.
Zack: No way! (laughs) Just a tag partner.
Chris: I understand.
Zack: Hey. Right now, you're my tag partner. Right?
Chris: I guess, I guess
Zack: Ah, you guess? Why's that?
Chris: My words aren't really coming out right. It's fine, it's fine.
I translated these other two from NJPW's Note account, because NJPW hasn't uploaded videos of them yet. I only translated the parts that are relevant to Dangerous Tekkers.
Zack: Suzuki Gun is over. That was very emotional. But, it was fun. It was fun. It's been a while since me and Taichi-san had a singles match. Once, in Noah. Well, shall we have one in New Japan? It'd be best if we were in the same G1 block, I think. New Japan, please make it happen.
Taichi: Well, a whole lot happened today. Of course, I'd had no intention of becoming Sanayan's pitch hitter. I don't particularly like being in that kind of position, but because of it, my opponent was Zack. And that must be his current boyfriend? I don't really know his current boyfriend, "Giant Chris" or something like that. But the fact is, me and him had a singles match in England before. So I do remember him.
I don't even remember who won it, but the singles match I had with him was a good one, so he remained in my memory. Thanks to those two, I was able to show up here, and now my time as Sanayan's mere pitch hitter has come to an end. Well, I can't be ashamed to get results for Just 5 Guys, in whatever form that takes. I will diligently report the results back to Sanayan.
(Taichi goes on a slight tangent to claim that Sanada taught him the Gedo clutch, which can't possibly be true?)
I'm glad I got to wrestle Zack today, and that I got to know his current boyfriend better. So next time, Zack... Of course, I love Zack, so I want to get to know him better. So next time, let's have a singles match together. In whatever form that takes.
If Zack was a champion and held a belt, I'd challenge for it. But he doesn't have one right now so, let's definitely have a singles match somewhere, when the timing works out. That was fun. You've made this middle-aged guy's heart flutter for the first time in a long while. Thanks, Zack. And thanks to you too, Chris. It was fun.
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burialapplicant · 5 months
From The Members to The Fans
〈 RUKI 〉
At the end he said, "I hope the GazettE will last forever," I think REITA meant he hopes the best view, that he saw from the stage in 2023, is what will continue forever.
The view he saw with the fans Your happy faces The place we could all scream together
It's a treasure that cannot be replaced.
I think he hoped it would be nice if that moment could last forever.
I remember you said you wanted to do a live show soon.
He was a kind and passionate man, someone who could openly say, "Even if something goes wrong, I have the most fun when the members get together and we can laugh like this."
I loved his honesty.
Every birthday, we jokingly tell each other that we should take care of each other's health, this year is no different.
The band will never be just the four of us. No matter what anyone says.
You are our only bassist.
I believe you will always be next to me.
Everyone will feel your presence even if they cannot see you.
REITA's life he built with the GazettE will never disappear, it will always live on.
I will continue singing so it will be as if REITA is right next to me.
We won't become the kind of the GazettE REITA would hate.
I don't want to make you sad.
I believe we all have a limited time here but the human soul remains.
REITA's, the members and mine. And the fans.
I want to continue to perform so everyone that has loved us, even when they become souls, can come to our lives forever.
It can only happen with each and every one of our fans, we can create this view that he wished to see forever.
That is why I want you to stay by my side and be there with us.
I know he would appreciate it if you remembered him with a smile, instead of sadness.
We will be determined to protect this band more than ever before.
We will make the forever that REITA wished for come true.
So, REITA, make sure to come to every live down from heaven.
There will always be a seat for you.
Things are going to be really busy now.
I will reach out again when there is a schedule made.
〈 麗 〉
To all the fans who supported REITA.
I think he was a tremendous source of support for everyone and myself. I still cannot accept and face the fact that he is no longer with us and we will not be on stage together anymore. Maybe this is one of many things I will gradually come to understand. However, I strongly feel I need to have the strength in order to move forward, if I remain in sorrow, I will not be able to guarantee the forever he wished for. I believe the path he had taken alongside everyone was invaluable and will live on in his heart, for everyone and himself for a long time to come. He has given me so much and walked beside me for so long, he will remain as my best friend forever. Please remember his words, memories and the love he shared in your hearts. REITA will live on in everyone's heart.
I want to express how grateful I am for everyone supporting the GazettE and REITA.
〈 葵 〉
Of all things after working with the members and our staff, this is the one thing I did not want to do. There were moments in the past where I almost gave up on my dream. Every time, we would have a discussion about it, the members would push and pull me to not feel discouraged. That is why the GazettE was able to keep moving forward. REITA, you are not the one to wish for eternity, you are eternal. I can't say something wise like "I'll carry your burden." I wanted to play more music with you, I wanted to see more with you. Even if it's the 5 of us surrounded by our fans, any kind of view would be amazing. I wonder, it's difficult that I have so many things to say knowing none of it will come true. Once I'm up there, I'm giving you a stern talk. You must be lonely because we're suddenly gone, so until we meet again, please rest up. I have a little more work to do here.
Thank you for joining us on this long journey. Rest in peace.
〈 戒 〉
REITA had an big presence in my life, more than I can describe; all his words, saving me with his sound, the mood maker of the band, all I remember are the fun things, and above all, the way he shined on stage.
He was the best partner to have in the rhythm group. That has not and will never change.
I want to carry his memory with me to continue the GazettE with a greater determination.
Lastly, to the fans and everyone involved in supporting us for the past 22 years. Thank you so much.
I want to continue running forward with the five of us, I hope you will stay with us.
REITA Thank you for your hard work. With everyone by our sides, we will continue to protect the GazettE...I promise.
I don't want your 22 years go to waste, there are a lot of friends who don't want that either. Don't forgot to come to the show!
Let's have another good drink together, yea?
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coquelicoq · 3 months
Il y a les nuits où il se réveille d'un cauchemar, le regard frénétique, les poings serrant les draps, soufflant à perdre haleine. Ces nuits-là elle l'étreint ; elle fait de petites bises sur son crâne ; avec son pouce elle caresse sa nuque couverte de sueur, tendue et tremblante. Quand il revient à lui-même, elle le chevauche, appuyant fort sur son corps avec tout son poids ; elle prend son visage entre ses deux mains ; elle pousse son front contre le sien, en répétant : "T'es à moi, à moi, à moi, à moi," jusqu'à ce qu'elle voie la chaleur dans son regard, jusqu'à ce qu'elle sente la réponse de son corps sous elle.
Elle le nique vigoureusement, ces nuits-là. Elle mord son épaule sans qu'il doive lui en demander. Elle le fait crier son nom à elle, pour l'empêcher de crier ceux de ses proches perdus. En lui coupant le souffler par amour, elle écrase le souvenir de ce qui l’a fait par terreur. Leur sueur s'entremêle, le stabilisant, le liant au présent, à ce lieu, à elle. Quand il se rendort, épuisé, des fourmis dans les membres, son cœur bat fort à cause de leur amour, leur amour et rien d'autre.
Dans la paix qui suit, elle passe les doigts le long des balafres sur le dos de son bien-aimé, écoute son haleine qui s'équilibre, se concentre sur sa propre sueur pendant qu'elle s'évapore dans l'air frais de la nuit.
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apollos-boyfriend · 1 year
Me, pulling up your blog like a little newspaper at the end of the day as always, seeing today's problem:
Oh dios, el maldito gringo verde regreso como el parasito q es. No entiendo como puede tener ese maldita CONFIANZA immerecido para decir "first multillingual" SMP
¿¿¿QUE??? Alguien me puede explicar COMO tu puedes decir eso con todo tu pecho mientras que sigue un tweet en tu pagina q habla de lo que tu robastes? Dios mio a lo menos los perros q me robaron mi bicy le borraron las identificiones antes de venderlo en craigslist.
sorry but i felt the need to translate this one bc my english-only followers NEED to know how fucking funny this is
“oh god, the damn green gringo is back like the parasite he is. i don’t understand how [he] can have the damn undeserved CONFIDENCE of deciding “first multilingual” smp”
“WHAT??? can someone explain to me HOW you can decide that with your full chest while following a twitter on your account that talks about what you stole? my god, at least the dogs that stole my bike erased its IDs before selling it on craigslist.”
(note: had to take some leverages. i’m assuming “un tweet” means a twitter account, not a tweet itself, and “perro” directly translates to “dog”, which is what i translated it as, but it’s noteworthy to mention that it’s used as an insult and largely associated with laziness. it’s kind of hard to put into words but it has a Very Specific negative association, if that makes sense.)
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kourumi · 2 years
Eleonora the Lotus
There is a theme that has kept popping up when I’ve been researching details about Eleonora, that of “purity.” This write-up discusses every element I’ve found so far that connect her with this theme. Details under the cut!
* Her title in English is just “Violet Bloody Finger”, whereas her Japanese title is “Jun Murasaki no Chi Yubi” which translates into “Pure Violet Bloody Finger.”
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Jun has a different context depending on how it’s used, it can refer to purity in the sense of innocence or chastity; it can also refer to purity as in a genuine quality, unmixed, uncontaminated or unalloyed. (Only recently learned of “unalloyed” as a definition, a curiosity when considering Elden Ring’s metal alchemy symbolism and of course, Miquella the Unalloyed.)   
* Next is her personal weapon, a double-bladed naginata forged in the Land of Reeds. The item description reads, ”Eleonora’s mastery of the sword was such that her onslaught was likened to a whirlwind, but now her legacy is stained by accursed blood.”
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Stained means “disgrace to one’s reputation”, but the origin of stained as a word refers to tinting one color to another color. The imagery implies what was once unmixed, now has been mixed with another (in this case, the accursed blood.)
Her blade has lotus flowers as hilt guards. In Japanese flower language, the lotus has the meanings of pure-hearted and estranged love. Lotus symbolism in other cultures include purity, chastity, eternity and rebirth. The flower also is an important symbol in Zen Buddhism, which might have special significance given Yura was probably a monk in the past. (That’s its own essay!)    Final note on her weapon, the design callback to Sekiro’s Black Mortal Blade. I personally feel is related the “Violet” aspect of her title and blood theme, rather than purity, but there could still be a connection. Also I just think it’s neat.
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* Bloody Finger Hunter Yura’s dying lines are, “Please, please, Eleonora, yield to the cessblood no longer. Do not stain the immaculacy of your sword, your flesh, your fire…”
His phrasing is interesting regarding the theme. Immaculate is something flawless or unspotted, and comes from words meaning “not stained” in both a physical and moral sense. Before I learned about Eleonora’s full title, this line made me assume that Yura had placed her on a pedestal that she failed to live up to, and even now, I still think this is partially the case. But knowing about the “accursed blood” that stained her legacy, there is likely a spiritual aspect involved too.
* An unblemished body. Unlike her Bloody Finger comrades (White Mask Varré, Nerijus, Ravenmount Assassin and Okina),  Eleonora has no markings on her face or person to indicate that she serves the Lord of Blood. Even as a Drake Knight, she doesn’t display the golden eyes of Dragon Communion despite having consumed a minimum of four to five dragon hearts (estimate based on the cost of the two dragon spells she uses.) (I still give her dragon eyes in my art because rule of cool!)
* The last related element is an object she drops upon defeat, the purifying crystal tear. It’s an almost essential potion ingredient in the boss fight against her “master”, the Lord of Blood, Mogh.  Eleonora is considered “the deadliest of all Bloody Fingers” and is one of the last named Bloody Fingers the player encounters. Why she is carrying this really valuable item is never explained and opens up so many questions about her motives. But whatever that reason may be, the theme of purity follows Eleonora even beyond her death. 
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[Image credits: title, @Zlofsky2nd on twitter; eleonora’s poleblade, myself ; black mortal blade, imgur/random sekiro reddit post ; purifying crystal tear, elden ring wikia]
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question-marked · 10 months
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Edward is talking to someone on his phone. As he's walking around in one of the rooms in his apartment, he says "Si, tanto lavoro e tanti test prima di arrivare....ma questo lo decideremo assieme a voi. Sàra la nostra prossima sfida!"
(Yes, lots of work and lots of tests before arriving....but we will decide this together with you. It will be our next challenge!)
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asterbeladona · 1 year
Day 1 of maeisoweek2023: Firts/Lasts
Maehara was the first love of Isogai's life. For the Class 3-E representative, that was a fact. For as long as he could remember, Hiroto had been there for him, no matter the situation, good or bad. Yuuma even remembered that being sent to Class 3-E was a little better because the two of them would be together. For Isogai, Hiroto was the nice boy who, despite not having much sense, had a good heart and who stole his.
Maehara was the first love of Isogai's life, but Isogai was not Maehara's first love. Oh, no. Hiroto was a womanizer, he flirted and flirted with as many girls as he could and didn't mind cheating. He flirted with all the girls in class E, with the exception of Kataoka, out of "respect for a friend". Isogai was that friend and, although he had never felt that way about Kataoka, he knew that this was how Hiroto saw him. A friend. It hurt, but he had already accepted it: Maehara was straight and he thought Yuuma was too, and he would always be his best friend.
Well, that's what Isogai thought. And it was also what Maehara thought and the reality for a long time.
Maehara didn't know exactly when he began to fall in love with Isogai. In fact, the moment he fell in love and the moment he realized he was in love were months apart. But he knew exactly what he had fallen in love with: it was Isogai Yuuma.
Hiroto, who was known for being able to win over many girls, for the first time in his life didn't know what to do to win Isogai's love. He tried to flirt indirectly and find out if Isogai liked boys, but Yuuma always avoided the subject, could it be because he knew about Maehara's flirting history?
Hiroto had no idea that Isogai loved every one of these moments, but he didn't want to delude himself, he had been carried away by his feelings before and he didn't want to get hurt by something that could be an invention of his passionate heart. Weeks passed before Yuuma made up his mind: he would give the voice of his heart one more chance, his last chance.
It was really complicated for both of them to recognize their own feelings and be able to externalize what they felt to each other in order to start a relationship. They were kids (okay, teenagers) who didn't know how to love, but who knew they loved each other and wanted to try.
And, in the end, Maehara was the first love of Isogai's life. And Yuuma would be the last love of Hiroto's life.
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weirdgayenby · 2 years
Inspired by the awesomeness of @opia-jpg 's polish Jurgen Leitner rant I bring to you the Jurgen leitner rant ma ka ʻōlelo Hawaiʻi
E HOʻOPI I KA PIʻI ANA I KA WĀ KAU ʻO JURGEIN LEITENER UA HAWAINA NUI IA IA NO KA MEA I NUI IA ANA I NĀ PUKA FUCKED UP No ke aha i hoʻoholo ai ʻo ia e hoʻopaʻa a puni a ʻike i ka wehe wale ʻana ua make ke poʻo he kanaka lili ʻole ʻo ia i ka maʻi visceral. ʻAʻole wau i loko o ka rumi ʻaʻole i ʻike i kēia maka o ke kāne a ʻike wau iā ia ka ʻumiʻumi ʻino loa o ka honua e haʻalele iaʻu.
inā makemake au e komo i ka lani a ʻōlelo mai ke akua ʻo jurgein leitners e kali ana i loko e mimi au i nā wāwae o ke akua no ke kumu hoʻokahi e hoʻihoʻi ʻia i lalo.
inā pono au e hana me jurgein leitner e ʻōlelo kino i hoʻokahi huaʻōlelo ma ka leo i ka podcast, ʻaʻole wau e pani wale i ka pā, e holoi au i kaʻu bookmark me ka ʻole a pono e nānā hou i ka moʻo holoʻokoʻa no ka ʻike e hiki ke hoʻokuʻu i nā mea āpau. nā manawa i ʻōlelo ʻia a ola paha
ʻAʻole maopopo iaʻu ke kumu o koʻu inaina nui iā ia. ʻohi puke ʻo ia akā huhū wale au no ka huhū
Ua ʻoi aku ka maikaʻi o ka loaʻa ʻana o kekahi moʻolelo hoʻopunipuni e wehewehe i kēia inā he poʻe waiwai nui ʻo ia i makemake i ka creepypasta a makemake ʻo ia i ka irl version ill go ham
ʻOi aku ka maikaʻi o ka loaʻa ʻana o kahi puke e pepehi iā ia i ke kanaka cuz inā ʻaʻole wau e hana iā ia
ʻaʻole pili iā ia. Ua haʻi maopopo ʻole i ka mea i manaʻo ʻia ʻo kāna hale waihona puke a nalowale wau
Aia i hea ʻo jurgein leitner inā e ola ana ʻo ia e makemake nui ana ʻaʻole ʻo ia
ʻelemakule ʻeleʻele
ill punch leitner a me kona mau ʻeleʻele ʻeleʻele ʻeleʻele ʻeleʻele e kaʻa wale ma lalo o kaʻu lima ʻiʻo nui a e hemo ʻo ia a hiki i ka pau ʻana o kahi puke hope loa āna i mālama ai iā ia i nā manawa āpau i kapa ʻia ʻo Now You Fucked Up in ancient yiddish
ʻAʻole wau hanu im hyperventilating i kēia manawa
Manaʻo wau aia kahi lā i hāʻawi ʻia no ka wā i make ai ʻo jurgen a make paha i hiki iaʻu ke hoʻomanaʻo i kaʻu kelepona
i kēlā me kēia lā i hoʻokahi makahiki e ʻike wau a hana i kekahi mea akā e hoʻomaikaʻi i ke kanaka i hoʻopaʻa ʻia inā he mau puke ʻoiaʻiʻo.
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seeunsource · 2 years
seeun’s cosmopolitan interview eng trans:
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q) a side of yourself you want to show
a) i think at the beginning of our debut a lot of fans always said that i looked happy when performing on stage. i wanted to show you a lot of happiness so that you can feel the energy of that time again. and when i’m on stage, i often think “i shouldn’t make mistakes, i should do better” because swith is in the audience. that’s why these days i’m more nervous than at the beginning of our debut.
q) a grown up part of seeun
a) the time we master choreography has gotten faster, the combination with the members is getting better, now if you pretend you’re pretending.
q) seeun’s favorite time of day
a) 30 minutes before i sleep! i’m drawn to the emotional anime “your name.” i like to fall asleep watching the same movie.
q) the reverse charm that swith doesn’t know
a) i really like chatting, but i’m shy in front of fans so i can’t speak. (laugh) before i meet fans i think of 500 things to say, but i only say about 1 thing? (laugh)
q) seeun’s appearance after 10 years
a) i think i’ll still be doing [being a member of] stayc. like my role models snsd, it would be nice if everyone does well in personal and group activities.
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thistledropkick · 1 year
Last year, Kasai Jun was interviewed as part of the interview project DEATH, which interviews various people about death in order to find a better understanding of how to live and appreciate life.
I thought it was a fascinating interview, so I decided to translate it.
Please go visit the original interview - the photography accompanying it is absolutely gorgeous.
Also, please don't repost this whole translation elsewhere. If you want to quote an excerpt of my translation for something, please make sure to also credit the original team behind this interview and link back to the original interview.
Deathmatch Fighter Kasai Jun - 4/27/2022
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“It’s not a deathmatch until you return home alive” The reason this 47 year old Charisma Wrestler continues to shed blood in the ring
Within pro wrestling, there is a genre called “deathmatch.”
An extreme set of rules that allows deadly weapons and has no disqualifications. Brawls with fluorescent light tubes, and dives onto barbed wire boards. Without hesitation, wrestlers stab their opponents in the head with fistfuls of bamboo skewers. When wound-covered bodies violently collide, shards of glass and sprays of blood shower the ringside seats.
Upon first seeing it, surely everyone thinks “Why are these people hurting each other like this?” “What the hell am I looking at?”
This is the world of the man known as “Charisma,” professional Wrestler Kasai Jun of the independent promotion Pro Wrestling Freedoms.
In November of 2009, he had a “razorblade board plus alpha deathmatch” against Ito Ryuji in Tokyo’s Korakuen Hall. Kasai, 35 years old at the time, dove from the second floor balcony, a fall of 6 meters, onto a table, aiming for his opponent Ito.
Afterwards they continued to fight with various weapons, in a match that concluded 15 seconds before the 30 minute time limit. That year, this match was awarded the Best Bout award. And Kasai, the winner of that match, became a living legend overnight.
12 years have passed since then. Kasai is now 47 years old, and he continues to rule over the world of deathmatch wrestling. Under the weight of many literal life-or-death battles, Kasai’s body no longer moves the way it did when he was young. Even so, why does he continue to set foot in such a dangerous place?
We asked “Charisma of Deathmatch” - a man who makes the crowd go mad in the space between life and death - about his views on death and on life.
Desiring to truly feel alive
- Normally, people try to avoid pain and suffering. Kasai, why do you continue to shed blood in the ring?
Hahaha. From an outside perspective, you must really wonder “Why do you keep doing something so painful” huh? That’s a normal way to feel. But from the wrestler’s perspective, it’s completely different.
In your normal daily life, do you ever feel like “Ahh, it’s so glorious to be alive”? You’d almost never unconsciously blurt out something like that.
But in a life or death battle in a deathmatch ring, after you step down from that ring, that’s exactly what you feel. “Ahh, I’m alive. I’m so grateful to be alive.” Because of that, I can’t quit.
Mountain climbers and stuntmen probably feel like this too, don’t they. Stepping into a situation where their life could end, and returning home safely. I wonder if they’re searching for that feeling of being “truly alive.”
This feeling is passed on to the audience too. Fans often tell me “Watching Kasai Jun’s deathmatch gives me the strength to continue forward.”
They say things like, “I’m being bullied at school so I wasn’t going to go any more, but now I feel like I can keep going.” Or, “It’s exhausting to keep going to work, but after seeing Kasai persevere while shedding blood in the ring, I can persevere and keep going to work.”
Recently I can’t do this much because of covid, but in the past when I’d sell merch, fans would often say things like this to me.
Because of this, it seems to me that deathmatch wrestling is simultaneously a way for wrestlers to feel truly alive, and a way for those who watch it to feel more positively about living.
- Because of the sensational way “death” is shown in the ring?
Probably, yeah. Because it looks like we’re doing something really painful.
But don’t get me wrong. We aren’t in a particular hurry to die. And we aren’t wasting our lives either. What I always say is, “It’s not a deathmatch until you return alive.”
[Note from me - this phrase (生きて帰るまでがデスマッチ) is a play on a well-known Japanese phrase 家に帰るまでが遠足 “The field trip isn’t over until we return home.” This started as something a teacher would say to students in their care, and Kasai has altered it into his motto towards both himself and other deathmatch wrestlers.]
- It’s not a deathmatch until you return alive.
If you get in a ring where you might die or get seriously injured, and you do die, or you do get seriously injured, you’re no different than a rank amateur, right? But a guy who dives into a deadly dangerous situation and returns from that ring unharmed, he’s the absolute greatest and the absolute coolest.
Like a stuntman, right? If he returns home alive, people say “amazing,” but if he dies, he’s no longer a pro.
At 35 years old, his view on life did a complete 180 during a match
But, when I was young, I thought about it completely differently. I never thought “I’m grateful to be alive.” In the ring, I did dangerous stuff and defeated my opponents. I just thought of it as my job.
The more dangerous stuff I did, the more people said “Kasai is amazing!” That felt really great. Every time I stepped into the right I thought, if something goes wrong and I die I guess that’s how it goes. I thought “Deathmatches should be a memento mori.”
- What caused such a big change in your values?
That match against Ito Ryuji in Korakuen, in 2009. It changed my mental state by 180 degrees.
The truth is, I went into that match thinking “This is my last match before I retire.” Because it was my last match, I would do everything I wanted to do. Win or lose, I went into the ring thinking “I’ll retire.”
But during the match, my feelings completely changed. I thought “If I quit like this, I’ll be half-dead.” There’s nothing else I want to do, and I’ve never felt joy like this anywhere else. It was just too much fun.
So, after the match ended with 15 seconds remaining, I announced my decision to continue wrestling. “I was thinking of retiring but, I’m gonna keep going.” That’s what changed.
- Since your values have changed so significantly from when you thought it’d be good to die in the ring, what’s your “ideal death” now?
Spending the day with my family as I always do, watching tv with an after-dinner drink as I always do, getting comfy in my futon as I always do, and passing away. That’s the best death, isn’t it.
I’ve said it before but, people who say “It’s my ambition to die in the ring” are just trying to look cool. For a pro, it all comes down to returning home alive. And so, I believe that when the life of Kasai Jun the human being comes to an end, Kasai Jun the wrestler will die as well. I want to be a pro wrestler until I die. That’s how I feel now.
When I was young, I thought the best time for a wrestler to retire was when he could still move, when people would say “It’s a shame, because there’s still more he can do.” But if that’s true, I’ve already missed my best time to retire.
Since I’ve come this far, maybe it’s better to keep doing this until my death. Since around the time I turned 40, I started thinking this way.
Gaining years = leveling up. I’ll reach my peak just before death.
- Since you’ve been doing this for so long, it’s inevitable that your body has become weaker. Kasai, how have you dealt with aging?
The word “elderly” is a concept created by human beings, isn’t it? Since that’s the case, I believe it’s something we can absolutely overcome. I don’t think increasing in age is the same as becoming elderly.
Look, it’s true that my physical stamina has decreased and my muscles have gotten weaker than they were when I was younger. But my will and my spirit have continued to grow. Instead of just breaking even, I think I’ve leveled up. 47 years old is level 47. I now see growing older as a positive, like leveling up every year.
Because of that, my peak has yet to come. I’ll reach my peak just before I die. I’ll be at my strongest just before my death. That’s the ideal I envision for myself.
There was a time when I felt insecure about my age. When I hit my mid 30s, I hated that my body was becoming weaker.
But then, while drinking at home and watching a documentary on TV about (rock musician) Yazawa Eikichi, I realized something. “If you think about it, uncool young people are uncool, and cool guys are cool even if they’re old.” Since then, my way of thinking changed. I started calling getting older “leveling up” at around that time.
[Note from me: Suzuki Minoru also refers to getting one year older as “leveling up” in the exact same way. They are friends, so I assume Suzuki got it from Kasai.]
- I'm surprised that a pro athlete who uses his body as a weapon would think of aging in that way.
Pro wrestling and deathmatch are unique among sports. Unlike say, track and field, or swimming, it isn’t a competition where every second counts. I can’t move the way I could when I was young any more, but through my facial expressions, pauses during matches, and so on, I have many ways to express myself.
A guy can be handsome, macho, with great muscles, and completely suck as a wrestler. In contrast, a guy like me who’s ugly, short, and middle-aged, can get support from the fans. It’s a completely different genre, and that’s what makes pro wrestling so interesting.
- What about your emotional struggles? In your documentary film you said you were having some difficulty maintaining your motivation, which you described as “Deathmatch Erectile Dysfunction”
Yeah, well, that can definitely be a problem. When you’re young, you’ve just got piles of hopes and dreams and things you want to do. But as the years go on, and as you accomplish those things, you can kind of get lost.
What’s helped me increase my motivation has been the existence of people who make me think “I absolutely don’t wanna lose to this guy” or “I don’t want this guy to take all the best stuff for himself” In my case, for example, that’s been (fellow PW Freedoms deathmatch wrestler) Takeda Masashi. Or, although he’s from another organization, New Japan Pro Wrestling’s El Desperado.
That’s why for the past 3 or 4 years, I’ve been asking people to “stimulate me.” I want intimidating people to keep approaching me. Well, on the other hand, if they take the most delicious part for themselves, that’s a problem.
A fear of death led to a “selfish life”
- Incidentally, perhaps it’s too late at this point, but do you worry about being injured or dying?
I said it already but, “It’s not a deathmatch until you return alive.” Since I’m a pro, I have the skills required to do this without death or injury. 
But, it’d be a lie to say “I’m not afraid.” Even now, for several days before a match I get so stressed that I can’t sleep. Despite how I look, I get plenty scared. Much of my life has been driven by a strong fear of death.
- How do you mean?
It sounds silly, but when I was in grade school I believed in “The Prophecies of Nostradamus.” Have you ever heard of it? “In the year 1999, all of humanity will be destroyed.” Every night I shook with fear in my futon, thinking that my life would end at the age of 24.
Propelled by that fear, I concluded, “If the earth is gonna get destroyed anyway, I should quit studying. Instead I should use the rest of my remaining lifetime to do stuff that I like.” I completely quit studying, and instead spent all my time watching pro wrestling, which I loved.
Conversely, my fear of death also led me to become a pro wrestler. After graduating high school, I got a job in Tokyo as a security guard, but I gave into temptation and visited brothels daily. One day I happened to be reading a magazine with an HIV checklist inside, and almost every item applied to me.
At that time, I still thought “AIDS = death” so I thought “Oh, this is AIDS.” “Oh, this is how I’ll die.”
Luckily, when I got tested the result was negative, but after preparing myself for death, I thought “I really should do what I want” and knocked on the door of Big Japan Pro Wrestling. My life has always been influenced in this way.
- I get the impression that many wrestlers die at an early age. Since then, your fear must have increased.
Nah, that’s not really true. I’m surprisingly practical about the deaths of others. I just accept it, like “That’s the kind of life you lived.” I suspect my fear of death isn’t a fear of death itself, but a fear of becoming nothing.
- A fear of becoming nothing.
I’m no (actor and spiritualist) Tanba Tetsuro, but if after you die, you go to the spirit world, and cross the Sanzu river, that’s not all that scary is it? I wouldn’t go so far as to say “it’s fine if I die” but there’s some kind of hope or meaning. But if “After death, you become complete nothingness” “After death you feel no joy or sadness” I think that’s really scary.
But these days, I don’t experience that fear of death as much as I used to. If after this interview a dump truck hits me and I die, I wouldn’t have any regrets. I could say I did what I wanted to do.
Pro wrestling is a business where you depend on your popularity with an audience, but I’ve never tried to flatter the audience to get sales or support, or thought about how to increase my popularity. Ultimately, Kasai Jun puts himself first. I’m my own number one.
To die without regrets is to win at life
- But, if someone wanted to imitate your way of life, I think most people would be profoundly afraid of not getting by financially, or of being rejected by society. Why do you think you remain stoic in the face of such fears?
What’s there worth imitating about me? If you’re selfish like me and you can change it, you should want to!
But, this is probably related to that “fear of becoming nothing” I mentioned earlier. Ever since I was little, I’ve thought stuff like “This whole world isn’t real” and “Maybe all of this is just a dream.”
Nothing in this world is certain. Since that’s the case, all you have are your own body and your own feelings. In short, I don’t believe in anything but myself, so I put myself first.
- So in order to “feel truly alive” you throw yourself into the painful world of deathmatch wrestling, which leads us back to where we started.
That’s right. I guess you could say that pain is the only thing I believe.
But when I was young, I did understand the fear of not making enough money to survive. When I was around 30 and my son had just been born, I was seized by that fear.
Really, I was broke, and I couldn’t even pay into the National Pension Fund like I was supposed to, so I went to the ward office and said “I do intend to pay, so please wait a little.” I thought to myself, “Living is so expensive and so difficult.”
- A deathmatch fighter scary enough to quiet a crying child, with such an everyday problem.
Three years after my debut, when I was around 27, I was badly injured. I quit Big Japan, and after a year’s absence, I transferred to a different group called Zero-One.
Zero-One was founded by ex-New Japan Pro Wrestler Hashimoto Shinya, and the pay was good compared to Big Japan, and they held a lot of shows, so I could wrestle frequently. The environment there was very pleasant.
But, due to the policy of the organization, I couldn’t do the deathmatches that I love. During that time as a “salaryman wrestler,” I survived, but I think deathmatch fighter Kasai Jun, pro wrestler Kasai Jun, was completely dead.
“I really should do the pro wrestling I want to do,” I thought, and I quit Zero-One, and persisted with the pro wrestling that I love. Maybe that’s why I feel like I can now “die without regrets.”
Ultimately, if you live your own life as you wish, and think “I have no regrets” when you die, you win. Maybe people today have lost sight of the essence of what it means to live. It’s fine to work hard at your job, but if you’re spending every day miserably, is that kind of life really okay with you?
I’d rather live for 20 years and laugh every day than live for 100 years and never smile. If you’ve lived for 100 years and never laughed, that’s the same as being dead, isn’t it?
写真:本永創太 ~ Photographer: Motonaga Souta
執筆:鈴木陸夫 ~ Author: Suzuki Atsuo
編集:日向コイケ(Huuuu)~ Editor: Hinata Koike (Huuuu)
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aemndx · 2 years
okay…. but imagine having aemond stuff his cum back inside you, loving to press his seed back inside your overstimulated cunt and breed you every day—
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gif credit.
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© aemvnd 2022. do not plagiarize, translate, modify or post my content on any other platform.
author’s note: y’all betta know…… i just had to write something for this -- my imagination ran absolutely wild with this one. i didn’t wanna write a lot, just somethin mini for myself to get these sinful thoughts outta my head… im sorry in advance. ♡ if you enjoyed – please reblog, comment + leave ur feedback! thank u & happy reading. :)
warnings: minors dni. smut. breeding kink. p in v sex (slight). fingering. cunnilingus. female pronouns. possessive behavior. dark!aemond. wife!reader. overstimulation kink. pain kink. pet names. romance. fluff. any grammatical errors are my own – in advance, i sincerely apologize.
word count: 2,3k.
pairings: aemond targaryen x reader (f).
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♡࿐ bliss.
true, undying bliss overwhelmed you, completely.
“you’re so perfect for me, my sweet girl,” aemond murmured, leaning down to press a loving kiss against your forehead, lingering there and closing his eye for a moment, breathing you in.
pulling back after a few seconds, aemond observed your face closely, feeling a warm sensation tugging at his blackened heart, feeling it crack into a million little pieces, watching you gaze back up at him in awe.
there was a soft look in your doe eyes, wide and innocent and full of love.
love for him, your husband.
aemond would never admit it, but he was almost certain that the very same look graced his face too, softening his sharpened features with equal amounts of–if not more–love.
with a deep groan, aemond thrusted his cock inside your cunt a few more times, feeling your inner walls tightening around him, wanting to keep him inside and milk him dry.
a faint, little mewl escaped your swollen lips, making aemond lean forward again and capture your lips with his, kissing you slowly and passionately. the wet, warm muscle of his tongue slipped out, licking your bottom lip, before tugging it gently with his teeth, causing you to moan.
you wrapped your arms tighter around his neck, pulling him flush against you – his naked, hard chest was pressed against yours, constantly brushing over your sensitive nipples, a whine making its way up your throat.
aemond smirked, reaching one hand up and tangling his fingers into your messy locks of hair, his other hand holding on to your hip to stabilize himself so to not crush you with his body.
“…mmm – gods, you were made to take my cock,” aemond purred against your mouth, slipping his tongue inside, your tongues slowly caressing each other’s sensually, neither of you in any rush.
“i love you,” you whimpered, your mouths molding together as one – perfection.
with one last gentle thrust of the prince’s hips, he squirted his warm cum inside of you, his load entering your womb.
aemond stilled his hips, your fluttering cunt sheathing his cock, making aemond throw his head back with a feral growl.
with his cock still buried to the hilt in your pulsing cunt, aemond squeezed your hip that he was holding, digging his fingertips into the sweaty flesh as he felt his cock twitch inside of you, softening and feeling spent.
immediately, he collapsed on top of you, his face nuzzled into your neck. sleepily, he started leaving little kisses against the salty skin of your neck, sucking on your pulse point, feeling your fingers gently brush through his long hair.
aemond practically purred, the feeling of your nails scratching lightly at his scalp, always a sweet comfort. “sweet girl… ‘m gonna try something,” aemond mumbled, though he did not move for a few more minutes, completely relaxed in the safety of your arms.
however, you did not mind – especially the feeling of his large cock still buried deep inside you, making your insides begin to tingle again, your belly tightening at the thought of his royal seed settling in your womb.
gods be good, you prayed silently for a son of your own to give to your dear husband.
you loved aemond more than anything – more than life itself, all that you wanted was to give him everything he wanted… most importantly, you wanted to give him all the love in the world, including an heir of his own.
suddenly, aemond slowly pulled himself out of you with a sharp hiss, not hearing you wince slightly at the uncomfortable feeling of being empty overcame you. you tried to suppress it, making your face remain neutral.
the prince simply leaned back on his knees between your spread thighs, tilting his head back and releasing a deep sigh of satisfaction. then, his head looked back down towards you, his one eye sharp and observing you, as usual.
aemond always enjoyed watching you, he liked making you feel uncomfortable, especially when around him, watching the way you’d start to overthink everything about yourself, making yourself think – was there something wrong with you?
it amused him greatly, no matter how many times he’d done it to you.
however, no matter how much the prince could be cruel, he’d never intentionally hurt you. releasing a calming sigh, aemond’s large hands moved to grasp both of your thighs, squeezing them and then shaking them a bit, watching them jiggle slightly with a twitch of his lips.
he adored your thighs.
then, his head snapped back up to look at you, his eye piercing and observing your naked figure, admiring it without shame.
the prince looked at the soft delicateness of your pretty face, down to your neck and collarbones that were littered in love bites from him, to both of your breasts which were swollen from him sucking and biting on them earlier, until you cried out his name.
you watched him trail his eye down further until he stopped at your bare cunt, watching it with an amused glint in his violet eye, his seed dribbling out of you slowly.
smirking, the prince seemed to have thought of a idea.
aemond slowly looked back up at your face, the sapphire that rested in the socket of his missing eye sparkled from the massive fireplace – although, you did not look away from him. if you knew anything about your husband, you knew how he loved a challenge, and you were not going to be the first one to look away.
no, not this time.
chuckling softly underneath his breath, aemond clicked his tongue against the roof of his mouth, before raising an eyebrow at you.
“will you be a good girl for me?” he asked, his tone flat but there was that hint of amusement hiding somewhere underneath.
if you didn’t know any better, you’d think the prince was up to something.
you gulped, nodding your head and started fidgeting with your hands, making him tsk at you, slapping your hands away. instantly, you stopped – nervousness eating away at you as you dropped your arms directly by your sides, waiting.
aemond hummed, nodding once before shifting his body so that he was now laying on his stomach, resting comfortably between your spread, open thighs. your cunt glistened beautifully, making aemond’s eye dilate with need and a feverish lust.
as he laid down, he could feel his cock twitch underneath himself, no doubt hardening once again. he couldn’t control himself when he was around you, you drove him nearly insane with a need to have you – always.
“my pretty little wife..” aemond drawled, his hands creeping up to rub up the outside of your thighs, his hands warm and comforting.
“you’re even pretty here, too,” he murmured, no doubt smirking as he heard you take in a sharp breath, his lips connecting to your mound, peppering kisses along the skin and across your hipbones.
he rubbed his warm, large hands up and down the outside of your thighs, closing his eye as he was merely enjoying himself – kissing, sucking, biting your hot skin into his mouth, moving down until his lips wrapped around your swollen, overstimulated clit.
you cried out into your shared chambers, one of your hands reaching up and grasping hold of one of the many pillows–one that happened to have belonged to aemond, since you loved to lay on it since it smelled like him–fisting your small hand into the soft material.
you immediately wrapped a leg around his head, unconsciously pulling him closer against your cunt, wanting more.
always, always wanting more of him.
aemond had made you come so many times tonight–too many times–that you had lost count.
without warning, aemond removed a hand from massaging the meat of one of your thighs and brushed a finger up your dribbling slit, gathering his cum that was leaking out and stuffing it back inside you.
you whimpered, fisting the pillow and the silk sheets below you, your head thrown back and your eyes rolling into the back of your head, feeling him curl the finger inside of you.
aemond hummed, continuously sucking and sending vibrations through your sensitive, little clit – before adding two more long fingers, stuffing them inside and just leaving them there, not moving.
almost like a plug.
minutes had passed, with just him sucking and flicking your clit back and forth with his hot tongue, though he fingers did not move, only remaining plunged inside of you, causing your walls to tighten and flutter, endlessly.
“aemond..!? what.. w-what are you doing?” you heaved, your chest rising and falling quickly, feeling your belly tighten once again, painfully – your muscles sore and aching now as you could feel yourself about to come again.
“please, aemond – i am going to come again,” you sobbed, sweating profusely and your heart feeling like it was about to explode in your chest.
aemond nodded, not missing a beat, “go on, then.”
“no..! no, no, no – please, aemond.. i cannot. it hurts, it hurts so much…” you sobbed, tears now burning your eyes, falling freely. your throat felt like it was on fire, as well as like it was closing from you gasping in too much air, trying your hardest not to come again.
however, aemond continued his ministrations on your clit, not stopping for a moment and evening wiggling his three fingers that were inside of you–keeping his cum from leaking out of you again–and with his other hand dug his fingers into the meat of your thigh that he was still holding, making you yelp in painful pleasure.
you were exhausted.
“p-please.. please,” you sniffled, shaking your head and begging.
aemond growled, pinching your thigh and then slapping it harshly in punishment, feeling you wiggling around too much.
“be sweet, wife – stop moving and come for me again,” he commanded, his words muffled but you could still understand him.
you choked on your own saliva, “oh, gods..” you whined, feeling your muscles tense and tense and tense, before the band inside of you snapped like a violin string and you let out the most earth shattering screech.
you cried your husband’s name over and over again, feeling aemond quickly squeeze in a fourth finger, beginning to curl all four of them inside of you, feeling your walls clamp down around them.
you were honestly afraid – afraid that he would want to see how much you could take and shove his entire fist inside–(you had heard ladies of the court gossip that their husbands had done that to them, and it was the most painful experience)–you never wanted to find out for yourself.
luckily, for you – even in your blissed out mind, you trusted your husband, knowing he liked pushing you to your limits, but knowing exactly how much you could take.
your thighs were quivering, your orgasm washing over you in tsunami waves of endless pleasure, with aemond continuing to gently lick your clit now, barely applying actual pressure – though his fingers remained.
“so, so perfect for me.. you’d done so well for me, my sweet girl.”
a genuine, dopey smile tugged at your lips, feeling relieved that you had pleased him, again.
once your high had calmed down, aemond pulled his mouth away from your clit, resting the left side of his face on your thigh, glancing up at you with a small smirk on his handsome face, watching you try to keep your eyes open.
“enjoy yourself, did you?”
you giggled, nodding your head yes. “i thought i was going to black out,” you confessed, embarrassment flooding your veins.
aemond lightly chuckled, “wouldn’t be the first time.”
you looked down, pouting and making him laugh harder, giving a sweet kiss to your thigh, before locking his violet eye with yours once more.
gods, how he loved you.
“i’m just teasing, my love.”
your eyebrows furrowed, “no, you are not,” you said, knowing he was speaking the truth – in fact, you had blacked out before while he was fucking you, his love for overstimulating you overwhelmed you.. time and time again.
although, you did not mind so much.
nonetheless, you liked to tease him back and pretend you hated it when he teased you – both of you knowing full well that you secretly adored it, just as much as he.
aemond snorted, before lifting his head and leaning forwards again, giving your clit a kiss, feeling you tense up immediately. “relax,” he said, eyeing your face. “i think you’ve had enough for tonight.”
you flushed, feeling his fingers twitch inside of you, before pulling them out slowly and began observing them.. they were drenched in his cum and yours, practically dripping on to your sheets.
aemond felt the corner of his mouth tug up, before opening his mouth and shoving all four fingers inside, sucking both of your mixed essence right off, swallowing with a low hum of approval.
your eyes widened, but then you licked your lips, watching him suck and work his tongue between each of his digits, his eye locked on yours as he put on a little show for you, smirking playfully.
with a pop of the last finger, he smiled, “delicious.”
you didn’t say anything, you couldn’t – you couldn’t even begin to describe how unbelievably attractive your husband was… and he was all yours.
“i love you,” you blurted out, but meaning it anyways. you were always more of the sentimental one between you two, but you could see the softness settle over aemond’s face every time you told him those three little words.
those three little words held so much meaning to him, especially coming from you.
aemond didn’t respond – instead, he climbed up your body, being careful not to crush you and settled until he was hovering above you, his face only mere centimeters away from yours. “..i love you, my beautiful wife.”
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feel free to send in requests / thots here.
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k0juki · 4 months
Hi! So I saw you were writing for joost and I was wondering if you can do joost dating fem!reader hc’s and readers a contestant at Eurovision? Maybe if ur comfortable with it can you add some comfort angst?
Jurr♡ I can :)
Dating Joost Klein hc.
Joost Klein x fem!reader
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English is not my first language, so feel free to point out any mistakes or errors! More posts here.
Wc: 552
• You and Joost met in the Netherlands, before he, himself got pretty famous.
• It was fall and you were here because you always wanted to go here, to see all the colors and meet new people.
• As you were mindlessly looking around, you didn't watch where you were going and accidentally bumped into some stranger. Joost.
• You apologized to him and he just laughed, saying it's alright.
• He asked if you wanted to get coffee together as an apology and you immediately agreed.
• And the rest is history, now Joost is your boyfriend of two years and is your biggest cheerleader at Eurovision, he's attending all your rehearsals and performances.
• He's pretty proud because he never missed a single one show.
• And also, he is proud of you, how far you made it.
• He fulfills you with affection and support, whether it's giving you pep talks before going on the stage or holding your hand during nerve-wracking moments.
• He's always here with you.
• Despite his busy schedule, Joost always makes time for you, whether it's planning romantic dates or simply cuddling on the couch after a long day, he cherishes every moment spent together and never fails to make you feel loved and valued.
• Music also is a big part of your relationship with Joost.
• You bond over shared favorite songs and artists, often spending lazy afternoons listening to music together or even writing songs collaboratively.
• He admires your talent and creativity, as you admire his.
• Joost is incredibly proud of your achievements at Eurovision, but he also understands the pressure you're under.
• He's there to comfort you during moments of doubt and anxiety, offering words of encouragement and reassurance when you need them most.
• As the Eurovision competition heats up, tensions run high, you find yourself struggling with self-doubt and anxiety.
• Joost notices the change in your demeanor and becomes increasingly worried about your well-being.
• One night, after a particularly stressful rehearsal, you break down in tears, overwhelmed by the pressure to succeed.
• Joost rushes to your side, wrapping you in his arms and soothing you with gentle words of comfort.
• "Hey, hey love, it's alright, okay? I'm right here."
• He assures you that he's there for you no matter what and that your worth isn't defined by the competition.
• Despite Joost's efforts to comfort you, the anxiety continues to gnaw at you, casting a shadow over your relationship.
• You worry that your insecurities are driving a wedge between you, but Joost refuses to let you push him away.
• No matter what.
• He stands by your side, offering unwavering support and understanding as you navigate the emotional rollercoaster of Eurovision.
• On the night of the final performance, nerves are at an all-time high, but Joost is there to hold your hand and remind you of your strength and talent.
• "it's just a competition love, nothing more." His words calmed you down.
• As you take the stage, he watches with bated breath, his heart swelling with pride as you pour your heart and soul into the performance.
• In the aftermath of Eurovision, you and Joost take time to reflect on the experience and its impact on your relationship.
• Despite the challenges you faced, you emerge stronger and more united than ever, grateful for the love and support that you have from him.
Don't copy or translate my work! Also the picture is not mine! Credit goes to owner!
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spdrwdw · 1 year
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Pairing: Dom!Miguel x Virgin!Sub!f!reader
Warnings: 18+, smut, oral-m/f receiving, hair pulling, choking, unprotected intercourse, no use of y/n
Summary: You and Miguel have been together for over a year, however, you have never been sexually intimate with him, nor with anyone, actually. You were a virgin. Miguel never seemed to mind, in fact, he's been rather patient with you. However, you believe now is the time to experience your first time with him.
A/N: this is my first Miguel fic! I do hope everyone enjoys it. I do have some ideas for more future fics. And I am currently taking requests. Also, thank you to @thel0velykey190 for the request. Note: this fic has not been proofread so apologies for any grammatical errors. *Translation for Spanish words/phrases and sentences will be at the end
Word Count: 2.7k
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“Wait, wait, wait! Are you sure about this? Like, one hundred percent sure?” Miguel asked you, eyes wide and brows raised.
You looked at him with determination and nodded your head. “Yes. Yes, I am sure. I’m ready for this, Miguel.” You have been pondering about this for days. Weeks, even. It was time. You were tired of your toys. They didn’t satisfy you anymore. But, you were certain that Miguel would. You knew he would. And he knew it as well.
Miguel stared at you for a moment, trying to find a hint of doubt in your expression, but he found none. And honestly, he was glad. He had been waiting months for this day. He was surprised he had such patience. Yet, with you, he would wait forever. 
He reached for your hand and gave it a gentle squeeze before he stood up from your living room couch, still holding onto your hand as he waited for you to follow him. “Okay. Let’s go.”
You got up and led him to your bedroom, feeling butterflies in your stomach. This was really happening. This is it. You were finally going to do it.
You were going to lose your virginity. To Miguel. 
You’ve been dating each other for about a year and a half, and you had yet to be intimate with him. It wasn’t that you didn’t want to. It was simply because well, you were a virgin. You have given each other oral countless of times, but, whenever things got too steamy and there was a chance of intercourse, you always stopped him. Miguel was experienced. Of course he was. And you trusted him. But, you were afraid that you wouldn’t be enough for him.
“Nena, look at me,” Miguel spoke softly, pulling you from your thoughts as he cupped your face with his hands. 
“Don’t be afraid. Okay? Let me do all the work. I’ll be gentle,” he assured you before you shook your head.
“Don’t be gentle,” you told him. Miguel had confessed to you how he liked being rough. You wanted to experience it. Even on your first try.
“But-,” he started before you cut him off. 
“I trust you, Miguel.”
He looked at you for a moment before nodding his head and led you to your bed before you suddenly sunk down to your knees in front of him, looking up at him through your lashes. You could’ve sworn you heard a low rumble coming from his throat. Miguel was easy to get riled up. And it made you feel a sense of pride. 
He watched you as you removed his jeans, slipping them down to his ankles before he stepped out of them. The outline of his bulging cock was seen through his boxers. You continued to look up at him before you began to palm his bulge, earning a groan from him in response. 
“Don’t be such a tease, nena,” he breathed.
And while you did love to tease him and make him whither under your touch, today wasn’t the day for that. So, you pulled his boxers down, letting his cock spring free and present itself in all its glory. The sight made your mouth water. 
Taking him in your hand, you began to pump him, earning a couple of moans from him. 
“Come on, pretty girl, I need that skilled mouth of yours,” Miguel rasped, a smirk lifting his lips as you made eye contact.
You did as you were told, opening your mouth wide, with your tongue sticking out and ready for him. Guiding his cock into your mouth, you gave the tip a couple of licks, feeling the saltiness of his precum on your tongue. It made your panties wet instantly. 
It wasn’t long until you had him groaning and growling. You were bobbing your head, taking in as much of him as you could.Your hand pumping along what you couldn’t take in your mouth. 
You felt a hand on the back of your head, lightly tugging at your hair, forcing you to look up and keep eye contact with him.
“That’s it. Just like that. Lo haces tan bien, nena. You take my cock in your mouth so well. I can’t wait to see how you take it in that virgin pussy,” he growled. 
“Así. Chúpelo.”
His comment made you whimper onto his cock.
You could feel a bit of wetness pooling onto your panties from his words, imagining how he was going to feel inside you. How he would stretch you out so deliciously. 
Swirling your tongue around his cock, you continued bobbing your head, Miguel’s cock twitching slightly in your mouth. When you grazed the shaft with your teeth, Miguel let out a raspy moan, tilting his head back. 
“Keep going, nena. Just like that. Just like that for me,” he growled. 
You continued with your work, taking in as much of him as you could til you felt the tip hitting the back of your throat, causing your eyes to water. You knew he was getting close as he felt him twitching again. 
“Hold that pretty head still for me,” Miguel ordered, and of course, you did as you were told. He gripped onto your hair a little tighter, keeping you still as he fucked into your mouth. You kept your jaw slacked for as long as you could before he pulled out of your mouth and came on your face with a grunt. Keeping your mouth open and tongue out, you caught the streams of cum, licking up and swallowing every bit of it. 
Miguel then picked you up like you weighed nothing and laid you down on the bed. He removed the remainder of his clothing before doing the same with you.
You let out a soft gasp as his lips began trailing down your body, giving you goosebumps. 
Miguel always worshiped your body any way he could. 
As he made his way further down, he pushed your legs apart, hoisting them over his shoulders as he made his way to your aching, wet core. Licking his lips, he spread your pussy with his long fingers, groaning at the sight of your wetness. Your smell was intoxicating to him and it made his mouth water. 
“Miguel,” you whimpered out his name just before feeling his tongue lapping over your folds, licking and sucking and slurping your juices. He was a man starved. 
You quickly became a whimpering, moaning mess underneath him, hearing the sounds of him just slurping up your pussy like it was some sweet. You could feel his teeth grazing at your bundle of nerves, tongue swirling around and slipping into your pussy. 
Grabbing onto his hair, you gave it a tug, bucking your hips against his face, needing more. 
“Miguel, please!” You cried out. “I need you, please.”
“Need you to cum on my face first,nena,”Miguel muttered against your pussy, keeping his brutal pace with his mouth and tongue. 
You let out a whine, tugging onto his hair as you continued to grind his face, feeling that familiar heat pooling in your lower abdomen. Your thighs began to quiver a bit, back arching. 
He then quickly slipped a finger inside of you, then another, then he had three of his fingers inside you, pumping into your pussy. 
“Miguel!” You gasped, feeling him curling his fingers, hitting that sweet spot that made you see stars. 
“Need to stretch you out. Gotta get you nice and ready for my cock.”
You bit your lip, feeling his tongue and fingers overstimulating you. It wasn't much longer until you came. 
Crying out his name, you did as he had desired, spilling yourself all over his face, feeling his warm tongue licking you all up without wasting a single drop of you. You needed more. You were aching for him. You were ready. 
Miguel crawled over your body, leaving open-mouthed kisses on your skin before kissing you feverishly on your lips, tasting yourself on his tongue. 
He kneaded your breasts with his hands, pinching and tugging at the nipples, making you cry out into his mouth. 
"M-Miguel..please..” you started to beg, trying to grind your drenched pussy against his swollen cock. You didn’t want to wait any longer. 
A low rumble was heard coming from the back of Miguel’s throat from your movements. You were soaking his cock with your never-ending flow of juices. He wasn’t going to be able to stall much longer. 
Lifting his head up to look at you, he licked his lips. Normally, he would’ve gotten on with it already. But, this was you. You were his girlfriend. His most treasured person. He wanted this to be the best experience possible for you. 
Despite the lust-filled look in his eyes, he still looked at you with a bit of concern. He wanted to make sure you were really positive about this. He could wait. He would wait a lifetime for you.
You could see the hint of concern on his face and you wrapped your arms around his neck, pulling him down. 
“I’m ready, Miguel,” you assured him, giving him a sweet kiss on the lips. “Go ahead.”
Nodding his head, he did as instructed. He pushed your legs apart and aligned himself to your entrance, teasing you with his swollen tip, causing you to moan. 
Ever so slowly, he began to push himself into you, causing you to let out a gasp as you felt his cock stretching you out. 
“You okay?” He asked, stalling his movements. Last thing he was gonna do was force himself into you. 
You nodded your head. You didn’t want him to stop. 
“Relax for me, mi alma. I need you to relax. I’ll be able to slide in more smoothly,” he told you, caressing your cheek before he slowly began to push himself in. 
You did your best to relax. But holy shit he was huge! You thought he was gonna rip you in half. 
But, after a blink of an eye, he was seated comfortably inside of you. “There you go,” he breathed. 
“I’m gonna start moving, okay?”
You just nodded your head. 
Miguel started to move, slowly at first, checking in on you before he gradually increased speed. 
Until he was fucking you into the mattress. 
“Oh, Miguel!” You cried out, clawing at his back as he thrusted hard and deep inside of you, his hand wrapped around your throat. 
Your eyes were rolled back, your back arched. This was your first time and it felt so so glorious. 
“Like that, nena? Like it when I fuck you like a little slut?” Miguel growled, very pleased that you were taking him so well. 
“Y-yes!” You sobbed as he lightly tightened his grip around your throat. 
“Fuck! This pussy is so tight and delicious. Sucking me in,” he growled. 
He glanced down to where your bodies met, seeing how his cock disappeared into your pussy. He was going balls deep, smacking them against your ass. The sound of skin to skin filled the room. 
“Miguel!” You cried out his name, feeling yourself getting closer and closer to your release. 
“I’m gonna cum!”
“Cum for me, nena. Let it out,” he rasped against your ear. 
“Want this cock drenched with you. Gonna fill this pussy up so good with my seed.”
You whimpered, closing your eyes before you felt a hand gripping your face. “Look at me. I want those pretty eyes open while I fill you up,” he ordered. 
You opened them and stared up at him, not daring to break eye contact. His gaze made your pussy clench, causing you to let out a mewl. His thrusts quickened, knowing that you were teetering on the edge. Just a little more and..you came with a cry, singing his name. 
Miguel moaned out your name, feeling your walls fluttering around him as you climaxed. 
He gave you a couple more thrusts, his movements growing sloppy before he came inside you.The feeling was like nothing you’ve ever felt before. It felt warm as he filled you up with his cum, causing you to let out a soft gasp, eyes wide.
Miguel slowly began to pull out of you once he was done, before you grabbed onto his wrist and shook your head. 
“A-Again?” Miguel repeated in question, eyes growing wide. 
“Yes. I..I really liked it,” you admitted, blushing a bit as you averted your gaze.
 Miguel stared at you for a moment before he finally let out a breathless chuckle, shaking his head. “You are going to be the death of me, nena.”
And so, a second time became a third, which then became a fourth. 
Miguel had you face down and ass up as he rammed into your swollen, sore pussy. Filled to the brim already with his seed. You let out muffled cries, your face planted into a pillow as Miguel hit that sweet spot again and again.
“¡Mierda! Had I known you were gonna love this so much..” he muttered through gritted teeth. 
“Who knew you’d be such a little slut for me, nena. It’s so sexy.” 
Now that you were comfortable with sex and Miguel’s size, he wasn’t going to hold back. You had broken the dam. 
“Now I’m gonna get to have my way with you whenever I want, right?”
You only let out a muffled moan in response right before Miguel grabbed a fistful of your hair and yanked your head up, leaning down over your back as he continued his harsh thrusts. 
“What was that?” He smirked, giving your ass a smack. 
You let out a cry at the sting of his hand before nodding your head, feeling tears pricking from your eyes. “Y-yes!” You sobbed out before letting out a moan. 
“That’s my girl,” Miguel growled, pressing you down onto the mattress to muffle your loud moans. 
“You gonna cum for me, nena? Cum for me, pretty girl. Sé que puedes hacerlo. You did it three times already. Just give me one more and I’ll let you rest.”
You muffled a whine in response before Miguel grabbed you by the neck, wrapping a hand around your throat and lifted your head up. “Shh, not so loud. You’ll wake up the neighbors.”
“Miguel, please,” you whimpered. You could feel yourself getting closer to your climax.
Miguel grunted out your name, his free hand wrapping around your lower body, finding your clit and began to it feverishly. 
“Cum for me. I want those sweet juices all around my cock, babygirl.”
Gripping onto the bed sheets, you came with a lewd moan, doing as you were told and covered Miguel with your climax as he continued to pivot his hips against you. The sweet sounds of skin hitting against skin, the sounds of his full balls hitting against your pussy, made you immediately orgasm again. 
“Such a good little slut you are. Fuck, you’re so perfect,” Miguel growled before he emptied his seed inside of you yet again, filling you up til your overflowed. 
Panting, you lifted your head up a bit and glanced behind you as Miguel slowly pulled himself out of you with a soft sigh. He caught your gaze and his look of lust faded away, giving you a gentle smile. 
“I do think that’s enough for tonight, hmm?”
He laid down beside you, wrapping her arms around you and pulled you to his chest. 
“Feeling okay?”
You nodded your head, letting out a shaky breath before smiling. “Yeah. I feel fine. Gonna be hella sore in the morning, but..” you shrugged.
Miguel laughed and nodded his head in agreement. “I suppose we did get a little carried away.”
“I liked it, though,” you admitted, feeling your face growing warm.
“Better than your toys?” Miguel questioned with a smirk.
“Oh, so much better,” you giggled, nodding your head. 
“Thank you for being so patient with me, Miguel. And..I’m sorry I had you wait so long.”
He shook his head.”No, mi alma, don’t say that. I would’ve waited a lifetime for you. You know that. Yeah, I may have had my urges now and then but, you were definitely worth waiting for.”
He gave you a kiss on the forehead before pecking your lips a couple of times. “Get some sleep now. You’re gonna need the rest,” he stated with a chuckle.
Nodding your head, you nuzzled up against him and closed your eyes, letting sleep consume you. 
Who knew you’d end up becoming addicted to sex.
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*nena -babe
*Lo haces tan bien, nena. - You do it so well, babe.
*Así. Chúpelo. - Like that. Suck it. 
*¡Mierda! -Shit!
* Sé que puedes hacerlo. -I know you can do it.
*mi alma- mi soul
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vanilladove · 5 months
Hello, I am writing to you anonymously out of shame but you can call me Emy I was reading your blog and I was totally delighted with how you wrote and I wanted to make a request: could you write for Chuuya, Jouno, Dazai and Poe (you can add more if you like) with a reader like Mikan from danganronpa If you don't know her, her personality is a little (very) shy and she is surprised by the slightest show of affection (she is even surprised if you say good morning), often despising herself, asking others to forgive her existence and when people Annoyed with her, she tends to ask if she can take off her clothes or imitate a pig so that they can forgive her for all this because she suffered harassment in the past. I'm sorry if the request is very big 😭 but I would be grateful if you accept it (nothing happens if you don't either) I'm sorry if there are spelling errors but English is not my first language and I am using Google Translator. ♡
⋆˚࿔ ˚⋆ bsd men with a v shy + fragile reader
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bow divider yeribbon
˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥ pairing: various bsd men x gn!reader (dazai, atsushi, chuuya, akutagawa, jouno, poe)
˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥ genre: comforting fluff!
˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥ content warnings: none! also i'm not v familiar with daganronpa, so apologies for any inaccuracies! i'm just going off what wiki fandom says (。-∀-)
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⊹ ࣪ ˖ dazai osamu
doesn't mind your personality, although at first he teases you mercilessly until he realizes it isn't just an act.
as someone that has also gone through trauma, he would gradually soften up to your personality and reassure you of your worth.
dazai is a very impatient man though, so expect his method of choice to be exposure therapy...like extreme exposure therapy...like bro might slap some sense into you like atsushi & akutagawa ( ó × ò)
when you start over-apologizing, he'll put a finger to your lips and stroke your face and hair to calm you down (ღˇᴗˇ)。o
expect lots of subtle displays of affection like hand kisses, kissing away tears, and general affectionate flirting.
⊹ ࣪ ˖ atsushi nakajima
your demeanor confuses atsushi at first, to the point where he cries after the first time he meets you :,(
you're going to get a sentimental, heartfelt speech about how you deserve to live, and how you aren't a burden to anyone.
poor atsu cries over you--you guys probably have daily cry + cuddle sessions.
will do random things to cheer you up and give you many words of affirmation.
buys you a tiger plushie sprayed with his cologne to cuddle with when he isn't with you for comfort ♡
i'd like to think that through helping you, atsushi also helps address his own self-esteem issues ^w^
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⊹ ࣪ ˖ akutagawa ryunosuke
hates you at first and sees you as a cowardly weakling.
it isn't until one day he randomly compliments or helps you and catches your shy/flustered expression that he begins to feel some sympathy.
will gradually visit you more until you stop flinching whenever he approaches you. he can tell you're intimidated by him because of his personality and notorious reputation.
it's definitely hard for akutagawa to be soft with you, since he's a rough person, but he tries his best to be gentle with you.
shows his care through actions more than words (sharing food with you, doing constant check-ins, guiding your back when walking with you, etc.)
promises threatens to kill those who have harmed and harassed you in the past.
becomes overprotective over you, getting mad when anyone--even jokingly--teases you.
⊹ ࣪ ˖ chuuya nakahara
tough love~!!!
expect a lot of "huh, what the hell are you talking about?" anytime you apologize for something small or suggest some self-sabotage
since you aren't used to affection and often try to reject gifts, thinking you aren't worth giving them to, chuuya will 'lovebomb' you with gifts until you get used to them as the norm and accept them willingly.
although he may seem short-tempered and easily irritated, he'll always make time to sit down with you and listen to your rants/past stories and engage in deep conversations.
holds your hands and reminds you of how strong and talented you are--will keep drilling it into your head until it sticks.
carries tissues in his suit for when you cry.
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⊹ ࣪ ˖ edgar allen poe
this man may be your twin...honestly he's a bit of a mess himself, so he doesn't know how to help you.
i think poe would be relieved to find someone similar to him--also very shy and awkward/bad at socializing.
if you started apologizing when there was a pause in conversation, he would probably apologize back, and you two would go back and forth until karl bites him (꒪▿꒪)
since you both mainly only find confidence in your talents/skills, he would get to know your strengths as much as possible and encourage you to do your best!
will also share his book plots with you, taking you with him into the books and getting your feedback, never missing the chance to show you something beautiful he secretly wrote just for you
overall, poe would make you feel less alone and isolated, helping you gain confidence overtime!
⊹ ࣪ ˖ jouno saigiku
since you're already so fragile and frantic, jouno wouldn't find any pleasure in torturing or messing with you
ends up helping you under the pretense of "calming down your raging heartbeat and nerves that are too loud"; in reality, he notices how you're always on edge and just wants you to experience some peace and quiet.
jouno's sensitive to others' emotions, so i think if you were having a panic attack or extreme anxiety, he'd immediately hug + hold you until you calmed down again (ㅅ´ ˘ `)
like the rest, he'd offer you words of affirmation and hold your hand in public/around other people.
will stick around you to ward off anyone who tries to bully you or exploit your personality; blushes uncontrollably if you thank him for his simple acts ♡
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pascaloverx · 1 month
Summary: In a tense political setting, a Targaryen bastard working as a prostitute is summoned by Prince Aemond to the Red Keep. Aemond wants her to approach his dragon, Vhagar, as a test of her worth. Although he plans for her to claim another dragon in the future, her immediate challenge is to survive Prince Aemond demands while trying to stay alive.
Author’s Note: This work is set in the world created by George R.R. Martin, as depicted in his book Fire & Blood, and none of the characters belong to me. The story will follow some events from the series House of the Dragon (2022), but with changes to fit the fanfiction narrative. Therefore, it will not adhere strictly to the series' storyline. This fanfiction is a work of fiction and may contain inappropriate language, adult content, and violence. Readers be warned. I hope you enjoy the story and interact with it. I apologize if there are any errors in the High Valyrian sections; I used a translator and am unsure of its accuracy. Thank you and happy reading.
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Walking through King's Landing is exhausting. Your life as a bastard has not been easy, especially with the struggle for the Iron Throne. Unsure of which direction to take, you have tried to be invisible to the Targaryens while working in a brothel to survive. This morning, you were summoned by a royal messenger on behalf of King Aegon II. You thought it was a joke, but soon realized you really had to go to the Red Keep. You are taken to whoever summoned you like a little mouse sneaking through the sewers until you reach the surface. Perhaps they don't want to publicize that a prostitute is being brought in for a private conversation with the ruler of the Seven Kingdoms.
"I heard that my presence here had been requested. But I didn't imagine I would be summoned by Prince Aemond," you say as you enter the room indicated by the messenger and come face to face with Aemond One-Eye. He looks a bit more intimidating in person, but in a way, it's not a bad kind of intimidating. Just surprising.
"Ao kostagon enter, bastard." Prince Aemond commands with a certain skill. But you are somewhat worried that he might know you are a Targaryen bastard. So pretending to be oblivious seems to be the wisest course of action for now.
"This is a lovely place. An extremely enchanting castle. However, if you summoned me here for a conversation in another language, I will be a nuisance to Your Highness. Since your request for my presence proves ineffective, perhaps I should leave immediately," you say, trying not to show any hint of fear. You are a prostitute, accustomed to pretending all sorts of things. As you hesitantly move toward the exit of the room, where you are alone with the Prince, he doesn't seem to fall for your ruse. He throws a dagger in your direction, which grazes the corner of your cheek before embedding itself in the door, which is closed.
"Do you intend to waste our time here? I know you speak High Valyrian, and honestly, I’m hating your attempt to deceive me, gundjabo." He speaks while watching you turn, somewhat irritated by his actions. However, the One-Eyed Prince seems very proud of his deed. He is speaking in High Valyrian to you, probably to test you, but you feel that if you do not meet his expectations, the dagger will find its final mark and you will die.
"If you know that I can speak and understand what you are saying in High Valyrian, Your Highness, tell me, what use would a prostitute be to you? Do you, by any chance, have some secret desire in your chambers that requires a different language?" You might lose your tongue for speaking this way to the Prince Regent, but anger got the better of your temper, causing you to suggest that he brought you to the Red Keep to exchange heated vows in High Valyrian, which is nothing but folly.
"Your mouth would be much better sealed forever. But I need you for a mission, so for once, be less of a deceitful prostitute and serve your King," Prince Aemond says as he moves across the room, seemingly trying to reach you. You, however, despite your nerves, manage to grasp the dagger embedded in the door. Now, he stands just a few steps away from you, while you hold the dagger that could have gravely wounded you.
"I think this is yours, Your Highness." Your eyes meet the Prince's gaze. One eye reveals a hint of surprise, perhaps even pride, confirming that you can speak High Valyrian. The other eye, covered forever, conceals something deeper—perhaps resentment, perhaps fear. He approaches slowly, as if analyzing your behavior; likely wary of being harmed. But swiftly, his hand moves over yours, pulling the dagger from your grip and into his own.
"Follow me," is all he says as he sheathes the dagger somewhere in his attire and opens the door. You don’t fully understand his intent, but you know you don’t want to provoke Prince Aemond's wrath. At least not in this way. You follow him quickly, while the Prince seems to be almost racing toward one of the castle’s exits. He mounts a horse with enviable precision. You watch him, still unsure of your role in his sudden departure from the castle. He adjusts his long hair and then extends a hand toward you. You stare at him for three seconds before hearing him grunt in your direction. Seemingly as impatient as possible, he nearly falls off the horse while trying to grasp your arm, but he manages to hold onto it after the first attempt—holding your arm, not falling off the horse.
"Where are we going, Your Highness?" you ask, feeling your hair whip in the wind, as you notice a few people—probably servants of King Aegon II—passing by as if you’re inconsequential. Another grunt from Prince Aemond makes it clear that if you don’t get on the horse, you might be risking your well-being.
"I intend to test you before revealing your purpose. Now I suggest you come with me, or I’ll be forced to find another bastard to replace you and order your death." Prince Aemond seems astonished by your reluctance, forcing you to follow his commands. But really, there’s no other option. You leap toward him, being propelled onto the back of his horse. He begins to gallop with astonishing speed, so fast that you’re compelled to wrap your arms around his waist. He gives a slight turn of his head, looking in your direction, which startles you and almost makes you fall off the horse. However, this seems to amuse Prince Aemond. Before you can react, it seems you’re arriving at a location. A place certainly surrounded by nature, which gives you a comforting feeling despite the unknown. That is, of course, until you notice a massive dragon ahead. He brought you here to become dragon food.
"As flattered as I am by the importance you place on feeding your dragon well, I must say that a prostitute who speaks High Valyrian will not be any more special than any other meal given to your dragon," you say as you dismount the horse, struggling a bit. Prince Aemond is too absorbed in admiring his dragon to notice your struggle to get off the horse.
"Vhagar is a female dragon. And keep your mouth shut for a moment. You’ll soon understand your purpose here," Prince Aemond says, drawing closer to Vhagar. She, with her head lowered, lifts it from amidst some branches and foliage to see who is approaching.
"She is quite impressive. But I don’t understand why I was brought here, Prince Aemond. Is there a reason I need to meet your dragon?" you say as you follow the Prince toward the dragon. Vhagar emits a somewhat shrill noise, making you stop for a moment to look at her.
"I’ve heard that my sister plans to raise an army of bastards. I thought I might at least try to have one bastard on my side. There is a dragon, which has been confirmed to be available to be claimed. I want you to claim it for me and fight alongside your King." Prince Aemond speaks with vigor, as if discussing a great triumph that is to come. You look at him reluctantly, struggling to accept such an absurd proposal.
"You brought me here to force me to interact with your dragon. So if I don’t pass this test, I’ll be eliminated one way or another," you say, looking at Prince Aemond with some anger. He remains indifferent to whether you live or die. He just wants to ensure that he isn’t wasting his time chasing an illusion.
"I'm glad you're not as stupid as you seem. Now, stop wasting our time and go on," he says, as impatient as ever, stopping midway between you and Vhagar. You let out a nervous laugh, not quite believing that this is how you're going to meet your end.
"Likyri, ȳdra daor sagon zūgagon." You speak with a certain precision as you approach Vhagar. It’s not as if your job is to claim her. But if she accepts you, you might be able to prove useful to the Prince. And if you’re useful to him, you’ll be useful to the King. You move your hand forward to signal Vhagar that you are there. You are a nobody to her, but you appear alongside her rider. You look into her eyes, trying to stay steady as the dragon raises part of her body in your direction. She seems to be still assessing who or what you are.
"Gīda, Vhagar. Ao ȳdra daor jorrāelagon naejot zūgagon nyke." You try to calm her, speaking in High Valyrian or at least the most you’ve learned. You’re somewhat terrified when you notice that your hand is on Vhagar. It seems she has allowed you to touch her, perhaps mistaking you for a previous rider. The reasons for the dragon allowing your touch may not be particularly relevant. What matters is that now you’re at risk of becoming dragon food, as Prince Aemond certainly seems very enthusiastic about the fact that you’ve touched, and are still touching, his dragon.
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