#Apologies to people who thought I would stay on topic with this blog. I'm having my multi-fandom arc and loving it.
if-chaos-was-a-boy · 19 hours
Hi everyone! It's me, Eden the mod of calix and a few other ocs again.
[TW. SA, strong language, read at your own discretion and risk]
After a lot of consideration, I thought it would be best to follow up with a clearer and more detailed account of the situation with the Circe Blog. I did not initially want to make this statement but I owe it to people to give my point of view, in hopes that others can understand a little more context.
Let's start from the beginning, when I was first alerted to this situation by my friend Lilly @unhinged-waterlilly on 14th of September. [She has explained more in her own post, I strongly recommend checking it out, it is tagged at the bottom of her intro]
I was still pretty confused about the finer details and decided to ask Jack about it. I expressed my concern at the switch of Odysseus from a victim of sexual assault to a rapist. They told me that it was an AU and that it wasn't canon.
And at that point of time, I did not think too much about it, I just hid my disagreements and let the conversation end.
Jack reopened the topic by telling me about a strongly worded ask they got. And after looking through it, I agreed with the overall sentiment but did not agree with the way it was delivered.
The person who wrote the ask has since apologized to Jack and made it clear that they do not agree with the way they've worded the ask.
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But after watching how jack reacted to getting this criticism, I made the decision to recommend them to write the apology.
At first I wanted Jack to write it by themselves, as it was more genuine but after hearing
some of their concerns with writing apologies regarding these important and serious issues
Seeing their plans for how they would write the apology
It was clear that if I let Jack write the apology alone, it would not have been an apology. It would have been a hole filled statement which did not address key issues. It would have done harm to others and to them. And as someone who truly considered them a close friend, I didn't want to see anyone hurt.
this is the link to my apology for writing the jack’s statement
And so, l asked Jack to blurt out everything they wanted me to reword.
And it pissed me off that in all of their rants, the word sorry did not appear once.
The context did not make an appearance as well.
At that point of time I thought it was reasonable until I caught the number of times I needed to add "I'm sorry" and "Remorseful" in the apology.
Initially they wanted to delete the Circe blog immediately, but I convinced them that it should be done AFTER the
statement/apology was up, as it would only be right because it was mentioned in the apology.
I also advised them to stay off rp for a while, to let everyone breathe and they proceeded to tell me that they were addicted to p but again, because I had no context, I did not think much of it.
Maybe I should have probed further, maybe I should have asked.
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But at that point, I had just written a long, long statement and I was drained, emotionally and physically. The past is the past, I will no longer keep thinkin about the what ifs and could haves of this situation.
Then came the post Jack made after me, Lilly and Skh had made our statements. His boyfriend had come online with the intention to understand the situation.
But this whole fucking post read to me like it was made with the intention to villainise our statements. And the sheer fact that I can pick up on that is concerning to me, doesn’t matter if it’s on purpose. As soon as your question post starts sounding accusatory, something is WRONG.
What's the harm in such a post? Well.
People who see that post THEN read our statements have a filter on.
Suddenly our concerns become twisted into scathing judgment.
Our opinions and thoughts get distorted to hurtful and hateful messages.
None of us. Me, Lilly or Skh said the phrase 'I hate Jack' in any of our statements.
What drove me to make this statement is to share my side of the story, so it could be valuable to anyone who needs it.
Onto my feelings and views on the situation, I was sympathetic and supportive for most of the time period of this shitshow.
But I am upset and angry that my friend Lilly needed to make a statement that she shouldn't have to make.
I am disappointed at the management of this situation by Jack
And I am sorry that this got out of hand. This situation that should and could have been resolved so so long ago got this widespread and hurtful.
I'd like to add that i do not hate Jack. I don't hate people.
I get disappointed in people. I hate ACTIONS.
Right now, I'm feeling an immense amount of burnout, hurt and stress from this situation.
This is going to be my plan of action:
I don't think I am going to be interacting or talking to Jack. At least not in the way we used to talk. My trust has been compromised and I need time.
I am going to be less active in my main for awhile. I need time.
I am open to queries or anything, just please be respectful.
have my own views and opinions about some other things that I will not disclose right now.
I am tired.
@iceweavercatlover / @debacleofdaemons
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poorly-drawn-mdzs · 5 months
i would kill for your de/isat swaps theyre so good already and i am eating it up. so glad im not the only one who saw the parallels 🔥
Thank you! I have been having an absolute blast drawing them; the parallels are too good to not have fun with it!
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desertdollranch · 1 year
Hi there! I have a non-doll related question if that's alright. Do you have any advice on making friends here in the community? Everyone seems really nice but I don't really know how to approach anyone. I've been posting my dolls on my sideblog and have been reblogging other people's dolls too, but so far I've had no luck making any friends on here. If you have any advice I'd be grateful to hear it!
Hi! I'm sorry you're not feeling included in the community here. I know it's definitely not due to unfriendly people, since in my experience pretty much everyone here is awesome, and plenty of folks would be thrilled to make new friends.
The first thing you can do is check out my masterlist of American Girl and adjacent fan blogs, and reblog it if you want to be added to the list too. (If you've already done that, I apologize for slacking on updating that post--I don't always stay on top of checking my reblog notifications, and so I haven't updated it in a few months). I highly recommend browsing the list to see the diversity of blogs and how unique everyone is even with similar topics that we blog about.
When you find a kindred spirit, don't hesitate to reach out via private message or through their ask box, and strike up a conversation about something specific that you would love to talk more about. If someone makes a lot of posts about their favorite American Girl books, and they have similar thoughts as you do about your favorite character, you can bring that topic to the conversation table! For example, "I just want you to know that I totally agree with your post that said Molly, Linda, and Susan opened their own bookstore when they grew up, but I also think they would have opened a record store too." Things like that. Bring up a topic of discussion that can go back and forth for a long time.
I also know there is at least one Discord chat room for fans of American Girl, 18 inch dolls, and that kind of thing, and a lot of bloggers here use those as a way to meet new friends. That's a great way to connect to people with similar interests. I don't really visit those very much since I have a hard time sitting down and doing one thing on the computer for very long. I don't remember where to find them so if anyone who does visit the Discords knows, feel free to drop the link in the notes!
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strangeswift · 1 year
ok can I ask an honest question? I feel like I’ve been wanting to spit this out for a while. you don’t have to reply if you don’t want to open a can of worms i wont be offended. I just thought id ask a blog that’s vocal, discusses the topic seriously and would be honest!
There’s been a lot of awesome posts about not treating byler like sanitised babies anymore and not ignoring the maturer parts of their relationship anymore. And i 1000% agree!
It still feels like we’re tip toeing but is that the point? like theres still too many puritanical blogs that we can’t enjoy the ship normally yet, is that it? if someone were to break the ice, is that still grounds and a guarantee for them getting dogpiled and deemed unsafe? Maybe we are waiting to live in a post s5 age up world?
implying mature scenes is a great step but it is sad to see creators hold back a lot. I vote go for it. byler is a normal couple and ship like any other and i cant believe for another example that it’s taken this long for people to accept we want to discuss byler as adults, not just the same post s4 painting apocalypse content - they have their whole lives ahead of them for us to play with!
Ps. I really love your energy and cheer you on for whatever you want to explore. same for all your mutuals if you don’t post this. I hope they at least know so many people are ready for any implications or fun mature themes they want to put in their work!
hi anon!!! thank you for the very sweet and respectful message. disclaimer before i say anything: this is just my personal opinion, i am not any kind of authority on this and everyone should form their own opinions. (also my thoughts might be jumbled, sorry in advance.)
okay so. i won't speak for other creators, but for me personally it is still an issue where i feel the need to tiptoe a bit unfortunately. now, i might not be the best person to ask about this, because there are other people who have been vocal about this for a long time, and i've been purposely silent until now because i have Anxiety™️. however, i will speak for myself here.
to answer your question, i think the fear myself and a lot of creators have is dogpiling and getting deemed as unsafe, yes. i personally have experienced someone on here trying to imply that i was some sort of creep because i made a joke. and literally the joke had to do with byler KISSING. in fairness, after i explained the joke to the person who misconstrued it they did apologize, but my point is: this is a reality for people with platforms in this fandom. even if it's just one person calling you out, it's anxiety inducing for someone to imply that you're a creep. and it's not something a lot of creators want to open themselves up to. and dogpiling is also a reality. i think we've seen it more on twitter than on here, and it gets uglier on twt (as everything does) but it certainly has happened on tumblr too.
honestly i think there's a lot of factors that go into the puritanical culture in this fandom, i think it's a more complex issue than a lot of people seem to think. first of all, it's a fandom space where minors and adults are regularly interacting, so that alone creates a tricky dynamic when it comes to discussing matute content. and because it's a complex issue, there is a whole spectrum of opinions and viewpoints. and a lot of the time, i don't know exactly where i fall on that spectrum, which is why i chose to just focus on discussing the content that i personally am interested in reading and writing, which includes implied sexual content, characters (even as minors) experiencing sexual attraction, and sexual jokes. anything beyond that i'm not gonna talk about it, because i'm staying in my lane here. again, the lane being the content that i personally am interested in reading and writing. if other people who have firm opinions on the topic want to have a discussion about explicit sexual content, that's for them to do. i am just Not That Guy. *whispers* but if they're aged up who fucking cares WHAT WHO SAID THAT i didn't say anything..
anyway, personally i feel like anything on par with the actual content in the show is more than fair game, and that's the standard i sort of naturally use for myself when it comes to including mature content in fics. again, anything beyond that 🤷‍♀️ not my circus not my monkeys? idk man.
all of this said, you can expect significantly more mature themes in my upcoming works, though by literally any other fandom's standards it'll be incredibly tame, by byler fandom standards i'll certainly be pushing some boundaries. 🎉
thanks for the ask, anon!
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unkempt-field · 15 days
Mental Vomit (start)
I am fairly new to Tumblr, but I am starting up this blog as another way to vent out my thoughts, my stress, and other random stuff. For the potentially concerned Tumblr residents who might come across this, this is not really supposed to be a call for help. Treat this as a poorly written "creative writing project". I will delve into my own personal thoughts and feelings, and maybe even my personal history of less than fortunate experiences.
(TW: Suicidal thoughts)
I have tried to see a mental health professional, but as I am from the states, I could not afford to do so regularly. Also, I may use terms that have a specific meaning in that field, but completely incorrectly, for which I apologize.
I used to have friends who I'd talk to regularly, but now I just lurk in those circles. I don't feel too comfortable talking to them about these deep topics. I do also write similar things in a personal journal, but I considered writing something on a public blog to occasionally see what other people think as well.
I guess I'll write some stuff about my current mental state. Some people always have an inner voice, but I only "use" mine whenever I'm introspecting or reflecting on something. And due to the times I grew up in, that voice is similar to that of a youtuber talking to a faceless audience. Not necessarily expecting a response, just yapping about some topic. For many years now, I would spend late nights, or many times where I am alone or particularly mentally shaken to reflect on myself and my ideas. This started after a certain incident happened in my middle school years, which I may write on in the future.
This has helped me keep track of my mental state, and see how somethings change, and others stay the same. For example, since my high school years, I'd have something almost like a "verbal tic", where when I am alone, I mutter or whisper to myself negative thoughts. There were times where these were suicidal in nature, but more recently, they have been more about self-hatred. If you have seen videos of people doing "positive affirmations" while looking at themselves in the mirror, it is almost the opposite of that, where I tell myself how much I loathe my very existence.
I did have stretches where I wouldn't go a day without considering suicide, because I've always struggled with self-esteem, and I considered whether it would be more "efficient" or better for the world if I was gone. Due to the nature of my upbringing, I always felt a disconnect with my peers in school, as I was from an entirely different culture, and then a niche group within said culture. Throughout elementary school, I never considered myself to have "friends", since I would only interact with them in class, and never play with them outside of it.
I was very socially inexperienced, and even now, I believe I am less socially competent than I should be.
This, combined with a lot of other factors, have led me to have a certain level of hatred, or disdain for myself. It also wasn't helped that through grades and other efforts, I proved that if I applied myself, I was capable of matching up or exceeding some of my peers on some areas. Of being "normal", or "good". But I continually failed those self-evaluations, as in my mind, I lacked the ability to do so consistently.
During high school, I often considered committing suicide by graduation. I thought that if I saw no clear path for a "good" future, or some clear goal or motivation for what to do with myself, that I would be better off dead. Even after that, despite being fairly young, I thought to myself that I already had enough good life experiences, and that at 18 years old, I had already lived a "good" life, and to basically quite while I was ahead. Even now, I'm not particularly looking forward to any life event.
Whenever I felt like I didn't really have a hope for the future in recent years, the suicidal thoughts would reemerge with varying levels of intensity and frequency. If I made some mistake, even a minor one, I would constantly remember it in conjunction of other mistakes and consider ending my life to prevent me from making any more.
I understood that committing suicide would be selfish, considering my family and those around me. I knew it would be cowardly, since there were probably people around me who cared. But I never considered myself selfless or brave either way, which really made me get stuck in those thoughts.
Well, to end this first post off on a somewhat positive note, after reflecting and seeing that some of my teenage worries/anxieties went away with time, I hope that my young adult worries/anxieties also improve. And in terms of feeling like I have no good track record and a poor self-image, with recent opportunities in my life, I hope to change/improve on that.
I want to become more emotionally mature and improve/grow as a person. I have kept track of many of my shortcomings, and I will probably find more as time goes on, but I hope to be better in the future.
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illbestarryeyedforyou · 5 months
You don’t have to stalk someone’s page to notice things lmao it’s just obvious when I’m scrolling and I see you typing paragraph responses to asks that you asked them yourself? Lol
Yep, that's what I figured as well; a lot of variables that's why I didn't want to say anything. Tthey could still call cap on you, but that doesn't matter.
Point is, you noticed it, decided to point it out, and that's okay. 😊😊
I came clean about the ones I sent myself and why I did, you agreed with me that it was pathetic and that's it.
Your last asked tho where you're so condescending about it I just responded with a "👍🏽"? I didn't need to prove you otherwise and didn't want to. However, I do in fact have a good group of friends here that "actually care enough about my life" (not that it matters), "to ask me questions" or however you stated it.
let's get a little lmao and lol about this - you know.. maybe just maybe, I blocked this ask, did a little look around, saw that I had you blocked without actually blocking you, unblocked you again, and now I'm responding to this ask. Or let's say I couldn't unblock and recover this ask myself — so I sent Tumblr support a ticket about it, and I used my charmness to state "oh I blocked the ask by accident, can you pretty pretty please be my knight and hero and unblock it/them" etc, and boom, I'm here, like you stated, writing paragraphs about it? Or maybe , I can only unblock you but not recover the ask, which then throws everything I just said to the trash because I'm writing this. Was I that or am I that pretty to do that 😱🫢🤔? Or maybe I didn't/don't need to do all of that because like you, it's pretty obvious who sent these asks, which is ironic you know?
By the way, are you only following a handful of people here that only post once or twice because I answered these two previous asks around 4 hours before you actually responded so I'm pretty sure they would have been lost in the dashboard of abyss. Or did you see it earlier than that but just now responding to it? See? I'm considerate about it 😊 lots of variables. I apologize for not stating that you might have just seen them through the dash. I actually thought of it while I was crossing the street with my nephew, but then forgot to edit and add in the ask.
Can we please move on from this? you called me out, I responded, you agreed with my "it was pathetic of me" response, my friends here think you're shitty on how you responded, miserable to also even care about it and want me to block and trash you, I don't want to think about you that way or call you out because I know who it is and I'm just letting you be, and lastly, I'm assuming you could care less about the responses because 1. You just don't care and 2. it's amusing to you for the most part. Am I missing anything? It's not a big deal tho, different folks, different personalities.
That being said, again, thank you for sending the previous asks. I was able to just vent here and on my other blog instead of moderating myself in fake asks. I appreciate you for that.
I don't know if you slept since you sent this ask, but if so, I hope you had a good night's rest and uh just take care of yourself, anon. Oh, don't forget to remind your friends/loved ones that you appreciate them, hug and annoy your loved ones if you can, eat, stay hydrated, look up, BREATHE, and just do your best, however your best looks today is enough. Life is a blessing ✌🏽☺️
If anyone made it this far, can you please send me a random ask about how you're feeling, what's something you're excited about, your pet, what your day is looking like, or how about this— any book/movie/show recommendations?
anything for me to respond other than the same previous topic.
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muu-kun · 1 year
Muse Masterpost: Psychiatric and Therapist team mini blurb
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Something that doesn't get discussed much on this blog, yet most certainly requires a conversation is what exactly are the resources utilized by Muu personally. Especially when considering the overlapping mental health concerns and cognitive deficit. What is specifically in need of noting is in regards to a question I've never been inquired upon, but I'm definitely sure people wish to know: can Muu give proper consent to sexual intimacy as an individual with the occasional high support needs comparable to that of someone much younger in years than himself? I consider this a a fair request of information that I'm more than happy to offer as thoughtful as I can.
Due to a very eye opening conversation with his psychiatrist in which he revealed to them two specific revelations (1: that he would very likely stay with a physically abusive partner due to being under the impression the violence was his fault, and therefor something he is capable of preventing and 2: that he would be equally as likely to have sexual intimacy with a partner regardless of his own interest in the event just as long as he knew it for certain would make them happy with them), Muu was essentially placed immediately into contact with a particular association known for their services made available to neurodivergent individuals such as himself.
It became almost a requirement for him to do so as it became apparent his safety would have been at risk otherwise. At least in regards to his inability to define and recognize what it is to be abused. As well as what being ABUSING may look like as that too has an inclination for occurring even without purposeful malicious intent.
Hence why he was unapologetically assigned to a team designated to not only be available to him via messaging whenever a concerning social situation appears in his vicinity, but also to meet with him in person on the second Friday of every month (whereas he sees his psychiatrist every third Friday of every month to keep conversations amongst all members as updated as he can) to ensure he is still working, living comfortably, and isn't posing as a hazardous concern to his own (or anyone else's for that matter) wellbeing.
One common discussion of many is that of the topic regarding consent. Another is how to decipher when something might be particularly dangerous, and one is a natural consequence. Such as how being hit by someone is dangerous, whereas being ceased from a social event for prior out of hand behavior not apologized for is a natural consequence.
Regarding consent, however, the conversations are typically built around what options are available when he does want to engage in sex, and when he definitely doesn't. Such typically involve offering him words of suggestion to convey his desires of intimacy in a proper way, and of advice on how to properly navigate a situation where he may need to confide in someone a time in which that had not been made available to him. At least in more present situations over those incredibly leering in the past.
And while some might say that by a person at his age shouldn't really need the resources to remind them of bad touch vs good touch, or when someone is being a friend vs a harmful foe; however, I have to remind the masses as carefully as I can that Muu is not a typical twenty six year old individual. There are neurological pathways curated in his mind left exactly the way they were at sixteen years of age, and even earlier. They are not all like this, though, so it is important to note that he's simply an adult who at times may require more care in certain areas than in others.
I have said it before, and I'll say it again: it is completely alright and available to you if your muse's instinct on meeting someone like Muu is to treat them like they are feeble, or near infantile minded. I'd actually strongly recommend a dabble at doing so if concerns over where to gauge his comprehension levels persist. The more questions of what he's understanding, or how he is feeling through particular events, the better really. I'd rather people do that than hold onto the expectation that Muu is no different from all other adults his age only to fall to disappointment and almost disgust when shown / reminded of otherwise.
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damnfandomproblems · 2 years
Rp oc/oc story anon here. Would have said something sooner, but decided it was better to collect my thoughts before saying something. Didn't want to say something that would be taken the wrong way. So here goes...
Yes, someone did say they had a panic attack but didn't really provide evidence that they did. I know it is not a great look to ask someone to provide proof that they had a panic attack. But this person just... disappeared for like 2 hours before coming back to say they had a panic attack. Yes I did feel bad for that, but it won't make me take back my choices cause I'm not bending the knee to that person like the rest of the group wanted to do. Not going to suck up to someone who sees their feelings about someone else's oc more important that said oc's creator's feelings on them.
Addressing the person who says I broke the rules by deviating away from the friendship plot: well the rules didn't say it was always going to be friendship. It was to develop friendship, but that did not mean friendships couldn't be broken. Developing a friendship isn't only positives like sunshine and rainbows. Sometimes, a development in a friendship can be tensions and conflicts that hurt the people involved. Cause while we all look at friendships like they are unbreakable bonds, the truth of the matter is that friendships can fall apart too. That too is part of developing a friendship.
The thing with being in a group rp is that everyone gets a say. It isn't always the majority that is right. If someone doesn't agree with the group on a plot point that can majorly affect their character, they are allowed to go against it even if it triggers a panic attack in someone. I'm not trying to justify hurting a person's feelings.
I know that I could have left that rp group, but I had chosen to stay hoping that they would at least listen to my side. That was honestly a mistake cause the group just loved to kiss up to "sweet" person just cause they were nice to everyone. Group rp or not, it is against the rules to control someone else's character without their permission. I didn't give permission, so they weren't allowed to. It is general rp etiquette to not control someone else's oc during an rp. That's it.
And final words cause I am not going to address this anymore: it felt so weird knowing that someone was so emotionally attached to my oc to the point that they said they had anxiety spikes every time I put her in danger. And it was just as annoying whenever they would ask me to "give her a comfortable life because that would make me feel better." Like... no? Not your oc, so you can't choose.
Goodbye now.
And apologies to the mod of this blog for all this trouble sharing my story has caused you. I wish you well and hope things look up for you.
I am going to treat this as the final word on this topic for now.
As of right now, I feel like the group are the assholes and you anon was not the asshole in all of this.
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blushing-titan · 3 years
My thoughts on ch. 139
Some of you may be familiar with my previous writings - I usually try to stay as collected as possible, but today's post will be different. Ever since the chapter came out, I've been reblogging a lot of rants and memes about it. Those of you who follow my blog (thank you so much, really happy to have you here! ❤) know that I didn't really enjoy this ending. I want to elaborate more on that in this post - my only advice is to buckle up, because today we may get a bit heated (I apologize in advance for the sassy approach - I usually try to stray away from that, but guess today's post is more of a stream of conciousness/rant) :'D
1. Ymir
Starting up with one of the most controversial things about this chapter. Up to this point, I felt really bad for Ymir. Her life was terrible - she was a young girl, who was enslaved and abused by king Shitz Fritz. After she was forced to run away from his hounds, she acquired the power of titans and used it to help the king's cause. For that, she was awarded with the king's seed (🤢), and eventually became a mother of three girls. Through her entire life, she was treated as a slave and a lesser-being by the king - she also died while protecting him, and her daughters were forced to eat her remains after that (🤢🤢).
It felt so tragic to see her 2000 years later, still walking blindly in the paths. It wasn't enough that she was hurt so badly when she was still alive - she remained enslaved to the abusive king even after she died. I was rooting for her to finally be freed from this nightmare - hence I was so happy when ch. 122 came out and we got this scene:
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I was genuinely emotional when I saw her reaction. Finally, someone expressed some authentic care for her and tried to snap her out of this blind state. She would finally think about what she wants and try to free herself from the paths because, as Eren said, she was never a slave or a goddess - just a regular person. It's just like she finally let out all the pain that she's been suppressing for all these years.
Yeah...except, as it turns out, her awakening here changes nothing. She doesn't come to any conclusions, like, perhaps, that she doesn’t want to let herself be hurt and mistreated any longer...or that she should fight for herself, try to change her fate - because, after all, her life belongs to her - not anyone else.
Nothing like this happens. Why? Because, as it turns out, she's in love with king Fritz and needs to be proven by Mikasa that she can break this bond first.
Excuse me, but...what?
Okay, first and foremost...am I supposed to believe that, during these 2000 years, no one else has gone against their unhealthy affection to someone toxic and unworthy of their love? No one? 🤡 Come on, we even saw that happen in the manga. What about Historia, who thought that her own mother hitting her was a sign of love? Who wanted to believe that her father was good, despite wanting to turn her into a titan? Where was Ymir when Historia stood up for herself against her father's wishes? Or when she flew up to him and delivered the final blow against him?
On top of that...what a disappointing conclusion to Ymir's story. I hoped that she would take her fate into her own hands, and - for example - be reborn and experience life as a free person, surrounded by people who actually care about her. Free herself from paths and destroy it - not because someone shows her that she can indeed detach herself from it, but simply because she wants to.
Instead, 80% of the world population is gone, because she needed to see that Mikasa is able to "free" herself from Eren in order to do the same.
2. Abandoned plotlines and plot-holes
Mikasa being a Hizuru princess? Never heard of that. Hallucigenia's fate? Who cares. Eren directing Dina's titan in Carla's direction in order to save Berthold? Nah, who would want any more info on that - guess he just couldn't direct her anywhere else. The Ackerman's headaches? Pfff. The fact that Mikasa shouldn't be affected by the memory altering, but somehow still is in the ending? "I guess she just forgot that she should be immune to this". Why was Historia's pregnancy implied as relevant if it wasn't in the end? So many precious panels wasted on that, when they could be used to help solve some other "unanswered questions" instead. Ehhh...🤷
3. Blatant character assassination
There, I'm saying it once again. I have no idea what happened in this chapter but the characters are off. What about Eren - the one who has always believed that freedom was his birthright, and has been fighting and moving forward for his goals? Yeah, turns out he has no idea why he was doing all of that. 
Remember Kenny's quote - everyone is a slave to something? I thought that this implication was pretty poetic in context of Eren's character. Through all his life, he sought freedom, but ironically, he was a slave to that dream...
...turns out it may have been a bit too poetic for this story because Eren is a slave to destiny. Literally - he's going on auto-pilot in order to reach that one moment in which Mikasa beheads him, so Ymir can watch and understand that she can do the same.
Nice joke...except not. Here go our main character's motivations 🗑
He casually commits unjustifiable crimes against humanity - not because he wants to be free or because he found the world beyond the walls disappointing, (...as we were led to believe). He did that because he doesn't know why - and then, he cries that he doesn't want Mikasa to ever find another guy.
Turns out Eren was somehow always in love with her too...? Yeah, weird way of showing it. Or should I say - not showing it at all.
If you read my previous writings, you know that I'm not very fond of Eremika. The way I interpreted it while reading the story: it was unhealthy, suffocating and one-sided. I hoped for Mikasa to move on and start thinking about herself for once.
Right, what about Mikasa? Has she finally moved on? Is she content with her life? Are her dreams coming true? What's her daily life after all this? Sadly, I don't have the answers. The thing we are shown instead, is how she's sitting next to Eren's grave and, once again, thanking him for wraping the scarf around her. The only thing that implies that she may be somehow still seeing other people is one bubble of text. After all 139 chapters of hoping for her character developement, that's it.
Keep in mind that all other characters are shown together - with their spouses, families and friends - yet Mikasa is still separated and alone. That's right - after she disappears with Eren's head, she's not shown with anyone else until the end of the manga.
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While we're on the topic of others, too...do I have to talk about the scenes in which everyone shows some level of gratitude to Eren...for wiping 80% humanity for them? Because I have no words for this.
One last note: I found the humor to be slightly out of place, too. Seriously, after all these terrible events, with so many unanswered questions and character developement of these two...Reiner is still weirdly simping for (now married) Historia and Jean is called a horse face :') Idk, but it feels somehow surreal after everything that's happened.
4. Conclusion
What else can I say...the final chapter disappointed me and I'm pretty sad about it. I'm happy for the people who liked it, but also can't help but feel like it was very far from perfect. I've been following SnK ever since 2013 and it's a bittersweet moment for me. The series had a lot of amazing moments that I'll definitely remember forever. Meanwhile, I would like to read some of the author's thoughts about the way he chose to end the story - perhaps it would clear some confusion (...although I can't help the fact that my first opinion is already formed).
Thank you very much for reading my thoughts - as always, it means a lot to me! ❤ The images used in this post are obviously not mine!
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1234-angelika · 3 years
Fateful Encounters
an:this is the first part of my Happily Ever After series for Luke. He's definitely one of my favourites so I'm super excited to share this one with you. I hope y'all like it
warnings: I don't think there are any, if you see any just let me know.
summary:"You often meet your fate on the road you took to avoid it."-French Proverb
masterpost|taglist|have an idea?
You had started your day in the early hours of the morning, 4 am to be exact. You had made a career out of blogging, much to the chagrin of your parents. You had tried university right out of high school but, you could feel that it just wasn’t for you. Not to mention, you didn’t really want that debt looming over you. It has been a process, though, to get to the point you’re at. A lot of blood, sweat and, tears have gone into making your career successful.
On the side, you ran a YouTube channel, often for clothing hauls and try-on videos, but occasionally, you would vlog. Clothes and just lifestyle topics were something you became super passionate about near the end of high school. Many of the people you thought were your friends dumped you as soon as you dropped out of university. Your channel was created out of a love for clothes and had become your second source of income. You spent the better part of your morning at the mall, picking up some clothes you had your eyes on for a while. You also emptied your PO box of all the PR packages you had gotten from companies.
Turning into the park, a shortcut back to your apartment, really, you held up your camera to finish off your vlog, arms full of bags. You felt like a circus act, and you definitely should have ordered the uber you were thinking about.
“Hi friends!It’s been a while since I’ve been on here but, I am back and excited to be so—“ You paused to pet a dog that ran up to you, “—I’ll probably be doing weekly vlogs so I can catch up with you all and so you can see a bit of what happens behind the blog. Today I went shopping and I picked up all the packages from my PO box so I’ll be filming a separate unboxing for those on Monday—“
You continued through the park, smiling at all the babies and puppies, petting the ones that came up to you. You kept walking and stumbled upon a coffee cart; you wouldn’t say no to a bit of caffeine. You ordered yourself a drink and then took a seat on the bench opposite of the cart. Taking a little break, you let yourself relax and bask in the sun on the unseasonably warm fall day. Slowly, you sipped on the coffee and looked around the park. There was an adorable little girl, with a woman who seemed to be her mother, throwing coins into the fountain. A mommy group hanging out by the playground like they do every week, without fail. And there was no shortage of attractive people jogging along the paths paved through the park.
After finishing your coffee, you checked your phone quickly before disposing of the cup and heading back on your way. You continued down the winding paths, pausing every so often to shift the heavy bags. And then you came to the part of the park where the path no longer worked for you. Meaning, you had to walk across the grass, which in itself is not entirely safe, but with dogs and flying toys, it becomes more of a danger. As you walked across the grass, some genius part of you decided it would be an excellent idea to vlog again.
You were so busy talking into your camera that you had stopped paying attention to what was going on around you, minus the occasional glances at the ground to ensure you didn’t trip. You were almost out of the park when, all of a sudden, you were hit with a foreign object.
“Ow!” You exclaimed as the object hit you.
Looking around, there was nobody in the near vicinity meaning that whoever threw the offensive object had a pretty good arm. Down on the ground, where it had landed beside you, was a ratty old tennis ball that had definitely seen better days.
Over the hill, a dog came running toward you, adorable as ever. The dog picked up the tennis ball and then sat by your feet. You bent down to read her collar.
“Roxy, huh?” She barked in response, tail wagging. “Do you want me to throw the ball for you?” She barked again and dropped the ball.
So you set your bags down carefully along with your camera and threw the ball. It didn’t go as far as it had come, but it was still a decent distance. You started to pick up your bags again when she returned with the ball to you. You weren’t expecting this. You were expecting her to go back to her owner. So, you picked the ball up and threw it again, a little further this time. You did this for a while before your arm got tired, and you had to stop.
The ground was dry, so you took a seat on the grass. Setting your bags down beside you and made yourself as comfortable as you could on the hard ground. Roxy dropped the ball by your feet and laid her head in your lap. Gently, you pet her, soothing both yourself and the dog. You planned on staying with her until her owner came to find her. Faintly, you could hear a man calling out for the dog.
“Roxy?!” “Roxy?!”
She only barked in response, not moving from her spot beside you on the grass. He jogged up to the two of you with a gorgeous smile on his face.
“Hey Roxy, it looks like you made a new friend huh?” He said, laughter in his tone while walking closer to the two of you. “And sorry for hitting you with the ball. It was an accident, I didn’t think I would throw it that far.” He apologized sincerely, looking at you.
You just smiled and said, “Maybe it was an accident…or maybe it was fate. Either way, I’m glad it happened. My names Y/N.” Standing up, you outstretched your hand for him to shake.
Shaking your hand, the dazzling contagious smile still on his face, he said, “My name’s Luke and you’ve obviously already met Roxy.”
You chatted for a few minutes before you realized how late it was getting. You picked up your bags, bid a farewell and, continued on your way home. You just couldn’t help but thank your lucky stars that night that you had a chance to meet Luke. The one thing that you couldn’t get off your mind.
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julemmaes · 4 years
Honey - part two
Elide Lochan x Lorcan Salvaterre roommates au
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A/N: I’m so tired yall have no idea. My eyes are burning and my fingers are cramping cause I’ve been writing all day to get this done, so yeah, I’m very satisfied and some of the blogs that I consider big or are big for a fact started following me and commented on the first part, so I freaked out a little, but I can tell that I’ll sleep peacefully tonight because of that, so thank you all. Enjoy!:)
Oh, and I almost forgot, the song at the end is called “Honey” and it’s by Johnny Balik (shoker, as my man Kieran would say)
Word count: 4,966
Lorcan's least favourite day was definitely Friday, unlike all people his age. Not because he didn't like going out in the city at night to have fun and drink until you forgot even your mother's name, but because it was the only day of the week he had to work at both the shelter and the toy shop.
He loved working with the dogs and the few cats they brought in, and although he wasn't really a people person, he enjoyed spending time deciding with the kids and parents what was the best gift to go home with. And although Lorcan would never admit it out loud, he had grown fond of some of the regulars - especially a mother of three who he knew worked as a lawyer in one of the offices above the shop. Almost every day she would come in during her lunch break to buy one of those surprise sachets that cost a euro each and if Lorcan didn't see her coming before he went on his break, he would wait a few minutes before closing up just for her. Elide had managed to find out this detail a few months later after she moved in and he knew she would never stop teasing him because he had a heart of gold.
The phone vibrated in his hand just as he got behind the wheel and he wasn't at all surprised to see that the last message he had gotten was from Elide.
He huffed, not even opening yet another link that would surely send him to yet another website with information on why the world was ending very slowly and why humans were to be blamed entirely. He started the car and drove off towards their house.
Lorcan wasn't a bad person and he really cared about everything Elide was sending him, but he was tremendously tired and all he could think about was how much he wanted to take a shower and pass out in his bed. The fact that none of this was going to happen because Fenrys and Rowan had forced him to accept the invitation out to dinner made it all worse.
It took him less than ten minutes to get home and when he parked and saw the lights in their living room on, he seriously considered backing up and getting out of there to get to Vaughan's house before Elide noticed his car and he wouldn't be able to get away no more.
He was sure his friend would take him in without question if he asked to put him up for a night.
But luck was not on his side as Elide's petite figure appeared in the window and Lorcan could not see her face, but he knew she was smiling as she bounced and waved to greet him.
Despite everything, Lorcan raised his hand in turn and smiled back at her, knowing full well that even she could not see him so low and hidden by the evening shadows.
As he climbed the sixth flight of stairs and mentally prepared himself for two more, he could foresee the flood of words that would wash over him when he entered the house. Elide hadn't kept quiet for the entire day, sending him voice messages and staying with him on calls for the entire duration of his lunch break, so much so that at one point he had wondered if she had gone to class and then to work. He had discovered that yes, she had gone, but she hadn't paid the slightest attention to what they had explained and had gotten half the customers' orders wrong.
When he opened the front door, he recognized the melody of one of the songs she'd put on her apology playlist, the one he'd made for her nearly three weeks earlier after she'd found out he still smoked. She'd seemed so hurt that after he'd gone to bed and cleaned the tiles of his blood until they glistened, he'd stood at the kitchen table and spent hours and hours searching for the perfect apology songs. A bit dramatic perhaps, but it had had the desired effect.
He sighed, slipping off his jacket and putting it as far away from Elide's as possible, so that no animal hair would get on hers. He would clean it later.
The girl in question sputtered out of the living room with a beaming smile on her face, her cheeks strangely red and her eyes so bright they were glossy, "Hello, handsome."
"Hi, Ellie." he murmured, straightening his back and making the bones in his neck crack. Elide approached and Lorcan took a step back, bumping his back against the door, "I haven't showered yet," he put his hands forward to keep her at arm's length, "you can touch and hug me all you want later, but please not now," he begged her.
She gave the cutest pout he had ever seen, "But-"
"No buts, you can wait three minutes for me to wash up without dying," he continued, walking past her without touching her or making any overly sudden movements.
"You're such a pain in the ass," she complained, that adorable pout deepening all the more, "I can always take the antihistamine if I get allergies."
Lorcan shook his head, turning a confused expression on her, "I'd rather you didn't take medication just because you want to hug me."
It was true.
To their great misfortune, Elide was one of the very few people he knew who was allergic to animal hair. Any animal. More precisely, she was allergic to the mites that lived in the fur and the dust that accumulated in it in enormous quantities even on a normal basis. Given that the dogs Lorcan worked with were left to run loose in the fields all day, when he came home he was covered in anything that could kill his friend and roommate in one sniff and he didn't want to have to take her to the emergency room again because they couldn't tell if she was breathing properly.
It was why every night since he'd started working at the shelter he had taken a shower before doing anything else. It was why their water bill had gone up so much since they had found out about this allergy of hers.
"It's just a pill Lor, it's not like I have to get shots or..." she shrugged, as if to indicate anything more invasive than a simple pill.
He brought his hands in front of his mouth like a prayer, looking her in the eyes, "How many times do I have to explain to you that if you take one type of medicine every day, after a while your body no longer perceives it as an extra foreign thing to help you, but as the norm and so it no longer has any effect?"
Elide grimaced, "I hate you."
He chuckled, walking backwards until he reached the bathroom door, just in case she had the great idea to ambush him and jump on his back, "Just wait five minutes."
"It was three before," she said frowning, "And, speaking of showers-" and then she did something that made Lorcan freeze in his tracks. He didn't register what was going on until Elide's shirt was too high up for him to avoid seeing everything. And by everything, he meant everything.
"Elide what the fuck are you doing?!" he turned around, screaming, then his eyes went wide, trying to figure out if what had just happened was true or not. He squeezed his eyes shut, closing his hands into fists, biting his knuckles, "You're not wearing a fucking bra." he said in a voice sharper than he had intended.
He heard her giggle, but the sound came out muffled, "Loorcaaan." she crooned, "Help."
"I can't turn around Ellie, you're naked," he pointed out to her with his eyes still closed, then in a lower voice, "God, you're naked. What has gotten into you?"
He felt her move as she walked around him and stopped in front of him, "Help." she said in a flat tone. Lorcan had to laugh, her tone reminded him so much of the way the green aliens in Toy Story talked.
"Help what?" he asked letting out an amused laugh.
"I'm stuck." she said slurring her words and he felt her move, she was probably wiggling to get out of her t-shirt. And if she was wiggling, that meant her-
Lorcan took a sharp breath, cursing under his breath and trying to quiet his wandering mind.
He arched an eyebrow, though he was pretty sure she couldn't see him either, as doubt crept into him, "Are you drunk?"
Elide was silent for a while, then giggled like a child, "Just a little tipsy."
"Ellie it's seven o'clock," he exclaimed amused, but surprised to learn that she had been drinking, "why on earth are you drunk at seven?"
"Just a little tipsy," she repeated like a broken record. Then she screeched like a pterodactyl and Lorcan burst out laughing again, turning and taking a step or two forward to avoid risking accidentally touching her once more.
"Alright, why are you just a little tipsy at seven o'clock on a night when we're supposed to be going out with the others?" he asked now a little more eager to know the answer.
He heard her snort audibly, "The world is ending, Lorcan, why won't you understand that?"
He opened his eyes wide, not believing what she was saying, pinning them on the picture their friends had given them for Christmas, the one with all their best pictures collaged on a coloured canvas.
And here he thought he was the dramatic one of the two.
He nodded to himself, "So you're telling me that the reason you decided to get drunk before you even went out is because of global warming?"
He heard a rustle and then something hit him on the head, "Sorry, I didn't mean to slap you," she said in the tone of someone who couldn't care less about having hit him, "Anyway, yeah. Global warming and forests catching fire and animals dying and plastic burning..." she took a deep breath and then continued for a few minutes, making a list of all the things she had learned that afternoon by reading all the articles she could find about why humans were the worst living thing in the world.
Lorcan stood patiently listening to her, occasionally getting lost when she introduced topics that were a little too specific, but listen to her he did. The way she was saying all those things was always reminiscent of the little green aliens, but he knew the subject was more serious than it sounded.
With his arms crossed over his chest, he didn't think he'd moved too much, but at one point Elide sneezed and he cursed himself for not having moved fast enough to go to the bathroom.
"I told you you'd get allergies."
"But I didn't even touch you," she squealed back.
"You know that's not necessary for even your soul to start itching too," he scolded her.
Elide remained silent for a while longer, then started talking again, "And we should seriously get some glass bottles, if I see you with those stupid plastic bottles again I'll kill you. Scout's honor." she threatened him.
Lorcan chuckled, "Elide you've never been in scouts."
"How punctilious of you." she scoffed at him, then gasped, "We could buy matching flasks, with glitter and," she gasped again, sounding increasingly excited, "We could have one of our pictures printed on it."
A smile broke out on Lorcan's lips and he knew that if he had looked in the mirror at that moment he would have seen the face of a boy lost in love. He pulled himself together, straightening his back, trying not to think about how he felt about Elide. It wouldn't have done any good to admit that those feelings were real and tangible inside him.
He was staring at Fenrys' face in one of the pictures they had taken on holiday that summer, when Elide spoke again.
"This is a list of things that should make you understand why we have to shower together."
Lorcan choked on his saliva. He coughed a few times, patting his chest.
How had they gone from polar bears dying from melting ice to them showering together?
"What are you talking about?" he asked her in a squeaky voice.
The fact that she was alluding to them showering together while he knew she was half naked behind him, a breath away practically, made him feel so many different kinds of wrong.
"We can't waste water Lor, it's not hard." she sounded exasperated, then muttered, "Sometimes I really think you're being obtuse or stupid."
Lorcan's eyes went wide, "Wow, thanks Ellie."
"You're welcome." she chipped.
He shook his head, sighing and running a hand over his face, "Don't you think there are plenty of other ways we can start saving the world, before we have to shower together?" he took the fact that she wasn't answering as a cue to continue, "Like start recycling?"
Elide gasped again, making him chuckle, "Did you sign the petition?"
"Which-" he trailed off. She was talking about the petition to have a door-to-door rubbish collection service introduced in their town. Something that would force everyone to sort their garbage. "Yes, I signed it."
"Good." she whispered.
"I signed them all," he reiterated, because it was true and he knew that Elide never sent him stupid petitions, that whatever she sent him must be important and it didn't cost him anything to put his email and name on a website if it meant he could make a difference in his own small way.
"Thank you. I really appreciate it." she said in a weak voice.
Lorcan felt strangely uncomfortable all of a sudden.
And not because of the fact that Elide was naked behind him and had just confessed to wanting to shower with him, but because he would have wanted to turn around and kiss her, not do what any other guy would have thought of doing with a half-naked girl. No. Lorcan just wanted to kiss her and take his time in the process, savour the kiss and not be hasty and quick.
He wanted it to be slow and heartfelt, he wanted her to feel every single thing he couldn't say out loud.
"Lorcan?" she whispered, "I'm always stuck and I'm starting to get cold."
He blinked, "Yeah, you're right." then interrupted. They were silent a few seconds, "You really can't pull your shirt down?"
He took a deep breath. Then another.
"Okay, I'm going to turn around and keep my eyes closed, please stay still so I don't touch- anything. I'm not touching anything. I'll try to help you." he stammered, clasping his hands along his sides. She made a simple grunt of assent and he huffed, raising his hands in the air and lowering them slowly until he touched her head. He squeezed his eyes shut tighter and then released the elbow that had gotten stuck in her shirt.
"Yay." exclaimed Elide.
Sensing that she was moving freely on her own, Lorcan pulled away again and when the sound of clothes stopped, he asked, "Are you done?"
"Yes," she said singing.
His shoulder sagged a little and he smiled. He opened his eyes, ready to move Elide to the side and go take that holy shower, but whatever he'd thought when he'd asked if she was done must have been the exact opposite of what she'd thought, because Elide's tits were freer than ever between the two of them.
Lorcan grunted, slapping a hand over his face to cover his eyes, "What the fuck, Ellie. Stop flashing me, I'm begging you."
He heard her giggle and then a gust of wind and her laughter fading down the corridor let him know she had run off. He opened his eyes tentatively, peering through his fingers to make sure she wasn't still in front of him and sighed with relief when he finally managed to get into the bathroom and lock the door behind him.
He leaned against the sink, clutching the ceramic between his fingers and staring at his reflection in the mirror.
He never thought the first time he would see Elide's tits would be under these circumstances. He ran a hand over his face again, trying to somehow erase the image he knew he would never forget.
He had just stepped into the shower when he heard something very large and heavy slam against the door. Something that seconds later burst out laughing. Lorcan could only follow as he imagined a half-naked Elide running towards the bathroom and failing to stop in time.
"Are you alright, honey?" he asked her just in case. He turned on the water, hissing when he found it frozen, but not moving from under the jet. After all, a cold shower wouldn't hurt him.
"Let me in." she shouted, slamming her fist against the door, "Let me iiin!"
"Are you dressed?"
"Then you can't come in."
A scream of despair followed by what could only be a fake hysterical cry made him burst out laughing again, but then for a few minutes all that was heard was the sound of the shower and water falling from his hair.  
"Ellie, are you still there?"
The answer came quickly, "Yes."
"Are you still naked?"
"Maybe." then he heard her move against the door and realised she'd been sitting on the floor.
Perfect, he was stuck in there. He reached for the phone and thought of something.
As he finished untangling the knots in his hair and washing out the conditioner, Elide was talking about how harmful the soaps they used were and had even gone so far as to say that they should both shave their heads so as to minimise their impact on the environment.
"What did you do today?" she asked him suddenly.
Lorcan didn't answer, dialling the number of a certain blonde girl who could help him out of this situation. Aelin answered after the fifth ring and Lorcan knew full well that she had done it on purpose, hoping he would hang up so she wouldn't have to talk to him.
"Listen, something kind of weird happened and I need-"
"Who is this?" Lorcan arched an eyebrow, pulling his ear away from the phone to check the number. It was Aelin's phone. And the chick's voice on the other end was her, he was sure of it. "God, Lorcan, I'm fucking with you, what's up?"
"Funny," he deadpanned, "Elide's already drunk."
"What? But it's not even eight o'clock."
"I know, I came home and she was already like that."
A few moments of silence passed, "Okay, and what do you want me to do?"
"Well, she took her shirt off at one point."
Lorcan waited for a reaction, but Aelin didn't respond.
"And now she's naked in the hallway and blocking the bathroom door and-"
"She's what?" the friend burst out laughing.
"She's naked," he gritted through his teeth, "And she's blocking the bathroom door. I don't know how to get out and I don't want to open the door and push her off and risk hurting her. Is there any way you could come over here and help her? Help me?"
"I’ll make sure she'll never hear the end of it." Aelin laughed louder and Lorcan heard Rowan ask her what was going on. The blonde took breaths before saying, "Ellie flashed Lorcan and how he's stuck in the bathroom because he's afraid of a pair of nice-looking boobies."
"So are you planning on coming?" he asked before he completely lost his patience.
He imagined her wiping tears from under her eyes, "Yes, we'll be there in fifteen minutes."
"Me, Ro and Fen. He's the one driving tonight and he picked us up."
"Okay," Lorcan murmured, "but they can't come up to the house."
"Why?" drawled Aelin, "Because you're jealous?"
He counted to ten, restraining himself from hanging up on her, "No, because this is going to be humiliating enough for Elide without two more of her friends seeing her half naked, so please just come up alone."
Aelin huffed, "You're right, but you're no fun."
They said their goodbyes and Lorcan put the phone down, starting to blow dry his hair.
Elide hadn't stopped saying his name for half a second throughout the call and it was starting to annoy him. Then he shook his head, no. He wasn't annoyed by Elide, it was Aelin.
That girl could get under his skin like few could.
"You didn't tell me what you did today."
And Lorcan did, so that at least she would stop slamming her hand against the door.
He told her about the last man who'd come to see what dogs he could give his daughter and how he'd seemed so much like the guy who'd abandoned them on the side of the road after not even a week and it had pissed him off. He told her the morning had been even worse, because one of the children had started opening all the toys on display and his mother, who had been right next to him the whole time with her eyes fixed on the phone screen, hadn't stopped him and it had been up to Lorcan to tell him he couldn't do it. It was only then that the woman had realised what a mess it was and had simply apologised to him, running out of the shop so fast that he hadn't even noticed they had left. He had to call his manager and he was not exactly pleased to hear this story, but he also said that they would donate the toys to the church down the street, which was responsible for distributing them to kindergartens in the neighbourhood. That cheered him up a little.
By the time he had finished his story, Aelin had arrived and once he had taken her to her room. Lorcan could finally go out and get ready himself.
It was after midnight, the entire group was rocking out on the dance floor of their favorite outdoor club, a place called "The Wild Night" that was on the edge of town, closer to the forest than anything else, and normally Lorcan would have joined his friends to dance and sing, but there was a problem.
A big, huge, handsome problem.
And the problem was called Kyllian.
He couldn't figure out whose idea it had been to invite the boy with them that night, but whoever it was, this person's days were numbered, because Lorcan would kill them first and then use the limbs of their corpse to kill Kyllian.
Kyllian who had now been rubbing up against Elide for hours and who had offered her more drinks than stupid charming grins - and he really was reserving a lot of those for her.
"If you don't stop looking at him like that you're going to make his head explode," someone said, throwing themselves onto the small bench next to him.
He turned his head so fast he wondered how he had managed not to break his neck, "What are you talking about?"
Fenrys arched an eyebrow, "Even if you weren't staring at Kyllian like you wanted to see him disappear off the face of the earth, everyone here, including Elide," he told him with so much as a glare, giving him a slight shove, "would know that you're not really into what's going on on that dance floor."
"He's right," Rowan said to his left, sipping the drink of Aelin's she'd left him. When the hell had he sat there?
Lorcan didn't answer, remaining motionless with his sullen expression.
"I can give you a hand if you want," Fenrys murmured, sucking on the fuchsia straw sticking out of his equally pink glass.
He inhaled through his nose, "And how would you do that?"
"You have to trust me."
"Never." said Lorcan as Rowan said at the same time, "Don't."
Fenrys looked at them both with his mouth wide open and a hand to his chest, "I'm hurt." then finished what was left of the drink in one gulp and stood up abruptly, staggering a little, but holding himself up nonetheless. He cast a glance over his shoulder at the two boys still sitting, grinning, and Lorcan knew immediately what was going to happen.
"Ellie!" he shouted, turning more heads than necessary, "Love of my life!"
Kyllian pulled away from Ellie just enough for Fenrys to grab her hand and spin her around a few times until she burst out laughing and begged him to stop. The new boy didn't even seem to exist anymore as his best friend laced her arms around Fenrys' hips and rocked left and right, increasingly drunk.
Lorcan's heart clenched in his chest as he heard that sound so carefree, so happy.
He didn't realise he was smiling until Rowan cackled beside him, "God, you're fucked."
He didn't pay any attention to him and stood up, keeping his gaze fixed on her face.
He heard Lysandra and Aelin calling his name, hyping him up and threw them a real, quick smile that made them scream even louder, as if they were fans at one of his concerts. When he finally reached Fenrys and Elide's side, the blond spun her around ninety degrees and for a moment she closed her eyes, giggling, intoxicated by the amount of alcohol she had ingested, but when she opened them again and saw Lorcan standing in front of her, a smile as wide as he had ever seen it spread across her face.
"I'll leave you Ellie, you're in good hands," Fenrys told her, winking at him from above her head.
But neither of them even looked at him.
His eyes locked into hers as they both took a step forward and found themselves a caress away. Her chest rose and fell in an agitated rhythm. After all, she'd been dancing with everyone for hours, so much so that Lorcan wondered how she hadn't thrown up yet.
His gaze ran over her body, her bare shoulders, the line of her collarbones, and further down between her breasts. Breasts he'd had the chance to see for a millisecond a few hours before and remembered perfectly. The darker shade of pink that had characterized her-
He felt his heart pounding in his throat.
She had never said his name like that.
His eyes went up, sliding over lips so full, so perfect, up, over her nose and then up again, finding hers and the music changed, becoming slower, the lights dimmed as the strobes were turned off. Elide seemed to recognise the tune as her lips parted slightly, "Lor," she repeated. He raised a hand until his knuckles brushed her cheek and when she let go a shuddering breath, Lorcan began to sing under his breath.
"Tell me everything and hold no lies. Say you're waiting for better skies," he leaned forward as his other hand slid to her hip and Elide moved closer, until their bodies were fully joined to each other and one of her legs was between his and their hips were one thing moving in sync with the music. He felt Elide's breath against his neck and had to suppress a shudder when she too began to sing along with him.
"Oh, but honey don't taste like summer no more. Stick around now, I miss you every night,"
He lowered his head even more, brushing her nose with his own. The hand that had been on her cheek had slipped over her shoulder and was now tracing the path down her back, grazing the top of her bottom until it rested on her hip.
"Elide," he whispered, breathing on her lips. She closed her eyes, pushing herself up, towards him, and Lorcan held her tighter, moving his fingers over the exposed skin between her miniskirt and the black top she was wearing and there he was. Elide was there, with him, and she was so close to his body that he could feel the heart beating in her chest.
She was there and the next second... she wasn't. Because Elide had snapped away and was now vomiting on his feet. Lorcan held his breath as she was shaken by another gag and he had just enough time to take a step back that she threw up again.
The people around them quickly scampered away, creating a small circle of spectators and casting a quick glance at his friends he saw that they had a large audience. He just hoped Elide was too drunk to remember what happened the next day.
He looked down and grimaced, all sorts of emotions swirling inside him as the girl he loved clutched at him and puked her dinner all over his clothes.
He cursed at whoever decided how things went for breaking the best moment of his life with vomit and then gathered her hair into a loose ponytail, tying it with an elastic band he kept on his wrist specifically for these occasions.
He heard her whimper and put both hands on her shoulders, stroking her in circular motions to help her warm up. Aelin and Lysandra appeared next to them shortly after and when Ellie was firm enough on her feet to walk, they stepped over the pool of vomit and Lorcan wrapped an arm around her shoulders, pushing her towards the exit.
"Let's go home, Ellie."
tog tag list (if you wanna be added or removed just dm me or send an ask)
@tottenhamboys20 @maastrash @ireallyshouldsleeprn @sleeping-and-books @ladywitchling @thegoddessofyou @ghostlyrose2 @claralady @anne-reads @sayosdreams @perseusannabeth @letstakethedawn @simping4bookboisngrls @post-it-notes33 @booksstorm @nalgenewhore @queen-of-demons-and-hell @miserablemusings @lanyjoy-13 @vasudharaghavan @cupcakey00 @bri-loves-sunflowers @queen-of-glass​
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alexhandersenblog · 2 years
i'm new fan so i have no idea that alex was in a bad place mentally when he was in his vikings days can you tell me what happened with him ? thanks i love ur blog ❤️
Hi and welcome! ☺️ Glad you are here 😄
Yes, Alex brought up his mental health struggles a few years ago. I will try my best to ‘explain’ it, as this is a very sensitive topic. It’s not really my place to talk much about someone else mental health. The info i’m giving is what he told/shared in a few interviews himself.
Also apologies for any language mistakes or if things doesn’t always make sense. English is not my first language and i’m typing this by heart (from what i can remember).
Disclaimer: Please be aware that his story may be a trigger for some.
It was in 2018, at the end of filming the last season of Vikings. He mentioned in an interview that starring in Vikings was quite tough, meaning they shot long and many hours in cold weather etc. So the last months of shooting he was very tired but still had a lot of things to do and big scenes to film.
First of all, he did San Diego Comic Con in between takes. He did the panel and he had to return to Dublin immediately to continue filming. He got sick in San Diego so he stayed at the hotel until Sunday...still sick he had to fly back to Dublin so he would be back on set Monday. He arrives Monday morning and immediately goes to work for 12 hours (still sick, no rest, probably jetlagged...). It was a big scene with a lot of extras, so he didn't want to disappoint. Taking a rest was not really an option as all these ‘production things’ are very strictly planned.
On Tuesday he worked again, thinking that he can rest Wednesday and Thursday because he is free then. But he gets food poisoning which makes him very sick. 5 days later he gets food poisoning again… he lost 9 kilos in 14 days. From that moment on he was just continuously ill during the last four months of shooting Vikings. Because of all this, he experienced a lot of stress and anxiety. He had a lot of stomach pain and slept very little. He was even afraid to go to work. He developed a food phobia, which took him 4 months after filming to regain control of it.
In the last 5 days before ending Vikings he had an anxiety attack. The production called in a so-called "rush therapist" to help him. He was given some sleeping pills that helped him through… those sleeping pills saved his life, Alex said in an interview. Alex himself said that he was not suicidal, but that he had more thoughts about it than ever in his life.
After finishing Vikings he went back home, talked to friends/family, went to therapy and took time for himself. Which fortunately helped him to regain inner peace and became mentally stronger.
He stated that he is doing well and that he no longer experiences anxiety problems (at the moment).
He learned a lot from all this. He started Vikings as a carefree boy. He didn't care much about his own (mental) health, because he was a strong and healthy man who never really had many (traumatic) problems. Through all his experiences, he learned how important it is to listen to your body and take good care of yourself. It made him more of an 'adult' and more understanding towards these issues.
I hope this information is what you were looking for ☺️ Alex is committed to (among others) the red cross of Denmark to help (mainly) young people with his story and his own experience. In general I think he just wants to get on with his life right now. And doesn't want to focus too much on the past as it took such a toll on him.
He definitely looks happy and i hope that he is in fact feeling very happy, surrounded by his family and friend. 😄
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lyracasstuff · 3 years
Heya!! I actually just found your blog and I would like to say how amazing your writing it! Aaaa it's so cute and you seem very sweet!! <3
I came here to ask for a idv match up! I'm a female, she/her, I'm bi but I do have a preference towards men. Also, I don't mind a survivor or hunter!! Whatever you feel like atm dear. I'm very energetic when you get me in the right mood!! I love baking and editing! I also quite like photography. I'm a very loving person but can get cold if I feel bad so it's a bad habit TwT. I do give lots of compliments to people and it may seem like i like them but I just really like pointing out nice things about people. I love hugs and kisses especially!! I love it if my s/o could give me attention but not too much yknow? Like i want them to be happy with their life with me and their life outside of our relationship. Umm I hope that's enough!! Thank you for making your blog! It is very nice!! You're doing great!! I appreciate you <3 (ps. Make sure to eat and drink enough~)
Thank you for caring about my health dearie~ Honestly,, I could also say the same for you..(。・ω・。)
And I'm quite glad that you enjoy reading my blog posts! It means quite a lot for me whenever I hear people enjoying my blog as much as I enjoy writing them..( ´ ▽ ` )
After much thinking,, I've decided to match you up with...
Joseph Desaulnier!!📷
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Let's first address the big elephant in the room: Photography..(・∀・)
Since the both of you love photography,, I can most *definitely* imagine you two taking pictures of scenery found in the manor..
As well as *some* of the silly things that happen outside of matches.. Although,, it's more on your end than Joseph's..
However,, I must also remind you that you WILL be bombarded with questions partaining to your "equipment"..(。・ω・。)
Whether it'd be a modern HD camera or your smartphone,, it's safe to assume that Joseph will be VERY much curious about these "equipment" that you have brought from the "future" ((even though we call it anything *but* from the future..))
"Are you telling me that this camera of yours can capture pictures instantly??? With just a simple press of a button??? Then, does that mean you won't have to stand for long periods of time to take your picture???"
((Fun fact: the first cameras that were patented require you to stand for long periods of time to take your picture which explains why plenty of the pictures during the Victorian Era were people staying in one position like standing..))
"This "smartphone" can ALSO capture pictures?? Would you mind showing me how, ma chérie??"
"The quality of the pictures are ABSOLUTELY DIVINE! From what time period must you be to access this kind of machinery, ma chérie???"
I highly suggest that you study your equipment thoroughly because Joseph *will* be asking questions about your photography equipment..
Well,, that and Joseph will *literally* fumble with *every* single nook and cranny of said equipment where he might actually break something on accident..
Which is rare for the gentlemanly and disciplined Joseph,, however we ARE talking about one of his biggest passions here..╮(─▽─)╭
Another topic here that is perhaps connected somehow is editing!!(⌒▽⌒)
Joseph is quite astonished when you told him one time that photos can be tweaked from your time period..
Now, on one hand,, he is amused as he sometimes *does* struggle with getting the perfect picture when the environment around him just isn't having it..
But he also can't fathom the idea of people actually editing their photos so much that sometimes,, the unedited version looks far too different than the edited version...
When I say that,, I specifically mean people who probably use photoshop just a *bit* too much..(^_^;)
Not that there is anything wrong about it as everyone knows.. After all,, sometimes we just use it solely for entertainment by making weird, abstract collages of people..
((Like photoshopping a bunch of characters from different fandoms to make some sort of crack-crossover movie poster..╮(─▽─)╭))
It just that Joseph prefers less edited photos as he believes that a photo can shine on it's own when it's taken skillfully..
((Another fun fact: Based from what I can gather, the French in the 1800s preferred a more natural look, which is evident by their choices in makeup like powder for the face or some simple rouge for the lips and cheeks.. Of course,, we are excluding the hair as we all know that big, elaborate wigs were all the rage in this era..))
In fact,, he might even throw a *little* shade towards photos that are super edited...(◎_◎;)
Pls tell him to calm down and not insult people who do something similar to that.. It'll only escelate and get worse in the future..
Okay,, now that we've discussed those, I think we shall head on over to other things, don't you think??(・∀・)
Another reason as to why I paired you with Joseph is because of your upbeat and loving energy!!(〜^∇^)〜🧡
Joseph's life before the manor was already pretty gloomy, and it hasn't really improved when he got into the manor..
So your very energetic and affectionate nature will surely bring in some lost warmth to his life!!(>y<)
Although,, please be patient with him for at least a little while.. After all, him *suddenly* receiving love and attention is a bit overwhelming for him to process all at once..╮(─▽─)╭
When he *does* gets used to it, he appreciates it very much..(∩_∩)
With that being said however,, he is still quite disciplined about the time that you two spend together AND the time that you two spend seperately from each other so you won't have to worry about having your boundaries being meshed together..(・∀・)
On the topic of affections,, Joseph will actually be a bit shocked to hear you dish out compliments to everyone in the manor.. And quite frankly,, as well as everyone else that you complimented
((Listen,, we're talking about the Victorian Era,, where modesty is highlighted as a core value..))
I'll be honest in saying that for a split-second,, Joseph *might've* actually thought of you as a flirtatious person
So when you explained to him that that's just how you are and that you just like to point out nice things about other people,, he's confused..(^_^;)
"Wait, but you complimented Mike's juggling act. Shouldn't that mean that you would like to court him??"
"Didn't you tell Victor that you thought he was sweet?? Pardon me for asking this, but are you... Interested in him, ma chérie?"
You're going to have to explain to him that just because you like a certain aspect of a person,, that doesn't mean you actually like them AS A WHOLE...
He may or not have demanded that you bake for him the next time that you two will have your afternoon tea together..(⌒_⌒;)
It's his "apology gift" as he puts it...
Okay,, I know I said that Joseph absolutely appreciates your loving side,, but he also *adores* your more "colder" side..
And no,, it's not because he's a masochist..(。・ω・。)
See, as much as Joseph relishes in the feeling of protecting someone he cares/loves.. Even he can admit that sometimes,, it gets too exhausting when your partner is the *literal definition* of a walking doormat..
I don't know about you,, but I kind of picture Joseph as someone who wants to have a partner that, at the *very least*,, can stand on their own two feet.. It gives Joseph a sense of pride,, see???
In conclusion,, I personally think that you and Joseph would work wonders for each other!! Different in your personalities, but united through the same common interest of photography.. I'd say its a decent balance of "opposites attract" and "similarities attract"..
Author's note: On the topic of people photoshopping the heck out of their photos.. DON'T HARRASS/BULLY/INSULT THEM PLEASE!!! I will be blunt in saying that I frankly do not care whatever your intentions were, because when you strip said intentions away from the grand scheme of things,,
All that's left is a situation where someone insulted/bullied/harassed another person just for editing their photos a bit too much..
And when you put it like that,, wouldn't you agree that it sounds idiotic? Because in all honesty, it is..(¬_¬) After all,, those photos won't be affecting you much in the long run now,, would they??
And even if you said that you did it with good intentions, the way you acted upon these "intentions" was poorly done when it could've been handled *much* more efficiently...
So in short,, pls don't harrass anyone that you know that does these to their photos, it's not only for their sake but also yours..( ´ ▽ ` )
I apologize for ranting like that,, however I feel as though these types of situations are completely meaningless AND avoidable had it not been for the people that continue to stick their fingers into others' honeyjars.. So I personally as though it needs to be said.. Again, sorry if this rant is a bit unsettling and a bit "rough on the edges"..(⌒_⌒;)
Well that's about it.. Until next time,, I'll see you all in my next post!!ヾ(@^∇^@)ノ💚
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quotes-of-dreamland · 4 years
my last ask for the night:
i am the one who made the "least fav" joke. this was COMPLETELY lighthearted, and it was just making fun of the idea of favorite mods
i then replied with "don't worry, ..." thinking there might have been a mixup or something, but i guess it just made it worse
lastly, i replied with "was NOT ..." for the same reason
i have not sent any other asks on this topic, so in case it isn't clear, i do not have a favorite or least favorite or any other view of the mods
frankly, i always enjoy seeing content from the less active mods because i think they all should be recognized for their contributions
of course no amount of explaining will change anything, as usual im misunderstood, but i guess it doesn't matter, so
I'm sorry.
Mod Taranza:
Thank you for coming forward and being honest. We don’t accept your apology, or at least I sure as hell don’t. I never will. Call me cruel, but I’m putting my foot down on this. It wasn’t even funny as a joke. In what universe would that be a funny joke? I’ve been bullied with that kind of implication before. I’ve had to seriously fear my friends forgetting about me before and feeling like the odd one out. I cannot stress enough how inappropriate that was. You weren’t making a joke, you were just being the thing.
SECONDLY, you don’t come back saying sorry to begin with and clearing up the mistake, you just add onto it and adding further stress onto it when we set a boundary on “don’t do this kind of talk please”
But that didn’t stop there either! You just kept fucking going long after you should have taken the initial post as your warning and stop. This isn’t just being socially inept or ignorant, this was straight up unacceptable. Do you have any idea what kind of fucking panic you caused? Just how frantic everyone was tonight trying to keep calm in this? You caused one of the mods, no not just that, one of my best friends to feel absolutely horrible. They felt so horrible they wanted to scream, and I had to sit and scroll through all this bullshit.
Normally, I wouldn’t be so bothered. Normally I could just let this all slide off me and continue on! But this. This was fucking unacceptable. I don’t care who you are. I don’t care whatever issues you have. You should have known better. If you’re old enough to be using the internet and talking with people, you should have known better by now not to do this ever.
So please. If you’re really sorry. If you hold any true shred of regret. Don’t talk to us ever again. I don’t want to see your kind of talk here again. Let us try to get over this in our own time and grow to trust our own followers and audience again for the fifth time this god damn year. Because if this were up to me you would be blocked from ever interacting with anything we do ever again. Good fucking riddance.
Bandana Moddle Dee: Honestly, it sucks that I have to drop the persona that I like to be for this, but fading away is something that I fear nightly. To essentially be told that I’m a side character hurts. I usually don’t butt in on these since I don’t think what was done was that bad. This is an exception. I’m not sorry. The door is that way.
Mod Susie: Your first ask was an opportunity for us to set a boundary that was overdue to be set. That was me saying 'this is not an okay thing for you to say.' That was strike one. THEN, you came back by digging yourself a deeper hole, trying to defend yourself. Despite this not being the opinion you held, you still tried to defend it. Strike two. Then you pushed the issue ONE MORE TIME. Strike three. I'm glad you apologized. Let me be less vague: This is a boundary. This is a boundary and we will not tolerate it. Thank you. Have a good [timezone].
Mod Lor: I'm like Moddle Dee in that I usually stay out of this sort of thing, but this is too much for me to simply ignore.
Do you have any fucking idea how this makes us all feel?
I don't care what the hell kind of justification you have. I don't give one damn single electron-sized flying FUCK if you thought what you were saying is funny or uplifted the mods you're putting on a pedestal. In the very best case scenario, it was a backhanded compliment. Putting a few of us up on shiny special pedestals, ignoring the fact it implies the rest of us are lesser or inferior. Our activity on this blog isn't a fucking contest.
Now, let me speak about myself for a moment. This is the first group of friends I've had in literal YEARS where I DIDN'T feel like an outsider or extra or third wheel. I've lived practically my entire life feeling like the permanent new kid in school with every group I've been a part of; like I was never part of them really. Sure, people said they were friends with me, but were they really? Or was I just the extra unwanted person that they were too scared to tell to leave? Yeah, just imagine living like that for over a decade..
Things have been different here. I actually feel like one of the members in this group, not an extra.. Do you think for one millisecond that it's ok to invalidate that? To once again label me and others as just side characters among their own friends? Because if you do, here comes a reality check!
This isn't a game. This isn't a fucking TV show, or a book, or a play. We are REAL PEOPLE. We are REAL FRIENDS who run this blog because we wanted to share our enjoyment of a series with our followers. We have REAL FEELINGS. So if you're going to stomp all over that just to make some shitty, unfunny, underhanded joke?
Get the fuck away from us, get the fuck away from this blog, and get the fuck away from this entire god damned website.
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twisted-lies · 4 years
If it is not an issue, could I please get a kin matchup, Kokichi? It'd be nice, yes, but you are not obligated to do that. The sources I would like to have are My Hero Academia and Danganronpa. Any character from any game is great for me. Have a nice day, afternoon, or evening!
My apologies, this has become way too long—
I have a seemingly aloof and absent-minded nature. My tendency is to be silent, and seeing as I also possess an introverted nature, I tend to be deep in thoughts and in my inner self, and stay detached from the others. My intuition is that I rather work better alone than work with a large group. I am more of an spectator; a watcher person, than the person who takes actions.
I may seem level-headed and tolerant, to the point in which even my voice may become monotone and low. You could say I try to be polite, as well. but depending of the situation and its level, my calmness can be lost, leading me to be strongly irritated or melancholic. I almost always have a neutral face, and make a highly effort to hide my own emotions. I'm not very good with emotions and social interactions... My sense of humor may fluctuate between bad and dark, and I make use of irony quite often. I'm more vocal if I'm giving a little suggestion or an opinion. And, of course, I talk a lot when the topic is something about I'm enthusiastic about...
I give little to no caring about what the first impressions I give off to people. However, hearing some of people's sayings, I come off as an inteligent person whose vocalubary is formal. I don't talk nor start a conversation, unless I am spoken. In the past, former colleagues used to label me as “the nerd” of the class. Because of my distracted nature, not paying attention to everything leads me to get things wrong or misinterpreted. I also heard I'm a slow person in many aspects (speaking, texting, thinking, etc). I was also considered to be pretty persistent and stubborn.
My circle of friendship is very limited, but I don't see an issue about that. Despite my distrust, misgivings and suspicions walk together, if I get to know you better and form a bonding, perhaps I am more able to trust you and have more conversations with you.
Possessing the feeling I may also come off as distrusting and misunderstood by the others, evidence is in my hands, I show them the proof or rephrase what I said, in order to give a better understanding and prove that what I was saying was the truth. My belief is that the majority does not get satisfied with only a few verbal statements.
Once again, I apologize for anything, and, I wish you some good luck with your blog, because its content is very good. And congratulations about your 150 followers!
I kin assign you with...
Mukuro Ikusaba
First I thought of Mukuro Ikusaba, Mukuro has more of a silent nature and could easily be introverted. When she thinks it can take a second for her to respond to you, she also tends to stay away from most people and only lets few close to her. She usually tries to be polite as well though it might not always last if you upset her. She also doesn't show her emotions very openly and more so hides them. She can probably have more of a dark humor at times and talk a little more when it's something she's interested in. She probably doesn't care too much about first impressions either. Though she'd probably come of as intelligent and speaks a little more formal than others. Mukuro isn't one to trust easy therefore her friend group may be smaller than most. If someone doesn't quite understand what she's saying or what point she's trying to make she'll most likely rephrase it.
Peko Pekoyama
Secondly I thought of Peko Pekoyama, Peko is more silent than most and could come of introverted unless you know her well enough. She stays away from most people she doesn't trust and will stick to few people she knows well, but she'll give you a chance it just may take a while. She's not one for first impressions either though she'll try to be nice to others. She's also a pretty level-headed person and tries to be polite though it may not always be the case in certain situations. She's also pretty intelligent and can be a little formal at times. She has little friends and sticks to certain people due to being a little distrusting of them I'd think.
Tsumugi Shirogane
Lastly I thought of Tsumugi Shirogane, Tsumugi is usually pretty silent and has an introverted nature to her. She tends to get lost in her thoughts easily and disconnects from other people. She'd most likely rather work alone and watch everyone from the sidelines. She's also pretty good at hiding her emotions though she isn't the best with social interactions. She seems to like to talk more when it's about something she likes to do or finds interesting.
Shoto Todoroki
Firstly I thought of Shoto Todoroki, Todoroki is definitely more silent and introverted. He can sometimes be stuck in his thoughts and disconnect from everyone. He's definitely more of a watcher and woukd prefer to do things on his own. He's pretty level-headed with a more monotone voice and tries to be polite though he could loose his temper from time to time. He also doesn't care too much about first impressions though he's pretty intelligent and speaks a little more formally. He also can tend to be a little slower with his response and slightly stubborn. He has a limited friend group due to his distrust of other people and doesn't open up easy regardless.
Kyoka Jirou
Secondly I thought of Kyoka Jirou, Jirou is usually pretty straight forward or level-headed and has more of a monotone look to her, though she can joke around a little like shown with Denki. She's also more quiet or introverted and more of a watcher. She's usually pretty calm unless you push the wrong buttons, which can result in her snapping or being more self conscious. Though she's more friendly towards people she knows and trusts.
Izuku Midoriya
Lastly I thought of Izuku Midoriya, Midoriya is definitely more shy, quiet or introverted. He can also get pretty deep into thought and disconnect from the others or even slightly speak to himself which is only when he realizes when someone points it out. He's also pretty polite and tries to stay calm though sometimes it differs depending on the situation, but he can tend to be a little more melancholic sometimes. He's not very good with his emotions or social interactions though. He also tends to talk a lot more when it's about a subject he likes and he's also pretty intelligent. He can tend to be seen as a nerd though, even if he doesn't pay close attention sometimes.
I hope you're satisfied with your results!
Don't worry I've had way longer before so it's not an issue and thank you!
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rpbetter · 3 years
Hi Vespertine. Sorry to add to the pile, I promise I will send in some writing related things to compensate later. I also misgendered that user in a comment by accident with she/her. I blocked them, but they still looked at my blog, and they made a post that said by using the wrong pronouns, which they thought was intentional and meant to hurt them, I purposefully called them a hysterical woman stereotype. Obviously that wasn't true. I was just going off a comment someone else made on my blog where they used she/her, and I thought I had to correct myself. It was a case where good intentions, even if I was not happy with the user's behavior or expected to talk to them again, I was still going to use the right pronouns, but my intentions were warped by someone with an agenda. I'm sorry to hear you're getting the same heat. I didn't use my rp blog to interact with the user or talk about them because I was sure something like this would happen, either by them or other people like that callout blog, and I think other people had the same idea. I dodged a bullet there, but I'm still paranoid. I'm paranoid I'll hear a notif and see my rp blog in a callout for this, because someone hunted it down, or a callout for trying to talk to the person who started all the drama. Nobody should be scared to talk about someone on their own blog. Nobody should be scared to talk openly, in general. Nobody should be called out for trying to talk with someone either. This culture of fear is so disturbing to me.
Hey there, Anon!
Oh, I would love that, but you totally don't have to, of course. Don't feel bad for adding on, I'm here for anything at all, and honestly, with the job I'm doing IRL right now, it's really hard for me to concentrate well enough on finishing any of the advice posts (at least, to be the quality y'all deserve). It's a hot topic, it's included so, so, terribly many people in the RPC. It's also one that's generating some great, needed conversations. So, it isn't like you're adding to anything bad, annoying or distracting me, or contributing to the inflammatory side of this.
Hell, it's got to be really nice for some of the people in messages I've received to see proof that they weren't alone in this experience. I can keep publishing the hate anons for exactly that reason, and I can promise people they aren't the only ones (in this or in any such horrible behavior), but it's different to see it coming from a third party! So, thank you for that.
Though, I am deeply sorry that you were treated to more than a ringside seat in this debacle.
It's not very encouraging to be thoughtful and respectful of other people when literally nothing you can say or do will result in anything other than more twisting of your words, and that's a big problem I have with this shit. Things like actual transphobia, intentional misgendering, actual infantalization and shit treatment of ND people, actual harassment, etc. etc. etc. matter. It's just more trivializing of real problems for the sake of blowing nonexistent bullshit up, and that is immensely disgusting to me. The fact that you damn well know someone out there has had the reaction to this behavior of, well, fuck you then, fuck trans people is really upsetting.
Like, yeah, let's be real, if you require social rewards to do the right thing, you have some problems lol but at the same time, you know who does require social rewards to develop themselves? Young people. And the RPC is largely comprised of people in their early twenties who, for a variety of possible reasons, are still at that point
Furthermore, no, it's not anyone's job to be good representation at all times, especially when that performance comes at a cost to themselves, but maybe don't go out of your way to be the person that is the necessary push in the wrong direction of someone's formative experience with people of your community. If it's costing you nothing to not clown on serious issues, but is costing the entire world another bigot for you to clown on serious issues, the choice should be a bit obvious here. Whenever you're in a safe place - physically, emotionally - and capable of that kind of logic, exercise it, damn.
It's definitely a better course of action than playing out skewed activism by vilifying innocent people, more worthy of one's effort than losing their collective shit over a very easy mistake. One that I'd say was even less avoidable in your case. AGAIN, how, exactly is anyone supposed to know this shit when they're blocked? When they aren't subverting the blocks they, themselves, put in place? I know for a fact none of them are looking at the information of the people they choose to try to drive out of the RPC, but everyone else is supposed to make zero reasonable assumptions, check and recheck blogs they have made an effort not to visit for good reason. Sounds absolutely reasonable and sane!
So, you know what? I'm going to be even more offensive here and talk for a moment about why these mistakes are reasonable.
When we see a post and reblog it, it's not unreasonable to assume that the OP had knowledge we didn't. Since we blocked the offending party, but they're discussing them. OP uses the incorrect pronouns, we end using the incorrect pronouns as well. This is not malicious intent. It isn't intentional at all, it's just having a discussion. A discussion that wouldn't have even transpired if they hadn't taken it upon themselves to (what a coincidence) take personal issue with a RPer they repeatedly took out of context and decided to shame for it, before proceeding to get an even bigger stick and pot.
When we decide to block a blog, it's our responsibility to stay off of it. Not go looking at it for any reason. That is now off-limits. When someone blocks us, it's also our responsibility to respect that decision, no matter how outrageous it was, no matter what we might need to verify. That's the issue with blocking when we don't exploit how easy it is to get around blocking on tumblr; we've cut ourselves off from any further meaningful communication, including passive communication like rules and posts. Kind of like how you cannot expect an apology to mean a damn thing when you've blocked everyone you harassed, then made that apology in a post on your blocked blog. Don't put up walls you expect people to see through, then get upset when they can't see through them.
As a community, the RPC is primarily afab. That's never a problem to bring up when someone wants to be angry about their female muse not getting equal attention and so on, but it's a problem to discuss any other time, about any other problem. Dealing with the things that we're socially raised to ascribe to as afab people is that problem. It's reflected in our behaviors, interests, and speech. We may not want to live in a gendered world, we may eschew that, but we were raised in a gendered world and it shows. One which has a lot of complications for being that, like almost everyone feeling safer around afab people by default of the All Men Are Bad, All Women Are Harmless bullshit.
We not only know that the RPC is primarily afab, we tend to assume comfort, especially in hostile situations, by assuming those pronouns in others.
And it so does not matter how much any of us like it, some people have more masculine or feminine tones. Even in text. That means neither that someone's gender identity should be disregarded nor that this text-based presentation is correct, but like every other unfair thing that exists, it's a thing. Like you, Anon, you genuinely come across in tone as primarily neutral, slight lean toward masculine. Even if I wasn't inclined to do so, not knowing you and all, I'd use they/them for you instinctively because that's what your speech is giving me. That isn't any more unreasonable than ascribing another set of pronouns based on the same information.
Oh yeah, I know, lurkers, the difference is that they/them is the appropriate choice when one does not know. I know that logically, but people aren't always operating like robots, weirdly enough. We default to a lot of instinctive behaviors, and we aren't always operating at the top rung of cognition either. Being human works like that, it's really that simple and not malicious if you're not reading that into it.
As we're all aware, it is being read into, and your experience is exactly why; you now feel worried every time you get a notif, you've been outed as a supposed transphobe, and while it is incredibly fortunate you stopped this from transpiring on your RP blog, it still transpired somewhere and has had a negative effect. If they find they correct thing or set of things, they can get so many more people to dogpile you over it. Get enough people to do that, make someone miserable enough, especially people who are already going through a hard enough time already, they'll leave.
It is a terroristic act, and it has the effect of all terroristic acts; people are afraid to exist outside of shifting bounds (that shifting is a part of the terrorism). They can't have an opinion, write any muse/topic they wish, be honest on their own blogs, support the "wrong" topics, muns, or blogs. Attacking people for a mistake, not allowing them to address it either, just furthers all of that. It's showing the community what happens when you aren't on the "right" side, even if that isn't even the case. They certainly turn on their own quickly enough.
So, of course, it's a culture of fear and it is disturbing as hell. No one has any right to make someone feel unsafe over fiction or a hobby or a difference of opinion. Everyone has the right to say whatever they want on their own blogs, to talk openly, and yes, to try to talk to others without feeling at risk.
Even if what someone says is genuinely unpleasant. This isn't the way one handles it. By all means, have a problem with something, have a problem with someone, but grow up and talk to them openly, without bringing everyone you can dredge up to join in. I have no issue with people arguing, I have an issue with bullying. If it's your whole goal to harass people without consequences to the end result of deactivation and lockstep behavior from everyone else, that's what you're doing, folks. Bullying.
If you can't win an argument, especially one your own ass began, in any other way than this, you're not engaging in an argument.
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