#Aqua Platinum
gustavopotente · 1 year
Moto Tab G70 é bom? Tablet Moto Tab G70 Wi-Fi - Aqua Platinum
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impurefilms · 27 days
lineup . heights aren't rlly accurate I think idfk
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each individually + notes
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ive.... realized I froogt Archie's chain + the full "x" on his face . Tweaking but im tired so it's too late now uhm
- Archie : sharko from um that silent French cartoon was on my mind whjle doing him + fhe random unreasonably hot cartoon characters they have to redesign for beinf too hot
- Cyrus : Gothic . Grim from grim adventures of Billy & Mandy . slight sasha nein influence from psychonauts shrug
- Lysandre : "him" from Powerpuff girls + Milla nd her dance party section from psychonauts (ignore the connection between sasha n milla ...( . Made him look slightly more like pyroar
- Lusamine : no character inflcuence but I just wanted to bring the jellyfish thing out more & build her silhouette around that while still looking kinda older maybe . Details of her masters outfit was added
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lollitree · 2 years
So as a kid I remember getting the Manaphy egg from Pokemon Ranger 2 and sending it over to Diamond. What I didn't know, was that that was a limited time event. And because I loved replaying the DPPt story I would always restart my game. I would often send my favs/special pokemon over to another game and then back? Eventually sending all those to my Platinum game WHICH I LOST.
So I HAD that event Manaphy, it was the only time I ever got an event Pokemon as a kid (though I didn't know it) AND I THREW IT AWAY I'm devastated
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sexysilverstrider · 11 months
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lmaooooooo omg
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trucywright · 1 year
Hello Bair!
I just remembered you had the idea for a "Cyrus runs away to Hoenn and gets adopted by Team Aqua" fanfic.
Are you still on it or was it pushed aside by other fics?
Oops, I got two questions about this and kinda forgot to answer.
I still intend to write it, maybe in a shorter fic than I'd originally envisioned (so like snippets of him in Team Aqua, rather than a multichapter fic). With grad school I haven't had the time, but I did write out the first scene a looong time ago, which I'll post below here (note, I haven't proofread or edited). When I finally post the actual fic, it'll probably be changed but why not share it?
Cyrus glances around his room. The walls and dressers and desk and bed are barren. There are boxes carefully stacked in one corner, neatly packed with almost all his belongings. They’ll likely be thrown away immediately once he’s gone, but at least this will make that process easier. He thinks he should feel something about how his entire life fits into three measly boxes, but instead all he feels is a cold detachment.
The few items he’s decided to take with him have been stuffed into a backpack and duffle bag. Clothes, toiletries, a poffin making kit, the little bit of money he’d been able to scrounge up from doing random jobs before and after school. It should be just enough to get to Hoenn if he’s careful with it, but after that? After that depends on many factors not entirely in his control.
But that’s later and this is now and right now his room is packed away, except for one thing. 
The fake ID is the easy part. Actually looking eighteen is the hard part. Cyrus has always looked younger than he is. He thinks it’s the combination of being just below average height and extremely lanky. It makes him seem small and young and there are few options for fixing it. Heeled boots will add a bit to his height, a few extra layers will make him seem a bit bulkier. He doesn’t realize that a few extra layers in Hoenn is sentencing himself to melting until he’s already on his way to the recruitment meeting, and by that point it’s too late to change, let alone come up with a different plan.
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aogiris-idiot-child · 2 years
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Last night I had a dream about my family buying this giant house from my dead great-grandma, which eventually turned into a what-if scenario of Archie and Maxie as leaders of the Pearl and Diamond clans rather than Aqua and Magma. There was some muddied info about whether each clan were family or not, but just know that the Pearl Clan in my dream were mostly girls in white dresses who didn't talk much, while the Diamond Clan ran more like Team Magma, with Maxie being this business ceo that had to drag at least ten kids around.
During what I'll call the "Mansion Arc," there was a moment of realization Maxie had while meditating with his followers (the more I think about it, the more they seem to be like opposing new age cults, but that's neither here nor there). Cut to a flashfoward that was probably intended to be a flashback: It's nighttime in the woods, and someone is attacked by a man in a mask. Maxie sees this, and goes to help his teammate, and it's revealed that it was Archie all along! He's a ninja!
(Near the end, I was in the lobby of an office building, and after Maxie came in, I got confused and realized that the time-line didn't add-up. I started freaking out, asking what the date was. Someone was like, "the date? I'm not on a date..." and other kept saying, "Uh, I'm not a doctor!" Like, you don't need a doctor to tell you what day it is.)
Anyway, the appearance Shinobi Aogiri/Archie the Pirate Ninja stuck with me, so I did a rough sketch as to what it looked like. The main parts of the outfit that were the clearest was the mask with the gold accessories (rather than on his ear, it's behind it attached to the mask's strap—thought that would be interesting), the bandana (of course), and the sleeveless coat (In the dream, the collar was a lot higher up in the front and had an "M" shape, which I quickly noticed was too similar to Team Magma, so while he was puffing it out to adjust it, it eventually changed). Here, I took those design elements and realized them a bit more, combining both older and modern elements in a concrete manner, utilizing the Pearl Clan's icon over Team Aqua's so that it leans into that Meji-period "look." The pants around the waist was inspired by Brock's Sygna Suit in Pokémon Masters, and I gave him a thick rope for a belt. I also gave him some gloves for some added flair. I think gray, turquoise and the Pearl Clan's colors would make it all work, particularly with the tanned skin of the ORAS design. Sharpedo and Crawdaunt would definitely complement the darker vibes that come with the design and murderous intent that Archie doesn't normally have.
I think I'll clean it up, give the outfit some color and figure out what to do with his right arm.
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bumpscosity · 2 years
Trying to decide which Gen 4 game I should play, is there a major difference in story for platinum compared to the other versions?
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duoduotian · 2 years
hisuian avalugg is cleared I AM FREE!!! even after checking the new type, my 2 brain celled brain decided i should send out infernape which i have been training, forgetting that hisuian pokemon have new typing orz
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boatsease · 28 days
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after over a year of hunting, i finally found the mechanical pencils to match my pair of favorite 1970s japanese fountain pens. now i just need the ballpoints and i'll have two completed sets of three :)
some history about these guys below
in the ~70s, platinum (& sailor & pilot) made a ton of pocket pens¹ with screenprinted nature motifs. these are from a series of 8 designs that had white-lacquered bodies and matching mechanical pencils & ballpoints
considering i got them from 3 different sellers, my quartet are surprisingly similar! they all have their price tags², which i slip off during use, and they’re all likely NOS store displays/testers³. the fountain pens have (very, very nice, less common) 18k soft fine nibs
¹with ~60s-80s japanese fountain pens, “pocket pens” = this specific form factor. slip-caps and short when capped, with a cap that’s most of the length of the body so the pen is comfortably longer when posted
²the prices & tag style put these btwn the series' ‘69 launch and its early-70s ¥500 price increase, at which they also made the pencils shorter
³the pencils show no weathering; the ginkgo pen is slightly sun-yellowed. the hydrangea pen is much more interesting: it was displayed posted, likely for years. there’s negligible fading on the barrel, but the yellows that platinum screenprinted green leaves with were fugitive, so the cap shows this beautiful green-teal-aqua gradient that works as a map for the pattern of sun exposure in its part of the store. i think that’s really charming.
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theantarwitch · 8 months
Alchemy, the untouched friend of Witchcraft
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If there is something interesting that is nearly not used on mostly of the witch community, is Alchemy, and is something from which we could take some few useful stuffs.
As always, disclaimer first, I’m not an expert on the subject and I barely if I read a couple of books about the topic (from another 10 untouched ones lol), so as always in life, take what I say with tweezers. This is meant to be a light superficial view to open a door of possibilities in a mix of Witchcraft and Alchemy, is not a thesis. Saying that, to the core of the question.
Alchemy use elements. A lot of them.
The three primes or Tria Prima (the basic 3 materials): Sulfur (Related to the Soul and the principle of combustibility, so it has volatility, can burn, explode, combust), Mercury (Related to the Spirit, the principle of fusibility so the material can be fused together and volatility so a substance vaporizes), and Salt (Relate to the Body, the principle of non-combustibility and non-volatility).
Our beloved Four basic Elements: Air, Earth, Fire, Water.
The Seven Metals associated with the seven classical planets: Lead, corresponding with Saturn. Tin, corresponding with Jupiter. Iron, corresponding with Mars. Gold, corresponding with the Sun. Copper, corresponding with Venus. Mercury, corresponding with Mercury. Silver, corresponding with the Moon.
The 13 Mundane Elements and Later Metals: Antimony, Arsenic, Bismuth, Cobalt, Magnesium, Manganese, Nickel, Oxygen, Phlogiston, Phosphorus, Platinum, Sulfur, Zinc (All of them with a lot of interesting properties and functions, in and out the alchemy world).
The 10 Alchemical Compounds: Acid, Sal ammoniac, Aqua fortis, Aqua regia, Aqua vitae, Amalgam, Cinnabar, Vinegar, Vitriol, Brimstone (All of them also with amazing properties).
And what interesting me the most (at least to my way to do witchcraft), The 12 Alchemical Processes:
Calcination (Aries): The thermal treatment of a solid to removing impurities or volatile substances.
Congelation (Taurus): Term used in medieval and early modern alchemy for the process known today as crystallization. Process by which a solid form into a structure known as a crystal, by precipitating from a solution or freezing.
Fixation (Gemini): Process by which a previously volatile substance is "transformed" into a form (often solid) that is not affected by fire.
Solution (Cancer): Homogeneous mixture composed of two or more substances. In such a mixture, a solute is a substance dissolved in another substance, known as a solvent.
Digestion (Leo): A process in which gentle heat is applied to a substance over a period of several weeks.
Distillation (Virgo): Separating the components or substances from a liquid mixture by using selective boiling and condensation.
Sublimation (Libra): The transition of a substance directly from the solid to the gas state, without passing through the liquid state.
Separation (Scorpio): Converts a mixture or solution of chemical substances into two or more distinct product mixtures. Process of distinguishing to two or more substance in order to obtain purity.
Ceration (Sagittarius): Chemical process, by continuously adding a liquid by imbibition to a hard, dry substance while it is heated. Typically, this treatment makes the substance softer.
Fermentation/ Putrefaction (Capricorn): A metabolic process that produces chemical changes in organic substrates through the action of enzymes/ Decomposition of organic matter by bacterial or fungal digestion.
Multiplication (Aquarius): Process to increase the potency of the elixir or projection powder, in order to increase the gains in the subsequent projection.
Projection (Pisces): Process to transmute a lesser substance into a higher form; often lead into gold.
Damn, alchemy even have symbols to Units: Month, Day, Hour, Dram (Unit of mass between 1 and 3 grams), Half Dram, Ounce (Unit of mass, weight or volume of 28 grams, Half Ounce, Scruple (1 grams), Pound (500 grams).
So just with this simple 2 pages of basic Wikipedia info, we have a ton of new things to use. Everything here has specific properties, some more physical and chemical oriented, but others (like the 3 Tria Prima and The 12 Alchemical Processes) have a lot of correspondences with the witch life itself.
The 12 Alchemical Processes could be absolutely used to represent an desired outcome.
Calcination uses thermal treatment, so it can boost the Fire element of a spell. It also “removing impurities or volatile substances”, so can be applied to generate a mild fever to get rid off the flu, or to boost the organs that clean the body (kidneys and liver mostly)
Congelation turns a solid by freezing, can boost the Water element, so all the “freezer spells” can be boosted with this.
Fixation? A volatile substance is transformed into a solid form? Sound pretty much to grounding, or to help to focus an ADHD head as mine, or to put down to earth someone who is VOLATILE AND VIOLENT. Also, Earth element.
Solution? Homogeneous mixture of two or more substances? It sounds like an aid to make two people on conflict to get into an agreement, or to boost a new business by mixing the opportunities with the action. Air element.
Digestion. A process in which gentle heat is applied to a substance over a period of several weeks? It sounds like something that can help any process that need digestion (bad news must be “digested”, hard choices must be “consulted with the pillow”), and the “gentle heat” sounds comforting. Someone is grieving? Maybe Digestion can help them to overcome the awful times.
Distillation. Separating the components or substances. Anything that need to be separated can be helped with this. Relationships that must end, breakups, cut the ties with older things or habits.
Sublimation. The transition of a substance. I heard trans rights? Can this maybe help with your hormones? Or even to transition from what you previously left behind with the distillation, to focus in a new better future.
Separation. Process of distinguishing to two or more substance in order to obtain purity. How to choose from two or more choices? How to pick the better one? The one with purity? Separation maid aid.
Ceration. A hard, dry is heated to make it softer. Make that person less frigid, make the boss less bitchy, make your chronic pain less hurtful, make your bills less heavy, all that you can think in make softer.
Fermentation/ Putrefaction. I personally love this one. Produces changes in organic substrates and decomposition of organic matter by bacterial or fungal digestion. Prime element to curses. All what you want to rid off in the most disgusting way. May their flesh get rotten under a car in a hot summer.
Multiplication. Process to increase the potency of the elixir in order to increase the gains in the subsequent projection. MONEY MONEY MAKE MORE MONEY, all what need to be increased and all what you want to multiply, go go go!
Projection. Transmute a lesser substance into a higher form “lead into gold”. Perfect to get better as a person, to learn to adapt, accept, to grow compassion, love, etc.
At this you can add the Units, the metals and mundane elements, the 4 elements, the tria prima, your crystals and herbs and sigils and all. And your spells will be filled with components and correspondences.
What’s better, a lot of the physical elements are not too hard to get (some yes, they are, but you are not here to make lead into gold with a full set of chemistry), but alchemy use a lot of symbology, so even if you don’t have the physical element, you can use their properties with the symbol, just as any other sigil.
Salt is easy. Tin in a food can. Antimony in mostly all the rocks. Arsenic in apple seeds (technically no but still). Cobalt and Manganese basically everywhere. Magnesium in your own body. Nickel in coins. Oxygen in the air., Phosphorus, Zinc and Sulfur in food. Acid in anything acid lol. Aqua vitae in alcohol (especially Whisky). Vinegar in vinegars.
Long story short, if you feel that maybe you are lacking something, check some books about alchemy would maybe help. Don’t pick super chemical specific pro books and don’t be discouraged by the terms, pick what can be useful to you, and I hope this open some doors and bring more curiosity about this amazing topic.
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PAC: What your fp/fs looks like but make it actually diverse 🌅
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Feel free to leave a tip as well if you enjoyed this pac! $$$ 😌🌺
Pile 1:
Physical appearance
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Hair color ranges from dark brown, light brown , ginger, & blonde highlights (Their natural hair color is mostly brown but they could dye it or a few of them are actually blonde/ginger). Their hair texture is coily, curly, or wavy. They are most likely light skinned or mixed race (I'm seeing mostly black, white, or middle eastern. This message could only be for a few but I heard someone's fp/fs could be Somalian, Moroccan, or Israeli to be specific). They have hazel eyes (eye color is a mix of green, aqua, gold, or amber). They have freckles and moles. Skintone is warm and medium or medium deep (tawny, olive, or brown). Your fp/fs's body could be more bottom heavy. If they are more feminine I'm seeing a pear shaped figure and if they are more masculine I'm seeing that they have strong legs. This person could like to workout or they are in involved in sports because they have strong lower body muscles (wide hips, big butt, thick thighs, toned calves, etc). Sagittarius & Leo could be prominent in their birth chart. Sun or Jupiter dominant.
Pile 2:
Physical Appearance
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This pile's fp/fs is pretty unique! For some people in this pile, their fs/fp could have vitiligo. It's as if they have two skintones for some reasons. So either this person could have vitiligo, they either get very pale in the winter and dark in the summer, or they could have used tanners or skin bleaching creams growing up. I'm also seeing that this person could strictly only wear black, gray, and white - no colors. They like to be like a panda 🐼. For their hair color I'm seeing its gray, white, silver, platinum blonde, or bleached. They could like to wear wigs or their head is shaved at the moment. If the fp is a feminine they like to wear their hair very long while the masculine likes their hair very short, almost like a buzzcut. They also have dark brown almost pitch black eyes. Your fp/fs could have some type of scar on there face or body, perhaps from a burn, fight, or some sort of accident. Their body is angular, lean, and toned. This person likes to include stars in their aesthetic ☆. They could like y2k fashion or subversive fashion. I'm thinking of the brand "Chrome hearts". This person could be alternative or like being involved in that culture. They could be goth specifically which would explain why their skin color varies (some goths like to paint their face white). I'm seeing piercings and tattoos as well. There isn't a specific race for this pile but they could have almond eyes, a low nose bridge, and small lips (they like to wear lip liner so it looks fuller or red/black lipstick so they can appear as a "vampire" lol). So for some of you your fp/fs could be black, asian, or "other". I'm seeing that this person has Scorpio placements and a Pluto dominance.
Pile 3:
Physical Appearance
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This person is white and their cultural heritage could either be Greek, Spanish, Italian, Brazilian, Portuguese, or Argentian. They have dark brown hair and it's straight with a slight bend of wave or curls. Their hair is very voluminous and shiny. Their skin ranges from pale to medium. Their eye color could be blue, brown, or green. For some other physical features they could have a prominent nose, dark circles, red lips, and a beauty mark either under their eye or next to their mouth. If feminine, their body is hourglass shape with hip dips. If masculine, they have wide shoulders, and have more of a inverted triangle shape. Your fp/fs' style is very refined and posh. It's giving "old money" vibes. Rolexes, white Polo shirts, khakis, linen blouses, diamond necklaces, etc. They could have Taurus placements as well as a Venus dominance.
Pile 4:
Physical Appearance
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I feel for most people in this pile their fs/fp naturally has ginger, reddish hair or they have brown hair with reddish undertones. They have dark brown eyes, pale skin, freckles, rosy cheeks, and heart shaped lips. They could look like a cat or have features similar to cat. Their eyes are big and upturned. Your fp/fs is either east asian or "wasian" (half white half east asian). Their style is grunge with warm autumn tones or they dress very colorful (they could wear a lot of primary colors with brown and green). They could like to wear khakis, cargo pants, converse sneakers, and striped sweaters. This person gives off obvious Gemini energy 😂 but I'm also picking up that they could have Virgo placements. They have a Mercury dominance.
Pile 5:
Physical Appearance
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This person has a very rich, deep skintone. If your fp/fs was a man they would remind me of the saying "tall, dark, and handsome". I'm seeing that they are either Black or South Asian. They have thick curly/coily hair and it's the color onyx. Their eyes are the color chocolate brown. They have a balanced and proportionate body type. I feel that this person really embodies having Venusian energy and could have Libra prominent in their birth chart. Their style is casual with a touch of luxury. They like to wear black blazers, white shirts, sundresses, gold hoops, pearls, and jewels. I'm seeing purple, red, and green (sapphires, rubies, emeralds, etc) so they could like to wear very regal colors as well or they could just look like royalty.
Pile 6:
Physical Appearance
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I channeled a few different people for this pile so this might not resonate for all of you but only for some! So for those who are attracted to people with a feminine appearance. Your fp/fs could like to have their hair very colorful and it's always changing. They either wear wigs or dye their hair blue. I'm getting a "2014 tumblr girl" vibe from them. They are just naturally beautiful. As for those who are attracted to people with a masculine appearance. Your fp/fs could have short to medium length blonde hair. Their hair is very shaggy and they like to style it in a messy, carefree, tousled way. They could have slight wavy hair as well. They could look like a "surfey boy" or a "skater boy". Both feminine and masculine fp/fs could have blue eyes, a button nose, and pink lips. Their body type is petite and thin with a narrow waist. I'm not seeing a specific race being stated for your fp/fs but I wanna lean towards for most people who picked this pile that they will have a white partner. While for a few of you, you will date/marry someone who will be considered racially ambiguous. They could have Aquarius placements and a Uranus dominance
Pile 7:
Physical Appearance
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This person has black or dark brown hair. Their hair texture could be straight or wavy. They could have siren eyes as well. Something about their eyes are very captivating. Their eye color ranges from light brown to dark brown. While their skin color is like copper. They are average height and their shoulders and collarbones could be very beautiful. Your fp/fs could be of West & South/Southeast Asian descent, this message might only be for some but I'm hearing that they could be possibly be Sri Lankan, Tamil, Iranian, Saudi Arabian, Bengali, Malaysian, Singaporean, Pakistani, Thai, and Indonesian (very specific, I know 💀). I feel like you would meet then while they are in their cultural attire or during a special holiday. If you are not from these countries perhaps you go there for a vacation and meet them there (how cute!🥺). I feel like their faith or beliefs are very important to them, so they might wear some sort of necklace to represent that. Capricorn could be prominent in their chart and they could have a Saturn dominance.
Pile 8:
Physical Appearance
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For your fp/fs I feel that they could have a duality to them, so it is possible that they are mixed, have two cultures, or they have a dual citizenship somewhere. I believe that they are Aboriginal, Pacific Islander, and for a few, South East Asian (I'm getting the Philippines to be specific). They have thick wavy, curly hair. They might like to switch up their hair a lot by either straightening it or curling it sometimes. They could even do perms on their hair or use relaxers. The skin color varies from person to person. Their body type will be more fleshy and muscular, some of them have a prominent tummy. They could have Cancer placements or the Moon is dominant in their chart.
Pile 9:
Physical Appearance
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Your fp/fs is indigenous or Latin indigenous descent. They have straight, dark brown hair. Their skintone varies from medium to dark skintones. Some of them have a hooked nose or will have a upturned nose. The corner of their lips could be downturned or when they smile it looks like this ^~^ (adorable 😭). I feel that these people have a very loud but infectious laugh. They could brighten your day when you are sad. For some of you these people could be a cowboy/cowgirl or work at some sort of ranch or farm (I'm not from the South so idk how all that works but you get what I mean 😅). They have a natural connection to animals. They could wear stetson hats, beaded necklaces, bolo ties, flannels, boots, bone shells, and silver or turquoise jewelry. They could have Aries placements and a Mars dominance.
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brainbleedo · 4 months
Okay so someone pointed out that there were alchemy symbols in the tmagp logo, so I went through and outlined the ones I could spot-
Anyway, I found:
What might be phosphorus or sulphur? I'm going with sulphur tbh
Realgar, this one was a bitch to place but I got there eventually- it's an arsenic sulphide crystal
Black sulphur or brimstone
Aqua regia, a mixture of nitric acid and hydrochloric acid- it can resolve nobel metals such as gold and platinum and it was given the name that essentially means 'royal water'
Not sure how any of these tie together except that there's quite a bit of sulphur and alot of these are highly reactive
Will probs think on it more later
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bunnywip · 10 months
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dumbbullet · 2 years
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Aqua Regia is a mixture of nitric acid and hydrochloric acid, named by alchemists because it can dissolve the noble metals gold and platinum.
idk if anyone else bought the Yolk vinyl for TMBTE but they apparently upgraded it to solid gold and it gave me Thoughts.
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kob131 · 26 days
Lily Orchard and Pokemon: Gen 4
Yay, we get to hear Lily bitch more from now on.
"Gen 4 runs like shit because the game is trying to process 3D graphics all the time, like with battle transitions, health bars and movement!"
Then how the fuck do you explain Platinum, which ended up fixing all these issues then?
"Also I'm modding the game to remove the FPS cap and give myself a Ralts as the starter-"
W-w-wait, what?!
Why the fuck are you modding the games...in a retrospective all about looking back at the games as they hold up? Your complaints and footage WON'T line up, thus weakening your arguments!
Also, I don't give a fuck about how much you like Gardevoir. Ralts doesn't get an attacking move until Level 6. Starters start at Level 5. And Ralts is INTENTIONALLY weak to compensate for how strong it is fully evolved. Modding in a Ralts WILL affect your gameplay because the games aren't built for that.
For fuck's sake- USE A DIFFERENT TEAM!
"I encourage Barry to try and jump over the grass because I wanna see him get mauled by a Bidoof-"
Wait a minute. Was-was that fucking Peanut Butter from Pokemon Rusty?
...Oh great, Lily Orchard is probably taking her takes from Dorkly. That explains a lot.
"Well Ralts doesn't get an attacking move so I 'threw the match-'"
Sounding pretty salty there, Lily. Maybe you should try diversifying your teams and actually ENGAGE with the Pokemon by using a damn starter.
"I'm getting stopped all this time like a small child in a brony conve-"
I will call Taka in here to maul you, Lily. You were kicked out, deal with it.
"Uh oh! My Ralts is worse than a Magikarp! Whoopsie!"
Keep this in mind. It will be important later.
"Oh no! It takes a whole minute and ten seconds for me to get through an encounter with Team Galactic! TOO LONG!"
Speaking as someone who has played every Gen of Pokemon...as well as playing a few games with Pokemon's older, edgy brother SMT- You are making mountains out of mole hills Lily.
Games, especially RPGs given how they don't tend to be very interactive games, tell stories to stimulate the player's brain. This requires time, Lily. I know that you like being lulled into a silent stupor as evidenced by your love of Team Aqua/Magma and later Lysandre (No I am not joking) but most ACTUAL people like having some kind of engagement with the game. Pokemon, even at it's most verbose, is fucking SMALL POTATOES compared to your usual JRPG.
I brought up SMT for a reason Lily- that series compensates for having a less engaging battle system than Pokemon's by having a more robust story. If you played any SMT, even one like Nocturne- your brain would likely shut down.
JRPGs like having stories. You signed up for this with Pokemon. Now judge it accordingly.
"People gas up Cyrus as one of the best villains-!"
No they don't. They gas TEAM GALACTIC as one of the best villains because they fuck with the fundamental forces of existence, giving them an air of a series threat. I don't agree, I like Cyrus for being the only one with a reason for doing what he's doing. But people usually like him for the stuff OUTSIDE his home game.
"Reading Pokemon stories is just like watching subbed anime: reading the most inane bullshit!"
... Lily, you hate anything anime, don't you?
"Sinnoh ugly because grey and mud and forest gross!"
... 1- Lily, you literally show a grey tiled route being dyed orange in evening light.
2- Yes Lily. Mountainious regions and marshlands have mud and rocks.
And 3- The forest looks dark and damp because that's a fucking FOREST. If you paid attention the BGM in the previous forests, you'd notice that is what the developers intend the forest areas to be like. You basically just said ''the previous three gens completely failed at their jobs!'
*Lily proceeds to have a fake existential nightmare about Pokemon and Youtube*
Cool Lily. Too bad you mention these minor things and not...you know...the strewn path of broken lives you've left in your wake on this planet.
Could have had some kind of respect for you.
"Pokemon games hold your hand like a creepy uncle with a MLP collec-"
@takashi0 get in here! Lily's being an ass about bronies again!
"Oh my god! So many forced tutorials! Why won't they let me skip everything like the Underground tutorial! POKEMON BAD!"
Lily, the reason why the game won't let you skip the Bike is because you NEED it to progress the game and it gives you an improved movement option. It also won't let you skip the Egg tutorial because Pokemon breeding is necessary for getting certain Pokemon or helping you get certain Pokemon (like multiple starters). And this is why you can't skip the catching tutorial: you'd just be throwing Pokeballs at random and failing constantly.
These are necessary aspects of the game. A game for kids who may have never played a Pokemon game before. Deal with it.
"I don't know why I'm here, I just keep ignoring the dialogue."
So you talk about the story being ass...while acknowledging that you aren't paying attention to said story...
Like, I know that Lily is implying she's long since gone through the game and experienced the story, hates it and is now skipping over it but you are now making a retrospective of the games. Now would be a good time to pay attention and possible reconsider your stance.
"HMs are so cool! You can use your Pokemon to transverse the region! People are so dumb for bitching about them. You have 24 moveslots, just set aside some and forget coverage, dumbbnuts!"
So what you're saying is that we should have random required HMs in Pokemon Gyms to challenge them properly? You know, like Chuck's Gym? That you couldn't complete without backtracking?
Or that maybe we should have moves like Cut, Rock Smash, Flash, Whirlpool and Defog (which you basically call useless) be necessary! After all, who cares about player expression? It's just 20.8% of your moveslots!
... This is why you use your BRAIN Lily.
"You need to adapt to roadblocks, you useless clowns!"
Remember this, it will be important later.
"Archie and Maxie were charmingly stupid but Cyrus is completely crazy!"
A- That's intentional with Cyrus and UNINTENTIONAL with your favs.
And B- You outright emphasized that they were gonna blow up a volcano to try and expand water/land for Pokemon. How is THAT not crazy?
"Barry demands yet ANOTHER Battle-"
It's the fourth fucking battle Lily. Just because you cut yourself anytime a rival shows up doesn't make it excessive.
"*another 'cobs bad' joke*-"
Yeah yeah, you want cops gone because your abuse victims keep calling them on you and you have a bad experience with them.
Move on.
"Hey I'm not a cop, it's not unethical if I go on a rampage-"
You REALLY don't know when to keep your mouth shut, do you?
"Cyrus can no be cult leader, HE HAVE NO MOTIVE OR PESONALLITY!"
"Fellow members of Team Galactic! Hear me! My name, as I appear to you today, is Cyrus. This world of ours is a crude one. In a word, it is incomplete. It has been, and always will be, a struggle to survive in this world. We humans and Pokémon are likewise incomplete. Because we are all so lacking, we fight, we maim... It is ugly. I hate the incompleteness. That we are all incomplete, I hate it with my entire body and being. The world should be complete. The world must change. Then, who will change it? Me, Cyrus. And Team Galactic. Yes, all of you. Together we pored over myths and exposed their secrets. Together we captured legendary Pokémon. And now, Team Galactic has obtained the energy to change the world! The power of dreams is within our grasp! Understand it, fellow members! My long-held dreamworld is on the verge of becoming reality. All those headed to Mt. Coronet, and those who remain here... Though our missions may differ, our hearts beat as one. Let there be glory for Team Galactic!"
"But, I must say... You are a remarkable specimen. Those Pokémon have nothing to do with you, do they? But still you come to rescue them out of pity? Such pitifully useless emotions... It's illogical and irrational. Pity and compassion are products of the weak and faulty human heart. You were compelled to come here by such vacuous sentimentality! I will make you regret paying heed to your heart!"
Perhaps pay attention to the fucking dialogue, Lily. Because these are pretty blunt and obvious examples. Cyrus appeals to people feeling that the world is harsh and unfair, promising them a bright tomorrow if they listen to him. Then he explains how he believes emotions have caused these problems so he wishes to erase them.
"Oh really Looker? You think I'm so dumb that-"
Lily, you just got done humiliating yourself by being outsmarted by a children's game and will continue that streak throughout this video.
Yes, you are that dumb.
"Cyrus has double the dialogue Maxie and Archie have in these games but it is so stilted and devoid of personality! Archie and Maxie are SOO much better by being stupid and trying to better the world-!"
Lily, those guys were not intended on being stupid. They were intended to be well intentioned extremists. They seem stupid because the games made their acts so dumb that the intentions are overshadowed by their stupidity.
Cyrus does more than try to be evil, you can tell from comparing his dialogue to Giovanni's-
"Blast it all! You ruined our plans for Silph! But Team Rocket will never fall! <Player>, never forget that all Pokémon exist for Team Rocket! I must go, but I shall return!"
And his so-called 'stilted' dialogue would probably fit a man who is OPENLY TRYING TO RID THE WORLD OF EMOTION. If your assessment is correct- that would be good writing.
Archie and Maxie are badly written. You are praising bad writing over good writing.
"Platnium has gotten away from the feeling of adventure that makes Pokemon good-"
You know what helps with a sense of adventure Lily?
A story. Something to give structure and stimulation to the player.
You praised one of the dullest games in the series in Emerald and are going to praise THE dullest game in the series. All while demonizing the games that actually stimulate.
You're full of shit.
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onestepbackwards · 1 year
howdy! "self aware pkmn masters ex team leaders" gal here, and i just wanted to say that i LOVED your additions to my post! i actually came up with a few of my own in the meantime, and i just wanted to share with ya (not a request, dw):
Ghetsis: after Old Man Plasma is done "rebelling" against your control, you start noticing that he grows.. more attached, in a way. he greets you more whenever you log into the game, and gives you a lecture on "leaving him hanging dry" if you don't log in for some time, whether it being real life stuff and whatnot. he DOES see you as some "deity" in a way, but he cannot afford the disapproval that you might give him if you don't like his offerings for you. what if you end up dropping him from your team entirely? what if you kick him from the trainer lodge? what if you forced him to fight alongside N???? oh, the pain and humiliation! and while he DOES see you as a fitting ruler for Team Plasma, he also unfortunately knows that you don't trust him for shit. and he DOES 'attempt' to be honest and not manipulative for once, but the app's code is holding him by the collar. but becoming plasma's ruler is a standing invitation, so he'll wait as long as he wants.
Giovanni: ah, gio. good ol Mr. "My Entire Team Dies To Grass And Water And Ice". he strangely became more lax and laid back after discovering his self awareness, and he grew more attached to you; mainly because you're the only person who seems to know about him more than he does about himself. oh, you just so happened to mention silver one time? well, now you got giovanni wondering if he can repair his doomed-from-the-start relationship with his son. but his interest peaks when you mention the pokemon anime, and like the Cunning Narcissistic Old Man he is, he wonders how HE is portrayed. luckily, he wasn't butchered too hard. but when you bring up jessie, james, and meowth? boy, he goes into total Angy mode. he rants about how incompetent they are, and how he allowed them to even be in the team to begin with. and he DOES get in character, which is a bit surprising for someone who just discovered his existence is a sham. and expect him to refer to himself as "Vanni" or "Gio", since he heard you call him that when you first got him and it just sorta stuck, yknow?
Maxie & Archie: just as before, Mr. Magma Man and Mr. Sea Pirate remained the same, but expect to see yourself get pulled into their dumb debates and arguments now that they consider you close enough to be a Team Magma/Aqua admin. you can just log in once and maxie will greet you at the pokecenter and be like "ah, (player). i need your opinion on something. you see, archie said that kyogre is the best legendary, but i beg to differ. im asking you because you are the only smart person i can rely on around here.." or archie just going on a 15 minute rant to you about how groudon sucks dookie and that maxie is a man child (they're still besties, dw) that needs to study the SEAS and not (in his words) "STUPID ITTY BITTY ROCKS". you're practically their closest thing to a friend, and that says a lot.
Cyrus: he gets quite curious about your world. you tell him about all the little things, from the blooming of flowers to space discoveries, and he feels like his third, nonexistent eye has been opened. he was already so focused on destroying a universe and creating one dull of emotions that he forgot to see the REAL beauty of what lies beyond. while he physically can't use palkia or dialga to do what he wanted in platinum, expect to see him go full fanboy mode over your world, your town, anything surrounding you. its almost adorable, even when he just has a -_- face the entire time. if he could be more expressive, you bet your ass he would be smiling rainbows at that point.
These are so good
They all grow somewhat attached to you. You are the small bit of sanity they can grasp onto nowadays. Hearing you lets them relax.
Meanwhile, you get to learn about their lives, how Pasio is doing.
It’s strange. When you are offline, theres so much going ok, yet not at all. Not enough for anything major, but enough for it to seem like the place must be alive when you aren’t looking.
Even the bosses have recognized this. How odd it is.
They all grow so attached. If you end up not logging in for a while, you even start getting notifications from the app.
‘Are you there?’
‘Are you alright?’
‘What happened?’
Much to your surprise, they found out how to communicate through your notifications. They often fight who gets to even do so.
Most of them would never admit they are attached, but they all grow concerned regardless.
Archie and Maxie would probably be the only ones to openly admit they were worried. They definitely see you more as a friend, not just a potentially god like entity.
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