#Aqua moon
sativaonsaturn · 10 days
moon observations
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leo moons can be one of the most emotionally immature because of the how easily ego can take over. when their feelings are at stake they tend to burn hot and forget others’ feelings.
pisces moons are often between two extremes - no feelings at all or too many. bleeding heart or no heart; unless developed we can have a hard time finding a balance, especially in interpersonal relationships.
a virgo moon misses no detail (no surprise there). dare i say, they may notice more nuances than a virgo sun. so if you have both, you may be painfully aware of everything - it may be almost impossible not to notice and address all that you observe. virgo moons may also make great managers for this reason, they just need to find the right way to address things w/ others.
a gemini moon will almost always fill the silence. not in an annoying way, but i’ve found that it can be a little uncomfortable for them. definitely call a gemini moon if you need someone who’ll make something as boring as a dmv visit entertaining.
libra moons are probably my favorite moon sign. if you know someone who is irresistible, personable and able to talk to anyone, they’re probably a libra moon. also really good at making others feel special if even for a moment.
the only ones who understand the depth of a scorpio moon’s emotions is a scorpio moon. they feel in such a deep way and often only reveal a fraction of what they’re feeling/ thinking. also tend to reveal those feelings at whatever they feel is the perfect time.
aquarius moons are often not honest about their feelings but that’s likely because they’re too busy rationalizing them. when they do tell those they trust about what it is they’re feeling it’s usually after they themselves understand it.
sativaonsaturn 🍃🪐
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saturnbellfromhell · 1 year
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Hi everybody, I want to apologize that I haven't been so active lately. The "Energy Series" will drop this week, so stay tuned! Today is just a simple astro observations, since everybody loves them so much! Hope all is good, take care and let's get into the observations!
I find them more intimidating then the men, not going to lie. I've also seen this with girls/women who are Mars dominant aswell. They are so sure of themselves and you never know their next move. They are beautifully scary, always have the upper hand and can see sex as a healing tool.
They are the masters at sarcasm and irony, they can seem a bit mean to some because they are always ready to tease others. The cliche thing about them that I can confirm is that they do love to travel and get away. They are really witty and humorous.
Sorry if this is going to rub some people the wrong way, but I really don't like this placement. These individuals are too shallow in love for me. One day they'll be upset about a hookup and after a week they'll be sleeping with their ex and texting 10 other people. They are really good in the bedroom though and you need to be an intellectual individual to impress them. I've also noticed they get into a relationship quickly and they move quickly if they like you. Of course it helps if their is more water in the chart to balance it out. The only people I've met who married twice were Gemini Venuses.
They are really easy to offend if you comment on their looks, it's kinda funny in a way because they look really good? They can be the ones that work out because they "have to", not because they like it as much. They really crave and live off attention, but deny it to the grave. This attention seeking can come from saying outlandish shit, aggressive behavior or just acting like a fool. They have a huge ego that can crumble really easily.
Thes people can be either a really healing and quite person, who learned the hard parts in life at a young age and want to help others overcome their fears and insecurities or can be the most triggering people ever. If they don't balance out their energy and work on themselves their dark aura literally eats them up. They can become addicted to drugs, alcohol and sex if a major shift happens in their life. They are the one's to use everything to try and escape reality and try to forget, but will dig a deeper ditch for themselves. They truly need good people around them to influence them for the better.
This one is a tricky one. The 7th house is the  house of partnerships, where Libra rules. By ruling this house, the scale and judge archetype try to balance out energies. Libra also can be called "codependent" since it needs two sides to function, putting Mars here makes them a very dominant person in relationship and wants an active partner to do things with. They also find it hard to stay in relationships and crave independence. It can also bring marriage in a later time in life! I've also noticed that this placement can also breed stalkerish personas, even more if Saturn is in this house or the ruler of your ascendant.
I absolutely love taking about this placement, not going to lie. Moon in the 12th house native have a very intense relationship with their mom, they are really close with them. It's also a possibility that their mother also has a Moon in the 12th house also. This placement breeds a different type of person who is very cautious around others, is semi psychic and the only people that get them are others who have this placement. Feelings that these people get are very intense and they can sense when someone is acting out of order.
What I've found that the all have is this big heart and drive to love. I've never met  a fire Venus who is "scared" of falling in love, showing their romantic side and being sweet to their partner tbh. They will go to great lengths to let you know how they feel. The problem arises if they get bored, kinda like air Venuses. They don't want that "stable" relationship. It has to be full of life and energy, passion and pure emotion. They're not big on being heartbroken, because they know their worth and just move on with grace.
Yes they can be looked at being "cold" and emotionless, but they just really value their time. I mean, this sign is ruled by Saturn, the planet of residence, restriction and TIME. They don't play around. Capricorn dominant people won't say it, but love being pampered by their significant other. They are such princesses in that manner. Even though they are big pleasers, they love to get it back.
I mean they love a motherly figure in love, someone who takes care of them, asks if they ate and such. Also they don't like to go out, just like any cancer. But what I've noticed they really enjoy people who have an Eros in an air sign. Ya, they maybe won't date them but are really fascinated and intrigued with them.
They can become really involved in getting their point across, being it in a philosophical, religious or just plain subjective way. This placement is known to have parents who are strict with their opinions or maybe grew up in a city with really closed off/radical people who's views can be considered "wrong". They were always left out for voicing their own opinion, which was different. This placement can be a placement which cult leaders have, since they have such strong opinions.  This paried with a Virgo North Node, Plutonian and/or Aqurian energy is scary as hell.
Yes, I do love them but it's so difficult to u understand what they're feeling, because even they don't know. My very close friend is a Pisces Moon and he never talks deep about how he feels unless he's a little drunk.
I wrote back on a comment to which men are really attracted to a Lilith Scopios, so I'll write it here. Men with heavy water placements, Lilith in the 1st/8th house and Pluto dominant men. I've heard many say having sex with them is an  unforgettable experience. Lilith in Scorpio women love a Cancer sun/moon, that's a fact!
Yep this can indicate a longer life than usual, but also having such a gloomy planet in a gloomier house has it's downs. They really need to work on letting things go. They can be very rigid and stressed most days.
Many Virgo risings I've met have naturally blonde or light hair, especially men.
xoxo N.K
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moonwize · 2 years
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Pisces Moon - I love you guys, I feel like I have the best and most philisophical conversation with y'all and in a way I feel like we are similar. Maybe it's because I'm a pisces sun, but I relate to the way y'all detach from things yet feel so deeply. I love how esoteric you guys are, but I also appreciate when the waters get rough and rowdy. You guys are so interesting and I have had some really great experiences with Pisces Moons. :)
Aquarius Moon - Love you, so much, Literally almost all of my friends are aqua moons LMAO Or have really strong aqua placements. I feel like Aquarius moons are just so unique and interesting and really have riveting takes and thought provoking ideas when it comes to emotional intelligence and dealing with trauma. Also you do not have to be the therapist friend!!! you deserve better. (SO LONG AS THEY ARE MATURE INDIVIDUALS) Capricorn Moon - You guys get me fr, I feel like the bond between saturn moons is so positive. I honestly feel like y'all are such good friends and very uplifting, I wish you guys would prioritize yourself more and quit worrying about everyone else. You guys are so solid and deserve to have more people in your life who show the same energy and nurturing as you give. Ask for more balance, LOVE YOU. Sag Moon - I love you guys, I feel like y'all are honestly so interesting but I do feel that there's a sense of aloofness or lacking in awareness of others. Then again, it's your life path and I respect the dedication y'all put towards defining yourselves. You guys are good uplifters and really honestly do a good job putting shit into perspective for me when I talk to and engage with y'all.
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Scorpio Moon - My babies fr, you guys fall in my 4th house. I feel so comforted and seen by scorpio moons, like you guys just intrinsically understand who and what I am. I feel like y'all are so emotionally intelligent that sometimes people don't even see what you're seeing because you get right to the root of it all. You understand the people around you so deeply and I feel like people just don't understand y'all the way you understand them. (I felt that lmao)
Libra Moon - I LOVE Y'ALL I DON'T CARE WHAT ANYONE SAYS YOU GUYS ARE NOT FAKE TO THE PPL U LOVE. You guys are honestly real as fuck and when u care about someone fr u will not let them look dumb in public and also know how to pull the right public strings and get people to talk about what's bothering them. You guys are so lovely and have great senses of aesthetic and know how to take people's struggles in stride and maintain a balanced friendship <3
Virgo Moon - I love y'all even though you get on my nerves. I feel like you guys are honestly very sweet people at your core but you need to learn to relax and take a moment to breathe. It's like this constant feeling of dread you guys are internalizing and beating yourself over the head with. You guys have got to take a moment to chill out. Love yew though. I be feeling bad cuz y'alls mom's are fucking weird.
Leo Moon - I honestly truly fuck with y'all and I'm sorry people don't always see how actually intelligent and generous you guys are. I appreciate y'all and appreciate how you gys have taught me to be outright abot my needs and not to be afraid of being dramatic sometimes. I love y'all so much and I find y'all to be so endearing and lovely as individuals.
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Cancer Moon - I cannot deal with y'all very well, like it goes well at first and then y'all get way too attached. You uys are mainly in my 12th house, I do appreciate how caring and lovely you can be though. I appreciate the more mature cancer moons I've met and how insightful, balanced, self preserving, and kind they are. I feel like y'all have ur issues glossed over way too much and just truly deserve better. I hate that people always try to shove you into a caretaker position. You guys deserve better fr.
Gemini Moon - I LOVE having deep talks with y'all I feel like y'all just have this fresh and interesting take on the psychology of people and such interesting ways of viewing emotions and communication I appreciate the artistry and beautiful minds of you guys. Some of my fav people are gemini moons, I wish you guys knew that it was okay to not rationalize everything you felt though. Not everything has to be so cut and dry and organized. It's okay to just be upset sometimes. love yew. Taurus Moon - We don't always see eye to eye however I respect y'all and feel like y'all bring a lot to the table. You're steady, you do your best to be fair(ish), and you work hard for the shit you get. I aspire to be a little more grounded like you guys are. I feel like you could be less hard on yourself and others though. Sometimes it's okay to make mistakes. Aries Moon - Like, I get it but some of y'all really need to shut the fuck up and relax. As for those of y'all who don't have emotional outbursts at everyone all the time. I love you, I adore your passion, your taste in aestheticism. You are the it girl, the moment, the baddest bitch in the universe. I appreciate your straight-forwardness and it brings me great joy. I also feel like y'all understand my need to constantly improve and do and seek and shit. (I have a 9H aries stellium lmao)
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plutosmainhoe · 1 year
☾ Aquarius Moon Tings ☽
Just some observations I have picked up along the way as a 4H Aquarius Moon that married a 12H Aquarius Moon
🚨 By no means am I an astrologer. Please take this with a grain of salt 🚨
🌙 IMO most people know that natal Aquarius Moons don't acknowledge their feelings and emotions very well; But it's much more than that. From what I have seen, they understand their emotions, they just don't process them. Aqua Moons are very good at analysing situations but it only extends to there. If a negative situation occurs, they are likely to analyse and move on and not dwell on the situation.
🌙 Relationship with their mother is strange; depending on aspects ofc. Though, looking away from aspects, I've noticed that Aqua moons tend to have an okay relationship with their mother, it is just complicated and inconsistent. They often want to seperate themselves from their mother figure yet continue a low-key relationship with them. Most rebellion forms from the connection to their Mother.
🌙 Aqua Moons have a thing for music, I swear. It is such a big part of their lives. And it's not to just enjoy the music they listen to, it is how they openly express their emotions. I can give you a song based on how I feel towards my mother, but I absolutely cannot tell you how I feel about her through my own emotions.
🌙 It is awkward talking about emotions, most Aqua moons I have met don't really have the tolerance for sympathy/empathy? i.e. I have a Cancer Venus, I am very compassionate and I have a lot of love to give, but fuck I don't want to hear about how bad your week has been, idk how to fix it for you.
🌙 Depending on their Mercury sign/aspects to mercury, an evolved Aqua Moon can definitely process and communicate their emotions effectively; they just need to evolve first. My husband, 12H Aqua Moon trine 9H Libra Mercury, is bloody awesome at discussing his emotions. I, on the other hand; 4H Aqua Moon non-aspecting 8H Gemini Mercury, am horrid at discussing and processing my emotions and tend to avoid it most of the time (bcos I'm un-evolved asf)
🌙 Adding to above ↑ Just because you have evolved doesn't mean you will magically process your emotions each time. Aqua Moons have a habit of living in their head, though they analyse and move on, they can tend to overthink.
🌙 Definitely have a 'I don't fucking care' or 'Whatever' vibe. It can be hard to connect to Aqua Moons because of this. They can be very straightforward and direct (remember, they display sympathy/empathy weirdly), I wouldn't suggest looking for emotional advise from an Aquarius Moon.
🌙 They be old souls 100%. Old movies, music, tv shows, clothing. Or they may have very different tastes in these aspects to the norm. Aquarius being eccentric, free and rebellious, it is unlikely you will find an Aqua Moon that has the same interests as society (or any Aquarius placement for that matter, my Aqua Sun dad is WILD. He is so fucking weird ilhsm)
🌙 I just want to talk about the 4H for a minute, because I haven't read much on this placement regarding an Aqua Moon. I have 4H Aquarius Moon, Uranus, SN, I/C (ofc) and 3H Aqua Neptune - all conjunct to each other (help). Let me tell you, when I say my upbringing was unconventional, it was fucking unconventional. ☾ I was always travelling, whether it was to family 30mins away or across the country; We were never really at home, always doing something (perks of having a Sagg mum ig) ☾ Traditions are very important, as well as ties to home. However, though these are important to my family, I would prefer to break from these chains (Moon conjunct Uranus) ☾ speaking on my 4H Moon/Uranus friends, how much does it suck that we have to be the ones to break ancestral generational curses? ☾ Black sheep of the family vibes - I constantly fight with my mother about the standards she sets for me and the standards she sets for my sister. (Thnx 3H Neptune conjunct 4H Moon 🖤) ☾ Definitely have a high chance of leaving home young - They seek freedom and being tied to home is not free; especially if there are harsh aspects to the Moon. Using my 4H placements, I left home at 19. ☾ Pluto aspects are super interesting when the Aqua Moon is in the 4H. Depending the aspect, natives can either face easy transformations to their emotions regarding home life/mother/emotions, or it can be super difficult. Mine is sextile Pluto; I am really good a reading emotional atmosphere changes and can pinpoint when a change is happening with my emotions internally. Harder aspects (Square, Opposition, Conjunct) will make it difficult to understand when a transformation in atmosphere/emotions is present.
🌙 Notice how Aqua Moons have a small, tight group of friends; no matter their Sun sign? I've noticed it is because the people they pick to become close friends with have something to give emotionally. We don't understand our emotions, but someone else does. You could have a Gemini/Sagittarius Sun and have a massive group of friends, but if you have an Aqua Moon alongside this, you will likely have a large group of friends, but a select few that you actually connect well with.
Anyway, hope you enjoyed! ~PMH 🍃
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sleepyearthbabe · 1 year
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Aquarius moon 🌚♒️
• natal moon in Aquarius can come off quite detached and reserved emotionally.
•the thing is they do feel deeply, but would much rather isolate to deal with and process their emotions
•Although they are not always the best communicators, they prefer to stay in their logical and rational processes.
•Being of the air modality they can get over things quite quickly. As well as process things quicker sometimes.
• aqua moon may show their mother figure was detached, and not as emotionally attentive.
•Aquarius moons can connect with a lot of people, and be somewhat group orientated, they have access to many different perspectives and ideas.
•Aqua moons have a broader and more universal perspective they can easily tap into.
• They may not be the ones who share their emotions right away. In fact many may be led to guess about their feelings
• often Aquarius moons would rather intellectualize their feelings than feel them
•Often Aqua moons are great at being objective and offering an unbias perspective
•Aqua moons may not express their emotions how one would expect. And can often have a rebellious nature
• Because of the collective humanitarian energy available to Aquarius, Aqua moons can find it easier to deal with others emotions more than their own. And may be seen helping their friends/community quite often
• a good way to catch an aqua moons attention is to touch their intellectual/mental side
• Aquarius moons can also have great talent with the occult potentially, having a strong intuition if they tap in. Being able to reach many
• Aquarius moons can sometimes have a far off distant type of look in the eyes. While also having the most uniquely shaped or colored eyes.
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geographerdose · 11 months
The moon is SO important in synastry— even if you have some other really great aspects— if your moons aren’t seeing each other, it is going to be really difficult to feel emotionally fulfilled.
Trines are the best but squares/oppositions work too. Sextiles are a little weaker but something.
Ex) you’re a Taurus moon— Aries moons and Gemini moons are probably not gonna be a great match romantically
Sure you’re probably attracted to the person physically and maybe y’all have good conversations (depending on other aspects)
But as far as that feeling of having someone truly get you and be able to give you what you need emotionally— the moons have to be seeing each other
Particularly for us ruled by the moon and Venus in cancer— esp a water moon with Venus in cancer
I can only speak from my POV which is that of someone ruled by the moon with my planet of love also in the sign ruled by the moon
My post about a sick joke of the universe with my Venus-Uranus aspects attracting all these Aqua Venuses that my Cancer Venus ass could never be compatible with— also applies to Aqua moons
Really just Aquas in general or air moons in general will never be thoughtful enough or emotionally fulfilling enough for my watery, sensitive and emotional Pisces moon.
I have done it before and I will not do it again— chase and demand for an air moon to be thoughtful of my feelings and actually give a shit what I have to say✌🏻
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chrisadew · 10 months
In my experience, having an Aquarius Moon/4H/IC can sometimes look like not being afforded a certain level of empathy, care or softness; sometimes there is an outside element (or ‘group’) that expects levelheadedness and stoicism in the face of things that would rightfully shake anyone up.
The same way Aquarius/11H Venusians can sometimes be expected not to value ‘typical’ Venusian things, and can often feel excluded from that experience because of it.
I personally don’t necessarily think that all Aquarius placements always seek out different ways of being just because, even though it’s a common belief that it’s a constant theme.
Have you ever wondered how since we all have synastry with absolutely everything, that it would make sense that everything an Aquarius person does would look different or weird to someone else, while actually being the norm for them?
I feel the same way when Scorpio and Gemini placements are misunderstood.
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grincense · 1 year
Unexpected but beautiful relationships/friendships moon sign edition 🌙 ✨
Cancer moon & Aquarius moon !! This can be a wonderful duo if there is strong communication there. Both moon signs tend to be quirky and weird in some kind of way & often feel misunderstood by society. I myself am a cancer moon with many close aqua moon friends & am currently dating one! ♋️♒️
Gemini moon & Taurus moon. Both signs crave intellect despite Taurus’s “lazy” reputation. Gemini will show Taurus how to have a fun time, whilst the Taurus keeps Gemini grounded to reality. Both signs may love going on adventures together & both have an impeccable sense of humor! ♉️♊️
Pisces moon & Sagittarius moon. Though the Pisces has a more emotional nature, both signs tend to be a bit detached and love to daydream. Sagittarius will bring out the fun side of Pisces, while Pisces will show Sag how to be vulnerable. Both moon signs are extremely creative, I in-vision the duo doing arts and crafts together or even attending an art/music festival. ♐️♓️
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mastertarotreaderblog · 3 months
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staryeyednerd · 1 year
omg a fellow Aquarius moon! Is it okay if you can do a moodboard for me too? I’m an Aquarius sun/Moon/Mercury/Uranus, Gemini rising, Aries Venus, Pisces Mars/Saturn, Capricorn Jupiter/Neptune and Sag Pluto
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astrologyninaa · 2 years
I still remember
how I was obsessing over a man who was a Libra Sun, Aquarius Moon, Sagittarius Ascendant, Libra Venus and Pisces Mars 😗✌
He was REALLY really funny and kind (to me, for others he was a colossal asswipe), and I still remember the guy so good 😣
I think he left an indelible mark in my heart 🤕💘
Plus in our synastry, his Moon is in my 5th House, his Venus is in my 2nd House and his Sun is in my 1st House.
My Moon in his 8th House, my Venus in his 2nd House and my Sun in his 3rd House
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dollarbean · 2 years
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wow i’m royally fucked
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saturnbellfromhell · 1 year
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iamphatvenus · 5 months
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I mean like yea
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zariahsensei · 6 months
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one of my theme songs
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your voice, jjong...
I heard your voice again.
Unlike my friend's, not-as-long gone, I can still remember yours, hear it more easily, through headphones or through memories. It still echoes in the chambers of my heart, as clear as the brightest aqua diamond.
In the newest songs, some even without Onew (may he recover well), I can tell so clearly where your lines would be. Any higher pitch, anything more melodic, SHINee's style is so different now without you. They've picked up your place so well, some might think there's nothing missing.
But we all still miss you.
And I hate AI voices, I hate how they erase whoever was under those lines before. I hate how your voice is owned and used when it should rest as well as the rest of you. You should be a cherished memory, not something half-assed and fake, erasing the other members. I know you'd hate it too, talk about it on Blue Night radio...
but I heard you again.
I'm sorry, I missed you too much.
and I too, feel like a Satellite sometimes.
You said...
"moreul geoya From my point of view, 'Cause you're beautiful"
just like you would have.
just as I remember you...
I punched the pillow in mindless grief.
I can barely hear my friends. I can hear your voice, your true voice, in songs at any time.
But that line was what broke me.
I don't ever want to hear you like that again.
I want to hear you still here.
I wish you were still here.
All I can do is hope it hurts less wherever you are now.
You will always be missed, jjong.
kkok geuttaega anieossdeorado neowa nan...
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