#Archangel gabriel from mandela catalogue
yannisrandomstuff · 2 years
The Gabriels reactions if you do the "ignoring my Boyfriend for 24hours challenge" thing
Note: fluff just fluff
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he would probably think that you are on ladies days so try and kind of understand on why you were ignoring him.
but this man is good at observing things, he'll immidiently know that you are actually doing this on purpose.
he'll try to talk to you in a sweet voice but you still ignore him.
after many tries he'll eventually pin you against the bed and ask you on why you were ignoring him
while his true form is slowly showing and his voiced sounding like a old distored vhs.
you can already tell that he's pissed.
He is now 100% sure that you're doing this on purpose. The house gets dead silent all of a sudden and gets too cold.
unfortunately you're not the only one who can play this kind of game, he can too and he will take this seriously.
in the end your the one that needs to beg for him to give you his attention and to stop ignoring you.
of course he wont let's you get away with it you need prove that you're worthy of his attention~.
okay first. please dont ignore this man im begging you.
he will get worried ofcourse, he'll probably wonder on why you were ignoring him and think if he did something wrong.
at first he'll try to talk to you on whats wrong in a soft sweet pleading voice with thode worried eyes.
he try and gives you space.
he'll cook some snacks that you like and place it in the table where you can immidietly notice it.
it also comes with a note.
"hello Love, if you're reading this, please it the food that i made you i dont know if you have eaten yet since you wont talk to me... but please eat it. I love you"
When he founds out that you're doing this on purpose, he will be upset and will probably ignore you too in 5 mins or so
but this man is very kind and sweet to ignore his beloved. So instead he will just talk to you in a serious voice on why you were ignoring him on purpose
After you explain it to him he will just hug you real tight and kisses you all over your face while telling you not to do it again because it worries him.
please dont ignore him >:'(
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dorian-is-dead · 1 month
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*crawls out of the dirt and coughs up a lung*
Here's Gabriel!!!
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aglitchysylveon · 5 months
So I drew a stupid meme, Feel free to use it for any dumb shit lol. But I found this image on the internet and my brains cells were like "make a Gabriel version" so lol, here.
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pearl-the-artist · 2 months
(You called for me) Gabriel / Reader Oneshot
Ok please be patient with me on this. I spent over 24 hours in a car on a trip to Russia a few days ago and it made me do something I've never dared to before: write a fanfic. On my humble Samsung notes.
If this isn't a total flop I might make more? I dunno? Maybe hop on ao3?
Criticism and feedback is appreciated ok thank youuu have fun
Another restless night, another hour spent lying in bed, staring blankly at the ceiling above you. The room was shrouded in the comforting night air, more illuminated than usual by the soft glow of the full moon outside.
You look at the clock on your nightstand; precisely midnight. Two hours after your drunken father came home again, letting his pent-up frustrations and anger out on you in a one sided yelling match. Of course, as usual, neither was your mother of any support; only giving you that same disapproving, disdainful glare. You were never really welcome, not even in your own home- your parents biggest mistake lingering around only to weigh them down, and remind them of what they could've had. Or so they've told you, many, many times before. Tonight was no exception.
When the broadcasts first announced the new threat infesting the county, "alternates" they called them, you were, admittedly, both terrified and somewhat relieved. You were never really one to believe in the supernatural, but who knows, your parents were just superstitious enough to maybe fall for their schemes.
The first announcement had been around, what, a year ago now? Not much had really changed admittedly, although the population had begun falling drastically since then.
Your parents had of course used this opportunity to also confiscate your phone, the CRT TV in your room and old little MP3 player gifted to you by a relative, god forbid you let an alternate in to potentially threaten them, your own safety not even really a point for consideration to them.
Living with your parents was already hell, but getting by without your favourite albums and shows? Torture.
So tonight when you lied in bed unable to fall asleep, your mind wandering as usual, it may have wandered a little too far.
You recalled something you overheard your parents talk about. A friend of your dad's, a man of unwavering faith, who had been found dead in his own home a few weeks ago, seemingly in the middle of his usual prayers. Even though his family mentioned having seen an odd, ghostly figure outside their home that night, the doctors seemed to blame the cause of death on a brain hemorrhage.
It made sense, come to think of it. When you first saw the emergency PSA, it explained all kinds of methods to protect yourself from alternate attacks, one of which being avoidance of religion, faith, and philosophy.
So then, the alleged "ghost" that visted that poor man just might've been... Well.
This gave you a bad idea, but you weighed the options available to you.
Either you would die in a similar way as the old man, or... you might just get lucky and bargain with it. Alternatively, nothing happens, and you remain stuck with an unhappy married couple that hates each other as much as they hate you.
It was definitely stupid, but at this point it seemed like you had nothing to lose anyway. You weren't really much of a believer yourself, so you didn't exactly know how to pray, but you gave it your best shot. Sitting up in your bed, hands clasped together with a bowed head and closed eyes, you tried your best to focus.
If there was a god out there, may it hear your pleas. Wordless whispers called for help, begging to be heard, while you did all you could to try to concentrate on any spiritual connections. All the while you knew you may as well be praying to a literal demon.
A few minutes passed as you racked your brain for what to say before you stopped, your hands falling back into your lap.
What the hell were you doing? Yes you hated it here, and you couldn't even run away if you wanted to, but inviting an alternate to your house just like this? It was a death sentence, and not a pretty one, that much was certain.
You shook your head. It probably wouldn't have worked anyway. Right, this was all just some silly superstition, not that different from those "send this to 5 other people or you'll die tonight" chain e-mails. You laughed internally at how silly it was that you even thought this would work to begin with, and, admittedly, felt a brief sense of relief. You decided that you were ready to just go back to sleep, and just as you pulled your blanket up to crawl back underneath it- you almost jumped.
It was a voice, faintly audible outside your window. You didn't even process it until a few seconds after, a barely legible, strained whisper.
"I heard you praying."
You froze. A cold wave shot right to your stomach. Slowly, agonisingly so, you turned around to face your bedroom window.
A tall figure stood outside, its hands clasped together similarly to how you just had a few minutes ago. With long, flowing white robes and silver, wavy locks that reached down to his shoulders, he looked... Ethereal. Not to mention the massive, pure white wings folded neatly behind his back. His head blocked out the full moon, the light creating something almost like a halo around him, making him appear even more angelic.
You couldn't help the little gasp of awe. He seemed to find it amusing, his grin spreading a little too wide for comfort. Admittedly, you almost doubted if he even was an alternate at all. Maybe you'd come out a person of faith yourself, after this.
"Are you... An alternate?"
You whispered hesitantly, quiet enough to try to conceal the trembling in your voice and also not alert your parents sleeping upstairs, though you weren't sure if he actually heard you at all.
He didn't respond for a moment, tempting you to ask again, before that inhuman whisper was heard again.
"You called for me, and now I am here."
Avoiding your question, huh. Suppose he was an elusive sort. You quickly glanced around your room, eyeing the door in particular just in case; you really hoped your parents were asleep.
"May I... Come closer?"
You couldn't even recall the last time you were this polite to someone, though it was your best bet not to piss him off while he was still friendly, if you could even call it that. You had no point of reference, though he wasn't actively trying to harm you, so it was a start.
The angel, his smile unwavering, simply nodded, waving his arm in an invitation to approach.
It took a moment for you to will your body to move from the initial shock, but with slow, careful steps you moved to open the window to properly speak to him, a pleasant cool breeze inviting itself into your room.
"So... What's your name?"
Did alternates have names? Suppose they just took on the name of whoever they were trying to mimic. You leaned onto the window frame, trying to catch a good look at his face; and for the first time in god knows how long you were met with eyes that, albeit a bit creepy and lifeless, looked back into your own with an unfamiliar lack of hostility.
"You may call me Gabriel, child."
Gabriel? That name sounded familiar- Oh! The Saint Gabriel's church at the edge of town. Suppose that made sense, given his angelic appearance, if it wasn't just one morbid coincidence. Your thoughts and scrutinizing stare dragged on for a bit longer than you were aware of, though, as his voice pulled your attention back to him.
"Are you lost, my lamb? I can save you. Let me in. Let me into your mind."
The last bit seemed a bit more... Pushy than the rest, making your stomach feel just a little heavier. You gathered your thoughts anyway, trying to push that feeling aside for now. You did do this for a reason, after all, though now that he was actually here you were starting to second guess things.
Gabriel seemed to take note of your hesitation after a while of you not responding.
"Open your eyes, my lost little one. Look at me. I can grant you anything you wish for. You just need to let me in."
An odd mix of dread and comfort you'd never felt before settled in, and the feeling was almost... Refreshing, in a way. You quickly glanced back up at him, and he was still staring at you, ever so patiently, eerily.
"Uhm... I was just- well, it's probably kind of silly."
No backing out now, not when he was already here. Even if you wanted to, you don't think he'd let you go so easily. As you verbally stumbled over your own thoughts, he simply waited, his unblinking eyes staring into you, gouging out your soul. Or so it felt.
"I just thought... Is it possible for, well... Is there a chance for humans to be able to ally with alternates? Can I join you?"
Surprisingly, that got his smile to falter, if only a little bit. A flicker of emotion you couldn't quite explain showed in his eyes- surprise, perhaps, or consideration.
"What for, my child?"
That uncanny whisper of his never gave away any emotion, monotone and unfeeling, yet not unfriendly. Admittedly, his question made you pause; you hadn't exactly thought of how to explain this to him. You hadn't even expected him to show up at all.
Fidgeting nervously, unsure of whether to tell him the truth or not, you tried to think of what to say. Despite your rationality screaming at you for being an utter moron, you knew you were in too deep at this point.
"I don't think I'm any good to these people at all anymore, I just... don't know what to do anymore. With myself. I have nowhere else to go. And, maybe..."
You weren't sure if you should say it or not, you already let more vulnerability slip than you wanted to. But your spite driven words were quicker than your brain, and man did it feel good to open up for once.
"...maybe for revenge, also."
Gabriel listened to you surprisingly attentively, very interested in your words. At your last statement, he perked up with an almost malicious twist to his grin. Before he could respond, though, you suddenly heard the sound of your parents creaky old bedroom door and footsteps from upstairs. And you could tell by the sound of them that it was your mother. And she was pissed.
For a very panic filled moment you weren't sure what to do, your thoughts racing- instincts called for you to jump into bed and pretend you were asleep like you usually would... but with Gabriel here, you couldn't- and that's when you realized you really only had two real options.
Stay here, and continue living this miserable life, and also deal with the imminent outburst of your mother.
Or go with him, and then... Well, nothing and no one could possibly guarantee what would happen to you then.
"Choose wisely, my dear lamb."
Your dilemma seemed to be rather palpable to the "saviour" as he pulled you out of that mental spiral, and you were rather grateful for it. As much as it made you nauseous with uncertainty and anxiety, you finally snapped out of that paralysis and turned towards the window.
"Please, help me. This is the only favor I'll ever ask of you. I will do anything you want in return, I promise."
You began to plead in an urgent, hissed whisper, practically leaning out of the window, causing him to take a step back.
Desperation and panic shook your words as you glanced back at your bedroom door.
"Get me out of here."
He chuckled, an amused sound mixed with something you couldn't quite explain that made you feel more fuzzy than you'd care to admit.
"Come. Come to me, my child. Step outside."
For the first time tonight hesitation became a foreign concept as you practically leapt out that window. Your bare feet felt the cold gravel beneath, just in time as the door to your room swung open.
The angered yelling of your mother were drowned out by the feeling of suddenly being lifted off the ground, Gabriel taking you up into his arms like your weight was akin to a feather.
He was cold, lifelessly so. And yet the soft silken robes, the way he held you in his arms, and his deceitfully promising whispers were lulling you into a sense of security you hadn't felt in a long, long time.
"A lost little lamb, asking their shepherd for guidance..."
His eerie, yet strangely comforting laugh filled your ears once more over the noise of your mother not yet realizing you weren't in your bed. You're surprised she wasn't hearing him at all. Maybe it was another mind game of his.
"You made the right decision. I knew you would. Such a smart, yet scared little thing you are, are you not?"
You leaned your head against his chest, sighing deeply, beginning to forget what you were ever doubtful about during the start of this whole fiasco. Your weight began to sink into his arms as you relaxed. He held you a little tighter in turn.
"Of course I shall guide you, my child. Come with me; you will be mine. You will be safe."
Just as the furious woman realized to check the opened window, Gabriel vanished as swiftly as he appeared, leaving behind the sight of nothing but an empty garden, peacefully quiet, as if you were never there.
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alicecoopersbush · 4 months
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i love this bird
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Archangel Gabriel is always like “I WILL FOOL THE SHEPHERDS THIS” and “I WILL FOOL THE SHEPHERDS THAT” as if she couldn’t kick his ass
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fanciestghost · 1 year
follow-up mandela catalogue sketches from my eve drawing :33!!
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Edit: the finished sketches of Adam + Jonah, I forgor i put the unfinished sketches oops
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nyandela-catalogue · 6 months
What do all your voices sound like compared to the Mandela Catalogue ones? (Counterparts.)
gonna do more recordings of everyone's voices at some point, but for now here is what we have :) i have a headache now but it was worth it to get this done! we included False in this for all the False fans out there jfaksdds please note: we only have one set of vocal cords. we used voicemod, but it can only do so much lol. also sorry about the slight buzzing. we need to get a new cord for our good mic, so we've been using our headphones mic lol
transcript under the cut
False (a soft voice): "My name is False. It is a pleasure to meet you." Brutus (a modulated, deepened voice that sounds like it comes from the speaker of an old telephone): "I am Brutus. I am sure we'll have so much fun together." Adamned (a gruff, gravely voice): "I am Adamned. I promise I'm trying. I'm.. I'm doing my best here." the Actor (a modulated mid-pitch voice with a little reverb): "I... am the Actor. Please... don't... look at me..." False Friend (a slightly-rough voice, using a teasing tone): "It's ya boy~ False Friend~ [chuckles]"
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mmadeinheavenn · 1 year
I know this isnt my usual type of post but
I made a sntry/rentry template and I feel it fits best here
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archangel gabriel from the mandela catalogue themed sntry template.
link here
change anything you'd like, just dont remove the credit
if you use rentry and not sntry, dont worry! they use the same coding language (markdown), the only difference being you cant 'force' themes on rentry. all you need to do is remove the <%theme dark%> part and it will be fully rentry compatible ^-^
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julianna-aka-creep · 2 months
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This is from 03.07.-16.07.24r. !
It was supposed to be for my 14 birthday but it's a little bit late. Anyway, it's a drawing of me and some of the characters I was really often thinking about since my last birthday, during the year to my next one. <3
(also it isn't shaded this time because I wanted to try coloring more basic this time and also because the markers I'm mostly using are dead or are in the process of doing so 💀)
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The person in the middle of the drawing is me! :D
The other characters are:
♡Cassidy from Five Night's at Freddy's! ^^
I was inspirated by: @lazyazerty <3
I found their art on Reddit:
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♡Squigly (and Leviathan) from Skullgirls! ^^ <33
♡Edd and Molly from The Walten Files! :D
♡Bive from Regretevator! >:3
Inspirated a little(her hair) by this drawing I found on Pinterest (Pinterest is a little bit*h and didn't want to show me the artist >:[ ) :
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♡Billy Lenz from Black Christmas! 😇
♡Rouxls Kaard from Deltarune! 😍
Inspirated by this drawing I found on Pinterest (Pinterest being a bit#h once again 😒):
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Inspirated a little(his hair) by: @drunkbeefstudio ! (I really love your art by the way if you're going to see this! (//^^//) )
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♡ Archangel Gabriel from The Mandela Catalogue! 🛐💕
Inspirated by: @raishoubi <3 .
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arsunorie · 6 months
Hi! I might be late to this, but i'd really like to contribute a little bit to a certain situation happening around the analog horror community:
ALEX KISTER's allegations: the copying fetish
This post refers to only that one aspect, since that's the one i can confidently talk about, and i'd like to spread awareness about the whole thing somehow.
How did this come to be?
On March 12, 2024, twitter user STIRRINGJUICE posted a google document, which consisted of mainly relationship problems and grooming allegations against Alex Kister, creator of The Mandela Catalogue, although there was another aspect of it which people were posting more and more about: Alex Kister made Mandela Catalogue around his fetish about impersonating people.
To be more clear, this meant that the creator got off to/felt aroused by the act or impersonating others and 'becoming' them.
However, this was mostly a misinterpretation from the community, since the only text on the og document i could find was this:
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I think the first image is cropped, so i'll post the text: "Alex has a scent fetish and would specifically enjoy copying people’s poses because he wanted to pretend to be them. DB didn’t know at all."
We can point out two things about this:
- The only thing being called a fetish is the scent, only saying that he enjoys copying people's poses and pretend to be them.
- In the discord message, Alex only mentions that he would have loved taking pictures in those poses, which was only a vague example (A bad use and lack of evidence imo).
So far, this is the only text that addresses this at all, the rest are just: 60% accuser's shitty relationship, and 40% the grooming allegations.
Now, i'd like to imagine that users mixed scent fetish, with copying people, and got the "Copying fetish", like in these posts:
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(Don't send hate to anyone here, i will erase names if asked!)
We can agree that this is a misinterpretation of the document, because of users assuming that, if Alex Kister has a copying fetish, then TMC must be a fantasy about it! (And i don't blame them, it's logical with the main themes being that demons copy people).
When i saw this, i immediately called bs, and this is the point of the post:
The Mandela Catalogue doesn't exhibit any trait of fetish work.
Why? Simple!
A very common thing in fetish work, are these two things.
Romanticize the fetish: especially for weird, and straight up illegal fetishes! They might downplay the severity, and play the scene as something normal, TMC never does this, it portrays the Alternates as terrifying because of their abilities to kill without even harming the victim physically, and their near-immortality.
In Made in Abyss, the weird scenes where the kids speak about sexual stuff is shown as a normal scene, like if it was something kids normally talk about.
Using the fetish as the main thing: this means focusing on the fetish itself and giving them too much screentime, to show them in a good light. The fetish specifically means copying another, and most of the alternates never quite copy other people perfectly, the most infamous ones are deformed, non-human appearing and most don't even copy a character we've already seen, and viceversa, we don't see much of the alternate version after we've know about the real person. (Caesar Torres and his alternate, Preacher, the scary hallway guy, and the archangel Gabriel and his Alternate, to name a few)
You might expect the fetish content focusing only on the act that involves the fetish, which leads me to my last point.
They never show an alternate actually changing into somebody else, morphing their features to look like the exact person, a fetish scene might be where the alternate is slowly morphing their features in front of the other person, to the exact same traits in front of them.
A few more points:
Mark Heathcliff, the character interpreted by Alex Kister himself, doesn't really have it's own Alternate, 'Caesar' only becoming him after Mark dies, and only like a frame, i feel like someone with that fetish would insert themselves more? I'm not sure how to explain.
If the story was about the fetish, i don't think the series would even have the biblical references.
To back up my previous point, the inspiration of Mandela Catalogue is about the creator's existential crisis with Christianity, Covid, Local58, and the Walten Files, cited by both Wikpedia and an interview.
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(So sorry for taking a photo, i really struggle with my phone)
And that's all i have! If you have any more evidence or points, feel free to know and i'll add them! Any criticism is welcomed, since this is my first post and i'm not an english speaker! I know it might be weird since i'm never active and i don't post about TMC, but i just had to support this thing somehow, thank you!
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animegirlpug · 1 year
Today is officially 3 month away from Christmas and (if you follow this lore) the day Archangel Gabriel came down to Mary telling her she has Jesus. So here my two favorite Gabriel forms (Good Omens and Mandela Catalogue) with memes revolving around this event to accompany
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dorian-is-dead · 4 months
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(Loud coughing noises) Some sketches I did at work ❤️
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rius-cave · 6 months
((My ass has been INVESTED in analogue horror for a while now, and 2 biblical series like Mandela Catalogue and Hazbin Hotel are just perfect for a crossover))
Adam looked towards the tree of Good and Evil as Lilith fled with her angelic lover, a being stood before him, it's face covered by the tangling vines and leaves of the tree, it's long gray hair hung past its shoulders as it beckoned the first man over.
It plucked an Apple and held it in its hand, out stretched as its head came into view, it's eyes were bigger than its head, a smile stretched across its face, it's fingers were clawed as it whispered to Adam, "In the beginning you couldn't see, until I had an epiphany...you were a gift, born unfree so I call upon the heavens..disobey your God and take this fruit and free yourself from these holy chains, for I, Gabriel, Archangel of Heaven command Thee. " it's hawk like wings unfurled as Adam took the apple...letting sin into this world with a single bite as the "Angel's" laughter rung out through the entire Garden.
He deceived them, and now they suffer.
Oh man, heya! Also an analog horror fan, and horror fan in general (it comes from being a Matpat fan lol) hell yeah Mandela Catalogue! I feel like I don't remember a lot of details about that series, but I do remember the biblical references!
Oh boy, introducing alternates to the word of Hazbin..... Oh shit.... Oh shit I need a horror story for Hazbin now, I crave it. Doesn't MC have an Adam character? I swear to God I find him everywhere now--
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scopostims · 1 year
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archangel gabriel (the mandela catalogue) stimboard for 🦭 anon :•]
[ID: A 3x3 stimboard of 8 GIFs surrounding a central image, all in greyscale.
GIF 1: A view of multiple headstones as rain pours down.
GIF 2: A rosary hanging on someone's side, lightly swaying as they adjust.
GIF 3: A closeup of an angel statue's face as snow falls in the background.
GIF 4: Footage of a mostly empty, dimly lit wooden room, the footage staticky and glitchy.
Image: The archangel Gabriel from The Mandela Catalogue.
GIF 5: A view of a silhouetted treeline and thick, dark clouds drifting by, the trees swaying back and forth.
GIF 6: Someone slowly walking away from the camera with large white angel wings on their back, obscuring most of their form.
GIF 7: A cross necklace dangling down, the cord untwisting.
GIF 8: A shadowed pair of hands waving around in fog, shadowed in such a way to make many overlapping shadows.
End ID]
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lumierexfics · 2 years
hello! i would like to participate in your valentines event it seems so fun!! ^^ so can i request for toonbriel/real gabriel from mandela catalogue with no flowers + tan ribbon + pink ink pls? thank you!
◛⑅·˚ ༘ ♡ Archangel Gabriel received your gift
Valentine’s Event. -> ao3 link
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His warm hands carefully wiped away the tears that slid down your slick face.
“Nothing will harm you while I am here.” He embraced you.
The shattered glass acted as an alarm, his back touched the cream colored wall. You wiped away the beads of sweat from his forehead, returning your forehead to rest on his shoulder. The house was a mess, the television was smashed beyond repair alongside the mirrors that had remnants of alternatives that tried to escape and manifest ultimate terror in the home.
You decided that it would be time to go to the bathroom to get the needed items to patch up Gabriel. Gabriel insisted on going with you, walking side by side, leaning on you for support. The crunching of glass echoed since it was only you two that remained in the house.
You sat him on the closed toilet seat, grabbing the medicine cabinet. Surprisingly, angel wounds are easy to take care of when in a human vessel but the wounds from alternates take longer to heal from, wrapping the bandages on his hand.
“Are you alright, my dear?” he asked.
“I’m alright, Gabriel.” You lied not wanting to worry him more.
But he easily saw through your lie as your face had given your true emotions of something shattered, a familiar feeling when he was torn apart by the impersonator that usurped his position and stole his name.
Gabriel had fallen in love with the beauty of humanity, especially in you. You are mortal, the garden of Eden personified in his eyes and he will do anything to protect you from harm.
Gabriel had fallen in love with the beauty of humanity, especially in you. You are mortal, the garden of Eden personified in his eyes and he will do anything to protect you from harm.
Gabriel had fallen in love with the beauty of humanity, especially in you. You are mortal, the garden of Eden personified in his eyes and he will do anything to protect you from harm.
But he easily saw through your lie as your face had given your true emotions of something shattered, a familiar feeling when he was torn apart by the impersonator that usurped his position and stole his name.
Gabriel had fallen in love with the beauty of hhumanhumanity, especially in you. You are mortal, the garden of Eden personified in his eyes and he will do anything to protect you from harm.
Gabriel had fallen in love with the beauty of humanity, especially in you. You are mortal, the garden of Eden personified in his eyes and he will do anything to protect you from harm.
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