#Archie Burnett
steam-beasts · 9 months
How well does Mr. Conductor and Junior take care of Thomas? I mean, it can't be easy when he now literals puffball. Also, who else is taking care of the other engines? Do they have names?
They do their best, but it's hard. Mr Conductor has to split his time between managing Shining Time Station and caring for Thomas, so when he has to be at Shining Time, that leaves Junior to tend to Thomas and keep him in check. Thomas himself doesn't make it any easier, as his new predatory instincts keep making him wander off and he easily gets dirty. Whenever Bertie passes by, Mr Conductor and Junior have to try and keep him on the rails as at any moment, the blue puffball could jump off and chase Bertie everywhere (Bertie dreads every time he passes a railroad). As for Thomas's previous crew...he ate them.
As for the other engines, they luckily didn't eat their crews. The drivers, firemen/woman got away when they had the chance. They know that their engines are still the same as they were before the Incident, but it's like taking care of giant animals now, so they're trying to get used to it.
Percy's crew: George and Fiona
James's crew: Archie and David
Henry's crew: Samuel and Troy
Emily's crew; Charlotte and Fred
Gordon's crew; Harry and Kyle
Edward's crew: Alfred and Charles
Toby's crew: Theodore and Charlie
Duck's crew: Diana and Derek
Donald's crew; Walter and Damien
Douglas's crew: Wilson and Daniel
Oliver's crew; Janet and Lewis
Lady's crew; Burnett and Tasha (deceased)
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byneddiedingo · 7 months
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Barbara Stanwyck, Walter Huston, and Judith Anderson in The Furies (Anthony Mann, 1950)
Cast: Barbara Stanwyck, Walter Huston, Wendell Corey, Judith Anderson, Gilbert Roland, Thomas Gomez, Beulah Bondi, Albert Dekker, John Bromfield, Wallace Ford, Blanche Yurka. Screenplay: Charles Schnee, based on a book by Niven Busch. Cinematography: Victor Milner. Art direction: Henry Bumstead, Hans Dreier. Film editing: Archie Marshek. Music: Franz Waxman. 
The Furies takes place in a West that never was: Would any real cattleman name his ranch "The Furies"? But that's because the film aims at the mythic, and darn near succeeds. The Furies of myth were goddesses of vengeance, also known as the Eumenides, which means "the gracious ones" -- they were so terrible that humans tried to placate them by calling them by a nice name. In the film, all of the women are to some degree vengeful: Barbara Stanwyck's Vance Jeffords chafes against the notion that because she's a woman, she can't run a ranch; Judith Anderson's Flo Burnett tries to get her hooks into Vance's father and bypass Vance's claim to his estate; Beulah Bondi's Mrs. Anaheim is the real power behind her banker husband; and the most vengeful of them all, Blanche Yurka's Mother Herrera, seeks justice for the hanging of her son. For a Western, it's also awfully talky, with some lines that sound like film noir: "I don't think I like love," says Vance. "It puts a bit in my mouth." Others are obvious attempts to sidestep cliché: Vance's father, T.C. (Walter Huston), tells her she has a "dowry if you pick a man I can favor, one I can sit down at the table with and not dislodge my chow." I suspect that a lot of the dialogue, as well as a lot of the slightly overcomplicated plot, comes from its source, a novel by Niven Busch, adapted by Charles Schnee: Busch knew his way around tough dialogue, having written the screenplay for one of film noir's classics, The Postman Always Rings Twice (Tay Garnett, 1946). Anthony Mann keeps the action from overwhelming the talk and the mythologizing, greatly helped by Stanwyck and Huston (in his final film) as the sparring but inextricably bonded Jeffordses. The movie could have used a stronger love interest than Wendell Corey as Rip Darrow, the man who wants to get the better of T.C., and woos Vance as part of the plot. Corey and Stanwyck don't strike sparks; she's more in tune with Gilbert Roland as Juan Herrera, the squatter on The Furies who has been her friend since childhood -- a subplot that's in some ways more interesting than the financial struggles to get hold of the ranch. Initially a box office failure, the film has grown in stature over the years as a showcase for some of the best work of Stanwyck, Huston, and Mann. 
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complete-idiot-inc · 2 years
A list of Pokeparents
This is a list of the people I’ve chosen for my Pokeparents series of one-shots.
Edit: updated the roster, and fic can be found here
Drake - Drake attempts to get his Dragonite used to his son, and he succeeds wildly.
Diamondshipping - An average day in the life of Giovanni Ketchum, a husband, a father, and a mafia boss.
Koga - Ash & Janine train in their ninja skills, the problem is they use it to mess with their neighbors and their dad has to do something about it.
Valerie - ash and his mom are moving away from their home.
Morty - a young couple struggles to make some ends meet, luckily Agatha can be nice.
Silver (Anime) - Silver takes his son to the sevii islands for the first time, Montress says hi.
Archie - team Aqua + Ash and Delia go to the beach, and Ash learns why not to swim out too far.
Juan - Juan introduces his son to his protege, and the two aren't all that different.
Steven Stone - Ash’s surprise part 2: hand-cut from the mountains of Kalos Steven put the tiny gem into the white band.
Cynthia - Cyn picks Ash up from school and takes him home for a surprise. 
Sir Riley - Aura training becomes a battle between the Ketchums and the Tougans.
Fantina & Byron - The recently reconstituted Togan family has to deal with Byron’s smarmy brother.
Lenora - Ash brings his girlfriend home for dinner, and Lenora talks to her.
Ghetsis/N - N rescues his brother from their evil personification of a father and returns him home to Kanto.
Subway brothers + Drayden - Grandpa Drayden and his sons are tasked with watching Ash and Iris for the week, none are prepared for what’s in store.
Gentryshipping - Sycamore and Ash are invited to Diantha’s next movie premiere, chaos breaks through when Zygarde tries to invite ash on a crusade against team flare. 
Malva - running away from Lysandre and team flare with her son in her arms.
Wulfric - Wulfric takes his son camping at the pokemon village, and both find an unexpected surprise.
Kukui & Burnett -  Ash accidentally calls Burnet “Mom” in the middle of class, and neither hears the end of it. 
Skullshipping - Kukui has to talk to the parents of his new student from Ula’ula, he wasn't expecting one to be his old friend.
Nanu - “I leave for 5 minutes and already there’s a hole in the wall!”
Melony - Ash gets sick and refuses to accept the fact, then it's a good thing Melony is a great (s)mother. 
GardenoasisShipping - The Ketchum family has a Christmas (?) party, and things go south when Rose shows up.
Leon - a lesson on why impulsive adopting an orphan is not always a smart decision.
Tulip & Dendra - Dendra decides to give her class a demonstration of how moves can be used in more than just battles, featuring her wife and son. 
Larry & Katy- “take your kid to work” day doesn’t gel well when your son is rather high energy.
Miriam (& Iono) - my little bro battles me at my gym!? (not clickbait, gone wild!!)
Cyllene - Of the many things Cyllene expected to occur in Hisui, becoming a mother to a kid who fell from the sky was not one of those things. 
Lental & Pasio
Mirror & Bellis - the Pokémon world’s oddest couple and their even odder child.
Jessie & James - TRio finds an orphan, James takes him in, unknowingly creates a found family.
Big thanks to @alolanrain for Peony x Delia's ship name.
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elcomfortador · 1 year
The Evolution of Coming Out Episodes
This week, we’re joined by Matt Baume, author of the new book Hi Honey, I’m Homo, about the history of LGBTQ representation on American TV. Instead of a single episode, we’re talking about several, including some we’ve covered previously on GEE and some we have not!
All in the Family, “Judging Books by Covers” (February 9, 1971)
Soap, “Episode 1.8” (November 8, 1977)
The Golden Girls, “Isn’t It Romantic?” (November 8, 1986) and “Sister of the Bride” (January 12, 1991)
Ellen, “The Puppy Episode” (April 30, 1997)
Will & Grace, “Homo for the Holidays” (November 25, 1999)
Schitt’s Creek, “Honeymoon” (April 15, 2015)
Go buy Matt’s book, Hi Honey, I’m Homo!
Watch the Carol Burnette clip with Jim Nabors and Rock Hudson that Drew mentions.
Watch the Ellen DeGeners appearance on Rosie O’Donnell that Matt mentions.
And here is that Australian marriage equality ad.
Listen to that deep dive about Cool World that Drew mentions.
There are a lot of references to episodes we’ve covered previously, and check them all out here:
Archie Bunker Meets a Homo
Alice Dates a Gay Guy
Gomer Pyle Writes Gay Love Letters
Taxi Does a Bisexual Episode
We Finally Do Soap
Dorothy’s Friend Is a Lesbian
Blanche’s Gay Brother Wants to Get Gay Married
The Other Two Finds a Daddy
Ellen Comes Out*
Give us a rate and review on Apple Podcasts — and on Spotify too, if you can.
Listen now!
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a-tale-of-legends · 2 years
Thoughts abt the pokemon villains in the Legendverse after their respective
Giovanni and the rest of Team Rocket are either in hiding, or doing their business to a much much much smaller scale. Team Rocket is the only evil team that I can see still living as they are essentially an underground business. Wouldn't be surprised if theirs still some small factions up. Giovanni may be involved in TLH, though I'm not sure if it's the Legendverse version of him or RR version.
Maxie and Archie are barely able to dodge a life sentence, thanks to Steven and Wallace. vouching for them. After some years in jail and parole, and lots of couples therapy, the two both end up settling down together. They are still passionate about the land and sea respectively, but now put their knowledge to good use. May or may not have a bunch of mudkips and may or may not have a kid of their own ( that isn't Jin lol)
Cyrus, from the earlier post, got dragged out of the Distortion World and put into therapy. It took a long while but he's doing much better now. Happier too. He still prefers to keep to himself, so Danica got him a cottage at Lake Verity( Mespirit promised to keep an eye on him). Though, every so often he goes out, visiting Danica and her mom, Cynthia ( they started to rekindle their old friendship) and his grandparents. He's not exactly ready to revisit his home in eterna woods, but he silently hopes he can one day.
I'll be honest. I think Ghetsis is dead in this au. His sickness got the best of him and he passed away. The shadow triad are ultimately aimless right now, though I think Wayne helps them out. Maybe. Colress, as we know, is living his best life. Though he does want to try and reconnect with Eva. He was very fond of her, as a fellow lover of science and machinery. But, given how she doesn't want to see him, he'll just have to wait and see.
Lysandre.....oh Lysandre. The perfectworldshipper in me wants to have to miraculously survive and get lots of therapy and love happily live together with Sycamore. But alas. It cannot be. Given how in my version of events, Lysandre used Yveltal's power, with Xerneas as a potential back up. So basically, he's dead. Sorry Sycamore. ( Though I can see an alt ending with him surviving thanks to the backup Xerneas power. Though I think for now he's dead).
Guzma in this au isn't really a villain. Well, I would argue neither is his canon counterpart. Basically, Guzma is a freedom fighter, and is only seen as a villain due to being the few that actually stands up to the Aether Foundation - the real villains. After everything went down, Guz repurpose Team Skull into helping Alola. He also becomes the uncle to the Alola kids, and rekindles a lost love ( Kukui) and starts a new one ( Burnett)
Lusamine is most likely by herself in either Kanto or Kalos. She is no longer in contact with either her kids or the Aether Foundation. She has a lot of regret,after deeply reflecting on her actions. To her kids and to Alola. I feel she gets better, but is no longer in the picture ( unless I think of something related to TLH). I don't know what this means for Mohn though,but I do think he deserves to remember his past and be caught up to speed on everything. He'll be there for his kids :)
Rose is in jail lmao.
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fantomcomics · 1 year
What’s Out This Week? 5/17
Happy MUTHAS day!
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A Spell Of Trouble TP -  Trini Tinture
Popular, rich and great at school, Carrie lives a charmed life - because, unbeknownst to her classmates, she's a witch! Hailing from a long line of witches and warlocks Carrie has never wanted for anything - that is until her bumbling, nonmagical and anti-magic cousin Angela shows up! And worst of all-if Carrie can't turn Angela into a legendary sorceress she'll lose all her powers! Worlds collide and sparks fly as these cousins have to learn to live together - or else! This comedy classic from British"girls" comic Jinty features a brand new cover by the original artist, Trini Tinturé, as well as another tale, the spooky, insect-infested Creepy Crawley, in a volume perfect for Halloween!
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Arcade Kings #1 (of 5) -  Dylan Burnett
Joe, a mysterious new face in Infinity City, has suddenly become the hottest new player at the Round House Arcade. Anyone can challenge him, but no one can win.   But Joe's secret past is about to catch up to him when his most formidable challenge yet rolls into town, forcing Joe to combo his powers with a joystick, his fists...and his fighting family legacy!
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Blink TP -  Christopher Sebela, Hayden Sherman & Nick Filardi  
Wren Booker was three when she was found alone and covered in blood on the streets of New York. Since that day, she's been haunted by the childhood she can't remember...until decades later when she finds a cryptic website streaming multiple CCT feeds from strange rooms in a ruined building. Something clicks, setting off hidden memories that lead her back to a place she's seen in lifelong nightmares. Hunting for answers, Wren breaks in and finds herself lost in the camera-filled dark mazes of a decayed social experiment known only as BLINK...which she quickly discovers is not abandoned at all. But what should be a foreign nightmare-scape feels all too familiar for Wren as she follows her obsession all the way down, piecing together the story of BLINK-as well as her own ties to it.
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Blood, Love, Ghosts & A Deadly Spell #1 -  Damian Connelly
Off of the huge successes of his previous comics, You Promised me Darkness and Follow me Into Darkness, here's a little gem Damian Connelly saved for last... "Blood, Love, Ghosts, and a Deadly Spell" is a dark, atmospheric 64 page volume filled with horrific tales from the inimitable mind of Damian Connelly, author of the best-selling hits "You Promised Me Darkness" and "Follow Me into Darkness". The book contains four never-seen-before self-contained horror short stories and an illustrated poem that will terrify, unsettle, and astonish.
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Centralia HC -  Miel Vandepitte
The earth in and around Centralia has warmed so much, it's impossible to stand on without melting. Those who survive long enough will be confronted with carnivorous birds, collapsing buildings, and the trigger-happy Simia Nasalis, armed with bazookas and stilts. Against their better judgement, a group of adventurers set out to discover the treasure of gold hidden away at the heart of the abandoned town.
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Chilling Adventures Presents: Jinx, A Cursed Life One-Shot -  Magdalene Visaggio & Craig Cermak
Jinx Holliday is a firecracker and a firestarter. Destruction always follows in her wake. And sometimes weirdos stop her and talk about her "destiny." It's all combined to create quite the aura of mystery around a 14-year-old girl who just wants some pizza rolls, and while her soul might belong to Satan, her heart belongs to the electric guitar. But one day, when Archie and company come looking for her help because Jughead is acting weird, Jinx and her BFF Danni embark on a mission to exorcize Jughead. It's the two BFFs vs. Satan for the good of humanity-or at very least, for Jinx to just be free to be a normal 14-year-old girl who just happens to dabble in necromancy and rock 'n' roll.
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Disney Villains: Maleficent #1 -  Soo Lee & Jae Lee
Disney and Dynamite proudly present Maleficent, Queen of the Forbidden Mountain! Her realm is shrouded in darkness, and evil, and full of all things that go bump in the night. Her soul is cold, hardened by a lifetime of small-minded wanderers seeking to steal her powers to satisfy their mortal greed. Her patience wears thin. Her mystical might grows. It is a matter only of time before she descends the mountain and unleashes her horrible magics upon the powerless people below. A stunning vision of villainy from writer and artist Soo Lee!  
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Doodles From The Boogie Down TP -  Stephanie Rodriguez
A young Dominican girl navigates middle school and her dream of being an artist in this debut coming-of-age graphic novel inspired by the author's tween years. Eighth grade in New York City means one thing: It's time to start applying to high schools! While her friends are looking at school catalogs and studying for entrance exams, Steph is doodling in her notebook and waiting for art class to begin. When her art teacher tells her about LaGuardia High School of Music & Art and Performing Arts, Steph desperately wants to apply. But she's in the Bronx, and LaGuardia is a public school in Manhattan-which her mom would not approve of. Steph comes up with a plan that includes lying to her mom, friends, and teachers. Keeping secrets isn't easy, and Steph must decide how far she'll go to get what she wants.
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Elvira In Monsterland #1 - David Avallone, Kewber Baal & Dave Acosta
What's scarier than Dracula? ALL THE DRACULAS! Vlad the Impaler is back, and he's raiding the Multiverse of Movies to build a monster army and conquer the world. And only one woman can stop him! Vampirella! But she's busy in her own books... so it's up to Elvira, the Mistress of the Dark, and bane of Vlad's existence, to stop his evil plan! It's monster movie madness horror from writer David Avallone (Elvira in Horrorland, Bettie Page: Unbound) and artist Kewber Bal (Vampirella, Red Rising, Red Sonja).
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Everything Is Fine GN Vol 1 -  Mike Birchall & J.J. Birch
We need to forget. You know as well as I do. Sam and Maggie are a normal couple, in a normal house, in a normal neighborhood. There is nothing strange about their heads, their neighbors, or their sweet little dog. Everything is fine. This is the story of a couple doing their best to get by in a world where things are absolutely, totally, and unquestionably fine. Collecting episodes 1-16 of the WEBTOON comic.
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Flawed TP Vol 1 - Chuck Brown & Prenzy
Gem Ezz is a psychiatrist in the Kafkaesque city of Setham, where corruption and brutality rule the streets. By day, she uses words to solve her patients' problems. By night, she takes a more direct-and sometimes deadly-approach. But when her practice puts her in the sights of an immortal serial killer, Gem finds herself embroiled in a power struggle that threatens everything she's ever known.
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Going Remote: A Teacher’s Journey GN -  Adam Bessie & Peter Glanting
With Peter Glanting's powerful illustrations, author Adam Bessie, an English professor and graphic essayist, uses the unique historical moment of the COVID-19 pandemic as a catalyst to explore the existing inequalities and student struggles that plague the public education system. This graphic memoir chronicles the reverberations from the onset of the pandemic in 2020 when students and educators left their physical classrooms for remote learning. As a professor at a community college, Bessie shows how despite these challenges, teachers work tirelessly to create a more equitable educational system by responding to mental health issues and student needs.
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Grand Slam Romance GN Vol 1 -  Ollie Hicks & Emma Oosterhous
In this queer graphic novel that's equal parts romance, softball, and magical girl drama, Mickey Monsoon is the hotshot pitcher for the Belle City Broads, and their team is poised to sweep the league this season. But Micky is thrown off their game when Astra Maxima shows up to catch for the Gaiety Gals, the Broads' fiercest rival. Years ago Mickey and Astra were best friends... and maybe more. That was, until Astra unceremoniously dumped Mickey to become a softball wunderkind at a private girl's school in Switzerland. Now, Astra is flirty, arrogant, and reckless on the field-everything the rule-abiding Mickey hates. Astra thinks Mickey's cute and wants to fool around, even despite their rocky history and the trail of jilted softballers that Astra leaves in her wake. Too bad the only thing Mickey wants is vengeance for their broken heart and wounded pride! Full of wet mitts, hard hits, and a bevy of softball-playing babes, Grand Slam Romance: Book 1 is a flawless home run that is sure to knock readers out of the park.
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Harley Quinn: Ravenous HC -  Rachael Allen
When Harleen Quinzel wakes up in a hospital bed with no recollection of the past few months, she scrambles to pick up the pieces of her life.  As she starts classes at Gotham University and an internship at Arkham Asylum, Harleen is determined to make her mark, getting paired with the most high-profile female inmate at Arkham-the notorious Talia al Ghul. Talia is brilliant and fascinating, and as they spend more time together, the lines between good and bad begin to blur for Harleen. When she starts to see Talia less as a patient and more as a mentor, all of Harleen's dark and dangerous pieces begin finding their way to the surface again. The only way to stop the terror that haunts the halls of Arkham Asylum may be to let her darkness out.
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Harley Quinn: Reckoning SC -  Rachael Allen
Experience the origin story of a Super-Villain in this Harley Quinn backstory that fans have been waiting for! When Harleen Quinzel scores an internship in a psych lab at Gotham University, she's desperate to make a Big Scientific Discovery that will land her a full-ride college scholarship and get her away from her abusive father. But when Harleen witnesses the way women are treated across STEM departments-and experiences harassment herself-she decides that revenge and justice are more important than her own dreams. Harleen finds her place in an intoxicating vigilante girl gang called the Reckoning, which creates chaos to inspire change. And when Harleen falls for another girl in the gang, it finally seems like she's found her true passions. But what starts off as pranks and mischief quickly turns deadly as one of the gang members is found murdered-and a terrifying conspiracy is uncovered, putting the life Harleen has worked so hard for at stake. Will she choose her future-or will she choose revenge?
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Hotel Rem HC -  Zack Keller & Gabriele Bagnoli
Rembrandt Somner is the happy-go-lucky new owner of Hotel REM, a place for all the fantastic people and creatures in our dreams to hang out when we wake up. Channeling his endless enthusiasm, Rem attempts to balance his unwieldy coworkers and wild guests in order to run a successful business that makes his parents proud. However, a demanding celebrity guest threatens to be the rude awakening that ruins everything!
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Last Game GN Vol 1 -  Shinobu Amano
In elementary school, the rich and spoiled Yanagi Naoto was known for excelling in both studies and sports. But then he suffered the first setback of his life when Kujou Mikoto, a girl from a poor family, transferred to his school and performed better than Naoto at every turn. Reeling from this unforgivable blow to his pride, Naoto decided that he had to make Mikoto lose at something... by making her lose her heart to him, which he could then break! Now that they're both in college, will Naoto finally be able to win Mikoto's affections-or will he lose this final game with her?
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Mech Cadets TP Book 1 -  Greg Pak & Takeshi Miyazawa
Every four years, giant sentient robots from outer space come to Earth and bond forever with a brand new crop of Sky Corps Academy cadets. But this time, instead of a cadet, one mech bonds with Stanford Yu, a young kid working with his mom as a janitor at Sky Corps. This is the opportunity of a lifetime for Stanford, but first he'll have to earn the trust of his classmates and survive an uncompromising enemy...the Sharg! Bestselling author Greg Pak (Ronin Island, Planet Hulk) and fan-favorite artist Takeshi Miyazawa (Runaways, Ms. Marvel) bring to life this underdog story as Stanford and the newest team of Cadets and Robos face relentless training, an alien invasion, and the threat of losing themselves and human existence. They'll realize the true sacrifice that comes with duty and service and what makes a hero in this full collection of Mech Cadets perfect as a jumping on point ahead of the animated series on Netflix!
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Ms. Truesdale & The Fall Of Hyperborea #1 (of 4) -  Mike Mignola & Jesse Lonergan
One of the last followers of a failing Heliopic Brotherhood of Ra, the unassuming Miss Truesdale, finds herself on the receiving end of Brotherhood leader Tefnut Trionus's final vision. Connecting her life in Victorian London to a young gladiator's in ancient Hyperborea, Truesdale discovers she now has the chance to change the future by altering the bygone past.
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Navigator HC -  John Bruno & Jordi Armengol
An alien navigator, captured in battle on Jupiter's fourth moon, Europa, seeks sanctuary. In return, the alien will provide his advanced technology to help defend mankind from the alien force that enslaved him and has come to destroy us. In this backdrop is a story of love and reconciliation between a young Marine officer-placed in command of Earth's forces-his estranged wife, and Amy . . . the daughter he's never met.
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Ogi’s Summer Break GN Vol 1 -  Koikawa
On the first day of summer vacation, Haruto Ogi fell in love with legally blind Shinya Tago. All though they connected immediately, Tago was at first utterly unaware that Ogi had fallen for him. For once, Ogi felt comfortable fully being himself; if his crush can't see him, then he's safe from being judged. A sweet love story about overcoming differences and accepting yourself for who you truly are.
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Red Room: Crypto Killaz #1 -  Ed Piskor
The media won't leave Brianna Fairfield alone since her father was arrested and identified as the Steel City Cannibal. But what more sinister forces are also following her? Mistress Pentagram and the Red Room Players return in this all-new, four-issue miniseries from Ed Piskor (X-Men: Grand Design)! Splatterpunk never looked so good! As seen on YouTube's Cartoonist Kayfabe!
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Self GN -  Christopher Sebela & Cara McGee
Postscript backs up everything about a person into a file ready to be loaded into a printed body that offers one final chance to wrap up loose ends after they've died. Nat Winters has finally achieved something like a perfect life. No more scraping or getting by. She has a home, a husband, and a job turning into a career. When Nat's Postscript gets hacked and her file is torrented, her life gets set on fire by these tweaked copies of her running around the world, chasing down their own versions of her deferred dreams. As more of them begin coming to town, looking for her, Nat will be forced to confront a dozen different sides of herself and try to fix the mess they've made. But as she tries to contain things, Nat finds out there's a contingent of Blanks out there who want to hurt her, even kill her, on the orders of a mysterious enemy who is looking to make this identity theft permanent.
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Squire & Knight GN Vol 1 -  Scott Chantler
Squire is brainy, bookish, and terribly under-appreciated by his boss, the brawny, inept knight, Sir Kelton, who somehow always gets all the glory. So, when the two mis-matched heroes find themselves in a cursed village, plagued by a demonic dragon, Kelton rides off to slay it, and Squire stays behind to catch up on some reading. But Squire starts to notice that something isn't quite right about this town... can he uncover its strange secrets? Scott Chantler's prolific pen has inked a fantastic world with a compelling mystery. With characters that are relatable and dynamic, Squire & Knight is an instant classic that will enthrall readers.
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Tig & Lily: Tiger Trouble GN Vol 1 - Dan Thompson
Lions, Tigers, and... a house cat?! Oh my! Life at the zoo gets complicated when a tiger finds out she as a new roommate. What makes a tiger, a tiger? Is it the stripes? The roar? This is something that Lily, the tiger at the local zoo, has never had to worry about - until she meets the fiercest animal of them all... her new roommate. Tig might look like a house cat, might sound like a house cat, but Tig knows he is a Tiger. The competition is on as these two cats figure out what it means to be a Tiger... and a friend. A purr-fect graphic chapter book series!
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Tsumasaki Ni Kourozu GN - Aki Aoi
One day, Iwai, an ordinary college student, is suddenly offered a part-time job to work as an assistant for the mycologist, Murota, a seemingly moody and unsociable man. Though things start off a bit rocky, Iwai soon finds that he not only enjoys spending time with Murota and learning about a world previously unknown to him, but he also likes taking care of the man when he neglects to take care of himself. However, joy is gradually replaced by unrest, as Iwai becomes increasingly aware that his feeling towards the man may be deeper than he originally thought.
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We Can’t Do Just Plain Love GN Vol 1 -  Mafuyu Fukita
She's Got a Fetish, Her Boss Has Low Self-Esteem. Sakura Yuino is beautiful, cool-headed, and good at her job, and when she's transferred to handsome, polite, but shy Itsuki Kiritani's department at her office she's determined to do a good job. Unfortunately for her, Kiritani is so nervous around women he can't help getting "excited" around her. And Yuino finds her personal fetish triggered around her new boss, whose smell is intoxicating to her. After a post-work drunken tryst, they realize that perhaps this arrangement isn't so bad after all... This book contains sexual content and is intended for an audience aged 18 years and up.
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Yakuza’s Bias GN Vol 1 -  Teki Yatsuda
A yakuza enforcer becomes the gang world's biggest K-pop stan in this cult comedy manga that went from webcomic to sleeper hit in Japan! Takeru is one of the top lieutenants in the feared yakuza outfit the Oshio-gumi. He lives his life by the code of the Japanese underworld, where nothing is more important than loyalty, and ties between soldiers and their aniki are sacred bonds. Takeru's never had time for hobbies... until the boss's only daughter Megumi drags him to a K-pop concert, and he sees the glittering, charismatic Jun for the first time. Smitten like a new recruit on his first job, Takeru plunges into fandom with the solemnity and passion only a true man who walks the way of the yakuza could muster.
Whatcha scooping up this week, Fantom Fam? 
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vironicadart · 2 months
As ever, spring arrives in fits and starts. On a sunny day, there seems to be no stopping it: the deep green lawns and fields are bordered with purple, yellow, white, and red. The next day, a cold wind settles in. Up in the grey sky, the branches -- budding, but still empty of leaves -- click and clatter, and the thick limbs groan. A lone goose passes overhead, calling. Where has its flock gone? Out on a wide meadow, a group of crows stand in a circle, quarreling.
Yet, as I noted in my previous post, a threshold has been crossed: the cherry trees have begun to blossom. You may recall, dear readers, that I am wont to visit A. E. Housman at cherry blossom time. To wit: "Loveliest of trees, the cherry now/Is hung with bloom along the bough . . ." But I have been reading Horace's odes recently, so this year a translation by Housman of one of the odes will take the place of my old standby.
Diffugere Nives
The snows are fled away, leaves on the shaws
And grasses in the mead renew their birth,
The river to the river-bed withdraws,
And altered is the fashion of the earth.
The Nymphs and Graces three put off their fear
And unapparelled in the woodland play.
The swift hour and the brief prime of the year
Say to the soul, Thou wast not born for aye.
Thaw follows frost; hard on the heel of spring
Treads summer sure to die, for hard on hers
Comes autumn, with his apples scattering;
Then back to wintertide, when nothing stirs.
But oh, whate'er the sky-led seasons mar,
Moon upon moon rebuilds it with her beams:
Come we where Tullus and where Ancus are,
And good Aeneas, we are dust and dreams.
Torquatus, if the gods in heaven shall add
The morrow to the day, what tongue has told?
Feast then thy heart, for what thy heart has had
The fingers of no heir will ever hold.
When thou descendest once the shades among,
The stern assize and equal judgment o'er,
Not thy long lineage nor thy golden tongue,
No, nor thy righteousness, shall friend thee more.
Night holds Hippolytus the pure of stain,
Diana steads him nothing, he must stay;
And Theseus leaves Pirithoüs in the chain
The love of comrades cannot take away.
A. E. Housman, in Archie Burnett (editor), The Poems of A. E. Housman (Oxford University Press 1997). This is the seventh ode of Book IV of the Odes. "Diffugere nives" are the opening words of Horace's Latin text, and may be translated as "the snow disperses" or "the snow melts."
One can understand why this poem appealed to Housman. There is a lovely anecdote about Housman and the poem. The anecdote has appeared here before, but it is worth revisiting.
"During my time at Cambridge, I attended [Housman's] lectures for two years. At five minutes past 11 he used to walk to the desk, open his manuscript, and begin to read. At the end of the hour he folded his papers and left the room. He never looked either at us or at the row of dons in the front. One morning in May, 1914, when the trees in Cambridge were covered with blossom, he reached in his lecture Ode 7 in Horace's Fourth Book, 'Diffugere nives, redeunt iam gramina campis.' This ode he dissected with the usual display of brilliance, wit, and sarcasm.
"Then for the first time in two years he looked up at us, and in quite a different voice said: 'I should like to spend the last few minutes considering this ode simply as poetry.' Our previous experience of Professor Housman would have made us sure that he would regard such a proceeding as beneath contempt. He read the ode aloud with deep emotion, first in Latin and then in an English translation of his own. 'That,' he said hurriedly, almost like a man betraying a secret, 'I regard as the most beautiful poem in ancient literature,' and walked quickly out of the room.
"A scholar of Trinity (since killed in the War), who walked with me to our next lecture, expressed in undergraduate style our feeling that we had seen something not really meant for us. 'I felt quite uncomfortable,' he said. 'I was afraid the old fellow was going to cry.'"
Mrs. T. W. Pym, Letter to The Times (May 5, 1936), in Richard Gaskin, Horace and Housman (Palgrave Macmillan 2013), page 12.
Gilbert Spencer (1892-1979), "From My Studio" (1959)
The snow has vanished and the cherry blossoms (soon to flutter down in a drift of petals, alas!) have arrived. But this is never the end of "change and chancefulness" (Thomas Hardy, "The Temporary the All"), is it? How could it be otherwise? Why would we expect it to be otherwise? (With the exception, in my case, of wishing to spend Eternity lying in the grass on a never-ending late summer or early autumn afternoon, looking up into the green-leaved, sun-and-shadow-mottled, wind-swaying boughs of a tree.)
Marcus Aurelius has wise words for us: "How ridiculous, and like a stranger is he, who is surprised at any thing which happens in life!" (Marcus Aurelius (translated by Francis Hutcheson and James Moor), Meditations, Book XII, Section 13.) Spring is here. But not for long. Anything is possible.
The kind of rain we knew is a thing of the past --
deep-delving, dark, deliberate you would say,
browsing on spire and bogland; but today
our sky-blue slates are steaming in the sun,
our yachts tinkling and dancing in the bay
like racehorses. We contemplate at last
shining windows, a future forbidden to no one.
Derek Mahon, Collected Poems (The Gallery Press 1999).
Derwent Lees (1885-1931), "Aldbourne" (1915)
Recently, the robins have changed their tune. The flat, matter-of-fact chirping of the short winter days has been replaced by song. From all directions, from out of the fields and the bushes and the trees, come the voices of the unseen singers. The music continues into the night.
Flowers and Moonlight on the Spring River
The evening river is level and motionless --
The spring colours just open to their full.
Suddenly a wave carries the moon away
And the tidal water comes with its freight of stars.
Yang-ti (Seventh Century A.D.) (translated by Arthur Waley), in Arthur Waley, One Hundred and Seventy Chinese Poems (Constable 1918), page 92.
Trevor Makinson, "Maryhill Goods Yard"
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citylifeorg · 1 year
Works & Process Announces "Gather Round: Celebrating Street Dance and 50 Years of Hip-Hop" Partnership with Arts Brookfield to Present Programming at Manhattan West
Ephrat Asherie Dance: UNDERSCORED, at Kaatsbaan Summer Festival in September 2020, commissioned by Works & Process. Featuring Michele Saunders, Archie Burnett, and Teena Marie Custer. Photo: Robert Altman “Directing attention and resources to dance communities often neglected by institutions of concert dance” – The New York Times Arts Brookfield partners with Works & Process for a series of…
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un-gyvepress · 7 years
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                                            “the right way being the lost way and the long way round being the only way home, it being home.”
from “The Lost Way” Greg Delanty Selected Delanty (Un-Gyve Press)
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VOX - How the LGBT community created voguing
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2020angelwolves · 4 years
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seemsnotstilish · 5 years
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Wendell E Burnette, Studio Residence, Sunnyslope Arizona, 1988.
Wendell Burnette Architects 
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milliondollarbaby87 · 2 years
Morbius (2022) Review
Michael Morbius has struggled his whole life with a very rare blood disease which has left him struggling to walk properly and denied him many things. Attempting to find a cure ends in extreme consequences when he infects himself as part of the human trials and becomes part vampire. ⭐️ (more…)
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justforbooks · 2 years
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Although she will be best remembered for playing the naive Rose Nylund in the hit comedy The Golden Girls (1985-92), Betty White, who has died aged 99, was for seven decades one of the best-loved performers on US television, a consummate professional who won eight Emmy awards, the first and last separated by more than 60 years. She was also a pioneer, in the 1950s one of the first women producing television, and, 30 years later, the first female game show host, dubbed a “femcee”.
All four lead actors on The Golden Girls won best actress Emmys, but White’s came first, in 1986. This may be because she played against type; Rose was the opposite of her role on the Mary Tyler Moore Show, as Sue Ann Nivens (1973-77), who hid her conniving nature beneath a sugary surface, while performing as the Happy Homemaker at the TV station where Mary worked.
From 1983 to 1986 White and Rue McClanahan played together in Mama’s Family, a spinoff from the Carol Burnett Show; when they left to join The Golden Girls, McClanahan, who had been the naive foil to Bea Arthur on Maude, was cast as Rose, with White set to play the man-chasing Blanche. The director Jay Sandrich suggested the two should swap parts, and the chemistry was immediately successful.
Born in Oak Park, Illinois, Betty moved with her parents, Horace White, an engineer, and Tess (nee Cachikis), to Los Angeles during the Depression, and graduated in 1939 from Beverly Hills high school; her colleagues in school theatre included the future film star Rhonda Fleming. She performed on an experimental Los Angeles television channel that year, but made her formal acting debut at the Bliss Hayden Little Theatre.
During the second world war she served in the Women’s Voluntary Services, making her movie debut in Time to Kill (1945), a short produced to inform servicemen about military educational programmes; the cast included Jackie Cooper, George Reeves (later TV’s first Superman), DeForest Kelley (later Bones on Star Trek) and Barry Nelson. She also was married, briefly, to Dick Barker, an Air Corps pilot.
After parts in radio shows such as Archie and the Great Gildersleeve, she got her own local programme, the first of four Betty White shows in which she would star. In 1947 she married the agent Lane Allen; they divorced in 1949. That year another local radio star, Al Jarvis, was presenting a variety show called Hollywood On Television, and hired White as his “girl Friday”, playing records and doing commercials and interviews. When Jarvis left the show in 1952, White took over as the host.
She also joined the writer George Tibbles and producer Don Fedderson in a production company, trying to create shows from the sketches in which she acted on her programme. Life With Elizabeth debuted in 1952, and, syndicated around the country, became an immediate hit, winning White her first Emmy.
As a co-producer, White followed Lucille Ball, but it could be argued she had more creative control over her product than Lucy did in Desilu. Life With Elizabeth ran until 1955; during 1954, White simultaneously presented her own variety show, her second Betty White show. She created another sitcom, Date With the Angels, in 1957; when her co-star Bill Williams left in 1958, it too became The Betty White Show before it was cancelled.
White turned to game shows and late-night talk, particularly as a frequent guest on Jack Paar’s show, a forerunner of The Tonight Show, and a regular on Password, with whose host, Allen Ludden, she had acted in summer stock. Ludden also hosted the GE College Bowl, from which University Challenge took its format. White and Ludden were married from 1961 until his death in 1981.
In 1962 she made her feature film debut, playing a senator in Advise and Consent, but although she turned in a solid performance, it would be 36 years before White returned to the big screen. In the meantime, her friendship with Password’s creator, Bob Stewart, and its producers, Mark Goodson and Bill Todman, kept her busy on their other shows, such as What’s My Line?, To Tell the Truth, and Password’s many successors. She remained in demand as a guest star, and in 1971 produced and hosted a syndicated show featuring interviews with celebrities and their pets, called The Pet Set.
Her career was reborn in 1973 when she debuted as Sue Ann in the Mary Tyler Moore Show’s third season, hired because she and Ludden were friendly with the show’s producer Grant Tinker, who saw that the script called for Sue Ann to be played by “an icky-sweet Betty White type”. She won Emmys as best supporting actress in 1975 and 1976.
When the show ended in 1977, she began her fourth Betty White show, a sitcom which co-starred John Hillerman, but lasted only one season. She acted in a number of TV movies before, in 1983 , becoming the first woman to host a game show with Just Men!, in which a panel of men helped women win cars. She picked up a daytime Emmy, her fourth overall.
She had a recurring role on The Love Boat before making her mark again in Mama’s Family, which led to The Golden Girls. With the show’s success White published her first memoir, Betty White In Person (1987). When Bea Arthur left The Golden Girls in 1992, the other three leads continued in The Golden Palace for two seasons. White showed no signs of slowing down, as indicated by the title of her second book, Here I Go Again: My Life In Television (1995). She took a part in the Marie Osmond series Maybe This Time (1995-96) and was busier than ever as a guest, winning her sixth Emmy as best guest-star on The John LaRoquette Show (1996).
In 1999 she began two seasons of playing mother to a single father (Alfred Molina) in Ladies Man. She appeared as Catherine Piper in David E Kelley’s series The Practice and its spin off, Boston Legal, and in 2006 made her soap opera debut on The Bold and the Beautiful, as the mother of the show’s matriarch. She proved so popular her role was extended for three seasons, until 2009. She began another TV sitcom, Hot in Cleveland, in 2010, at the age of 88, and it ran for five series.
Meanwhile she returned to the big screen in Dennis the Menace Strikes Again (1998). Among the films that followed, her best roles were in Lake Placid (1999) and The Proposal (2009).
In 2010, after a Facebook campaign, she became the oldest person to host Saturday Night Live, quipping that at her age she contacted old friends not with Facebook but with a Ouija board. She won a Primetime Emmy for this appearance and in 2015 an Emmy lifetime achievement award.
Outside the entertainment industry, she was active in animal charities and the Los Angeles Zoo - Betty and Friends: My Life at the Zoo, was published in 2011. She told the Chicago Sun-Times that, as well as for her acting, “I also want to be remembered as a lady who helped the animals.”
🔔 Betty Marion White, actor and producer, born 17 January 1922; died 31 December 2021
📷 Photo above: Betty White, centre standing, with from left: Estelle Getty, Bea Arthur and Rue McClanahan in The Golden Girls, 1985.
Daily inspiration. Discover more photos at http://justforbooks.tumblr.com
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a-tale-of-legends · 1 year
Believe it or not I'm very very hesitant and anxious when talking about the ships I have for my au. Both oc x canon and canon x canon, for a multitude of reasons, but! I think it would be beneficial to everyone if y'all knew what are the ships I plan to have here. I'm not going over every single one, just the ones that comes to mind. No oc x oc here only because those are the ones I'm most comfortable talking about, since it's all my canon and my characters. Putting it below cause it's gonna get kinda long.
Cheren x Lear. The fanart got to me lol. I think they're cute.
Bianca x Roxie. My personal rare pair.
Hau x Gladion. It's not immediate,in fact it pretty much takes them years to even recognize they have romantic feelings for each other( like near adulthood years). Though even before that, I think the platonic love between them is just so sweet.
Kukui x Burnett x Guzma. I think Guzma deserves all the love,okay.
Kenji x Silver. The first oc x canon on this list!
I used to plan on shipping Kiran and Barry together, but recently I'm thinking aroace Barry is the Barry I want for my au. Not sure if he's romance averse, or if he's okay with being in a relationship that focuses on it. So, again, they're in a weird limbo, but honestly I might just have them be friends. I'm only adding it to the list cause I needed to get it off my chest hgvhvgvgvcg.
Cynthia x Diantha! Battle moms! Actually, no, I think battle wine aunts are probably a better term for them.
Maybe Cyrus x Saturn? Like honestly there's so much baggage here, and I don't want to make every single reconciliation of ones past turn into a romantic subplot. I do think Saturn has/had the hots for Cyrus tho.
Sycamore x Lysandre. They make me sad :)
Lillie x Amsonia. I already talked about them here. Amsonia and Gladion are wlw mlm hostility.
Short term Alexis x Leon. Long term Leon x Raihan x Piers( unless I change my mind abt Piers but for now he's in the throuple)
Jin x Kohaku x Wally cause I said so. Old people love ( they're 30)
Miguel ( Eva's dad) x Emmet. Old man yaoi
Naomi x Marnie <3. They've always been on my mind but I wanted to focus on the non romantic relationship drama that they had ( cause it's a lot), and like some other ships,they only really start to notice these feelings until way after swsh.
Unless I say otherwise, I don't mind y'all interpreting how I write Hop and Bede as romantic. Truthfully, I actually enjoy the ship, but realistically I can only see it happening way after swsh, when they're both matured and chilled out and are actually friends. So I guess they are ambiguous in my au? Idk. Still gonna focus on their friendship in my writing tho.
Sakura x Adaman and Zero x Volo! Sakura and Adaman actually had kids :3
I don't actually have a canon ship for SV right now. Trust me, I see the potential with some characters ( Ramona and Arven, Ramona and Nemona, Arven and Giacomo, etc), but because of that, and the fact I'm indecisive as hell, there isn't a canon ship for Legendverse! SV. I will still talk about them cause I have brainrot, but nothing is really canon just yet.
Obligatory Steven x Wallace, Red x Blue , Archie x Maxie, you know it, you get it.
And yeah! That's the ships at the top of my head. There's probably loads more that I just haven't thought about or seen haha. Just wanted to be on equal footing with you guys ( and try and gain a little more confidence in speaking about it).
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putoutallthestars · 2 years
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in The Complete Poems by Philip Larkin, edited by Archie Burnett
🌻 Summer Prelude 🌻
fate noun UK  /feɪt/ US  /feɪt/ 
what happens to a particular person or thing, especially something final or negative, such as death or defeat.
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