#Arshi fanfictions
featheredclover · 2 months
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Chapter Seven
Read from the beginning
Also on Wattpad
Chapter Six> < > Epilogue
Stray dogs lazed around, with the sun’s rays kissing them gently. A lone car drove by.
Hari Prakash yawned discreetly.
Khushi knew he had a barrage of questions for her. After all, she had woken him up to drive her an hour before the actual timing!
But she couldn’t tell him what even she didn’t know yet….
Even now, she knew it was a gamble to assume Arnav would be there just because Aman mentioned once that he always liked to be in the office before his employees.
What an odd man! 
Her cold hands knocked on his cabin door.
“Come in, Aman “
Hesitating at that, Khushi took another moment before going in.
He sat hunched over a piece of paper, while a bunch of files lay haphazardly around him.
A strand of hair marred his forehead, his eyes scrunched with focus.
He finally looked up, dropping his pen as he stood up. 
“I wanted to ask you about yesterday “
He bit his lip and she resisted the urge to blush at the action.
“So Miss Gupta. You are here an hour early because you wanted to ask me about….?”
“Yesterday “ she repeated innocently.
“What about it?” He pushed the files aside.
“You left me without saying a word-“
“I did say a word”
“ ‘No’ doesn't count!” She almost scolded before seeing the smirk on his face.
Realising he was wearing her thin, he put up his hands in surrender.
“Okay, I admit I was not expecting the news”
“And what about dinner?”
“Your father got the deal, didn’t he tell you?” He stepped around his table and walked up to her.
“So you and your dad came to dinner to celebrate the deal?” She frowned.
“Smart girl, “ he whispered.
“How dare y-?”
He cut her off with an arm around her waist as she was pulled up against him.
“What are you doing?”she gasped.
“What I have been wanting to do since you sat there sipping whisky, dancing and wearing that dress which made me want to rip it right off you” 
His husky whisper made her shiver.
“Arnav” she moaned as he pulled her closer.
“Khushi” he whispered as his nose nudged hers.
Their eyes caught each other for a moment . A moment before he kissed her.
She clutched his shirt as he kissed her softly. Tenderly. Her knees trembled. Her hands shook with desire. She parted her lips, and he thrust in letting his tongue twirl around hers.
Too much. This was too much.
Sensing her need to breathe , he let her lips go. But there was no respite as he kissed hotly down her throat. She felt feverish with lust when his hand wrapped around her breast.
“God” she called out.
“Arnav “ he corrected cheekily.
He claimed her lips again. Another swift kiss later, they held each other as their breathing calmed. 
“Breakfast?”he grinned.
The majestic view of Lucknow glittered, as Khushi sat on the beautiful terrace of an English breakfast place. They seemed to be the only customers this early in the morning.
She wondered vaguely about Arnav vanishing as soon as he drove them here. 
What’s taking him so long?
She looked around again, smiling when she caught sight of him.
“Where have you been?”
“Oh, Aman called for something “
The waiter set down the pancakes and bowls of banana yoghurt.
Arnav grabbed the teapot and started pouring it into her cup, his hands trembling slightly.
His eyes melted something in her. She was used to the devilish glint in them. This new vulnerability he was unravelling for her to see, made her heart flutter.
“Khushi I….” He looked around nervously.
He shuffled his pocket before he set something on the table.
A flask of whiskey. Her flask of whisky.
She looked at him in disbelief, as he smiled helplessly.
“I stole for the first time in my life because of you Khushi Gupta “
He gently took her hands in his own. 
“ I meant what I said….You had me smitten the moment I saw you”
Khushi didn’t know what to say. He was saying what she had wished deep in her heart for him to feel. The desire for him had grown even without her realising.
“I had confided in my father to ask the Guptas for your hand in marriage”
“What?!” She felt a strange joy in the pit of her stomach.
“Yes Khushi. But he wanted me to wait because he felt your family would feel pressured. You know because of the new venture?......I had to convince myself to wait, and yet when you came that day all, looking all guilty…”
“You took the hotel projects away from the Khandelwals?”
“It was never theirs” he flashed her a sardonic smile.
“My brother-in-law, Shyam leaked the false news to the media. He knew dad hates to be known as someone unsure of his decision. So he thought if it was announced that Rocky had the contract, we would be forced to give him the contract!”
“Your sister knew?”
“Of course she did” bitterness clouding his voice.
“She values that crook of her husband more than dad”
“I am sorry Arnav “
“It’s fine Khushi. If Di wants to be with him, I am no one to interfere. She is an adult after all,”
“I guess” she sighed.
“Now there’s no reason to wait”
“To wait?” 
Arnav stood up, his face set in tense lines.
He kneeled down, his hands holding a velvet box.
Khushi gasped.
He opened the box to reveal the most beautiful diamond encrusted in a gleaming gold band.
Her eyes filled with tears, as she raised a trembling hand to her lips.
“Khushi Gupta, wise men say only fools rush in, but I can’t help falling in love with you!”
She giggled, “Elvis Presley! Really?”
He smiled.
“You are an orphic mystique, Khushi. The moment I saw you, I felt…something beyond me. I want to spend the rest of my life with you. Will you please do the honour of marrying me?”
Tagging: @arshifiesta
Next chapter>>
@hand-picked-star @msbhagirathi @phuljari @thenainitaldisaster @thedupattaknowswhatsup @jalebi-weds-bluetooth @barshifan @andli @shiyaravi @chutkiandchotte @laad-governess @leila1 @minpdnim @bigfatreader @arshiradio @simplycurlz @scorpio-smiles @bengudill @exosexosekai @0218fm
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jalebi-weds-bluetooth · 5 months
ArShi OS: Kyun Farak Padta Hai
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Khushi waited by the terrace with bated breath. The fairy lights, the reds, the stage, the beauty in the darkness - it all had one name to it.
Arnav Singh Raizada
But since when was Arnav so expressive? Khushi chuckled at the thought of Arnav, in his three piece suit, fixing the stage up. And that's when one niggling thought crossed her mind.
Could Arnav really do this?
But they hadn't even shared a word of what they shared in between them. But today he wanted to.
The door swung upon and Khushi closed her eyes tight, wringing the corner of her dupatta.
Arnav did not know what was more endearing - the fact that Khushi decorated the whole terrace by herself, perhaps knowing what he wanted to say, or that she was standing in the middle of her own decorations where her eyes closed.
Bilkul pagaal hai
"And I thought I was uncomfortable with my feelings but you amaze me Khushi Kumari Gupta. You can barely watch what you're doing?"
Khushi colored at the familiar snark, she was about to reply but his face was so soft, the smile so mischievous, that she found herself shy again.
"Dekhiye-" She said.
"Dikhaaye,-" Arnav quipped, taking two confident steps towards her.
"Sunaiye-" Arnav stood by the stage, him and Khushi eye level at this point. Khushi bit back a smile.
"Hum yeh kehna chahte hai that I am not uncomfortable with my feelings unlike someone who smiles as frequently as the blue moon's appearance. I don't hide anything at all." Khushi, proud of her speech, looked away.
Arnav laughed. So much for her directness that she couldn't even meet his eyes?
"Please Khushi, you know you're good at hiding truths." Khushi was caught aback. The words hit closer than expected. Arnav had never been more earnest in life.
And Khushi had never been aware of just how much she cared for this man until now. The truth of Shyam Manohar Jha, one that felt like acid in her heart, must be revealed to this family.
But it would come at the cost of her and Arnav's... what were they? It wasn't a relationship. She was scared to call it love. It was nameless yet potent.
God, couldn't she be selfish for once?
"What happened?" Arnav frowned, brushing his fingers against her bangs. His bravado was wavering. Khushi had no idea that his entire being was resting on her acceptance of him. It was silly that someone could mean so much that despite all accomplishment their yes could be the most validating moment.
Was it ok to surrender so much to someone in love?
Khushi's eyes fluttered shut as he continued to play with her hair.
"Khushi, I want to tell you something." He stepped up the stage and Khushi, for once, did not step back.
"But before that, I must admit, all of this is very pretty." Arnav pointed to the decoration. Khushi frowned, was Arnav Singh Raizada such a Laad Governor to praise his own decorations?
Arnav Singh Raizada was unbelievable!
"What? No, you did-" Arnav clarified and they both realized that neither decorated the place.
Then just who did?
"Di-" "-Anjali ji-"
Arnav and Khushi burst into chuckles. To think they were setup by the ever sweet Anjali Jha! Khushi laughed till her stomach hurt and she clutched his shoulder, resting her head to calm down.
Here they were, unable to tell three words, while the whole world had caught onto their poorly kept secret.
Arnav held Khushi in his arms, and after a moment as their laughter subsided, he wrapped her in a gentle, tentative hug. Khushi looked up, her own hands locked around him, her cheeks flushed from laughing.
"Khushi, mujhe farak padta hai." Arnav confessed.
"From your smiles to your tears, har cheez se farak padta hai." He continued.
"-me too." Khushi confessed.
"Hum aapse, hum aapke bina..." No word could justify the extent of her confession.
"I love you." Arnav said, wiping the slight tear of joy from the corner of her eyes. Khushi gave him the biggest smile and squeezed him tight in a hug.
With a force that nearly toppled him over.
-- -- --
"You didn't say it back-" Arnav whispered as they tried to make an invisible, dignified entrance towards the living room where the marriage proceedings had begun.
"Read my mind for a change," Khushi whispered back, slapping his hand away from her waist.
"What the-"
"Not now! Everyone's watching." Khushi shushed him.
"So?" Arnav grabbed her hand, pleased at the sight of his gifted bangles chiming.
"Arnav ji, we're in the middle of a wedding. Our families are here. It will take them one second to place us in the mandap and get us married as well." Khushi reasoned.
Arnav stopped on the stairs, and for once marriage didn't frighten him. Khushi kept muttering something on the side - which he didn't quite pick up on.
"Don't tell me you're ready?" Khushi asked, her eyes as round as saucers.
Arnav shrugged.
"Pinch me."
"Gladly," Arnav chuckled and pinched her waist. Khushi shrieked and all heads turned to her side. And, miraculously, when she glared at him - Arnav Singh Raizada was found ten feet away checking out the quality of curtains Shantivan had.
"Woh, woh, JIJI I AM SO HAPPY YOU'RE GETTING MARRIED!" Khushi yelled and ran down the stairs, shooting him a quick wink before nearly toppling her sister off the mandap as well with a fierce hugs.
Anjali watched her brother gaze fondly at Khushi from on top of the stairs.
-- -- --
A/N: Sometimes I like writing happy things. Image credit @phati-sari
tagging: @shaonsim @zaphbeeblebrox @shiyaravi @chutkiandchotte @featheredclover @goals1024 @honeybellexox @darkchocolatestuff  @charucoal @thedupattaknowswhatsup @bigfatreader @lostafpanda @exosexosekai @hi-this-is-permabanned @scorpio-smiles @noor1025 @minpdnim @laad-governess @barshifan @whateverworks21 @maansiloves @samuraisamsworld @dropsofserenity @myloveforstuff @leila1 @onadaanparindey @urwatueat @dimaagkadahi @ijustchangedmyname @australian-desi @muttonthings @eunoiabeyours @aye-masakalii  @phuljari @msbhagirathi (updating this list - lemme know who wants to be added/deleted)
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arshifiesta · 3 months
IPK 13th Anniversary Arshi Fiesta June 2024 Repository of works:
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Our introductory tease!
Our Anniversary post - Colours/Stages of Love
Search #moodboard on our blog to find all the moodboards
and #word prompt to find exactly that!
Steps to post correctly
Countdown posts from hand-picked-star :
10 days to go
9 days to go
8 days to go
7 days to go
6 days to go
5 days to go
4 days to go
3 days to go
2 days to go
1 day to go
featheredclover's anniversary post
msbhagirathi's incorrect quotes and this
msbhagirathi's word prompt submissions: Moon-struck; Collywobbles
phuljari's Historical AU! x Arshi moodboard submission
hand-picked-star's Historical AU! x Arshi moodboard submission:
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
featheredclover's word prompt submissions: Moon-struck; Collywobbles; Redamancy; Baiseman and Orphic:
Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
featheredclover's Carmine Veils (Historical AU! moodboard submission):
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
phuljari's social media au for word prompt submissions:
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Part 6
arshiradio's video submission
jalebi-weds-bluetooth's Saheb, Bibi aur Ghulam (Historical AU! moodboard submission):
Chapter 1
Chapter 2: Monta Re
Chapter 3
titaliya's word prompt submission: Reverie
sankiraizada's word prompt submission: Jouska, Shab-e-intizar
msbhagirathi's a tribute to ARRTI:
Part 1
featheredclover's September Rain (Childhood Friends AU! x Arshi moodboard submission)
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scorpio-smiles · 2 months
FF idea: arshi in modern times, in an established relationship, living together, fighting with each other but one of them has to go somewhere and forgets to kiss the other goodbye (which they have a habit of doing to each other, no matter what) so they come back quickly before rushing out the door to say bye and give their partner a kiss goodbye.. 😭
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myfanficfrenzy · 5 months
What's this about?
Hello Tumblr!
Welcome to our space :)
This is a blog to catalogue the fanfictions that we have read, loved, analyzed, obsessed over and forgotten our RL for!
We hope to use this space to create a directory of Arnav-Khushi (Arshi) fanfictions with their links and summaries to come back to!
Yep, characters of a show that is more than ten years old, sue us!
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A and I
P.S. Heavy Spoilers for FanFics Ahead. Tread with Caution!
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onadaanparindey · 2 years
drop in some cool arshi fic recs besties I’m lost 😩
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busybingingfiction · 3 years
Me: hindi serials are so stupid, when are they gonna stop staring at each other?
Me: that same thing, she’s gonna slip, he’ll catch her, blah blah blah
Me: a kidnap track once again, why do people watch this crap
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leila1 · 4 years
OS: Laal
Nothing remained the same after that momentous Diwali night. What was just another festival for many was a turning point in the lives of two individuals unbeknown to their respective families. 
If it wasn't for their skillful charade it wouldn't take a sharp wit to figure out masked emotions. 
Arnav and Khushi were masters in concealing their feelings and when it came to dealing with each other it wasn’t free of competition. 
Another thing they shared in common was the love for their families and willingness to sacrifice in a heartbeat. Khushi could no longer delay her engagement, the last straw being pulled and Arnav couldnt deprive his family of the happiness his marriage brought, after being disappointed by one person that held all his hopes. 
The spirit of Diwali had worn off and everyone had moved on to the next event, understandably more exciting, the wedding of Nani’s beloved grandson. A day they had thought would never come. 
However, that night of red and gold was still fresh in the minds of Arnav and Khushi. 
As Khushi walked in Arnav’s room, their eyes had silently conveyed occurrences of the night in question. It was a strange place to be in, neither would dare to speak of it again, nor it was something to forget. After all she had worn his favorite colour.
Khushi with great discomfort, asked him again, for the ring. Something she hadn't fully accepted as hers. Arnav narrowed his eyes, from soft to teasing within seconds. 
“Mafi mango” 
He said picking the ring from the table. 
“Nah..kaan pakad ke” 
He felt victorious knowing he was winning this game. 
She held her ear with her hand and spoke again. 
Her eyes started to pool, tears threatening to spill any second. 
She said again, this time looking down. Every bit of pride that she had earlier displayed shredded to pieces. She really  didn’t want to do this. The ring could be trashed for all she cared. 
“Sorry” she spoke again with a lump in her throat. 
The glint of victory in Arnav’s eyes was now replaced with guilt. 
He stood up before she held her other ear too. 
She spoke unmoved. 
He silenced her, not being able to take the sight of her crying. Without another word Arnav silently placed the ring on her palm. 
Not being able to take his proximity Khushi stepped back and furiously tried to slip the ring on her finger. The tears in her eyes continued to spill as Arnav watched her every movement closely. 
Arnav grabbed her hand and tried to help her with the ring when she startled him by snatching it away. 
“Aap humein yeh angoothi nahi pehna sakte”   
She looked at him with a heavy heart. 
“Yeh humari sagai ki angoothi hai” 
Arnav could feel the ground slipping beneath his feet. He no longer had the energy to carry that tiny ring that suddenly felt heavy. 
Forgotten about the ring and apologies Arnav’s intense gaze held questions that Khushi didn’t have answers to. She could not understand why it even mattered to him when he clearly conveyed she held no importance for him. 
“Kisi ko pata kyun nahi hai tumhari sagai ke baarey mein” 
Arnav’s eyes stung as the question escaped his lips. 
Khushi’s silence urged him to ask again. He grabbed her by the shoulders and asked in agitation. 
“Bolo! Kab hui tumhari sagai” 
Khushi yelped in pain as the tears rolled down her cheeks. 
“Diwali ki raat ko” 
The hurt in her tone wasn’t missed by Arnav. This decision was made after his abandonment. 
He released her shoulders as guilt rushed through his heart, seeing the marks on her arms he closed his eyes. Somehow he always managed to hurt her when his intentions were the opposite. 
“Kya kar rahi ho” 
It was more of a plea, his begging to save the remnants of what could have been. 
“Aap kya kar rahe hain”
Khushi made no attempts at hiding the hurt in her tone.  Arnav turned around and shut his eyes. His tense back facing a vulnerable Khushi was of no help. 
For a mere second Khushi had some hope, that maybe he would open his heart in an attempt to mend both of theirs. She would break her engagement and give her heart to him, again. 
But she knew too well, this was a lost cause. The tale of love with happy endings was too good to be true. Particularly the one where he gave her his heart, for there were too many differences between them. Wasn’t him the one who constantly reminded her of that. 
When Arnav had gathered enough courage to speak and calmed himself he turned around only to see she was gone. 
He had failed her again. 
With a heavy heart Arnav walked out of his room. The air around him felt thick and the eerie silence was pricking every corner of his heart. 
“Yeh aap pe ziyada achi lage gi” 
His ears perked up at her voice. He walked further down the stairs to see Khushi and Lavanya in the hallway. She had been trying to give Lavanya the same red sari, however Lavanya was adamant. 
“Chamkeeli tum isme bohat sundar lag rahi thi..mujhe kyun de rahi ho” 
Arnav could not imagine anyone else in that attire. She owned his favorite colour that night and he wouldn’t want it any other way. Maybe in an alternate universe that night would have ended happily ever after, definitely not in their engagements to separate people. 
“Haan lekin yeh aap pe ziyada achi lage gi” 
Khushi made sure to look Arnav in the eye, who was now standing behind Lavanya. 
“Aur ab humne laal pehen na chod diya hai” 
Arnav felt stabbed in the heart. He knew full well where her words were coming from. Her rejection of his favorite colour felt like a betrayal, when it had never suited anyone better. 
“Aur humain acha lage ga agar aap pehanengi to” 
Khushi flashed a smile at Lavanya, one that didn’t reach her eyes. Lavanya hugged her and tears of mixed emotions rolled down Khushi’s cheeks. Lavanya’s eyes moistened at the thought of not spending every coming day with her best friend. Khushi had not only given the sari to her but everything associated with it as well. And now there was no reason to come back. 
As the two girls bid farewell, Arnav’s fists tightened and jaws clenched. He didn’t realize when his own eyes started to well.
How could she so easily give everything away to Lavanya like that? All that belonged to her. 
Lavanya turned around, surprised to see the back of the man she was in love with. 
With the retreating back of her friend and the tensed back of the man in question, she knew she had become nothing but a wall. A tear rolled down her cheek as she held the red fabric in her hands. Without having a word with Arnav, Lavanya walked away leaving the sari on the couch. 
She did not want to be the one stealing colour from the two most important people in her life. 
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Chapter 2 is up Crumbling embers Chapter 2 Only a few readers will get access.
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rabba-ve · 5 years
Tu Safar Mera — IPKKND Fanfic
A rewrite of the show IPKKND. 
Arnav was not kidnapped from the airport. How does Khushi try to prove her innocence? How does Arnav find out the truth? 
Sidenote: Shyam is still horrible but doesn't stick around for too long. The purpose of the story is to explore more fun, happy and romantic moments of Arnav and Khushi.
The chapters will be posted here and on Wattpad:
For updates, follow the tag #tu safar mera
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gauriv80 · 5 years
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Sea Mist - Sea Mist - Prologue (on Wattpad) https://my.w.tt/9nwN6DBoo0 Khushi first met Arnav as a sixteen year old on a visit to Udupi where her sister Payal was Arnav's junior and friend in Engineering college. Two years later, Payal is dead and her death has been ruled as accidental drowning by the police. Eight years later, Khushi discovers that her sister Payal's death might not be accidental as ruled by police but there was more than that meets the eyes according her sister's friends and the person responsible was none other than the formidable Arnav Singh Raizada. Khushi embarks on a journey to Udupi and comes face to face with the man himself. Amid the beautiful locales of South Canara seas, Khushi helplessly falls in love with Arnav even as the truth begins to unfold layer by layer.
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featheredclover · 2 months
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Chapter Five
Read from the beginning
Also on Wattpad
Chapter Four < Chapter Six
The birds chirped along as they fluttered from branch to branch. But the day greeted the Gupta mansion with much less peace that morning.
Khushi bit into her toast, as Sumi poured juice into her glass.
“Shashi! I am getting nervous. Will Mr Raizada say something now?”
Her papa shook his head, his forehead scrunched in a frown.
“Rajiv has hinted at nothing. Even Shyam has not come up in our talks. I don’t know what to expect, Garima.”
“It would have been a milestone for us” she sighed, “ But what can we do except wait”
“Khushi, have some fruits,” Shashi said as he passed her a bowl.
Her thoughts were clouded with worry for her parents as she walked into Venus Designs.
She had never seen them so unsure, so worried. And she had never felt as helpless as she had today.
“Morning Leela”, she smiled at the receptionist.
“Khushi, some big client has come here asking for you!” Leela whispered.
“Me?!” She gasped.
“Yes! They are with Madhumati ma’am right now. You better go in. She told me to usher you into her office as soon as you came!”
And so Khushi found herself half-pushed inside her aunt’s magnanimous office.
“Good morning Khushi!”
She couldn’t believe her eyes. Madhumati bua was laughing! Her usually stern eyes were now soft as she looked fondly at the two men.
She looked at the well suited gentlemen, and wondered which of her previous works could have impressed them.
The men stood up.
She found herself stunned as the smirking visage of Arnav Singh Raizada greeted her.
“Meet Arnav and Aman! They are from the Raizada group of companies. Arnav wants his new office to be designed by you.” Her aunt continued jovially.
But her eyes couldn’t leave the devil’s, who had come to extract his pound of flesh!
“ But I-I have never designed professional spaces before.”
“I did mention that to Arnav, but he said he wanted his office to have a bit of domestic touch. Now, now go on. You have to work from the site.”
Rummaging through her mind to look for an excuse , Khushi looked at her aunt trying to signal her to refuse on her behalf.
“I’ll take Khushi with me Mrs. Madhumati. After all, I need the job done by next week.” 
She watched as he put on the best buttering act with her aunt. All sweet smiles and flattery.
“Hi, I’m Aman Mathur, ASR’s right hand man.”
The young man ,she hadn’t paid much attention to , shook her hand, offering her a glimmer of hope.
At least, someone is kind here.
“I think you’ll have a great time working with Arnav. He’s as clear and concise in his demands as it gets.”
“Yeah” she grumbled “Hitler pales in front of him”
Aman raised his eyebrows in amusement .
“ He is demanding, but not a dictator”
“Aman.”Arnav had already reached the door.
“Let’s get going, shall we?”
And that’s how Khushi Gupta found herself in a Bentley, heading towards the heart of the city.
“Why are you doing this?”
She couldn’t keep quiet anymore.
“I wanted to spend time with you “
Blushing pink, Khushi marvelled at this man’s shamelessness.
“I forgave you already-“
“That’s not enough for me”
Exasperated, she ignored him for the rest of the ride.
Slouching over the desk Aman had provided her, Khushi scribbled into her notebook.
Designs, light source ideas, decor pieces and vendors all in one place.
With that out of the way,she began sketching. 
Her pencil flew across the page, as she thought of the space where he would work. 
The desk where his coffee machine would stay. The few photographs he took, that he wanted on the wall. The antique telephone he had bought from Paris.
“I have never seen a better portrait of me”
She jumped and twisted her neck, as Arnav grabbed her book from her in a split second.
Grinning, he squinted, pretending to judge her sketch of him.
“I must say Miss Gupta, you have observed me quite closely”
“Shut up! I was just sketching the office “
“And got distracted? Well since I am to be blamed for the distraction , it will only be fair of me to buy you lunch!”
He bent down and grabbed her purse, meeting her petulant face with a wink.
“Shall we?”
“And there he was, telling me to run for the damn election!”
She giggled as Arnav finished his story. She hadn’t expected to have a fun time with him. So far she had only experienced mad rage and mad lust for the man. And that had to say something!
“You left the states to come back here?”
“I wasn’t really sure about where I wanted to live. And dad really wanted to come back. After mom’s death-” he blinked.
“Are you okay?” Her hand found his.
“Yeah” he held her hand tighter “He took years to move on. The last time we were here was for Di’s wedding”
Khushi swallowed as she realised the topic was now down to his brother-in-law, Shyam. Can she ask him about the deal her parents were after?
“My papa really likes your father. Um…he invited him to brunch…”
“I know Khushi, I was there” he smiled in amusement at her sudden fluster.
“Yes, well they were wondering if Mr.Raizada had made up his mind about the deal.”
Gasping inwardly, she hated herself at that moment for blurting it out. 
She wanted to seal her big mouth forever.
Understanding that anything she said now will only push her further down the hole she had dug, Khushi held her silence.
To her dismay, even Arnav stayed quiet. No jokes, no witty remarks to erase her folly.
“Well, Khushi I can’t say much about that”
She nodded meekly.
“Let’s head back, shall we?”
And that’s how Aman found them in the office that afternoon. One deep in thought, and one mortified.
Tagging: @arshifiesta
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ArShi OS: Raat Hamari Toh
Warning: Angst, Sex | Canon | 
Word Count: 1757 | 10-15 minutes read
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Khushi shivered in the warm July night. No scar, bruise, fall nor fear hurt her the way Arnav’s silence did.
For a misunderstanding he had ruined her, for her mistake he did nothing.
She had endangered the lives of Anjali, Anjali’s unborn child and Arnav simply out of the selfish need to protect Payal’s marriage. Yes, she could finally admit that she had hoped Shyam to change for her conscience’s sake.
To justify her intentions that stood on wobbly grounds.
And as karma would be, Payal’s marriage was at the brink of irreparable damage and Arnav lost the faith of his sister solely because of Khushi’s silence.
Isn’t silence a friend to accomplice?
Khushi steeled herself for anger, pain - anything - that he’d lash out on her. Except she didn’t have the strength. Was it a blessing that he stood with his back to her that she couldn’t see hatred in his eyes? Or a curse that she couldn’t read him at all?
Arnav felt her before he heard her. For a long time he had questioned why Khushi couldn’t tell. And today he saw what happened when Khushi tried. The reality wasn’t ever about him believing the truth - it was Anjali. And that couldn’t happen, not the way Shyam gaslit everyone left, right and centre.
And he fell right into Shyam's trap, having his rage misdirected over to Khushi for months while Shyam figured ways to steal his assets.
A thorn lodged in his throat as he heard the tea tray shake in Khushi’s hands. There was so much fear in those young eyes.
She robbed his dreams, he robbed her life.
And he stood, humbled, teary, when she picked up the nearest stick and extended her shaky hand - ready for any punishment she deserved.
Oh no
Khushi closed her eyes when he took the stick, and gasped when she wasn’t met by the sting of the stick but the faintest brush of his lips on her hand.
“Arnav ji?” She whispered as he held her close,
“It’s not your fault Khushi, it never was.” He brushed a stray tear away from her cheek. Khushi froze, disbelieving his words.
Did he truly believe her.… after months?
Khushi burst into tears, embracing him with all the strength in the world; relief and endured pain finding a release.
He softly returned her hug, cradling her head as she cried harder, finding her Arnav return from her figment of imagination.
With aching tenderness he broke the hug to really look at her for the first time in months. 
Oh how had they even reached here? Why was life so cruel? Why had he been so blinded? And since when had she not slept?
She trembled, feet unsteady, sobs ricocheting - stabbing his heart with every sniffle.
The glass wall Khushi had erected to hide her feelings crumbled like fine dust. She was raw and vulnerable in his hands, desperately seeking comfort and safety.
The pain Arnav had seen behind her eyes was neither his imagination nor his projection. It was only a fraction of what she had been suffering, slipping out between layers of forced smiles and eccentricities.
Her hands refused to leave his shirt, tears refused to stop rolling down her cheeks.
It was time to go home, with his wife, as a husband.
He picked her up in his arms and she looped her hands around his neck, her tense body relaxing for the first time.
He kept looking at her, as if he couldn’t look enough, and walked over the threshold to their room.
Gently, he laid her on the bed. Hands shaking so his most precious could finally sleep. No more nightmares, no more storms. No more pain, nor more shock.
But before he could leave she tugged his hand - wanting him to be next to her.
The bed didn’t matter neither did the aching tenderness. All that mattered was him, next to her, still looking at her with eyes full of love.
It was the only balm she ever needed. Arnav’s knees gave away as he sat by her side, pushing away the stray strands of hair away from her forehead.
He wondered if he was comforting her or seeking comfort?
He watched her as she fell asleep on his hand, eyes still wet from unshed tears. After memorizing her face, he left her side, feet heavy as he moved away from the safety of her touch.
There were darker demons to face.
But he never made it to the door.
Khushi rushed up to him and embraced him from behind,
“Please don’t leave me,” she begged, clasping onto his shirt. Arnav closed his eyes, relishing the warmth yet grieved that it was brought upon by pain.
Khushi tugged him to the bed, not quite sure how else to tell that she couldn’t sleep without him. She needed to know that when she opened her eyes he wasn’t a cruel dream. He was there, in flesh, on his side of the bed.
He sat with her, watching her intently caress his bruised knuckles. She pulled out the first aid box, hands trembling as he allowed her to care for him.
Arnav cursed himself, what was he without her care anyway?
He rolled up his sleeves, watching her tears dry and strength build as she tended to his injuries. Tenderly, he held her chin and planted the softest kiss on her forehead.
A kiss of gratitude, love and everything he couldn’t say.
Khushi sat rooted to her spot, eyes closed as she savoured the kiss. But one kiss wasn’t enough, not when she held on to it as if she wouldn’t be kissed again.
Khushi’s breath hitched as he kissed her, again, on her temples. This time he didn’t even step away from her, his lips hovered over her eyes, warm and soft.
Khushi balled her fists in anticipation, trying not to move to break the moment as he kissed her cheeks and the corner of her lips.
He trailed slow kisses down her neck and she wove her hands into his hair. His hands went to her dupatta but he hesitated.
“Khushi, I,” Khushi hugged him tight , refusing to break the moment.
“Please,” She whispered, waiting for what seemed interrupted forever. Nothing mattered apart from him.
Arnav broke the hug to look at her face. He waited for a moment before his lips covered hers in a searing kiss. Khushi gripped his arms, a burst of emotions flowing through her heart.
This was heaven.
Once Khushi reciprocated in equal fervour, Arnav lost his little sense of control. He tugged her dupatta away, kissing the crook of her neck as his fingers found her zipper.
Khushi caressed his neck, feeling alive for the first time in months. Slowly, they sank into their bed, drowning in pleasure and comfort.
He held her like a china doll, she treasured every inch of his skin. Like a prayer she whispered his name, ensuring this wasn’t another one of her dreams.
He was warm, loving and so tender. She didn’t know if she could ever put it in words. It was really not about touch.
The desire that burned her for months finally found its release. When he pressed his forehead to hers, hands locked, bodies close - Khushi sighed in relief.
This is how they were meant to be.
— — —
When Khushi woke up, she found Arnav laying next to her, gently caressing her cheek.
The sun shone on his skin like gold. Loose strands of hair fell on his forehead. A soft smile was on his face.
Khushi smiled, it was the most beautiful dream she ever had.
“Hi,” he whispered. He bit back a laugh as her eyes grew comically wide. Should he have worn a shirt?
“You’re here.” She touched his face.
“Yeah, last I checked I was Arnav Singh Raizada.” Arnav grinned. Khushi felt his dimple under her fingertips. Arnav was here. In flesh. Warm beside her body. Close enough to block the sun rays from the window.
“Arnav ji, you’re really here.” Arnav’s smile fell as Khushi teared up. Arnav pulled her into a hug, feeling her shaking as she tried to control her sobs.
“Shh, I’m here.” Khushi nodded against his chest at his reassurance. They lay quiet for a long time. He stroked through her hair, she heard his heartbeat.
“Tum theek ho?” Arnav asked, breaking the silence. Khushi tightened the embrace, humming in response.
Arnav tilted her face a bit, “I mean.. after last night..”
Khushi blushed hard, unable to meet his eyes.
“Wow, Khushi Kumari Gupta Singh Raizada ko sharmaana bhi aata hai?” Arnav teased her as a shy smile played on her lips. He laughed when she hid her face in her hands and tried to fix the sheets for some delayed decency. Oh Khushi! Moments like these reminded Arnav how endearing Khushi was.
He was a fool to even try to walk a step away from her when he’d been falling head over heels since forever.
“But really,” he asked, a minute after the laughter died down, “Are you ok? I know we haven’t discussed-”
“I’m fine Arnav ji,” Khushi cut him off, “In fact I’m happy. Happiest that I’ve been in months.” Khushi confessed, tears of joy prickling her eyes.
Arnav brushed a stray tear that rolled down her cheek. Arnav had never believed in luck when it came to his fame. Nor when it came to his money.
Yet today as he watched the sunrise when he was convinced a day ago he wouldn’t, and saw the woman before him open her heart despite everything, he was probably the luckiest man alive.
Khushi closed her eyes and snuggled into his embrace, finally finding sleep after months of nightmares. The darkness that loomed in her life, that pricked her, frightened her, hurt her had finally ebbed away.
There were so many more conversations to have, so many tears to shed. But Arnav was back. The one who’d hold all her tears in his arms and spend nights listening to her.
After many days, Khushi found her home.
Tum theek ho - are you ok?
Wow, Khushi Kumari Gupta Singh Raizada ko sharmaana bhi aata hai - Wow, Khushi Kumari Gupta Singh Raizada can even be shy?
A/N: Thank you guys for reading this. I hope you give the song a chance if you listen to Hindi music! This song is truly so beautiful and dipped in angst, along with this scene, that I couldn’t help but write it down! I’ve always imagined this since forever and decided to finally pen it! Sorry for any grammatical mistakes - I haven’t proofread it much!
- JWB 
Tagging: @laadgovernorandsankadevi @shiyaravi @chutkiandchotte @aye-masakalii (love a farzi fan) @muttonthings @goals1024 @maansiloves @rae-blogging @honeybellexox​ @sapnokiduniyaisalwaysbetter​ @lostafpanda​ @bengudill​ and if anyone else would like to be in the tag list please let me know, I’ll tag you in my GIF and writing posts!
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theanxiouscupcake · 6 years
me, when i’m reading my old fic:
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scorpio-smiles · 2 months
The feminine urge to write arshi one shots/FF based off the ones you’ve already read but differently, but then being too afraid bc you don’t want people from your personal life to find your tumblr! 😭😭
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myloveforstuff · 6 years
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Fragmented Colors (on Wattpad) https://my.w.tt/HVHfbbKRBU Where do you find a love so potent, it crosses the boundaries of distance and time itself?
Publishing my first ever completed story on wattpad yayyy! 
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