#Art thief
greyhands · 8 months
Please share !!
Dear followers and mutuals,
I need your help ! ⚠️⚠️⚠️
(sorry for the long post)
The same Astarion artwork continues to be stolen time and time again by unscrupulous shops (I've filed over 20 complaints, just on Etsy alone). One particular independent shop refuses to remove the items using my artwork, ignores my messages, and deletes all my comments warning buyers.
Here's the specific artwork, my original fanart, and the low-quality and insolent modification to turn it into a shoddy sweatshirt and t-shirt design. Which is promoted on TikTok !
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This has to stop.
Sharing your work on the internet, or even just sharing your passion, has become a nightmare for artists and creators. We already have enough to deal with in the face of AI threats and platforms like Aliexpress; now we have to manage a surge in theft as well.
This shop is also appropriating other artworks from the BG3 fandom.
Here are the screenshots :
I'm seeking your help in identifying the authors of these artworks so that I can notify them.
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I'm also currently in contact with a specialized attorney because I've had enough.
The cup is full, and I want to be able to showcase my drawings without enriching thieves. It's particularly painful during this period of economic crisis, where, like many others, I'm struggling to make ends meet, to feed my two young kids.
Here are all the contact details for this fraudulent shop :
⚠️ Please share this post and report Melody prints social media's accounts ⚠️ Everyone needs to know they are a THIEF ⚠️
The website says the shop is located in 217 S Parramore Ave, Orlando, FL 32805, United States
TikTok account of melodyprints is spookymelodyprints
Instagram account of melodyprints is _melodyprints
Also, Ghosttraveler on TikTok has made a callout video to help, here is the link, if you can share it as well : https://www.tiktok.com/@ghosttraveler/video/7291769599530454314
Thank you so much for reading this, and for your help.
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peterokii · 2 months
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not only the website Diamond Paint Shop has STOLEN my art and profited of it, but they also CROPPED OUT my water mark ‼️‼️
their whole buisness is profiting off artists without authorization OR EVEN CREDIT ‼️‼️
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8pxl · 8 months
🗣️ PSA
if ur a pixel artist or u use instagram please be wary of this account @pixel___art__._
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they’ve not only stolen pixel art from a LOT of artist (including myself and @waneella) but they’re claiming to be the artist behind the artwork. it’s just so wildly cringe lmfaooo but please block them so you don’t accidentally interact with this account, thank you!! 🖤
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saijspellhart · 2 months
Art Thief/Reposter Warning
Hello Puzzleshipping artists of Tumblr. Wanted to spread awareness of a particularly prolific art thief/reposter here on Tumblr.
@qyza8kcq4x6udjq is taking and reposting the art of many artists from Twitter, Instagram, Pixiv, and even from tumblr. They are reposting the art without credit to the original artist.
You can’t report the stolen art without filling out an DMCA, and that needs done by the original artist.
But what you can do to support the original artists is DO NOT LIKE/REBLOG the reposter’s posts. Help spread this awareness among the fandom so that we aren’t inadvertently supporting and enabling this behavior.
The best we can do is encourage them to stop reposting art, as it is theft. And to encourage them to get permission before reposting and credit the original artist.
If you can, if you recognize the art, try to contact the original artists and let them know so they can have the art taken down if they so wish.
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ask-cupbros-parents · 7 months
This person trace my artwork
Please help me report them
*Update: the trace art is took down*
( ask them take it down because they refused and block me)
They didn't even credit me
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Here's my original
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I said so many times do not trace my art!
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heropaws · 1 year
This is a PSA for fellow artists that @/orendaforest has taken to tracing my art and passing it off as their own. They have used my lines for COMMISSION WORK that they profited off of and what’s more- they refuse to admit they traced my work.
I requested they take the posts that show my work down and they have, though they continued to deny having traced anything. They’ve ONLY taken the posts on tumblr down, not any of the work from their cardd or other media. I’m not sure if there are other artists works who have been taken, but figured it safer to make a post. Below are the pictures they had on their blog and the pieces they traced overlayed on top:
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These are the overlays for the “portfolio” work of their cardd for feral furry art:
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I have since blocked them and urge others to do the same. This is so incredibly infuriating and in turn makes it hard for me to feel like sharing my art- even though I need to to help support myself. Please be vigilant and if you see something, say something. Theft is theft.
Additionally, if anyone knows the people who commissioned some of these pieces (or are the commissioner themself) please feel free to contact me in DM’s. I’d like to make them aware of this ASAP so they know the situation!
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vinophidian · 2 months
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Please report this person to get them banned and take this down, I paid for this art and it is of my AU @cupheadunsainted-askblog and made by a mutual/artist @/pangsitrebus101.
This account has obvious red flags and only reposts art, I can’t even access it on IOS and can’t take it down but people still repost it without questioning even though mine and Pangsit’s name are on it.
They also deleted my comment to delete proof.
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miyakuli · 6 months
Identity fraud in Pokemon fandom
I was seeing a lot the blog @ohr-cn in the tag and on my dash (and their side blog ohr-cn2) and I thought it was the tumblr of the artist of the same name that I follow on twitter.
But I was surprised because they never mentioned any tumblr blog on their social media. Just to be sure, I contacted them a little while ago to confirm it was really their blog and today they replied to me...
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"Sorry for the late reply! That blog isn't mine…I only have two accounts: X and pixiv. Is this considered identity theft? I'm surprised🙄 Thank you for letting me know"
....I really wished I was wrong about that blog but here it is, someone took their name to create a blog here and post their works without them knowing all this time :'(((
I'll try to help the artist, I don't even know if there is an option to report that (at worst I'll show them how to report for copyright infringement).
I hope that if you're in the Pokemon fandom you'll be careful about this blog, avoid their future posts and/or even block them.
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pja-party · 6 months
What the fuck is wrong with people?
I said so many time do not trace my artwork!!
The blog link
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daydreamerwonderkid · 5 months
How lazy do you have to be to not only steal my art AGAIN but to repost it in terrible quality, a terrible color swap, and a shitty crop, too? XD
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The sheer LAZINESS OMFG asd;lfkja;ldgka
For those who aren't aware, this idiot stole my artwork 4 days ago and then came onto my original post and tried to claim the art belonged to them.
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When I called them out and then challenged them to prove it by showing the file and WIPs, they blocked and deleted my comments XD
Proof this is actually MY art btw
What a fucking loser
Mini update: I fucking can't XD
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"I been living like a criminal for so long. Now I'm just a criminal" adsl;fkjsa;ldkgj;akljg;lakjg;kajg;jka;lfgkja;jgfa
LMFAO Imagine being the kind of guy that genuinely equates being a criminal/being "bad ass" with lazy art theft AHAHAHAHA
Dude you really can't make this shit up
Update 2: 🤣🤣🤣🤣
Idiot is straight up still reposting my art with increasingly shittier edits, I fucking can't y'all I'm crying 🤣🤣
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garrandia · 6 months
there's no such a thing as an AI artist/Hybrid artist
you ether draw shit urself or u are lazy fucking thief
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xannador · 14 days
I’ve never done this before but could I please have some help reporting this post? I have already send in a DMCA request but there is no telling if it will be effective. I think if more people report this user it may increase the odds of it being removed.
I recommend against interacting with this art thief as they have proven to be hostile and unwilling to delete the post despite me asking.
Thank you!
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techs-datapad · 1 year
Hi everyone, I’m not a big blog and I mostly just lurk here but I won’t stay silent for this one.
This blog has blatantly stolen artwork from @beetlecrest and reposted it as their own. This is wrong and infuriating. They have refused to take down the stolen art or credit beetlecrest in any way and people who have messaged them to take it down have been blocked. The whole blog is full of stolen art. Please spread the word and go support the original artist!
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Here is the link to the original post! 👇 Please go support them!
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rider6666 · 6 months
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⚠️Please go report this person!!💀⚠️I've already made an announcement on my Twitter and my Instagram and I'm probably going to make one on my Tiktok because I'm fed up, this person is having fun stole my art and traced it back (and I'm not the only one!!) It's been going on for several months and it annoys me, especially since the first time she was old enough to have understood but she continues and I the impression that she doesn't care about me (if you send her a message please don't harass!!⚠️)
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ekakikaart · 21 days
I know I should have posted the comic on YouTube myself first and watermarked my art, but (I know that's a bad exuse) I couldn't come up with the watermark I would like, and now it's too late. But this dude didn't have to stole my art in the fist place!
I've checked all the dms and comments and no, they didn't ask my permission to do this and neither tagged me in their YouTube short. I already wrote a comment under that video asking to credit me and I hope they will. I could just wait till this person's response but I'm posting this because I just want to post about the situation to remind people THAT STEALING ART IS NOT OKAY.
❗️I don't want anyone to hate this person or threaten them, that is no better than stealing art, but you can share this video so other art thieves would now that people are not okay with their actions.
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miyakuli · 6 months
Seriously, each time I scroll the tag I see their posts, it's already annoying but then I see how many people are liking and reblogging their posts when they are STEALING the arts from people from twitter, without crediting and even hiding the watermark.
Just today I saw this :
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and guess what? the artist comes from twitter AND they do not allow reposts, IT'S EVEN WRITTEN ON THEIR PROFILE >:((
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By liking or reblogging from this blog, you support art theft and it's a disrespect toward the creators of the fandom
so really, BLOCK remtix and if you recognize this art (or reblogged others from that blog), delete it too that would be helpful.
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