through-thehand · 1 year
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doodles & doodles...❤️ making art centers and holds me...
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dpalden · 1 year
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This one ends here.
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What now?
Both A3. Drawing inks, acrylic gouache
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larajam · 1 year
The echo of a distant time... Part 2
Work in progress...
Listening to some Pink Floyd live records from 1972 and the album Animals,  with Spotify
Digital drawing with graphic tablet Huion and IbisPaint X app, on Samsung Cromebook.
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Climbing the Pyramid: A Guide to Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs
Ever found yourself wondering why some days you're all about nailing that job interview, while on others, you're just trying to make it through the day without forgetting to eat? Well, Abraham Maslow's got a theory that explains just that, and it's as cool as your favorite playlist.
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Welcome to Maslow's Pyramid Party
Imagine a pyramid (or just look at the above image) that maps out what we need to live our best lives. At the base are the essentials like food, water, and Wi-Fi (okay, maybe Maslow didn’t mention Wi-Fi, but you get the idea). As you move up, the needs get a bit more complex, ending with the ultimate quest for personal fulfillment.
The Five Floors of Human Needs
Physiological Needs: This is your survival playlist, featuring hits like "Breathing," "Eating," and "Sleeping."
Safety and Security: Once you've got your basic needs on lock, you start craving stability. Think of this as the need for a good security system and health insurance.
Love and Belonging: Now that you're not worried about being eaten by a bear or freezing to death, it's time to find your tribe. This level is all about relationships and feeling part of something.
Self-Esteem: With your crew backing you up, you start focusing on feeling good about what you achieve and who you are. It's like getting likes on your life, not just your posts.
Self-Actualization: The penthouse suite of needs. This is where you're living your truth, doing what you love, and feeling totally fulfilled. It's the dream!
Why This Pyramid Rocks
Maslow's theory is like a map for understanding why we do what we do. It helps us see that before we can chase our dreams, we need to make sure our basic needs are met. It's a reminder that it's okay to focus on the basics when we need to and that everyone's journey up the pyramid is unique.
So, next time you're feeling off your game, check in with yourself. Maybe you're hungry, or perhaps you're feeling a bit lonely. Whatever it is, Maslow’s hierarchy can help you figure out what you need to get back to feeling like a champ.
Remember, life's a journey, not a race. Whether you're working on your base or reaching for the stars, you're doing great. Keep climbing, and let Maslow's pyramid guide you to your personal peak!
Stay Weird & Wonderful,
Boost your wellbeing! 💖 Get fun tips straight to your inbox. Sign-up for my Newsletter
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dianeantonestudio · 3 months
How SHINY METALLIC PAINTS can TRANSFORM your Relaxing Doodle Art - SPARKLY ideas to lift your mood!
When you need a simple lift for your mood, or you’re feeling tired but want to create, what could be better than a simple swatch made into something special with some sparkle! How lucky we are to have these shiny, sparkly iridescent paints to bring extra life to our paintings - perfect for greetings cards, bookmarks and gift tags to give to someone special! And for children, painting with these colors is a real treat!
MAB Watercolours sparkly metallic watercolors - when ordering use code DIANE10 for 10% off your order. The paints in my tins are from the Mirror, Holographic, Ocean, Vivid, Galaxy and Golden ranges. https://www.etsy.com/shop/MABWatercolours
Kuretake Art Nouveau set https://amzn.to/3XElTr5
Craftamo brushes https://tinyurl.com/dianeantonexcraftamo
Winsor & Newton Fineliner Fine Point Pens - Sepia https://amzn.to/3S9zRhY
Paper and palette from Meeden - when ordering use code DIANE10 for 10% off your order. Meeden 100% cotton cold pressed block of watercolor paper https://tinyurl.com/meeden-watercolor-pad Meeden ceramic mixing palette https://tinyurl.com/meeden-ceramic-tray-palette
Chapters: 00:00 Introduction 00:34 Unboxing Kuretake Art Nouveau and looking at my setup 05:37 Finding inspiration in a sketchbook and starting with squares 13:43 Embellishing with metallic paint by MAB Watercolours 28:40 Details with a sepia fineliner by Winsor & Newton
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itsshewritesaboutit · 5 months
The Art of Finding Joy: Exploring The Colorful World of Painting
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In a world that rushes by at a frenetic pace, finding moments of pure joy and serenity becomes a treasure. For me, that treasure lies within the strokes of a paintbrush on a canvas—a world where time seems to stand still, and every hue tells a story. Painting isn't just a hobby; it's a sanctuary where I discover solace, express emotions, and unearth sheer delight.
The beauty of painting lies not just in the final creation but in the journey it takes you on. As I dip my brush into a pool of colors, the first touch of pigment on canvas sparks a sense of anticipation. It's akin to a symphony conductor starting with a subtle note—the beginning of a masterpiece in the making.
Each brushstroke is a dance—a delicate ballet between the artist and their imagination. There's an indescribable joy that emanates from watching colors blend seamlessly, creating gradients that mimic nature's wonders. It's in these moments that I find myself transported into a realm of pure bliss.
The act of painting is a form of meditation—a mindful practice that allows me to be fully present in the here and now. As I focus on every detail, the worries of the outside world fade away. It's just me, the canvas, and a palette of colors waiting to be transformed into something beautiful.
Painting is a language of emotions—a way to express feelings that words fail to convey. Vibrant reds mirror passion, soothing blues evoke calmness, and lively yellows exude happiness. It's as if each brushstroke whispers a sentiment, capturing a fragment of my soul within the artwork.
One of the most profound aspects of painting is its ability to surprise. Sometimes, a stray brushstroke or an accidental mix of colors leads to unexpected beauty. Embracing these unplanned moments teaches me to welcome spontaneity and find joy in the unexpected—a valuable lesson that transcends the canvas into everyday life.
Moreover, painting is a journey of growth—a continual learning process that keeps my curiosity alive. Experimenting with different techniques, exploring various styles, and learning from both successes and failures enriches my artistic soul. It's a reminder that joy can be found not only in perfection but also in the pursuit of improvement.
Whether it's a sweeping landscape, a vibrant abstract, or a simple still life, each painting holds a piece of my heart. They serve as a testament to the moments of joy, introspection, and self-discovery woven into every stroke and color choice.
So, to those seeking a haven of joy, I encourage you to pick up a brush, dip it in your favorite colors, and let the canvas become your sanctuary. Find solace in the strokes, embrace the unexpected, and revel in the sheer delight of creating something that's uniquely yours.
Because in the colorful world of painting, joy isn't just found—it's crafted with every brushstroke, waiting to be discovered.
Happy painting! 🎨✨
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wingstothought · 11 months
Art therapy: Harnessing creativity f0r internal mending
Art has been an integral part of mortal expression for glories. In addition to its aesthetic value, art has transformative powers that extend beyond the oil. In recent times, art remedy has surfaced as an important form of psychotherapy that harnesses the creative process to ameliorate internal health and well- being. This blog explores the fascinating world of art remedy, its principles,…
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nikergo · 1 year
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WIP. Don't know what to call it yet, or how to do the line art. However, I am finding my own warercolour style, and that makes me happy. #wip #cyberpunkstyle #watercolours #artisaprocess #mentalhygiene #artastherapy #justbeardeddudethings https://www.instagram.com/p/Cnl_BOKKJnY/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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As an art therapist, I would like to remind you, that it is the process that is important. Just like kids, give a natural approach to art. Enjoy the creation, movement of the brush, energy of the colour and feel of the art supply. PROCESS ART is mainly to focus on how you feel when you make that art and hear the voice inside your head when it talks to you. The final outcome can be left it as it is, hung on a vision board with a pin or simply thrown away. Just like once the fun while painting is achieved, kids dont care about it. This keeps them going. . #processart #arttherapist #selfcare #trusttheprocess #intuitivepainting #mentalhealthcare #artastherapy #sketchbook #artjournal #dailyart #dailysketch #artoftheday #instaquotes #instaart #motivation #art https://www.instagram.com/p/CnDxuVEjYed/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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redtara88 · 2 years
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Rune Eihwaz, Number 13. This rune is represented by the yew tree, specifically Yggdrasil the world tree. This tree was the central axis that connected all the realms. This rune represents the vertical cosmic axis, birth and death, endurance and protection. It is sustained energy, focused energy needed to get to the end goal. In what ways do you need to refocus yourself? Are you feeling exhausted but know you have a ways to go yet? Breathe, collect yourself and let your consciousness travel along the cosmic tree for wisdom. #nordicrunes #runes #runeeihwaz #yggdrasil #cosmictreeoflife #artasmeditation #artastherapy #procreate https://www.instagram.com/p/CkubmfFrjmf/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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donatellarte75 · 2 years
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Corso arteterapia 😍 #arteterapia #artetherapy #arteterapiacreativa #arteterapiaingruppo #arttherapy #arttherapygroup #arttherapyheals #therapyart #artastherapy #artastherapyproject #artastherapypractitioners #artastherapyheals (presso Maiano, Friuli-Venezia Giulia, Italy) https://www.instagram.com/p/BurlaehByhl/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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through-thehand · 1 year
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and the fever broke when i began to feel right this way...❤️...older art journal pages...
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dpalden · 2 years
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Pieta 2. Slightly adjusted the colours.
A3 drawing inks, watercolours
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larajam · 2 years
How it was created...
Listening to "A Season of Music: Chopin" playlist on Spotify.
Digital drawing with graphic tablet Huion and IbisPaint X app, on Samsung Cromebook. Edit with Picsart.
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How 'Yet' Changes Everything
Ever found yourself face-to-face with a challenge, thinking, "I can't do this"? We've all been there, staring down the barrel of self-doubt. But what if I told you there's a tiny, three-letter word powerful enough to transform these moments of doubt into stepping stones for growth? It's simple, it's magic, it's the word "yet."
Humaira Syed hit the nail on the head when she said, “Every limiting belief becomes the growth mindset tool by adding just this small word 'YET.'" It's a simple trick, but it sure packs a punch!
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The Power of "Yet"
Adding "yet" to any of your limiting beliefs does a little bit of magic. It's like flipping a switch from a fixed mindset ("I can't do this") to a growth mindset ("I can't do this yet"). See the difference? It's all about keeping the door open to possibilities, learning, and growth.
Why "Yet" Works
Encourages Growth: It acknowledges that you're on a journey. Skills can be learned, abilities can be developed, and knowledge can be acquired.
Builds Resilience: It's a verbal reminder that failure isn't the end of the road; it's just a pit stop where you learn what doesn't work.
Promotes Positivity: Instead of hitting a dead end, you're on a path with plenty of future exits. It's a way to stay optimistic, even when things look grim.
Putting "Yet" into Practice
Face a New Challenge: Next time you're up against something tough, add a "yet" to your internal dialogue. "I don't know how to do this... yet." It's a promise to yourself that you're going to figure it out.
Embrace Learning: Remember, mastery takes time and effort. Whether it's a new language, a sport, or a musical instrument, "yet" gives you the mental space to improve.
Celebrate the Small Wins: Every step forward is progress. Didn't nail it today? That's okay because you're not there "yet." Each attempt is bringing you closer to your goal.
"Yet" is more than just a word; it's a mindset. It's the difference between giving up and pushing forward, between stagnation and growth. So, the next time you catch yourself doubting your capabilities, sprinkle a little "yet" on those thoughts and watch how your perspective shifts.
Let's not limit ourselves by what we can do today but inspire ourselves by what we'll achieve tomorrow. After all, the only real limits are the ones we place on ourselves. And with "yet" in our vocabulary, those limits are about to expand
Ready to turn your "can'ts" into "cant's... yet"? Let's embark on this journey of growth together!
Stay Weird & Wonderful,
Boost your wellbeing! 💖 Get fun tips straight to your inbox. Sign-up for my weekly newsletter!
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meganseaman · 2 years
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CAT service learning at the Cheyenne River Youth Project Center in Eagle Butte, SD begins! Getting ready for the RedCan Graffiti Jam annual art festival to honor Lakota culture! #lakota #lakotaculture #redcan #redcangraffitijam #graffiti #art #artfestival #graffitiart #servicelearning #counselingandarttherapy #artastherapy (at Cheyenne River Youth Project) https://www.instagram.com/p/Cfo5-Y8JEJY/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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