#Arthur knows about Merlin’s magic
merthur-she-wrote · 8 months
Arthur’s known about Merlin’s magic almost from the beginning.
When he first discovered it, he tried to warn Merlin, discreetly - commenting on the dangers of magic without addressing Merlin’s magic specifically so he won’t have to arrest him. Over time though, he slowly learns - from Merlin - that magic isn’t all that his father has always claimed.
After this, it becomes a bit of a game to them; Arthur warning Merlin about magic, and Merlin coming up with the most outrageous of stories to try to explain it away.
But then the day comes when Arthur realises that Merlin never knew that Arthur always knew the truth.
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hopelessromantic5 · 4 months
Merthur with King Arthur and pre-Court Sorcerer Merlin.
(Don’t worry though, when this is continued, he will be given his rightful place.
If I have to write it a thousand times, I will see Merlin get his happy ending, dammit.)
“Um. Merlin?”
The manservant had been daydreaming again.
It was honestly getting out of hand.
Two moons had passed since Merlin finally told Arthur about the magic.
It went better than expected.
A great deal better.
He didn’t even really seem surprised. If Merlin could count on himself as a reliable narrator of the story, he would say he saw relief flicker across Arthur’s face before he began asking questions. But Merlin was basically imploding on the inside and terrified that he was about to lose his best friend and his home in one fell swoop, so he might’ve imagined it.
Thankfully, Arthur seemed more anxious for answers than anything. He wanted to understand. After a week of catching him up on the last five years of their lives, magic included, Arthur seemed at peace with it.
A week later was when control began slipping from Merlin’s grasp, ever so slightly. Arthur came to him on a random day in the spring, and nonchalantly said he had some documents he’d like Merlin to read over. Make sure they were presentable for council.
Merlin thought nothing of it, he’d done it countless times thus far, and was secretly looking forward to proof reading speeches for the rest of his life.
You can imagine the shock when he approached the desk and found a repeal of the magic ban. Sitting there, in the sun, in Arthur’s perfect penmanship.
Merlin began weeping.
He could almost hear in his head,
“Don’t be a such a girl, Merlin.”
But it never came.
Instead, the King silently joined him by the desk, and embraced him, for maybe the second time in all of existence.
They hugged like they were trying to meld themselves together.
Arthur had one broad arm wrapped behind Merlin’s neck and the other locking him in by his lower back.
They were two pieces that somehow fit perfectly together.
Merlin hid his, probably unsightly, face in Arthur’s neck and willed the tears to stop themselves falling.
A few heartbeats later Arthur whispered,
“I’m so sorry, Merlin.”
Merlin involuntarily scrunched his eyebrows at that. Yet, he did not let go. He did not want to leave, not yet.
“Why are you apologizing?”
A whisper came back,
“I hate to see you cry.”
Merlin wished on every star in the heavens, that he could’ve seen Arthur, in that moment.
But he would not let go. Not until his King did.
At present, things were moving along very well with the repeal. Especially among the townspeople, who are more than welcoming towards the Kingdom’s new citizens.
However, Merlin found himself with a whole new set of challenges.
Merlin was definitely not staring at Arthur as he shuffled through reports at his desk. Though, the sun was casting the perfect halo on his blonde head. It painted a picture that was wholly ethereal, calming.
When Arthur looked up from his papers suddenly, Merlin went back to his polishing like he never stopped.
Because he didn’t, of course.
That would be inappropriate.
That’s when he heard,
“Um. Merlin?”
The raven boy’s head snapped up from the sword in his lap, and found amusement in his King’s eyes.
“What?” He was skeptical, narrowing his gaze.
“Are you planning on turning my chambers into the Royal Gardens or is this your only idea on how to spruce up the place?”
“What on Earth are you-“ spinning around in his chair, he finally saw it.
Vines wearing tiny purple flowers were slowly crawling their way up the bed-posts; bigger, colorful flowers were beginning to bloom from the cracks in the stone floor.
This is not good.
“Uh, I have to-“ he huffed, placing the sword in his seat and running for the door. “I need to go, sire.”
“Merlin, what are you-“
“I think I’m coming down with something. I’m just gonna go see Gaius about it.” Before he closed the door behind him he yelled “I’ll be back with dinner.”
And then he was gone.
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bellamyblakru · 20 days
@its-hyperfixation i am so fucking sorry its so late😭today was the first day i tested negative!!! and with that good news, i wrote you a tiny oneshot in honor of our wedding anniversary. i love you so so so so so much. and im continuously proud of everything you do. im beyond grateful to have you in my life, and i hope i can keep you in it for absolutely ever. thank you for sticking by my side for so long😭🩷i will stay there for as long as you’ll have me!!!! i love you my love, my arthur to my merlin, my rowan to my aelin, my f1 to my kpop🥺🩷one day!!!
do not feel sorry (it’s just like a yawn when it is not enough)
Merlin was trying—really, he was, but after five nights in a row of the same fucking nightmare, sleep was almost as nonexistent as his appetite at this point.
But he was fine.
He told Gaius that he was fine after he tripped and fell over the desk that’s been in that same spot for over five years, he told Gwen he was fine after stumbling into her during their morning walks, he told Lance and Gwaine he was fine when he managed to avoid having lunch with them four days in a row.
Did they believe him? That didn’t really matter, nor did he try to look too closely at their suspicious eyes following him everywhere he went.
Arthur pretended not to see Merlin drop all the laundry the third time in a row, or when he spilled all the dishes three inches away from the table, or when he slipped on the floors he just cleaned and fell directly into the king’s arms. Arthur had simply righted Merlin back up and went on his way. It was actually quite out of character—so much so that each time Merlin fumbled, he stayed completely still, waiting for the yells of annoyance that weirdly never came.
By the sixth day of mistakes, Merlin had enough.
“Are you okay?”
Arthur peered up from his lunch, looking first at the dirty laundry spread out on the floor then at the frustrated, and rather exhausted, Merlin whose hands were firmly on his hips out of frustration.
Merlin rolled his eyes, “Yes, you. Who else would I be asking?”
“I’m fine,” Arthur chose to ignore the jabs for now, focusing on Merlin’s face as it morphed back and forth between confusion and tiredness.
“Are you sure?”
Arthur stood up, stretched, came around his desk, and then leaned against it to have a better look at his servant.
Merlin narrowed his eyes, but it truly did seem his king was feeling alright. He figured he might as well talk about what was wrong here.
“Well,” Merlin started, unsure yet loud enough that he could hear, “you haven’t been yelling at me.”
Surprisingly, Arthur let out a loud chuckle, the noise making Merlin’s eyes widen in even more confusion.
“What’s so funny about that?” Merlin crossed his arms defiantly, kicking some pretend dust on the ground to avoid looking back up. “It’s true.”
“Ah, Merlin,” Arthur laughed a little more. “Is that the only thing you wanted to talk about?”
Merlin would be lying if he said he knew that his king meant—and with the lack of everything lately, he was sure it was affecting what he could have missed.
“I think so?”
Sighing, Arthur walked towards Merlin, and then suddenly guided them both to the edge of his giant bed. Merlin let him—out of confusion and mostly because of the fact that he couldn’t fight him off even if he wanted to.
“Morgana and Gwen told me I had to be patient with you, but, honestly, with the way you’re going, I think you would kill youself before saying anything to me.”
Merlin tilted his head, “With the way I’m going?”
“Dumbass,” Arthur gently flicked his servant’s forehead. “Do you even know that you look like a walking carcass?”
“Do I?” Merlin looked down at himself, moving his fingers back and forth. “I think I look normal.”
“Yeah, that’s the problem,” Arthur sighed again, rubbing his own forehead in frustration. “Merlin-,” he looked the warlock directly in the eyes, the motion freezing Merlin more than anything could, “-what’s wrong? Why aren’t you getting sleep?”
As if that was all it took, Merlin immediately slouched, his eyes watering up at the question, and he tried to cover it up with his hands holding his hands. But it was too late, Arthur had already seen it, lightly forcing Merlin’s hands away to rub the tears off himself. The featherlight action was so tender that Merlin felt like he was barely even there.
Was this actually his Arthur? His Arthur, the one that gets annoyed too easily? Mad quickly? Kills for a living? Was he always this soft?
“Merlin,” another tear wiped away, “please tell me what’s been going on. I can’t help you if you don’t let me in.”
That was the point, wasn’t it? Merlin never wanted to let people in, to see the world as burnt and empty as he sometimes saw it, to see the world as broken and shattered and lost as he did.
And when Arthur only looked back at him with so much concern and attention, Merlin felt he had no other choice but to tell the truth.
“I…been having nightmares.”
“Do you want to talk about them?”
Merlin hesitated. Did he want to? No. Should he? He remembered his mother once telling him that burdens are better lifted when they were shared by the shoulders of the people we loved, and suddenly, he didn’t want to keep it a secret anymore.
His head fell to his king’s shoulder, “It’s always the same. I’m on the pyre. You’re on the one in front of me. But,” Merlin shook his head into Arthur, the king responding with kind reassurances and soft motions on the warlock’s back. “But I never burn—it’s you. I watch you burn and burn and burn, and I can never get to you in time. One night, I would get mere inches away before it exploded, while the other I would be too tightly bound myself to even get an inch closer—but every night I never make it to you. I can never save you.”
By the end, Merlin’s cries were being completely absorbed by Arthur’s newly cleaned red tunic, but the king didn’t complain nor move, only holding the warlock closer to him.
“When I try to eat, I can only taste soot. When I blink too long, I see your face staring at me through the flames. When I walk, I see you getting further away from me. I’m so tired, Arthur…”
Merlin’s voice quieted as he continued, his wet eyes blinking slowly on Arthur’s shoulder.
Arthur took Merlin’s face between his hands, gently lifting the servant to face him, before whispering, “You’re safe here, Merlin. You can sleep here—I’ll keep us both safe, okay? No one can get in here and take me away.”
Merlin drowsily nodded, his face covered in snot and tears and a sadness that Arthur hated to see more than he could even admit.
Slowly, Arthur moved them both to lay on his bed, Merlin tucked safely in his side, the warlock’s legs wrapped around the king’s torso as if to make sure the man wouldn’t move a muscle as he slept. And even though Arthur wasn’t originally tired, being wrapped up in someone he loved so completely drew him right into a peaceful sleep (and not that he will mention it, but these past few days watching Merlin was ruining his own sleep schedule, too.).
By the time Merlin woke up, it was early daylight. He barely opened his eyes, opting to slowly rubbing the person’s back that he held in his arms.
His eyes flew open and his body stiffened once he remembered he doesn’t sleep with anyone, but he only found a softly smiling, already awake Arthur looking at him with so much love that Merlin’s fully melted back into him.
Was this heaven? Merlin would have to say it was at least it’s his perfect heaven.
“How are you feeling?” Arthur asked, his voice still a bit raspy from sleep.
Merlin didn’t avoid the usual urge to move Arthur’s hair out of his face, “Better. You?”
Humming his “good,” Arthur basically purred into Merlin’s hand, making the warlock giggle, moving to play with the king’s hair instead.
After a few seconds of peaceful silence, Merlin felt the guilt gnaw at his heart enough to stop and look at the king in his arms.
“I’m sorry if I made you worry. I didn’t mean to hurt you.”
Arthur huffed, moving Merlin’s hand back to their place in his hair. “You made everyone worry, you dingus. I was yelled at to give you space by multiple people—but it turns out I have very little patience for such things.”
Merlin laughed lightly—that was more like the king than anything else that has happened lately.
“Merlin,” Arthur smiled, making sure the servant was looking at him. “You are not alone anymore. I know you had to be for so long, but you’re not anymore. Not as long as I’m around. I know how much shit you carry—please let me help you hold it all. I have broad shoulders, I can carry more than your scrawny little things.”
Again, Merlin puffed out a laugh, but he stopped in favor of holding Arthur’s face, holding the golden king so gingerly as though he was made out of porcelain.
“If I burn, you burn?”
Arthur took Merlin’s hand from his face and kissed his palm—“Wherever you go, I go. And if it be to death, let it be. I go willingly. No fires can stop our future. We will always find our way around the scorched edges.”
“Together, huh?” Merlin whispered, still in a bit of a disbelief that this was real, that Arthur had accepted him so completely that they could do this as one.
“Hmmhmm, but before that,” Arthur jumped up randomly, surprising Merlin as the king’s hand reached out for him. “Let’s get breakfast.”
Giggling, Merlin gratefully grabbed the offered hand, his starving stomach roaring as if in answer.
It wasn’t going to be easy or perfect or without pain, but his dream was wrong. He knew that now.
If Arthur was on the pyre, Merlin was always going to reach him—no one, nothing, could ever stop him otherwise.
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druid-boy-punk · 1 year
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My take on the Merlin court sorcerer outfit
I personally think that Merlin would feel too weird wearing more expensive clothes so he’ll keep most of his old wardrobe but Arthur won’t have it and basically forces him into at least a half decent tunic
“Nope, you have to change. Now.”
“What?? What’s wrong with my clothes??”
“You know I can’t have my people thinking that we can’t afford to give you something other than those rags Merlin, now go try this on”
Merlin definitely would wear Igraine’s sigil as a medallion under his neckerchief and tunic as well as Gaius’s rabbits foot, but maybe wear the rabbit’s foot on his belt
The bag on his belt are for basically anything, like cantrips or potions. There’s also herbs because even though he’s no longer a physician apprentice doesn’t mean he’ll forget everything Gaius taught him. 
Same for the gloves, Gaius gave them to him as his time as his apprentice and they can be quiet useful in a pinch.
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nextstopparis · 1 year
you know how in 5.13 arthurs like “i tried to take your head off with a mace” and merlins like “and i stopped you, using magic” and arthurs immediate reply to that is “you cheated” … and i guess i was just thinking about the breathy little laugh merlin lets out in response to that. bc like i just noticed how maybe it was a little bit of relief and awe. because like. he just talked to arthur. about magic. about using magic From The Beginning. against him in a fight. and arthurs immediate response, his most natural reaction to that, was to comment on merlins poor sportsmanship. out of anything he couldve said something about. the first thing that came to mind was merlin not playing fair. which. idk. IDK!!!
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justaz · 4 months
merlin (immortal) giving arthur (pendragon) the only blade that could kill him
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thefabledpheasant · 3 months
*Merlin juggles flawlessy*
Arthur: That’s impossible…
Gwaine: Well, first of all, through Merlin all things are possible, so jot that down.
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tiredcowboyy · 4 months
when arthur gets shot in the back with an arrow and is healed by magic, he goes on to question merlin and when he gives very vague answers arthur with some kind of idk smugness or slightly condescending tone said “something youre not telling me?”
Now what else could he have been implying other than magic? But the way he says it is almost knowing, as if hes almost saying “cmon merlin surely youre not gonna try cover this up.”
No bc theres too many scenes of hinting at arthur knowing about merlins magic and it makes me want to SCREAM.
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rainbowsmagicandshit · 5 months
Merlin Prompt/Idea:
Arthur calls a meeting of his inner round table (those that sat with him at the table of the ancient kings) except Merlin. He also tells everyone else not to tell Merlin. At this meeting they decide that Merlin will have a seat at the Royal Round Table.
Why is Merlin getting an official seat at the official and highly sought after Royal Round Table?
Because Arthur wants to marry him, of course!
This is step one to getting all the stuck up nobles to except Merlin as Arthur’s choice of spouse.
Does Merlin know that that’s Arthur’s intention with his appointment? No.
Does Merlin know that Arthur wants to marry him? No.
Does Merlin even know that Arthur has feelings for him? No.
Is Merlin increasing frustrated that he keeps getting excluded from half of the inner circle meetings despite gaining a seat at the official one? Yes.
Is Merlin going to give Arthur a piece of his mind once finds out that this entire roundabout thing was just a plot to get him as his husband? Undoubtedly.
Is Merlin going to be completely badass and show his capability as “queen” despite not knowing what’s going on? Absolutely.
What are the next steps?
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merthur-she-wrote · 2 years
When negotiating a treaty and the return of magic to Camelot, Arthur agrees to marry a magic user.
The druids suggest Emrys, the greatest and most powerful sorcerer who will ever live - magic incarnate.
Arthur counters this by suggesting Merlin, his dorky but ever loyal manservant, who just happens to have a little bit of magic in him.
Druids: Good. Then we are in agreement.
Arthur: Wait- What?
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hopelessromantic5 · 2 months
A merthur clip that will probably be added into something in the future.
Arthur knows.
And still, Merlin nearly gets himself killed trying to do everything by himself.
“Never ever do that to me again! I told you after the Questing Beast, no more lies! No more going off by yourself!” The questing beast was what they used to refer to Arthur finding out about Merlin’s magic.
“Do you have any idea what I feels like…” the king began quietly, almost whispering, “to watch all the light and goodness slowly drain out of the world? I knew you were dying, I could feel it…”
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pricklypanda · 1 month
someone said gwaine was MERLIN’s knight rather than arthur’s and now I’m sobbing like yea………..yea :’)
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familiar-anonymous · 1 year
Merlin: How would you like your hair cut?
Arthur: Preferably with scissors, but a sword could be badass.
Merlin: Lol no I am just gonna use magic.
Arthur: what?
Merlin: Which sword - Excalibur or the regular one?
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nextstopparis · 1 year
so when kilgharrah says “no man no matter how great can know his destiny” and then tells merlin his destiny is that bc merlin doesn’t classify as a human to him lol
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justaz · 5 months
merlin’s secret being a visual thing. when he is around arthur or gwen or leon or morgana or [insert whatever character here] merlin seems pale and thin, almost like a ghost or an apparition. when the sun lands on him he reflects it like a corpse, he eyes seem dark and dull. he has this ethereal beauty to him, this otherworldly visage that leads many to believe he is of fae blood. he just doesn’t seem to be 100% human. but when he is ONLY with lancelot or gaius (cough or gwaine bc gwaine DEFINITELY knew) merlin is heartachingly human. merlin shines in the sunlight, colors are brighter and more vibrant around him, and his smiles are wide and his laughs are boisterous. he takes on color and leaves everyone wanting to know him. but when other join in or interact with the two, merlin shifts before their eyes so quickly and suddenly that they aren’t sure whether or not what they saw was a trick of the light. the idea still leaves them wanting more and wanting to see the merlin who is just so full of life but that merlin only appears for a small select group of people. merlin who has a guard so high that it has an effect of other’s perception of him.
#arthur is absolutely steaming about this btw#he so desparately wants to be in the golden bubble around merlin in those moments#but his mere presence seems to pop it#hes fuming#its not until after the magic ban is repealed that everyone gets to see the glowing golden merlin#and they finally realize what the trick of the light was#merlin who is magic incarnate who (no matter how hard he tries) cannot fully repress what makes him him#arthur who finally gets to be in the golden bubble and its so much better than he ever couldve imagined#merlins magic is finally able to roam free the way it only could with a few people#merlins magic who absolutely adores arthur and is constantly reaching out for him even if him and merlin arent in the same vicinity#lmao arthur bringing up how merlins magic likes to card thru his hair and ease any sore muscles he may have#and lancelot and gwaine going ‘wtf? what about my muscles and hair?? merlin hates me?? merlin is playing favorites???? jail.’#bbc merlin#merlin emrys#arthur pendragon#merthur#subtle magic my beloved#visibly Strange merlin my dear#idk i was thinking about pre-magic reveal!arthur watching merlin and lancelot talking and then pouting and going#‘why doesnt he smile and look at me like that? :(‘#and then post-magic reveal!arthur having a moment of realization and going#like ‘oh hes hiding a huge part of what makes him him. i only know half of my best friend.’#and then setting out to know ALL of him bc arthur and merlin are soulmates and in love and two sides of the same coin and best friends and-#im going thru my drafts and finding so many banger posts#idk why i never posted them LMAOO
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What if the way you hold me is actually what's holy?
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