#Ascended Masters
psychicreading-live · 19 days
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void-thegod · 10 months
i really think humans need a focus. a symbol of peace. a manifesto. a new religion.
whatever keeps our species from destroying itself and the planet.
i think hope/solarpunk is like that.
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creature-wizard · 3 months
Are you an ascended master?
Tell ya what, go and read up on what an "ascended master" is supposed to be, and ask yourself if I look like the kind of person who'd call themself an ascended master.
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conjuremanj · 9 months
Types of Spirit Guides and How To Connect With Them.
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Everyone has spirit guides, whether they choose to believe it or not. These entities help us by giving us advice, protecting us, and, as their name implied, guide us on our journey throughout life. While all spirit guides are helpful, they are not necessarily the all the same type of spirit.
Now What Is a Spirit Guide? Spirit guides are non-physical creatures who have agreed to support you in navigating the material realm and guiding you toward your highest potential. Your guides, can take on several different forms. They may appear as ancestors, animal spirits, voices, or visions, they always resonate at a higher frequency than humans. They can be thought of as light beings, energy, or spirits who have elevated to a spiritual world.
What Do Spirit Guides Do? Even if you don’t know how to “access” your spirit guides, they are definitely there to help you. They will try to communicate with you in dreams, signs, and symbols. These creatures will occasionally leave minor clues to lead you to a larger purpose. Your guides may guard you against negativity and damaging thought cycles, guide you through anxious or depressive thoughts, boost creativity, and help you connect with your soul purpose or even help you to achieve in life what you or others may think is impossible.
Here are some different types of spirit guides, and how to best connect with them.
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Ancestral Spirits: Ancestral spirits covers a wide range of deceased people. An ancestor can be a recently departed loved one, like a grandparent. They may be distant ancestors from generations past. These spirits work to support you from the afterlife. Their assistance is often very practical like helping you find jobs, homes, or relationships. Divination tools are helpful for connecting with ancestral spirits. You may wish to create an ancestor altar. (See post on altars) Make offerings to your ancestors, and, when you have need of their advice, light a white candle use a form of dividation, to obtain their advice. When you are through, be sure to thank them for their help.
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Angels: Angels come in different types. Each of these vary slightly in their power and scope:
1 Guardian angels are with you from birth, regardless of your religion. You can call upon them for help at any time.
2 Helpful angels are spirits who look for people in need. They may dip in and out of your life depending on your circumstances.
3 Archangels are the most powerful tier of angel. They don't attach themselves to people, but can be called on when needed. Each archangel has their own specialty.
There are many more.
Angels are fond of communicating through synchronicity. If you begin to notice a lot of tiny coincidences in your life, this may be angels trying to get through to you. If you get a loud high pitch ringing in your ear it could be angel talking. One of these coincidences is the appearance of "angel numbers." You can request help from angels at any time simply by asking. If you wish, you may also invoke the protection of your guardian angel by anointing a Guardian Angel candle with Angel or holy oil and lighting it before you enter a risky situation. If you find yourself in need of an archangel's help, there are specific ways to call upon their powers.
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Animal Guides: Animal guides are different and should not be confused with familiars. Familiars are living animals that aids as magical assistants to witches or other similar practices. In a Native American religions. Animal guides, ate seen as a spirit of any animal who may have something to teach you or help you with. This can be a beloved pet who passed away, or an animal you feel drawn to. Connecting with your animal guides isn't always easy and the best way to receive messages from them that I know is to strengthen your intuition, awareness, try to remember your dreams. These guides tend to leave subtle signs and reminders of their presence in your life, like finding a feather on a hike or appearing in a dream. Practice keeping your eyes open for signs from these spirit helpers. Sometimes they will have a live version of them come around you or follow you, for me it was a eagle I had two follow me when I was young. Then seen another years later some how a part of them show up in my life.
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Ascended Masters: Ascended masters are different. They humans who were alive at one time and have reached enlightenment or otherwise transcended human existence. For instance figures like 'Jesus and the a few of the 'Buddhas, or 'Gandhi act as ascended masters. They are powerful figures when alive and in the spirit world and act as teachers to the living. All of the ascended masters were devoted to their spirituality in life. (The best way to connect with them is to cultivate some kind of regular spiritual practice. It doesn't matter what religion you practice, as long as you regularly make time for it. You can make a spiritual altar for them in your home. Light white candles and some incense. Most people have only a few types of spirit guides. You may have guardian angels and animal guides, but may not come in contact with helper angels or the ascended masters but there there. Some spirits will be with you through out your whole life, while others may come and go as they are needed. No matter who your guides are, connect with them whenever you are struggling with something in life. Their gentle guidance and protection will help you.
Your Spiritual Self: Whatever happens, you’ll always have access to this guide. It’s not a distinct spirit-that looks like you; but it’s the part of you that’s strongly connected to the divine. Your higher self is a wise and kind guide that leads you ahead. (It's the little you that sits on your shoulders that tells you right from wrong. Kind of like a conscience.) They also have access to a lot more information than your conscious mind does—all you have to do is tap in and you’ll have access to that knowledge! (This could be your intuition or your “sixth sense.” your psychic abilities) Recognizing it in whatever form it takes might be your most effective instrument.
Wrapping Up: Your guides want to build a connection with you. Be patient, even if you’re having problems connecting or receiving clear messages. If you take the time pray, talk to them then you will not only develop a stronger bond with your spiritual team but also with yourself. Don’t try to rush it take your time. You can’t force your guides to connect with you. Because everyone has a different experience with these kinds of connections, it’s important to be patient, pay attention to even the smallest signs and wait for your relationships with your guides to be strengthen.
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annalouisemay · 1 year
DNA Activation & Energy Healing: An Overview | A Mayastar Energy Healing Article | Read at https://www.mayastar.net/dnaarticle.htm or visit https://youtu.be/GFexzxiIFlk to enjoy the audio with my latest animated artwork. EXCERPT: "Energy healing techniques allow us to tap into the subtle components of our being. Genetic keys can be switched on & off through changes to our environment. These keys are reflected in the energy body & restoration of the original energetic blueprint can help us to restore health on other levels. This article explores how...Energy healing modalities like the Pleiadian DNA Clearing & Activation Programme allow us to effect healing on the energetic aspect of our DNA in order to align us more closely with our original energetic blueprint. By doing this, the subtle energetic shifts that take place within the energy body, exert a subtle influence on the other levels of our being. The changes on an energetic level may effect healing shifts on a physical level. But they may also, by aligning our energy with our optimal blueprint, inspire our unconscious mind to encourage us to make the changes to our lives and environment that will support our energetic integrity going forward." 
Latest Mayastar Meditation: Pleiadian Light-Language Transmission for Healing & Meditation | https://youtu.be/yfZIr7Uh7Mk 
Special Offer | Pleiadian DNA Clearing & Activation Course | https://www.mayastar.net/pleiadiandna.htm  
Special Offer | Yggdrasil Runic Empowerments Intensive | www.mayamagickal.net/yggdrasiloffer.htm 
Energy updates, spiritual guidance & daily affirmations from Mayastar on Maya Muses | www.mayamuses.net Energy updates, spiritual guidance & daily affirmations the Mayastar YouTube Channel | https://youtu.be/M93lVyMd-ws
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mysticalblizzardcolor · 6 months
Archangel Michael Angel Message, Clear Cleanse & Lift ✨☀️
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ascendedunicorn · 1 year
Where Unicorns reside 💜💜
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twinflamesandtarot · 1 year
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esoteric-absurdity · 2 years
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“Ascended Master Afra”
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alchemyofmaya · 2 years
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ranmagender · 1 year
I feel like people run into the wall of not realizing the UFO movement or rather Contacteeism is directly tied to the ideas of William Dudley Pelley, spiritualist and openly fascist person during the 1930s, his ideas went on to inspire the I Am Movement which begat the works of George Adamski which lead into like, most modern ufo and contactee stuff.
William Dudley was inspired by Theosophy, Helena Blavatsky's spiritual teachings which also inspired Hitler.
The idea of "ascended masters" and "root races" that gets brought up each time with a different mask on is just the same fascist ideals.
Yet people seem to swallow up any "higher being" or "alien" thats channeled and curiously says the same fascist stuff as theosophy does just dressed up in "life and love" flowery language.
The eery similarities between Contacteeism, Nazi Occultism and Theosophy should at least raise eyebrows when people peddle a new channeled alien type as the new "ascended master" with racist origin story of the world.
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shiftaltparadigm · 2 years
Requirements for Ascension
This is a non-official list of things I have heard are required for ascension.  I would say it is accurate except recently the whole process has changed several times affecting the criteria in unknown ways, at least by me.  At least it will give you an idea of the type of changes expected and one can assume the overal personal growth outlined here would remain similar regardless of the changes occuring.  About half of these come from the Ascension Manual by Dr. Joshua David Stone.  It was published in the late 90's.  Hope it helps. 
Check out this Podcast Episode❗️🌎🚀🛸🧿☯️♾️
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Card for the week of 7/5/2022 🎴👌🏻✨
Now is the time to put your plans into action. Stop procrastinating and delaying. You have all the tools and resources at your disposal to succeed. Do not doubt yourself as the universe has your back. Believe in yourself!
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creature-wizard · 1 year
New Agers will channel the "wisdom" of the Galactic Federation/Arcturian Council/Ascended Masters or whoever and it's always the most insipid feel-good platitudes designed to soothe the egos of self-centered middle class people.
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phoenixlightenergy · 2 years
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annalouisemay · 2 years
Energetic Protection from Narcissists, Energy Vampires & Black Magic | A Mayastar Energy Healing Article | Read at https://www.mayastar.net/narcissismarticle.htm or visit https://youtu.be/dar-5GDHrbQ to enjoy the audio with my latest animated artwork.
EXCERPT: "Your energy field extends from your physical body & exerts a subtle influence on your surroundings. In this sense, your “home” is deeply connected to you on a spiritual level. What you put into your home reflects qualities, aspirations & inspiration that derive from your soul. As someone who uses magick every day, I can tell you that having a good clear out, decorating or spring cleaning your house can be a powerful ritual with healing & manifesting benefits!
It can be difficult to appreciate the reality of the energy body because most people can’t see or feel it. But almost everyone can understand it if you explain that their home is a container for it in the same way their physical body is:
When you leave your home, you lock the door. It’s an important protection “ritual” that has effects beyond the prevention of theft of your property. Imagine how you would feel if someone came into your home uninvited, not to steal anything, but just to look around, admire your place & relax. Theft of physical property or physical damage to your home were not a risk. But how would you feel afterwards?..."
Latest Mayastar Mantra-Waves 60-minute Meditation Music with 60BPM Heartbeat | “My Soul is a Source of Tranquillity & Triumph” | https://youtu.be/JjkfAOAKUlk
Special Offer | Dark Moon Mother Protection Course | https://www.mayastar.net/dmmprotection.htm
Daily spiritual guidance from Mayastar on Maya Muses | www.mayamuses.net
Daily spiritual guidance on the Mayastar YouTube Channel | https://youtu.be/kq94yknuDFE
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