#Ask Blog Starts here
originalartblog · 5 months
Apparently much-needed reminder that reposting artists' art (by saving the images or screenshotting them and reuploading them yourself) on other platforms without the artists' expressed permission and without credit is theft and an insult to their passion and craft. You are profiting (in views, in attention, in feedback) from someone else's work and ideas, who do not get that feedback for sharing their creation.
If you are an art reposter, you are a thief and I have no respect for you.
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poorly-drawn-mdzs · 3 months
I started reading Dungeon Meshi last week, became instantly charmed and captivated, and blitzed through the entire manga in 4 days (and changed my profile picture about it). With that in mind, I would just like to say...
I love your dungeon meshi art so so much
Thank you kindly! I love Dungeon Meshi a lot, so I'm happy to see so many people get into it for the first time.
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minty364 · 7 months
DPXDC Prompt #94
Danny falls through a portal to the DC world from a natural portal that opened up while he was in mid fight with Skulker a fight that began at Vlads where the creep put a collar on Danny that kept him in ghost form, Vlad thought he’d force Danny to reveal his secret to his parents by taking away his human form. Looking around he’s in a dark city with dark smog colored skies. Unfortunately he’s stuck here as the portal closed leaving him trapped. He tried to find help but no one can see him in his ghost form. He starts tailing the vigilantes of this world and eventually follows one onto this space station through this tube (possessing inanimate objects sure comes in handy). He wasn’t expecting for the random British guy in a trench coat to see him.
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stankworth · 1 year
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Forget you ever saw me at my best
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You have inspired me to start making reading comprehension questions for a server’s political memes channel. Do you have any tips to make good questions, or pitfalls to avoid?
I did want to answer this ask but I waited a bit until I had more actual posts queued before doing so
When I'm doing my gimmick, the first question I ask myself is, "taken completely literally at face value, what is this post saying?" Then, I ask, "what does this post actually mean?" or, alternatively, "what was the reason that this post was made?"
Of course that is not necessarily the best way to do it or the only valid way, it's just the easiest way for me to start breaking a post apart.
I also try to lead a hypothetical person who is reading my questions to try and think about things in a way that would help them understand the post. For instance, on the nsfw snow post I tried to direct my hypothetical answerer into understanding that the one image that was removed was probably due to copyright issues with the photographer as opposed to some algorithm gone awry that thought the snow was porn, which can be verified by checking the notes of the post.
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buwheal · 1 month
Damn, Spam, did the cake taste that bad? - bad joke. Sorry you're havin' a rough day. We're here if you need to talk, or if you just need a distraction.
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askinsufferableprick · 10 months
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is this thing working?
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oh shit it is this is officially happening lets fuckin go
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ok so uh welcome ladies, gents n such to the offical ask blog for the world renowned creator of SBHJ and various other cool blogs i know yall got a billion questions such as whos that super cool dude on camera there's no way that's the one and only dave strider himself i knew he was a epic dude but this is way beyond anything i could have imagined how does such a famous and busy guy got the time for yet another dope as hell blog or like hey doesnt putting your name and face up online go against like basic internet safety protocol all valid questions guess you gotta go throw some asks in that empty as fuck ask box if you want any of the answers
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guaxinimraccoon · 2 months
Agora, a pergunta q nn quer calar: por que o Toby roubou o livro?
MEU DEUS eu achei que já tinha dito isso em algum lugar, mas dei uma procurada aqui e nada de achar o link disso pq eu NUNCA EXPLIQUEI DJKSKJDSKJDS MALZ bora lá
My bud here asked a very important question: why Tobias stole a very sacred and important book?
The short answer is: because Tobias has a curse and he wanted to find a cure.
OMG HOW- calm down, first things first.
As I said before, when Alex and Elisa started to take their relationship more seriously, Alex would hang out in the Colony using a shrinking potion and preteding to be an imp. He was well accepted as one by Elisa's fellow imps and fairies and they never had many problems with his disguise.
But there was this one, powerful, envy fairy who took notice that something about Alex was... off.
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She started to do her own investigations and ended up finding the truth out: Alex was no imp, but a human in disguise. Although, to her, this was actually very good news.
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Why? Because this fairy - Irwalia - comes from a family that has been preaching an ancient propecy over a century now. Said prophecy omens that, one day, a being with the strongest of souls - a fairy soul - and the strongest of bodies - a human body - would be born to free the Colony from it's decades of war.
There are a lot of fairy families that preach this prophecy till this day, but all of them are taken as delusionals by most of the Colony's inhabitants. It's impossible to have a being that has a different soul from it's body, it just can't happen. But they hold onto their beliefs firmly regardless.
When Irwalia learned the truth about Alex, she couldn't help but be ecstatic: she had finally found a human inside the Colony's walls. And, if SHE was the one who discovered him first, then she must be the one meant to give birth to this prophetic child… right?
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In a vengeful and spiteful spirit, Irwalia decided to not report Alex to the Colony's authorities, but instead take her anger out on what the human and his imp wife treasured the most: their only child.
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Alex and Elisa didn't took long to find Toby, afterall she wanted to take her revenge in front of them...
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Irwalia cursed Toby with something that not only breaked Alex's heart, but made the child defenseless if he ever encountered a human: if in close proximity to a human, Toby is completely unable to do any kind of magic.
This may not sound like a big deal, but imps, especially imp borrowers, take great advantage from their magic abilities to protect themselves from the sight of humans and their malicious intents. And, of course, Toby would never be able to obtain his full magic potential (which he has a lot of) around his own father.
Aside from all that, his hair is now bright blue, a side effect of the curse that makes it difficult for him to hide from humans and dangerous animals.
Toby grew up not being allowed to leave the Colony EVER because of his curse. So when he became an adult, after getting involved in a lot of trouble inside the Colony, being the little thief and vagabond that he is, he thought-
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Unfortunately, he never had the chance to actually seek a cure for his curse in the book because he was discovered for his theft before that, yeah, it was all kind of pointless, he truly sucks at hiding.
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Huh, I also wonder why it worked...
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oooocleo · 17 days
Hello! I love your art and assume you have wonderful taste too! If I may ask, can you recommend some of your favorite artists and blogs on Tumblr? I'm trying to follow more cool people
ok.. this ask has been sitting in my inbox for ages bc every time i look at it i forget every single artist i've ever liked 🤡
i dont have favourite-favourite artists really but here are some lovely ones i picked out of my recent Likes:
@sanctus-ingenium (gorgeous colours, texture, rly dynamic compositions, wud hang up as prints no questions asked)
@zmeess (I don’t critrole but wow the way they render w bold strokes + colours is gorg.. also very tactile feeling to bodies+HANDS)
@coeykuhn (i've followed this artist for so so many yrs... definitely inspiring how they portray bodies and the bold black linework is shrimply delicious)
@elemei (man the way they illustrate moments from their ttrpg games.. it sticks in my mind! their linework is super clean and their colour choices are always so pleasant)
@githyankidanky (so fun.. so expressive.. their style reminds me of retro anime (inuyasha, sailor moon era) and its so charming)
@artharakka (rly thoughtful imagery, earthy palettes, love their swordtember? pieces in particular)
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cheese-hater · 5 months
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NOBODY TOLD ME THERE WERE STILL ASK BLOGS AROUND???? gonna draw all of u and then the old askblogs that ate my brain from 2012
anyway warm up sketches with some oncelers i think are cute: @ask-idol-ler and @snowie-ler
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rat rat rat rat rat rat rat rat rat rat rat rat rat rat rat rat rat rat rat rat rat rat rat rat rat rat rat rat rat rat rat rat rat rat rat rat rat rat rat rat rat rat rat rat rat rat rat rat rat rat rat rat rat rat rat rat rat rat rat rat rat rat rat rat rat rat rat rat rat rat rat rat rat rat rat rat rat rat rat rat rat rat rat rat rat rat rat rat rat rat rat rat rat rat rat rat rat rat rat rat rat rat rat rat rat rat rat rat rat rat rat rat rat rat rat rat rat rat rat rat rat rat rat rat rat rat rat rat rat rat rat rat rat rat rat rat rat rat rat rat rat rat rat rat rat rat rat rat rat rat rat rat rat rat rat rat rat rat rat rat rat rat rat rat rat rat rat rat rat rat rat rat rat rat rat rat rat rat rat rat rat rat rat rat rat rat rat rat rat rat rat rat rat rat rat rat rat rat rat rat rat rat rat rat rat rat rat rat rat rat rat rat rat rat rat rat rat rat rat rat rat rat rat rat rat rat rat rat rat rat rat rat rat rat rat rat rat rat rat rat rat rat rat rat rat rat rat rat rat rat rat rat rat rat rat rat rat rat rat rat rat rat rat rat rat rat rat rat rat rat rat rat rat rat rat rat rat rat rat rat rat rat rat rat rat rat rat rat rat rat rat rat rat rat rat rat rat rat rat rat rat rat rat rat rat rat rat rat rat rat rat rat rat rat rat rat rat rat rat rat rat rat rat rat rat rat rat rat rat rat rat rat rat rat rat rat rat rat rat rat rat rat rat rat rat rat rat rat rat rat rat rat rat rat rat rat rat rat rat rat rat rat rat rat rat rat rat rat rat rat rat rat rat rat rat rat rat rat rat rat rat rat rat rat rat rat rat rat rat rat rat rat rat rat rat rat rat rat rat rat rat rat rat rat rat rat rat rat rat rat rat rat rat rat rat rat rat rat rat rat rat rat rat rat rat rat rat rat rat rat rat rat rat rat rat rat rat rat rat rat rat rat rat rat rat rat rat rat rat rat rat rat rat rat rat rat rat rat rat rat rat rat rat rat rat rat rat rat rat rat rat rat rat rat rat rat rat rat rat rat rat rat rat rat rat rat rat rat rat rat rat rat rat rat rat rat rat rat rat rat rat rat rat rat rat rat rat rat rat rat rat rat rat rat rat rat rat rat rat rat rat rat rat rat rat rat rat rat rat rat rat rat rat rat rat rat rat rat rat rat rat rat rat rat rat rat rat rat rat rat rat rat rat rat rat rat rat rat rat rat rat rat rat rat rat rat rat rat rat rat rat rat rat rat rat rat rat rat rat rat rat rat rat rat rat rat rat rat rat rat rat rat rat rat rat rat rat rat rat rat rat rat rat rat rat rat rat rat rat rat rat rat rat rat rat rat rat rat rat rat rat rat rat rat rat rat rat rat rat rat rat rat rat rat rat rat rat rat rat rat rat rat rat rat rat rat rat rat rat rat rat rat rat rat rat rat rat rat rat rat rat rat rat rat rat rat rat rat rat rat rat rat rat rat rat rat rat rat rat rat rat rat rat rat rat rat rat rat rat rat rat rat rat rat rat rat rat rat rat rat rat rat rat rat rat rat rat rat rat rat rat rat rat rat rat rat rat rat rat rat rat rat rat rat rat rat rat rat rat rat rat rat rat rat rat rat rat rat rat rat rat rat rat rat rat rat rat rat rat rat rat rat rat rat rat rat rat rat rat rat rat rat rat rat rat rat rat rat rat rat rat rat rat rat rat rat rat rat rat rat rat rat rat rat rat rat rat rat rat rat rat rat rat rat rat rat rat rat rat rat rat rat rat rat rat rat rat rat rat rat rat rat rat rat rat rat rat rat rat rat rat rat rat rat rat rat rat rat rat rat rat rat rat rat rat rat rat rat rat rat rat rat rat rat rat rat rat rat rat rat rat rat rat rat rat rat rat rat rat rat rat rat rat rat rat rat rat rat rat rat rat rat rat rat rat rat rat rat rat rat rat rat rat rat rat rat rat rat rat rat rat rat rat rat rat rat rat rat rat rat rat rat rat rat rat rat rat rat rat rat rat rat rat rat rat rat rat rat rat rat rat rat rat rat rat rat rat rat rat rat rat rat rat rat rat rat rat rat rat rat rat rat rat rat rat rat rat rat rat rat rat rat rat rat rat rat rat rat rat rat rat rat rat rat rat rat rat rat rat rat rat rat rat rat rat rat rat rat rat rat rat rat rat rat rat rat rat rat rat rat rat rat rat rat rat rat rat rat rat rat rat rat rat rat rat rat rat rat rat rat rat rat rat rat rat rat rat rat rat rat rat rat rat rat
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ratstuckinamarble · 4 months
Introducing you all to my endless well of joy, made possible thanks to the pattern by @itsthebeastpeddler (whose blog you should check out cause she makes some really lovely things ^-^)
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It's a slug!!! Fully hand-sewn cause doing so seemed easier than learning how to use our sewing machine... I'll do so eventually XD But it was actually fairly therapeutic.
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Oh! Looks like they're friends now.
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Camouflage slug... With a "snail" (he's in denial) friend I made some time ago >:) Dang she's making connections left and right :0
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He's a big fan of strawberries, can't blame her. And as per the peddler's suggestion, I used a pipe cleaner for the eye stems! Now they're bendyyy
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I knew keeping these suckers around for over a decade would be worth it... Also, the single progress photo I took.
This is my first time sewing a plushie, and I had a grand time. Learned a lot along the way, and the ladder stitch that always intimated me is actually super easy XD Wanna know what the best thing about making such a slug is though? The way the eye stalks wiggle about if you shake him sjshsj
A little slug kiss on your forehead for good luck <3
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poorly-drawn-mdzs · 1 year
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First and Last appearances of Poorly-Drawn-MDZS Season 1!
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birrdify · 2 months
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fanart for the @abandonedvirtualfriend AU hehee ,, for @roboticlover20 and @redlove101 too !!! GRGRR CHECK OUT THE AU !!!! SLASH THREAT . /j/j
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askponyinuyasha · 1 month
Terra*playing with a bike bell she found as it makes a loud dinging sound oblivious of reactions*
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anideterm3: Terra *playing with a bike bell she found as it makes a loud dinging sound oblivious of reactions*
Inuyasha: K-Ka...
Inuyasha: You??
(High-res transparent PNGs below the cut)
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Terra and her bike bell were so fun to draw. She's so cute!
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diorkyeom · 6 months
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favourite pretty boys <3
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