#Astoria fates kiss Zeus
bastart13 · 1 year
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I find the Astoria characters a bit bland or incohesive when it comes to their designs so as some design practice, I gave them redesigns
Except for Alex. They're basically perfect
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I’m watching Alex (again) and I got to this part in their S2
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Ik it’s a sudden thought and probably obvious, but I bet it was heartbreaking to learn she has Hera’s potential. Like, in this scene we see them connecting the dots in real time and I bet it hurts so much. They know they can lose her, and it’s all of a sudden and oh…..I bet it hurts a lot. Even when they deny the possibility by saying Aphrodite would’ve sensed it, I bet a part of them was wondering if she was hiding it and not telling the truth. They later call her out (if I’m remembering properly) and it’s even more painful to have the truth suddenly and have Ares of all people knowing about it and then basically damning her in Olympus. And they have to WATCH!!
It just hit me for a second and it hurts😭.
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Oh, honey……..
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dark-elf-writes · 5 months
Honestly the implications that in the Astoria's Kiss AU Harry is probably Thanatos's reincarnation is interesting. And hell, if you want you can easily play with the God reincarnation rules because as the God of Death, who knows if Harry has any of Thanatos's memories or personality. Because why would the God of Death exclude themself from dying at least semi-permanently?
I have so much built up lore for Harry as Thanatos and how the addition of godly power and aura to his already existing magic works, the dynamic of a “minor” god that technically holds power over all of them since even gods can die, and the politics do him being Alex and Andy’s kid first and a god second particularly after the schism between H.E.R.A. and Olympus from the last time Zeus found a reincarnated god in the mortal world.
But the thing that sticks in my head most of all is Harry’s relationship with death, his own power and the one thing that has haunted him for years.
Because Thanatos is different than the other gods. He was before, always apart, ever present but never among them, the reminder that while they were immortal they could still die. Even the way Harry awakened wasn’t the same as other gods. There was no calling him home to Olympus, but the power itself waking in him. In the end the past him had wanted above all else for his future reincarnation to know how to live as well as know what it is to die.
It’s a lot to think about. It’s even more to think about when Harry still has the mind of a teenager while all the other gods have been around since time immemorial. He is different he is something new. He is arguably the most powerful of all of them because no one not even the gods can escape death.
He also really really has issues with authority in general and Zeus in particular.
But while I think he definitely has moments that he feels instinct take over when it comes to his power Harry doesn’t have the memories or personality of his past life, because in the end Thanatos didn’t reincarnate in the same way that the other gods do.
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megatraven · 5 months
🐝: “A Promise”
For Zeus x MC?? I love my 2 insufferable men😌.
oh you know i love these insufferable astoria guys too vuv
Zeus x MC - When a slight upset at their engagement party leads to cold shoulders and distance between them in bed, Zeus knows he's made a mistake. To fix it, he knows he'll have to put in the work- but that takes time, and laying the groundwork might be enough to soothe the hurt. MC warmed up to him remarkably fast, and him to her, given how rocky their relationship started off; he'd like to think he knows her well enough to know that she'll believe that he means what he says.
Before she drifts off to sleep, he makes her a promise that he intends to keep- on his honor, he'll keep it. On his life, he'll spend every moment going forward to putting it into action.
If she wants Olympus, she can have it. If Earth is home, he'll follow her there. If godhood is her desire, he'll be by her side every step of the way. If humanity is something she can't depart from, he'll embrace it in full. Her choice matters; he'll never take it from her.
It's a promise he never would have made when they first met, or even when he first found out that she's Hera's reincarnation. Now he's not only ready to make it, he's ready to stand by it.
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lils-writes · 4 years
Goddesses never die
So I said I’d make myself sad and hurt. @megatraven you asked for this. If I must cry, so shall you!
“Hera! Come forth!”
MC’s voice was piercing as she held her hand out, trying to stop Zeus, but it was too late. The god had already struck, his anger getting the best of him. He wanted his wife back and he was blind to all the harm he was causing. He wanted her now, no matter how badly it would hurt her vessel – that’s all MC was to him anyways, a vessel to Hera – no matter how bad he would eventually seem to the other gods. She was mortal and that was it. At least, to the god she was little and insignificant. But to others… to others…
MC had covered her head as soon as Zeus sent one of his bolts her way, curling in a ball on the floor, waiting for the fatal impact. She waited, and waited, but it never hit. Slowly, she turned to the god, her eyes fluttering open. A gasp caught in her throat as she covered her mouth, muffling a sob. Silver fizzled in the air, like sparkles in the air. It could have been a beautiful sight, maybe even something she would have loved for her wedding. Gold and silver, the colors of their wedding, one she had dreamed of ever since she was little girl. But now, hazed by her tears, it was awful. The sight was worthy of a nightmare.
Alex kneeled in front of her, clutching at their chest. They stared at the god, their wine eyes connecting with the electric blue ones of the god. Even if their back was turned to MC, she could the pain they were in, the pain they tried so desperately to conceal. She could see where the bolt had hit: right on their heart.
“You can’t force Hera out of her, Zeus.”
The god huffed, not even bothering to acknowledge the demigod. All he did was mutter something about being insufferable before turning on his heel and walking out of the room. And silence fell as Alex fell on the sparkling tiles with a thud.
MC quickly shuffled to their side, resting their head on her thighs. She held them tight, pleading them to stay awake, to keep their eyes on her, to keep fighting. Her sobs didn’t stop once as she clenched onto the fabric of Alex’s shirt, the cotton slowly soaking in blood.
“No! no, no, no, no, no… Oh gods, Alex, please, please stay with me. This can’t be happening… This can’t happen. Please…”
MC could see their eyes dull, losing their usual shine. Her hands were stained with blood, gold and red mixing together against her palm. It clung to her skin as she clung to her fiancé’s body. She could feel her body shake as she held them close, hoping, praying pleading for a miracle. This couldn’t be happening, not so close to their forever. But she knew that even if they were on Olympus, in the Heavens, miracles were just tales to keep spirits up. They never truly happened.
MC snapped her head back, letting out a desperate cry. She called for whoever was near. She called for Apollo. She cried for anyone who would help. She couldn’t save them on her own. She couldn’t save the love of her life, no matter how badly she tried. Not alone. She needed help.
“It is not worth it. Zeus made sure no one would be around, dear. No one can hear your cry, no one but me.”
A shiver shot down MC’s back as she quickly glanced around. Her voice was shaky, scared, strained from her cries. “Who? Who’s there?”
“Worry not, little one, it is me. It’s the goddess. Do not speak out loud.”
Alex’s voice, although terribly weak, caught her attention, drawing her back to them. Their fingers pushed a stand of her hair behind her ear as they sent her a weak smile. Their body was heavy on her lap, but nothing could compare to weight of her sorrow. She could feel their string of life thinning.
“Sh, don’t cry. Please don’t cry. You’ll make me cry.”
There was a hiccup in their voice, as if they were trying to conceal a sob. Or maybe they were too weak to let out the tears. Their chest heaved with every ragged breath they took. Red and gold poured, now staining MC’s shirt as she pulled them closer to her chest.
“What can I do? Alex, tell me what I can do. I don’t know how-”
“Everything will be alright, I promise.”
Their touch was light, but still, MC curved into it, pressing her cheek to their hand. Her forehead rested against theirs, their noses touching slightly. MC’s tears fell to Alex’s cheeks, mixing to their own as they rolled to the ground.
“It’s not alright, Alex. You… you took that blow meant for me. Why? Why did you do that?”
“I promised to keep you safe, didn’t I?”
The chuckle shook Alex’s body, making them violently cough. MC steadied them in her arms, cradling them against her body.
“Sh, Alex. You need to keep your strength up. We’ll make it out of here.”
Their fingers tangled together as the room fell silent. All that could be heard was their struggling breaths, the heaving of both their chest as they tried to not cry too much.
It wasn’t long before MC broke the silence, unable to stand it much longer.
“When we get married, we’ll have the biggest silver and gold cake and on it, there will be little lemon cookies. Each slice will have its tiny lemon cookie. And if you’re good,” she pressed a kiss to Alex’s forehead, “I’ll give you mine. It will be my first act of kindness as your adoring wife. And then we’ll dance. We’ll dance all night, because we’ll have found our happiness. We’ll have found our forever. Because I will love you forever, Alex. Forever and ever, and even when forever will end, I will still love you.”
Alex’s fingers tightened around MC’s as she buried her face in their hair. It was her safe spot, the scent of coconut filling her lungs. It smelled like home, since that was wherever Alex found themselves.
“It will be time, child.” The voice was back, but MC refused to react to it. She wouldn’t let it take her away from Alex. She wasn’t giving up on them, not now, not ever. And the voice seemed to have noticed her determination. It let out a sigh, filling her with a warmth that almost felt familiar. “Sweet, young love. It is not often that love so pure graces our lives. Both of you, your love is what I wished I had. But like a flower, the most beautiful of them are torn away from the sunlight, simply left to wither and die.” There was a pause, one that iced MC’s blood, leaving her horrified. She wanted to shut the voice out, just be with Alex, but it kept coming back, haunting her mind. “I wish not to come back, but if I let you go on, I know you will suffer. And that is the last thing I want. I do not wish for you to suffer. So I will come back. When your love will go, so will you. You won’t have to live a life without them, little flower. So make the last moments with your love worth it. Treasure your love. Remember-”
Alex’s fingers tightened around MC’s, drawing her back to them. They leaned their head back against her shoulder, just far enough to look at her. Their eyes lost their color, but she could still see Alex in them. She could still sense their presence, no matter how weak they were. And with the lasts of their strength, they closed the distance between the two, pouring all the love the held for MC onto her lips. It shouldn’t have been their last kiss. It shouldn’t have ended like this.
“I promise to find you again, MC. I won’t give up on you. I won’t ever give up on finding you.” Their lip twitched, trying their best to smile. “Love never dies. Goddesses never die.”
The light in their eyes died out as MC whispered an ‘I love you’ to their lips. It was the end, and as Hera promised, a heat spread through MC’s body. It spiked through her blood, but it didn’t hurt. It just felt like she was falling… falling… falling… And the last thing she remembered was a flash of gold, the color taking over her pupils.
The goddess Hera had been awakened.
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This Goodbye
Summary: When it’s decided that MC will become Hera, it’s all Hydra can do to make it as painless as possible for her. No matter the cost. AO3 Pairing: Hydra x MC A/N: Based on This Goodbye by Beth Crowley
“I love you,” she whispers, grasping onto his shirt as if it’s the only thing keeping her from floating away. There’s a smear of mascara on it now, her tears staining it as she tries to hold on.
“I love you, too,” he says, and she can hear the sadness that lurks beneath them. His arms wrap around her and he hugs her for all he’s worth- which, to her, is a lot.
The light blue of his aura comes into being, and though they have a frosty air about them for most, they’ve only ever made her feel safe and warm. All five snakes wrap around the two, and for a moment, she can believe that they really are safe, and that everything will be fine.
And then Hydra shifts.
He takes his arms away, moving so that he’s cupping her face instead, looking into her eyes like it’s the last time he’ll ever get to do so. His thumb wipes away a falling tear, gentle and loving.
Their foreheads touch, and it’s all he can do to not kiss her then and there. But he knows better.
It would hurt too much.
“I’ll always love you,” he tells her, and she believes him. There’s no doubt in her mind that he means it, even though it means a life of pain.
The grief in his eyes is almost too much to bear, so she closes her own, and they stay like that, frozen in that moment for as long as they can make it last.
But, of course, it could never last.
“Look at me.”
He says it like a command, but she can’t follow it. If she does, she knows their time will be up.
“Please,” he begs her, his voice breaking.
It breaks something in her, too, and she meets his gaze, despair already squeezing at her heart.
Warmth begins to spread through her, and the edges of her vision begin to go foggy. She can’t look away from him now, not even if she wanted to.
Hydra whispers to her, and the more he does, the more his words fade. She tries shaking off the heaviness settling over her, tries to clear her sight, but it’s futile. The feelings grow and they grow until she closes her eyes, and the darkness overcomes her.
In that void, she thinks she hears someone apologizing, but it’s gone quicker than it came.
For awhile, there’s nothing. But from nothing springs voices, unrecognizable.
“Did it work?” someone asks. They sound sad and that makes her heart twinge with sympathy.
“It has to have worked... It has to.” The second voice sounds even worse, cool but so obviously broken.
She groans and shifts, taking her time to blink away the spots in her vision. When she can see, she finds two people sitting over her, a woman and a man. In shock, she tries to sit up, only for a head-splitting headache to push her back down.
She clutches at her head and winces. The other two have quieted down now and watch her. The woman frowns at her, concern written all over her face, while the man- he looks a little too calm.
“What’s... who are you?” she asks them.
They don’t answer.
Instead, the woman places a hand on the man’s shoulder. He looks down at her, whatever mask he’d been trying to wear crumbling. Before anyone else can move, he’s on his feet and out the door. The woman lingers for a second before she runs after him, leaving her all alone.
Her heart ached for whoever those people were, but in the end, they were just strangers...
So why did the thought of that man make her heart feel like it’s breaking?
She shook her head, and immediately regretted it at the sharp pain that lanced through her skull. Tears well up at the pain, though some part of her insists that’s not the only reason why, and then she’s crying full on.
It’s only when a knock at the door startles her out of the thought that something was missing does she get it under control.
“Come in..?”
All the air in the room seems to leave as a large man came in- no, not a man. A god. A god whose portrait hung on every floor of H.E.R.A. and who she’d only dreamed of meeting. A god who was that and a king.
He smiles at her, something dangerous in his otherwise calm demeanor.
“Hera. Welcome home.”
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carreraleigh · 5 years
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Hades is really spilling the tea out there huh
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I played Hades Season 1 and 2, and then played Astraeus season 1 &2. And like many people in the fandom I thought they had changed Hades character completely. However now I'm playing Hades Season 3 and I've realized that the Hades from Astraeus route isn't so different as this Hades.
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creamecream · 6 years
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Why is this so familiar?
Like something I used to know,
Staring up at the ceiling,
I swear that I know this feeling,
Where everybody wanted me to at least be my mom,
And everything I do, I do it wrong,
I’ll sway them with a joke or with a song,
And maybe that will help us get along,
Why is this so familiar?
Like something I used to do,
Did she used to throw a tantrum?
Insisting “I’m not just your wife, I’m a goddess too!”
I bet she drove them crazy all the time,
They love her and they just can’t leave her behind,
But there’s more important places they should be,
Than hanging out with someone just like me,
That’s why its so familiar!
Like someone I used to be!
But this time I’ve had some practice at helping a struggling family!
I’ll get them all together in one place,
And once we’re all together, face-to-face,
I’ll show them all the error of their ways,
And stop their spread of terror across the human race!”
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Watched Hydra’s “Hidden Truth’s” with MCs mom (bc I love all available content of MCs mom bc what a queen) and I just…..love this so much. So funny.
Like literally ARRESTED, and his thoughts are about how a girl is cute. Makes me think of Hydra laying down and kicking his feet while thinking of MC😭
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dark-elf-writes · 6 months
Alright, the parseltongue thing has me curious.
How do you think Harry's first meeting with all the other Astoria LI's go?
Harry doesn’t hiss at Medusa as much as he does to Hydra (what with the cap on her power) but he does occasionally fall into it. The first thing he ever says to her is “You’re pretty” in Parseltongue and Medusa adores him from that moment forward.
Hades is odd around Harry and none of them know why least of all Hades himself… at first anyway. It’s kind of like how Hades was with Andy, seeing her mother laid over her every movement but not quite. It’s something older. Something familiar. Something that hurts as much as it seems to heal. Immortality is strange like that. The wheel turns ever onwards even if those left alive don’t recognize it at first.
Cerberus (and his brothers) adore Harry okay. Cerberus ends up having to babysit during an emergency once and the two of them become besties immediately. He doesn’t know why a sleepy Harry calls his aura Padfoot, but he does feel at ease with the kid like he only has with Hades or his brothers. He doesn’t know why.
Chimera also gets a bit of the hissing treatment though again not as much as Hydra. He is also not nearly as fluent in Parsel as the other two and is a bit lost frankly. He is mostly amused by this little kid and is very good at encouraging Harry and not letting him get spooked when he does something magical.
Astraeus (as much as I love him) wouldn’t be like A Thing™️ in this one as it follows the Alex route unless the rebuilt H.E.R.A. tried to make peace between the titan children and the gods way down the line which would be funny because he would be mystified by the godling that stands at his parent’s elbows even when most of the pantheon have pulled back from H.E.R.A.
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megatraven · 11 months
Alex x MC Angst Drabble
Alex is only mentioned at this time, sorry :(
Zeus’ hands caress her face, gentle and soothing in the face of every fear that runs through her mind, pounds through each and every vein in her body until her heart is ready to burst from it all.
She wants to pull away, or close her eyes, or do something to stop this.
But her gaze is locked on his own, and his grip, though kind, is too strong to leave.
His aura crackles over his skin, and sears into her at its contact, but it doesn’t hurt. It lights up every nerve, breaks down barriers in her blood that held back the soul of another, that kept her humanity intact.
There’s a pull, somewhere. Not in her chest, or her head. Not in her entire body, but somehow in all of it at once. Her soul- that’s what it must be. Something pulls at it, and it feels so familiar, so sorrowful.
She takes a breath that might be her last, and she manages to tell the god one final thing.
Her words shake, from being drained of her strength, or filled with her anger, or singing with her longing for someone else, but they’re all that she has left as the world begins to fall away.
“I hope Alex smashes your artifact first.”
She knows Zeus hears her, and knows he says something back, but she’s already sinking into nothingness.
Her eyes close.
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swampwitched · 7 years
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meanwhile, at the H.E.R.A. offices,
@neildresner is this what you had in mind
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diavolosprincess · 6 years
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Perfect description of Zeus.
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