#Astrology Aesthetic
janesgms · 7 months
Asteroid Industria
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✨️ Industria (389) Persona Chart Edition ✨️
Having a 5th house stellium can indicate that you will work in the creative field or with children in general, it can also indicate that your own children will interfere in your career like bringing your children with you to your job (and this can cause problems to you depending on the planets we're talking about).
career examples: being a teacher, a pediatrician, a performer, an artist
Sun conjunct mercury indicates your job has a lot to do with communicating yourself/speaking in general, your job is a lot about languages or just communicating in general.
career examples: being a teacher (again), a singer, a mailman, etc. it reminds me of hermes in greek mythology
Having a 2nd house stellium is a huge indicator of having a job that brings you financial comfort and gains in general, you're probably the "official" supporter of the house financially.
Virgo stellium in this chart shows someone bery hardworker, to the point where it's even obsessive depending on the planets and aspects, people can even take advantage of you because you have no problem with doing the "dirty work".
7th house moon is an indicator you have a soft heart in your job space and a lot of peoole with bad intentions take advantage of your kindness, you need to set your boundaries, seriously.
3rd house venus = gossips about your love life in your job space?? 👀 just a guess
Neptune square moon can indicate that you're very uncertain or lost when it comes to choosing what your heart wants for a profession, you feel like there isn't a dream job for you and you'll just get on with life lol. I think this also applies specially if you have pisces personal placements or a stellium in this chart.
On the other side, and kind of surprisingly, moon conjunct neptune can indicate that you've always dreamt about a certain job and it fits you like a glove.
Mars in the 8th house can mean you like to work alone, secretly, you don't like to be ordered around much and you hate when people invade your privacy in your work space.
Having a libra venus in this chart can indicate your beauty and charm have a huge impact on your job.
celebrity example: Taehyung from BTS
Having a libra midheaven can mean your aesthetic has a huge impact on others, you can influenciate a lot of people from your profession.
celebrity example: Lana Del Rey
I think Taurus stellium is a huge indicator of talent and a gorgeous aura in general that makes people pulled in by you in your job space. You'll probably work in the comestics/fashion area (sometimes people forget that venus also rules taurus but let's give them some credits too here lmao)
Mercury in the 5th house: you communicate yourself so pretty, so beautifully in your job, your words and/or voice let people in awe, this has a siren effect but not necessarily a singing voice. Your words can be hypnotizing and your diction too
7th house venus or stellium can indicate your romantic life impacts on your job immensely, even negatively if you're not careful. Also, it can mean you'll find your significant others in your profession field.
Pluto sextile sun means you impose yourself beautifully in your profession, you have an impact on others in a gracious but unforgettable way.
1st house moon can mean you pour your heart out when you're really trying hard to leave an impression through your job. This can also means you care a lot about how others perceive your appearance and this affects you really personally
5th house venus is so pretty, I wish I had it in my chart lol, this person really knows how to use her creativity to make her job properly, she has a natural talent for what she does.
Having a combo of positive aspects between the moon/venus/asc in this chart can indicate your femininity is very in tune in your profession field, you can come off as really beautiful and "in form"/put together when you're working, you just know how to have the ideal vibes, you know? This is very beautiful.
1° Sun means you can show your ego pretty easily when you're in your job space, unless neptune is aspecting it or it's in pisces, then you can hide it pretty well, but you still can be very certain about your abilities and even your appearance, this can indicate a natural leader.
A Leo or Aquarius MC is the true trendsetter of their professional field, they have the best ideas and they're always ahead of others, they can be really inovative. Leo can do it in a more traditional way that still works and leave an impact, in a big and colorful way, aquarius make it in a standing way that leaves people shocked with their ideas, they do that crazy thought that others are scared. The Leo MC knows that they're the royalty and the Aquarius MC knows that they're the mastermind. This duo can work greatly together, their ideas mix pretty well.
1st house Mars in aries are such fast workers!! they do their job pretty fast
I've talked about virgo stellium, but Capricorn stellium are the TRUE workaholics and they do the hard job without an ounce of laziness, they're down for anything as long as it makes them satisfied with fulfilling a useful meaning to them and with ✨️money✨️ of course lol
Speaking of capricorn, having a Capricorn MC means you have fame of doing your job impeccably, you're not joking in your area lol.
If aries/1st house placements are fast workers, taurus/2nd house placements are the opposite. They appreciate the details very much and they hate doing a job for the "half", they can be slow workers but their talent makes it worth it.
8th house pluto and/or mars can indicate you're pretty envied in your job space 🤫 be careful with gossips, lies and secrets...
Scorpio moons do not put their souls in their jobs, their jobs ARE their souls, they pour everything in their profession. They turn their traumas in art
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karo-li · 16 days
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it took me sooo long to finally watch the owl house, but OH MY GOD. this is probably the best piece of media that could exist. we have such amazing representation there in, i think, everything and handled so respectfully. characters are so real and interesting. and lumity, gosh, lumity is such a sweet and beautiful ship 🥺
i even get an undercut hairstyle bc of amity hahah
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sayhoneysiren · 8 months
Venus in 11th/Aquarius people, can see the start and the end of a relationship and can see how the relationship will play out in the minds before it even happens.
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If they feel like there is something in the relationship that they desire to experience, then they will be open to a bond. If not, they would rather love from a distance.
They know that sometimes things are better left alone.
They have many imaginary relationships in their minds but the other person will never know.
If they see that their partner needs to grow in a different direction, they will end the relationship. They are the type that may meet up with their lover again after years apart and continue the relationship like nothing ever happened.
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They like to challenge those in authority every now and again.
In love they enjoy being stimulated mentally. They only accept partner who allows them to be 100% themselves. They are turned off by those who inhibit them. They understand that they are different but they don't see this as weird, they see it as genius.
Sex with these people can go anywhere and they can be turned on by anything. They have unique fetishes.
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They are very straightforward in their responses and approaches to things.
Private about certain parts of their lives.
Don't want big displays of affection.
In a relationship they dislike too many expectations and require plenty of space in and outside relationships.
People can never guess what they will do next.
They always keep progressing and learning new things about themselves.
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funky-astrologer · 8 months
Astrology Notes: - Aesthetics that remind me of the signs -
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check your Moon sign & Venus sign as well as your 2nd house, 5th house, & 7th house if you wanna be real fancy ✨
*I will likely be adding to this cause i love this topic/concept a lot 🌹
Aries: laughter, loud music, anything that moves fast, pops of color, the color red, highways, sunrises, neon writing, fairy lights, rusty old swings, bold lipstick, strong brows
Taurus: peace, beauty, flowers, plants, soft fabrics/clothing, cooking, being wined and dined, garden parties, elegant purses, lingerie, pastries arranged on a plate with floral designs
Gemini: jokes, humor, books, insects, butterflies, things that move swiftly and with ease, day trips, coffee shops, study groups, new friends/acquaintances, city skylines, cotton candy, platonic cuddling
Cancer: kindness, gentleness, soft blankets, beautiful fountains, sunshine glistening off water, cosmic inspired jewelry, family hierlooms (not necessarily an aesthetic--but the idea sticks), gloomy beaches
Leo: romance, arts & crafts, music, theatre, warmth/sunshine, getting dressed up, parties, hosting a gathering, body candles, friend dinners
Virgo: appreciation, planning, books, lofi, libraries, quiet time, reading, animals, flower crowns, tea, forests, pastel-colored drinks and mocktails with a neat flower on top (virgo's would be superb at mocktails, don't disagree with me here), antique shops
Libra: love, weddings, beauty, dazzling perfume/fragrance--the kind you never want to forget, seasonal lattes, cherries-- or any other fruits that are enticing, statues of the gods & goddesses, honey drizzle, rooftop lounges, cute cocktails like mojitos
Scorpio: horror films, morbidity, a full moon shining over the water, blue lightning, leather and lace, black and white photography, preserved flowers, crows
Sagittarius: traveling & making new friends, hilltops, bonfires, university, dorms, messy yet very detailed notes, pumpkins (ok this might just be fall related for me, but pumpkins are so wonderfully abundant, if you get it, you get it)
Capricorn: goth couture, dark luxury, mountains, perfect posture, glorious architecture, black coffee, perfectly arranged desks with all the necessary things you need, black succulents, greenhouses
Aquarius: perfectly sculpted artwork yet messy studios, the song "ride" by lana del rey, convertibles, strange, yet cool phone cases, sci fly, vapor wave aesthetic,
Pisces: the ocean, swimming, spirituality, fairies, magical creatures & realms, beautiful pastel-colored sunsets, the concept of "purple hour", gloomy artwork, salt lamps, starry skies, cosmic imagery
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pearlprincess02 · 4 months
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sagittarius sun, cancer moon, aquarius rising, sagittarius mercury, scorpio venus, scorpio mars
sagittarius sun: exuding charm and charisma, you may find that your personality itself is attractive to foreigners. a part of the radiance you exude and the opinions you express may give off a certain flexibility that can be welcome in cultures outside of yourself.
cancer moon: check in with how you treat your mother. do more chores in your home, help out with laundry, doing dishes, organize your home more, clean it more often. learn how to cook, bake more. you are likely bottling up your emotions or suppressing your innermost feelings, even needs. learn what your needs are, especially what you require from your loved ones, family members, your partner. vent, cry out your tears, embrace the flow of the good and the bad sides of emotion. try to provide for your family more.
aquarius rising: kinda look like aliens but in a hot sexy way, can get along with anyone they talk to like virgo rising, rebellious and a trendsetter who can attract a lot of copy cats, these people actually knew the song before it was famous, has a lot of friends that are all different personalities - they could have one nerdy smart friend and another friend that’s the captain of the football team (this is cliche but yk what I mean)
sagittarius mercury: a refreshing wit and a depth that can convey understanding outside of yourself. you may also be able to learn many languages with ease. the way you speak in general is notable to foreigners and attention grabbing. your sense of humor and the jokes you tell may also hit off better with people from a different cultural background.
scorpio venus: psychology, neck tattoos, “until death do us part”, kings & queens, snakes, sacred sex, chess, secrets, hickeys, the feeling after you stay up all night, the feeling of being at a concert, roses, knives, tequila shots, legs intertwined, dirty martinis, sparklers, avril lavigne, fantasy books, true crime and dark history
scorpio mars: scorpio mars may have a tendency to keep their emotions very bottled up and internally processed, which can result in a tendency for bottling up feelings of anger and frustration, and releasing them in intense outbursts at times. this can result in a tendency for outbursts of anger and intense reactions that may seem disproportionate to the actual situation at hand. they may also be drawn to the taboo and mysterious, and can have a tendency for being secretive and intense. they may sometimes have a sense of self-preservation that leads them to be overly secretive and distrusting.
(anon ask)
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celestial-equator · 6 months
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the earth reversed her hemispheres-
i touched the universe-
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secretie · 1 year
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Golden girls ✹ Taurus 🌿 Virgo 🍊 Gemini 🍀 Leo 🌻 (For Llewellyn's 2024 Astrological Calendar) Prints
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seraphic-saturn · 8 months
Venus Signs Aesthetics
Venus in Aries:
Adventure Core, with a preference for bold and adventurous styles that evoke a sense of daring and excitement, reflecting their energetic and fearless nature. Fashion Statement: Bold and athletic attire, such as statement jackets, activewear, and sturdy hiking boots, reflecting their fearless and adventurous spirit. Makeup Look: Bold and energetic, with vibrant eyeshadow colors, sharp winged eyeliner, and a pop of bright lipstick.
Venus in Taurus:
Cottage Core, with a preference for cozy and rustic styles that emphasize comfort and natural beauty, reflecting their love for simplicity and sensual pleasures. Fashion Statement: Flowing dresses, cozy knitwear, and earthy-toned accessories, embodying a style that is comfortable, rustic, and connected to nature. Makeup Look: Soft and natural, with earthy-toned eyeshadows, a touch of rosy blush, and a subtle nude lipstick.
Venus in Gemini:
Internet Core, with a preference for eclectic and versatile styles that reflect their love for communication and connection, embracing a mix of various internet-inspired trends. Fashion Statement: Mix-and-match styles, statement t-shirts, and quirky accessories, embracing a versatile and playful fashion sense inspired by various internet trends. Makeup Look: Playful and versatile, with fun and experimental eyeshadow combinations, bright colored liners, and a mix of glossy and matte lip options.
Venus in Cancer:
Fairy Core, with a preference for whimsical and nurturing styles that evoke a sense of magic and emotional depth, reflecting their nurturing and empathetic nature. Fashion Statement: Flowing and ethereal dresses, floral headpieces, and delicate accessories, evoking a whimsical and magical style that is deeply connected to nature and fantasy. Makeup Look: Ethereal and dreamy, with shimmery pastel eyeshadows, soft pink blush, and a touch of iridescent highlighter.
Venus in Leo:
Glam Core, with a preference for luxurious and attention-grabbing styles that reflect their love for drama and grandeur, emphasizing bold and striking fashion statements. Fashion Statement: Luxurious gowns, statement jewelry, and bold makeup looks, embodying a style that is dramatic, attention-grabbing, and exudes confidence and grandeur. Makeup Look: Dramatic and glamorous, with bold smokey eyes, defined contoured cheeks, and a rich, vibrant lipstick shade.
Venus in Virgo:
Study Core, with a preference for organized and practical styles that reflect their love for knowledge and efficiency, emphasizing simple and well-structured outfits. Fashion Statement: Well-tailored blazers, structured dresses, and classic accessories, reflecting a style that is organized, practical, and polished, yet understated. Makeup Look: Neat and polished, with neutral-toned eyeshadows, subtle contouring, and a classic nude or pink lipstick.
Venus in Libra:
Vintage Core, with a preference for elegant and harmonious styles that reflect their love for balance and beauty, emphasizing timeless and well-balanced fashion choices. Fashion Statement: Elegant dresses, retro accessories, and timeless coats, embracing a classic and harmonious style inspired by different eras of fashion history. Makeup Look: Classic and elegant, with soft winged eyeliner, a hint of vintage-inspired blush, and a timeless red lipstick, embracing a harmonious and graceful style.
Venus in Scorpio:
Witchy Core, with a preference for dark and mystical styles that reflect their love for intensity and transformation, embracing bold and enchanting fashion choices. Fashion Statement: Dark and mystical attire, such as black lace, statement boots, and enchanting accessories, embodying a style that is bold, mysterious, and empowered. Makeup Look: Dark and mysterious, with bold dark eyeshadows, intense eyeliner, and a deep plum or black lipstick.
Venus in Sagittarius:
Travel Core, with a preference for free-spirited and adventurous styles that reflect their love for exploration and freedom, emphasizing comfortable and versatile outfits suitable for various adventures. Fashion Statement: Casual yet adventurous outfits, including versatile jackets, comfortable boots, and practical accessories suitable for various outdoor expeditions and travels.
Makeup Look: Effortless and natural, with a touch of bronzer, a hint of gold or bronze eyeshadow, and a neutral lip gloss.
Venus in Capricorn:
Classic Core, with a preference for timeless and sophisticated styles that reflect their love for tradition and elegance, emphasizing well-tailored and polished fashion choices. Fashion Statement: Tailored suits, timeless heels, and sophisticated accessories, reflecting a style that is elegant, professional, and resonates with a sense of traditional charm and sophistication. Makeup Look: Sophisticated and polished, with neutral-toned eyeshadows, subtle but defined brows, and a classic red or nude lipstick.
Venus in Aquarius: Alternative Core, with a preference for unconventional and innovative styles that reflect their love for individuality and progressive thinking, embracing unique and experimental fashion choices. Fashion Statement: Unconventional and statement-making attire, including unique patterns, asymmetrical cuts, and avant-garde accessories, reflecting an experimental and non-conformist fashion sense.
Makeup Look: Edgy and unconventional, with bold and experimental eyeshadow shapes, unique graphic liners, and unconventional lip colors.
Venus in Pisces:
Dream Core, with a preference for ethereal and romantic styles that reflect their love for imagination and fantasy, emphasizing soft and flowing fashion choices that evoke a sense of magic and spirituality. Fashion Statement: Soft and flowing dresses, pastel colors, and dreamy accessories, embodying a style that is romantic, ethereal, and deeply connected to a sense of magic and spirituality. Makeup Look: Soft and ethereal, with iridescent eyeshadows, a touch of soft pink blush, and a sheer or glossy lip color.
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allmyloveandyours · 1 year
Venus, Art, and Feelings to Create
I wanted to make a post talking about how to use Venus to make art, since it rules over aesthetics. I tried not to focus too hard on things like painting, drawing, etc and but couldn't cover all types of art forms, so we're going with colors, feelings you can create, and some places to start if you want to give it a try.
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DISCLAIMER: I'm not a pro at this, and may have explained things weirdly. Feel free to ask any questions you may have :). The pallets look different on my tablet vs phone, so tablet/computer could show up more brown and on phone it could be red etc. ALSO check your rising as well, along with aspects to placements (look to the ruling zodiac) :)
✿ 1st House - Making art revolving around yourself, personal style, and putting your personality into the art is key. Using yourself as the canvas is something you can utilize, as this is a public house. Similarly to 10th and 5th house, you are connected to your art visually, so your art and brand is associated with you, but unlike the other two houses, staying true to yourself is very important.
✿ Aries/Color Palette - Using tones of red, feelings of confidence and taking charge should be the feeling you evoke with any art you make. Empowerment is key. The viewers of your art and the things you create should be eye-catching, confident and energetic. Make people want to create art too. Don't be afraid to take the lead in any project you take part in.
• Makeup Artist
• Hair Stylist
• Creating Self Portraits
• Those body painting things
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✿ 2nd House - Money, opulence, and values should be shown with your art. Whether it's expensive/shiny things, fashion, or houses, general luxury items is a start. The things you make should scream expensive, no matter how much it cost to make. Modern art reminds me of this placement. Showing what you value could also be shown.
✿ Taurus/Color Pallet - Pastel earth tones are a good place to start, along with channeling that luxurious and "stubborn" (idk a better word my bad) sort of feel Taurus gives. Pairing that with the thought of values, sticking to one practice or taking your time on one thing at a time may work best for you.
• Personal Stylist
• Antique Curator
• Value Setting art
• Jeweler
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✿ 3rd House - Graphic novels, images to match poetry, or simply portraying people communicating are good topics. Causing a conversation with how you show your art is something that could appeal. Conversation starting art. Drawing people talking in a cafe or showing off your mental activity in an artistic way.
✿ Gemini/Color Palette - Yellows, light greens and complimenting cooler tones go with the themes of mental stimulation that Gemini needs, along with 2 things once - pairing two artistic mediums together would benefit this placement, like writing your own poetry and making the art for it, or commentary on mental things with the audience to bounce off of. Taking inspiration from another thing would also be nice.
• Comic Artist
• Poet
• Whatever the fuck Andy Warhol was doing
• Conservation Pieces
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✿ 4th House - Family life, nurturing/cozy environments, ancestry and roots could be a main focus. Things that create the feeling of home is key. Working from or for the home works well for this native. Creating things that give warmth and love, even if it's just for you.
✿ Cancer/Color Palette - Warm and loyal blues, the depth this water sign has should be a calming one. Understanding and comfort should come from this art-even if it's though provoking. Creating comfort with even bad thoughts that this art should create (like reincarnation after death if that makes sense). Understanding yourself and others should come from this art.
• Knitting
• Family Portraits
• Home decor
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✿ 5th House - Performance, romance, and showmanship is what comes with this house. Things such as theater, singer/song writing and painting should carry ego and pride with the art. This house has the opportunity to create something out of someone else's work (theater or movies and such). Showing off your skills in a physical sense could be appealing, and making sure you're the art is key. Just don't get too egoistical.
✿ Leo/Color Palette - Oranges, golds and champagnes shine here, along with glittery things. Anything that draws the eye. Under this sign, the focus is on you, and what feeling YOU create rather than what you can make. Ghostwriting and self removal and de-glamming is not ideal with this placement. Embrace any artistic qualities you may have and inspire others to do the same, or they can watch the show.
• Actor/Actress (comedy or drama)
• Singer or Songwriter
• Face of a Brand (yours or others)
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✿ 6th House - Calmer and more mundane things may appeal to this house as it rules work life, health, and pets may be your style. A focus on still life, and things that remind us of the little details are the way to go. Like Cancer and Family Portraits, you may like taking photos for things like yearbooks, scrapbooks, or newspapers. Remind people of the little things they should remember. Pet portraits are also good for this placement, drawn, painted, or photographed.
✿ Virgo/Color Palette - Back to earthy tones, and more blendable colors take focus, as Virgo focuses on the little things. Curating something that shows off the skill of observation and thought is key here as it's ruled by Mercury like Gemini. But you may want less of an external conversation and more of an internal one. Don't leave out little things. People will appreciate the care you've put in.
• Pottery
• Still Life Study
• Embroidery
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✿ 7th House - Marriage, business deals, and maybe even enemies leave a lot to work with in this house, ranging from a courtroom artist, painting portraits for marriages, getting business deals with any art or creating discussions on social relationships (even bad ones) are themes to work with. Anything interpersonal is up for grabs in this house, as long as it focuses only on smaller groups. Creating reflections of the viewer could work here, along with showing how to obtain balance (even with people you don't like).
✿ Libra/Color Palette - Pretty, bright and feminine colors like pink work at it's best, as to aim for as much balance and easy viewing as possible. Like Taurus, beauty oriented things shine in this zodiac. Showing the beauty in what you do is important, and creating something that means peace to you is key. No matter the medium, even though I've said it a billion times, peace and the beauty of things is what's important and works for this sign. Optimistic art.
• Courtroom Sketch Artist
• Decorative Art
• Runway Fashion
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✿ 8th House - Transformations, s*x, and death are themes to work with in this house, as getting to "the bottom of things" is a key element. Do not create something that doesn't have meaning. Fake depth does not work with this placement-which is different from creating just to create. Making art to explain something or bring an intimate feeling could be something that appeals. Darker topics can easily be explored with this placement, and self exploration is needed to create.
✿ Scorpio/Color Palette - Blacks, darker reds, browns and purples are colors to use, anything that could remind you what it's like to be hidden. A sense of mystic and magnetism comes from you and the art you create, and could leave people wanting more or just pain interested. Show people it's not bad to get their hands dirty when it comes to more personal themes, and general/self investigation is always good. Leave them questioning something they always needed to.
• Horror Art
• Special Effects Makeup
• Art Therapy
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✿ 9th House - Dreams and inspiration of overseas, religion and philosophy is important. Creative freedom and learning and expression is big for this house, and a releasing of any chains artistically would be good. Generally pushing people to discuss things that are important to them and their own views of life is something that comes to mind with this house. A painting, a poem, or even just teaching about religion through your art is something that could work. Keeping things as open to ideas as possible is key. Inflexibly is something to avoid.
✿ Sagittarius/Color Palette: Shades of strong purples, and general vibrant shades work for this zodiac. (Personally I do associate this color with oranges idk why just thought I'd throw that in). Freedom and foreign things are things to show off. Sagittarius are known for wanting and fighting for freedom, and invoking a feeling of elsewhereness is nice. Even in forms of things like comedy, making someone feel like they're not where they are is the goal. Putting heavy emphasis on the comedy, though. Y'all are funny lmao.
• Religious Art
• Philosophical Artworks
• Making Art Abroad
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✿ 10th House - Achievement, Status and how people view you is at play here, having the public eye being the main thing to keep in mind. You may pay attention more to personal aesthetics and style, keeping a leash on how people see you and your art. You could also be very focused on art in general, maybe even wanting it to be the first thing people see when it comes to you. Display your skills as in this house, like 5th, you're connected to your skills. Hard work and displaying it is important. Staying committed to projects be nice. Even being known for how you dress, your specific style or how you wear your makeup could be appearing, so leave people in awe of your dedication.
✿ Capricorn/Color Palette - Grays, dark greens and browns are colors that may suit you. Out of all of the earth signs, to me, Capricorn screams commitment. Showing off the work you've put into anything you make, and creating stability with your craft is something you want to provide. With the art you make, show off your natural ability to make something consistent and how you evolve into something better. Self betterment and achievement is something a Capricorns may like showing off in their work, regardless of what it is. Things like pencil sketching, and single tone art could be appearing. Avoid laziness, but remember to take breaks.
• Personal Stylist (like in a Law Roach kinda way)
• Sculpting
• Fashion Trendsetter
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✿ 11th House - Community, hopes and dreams, and general aspirations themes shine here, and giving hope for the future could be something you like to create. Group projects, and getting everyone to feel involved are things to work with. Commentary on life and what it's like to be a part of something works best here.
✿ Aquarius/Color Palette - Electric/darker blues and light grays work with Aquarius. Using tech for your art could be something you work with, and showing off individually and futuristic ideas to create a head of time art pieces to make people hope for a better/cooler future is something you could like. Future is the keyword to create with this zodiac, as looking forward to create something new and never seen before is something desirable, and giving a change to viewers is the goal. Things such as game design, beat creating and such is something to work with. Remember while individuality is important, you don't need to create something ENTIRELY new for it to be good.
• Game Design
• Script Writing
• Art Teacher
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✿ 12th House - Isolation, mental health and things that are hidden are the themes, creating the most personal depth out of all the water houses. While 1st house is presenting your outward self, 12th could be hiding it or simply dissecting your own brain and fears. Your art could be darker, more in tune and create more personal feelings to the viewer. They may even keep their love of you to themselves, or you could also not feel the need to show off your art, and keep it close to home.
✿ Pisces/Color Palette - Light greens, and watery colors are the go to for this zodiac sign, anything reminiscent of the beach is something you may feel drawn to. Beaches, liminal spaces, and dreamy effects may appeal to you, wanting to create something that, like Sagittarius, makes the viewer feel like they're somewhere else, but in this case, it's a more watery and head in the clouds elsewhere. Dream states and a feeling of calm is something to make the viewer feel. Remember to stay grounded, don't just daydream about your art. Do it.
• Journaling
• Art Autobiography
• Ghost Writer
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Kind of a long post but I hope you liked it!! Hopefully I worded it correctly, I've been thinking about this post for a minute. Let me know your placements, I'm a Libra Venus in 8th House :D.
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Your 7th House and What it Can Tell You About Your Partner.
The sign that your 7th house is in shows what kind of partner you’re looking for. For example, if your 7th house is in Aries, you’re attracted to bold and assertive peel (Aries qualities)
Or, let’s say your 7th house is in Capricorn, which makes Saturn its ruler. Chances are, your partner will be older than you. You are attracted to mature, established people who will help you grow.
If you have Mercury in your 7th house, communication will be important in your relationships. A lot of time will be spent talking and discussing. What or how depends on the sign of your Mercury. 
If you’ve got Mars in the 7th house, your partner might be a hot head.
If there’s any link between 7th house and Saturn / 10th house (aspects, placements, rulers, etc.) then chances are, your partner will be older/more mature than you.
If the ruler of your 7th house is in the 12th house, your spouse will be foreign, because 12th house also governors far away/foreign places.
On the other hand, if the ruler of the 12th house is in the 7th house, it can indicate a desire for deep, emotional connections in the relationships.
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janesgms · 11 months
Astro Notes - 08
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✨️ General Edition ✨️
I hope this makes sense but having venus overlays in the houses related to your venus sign is one of the best placements to have in a romantic relationship, even if is not a house known for being romantic. For ex: there's a boy I'm getting to know who's a gemini venus, and i am an aquarius venus, his venus falls in my 11th house and my venus falls in his 3rd. These 2 houses are known for friendships but in this case they work differently and we have a lot of chemistry and lovey feelings for each other, far from being a friendly connection!
In my experiences, having moon conjunct moon is a total hell to me. There's just a lot of "emotional" tension who gets unbearable most of the times and you can be so similar that you don't understand each other and may hate each other. I think this placement at its worst is a war of egos 24/7. Also being deeply hurt by anything the other do, you may feel much more emotional than the usual. But idk bc every placement works differently for everyone. And this can be similar to moon opposite moon, even though I still prefer moon opp moon over moon conjunct moon.
HOWEVER, having moon in the same sign but not in a conjunction is such a paradise to me, it's truly a blessing to have in any type of relationship because u understand each other in a very nurturing way, so sweet, you feel at ease with this person.
And talking about moon, the sweetest thing to have, even if cliche, is definitely moon trine moon or moon in the 4th house overlay, it's way better than conjunctions or oppositons, because these two are very intense and may never end well, even if you felt like you've found a soulmate at first, it's truly karmic, but with the moon trine moon/moon 4H overlay is so good, specially if they are in the same synastry >>>
Moon 7H overlay it's a weird feeling for me as the moon because i feel so appreciated by the house person. The house person usually sees the moon person like an inspiration, and they find the moon so but SO perfect at everything, you have no idea, sometimes i even get shy. If you're looking for someone who worships you or just really compliments you naturally then find someone who has their 7th house in your moon sign (thank me later). Also i feel like the 7th house person do not see any imperfection in the moon person and can help them to overcome their insecurities. When I'm the house person, I even get jealous at the moon person because they're treated literally like royalty. Just remembering that this also depends on other aspects and the whole synastry guys bc the 7th house can be a tricky one, so don't come at me later, but for now I'm loving it
Something interesting is that i keep attracting guys with cancer/pisces venus or mars and i literally have pisces venus and cancer mars in my mars persona chart 🤯 pls leave me alone i don't want uuuuuuu,,, jk but i think this is cause I need to deal better with this energy internally so they're necessary for my jouney 🔪🔪
Now talking about the apocaliptic 8H and 12H synastry. There was a guy I've had something with, I'm gonna call him T, so T has his venus/asc/SATURN!!!! in my 12th house and mars/uranus in my 8th house, and i have my moon/mc/juno in his 12th house and venus/chiron/neptune in his 8th house, and let me tell you this was one of the most painful things i've went through, this person left unhealable scars in me, and the worst is that it seemed like a fairytale to me most of the times. So, summing it, this synastry is hella karmic and can be dangerous to your mental health if you're not careful, but everyone needs to go through it to learn something in this life so we have to move on. But i'm not saying it is terrible all the time because it depends on both people's maturity, I just had the bad luck of sharing it with a heartless person, and I was the one hurt in the end 🖤 but anyways life goes on i still cry to this date thinking about T
Talking about karmic relationships, i believe South Node in 4H in synastry is a huge indicator of past life conections, or just a comfortable feeling generally if not this kind of connection, so that can explain why you can attract certain ascendants more than others. For ex: I always attract cancer ascendants and my south node falls in their 4th house
Another ascendant I attract a lot is sagittarius but this ain't good always because they can be so stressful when underveloped. And this can be to the fact that my sun/mercury falls in their 1st house and my moon falls in their 7th house so they feel pulled to me in a sense? But as you all must know these overlays can be super superficial at times and I don't enjoy it always as the planet person... But overall I still love my sagittarius risings most of the time <3
There's something so sweet about Taurus Mercuries when they're talking that i find it underrated, yes everyone talks about how they have sensual voices but sometimes they're just cute. There's an undeniable charm in the way they talk like i just want to hear them talk all the time (this applies to both vedic and western)
Now to be honest one of the best placements for physical enchantment in synastry is ASC in the 5H overlay, as the asc person i just feel so much attracted to the asc's appearance and aura it's crazy, but i wanna experience it as the asc person too (hey aries risings how u doin)
This one's also a cliche but all of the twins i know have at least one placement of their big 6 in gemini! also as a gemini moon i've always attracted a lot of twins in my life and i've always wanted to have twins, still a dream though. But it runs in my mom's genetics since in her family there are thousands of twins so i still have chances guys!!
Not to brag or anything because i say it basing on other sag mercuries I know *yes we apparently attract each other like moths to flames lol*, but sagittarius mercuries are so fun to talk to when they want to, and specially online, they text like the most excited person ever with a lot of emojis and all of that, also their laugh are always gonna be loud or straight funny, be it personally or virtually. But i realize we only do that to who we really like and obviously the house placements also matters!! But yes independtly of anything ALL (I really mean all of them) sagittarius mercuries always want to be right and have the last word even if they know they're obviously wrong
Aries venus in the composite chart is so hot. Like i know it's in detriment but is just really fun and fiery to experience, specially if the house is favourable. Also, a lot of sparks coming out from each other when they're together and a palpable chemistry, everyone ships you two so get together already damn
Aquarius mercuries and their diction that makes them look like they're talking a language from another planet sometimes. Also, they seem like they're always talking weird things all the time, in a good way of course, I love them my babies! Also, they always seem to know random facts about literally everything and they have such a diverse taste for music, movies, ANYTHING. But they can be very misunderstanded sometimes because they're not gonna say what people expect them to say. But anyways aquariuses and sagittariuses always seem to get each other because they have similar tastes.
7H placements are people pleasers to the point where is destructive to themselves, but they can't help it, it's in their nature to do this. They all need a hug right now I love you, please take care of youself more and learn how to impose your boundaries, it's for your own health (a self-criticism)
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stay with this dancing lady right here guys bye (me in the next party)
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xojack · 5 months
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ℭ𝔞𝔭𝔯𝔦𝔠𝔬𝔯𝔫 ♑︎
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sayhoneysiren · 5 months
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Being born on a New Moon phase, means you love new beginnings and activating your new ideas. Your perception on things is one that no one has ever thought of before and it makes you appear as very knowledgeable. You also love to get your rest and prioritize your self care. Keen intuition and creativity are a natural gift that you have. Being alone is easy for you, actually you prefer it that way so that you can let your mind wonder and create beautiful art and designs.
Being born on a Waxing Crescent moon phase, means that you are a child at heart. You don't take life or yourself too seriously. You don't mind being a beginner and trying something new, joining new clubs or new organizations. Like a turtle, you are slow but you get to your destination on your own time. You don't jump into things all at once and prefer to stick your toes in first. Many may be surprised that behind your carefree nature you like to plan and your plant seeds fort he future. You hold the power of healing and creativity within' you.
Being born on a 1st Quarter moon phase, means that you prefer being active in daily activities. You attract many opportunities to you because of your forward attitude and you easily bond amongst others. Your life's work and passion is a main focus in your life and you have the fresh energy to make it happen.
Being born on a Waxing Gibbous moon phase, means that you are a determined individual. You're not passionate about everything but once you have your eyes set on something you desire, you gather enough strength and manifest it. You are not afraid to start again if you fail and this makes you an unbreakable character with full confidence. You also enjoy meditating and resting here and there to recharge and reflect.
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Being born on a Full Moon phase, means that you enjoy indulging in the excitement of life. You naturally have tons of energy and can motivate those around you with it. You have a high psychic ability and can read people very well. Manifesting your desires is effortless and your spoken affirmations are very powerful, so be mindful of what you speak.
Being born on a Waning Crescent moon phase, means that you like to go with the flow. Being present in the moment is very important to you and you have a good sense of humor. You don't usually entertain negativity but you will play Devil's Advocate sometimes just for the entertainment of it all. In a group setting, you like to keep in the background and observe other people's characters. You have a gift for banishing and removing negativity.
Being born on a 3rd Quarter moon phase, means that you have strong boundaries. You are extremely sensitive to energy and your surroundings. Your gift is knowing how to transmute this energy to benefit you. You are wary of people who drain your energy and prefer a calm people and a balanced environment. Because of this you keep your circle small.
Being born on a Waning Gibbous moon phase, means that you are very thoughtful and a deep thinker. You like to hear other people's side of the story to come up with solutions (You'd make an excellent counselor). You keep your feelings to yourself and healthily work through them. You have gratitude for the good and bad experiences in life. You project a sage-like character.
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nightmimedreams · 4 months
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The signs as Barbie Films
Barbie in a Mermaid Tale: Aries.
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pearlprincess02 · 3 months
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gemini sun, gemini moon, libra rising, gemini venus, cancer mars
gemini sun: great comebacks, lemonade, anime, spring, talking and talking and talking and talking, memes, ice cream, social adaptability, electrifying eye contact, flowers.
gemini moon: individuals with the moon in gemini handle their emotions using their intellect. they often approach feelings with a logical mindset, aiming to understand and communicate their emotions openly. people with a gemini moon experience a broad spectrum of emotions and can easily adapt to various emotional situations. expressing emotions through words is common for those with a gemini moon. they enjoy sharing their feelings, thoughts, and experiences through conversation, seeking verbal reassurance to feel emotionally connected. additionally, humour plays a significant role in how they deal with their emotions, and they may use it as a tool to navigate emotional experiences, not taking themselves too seriously. this ability to use language and wit adds a unique dimension to their emotional expression.
libra rising: soft/feminine features - just like taurus libra is ruled by venus which rules over femininity, conventionally attractive - venus rules over beauty, beautiful hair - venus rules over the hair, symmetrical face - libra’s symbol is the balancing scale, it’s even on both sides, curvy feminine body and nice shaped butt - venus rules over femininity and your butt
gemini venus: they will listen to you the way a child listens to their favourite bedtime story, they will want to put you in their pocket and bring you everywhere. this is a placement that will tell you so many random stories, so many jokes, they will talk to you about anything, entertaining all of your interests. you like painting, great they will go paint with you, you like cooking, they will go to a cooking class with you. they will suggest you two go off and do a bunch of random activities together. they love to spend time together, they want to keep things light and playful too so they will always insert humor into everything. they will text you all the time, these are the people that text you goodmorning every day and ask you what you had for breakfast. but then they will also need times when they will kind of fly away for a little bit, just because they need a lot of stimulation so they need a lot of people in their space, you can do group activities together but they will always need time away and if they are provided with this freedom that doesn't clip their mercurial wings then they will fall in love even more deeply.
cancer mars: cancer mars can have a tendency to be overly protective and emotional when it comes to their actions and decisions. they may be attached and protective of those dear to them, and can have a strong instinct to protect them no matter the cost. this can lead to a tendency to being overly controlling and being unwilling to let go or release their attachments. they may have a tendency to overreact and act excessively when it comes to protecting their loved ones. they may also come across as being overly sensitive and impulsive, making them prone to taking things too personally and being emotionally reactive.
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littlemisscold · 6 months
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𝐚𝐫𝐢𝐞𝐬. march 21 - april 19 | ruler.- mars | element.- fire | mode.- cardinal | house.- associated with the 1st house | rules.- the head
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