#At least his outfit is pretty
otaku553 · 11 months
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Quite frankly still obsessed with the three of them
A little procrastination doodle
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bigmfrat · 9 days
The Emperor got tired of you being difficult so now you have to deal with Thez'Taress, an exiled Venerator of Ilsensine and a much worse illithid who hates humans only slightly less than he hates elderbrains.
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I just wanted to draw him in my own version of the dream guardian robes because my friend made a new roman inspired oc. This is my Tav/Oc btw, not the Emperor if the above text didn't make that clear.
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here he is without the multiply and magic layers. I was originally going to give him the astral prism background and shade him but I'm tired of looking at this, maybe I'll mess with it again later, who knows
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peceraynadamas · 23 days
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These losers were sooo in love. They kissed soooo much. And held hands in the exorcist barracks soooo often.
I like to think being doomed by the narrative made them look at each other with such adoration.
New fallenwings drawing featuring my new outfit redesigns :). Working on it for a bit reignited my love for this ship so expect some more soon.
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Dainsleif: I still don’t trust Kaeya Alberich, I’ll have to keep an eye on him
*after 3 months of watching Kaeya’s every move*
Dainsleif: Mission failed. I’m in love with this man now.
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dailyicarus · 4 months
Can we see Icarus in a pretty dress/suit/other formal wear? :3 maybe he gets dressed up for one of the heaven parties
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DAY 32
formal wear !!
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spacizia · 8 months
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drew the hottest girl i know (kanji tatsumi)
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wildtornado-o · 2 months
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I might like them :3 Just A little.
The first drawing was lowkey (the pose, specifically) inspired by @a-pepper-honey 's fic The lake of promises Everyone should read it, it's so delightful <3
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starlystudios · 8 months
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I haven’t done Star Wars in a fair bit so,,, I have returned, I guess. Have my favourite trash grandpa.
Was originally gonna draw a biblically (canonically) accurate outfit, but then I was upset at the lack of contrast to see his clothes properly and it all spiralled down from there – so have him with a bit of a lightning motif and more silver
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nice suit dumbass, did your husband pick it out for you?
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astralprisms · 2 months
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Adventures in the Underdark
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happy devil day from your two favourite humans <3
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favoritejohn · 2 years
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these johnny suh pics >>>
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Bill Cipher: Lord of Hope (the homestuck classpect)
explanation for why I picked this classpect for him under the cut
First of all, a brief note on how I interpret classpects: I think classpect is heavily influenced by one's narrative role in a story. It's influenced by personality too, of course, but someone with the exact same personality could have a completely different classpect depending on how the story uses them.
Lord is an extremely powerful class reserved for the big-bad in homestuck. It means having unimaginable amounts of control over your aspect (which here is Hope). It's also a volatile, destructive, and self-serving class. It's also the mirror and opposite of the Muse class, which is equally powerful, but wielded passively for the benefit of others, often using methods more like setting up all the components of a rube goldberg machine behind the scenes, rather than the Lord's preferred method of steamrolling over things whenever possible.
Second note on my classpecting philosophy: Each aspect has an opposite, and I think these aspect pairs meaningfully influence each other by virtue of being on opposite ends of a continuum. You might even say they're opposite sides of the same concept.
Hope is the aspect of imagination, limitless possibilities, belief, and the literal meaning as well. It also has a ton of religious undertones. Its opposite aspect is Rage, which, other than the literal meaning, is all about doubt, skepticism, tearing down facades, and seeking the truth at all costs. It carries a deep disdain for the unfounded and the sugar-coated. Instead of living in a world of fanciful ideas, it cares about pushing past anything it sees as substance-less to uncover the way things really are, no matter how ugly the truth might be. They both need each other--without Hope, Rage becomes misery. Without Rage, Hope becomes completely disconnected from reality.
Which brings me to Bill. On the Hope-Rage spectrum, he's leaned so absurdly far towards Hope that he's convinced himself Rage doesn't even exist. In his reddit AMA, he literally says "lie until what you want to be true becomes true. Lie until you can't remember what's a lie and what isn't. Lie until you aren't lying anymore." I can't think of a better encapsulation of what it means to push the Hope aspect to its absolute extreme. He believes so much in the power of belief that he simply ignores any truths he doesn't like.
He embodies the Hope aspect in many other ways, too. Originally he was going to be more of a morally-neutral trickster character, whose whole purpose was just to show up randomly in Dipper's dreams and rattle off wild statements of questionable truth and conspiracy theories at him. The kind of things that people hope are true (sometimes to make the world seem more exciting and magical, sometimes for bigoted reasons, you know how it is with conspiracy theories), but the point is: Bill retains some of this in his canon personality. He tells Ford in the journal that the moon landing was fake. When he first meets Gideon, he says the whole "reality is an illusion" thing. He delights in sharing these kinds of things with people, and yeah, it's to fuck with them, but there's still something to be said about the fact that he accomplishes this through the use of things that exist as uncertain possibilities in people's minds, and things that some people have a strong belief in and/or hope to find proof of. He's wielding Hope as a tool, because that's when he's in his element.
Bill also preys on people's hopes and dreams, appearing to people literally inside their heads, and existing mainly in dreams and minds for billions of years--a place where you really can create anything you can imagine. He uses Ford's hopes of accomplishing something meaningful to get him to create a doomsday device. He also has Ford practically worshiping him, calling him a Muse with a capital M, calling his presence 'divine intervention'... the religious themes that often go hand-in-hand with the Hope aspect are definitely present. Of course a Lord would wield the Hope aspect to give himself worshipers who practically see him as a god.
And, speaking of doomsday devices, Weirdmageddon is the exactly what would happen in a world where the Hope aspect ran rampant without any laws or restrictions or concrete truths. In the codes of Journal 3, Bill says, "why should time only move forward, why must cause precede effect, who voted on the laws of physics - rules are perversions against all will, that's why I'm about to rewrite the whole system buddy, and no one is going to stop me."
We also get some insight into Bill's beliefs when we take a look as Mabel's dreambubble. He literally uses someone's hopes as a weapon against them, trapping her inside a twisted version of all the things that could've been true, if only the world was fueled by pure imagination, without any laws of physics or imperfect days or boring moments. Bill is so confident that this trap is infallible that he doesn't even bother to stop Dipper from trying to get her out once he makes it inside the dreambubble. Maybe the reason why Bill is so confident that this trap is inescapable is because he's pretty much trapped himself in a dreambubble of his own creation, where anything is possible and fantasy wins over reality every time (talking about the nightmare realm here), and was so intoxicated by the limitless lawlessness of the place that he spent billions of years trying to expand his little self-imposed prison to cover the rest of the multiverse, rather than ever stop to question himself or consider the consequences. Because with enough Hope, there are no consequences, only infinite possibilities limited only by your own imagination! ...right?
I could probably go on, but I think this is more than enough to support my case for Bill being a Lord of Hope. I'm always interested to hear about other classpect headcanons though!
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sanji-screenshots · 4 months
I'm FINALLY through with Dressrosa which means I'll be seeing our main man again soon, but now I'm thinking about how long I'm going to be in Whole Cake Island... like it took me a (relatively) long time to get through Dressrosa and Sanji wasn't even there for most of it! With WCI I'm going to be pausing every 5 minutes to get screenshots! Lord help me, I'm going to be stuck there for the rest of my life...
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threewaysdivided · 4 months
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Hobson Heckled into Historical Haute-Couture
Continuing the Dan Jones & Dragons gala parade with Hobson, the Flower Crowns' oft-harried Halfling Warlock (played by the ever-wholesome Dan Floyd). Is he trying to massage away the realisation that letting his literally-half-brained patron choose his gala attire might have been a mistake? Is Valse giving him a headache over something else entirely? Did he use Detect Magic in a room full of powerful items and accidentally flash-bang himself? Yes.
More Flower Crowns Gala Outfits: Morenthal | Gelnek
As always, design talk under the cut:
But before that, a short story: I've been following Dan's content on Youtube for... oh jeez, that sure is almost a decade now, both on his current New Frame Plus/Playframe channels and back when he was the primary founder and narrator for EC. His old games education videos helped me get one of my earliest jobs in project work and introduced me to a bunch of media production concepts (like scope management) that would go on to inform some of my own storytelling analysis posts. It was a startling little moment of artistic ouroboros to realise I was mentally running through key points from Dan's own Pose Design 101 video as I was drawing his DnD character. Never expected things to come full-circle like that, but if you're seeing this, Dan: here's to you 🫡 If you're not Dan and haven't already, do go check out his stuff - it's all super well-produced, informative, funny and he's just an overall stand-up guy.
Now: onto the tiny little nerd and his passé party attire
This was a really fun costuming challenge, with a bunch of interesting curveballs thrown in the mix. Unlike the rest of the Flower Crowns, Hobson didn't choose his own party outfit: it was picked out by his patron after Valse kibbitzed him into giving up and letting a heroism-obsessed Fey call the shots. Dan cited Valse as having the fashion sense of Stede Bonnet-as-depicted-in-OFMD, briefing a vaguely 19th century-style outfit that had frilled sleeves and 'would have looked gaudy even when it was in fashion a century earlier'.
Actually dating his outfit was the first challenge. D&D settings are kind of an anachronistic uchronia, with classic swords-and-sorcery fantasy campaigns potentially pulling inspiration points from anywhere across the Arthurian era up to pre-war modernity. Which leads to the question: how do you make something seem dated in a setting where most everything looks vaguely ye-olde-fantasy? The other challenge was that, IRL, the 19th century (i.e Victorian era) was when menswear started taking on a lot of the shapes that would eventually become modern suit and top-'n'-tails fashion. Since Trilby was already going to be wearing classic top-'n'-tails formalwear, I decided to set Hobson's style earlier in the 1800s-1820s and pull in some 18th century Stede Bonnet flourishes to visually set them apart. This article provided some great reference images, and once I hit on the figured silk waistcoat I knew I had a potential starting point.
Colour-wise, I stuck with the burgundy-and-gold palette the Dans gave Hobson in his official gala stream art, since those looked good together and matched up with Dan J's tendency to draw Hobson wearing greens/earth-tones and Valse in reds/jewel-tones. The combination is a lot more colourful and richly saturated than is typical for this style of Victorian-adjacent clothes, which felt appropriate for Valse's gaudy tastes.
Fabric-wise, I figured a fun way to gaudy things up even further would be to lean into the silks and satins that were fashionable at the time, but make all of his outfit shimmery rather than just a single feature piece. As a bonus, silk and satin clothes tend be hot, inelastic and have horribly itchy seams if worn unlined, which felt like exactly the kind of thing Valse's all-form-no-function sensibilities would inflict upon the small, long-suffering fellow. Both these fabrics also have a habit of behaving hideously and ripping themselves apart when worn wet, which makes this a great outfit to, say, accidentally fight an Aboleth in. Poor Hobson.
Some other details, just for fun: 1. Hobson's sketch layers include a drawing of his un-removable cursed left bracer. He's pulled the frilly, puffy sleeve over it but you might spot hints of the shape and the gem if you squint. 2. The reference waistcoat I used had floral embroidery on it. Had this actually been a Hobson outfit, I would have converted them to his garland flower (Forget-Me-Nots), but since it was a Valse pick I decided to make them Senaliesse chrysanthemums; a flower given out to friends of the Feywild's Summer Court as a sign of protection and favour. (It also adds extra layers to Pocket mistaking Hobson for a denizen of the Fey, which is fun).
Close crop on the details because I'm very happy with how they turned out:
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#my art#Dan Jones and Dragons#DJ&D#The Flower Crowns of E'lythia#Hobson Bunce#Hobson (Forget-Me-Not)#A Party to Forget#Very fun challenge to communicate the character of someone posing in an outfit defined by a different character's style sensibilities#After so long learning from Dan's content it was really nice to end up using some of those lessons to draw his DnD guy#Albeit somewhat ironic as Hobson's pose is the one I've been the least confident about to date#Dan J. was *very* kind to Hobson with his official gala art#I have been less kind but considering what the 1800s had to offer I could have done MUCH worse to the poor small man#Me and my program's airbrush tools got VERY well-acquainted rendering all that silk and satin#Valse very nearly bedazzled the poor fellow#Pretty funny that my motivation with designing Gelnek's outfit was: this could be fashionable#And then with Hobson's it was: this could ABSOLUTELY be worse#Luckily Trilby was there to stave off the impending threat of a 1800s beaver hat and wasp-waisted jacket combo#In my earliest concept sketch he was going to be wearing some Elizabethan/ Shakespearean-era nonsense#which very much would not have been a good time for him#Another challenge with trying to put Hobson into something unfashionable is that Dan J drew him real cute with nice eyes#He could be wearing a potato sack and he'd still have terminal baby disease#This man's smallness absolutely destroyed me mentally (in the best way)#I put him next to Morenthal in a to-scale drawing and spent the next 30 minutes being VERY NORMAL about it#DnD#D&D#Halfling#Warlock#fanart#3WD
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romance-rambles · 6 months
i've realized that godheim lars' route is actually just the cael and clarence show
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