#Athena Pierce
Care to tell some facts about the ROs?
Here you go
— Their family are Italians immigrants (their parents are born in France but not their grandparents)
— They have a perfect pitch
— Their family are musicians, they not only learned to play guitar but also to play piano and to sing
— They don’t remember their mother’s face, they were a toddler the last time they saw her
— They occasionally smoke
— They’re demi-ace
— He chose to specialize in sciences instead of literature and arts in high school (his friends are still very disappointed)
— He loves his mother to the moon and back and wants to make her proud
— He’s in an open relationship with Isra but he doesn’t want to date anyone else
— He doesn’t feel an once of jealousy
— He’s a smoker
— They thought they were a lesbian before meeting Roman, she likes to say she’s 98% gay and 2% straight
— She’s the youngest of three children
— Their parents are lawyers, it’s the family business
— She had a hard time to find a band they truly had harmony and osmosis with
— MC wants her to be the co-lead singer but Isra likes her place at the moment
— She doesn’t drink nor smoke
— He doesn’t feel comfortable in front of cameras, he’s not the socially comfortable type
— Music is vital to them
— He would rather jump from a moving car than talk about his family and where he comes from
— They are very tactile, they love to hug their friends and to share a bed with them (in a platonic way)
— He has no problem to give love and to show affection but it’s hard for him to accept other’s love (they deeply believe they don’t deserve it)
— He loves his job, he sometimes forgets to take time for himself
— He’s trans and ace
— When he was younger, he wanted to be a movie director
— He knows being too close to his clients isn’t a good idea but he likes the band
— He has a resting bitch face and doesn’t smile a lot but when he does, it’s a genuine smile and it warms up the room <3
— He always has a neutral tone, he doesn’t show a lot of emotion. It’s not that he doesn’t want to, it’s just the way he is
— They are friendly and tend to speak loudly
— They work very hard to be the best and to take their band to the top
— They don’t come back in France often so they don’t visit their parents a lot but they call each other at least once a week
— They love the camera and sharing stuff to social media
— They draw and they are good at it
— They are a loyal friend
— Ollie has a golden heart
— She became a mom at a young age
— If her parents weren’t there to help during her first years of motherhood, she would have had an abortion (which she really didn’t want to do)
— She doesn’t know a lot about the music world but she loves to listen to her child talking about their favorite band
— She doesn’t hold a grudge against her child’s father
— She doesn’t know what a "normal" life is
— She was born in France
— She barely remember any French words
— Even if she’s quite humble considering her fame, she tends to be a princess: she likes her comfort
— She met Athena at a fashion show
— She isn’t fake polite, she won’t hesitate to call out your bullshit and she doesn’t run from a fight. You do not want to be her enemy
— She was worshipped her whole life, she believes it’s a standard
— She knows she hold some power and she likes it
— She is confident and can be arrogant, people calls her the "goddess of music" of course she will act as if she is
— She overshadows her band mates and she hates it: they are as talented as she is and they deserve the same recognition (she often puts them under the spotlight during interviews)
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rhapsodj · 1 year
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【Drawn by NIGHT WOLF】
Helena(a.k.a. Athena Pierce) from MapleStory.
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aa-power-of-nine · 4 months
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The three part mini-series of Athena just lifting heavy things with ease (and shocking everyone around her in the process).
[These are 1-3, 1-4, and 6-DLC AU pieces respectively]
Comics by @ministarfruit
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checkered-madness · 9 months
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They gift him some goofy earrings, also figuring out how to draw his hair when it's ungel.
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herashands · 4 months
Athena and Aphrodite.
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negative-speedforce · 5 months
Fine then, right back at you! Who are YOUR top 5 OCs?
Hard to choose, isn't it? 😈
It changes a lot but here's who I've been fixated on the most lately.
Laila and Athena (they're a package set, I can't separate them)
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salty-icecream · 2 years
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Hi I’ve drawn nothing today, so here’s a little relationship chart I started a while ago and have yet to completely finish
Other ocs: @bigmrfisch @molted-phoenix @the-anxiety-academy @hugohatercore @askcalvinfischoeder
(Not all of these are entirely accurate but I do what I want)
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nola-lee · 2 years
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(WARNING: The following content contains explicit descriptions of violence, torture, and death. Please read with caution!)
[oh mother, tell your children not to do what I have done;  spend your lives in sin & misery in the house of the rising sun]
@outterridge @aurormax @katiethxrne
Under any other circumstances wherein Dona’s safety was in question, Lee would have stuck by her side like spice on rice. But as it was, mambo had him by the throat against a wall in her quarters.
“You will stick to your instructions this time, Boy…” Taitu commanded in harsh Haitian Creole. She squeezed Lee’s neck, her sharp nails leaving marks on his dark skin. He could hear commotion coming from outside Taitu’s closed door. “…do not let your foolish need to protect the Lost Daughter interfere with our carefully wrought plans again. You have your orders. You will not stray. Everything that is happening is part of a higher directive that is under my control. Disappoint me again, and it will cost you. And know that I will be watching.”
And just when Lee thought he was on the verge of passing out, the Queen disappeared amidst a black cloud of smoke. Lee slumped a half-foot down the wall, rasping for breath. He could hear Dona calling for him, and her voice is the only thing that gave him strength to push himself up and into the chaos of the raid.
Issac was readying her office, an attempt to give their lackey some level of competence in the more delicate aspects of being in I&S. Thus Athena Howell was behind the vanguard that made yet another push into the darker dealings of the wizarding underworld. There were signals the bulk of the fight was completed from her aurors, all hard faced men and women who tucked their chins at the snap of her cape. It was dramatic, but a necessary show of flamboyance; Reese respected her occasional bout of showmanship in the field if only to remind everyone that real power laid in crossing your t’s and dotting your i’s.
The fight was still raging, the world tilting on its axis while glares of spells shot past her ear and whizzed into the idle protection barrier Athena had conjured the moment a toe went across the threshold. Her soldiers were holding their own, and then some, smashing through the Daughters’ little hidey-hole, making a game from how they chased them through the halls. Sending them scurrying like so many rats that oft sniveled in corners before snakes and hawks, Athena snapped her wand out into her palm, sending an electrical current through one, vomit covering the tips of her shoes and she took the time to smear it on the downed person’s cheek before moving onward.
There were screams, yes of course there were screams; Athena had learned to parse through each kind—rage, horror, agony, defeat, and best of all pain. She knew the screams of pain, had made a game of learning what sorts of whimpers and cries could exit a person’s mouth, just how much they could take.
The one that cracked through the house was one of panic, of agony, of someone who’d made a kill for the first time and was watching the lifeforce slip away, completely unprepared for how it could split someone’s soul into so many pieces Humpty Dumpty was unable to fix you. Athena never wondered if fixing a soul was viable, all that mattered was the sanctity of innocence and peace. Her soul was well worth the cost of children happy in Hogwarts.
"The tablecloth. Lee, get me the—Come on, the tablecloth!" Dona's voice became more panicked as she felt the blood seep into her jeans, her knees slipping on the floor.
She could've summoned it herself, if her hands weren't already multitasking. Her wand, slick with blood, was clumsily waving along a deep cut, practicing a stitching spell she'd only ever observed. Her other hand was pouring dittany liberally over the auror's entire body.
"Lee! Get me the tablecloth!" She looked up from her work this time, eyes widening as she took in the situation more broadly.
The secondhand shop that hid Lee’s family’s home was filled with aurors—more than two, was it three or four? Her vision was blurry without her glasses. But Lee was hidden from sight, or had he apparated away? The sounds alone were terrifying, spells shot off walls, shouting, boxes thrown aside.
"Help me..." she begged aloud, shaking hands desperately trying to go back to work. Someone, anyone—she needed help. "...she's not breathing, help me, please.”
Lee clutched the tablecloth inside a shaking fist, and crouched beside his soleil awkwardly. He tried not to focus on the cops in strange robes who were tearing the secondhand shop apart with little regard and certainly no respect for its occupants or their business. He tried not to focus on anything but Dona—her big brown eyes, pleading and scared. Lee glanced helplessly at the raven-haired woman convulsing on the floor and said, “Do ya…do ya know who she is?”
He was moving so slowly, no urgency at all—or was it just because Dona’s own hands were doing so many things at once? Her wand, shifting up and down, desperately trying to coax muscles back together. Throwing aside the empty dittany bottle, then ripping the tablecloth out of Lee’s grasp to press it over the auror’s stomach, wrapping it tight, trying to stop anything else from spilling out. It was the first—the only—time Lee’s presence hadn’t comforted her.
“She’s an auror...” Dona’s voice came out in a gasp as she tied the tablecloth tighter, then went back to her wandwork, “...im-important, I think, her uniform…” But no, Dona didn’t know her personally.
She leaned across the auror’s body and slipped where she knelt, the auror’s warm blood soaking her thigh. It was getting increasingly difficult to see, between her lack of glasses and the hot tears gathering in her eyes, “I—” She gasped, wet hands reaching up to wipe her tears, smearing the red in the creases, “I don’t know what to do—”
Dona looked around, head whipping about, “I-Is anyone here? M-Mags might… She would know, I—” And when Dona turned back around, to try something, anything—as soon as her hand put the slightest touch on the auror—it disintegrated underneath her.
That was what broke her.
Auror. That was the same strange word Lee had heard that friendly white boy boulanje from the witch fruit market use to describe cops who used magic. And Lee absolutely held no love in his heart for law enforcement. But as he heard Dona slipping in blood spilled from the body of a stranger, as he watched that body disintegrate into grey-black soot beneath their hands and their knees, as he heard the light of his life wailing in terror and anguish beside him—Boy LII wished he’d been born for a fate that did not demand such sacrifices, that did not reap such a cost of needless destruction and despair.
He tried to offer words that might calm Dona, but what could he say? That despite her wondering desperately if Mags could have helped, Lee recognized this magic as being woven from the Lady Magdeleine’s own hand—and a merciful annihilation, at that—by Mags’ and all of the Daughters’ own standards? No—Dona’s pure heart was not yet conditioned to the darkness of the magic she was soon to inherit that she would find much comfort in that.
Athena snapped open the door where the wails came from and stopped.
Ashworth was a thorn in Reese’s side, her Commander oft bitched about her comrade and ex-schoolmate. She was a pillar in the Auror Department, a mentor, and a powerful tool in the necessary violence for the protection of the Wizarding World.
But as Athena watched Ashworth slowly morph into a pile of dust, she could only think about three things: 1. Cmdr. Reese was going to become the Auror Department Head 2. They needed a new C&F Division Commander 3. She was about to become very familiar with the ways this girl screamed.
“In the name of the Ministry, put your hands in the air or I will cut them off.”
There was no time for consolatory words. Because before Lee or Dona could even think clearly enough to lift themselves up from the death muck that encompassed and incriminated them, a woman with black eyes that smoldered like brimstone was threatening them if they did not surrender.
Dona was terrified of getting in trouble. She remembered the exact number of times she’d gotten a detention—each of them because the class was being punished as a whole. She remembered each and every time she’d been sent to her room by her Mom, the loneliness in her room made her cry and cry until Catelyn relented.
And now, with a Ministry auror pointing a wand at her, threatening to cut her hands off, Dona was petrified. Her hands visibly shook as she raised them in the air, one hand still clutching her wand.
And despite Taitu’s grave warning, Lee’s protective instincts kicked in; he threw himself in front of Dona, bellowing, “Pa oze manyen li you—!” But before he could finish the statement of defiance and foolish valiance, he felt an electrical current like a bolt of lightning scorch through his body and knock him out cold.
“Lee, no—!” Dona shrieked, but she barely had time to try to stop him from making any sudden moves before he dropped to the ground, muscles seizing up and spasming. She went to move forward to check him over, but put her hands back up, looking at the auror. “I’m—I’m a Healer, I can… Let me… Please, I—”
But before she could do anything, her hands were pulled behind her back, her wand clattering to the ground next to her. She pulled against the sudden bondage instinctively, sending a shock of pain all the way up her arms. And Dona, who cried when she got a paper cut, screamed. Her shoulders hunched up to her ears and she struggled to stay balanced on her knees. Her scream died down to a low wail, tears sliding down her cheeks.
“Oh, shut up,” came a low, male voice from behind her, before a hand was placed on her shoulder, and she was apparated away.
[ Interrogation Room, Ministry of Magic ]
They were in the same room. Which was a mercy and a torture, by itself. Her hands were bound behind a chair, and Dona learned very quickly that moving or straining would only mean more pain. But she could move her head, turning to watch over Lee, who was still slumped in his chair.
“He needs a Healer,” Dona sniffed, blinking back more tears, “Please, he’s… He’s recently had surgery, he—”
“Spare me,” the auror spat, and Dona looked up, genuinely puzzled. “We know perfectly well how your kind treat people like him.”
“I—” The statement was so obtuse that Dona was truly lost for words, stretching up her shoulder to wipe her cheek. She sniffed again, genuinely trying to stop snotty crying in front of so many people. “C-Can you take the handcuffs off? We didn’t do anything wrong, I was trying to help.”
Athena had heard that plea before, a dozen or so times. They never meant to hurt anyone, they were only trying to help, they had no idea the backlash that they’d caused, surely this wasn’t against the law. Couldn’t she just let them go? They were kids, they were parents, they were grandparents, they were just following orders. Athena reached out with a hand and grabbed the front of the girl’s shirt, dragging her a short way up.
“You just killed an Auror Commander,” she hissed, “We’ve made meat for less than what you’ve done. You’ll be lucky if we decide to just toss you in Azkaban once her subordinates find out what has happened.” Athena could hear it now, the roars from the basement brats beneath her feet, their lab rats coming out of the pipes and crawling the steps to find Ashworth was simply dust in the wind. Scrambling for new leadership, and all of Ashworth’s little ‘projects’ doubtlessly stalking Athena’s crime scene looking for someplace to put their rage.
Athena disliked Ashworth, but she respected the loyalty the old Slytherin had drawn from her subordinates. She knew where to strike the ground and find oil, digging up potential like a miner, shining them to a polish and kept leashed to the Department. The Commanders were all Beast Masters, and even Athena loved her own. So as she stared at the sniveling girl groveling with reddening cheeks, she smiled.
“I think you’re lucky it’s me. There is going to be blood fertilizing the ground soon, once we find your little rat friends, and it will be all your fault. Their deaths around your neck—a noose, an albatross...”
Dona’s shoulders hunched up as she was lifted, eyes wide and terrified. She shook like a leaf, shaking her head desperately at the accusations, genuinely too afraid to talk, to deny it. The experience had been traumatizing enough; although a healer-in-training, the auror’s death was the first patient she hadn’t been able to save, and she wore the woman’s blood all over her. Dona could feel it drying into her jeans, her skin, her hands still tied behind the chair, straining against the wood as she was lifted. Tears continued to slide down her cheeks at the memory of it, and she sniffed, trying to stop long enough just to explain.
Athena let her grip drop and began to shuck off her peacoat; it was decorated with tools of the trade—knives, hooks, ropes, lighter fluid, especially brewed potions for her skill in these rooms. Janitors were often paid overtime for cleaning up Athena’s space, and Athena tipped them for the citrus scent they sprayed afterwards. She enjoyed it, kept her head clear and focused.
“...But you can stop some of the bloodshed, we can take them quietly. Oh they’ll be harmed, you can’t stop that. But you can stop a massacre.” Athena shucked off her white outershirt, folding it up neatly and laying it upon the equally meticulously folded peacoat. Both left in a far corner box, leaving Athena in her heavy black boots, wool pants and thin black undershirt.
Dona was still shaking her head when she was put back down, still trying to force words out as the auror continued on her spiel, but it was like her sobs were choking her, holding onto her tongue. The best she could manage was a stuttered, “I-I d-didn’t—”
Athena twirled her wand and mindlessly shot a cutting spell at the girl, watching blood ooze from her arm, slicing through layers of fabric. It was a shallow stinging cut. Her cries were stirring the boy, and that wouldn’t do.
Dona gasped at the sudden stinging sensation, crying out and turning to look at her arm. She was in genuine shock that the auror had hurt her, having always been under the impression that the Ministry’s job was to keep her safe. She’d never been in trouble, she voted, she submitted her census papers and carried her work ID in her back pocket. She blinked, shrinking back in her chair as the auror suddenly approached, flinching down into herself, frozen in fear as her pale finger caressed Dona’s cheek.
Like an older sister Athena patted the girl’s head, gentle and soft, shushing her softly, “We don’t want to wake him, do we, pretty girl? He needs his rest, it’s just you and me together…” Athena reached out to drag a single nail down the curve of the girl’s cheek. “...now, will you be a good girl and stay quiet for me? Tell me what I need and make sure he—” She pushed her cheek, still endowed with baby fat to the shallowly breathing boy, “—gets some well needed attention?”
Dona trembled, turning to look at Lee when she was forced to do so. She was immediately worried for him—she’d lost track of time, sure, but she was sure it wasn’t normal or healthy for Lee to be unconscious for so long, especially following his intense period of hospitalization, treatments and surgeries. He was so fragile. So breakable—
But Athena didn’t wait for an answer as she stuck the wand up against the girl’s knee and whispered a breaking charm. The girl’s answered shriek made her tsk.
Dona cried out, letting out a shattering wail at the bursting sensation in her knee. The proximity of the wand tip to her knee split her patella clean in two, and her knee immediately collapsed in on itself, shattered. Tears streamed down her cheeks and she strained against her restraints to lean forward, desperately trying to free herself—to do anything to stop the pain.
“Oh you’re weak, that’s cute. Even our trainees can get through a little breaking charm. C’mon stop crying, we’re just getting started.”
“Why are you doing this?” Dona managed to wail through her cries, shoulders shaking as she begged the auror for help, “I didn’t kill her—I didn’t, I didn’t—I didn’t have enough dittany and I—” That was all she could manage before her sobs won out again.
Athena hummed jauntily as she sat back down on her ass, the picture of relaxation, letting her hands hang over the peaks of her knees. In this way the girl was looking down at her, it was an old trick, such a position usually signaled defeat but instead Athena displayed an arrogant grace.
“Why am I doing this?”
Were she a weaker auror, she might’ve balked, might’ve had some flashbacks to her youth, found err in her ways. She might’ve felt sympathy or even had evoked some guilt. Might’ve cried a bit and stared at her bloodied palms in disgust for the person she had become. Might’ve been horrified and begging for mercy from a benevolent God who’d turn her away at the pearly gates.
Fuck God, and benevolence, and forgiveness too. Hell was on Earth and the aurors were there to keep it tamed. Athena was born to bring justice, by any means necessary.
“Because this is what I am—” Athena gestured to the room around her, “—a peacekeeper, keeping children safe in their beds, their parents from worrying, students safe at Hogwarts and professors snuggly drinking tea in the mornings as they grade.”
Athena was good at grand speeches, had made rousing ones when she was a prefect for Slytherin House, keeping order in her House in the wake of the Second Wizarding War and ending fights before they began. Spilled blood on the stones of Hogwarts still haunted her dreams, the screams of students dying and being torn apart, the inaction of those around her...
It made her sick.
“I am incapable of inaction.” Athena stood, dusting herself off. “So we’re going to try this again, baby Healer—why are you wrapped up with such dark magic that it’s making the veterans of the Wars nervous? Why are you so entrenched in them that you’ve taken one of them as a lover?” Athena reached out to tilt his head to the side, and walked around her, fingers running over her hair, blood flaking off while she tutted. “Merlin this is gross—yeck, blegh…” with a spin of her wand the blood was gone, the viscus and the muck. “…and I can play nice—I just need answers.”
Athena tapped his shoulder, sending a jolt of electricity with the tips of her fingers.
“Wakey wakey, Loverboy! I need to know what you and your lot were up to— quickly, otherwise I’m liable to break every bone in your girl's body. Then I’ll take your ears so you can’t even hear her screams, hmm?”
She watched his eyes slide open, watched his mouth move and open. With the accuracy of a sniper she fired off a curse with her wand. “Tumidus lingua veritatis,” she hissed, watching as his hands jerked to cover his mouth, the girl shrieking, “Oh both of you relax, it’s just a curse. Swelling Truth. The more you lie, your tongue swells, as do your gums and throat. Until eventually you close your own airways and asphyxiate. So let's play a game—I ask you a question boy, and if you don’t answer I break something in her body. If you lie, you get to hang yourself. It’s a win-win! For me! I’m brilliant.”
Athena sat back on the floor, criss-cross applesauce, perching a chin on her fist with a sharklike grin, and regarding the panicking captives. “Tell me nothing but the truth and you get out unscathed, you get Healers and auror protection, then walk your lives along unharmed. Tell me lies and get broken down, then tossed to the wolves of the Forensics & Crime. They’ll have fun with you I’m sure, and they won’t be as nice as me about it.”
[ Interrogation Room, some time later ]
All efforts to communicate the catch-22 situation in which Lee was caught to the sadistic woman who held them captive were a fool’s errand. The intricate wards that were rooted into the very core of his mind, his memories, since infancy held strong; they allowed Lee to say nothing that would damn the Daughters, nor give the faintest hint as to any of their secrets, no matter how fiercely he strained against them as Lee was forced to watch the horrors the woman wrought upon Dona, slowly and meticulously draining all the fight and the will from her battered body (not to mention a dangerous amount of blood).
And oh, did she try to turn her wrath on him. What appeared to Athena to be brute determination from Lee in employing his so-called right to remain silent—even as he pleaded through choking sobs for the girl to be spared—only drove the auror to push more brutally, and ruthlessly, and viciously upon the pair of captives. 
But it was no use; the Daughters, of course, had ample preparations in place to safeguard their secrets from being extracted via torture. Like magical anesthesia, Lee could feel every bit of physical pain that Athena inflicted upon him, and yet his body doggedly failed to react—aside from coating Lee in a thick sheen of feverish sweat, and the way he trembled head to toe as he wrestled with his will, and all that he was unable to do. 
And soon enough, his inability to be forthcoming caused his throat, his tongue, his lips and mouth and cheeks to swell up so much that he could barely move his head, barely breathe but through tiny passageways still available to his nose. Even getting enough air to audibly groan was veering toward impossible. His head slumped to one side and Lee looked at nothing but Dona, beaten and broken and still so beautiful, and his vision started to blur; he was losing Oxygen…
Dona’s reaction to her senseless torture remained consistent: insisting throughout tearful hysterics that she didn’t know anything. Even the curdled screams that she wailed in response to each and every bit of pain took a while to dull—but they did dull, eventually, until she’d been reduced to being unresponsive save for whimpering, her nostrils and lips and chin caked with blood from the broken nose Athena had given her when the interrogation was interrupted by a younger, male auror demanding a routine blood test. It was the restraints, not strength, that were even keeping the girl sitting upright.
And perhaps the Auror Captain never would have admitted defeat—perhaps she would have wrung the young captives body and soul between unrelenting fists until their lives were drained out.
Perhaps, but not today—the male auror who was Athena’s clear inferior hustled back into the room and said, “Christ, Howell—did you bother to check that brat’s background at all? Her blood test came back—she’s pure. Some American family with their noses up some powerful peoples’ asses—Reese is pissed. She’s headed here now so I hope for your sake you have a fuckin’ good excuse—“
His warning was cut short when the Commander—now the acting interim head of the entire Auror Department—threw open the door.
Seren Reese watched with a curled lip as Athena shook in place, there was blood on her cheek, and her hair was matted to her skull from sweat. There was a feverish sheen in the woman’s eyes, and Seren admired how her little monster coiled away from the doorway when it tapped gently against the wall. It was nice to know that her subordinates still feared her.
Her two aurors parted, heads bowed, eyes to the floor, letting her view the damage Howell had wrought. It was impressive, and obvious she needed to let Athena get off in the interrogation rooms more often if this was the result.
“You’re quite sloppy today, Athena...” Seren grabbed the boy's head and turned it side to side, admiring his swollen skin and throat. No doubt he’d been suffering this whole time, his skin and blood stank of wards to high heaven. “...you’ve gone and let your bloodlust cloud you Athena, perhaps you will need supplementary lessons?”
“Yes Commander,” Pierce was grinning beside Howell, always happy to watch someone else get dressed down, seeing as he was the usual thorn in her side when it came to getting wand- or fist-happy. “I apologize.”
“Apologize to her.” She gestured to the pureblooded girl strapped to the chair, blooded and mangled.
Athena’s jaw worked once, then twice. She bowed her head when Seren raised an eyebrow, “I apologize for my heavy-handed... methods....miss.” Each word a grind from her throat.
“Oh that’s not an apology...” Seren held her hand out, and Athena went willingly into her palm, head bowed as Seren studied her favorite little protege, the one she’d trained since exiting Hogwarts in the fickle arts of their station. Her hands glided through sweat matted hair, fingers curling as she gathered the strands into her hair, before slamming Athena forward, yanking her head forward and forcing the girl into a bow. Seren’s nails dug into Athena’s scalp pulling up hair and blood. “Grovel, girl—you have fucked up, haven’t you?”
“Yes.” Athena whimpered, skin on the back of her neck red.
“You ought to just die right here, for failing your station so miserably, right?” She shook Athena like a bad puppy, and the girl nodded.
“Yes ma’am...” Athena cowed as Seren shoved the girl to the ground. Isaac was behind her, lips pulled into a joyful grin. “...I don’t deserve this station, I have failed you miserably.”
“Get out.” Athena stumbled out the door, slamming right into Cadmus, who grabbed the woman by her jaw and dragged her down the hallway. “Pierce—” The boy snapped into place. “—Get me a healer, and the proper legal documents.” With flick of her wand she transfigured one of Athena’s buttons into a metal stool that she perched on, spreading her broad patterned skirts daintily around her knees and tucking her ankles behind.
“Miss Outterridge,” she began with a purr, “I do so apologize for the mauling one of my trigger-happy aurors has given you. I know we likely will not escape the wrath of your family, for good reason, but we must have answers...” Pierce came rushing in with a Healer, who got to work on the damage. “...you have found yourself in a pickle with a terrorist magical cell of insurgents that we’ve been tracking for a long time. Their misdeeds and evil have sunk their claws into this world, and the aurors are tasked with ripping them apart. It’s unfortunate that you’ve come under their sway...” Slowly, the visage of the girl was put back together. “...and now you’ve been cited as an accomplice to one of my colleague’s deaths—a very high ranking member of the Auror Corps, one not so easily replaced and who will be vehemently missed...” Seren kept the emotion out of her voice, though her stomach churned and throat tightened at the thought of Ashworth having escaped this earth before her, and not beside Seren. Were they not meant to die with hands wrapped around each other's necks? “...so you must understand where we are coming from. Our job is dangerous, and you’ve become involved with insurgents with more blood on their hands than you may realize.”
Dona’s eyes were glassy as she stared ahead, her tears long dried, her screams long silenced. She felt like she wasn’t quite inside of her own body, mangled as it was. She didn’t know when it had happened, and it wouldn’t matter anyway; Dona had no sense of time passing as she sat there, staring.
She had no reaction to another auror entering the room, then another. She barely managed to lift her head to listen to the new auror’s spiel, most of it going in one ear and out the other. She spoke of terrorism? This auror didn’t know the fucking meaning of it.
They’d been sitting at home, lounging around on Lee’s bed when it happened. Dona had jumped up and scampered out, wand drawn, to see what the commotion was—and that’s when she had found the cursed Commander. Lee hadn’t followed.
He’d taken his sweet time to help her—time that might have prevented the dark-haired auror from dying, and then when they were arrested, he’d kept his lips shut. He didn’t answer a single question. Not when they broke her legs. Not when curses spasmed down her body, forcing broken limbs to move. Not even when they’d cut off her fucking finger.
Voodoo would always be misunderstood, mambo had taught. As long as colonialists existed, so too would their oppression. They saw the magic that Lee and his family did, and didn’t understand it, so they called it dangerous, called it terrorism. And then they tortured her for it. Terrorists.
Dona was barely aware of her body being healed, muscle and bone knitting itself together. It was easier to breathe when her nose was in one piece.
The decision was made, at some point, to move Dona to a different room where she could be healed easier—somewhere she wasn’t bound to a chair, at least. She tried to mumble a protest, but words didn’t come out, her arms weakly pushed against the Healer before the choice was made for her, and Dona found herself being propped up, stumbling out of the room.
She swallowed the potions they gave her, snatched the salve jars out of their hands to rub it in herself. When they eventually located her wand, which had been confiscated from Lee’s family home, she used it to heal herself, too.
And then she was left sitting there in an Auror Infirmary, glaring at the wall in front of her. She would have walked straight out if the same cocky-looking auror wasn’t standing just outside the door, and if she knew Lee had a reliable way home. Not that Dona particularly wanted to wait for him, she just wanted to be able to look him in the face when she screamed at him for his silence.
[ Meanwhile, in the Interrogation Room... ]
Despite looking well-close to dead where he sat, when the girl was removed from the room, the boy stirred.
Seren studied him, like a cockroach in a jar, and mused, “You’re under some complex spellwork, boy—it’d be impressive if it weren’t so primitive. I’m sure I could break these little wards and curses…” Childsplay, though Ashworth would have done it quicker and painlessly. She’d always been better with curse-breaking, and curse-making, damn her.
But Ashworth wasn’t here, and Seren knew pain came with growth. With a flick of her wand she lifted the curse Athena had put on him, one of the girl’s own creation, and gestured.
“Speak boy, defend your terrorist cell, and perhaps we’ll allow an easier release alongside her.”
Just when Lee was about to surrender to the darkness that was creeping along the edges of his vision, to stop fighting and just let himself be pulled beneath the surface to be buried in the muck by Death’s muddy vines, those sweet ghastly tendrils that had tethered Boy LII to the Depths Below since birth—
Once more, just as before, he was spared; for attestations of some other realm that were not for a worthless boy to know, Death released Lee and he buoyed back to the shoal of life.
His features shrunk back to their proper shape and he gasped air back into his lungs, choking on it as if he’d been drowned. A new woman, with gray hair, was sitting before him. Lee thrashed, his eyes flashing like a spooked horse; where was Dona? What had they done to her?
“Please, ya gotta listen to me—the other one didn’t understand, wouldn’t listen, it’s—Dona doesn’t know anything, you’ve got to let us go, you got no idea what’s comin’ if ya keep…”
He convulsed for a moment, as if some unseen force was passing through his body. Then he sat upright, his back straightening unnaturally given the injuries he’d incurred. He looked straight at the gray-haired woman and his pupils blew all the way out, until his eyes were clouded over entirely with a sinister, unreflective black.
The boy blinked his stygian eyes. Blood trickled slowly down from one nostril and then the other, trailing over the edges of his lips, but he paid it no heed as he spoke in a flat, chilling tone that sounded entirely unlike the voice he’d spoken with but a moment ago: “By Tituba's will, and the Spirit of her Daughters, vengeance will come. She will flood acid rain on your prejudice, burn your lies over the fire with which you burned us, and boil your posterity in blood. This we swear, to be followed through in this world and those to come.”
[ Back in the Infirmary... ]
Eventually, the door to the infirmary swung open, and a blonde woman marched in, looking frantic. Dona averted her gaze, looking to the ground. The woman’s auror-issue boots were grimy, muddy. She’d been at the house when it was raided. Her gaze flicked up to glare at the older woman.
“My name is Major Max Squint. I am so, so sorry for what happened—it was never meant to be like that...” the woman said, pulling up a chair. She sat on it, putting her elbows on her knees, “...this Operation was put in place to help you, and the boy with you. I’ve been looking into the Daughters for years, and we’ve never had the opportunity to help someone before it’s too late. Miss Outterridge—Dona—it’s not too late. Whatever they’ve told you, it’s not true. We can help you.”
Dona’s chin wobbled before she leaned forward to spit at the auror’s face. “Go fuck yourself.”
Max put her hands over her face, wiping away the spit before massaging her temples, wringing her hands down her cheeks. “Please, let me help you—”
“Fuck you.” Dona snapped, exhaling sharply. It took everything, everything she had not to reach for her wand. To hurt this person like she’d been hurt. To blow everything up. To set the world on fire for what it had done.
Max looked especially stressed at this, standing from her chair. “Please—”
“Get the fuck away from me.” Dona’s voice shook, and the woman shook her head, leaving the room and swinging the door shut behind her.
Max was livid as she stormed back down the hallway toward the Interrogation Room; her mission, months if not years of work and preparation and carefully-gathered intel, just for Reese to pull rank and that rabid creature she called a protege to blow it all up in a couple of hours?
Not only had this botched mission gotten Ashworth killed, but Max feared the Daughters had vanished into the wind again. The identity of their mark—the most promising lead Max had gotten in ages—was well and truly lost, turned against working with her and horrifically mistreated for nothing, all on Max’s tip from the Free Traders. But the boy…
Max knew that all boys who were kept in the service of the Daughters eventually became missing persons. She’d written the damn case file herself, in meticulous detail. So although she knew that the damage done by the Nest may have been too much to correct, although she knew it was likely too late to reach him…
Max knew she had to try.
[ Interrogation Room ]
Lee’s eyes fluttered, the white returning to them. He was breathing heavily, sweat shining on his face and neck. He looked empty, and utterly broken—a filthy dishrag that had served its purpose and was all wrung out, waiting to be disposed of. “Please…let us go. Ain’t got…nothin’ else to give ya.”
Seren nodded to herself, tutting. “Well that was enlightening, and rather cute. I’d love to pick apart that type of spell work, must be tied into blood...” The woman fluffed up her skirts as she stood. “Thank you dear boy, you’ve given us plenty.” She reached over to run her nails over his head, dragging along his skull even as Lee flinched from her touch.
“My poor darling did a number on you—my girl is fierce, I’m quite proud of her, you know…” Seren walked around him, studying the set of his shoulders and face. “You’re a walking tomb, boy, like those of pharaohs, warded and cursed into the next world. It wouldn’t take much to break them all down…” She leaned down, “…give you a clean slate, a working body, a tongue and hands that belong only to you and those you’d gift it to…”
The Auror Commander straightened and nodded to the Healer who ushered over, his face white and pinched.
“…You’ll be with your girl soon enough, but if you ever want a free life, do ask. We’ll hand it over, as long as we can charge the cost to the information in your head. Be well, and tell the Healer what your favorite candy is—she’s so very good at finding every flavor. Like an American Baskin Robbins.” Seren didn’t wait for an answer as she shut the door behind her, a few of her loyal henchmen around her.
But Max was waiting there to head her off.
On any other day, Max would not have had the nerve, but she was at the end of her rope enough to snap at Seren, “Do me a favor, Reese—the next time I ask you for backup, would you mind controlling your fucking rabid dog? You’ve got no idea the damage that your squad has done!”
Ignoring the accusations entirely, Seren just smiled at her with a black widow’s venom in the sharp curves of her lips. “I believe congratulations are in order, Major Squint? It appears you’re up for a rather unexpected promotion.”
It took Max a moment too long to understand Seren’s response, her hands on her hips, jaw locked. Reese, now the Head of the Auror Department, was giving her Ashworth’s role. It was a promotion, on paper at least. But Reese knew as well as anyone else in the Department worth their salt that Thorne had been groomed from the beginning to step into those shoes—and that Max had practically grown the Infiltration Unit with her own two hands. Becoming a Commander of Forensics, a role currently ‘reserved’ for her pseudo-girlfriend, was as good as a slap in the face.
The blonde pursed her lips, desperate not to speak further out of turn lest she fuck herself over even more, before stepping around the Commander to have a word with the boy—Max’s asset—that Reese’s cronies were manhandling.
And to her back, Seren added, “And one more thing, Max—at least all of my beasts are on leashes. Are all of Ashworth’s?”
The door closed, and Seren waited a beat before chirping to the henchmen who flanked her, “Well, hop to it then! We don’t have all day to fix Squint’s investigation. Chop chop!” The aurors all turned with a puff of white smoke, dissipating into streaming columns through the corridors, off to execute plans Seren had made when she’d beaten Ashworth for Head Auror position.
It tasted like ash, but Seren popped a lemon candy into her mouth, and walked down the hall whistling as Pierce came from the shadows to her side, a hulking shadow who kept throwing glances at the boy and the Auror Major they had left in the Interrogation Room.
[ Interrogation Room ]
Max let herself in, beyond caring about the insubordination of interrupting a ranking auror’s proceedings. The battered boy struggled against Seren’s loyal subordinates. Max waved them away, trying to dismiss them, but they hovered doggedly nearby even after releasing the boy.
Wasting no time, Max looked at him and begged desperately, “Please, don’t go…I know that my colleagues’ treatment of you has given you no reason to believe that anyone here would be on your side, but I am not like them. I can help you, I want to help you, if you’ll let me—I won’t try to make excuses for how my colleagues handled things today, but let me ask you this: is it any worse than the things that have been done to you at the hand of the Daughters? Can it even compare to what will happen, if you return to them?”
But the threat of his own life, the danger of crawling back to his lifelong abusers, seemed not to phase the boy at all. With deep and unshakeable resignation, he said coldly, “Appreciate the concern, ma’am, but I know my own people and I don’t need some uppity avocat cop with a white savior complex to save me. I know what I’m meant for, I’ve known where my life was goin’ for a long time…ain’t nothing you can do or say that’ll change it. So unless one a you wants to get in a few more lashings…?” Lee spared a hateful glance toward Seren’s goons, who returned to him blank and remorseless stares. “…I’ll find Dona, and we’ll be outta your hair.”
And he didn’t grant Max a reply before shoving his way out the door without looking back.
Max sighed, pressing fingers against the pressure points at her temple. And finally, she thought about what Seren had said; ‘All of my beasts are on leashes…are all of Ashworth’s?’
[ In the Auror Corridors... ]
“Thorne!” Athena strode down the hall as if fiendfyre was after her, Cadmus’s words echoing in her brain: “Tell Ashworth’s pet that she’s dead, make sure to tell her Squint knew, and make sure it hurts.”
“Hey, Thorne!” The woman Athena was addressing turned, a donut half hanging out of her mouth, papers stacked up to her chin, ink stains on her arms and blood around her cuticles. The Killer Case was taking it’s toll; how quaint. “Can we talk?”
Thorne raised a brow over her elfish face, spitting the half eaten donut onto the top papers in her arms. “What about?”
What a disgusting little cretin… Athena looked around, and said, “Not here. In Ashworth’s office. It’s sensitive information.”
Thorne nodded, humming to herself. “Joint mission? Must be, Ashworth’s been quiet last few days or so... but you know how the missions for the Uppers are. Always so secretive. Honestly, she forgot we had a dinner reservation last night…must be important if she’s dragging your Division Mum into it.”
Athena let her prattle on, and together they stepped through the office door and closed it tight.
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Where is your wife?
Asia is on vacation. I hope she is having fun (we are polyamory)
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graphicpolicy · 1 year
Stray Cat & Wolf Vol. 1 is a cute "odd couple" story that borders on creepy
Stray Cat & Wolf Vol. 1 is a cute "odd couple" story that borders on creepy #comics #comicbooks #graphicnovel #manga
When life gives you lemons and then you wake up in a hot guy’s house… Tamaki Mishina was getting out. Escaping from the tiny village where everyone loathed her for things beyond her control, especially since her dad–her last tie to the town–had recently passed away. That’s why she applied to a high school in Tokyo in the first place. But then she got sent packing from her boardinghouse, woke up…
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Soooo anyone doing a 9-1-1 x PTV Jaws of Life thing? Quite a few songs fit. Emergency Contact fits too well with three whole crew, but mostly Buddie
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krkiiz · 9 months
sly swordsman . luke castellan x reader
luke decides to distract you by confessing in the middle of a duel
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luke castellan x f!reader , reader is the daughter of apollo , luke being head over heels , confessions , fluff , slight teasing
note : sorry if there are lots of mistakes, i wrote this on my phone with nail extensions and it’s so hard to type pls help 😭😭 apologies for grammars n errors, i’ll edit them tmrw hehe (also this is my first time writing pjo n fight scenes so i hope it’s decent!)
let me know your thoughts ! likes, reblogs, and comments appreciated <3
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“Let’s go Kayla! Beat his ass!” Shout one of your fellow half-siblings along with boos from the opposing side.
Clanking of swords can be heard from miles away. Today the children of Hermes and Apollo are scheduled to a joint swordsmanship practice. Where the two cabins will have to engage on a 1v1 duel against another.
Right now stands in the center of the battlefield is your half sister Kayla, along with one of Hermes’ son. Kayla is known to be a skilled archer just like any of Apollo’s children. But that doesn’t mean she can’t beat the swift son of Hermes.
The battle ends her sword pointed right at his throat as he gives a sign of defeat to his opponent. The children of Apollo cheers with glee as they congratulate their half sister.
The two retreat, their places soon replaced by none other than their head counselors. Luke and you approach the center of the battlefield as your fellow half-siblings watch in anticipation.
It is so secret that Luke is an outstanding swordsman. As his skills rivals Ares and Athena’s children themselves, you knew he was a challenging opponent.
Well that’s a good thing you love challenges.
“I admit my defeat on our archery battle last week. But now, let me show you how good I am with the blade, Yn.” He smirks as the two of you start circling one another.
“Must’ve hurt your ego, Castellan.” A chuckle left your lips like honey and Luke suppresses the butterflies swarming in his stomach.
“Let’s see how good you really are, Son of Hermes.”
The two of you got in your positions, fingers tightly gripping on the sword and the shield, waiting for a sign to charge.
The hornet blows and Luke wastes no time to charge forward. The point of his blade almost piercing the epidermis of your skin before you block him with your own sword.
Luke knows better than to underestimate you. Sure, you are the daughter of the god of Archery, not swordsmanship. But everyone knows that you are an outstanding dancer and you treat the battlefield like it is your stage.
Your movements swift and laced with elegance. It’s always extremely difficult to predict your next moves. Your footing carefully calculated as you deflect all of his upcoming attacks.
Luke is also quick to encounter your offense as he blocks the side your blade that was aiming at his neck.
With such close proximity, Luke can see how the sun compliments your e/c irises. Complimenting every contrast and detail of the pupil.
Gods were your eyes always this beautiful? Were you always this beautiful?
Luke feels himself caught in a trance just for a second before earning back his composure. But one second is enough for you trip his leg leading him to fall right on his back as he looses his grip on his sword.
The sides of your blade nearly makes contact with his neck as you lay above him giving him a look of triumph.
“Yn, have I told you how beautiful you look on top of me right now?” The boy starts causing you to roll your eyes and scoff at his antics.
“Yeah, try again because that’s not going to work on me, Luke.” You press the blade against his adam’s apple causing him to wince slightly.
The crowd wonders on what was happening and why hasn’t Luke gave a sign of defeat knowing well that being under your sword doesn’t give him a good chance at winning.
They fail to see how his right hand is slowly reaching discreetly trying to get ahold of his fallen blade.
Luke lets out a lighthearted chuckle, his eyes never leaving yours. “I like you, Yn. Let’s go on a date.”
Now this caught you off guard. “What?”
The sly swordsman took your state to his advantage as he unclasps his knee from your hold and flipped your positions, your sword disregard in the process.
With his blade firm in his right hand, now it’s his turn to reside his sword against your neck, just like you did to him a few seconds ago.
You try fighting back but he just tuts and starts applying more pressure to his blade before you finally give the sign of defeat.
The Hermes cabin roared with glee congratulating their win, knowing that their head counselor will never fail them.
Luke quickly stands his ground giving you a helping hand, in which you accepted with a smile. He pulls you up against him, the sudden movement made you loose your footing but he’s quick to steady you with his free hand placed on your waist.
“So, about that date.”
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©️ sirena | krkiiz 2023
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wlntrsldler · 7 months
state of grace | luke castellan
athena!reader x luke castellan over the years. not canon compliant, no betrayal, happy ending :)
i. busy streets and busy lives, and all we know is touch and go.
fourteen-year-old luke castellan develops a crush on the pretty girl who shows him a type of kindness he'd never experienced before.
ii. and i never saw you coming, and i'll never be the same.
sixteen-year-old luke castellan has his first kiss with you, the girl he'd been hopelessly crushing on for the last two years.
iii. you come around and the armor falls, pierce the room like a cannonball. now all we know is don’t let go.
seventeen-year-old luke castellan returns from his failed quest and wonders if he's good enough for you.
iv. these are the hands of fate, you’re my achilles heel. this is the golden age of something good and right and real.
twenty-one-year-old luke castellan never thought he'd make it this far in life, and he definitely did not expect to have you by his side through it all, but he's thankful that you are.
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empyreva · 7 months
Summary: All you want is to have ONE nice date with Luke without him sabotaging it in some way--surely a flower meadow is safe
Pairing: Luke Castellan x Reader
Word count: 1k
Tags: Fluff, established relationship, fem!reader, Luke and reader are sassy and silly with each other, flirting, teasing, Luke loves getting under your skin, implied sex, vague nudity, 17+
A/N: My thoughts got ahead of me....I liked the idea of reader being like the A type partner and Luke loves messing with her--but you braid flowers in his hair anyway!!
The air is thick with the scents of lavender and honeysuckle--wildflowers dancing with the wind, bending gently but never breaking under the force. Here and there, butterflies and bees dart from flower to flower, sipping nectar lazily.
As you step onto the sprawling expanse of green grass, you can't help but gasp at the scene in front of you. It was like Gaia herself handpicked this location--a sprawling meadow between junctions of neighboring forests, brimming with life. "Wow..." You breathed out, eyes wide with excitement for your perfect picnic date. 
From behind you, the tall grass rustled--a strong arm snaking its way around your waist. Your boyfriend's eyes were pointed ahead, silently contemplating the sanctuary the two of you had found while attempting to get some private time away from the camp. Tugging on Luke's shirt, you enticed him to lean over for a quick kiss before you beckoned him to follow you as you searched for the perfect place to settle down--taking his hand in yours as you ventured further.
"Here's good?" You stopped in front of a small clearing in the field, a patch of dirt stripped bare and empty. Despite being objectively dead, it seemed well-loved, a little TLC would be needed to brush away dust and stray weeds--How many demigods before you had snuck away to this place? The romantic notion alone made your heart flutter.
"Perfect," Luke drawled, giving you a cheeky smile. Enthusiastically, you billowed out the large sheet you had tucked in the small picnic basket--fussing over making sure there were no crinkles in the fabric or sharp rocks underneath it. Watching you bend over and curse as dirt scuffed your pretty white dress had his own thoughts wandering--He honestly couldn't care less about where the two of you ended up.
After deeming everything to be perfectly in place, you dragged Luke down next to you, giggling as he stumbled into a comfortable sitting position. You began to ramble on about something--Luke honestly didn't care much for conversation. He offered you a couple "Mhm"s and "Oh yeah?"s, feigning interest in what you and Annabeth discovered while cleaning out the shed behind Athena's cabin. His eyes flickered down.
Gods, you weren't even wearing a bra.
"Luke--Luke!!" Suddenly you were right in front of him, nose to nose as your eyebrows furrowed. "Are you even listening?"
"Uh-uhm yeah--So uhhhhhh....So what happened after Percy killed that...Lizard?" 
"Tarantula, Luke. And he didn't kill it, he just flung it somewhere and told Annabeth that he killed it," you sighed, pushing your hair back with one hand. Luke felt like he had been pierced through the heart, gazing intently at you as you preened yourself for a moment. "But, anyway, Annabeth was so cute because she..."
"It's a bit hot, don't you think?" He interjected, fingers skirting along the exposed flesh of your thigh--peeking out from beneath your white dress. "Like, I'm actually sooo hot--Aren't you feeling it?" You gasped and pouted, gently pushing his wandering hand back to his side of the blanket. No no, you weren't going to let him win, again. The last time the two of you even tried to leave for a date, he 'accidentally' spilled something all over your shirt so you had to change. In front of him.
"C'mon, Luke, the food's gonna go bad if we start now!" You whined, pointing at the two perfectly crafted sandwiches you made, not to mention the various fresh fruits you packed up for dessert!! Completely ignoring you, Luke shrugged his shirt off from over his head, letting it fall somewhere in the nearby daisies. A smirk danced across his face, noticing the way your gaze immediately diverted the second he was facing you again. His abs had a slight shine to them, his biceps flexing as he pushed himself onto his haunches. "A-Aren't you hungry? We've been walking for like--like an hour!"
"Oh, I'm hungry--starved, even..." Luke pushed the basket out of the way, a slow crawl landing his lips just a breath away from yours. Your breath hitched in your throat, eyes locking with Luke's--Gods he just had this way of getting you right under his thumb. A large hand slipped all the way up your dress, gently massaging the burning-hot flesh of your chest.
"I just have this...craving for something else."
"This is fucking amazing, baby," Luke moaned, his fingers dwarfing what remained of his sandwich. His head lay on your bare lap, cradled between your knees as he lounged, free as a bird, basking in the warmth of the sun and summer air. "Best. Sandwich. Ever."
"Thank you," you huffed, one hand massaging his scalp as the other supported your dinner. "You spoilt brat..." Luke frowned at the words that you muttered under your breath, reaching a hand up to flick at your nose.
"I'm not a brat," he whined, poking at your jaw like a child. "Don't say that."
"Don't say that," you mocked. "Gods, can you ever NOT act like a big baby."
"Just for you, my girl."
You looked down at your boyfriend's handsome face--His mischievous brown eyes sparkled under the soft rays of the setting sun, while his dark curls fell around his forehead in gentle waves. Laughter escaped him as you gave his ribs a soft tickle, and he tried to evade you for a second before you decided that you wanted to try and actually be romantic. Something about these teenage boys...
You turned to your side and reached over, plucking a few daisy blossoms from the ground—a bouquet of white. With a smile, you began delicately threading them through his locks. Some clung tight to his scalp, others drifted lightly to the tips of his curls. He closed his eyes and sighed deeply, relishing the sensation of your fingers against his skin--the soft tugging and gentle petting as you crafted a sort of halo.
"My handsome boy," you murmured, hoping to commit this moment to memory. Luke was growing sleepy, you could tell by how his eyes fought to stay open long enough to gaze into yours--the rise and fall of his chest in the rhythm of a euphony of crickets in the distance. He looked so pretty like this, so vulnerable, so trusting. You wished that this day would never end.
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'The Night Everything Fell Apart'
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Clarisse La Rue x DaughterOfApollo!Reader!
WARNINGS!!:Mentions of blood,su!c!de,r!attempts su!c!ce.Angst! (Sorry If I missed anything!)
Angst,Annabeth is the one who finds reader.Part 2 out:
A/N:Not what I usually write but one of my friends rq'd this so I gave it a try.I SUCK AT WRITING SAD/ANGSTY STUFF PLS DON'T COME FOR ME.
A usual night in camp halfblood was disrupted as all of a sudden,the silence shattered into a symphony of horror.A blood - curdling scream pierced through the night.The source of the scream was Annabeth Chase,who had a look of sheer terror etched across her face.Clarisse, shaken from her slumber, sprang to her feet, her hand instinctively reaching for the hilt of her sword.
"What the Hades is going on?!" Clarisse barked, her eyes scanning the camp for any signs of danger as her eyes narrowed
The camp was soon alive with commotion as other demigods rushed out of their cabins, confusion etched on their faces.The source of the scream became clear as they followed the anguished cries to the scene unfolding near the cabin of Athena.
Annabeth stood frozen, her eyes wide with horror, and a chilling realization struck Clarisse - something was terribly wrong.And soon they found out what...
Clarisse's boots pounded against the dew-kissed grass as she sprinted toward the gathering crowd.The atmosphere was thick with tension,and as she pushed her way through the onlookers,her gaze fell upon the tragic sight that had elicited Annabeth's horrified scream.
There,surrounded by a growing pool of crimson,were you,a daughter of Apollo.Your normally vibrant face was drained of color, and your once-bright eyes stared dully at the sky,blood dripping from the corners of your mouth.The metallic scent of blood hung heavily in the air, and Clarisse felt a lump forming in her throat.
Annabeth knelt beside you, her hands shaking as she pressed them against the fatal wound.The sight was heart-wrenching - a stark contrast to the usually composed and strategic daughter of Athena.Clarisse, known for her tough exterior,felt a surge of sorrow welling up inside her.
Clarisse's stern facade crumbled as she beheld the harrowing sight. The daughter of Ares,almost for the first time in her life - felt a surge of helplessness.
"What happened?" Clarisse demanded,her voice betraying a vulnerability she seldom showed.
"She tried to...end it," Annabeth choked out, her words heavy with sorrow. "But she's alive.Somehow,she's alive..."
"Get Chiron! Someone, get Chiron!" A familiar voice broke - Percy - as he pleaded with the surrounding demigods. A few of them dashed off in search of the camp's wise centaur, leaving Clarisse and others to bear witness to the tragedy unfolding before them.
Chiron,the wise centaur and camp director, surveyed the scene with a heavy heart. Clarisse stood by your side, her fists clenched in a futile attempt to contain the anguish welling up inside her.
Her eyes flickered to the faces of her fellow campers, each one reflecting a mixture of shock, grief, and disbelief.The bonds forged in the heat of battles and training seemed fragile in that moment as the reality of a friend lost to despair sank in.Especially the kids of the Apollo cabin - your fellow half-siblings broke down at the sight,it was too much for them to bear.
You had always been a lively presence in camp,your laughter echoing through the training grounds.Nobody had suspected the darkness that must have gripped your soul to lead to such a tragic action on your part.The weight of the realization pressed down on Clarisse's shoulders, and she couldn't shake the heaviness in her chest.
"No..." Clarisse whispered,the weight of the revelation settling heavily on her shoulders.
"Y/n!!" Clarisse's eyes suddenly widened, her voice a choked rasp. It was a plea, a desperate call to a friend - perhaps a love,who seemed to be slipping away.Her fingers brushed against your cold skin,and a shiver ran down her spine.The air hung heavy with the unspoken fear that lingered between the demigods.
She knelt beside Annabeth - who was still crying - her sword forgotten as she reached out. The usually fierce and stoic daughter of Ares felt a surge of helplessness in the face of such pain.Clarisse couldn't shake the image of you, alone in the darkness, driven to a desperate act.
As the reality of the situation sank in,Clarisse's emotions boiled over. She clenched her fists, her knuckles turning white, and let out a primal scream that echoed through the night.The weight of the moment bore down on her, and she collapsed beside you, tears streaming down her face.
"Why?!Why would she do...this!?" Clarisse choked on the words,her voice raw with grief. She cradled you in her arms,her fingers trembling as she tried to comprehend the pain that had driven you to such desperate measures.
You were carried to the infirmary and properly taken care of.Though due to multiple factors like the obvious blood loss and the deadly wound you had inflicted upon yourself - you were still unconscious - not looking ready to wake up any time soon.
Soon enough,the infirmary door creaked open,revealing a scene that would forever be etched in Clarisse's memory.You - laying motionless on a bed,your once vibrant spirit extinguished.The room was filled with an oppressive silence,broken only by the gentle rustling of the wind.
However,Clarisse took it upon herself to visit you,her usual tough exterior softened by the gravity of the situation.The daughter of Ares sat by your bedside, words failing her as she grappled with the fragility of life as you lay unconscious.
The hours passed in a blur of anxiety and grief.The infirmary became a haven for collective sorrow,a place where the demigods faced the fragility of life in its rawest form. Clarisse, usually a pillar of strength, found herself grappling with emotions she had long kept at bay.
"You're not alone." Clarisse finally spoke, her voice wavering slightly. "We all face our demons,but we face them together.You've got people here who care about you." Even though she had no idea if you could hear her or not,she still tried to be there and encourage you - even in your state - but she hoped you could hear her,she then continued. "...I'm one of them.I care for you,I do,I swear I do,damn it!So please,please survive." Her once confident and authoritative tone was now broken and sounded more like a plea than anything.She wanted you to survive.
A/N:I have mixed feelings abt this but I wrote it bc I was in a mood and listening to spotify so ig it works.
Part two here!
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salty-icecream · 2 years
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Finally finished the relationship guide to completion
@bigmrfisch @the-anxiety-academy @molted-phoenix @hugohatercore @askcalvinfischoeder
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