#Audio placeholder tag
sleepy-stitches · 11 months
MY COMPUTER KEEPS OVERHEATING SO BAD..... we are in for a long long summer
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lovebugdotcom · 11 months
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Fable after getting trapped in the digital circus and meeting R/agatha
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madhyanas · 2 years
btw if anyone’s interested
here’s a playlist about mildly codependent girls in love. one of them’s a demonic entity tearing herself apart at any given moment but that’s not important (it is)
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tgcfresources · 5 months
Master Post Links
Since the reddit post has outdated links and information, I wanted to provide people an easy way to find things instead of having to look through massive amounts of scrolling.
First I just want to say I'm new to this fandom, if there's any incorrect information or things missing feel free to message me on Discord or @ me at any of the TGCF discord's I'm on as I DO NOT check tumblr often. My Discord is .raphaela
Official Art
Audio Drama
Official Videos
Colored Novel Illustrations
B/W Novel Illustrations
Revised Uncensored Version
Discord Servers
Eternal Faith / Live Action
As the novel as been official translated into several languages, I will NOT post links to read it here.
Novel Audiobooks
Link to Audiobooks: Link 1.
Revised Chinese Novel
There is currently no plans for 7S to translate this version as it was released as a webtoon AFTER the official novel translations.
Link to the Revised Chinese Version English Fan Translations and Faq.
If you would like to buy the Chinese revised version, follow this guide on how to purchase the novel on JJWXC books. Then use this guide on how to export the text for use on your preferred translator.
Manhua (Manga)
The English bilibili comics site shut down on February 29th and is no longer available. You can view the original Chinese Raw on the official bilibil site with a VPN. Guide on how to buy the original volumes here.
You can view the English Manhua on a number of third party sites, such as Mangadex. Just goggle it and a number of them will come up.
Currently there are 101 chapters, no word on when it will resume.
Donghua (Anime)
There are currently 2 seasons available.
Season 1
Audio: English, Mandarine. (Only the Bilibili website has Japanese Audio Available, you need to become a Big Fan to view them. The Official release DVD/Bluray also only had the two languages available. If you want Japanese audio you will need to buy the Japanese release from a proxy service website.)
Subtitles: English.
Official English DVD/Bluray available from a number of retailers.
Season 2
Audio: English, Japanese, Mandarine.
Subtitles: English.
Does not yet have an official English DVD/Bluray release.
Currently Available to view on Crunchyroll (US Only, VPN Works), Bilibili Website (Available with Japanese Audio, Season 1 only) & Bilibili Youtube (Season 1 only) Both requires you to have a VPN, only available in hongkong.
Placeholder Guide on how to pay for Big Fan on Bilibili Website.
It has since been removed from Netflix and Amazon Prime.
Season 3 has yet to be confirmed.
Audio Drama
It's getting VERY long - Post here
Live Action Adaptation Series
A live action Adaptation is in the works and will be called Eternal Faith. Filming was done in 2022, rumored to be released this year (2024), set to be 60 episodes, but nothing is confirmed.
Information taken from a number of sources, mostly the tgcf reddit faq and TGCF Discord servers.
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halscafe · 2 years
race tagging
sigh is this what we've come to as a society like REALLY
this post is in response to an anon received by a popular redacted blog (if you saw it, you understand what i'm referring to).
ima just get straight to the point and say that to ask for people to tag listeners or characters as white (if that is how they are being portrayed in the work) is idiotic. i'm sorry but in all honesty it is. these listeners and characters created by erik are left without a design for our interpretation. especially in the case of listener characters, they are US. we are their placeholders in the story and if someone is a white male, odds are that the listener will be imagined and characterized as a white male. similarly, if an individual listening to the audio is a white female, or a female POC, et cetera, et cetera. if the majority of this fandom is white, then as a result, odds are the majority of characters in works will be white. and there's no issue in that. so to ask artists and writers who pour their heart and soul into their work to tag it in regards to this fact is just questionable, odd, and (excuse my phrasing, but to be blunt) dumb.
if you need some accreditation from my standing for this post, i will give it to you happily. i am a muslim, hijab-wearing, lebanese girl and to say that i am one of the incredibly few in number in this fandom is understating it. however, let me just say that i genuinely could not care less that a lot of the listeners and characters portrayed via art and writing in this fandom are white/don't represent me. who am i to complain when i'm already the recipient of such amazing art and writing pieces.
i cannot speak for every POC when it comes to this matter, nor am i claiming to with this post of mine. this is just me, venting some frustrations on the subject presented to me. appreciate your fellow artists and writers, and stop asking for the moon and the entire universe with these "helpful anon asks."
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sonicenvy · 1 year
so my ao3 post, which is now at 8k notes is making me want to address some stuff from it again. So here i am posting about AO3 once again friends. In this edition, we're going to talk about content that counts as fanwork (and thus appropriate content under tos IV.H). There are a lot of awesome kinds of fanwork that you CAN and SHOULD post on your AO3.
examples of fanwork that are good to go on AO3:
drabble (a 100 word fic)
compilations of oneshots from ONE fandom/theme in a single, multi-chapter fic. This is an example of this that i posted.
fanart or fan comics, a superb example of this is this comic fic.
chat fic/social media fic (transcripts of 2 characters IMing/texting or whatever or in universe social media posts/threads/content) To get fancy with this and try out some awesome formatting, peep this work skin guide collection, or this guide or any of these guides to learn how to use HTML and AO3's workskin feature to make something that looks a lot like the real thing without resorting to images, which is worse for accessibility reasons. This is a fantastic example of an in universe social media fic.
epistolary fic (fic told in letters between characters). A fantastic example of this is this fic, which 🥰.
one shots (a single chapter, standalone fic, can be any length over 100 words)
podfic (that is, an audio recording of someone reading a fic, whether it is their own fic or someone else’s. if it’s not your fic, be sure to ask the author’s permission before posting a podfic and link back to their fic from your podfic) Here’s an example of a podfic that someone did of my fic.
AO3 workskin/site skin guides, such as this or any of the others I linked above.
Fanwork Research & Reference Guides, this is a superb example of this.
Meta, especially extended meta. This is a superb example of this.
collection of prompt fics, such as this, where the author posts a single fic, usually titled something like "tumblr prompts", puts the prompt in the author's notes of each chapter and makes the chapters the fic they wrote in response to that prompt.
script fic, that is, a mockup script for an episode or movie, which is a fic.
incomplete fic, aka wip. basically you post chapter 1/a prologue etc and continue posting as you write more. if you decide to abandon the fic, just note that in the tags or the description. you don't have to be finished with your fic to start posting!
multi chapter fic. novella length novel length, short story length whatever.
in universe media fic (that is, a fic that is like, written in things like in-universe blog posts, newspaper articles, messages, letters etc). Typically there's still some kind of story going on here.
This is not, of course a completely exhaustive list, but covers most of the allowed formats, to my knowledge. Please let me know if you think of something else!
“work” types that are NOT OK to post on AO3:
Placeholder “fic” -- A "fic" posted to AO3 that contains little to NO content, despite having a "summary" and tags. These "fics" contain only things like "a fic I will write soon," "an idea I have," or "coming soon." Some of these "fics" are also marked as complete! They do not contain any of the actual text of a fic. That is to say they are not, for example, a 100 word drabble (which is a fic), or short prologue, or the first chapter of a fic. They may contain a short description of a fic that does not exist, but are not in and of themselves a fic.
Looking for xyz fic or fic search “work” -- a “work” that is actually just a user trying to find a specific already existing fanwork. it is not, in and of itself a fanwork. Instead of doing this, learn to use filters and tags, and find fic search blogs (there are a lot of them, especially in larger fandoms) on tumblr. Alternatively ask on fandom discord servers, or fandom reddits.
A description of a fanwork that does not exist (ie: describing an undrawn comic or posting an outline of a fic that has not been written or describing a fic you plan on writing). This may also include most kinds of “bullet point” fic. This also includes “trailers” for fic. Just write and post the fucking fic. Save this kind of promotional stuff for the socials people.
Prompt Request -- the poster isn’t posting the results of prompts (ie: a my tumblr prompts compilation) but is instead asking for prompts, as though a work is a social media post. Instead of posting this, post a myPromptsComp of fics that you’ve written for prompts or challenges and ask for new prompts in the ANs (and not as a chapter).
Plagiarized work. I can’t believe I have to say this, but uh. don’t post work that isn’t yours.
Work that in ANY way implies, suggests or states that you are asking for MONEY in exchange for fic, yes even charity auction fic, yes even simply linking your Ko-fi. Don’t fucking do that on AO3. Link your socials and do that there. Don’t use AO3 for ANY commercial activity. This includes promoting the sale of any of your work, even non fanwork. This is a serious TOS IV violation.
the tdlr; here:
Use AO3 to post actual fanworks with actual content. Do not use AO3 for promotional, commercial or social posting.
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sibyl-of-space · 2 years
I decided to make a little video showing some of the audio work I’ve done for my game “Amadeus”! Please bear in mind that I am still building the demo so many of these assets are placeholders while I figure out the main mechanics. I’m building a visual novel/puzzle game about a young werewolf, which will feature ghosts and witches and crap.... but before I can flesh out his story, I need to, you know, make the game work.
I will be tagging all of my work (visuals, audio, code) on this as “Amadeus Game” from here on out so it can be sought out or blocked as desired.
Currently, all of the visuals, audio, code, and narrative presented here are my work. I intend to collaborate with some other artists as I build it out more, and when it so happens that I am *not* the only person who has worked on this game, the other people will be credited.
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medewerkers · 2 years
🌟 Nieuw
We hebben het aantal Aanbevolen tags dat mensen op hun blog kunnen opnemen vergroot van 10 tot 24.
Op het web gebruikt de mobiele lay-out van de site in het navigatiepaneel nu knoppen van verschillende groottes, afhankelijk van de precisie van je primaire invoerapparaat. Als je een muis gebruikt, zijn de knoppen kleiner zodat er meer tegelijkertijd op het scherm passen; als je een touchscreen gebruikt, zijn de knoppen groter zodat ze gemakkelijker te gebruiken zijn.
Voor mensen die "Het beste eerst" in hun dashboardvoorkeuren hebben ingeschakeld hebben we verbeteringen uitgerold voor hoe het feed-algoritme de gevolgde blogs rangschikt.
We werken nog steeds aan het afstellen van het navigatiepaneel in de mobiele lay-out van de site op het web. De meest recente toevoeging is het Account-submenu waar je nu zaken zoals Vind-ik-leuks, Volgend en Hulp aantreft, naast een knop "Nieuw" die naar deze blog verwijst.
Blogs ontvangen feestelijke verjaardagsartikelen vanaf nu via hun activiteitenfeed! Eerder werden deze zaken alleen via de e-mail verstuurd.
We hebben lopen experimenteren met het aanleveren van GIF's als videobestanden om bandbreedte te besparen en de ervaring te optimaliseren, maar we het lukte ons niet om dat goed te laten voelen of er goed uit te laten zien. We hebben deze experimenten dus teruggedraaid.
We hebben ondersteuning voor starttijdcodes toegevoegd wanneer je YouTube-URLs in je blog wilt opnemen.
In de berichteditor op het web geeft Tab je nu een juiste omlijning wanneer je door de opties voor tekstkleuren navigeert.
🛠️ Fixes
We hebben een aantal optimalisaties uitgerold die ervoor zorgen dat pollbewerkingen op Tumblr (zoals het laden van de resultaten) veel sneller verlopen.
We hebben een visuele glitch op het web verholpen die er in sommige gevallen voor zorgde dat de knop Volgen in het reblogspoor iets te ver naar rechts werd weergegeven.
Als je de site via het web in een browser van een mobiel apparaat bezoekt, zie je nu "Browsen zonder advertenties" in het hoofdnavigatiemenu, maar alleen als je nog geen abonnement op deze functie hebt.
In blogsjablonen worden afbeeldingen in berichten die het Neue Post Format gebruiken in een hogere kwaliteit weergegeven en de limiet voor hun 'natuurlijke' breedte (de breedte voordat er CSS-effecten op worden toegepast) is van 540 pixels naar 1280 pixels verhoogd.
We hebben een probleem opgelost waardoor mensen naar de verkeerde taalversie van onze hulpdocumenten konden worden gestuurd wanneer ze de links op Tumblr gebruikten.
We hebben een bug verholpen in de berichteditor die ervoor zorgde dat de placeholder voor tekstbloksubtype "chat" onjuist in andere talen werd vertaald.
Een probleem opgelost waardoor de terug/opnieuw-geschiedenis in de berichteditor stopte met werken als je een audio- of videoblok probeerde in te voegen.
Een aantal kleine bugs opgelost voor de indicator voor wachtwoordsterkte op het web. Deze indicator wordt weergegeven wanneer je een nieuw account opzet of wanneer je je huidige wachtwoord wijzigt.
🚧  Nog mee bezig
Mensen die het blog Radar volgen hadden op 27 februari een vreemde glitch in hun feed Volgend. De gebruikelijke feed van gevolgde blogs viel ineens weg en werd door een feed met aanbevolen berichten vervangen. We zijn nog aan het uitzoeken wat hier precies misging en hoe we een herhaling in de toekomst kunnen voorkomen. Onze excuses voor het ongemak.
🌱 Binnenkort
Niets te melden.
Heb je een probleem? Dien een supportverzoek in (bij voorkeur in het Engels), dan nemen we zo snel mogelijk contact met je op!
Wil je feedback over iets geven? Ga dan naar onze Work in Progress-blog en ga in gesprek met de community!
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ladyjaneasher-blog · 7 years
john and paul launch into an improvisation // i will [take 19 / can you take me back] // 16 september 1968
paul: oh my brother, can you take me / can you take me by the hand? / can you take me / can you take me / can you take me back? / anybody, can you take me / can you take me back? / take me back to where i came from / oh, take me back 
john: are you happy here, honey?
paul: i ain't happy here, my honey / can you take me back? i ain't happy here, my honey / can you take me back? / can you take me / can you take me / can you take me back? / i ain't happy here, honey / can you take me back? / can you take me back where i came from? / can you take me back? / can you take me back where I came from? / can you take me back? / are you happy living here, honey? / honey, are you happy living here? / i ain't happy living here, baby / honey, can you take me back? / can you take me back where i came from? / can you take me back? / can you take me back where i came from? / brother, can you take me back? / can you take me back? / can you take me where i came from? / can you take me back?
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maskspurpose · 2 years
i got tagged by @liapher to share books im planning to read soon! sadly i cannot provide a nice photo since im much more of an audio & ebook person, but:
the tombs of atuan by ursula leguin (followed by the rest of her bibliography tbh!)
on earth were briefly gorgeous by ocean vuong (i started it over a year ago at this point so when i pick it up again it may as well be starting over)
siren queen by nghi vo (was recommended to me by a friend and even at a brief glance the prose is absolutely gorgeous!!)
stone butch blues by leslie feinberg (AGAIN ive started it several times im just very particular about formatting and pdfs are hard)
autobiography of red by anne carson
placeholder spot for whichever discworld series i pick up next
and some nonfiction on my to read on goodreads rn
orientalism by edward said
gender trouble by judith butler
bad gays by huw lemmer and ben miller
attack of the 50 foot blockchain by david gerard
like 500 scientific papers and official government reports on fracking bc thats the subject of my final paper which ill be writing this fall
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cotccotc · 4 years
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🎧   heartbeats per minute ┆ scb
genre/s: producer!changbin x gn reader, angst, exes au
wc: 1.1k
warning/s: mentions of drug addiction (not within the context of the plot, but in a metaphor)
a/n: written for @districtninewriters​ writers’ room prompt !! the prompt this week was headphones so for some reason my mind said Producer!Changbin Angst :D kdsj enjoy !!!
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a beat-up pair of black leather headphones, worn from continual use. audio-technica. changbin hated them, but he refused to purchase a new pair. they were sentimental to him. special.
just like you.
when he moved in, he assembled his makeshift studio in the corner of your shared bedroom. it was a petite setup, equipped only with the essentials. a small desk he’d found at a garage sale, a twin set of speakers placed on either corner, an off-brand computer monitor connected to a macintosh harddrive, and a piano keyboard with eight drum pads. each pad had a sticker on it. he always used the same pads for certain sounds, and he kept track of each of them with a sticker so he wouldn’t forget. he never has. but they’re there just in case. he’d use the top left pad for hi-hats, the middle two for toms, the top right for snares, the bottom left for cymbals, the one beside it for sub basses, and the other two for miscellaneous sounds. you never had a clue as to what any of it meant. he’d tried to explain it to you a few times. but each time he did, you got distracted by the manner with which he spoke. he was always so passionate. he was one of those types of geeks who could go on about something for hours with the partial intention to teach, but sidetracked by the additive thrill of describing his passion. he knew you didn’t care about the technical things. he knew that all you cared about was him. he never did thank you for letting him talk too much.
he hated those headphones. the way they’d weathered on the outsides; the wire he’d have to snake around the desk in order to reach his speakers. it always seemed to be about an inch too short. it was all so unnerving for him. and yet, he wouldn’t budge. they simply worked too perfectly. you’d even offered to buy him a new, identical pair for your one year anniversary. but he insisted on keeping them. you understood why. but if something is broken, you always thought, why keep it? why let the sorry things get more cracked and torn when you could always get a new one? he believed that good headphones were hard to come by. he’d had a few other pairs in his life, but none of them seemed to work as well as these. hell, he even produced his first mixtape with them.
there was a song about you on there. he never told you. but you knew.
another key component of his studio setup was his microphone. he loved that thing. bought it off of a friend for half of its original cost. he always joked about how he’d “conned” the guy. but you just thought it was a friendly gesture. just like all the little things you’d do for him that went seemingly unnoticed. like when you cleared the dust off the tops of his speakers. sometimes, you left post-it notes on his desk after slipping out of bed to leave for work. he was always so tired. regardless of their physical condition and emotional implication, you owed it to those headphones for allowing you to get a good night’s sleep despite his owl-like rest schedule. “i’m proud of you,” the notes would often say. or “love you,” maybe. sometimes it was just a few hearts. and when you’d come home, they’d be gone. sometimes, so would he. you figured he simply read them, chuckled, and used them to write down spur-of-the-moment lyrics before crumpling them up and throwing them in the trash can he stored below his desk.
he collected them. every last one. but you never knew that.
other times, he’d be working when you came home. usually, that was a good thing. but not when he was having writer’s block. you could always tell. he’d be quieter at first… more somber. he wouldn’t turn around when you kissed him on the cheek, explaining the day you’d had and changing out of your work clothes. maybe he’d provide some commentary. it was unlikely, though. eventually, you’d become so fed up that you’d exit the room, slamming the door shut. and every single time, you cursed yourself for having such a small apartment. if only it was bigger, you thought, we could get along. it was a comforting ideology for a while. a placeholder for a much bigger, much more conclusive way of thinking. that would come later. too late, you realize now. whenever you finally decided on what to get delivered for dinner, he’d be grumpy. less quiet, more passive aggressive. from the other end of your small kitchen table, he’d scarf down his meal - chinese food, a burger and fries, microwavable ramen, what have you - with an occasional “could you pass the sauce” or “napkin?” and trudge back into the bedroom.
a few times, you’d wait until you knew he was situated before you sneakily turned the doorknob, peering in to watch him work. he couldn’t hear you. another subtle virtue of the headphones. every so often, he would groan to himself out of dissatisfaction. you hated seeing him like this. it’s as if the longer he stayed locked up in that room, the more suffocating it became on his creative spirit. and yet, if he ever felt your presence or had even an inkling of suspicion that he was being watched, he’d turn around, rip off the device, and accuse you of being nosy. 
you sold him the headphones. it was your first day working at the tech store downtown, as well as your first time meeting changbin. he was charming. sarcastic, almost. much less sullen and apathetic than he was when he left you. now, all you can do is stare at the set as it sits in its original packaging, collecting dust upon the bedside table. he left them here. neatly placed back in their original packaging. yours to keep. how generous of him.
it’s been a month. he’s got a new pair now. undoubtedly so. how else could he survive from day to day without a constant auditory stimulant pulsing through him? it’s as if he was a drug addict. you always came second to sonic substance. but you bet he’s got a new dealer now. you often wonder where he might’ve purchased them or what brand they might be. maybe the cashier who sold them to him was nice. or, better yet, maybe they were ugly.
you love these headphones. no matter how worn they’ve become. you understand them, and they understand you.
tattered, expendable, alone.
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tags: @stayndays, @hanniiesuckle17, @leggomylino, @freckledberries, @pixielix, @kisskissbanggang, @mr-jisung-main, @childofthecosmos, @changnuggie, @kpopscape, @skzwriternet, @hyunsins, @sleepylixie, @sunshine-skz, @vera-liscious, @moonlit-lixie, @thatrandomoneinthecorner​ ( join my tag list !! )
©️ cotccotc 2021 ~ all rights reserved. do not repost my work on tumblr or other platforms.
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xbaebsae · 4 years
Changes and Deleted Content Part 2 - Far Cry 5: Features and Missions
This is a small passion project series of posts where I share some insight of what’s hidden in the game(s) files, but also some general observations. The main focus will be on character changes or deletions with a few words about functions and deprecated missions.
What will not be touched upon are a lot of the things the Resistance Mod on PC restores, namely deleted store weapons and clothes, weather systems and general gameplay related things like skinning animations. I also won’t go into audio files and their content, as @lulu2992 is already working on an amazing series for FC5 that summarizes them per character.
This part will be significantly shorter Edit from post finishing-Angy: This post turned out really damn long despite only discussing some scrapped or changed features and a couple of deprecated mission strings. I still hope you find this as interesting to read as I found writing and investigating it :)
1. Changed and Scrapped Features
1.1 Guns/Fangs for Hire
Just for reference, the release version of the game has 9 unique GFH/FFH available + 3 slots for random specialists you can hire throughout the world.
Among the game’s UI textures for tutorials is this image, showing an earlier version of the GFH screen.
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What this indicates is that the planned amount for active GFHs you can have was originally 4; or the top row could function as some sort of favorites tab. We will probably never know for certain. 
Interestingly though, this version has slots for 20 GFHs in total, 18 either filled a character icon or a locked symbol, suggesting the originally planned unique GFH count was 18.
Considering almost every NPC in-game has spawn-able archetypes with battle audio fully in place it is possible that we were supposed to be able to recruit more of them. I will return to the matter of recruitment shortly.
Another thing I’d like to open up for consideration is that there may have been plans for (ex-)cultist GFHs or at least areas where they act friendly towards the deputy. Reason for this assumption is the fact that cultists have recorded lines for when you meet them (spawn them), aim weapons at them (the taunts GFH and friendlies do too), along with idle lines when you use mods to spawn them as friendly followers. The game has no purpose for most of these lines, as you never walk into peaceful cultists outside of the intro. In the intro you have no weapons to aim at anyone, making it impossible to trigger these lines. 
You may argue they were recorded for the arcade, but the Seeds are also featured in it and have none of those. However, they may also be a leftover from scrapped missions that would feature cultists that don’t shoot you on sight. 
Additionally to that early menu screenshot, I have also found an old reddit thread discussing the game’s Uplay page near release because of the following image:
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Unfortunately I was not able to find this particular page myself anymore, and knowing how short lived everything is nowadays, it might be lost in time forever. The commenters discuss that the three additional slots here refer to potential DLC characters, but we don’t get to use any of the DLC companions in the main game (nor do the DLCs share the main game’s art direction). So, this might be another indicator for additionally planned GFH/FFH we never got to see.
One of these was likely the Eagle FFH called ‘’Freedom’’ (Character/Unique/FFH_Eagle_Freedom), which was partially restored through mods on PC as its loaders and everything are still present. It is unknown why this was scrapped.
It also appears that there once were inventory (purchaseable?) items for almost each GFH (Boomer and Jess have none), as these placeholder icons exist inside the game’s ui\icons\inventory folder:
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Possible functions: Quest items you needed to obtain to recruit them (implying changed missions); Gift items (for potential level up?)
Now to return to the matter of recruitment: Deprecated mission strings suggest that originally you had to hire unique GFHs similarly to random ones; and that was part of quest lines. These lines appear in ‘oasisstrings’, the game’s main language file(s):
HIRE Jess RECRUIT Adelaide Drubman ADD Adelaide to your squad
In light of the old GFH screen I actually looked up the definition of ‘Squad’, and on wikipedia it is listed that a Squad is a team of 5+ members, further strengthening the theory that originally you could have 4 active GFH (plus the Deputy they’d be 5, therefore a squad). 
1.2 In-game Wiki menu
Some of the previous Far Cry titles have a sort of wiki menu that features short bios of characters, explanations of locations, resources and weaponry. New Dawn sort of brought part of this back with the ‘Survival Guide’ (accessible from the pause menu), but 5 does not have this at all. However, in the ui files there are still texture leftovers, implying this feature was planned and it had sections for Animals, Base Jumps, Characters, Destructible Structures, Fish, Locations, Parking Spots (Garages), Plants and Treasure Hunts. The following image shows the ‘undiscovered’ symbols arranged in that order.
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Again, no text entries along with a lot of duplicate and unfinished images imply this was scrapped early.
You can view the additional images (minus characters, because they will be handled in the next posts) here.
2. Abandoned Missions
This section will focus on mission strings that still exist in ‘oasisstrings’. For the sake of readability I removed the style code the game uses and the line numbers. You can easily find them by searching part of the text in the files or website listed in References. Please keep in mind that only the mission titles themselves are 100% like that in the files, any assumption as to what they might have been used for is purely speculative, but I attempt to always provide a reasonable explanation with evidence for the theories presented. Also I am not perfect, so it is possible I missed something in-game. In that case please do correct me!
2.1. Investigation Type objectives
There is a set of objectives listed that imply a different setup for Willis Huntley’s mission. It introduces the objectives PHOTOGRAPH, TAG, LISTEN and INTERROGATE:
PHOTOGRAPH potential property PHOTOGRAPH an animal slaughter TAG the target PHOTOGRAPH the target LISTEN to the conversation INTERROGATE the target PHOTOGRAPH cult signs and rituals: BRING the photos back to Willis
The release build mission has you tail someone and steal a VHS tape. None of the above objectives appear. It’s interesting to see that at one point there were mechanics in consideration that included intel gathering.
2.2. Quest centered around Melvin
The only Melvin I could find in relation to Far Cry 5 is Nadine Abercrombie’s grandfather. Melvin Abercrombie joined the cult. It isn’t assured that these objectives refer to him, but if they do it’d mean a potential mission where you speak to a lower ranked cultist.
Please Note that mission strings are not always in correct order.
TALK to Melvin LOOT Melvin's corpse REACH Melvin's house WAIT for Melvin to arrive GO MEET Melvin
2.3. The ‘Redeemer’ Objectives
At some point there was a quest-line revolving around something called the ‘Redeemer’ in Holland Valley. I could not find out what this thing really was supposed to be, but it sounds like it was either a boat or a submarine (???). In this line it appears that the garage in Fall’s End had actual relevance.
FIND a similar engine BRING engine to Mary's garage TALK to Mary's assistant TOW Redeemer Back the Garage (this typo is also in the file) SUBMERGE the Redeemer FLIP the Redeemer upside down GET IN the Tow Truck PUT the Redeemer on the Flat Bed
What this also implies is the inclusion of tow trucks and that there was a ‘Mary’s assistant’ character.
2.4. A few seperate Entries before we focus on plot relevant ones
In light of the afore mentioned wiki menues there is also an objective type that goes very well with its character section:
DISCOVER this character.
This could be attached to unknown entries in the character list.
There also is an unused objective called:
FIND the cow in the field
Which at first glance made me believe it was related to the mission at Cattle co., but it is not used there or anywhere else. I suppose we will never find out what was so special about this mysterious cow.
TAKE Joseph's writings
is also an interesting entry, as it is not related to the mission where you burn his book. This is again an unused string with unknown original purpose.
2.5. Mary May and John Seed
There are two particularly interesting unused mission objectives in relation to these two characters. 
For one, it looks like originally we were supposed to rescue Mary May from John’s ranch:
RESCUE Mary May From John Seed's Ranch
This could either be a replacement for saving her in Fall’s End or it is a mission that appeared later on in which John possibly captured her. It gets more possible applications with the next one, though.
FIND John and Mary May's secrets
Now, this one caught my attention immediately, because there are two big things that come to mind in terms of possible application. It could refer back to the novel Absolution in which Mary May gets captured and tattooed by John, heavily implying that part of the plot that made it to the novel was originally intended to be shown in the game (we will get back to this in the character episode when talking about Holly). 
Additionally, keeping the previous objective in mind, it could also imply that Mary has been converted during her capture (or her capture was planned) and played a different role in the story overall. Of course, all of this is only speculation as we will probably never know, but the objective specifically says ‘John AND Mary May’s secrets’, refering to shared secrets, not just one of Mary herself (which would fit more into the tattoo theory). 
   If you have ever even considered the possibility that Ubisoft might have cut a lot of stuff from the Whitetail region of the game, the rest of this Mission section should finally prove this to you. I’d like to make clear here that this is unbiased. I have tried to dig up deleted content equally in all regions but it just turns out that this is the one they really went wild with. There is nothing that stands out in terms of deleted or changed missions in the Henbane area and the Holland Valley content is mostly not that plot relevant minus the last examples just mentioned.
2.6. Eli and the Wolf’s Den
In the final version of the game we are told that Eli is an important character, but he is not very active in any way. Where Mary May assists you on the way to John’s Ranch and Tracey and the others at the prison fight by your side in defense missions, Eli will stay at the Wolf’s Den and have you run his errands for him. Just like the other mentioned characters he has full fight capabilities though. His AI is capable of using that bow, despite him never leaving the bunker.
As it turns out, he used to be a far more active character and there were multiple ways you could encounter him for the first time. For reference: In the game as it is now you will only meet him when he and his people rescue the deputy after Jacob’s first trial. You cannot enter the Wolf’s Den prior to this point.
Inside the game’s animations folders are these three subfolders including the respective files (JJ and Key03 is how Eli is often referred to in the files, I will get back to this in the character post):
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This means there were three ways that you would encounter Eli: Inside a cabin, through being captured in a net or by being released by Perkins. This was most likely Doc Perkins, giving her a bit more significance in the game.
The main cutscene files for these are not present anymore, only the animations remain so I could not find out where the exact locations for these were supposed to be at. I however, loaded these animations into a game cutscene so we get to look at them anyway. I have chosen Jacob’s death cutscene for the simple reason that there’s only the player + 1 NPC, it is daytime and there’s no intrusive DOF blurring everything. The video below shows all of them. 
Keep in mind that only the player animation matters in the first two! Ignore the rest. The third one features Doc Perkins and has her animation applied to her. As you can see it is very very unfinished, but it shows that she possibly unties the deputy or opens an animal cage, then drives away in a car.
This unused mission string supports the theory of these different ways further, as it implies that you met him somewhere and he would guide you to the den:
FOLLOW Eli into the Wolf's Den
There are several other objectives that suggest a more active Eli, who might have accompanied you on some missions:
WAIT for Eli to arrive GO with Eli GO inside the Wolf's Den
2.7. Jacob and the Veteran Center
Before swan diving down a very deep rabbit hole, let’s address this unused mission string first:
TALK to Deputy Pratt
Sounds very unspectacular and like something you would do at some point, but this is never an objective in the game. The intended function will forever remain unknown most likely, but possibilities are vast, especially with the upcoming abandoned objectives.
There are hints at an alternate useage of Jacob’s bunker (specifically called bunker here and not armory). Mission strings are:
FIND a way out of Jacob's Bunker LEAVE Jacob's Bunker
Again, on first sight you’d think these are just what’s there in-game. But they aren’t. During the final mission it goes from RESCUE Deputy Pratt straight to ESCAPE Jacob’s Armory. There is no indicator that you’d need to find a way out. The objectives above hint that it was similar to John’s and Faith’s bunker initially, where you had to do a few more things before escaping. 
An observation derived from the game’s subtitle file is that at one point there might have been a differentiation between ‘Armory’ and ‘Bunker’ as, most likely, a random NPC says "I don't know where Jacob's bunker is. I'm not sure anybody does, but it's out there somewhere." The armory is (other than John’s and Faith’s bunkers) directly next to a main road, next to McKinley Dam. It is quite impossible to miss. Therefore this statement, along with the inconsistent switch between calling it ‘armory’, ‘bunker’ or ‘gate’, could mean there was originally a different bunker and the armory really functioned as such. 
Before moving on to more mission strings, there is one more subtitle entry worth mentioning: "When you tried to arrest Joseph, Jacob got wind of it and things got real crazy here in the Whitetail Mountains." It heavily implies that at some point, Joseph’s family might not have been intended to be present during the opening, and they instead found out about the arrest afterwards. As far fetched as it sounds at first, it does check out with the inactivity and absence of the three heralds after you cuff Joseph (and in case you ever wondered what the three of them are doing while you guide Joseph outside, they de-spawn and are gone as soon as you turn around).
But enough about that and let’s get back to more missions we never got to see.
For instance there is:
GO TO the Veteran's Center
Which, as most of you know, is impossible during the game because you get repositioned everytime you attempt to go close. This string implies a different kind of mission at some point. 
HUNT Jacob
No, this also does not appear in the game. The final mission goes from DESTROY Wolf Beacons to KILL Jacob Seed. Possibility in combination with the previous entry is that you were supposed to follow him back to the Veteran Center and that’s where the final fight would be. It could also imply a different kind of trial.
Small observation because we are talking about the final fight: The Prima Games’ guide (based on a pre-release build of the game, it will be featured more prominently in the next post) depicts Jacob at the bottom of the mountain during this encounter. WIth a lot of perseverance I’m sure you can somehow manage to replicate this in-game. But it is interesting regardless that they chose this image. It might imply that at some point he was not positioned on top of the hill, and instead closer to the area he finally dies in.
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Before we move on, here are a few other interesting unused strings:
TRAIN TRAIN yourself INTERACT with Jacob for finishing takedown TALK to Jacob
They imply a different way to end the fight along with the possibility to talk to Jacob at some point (unrelated to each other mind you). I have no clue in what kind of scenario you were supposed to talk to him. The only explanation I have is that trials were possibly supposed to be different at some point and maybe they had more intentions to explore the whole brainwashed aspect of it to the point you casually took strolls around St Francis. Now before you say I just made that up, I implore you to wait till after the next part to call me out on it, because there are reasons I offer that possibility up for discussion here.
TRAIN and TRAIN yourself might not be linked to this region at all. But it is interesting to have these sort of objectives as they form the ‘Train, Hunt, Kill, Sacrifice’ part of the region’s theme, when you refer back to other mission strings: TRAIN (yourself), HUNT Jacob, KILL Jacob Seed.
Now to get to the main part. If you ever used mods on PC that let you access the Veteran Center, you will have noticed that the AI acts very strange. Your assigned GFH might wander around, aim at nothing or even attack civillians. Cultists inside the area will not always attack you, while civillians will do. This is most likely why the developers were so quick to patch out the tricks to access the region without mods.
I have seen multiple speculations circling around, but the one that always struck me as the most plausible one is that there was some kind of mission after Pratt rescues you from the cage. It is a very discontinuous cutscene, in which you transition from the cage directly to the top floor of the Veteran Center, implying there were no problems for Pratt and the Deputy to get there, despite having to cross the entire guarded frontyard and going through multiple building floors to get to the office. So, naturally I wasted some time of my life trying to dig up stuff that proves this theory right and I...well I did find something.
Important note so you understand what’s going on here: It is very common in games to load objects underneath the map (outside of sight of the player) to assure they are properly loaded in when they are needed. I have seen posts circulating around which depicted Pratt underneath the building, suggesting they eventually had an area planned there. The more likely case is that Pratt was loaded there for later use in a cutscene.
Why am I saying that? Well, this following screenshot was taken underneath the map during the cutscene where Pratt rescues the deputy and it transitions to the top of the building. I have changed the time to daytime for a bit better visibility.
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What you see here is an entirely unused set of either cutscene or gameplay elements. A truck, Jacob (who’s absent in the cutscene we see), Pratt, a random NPC, a bag, a small table (unseen in cutscene), a single door (unseen in cutscene), a double door and 3 small pieces of paper (only two are in cutscene). I have kept watch on these assets for the entirety of the cutscene and none of them were moved into place. Meaning that all of these were here to be used in either a different cutscene or even a gameplay segment.
It brings me back to the mission theory, where there was a potential stealth segment between leaving the cage and entering the office.  Maybe there was an alternate cutscene for the case where you’d be caught and the one we see in the game is the one after successfully sneaking up there? We will never know for certain again but it is one possible explanation as to why these assets even still exist. It would also check out with the TALK to Deputy Pratt mission string, as you maybe had to speak to him after reaching a certain area.
Here are also some additional screenshots of the room in front of the office:
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It was modelled and filled with a few detail props we never get to see much of.
Another potential mission, which would explain the broken AI behavior better, is the already mentioned theory that they might have planned to do more with the whole brainwashing aspect. Cultists inside the Vet Center area do not shoot and are allied, while civillians act hostile, implying while the player is there they are considered to be allied to cultists. TALK to Deputy Pratt, TALK to Jacob or TRAIN (yourself) could have taken place during this also. Something that could support this theory is also this unused timelapse marking days passing:
3. The Game’s Title and Closing Words
Internally the game is often called ‘fc zeta’, ‘zeta’ or ‘fcz’. So *sigh* of course I tried to find a deeper meaning behind it all and came to the sixth letter of the Greek alphabet ‘Zeta’. If you count Far Cry: Primal as a real standalone title, Far Cry 5 is the sixth Far Cry release. But because the Greek were special snowflakes or something, the sixth letter actually has the value of 7. So Zeta is actually 7 despite being the sixth. If you count Blood Dragon as a Far Cry release it’d mean FC5 is the 7th release. However, these theories exclude all the expansions and stuff for earlier Far Cry games.
Another indicator that Zeta might have been more than just a number, is this texture used as a decal on some clothing materials:
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I have not found someone in-game who has this anywhere, and they might just disable the transparency and use it only for the American flag. But still, why would they make such a decal texture in the first place? Maybe very early name of the cult or resistance group? 
Before closing this incredibly long essay, here is an old, unused version of the logo found in the files :)
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Phew, we finally reached the end. If you made it all the way down here: CONGRATULATIONS you just read a long af essay! Again, i’d like to remind you that a lot of what you’ve read is pure speculation. I tried to prove my arguments as best as I could with evidence that I provided but only Ubisoft knows what really happened. And they are unlikely to tell us.
The next post will focus on the expansive character list and I may split it into parts because there is a lot to say and show about some characters. 
I hope you have a nice day and thank you for reading ♥
text.farcry.info (website where you can look through Oasisstrings yourself!) languages\english\oasisstrings.oasis.bin languages\english\oasisstrings_subtitles.oasis.bin animations\narrative\cin_key03_q01_b00_meet_jj_cabin animations\narrative\cin_key03_q01_b00_meet_jj_net animations\narrative\cin_key03_q01_b00_meet_jj_release domino\user\fcz_proto_ld domino\user\zeta_dlcm ui\resources\textures\04_menu\tooltips ui\resources\textures\06_icons\inventory ui\resources\textures\05_hud\tutorials\_images __Unknown\XBT\AE800D066AB2E84A.xbt __Unknown\XBT\FD080AA2BBABE691.xbt Zeta on Wikipedia (english) Squad on Wikipedia (english) Prima Games guide (2018, collector’s edition, print and digital) reddit.com/r/farcry/comments/89nsf1/so_theres_3_missing_guns_for_hire_here_maybe_3/ __Unknown\BIK\C6AB10EDBC81E933.bik
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greatchampion · 3 years
!!! there's actually a file in the WWise/Windows folder titled 'SoundbanksInfo.json' that contains more readable file names as well as their original file path. I ended up writing a python script to rename and sort the files for me, it gets most of em! the file doesnt seem to have info on cutscene and unused/placeholder dialogue but its miles better than the original mess
brooo you have a giant brain. i've seen the soundbank files, but i never could use them to sort through the audio with a python script. :0 (btw, there are cutscene files for that too, they're named like the .bnk files i believe)
would you mind sharing the script you made? it would help A LOT with figuring out what was cut and what wasn't. also, i and a few others have a dedicated server for this sorting through all the pn2 data now, if you would like in, just add me in dis and i'll get you there. :) my tag is Мегане#8756
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itsjustascarecrow · 7 years
in honor of Cam’s bday today, here’s a short vid i took during warmups back on 10/28/16
Happy Birthday, Cam; it was great to see you and the guys shut out anaslime that night, omg!!!
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this-week-in-rust · 2 years
This Week in Rust 461
Hello and welcome to another issue of This Week in Rust! Rust is a programming language empowering everyone to build reliable and efficient software. This is a weekly summary of its progress and community. Want something mentioned? Tweet us at @ThisWeekInRust or send us a pull request. Want to get involved? We love contributions.
This Week in Rust is openly developed on GitHub. If you find any errors in this week's issue, please submit a PR.
Updates from Rust Community
Const Eval (Un)Safety Rules
Project/Tooling Updates
Wasmtime Reaches 1.0: Fast, Safe and Production Ready!
clap 4.0, a Rust CLI argument parser
rust-analyzer changelog #147
Announcing tauri-egui 0.1.0
Aembit: Why We Chose Rust
Ten challenges for Rust
Futures Concurrency IV: Join Ergonomics
Dyn async traits, part 8: the soul of Rust
What I meant by the "soul of Rust"
PostgresML is Moving to Rust for our 2.0 Release
Bringing Up TLS on Precursor
[video] curl-up 2022: hyper in curl
[audio] Rust at Microsoft with Nell Shamrell-Harrington
[audio] Axum with David Pedersen
Rust Walkthroughs
Implementing the Display Trait on a Generic Array using Newtype Pattern
A Strong Typing Example
Rust Bevy Entity Component System
[video] 1Password Developer Fireside Chat: Serde Deserializers
[video] Introduction to Async
Linus Torvalds: Rust will go into Linux 6.1
Crate of the Week
This week's crate is match_deref, a macro crate to implement deref patterns on stable Rust.
Thanks to meithecatte for the suggestion!
Please submit your suggestions and votes for next week!
Call for Participation
Always wanted to contribute to open-source projects but didn't know where to start? Every week we highlight some tasks from the Rust community for you to pick and get started!
Some of these tasks may also have mentors available, visit the task page for more information.
Ockam - Implement ockam status command
Ockam - Make ockam identity show command work without creating nodes
Ockam - Break down ockam command bats tests
If you are a Rust project owner and are looking for contributors, please submit tasks here.
Updates from the Rust Project
347 pull requests were merged in the last week
stabilize let else (RFC #3137)
stabilize generic associated types (RFC #1598)
initial implementation of dyn*
fix #[link kind="raw-dylib"] to respect #[link_name]
disallow defaults on type GATs
compute lint levels by definition
deny return-position impl Trait in traits for object safety
do not suggest a placeholder to const and static without a type
avoid infinite loop in function arguments checking
fix ICE in opt_suggest_box_span
be careful about expr_ty_adjusted when noting block tail type
check that the types in return position impl Trait in traits are well-formed
impove diagnostic for .awaiting non-futures
suggest pub instead of public for const type item
suggest associated const for incorrect use of let in traits
miri: implement a garbage collector for tags
miri: make sleep work with isolation enabled
miri: run the GC more often on Linux, not MacOS
do not fetch HIR node when iterating to find lint
extend list of targets that support dyanmic linking for llvm tools
normalize struct field types in confirm_builtin_unsize_candidate
streamline register_res
rustc_error, rustc_private: switch to stable hash containers
change AccessLevels representation
change FnMutDelegate to trait objects
change rlib format to distinguish native dependencies
ssa: implement #[collapse_debuginfo]
translations: migrate rustc_session to use SessionDiagnostic - Final
constify PartialEq for Ordering
constify impl Fn* &(mut) Fn*
constify some CStr methods
use DisplayBuffer for socket addresses
simplify const memchr
implement std::marker::Tuple
implement simd_as for pointers
stdarch: riscv: P extension intrinsics for packed SIMD (part 1)
cargo: expose cargo add internals as edit API
cargo: take priority into account within the pending queue
rustdoc: use more precise URLs for jump-to-definition links
clippy: Add iter_kv_map lint
clippy: Do not lint use_self in proc macro expansion
clippy: Don't lint large_stack_array inside static items
clippy: Don't panic on invalid shift while constfolding
clippy: Fix FormatArgsExpn parsing of FormatSpec positions
clippy: Fix almost_complete_letter_range false positive
clippy: Fix unused_peekable closure and f(&mut peekable) false positives
clippy: Make derivable_impls machine applicable
clippy: Make module-style lints resilient to --remap-path-prefix
clippy: Migrate write.rs to a late pass
clippy: Use visit_expr_field for ParamPosition
clippy: arithmetic-side-effects More non-overflowing ops
clippy: arithmetic-side-effects Finish non-overflowing ops
clippy: bool_to_int_with_if inverse case patch
rust-analyzer: Add a new configuration settings to set env vars when running cargo, rustc, etc. commands: cargo.extraEnv and checkOnSave.extraEnv
rust-analyzer: Add config to unconditionally prefer core imports over std
rust-analyzer: Allow configuration of annotation location
rust-analyzer: Complete variants and assoc items in path pattern through type aliases
rust-analyzer: Ensure at least one trait bound in TyKind::DynTy
rust-analyzer: Filter imports on find-all-references
rust-analyzer: Fix add reference action on macros
rust-analyzer: Fix prelude injection
rust-analyzer: Move reference imports filtering into to_proto layer
rust-analyzer: New assist: move_format_string_arg
rust-analyzer: Fix a crash
rust-analyzer: handle lifetime variables in projection normalization
rust-analyzer: handle trait methods as inherent methods for trait-related types
Rust Compiler Performance Triage
This was a fairly negative week for compiler performance, with regressions overall up to 14% on some workloads (primarily incr-unchanged scenarios), largely caused by #101620. We are still chasing down either a revert or a fix for that regression, though a partial mitigation in #101862 has been applied. Hopefully the full fix or revert will be part of the next triage report.
We also saw a number of other regressions land, though most were much smaller in magnitude.
Triage done by @simulacrum. Revision range: [17cbdfd0..8fd6d03](https://perf.rust-lang.org/?start=17cbdfd07178349d0a3c ecb8e7dde8f915666ced&end=8fd6d03e22fba2930ad377b87299de6a37076074&absolute=false&stat=instructions%3Au)
See the full report for more details.
Call for Testing
An important step for RFC implementation is for people to experiment with the implementation and give feedback, especially before stabilization. The following RFCs would benefit from user testing before moving forward:
No RFCs issued a call for testing this week.
If you are a feature implementer and would like your RFC to appear on the above list, add the new call-for-testing label to your RFC along with a comment providing testing instructions and/or guidance on which aspect(s) of the feature need testing.
Approved RFCs
Changes to Rust follow the Rust RFC (request for comments) process. These are the RFCs that were approved for implementation this week:
No RFCs were approved this week.
Final Comment Period
Every week, the team announces the 'final comment period' for RFCs and key PRs which are reaching a decision. Express your opinions now.
No RFCs entered Final Comment Period this week.
Tracking Issues & PRs
No Tracking Issues or PRs entered Final Comment Period this week.
New and Updated RFCs
RFC: Adding ArrayVec to core
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2022-09-30 | Berlin, DE | RustFi Hackathon
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Nuestra RustMX comunidad tiene página
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2022-10-18 | San Francisco, CA, US | San Francisco Rust Study Group
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Rust-Sydney Lightning Talks
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September Meetup
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Quote of the Week
At the #LinuxPlumbers Rust MC: "I'm Matthew Wilcox, I'm one of the authors of the NVMe spec, I'm the one who suggested you make an NVMe driver to demonstrate the value of Rust. You have succeeded beyond my wildest expectations. These performance numbers are phenomenal."
– Josh Triplett paraphrasing Matthew Wilcox as spoken at the Linux Plumbers Conference Q&A session
Thanks to Josh Triplett for the self-suggestion!
Please submit quotes and vote for next week!
This Week in Rust is edited by: nellshamrell, llogiq, cdmistman, ericseppanen, extrawurst, andrewpollack, U007D, kolharsam, joelmarcey, mariannegoldin.
Email list hosting is sponsored by The Rust Foundation
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nvcl347 · 6 years
JSE Community Hub (Y/N) Character Event
Original Idea Post
Hello everyone, Nuclear here! This is a post for the Community Hub (Y/N) Character Event! (For short, it’ll just be labeled CHYC).
For those who don’t know, for just a bit of a recap, the JSE Community over the past year or so has began to form an AU of its own whenever Ego content arises. This AU is best known as the Community Hub, where the entire JSE Community hangs out with one another face-to-face. This Hub is separated into sectors, based off of the category, or subject, of what people perform/do in the Community. When a video is uploaded, a giant screen, almost like a theater screen, is crowded around to watch together. What is usually written about, although, is when major Ego activity arises, the Hub catches on fire. Literally. In the aftermath (this is what is usually written), everyone comforts one another like a family. That’s just a basic rundown of the Community Hub AU, as far as I’m aware at least.
What really isn’t spoken about all that much, on the other hand, is how the people look in the Community Hub. And that’s where an idea came to my mind.
What if we drew ourselves in the style of the Community Hub AU?
I decided, to keep things organized, the best day to begin this art event would be the very morning of Saturday, December 22, to give people a day to get started with their drawings.
~ This is an SFW art event. Please do not include any inappropriate additions to your drawing. The only exception is gore, which should only be kept to a minimum amount.
~  This is a drawing of you, a human. Please do not add any supernatural, other-worldly additions to your character (claws, sharp ears/teeth, wings, etc.).
~ If you feel uncomfortable drawing yourself, then you are permitted to add tweaks of your (Y/N) character design to slightly differ from your real-self look.
~ All (Y/N) character designs are required to wear the Hub Jacket design with their Septiceye Symbol shown in the circled areas of the example image below.
~ How you create your (Y/N) character is completely up to you. Digital, hand drawn, animation, sculpt, cosplay, however you feel is best to flesh out your character is allowed.
~ I would ask that all art under this event for your character please go under the abbreviated tag #CHYC, alongside your character’s tag that goes with their symbol.
~ If you finish your character early, please don’t post their final design into the tag until the assigned date for when the event begins.
~ This isn’t meant to be a competition! Just have fun getting creative! 
Hub Jacket
The Septiceye Symbols represent which sector/subject your character participates in the most. The sector/subject your character participates in the most is chosen by what you personally do the most in the Community. All of the (Y/N) characters, I decided, would have a Hub Jacket to go alongside their sector to show that they are a member of the JSE Community Hub. I chose the AOT jacket as the baseline of the Hub Jacket design all the characters would wear.
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The Septiceye Symbols
***Remember that these symbols do not necessarily mean that you don’t participate in any other sector/subject. Your symbol only defines what you do most often. Also, be sure to additionally tag your post under your Septiceye Symbol’s tag.***
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The New Member Septiceye | #NewMemberSepticeye
- Any newcomers to the JSE Community Hub are given the Hub Jacket which heirs the dark green and light blue septiceye: The New Member Septiceye. The newcomer isn’t given a different Hub Jacket with a new symbol until they choose the sector/subject they participate in most. Overall, this septiceye is meant as a placeholder for one who is yet to be sure what they are interested in doing most once they first join the Community Hub.
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The Artist Septiceye | #ArtistSepticeye
- Anyone who participates in digital drawing, hand drawing, sculpting, or anything underneath those categories the most is given the Hub Jacket which heirs the white and pink septiceye: The Artist Septiceye.
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The Writer Septiceye | #WriterSepticeye
- Anyone who participates in any form of literature the most is given the Hub Jacket which heirs the brown and tan septiceye: The Writer Septiceye.
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The Musician Septiceye | #MusicianSepticeye
- Anyone who participates in any form of composition of music the most is given the Hub Jacket which heirs the gold and and light green septiceye: The Musician Septiceye.
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The Viewer Septiceye | #ViewerSepticeye
- Anyone who doesn’t (or very little) participate in any sector/subject, and rather watches uploads, instead is given the Hub Jacket which heirs the dark red and white septiceye: The Viewer Septiceye.
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The Editor Septiceye | #EditorSepticeye
- Anyone who participates in photo, video, or audio editing the most is given the Hub Jacket which heirs the dark blue and black septiceye: The Editor Septiceye.
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The Theorist Septiceye | #TheoristSepticeye
- Anyone who participates in the discovery/search of cryptic septicego content and theorizes the most is given the Hub Jacket which heirs the negative septiceye: The Theorist Septiceye.
***Symbols do not represent authority, privilege, or rank. We are all equally valid here.***
Remember that this event begins Saturday, December 22 under the #CHYC tag. If you have any other questions regarding this event, don’t be afraid to contact me through my DMs! I’m looking forward to what everyone comes up with this.
See you there!
- Nuclear
@glixbitch @jacksoopticboop @depressed-owl-in-narnia @cloud-addict @lisassp @lppchan @fear-is-nameless @kasper-the-ghost @huffletrax @turquoisemagpie
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