#August birthstone color
cultureandcustoms · 6 months
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whaleofatjme1920 · 1 year
When it comes to birthstones, August got cheated. Peridot, in my opinion, is the ugliest gemstone to ever exist.
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tiredwitchplant · 1 year
Everything You Need to Know About Crystals: Peridot
Peridot (The Tears of Pele)
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*Yes Peridot from Steven Universe is here. She demanded to be added okay!?
Color:  Olive Green to Yellow-Green
Rarity: Easy to Obtain, Harder to higher quality
Hardiness:  6.5 – 7
Type: Orthorhombic (Gem form of Olivine)
Chakra Association: Heart and Solar Plexus
Angels: Achaiah or Raphael
Deities: Pele and Isis
Birthstone: August
Astrological Signs: Leo, Libra, Gemini, and Capricorn
Element: Earth
Planet: Venus and the Sun
Origin: Brazil, Hawaii, Myanmar, Egypt, Pakistan, Sri Lanka, USA
Powers: Purification, Cleansing, Wealth, Happiness, Prosperity, Protection
Crystals It Works Well With: Rutilated Quartz, Rose Quartz, Sunstone, Carnelian, Tourmaline, and Citrine
How It is Created: Peridot is the gemstone variety of olivine, a mineral made up of magnesium, iron and silicate compound. The higher proportions of magnesium and iron are used to identifying the key features in the gem, while the chromium and nickel impurities contribute to its beautiful green color. Some specimens of peridot can even appear in meteorites called pallisites and found during volcanic activity on the island of Oahu in Hawaii.
History: The Egyptians mined peridot on the island of Zebirget, which is located in the Red Sea. Egyptians used the gem for over 4,000 years and was even said to be Cleopatra’s favorite. It is regarded as a sacred stone during Medieval times and was even used in the design of the Shrine of the Three Kings in Germany. Peridot crystals found in the black volcanic sands of Hawaii are said to be the tears of the Goddess, Pele. Now most of the world’s peridot comes from Arizona or Pakistan.
What It Can Do:
Keep away evil spirits and great for protecting aura
Releases and neutralizes toxins on all levels
Purifies the subtle and physical body and mind
Opens, cleanses, and activates the heart and solar plexus chakra to release “old baggage”
Clears the feelings of burden, guilt, and obsession
Guides you to better influences
Alleviates jealousy, resentment, spite, anger and stress.
Enhances confidence and assertion without aggression
Sharpens the minds and opens it to new levels of awareness
Banishes lethargy, bringing to your attention all things you have neglected
Is said to heal and regenerate tissues and strengthen the metabolism
How to Get the Best Out Of: Peridot works best near the throat area and heart area of your body so a peridot pendant or necklace would be best.
How to Cleanse and Charge: Cleanse using smoke or running it over water. Charge it by placing it under a windowsill during a full moon.
Social Media Talisman
Peridot ring, worn on the hand you scroll with
Moon water
1 small piece fresh or dried valerian root
1 fresh lemon slice
Cleanse and empower your ring with the ability to dispel feelings of envy and inadequacy.
Gather your materials in a sunny area during a waning moon.
Fill the chalice with moon water.
Take the valerian root in your hand and hold it in the direct sunlight.
Say, “Valerian root that calm sting, add self-assurance to my ring.” Visualize it absorbing the sun and pulsing with a gentle, light. Place it in the chalice.
Hold the lemon slice up to the sun, feeling the illumination and bright energy coming from it.
Say, “Bright yellow lemon with a bite, filter that which befalls my sight.”
Squeeze the lemon slice so the juice goes into the chalice.
Now the chalice holds a soothing brew imbued with calm from the valerian, confidence from sunlight, and optimistic realism from the lemon.
Put the peridot ring in the chalice and let it sit in the sun for about an hour.
Retrieve your peridot ring from the chalice and wear it. Pour the water into the earth.
The ring help ground you in reality while filtering your impressions of what you consume on social me protecting your self-confidence and dispelling any feelings of jealousy or inadequacy.
Perform this spell in direct sunlight, if possible, to illuminate the truth and soothe uncertainty. If you don’t have a chalice, use a bowl, or any kind of cup. Moon water is water that has been left outdoors under the full moon to absorb its power.
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sunsolii · 9 months
Napoleon's Marshals and their Birthstones Part 1
This is a three-part series where I'll be listing the birthstones of all 26 marshals. Part one will cover months January-April, the next post will cover March-August and the last post will cover the remaining 4 months. I'll mainly be focusing on the gemstone's physical and chemical properties as well as writing "short" facts about each gemstone. Before starting the list, I'll provide the definitions of some terms that will be used through the post.
Mineral: A naturally occurring solid which contains a crystalline structure that is made up of a single native element or multiple chemical compounds.
Mohs Scale: A scale system used to measure the scratch resistance of a mineral ranging from 1 (softest) to 10 (hardest). This is done by scratching a mineral with another mineral or with another object like a penny or nail.
Cleavage: The way in which a mineral breaks along the softest plane. Classification of a cleavage ranges from perfect, good, poor, indistinct, to none. A mineral can have a basal, prismatic, cubic, rhomboherdal, octahedral, or dodecahedral cleavage.
Fracture: The texture or shape of a mineral's surface. Some types of fractures are described as conchoidal (ripples), earthy (resembles broken soil), hackly (jagged fractures), uneven, and splintery (resembles splinters).
Luster: The way which light reflects off of a mineral. Minerals can have vitreous (glassy), dull (earthy), adamantine (shiny), greasy, silky, metallic, non-metallic, pearly, resinous, or waxy lusters.
Streak: The color of the powder left behind by a mineral when it is scratched on a piece of unglazed porcelain. The color of the powder is usually different from the mineral's color.
Now, onto the list!!
Garnet (January)
Marshals-Ney and Bernadotte
Type: Mineral
Group: Silicate (SiO₄)₃
Color: red, orange, pink, green, yellow blue (rare)
Cleavage: Indistict
Fracture: Conchoidal to uneven
Mohs Scale: 6.5-7.5
Luster: Vitreous
Streak: White
Fun Fact: Garnet is its own family that contains six main species divided into two groups: pyrope, almandine, and spessartine species, which are part of the aluminum group (aluminum is present in its structure). Colors in the Aluminum group range from red to pink; these are the garnet species people think of when looking for jewelry. When pyrope is mixed with almandine, it creates rhodolite, and when mixed with spessartine, it creates malaya. Grossular, uvarovite, and andradite species are part of the calcium group (Calcium is present in structure) and are composed of green to yellow garnet. Uvarovite is the rarest of the calcium group because it grows in small chunks, making it hard to work with when making it into a gemstone.
Amethyst (February)
Marshals- Mortier
Type: Mineral
Group: Silicate (SiO₂)
Color: Purple to Violet
Cleavage: Indistict to none
Fracture: Conchoidal
Mohs Scale: 7
Luster: Vitreous
Streak: White
Fun Fact: Amethyst is part of the quartz family and it used to be part of the cardinal or most valuable gemstones, along with diamonds, rubies, and sapphires, because it was available in small amounts. Its value dropped after large deposits were discovered in Brazil during the 18th century, making it one of the more affordable gemstones.
Aquamarine (March)
Marshals- Brune, Murat, Soult, Suchet
Type: Mineral
Group: Beryl (Be₃Al₂Si₆O₁₈)
Color: Pale blue, light green, bluish-green, sometimes yellow
Cleavage: Indisticnt to none
Fracture: Conchoidal to uneven
Mohs Scale: 7.5-8
Luster: Vitreous
Streak: White
Fun Fact: Aquamarine got its name because its color resembles the sea. It contains small traces of iron, which (depending on the oxidation state) can change its bluish color to green or yellow. These oxidation states are ferrous iron, which gives Aquamarine its blue color, and ferric iron, which gives it a greenish/yellowish color. Heating the mineral removes the greenish color to restore its blue color[1]. Aquamarine also has weak to moderate flourescent properties under UV light [2].
Diamond (April)
Marshals- Jourdan, Lannes, Oudinot, and Saint-Cyr
Type: Mineral
Group: Native mineral (Carbon (C))
Color: Yellow, brown, gray, white, colorless,
Cleavage: Octahedral, Perfect on all sides
Fracture: Uneven
Mohs Scale: 10
Luster: Adamantine
Steak: Colorless
Fun Facts: Diamonds are formed within the Earth's mantle when carbon-rich materials or carbon dioxide are subjected to extreme temperatures and pressure. It reaches the surface via volcanic eruption and gets trapped inside igneous rocks after the magma cools off. The formation of diamonds takes thousands of years, contributing to their high value [3]. Diamonds seen as potential gemstones have little to no impurities or foreign objects within their structure. In contrast, diamonds with high impurities, irregular shapes, and defects are used in commercial industries due to their durability and hardness. Diamonds are the hardest minerals, and are very difficult to scratch or break, but it's not impossible to do so. They also has a high dispersion of white light that creates a rainbow-like effects, also known as 'fire.[4]'
Garnet: King, H. M. (n.d.). Garnet. geology. https://geology.com/minerals/garnet.shtml
Amethyst: Geary, T.F.; Whalen, D. (2008). The Illustrated Bead Bible: Terms, Tips & Techniques. Sterling Pub. p. 69.
Aquamarine: [1]King, H. M. (n.d.). Aquamarine. geology. https://geology.com/gemstones/aquamarine/
[2]MAT, M. (2023, June 3). Aquamarine: Properties, formation, occurrence " Gemstone. Geology Science. https://geologyscience.com/gemstone/aquamarine/?amp
Diamond: [4]King, H. M. (n.d.). Diamond. geology. https://geology.com/minerals/diamond.shtml
[3]MAT, M. (2023, September 25). Diamond: Properties, formation, occurrence, deposits. Geology Science. https://geologyscience.com/minerals/diamond/
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mykey-and-bobby-koopa · 2 months
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((It's August 7th, which means... It's Wendy Day!!
here are some facts about her:
Her full name is Wendy Olivia Koopa
She is 14 years old, the same age as Iggy. Her birthday is July 16th.
Her sign is Cancer and her birthstone is rose quartz.
She is the same height as Morton, both of them being in the middle of everyone.
She weighs the same as Iggy. Again, she is in the middle with her brother.
Her favorite food is Caesar salad.
She likes jewelry and elegant dresses. She dreams of being a great designer, since she greatly admires Princess Peach and wants to be as elegant as her.
She is the only one of her brothers who wears golden bracelets instead of spiked ones. This is because her wrists are more delicate and flexible and that would take away from her mobility and elegance, according to her.
Along with Iggy, Roy and Mykey, she is the only one to wear accessories, although in her case she wears more than one.
She really likes her pink bow. It was a gift from Princess Peach when she was born.
Her lips are naturally pale pink, but she wears makeup a little more intense pink to match her bow and nails, which are naturally hot pink.
Her head is yellow. This trait is only possessed by female Koopas. Likewise, she is one of the few Koopas to be blonde, and her hair is not yet fully grown but some of it is noticeable under her bow.
She is the only one among her brothers to have visible eyelashes
Her favorite sport is ice skating.
She loves the color pink, but she also likes equally elegant colors like lilac or turquoise.
She has a handmade dress that was given to her for her 14th birthday, which is, very recently, given from the neighboring kingdom commissioned by Bowser for his little princess.
Being the only woman in the group and almost the entire castle, she is the one with the best manners; however she can also be aggressive when provoked, such as when her brothers push her or when she feels insulted. Other than that, she's quite the lady, one who at least knows how to punch well.
She has nice handwriting, being the one who taught Larry how to write and read.
She knows how to cook and bake some desserts. Her signature dishes include apple pie and cinnamon rolls. She's currently learning how to make cream puffs.
Happy day, Wendy!!
Es 7 de Agosto, lo que significa que... es el día de Wendy!!
Aquí unos datos de ella:
Su nombre completo es Wendy Olivia Koopa
Tiene 14 años, la misma edad que Iggy. Cumple el 16 de julio.
Su signo es cáncer y su piedra natal es el cuarzo rosa.
Mide lo mismo que Morton, estando ambos en el medio de todos.
Pesa lo mismo que Iggy. De nuevo, está en el medio junto con su hermano.
Su comida favorita es la ensalada cesar.
Le gusta la joyería y los vestidos elegantes. Sueña con ser una gran diseñadora, ya que admira mucho a la princesa Peach y quiere ser tan elegante como ella.
Es la única de sus hermanos que usa brazaletes dorados en vez de con pinchos. Esto es debido a que sus muñecas son más delicadas y flexibles y eso le restaría movilidad y elegancia, según ella.
Junto con Iggy, Roy y Mykey, es la única en usar accesorios, aunque en su caso usa más de uno.
Le gusta mucho su moño rosa. Fue un regalo de la princesa Peach cuando ella nació.
Sus labios naturalmente son rosa pálido, pero ella se maquilla con un rosa un poco más intenso para hacer juego con su moño y uñas, las cuales son naturalmente rosa fuerte.
Su cabeza es amarilla. Este rasgo sólo lo poseen las Koopas hembras. Del mismo modo ella es una de las pocas Koopas en ser rubia, y su cabello aún no se desarrolla del todo pero parte de él se nota por debajo de su moño.
Es la única de entre sus hermanos en tener pestañas visibles
Su deporte favorito es el patinaje sobre hielo.
Ama el color rosa, pero también le gustan colores igual de elgantes como el lila o el turquesa.
Tiene un vestido confeccionado a mano que fue dado por su cumpleaños número 14, es decir, desde hace muy poco, dado desde el reino vecino encargado por Bowser para su pequeña princesa.
Al ser la única mujer del grupo y casi que del castillo entero, es que la que mejor modales tiene, no obstante ella también puede ser agresiva cuando la provocan, como cuando sus hermanos la pasan a llevar o que se sienta insultada. De ahí en fuera es toda una dama, una que al menos sabe dar buenos puños.
Tiene una bonita caligrafía, siendo ella quien enseñó a Larry a escribir y leer.
Sabe cocinar y hornear algunos postres. Entre su firma tenemos el pastel de manzana y los rollos de canela. Actualmente está aprendiendo a hacer pasteles con crema.
Feliz día, Wendy!!
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skyexrose · 3 months
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Tinanong ko siya if bakit ito yung napili niyang singsing…
At first, hindi naman raw talaga dapat iyan yung pipiliin niya, dapat yung birthstone ko raw kasi June raw ang birth month ko, kaso di raw kasi siya magandahan (Pearl kasi yung June), so kinuha niya yung birthstone niya which is August (Periot — color lime green if describe mo). He came up with the idea to give me his birthstone as a reminder that he will always be with me.
Then I didn’t ask him if bakit ganon yung message kasi understood naman yung meaning sakin na naka sulat “If each thought of you were a blooms, my garden would stretch into infinity.” But then, I also check the website for the caption nila doon sa ring. If how come ayun ang naging design and concept nila, which make sense rin kaya he came up with that quote.
I didn’t expect rin na bibili siya kasi usually is lumalabas lang talaga kami para kumain and manood ng cine. I will treasure this birthday gift as a promise rin na rin, kasi it seems like one na rin on how he describe it in the message. Thank you and I appreciate it, my baby! I love you, always!
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colorfulfoxengineer · 8 months
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V.A.: Wakana Yamazaki (jp) & Janice Kawaye (eng,DOA 6)
Birthstone: Peridot
D.O.B.: August 5th
Birthfruit: Peach 🍑
Birthflower: Lisianthus
Weight: 104 lbs.
Height: 157 cm (5' 2"),165 cm (5' 5") (DOA1 only)
Favorite food and drinks:Marrons glacés Cream soda (Paradise only)
Age: 18
Favorite colors: Bluish-Purple
Eye color: light red
Hair color: Lavender
Zodiac sign: Leo ♌
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crimsondoesstuff · 1 year
Hi guys so I’m so normal right
Recently been drawing nothing but FNAF art, which is insane to me. I’ve had so much motivation- but not for my own stories no no- JUST for FNAF. Please put me out of my misery.
At least some cool art’s come out of it though
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(I spend more time than I’d like to admit on the signatures alone. Very fun drawing though.)
I have a love hate relationship with William Afton, but Henry literally deserves the world, he did not deserve the grief and endless shame this man put him through 🖕
This is their 83’ designs in my universe- they look different down the line, obviously, but I imagine they’d look less distressed before all the awful events of the insane FNAF lore occur
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There’s also these two absolutely gorgeous women, god I want to be them so bad
Fun fact about their designs, their names in my universe are Juliette Smith (Emily) and Clarissa Schmidt (Afton)! Juliette is a stay at home housewife, while Clarissa is trying to finish medical school to become a nurse
I gave Clarissa a rose in her hair to reference the other name people give her all the time (Rose), and I gave Juliette a locket with her birthstone on the front and a photo of her and Henry on their wedding day inside. (Juliette’s birthstone is Peridot, for August - In my universe, her birthday is actually on the 15th, WHICH IS TODAY?! SO I HAVE ANOTHER PIECE OF ART I’LL BE POSTING AFTER THIS ONE!!!!)
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I also drew the kids!!!! They deserve so much more love than they got, they literally deserve the world- I want to give them all happy lives but the fact that isn’t possible makes me sad every day 😭
I also made a ghost children version with blood that I’ll put below the line here:
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I’m literally in love with how I drew all of them so much,,, my favorite part of their designs has to be the tears though, and the symbolism that comes with them
Not only are they color coordinated to the animatronics they possess, there’s also Cassidy.
All I can imagine is her, one day, coming to terms with her death. No longer sad. Just angry.
She opens her eyes, and simply states: “I won’t cry anymore.”
In fact, I never got around to finishing this art of Cassidy, but I feel like it also applies to this quote.
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I’ve also made a bunch of doodles that I may or may not clean up in the future? Who knows, I’m tired
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For now, I’ll just leave them here and say I’ll get back to them someday.
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gaddaboutgriffon · 16 days
I think it would be interesting if instead of specific gemstones for your birth month, you have a color.
January is clear for a clean start. also ice. 🔘
February I think we will keep Purple. I have no reason. 🟣
March is green cause of spring and Saint Patrick's Day. 🟢
April is pink for spring flowers. 💮 (i couldn't find a pink circle)
May is yellow also because it is a light warm spring color. 🟡
June, I think we will go with blue for summer sky's 🔵
July, White cause it is the color that absorbs the least light and thus is going to be the coolest. ⚪
August did all the other months first, so it gets the last unused color is gray. 💿
September Brown. fall color, I guess. I did October November and December before this one. 🟤
October gets Black. it is spooky season I have given up fighting it. ⚫
November Pumpkin pie season baby! of course it is orange 🟠
December red. we all know why. 🔴
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magnoliaroad · 2 years
Royal Luxe Birthstone Calicos
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Glitter catz....because why not?  Read on for more pictures and thoughts!
When I first started this project, I didn’t originally set out to make all twelve birthstones.  The original concept was to make “luxury” catz based off of materials often associated with luxury decor or jewelry:  abstract alcohol ink paintings, geodes, crystals, gemstones, marble textures, gold foil, etc.  As the project ventured into gemstone territory it sparked the idea to do the rest of the birthstone calendar.
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Carmin was made after I made the ruby birthstone.  With ruby and garnet being so similar, it was tricky to make the garnet texture look a bit different from Ruby.  If you look closely there’s a hint more “pink/magenta” to it than the ruby one.
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More purple catz.  I think I have the purple color down pat now.  
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I’ve been working on a set of “snow/ice” textures and ended up pulling from that collection to make this aquamarine birthstone.
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I knew diamond was going to be a challenge.  This was as good as I could get it.  
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Emeralds have never really been a favorite gemstone of mine but Emily has made them grow on me a little bit.
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June has 3 official birthstones: pearl, moonstone, and alexandrite.  Having failed to achieve pearl and moonstone, I went with alexandrite.  I named her Alexandra. *slow clap*
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This one came along without much difficulty.  The petz palette seems to be fairly forgiving of reds.
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Sincerest apologies to my fellow August-born comrades - the petz palette hates green.  I really seem to struggle more with greens than with purples - which is weird when you consider that the petz palette has more greens to work with than purple. 
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Didn’t have too much trouble with this one but blues can still be tricky as they can come out more “vibrant” than intended.
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Went for a blush / pink quartz look here.
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My only lingering critique with November is that there isn’t that much of a difference between the orange textures. I just didn’t want anything to be too yellow or too brown.  
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This one is a little different than the others in that it doesn’t use the gold glitter texture that the other ones have.  It resulted in a more matte but metallic look that worked well with turquoise.
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I don’t know if anyone else grew up reading the children’s book series “The Jewel Kingdom” by Jahnna N. Malcolm but these four birthstones in particular were named after the jewel princesses, Roxanne, Sabrina, Emily, and Demetra.
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These last two are not part of the birthstone calendar but are part of the original "luxury" concept. This pink one was actually the first one I made in this whole collection.  
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Same thing here - another one I made before I turned this into a birthstone project.  I was going for a luxury marble look.
That’s it for now.  I was going to try to include some gifs because you really can’t appreciate the glitter effect of these textures without seeing them in motion.  However, I struggled to capture any and in any case, this ended up being quite a vertical blog as it is.    
As always, thanks for stopping by!
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prophetictattoo · 10 months
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ocs as obscure associations: alex
nobody tagged me to do this, and anybody who wants to is welcome
ANIMAL: shark, stag
COLORS: muted dark blue, grey, black
MONTH: november (even though his birthday is in august)
SONGS: indifference by pearl jam
PLANTS: kudzu vines
SMELLS: cinnamon, cedar, sandalwood and lavender
his colognes are: dior sauvage elixir (heavy on ELIXIR he does NOT use the regular sauvage) and xeryus rouge givenchy
GEMSTONE: im gonna be honest i know fuck all about gemstones so lets go with peridot bc it's his birthstone
TIME OF DAY: 4:30 am
SEASON: winter
PLACES: the pacific northwest
FOOD: miso soup
DRINKS: lemonade
ASTROLOGICAL SIGNS: scoprio (his rising)
SEASONINGS: sesame oil
SKY: dark with storm clouds
WEATHER: thunderstorms and heavy rain
MAGICAL POWER: invisibility
WEAPONS: knife
SOCIAL MEDIA: twitter (he will be a twitter user until it burns to the ground)
CANDY: banana hi chew
ART STYLE: surrealism
FEAR: nosocomephobia (fear of hospitals)
CELESTIAL BODY: dying star
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sunsolii · 8 months
Napoleon's Marshals and their Birthstones Part 2
This is part 2 of my series where I list all 26 marshal's birthstones, I'll also be adding two non-marshals to the list ;). In this post I'll go over months May through August, the format will be the same as the last post. If you want to review the terms used in the post I'll put the link to the first part here .
Emerald (May)
Marshals- Davout, Kellermann, Massena, Perignon, and Poniatowski
Type: Mineral
Group: Beryl (Be₃Al₂(SiO₃)₆)
Color: Green or bluish-green
Cleavage: Indistinct to none
Fracture: Conchoidal
Mohs Scale: 7.5-8
Luster: Vitreous
Streak: White
Fun Fact: Emerald is one of the four cardinal (most valuable) gemstones, along with diamond, ruby, and sapphire. Its value is due to the limited amount of beryllium (an element in beryl minerals) found in one location on the surface of the Earth, making it rare to find. An even rarer type of emerald is a trapiche emerald, which has the shape of a wheel, with each piece of emerald separated by the inclusion of black shale; the shale becomes less present as time passes. Its green color is due to the presence of chromium or vanadium in its chemical composition. Traces of iron make the color turn into a bluish or yellowish tint.
Pearl (June)
Marshals- N/A (Honorable mention: Joséphine de Beauharnais)
Type: Mineral
Group: Carbonate (CaCo₃)
Color: White, pink, silver, cream, iridescent, blue, gold
Cleavage: None
Fracture: Uneven
Mohs Scale: 2.5-4.5
Luster: Pearly
Streak: White
Fun Facts: Pearls are made either naturally or synthetically. Natural pearls are formed inside the soft tissue of various mollusk species like oysters and mussels when an irritant such as sand gets inside the mollusk. As a defense mechanism, the mollusk covers the object with a substance called nacre, a combination of aragonite and conchiolin. These layers build up over time until they create a pearl. Man-made or cultured pearls are formed when a small piece of a mussel shell is inserted into the mollusk's tissue, causing the mollusk to secrete nacre onto the shell piece. Under a controlled environment, pearls form a perfectly shaped sphere, rather than forming in irregular shapes like organic pearls form.
Ruby (July)
Marshals- Moncey, and Marmont
Type: Mineral
Group: Oxide (Al₂O₃)
Color: Blood red, orange red, pink, or purple red
Cleavage: Indistinct
Fracture: Conchoidal or splintery
Mohs Scale: 9
Luster: Vitreous
Streak: White
Fun Fact: Rubies have the same chemical composition as sapphires, making them the same type of mineral (corundum), the only difference being that rubies are red due to chromium in their crystal lattice, while sapphires are blue, but it does come in different colors [1]. Rubies are not only known for their use in expensive jewelry but also for having major cultural significance ranging from ancient to modern times. In ancient Greece, rubies were thought to preserve mental and physical strength. Many Greek warriors wore talismans with rubies as protection when heading into battles [2].
Peridot (August)
Marshals- Bessières (Honorable mention: Napoleon Bonaparte)
Type: Mineral
Group: Silicate ((Mg,Fe)₂SiO₄)
Color: Green, yellowish-green, olive-green
Cleavage: Poor
Fracture: Conchoidal
Mohs Scale: 6.5-7
Luster: Vitreous or greasy
Streak: Colorless
Fun Fact: Peridot can be dissolved in hydrochloric acid, creating a gelatinous silica form. It was first discovered on the volcanic island of Zabargad in the Red Sea (located near Egypt) 3,500 years ago. The largest known peridot was also discovered in Egypt, weighing approximately 319 carats. The Egyptians were very fond of peridot and believed it to be the gemstone of the sun god Ra, giving it the name the 'evening emerald.' When determining the value of a peridot, its color plays an important role. Peridots with a pure green hue are more desirable than those with a yellowish tint (high iron levels are present). Peridot is also the gemstone with the most inclusions visibly present, which can affect its value, but it is often attributed to it being part of its natural structure.
Emerald: King, H. M. (n.d.). Emerald. geology. https://geology.com/gemstones/emerald/
Pearl: MAT, M. (2023, August 26). Pearl: Mineral, gemstone: Properties, formation, occurrence. Geology Science. https://geologyscience.com/minerals/organic-minerals/pearl/?amp
Ruby: [1] King, H. M. (n.d.). Ruby and Sapphire. geology. https://geology.com/gemstones/ruby-and-sapphire/
[2] MAT, M. (2023, April 25). Ruby: Properties, formation, occurrence " Geology science. Geology Science. https://geologyscience.com/gemstone/ruby/?amp
Peridot: MAT, M. (2023, August 29). Peridot : Gemstone, properties, occurrence and uses " geology science. Geology Science. https://geologyscience.com/gemstone/peridot/?amp
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mykey-and-bobby-koopa · 2 months
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((It's August 5th, which means… it's Larry's day!!
Here are some facts about him:
His full name is Lawrence Ringo Koopa
His birthday is March 20th.
His sign is Pisces ♓ and his birthstone is Aquamarine
He is 12 years old, being the second to last brother to be born
He loves video games and their music, and lately he has developed a taste for tennis. His favorite video game is “Super Strike Bros.”
He likes sweets, especially those with peanuts.
He is the fourth shortest, being surpassed by Bowsy, Bobby and Lemmy
He is somewhat hyperactive, he needs to occupy his energy in something, otherwise he cannot be calm
He shares eye color with Wendy and Iggy
His hair has that shape naturally. Since he was born he always had hair on top of his head but not on the sides.
He has two stars on each side of his head, the same color as his hair. These began to appear when he was two years old.
He has not yet finished changing all his baby teeth. His protruding fangs are the ones that need to be changed, that is why they are not completely pointed like Roy or Mykey's.
Like most of his brothers, he hates vegetables. He often leaves them to Bowsy without him even realizing it.
Of all his brothers, Morton and Bowsy spend the most time with him. Jr. is the one he has spent the most time with playing and developing a competitive rivalry with.
Bobby is his best friend and thanks to him he decides to go outside more often and play sports.
When he dislocated his wrist, it was hard for him to stay still, but because of that he learned to be more patient and listen.
His sister Wendy taught him to write and read.
He is not a big fan of studying, but things change when he listens to music, motivating him to pick up a pencil and do his homework.
Out of all of them, he drinks the most water.
His favorite food is hamburger.
His brother Ludwig tried to teach him to play the piano, but it didn't work out very well. Since then, they have both grown apart. Later, when Ludwig told him that he hated him, Larry felt terrible about it.
Happy day, Larry!!
Es 5 de agosto, lo que significa que... es el día de Larry!!
Aquí unos datos de él:
Su nombre completo es Lawrence Ringo Koopa
Su cumpleaños es el 20 de marzo.
Su signo es Piscis ♓ y su piedra natal es la aguamarina
Tiene 12 años, siendo el penúltimo hermano en nacer
Ama los videojuegos y la música de éstos, y últimamente ha adoptado gusto por el tenis. Su videojuego favorito es “Super Strike Bros.”
Le gustan los dulces, en especial los que tienen maní.
Es el cuarto más bajito, siendo superado por Bowsy, Bobby y Lemmy
Es un tanto hiperactivo, necesita ocupar sus energías en algo, de lo contrario no puede estar tranquilo
Comparte color de ojos con Wendy e Iggy
Su cabello tiene esa forma naturalmente. Desde que nació siempre tuvo cabello encima de su cabeza pero no a los lados.
Tiene dos estrellas a cada lado de su cabeza, del mismo color que su pelo. Éstas fueron manifestándose cuando él tenía dos años.
Aún no termina de mudar todos sus dientes de leche. Sus colmillos sobresalientes son los que faltan, por eso no son del todo puntiagudos como los de Roy o Mykey.
Al igual que la mayoría de sus hermanos, odia las verduras. Muchas veces se las deja a Bowsy sin que éste se dé cuenta.
De todos sus hermanos, Morton y Bowsy pasan más tiempo con él. Jr. es con quién más ha pasado jugando y adquiriendo una rivalidad competitiva.
Bobby es su mejor amigo y gracias a él decide salir al aire libre con más frecuencia y practicar deporte.
Cuando se dislocó su muñeca, le costó permanecer quieto, pero debido a eso aprendió a ser más paciente y escuchar
Su hermana Wendy le enseñó a escribir y leer.
No es muy fan de estudiar, pero la cosa cambia cuando escucha música, motivándole a tomar el lápiz y hacer sus tareas.
De todos, es quien más agua consume. Su comida preferida es la hamburguesa.
Su hermano Ludwig le intentó enseñar a tocar el piano, pero la cosa no resultó muy bien. Desde ahí que ambos se han distanciado. Más adelante, cuando Ludwig le dijo que lo odiaba, Larry se sintió terriblemente mal por eso.))
Feliz día, Larry!!
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natsumesakasaki666 · 11 months
Translation of mini talks, birthday story, and phone call
Mini talk 1
Tsumugi: Wow, are all those presents for me?! Thank you so much~♪
Could it be that these gifts were went by fans?
Well then, let’s leave it here in this spot for now.
Anzu: That’s a large pile of presents…
Tsumugi: ah, Anzu-chan . Thanks for helping me♪
So all of these were sent by fans. To think I’d received this many… I would have never imagined it
Mini talk 2
Tsumugi: The project proposal that I’ve been working on with Anzu-chan is complete!
I've sent it via “hold hands” not too long ago, it’d be great if you could take a look at it
…huh? Is that not why you came to NewDi?
Anzu: I came for another matter…
Tsumugi: Hmm, I wonder if I can make some time to chat with you in the common room…
Aha! It looks like I’ll have some free time later in the evening, if that’s okay with you♪
Mini talk 3
Sora: HaHa~♪ Senpai, Anzu, hello☆! Sora came to get you because the party is about to start~
Tsumugi: Hello Sora-kun. So it’s that time already…
Sora: woah, that large pile of presents next to Senpai is amazing. But it looks like it’s about to collapse
Anzu: Shall I place them in bags?
Tsumugi: That’s a good idea. I’m pretty sure I have some paper bags seomwhere around here…
Sora: Sora will help too! These presents are filled with feelings for Senpai, so Sora will handle each one carefully♪
Tsumugi: Sorry for making you wait~
Good work today Anzu-san♪
Sorry but is it alright if I put these down here? It’s more presents I got from the party….
Well then, please excuse me. Oof ♪
Anzu: It’s very colorful
Tsumugi: Yes♪ Just by looking at it like this makes my heart flutter.
Some are from Natsume-kun and Sora-kun, and I also got gifts from Tsukinaga-kun and Saegusa-kun♪
Part 1
Tsumugi: Oh and everyone in the circle I’m in also gave me a present♪
Everyone in biblion gave me a cushion that looks perfect for reading books with!
Here it is! It has a nice soft squishy feel to it~♪ Anzu-Chan, you can go ahead and try touching it too!
Anzu: it feels nice
Tsumugi: Right♪ Reading a book while leaning against this cushion… it sounds nice doesn’t it?
Eichi-kun gave me some tea leaves as a gift, I'm sure if I brewed some to accompany my reading, it'll be an even better experience!
Part 2
Tsumugi: Phew, it’s nice to have a day where I can take it easy~
I’d never thought I’d receive so many gifts in one day
It’s possible that I may have received the most gifts ever
Anzu: you are adored
Tsumugi: Fufu, I’m so thankful for that…♪
Each and every one of them chose a gift with me in mind. That alone is more than enough to make me happy.
Part 3
Tsumugi: Um, Anzu-chan, what’s with the box you pulled out…?
“Sorry for adding to the pile” you say, it’s not a problem at all!
Thank you for the gift. Is it alright if I open it now?
Anzu: Of course
Tsumugi: Wow…! It’s an elaborate brooch! Fufu, it’s sparkling all over
Since it’s from Anzu-Chan, shall I put it on now♪
Part 4
Tsumugi: How is it? It gives off an elegant impression when wearing it♪
Hmm. If you look closely, the color of the stone in the middle is slightly different from the one swaying below...?
The stone below looks like the unit color of "Switch"….
Anzu: and the stone in the middle is…
Tsumugi: So that’s what it is, the color is based on Peridot which is August’s birthstone.
Come to think of it, Peridot symbolizes “hope” and “happiness”. It seems that happiness comes just by wearing this♪
Part 5
Tsumugi: Now then, shall we start heading home? We don’t want to get back too late.
Thanks for today. I’m so happy to receive such a lovely gift at the end of the day.
I’ll savor the happiness I felt today and give it my all tomorrow
Anzu: Let’s do our best together!
Tsumugi: That’s right♪ and I’ll give Anzu-chan more joy and happiness than what I received today!
After all, I am a magician who brings happiness to others♪
Phone call
Tsumugi: Hello?
Thank you so much for today!
The photos you sent were the ones you were taking with your phone right?
Everyone in each photo looks like they’re having fun, it makes me so happy
I look forward to working with you tomorrow!
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starzpsychics · 10 months
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Your birthstone is Garnet. Garnet comes in an assortment of colors and is great for removing negative energies and sharpening your perception.
The love month! Your birthstone is Amethyst. Amethyst is a quartz crystal with unique healing qualities.  It is great for reducing stress, soothing irritability, balancing mood swings and fear.
Your birthstone is Aquamarine. Aquamarine encourages foresight, happiness, and courage. It is said to promote a youthful glow and increase intelligence.
Your birthstone is Diamond was discovered. This stone is unique because it reflects light and is the hardest ever known substance on earth. It represents clarity and strength.
Your birthstone is Emerald, which is a planetary stone. Emerald is a life-affirming stone and one of infinite patience. It represents successful love, integrity, and loyalty.
Your birthstone is Pearl. Thought to uphold marital bliss. Pearls are the ultimate symbol of wisdom. They are pure and will strengthen valuable relationships.
Your birthstone is Ruby. It is a stone of protection when worn as a talisman. Ruby is said to represent happiness, good health, wisdom, and good luck.
Your birthstone is Peridot. This is a volcanic gem available in yellow green shades. It symbolizes the abundance of life and spiritual cleansing.
Your birthstone Sapphire. Sapphires are generally associated with royalty and romance and are also said to symbolize fidelity and the soul.
Your birthstone is Opal. Opal can help you to connect with the Angelic Realms and aids in the development of psychic skills.
Your birthstone is Topaz. Topaz comes in many colors. Topaz is especially good when you are setting personal attainment goals and can be used to support affirmations and manifestation work.
Your birthstone is Tanzanite. Tanzanite is a unique crystal. It is used by diviners, especially the clairaudient. It increases psychic abilities and is used by tarot readers, rune readers and scryers.
For more information or a psychic reading please visit us at: https://starzpsychics.com
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Erica's Basic Info
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Name: Erica Paige Mills
Erica's faceclaims for the 90s and now were a lot easier for me to figure out than ones for the 60s and 80s, for obvious reasons, but I do have them, all the same. For the 60s, we have the lovely Pam Grier (the picture is from her 1975 movie Friday Foster) and, while she didn't act in anything big in the 60s, she would have been in the right age range. For the 80s, we have Lark Voorhies (Saved by the Bell). My immediate pick for the 90s was Trina McGee (Boy Meets World) as her overall style and acting, especially in BMW felt very much like Erica. Finally, for present day, we have Andrea Chaparro (Rebelde) - I saw her picture on Pinterest and it just instantly clicked.
Nicknames: Big Dip-Shit (her friends’ term of endearment connected to the freckles on her arm), Frog (she was the highest jumper on the volleyball team) and Dumbass (mostly by Jade, but, like with Jade, their friends call her that as well)
Age: 18
Date of Birth: August 10
Zodiac: Leo
Birthstone: Peridot
Nationality: American and Puerto-Rican
Sexuality: Lesbian
Birthplace: West Side, Manchester, NH
Current Residence: Winnisquam, Tilton, NH
Occupation: Leader of the robotics club, setter of the high school volleyball team, songwriter and guitarist for Blissful Chaos, babysitter of her younger siblings, and cashier at Spencer’s Gifts
Talents/Skills: Gives pretty awesome haircuts, video editing, can memorize practically anything just by seeing it once, and somehow is able to get people to trust them with their secrets, even if they only just met - something she considers both a gift and a curse.
Birth order: Oldest
Siblings: Cora Jane (15) and Elijah Michael (12)
Parents: Michael Douglas Cooper and Sofia Adriana Garcia
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Height: 5’6”
Race: African-American
Eye Color: Brown
Hair Color: Naturally black, but dyed blue
Glasses or contact lenses: She doesn’t need them, but thinks she’d look cool with glasses. She will wear some pretty crazy-looking contacts for fun events, though
Distinguishing features: Dragon tattoo between her shoulder blades, dagger with vines tattoo on her right arm, and a set of seven freckles on her left bicep that Jade connects with Sharpies to look like the Big Dipper
Mannerisms: Clacking her nails together to the tune of songs, humming theme songs to her favorite shows, and drawing doodles while talking on the phone.
Health: She is allergic to pineapple and is lactose intolerant, but still eats pineapples on pizza and mac-and-cheese like her life depends on it. (Yes, her old one was a typo lol)
Hobbies: Chugging energy drinks, drawing, buying too many vinyls from the record shop, thrifting, and volleyball
Greatest flaw (in their opinion): How expressive she is. She doesn’t always notice it right off the bat, but her expressions give away her thoughts on everything. Even if she’s not entirely vocal on her opinions, you can practically tell what she’s thinking as her face displays it all in high definition. Many times, her friends will have to either elbow her or remind her to “watch her face” to get her to fix it.
Best quality (in their opinion): Her quick thinking. As a setter on the volleyball team, she has to be quick on her feet, have a good grasp of the situation they find themselves in, and be ready to make calls on the fly; Erica thrives in that sort of environment. Whether it’s for volleyball, work, songwriting, or a DND campaign, she loves coming up with plans contributing ideas as it makes her feel a lot smarter than she feels she is.
Biggest fear: Failure of any kind. Oftentimes, she feels as though she has the weight of the world on her shoulders despite that being far from the truth. As the oldest of her siblings, she strives to be the best sister and role model she can for them. As the setter on her team, she allows losses to hit her harder than they do anyone else. As the manager at Spencer’s, she deals with the brunt of every Karen encounter and fights through days of faulty machinery while making sure her coworkers don’t feel guilty for anything going wrong. As the band’s songwriter and guitarist, she feels as though the fault would be hers if the band were to fail in any way or if a song wasn’t a hit. Although she goes through everything with a smile and shrugs off failure like it’s no big deal, on the inside, she’s screaming.
Hogwarts House: Gryffindor
Favorite ice cream: Pistachio
Favorite color: Green
Favorite number: 6, how many months it took for her and Jade to get together
Favorite songs: Memories by Conan Gray, Perfume by Lovejoy, and Boyfriend by Dove Cameron
A place they want to visit: Amsterdam, Netherlands
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