#August birthstones and their meanings
cultureandcustoms · 6 months
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shokorohandmade · 11 months
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The August Birthstone: Peridot Things to Consider Before Getting Jewelry
Carrying the hues of green with the hint of yellow, Peridot is the august birthstone. They are the green wonders that make beautiful jewelry pieces and are adorned for their splendid shine since ancient times. Peridot is one of the oldest gemstone found on the earth has a fantastic story and crazy facts that make them even more exciting gem to look at! For the august babies as well as the ones who own them. In this blog, we will discuss Peridot, its history, its properties, and what makes them the perfect birthstone for august babies.
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tiaramania · 2 days
Did you catch what rings Catherine is wearing in the various shots of the latest video? I’m interested if the ruby “promise ring” in particular shows up again.
Alright let's talk rings!
Birthstone Ring
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The Princess of Wales started wearing this ring during university and it has been speculated that it was a gift from Prince William but never confirmed. The ring is a gold band set with garnets and pearls which you guessed it - are William and Catherine's birthstones. The last time it was worn publicly was 2013 and she always wears it on her middle finger not her ring finger. I don't remember it being called a promise ring back when they were dating but now when I look it up all of the magazines and entertainment news sites call it that. I guess calling it a promise ring grabs more attention.
Diamond Eternity Ring
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In 2014, Kate added a diamond eternity band to her engagement and wedding rings. It is the Eclipse Diamond Eternity Ring by Annoushka which features diamonds set in white gold. The ring has been speculated but again never confirmed to be a gift from William to mark the birth of their first child the year before.
New Mystery Ring
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In August, she debuted a new eternity style ring in a video congratulating the returning British Olympians and then wore it again for the video announcing the end of her chemotherapy treatment. There has been a lot of speculation about this ring and what it means. It seems to be worn in place of her sapphire engagement ring so my best guess is that the ring is set with diamonds and sapphires. As for meaning it's probably nothing deeper than her engagement ring being ginormous and wanting a more comfortable one to wear sometimes. I know a ring of that size would get on my nerves constantly.
There also looks to be a fourth ring in the stack now on the outside edge. The order is gold wedding ring, new mystery ring, diamond eternity ring, and new small ring. I'd like to get a better look at it but it could be nothing more than an guard ring meant to keep the others from slipping off.
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moeblob · 11 months
You know, I'm sorry for another story time but my life has been very stressed lately and today I got a huge boost. SO.
As some of you may know, I moved states at the end of July and have been here since August 1st basically. Social anxiety is a struggle but I'm making it. And there's this easy to reach by walking convenience store and almost every time I walk there I walk past a gem store. And I think to myself almost every single time "I love the store has a bouncer". I didn't say anything to him at first! But one day I got brave and proceeded to make an absolute FOOL of myself as I am on my way back from buying some sodas and ask him "are you like the store bouncer?"
The man looks at me and smiles and gives a little chuckle and says pretty much yeah? And then I say more awkward things and then promptly leave feeling very embarrassed. I purposefully AVOID that lil corner for a couple days and then finally feel brave enough to walk by cause it's ... like. Literally right by my destination. Man isn't even outside that day and I think phew! I can't be creepy if I can't talk to him!
BUT THEN I SEE THAT HE IS DIRECTLY INSIDE CHATTING TO A WORKER. And he sees me. And smiles and stops whatever conversation he's having and exits the store to say hi. (I am definitely beaming, like a normal person, because I apparently am NOT creepy enough to this man more than a foot taller than me who could easily kick my ass if he wanted) So we just chat. For maybe ten minutes? It's very nice! We have a Very Normal Conversation! I feel better about the first interaction because I had a second interaction.
So now............ today. I am once again wandering around and on my way to lunch when I pass the gem store and I'm like "hello again!" to the gem store bouncer. We begin to chat again and he mentions a pendant they recently appraised that he likes and I, thinking this entire time that the store was ONLY appointment only and I would never be allowed inside, am casually mentioning "yeah, I was born in June and we have three birthstones and like.... none of them are dark enough for me. I mean there's pearl which I'm not a fan of and then moonstone and another." And so he's saying they have a sheet inside to show birthstones so we walk in together to find out the mysterious third stone.
And the sheet only shows pearls. And I'm like "this is a crime against June babies" and then I somehow start talking to one of the female workers and I'm saying "yeah I just kinda like walking by here and seeing the bouncer" and she looks at him and is like "oh I like that." and I admit I have no other idea what to refer to him as (I don't know his name at this point anyway) and she's like "most often security guard."
Ah. Yes. Like a normal person would think. Security. Yes. Not "gem store bouncer". She then leaves to grab a coffee from across the street and I leave with the bouncer and somehow we get into talking about wearing mostly black and how he's pretty goth and then I mentioned a sweatshirt my aunt sent me once saying "I'm only wearing black until they come out with something darker" and he grins and says it's a life motto. Then the woman returns with her coffee and he tells me to tell her what I said, so I repeat it and she looks me dead in the eye and says "that was made for me. Also I love that you called him a bouncer it's hilarious".
I now observe that he (all black suit black shirt black tie) and her (black sweater with black/white striped pants n black shoes) are indeed somehow the gem store goth club. And then she heads back in and he says he's sorry they don't have any cookies to offer me, they normally have cookies in the back for employees, and I'm like "ah no it's fine thank you".
And then I left feeling like I was somehow allowed to join the Cool Goth Club at the gem store.
Anyway, sup, my new favorite person is the goth bouncer at the gem store and he makes me smile so much when I see him.
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444m777 · 24 days
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MJ Crystal Photo Series — 8/♾️
Peridot has extraterrestrial origins, found in rare pallasite meteorites (only 61 known to date) formed some 4.5 billion years ago it just so happens to also be one of the 3 birthstones for the month of August. The meaning of Peridot is focus and purpose. Something many people claimed Michael was so good at that he must’ve been from another planet. Happy 66th Birthday Michael
Michael collected rocks and gemstones. It’s something I found out this year and made me want to do this series because I collect and use crystals myself for over 9 years now. Two things I enjoy wrapped in one, MJ and crystals.
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mykey-and-bobby-koopa · 2 months
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((It's August 7th, which means... It's Wendy Day!!
here are some facts about her:
Her full name is Wendy Olivia Koopa
She is 14 years old, the same age as Iggy. Her birthday is July 16th.
Her sign is Cancer and her birthstone is rose quartz.
She is the same height as Morton, both of them being in the middle of everyone.
She weighs the same as Iggy. Again, she is in the middle with her brother.
Her favorite food is Caesar salad.
She likes jewelry and elegant dresses. She dreams of being a great designer, since she greatly admires Princess Peach and wants to be as elegant as her.
She is the only one of her brothers who wears golden bracelets instead of spiked ones. This is because her wrists are more delicate and flexible and that would take away from her mobility and elegance, according to her.
Along with Iggy, Roy and Mykey, she is the only one to wear accessories, although in her case she wears more than one.
She really likes her pink bow. It was a gift from Princess Peach when she was born.
Her lips are naturally pale pink, but she wears makeup a little more intense pink to match her bow and nails, which are naturally hot pink.
Her head is yellow. This trait is only possessed by female Koopas. Likewise, she is one of the few Koopas to be blonde, and her hair is not yet fully grown but some of it is noticeable under her bow.
She is the only one among her brothers to have visible eyelashes
Her favorite sport is ice skating.
She loves the color pink, but she also likes equally elegant colors like lilac or turquoise.
She has a handmade dress that was given to her for her 14th birthday, which is, very recently, given from the neighboring kingdom commissioned by Bowser for his little princess.
Being the only woman in the group and almost the entire castle, she is the one with the best manners; however she can also be aggressive when provoked, such as when her brothers push her or when she feels insulted. Other than that, she's quite the lady, one who at least knows how to punch well.
She has nice handwriting, being the one who taught Larry how to write and read.
She knows how to cook and bake some desserts. Her signature dishes include apple pie and cinnamon rolls. She's currently learning how to make cream puffs.
Happy day, Wendy!!
Es 7 de Agosto, lo que significa que... es el día de Wendy!!
Aquí unos datos de ella:
Su nombre completo es Wendy Olivia Koopa
Tiene 14 años, la misma edad que Iggy. Cumple el 16 de julio.
Su signo es cáncer y su piedra natal es el cuarzo rosa.
Mide lo mismo que Morton, estando ambos en el medio de todos.
Pesa lo mismo que Iggy. De nuevo, está en el medio junto con su hermano.
Su comida favorita es la ensalada cesar.
Le gusta la joyería y los vestidos elegantes. Sueña con ser una gran diseñadora, ya que admira mucho a la princesa Peach y quiere ser tan elegante como ella.
Es la única de sus hermanos que usa brazaletes dorados en vez de con pinchos. Esto es debido a que sus muñecas son más delicadas y flexibles y eso le restaría movilidad y elegancia, según ella.
Junto con Iggy, Roy y Mykey, es la única en usar accesorios, aunque en su caso usa más de uno.
Le gusta mucho su moño rosa. Fue un regalo de la princesa Peach cuando ella nació.
Sus labios naturalmente son rosa pálido, pero ella se maquilla con un rosa un poco más intenso para hacer juego con su moño y uñas, las cuales son naturalmente rosa fuerte.
Su cabeza es amarilla. Este rasgo sólo lo poseen las Koopas hembras. Del mismo modo ella es una de las pocas Koopas en ser rubia, y su cabello aún no se desarrolla del todo pero parte de él se nota por debajo de su moño.
Es la única de entre sus hermanos en tener pestañas visibles
Su deporte favorito es el patinaje sobre hielo.
Ama el color rosa, pero también le gustan colores igual de elgantes como el lila o el turquesa.
Tiene un vestido confeccionado a mano que fue dado por su cumpleaños número 14, es decir, desde hace muy poco, dado desde el reino vecino encargado por Bowser para su pequeña princesa.
Al ser la única mujer del grupo y casi que del castillo entero, es que la que mejor modales tiene, no obstante ella también puede ser agresiva cuando la provocan, como cuando sus hermanos la pasan a llevar o que se sienta insultada. De ahí en fuera es toda una dama, una que al menos sabe dar buenos puños.
Tiene una bonita caligrafía, siendo ella quien enseñó a Larry a escribir y leer.
Sabe cocinar y hornear algunos postres. Entre su firma tenemos el pastel de manzana y los rollos de canela. Actualmente está aprendiendo a hacer pasteles con crema.
Feliz día, Wendy!!
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skyexrose · 3 months
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Tinanong ko siya if bakit ito yung napili niyang singsing…
At first, hindi naman raw talaga dapat iyan yung pipiliin niya, dapat yung birthstone ko raw kasi June raw ang birth month ko, kaso di raw kasi siya magandahan (Pearl kasi yung June), so kinuha niya yung birthstone niya which is August (Periot — color lime green if describe mo). He came up with the idea to give me his birthstone as a reminder that he will always be with me.
Then I didn’t ask him if bakit ganon yung message kasi understood naman yung meaning sakin na naka sulat “If each thought of you were a blooms, my garden would stretch into infinity.” But then, I also check the website for the caption nila doon sa ring. If how come ayun ang naging design and concept nila, which make sense rin kaya he came up with that quote.
I didn’t expect rin na bibili siya kasi usually is lumalabas lang talaga kami para kumain and manood ng cine. I will treasure this birthday gift as a promise rin na rin, kasi it seems like one na rin on how he describe it in the message. Thank you and I appreciate it, my baby! I love you, always!
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cherrygorilla · 4 months
August's Basic Info
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Like I said for Zack's post, I really struggled with finding faceclaims for August - maybe even moreso, because I have such a clear idea of what he looks like in my head, and no one I've been able to find fully captures it. I think Kit Connor (first pic) is, again, the closest I'll get - he's the right amount of soft and friendly I need for little August haha - but the others are all at least along the same sort of lines (at least in these pictures I found anyway lol): Peyton Meyer, Connor Jessup and Dylan Sprouse.
Name: August Jude McNeeley
Nicknames: He mainly gets Auggie, but Bentley always calls him Gus - it used to just be Bentley, but since August grew so fond of it, Kona and Zack have started using it more now too. He still likes Auggie though - tbh he likes all variations of his name (I his mom picked well lol)
Age: 14
Date of Birth: September 28th
Zodiac: Libra
Birthstone: Sapphire
Nationality: American and Scottish
Sexuality: Gay - but very much still in the closet and totally not crushing on anyone
Birthplace: His family home in South Pasadena
Current Residence: Island Drive South in South Pasadena, Florida
Occupation: Middle school student and part-time grocery bagger
Talents/Skills: He's weirdly good at long-distance running, he can play the clarinet, he's really good at crosswords, he's a great baker, but he's an even greater listener
Birth Order: Youngest of three
Siblings: Francesca May McNeeley (23) and Hazel June McNeeley (19)
Parents: Jedediah Michael Whitaker (estranged) and Heidi April McNeeley
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Height: 6' 1'' when fully grown - but for now, probably like 5' 3''. He has a big growth spurt that literally no one saw coming, and becomes a real gentle giant haha. 
Eye Colour: Like a muddy, brown-y green.
Hair Colour: Sandy blonde
Glasses or Contact Lenses: Some round wire-frame glasses he's supposed to wear all the time, but only wears when his eyes feel super strained, because he thinks he looks like a dork in them and actively tries to avoid anything that draws unnecessary attention to him
Distinguishing Features: A chickenpox scar on his forehead, just above his right eyebrow, and a prominent freckle on the corner of his mouth that always gets mistaken for a smear of chocolate. 
Mannerisms: He's SO bad about clenching his jaw/grinding his teeth when he's stressed, he always looks down at his feet when he's walking, and he always does a little snort of air through his nose when he laughs
Health: Anxiety, peanut allergy, and, because of his jaw clenching habit, any time he's anxious (which is quite a lot, poor baby) he gets tension headaches. Also, not really a health thing, but he's a vegetarian.
Hobbies: Baking, creative writing, scrapbook journalling, mediating his friends' arguments, running, reading, watercolour painting (this was mostly thanks to Bentley's influence, but he is enjoying it more than he thought he would), practising the clarinet, and being the voice of reason.
Greatest Flaw (in their opinion): How sensitive he is. Bullies have blamed it on the fact that he was raised by a bunch of girls to become a big sissy - but August just knows he lets his mind hyperfixate on minute details and spiral out of control. Whether it was an embarrassing passing comment he made or a missed homework assignment, he'll work himself into a guilt-riddled state until the rational side of his mind can regain control. It's even worse with more meaningful things though. If anyone says anything bad about him it'll affect him for weeks, and if anyone takes anything he's said badly he'll beat himself up about it for just as long. With how deeply he takes everything to heart though, it often means he's more reluctant to open up about his feelings, and keeps himself pretty closed off as a result - all because he's scared about the reaction he might get. 
Best Quality (in their opinion): His level-headedness. As much as his anxiety can get the better of him, he's gotten a lot better in recent years at keeping it under control. His calm reasoning often ends up benefiting his friends more than it does himself, but that's what makes it so rewarding. He loves getting to help them out in any way he can, and offering advice or talking through their troubles with them gives him a real sense of purpose. He may not be very brave, or very physically strong, but his quiet support from the sidelines is invaluable - especially when he can pick out things in a situation no one else would have thought to before. 
Biggest Fear: Not being accepted. Again, he's really sensitive about what other people think of him, and he really takes their opinions to heart. So the thought of upsetting someone, or doing something that would give them a negative opinion of him is awful. He partly blames it on his dad never really being present in his life, and the fear that, because he knows nothing about him, if he were to come back into it, he wouldn't accept him as his son. But it extends to his peers and friends too - he often stays quiet and tries to do what he can to blend into the background so that he doesn't draw any unnecessary attention to himself that could lead to anyone developing any strong feelings towards him - positive or negative. He just wants to be seen as…normal. But as he's slowly coming to terms with his sexuality, in a time where society is not very accepting of anything but 'the norm', that fear is feeling more and more real every day. 
Hogwarts House: Hufflepuff
Favourite Ice Cream Flavour: Birthday cake or Pistachio
Favourite Colour: Sage green
Favourite Number: 2 - 1's too lonely, but at least 2 means you've got a friend
Favourite Movies: Luca, The Muppet Movie, and The War of The Worlds
Favourite Songs: Blackbird by The Beatles, (unironically) Story of My Life by One Direction, Yellow by Coldplay, and God Only Knows by the Beach Boys - and, of course, he was inspired by the Taylor Swift song August, but I felt like that was way too on-the-nose to include as one of his favourite songs lmao
A place they want to visit: Edinburgh, Scotland - to visit his mom's side of the family who live there
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rubiatinctorum · 3 months
What happens to the family rings? Those ones with the family members' birthstones in them? Not once the person has died, and it goes to someone else in the family. I mean, after that. The ones that don't end up in the care of someone else who knew the person. I looked up 'gold family ring' on a shop website, and there are a lot of them here.
Do you think someone will be just lucky enough to find the one with their exact family stones on it? I mean, some of them are pretty versatile. The ones with only a few stones, or stones mostly alternating between one colour and another will probably easily find a home. But the ones with five stones that don't match except in the context of a family, where do they go? Do you think there's someone buying those, too, to wear them as they are?
I get asked more often than is convenient about my acrostic ring, because people see the different stones and think it's a family ring. They wonder where all of the extra family members came from, and hey, that doesn't line up with what you've told us about your family's birthdays, what gives? And I sheepishly explain, because I don't have the confidence I'd like to, that it's an acrostic sort of thing and the Georgians and the Victorians liked to do it. Or more often, I just say it's just not a family ring and it's 'based on something else.'
I wonder what it must be like for the people buying family rings, bona fide family rings, with stones that don't match anyone they know. What do they answer when their coworkers ask who the hell the peridot in their ring is for, jeez I didn't think you had an august birthday in your family. Do they get tired of explaining 'I just think it's neat'?
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mayimkjs · 12 days
FOOL's MATE Update Post #4
Master Post  Last Update
School Date: Summer, Term 8, Week 9
Honestly, not much has happened this month. I've just been busy with PT. On the bright side, I might finally get tested for POTS.
But anyways, This next month is going to be another strange month. I have finals, I'm trying to work on a joke cover of Double for my MV class and I'm going to Florida for an early 21st birthday present. I mainly wanna go to Florida for SPACE. Sadly, I'm probably going to miss the launch at Kennedy.
About the Double cover, I might post some WIP or BTS of it here. The reason why it's a joke cover is because I'm mainly using Meika Mikoto for it. Hime's going to be in there somewhere too. I bought their V5 and talk just for this lamo.
Milanote & Research
I've finally started to finish some things in Milanote that have been unfinished for months. My research is also significantly slowing down which is a good thing. I means that I've looked at almost everything. There's still a few small things here and there that I have to do, but I'm saving most of that for my early birthday vacation so I'm not board out of my mind on the plane.
Also, I decided to look into playing cards in tarot because a diamond shows up in Double. And I might have found something.
I've made a prototype logo! I made a post about looking for input a bit ago but I also wanna mention the logo here too.
Input Form Input Post
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Here's an older version of the logo.
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Prototype Intro
This was for my Motion Graphics 3 class. This is my most recent export and you can tell there's things missing. The string needs to be replaced, I need to add the glass, I have to find a font to replace the one I was going to use since it doesn't work in Illustrator and the entire title sequence is missing. I might mess with some effects like the noise. The glitches need to be fixed as well. Also, that rectangle isn't suppose to be there. I know what it's from though. So it'll be easy to fix that. There's also some issues with the lighting.
Props & The Script Books
I finally found out why the keyframe goods have been delayed. The shipping date changed to late August, then because of typhoon season, it was delayed some more. Also, since I wanna include some props that aren't exactly MILGRAM related but related to the people who work on it, I found out I actually have like, 3-5 mangas/books that, in the anime adaptation of them, Hanae Natsuki voices a main character lamo. And since I'm not strictly sticking to MILGRAM props, I'm using this as an excuse to buy the CD of Transform.
Technically, I bought the Script Books for a prop and research. I bought them to add to the section about Mikoto and John's speech habits.
Other Shit
Finished the FOOL's MATE page on my site.
I'm also starting to plan the first promo video.
I'm finally going to finish going through all of the voice dramas next Friday since I have a 3 1/2 hour flight.
T2 Summary clarification from Yamanaka
Playing cards in tarot
CMYK/HLS meanings
DID Info
Research Doc (Comments on like always)
Reddit Post
Feedback Form
Commission Form
Volunteer Form
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shokorohandmade · 1 year
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Peridot, beautiful green gemstone, is known as August Birthstone. It is time to discover the meaning of peridot , healing properties and everyday uses.
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oph3liatlou · 24 days
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when i wake up ɞ i'm afraid 
"Born as a human, yet forever changed when her own family turned her into a part android as part of a sinister experiment, Nadia's journey is filled with pain, resilience, and the determination to uncover the truth."
somebody else might take my place ♯
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when i wake up ɞ i'm afraid 
─ nadia vera jamison
The name "Nadia" originates from the Russian name Nadezhda (Надежда), which means "hope" in English. It is a feminine given name that has roots in both European and Russian cultures.
Vera originates from the Latin word "veritas," which means "truth." The name Vera has its roots in both Latin and Slavic languages and is often associated with qualities such as honesty, faithfulness, and trustworthiness. It is a feminine given name that has been popular in various cultures throughout history.
The name Jamison originates from the Celtic word "iom-saos," which means "man from the island." It is a name that has its roots in Celtic and Scottish history and has been traditionally given to individuals with Scottish or Irish ancestry. It is a unisex name but has become more commonly used as a masculine given name.
─ nads / nadi
Nadia's nickname is "Nads" or "Nadi," which are shortened versions of her name, often used by those close to her, such as friends and family. These nicknames convey affection and familiarity, and serve to create a sense of closeness and intimacy in her relationships.
somebody might take my place ♯
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make that money ɞ fake that dummy, ache my tummy
─ august 20 2011 
Nadia's zodiac sign is Leo, which indicates that she is likely to be natural-born leader, confident, and passionate. Her personality may be fiery at times, but she also possesses a kind and generous heart. As a Leo, she likely has a strong need for attention and recognition, and may be determined to leave a lasting impact on others. She may also possess a strong sense of creativity and a natural theatrical flair.
Nadia's birthstone is peridot. This dark green gemstone is known for its healing properties and is believed to bring good luck. She may be a natural problem solver, with a strong intuition and a keen sense of justice. She may also be creative and imaginative, with a flair for design. In her relationships, Peridot is known for its calming and stable influence on emotions, and can help to create harmony and balance.
Nadia's element is fire. This indicates that she is likely to be passionate, dynamic, and charismatic. Individuals with a fire element are often strong leaders, with a natural charisma and persuasiveness that draws people to them. Fire is also associated with transformation, passion, and energy, which may make Nadia a natural go-getter and quick to act. However, she may also have a tendency to be impulsive and may struggle to control her emotions at times.
─ moscow, russia 
Nadia was born in Moscow, Russia. Moscow, the capital city of Russia, is a sprawling metropolis known for its rich history, political significance, and cultural heritage. The city is home to a mix of modern skyscrapers and historic architecture, including the Kremlin and Red Square, which are iconic landmarks in the city. Growing up in Moscow, Nadia would have been exposed to the diversity and complexity of Russian culture, with its history of political intrigue and cultural traditions.
─ russian
Nadia's origins are steeped in mystery and tragedy. Growing up in a family that worked for a secret Russian organization, her parents chose to experiment on her, turning her into a part-android. From a young age, Nadia was subjected to their experiments, which altered her life irrevocably. The reasons behind her parents' decision and the true purpose of the Russian organization remain a mystery, but it is clear that Nadia endured suffering and trauma at their hands.
on the fence, all the time #
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paid junk honey ɞ your face so sunny, ain't that funny?
Nadia has strong and striking features, with sharp jawline, high cheekbones, and a regal bearing. Her hair is a lustrous dirty-blonde, usually worn in a casual bun or down in loose waves, framing her delicate face. Her most striking feature, though, are her eyes, which convey an intense emotion and resilience. Her figure is athletic, lean, but feminine, and she carries herself with a grace and confidence that commands attention. Her style is practical yet stylish, blending comfort and a touch of edginess.
Nadia's style is a combination of practicality and edginess. She often favors comfortable pieces, like jeans, t-shirts, and sweaters, but she also loves to mix in some bolder elements to give her look an edge. Think leather jackets, statement jewelry, and cool sneakers. She's not afraid to experiment with different looks and isn't afraid to stand out from the crowd. She also loves layering her clothes to add depth and dimension to her outfits. Overall, her style is functional, effortless, and just a bit rebellious.
all my friends always lie to me i know they're thinking ♯
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you're too mean, i don't like you ɞ fuck you anyway
─ brave 
nadia is fearless and not easily intimidated. she stands up for what she believes in and takes risks when necessary.
─ compassionate 
nadia is empathetic and caring toward others, always willing to go out of her way to help those in need.
─ resourceful 
nadia is quick on her feet and adapts to new situations with ease. she is able to think outside the box and find creative solutions to problems.
─ stubborn 
nadia can be quite stubborn and sometimes refuses to admit when she's wrong. she can become quite rigid in her opinions and have a hard time seeing things from other people's perspectives.
─ impatient 
nadia often acts on her impulses and gets frustrated when things don't go her way. she can lose her temper easily and can be quite sarcastic and cutting when she's upset.
─ trust issues 
 after experiencing betrayal and trauma in her past, nadia struggles to form close relationships and has trouble trusting others
─  puzzles 
she loves to use her brain and spends time solving crossword puzzles, riddles, and brain teasers.
─ twirling her ring
she often twirls or fidgets with her ring when she's nervous or in thought.
─ biting her lip 
when she's deep in thought or feeling emotional, she has a habit of biting her lip.
─ being a coffee addict 
she starts her day with a hot cup of coffee to get the energy going.
you make me wanna scream at the top of my lungs ♯ 
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it hurts but, i won't fight you ɞ you suck, anyway you make me want to die, right when i
─ cats
she has a soft spot for felines and adores her own black cat, noch (the russian word for nighttime).
─ learning
she is always interested in expanding her knowledge and keeps up with current events and new ideas.
─ classical music 
she finds solace in the soothing sounds of classical pieces, particularly the works of tchaikovsky and rachmaninoff.
─ injustice
it bothers her greatly to see people treated unfairly, and she stands up against injustice whenever she can.
─ being lied to
nadia values trust and honesty in her relationships, and being lied to makes her feel betrayed and hurt.
─ being controlled
nadia values her independence and dislikes it when others try to dictate her actions or decisions.
𝒄𝒐𝒍𝒐𝒓 • black
𝒇𝒐𝒐𝒅 • italian food and coffee 
𝒂𝒏𝒊𝒎𝒂𝒍 • cat
𝒔𝒐𝒏𝒈 • 1812 overture
𝒅𝒓𝒊𝒏𝒌𝒆𝒓 • no
𝒔𝒎𝒐𝒌𝒆𝒓 • no
𝒇𝒆𝒎𝒊𝒏𝒊𝒔𝒕 • yes
𝒓𝒐𝒎𝒂𝒏𝒕𝒊𝒄 • yes though, she wouldn't admit it
𝒍𝒆𝒂𝒅𝒆𝒓 • yes
𝒓𝒆𝒂𝒅𝒆𝒓 • yes
when i wake up i'm afraid ♯
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somebody else might take my place ɞ when i wake up, i'm afraid
─ detroit, united states 
nadia resides in a modest apartment in downtown detroit, a vibrant and diverse neighborhood that offers a range of amenities. it is a relatively safe area with a mix of residential and commercial properties, and she is surrounded by a wide range of shops, restaurants, and cultural attractions. her apartment complex stands out for its clean and modern architecture that reflects the city’s progressive design. despite the hustle and bustle of the city life just below, her apartment has a calming and cozy atmosphere, providing her a safe haven from the hustle and bustle of the outside world.
─ middle class
as a detective at the detroit police department, nadia has a respectable income that allows her to pay for her apartment and other living expenses. however, she doesn’t have excessive wealth and leads a fairly modest lifestyle. she is frugal with her money and values practicality over luxury. she is satisfied with her financial situation and rarely feels the need for extravagance.
─ fair
despite her traumatic past and difficult circumstances, nadia maintains a strong and resilient physicality. she is generally healthy and fits, though she may struggle at times with the emotional and psychological aftermath of her experiences. she takes care of her body and fitness to the extent that her hectic work-life balance allows, often practicing meditation and yoga to help keep her mind and body in check.
keep on dreaming, don't stop breathing, fight those demons ♯
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sell your soul, not your whole self ɞ oh, if they see it when you're sleeping, make them leave it
─ heterosexual
she appreciates qualities such as confidence, intelligence, and emotional intelligence in her romantic relationships. she also values loyalty and honesty, particularly after experiencing deceit and betrayal in the past. additionally, she is drawn to partners who are respectful, caring, and who can make her laugh.
for nadia, the ideal date would be something that combines both the thrill of adventure and the comfort of intimacy. she would likely appreciate an activity that allows for interaction and conversation, such as a night out at a live music venue, a cozy dinner and movie night, or a long walk in a natural setting. she would also value a date partner who listens carefully and takes an interest in her opinions and interests. ultimately, the key to making her feel at ease and enjoy the date would be a balance of excitement and comfort, without any pressure or formalities.
nadia and connor share a complex and evolving relationship throughout the story. initially, they begin as reluctant allies, brought together by a common goal. however, as they spend more time working together and getting to know each other, their connection deepens. they share an undeniable chemistry, and their interactions are often charged with tension and attraction. despite the challenges they face, they share a mutual respect and admiration for each other's abilities and strengths. their relationship ultimately becomes one of trust, loyalty, and even love, as they navigate the treacherous world of their respective missions.
and i can't even see if there's hope there anymore, so ♯
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being me can only mean feeling scared to breathe ɞ and if you leave me, then i'll be afraid of everything
─ elena jamison
their relationship is strained and tumultuous. growing up, elena often saw her daughter as an extension of herself, rather than as an individual. she was often dismissive and strict with nadia, pushing her daughter to excel in her studies and other pursuits. over time, their relationship further deteriorated as elena and her husband chose to use their daughter in their dangerous experiments, leaving nadia with deep psychological scars and a complex relationship with her parents.
─ nikolai jamison
nikolai shared his wife's dedication to experimental science and was complicit in the decision to use their daughter as a test subject. he viewed nadia as a project and a means to further his research, rather than as his daughter. their interactions were often cold and dismissive, and he showed little concern for the emotional and mental impact the experiments had on nadia. As a result, nadia has a complicated relationship with her father, one marked by distance and a deep sense of betrayal and resentment.
that makes me anxious, gives me patience, calms me down, lets me face this, let me sleep ♯
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numberonepeacock · 25 days
Jewel Sonicure AU Masterpost
(Lots of emojis in these posts)
Many years ago a butterfly named Vanessa created different words, each with different types of magic. One world, however, did not have this and was the center of the universe. Vanessa reins over her own world, as the Empress of Crystal Empire.
But one day, a hedgehog named Diabolos was not happy with this. So he created words that were formed around the negative of each word. And one by one each positive world fell.
But when each world fell a Cure would be born. A cure was a person who can transform into a legendary warrior. The respected ruler of each world would send out one or multiple Cure Chaos, Flickies, or Spirits to search out chosen people to take up the role of Pretty Cure.
However one day, Diabolos, fed up with losing, attacked the Crystal Empire. With the last of her energy, she sealed him away in a mirror and soon she faded away. Even though their leader was gone the Black Crystal Empire still fought and this is where our story begins…
Note from author:
This is a crossover where the Pretty Cure world is turned into the Sonic Universe (meaning they aren't humans but Mobians)
The theme of this Cure team is birthstones, their meanings, gemstones, jewels, crystals, and elements.
January’s birthstone is Garnet, meaning is Friendship, and element is Snow
February’s birthstone is Amethyst, meaning is Harmony, and element is Love
March’s birthstone is Aquamarine, meaning is Strength, and element is Wind
April’s birthstone is Diamond, meaning is Wisdom, and element is Water
May’s birthstone is Emerald, meaning is Healing, and element is Flower
June’s birthstone is Alexandrite, meaning is Courage, and element is Lightning
July’s birthstone is Ruby, meaning is Love, and element is Fire
August’s birthstone is Peridot, meaning is Faithfulness, and element is Leaf
September’s birthstone is Sapphire, meaning is Royalty, and element is Sound
October’s birthstone is Tourmaline, meaning is Creativity, and element is Harvest
November’s birthstone is Topaz, meaning is Insight, and element is Light
December’s birthstone is Blue Topaz, meaning is Intuition, and element is Ice
(Yes most of the elements are based off the elements used in the Cure Series; most of which are in Healin' Good♥Pretty Cure)
Series Post
Book on Ao3
Book on Wattpad
Meet the Characters:
Sonic/Cure Lazuli - The Pretty Cure of Strength and Courage, and has the powers of the Aquamarine and Alexandrite birthstone
Shadow/Cure Garnet - The Pretty Cure of Love and Friendship, and has the powers of the Ruby and Garnet birthstone
Silver/Cure Moonstone - The Pretty Cure of Intuition and Wisdom, and has the powers of the Blue Topaz and Diamond birthstone
Amy Rose/Cure Quartz - The Pretty Cure of Healing and Harmony, and has the powers of the Emerald and Amethyst birthstone
Blaze/Cure Tourmaline - The Pretty Cure of Insight and Creativity, and has the powers of the Topaz and Tourmaline birthstone
Crown Princess Sapphire Devil Crystal - Crown Princess of the Crystal Empire.
Spinel - Partner of Cure Lazuli
Carnelian - Partner of Cure Garnet
Turquoise - Partner of Cure Moonstone
Pearl - Partner of Cure Quartz
Amber - Partner of Cure Tourmaline
Minor Characters
Information Posts:
Crystal Ranks
Negative Stones’ Origin
Origin of the Goddess & Gods
Vanessa’s Workshop
Wild Magic
The Pretty Cure Temple
Cure Chaos, Flickies, and Spirits
Cure Team’s Origin Story
Diabolos Powers and Lair (plus a little stuff on the Crystal Empire)
Gem Cuts
Cure Items
Cure Cards
Cure Characters as Mobians
Note - I started this project around the running time of Delicious Party♡Pretty Cure so I'm only doing the teams from the first Cure team to them.
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If you have questions about this AU, feel free to drop it in my ask box and I will answer.
Also, I don’t know if you noticed that most of the storyline is based on an episode from one of the Cure series. If you want to leave a suggestion of an episode I should do, leave the name of the episode, series the episode is from, and the number in the comments or an ask.
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katsushika-division · 1 month
"Special delivery for Touya Kisaragi~!" Ren sang as he and Max showed up at the front door of the Katsushika Division team. Both of them holding gifts that were obviously meant for Touya who (after bear hugging them for 10 minutes each before getting pulled away by Rintaro) eagerly took them from their outstretched arms and practically tore into them, sending wrapping paper everywhere much to the exasperation of his teammates.
He started with Ren's gift first, which revealed to be...
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...A brand new and luxurious makeup kit.
"That actually came from both me and Ayano, she wanted me to tell you hi and that she missed you. I would bring her over today but I had been busy and it's much too late now but just know that she's been thinking about her favorite dress up partner." Ren admitted, smiling at the sight of Touya enjoying his gift.
Next was Max's which by far was the smallest but that didn't mean Touya didn't appreciate it any less. Inside the small box revealed...
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...A peridot necklace.
"Ren told me...peridot...is...the birthstone...of August....I found...this necklace...from...a job...of mine...hope...you...like it." Max muttered, staring blankly at the bluenette, however there was a bit of softness in his eyes.
"Oh by the way, these are from Kaiji, sorry he couldn't make it, he said he was busy preparing something so I guess you should also get ready too." Ren pointed at the two hot pink gifts that were yet to be open. Touya was slightly disappointed that Kaiji couldn't be here in person but immediately perked back up at the thought of him setting something special up just for him. Touya bounced over to the gifts and unlike the other ones, carefully opened them to see what was inside.
Inside the first gift revealed to be...
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...A black and pink corset dress
And inside the second gift revealed to be...
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...A giant black and pink cake with gothic lolita-ish decorations.
After marveling at the two presents, Touya asked Ren to read the card that was attached.
"Happy Birthday, beloved~
Soooo sorry I couldn't show up but I trust that Ren and Max told you, speaking of which, by the time you're reading this, I'll be heading over to pick you up for our special date! I love you so so sooooo much and I can't wait to see your pretty face! Gosh, just thinking about how-yeah, no, I'm not saying all of that, I'm sure you get the idea." Ren sighed as he gave the card back to Touya, a slightly disturbed look on his face.
Happy Birthday Touya! 💗
Touya’s eyes swelled up with tears not of sadness but of extreme joy. Never had he felt so loved before, and sometimes it got a bit overwhelming, but he wouldn't change it for the world. He had people that he was more than willing to call family, and he even had someone Touya would call his soulmate. Kaiji made him feel him like he was the only thing that mattered, and only death would pry that feeling away from Touya.
“Gotta get ready! Gotta get ready!” Touya cheered ecstatic for whatever Kaiji had planned for him later. Giving one last hug to Ren & Max as they left before the serial killer rushed to his room to change.
“Oi! Touya! What about….and he's fucking gone.” Rintaro groaned.
“Leave him be Rintaro. He's excited. You know, as well as I do, Touya had very little happiness growing up.” Akihisa softly lectured.
“Ugh. Fine. I won't fucking begrudge him for acting all excited.” Rintaro huffed and walked over to the kitchen pulling out a knife, utensils and plate. “But I'm eating a slice of this fucking cake and you're not stopping me Old Man.”
“Given that Touya is going to be busy the next few hours, I suppose it's up to us to eat it.”
“Now we're talking Old Man.”
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hallasimss · 2 years
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— introducing: abhilash raavi, young adult. ( he/they ) ( @rainymoodlet - kiss me in komorebi+ entry. ) for your information this post tried to delete itself twice via my browser crashing and then kept giving me error messages whenever i tried to post. thankfully i back up all my sh*t but it was a struggle i tell you so have him!!! and take care of him pls he's my best boi and very fragile. also excuse any sentences that do not make sense, i am not Englishing properly today an edit bc i am dumb and left this out: i maxed out all of their "likes" slots so i cannot list everything here but it will be in the tray! just in case you were wondering where it went rip
* biography.
nickname. — Abhi age. — 31 (August 7th, 1992, Leo; my young adults tend to fall within the range of 18-35) birthstone. — peridot, ruby (Hindu calendar) faceclaim ref. — Abhilash Vadada height. — 5'9" (176 cm) sexual orientation. — bisexual gender identity. — questioning mbti. — isfj (the Nurturer) traits. — shutterbug (custom mod, included), child of the ocean, cat & dog lover, music lover, vegetarian, morning sim skills. — photography, knitting and wellness mastered, singing, piano and violin level 9. fitness and komorebigo level 7 (custom mod, optional), logic and cooking level 5, charisma, comedy and rock climbing level 1 native languages. — tartosiano (custom mod, optional), telugu, simlish aspiration. — renowned photographer (custom mod, included), lord of the knits (completed) lifestyles. — close knit, outdoorsy current occupation. — freelance photographer a native of Tartosa and an only child born to a single parent/immigrant, Abhilash has always had to work just a little bit harder than the rest to achieve his goals. but whether it was snatching bits and pieces of lessons from the music tutor in town or convincing the boss for his summer job to let him do overtime on the weekends so he could use the weekdays for studying through high school, somehow he found a way to get it done. all of that eventually paid off, though, and after getting accepted to (and graduating at the top of his class from) Britechester with a distinguished degree in Fine Art, pursuing his studies in order to have a future career in orchestral work and composition seemed like the most natural next step. an accident shortly after, however—one that resulted in the partial loss of hearing in one ear—brought those plans to a halt, and after their physician suggested against going into music full time, Abhilash fell back on an old passion of theirs; photography. a few well timed snaps within the past few years may have only now brought them into the limelight, with a tidy 12.5k followers on Simstagram, but they would consider themselves anything but a celebrity. (their assistant is still trying to convince them that that one star means more than they think.) still, he makes it work, this newfound fame, splitting his time between running his own small business as a fashion and wedding photographer and exploring his various hobbies. he was hesitant at first after his best friend, Gulab, surprised him with plane tickets and a filled out form, but with everything else in his life gradually falling into place, he figures he might as well give this a chance and see where it goes—regardless of the fact that he may just be more than slightly terrified at the idea of opening himself up to a new relationship. (and if it fails, well, there's always their best friend to blame for that.)
* things to know.
not everyone can say they've dated their best friend and had the relationship come out intact on the other end, but Abhi considers himself one of the lucky ones—he and Gulab may have, uh... f*cked around with each other during their college days as part of a dare, and then for several years after that as well. the upside to all of this? they both realized they were very, very much bisexual. the downside? they both realized they were very, very much romantically incompatible with each other. despite the breakup, both are still close, and Abhi regularly keeps in touch with Gulab and his partner since the latter moved to Komorebi. (and as for Gulab? he would be lying if he said that he didn't sign them up for the show just so they could stop by and visit in case things didn't go as planned.) despite his apparent love of jewelry (as is evidenced by his extensive receipt history *cough*), Abhi has no piercings except the stud on his left nostril—several bad experiences in college during his attempts to pierce his ears (in all fairness, it was the artist's fault and the scars never did heal properly afterwards) firmly turned him off from the idea of getting anymore anywhere else, and he compensates by layering on the bracelets and rings. if you bribe them with enough chocolate, however, you may be able to convince them to get that septum piercing they've been putting off for ages. (we're going to pretend i didn't write this entire section bc the ear presets i had for him were literally incompatible with every single earring in my CAS library sksksk) unlike the piercings, his love of tattoos seemed to have fared better—to date, Abhi is in possession of several, including (but not necessarily limited to) two small botanic tattoos done on his left foot during a trip with his first ex-girlfriend (no initials, thank goodness), a Ganesha tattoo on the inside of his right wrist as a buddy to Gulab's Om tattoo in the same spot, a full back snake piece, and (his personal favorite but as of yet incomplete) lightning bolt ensemble. next on their list? a memento of their mother's handwriting. although his dreams of becoming a world-famous musician may have been placed on the backburner (or taken off of it entirely) Abhi still plays both piano and violin, sings and composes as a hobby—recently, they were contacted by a recording studio interested in their rendition of Vaughn-Williams' The Lark Ascending, and just before that performed at a charity concert for an orphanage. they haven't decided whether to take the studio up on the offer just yet, but the joy of being able to continue to polish their skills—something that immediately after the accident would have been considered impossible—is enough for them. when he's not taking photos or working on his music, Abhi is proud to say that he has quite the stash of knitted projects in his arsenal—no matter how many times he's fallen prey to the curse of the boyfriend sweater (or in his case, more girlfriends than boyfriends), you'll mostly find him starting up another one in his free time, usually while curled up on the couch watching his favorite movies and ugly crying whenever the saddest parts come on. (and no, despite his love of any and all Indian cinema he can possibly get his hands on, he still hasn't seen the end of Kal Ho Naa Ho. do with that what you will, but that's probably for the best.) if you ask nicely, they'll be more than happy to give film recommendations, and if you ask them what they're making? prepare to be swamped with excited chatter (and possibly fitted for measurements, just so they can go shopping for materials all over again).
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ps: pls also have these full length versions of the headshot photos of Abhi, taken by Gulab when they stepped outside in the park for two seconds bc the latter insisted on taking 'proper business shots' when he visited last year—Abhi isn't wearing his hearing aid bc he forgot to put it back in after a (rather indulgent) practice session (his approach is something like this, last section), but he does come with it included sksksksk
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