#Auto Repair Near Redding
Does Your Chevy Need a Collision Repair?
There are two broad categories of collision: major and minor. If you’ve had the misfortune to be in a collision, your car is likely to be damaged in some way. The damage dealt in a major collision is usually obvious but minor collisions can sometimes leave hidden internal damage that’s harder to detect. With this in mind, here’s how to know if you should visit your local Chevy dealer for collision repair following an accident.
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Visible Body Damage
If your car’s bodywork is visibly damaged, you’ll be in no doubt that you need a repair job. Following a collision, you’ll commonly see dents in the doors, hood, trunk, fenders, bumpers, grill, or elsewhere. Headlights and windows might also be cracked.
In major situations, you might have serious framework damage. At the very least, a collision will leave your paintwork scraped, requiring a prompt touch-up before it starts to rust.
Leaking Fluids
Now let’s move on to hidden damage, which you might at first miss. It’s not uncommon for coolant or transmission fluid to leak after a bump. If you have a rear-wheel or all-wheel drive, your transmission is situated near the back of your vehicle, and so it can be damaged by a rear-ended collision, which accounts for 29% of all car-on-car crashes.
If this happens, you’re likely to spot a reddish liquid pooling under your car, and your gearbox might be having trouble. The fluid hoses and connections of other car parts might also be loosened, causing leaks of various colors, which will need to be immediately fixed.
Steering Problems
Even the smallest bump with another vehicle can knock a car’s framework slightly out of shape or misalign your wheels. As modern Chevrolets are perfectly balanced machines, you’ll immediately notice an alteration to your steering.
Perhaps your car will be pulling slightly to one side, or the wheel seems to favor one direction over the other. If the wheels are misaligned, you’ll sense a general lessening of handling, and you might feel odd vibrations as well.
Stuck Trunk, Hood, or Doors
If the frame is knocked out of shape, it might affect how well your trunk, hood, or doors open and close. Test them all carefully before driving again. Latches can sometimes become damaged by a mild collision, failing to lock or unlock properly. This might leave you trapped inside your car, or worse; it might cause a door to suddenly unlock and swing open while you’re on the road.
How a Chevy Dealer Assesses Collision Damage
Experienced technicians have a great eye for spotting hidden internal and external damage. Externally, they’ll spot the tiniest crack in the corner of a windshield which might expand later. They’ll inspect all the components under your hood and undercarriage and run the engine, transmission, brakes, and catalytic converter through tests to ensure everything is well.
Visit Lithia Chevrolet of Redding to have experienced technicians inspect your car for any kind of collision damage. We’re a local dealership offering excellent vehicles and customer service to match. 
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ickypuppi3 · 2 months
billy’s mom waking him up while it’s still dark, whispering even though neil’s working the night shift. it’s a couple days before his tenth birthday and she’s telling him they’re going to have their very own adventure, just like the ones in billy’s books. she grabs an already packed suitcase from under billy’s bed and kisses him on the nose, tells him to get dressed quick. the two of them leave in an old beat up yellow bug that she managed to get for a third of the asking price and keep parked around the corner until now. they stay with friends and jump from place to place so neil can’t track them down. billy gets used to surfing couches and staying in motels.
he spends his tenth birthday in a diner, his mom gets him a big stack of pancakes and a milkshake with extra cherries. gets a candle out her pocket along with her silver lighter. sings happy birthday and pulls a face when the waitress frowns at them, just to make billy laugh. she sips at her coffee while billy tucks in. smiles when he holds some out with a “c’mon mama, share with me.”
billy thinks it’s neat. thinks it’s the best birthday he’s ever had.
they eventually end up with a place in california, a little bungalow near the coast and billy grows up with his mom. billy gets pretty shirts from the thrift store ‘cause his mama lets him do stuff like that. doesn’t call him a queer, doesn’t force a baseball bat into his hands whilst yelling at him for crying, for being a pussy. his mom lets him read and keep a journal and press flowers between the pages of the neverending story, she plays hendrix and dusty springfield and laughs when billy comes home from his friends’ house with his first piercing at thirteen. she doesn’t tear down his posters or yell when she finds him using her eyeliner.
and everything’s perfect. sort of.
they have bad days- billy’s mom has bad days. billy calls them gray days ‘cause that’s how the world looks when she’s like this. all her color gone. no singing-dancing in the kitchen or baking five different kinds of cake because she couldn’t decide which one was best, no last minute trips to the beach or sitting outside at night and telling billy about the stars. instead she’ll stay in bed, won’t go to work. she’ll stare at the wall blankly and look right through billy when he tries to talk to her. she won’t take the pills the doc gave her and billy doesn’t know what to do. never knows what to do. just chews at his lip until it bleeds, bites at his thumb until it’s red raw. he’ll get in the bed with her. lay beside her and just talk like she used to do with him when he had a nightmare. hum a song to her.
billy’s still pissed at the world just slightly less so. still has that anger and anxiousness simmering just below the surface and shows his teeth when cornered. he’s still hardened in a way that a kid shouldn’t be but. it’s different. there’s no neil. the only bloody noses he gets are at school, when he fights with the kids who call him a fag and a fairy, call his mom a basket case. he uses fists when they laugh and ask if she’s all there with a finger pointing at their heads, ask if billy will “catch the crazy.”
those are billy’s bad days. sitting in the principals office, icing his knuckles.
when he’s fifteen, billy manages to bag a job at the local auto repair by turning up every day and telling howie how good he’d be, that he knows cars and it’s all he wants to do and please please please. eyebrows pulled together, eyes puppy dog wide and hands clasped in front of him until howie grumbles, throws an oily rag at billy. says fine but billy’s gotta pay for anything he damages. someone brings in a chevy camaro and billy asks howie to let him help fix it up. does the begging again until howie laughs. says get a hold of yourself, kid, voice fond as he ruffles billy’s hair.
billy’s four months away from turning seventeen when the doorbell goes. he’s eating a sandwich and watching knight rider. he’s wearing the necklace his mom got him for his last birthday and- he answers the door. doesn’t think twice. freezes when he sees neil standing there. he looks different. hair a little shorter and more wrinkles. where billy’s gained weight, gained muscle, neil’s lost it. his eyes are a little sunken and he’s still got his wedding band on. he reeks of booze. billy has to remind himself to speak, just says “yeah?” his voice comes out small and neil smiles at him. smiles and billy feels this weird twist in his stomach ‘cause .. that’s his dad and he hasn’t seen him in years and it twists and twists and-
turns out. not much has changed. billy realises a little too late that neil will always be neil. they run again. have to leave everything behind. billy doesn’t get to say bye to his friends, to howie, to the car. they leave a lot of stuff behind and head in any direction away from neil. they both try to keep the mood light, take turns driving and play the tapes billy grabbed. they end up in indiana- hawkins. they stay at a motel until billy’s mom finds a place for dirt cheap. it has two bedrooms and a dingy bathroom, a living room slash kitchen and one hell of a damp problem. it’s dirt cheap for a reason.
it’s above a shop in town and- it’s fine. their landlord is an asshole but they’re together and they’ve got a roof over their heads. billy’s enrolled at hawkins high and his mom gets a job at the laundromat. he tells her that he doesn’t need to go to school, that he could just work and help pay the bills but his mom won’t have any of it. says that she wishes she had finished school and that billy’s too clever to waste it. that he has potential.
billy knows the reason she dropped out of school was because she had him. he just nods, rests his head on her shoulder.
it’s billy’s first day at school and his mom drives him to make sure he actually goes. he gets out the car and tries to shake the nerves off. straightens up and puts on his act. plasters a fake smile on his face and it’s working, he’s got most of the girls swooning and the boys at least seem curious. billy looks around and his eyes land on a guy leaning up against a bmw. his hair’s coiffed to high heaven and he’s wearing a polo, preppy as fuck but- pretty. it’s one of the first things billy realises about him, all doe eyes and moles dotted just about everywhere. he’s got a smirk on his face. not aimed at billy but the guy beside him.
pretty-boy walks over to him and billy raises an eyebrow, plays it cool. he introduces himself as steve and billy gets the idea that he’s top dog at hawkins high, is immediately proved right when they step into the building. king steve, freckles calls him. billy laughs- catches steve looking at him when he does and feels his face get hot. steve just smiles wider, calls billy california and tells him to sit with them at lunch. billy tries to ignore the way steve’s smile makes him feel like the rug’s been pulled out from under his feet.
he nods and steve grins. tugs at one of billy’s curls.
says “i think you’re gonna like it here, california.”
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maddymoreau · 1 month
Fallout New Vegas DLC Sleeping Arrangement Headcanons:
After making my post about my thoughts on how the sleeping arrangement inside the Lucky 38 would work with all the companions.
I couldn't stop thinking about the DLC characters so here’s my headcanons!!
Honest Hearts:
The Dead Horses and The Sorrows are always courteous offering my Courier Six a bed to rest in:
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When traveling with Follows-Chalk if it's too late to return to the Dead Horses Camp, they'll find somewhere safe to sleep. The plan is to have one guard while the other rests. However, they stay up wayyy too late talking. Follows-Chalk teaches her how to read stars while she tells him stories from her travels.
Waking Cloud wears and uses her Yao Guai Gauntlet as a pillow (it also allows her to quickly spring into action). She misses her children and as they're falling asleep, tells Courier Six stories about them.
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Joshua Graham is usually the last to go to bed, so he'll sleep on whatever bed isn't taken (or the floor). I imagine he always sleeps on his back. Since it distributes the pain evenly instead of putting a large amount of pressure onto one spot.
If my Courier Six is also awake she'll say a prayer with him before bed.
If Joshua is up late working on inventory and my Courier Six is inside Angel Cave, she'll be lulled to sleep by the fire and noises he makes.
Dead Money:
You know how Dean Domino has secret stashes hidden everywhere? He also has hidden sleeping spots. Multiple pillows and blankets which he does NOT like sharing but will begrudgingly with my Courier Six.
Dean Domino has lived in the Sierra Madre the longest, which has caused him to become a light sleeper. He will always bitch about back pain, regardless if he's sleeping on an old mattress or couch.
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Once, when traveling with my Courier Six, she got VERY sick and dizzy from the red cloud, forcing her to rest. Dean thought about ditching her (but couldn't with the whole "wedding rings around their necks" plus he wants to use her for protection). So he dragged her to one of his spots. When Courier Six woke up she thanked him and offered to keep watch, so he could rest as well, which he reluctantly accepted.
Courier Six is the only one he'll sleep around.
Christine has an extremely hard time falling asleep because she’s afraid she'll wake up in the auto doc.
My Courier Six offers to sit next to Christine, hold her hand and keep watch while she tries to sleep. My Courier Six's perception isn't high enough to understand Christine, but she can sympathize with how difficult it is to fall asleep in the Sierra Madre.
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Dog and God sleep sitting perched up against a wall. Dog snores while God doesn’t. He's far too large to sleep comfortably on most of the furniture scattered around. Courier Six worries about him but can't convince him to sleep differently.
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Old World Blues:
My Courier Six sleeps in the bed inside The Dome. However as she slowly begins repairing everyone inside The Sink (Muggy, Toaster, Jukebox, ETC.) it becomes harder to sleep in there. She also feels WAYYY too guilty about the idea of turning them off.
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So near the end of the DLC after getting closer to everyone she starts occasionally sleeping inside The Think Tank. Specifically using the weapon trunk and table next to Dr. 8 as a makeshift desk.
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My Courier Six has 100% woken up to some of them hovering over and observing her sleep 👁️👄👁️ (especially Dr. Dala).
After she peacefully resolved things with Dr. Mobius, before returning, she slept on his floor. Making sure not to sleep on or touch any of his notes. Despite this, she woke up with math equations written on her face.
She has no idea how he did that.
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His humming and silly singing soothes her to sleep:
Lonesome Road:
My Courier Six is FIGHTING for her life in The Divide and sleeps whenever she can (which isn’t often). Ulysses is watching her from a distance and will also (sometimes) sleep when she does. Due to his past as a member of the Legion and a Courier. Ulysses is able to sleep easily in odd places.
ED-E watches over my Courier Six while she sleeps. Alerting her to any danger. However, until she falls asleep, ED-E lets her hold him like this:
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It makes her think of home (The Lucky 38). Since that's how she usually sleeps with her ED-E in the Presidential Suite.
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cayenneexe · 8 months
Little Red Corvette (Ft. The Beatles) Part One
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Benjamin O’Brien lives in Brighton Falls, California, trying to escape the trauma from a protest that caused him to lose his voice.
When an old friend visits and signs him up for a street race for his 18th birthday, he buys a beautiful Chevrolet Corvette unaware that under all its pain lies a stubborn but gentle Autobot from outer space with no memory and shared love for 80’s music.
Reverse Roles of AU of Bee and Charlie meeting and giving each other their named through the magic of music and insect posters.
(And yes, Bee is a fan of the Beatles bc I said so)
Next (Coming Soon)
Ao3 Sneak Peek and Link Below
Benjamin O’Brien has a normal life, or at least tries to.
Every morning he wakes up, eats his breakfast, takes painkillers for his damaged vocal cords, goes to community college for his auto shop classes, and goes to work at the beach boardwalk. It gets boring after a few months doing the same thing over and over again but it’s not the worst. He’s finally getting a proper education and now lives near the beaches of California, something younger Ben could only dream of doing.
It’s not the racing life but better than dying on the frontlines.
Tomorrow is his birthday and Ben wanted to treat himself. Days and weeks of a domestic life, he deserved for a bit of an adventure. A while back, he saw posters for a movie marathon at the local drive-in and Ben is a sucker for 80’s movies (His copy of the Breakfast Club is worn out from his 50th rewatch). He would go but the poor guy doesn’t have a car except a yellow Volkswagen Beetle that doesn’t even work. Who in their right mind goes to drive in without a car? Only the insane in his opinion.
Not too far from his host home is the local junkyard. Ben sometimes works there for extra cash or when he just wants to get his hands dirty working on cars again. For the past few days, he has been getting parts to repair the Beetle, using half of his wages to buy the parts he needed but so far his work has been in vain. Maybe on the day before his birthday, he’ll get some luck.
His head buried under pillows and blankets, the tired 17-year-old slams his fist onto his alarm clock, silently cursing in annoyance at the dreaded box yet forces himself to sit up, blinking his blurry vision to adjust to the sunlight. Hoping to wake himself up, Ben leans over to his bedside table, puts on his black bluetooth headphones and presses play on his phone.
“Desmond has a barrow in the marketplace, Molly is the singer in a band. Desmond says to Molly, “Girl, I like your face” and Molly says this as she takes him by the hand Ob-la-di, ob-la-da! Life goes on, brah! La-la, how their life goes on. Ob-la-di, ob-la-da! Life goes on, brah! La-la, how their life goes on! Ob-la-di, ob-la-da! Life goes on, brah! La-la, how their life goes on!”
Ben mouths the upbeat lyrics as he changes out of his pajamas, slipping on a white tank top and slightly-used navy jeans from the carpet. He goes to brush his teeth and his head naturally begins to beat, the tiredness and annoyance from before already fading away. The teen cleans himself up and goes to the kitchen to eat breakfast, turning up the music on his headphones to dance on his way to the cabinets. Thank god no one is home. He opens the cabinet door to grab the last box of cereal but a knock in the door interrupts.
Ben slides his phones down to his neck. Who could possibly be up this early? The teen turns off his music and makes his way to the door, putting down the cereal box to turn the handle. The door swings open and his eyes immediately catch the hot pink color of hair.
“Hey, I-“
The house nearly shakes at how fast Bee slammed the door on his old friend. Ben doesn’t let her answer, grumbling angrily at his visitor and ignoring the desperate knocks from the other side.
It’s too fucking early for this.
“Bee, please.” She begs between her knocks, “I just want to talk!”
The blonde teen freezes. Bee? Geez, I haven't heard that nickname in years.
Arcee, the hot-pink-haired biker outside his door, keeps knocking, her requests to let her inside fading into white noise in Ben’s ears. Hearing her voice again, just as panicked as he last heard her, hurts more than he thought it would.
Ben stays silent, which is all he can ever do. His hand trails up to his neck where a faded scar across his Adam's apple, his fingertips tracing the indents of the jagged shape. He wanted to put his old life in New York behind him, a life of fighting and protesting against a corrupt system. It wasn't supposed to be violent. Optimus promised that they wouldn't try to resort to force but the Decepticon mafia attacked first and that protest became a riot, one that cost him his voice.
Don't do it Ben. Don’t do it. It’s been almost a year. You can’t get hurt anymore.
Arcee was there at the protest but wasn’t there when Sergent Blitzwing ripped out his vocal cords. She doesn’t know his pain and the trauma that riot caused. Yet, his heart longed for a friend. Living alone has taken a toll that Ben isn’t willing to accept.
Maybe for a moment, just a moment. Then she can leave and never come back.
Ben shaking hands goes to unlock the door. The wooden barrier swings open and he stares blue to brown eyes at Arcee, who’s relieved at the open door. She smiles awkwardly but tries to put up a comforting face.
“Hey Bee,” she mumbles. A beat passes and the two just stand there. Bee looks at the clock and sees the minute hand inching closer to the 9.
Gah! I’m late!
The teen quickly types into his phone, “Do. You. Know. Sign. Language. ”
The biker perks up, surprised by his form of communication but doesn’t make a show of it. “Yes, I do.”
Bee tucks his phone into his pocket and steps aside, giving Arcee the permission to enter his home before he rushes to the kitchen to eat his unmade breakfast. Arcee nodded in appreciation and walked in, shuffling her feet onto the black floor mat before taking off her boots. She looks around, in awe of where his old crewmate has been staying for the past year. It’s surprisingly big for a teenager living alone and not to mention so close to the beach.
“A nice place you got here,” Arcee compliments, earning a humble buzz as Bee pours out his breakfast, briskly walking back and forth from his bowl and the fridge, “How’d you get it?”
“Host family.” Ben signed after putting away his milk, “Currently on vacation.”
As far as Bee remembers, the raceway in New York has always been his family. He was homeschooled in the pits and learned to drive before he could hit puberty. His origins are a complete mystery and for a while, he didn’t mind until he left. It was at that moment that Bee realized that he had no one. No one on the team was biologically related to him and there are no records of his birth. Bee might as well be non-existent.
The O’Briens are nice. Their son Dylan warmed up to him very quickly and his parents treated him like any other decent person would, even indulging in his odd taste for 80’s pop culture and music. Staying with them was a great idea but Ben knows he’ll never be part of their family and that’s okay. He wasn’t even offended when the family didn’t bring him along to their pre-paid vacation. He’s only living with them and that’s a fact that Ben is willing to accept.
Seeing his true family again and standing under the same roof as someone he considered as an older sister is odd. Arcee looked different since he last saw her. Her hair is shaved and cut up to her chin, her outfit consists of way more leather and black, and her wedding ring is missing.
Did something happen to her and Cliffjumper? Hopefully they didn’t end on bad terms.
Arcee remains quiet, looking around the O’Brien’s house with curiosity. It has only been a year but Bee has changed a lot. Bee has definitely taken the time to relax and act like an actual teen. He looks a bit more round and chubby, especially around the face, but his muscles remained firm, emphasized by his tank top while not too obvious. The biker laughs to herself remembering how much a skinny stick Bee was. The headphones are a new addition and so is his attire. Arcee realized that he had never seen Bee in jeans before, always found running around without the restriction of the denim.
Bee grows annoyed at the silence and stops eating to knock on the table, grabbing Arcee’s attention. “What are you doing here?” He signs as milk and crumbs drip from the corners of his lips.
Arcee leans back on her seat and smiles warmly, “Is it bad for an old friend to visit?” She joked, walking towards the dinner table where Bee is sitting. Bee frowns, an annoyed buzz escaping his throat which annoyed him even further.
I hate it when it does that.
Her grin fades into concern, curious and worried about the lack of the upbeat voice she once remembered, “What happened to your voice?”
“None of your business.” Bee gulps down the last of his cereal and dumps his empty bowl into the sink. Bee walks in long strides, speeding his pace to get out of the house as quickly as possible but Arcee isn’t so keen to see her old friend leave so soon, not when she just got him back.
“Bee, can we just talk?” Arcee sighs, exasperated by her old friend’s stubbornness but there’s a hint of begging in her voice.
There’s no denying that the base hasn’t been the same since Bee disappeared. They all thought he died but Orion knew he wasn’t. The biker didn’t know how he knew or why her leader never pushed to find his surrogate son but Arcee isn’t the type to let go of someone close to her so quickly. Not after…
With a red and yellow plaid button-up in his hand, Bee pauses at the soft desperation. It hurts to hear but before he could open his mouth, any and all words that could comfort her, reassure his friend that he misses her just as much, die from his lips, even if he can talk. He doesn’t look at her and taps on the doorway in morse code, “I have to go to work.”
The pink-haired biker remained frozen in her seat as the door slammed shut.
The rest of the day went by like a blur filled with crowds on the boardwalk and bullies from his classes dumping lemonade or making his job not worth the $20 an hour. It’s almost pathetic. The blonde knows any and every way possible he could run star wrestler, Shelby “Shatter” Bassett, into the ground without breaking a sweat. Maybe a punch in the face or a scratch on her boyfriend’s (admittedly stunning) royal blue AMC Javelin could also get him to shut up.
But he’s not B-127 the Freedom Racer anymore.
He’s just Benjamin the Hot Dog on a Stick cashier.
After a thorough wash to get all the lemon pulp out of his hair, Bee made a pit stop at the junkyard. With his birthday coming up in a few hours, the young teen hoped that he could get the Beetle up and running. He grabs his red toolkit from the back of the motorized bike he rides on, voicelessly greets the owner and rushes into the piles of the cars in the lot, taking apart the pieces he wants. Grime and oil gets on his button-up and skin and the metallic stench of rust seeps into his nostrils but the blonde doesn’t mind, remembering the similar smell back in New York except missing the sound of race cars zooming in the background.
“Can’t catch me, Bee!”
“Fat chance!”
“Go faster, papa! Faster!”
“If you say so, little one!”
“Tell me where your friends are hiding!”
“I’ll never talk!”
“Is that right?”
Stop it!
“Then let’s make it official.”
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tennypress · 11 months
Gun x Goo x reader smut
I’ll write another one !
(No smut sorry, but I might make a nsfw part to it
Street racer AU
(Inspired by fast and furious)
WARNING: love triangle, gender neutral reader
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“Ooh, Mami, this a new 'Rari. Hit 150 on the dash, I bent the corner, then she bent it for me sideways, uh I might have to fuck her on the highway, yeah”
You just stepped out of your white and red 1992 Mitsubishi Galant VR 4 hugging your friend Zoe park after she ask you to drive in her place in a local street race. There you see three other cars. A yellow and black 1970 Dodge Challenger R/T and fuzzy dice hanging in the rear view mirror with a guy with blonde hair and sunglasses chilling outside chatting with others.
A green 1993 Toyota Supra Turbo with an older guy with a shaved head and wearing a tank top chilling outside while listening to music with his friends.
Then you see a car that caught your attention. It was a black 1999 Nissan Skyline GT-R R34 with a custom painted oni design on the side. You can see the owner on the side smoking a cigarette and just waved to you. Your intrigued.
But your car was amazing too. It was gifted to you by your father. It was white and red 1992 Mitsubishi Galant VR 4 with a custom paint with hello kitty in the side.
As you enter the race the other racers were snickering and making fun of your car. Saying how it looks girly and too old. However the owner of the nissan just glanced at your car before turning back to focus on the race.
You held onto your wheel as you see the flag girl raise her bandana? Or cloth and just waved it before stepping aside for you guys to race. Then you hear a speakerphone of someone you knew. Daniel park, signaling and counting down. 3, 2, 1, and go! You all step on the pedal
Your racing and your in 3rd place before you see the bridge pull up. The green car owner stopped before you see a flash of yellow also slow down. Now it’s between your Mitsubishi and the owner of the Nissan to finish this race.
Both of you speeding up you drove off the bridge and managed to land on the other side safely.
You both returned back safely and exited the car.
There you get out and a crowd comes rushing to the both of you. Including Zoe and Daniel. They just come up to you and congratulate you. Before you see the Nissan owner also coming up to shake your hand.
“That was impressive, no one has beaten me in a race before. I’m Gun. Gun park” he just greets you with a prideful smirk.
You just smile back and shaked his car before seeing the other racers come up. The green haired guy, or Taejin just comes out pissed and throws his steering wheel out on the ground while another man with tan skinned with glasses comes up to comfort Jin. While Zoe just holds onto you and Daniel looks at Gun with caution. You noticed that the two of them had tension.
“GOD DAMMIT” you see the Blonde glasses man come up with his car totaled and goes up to Gun and grabs his collar.
They were just arguing until you came up to the both of them. “Maybe I can fix your car? I own a auto shop near the city.” Goo just comes up and holds your hand into his and smiles while tears come out of his eyes and agreed. You all bid farewells and drove home. The next day you open your shop and see them both outside with their cars. You welcome them both in offering them drinks while you fix their cars.
Goo just took a coffee while Gun took a beer and you took in Goos car to fix.
Gun couldn’t stop staring at your ass. How it fitted the suit that was covered in dirt and oil. Or how your tank top perfectly outflanked your tits. And how you had that cute hat on your head.
Goo just stared at you with admiration while you fixed his car.
It took a while but you managed to repair the man’s car and took them to the register to tell them the price.
“Good thing most of the car was alright. But for the Windshield crack repair, window replacement, windshield replacement, bumper repair and replacement, scratch repair, frame damage repair, and engine replacement it’ll cost you around 3.4K. How does that sound?” You said ringing up the prices
Goo just nudges to Gun and he groans taking out his card and swiping it. You give the receipt and take out the vehicle out of your shop.
You wave goodbye as you see them leave. Closing up the shop you see a letter left on the counter. Curiosily you went to go pick it up and read it. You see tears swell up with happiness as you see the same love letter you wrote to a good friend of yours after he had left to Japan.
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slaymybreathaway · 5 months
◇Chapter One◇
Chapter List Masterlist
Word Count: 1k
Content Warning: physical violence (getting jumped)
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1965◇Grace and Sally's Style Salon
"Hey Sally! I'm gonna head home now, alright?" Grace called out. She propped the sweeping brush up against the wall before taking her navy cardigan off of the coat hook and put it on, not bothering to fasten any of the buttons.
"See you later, Gracie!" Sally called out from where she was washing a client's hair. Grace smiled at her friend's ever-present enthusiasm, before hanging the strap of her canvas handbag over her shoulder and walking out the door.
The pair had been best friends since freshman year of high-school and had decided to open a ladies' hair salon near the end of their senior year. They came up with the idea after realising that most of the salons in Tulsa were on the West side and were too expensive for the 'Greaser' women to go regularly.
Now, a year and a half after their graduation and two months since they opened 'Grace and Sally's Style Salon', the pair are finally starting to get regular customers. That is a relief because it has been a rough couple of months financially. Even to the point that both women had to take up second jobs working at the concession stand at the Drive-In in the evenings.
Gracie walked down the streets of Tulsa, she would usually drive but her car broke down a few weeks ago and she hasn't been able to afford the repairs. So now she had to walk to work.
As she passed by the picture house she saw a red Corvair parked on the side of the road she was walking on with the keys still in the ignition. She knew this meant trouble because the Socs would never park out in the open when they're in Greaser territory, let alone with the keys still in their car.
She was about to cross the road so that she wouldn't run into whoever owned the Corvair. But before got the chance to, she saw a group of Soc boys not far ahead of where the car was parked. They seemed to be circled around someone else on the ground. A boy with long reddish-brown hair.
It was only when Grace saw a familiar group of Greaser boys running towards the gang of Soc boys did she realise who it was on the ground. The Socs jumped up and tried to run at the sight of the gang, but the Greasers got a hold of them and started throwing punches.
Grace wanted to fight too, but figured it was best not to. Instead, she ran up to Ponyboy and dragged him to the side of the building, away from everything that was going on. "Hey, are you alright kid?" she asked, taking a packet of tissues out of her bag and wiping the blood from the cut on his throat.
All her life, Grace had lived next door to the Curtis family. Their mothers were best friends, so the Curtis brothers were like family to her. Since her parents died in the same auto-wreck that killed Mr and Mrs. Curtis, they have become closer than ever. It seemed like Grace was over at the Curtis house more than she was at her own these days.
Ponyboy didn't answer, he looked a bit disorientated at the speed of everything that was happening. Before long, the socs had disappered from sight and the gang had crowded around where he was sitting.
"Are you alright, Ponyboy?" Darry asked as he lifted his brother by his armpits and hauled him to feet, shaking him.
"Quit shakin' him Darry. He's probably dizzy enough already," Grace said pointed out, crossing her arms.
Grace had always been the closest with Darry Curtis, since they were the same age. They both acted like the parents of the gang, keeping the rest out of trouble when they needed it.
"Yeah, quit shaking me Darry. I'm okay," Ponyboy muttered, he still looked shocked but he was coming to his sences now.
Darry let go of him straight away. "I'm sorry," he said and Grace knew that meant it. He doesn't realise his own strength sometimes.
Ponyboy sat down again and started rubbing his cheek, it was definatley gonna be bruised in the morning. Darry jammed his fists in his pockets, a look of worry on his face. "They didn't hurt you too bad, did they?" He asked.
The kid looked up at his brother and nodded. "I'm okay," he repeated, but within a few seconds, Ponyboy had turned as white as sheet and his eyes filled with tears as he started to shake and cry.
Grace sat down beside Ponyboy on the sidewalk. "Easy Pony, they ain't gonna hurt you no more," she said in a hushed voice, trying to calm him down as she rubbed his arm.
The boy turned away and wiped his eyes, not wanting to seem weak. "I know," he breathed, shakily. "I'm just a little spooked, that's all,"
Sodapop stuck his hand out and rubbed the top of Ponyboy's head with a smile. "You're an okay kid, Ponyboy,"
Ponyboy returned his grin as he shook his head. "You're crazy Soda, outta your mind," This made Soda laugh and help him to his feet.
Darry crossed his arms. "You're both nuts," he muttered. Then he turned to Grace, held out his hand and pulled her up. "Thanks" the girl mumbled as she wiped the dirt from her tight-legged jeans.
Sodapop cocked an eyebrow amusedly. "It seems to run in the family," he smiled. Darry rolled his eyes with a chuckle as the gang started walking in the direction of the Curtis house.
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astrid19202 · 2 years
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Part two of Mechanic Luke by prompted request!
Today, Luke wanted to treat you to lunch instead. He knew your class schedule by heart at this point, so before he closed up shop he had set up a cute picnic date. 
Now typically, because he felt you deserved the best, would have reserved a table for a nice restaurant. 
However, knowing your kind heart and simplicity, he knew all you wanted was your usual ambience of engine oil, car parts and rolling tires as you sat on the edge of his desk and fed pieces of the sandwiches you made him.
So Luke backed up all the cars from the repair room, set up a table in the middle, with candles and a basket of all your favorite treats and food inside. A bottle of champagne sat in a pale blue bucket he found with your name on it he detailed himself from the paint he could gather from within the auto store. 
Now, in front of your college campus near the entry way he knew you’d be coming out of, Luke sat at the edge of his car with a lighter between his fingers flicking the flame on and off.
He use to smoke before he met you, but that changed quickly when he learned smoking wasn’t exactly your favorite thing in the world despite how hot he looked while the puffs of smoke fell from his lips. And all he wanted was to be the very best for you. So he ditched the pack and any lingering buds he had lying around the very next day. All that remained was the lighter, though instead he planned to use it not for smoking, but to light the candles of the date he had planned for just the two of you. 
Black trousers wrapped around his legs, his usual beat up converse adoring his feet as he kicked them back and forth like a little boy as he waited for you. His top half was covered in a sheer red button on he left open, a white tank top covering his chest but the red shirt showcasing he tone biceps and long arms perfectly. His silver rings wrapped around his fingers as he ran a hand through his blonde curls, slightly nervous that you wouldn’t like the surprise he had set up. Though deep down, he knew you would, he just couldn’t help the butterflies that flapped in his stomach at the thought of you. 
“C’mon Kyle knock it out please” He heard your soft voice let out making him look up quickly. 
There you were down the pathway, pretty as ever wearing a soft sage green blouse that fell over your shoulders and arms delicately. The neckline dipped down slightly, your breasts peaking just slightly but barely unless someone stared long enough. A black skirt hugged your hips and thighs, sheer leggings tight around your legs underneath as you walked since the day had been breezy and you didn’t want to shiver too much. 
Your hair splayed out over your shoulders, tucking some strands behind your ear a few times nervously.
While Luke would have focused on your beauty longer, he couldn’t as he saw a small groups of guys surrounding your figure trying to catch up to your speed. Though one in particular, he assumed was Kyle by the way he stayed attached to your hip, made his blood boil.
You hadn’t made notice of Luke’s presence yet, not until you felt Kyle pinch your ass from behind. A gasp left your lips and before you could raise your hand to smack him in the face, Luke got to him first. 
Gripping Kyle’s wrist that had touched you, he twisted it behind his back and forced him into a nearby wall. Pulling harshly Luke made his  arm wrench back into the wrong position as Kyle groaned in pain. 
“What the fuck?” He gasped out, twisted his neck up to see Luke with a furious look on his face.
“Yea what the fuck is right asshole, what do you think your doing touching my girl huh?” 
Clutching your books to your chest you watched as Luke held Kyle against the wall, bending his arm and dominating over him with his large stature.
Usually the Luke you knew was sweet and attentive, but to the rest of the world he was harsh and cruel. 
Now seeing him, protective and angry as the veins in his neck pulsated and his strength shined over him in a hue of darkness, it turned you on admittedly so. 
But right now you had to focus at the actions at hand.
“L-Luke it’s okay let’s go” You tried pulling him off Kyle. But he waved you off, especially when Kyle laughed a sick tone towards him and said.
“Yea go on, listen to her. It’s not my fault she has a sweet ass” 
That was the last straw before Luke turned Kyle around and punched him right in the face, blood immediately rolling out his nose as he held it in pain. 
Before Luke could respond, Kyle punched him back in the jaw and that only fueled the fire. Luke shoved Kyle onto the ground harshly and punched him repeatedly until his knuckles were covered in the same matching red color of his own shirt. 
Finally after what felt like an eternity, Luke pulled away from Kyle.
“Fucking piece of shit, if I ever see or find out you bothered her again. It’s gonna be a lot worse” 
Luke kicked at the dirt on the ground with his right converse, aiming it towards Kyles face as he let out gasps of pain while clutching his stomach on the floor.
Your lips were still parted in shock as Luke’s busted hand guided you towards his car and into the passenger seat. He buckled you in, making sure your seat belt was secure before speeding off.
Rolling into the auto shops garage, Luke clicked the buzzer for the doors to close behind as he shut the engine off.
The air was quiet as his keys dangled in the ignition, making small waves of clanking sliver slap together creating the only sound between you both. 
Luke sighed and took a nearby rag, wiping off the remains of Kyles blood on his hand.
“I-I’m sorry sweetheart, I didn’t wanna do that in front of you but I couldn’t just let that guy touch you like that. I had this whole thing planned for us and I completely ruined it-“ 
Taking Luke’s face in your hands, you leaned up and kissed him making him gasp against your mouth.
Moving a hand down, you unbuckled your seat belt and climbed into his lap, then putting it back on his jaw quickly as your soft lips worked against his own. 
Dropping the bloody rag, he cupped your neck in his hand and his other on your waist to steady you while kissing back just as hard. 
Luke didn’t understand, not that he was complaining. But he thought you’d be upset, disappointed even. 
But instead, there he was in the driver seat of his car as his sweet girl kissed him with everything she had and grinding in his lap like an animal hungry for more. 
“Baby” He groaned, feeling your center brush over his aching cock through the material of your panties underneath your skirt. 
Though instead of stopping, he only felt you press into him more as your fingers dipped into his hair and pulled.
“F-fuck wait” His head tilted back as you pulled away against his mouth, whining as your fingers started clawing down his chest and trying to lift up his tank top. But he caught your wrist in his hands stopping you.
“Honey as much as I love this and believe me I do” His hands brushed your hair out of your face, seeing your eyes dilated and heavy as you looked at him. 
“What’s gotten into you, I-I thought you’d be mad?” He questioned. 
Instead of getting a response right away, Luke watched as your hand moved towards the handle on the side his seat and pulled, making it recoil back a bit to give you room as you moved down his lap onto your knees in front of him. 
Your hands aimed at his belt, tugging it off as you unbuttoned his pants and worked them off. The lotus flower tattoo he got in dedication of you on his thigh now exposed as you finished slipping the black material down his calves.
“Lu, I should be upset though truthfully I-I’m not” You finally spoke out, a blush taking over your cheeks as you looked up at him. The innocent look on your face made him harder as you continued to explain.
“Watching you all worked up, protecting me. It made me beyond wet. Made me want you so bad” 
His chest felt heavy as he took in your words, his hands clenched into fists and watching you with hooded eyes. 
Now your fingers were pulling down his boxers, freeing his hard and flush cock to you as it slapped against his stomach lightly before you gripped him.
“Jesus baby” Luke’s head tilted back into the seat, spreading his thighs a bit more eagerly at your words and feeling you begin to pump the large shaft in your soft hand. 
Pre cum gathered at the tip as his hands now spread out on the dash behind your head while he held on as you jerked him off. 
Before he could say anything else to you, he felt your tongue suck at the tip of his cock, not taking all of him yet. Just teasing the head as your tongue slipped against the slit making his hips stutter up. 
Grasping his thighs in your hands, you dipped your head down as you breathed though your nose and took all of him at once. 
“Fuck, fuck” He whimpered feeling his dick sink into your throat, his back arching forward as your nails scraped against his thighs and dug into the flower tattoo. 
“God sweetheart feels so good” He groaned, now taking his own hand into your hair as you sucked him off feverishly and helped guide your head up and down on him.
His eyes lidded as he watched his dick slip past your lips easily, sucking on him harder. 
“Such a good cocksucker for me baby just like that” 
Your thighs clenched together, the wetness in your underwear gathering quicker at his praise.
Small breathy grunts left his mouth as his head lulled back again, his other hand now gripping at the wheel above you as his bloody knuckles gripped at the steering.
One of your own hands had begun massaging his balls, only adding to the intense pleasure as he felt you work him. 
Your tongue lapped at him more, continuing to shove his cock in and out of your mouth as you fondled him encouragingly.
“Y/N…I’m gonna cum” He shuttered underneath his breathe as he began watching you again. 
Though that was almost a mistake as he took in the sight of you looking right back at him as your sinful mouth only sucked harder than before.
It was sudden when he came, his back arching again as he gripped your hair in his fist while thick ropes of his cum filled your mouth heavenly. 
He stomached clenched as he moaned when you didn’t stop sucking and swallowing his load. 
Such a good girl he thought. 
His body felt weightless and his mind hazy as you climbed into his lap again, not giving him the chance to recover from his orgasm as you began pressing kisses along the column of his throat and sucking at the pulse point beneath his jaw. 
Now coming back down to earth, Luke’s hands began moving up your thighs as you grinded  into his exposed cock making him hard again. 
He fingers dipped into the sides of your sheer tights and pushed them off. Then to the sides of your skirt as it pooled underneath your ass. He ripped off your panties just as fast.
“Luke those were new” You pouted, looking at the torn material between his fingers. 
“It’s okay” He kissed at your nose, smiling as it crinkled, “I’ll buy you new ones”.
Satisfied with his response, you pushed at the hem of his white tank top, showing the perfect tone of his belly as you began grinding over his cock again, now skin to skin with him as your hands stabled themselves onto his stomach.
The wetness of your pussy glazed over his cock as you moved, making both of you moan simultaneously at the feeling of each other. 
Luke hands grabbed handfuls of your ass, spanking down on the skin as he leaned back comfortably into the drivers seat watching you whimper as you shifted on top of him.
The sting leaving you wanting more, you whined out in a breathy pant, “Again”. 
The large globes of your ass bounced lightly against him as he watched you grip his cock in your hand again and pumped him lightly. 
Grunting at this feeling of your hand and hearing the eager request, Luke spanked at your ass again repeatedly, harder each time until your cheeks were various shades of reds and pinks. 
“God damn baby, your acting like such a hunger slut for me. You want my cock in your pussy huh?” He taunted.
“Mhmm please” You cried, looking down at him  as you sat on his thighs and kept pumping his cock, waiting for the okay to sink down on him and relieve the ache between your legs. 
Taking the hem of your blouse now, Luke’s hands spread over your stomach as he lifted it. 
The coolness of his rings made you shiver as they brushed your nipples and the silver studs while he lifted the top over your head and throwing it to the passenger side along with your ripped panties. 
His large hands grabbed at your breasts, groping them in his palms as he leaned his head up and let his tongue tease your right nipple. Flicking the small bud with his tongue before he enveloped it in his mouth, and sucked at the flesh and silver making your head tilt back and grip the hair at the base of his neck. 
“Gonna ride me sweetheart?” He mumbled into the perky mound, letting the weight of it settle into his hands as he played with each of your nipples. 
Moving to the left one his straight white teeth tugged at the silver stud, his eyes darkening a deep blue as he sucked at the underside of your tit creating small purple marks. A reminder of what he was doing to you and how you were all his.
Removing a hand from your breast he gripped your ass again, tightening his grip on the skin as you nodded against him. 
“Yea?” He smirked up at you, watching as your lips parted from his words. “Gonna work my cock real good inside you baby huh? Do it” He taunted lowly. 
Before Luke could continue on, he felt you sink down on him, his cock shoving into you slowly as your warm wetness wrapped him inside you like a puzzle piece. 
He pulsed inside you, his cock aching even more than before as you settled onto his lap better and dug your knees into the sides of his car seat and layed your hands on his shoulders for leverage. 
“That’s it, fuck. Starting moving Y/N. Ride my cock like a good girl” He breathed as he settled his back into the seat for the final time, more than ready to watch you do it. 
Wiggling your hips against him, you began lifting your hips up and down as he held onto your waist now letting you take the control you both needed.
Your thighs shook as his tip grazed your sweet spot. Biting your bottom lip and eager to feel him hit it you started bouncing up and down riding him as you gripped at his broad shoulders. 
“So thick!” You whimpered out followed by your pussy tightening around his shaft as you kept going; loving how much he stretched you. 
Groaning under his breath, Luke drinking you in as he watched while you took him deep inside you, eagerly bouncing on his dick like a women on a mission. 
“Fuck my cock angel” He growled titling his head back again slightly. 
His eyes kept a good angle, his fingers now brushing the sides of your breasts as they bounced near his hands begging to be grabbed. 
He took handfuls of your tits again, your back arching as your ass slapped against his lap while you went up and down. 
“M-Mhm” You breathed out, the car now rocking at the movements going on inside of it making his cock twitch.
It was so hot, his sweet girl just giving it to him like this. He loved every second and didn’t want it to end. 
“Such a tight pussy” He mumbled, grazing his hand down your stomach as he began rubbing at your clit, livening your movements even more as you said his name.
“L-Luke oh god” Your head tilted to the side, your hair swaying lightly over your shoulder and down your back. The windows fogged up and your hand pressed into the window, leaving a small hand print.
“Yea that’s it, say my name louder baby” He fisted your hair, tugging so your head moved back more. 
Your ass arched out, breasts in his face as you roughly bounced on him.
“Luke, Luke!” 
He spanked at your ass, the redness on your cheeks brighten up again as his rings left marks into the tingling color and kept rubbing harsher at your clit beneath his thumb. 
If you fucked him like this much longer he was going to cum fast. 
Your orgasm was approaching quicker than you realized as you felt his cock move in and out of you so well. 
Feeling his balls tighten, his cock wet inside of you as the heat in the air became thicker Luke hissed out, “Christ your gonna make me cum”. 
Aiming at your collarbones, Luke left marks there too as his hands crept up your back, dragging small lines at the bottom of your spine as you rose and fell in his lap. 
Your fingers dug into the headrest behind him as you felt his head dip down again and capture a nipple in his mouth, sucking as you quickened your pace. 
Before you could collapse into his chest, Luke gripped at your waist and pushed his converse down into peddles of the car, pounding his cock up into you unexpectedly. 
“I-u-uh uh Luke” You whimpered, your head hanging as your hair made a curtain around your face while felt his cock kept fucking into you.
He grunted, determined to make you fall apart. 
He felt your pussy throbbing around his cock causing his release to gather at the base of his spine, spurring him to fuck you faster as his hips piston up into your heat just as eager.
He hugged your body close to him, fingers clawing at your ass as you worked with him, riding his cock again as he gave it to you back twice as hard while both your orgasms inched closer. 
“Fuck, Y/N, fuck fuck fuck” He muttered into your ear, “Your ride me so good honey”. 
“You feel so good Lu, please I want it, want it so bad” You sobbed out, teetering at the edge. 
“Yea I know you do baby, look at you. Working my cock like a proper whore, I’m so lucky” He coaxed, letting out bigger moans himself and not caring how loud it sounded. It was so sexy.
Your throat felt raw, only small puffs of air leaving your mouth as you fucked yourself up and down on him, his tip hitting your spot each time harshly as you angled your hips to keep it that way as best you could. 
But it was so difficult with the over powering pleasure you felt as he kept rubbing at your clit and his dick shoving into you repeatedly.
He noticed quickly and grabbed at your hips to keep you in place as he raised his right knee. 
His leg stabled itself on the car floor as he took all the control this time, letting the other spread out as he fucked into you from underneath.
His hands kept wandering all over your body.
“Fucking hell” 
“Oh fuck Y/N”
His pinks lips parted as he said your name making you wetter. Your ears consumed by his guttural moans.
“God, sweetheart yea that’s it” 
“L-Luke cum inside me I need it” You begged, his pelvis aiming right into yours as he gripped your jaw.
Looking up at you, his mouth kissed at your breasts as he gripped your throat, watching as you fell into him.
Your body shaking as he fucked you, making you move up and down from the force of his thrust he groaned. Why’d you have to look so good? It made him utterly weak.
Lapping your right nipple with his tongue as your body shook on top of him, he gathered your ass in his hands and made sharp primal thrusts.
“Your pussy’s all mine right?” He muttered.
“Yes, it’s all yours”
His cock aimed at your sensitive spot making you clench around him, he whimpered as you did completely out of it himself by this point and not believing how amazing you felt. It was unreal.
Cum loaded deep inside you as his chin sat on your shoulder, the stubble of his jaw tickling your skin as he rutted his pelvis up, fucking his cum up into you as he came and whines left it own mouth.
You never heard him whine and whimper before, not like this and it triggered your own sensitivity.
Your own head fell and laid on his shoulder too as you came, moaning out almost just as loudly as him. 
Your hands kept holding onto the fabric of his sheer red shirt that hung off him now while your clit grazed back and forth on him and his cock kept plummeting up at your pussy desperately while you both finished. 
Luke sprawled out the back seat of his car, you on top of his chest as his long legs dangled out 
the open car door to let the smell of sex out. 
Laying his head against the window, he looked down at you fondly as he massaged your head with his fingers, dragging through your hair carefully as a lazy and satisfied smiled played across your lips. 
Your own fingers traced at the lotus on his thigh, the marks of your nails still crescent on his skin and his own art painted and lined over your body as well.
“You okay?” He smirked, as you lifted your head tiredly and looked up at him.
“Mhm” You smiled, leaning up to place a small kiss at his lips that he returned eagerly, sucking on your bottom lip. But you pulled away before round two could start much to his dismay, you still had a question for him.
“Lu?” You let out as he sighed, his hands falling at your sides and stroking your hips up and down in his palms.
“Yea baby?” He focused in on your face, trying to ignore his semi hard dick again beginning to grow as your naked body laid on top of him. 
“What’s that table over there?” You said curiously, poring a finger at the surprised date he compete forgot about. 
“Oh” He blushed, now a little embarrassed by the failed date night he planned.
“It was uhm—a dinner I made for us here. I wanted to surprise you but” He confessed as he waved his busted hand around the air playfully, “That asshole ruined it”.
If the smile wasn’t big on your face before, it surely was now as you took his jaw in your hands. The reminder of how sweet Luke could be too wandering back into your mind and making your heart…and pussy….flutter at the same time. 
“I love you” 
Luke’s eyes brightened at your words, “I love you so much” He said back cupping your face in his own hands. 
But before he could kiss you, you moved off him slightly and closed the car door again  making him pull his legs in.
“What are you doing?” 
But all you did was take his tank top in your hands and pull him against you as you laid back into the seats and kissed him, making him hover over you.
The windows began fogging up, Luke’s car rocking on its wheels again as loud noises left Hemmings auto shop; giving a pretty good idea of what was happening if anyone were to walk in.
Well there was round two. 
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Toontown Corporate Clash Recap: Toontown Central Tour
Welcome to Toontown Central! This Neighborhood serves as Toontown’s capital.
Aside from the Gag Shop (Staffed by Clerk Clark the blue dog and Clerk Clara the red rabbit), Trolley, Toon HQ, Pet Shop (staffed by Poppy the orange rabbit, Pappy the blue horse, Peppy the red mouse), and Clothing Store (staffed by Tammy the rabbit with a tan head, green arms, and sienna legs) housed in every Playground, Toontown Central Playground also has Toontown Schoolhouse (staffed by Professor Pete), Toontown Library (staffed by Librarian Larry, a maroon cat), Toontown Bank (staffed by Banker Bob, a maroon horse in glasses), and Toon Hall (I’ve already introduced you to the 3 Toons who work here).
Next to Toontown Schoolhouse is a doorway to the basement, which is connected to a set of gear sigils. If you approach the sigils, you’ll receive a message that your Toon can hear Cog noises coming from below the building, and thus decides not to go down there.
Toontown Central Playground is also home to the Restoration Station, a stand staffed by Paletti Swatch. Paletti Swatch sells Toons Redraws and Renames. A Redraw lets you redesign your Toon, up to and including their species. The first redraw is free, but any later ones will cost 10,000 Jellybeans. Additionally, there’s a 7 day cool down between redraws. Renames let you change your Toon’s name. Again, first one is free, but there’s ALSO a 10,000 Jellybean fee to later renames, and you also have to wait 30 days before you can get a second one.
You might’ve noticed that I didn’t mention Paletti’s species or color. That’s because Paletti Swatch’s design is randomly generated every time you load into Toontown Central playground, AND their appearance is Client Side. The only consistent element of their appearance is that they always wear a tie-dyed shirt with either rainbow shorts or a rainbow skirt.
Aside from Paletti, you can also find Freddy by the gazebo in the center of the Playground, itself near the fishing pond. Freddy is a light blue rabbit, and also the Playground’s local fisherman. Just talk to him to sell your fish for Jellybeans. On the edges of the playground, you can find 3 more NPC’s just out in the open:
Bay T. Tester: A black cat in red clothes and green glasses, he gives out a limited-event Sidetask that is exclusive to the game’s beta.
Travis the Trash Cat: An orange cat who lives in a trashcan, an NPC designed after the orange cat in the game’s delete button.
Tumbles: A black kiwi and “tacky tourist” who’s part of an ongoing sideplot. You can find him by Toon Hall.
Toontown Central Playground has four tunnels that each lead to different streets.
All four streets have a Gag N’ Go halfway through.
Gag N’ Gos are special Gag Trucks staffed by Reid Stock, a light green koala. all of her Gags are home grown, so they’re twice as expensive as the Gags in the Gag Shop. The “Buy one, Get one Free!” sign in front of the Gag ‘N Go is referring to how if YOU buy one Gag, Reid will get one free. She might be doing this out of the goodness of her heart, but she also has to support her elderly parents and is breaking her back to grow these gags.
Aside from that, the streets have the following buildings:
Loopy Lane:
Seltzer Bottles and Cans (run by a blue dog named Sid Seltzer)
Vanishing Cream (run by an invisible duck known as Nona Seeya)
Used Firecrackers (run by a blue horse named Smokey Joe)
The Meatball Shoppe (run by a turquoise horse named Papa Stahl)
An Unnamed Shop Designated by a Shirt with a Hole Burned Through it (run by a blue racoon named Sam Stain)
Visible Ink (run by a green rabbit named Inky Ivon)
The Kaboomery (run by a yellow mouse with pyromania by the name of Shorty Fuse)
Sidesplitter’s Mending (run by a green pig named Sasha Sidesplitter)
Crack Up Auto Repair (run by a citrine cat named Lucy Tires)
Suction Cups and Saucers (run by a cream koala named Clovinia Cling)
Jest for Laughs (run by a yellow rabbit named Jester Chester)
Soup and Crack Ups (run by a red cat named Sally Spittake)
Bottled Cans (run by a blue cat named Weird Warren)
Cast-Iron Kites (run by a red rabbit named Rick rockhead).
Kooky Cineplex (which has no shopkeeper)
Laughter Hours Café (run by a citrine horse named Tee Hee)
Chortle Café (run by a periwinkle horse named Charlie Chortle)
Toontown Post Office (run by a green dog named Postmaster Pete)
Blue Glue Direct 2 You (run by an unlucky maroon mouse named Sticky Lou)
Spaghetti and Goofballs (run by a yellow rabbit known as Chef Knucklehead)
Wiseacre’s Noisemakers (run by a citrine mouse by the name of Will Wiseacre)
Movie Multiplex (no shopkeeper)
14 Karat Goldfish (run by a maroon duck known as Sharky Jones)
News for the Amused (run by an aqua pig by the name of Paige Arthur)
Punchline Place:
Sofa Whoopee Cushions (run by a coral duck by the name of Nancy Gas)
Inflatable Wrecking Balls (run by a purple rabbit known as Big Bruce)
The Karnival Kid (vacant)
Dr. Pulyurleg, Chiropractor (Dr. Pulyurleg is a yellow cat)
Toontown Mess Hall (run by a yellow rabbit named Chef E.Z. Bake)
Barely Palatable Pasta (run by a pink bat named Crunchy Alfredo)
Hardy Harr Seminars (run by a pink mouse named Dr. Sensitive)
The Punch Line Gym (run by a tan mouse named Franz Neckvein)
Toontown Theater (empty)
Funny Bone Emergency Room (run by a lavender cat named Nurse Nancy)
Phony Baloney (run by a slate blue dog named Tony Maroni)
Zippy’s Zingers (Zippy is a sea green dog)
The Flying Pie (run by a tan horse named Ned Slinger)
Professor Wiggle’s House of Giggles (Professor Wiggle is a red cat)
Rubber Chicken Sandwiches (run by a slate blue cat named Chewy Morsel)
Punchline Movie Palace (vacant)
Sundae Funnies Ice Cream (run by a green cat named Cindy Sprinkles)
Silly Street:
Impractical Jokes (run by a slate blue dog named T.P. Rolle)
All Smiles Tooth Repair (run by a green koala named Dentist Daniel)
Hogwash and Dry (run by a lime kangaroo named Sir Babbles a Lot)
One-Liner Miners (run by a tan cat named Canary Coalmine)
Toontown Sign Factory (run by a sea green dog named Bill Board)
Jumping Beans (run by a beige turkey named Dancing Diego)
All Fun and Games Shop (run by a citrine dog named Lazy Hal)
Tickle Machines (run by a citrine rabbit named Feather Duster)
Dr. Tom Foolery (run by a royal book duck named Dr. Foolery)
Toontown Cinerama (empty)
Dr. I.M. Euphoric (run by a blue horse named Dr. Euphoric)
The Merry Mimes (run by a red beaver named Silent Simone, who never speaks)
Weird Beard’s Disguise Shop (run by a cat with a brown head, orange body, and coral legs by the name of Sneezy Kitty)
Silly Stunts (run by a sea green duck known as Rollo the Amazing)
All That Razz (run by a brown duck named Roz Berry)
Soup Forks (run by a pink duck known as Dan Dribbles)
Paper Airplanes (run by a purple rabbit named Patty Papercut)
Laughing Gas Station (run by a blue cat known as Sal Snicker)
Mary’s Go Around Travel Company (Mary is a red horse)
Happy Hooligans Pub (run by a lime rabbit named Bruiser McDougal)
House of Bad Pies (run by a brown rabbit named Ma Putrid): Its sign also has the slogan “SORRY, WE’RE OPEN” written on it.
Jesse’s Joke Repair (run by a royal blue mouse named Jesse Jester)
Daffy Taffy (run by a maroon duck named Daffy Don)
The Happy Times (run by a cream cat named Happy Heikyung)
The Laughin’ Place (run by a lime horse named Honey Haha)
Clown Class (run by a sienna horse named Professor Binky)
Laughing Lessons (run by a maroon dog named Professor Guffaw)
Funny Money Savings and Loan (run by a periwinkle duck named Woody Nickel)
Used Clown Cars (run by a citrine duck named Loony Louis)
Tee-Hee Tea Shop (run by a slate blue cat named Madame Chuckle)
Frank’s Pranks (run by a maroon rabbit named Frank Furter)
Toontown Playhouse (vacant)
Monkey Tricks (run by a lime monkey named Harry Ape)
Joy Buzzers to the World (run by a periwinkle rabbit named Joy Buzzer)
Muldoon’s Maroon Balloons (Muldoon is a red dog)
Canned Bottles (run by a maroon cat named Spamonia Biggles)
Wacky Way:
Wacky Way Wonderworld (run by a yellow rabbit named Wacky Wally)
Gagsoline Oil Refineries (locked tight, you can’t currently enter)
Toon Mobile (run by a sienna cat named Louise Connection)
Slip and Slide (run by a sienna dog named Rancid Robert)
Wacky Way-ving Inflatable Arm Flailing Tube Man (run by a cream rabbit named Al Hare-ington)
A Gaggle of Gags (run by a slate blue duck named Good Ol’ Honkin’ Sally)
Pies are Squared (run by a periwinkle cat named P.I. Multiply)
Dogs of Wisdom Bookstore (run by a blue dog named Bookworm Bork)
The Circuit Breaker (run by a yellow monkey named Professor Proton)
Recessed Is In Session (run by a black bear named B.R. Bea)
Lying Birthday Cakes (run by a lime rabbit named Chef Foolery)
Topsy Turvey Tailors (run by a pink mouse named R.E. Versed)
The Laughing Fit (run by a yellow kiwi named Louis Laffon)
The Mehvie Theater (vacant)
Green Eggs and Spam (run by a green pig named Spam Iam)
The Building Beside Me is Lying to you (run by an orange monkey named Pants on Fire)
No, the Building Beside Me is Telling the Truth (run by a slate blue monkey named Liar Liar)
The exclusive fish species in this neighborhood are as follows:
Weather Balloon Fish (Punchline Place)
Water Balloon Fish (Silly Street)
Red Balloon Fish (any Toontown Central Pond)
Circus Clown Fish (any Toontown Central Pond)
Toontown Central has two special nameplates. There’s a statue of a mouse riding a nonsapient horse (this is the Goofy and Pluto problem all over again), and if you use the “Yeehaw” speedchat phrase next to it, you’ll get Toontown Central’s first nameplate. In Toon Hall, there’s a banana peel on a pedestal. Click on it, you get a banana-themed nameplate.
Okay, I hope this was more manageable, and next time, we’re going over the Cogs.
The wordplay on the names is fucking fantastic 10/10.
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reddotpost · 1 year
Red Dot Post
Red Dot Post
Read everything about health, education, political, travel, funny, near me, repair, services, lawyers, attorney, auto, games, business, legal and more
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gengrasfordh · 2 months
Gengras Ford
We are honored to have you here today, Gengras Ford.
If you're looking to buy a new or used Ford, stop by Gengras Ford. My life's work will be done when my charm has the capacity to enthrall you. The dealership has an extensive inventory of both new and used Ford cars in addition to a range of financing choices.
Ford dealers near me
Please feel free to visit our shop car dealership near me if you ever need a product that can be customized to meet your unique needs. You made a very wise decision by reaching out to people who were considering buying used cars. A lot of people will be thinking about the new Fords soon. Before making any kind of deposit on a car, purchasers ought to evaluate their financial situation. When we've resolved this, we'll go back to how we did things before. Gengras Ford offers comprehensive answers. Fords are currently available in a large variety. Reliable, affordable, and easily accessible cars are typically in high demand among the people living in the Connecticut region. You will receive the most comprehensive answers to all of your questions, about the car or anything else, if you visit the dealership in person. If you have an intense interest in automobiles, our database may be helpful to you. It is our duty as your advisors to give you all the information you require in order to make an informed choice. We'll do everything in our power to make your stay something to remember. Look through the selection and take a test drive in the vehicle that catches your attention. We will take care of this as soon as your trip is over.
With Gengras Ford, obtaining a vehicle loan is simple. Sales of automobiles are a major factor in Gengras Ford's financial performance.
Getting a car loan might require a detour. Giving accurate information about one's earnings and expenses is necessary to get a car loan. We have received all the necessary paperwork to determine your loan eligibility. We offer round-the-clock assistance to our team of certified financial experts if you have any questions or concerns when applying for a loan or lease. Because of the positive effects on health, this goal is doable. For your convenience, a list of all the funding options that are available has been provided. The advantages and disadvantages of each option are listed so that you can make an informed decision. Our group has concluded that obtaining a car loan shouldn't be too difficult. We think this is exactly right. On the other hand, we believe that everyone should have access to reasonably priced cars. We're all in agreement that this is accurate. You can have your dream car if you're willing to work for it. If you browse the inventory online, you might find more vehicles that fit your needs. For additional information about the financial services we provide, please don't hesitate to get in touch with us as soon as possible. car dealership Plainville, CT I'm sure we can overcome any challenge as a team if you continue to support us. We're not stopping until we get you back to your car.
If you take it to the best repair shop in Plainville, they fix it overnight, so you might be able to get it back on the road the following day.
Car dealership plainville ct
A popular spot for drivers from Connecticut who get stuck at a red light is Gengras Ford. We are overjoyed to have this wonderful opportunity. Regardless of whether this is your first purchase, it's critical to keep you updated at every turn. In addition to carefully screening applicants, we devote our entire attention to each client. Please give us a call if you require assistance with auto repairs at any point. We sincerely appreciate the chance to have been of service to you. We are appreciative of your confidence in our ability to meet your needs. We are sincerely grateful to you. Before you get in and take off, we'll make sure your restored car is flawless and precisely how you remember it. You can be sure that we will take care of everything you need and more. Make an appointment here to have professionals inspect your car. We have everything we need to complete the task. To increase the lifespan of your car, it is advised that you follow the maintenance schedule supplied by the manufacturer. Remember this; it is very important. It will also enable you to save money, which is another significant benefit of using it. We also take pride in providing genuine, factory-made parts and accessories. After using this product, the luster of Ford F-150s, Escapes, Explorers, Bronco Sport, and Rangers will last longer. This is because the main objective of the product is to improve the performance of your vehicle.
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automedsolutions · 2 months
The Art of Privacy: Window Tinting in Tyson’s Corner
Many car owners like to have their windows tinted for numerous reasons. These could include protection from the sun’s rays, privacy, and more. Various shops for auto cosmetics offer these kinds of services. You can achieve a privacy-centered car with a reliable expert that secures you from anything. Continue reading to learn more about window tinting in Tyson’s Corner.
Understanding Window Tinting
To begin, there are several perks to adding tints to your car’s windows. Tinted windows deter robbers, prevent people from peeking into your car, and overall bring an additional feeling of safety when you’re in the vehicle. This article aims to break down what window tinting could do for your safety in general.
The Benefits of Tinting Your Windows
Tinting your windows is one of the most ideal ways to build privacy in your car. Unlike cars with no tinted windows, it gives a better sense of security and privacy.
Enhancing Privacy
While tints may look appealing to passers by, it also limits the visibility of your vehicle’s interior. Since many individuals keep valuables in their cars, it should be important to make them safe. These additions prevent thieves from peaking into your car and knowing what’s inside. This, in turn, discourages them from stealing since unsubtly peaking into vehicles raises red flags in public spaces.
UV Protection
On top of being an auto cosmetics service, tints also improve UV protection against the sun’s harmful rays. Most brands claim their window tints block up to 99% of these beams. These additions protect the driver's and passengers’ skin and maintain the vehicle’s integrity so it doesn’t get ruined by these rays.
Energy Efficiency
Additionally, tinted windows promote energy efficiency by optimizing the car’s interior temperatures. In short, it minimizes heat transfer. In line with this, car owners require less air conditioning due to the tint’s role in decreasing the influences of outdoor weather.
Safety and Security
Another perk of installing a tint on your vehicle is that it increases the window’s durability. However, they do not make them impenetrable. With the use of a tint, it will make your windows scratch-resistant in the long run.
Maintenance and Care
Several tips are accessible to the general public on properly caring for their window tints to maintain them. A popular tip is to use foam cleansers when washing windows. These cleaning solutions usually don’t have chemicals that can potentially damage the tint and do not create streaks.
A second tip is to use foam cleansers and partner it with a soft cloth. These fabrics ensure that your tints are not scratched in the process. Additionally, using paper towels when cleaning is not advisable since the rough fibers may damage the tint.
Third, letting the film dry completely is paramount to avoid bubbles or other issues. Owners can let it air dry or use a rubber squeegee or a clean and dry microfiber cloth to speed up the process. Moreover, keeping an eye on the edges is essential to minimize lifting.
Trends for Window Tinting in Tyson’s Corner
Businesses are in the area, and cosmetic and reconditioning services are growing in popularity. That said, various providers offer different services to improve your vehicle’s appearance. Moreover, they offer innovative services for window tinting and other protection films.
Choosing the Right Window Tinting Service
As mentioned, many service providers in the area offer similar assistance. If you’re looking for “cosmetic auto repair near me,” it is essential to take note of the following considerations:
Reputation as local providers
Evaluating options by comparing offers, pricing, and customer reviews
Requesting consultations and asking for quotes on your needed product or service
So, why is it important to follow these points? Well, there are a lot of car enthusiasts out there who only want the best for their vehicles and who can provide the best products and services. To begin, cars are investment items that require significant money. It would be best to partner with reputable shops with positive reputations. Ideally, you should consult with trusted peers with the same passion for automobiles when seeking local auto shops.
In addition, reputable shops will advise automobile owners on properly caring for their new accessories. Numerous services for window tinting in Tyson’s Corner leave customers satisfied with their services and offer a warranty in case any problems arise within a given period. Among these providers is AutoMed Solutions, offering different auto cosmetic services.
Why Choose AutoMed Solutions for Window Tinting?
As a trusted service provider, we aim to change how our customers look at auto repair. Our team believes in transparency, friendly service, and speed. This idea shows that we are committed to helping them achieve their dream appearance for their vehicle.
One thing to look out for in a reputable auto body shop is its quotations. It’s good that our company offers free estimates upon request. So, if you’re looking for window tinting in Tyson’s Corner, consider us your top choice and visit our official website for more information.
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Do You Need a Brake Repair? Ask a Chevy Dealer
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Your Brake Light Is On
This one is a clear giveaway that something might be wrong. Your Chevy has lights on your dashboard for a reason, so when one starts illuminating, you need to pay attention. Even if you’re not feeling any vibration when you brake or other typical warning signs, you need to consider calling for a brake maintenance service.
The brake light is easy to identify as it is usually yellow or red and has an exclamation point in a circle. It may also have the text “brake” written underneath the symbol.
You Hear Unusual Noises
Unless you are a skilled mechanic, you likely will not be able to pinpoint a new sound and be able to identify exactly what the problem is. And that is okay! The most important thing is to acknowledge that you hear a strange sound, particularly when you brake, and you need to get it professionally checked out.
Typical sounds you might hear that point toward brake maintenance include grading or speaking noises when you apply the brakes. If you’re unsure of what you’re hearing, make sure to turn the radio or your music down for a bit to hear the unusual sound better.
Steering Wheel Vibrations
Even if you have your music blasting, you’ll be able to notice your steering wheel beginning to vibrate. If it isn’t vibrating, you might notice the wheel pulling to one side or the other when you apply the brake pedal. This type of steering wheel interface could be caused by problems regarding your brake calipers or pistons.
A Soft Brake Pedal
With how often you typically have to stop and go in your Chevy, there is a good chance you have a great feel for the brake pedal. Essentially, how soft or hard you have to push to give yourself an even braking experience. If you are in need of scheduled brake maintenance, you will notice that the brake pedal has gone soft.
A soft brake pedal feels like a sponge. This is definitely not the type of pedal response you would receive with high-functioning brakes. If you’re experiencing the soft brake pedal, it’s time to schedule an appointment.
If you’re experiencing any of the warning signs listed above, it is imperative that you schedule an appointment immediately. Brake problems are a severe safety concern and should be handled as quickly as possible. Thankfully, the brake experts at Lithia Chevrolet of Redding can help. Schedule an appointment with Lithia Chevrolet of Redding now to make sure your Chevy is completely safe driving.
Photo by Gustavo Fring: https://www.pexels.com/photo/man-checking-on-the-brakes-of-a-vehicle-6870319/
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pritchardautobody · 2 months
Transmission Adjustments & In-Car Repairs
Seven Oaks Transmissions is a full-service automotive transmission repair business that has been serving Winnipeg since 1980. Our Certified technicians are professionals and use the best automotive diagnostic equipment to troubleshoot and fix customers' car problems quickly and efficiently. This ensures our customers are repaired correctly the first time, saving them unnecessary auto repair costs down the road. Seven Oaks Transmissions values our reputation as being the best transmission and auto repair shop in Winnipeg, we offer only the highest quality automotive service & repair for each and every customers' vehicle. Please feel free to call us to book an appointment and get your vehicle back on the road.
Transmission Adjustments & In-Car Repairs
The technicians at Seven Oaks Transmissions understand that problems with your vehicle's transmission can often be resolved with adjustments or a minor repair. In fact, a simple adjustment can be done without even removing the transmission from the vehicle. When a late model transmission is failing to shift correctly, it can often be due to a faulty sensor receiving incorrect signals from the computer. Additionally shifting problems can arise when a transmission is not responding to the computer correctly due to a bad connection or a defective solenoid pack. These types of repairs can be fixed without having to remove the transmission from the vehicle saving you a considerable amount of money when compared to a complete overhaul.
In situations where a non-computer-controlled transmission is either shifting too early or too late, the throttle cable may need to be adjusted. Seldom will a throttle cable go out of adjustment on its own or because of wear and tear, but rather most wrong adjustments are a result in other repair work or due to damage from an accident. When a vacuum modulator is used in lieu of a throttle cable, an adjustment screw can be used to correct a transmission problem. When a vehicle uses a modulator instead of a throttle cable it is crucial that there be no vacuum leaks and the engine is performing at peak efficiency. The vacuum conditions of an engine are very sensitive and significantly impact the performance of an engine. Our technicians will quite often use a vacuum gauge when diagnosing a vehicle's performance problem and state of tune. Many of the problems a vehicle's transmission may present will disappear after a thorough tune-up or other engine performance related repairs are completed.
Transmissions in older model vehicles can experience what is called "slipping". Slipping is a condition that results in an engine racing briefly when shifting from one gear to another. Often times a transmission band adjustment is all that is required to correct slipping conditions.Call us to schedule an appointment for a road test
Reseal Job
Spotting of red oil on the ground underneath your vehicle is usually indicative of your transmission needing a reseal job. Reseal jobs are done in order to repair external transmission fluid leaks. Checking for leaks involves one of our technicians placing your vehicle on a rack to examine the transmission for signs of oil leaks. If while examining your vehicle our technician notices leaks near any of the external gaskets or seals and your transmission is otherwise performing well, our recommendation will usually the transmission be resealed. While most external seals can be replaced without needing to remove the transmission, a front seal replacement requires the removal of the transmission in order to gain access to it, resulting in a more expensive transmission repair.
Accessible Part Replacement
The transmission in your vehicle has numerous parts that are accessible without requiring the removal of your transmission, including the majority of the electrical parts that are serviced simply by removing the oil pan. Repairing a transmission's external parts may result in limited warranty coverage as it is not possible to see if there is any additional problems with the parts inside the transmission that are only accessible with the complete removal of the transmission.
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jerrylocksmiths · 5 months
Automotive Locksmith Near Me
Breaking It Down: A Step-by-Step Guide to Selecting the Best Locksmith
When you search for “Locksmith near me,” you are taking the first step towards ensuring the security of your home, business, or vehicle. However, with numerous options available, finding the best locksmith can be a daunting task. 
It's not just about finding the nearest one; it's about selecting a reliable and trustworthy professional who can handle your security needs efficiently. 
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In this guide, we'll break down the process step by step, helping you navigate the complexities and make an informed decision.
Step 1: Define Your Needs 
Before delving into the sea of Locksmith St. Louis services, it's crucial to identify your specific requirements. Are you locked out of your home or car? Do you need a lock replacement or repair? 
Are you looking for a locksmith for residential or commercial security needs? Clearly defining your needs will guide your search and help you narrow down locksmiths with expertise in the services you require.
Step 2: Research Local Options 
Once you know what you need, it's time to research local locksmith options. Utilize online platforms, read reviews, and seek recommendations from friends, family, or neighbors. 
Pay attention to customer testimonials and ratings to get insights into the experiences of others. A trustworthy locksmith will have a positive reputation and a history of providing reliable services.
Step 3: Check for a Comprehensive Range of Services 
A top-notch locksmith should offer a comprehensive range of services to cater to various needs. Whether you are looking for an automotive locksmith near me, need residential or commercial services, or require assistance with key replacements and duplicates, choose a locksmith with expertise across different areas. 
It ensures that you can rely on them for all your current and future security needs.
Step 4: Inquire About Experience 
Experience matters when it comes to locksmith services. Inquire about how long the locksmith has been in business and their expertise in handling different types of locks and security systems. An experienced locksmith is more likely to have encountered a variety of situations and can provide efficient solutions to your specific needs.
Step 5: Seek Transparency in Pricing 
Before finalizing your decision, it's crucial to discuss pricing with the locksmith. A reliable professional will provide transparent and upfront pricing without hidden fees. 
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Be wary of locksmiths who hesitate to provide a clear estimate or those who offer significantly lower prices than the market average – this could be a red flag.
Step 6: Check for 24/7 Availability 
Emergencies don't follow a schedule, so it's essential to choose a locksmith that offers 24/7 availability. 
Confirm their response time to emergencies and ensure they can assist you promptly whenever the need arises. Knowing you have a locksmith you can rely on at any hour adds an extra layer of security and peace of mind.
Selecting the best locksmith involves a thoughtful and systematic approach. By defining your needs, researching local options, verifying credentials, considering experience, seeking transparent pricing, and checking for 24/7 availability, you can confidently choose an Auto Locksmith Near Me who prioritizes your security. Don't rush the decision-making process – take the time to ensure that the locksmith you select is not only nearby but also the right fit for your specific requirements. Your peace of mind and the security of your property depend on it.
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oliviajames1122 · 4 months
Car Repairs Near Me: Navigating the Maze of Auto Services
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Car troubles can strike at the most inconvenient times, leaving us stressed and frustrated. Whether it's a strange noise, a warning light on the dashboard, or an unexpected breakdown, finding reliable car repairs becomes a priority. In this guide, we'll explore the intricate world of car repairs, from navigating the search for trustworthy services to understanding the benefits of DIY repairs.
In a world where our daily lives heavily rely on automobiles, the importance of reliable car repairs cannot be overstated. However, the challenge lies in finding trustworthy services that won't break the bank. Let's delve into the process of navigating the maze of car repairs near me to ensure your vehicle receives the care it deserves.
The Search for Trustworthy Car Repairs
Local vs. Chain Repair Shops
One of the first decisions you'll face is choosing between local repair shops and larger chain establishments. While chains may offer consistency, local shops often provide a personalized touch and a sense of community.
Online Reviews and Testimonials
In the digital age, online reviews play a crucial role in decision-making. Explore various platforms to gauge customer satisfaction and identify potential red flags.
Asking for Recommendations
Word of mouth remains a powerful tool. Don't hesitate to ask friends, family, and colleagues for recommendations based on their personal experiences.
Factors to Consider
Cost Estimation
Understanding cost estimates is vital. Get quotes from multiple repair shops, considering both the overall cost and any potential hidden fees.
Turnaround Time
Time is of the essence. Choose a repair service that can provide timely repairs without compromising quality.
Quality of Service
A balance between cost and quality is crucial. Ensure the repair shop has certified technicians and uses genuine parts.
DIY Car Repairs
Pros and Cons of Do-It-Yourself Repairs
For the hands-on enthusiasts, DIY car repairs can be satisfying. However, it's essential to weigh the pros and cons before attempting complex repairs.
Common DIY Car Repairs
From changing oil to replacing air filters, there are several DIY tasks that can save you money and enhance your understanding of your vehicle.
Importance of Timely Repairs
Preventing Further Damage
Ignoring minor issues can lead to major problems. Timely repairs can prevent further damage and extend the lifespan of your vehicle.
Ensuring Safety on the Road
Safety should always be a priority. Addressing issues promptly ensures you and your passengers remain safe on the road.
Signs Your Car Needs Immediate Attention
Strange Noises
Unusual sounds can be indicators of underlying issues. Learn to recognize different noises and their potential causes.
Warning Lights on the Dashboard
Understanding dashboard warning lights is crucial. Ignoring them could lead to severe consequences.
Unusual Smells
Strange odors can signal problems with the engine, brakes, or other critical components. Don't overlook peculiar smells.
Regular Maintenance vs. Emergency Repairs
Scheduled Maintenance Benefits
Regular maintenance is not only about addressing issues but also preventing them. Explore the benefits of scheduled maintenance.
Dealing with Unexpected Breakdowns
Even with proper maintenance, breakdowns can occur. Learn how to handle unexpected situations and minimize stress.
How to Find the Best Car Repair Deals
Coupons and Discounts
Many repair shops offer promotions to attract customers. Keep an eye out for coupons and discounts to save on your repairs.
Seasonal Promotions
Certain times of the year may bring special promotions. Take advantage of seasonal discounts to cut down on repair costs.
Benefits of Building a Relationship with a Local Repair Shop
Personalized Service
Local repair shops often provide personalized service, as they value their community. Building a relationship can lead to more attentive and customized care.
Loyalty Programs
Some repair shops offer loyalty programs that reward frequent customers. Explore the perks of staying loyal to a trusted service provider.
Choosing the Right Repair Shop
Visiting the Facility
Before committing, visit the repair shop to get a sense of their professionalism and cleanliness.
Meeting the Technicians
Establish a connection with the technicians. Communication is key to ensuring your concerns are understood and addressed.
Common Car Repair Scams to Avoid
Overcharging for Unnecessary Repairs
Be wary of repair shops that recommend unnecessary repairs or overcharge for simple tasks. Get a second opinion if needed.
Using Substandard Parts
Some shops may cut corners by using substandard parts. Ensure that your chosen repair service prioritizes quality.
The Future of Car Repairs
Advancements in Automotive Technology
Explore how technological advancements in vehicles impact the services offered by repair shops.
Impact on Repair Services
From electric vehicles to advanced diagnostics, the future of car repairs is evolving. Stay informed about the latest trends.
Customer Testimonials
Real-life experiences provide valuable insights into the quality of car repair services. Read testimonials from actual customers to make informed decisions.
Navigating the world of car repairs may seem daunting, but with the right knowledge, you can make informed choices. Whether opting for a local repair shop or attempting DIY repairs, prioritize the well-being of your vehicle to ensure a smooth and safe driving experience.
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Have you noticed gold or red fluid in your garage or on your driveway? This can be a symptom of transmission leaks.
A vehicle’s transmission sends power from the engine to the wheels. The Transmission fluid lubricates components. In addition to gold and red, it can be black or pink.
If you notice any of these colors near your car, reach out to a nearby auto repair shop. You don’t want to wait long to have it checked out.
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