#Automobile Market Report
vijukumar · 4 months
Automobile Market Size, Share, Growth Forecast, Analysis
The global Automobile Industry has always been a fascinating and dynamic sector, steering the wheels of progress and innovation. As we delve into the intricate details of this industry, examining various facets like market size, trends, and key players, we gain valuable insights into the present landscape and the road that lies ahead.
Automobile Industry Overview:
The Automobile Industry is a colossal engine that propels economic growth, technological advancements, and societal transformations. The global automobile market size was worth around USD 2810.63 billion in 2022 and is predicted to grow to around USD 3969.84 billion by 2030 with a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of roughly 4.42% between 2023 and 2030.Comprising a diverse range of vehicles, from traditional automobiles to electric and autonomous vehicles, this industry has witnessed remarkable evolution over the years.
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Automobile Sector: A Microscopic View:
Breaking down the Automobile Industry into sectors helps us understand the intricate network of manufacturers, suppliers, and service providers. The sector encompasses passenger vehicles, commercial vehicles, two-wheelers, and alternative fuel vehicles, each contributing to the industry's vibrancy.
Automobile Industry Analysis:
Analyzing the current state of the Automobile Industry involves scrutinizing market trends, consumer preferences, and technological breakthroughs. With a keen eye on global and regional factors, industry analysts decipher patterns that influence market dynamics.
Automobile Market Size:
The sheer scale of the Automobile Market is staggering, with billions of vehicles traversing the world's roads. Estimating the market size involves considering factors such as production volume, sales figures, and revenue generated by manufacturers and service providers.
Automobile Market Share:
Competing in the fast lane, automobile manufacturers vie for market share, striving to outpace rivals in terms of sales and consumer loyalty. Understanding market share provides a glimpse into the competitive landscape, highlighting key players and their respective strengths.
Automobile Market Forecast:
Predicting the future trajectory of the Automobile Market requires a blend of industry knowledge, economic foresight, and an understanding of emerging technologies. Forecasting helps stakeholders prepare for upcoming trends and challenges, fostering adaptability and resilience.
Automobile Market Report:
Comprehensive market reports serve as guidebooks for industry participants, offering detailed analyses of market conditions, growth prospects, and potential challenges. These reports are invaluable resources for decision-makers shaping the industry's future.
Automobile Market Revenue:
The lifeblood of any industry is revenue, and the Automobile Market is no exception. Monitoring revenue streams helps gauge the industry's economic impact, providing insights into its financial health and sustainability.
Automobile Market Trends:
The Automobile Industry is a crucible of innovation, with trends shaping the future of transportation. From electric vehicles to connected cars and autonomous driving, staying abreast of trends is crucial for businesses and consumers alike.
Automobile Market in India:
India, with its burgeoning population and rising economic prowess, plays a pivotal role in the global Automobile Market. Examining the market share in India, identifying the largest automobile companies, and understanding the growth trajectory provides a snapshot of the industry's pulse in the subcontinent.
The Automobile Market is a complex ecosystem where innovation, consumer preferences, and economic factors intersect. As we navigate through the current landscape and anticipate future developments, the industry remains at the forefront of societal progress, steering us toward a future where mobility is not just a necessity but a testament to human ingenuity.
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automotive-components · 6 months
Driving Success: Navigating the Automobile Industry with Strategic Insights
The automobile industry, a powerhouse of innovation and evolution, continues to shape the global landscape of transportation. We embark on a comprehensive journey through key aspects of the automobile sector, analyzing industry trends, market dynamics, and strategies for successful business entry.
Unveiling the Automobile Industry: A Holistic Overview
In the first section, we provide readers with a broad understanding of the Automobile Industry. From its historical roots to the present, explore how the industry has transformed, adapting to technological advancements, environmental concerns, and shifting consumer preferences.
Navigating Sectors: The Complex Web of the Automobile Industry
Delve into the intricacies of the various sectors that compose the Automobile Industry. From manufacturing and design to marketing and aftermarket services, this section unravels the layers of the automobile sector, showcasing its multifaceted nature.
Analyzing the Automobile Industry: Trends and Insights
Embark on a journey of discovery as we conduct an Automobile Industry Analysis. Explore the latest trends, technological breakthroughs, and market dynamics that are steering the industry toward the future, providing businesses and enthusiasts alike with valuable insights.
Driving the Market: Understanding the Automobile Market Dynamics
Shift gears and explore the nuances of the Automobile Market. From consumer behavior to economic influences, this section dissects the factors that drive market demand and supply, shaping the ever-changing landscape of automotive commerce.
The Competitive Race: Unpacking Automobile Market Share Trends
Zoom in on the competitive aspect with a focused exploration of Automobile Market Share trends. Understand how industry giants and emerging players vie for market dominance, and how market share dynamics influence business strategies and consumer perceptions.
Sizing up the Automobile Market: Exploring Magnitude and Impact
Take a macroscopic view of the industry with a discussion on Automobile Market Size. Explore the sheer scale of the market, its economic impact, and the global interplay of forces that contribute to its continuous expansion.
Crafting the Roadmap: Successful Automobile Business Entry Strategies
Concluding the journey, we provide a roadmap for entrepreneurs and businesses looking to enter the industry with the section on Automobile Business Entry Strategy. From market research to strategic planning, discover the key elements for a successful and sustainable entry into the competitive world of automobiles.
In the ever-evolving world of automobiles, staying ahead requires a nuanced understanding of the industry's past, present, and future. This article aims to be a comprehensive guide for enthusiasts, industry professionals, and aspiring entrepreneurs, offering valuable insights into the intricacies of the automobile industry and strategies for navigating its diverse landscapes.
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cagrreports · 2 years
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markettrend24 · 2 years
Automobile Electronics Market Growth, Overview with Detailed Analysis 2022-2028
Automobile Electronics Market Growth, Overview with Detailed Analysis 2022-2028
This report studies the Automobile Electronics Market with many aspects of the industry like the market size, market status, market trends and forecast, the report also provides brief information of the competitors and the specific growth opportunities with key market drivers. Find the complete Automobile Electronics Market analysis segmented by companies, region, type and applications in the…
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unprettyg1rl · 1 year
I’m reading a book on the history of invention and how our cultural views of masculinity vs femininity affect our progress and holy shit if women’s needs and preferences were taken seriously we would’ve been using electric cars since the late 1800s instead of just starting to use them now.
In “Att uppfinna världen” (Mother of Invention in the English translation) by Katrine Marçal there is a chapter dedicated to the process of inventing the modern automobile, where I read that there were multiple ways of constructing a car when the invention was relatively recent, as the field was still open to experimentation. Petrol wasn’t an obvious choice for fuelling the engine – in fact, around the year 1900 a third of all cars in Europe were electric cars, and the percentage was even bigger in America. Electrically powered cars were superior to petrol-fuelled ones in many ways: they were quieter, didn’t expel smelly gas, much safer and more reliable, and easy to start and control from the driver’s seat. Cars fuelled by petrol, on the other hand, were loud, more unreliable and required a lot more maintenance, and to start the engine one had to do some serious manual labour involving a crank – which would often leave you sweaty and with oil stains on your clothes, plus a constant risk of causing an explosion if you weren’t careful enough. Naturally, women preferred the former, being more convenient and comfortable and thus more suited to their travel needs, whereas the petrol-fuelled car was marketed as the more adventurous, macho choice for men.
The one downside to electric cars was that the battery didn’t last for longer journeys, which in the case for women wasn’t that much of a problem since the majority mainly just made trips within the city or town. This was also an issue that could’ve been fixed, and there were many plans to do so, mainly infrastructure-related ones like battery-switching stations and developing better battery solutions. There were even plans for a net of rentable electric cars for anyone to use, and electric trains, trams, and taxis for public transport (seems very ahead of its time, doesn’t it? A much more environmentally conscious system than our good ol’ “everyone has one or multiple cars that individually expel copious amounts of greenhouse gasses” method). However, investments were too few since the male-dominated society deemed these “women’s cars”. After all, a real man isn’t soft, safe and comfortable – he cranks his own car to life and makes a lot of noise as he travels. A report from 1916 by the magazine Electric Vehicle stated that “The thing that is effeminate, or that has that reputation, does not find favor with the American man. Whether or not he is ‘red-blooded’ or ‘virile’ in the ordinary physical sense, at least his ideals are. The fact that anything from a car to a color is the delight of the ladies is enough to change his interest to mere amused tolerance.”
Like, it’s insane that values such as comfort, safety and convenience were seen as “feminine” and thus dismissed, leading to petrol-fuelled cars completely taking over the market in the end. Imagine what the world would’ve looked like if women were the standard instead of men. It really pains me to think how much damage we’ve done to the planet just because of men’s stubborn macho ideals.
(a lot of this research is quoted from The Electric Vehicle: Technology and Expectations in the Automobile Age by Gijs Mom, a book I’m now very interested in reading in full)
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she-is-ovarit · 5 months
I'm over the term "gender equality", and the way in which it is being used and advocated for by the mainstream, status-quo left.
"Men and women are equal" operates under the bias that men are the default standard of equality, which women are then sometimes required or expected to meet. Usually statements like "women are just as strong as men", "women are just as capable as men in sports" act as support.
It intentionally is meant to be cheered on as liberating, but the reality is it's a derivative of "I don't see race I just see people", "no race but the human race", "not disabled just differently-abled", etc. It's a form of sexism that ignores sexism. It's "I am going to ignore biological differences based on sex" when the reality is being of the female sex shapes both my material and lived reality in extremely complex ways and can have dangerous consequences when ignored.
The average woman is not is strong as a man and it often takes a deliberate amount of persistence, training, and/or testosterone injections for us to come close to or meet the male default. "The muscle strength of women indeed, is typically reported in the range of 40 to 75% of that of men". The average man could easily kill and overpower me, and if I were an athlete a man who trained equally to me would defeat me in competition.
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Women are 47% more likely than men to be injured in a car accident. Cars were designed for male drivers. In 2011 was when "female" crash dummies were introduced into measuring car safety in the US, however sometimes organizations in the US and UK just used "scaled down male dummies" to test car safety for women. As this article explains, we are not scaled-down men. We have different muscle mass distribution. We have lower bone density. There are differences in vertebrae spacing. Even our body sway is different. And these differences are all crucial when it comes to injury rates in car crashes. And what about pregnant women?
We have different needs and different experiences than males and the world around is us designed with males in mind - from housing to automobiles, to entire economic systems. 85% of women will eventually be mothers. When women take maternal leave to care for a newborn while the man continues to work (or returns shortly later), he effectively advances his career and over time earns more promotions and pay. His schedule is to focus on his career growth and then come home for a few hours in the evening to play with their child (or play videogames). Mothers pay a significant wage penalty for having children from being months out of the labor market.
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This list could really go on.
"Gender equality" is utilized by men to distract women from focusing on only women's rights and needs to men's rights and needs. It's used to shoehorn in arguments of "men too" and sympathizing with men on "men's mental health" (while neglecting the fact that men are overwhelmingly and in shocking numbers responsible for violence done to both sexes - and are additionally unlikely to want to work on themselves mentally).
Reframing and enfolding "violence against women", "women's rights", "male violence", "female liberation", and "women's oppression" into the vague language of "gender equality" is a deliberate act of obfuscating the power dynamics between the sexes - in which men globally exploit and oppress women on the axis of sex.
And as vague language, carves a place for people to have the opportunity to shift the responsibility and blame onto women and girls for the suffering that men wield onto their own sex.
Women and girls do have advantages and strengths over men and boys due to our biological differences - yet this, too, goes ignored under the vague concept of "gender equality" and the cultural belief system it evokes, which treats man as the mold that women should fit.
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simply-ivanka · 4 months
Germany Should Have Listened to Trump
Tuesday 2.27.2024 Wall Street Journal
By Walter Russell Mead
Trump was right about Berlin’s self-defense and risky energy dependence on Russia.
The lower house of Germany’s Parliament voted to legalize the recreational use of cannabis last week. It was a timely move. Germany’s leadership class is going to need all the mellow it can find in a world that isn’t going Germany’s way.
Russian advances in Ukraine and American paralysis over the next aid package are reinforcing the reality that Germany needs to defend itself but lacks the power to do so. So are developments in the Red Sea, where German manufacturers must cope with shipping delays as the Biden administration fails to keep the vital waterway clear.
Forget the 2% of gross domestic product that Germany has repeatedly promised and failed to spend on defense. Defense Minister Boris Pistorius shocked many observers this month when he said that in the new world situation, Germany may have to spend as much as 3.5% of GDP for defense.
The economic news is also grim. Last year Germany’s GDP shrank 0.3%, and last week the government slashed 2024 growth estimates to a pitiful 0.2%. Economists expect negative growth during the first quarter of 2024, placing the country in recession. The outlook for housing is bleak, with business confidence reaching all-time lows. The news in manufacturing is little better. This month the widely followed HCOB German Flash Composite Purchasing Managers’ Index fell to 46.1, the eighth month in a row that the index has pointed to decreasing economic activity.
Energy prices are a particular sore spot. The chemical giant BASF announced €1 billion in spending cuts in its German operations, blaming a mix of weak demand in the German market and “structurally higher energy prices.” Enormous U.S. subsidies under the so-called Inflation Reduction Act are leading German companies to look across the Atlantic.
Chinese competition is another massive worry. China long ago passed Germany as the world’s largest car producer. Increasingly, especially in electric vehicles, it is challenging Germany as both a low-cost and high-quality manufacturer. Beijing aims to marginalize German capital goods and automobile companies in China while Chinese exporters challenge German dominance in world markets.
With the associations representing the small and medium-size Mittelstand firms that make up the heart of the German economy warning in a rare joint open letter about Germany’s loss of competitiveness, Economy Minister Robert Habeck isn’t mincing words. The economy is in “rough waters.” The “competitiveness of Germany as an industrial location” is in doubt.
It isn’t all doom and gloom. The outlook for the service sector is brighter than for manufacturing, and as the Journal reported last week, the Ifo Institute’s business-climate index improved slightly this month. The best that can be said for the outlook? “The German economy is stabilizing at a low level,” according to Ifo’s president.
Meanwhile, Germany’s dysfunctional three-party coalition government is paralyzed by internal struggles. The largest party in the coalition, Chancellor Olaf Scholz’s Social Democratic Party (SPD), is deeply divided over foreign policy, with many nostalgic for good relations with Russia and allergic to military spending. The SPD also wants Biden-like government spending initiatives to revive the German industrial machine and expand social benefits. The Greens, the next-largest party, are by German standards foreign-policy hawks but continue to press for a rapid energy transition that drives up costs for business and consumers. The third party in the coalition, the Free Democrats, wants to hold the line on government spending. As if this weren’t enough trouble, the conservative opposition parties have a blocking minority in Parliament’s upper house.
This is not where Germans thought they would be. Sixteen months ago, I visited Berlin and heard from a stream of government officials, think tankers and economists that everything was working fine. Russia was failing in Ukraine. The energy transition would boost German competitiveness and employment. Germany’s Mittelstand would handle anything China could throw at it.
Under the circumstances, it’s no surprise that antiestablishment parties are growing in Germany. The far right Alternative for Germany (AfD) currently has more support than any of the governing parties, with one recent poll showing the AfD at 19%, the Social Democrats at 14%, the Greens at 13%, and the Free Democrats at 4%.
The most bitter pill of all for Germany’s establishment may be the realization that on the most important issues facing Germany, Donald Trump was right where they were wrong. Getting in bed with Vladimir Putin for cheap energy was both foolish and deeply disloyal to the West. German defense policy was self-defeating and dangerous. China wasn’t a reliable partner.
“Ich bin ein Berliner,” was President John F. Kennedy’s message to Germany. If Donald Trump returns to the White House, his message will likely be “Das habe ich gleich gesagt,” or “I told you so.”
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eaglesnick · 7 months
“It seems the most logical thing in the world to believe that the natural resources of the Earth, upon which the race depends for food, clothing and shelter, should be owned collectively by the race instead of being the private property of a few social parasites.
— Ralph Chaplin
While more and more homes in Britain suffer severe flooding because of climate change, Rishi Sunak has decided that North Sea oil and gas extraction should be speeded up.
“Hundreds of new North Sea oil and gas licences to boost British energy independence and grow the economy. ”  (GOV.UK: 31/07/23)
This policy has now been confirmed and will be included in the king’s speech. More concerned with winning votes than the catastrophic effects of climate change:
“Sunak has already watered down the government’s climate targets, pushing back the deadline for selling new petrol and diesel cars and the phasing out of gas boilers, prompting furious condemnation from the automobile and energy industries.” (Guardian:05/11/23)
The excuse used by Sunak to justify his planned increase in fossil fuel production  is "to reduce emissions and boost UK energy independence."
These claims are simply not true.
Encouraging more oil and gas production does not reduce emissions - it increases them. If you expand the global market for fossil fuels then more will be used with the obvious accompanying increase in emissions. What is more, Rystad Energy, an independent advisory and business intelligence company, has stated that:
“ UK oil rigs are among the highest carbon emitters in Europe. CO2 emissions released into the atmosphere from extracting North Sea oil and gas reached 13.1MM metric tonnes in the UK in 2019, or 21kg of carbon dioxide for every barrel of oil produced – far greater than the Norwegian North Sea, which produced 4MM metric tonnes of CO2 in 2019, or 8kg of CO2 a barrel.”  (Guardian: 13/10/22)
But let us put this evidence aside for the moment and give Sunak the benefit of the doubt regarding emissions, and look at his other claim that increase extraction of gas and oil from the North Sea will “boost UK energy dependency".
Again, simply not true. It was reported only a few weeks ago that the UK EXPORTS 80% of North Sea oil which is processed abroad and then sold back to us at whatever international price makes the oil and gas industries the most profit. (CNN Business: 27/09/23)
The only way to secure energy independence is to have state ownership of our natural assets. But that is not The Tory way.
Unlike the Norwegian government, who invested their countries enormous oil and gas revenues in economic sectors across the world, creating a State owned sovereign wealth fund now worth $1.2 trillion in assets, our Tory government squandered the money, continues to allow private investors to reap the profits, and have refused to create a UK Sovereign Wealth Fund because they are ideologically opposed to public ownership.
While Sunak is forced to sell licenses for oil and gas extraction in order to secure at least some  benefits from our natural resources, the Norwegians impose  a 78% tax levy on private oil and gas companies.
“UK should match Norway’s 78% North Sea oil and gas tax, thinktank says.” (guardian:28/10/22)
But that isn’t going to happen. Instead, our ideologically driven Tory government, opposed to taxes of any kind and especially those aimed at the rich and corporate world continue to draw  headlines like these.
“Shell and BP paid zero tax on North Sea gas and oil for three years.” (Guardian: 30/10/22)
“North Sea oil and gas industry offered ‘get-out’ clause on windfall tax.”(Guardian:09/06/23)
The stark contrast between the way successive Tory Government’s in the UK have managed the “bonanza” of North Seal oil and gas and the way the more socialist Norwegian governments have utilised their natural resources couldn’t be more stark.
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Sir Vival, the two-piece safety Hudson
Sir Vival, Walter Jerome's Hudson-based concept for the ultimate safety car, last moved under its own power sometime around when he showed the car at the New York World's Fair in 1964 or 1965. Since then, it's been split apart, reassembled, shuffled all over eastern Massachusetts, and remained hidden more or less in plain sight, but nobody's made an attempt to get it running again. That'll change now that longtime owner Ed Moore of Bellingham Auto Sales has sold Sir Vival to Jeff Lane of the Lane Motor Museum.
"It'll be the perfect fit," Lane said. "I've been pestering him about it for a while."
Moore, as we reported in November, has decided to close the doors at Bellingham, which he considers the last active Hudson dealership in the world, and has been either selling off his inventory of cars and parts or transferring portions of his lifelong collection to his house nearby.
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In 1958, Worcester-based Walter Jerome decided it was about time somebody built a car designed primarily for safety and not for looks or speed. Rapidly increasing numbers of highway deaths - especially in the postwar period - led many to call for greater automotive safety as early as 1947, but the response from Detroit was tepid at best throughout the Fifties. Ford made a few gestures at improving automotive safety, including funding a study on safety cars at Cornell, but it largely fell to independents and individuals to build cars with safety features designed into the vehicle.
Jerome decided to start with a step-down Hudson - which he bought from Bellingham - and split it into two sections "to anticipate the possibility of collision from any angle." Similar to Bela Barenyi's idea for the crumple zone, Jerome intended the front section, mounted via a hinge to the rear section, to absorb a collision rather than deflect one, noting that the rigidity of typical cars was what led to injuries and deaths in collisions. To each of the two sections, Jerome added steel bumpers that acted, in his words, like a second frame, and rubber bumpers around the steel designed to redirect all but direct collisions. Yes, he built a full-size bumper car.
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He didn't stop there. The driver controlled the car from a turret-mounted central driver's seat surrounded by a "full circle" windshield for greater visibility. (According to Jerome's literature, the windshield itself rotated past stationary windshield wipers as part of Jerome's quest for maximum driver visibility.) The exterior is fitted with high-visibility marker and signal lamps; the parallelogram doors are designed not to pop open in a crash; and the interior features seat belts, padding, and even a rollbar.
"It is all too obvious that Detroit has no plans to come up with anything really new," Jerome wrote. "Their 1964 cars are already on the drawing boards and spring from the same rigid frames. I hold that human life is important, far more important than Detroit's worry about the cost of retooling to produce an automobile which will save human lives. Adoption of the flexible Sir Vival design would make rigid vehicles obsolete and create a new market, almost immediately, for 65 million vehicles."
Moore and his family assisted Jerome over the years with Sir Vival, including one episode Moore recalls in which he went to Worcester to retrieve the vehicle from the fourth floor of a warehouse, where Jerome had stored it in two pieces, so it could be reassembled and transported to Jerome's house on Cape Cod. After Jerome's death in the early 1970s, the Moores took possession of Sir Vival and brought it back to Bellingham. While Moore had hoped Sir Vival would have gone to Eldon Hostetler's Hudson museum, it turned out fortuitous that he didn't donate it to Hostetler, given that the museum was closed and liquidated in 2018. Sir Vival has thus primarily sat in its pride of place in Bellingham Auto Sales's garage ever since.
"It needs gone right through," Moore said. "It's not really something I want to take home and just let it sit there. Jeff, he's the guy who'd really appreciate it. He'll build it and do it right."
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Lane said he's only seen Sir Vival once in person, when he spent an entire day up at Bellingham Auto Parts four or five years ago. "I recall it as not terrible, but also not in great condition," he said. "It's not like it's been outside for 40 years, rusting away." While he won't have a more definitive plan about what to do with Sir Vival until he picks it up later this month, he said he wants to go through it mechanically without restoring the entire car, if possible.
"I'd say the closest it comes to any other vehicle in the (Lane Motor Museum's) collection is the Dymaxion," Lane said. "It's a really interesting story but it's really been pretty much hidden away from the general public."
Moore, for his part, said he'll continue selling Hudsons from his home garage even after the Bellingham Auto Sales property becomes a warehouse. "I still have my new and used car licenses," he said. "I know I can't keep them all, but I've tried."
UPDATE (6.January 2023): The Lane has started restoration on Sir Vival, according to a Facebook post from the museum. "Sir Vival has been separated into two pieces, and the automotive archaeology begins!"
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F.6.2 What are the social consequences of such a system?
The “anarcho” capitalist imagines that there will be police agencies, “defence associations,” courts, and appeals courts all organised on a free-market basis and available for hire. As David Wieck points out, however, the major problem with such a system would not be the corruption of “private” courts and police forces (although, as suggested above, this could indeed be a problem):
“There is something more serious than the ‘Mafia danger’, and this other problem concerns the role of such ‘defence’ institutions in a given social and economic context. ”[The] context … is one of a free-market economy with no restraints upon accumulation of property. Now, we had an American experience, roughly from the end of the Civil War to the 1930’s, in what were in effect private courts, private police, indeed private governments. We had the experience of the (private) Pinkerton police which, by its spies, by its agents provocateurs, and by methods that included violence and kidnapping, was one of the most powerful tools of large corporations and an instrument of oppression of working people. We had the experience as well of the police forces established to the same end, within corporations, by numerous companies … (The automobile companies drew upon additional covert instruments of a private nature, usually termed vigilante, such as the Black Legion). These were, in effect, private armies, and were sometimes described as such. The territories owned by coal companies, which frequently included entire towns and their environs, the stores the miners were obliged by economic coercion to patronise, the houses they lived in, were commonly policed by the private police of the United States Steel Corporation or whatever company owned the properties. The chief practical function of these police was, of course, to prevent labour organisation and preserve a certain balance of ‘bargaining.’ … These complexes were a law unto themselves, powerful enough to ignore, when they did not purchase, the governments of various jurisdictions of the American federal system. This industrial system was, at the time, often characterised as feudalism.” [Anarchist Justice, pp. 223–224]
For a description of the weaponry and activities of these private armies, the Marxist economic historian Maurice Dobb presents an excellent summary in Studies in Capitalist Development. [pp. 353–357] According to a report on “Private Police Systems” quoted by Dobb, in a town dominated by Republican Steel the “civil liberties and the rights of labour were suppressed by company police. Union organisers were driven out of town.” Company towns had their own (company-run) money, stores, houses and jails and many corporations had machine-guns and tear-gas along with the usual shot-guns, rifles and revolvers. The “usurpation of police powers by privately paid ‘guards and ‘deputies’, often hired from detective agencies, many with criminal records” was “a general practice in many parts of the country.”
The local (state-run) law enforcement agencies turned a blind-eye to what was going on (after all, the workers had broken their contracts and so were “criminal aggressors” against the companies) even when union members and strikers were beaten and killed. The workers own defence organisations (unions) were the only ones willing to help them, and if the workers seemed to be winning then troops were called in to “restore the peace” (as happened in the Ludlow strike, when strikers originally cheered the troops as they thought they would defend them; needless to say, they were wrong).
Here we have a society which is claimed by many “anarcho”-capitalists as one of the closest examples to their “ideal,” with limited state intervention, free reign for property owners, etc. What happened? The rich reduced the working class to a serf-like existence, capitalist production undermined independent producers (much to the annoyance of individualist anarchists at the time), and the result was the emergence of the corporate America that “anarcho”-capitalists (sometimes) say they oppose.
Are we to expect that “anarcho”-capitalism will be different? That, unlike before, “defence” firms will intervene on behalf of strikers? Given that the “general libertarian law code” will be enforcing capitalist property rights, workers will be in exactly the same situation as they were then. Support of strikers violating property rights would be a violation of the law and be costly for profit making firms to do (if not dangerous as they could be “outlawed” by the rest). This suggests that “anarcho”-capitalism will extend extensive rights and powers to bosses, but few if any rights to rebellious workers. And this difference in power is enshrined within the fundamental institutions of the system. This can easily be seen from Rothbard’s numerous anti-union tirades and his obvious hatred of them, strikes and pickets (which he habitually labelled as violent). As such it is not surprising to discover that Rothbard complained in the 1960s that, because of the Wagner Act, the American police “commonly remain ‘neutral’ when strike-breakers are molested or else blame the strike-breakers for ‘provoking’ the attacks on them … When unions are permitted to resort to violence, the state or other enforcing agency has implicitly delegated this power to the unions. The unions, then, have become ‘private states.’” [The Logic of Action II, p. 41] The role of the police was to back the property owner against their rebel workers, in other words, and the state was failing to provide the appropriate service (of course, that bosses exercising power over workers provoked the strike is irrelevant, while private police attacking picket lines is purely a form of “defensive” violence and is, likewise, of no concern).
In evaluating “anarcho”-capitalism’s claim to be a form of anarchism, Peter Marshall notes that “private protection agencies would merely serve the interests of their paymasters.” [Demanding the Impossible, p. 653] With the increase of private “defence associations” under “really existing capitalism” today (associations that many “anarcho”-capitalists point to as examples of their ideas), we see a vindication of Marshall’s claim. There have been many documented experiences of protesters being badly beaten by private security guards. As far as market theory goes, the companies are only supplying what the buyer is demanding. The rights of others are not a factor (yet more “externalities,” obviously). Even if the victims successfully sue the company, the message is clear — social activism can seriously damage your health. With a reversion to “a general libertarian law code” enforced by private companies, this form of “defence” of “absolute” property rights can only increase, perhaps to the levels previously attained in the heyday of US capitalism, as described above by Wieck.
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A few stories about the Tangerine Tyrant caught my eye today, and they all point to his increasing desperation - so I figured I’d go around the horn and celebrate his continuing dissipation.
First: Criminal Defendant and Adjudicated Rapist Donald Trump yesterday predicted a “bloodbath” if he didn’t get reelected, and the media quickly devolved into outlets condemning his use of violent rhetoric and others - Fox and Newsmax - concern trolling over how he was talking specifically about the automobile industry. So, whatever. If you’re interested in parsing the event along those lines, have at it - but I think there’s a more interesting, deeply indicative phenomenon just below the surface that speaks not just to Trump’s mentality but that of his whole bonkers cult.
If you’re looking for the atavistic pull of Donald Trump on his followers, it’s in his power to do whatever the hell he wants and face no consequences. NO ONE can tell him what to do. NO ONE can keep him from attacking whomever he wants. NO ONE can prevent him from sating his desires. NO ONE.
Now, we know that’s not true - as evidenced by his exile to Mar-a-Lago for the past three years, but it’s part of the mystique. In a lot of ways, it makes sense if you look at his cult following - people who are, by and large, deeply disempowered and enraged at a culture that is stripping away their traditional privileges and social entitlements. They WANT Trump to keep shitting the punch bowl as a sort of wish fulfillment of their own stifled rage. Maybe they can’t rape the woman they want to rape or kill the immigrants they hate for speaking Spanish or Hindi at the Gas-n-Sip – but they sure as hell can dream about it when Trump gives a cross-burner of a speech. That’s all standard form.
But what we saw last night - and in the fascist outrage-trolling today - was something new. It’s been creeping into the 2024 election cycle here and there, but yesterday, it entirely broke through, and it’s this: NOT EVEN TRUMP’S BRAIN IS ALLOWED TO CENSOR TRUMP’S MOUTH WHEN IT COMES TO RAGE AND ANGER.
Look, Trump KNOWS that using words like “bloodbath” is going to cost him non-MAGA voters. He knows that calling people “vermin” is going to hurt his chances of navigating the very narrow path ahead if he hopes to return to the White House. Yet, he can’t stop himself. Trump is unable to act in his own easily achieved best interest if it means not being a monster, and while it’s lamentable that he’s bringing such hatred to our national debate, I encourage him to keep it up.
You be you, Donald!
Every single time you let your id out of its box, it’s like sending America an unsolicited, mushroom-shaped dick-pic. Sure, your fans are going to love it, but the rest of us grossed the fuck out.
So, please! Rage on!
Trump’s lawyers in the NYS civil fraud case settlement submitted a filing today that it is “a practical impossibility” for Trump to post a bond for the half-billion dollars he needs to cough up in order to appeal the decision. According to reports, he approached 30 different surety companies, and they all turned him down. Why they would do that might indicate what’s got him tuned to “bloodbath” and “vermin” levels of rage.
It might be a simple point, but it bears a paragraph of explanation.
Most folks who don’t work in the NYC real estate market – or any real estate market – might think, “Hey, he’s a rich guy. Why not just sell a few of those buildings he owns? They’ve gotta be worth a pretty penny.”
Or, alternatively, “Why won’t anyone take Trump Tower as collateral for a loan?”
The simple answer is he doesn’t really OWN any of that shit outright. It’s ALL mortgaged to the hilt. To get a clearer picture of this, let’s look at 40 Wall Street – one of Trump’s “prestige” properties.
The numbers are a bit hard to come by, but an hour of reading suggests that the building is presently worth about $200 million. Mind you, part of the fraud charges – now proven – included his valuation of the building in 2015 at over $750 million, but it’s just not worth that at all.
So, take the $200 million as a starting point and note that Trump’s mortgage on the property, according to a Bloomberg report in November of 2023, stands at $122 million. So, if Trump were to liquidate his stake in the property fully, he’d only net about $78 million – and that is BEFORE the capital gains taxes, NYS taxes, and NYC taxes on the sale. According to a few articles I’ve scanned this evening, that would be up to about 40% of his earnings. That means, even if he drops one of his most precious assets, he would only raise about $50 million.
He owes TEN TIMES that number by next week.
Play that out another round, and realize that if Trump tried to sell ten or twenty office buildings in NYC all at once, the price of ALL of them would plummet to fire-sale prices.
He’s fucked. Moreover, he knows it and is desperate to find a way out.
This brings us to news item number three: The Return of Paul Manafort.
News leaked today that Trump is considering bringing convicted felon and former campaign manager Paul Manafort back into his 2024 bid for the White House. Manafort, primarily due to his complete lack of a moral center, would be a tremendous asset for Trump. He’s a solid political operative, but what he REALLY brings to the table is a direct line back to the Russian oligarchy and their money. That, obviously, is an enormous threat to national security, and I’ve got to hope that the intelligence services in DC and around the world will be on heightened alert for any covert – or overt – entreaties to Putin or his cronies for a loan. I’ve got to hope there are ways of making such entreaties known to the public through selective leaks if nothing else.
But that brings us back to observation number one.
Trump knows that going to Putin for help with his financial difficulties if it becomes known, would be a dagger to the heart for his chances of returning to the White House. Yet, if I’m right, he will be unable to stop himself when it comes to finding a fix for his hemorrhaging empire. His brain will tell him this is a terrible idea, but it won’t matter. NO ONE is allowed to stop Donald Trump from doing whatever the hell he wants to do – not even Donald Trump.
In 1776, James Otis, a thoughtful supporter of the Revolutionary War, noted about politics, “When the pot boils, the scum will rise.”
Trump is proving that to be true, even when there’s only one evil, arrogant, rapist bastard in the soup. He’s so screwed.
Love to you all.
Michael J. Tallon
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automotive-components · 7 months
Navigating the Landscape: Insights into the Future of the Automotive Components Market
The automotive component market, a cornerstone of the broader auto components industry, is poised for significant growth, showcasing a projected Compound Annual Growth Rate (CAGR) of around 20.3% between 2021 and 2027. As we explore the intricacies of this dynamic sector, it becomes evident that it plays a pivotal role in the automotive and automotive components domain, with a substantial impact on the economy and employment.
Evolution and Challenges in the Auto Components Industry
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In the recent past, the auto components industry faced unprecedented challenges, notably in the fiscal year 2020 (FY2020), primarily due to the disruptions caused by the global Covid-19 pandemic. This setback led to a slight decline in the automotive component market. However, it's crucial to acknowledge the resilience of this sector, an integral part of the larger automotive industry, which bounced back swiftly post-2021.
Challenges Faced by the Automobile Industry
The challenges faced by the automobile industry are multifaceted. Supply chain disruptions, regulatory complexities, and the need for continuous innovation pose hurdles that demand strategic solutions. In the face of adversity, the industry's ability to adapt and innovate becomes paramount.
Revenue Trends and Major Players in the Automotive Component Industry
The revenue trends within the auto components industry reflect its robust nature. The sector generated a commendable US$ 39 billion in 2016, escalating to a substantial US$ 57 billion in 2019. Even with the challenges posed by the pandemic, the industry showcased resilience by reaching US$ 49.3 billion in 2020. Key players in this landscape play a critical role, steering the industry with innovation and quality.
Major Players of the Automotive Component Industry
The major players in the automotive component industry are the driving force behind advancements and benchmarks. Their contributions to research, development, and quality standards set the tone for the entire sector. Understanding their strategies and market presence is instrumental for industry stakeholders.
Export Dynamics and Future Projections
While the export of auto components faced a temporary decline in the first half of 2020-21, the outlook remains optimistic. A projected annual export growth rate of 23.9% until 2026 indicates a positive trajectory. The geographical distribution of exports reveals Europe's prominence, with 31% share, followed closely by North America (30%) and Asia (29%).
Future of Automotive Components
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The future of automotive components is shaped by several factors. Technological advancements, government initiatives, and global supply chain integration are key drivers of growth. Embracing smart manufacturing practices and staying ahead of innovation trends are crucial for a sustainable future.
Government Initiatives and Technological Advancements
Government initiatives, such as the 'Make in India' campaign, have played a pivotal role in bolstering the manufacturing sector, including auto components. These initiatives aim to enhance self-reliance and promote exports, contributing to the industry's upward trajectory. Moreover, technological advancements have been a cornerstone of growth, with the industry evolving through the adoption of smart manufacturing practices, IoT integration, and innovative solutions.
Global Supply Chain Integration and Challenges Faced by the Industry
As global supply chains realign, India has the opportunity to strengthen its position as a key player in the automotive component market. Collaborations with international partners and strategic alliances are instrumental in navigating the complexities of the global market. Despite these opportunities, the industry faces challenges, including supply chain disruptions and regulatory complexities, which require adaptive strategies for sustained growth.
Consumer Perspective and Quality Standards
Understanding the consumer perspective is pivotal for stakeholders in the automotive component market. Factors such as brand loyalty, preferences for sustainable components, and the emphasis on safety play a crucial role in shaping the market. Quality standards are non-negotiable, building trust among consumers and ensuring the longevity and reliability of automotive components.
The Road Ahead: Future Projections and Opportunities
Looking ahead, the automotive components market holds promising prospects. The sector is expected to witness substantial growth, both in domestic and international markets. The annual export growth rate of 23.9% signals positive momentum, aligning with global economic recovery and the easing of trade restrictions. The industry's ability to embrace technological advancements, navigate global supply chain dynamics, and meet evolving consumer demands will be key to its sustained success.
Conclusion: Paving the Way Forward
In conclusion, the Indian auto components market stands at the forefront of innovation and resilience. Its intricate relationship with the broader auto components industry, challenges faced, and strategies employed by major players paint a vivid picture of a sector poised for growth. As we navigate the uncertainties of the future, the automotive components industry is undeniably a key player in shaping the trajectory of the global automotive landscape.
FAQs (Frequently Asked Questions)
Q: What challenges does the automobile industry face?
A: Challenges include supply chain disruptions, regulatory complexities, and the need for continuous innovation to meet evolving consumer demands.
Q: Who are the major players in the automotive component industry?
A: Major players in the industry are pivotal contributors to research, development, and quality standards, setting benchmarks for the entire sector.
Q: How did the Covid-19 pandemic impact the automotive component market?
A: The industry faced a temporary decline in 2020, but it is expected to witness significant regrowth post-2021.
Q: What factors drive the future of automotive components?
A: Technological advancements, government initiatives, and global supply chain integration are key drivers of growth.
Q: What is the projected annual export growth rate for Indian auto components?
A: The sector is expected to experience an annual export growth rate of 23.9% until 2026.
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diabolus1exmachina · 2 years
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Citroën Bijou (1 of 211) 
The Citroën Bijou was assembled from 1959 until 1964. A total of 211 cars were produced.It was built to appeal to a demographic which, it subsequently became obvious, didn’t really exist.Amazingly, there wasn’t much demand in the home counties for a slightly more refined, but even slower version of a French farmers’ car that was much more expensive than comparable offerings such as the Austin Mini.It incorporated some components from the 2CV, notably the two-cylinder 425 cc 12 bhp engine and its advanced, independent front-to-rear interconnected suspension. Other ideas, such as the futuristic single-spoke steering wheel, were borrowed from the DS.Was there any method in the madness? Well, yes, as a contemporary report in Automobile Engineer magazine attempted to explain: “Rather than compete with well-established, mass-produced family cars, it was decided to produce a vehicle to appeal to a narrower but more discriminating market. In particular, there was thought to be a market for a small, high-quality, long-lasting vehicle as a second car in families already owning a larger one. Used for shopping and local motoring, such a vehicle would not need full family accommodation or high power.It should require only a minimum of maintenance and attention and be capable of resisting deterioration without the protection of a second garage. In both these aspects, the air-cooled engine and simple chassis design are advantages. The problem of outdoor storage could be met by the use of a non-rusting, non-corrodible body.” 
Despite (or possibly because of) its commercial failure at the time, the car soon acquired cult status among discerning afficionados of automotive esoterica and exotica.Not least because it is, undeniably, possessed of lavish amounts of quirkiness and charm.Today, they are as rare as teeth on a particularly endangered breed of hen.
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lucysweatslove · 6 months
I am team RAV4, as my friend has a used one and loves it! Also totally anecdotally I knew someone who worked for Jeep as an automobile engineer who said he would never buy one because they were badly designed 😂 if you have access to a library you can look up consumer reports for specific models of car and get a good idea of pros and cons, which I found helpful while picking a car
Oooh boy, be careful, those sound like fighting words to the Jeep fans out there 😅
Honestly, part of the problem is, because of my budget (and my disdain for how quickly cars depreciate in value), I’m looking specifically for gently used cars. I COULD get cars shipped from elsewhere in the country, but that would require commitment to the car before seeing it/getting it myself, which feels riskier. It’s also very much a seller’s market right now, so the good deals are selling quickly.
I was actually gonna get a 2023 Kia Sportage hybrid that was in Spokane. My dad saw this listing Friday night, talked to the salesman, set up time to go see it… we even talked about how to handle buying it that day if all looked good. The car sold Saturday morning before he got in 😭😭
Apparently the Honda CR-V has the best reviews and ratings for hybrid SUVs. Haven’t found a decent one within my budget.
Im still not sure why im being told the RAV-4 isn’t a good “Montana car.” Seems everybody I know loves theirs. But, the few used hybrid RAV-4s around me are coming in like 3-5k higher than my current budget. There are cheaper ones across the country- I think the options near me are more expensive trims?- but that’s the same issue with needing to commit before somebody I trust can even see it in person.
My dad is talking about maybe expanding the budget given the trouble we are having. My mom will probably lowkey still want to just give me her current car (standard gasoline/non-hybrid, a Cherokee trailhawk) so she can get whatever new car she wants. I’m grateful for whatever help they give me, but it’s just not what I would prefer for, ideally, the next 10+ years.
I do have a library but it’s on the other side of town like 30 min from me, and I’d have to drive through downtown, so it’s a pain to go. At this point though I really feel like I actually have less choice than I thought. I still want to vet whatever cars I have available, but I also feel like if I take any time to think about an available car, it’ll be gone.
Thanks for your help/thoughts/comments!
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915208202 · 4 months
ford Mustang Mach E Price In India & Launch Date: Design, Battery, Features 
Ford Mustang Mach E Price In India & Launch Date:Ford is about to launch Mustang Mach E, Ford company has also filed the trademark of Ford Mustang Mach E in India. Know very well about Ford Mustang Mach E Price In India as well as Ford Mustang Mach E Price In India. Talking about performance, we get to see quite powerful performance in this car. Ford Mustang Mach E car is an electric car, the design of the car is very attractive.
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Ford's Comeback In India: Endeavour & Mustang Mach-E ...
Ford Mustang Mach E Price In India (Expected) :If media news reports are to be believed, the ex-showroom price of this car in India could be around Rs 70 Lakh Rupees. Ford is about to launch the Mustang Mach E car. Today people are liking EV cars a lot in the automobile market.
Ford Mustang Mach E Design  
The design of Ford Mustang Mach-E electric SUV car is similar to the Mustang sports car. Mustang Mach E is an electric compact crossover SUV, 5 people can sit comfortably in this car. Gives a slightly sporty feel to the car's appearance. In the interior of the electric car, we get to see a large touchscreen infotainment system as well as a digital instrument cluster. Panoramic sunroof, LED headlights, LED tail lights are also seen. A very advanced interior can be seen.
Ford Mustang Mach E Battery & Range  
Gives a range of up to 314 km and it takes 10 hours to charge this battery with home charging. We get to see 2 battery variants, one is a standard range battery and the other is an extended range battery. 75.9 kWh lithium-ion battery gets to see.It takes 13 hours to charge through home charger i.e. AC Charging. Talking about extended range battery, in this variant we get an increased battery of 98.8 kWh, a range of 482 kilometers. It takes 60 minutes to charge a standard range battery with a DC charger. It takes 60 minutes to charge with a DC charger.
#detective comics#i just keep seeing more and more posts like that and it’s just. yes it is those things you’re right
but i hate that that’s how we have to get people to care
you shouldn’t have to use sjw buzzwords to get people to care
you should care because there are people dying by the thousands at israel’s hand
free palestine
greatest hits
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market-insider · 6 months
Zero Friction Coatings Market: Charting the Course for Enhanced Performance and Sustainable Solutions
The global zero friction coatings market size is estimated to reach USD 1,346.00 million by 2030 according to a new report by Grand View Research, Inc. The market is expected to expand at a CAGR of 5.6% from 2022 to 2030. Growth can be attributed to the fact that these coatings reduce friction and wear resulting in low fuel consumption and less heat generation. According to the European Automobile Manufacturers' Association, 79.1 million motor vehicles were produced across the globe in 2021 which was up by 1.3% as compared to 2020. Zero friction coatings can extend the time between component maintenance and replacement, especially for machine parts that are expensive to manufacture.
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Zero Friction Coatings Market Report Highlights
In 2021, molybdenum disulfide emerged as the dominant type segment by contributing around 50% of the revenue share. This is attributed to its properties such as low coefficient of friction at high loads, electrical insulation, and wide temperature range
The automobile & transportation was the dominating end-use segment accounting for a revenue share of more than 35% in 2021 due to the rapid growth of the automotive industry across the globe
The energy end-use segment is anticipated to grow at a CAGR of 5.7% in terms of revenue by 2030, owing to the excessive wear on the drill stem assembly and the well casing during the drilling operations in the oil and gas sector
In Asia Pacific, the market is projected to witness the highest CAGR of 5.8% over the predicted years owing to the presence of car manufacturing industries in the countries such as Japan, South Korea, and China
For More Details or Sample Copy please visit link @: Zero Friction Coatings Market Report
Several applications in the automobile industry use wear-resistant plastic seals that require zero tolerance for failure and lifetime service confidence. Increasing demand for the product from the automotive industry across the globe for various applications including fuel pumps, automatic transmissions, oil pumps, braking systems, and others is expected to drive its demand over the forecast period.
Low friction coatings can be used in extreme environments comprising high pressure, temperatures, and vacuums. These coatings can provide improved service life and performance thereby eliminating the need for wet lubricants in environments that require chemicals, heat, or clean room conditions. The product containing molybdenum disulfide (MoS2) are suitable for reinforced plastics while those free from MoS2 are suitable for non-reinforced plastics.
Zero friction coatings are paint-like products containing submicron-sized particles of solid lubricants dispersed through resin blends and solvents. The product can be applied using conventional painting techniques such as dipping, spraying, or brushing. The thickness of the film has a considerable influence on the anti-corrosion properties, coefficient of friction, and service life of the product. Its thickness should be greater than the surface roughness of the mating surfaces.
ZeroFrictionCoatingsMarket #FrictionlessTechnology #CoatingInnovations #IndustrialEfficiency #ZeroFrictionSolutions #AdvancedMaterials #SurfaceCoatings #ManufacturingAdvancements #GlobalIndustryTrends #InnovativeCoatings #PerformanceOptimization #MechanicalSystems #SustainableTechnology #IndustrialApplications #FutureTech #InnovationInMaterials #EfficiencySolutions #ZeroFrictionMarket #TechnologyInnovation #EngineeringMaterials
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