#Avian Horror Sans
ant1quarian · 8 months
Avian Horror Sans
or Axe :]
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someverygaymoth · 8 months
AU Details!
Okay, firstly, this blog has a silly goofy amount of AUs. So I wrote down all the basic details for them here! Honestly, I'm probably going to end up splitting some of the AUs to other blogs because they're just so big— we'll see how it goes. But uh, this is useful stuff for understanding my madness! Like name lists!
Pretty much just a Cottagecore fae AU, with a focus on BSP.
Error- Lucia Erastus
Horror- Cerberus
Dust- Varius Marcellinus
Ink- Acacia Fulvanius
Killer- Ether Scipio
Nightmare- Alcippe Drusus
Cross- Lycaon Augur
Dream- Lucetta(Juno) Drusus
Blue- Zephyr Catullus
Reaper- Scylla Rullus
Goth- Ianthina Rullus
Geno- Stacius Rullus
Sci- Attius Gale
Red- Cyprian Libo
The Retriever Institute AU is based on a very old shitty 14k Oneshot I did like, years ago, but then magically made plot and delicious trauma and so much yummy stuff for, basically I ate with this one, and I'm writing the book now. The basic explanation of it is, what if secret government agents took in those abused in the name of science and medicine, and trained them to be the same secret agents that saved them, but also slowly inducted them properly into living society. (So, lots of long journeys of healing there)
Okay, okay, so far the idea is an AU where Frisk falls into the underground like normal, but for an entirely different reason... They were running from monsters. (And not the kind that live in the underground) They were already near Mt.Ebbot, it was all a matter of fleeing when they did that sent them tumbling into the underground.
They need to get back to the surface, need to find their friends and warn them that they saw one of those creatures out during the daytime... The creatures that were taking people in the night. The creatures that were breaking down doors and destroying windows... The creatures that would mimic other's voices to deceive you.
Unfortunately, it takes them years to get through the underground. It's a big place, after all. The situation changes a little, what with their rush to get back to the surface. They're convinced that the monsters down here can help figure out what these creatures on the surface are. Sans is a scientist after all, and Toriel and Asgore, and some of the other old monsters had lived long enough to know the old race monsters that once walked the surface... They might know how to save them from the creatures attacking them.
Frisk breaks the barrier and leads the monsters to the surface... To find nothing but the ruins of humanity.
And those *creatures*.
Some monsters decide to stay and defend the underground, and some(mostly royal guard lower ranks and some determined citizens) walk the surface to keep the creatures clear of Mt.Ebbot and look for surviving humans, taking them back to the safe grounds of New Home.
FGP!AU is named for Falcons, Gods, and Problems. It's based around Geno having an avian rescue in remote Alaska, and Reaper, a god of death, appearing to him one day as an injured Crow. Only to reveal his true form once he's feeling better. From that point on, Geno's life is full of nothing but stupid winged gods, and problems.(and maybe a little romance).
KD!AU is a massive fantasy AU, dubbed Knights and Dragons AU, with the vast majority of its main cast being draconic people.
Dream- Arcaine/Cain
Nightmare- Euclades/Clay
Horror- Lazalli
Dust- Neri
Cross- Kodan/Koda
Killer- Vicki
Red- Inea
Edge- 'rika/paprika
Classic- Curro
Classic Paps- Papaya
Sci- Andy
Outer- Valley/Val
Error- Steller
Ink- Atra
Blue- Jay
Lust- Lure
Reaper- Ripid
Geno- Allis
(made this one up)- Arrow
Gradient- May
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cursedcountess · 1 year
>> Author's note:
> I'm thrilled to announce Nightmare Fuel
> it's probably gonna fail :/ I wrote this long time ago
> story category - calm, later shady, horror, blood, etc. (no smut)
> tbh I wanted to post something but idk what so here we are
> the characters are based off my class from elementary and my ex-best friend
> fandom - none (I wrote it myself!)
> Avian - a humanoid creature w/ wings
> name localizations: Arashi (jap. - Storm), Hakai (jap. - Destruction) and Hikari (jap. - Light)
> inspired by: Horror Express (70s horror movie), memes and history
> recommended song for reading (SlipKnot - Scissors): https://youtu.be/90tMJjWQTBQ
> enjoyyy
In a beautiful city, there was a special national museum. It had a few issues but the staff doesn't know why. They checked every inch of the museum but nothing, everything was intact. People complained that something was quite off with the dead, stuffed animals. They also noticed that it had a strange scent and the walls were eaten and cracked, as if someone tried to smash the walls with a sledge hammer. In that museum, a teacher often visited there and he didn't notice any of that. He wanted to take his class to see the museum and discover the past, to learn new things.
He worked in a great, public school and his class was known to be very obediant, wonderful and friendly. The class had 24 students: Dove, Robert, Phoenix, Hudson, Soojin, Zoe, Axel, Cole, Larray, Miles, Emma, Marco, Lizzie, Ramos, Felix, Mia, Ruby, Marlene, Flo, Lexy, Ricky, Andrew, Kyle and Skyler. The students were around their 20s meanwhile their teacher was 2 older, so around his 40s. The class always called him by a nickname they gave him when they were younger, which was Sans. Sans was in charge of council class and biology class.
One winter day, he made a deal with the class when to go to the museum and the parents' permissions and so, everything was good. Everyone was allowed to go. Sans and his class met in the front of the museum, at 9 o'clock, nightly hours. The museum during night seemed like a wealthy, vintage, sparkling manor. It looked very marvelous and astonishing, not to mention it also had 3 floors. As for the class, including Sans, all of them paid for the tickets and got in. They saw old Roman stones and medieval engravings, weapons, jewelry and more. The museum was very large so there was a lot of things to see and explore.
They passed the history section but when they came to the stuffed animal section... That's where the dreadful rumors of the museum became true... Everything escalated in the nick of time. Something in the walls was making strange noises, sounded more like buzzing. The teacher and his class felt something was out of place... Their concern increased drastically. The buzzing actually didn't come from the walls but from the dead insects in the glass display. The animals somehow resurrected from the dead. The insects flew and broke the glass as if they're bullets.
The huge spider suddenly vanished and the other animals have broken their glass shackles. The scene was horrific, even the decapitated moose heads were alive. What's even worse is that they started assaulting everyone in the museum. Everyone was panicking, screaming in fear and running like crazy.
The flesh-eating scarabs crawled and slipped into Ramos's skin, he screamed from fear and pain... The flesh-eating critters crawled and crawled and crawled until they came out of his eyes and mouth... Everyone was freaked out from the terrifying sight. This was mayhem and chaos at it's purest form but oh, that's just the beginning.
Marlene grabbed a small lighter nearby and used it against her biggest fear, spiders. She tried to fight back, she waved the lighter to repel the spiders and yelled with her British accent: „Begone you disgusting pieces of rubbish!“ but she didn't know an Australian funnel-web spider was right behind her. The sneaky pest jumped on her shoulder. As she yelped, she dropped the lighter, her only weapon to defend herself. The spider bit near her neck so she slowly died from the venomous bite, dropping dead.
Zoe and Soojin were running away from a Sabretooth tiger but the tiger caught up to Soojin, tackling her. Zoe stopped her tracks and tried to prevent the beast from ravaging her best friend. She leaped on the tiger and yelled: „STAY THE HELL AWAY FROM MY BESTIE!“. Zoe's yelling sounded like heavy metal screaming. They were fighting for a bit but it's sadly, a bitter loss. Both Zoe and Soojin were ravaged, a narrow ledge between life and death. Zoe quietly said to Soojin: „Don't worry, I'll see you again Kpop bestie...“ Soojin teared up because of Zoe's words, Soojin said with blood dripping from her mouth: „I'll see you too, we'll meet again emo bestie...“. Both of them made the last epic, emotional handshake before passing away. The unique duo were just there on the floor, with their handshake, looking like 2 bloody massacres with their guts splattered all over the place.
Robert and Marco were fast enough to escape the museum but later, they were very unfortunate. Both of them ran in the M-17 road, a road they have always known. They knew that special road by heart. Sadly, a jet black Mercedes GLE Coupe ran over Robert meanwhile a gray Volvo XC90 ran over Marco. They were on the road, bleeding but nobody helped them. The other were just staring in disgust. A few moments passed, Robert and Marco both die from blood loss.
Phoenix however was resisting from a huge hawk, trying to stay alive but the entire flock was there. Two hawks pecked out his icy blue irises, then the flock took him somewhere around the museum. The flock of hawks ended up ripping his body into 2 pieces. The blood splattered and his spine fell out on the cold, hard ground. Such a harsh way to die.
Dove and Emma were impaled by an African rhino, first Emma, then Dove. They looked like a human šiš kebab when the rhino impaled them with it's horn. The rhino pulled out it's horn and left the two best friends dead, just stacked one another like a stack of pancakes. That was the end of 2 close friends named Dove and Emma. (this is the end of Wakanda)
Lexy ran into a small room with musical instruments. There was an old piano, violine, guitars, etc. She thought she was safe from the mayhem but she was so wrong. The piano started playing the piano start of Journey – Don't Stop Believin'. Lexy looked back and nobody was there, the song continued... She felt very unsettled and uncomfortable. The song still continued... She got close to the piano and... *c r a s h !* A red piano crushed Lexy and the black piano. The red piano continued the instrumental riffs when suddenly, a monster came out of the shadows. It wasn't a monster, it was a demon. His name was Hakai. He sang: „Just a low ranked demon, living in mortal world! I took someone's life and a few...“ he quietly sang the whole song but major changes in the original lyrics, in addition of subliminal messages.
Larray hates bugs and critters but won't she have a wonderful surprise? A giant Japanese hornet came flying at Larray, she screamed in fear but she managed to dodge it's attack. Not so long, she ended up being stung by hornets and wasps, oh, the pure dread radiating off of Larray for these buggers. She started feeling weaker and weaker, her knees fell to the ground. She was lying down, simply out of the excruciating pain in her body. Later, she passed away from the stings, filled with dangerous venom.
As for Lizzie, she was sadly pinned down on the ground by a titan beetle, twice her size. The jet black titan beetle picked up her body and flinged her out of the museum. She flew all the way to the parking lot, along the way broke down the windows. Not only was she half dead but she was surrounded by small glass shards. A few moments passed, she lied down on the ground until the titan beetle picked her up and devoured her, limb from limb.
Miles was hiding somewhere, he tried his best to blend in so nobody can notice him but it didn't go that well. In that same spot, an acid-spitting cobra was there. Miles noticed it and tried to run away but too bad for him, he had injured his foot before so he tripped. The cobra spat it's poison at Miles. It directly aimed for his eyes and it hit. Miles was unfortunately blinded by the acid. The cobra also bit him in many places but the poor student died from the venom and acid. The cobra slithered to his corpse, on top of him. It took out his eyes, licked them with it's long, thin tongue. After licking Miles's poor eyes, it chewed on them like they're bubblegum and swallowed them. The cobra wasn't done yet, it entered his body and started eating his organs.
Kyle, being the lazy, sleepy kid, fell asleep. How was he able to sleep in this chaotic, hellbent cesspool? It's equally frightening but strange. Because of the huge, incontrollable mayhem, a part of the ceiling fell on him and completely crushed him.
Felix had a pet monkey, Bob. The bad thing is that the possessed animal betrayed him. Bob roughly grabbed Felix's wrist and threw him out of the window, full force. They were on the 3rd floor so Felix died from a very high place. He fell on a metal praying mantis statue, directly in one of it's claws. Felix was there, on the statue, impaled and dead.
Hudson was outside and saw Felix impaled to the steel mantis. He was mortified but something struck him. A long, thick icicle spear pierced his skull, killing him off. It was like that one dark story where a little girl and her mother were peacefully walking, when suddenly, an icicle spear murdered the innocent, little girl. She was probably a 2nd grader.
Skyler was on the 1st floor, trying to find a weapon or atleast, a decent hiding spot. He found something else, it wasn't a hiding spot nor a weapon. He accidently stepped on something and it revealed a secret basement. He was baffled by the secret basement but he still entered. As soon as Skyler entered the basement, the door slammed shut. There's no way escaping. Now he's trapped there but something was also present. Skyler wasn't aware what was with him in that shady basement. Two fluorescent yellow irises were staring at him, it lowly growled. Skyler heard it but stayed silent. He quickly glanced at a furnace and planned to lure that mysterious creature into the furnace. Skyler slowly went near the hot furnace and turned around, a werewolf was in front of him. Sky got startled and stepped back but that was a huge mistake, he was in the furnace, slowly dying from the flames.
Ricky, known as the class tank, hard and heavy student with 0 damns given about his low grades. His grades stoop lower than alley cats. Despite his low grades, the class respected him. Ricky was watching the mayhem happen while taking a bite of his burek. Poor Ricky choked on his burek and that moment arrived, his type II diabetes kicked in. The choking and diabetes ended Ricky's life.
A demon was flying around the museum, circling like a vulture and picked up Andrew from the ground. The demon shoved Andrew in the Brazen Bull. The fire was lit up as soon as Andrew was shoved there. The heat inside the bronze bull got progressively worse, making Andrew scream in agony. Outside of the Brazen Bull, only bull noises came out and those bull noises were actually Andrew's desperate cries for help.
Ruby, the Australian justice ranger of the class, was running away. She was close but she fell right into a trap. She was hanging upside down, trying to get out of the unexpected trap until company came. The same demon that killed Lexy and shoved Andrew in the Brazen Bull, sawed Ruby in half. She screamed in pain so loud, death metal and screamo bands fell into depression. A half of Ruby was hanging upside down while the other half was on the ground, blood spilling around it.
Mia was pretending to be sober. She was drunk all along. Unconscious, unaware Mia glanced at a rope on the ground and took it in her soft hands. She kept staring at it, trying to see crystal clear but no, her vision was still shaky and dizzy. Her body slowly swayed like a weeping willow, gently blown by the wind. A voice in her head was telling her to make it into a noose and join her friends. Mia was the funny, kind and loyal one in her friend group. She wanted to join her friends, to reunite. She ended up hanging herself, to join her friends again.
Cole was the random, odd one of the class. Being the random guy in the class, he had a slice of bread in his mouth like Japanese students do when they're late for class. He found some scissors and company, a Japanese crab spider. The creature came crawling really fast and cornered Cole. He, however, tried to defend himself with the scissors. The crab spider gave him a blank stare and took Cole's hand, leading it to an electrical socket. The scissors and electrical socket electrocutes both of them. Too bad Cole is dead because now he has toast in the mouth, toasted into perfection. The crab spider got up like it never got electrocuted. It took the toast from Cole's mouth, ate it and danced under Cole's corpse.
Axel was running away from a Floridian crocodile but the crocodile chomped his leg off. Axel was heavily injured, bouncing on 1 leg. He returned at the Roman stones but that's where he made a mistake. Axel was bent over the stone by the crocodile. The vicious reptile continues his meal, which is Axel. Later, Axel was eaten.
Flo had a very grusome death. The pale brunette was brutally skinned. Blood was everywhere, surrounding her corpse and her skin. Skinning someone was one of the most brutal ways to end a person's life back in the medieval ages. The medieval ages were known by their terrifying executions and torture methods.
And last but not least, Sans had the quickest and most painless death out of all of them.
Something dark is rising... In the basement, where Skyler was creamated in a furnace, a demonic ritual was happening. Hakai dragged the lifeless bodies into the basement and put them in the summoning circle. He also picked up Skyler's ashes in the summoning circle. It was done. The ritual has summoned a demon of higher rank, Arashi. This was Hakai's entire plan, to slaughter a class along with their teacher, just to summon his master. There was a secret Hakai was hiding about the museum and... The truth is, the national museum was cursed from the start... This is the end. This is how we all dissappear... His name was Arashi, destroyer of worlds, the highest ranked demon of Hell. He rose from the summoning circle, it's hollow eye sockets glowed blood red and wickedly smirked with a hint of malice and lust for power.
His body was a combination of a tarantula, a scorpion and a torso of a man in a centaur manner. His head was a withered skull with red, hollow eye sockets. He had a knife that was connected with a long chain, precisely, as in a spear. As a demon, he was a lot bigger than humans, an outstanding 10'44“. He wasn't just a scary hybrid demon but he also had his own human form to blend in. His human physical appearance was very attractive that would make everyone astonished and swooned when laying their eyes upon him.
Arashi was ready to cause major chaos in the city or more, the country, maybe even the world. This didn't mean battle, this meant war. Arashi terrorized the people, it was more grusome than a genocide. While tormenting was in progress, every secret organization, police department, army has come to put an end into this. As soon as they arrived, they wasted every bullet, ammo and artillery on that chaotic, evil demon.
Arashi murdered them in the blink of an eye, quick and painless but maybe there's atleast a spark of hope. A white, hooded figure appeared with a lethal weapon that can possibly stop this malicious, insane supernatural. The weapon was a simple dagger but it wasn't no ordinary dagger. It was a dagger that can clean the victim's soul, if the victim was a demon, then it would make them burn like vampires.
The Avian's name was Hikari. He finally built the courage and bravery to stand up to Arashi. Arashi saw him coming and so, he turned into his human form. Hikari said: „Brother, I have no choice but to put an end to your reign of terror!“; Arashi chuckled, then replied with: „Y̶̼̫͆̈̊ơ̷̤͚̿̏́ư̸̡͎̋͊̔ ̶̝̞̗̄ț̶̡̼̃̀͂h̶̛̖͎̻̆̂î̶̟ṇ̶̛̮̬̄̆k̸̹̯̟͊̓ ̶̩̗̚͠y̶̙̪̟̗̋o̴̖̜̭͂̂͗͝ụ̷̡̳̔̂͒͗ ̸̠̕c̴̡̢̙̋̉͊ą̸̺̱̲̆ņ̵͇̓̾͌ ̶̤̯͍̣̓̽͛̎d̵͉͚͋̅̄̕ȇ̴͍̰f̶͔͂e̶͎̥̓a̵͔͕̬̲͛t̵̛̠̽ ̶̤̳̖͊́͠m̶̞̍͐̏̚ͅę̸͕͛,̴̪͝ ̷͚͉̋̿̉͘b̸̡̛̫̜͐̋͝r̶̛̯̮̀̈́̍ő̷͎̤̃ẗ̴̠́h̵̢̹̱̟̆̇e̵̿͜r̶̘̭͒͂?̵̨̻́̕͠ ̷̗̖͉̾͋̐͝Ŷ̸̨̭o̷̡͎͐̈́̎͜u̸͇̿'̸͇̬̲̃̒̍r̴͈̉ê̵͕͈ ̴̦̦̺́ṉ̵̰̐̊ô̴̳ ̷̟̤̓̉̓m̶̦̠̮͂̋͑̆͜a̷̲͍͐̀t̷͉́͘͝ĉ̸̰h̷̫͍̖̃̑̈́̋ ̸͉̱̲̊̂̀͛ͅa̶̺̠̹͋g̸̥̟̎a̸͚̣̻͆̓ĭ̸̱̈́n̵̥͖̥̰̾͛s̴̜̤͓̲͒̌̈́̓t̴͖͎̪̏ͅ ̷͓̌m̵͚̭͔͆e̸̝̞̐!̶̨̀̓ ̸̫̽͐͘I̶̮͙͌͐̓̕f̸̬̏̋͘͠ ̵͇̓͗ý̷̢͙̇̈́͝o̶̮̠̞͊͛͌͝û̴̧̱̥͍́̆̀ ̵̨͕́r̵̗̭̳̽ę̵̱͇̀a̶̯̹̭̻͠l̴̻̜̉͂̎̋ĺ̴̺̲y̸̘̻̾̂ ̸̭̈́͊̅͂͜ͅw̴͇̲̏̈̅a̴͈͎̿̅̅̚ņ̷͔̟͉̽̍̔̚t̶̩̯͆ ̵̨͈͂̇̾̿a̸̩̣͖͆ ̷̫̑̀̒d̴̢͇̱͎͗̀ė̵̖͊̈́̓a̵̛̰͌̂t̷̡̤́͗̾̂ḧ̵̢̳̮͔́̆̚ ̶̨̜̍̐̽͜͝w̷̬̫͔̃ͅi̸̡͕̍͜s̸͍̰̾̏̃͛h̷͖̣̜̞͝,̴̣̣̬͝ ̷̛͍̌̿͌t̵͍́͆ͅh̵͈̕e̷̲͍̎n̴̞͒͒̔̑ ̴̡͇̇̀͂̕b̷̹͒̉e̷̠̘̚ ̶̭̞̳̈̄͠m̶̠̀̏̓́ͅẏ̸̤̱̥̠̈́ ̵̣͛g̵̨͈͚͗͒͠ú̸̢͕̠̟͆ë̶͖̉̕͠s̵̫̤̫͎̈́̂t̵̗̱̜̭̅̊.̴̻̝͊̀.̵͎̑̌.̶̡̦̈́“. Arashi and Hikari started fighting with their daggers, the final battle to the death. The duel felt like 10 eternities. Dodging and attempted jabbing back and forth until Hikari finally stabbed Arashi in the stomach. Arashi screamed from pain and the amount of purity launched into his abdomen.
His skin started to sizzle and slowly burn. Arashi yelled his famous last words: „I̶͚̮̾'̷̦̝̋̃̿L̴̟̘͖̓ͅL̷̹̙͙̽̒̂͗ ̸̡̽͂͝C̷̡̲͉͇̅͂̃̃O̴̺̮͌͗̆̊M̶̰̣͛̒̋̐E̷͕͇̍̑͘ ̸̛̠̼̆̉B̸͈͓̻̱̒̚͝Ẩ̸̡͇͉̫͆̔C̷͔̜̓Ḱ̵̮,̷̱͇͇̤̈́̐́̂ ̶͇̪̭͌̀Y̴͉̻̌̉͜Ǫ̷͉̟̆̍͝Ǔ̵̯̀̀͐ ̷͍͆H̸̳͎͚̿̀͜Ḁ̶͍̲͐̈́̌̄͜V̴̲̰͇̝͒͂͊͝E̴̳̪̓̃͜N̵̤̉̂'̸͇̽͛͜Ṱ̷̓̏̈́̀ ̴̞̓̑̐S̵̢̳̼̀̉͝Ȅ̸̩̲̽E̸̻̣̽̎͘N̵̡͚̦̘̈́͘ ̶̛͙̈̓T̵̹͂̎̿͆Ȟ̵͍͚͍͌E̶̯͓̰̙͋̈̈́͘ ̶̰̠̬̈́͒͛L̵̹̪̫̠͋̈̀̌Ã̷̲̳̖̭͋̔̀S̷͓̪̗͕̚Ţ̶̱̦̜̇̿ ̸̟̅̍̊O̶͈͈͛͂̈́̈F̷̯̋̀͠ ̵͉̼̣̎̍M̸̟̅͑̀̐Ȩ̸̛̪̇,̷̡̞̩̈́ ̶̢͖̭͘Ã̶̳̒̐̃R̸̡͔͉̅̇̒̎ͅĂ̵̧̧̖̞͐̎S̵͔͑H̵̨͊I̷̩̦̲̔̕͜͝!̵̢̢̨̲̎ ̸̛̱̽M̸̞̃̊Â̴̰͍̺͖̐͛̒Ŗ̴͎͙̃̚K̴̨̨͓͇͆̚ ̶̥͔̩̂M̵̮̿̈̇Y̴̛̗̩͛͘ ̵͉͇͂̃͋W̵̧̹̎̋O̸̠͒͝R̴̹͓͓͙̂͋̓͝D̶̡̟͕͎̐Ș̶̣̱̥̌̇́,̴͓̞̰̚ ̵͍̰̘͎̎̆̈́̈́B̸̨̧͌R̴̨̛̰̟͓͝Ó̶̡̟̝͉͝T̶̡̲͓̉̀H̷͎̥̀̈È̴̛͇̫̦̘̕Ṟ̸̥̩͊̈́!̶̻͛̈́͐͝ ̸̱̦̿Î̵̻͇̣̼̿̍'̴̙͎̫̌̊L̵̡̜͖̫͆̆L̴̥̐ ̵̛͇͖͑͜͝Ŕ̷̞͗E̷͚̔T̷͈̘̟̅̐̔Û̴̝͍̣͔̃̑͛Ŗ̷̱̬̜̉̍N̶͍͊ ̴̫̫̠̐̑̏̐Ą̴̳̪̝̂̿̉G̸̼͙̈́̂͝A̵̢͕̯͚̐I̶̗̪͗́̂͋N!̸̛̜̏͑ ̷̯̘̼̀́͂́“ He burned into smoke, vanishing in the break of dawn. With nearly everyone severely wounded or even dead, Hikari went to the demolished building, the start of mayhem, the museum. The war was finally over...
Hikari felt really terrible for the victims of his brother's mischief. He slowly walked in the destroyed establishment, surrounded by his brother's dark aura. He thought to himself that he should burn this building, once and for all, for everyone's good. Every memory spent in this museum will become dead memories.
As soon as Hikari left the museum, he burned it to the ground, watching the flames devour the building...
- Cursed Countess
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cherryonigiri · 4 years
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Moment I: Crash Landing (NOT) On You
Son of Zeus!Bokuto x Child of Demeter!Reader || PJO x Haikyuu AU
Summary: Bokuto swears it’s all Akaashi’s turtledove’s fault. If it didn’t decide to fly over Cabin Four, he wouldn’t be in this mess, fearing death (or at least serious injury) by celestial bronze gardening tool. (Featuring Kuroo, Son of Hermes, still the provocation master).
wc: 2.1k || genre(s): humor, fluff || masterlist: turtledoves & daisies
A/N: this is the first fic I’ve written in a while, so I’d appreciate any feedback/comments. Also can i just say that I’m absolutely infatuated with Son of Zeus!Bokuto 🥺
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“Bokuto-san, be carefu!l” Akaashi worriedly watches as his white-haired friend streaks through the sky. Bokuto has his hands outstretched, golden eyes wholeheartedly focused on the turtledove fluttering in the air in front of him. Zipping closer, he swipes at it again, trying in vain to capture the bird as it darts away from his grasp.
His fingertips brush the feathers, only for it once again dodge his hand. “Dammit.” Bokuto scowls as he continues to loop around the dove. As much as he loves flying, the sun is starting to hurt his eyes as he struggles to capture Akaashi’s turtledove. He knows Akaashi loves the bird, but by the gods, did it have a “free spirit” and then some. To be fair, Akaashi had befriended it during a quest, so it’s probably all magicked up or something. Which would explain why it was impossible for him to catch the stupid thing despite being a literal son of the skies.
Apparently the turtledove just wants to make his day harder because suddenly it dives downwards towards Camp Half-Blood, darting past the lava-belching climbing wall as it makes it’s way towards the fields. Bokuto gives chase, plunging after the damn bird, pouring on the speed as he tries to catch up to the (he’s now 95% sure it’s) magic avian. He can see his outstretched hand getting closer and closer towards the bird and he is finally able to just get his arms around it when suddenly he hears someone shouting his name.
“Bokuto-san!” Akaashi cries out from a distance, watching in horror as his friend continues to speed towards the ground
“LOOK OUT!” a foreign voice shouts as several other campers scream. Twisting midair, Bokuto does his best to shield the bird from the impact as he plows through the soil, uprooting the rows of wheat, and—
Oh shit. He can see the golden stalks slowly floating down from the air. Please, please, please tell me I didn’t land where I think I landed. There’s a giant divot in the soil where he must have skidded to a stop. His head is aching, and he’s definitely scraped up, but otherwise he’s fine. Bokuto has never gotten seriously hurt from a fall before (courtesy of being a son of Zeus, he guesses). He’s a little banged up, and he’ll definitely be sporting a few bruises, but nothing a bit of ambrosia can’t fix. Groaning, he sits up, and gets a better look around him. There are several campers staring at him in shock, and an increasing number are beginning to look pretty pissed. In the distance, he can see emerald vines agitatedly waving in the air. There’s only one place within the entire camp where you could find moving plants, and oh my gods he is so screwed— Yup, he definitely landed smack dab in the middle of Cabin Four’s fields.
Gods he is in so much trouble- Demeter’s children are fiercely protective of the magical plants in their gardens, fields of wheat included. Grown from mysterious seeds gifted to them by their mother, the crops behind their cabin always seem to yield fruit regardless of the season and can regrow harvests overnight. (Bokuto can confirm this because he once spent an entire evening staring at a watermelon as it developed from bud to full fruit before the sun rose.) Cold dread settles in his stomach once he remembers that the plants only retain their regenerative abilities so long as they remain rooted in the soil of Camp Half-Blood. And he can tell with a glance that the piles of wheat surrounding him are most definitely not rooted in anything. Ah, that’s probably why more than half of Cabin Four looks like they wouldn’t mind tying him up and throwing him into the sacrificial flame before dinner.
Hearing footsteps behind him, he gulps as he stands, turning around to face a pissed off Cabin Four camper. “What the hell did you do to my plants Bokuto?” you scream at him. Bokuto is well known—his shockingly bright hair is recognizable anywhere, and he’s also a son of one of the Big Three, so it’s no surprise you know his name. Tilting his head, he tries to match your face to a name. Maybe you’re a new camper? A glance at the cord around your neck, filled with more than a few beads, assures him you’ve been at camp for a while. Damn, it seems like you’re one of the few campers he’d never crossed paths with up until now. Akaashi appears behind you, chest heaving from sprinting towards Bokuto. He makes concerned eye contact with Bokuto, and the owl-haired man nods reassuringly before revealing the turtledove safely tucked behind his arms.
“Um...I was trying to get this back to ‘Kaashi,” he blurts out, shoving the turtledove in your face. You raise an eyebrow before turning towards the bird. You coo at it, whistling and nodding as the bird chirps back at you. They’re one of the campers Konoha’s mentioned before - the ones who can talk to animals he recalls, watching in awe as you converse with the turtledove. You seem to nod before gesturing for Bokuto to release the dove, which he does hesitantly. Surprisingly, it calmly hops from his hand to your arm, chirruping and nuzzling your cheek with its head as you turn around.
Walking towards another section of the garden, you finally stop in front of a cluster of vines. Moving the dove to your shoulder, squat down, coaxing the vines to slowly grow outwards and around your hands. Your gaze becomes focused, and the spring breeze seems to dance around you as the vines intertwine, spiraling to form a beautiful cage. With a snap of your fingers it’s complete, vines retreating from your hands and moving back towards the soil, leaving you with a sphere of intertwining branches that somehow still look alive despite not being attached to a living plant.
With a small shrug, you nudge the bird towards the entrance of the cage, smiling when it happily chirps it’s satisfaction. Turning around, you hand the spherical container to Akaashi. “She didn’t like the metal cage, but as long as you leave the door open she promises to come back by sunset and not cause any trouble, right?” you pause to look at the turtledove out of the corner of your eye, but she quickly coos at you, assuring you that you shouldn’t be seeing any stray turtledoves for the time being. Akaashi quietly nods and thanks you, clutching the cage firmly to his chest.
For a moment, Bokuto breathes a sigh of relief - it seems like his days of turtledove chasing are over. That quickly changes as you whip around and stomp back towards him, seemingly with the wrath of Hades in your eyes. With one flick of your wrist he finds himself quite literally rooted in place with the surviving wheat stalks and surrounding grass tightening around his limbs. You pull something out of your pocket and oh gods is that a celestial bronze shovel?!
“You!” You’re glaring at him, pointing your shovel at his chest. “Do you have any idea how hard it was to get those magical wheat seedlings growing right?”
Bokuto swallows nervously before shaking his head. Your scowl deepens, and now the shovel is definitely pressing into his collarbone and he’s just the slightest bit worried that he might actually meet an untimely demise (via. a highly enhanced gardening tool).
“You’re so lucky we just harvested this field yesterday, otherwise I would have personally gone to Chiron and requested that you be banned from participating in all combat-related activities for a couple of weeks!”
“Hey, hey, hey! Isn’t that a little much? It’s not like I destroyed the whole field or anything,” Bokuto protests. Sue him for being a little competitive, but he enjoys the chance to butt heads with other campers (all in good fun of course).
“It’s not like I destroyed the whole field or anything,” you parrot back at him in a sing-songy voice. “Yeah, and thank the gods for that, otherwise I’d actually whack you with this shovel right now.” On second thought maybe he shouldn’t talk back. Wounds caused by celestial bronze- even tiny scrapes and bruises - sting like a bitch and aren’t as responsive to ambrosia and nectar. He’d rather not deal with a stinging injury for the next couple of days on top of recovering from his untimely crash-landing into your field.
“Woah, woah, woah, y/n.” Bokuto sighs in relief when he hears Kuroo’s voice. The dark haired son of Hermes approaches you, waving his hands placatingly in front of his chest. “I’m sure we all realize that Bokuto probably shouldn’t have dive bombed your field—”
“Hey, it wasn’t my fault bro!” Bokuto hisses at Kuroo.
“Shut up Bo, I’m trying to save your ass right now,” Kuroo whispers back, before going back to smiling sheepishly at you.
“--but I’d also appreciate it if you didn’t knock my best friend out with a celestial bronze object.”
Chuckling, you tuck the shovel back into your pocket. “I wasn’t gonna even touch him,” you retorted, “just wanted to scare him a bit since this is gonna be a pain in the ass to fix-up.” You sigh, looking at the carnage around you. Any plant grown from your mother’s magical seeds was temperamental at first— the first time you’d tried to grow this field of wheat the plants had almost overtaken all the land surrounding the cabins. It took a careful combination of soil preparation, plant magic, plus many hours of watering, shoveling and weeding, to coax them to grow without overrunning the rest of Camp Half-Blood.
“Yeah, yeah, I know, and now that Akaashi’s bird isn’t trying to Shawshank Redemption its way out of a cage every ten minutes, I’m sure you won’t be getting any sudden sons of Zeus falling from the sky anytime soon,” Kuroo jokes.
“Doesn’t mean it’s going to be a walk in the park to get this back together,” you complain. Your eyebrows are pinched together, lips sticking out in a small pout, and for some reason, despite the fact you’re probably still pissed at him, Bokuto can’t help but find your expression slightly endearing.
Noticing the small pink spots that appear on Bokuto’s cheeks, Kuroo follows his friend's gaze. His smirk deepens when he realizes what’s caught the silver-haired man’s attention. Golden eyes glimmering at the opportunity to provoke you just the tiniest bit, Kuroo replies “Would you mind untying Bo? I mean I know you’re into some kinky stuff y/n but I didn’t realize that—”
“Oh my gods, shut up Kuroo!” you growl, cheeks burning with embarrassment. A rushed wave of your hand causes the vines to drop Bokuto unceremoniously onto the ground. Within a second you’re less than an arms’ length away from Kuroo, celestial bronze shovel pinned against his throat. “I will not hesitate to hit you with this if another word about that so much as leaves your mouth Kuroo,” you hiss.
Kuroo gingerly eases the deadly gardening implement away from his neck, backing away with Bokuto in tow. “Don’t worry about it y/n, after all, we did agree it was only a one-time thing,” he responds, laughing when he sees your back stiffen.
“I hope you go rot in Hades, Kuroo Tetsurou!” you huff, as you roll your eyes. “Go drown in the Acheron or something!” you add before stomping back towards your cabin.
“I’ll let you know when Nico or someone else from Cabin Thirteen has an opening in their calendar to take me down for a visit!” Kuroo barks out a laugh when he catches you flipping him off as you walk towards the cabins.
Stretching your hands above your head, the tension seeps out of your shoulders as the sun sets. You can see the lights of the mess hall glowing in the distance, but you’re too exhausted to bother with a big dinner or company from the other cabins tonight. Instead, you stroll back to your bunk in Cabin Four for a well deserved nap. (If you get hungry, you can always raid the cabin pantry later.)
In the distance, a pair of golden, owl-like eyes keep drifting towards your retreating figure, wondering, why, of all things, you have a celestial bronze gardening shovel.
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Bonus Facts:
Y/n owns an entire set of garden tools made with celestial bronze. Bokuto discovers this later and is genuinely scared + concerned™
“That” refers to a secret game of truth and dare that happened one night when all the counselors got bored during their weekly meeting. Both Kuroo and y/n have sworn on the River Styx to never reveal any specific details from said truth and dare. To this day y/n wonders how Kuroo has gotten away with using it to tease them despite their oath.
Bokuto has actually met y/n before, but just in passing. They were responsible for setting plant traps before a particular game of capture the flag that allowed y/n’s team to waltz over the flag and win the game within a half hour, all while Bokuto’s team could do nothing but dangle from where they were tangled in plant stems and watch.
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vylequinnewriting · 4 years
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The Muse’s Band of Misfits (working title)
The first time I remember opening my eyes, I thought I was blind. I was positive I was awake but all I could make out was darkness. My hands and feet were in as much of a predicament as the rest of my body, binded with a slick and sturdy thread. Yelling in this instance wouldn’t do anything but cause panic. All I could do was wait in abject horror until my captor released me. The wait wasn’t that long, fortunately.
Despite my initial vow of silence, I must’ve made enough sound for me to be heard. By what or who, I didn’t have time to imagine. Faint footsteps towards my left. A single set. Lightweight and dedicated. No sight was necessary to tell what their destination was. After a minute or so, they stopped right before me with an authoritative stomp. Then, they simply waited. Not quite sure for how long, but more than enough for me to hate the silence.
“I’ll help you in a second, dear, but I have a question I so desperately need answered,” explained a calm, caring, and calculated voice. “Most would beg me at this point. Others would have ripped themselves free by now. But you did neither. Why?”      
Genre: Dark fantasy / Horror
Status: Planning/building a backlog of chapters (still figuring out where to post.)
Themes: Found family, memory loss, overcoming fear, overcoming trauma, fighting fate, gods vs. mortals, forbidden magic, POC, Disabled and LGBTQ+ characters
POV: First Person (Five’s Perspective)
On the eve of an unfortunate incident no one can recall but can still dread, ten individuals are stolen in the dead of night and brought into an unexplored corner of the world. They awake in a palace of stone and ice without names and “with a hole instead of that which their souls held dearest”. Choosing names based on the numbered tattoos they received while asleep, the only thing they can trust are what little memories they have left. Some wish to regain what they’ve lost leave as soon as possible. Others wish to stay and find out the mystery of their prison. Fives is the only one of these ten with no knowledge or feelings at all towards their past life.
Before them stands Lecuto, an enigmatic figure set on testing the group for even more mysterious figures she reports to. She fills the air with barely hidden contempt and snide remarks. Her intrigue peaks when she learns of Five’s extensive memory loss. When they ask her about the test, she has only one answer. “You will pervert the very essence of magic.” Forced to relive their trauma in exchange for power, the group now has no choice but to pass these increasingly dangerous tests. What trials will they have to go through in order to escape? And better yet, why were they selected?
(1) Inizio:
 An older man who quickly makes himself a force to be reckoned. Beneath his golden eyes lies knowledge the others don’t have. Supposedly Sei’s grandfather.
(2) Zilli:
A diplomatic woman who is quick to try to prove her resourcefulness. Instead of lingering on what's lost, she tries to find out the secrets of the prison.
(3) San:
A boy desperate to return to his family. Though his chronic pain is often debilitating, he proves himself to be extremely knowledgeable. You can often find him signing back and forth with Diezo.
(4) Quaeter:
A member of the exceedingly rare, draconic Chrominé. Her second set of arms is perfect for hugging you twice as gently. Her uniquely Chrominé accent/lisp may be hard to hear, but you can still make out a kind sensibility underneath.
(5) Fives:
The protagonist of Muse’s Band of Misfits. They may have no memory, but they have a penchant for analyzing everything as much as possible. They much prefer to investigate by themselves, but will still try to help a friend in need.
(6) Sei:
The youngest of the group by a large margin. Despite his age, he shows emotional intelligence beyond his years, though he may be quick to step over someone’s feelings regardless. Supposedly Inizio’s grandson.
(7) Syet:
A full-blooded Thae. He is often confrontational with the others, only stopping to converse with those he can’t interpret as a threat. 
(8) Achten:
The only one to rival Quaeter’s tall stature. Despite being quick to anger, he is even quicker to defend the small.
(9) Divye:
A woman who is quick to run from danger. Her constant paranoia often morphs into distrust, except in the case of Fives.
(10) Diezo:
A boy who only wishes to help whenever possible. His smile is as bright as the morning sun. You can often find him signing with San, who acts as his interpreter. 
A mysterious entity who only refers to herself and her comrades as “Administrators.” While she cannot harm the group physically, she is not above psychological torment. Her skill to poke holes in some one’s mental defense is only matched by her skill at always being present even if she’s not seen.
Content Warnings: Death, (mentioned) child abuse, body horror, forced captivity, swearing, violence (will be updated as more comes up)
Send me an ask if you’re interested in being tagged!
Taglist (just Muse’s Band): @avian-writes, @ashen-crest​​​
General Taglist (all writing): @ecwrenn​
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undead-toon · 3 years
General Skullgirls setting headcanons Part 1?!
Hey, some of you know me as undead toon mun and I've been working a very.....very long list of general headcanons about the Skullgirls setting and headcaons for this blog in particular. For this one, this is one out of a unknown amount talking about personal hcs featuring the default setting of Skullgirls. Some of these do apply to my AU, but this is a kinda sorta a general headcanons kinda deal. So, readmore time.
About the ASG Labs:
Given what canon lore we know about the Labs, I personally muse that Avian was hired due to his surgical skills and possible studies in Parasites and their host, making him ideal to head Lab 08. He's arguably the world's expert on Parasites but he's not one to brag. Dude just wants to help people.
Going by hints in the mobile game, its very likely both Labs sometimes "scope" Hospitals or war victims for future experiments. In cases like Peacock and Big Band and most of Lab 08, the modifications are fully willing.
More so a Peacock headcanon for all Peacocks, including my AU, but I see Peacock as some form of Irish/Russian or their SG counterparts. Dad was Irish, hence the last name. But her Hometown was named Rommelgrad and the Grad suffix shows up in Eastern European countries. About the city of New Meridian:
The City of New Meridian is strongly implied to be of some form of Italian or its SG counterpart. Therefore, New Meridian celebrates holidays like Carnival (or Mardi Gras here in the states).
This is musing on canon bits on my end, but while its confirmed New Meridian used to be part of a "Meridian Empire", its also confirmed that during Franz's rule, he tried to outlaw "Meridian traditions" So its very likely New Meridian was taken by force. In addition, these Meridian traditions still crop up in New Meridian and nearby cities, both to spite Franz but in particular are encouraged by the Medici. Its strongly implied that the Medici's good reputation comes from some form of preserving these traditions, in a way, reflecting how rl Mafia's used bootlegging during Prohibition to gain a sense of "respectability" by providing booze in local society.
New Meridian is also basically a does NOT have a exact real life counterpart, but if I had to guess, its likely based off a mixture of Menton, France, Los Angeles, Las Vegas, and San Francesco. Its canonly described with "NorCal meets Mediterranean weather" and comparing it to real life California cities is the closest estimate to inspiration given the dev team is located in Los Angles but it wouldn't surprise me if there's elements of nearby Pasadena too, especially for Maplecrest.
New Meridian is on the more "tolerant" end of things, being comparatively liberal in regards to treatment of Parasite hosts, ferals and other canonly discriminated groups. There's apparently no apparent segregation, for starters.
Related, New Meridian is one of the places where there are envoys to other countries located, not like New York city, due to its cultural significance. About the Medici:
Lorenzo Medici is old as fuck. Man's seen the fall of the Meridian empire and the rise of New Meridian. He probably had a feud with Franz's great great great great great great great great parents. This asshole is OLD.
However, because he's used the life gem to extend his life so much, that without it, he's not just having his age catch up to him. Dude's rotting to death and its freaking him out.
While this is absolutely not set in stone, it would not surprise me if Lorenzo seeking the Skullheart to find a means of making his "youth" permanent. Rotting to death is just making this desperation to not die even worse.
Yes, he's aware of the risks doing so.
Among the Medici's many, many crimes, the short list is: Murder, Mass Murder, human trafficking, drug smuggling, weapons smuggling, slavery, assassinations, assassination attempts, illegal gambling, fraud, fixing games, running scams, bribery, possibly defacing property.... just assume almost everything that's a crime.
The Medici Mafia, Lorenzo in particular, often share the title "local person ruins everything" with Eliza and Double in the scale of how much bad shit happens because of them. About the Trinity
While Venus and Aeon are predominately goddesses of space and time respectively, I do hc that they also are goddesses of lesser known domains. Venus' are Space, the body, Love, Lust, violence and matters of Health. Aeon's are Time, but also the mind, memories, joy and horror, obsessions and matters of one's mental state. This is part due to Double's influence in Trinitism but also a natural side effect of the absorption of other culture's gods roles and belief.
Trinitism, while taking cues from Real life Catholicism and Christianity, also has a lot of elements of traditional Egyptian mythology religious rites and the like. Its a religion with a strong emphasis on Order and personal piety.
This is a purely speculative on my end, but personally, one of my theories on why the Trinity is trying basically kill everyone is twofold: In ancient Egyptian belief, it was believed Pharaohs, which Venus and Aeon at least, technically count as, were expected to rule over a Necropolis, a city of the dead full of other dead subjects. However, the Abyss takes more cues from Greek afterlife or certain interpretations of Sheol, so Venus and Aeon have possibly convinced Mother to basically kill everyone to drag them to the Abyss to get their Necropolis. It also has the bonus of intentionally screwing over Eliza.
Despite Double knowing the true nature of the Abyss, she helped with the idea of Heaven and Hell, one to drum up wishes for the Skullheart, and two, guilt and desperation makes people more easy to manipulation.
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lovelivingmydreams · 4 years
Okay so I decided not to risk any of their hits missing and letting all three of them have another go at the monster.
“Try and keep me on the sidelines, I dare you.” Remus grins as he puts down his Morningstar and drawing his sword. Roman and Virgil sigh and accept that even if Remus was barely able to move, he’d still want to get a shot in for payback.
First intimidation rolls. Everyone makes it yay!
The Night Terror turns to the trio with a terrifying screech.
They are not fazed however and ready themselves for battle. Remus and Virgil flash their feral forms, grotesque shadows of their darkest selves flashing in and out of existence. Glowing eyes and shadowlimbs sprouting from their back, their grins suddenly full of razor sharp teeth, their swords ablaze with magic. Roman throws back his cape and let’s himself and his readied sword glow with golden magic like an epic fantasy hero at sunrise.
The Night Terror rears back shocked, realizing it might be in over its head.
As one the trio charges in.
So Virgil gets a hit and does minus three damage thanks to his successful intimidation, now just one of the twins needs to hit. It doesn’t have to be impressive just one…
Roman fails! No! He had a good intimidation he had a minus four!  Okay so Remus gets… Nat 20? Ok. I can work with this!
Virgil effortlessly rushes up the Terror’s back and drives his sword into the remaining eye.
Roman makes a jump to try and hit his exposed neck, but remembers Virgil’s warning to stay away from its belly, and realizes that he doesn’t have enough speed to land a good hit.
He can see that Remus made a good jump though and decides to make the most of his failed attack, leaving the final blow to his brother, who’d honestly earned it.
“By the blazing carriage of Helios!” he screamed out as he swiped the air like an anime protagonist.
He didn’t hit but the noise drew the Terror’s attention as was his attention.
It lowered its head, leaving the back of his neck in the perfect position for Remus.
“Take that overgrown pool noodle!” he screeched. The creature didn’t have time to respond.
Remus’ attack hit and with a deafening scream putting all horror movie victims ever to shame the creature fell and let out it’s dying breath.
The trio stared at the remains for a moment or two. Unsure if it was truly down, ready for a final attack. But none came.
Virgil relaxed, prompting the twins to do the same and grin at each other in victory.
“Remus, help me clean up. Half this mess is yours!” Virgil called as he approached the monster and used his ‘magic’ to untangle the fear from the intrusive thought.
“When do you think it got out?” Remus wondered.
“To grow to this size? A while ago. We would have noticed if it started out bigger than a viper,” Virgil reasoned as he condensed a ball of fears and absorbed it’s energy, a shiver running down his spine.
“Ugh, I might be a bit hyper for a while after this,” he informed Roman, gesturing to the slowly shrinking being before returning to his task.
“Me too, but I’ll work through it real quick, promise,” Remus grinned dangerously.
“Why am I suddenly very worried?” Roman asked tensely as he cleaned of his sword and checked himself for injuries.  There were none. He was just a little tired from the fight.
Remus’ injuries were healing quickly due to the energy he was absorbing, and Virgil seemed fine too.
So all in all not bad for a first adventure.
“How about you leave an impressive scene for the knights to find when they arrive. They might feel more comfortable to see that the monster is gone than just take our word for it,” Virgil suggested.
Remus nodded eagerly. “That should do the trick!”
“Is there anything I can do to help?” Roman asked, not quite comfortable with just sitting around and waiting for them to be done.
“Try and calm Percy and Mel down? The fight has them pretty spooked I think!” Virgil suggested nodding up to the avians circling the clearing.
Roman nodded and waved the two down. After a few attempts and some hesitation the two landed on a tree branch nearby. Roman leaned against the tree and smiled up at them to ensure them that everything was alright.
“We’ll all be ok. Don’t worry. You were both very brave to try and defend your person’s. You both deserve medals for valor… And you too Virge! I’ve knighted people for less! You can’t get out of it now!” he called over teasingly, getting a resigned groan in reply.
Roman chuckled and looked up. “See, still his good old gloomy self. He’ll be fine,” he promised Percy as he gently stroked his chest with his finger.
He looked up and saw Remus had already started on creating a scene for the guards to find.
“Remus! Tone it down will you!? They are not used to your kind of carnage!” Roman called out, laughing fondly. It really was quite unsettling, but he was just too glad that in the end they all were okay. The fight was over and what injuries there had been were already taken care off. Leaving nothing but an epic tale to bring home.
“Fine! I’ll lower the rating a little,” Remus pouts as he turns from the fake monster body to put his energy in a few torched trees and some patches of upturned earth as if something big had smashed into the earth.
“Clearly he is fine too,” Roman sighs with a smile at Mel. Both shape shifters seem calmer now.
Roman starts humming a song to himself as he waits for his fellow sides to finish and for his knights to return.
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lost-immortality · 5 years
How do the skeletons handle their s/o having a retired police goose as a pet? Who handles it the best to worse concidering the goose can get any to every animal around to help print dirt on them? What agreement do they have that prevents them from trying to attack each other?(Just think the goose from the Unititled goose game towards all but the s/o and those it is okay with.)
Niemidjidc I just.... retired police goose.... What a concept
Sans: Sans thinks the goose is hilarious and constantly carries avian friendly snacks in his pockets for the little dude. They are both trouble makers and fast friends.
Papyrus: he is determined to befriend the goose, even if he goes about it in a way that... doesn’t exactly work. He’s a bit too bold and loud for the goose’s taste, but it’d learn to tolerate the big skeleton.
Fell Sans: S/O has to break up fights often between these two. There’s a lot of growling and honking. They are both a bit too protective of their person to get along too well at first, but eventually they have a passive aggressive friendship. Well... as much of a passive aggressive friendship as a goose and a skeleton can have, anyways.
Fell Papyrus: Ah! Now this is a pet he can get behind! Smart, protective, resourceful, stole his keys- ...Wait. Hey! Bring those back! He needs those! He’ll have his S/O get them back. Not because he’s intimidated, of course!! Chasing down a bird is just beneath him... Yeah... he’d go with that.
Swap Sans: Oh, that’s cool! Since it’s his S/O’s pet, he does his best to make friends with the Goose, and succeeds in doing so. They are both being of chaos, truly. Best of luck with handling both of them at once.
Swap Papyrus: Gets bit often by the goose, but continues to mess with it constantly. The goose... actually doesn’t seem to mind him any despite that. Occasionally they can be seen trading shiny objects. It seems he bought out the goose.
Horror Sans: He treats it like a kitten, carrying it around a lot and always making sure it has food. They take naps in the sun together a lot... it’s strangely cute.
Horror Papyrus: He absolutely adores birds, but... him and the goose have actually never been in a room together. The goose is inexplicably afraid of him.
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unblighted · 3 years
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↳ @goyokuborn​ said: "I need ya' to take this feather, Rumi-san. Do whatever you want with it." There is no explanation offered.
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carmine eyes stare, unseeing, at the innocent feather that lays in the palm of her gloved hand. her mouth falls open, unbridled shock blooming across her countenance, as she inhales shakily ( what the fuck was hawks thinking saddling her with this shit? ) once she processes what’s happened, indignation quickly replaces her shock. rumi’s been around the block ( she isn’t going to downplay that shit! she’s comfortable in her sexuality and the media was always going to objectify her, with or without her consent, so why not make the most of it? ) and she’s slept with a few people with avian-like quirks, in varying degrees of eldritch horror. what they all had in common was the penchant for gifting a feather they painstakingly and lovingly grew as a personification of a mating bond. in her line of work, such a commitment would only paint a target on her partner’s back, so it was always with a heavy heart that she rejected the gift. with those memories swimming to the forefront of her mind, her vexation burns hotter. without warning, rumi is in the winged hero’s space, pointer finger embedded into his sternum as she spews acid in the form of words “this isn’t funny, birdbrain! what the hell do you think you’re doin’ handin’ off a feather like it’s a bus ticket, huh?!—” the fist holding the plume trembles as exasperation rolls off of her body in tangible waves “—this is a lifelong commitment you’re throwin’ in my face! the least you could do is present it properly so i could formally reject your feathery ass!—” rumi grabs hawks’ hand, carefully placing the plume in the cradle of his palm like it was the most precious thing in the world “—i’ll forgive you, just this once. you should only be givin’ this to someone you’re willing to risk it all for. and we both know you’d throw me under the bus if it meant you could cover your ass. feh. . . bastard.”
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ant1quarian · 3 months
Fae Folk
Vampire (not the "I Want To Drink The Sexy Neck Milkshake" kind lmao)
Will o' Wisp
All of which include these variations of Sanses:
Fatal Error
Blueberror (Goes by Blue here)
They're all very much goobers- feel free to ask about them! Whether it's about them as characters or their worlds, environment, world building, societal norms, or in an x reader context!!
Tags are:
#Arian's Cryptids
#Cryptidverse [Species
#[Species] [Sans]
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thelastspeecher · 7 years
Human Again
I’ve got some other things I’m planning on posting the next couple weeks, after I’m done with finals (got one left; tomorrow morning).  But here’s a couple scenes from the Phoenix Enchantment AU that I’ve written in between things recently.  It’s...pretty long.  Normally I post things more quickly, so they don’t build up like this did.  Fiddleford and Ford figure out who Prometheus and Pele are, and after some good news, the birds get some pretty upsetting news.  It starts immediately after Fiddleford and Ford get back from Pinatubo’s vet appointment.  Enjoy.
               Ford opened the front door.
               “That went much better than I expected,” he said cheerfully to Fiddleford. Fiddleford nodded.
               “Yessir.  Pele was on her best behavior, and was keepin’ Pinatubo calm just like we hoped she would.  We should give ‘em a big ole treat later.”
               “Agreed.  I- holy shit.”  Ford cut off his sentence upon seeing the destruction in the living room.  “What the hell happened?”  The hardwood floor was full of long scratches, cushions had been torn, and pieces of ripped paper were scattered everywhere.
               “Darn it, I should’ve known better ‘n to leave Prometheus loose,” Fiddleford muttered.  There was a small chirp from the carrier he was holding.  “Pele, yer mate messed up the house big time.”  Ford frowned at the scratches in the floor.
               “Those almost look like letters,” Ford said slowly.  He crossed over to the other side and gazed down. His eyes widened.  “They are letters.”
               “Prometheus can write?” Fiddleford asked, aghast.  He set down the carrier and joined Ford.  “Oh, my.  It looks like a message.”
               “It says…‘We’re really Stan and Angie, you assholes’,” Ford read aloud. He froze.  “But that’s-”  Pele began to screech from inside the carrier.  Fiddleford rushed back to the carrier to open it.  Pele stormed out and continued to squawk passionately, pacing back and forth, flapping her wings and bobbing her head in an approximation of gesticulating.  Ford and Fiddleford watched her tirade silently.  After a few minutes, she stopped, breathing heavily.  Fiddleford got down on his knees and stared at the phoenix.
               “Angie?” Fiddleford asked weakly.  Pele let out a small croak.  “Yer- yer a bird?”  She nodded.
               “That’s impossible,” Ford said.
               “This is Gravity Falls,” Fiddleford snapped.  “I doubt anything’s impossible here.”  His eyes widened.  “If- if Prometheus and Pele are Stan and Angie, then- then lil Pinatubo’s our niece! Stanford, we took our niece to the vet!”
               “Fiddleford, it’s quite possible Pele and Prometheus are just lashing out at us for taking their chick from them,” Ford said.  “They’re quite intelligent, after all, and have heard us talk about our missing siblings before.”  Pele squawked indignantly.
               “No, this is Angie,” Fiddleford said softly, looking at Pele again.  “I can see it in her eyes.”  Pele trilled at him.  “I’m so sorry, lil sis.  Let’s take ya back upstairs and get yer baby settled in.  Then we can discuss what to do.”  Pele nodded and walked back into the carrier.  Fiddleford closed the door.
               “Fiddleford, I still don’t completely believe-” Ford started.
               “Oh, hush,” Fiddleford said snippily.  He walked away.
               After reaching the attic landing, Fiddleford set the carrier on the floor and opened it.  Pele burst out, flying to Prometheus at the food stand and chirping at him busily. Fiddleford carefully placed Pinatubo in the nest.  He sighed.
               “I’m so sorry, Stan ‘n Angie,” he said in a low voice.  The phoenixes looked at him.  He turned away.  There was a flash of light and two loud thuds. Fiddleford spun around.  On the floor, dazed and fully nude, were Stan and Angie.  “What?!” Fiddleford yelped.  Stan stood up woozily.  He grabbed the nearby food stand for support.
               “Fuck, I feel weird,” Stan groaned in a voice that creaked from lack of use.  He looked at the food stand and gaped.  “Holy shit. Holy shit, I have fingers again!” Stan stretched out his hands, flexing his fingers.  “I won’t take ‘em for granted anymore.”  He looked down at Angie, who seemed more disoriented than him.  “Babe?”  Stan took Angie by the hand and pulled her up.  She abruptly slumped against him.  “You all right?”
               “Ugh, I feel like- like I have the world’s worst hangover,” Angie croaked.  Her eyes suddenly widened.  “Molly! We have to-”  She looked over at the nest, skipping over Fiddleford initially, but then looking back at him.  “Fidds!”
               “A- Angie?  Stan? Yer- yer-” Fiddleford stammered. He ran a hand through his hair. “I- oh, Lord, I’m so sorry, I-” He paused.  “Who’s Molly?”
               “Our daughter,” Stan said.  Fiddleford looked over at the nest.
               “That’s her name?”
               “Yeah.  Like we’d actually use the weird one Ford came up with,” Stan scoffed.  He looked at Angie.  “Think you can stand on your own?  I’ll grab Molly.”
               “I’ll be fine,” Angie mumbled.  She stood straighter, still wobbling slightly.  “Fidds, you have no clue how nice it is fer someone to understand us when we talk again.”
               “Oh, my poor baby sister, it must’ve been awful, so long bein’ birds,” Fiddleford whispered.
               “Pretty much,” Angie said with a weak grin.  Stan yelped.  Angie looked over at the nest.  “What’s wrong?”                “Molly, she-”  Stan turned around.  Instead of a small phoenix chick, he was holding a human infant.  Angie gaped.  “She turned human.”
               “Whatever made us turn back, it must’ve worked on her, too,” Angie whispered. Stan walked over to her. “Oh!  Look at her lil toes, and her lil fingers and- she has twelve fingers!”
               “That explains the extra talons,” Stan said.  He tickled Molly’s stomach.  She giggled, then began to fuss loudly.  “Dammit.  She never stops makin’ noise.”
               “Babies usually don’t,” Fiddleford said.  “No matter the species.”  Angie and Stan nodded silently.  “What happened?”
               “I don’t know,” Stan said.  He looked at Angie.  “Ang?”
               “Yer guess is as good as mine.”  She froze.  “Stanley.”
               “We’re naked.”
               “Let me modify that.  We’re naked, and human,” Angie said.  Stan stared at her.  
               “Shit,” Stan said.  He looked at Fiddleford.  “Mind getting us some clothes?”  Fiddleford turned red; it hadn’t hit him until then that he’d been conversing with two completely naked adults.
               “Sure, sure, I’ll grab the two- three of ya somethin’.”
               Ford hurried into the kitchen.  Fiddleford was sitting at the table, playing with Molly’s hands.  Stan and Angie were nowhere to be found.
               “You didn’t call anyone yet, did you?” Ford asked Fiddleford.  Fiddleford shook his head.
               “No, sir.  We were ‘bout to, but Angie had to rush off to the bathroom.  She must’ve eaten somethin’ her stomach disagreed with.  Stan went to check on her.”  Fiddleford frowned.  “I guess after so long without eatin’ certain types of food, her body forgot how to digest it.”
               “That’s…not why,” Ford said in a low voice.  “I figured out what triggered their initial transformation.” Fiddleford’s face went pale.
               “Yer not usin’ a very upbeat tone.”
               “No.  I’m not.” Ford sat next to Fiddleford and set the bestiary he had brought in on the table.  He smiled weakly at Molly.  “Hello, Molly.”  Molly giggled.  “She seems to be in a better mood than she was before.”
               “The turnin’ human prob’ly discombobulated her,” Fiddleford said. “But she’s settled in a bit.  Got used to havin’ fingers ‘n toes.”
               “Just watch, in five minutes, she’s gonna start screamin’,” Stan said, walking into the kitchen, Angie close behind him.  He sat at the table and took Molly from Fiddleford.  “That’s how it works with ya, isn’t it, Rooster?”  Molly giggled again.  
               “Feelin’ better?” Fiddleford asked Angie.  She nodded and sat next to Stan.  “I wonder what ya ate.”
               “Did you have any dairy products?” Ford asked.  
               “I had some ice cream,” Angie said.  
               “That would be the cause of it,” Ford said.  Now bouncing Molly on one knee, Stan frowned at Ford.
               “What makes you so sure, Sixer?”
               “Because…”  Ford leaned forward and clasped his hands together.  He took a steadying breath.  “Your situation isn’t temporary.”
               “What do you mean?” Angie asked.
               “You’ll revert to your avian forms within 48 hours,” Ford mumbled reluctantly.  Stan stared silently at him.  Angie froze. “It- I found out what caused your initial transformation.  Apparently, in Gravity Falls, there’s an enchantment in place that selects humans to serve as the area’s breeding phoenix pair, should the current one leave.”
               “That’s fucked up,” Stan said after a moment.  
               “Yes.  It is. The enchantment allows for the breeding pair to adopt a human form every month during a full moon outside of mating season.”
               “It’s been a lot of full moons since we got enchanted,” Angie pointed out.
               “It was only after Fiddleford recognized you, that you could transform. That’s a component of the spell, but I’m not sure why.”  Ford ran a hand through his hair.  “Judging by the lunar calendar this month, you’ll only be in a human form until the sunrise after tomorrow’s.”
               “And then we’re birds again?” Angie whispered.
               “No.  The both of you are still birds, even now,” Ford said.  “You’re just in a human form.  Due to the enchantment, you’re no longer humans.  You’re phoenixes, no matter which form you take.”  Angie covered her mouth in horror, tears pricking the corners of her eyes.
               “How do we fix it?” Fiddleford interjected.  Ford closed his eyes.
               “We can’t.  The enchantment was set in place by a higher planar being with magical abilities we can’t begin to comprehend.  Stan, Angie, I’m sorry.”
               “No,” Angie sobbed.  Stan put an arm around her shoulders and squeezed tightly.
               “Fiddleford and myself, we can arrange for whatever you want, regarding your human identities,” Ford said.  “And until you leave, we’ll do our best to make you comfortable in the attic.”
               “Unless we decide to live in the woods, we don’t have anywhere to go,” Stan whispered.  He swallowed. “We don’t have our place in San Diego anymore.  And even if we did, how- how would we pay the bills?  We can’t have jobs.”
               “Stay,” Fiddleford said suddenly.  Stan and Angie looked at him.  Fiddleford reached out and took a hold of one of Angie’s hands.  “You’ve already got a comfortable setup in the attic. We’ll take care of ya.”
               “Fidds, that’s- that’s mighty nice,” Angie said weakly.  “But I don’t think I can handle bein’ yer pet again.” She looked over at Molly, still being held by Stan, and choked back a sob.  “This mornin’, bein’ separated from Stan like that, by force and trickery, it’s- I can’t take it no more.”
               “Yeah, this morning sucked,” Stan said.  He stroked Molly’s head.  “You guys took Molly and Angie from me.  I knew you were comin’ back, but-”
               “If you stay with us, we won’t do that no more,” Fiddleford said.  “You wouldn’t be our pets.  Now we know who ya are, we’ll treat ya the right way.” Angie and Stan were silent. “We’ll give ya some time to think about it.”  Fiddleford stood up.  “Stanford, let’s go discuss how we’ll deal with Tate ‘n this mess.”
               Fiddleford walked into the bedroom he shared with Ford and closed the door.
               “I don’t think we should tell Tate,” Fiddleford said shortly.  Ford frowned at him.  “Look, he’s just a lil kid.  He could let it slip to someone, or he’d just get more confused.”
               “He deserves to know that the phoenixes are his relatives,” Ford insisted. “What’s going to happen when he gets older?  He’s going to treat his aunt, uncle, and cousins like pets.”
               “We’ll tell him not to do that.”
               “Stanford, please.  The less of the Gravity Falls weirdness Tate’s exposed to, the better,” Fiddleford begged.  Ford sighed.
               “Fine.  But we’ll revisit this in a few years or so.  I don’t like keeping him in the dark, particularly given that the rest of your family will be told.”
               “Fair enough.  When he’s older, we’ll talk again.”  Fiddleford slumped against the door, his face pale.  “Stanford, I just- I can’t handle what we did to Stan ‘n Angie.  Examinin’ ‘em, takin’- takin’ ‘em to the vet, and the stunt we pulled this mornin’.  We- we effectively stole Stan’s wife and child from him.”
               “They aren’t married.”
               “But I understand,” Ford said softly.  “I- I examined my twin and Angie, took notes on their…bedroom behavior.” His stomach abruptly plummeted. “Sweet Moses.  Fiddleford, I recorded my twin and your younger sister having sex.”  He dragged his hands down his face.  “I showed pictures of my niece being conceived to an auditorium full of students. A paper is going to published that has pornography of Stan and Angie.”
               “Oh, Lord.”  Fiddleford’s pale face turned green.  “We watched our siblings’ sex tape.”  There was a knock on the door.  Fiddleford took a step back.  Stan opened the door and poked his head in.
               “Hey, uh, if you’re done talkin’, we decided what to do.”
               Ford and Fiddleford followed Stan into the living room.  Angie was sitting in the armchair, holding Molly closely. Stan walked to her and whispered something.  She smiled weakly, but her tight posture didn’t relax.
               “You decided on something?” Ford asked.  Angie nodded woodenly.
               “We’ll- we’ll take you up on that offer,” Stan said quietly.  He put a comforting arm around Angie’s shoulders. “We don’t- there’s not much else we can do.”
               “Don’t worry, we’ll take good care of ya,” Fiddleford said immediately. “You’ll get everything ya need.” Angie looked down at Molly in her arms, clearly fighting back tears.  Fiddleford took a step towards her.  “Banjey…”
               “Back off,” Stan snarled.  Fiddleford blanched.  Stan shook his head.  “Sorry, Fidds.  Our, uh, our instincts are runnin’ pretty high right now.  If either of ya get close to Angie or Molly, it’s- it’s not gonna end well.  Just so ya know.”
               “Instincts?” Fiddleford asked.  Stan nodded.
               “Turns out birds have strong ones.  Can’t fight ‘em off very well.”  Stan looked at Molly.  “We wouldn’t be parents if we could.”
               “Actually, I was curious about that,” Ford said.  
               “Figured,” Stan muttered.
               “So, during mating season, was the urge to copulate-”
               “Not now,” Angie snapped.  “We’re not goin’ to talk ‘bout that right now.  Maybe never.”  She took a breath.  “We- we have some guidelines we’d like ya to follow, when we’re stuck as- stuck as-” Angie cut herself off, her eyes filling with tears.  
               “We know we’re basically gonna be your roommates that don’t pay rent,” Stan said, “but no matter how cushy the setup you have for us is, we aren’t gonna stay if things keep happenin’ like they have been.”
               “Now that we know the truth, we wouldn’t dream of that,” Ford said. “What are your demands?”
               “Demands is a strong word,” Angie mumbled.  She shook her head.  “Don’t matter.  First off, get- get rid of all yer pictures of us…makin’ Molly.”
               “Of course,” Ford said.
               “Video too.”
               “Take down the camera you have upstairs,” Stan said.  Ford nodded.
               “No more vet visits,” Angie said quietly.  She held Molly a bit tighter.  A tear fell down her cheek.  “No more.”
               “Of cou-” Fiddleford started.
               “Wait,” Ford interrupted.  Stan and Angie stared at Ford.  “We can’t just have a blanket ban on the veterinarian.”  
               “Stanford!” Fiddleford hissed.  A low growl began to emanate from the back of Stan’s throat.
               “Stanley, please,” Ford said, holding his hands up placatingly.  “I understand you were upset by what happened this morning, but-”
               “Poindexter, you and Fidds trapped my girlfriend, stole my kid from her bed, and literally held me back from them,” Stan ground out.  “‘Upset’ isn’t even close.”
               “Clearly, the surprise vet visits will stop,” Ford said.  “But you’re in bird form for most of the time now. A human doctor won’t be able to make sure you’re healthy.  A human pediatrician won’t be able to tell you your children are developing properly. What if there’s an emergency when you and Angie are in bird form?  The ER can’t do anything for you.”
               “What’s yer suggestion?” Angie asked.
               “We find someone else.  Someone experienced with the magical creatures of Gravity Falls.  And we tell them right off the bat that you aren’t normal birds.  You’re sentient.”  Angie and Stan shared a look.  After a moment, Stan nodded.
               “We’ll concede to bein’ data fer yer research,” Angie said.  “But whenever ya want to examine Molly, one of us has to be there.  And the nonsense with invadin’ our privacy?  That’s done.” Angie glared at Ford. “Examinations can’t take our dignity no more.”
               “Fair enough,” Fiddleford said.
               “And we need to find a way fer us to communicate,” Angie said.  Fiddleford and Ford nodded.
               “Anything else?” Fiddleford asked.  Angie shook her head.
               “Not right now, at least,” Stan said.  
               “Glad we got some things settled,” Fiddleford said.  He smiled weakly at Angie.  She smiled hesitantly back.  Emboldened, Fiddleford took another step towards Angie.  Stan let out an audible hiss and grabbed Fiddleford’s wrist.
               “Fidds,” Stan growled.  “Just ‘cause we look calmed down doesn’t mean we are.  Do you remember what happened when you guys got close to the nest right after Molly was laid?”  Fiddleford nodded.  Stan’s eyes narrowed.  “Well, now I’m bigger than you.  Wanna roll those dice?”  Fiddleford paled.
               “Fidds, please,” Angie whispered.  “I know ya just want to comfort us.  But we can’t handle that right now.”
               “Okay, okay,” Fiddleford said, stepping back.  Stan and Angie visibly relaxed.  “Are ya up fer callin’ Ma ‘n Pa?”
               “No,” Angie said softly.  “But I don’t think I’ll ever be.”  She stood up. “At least they’ll be excited they’ve got such a cute lil granddaughter.”
               “The cutest granddaughter they’re ever gonna have,” Stan said proudly.
               “Cuter than any future daughters of yours?” Ford asked.  He shrugged.  “Well, we can always find out after next mating season.”
               “Don’t remind me,” Stan muttered.  “You’d think I’d like knockin’ boots 24/7.  But it’s not as fun as a bird.”
               “Why?” Ford asked, curious despite himself.
               “First off, it’s-” Stan started.  Fiddleford cleared his throat.  Stan and Ford looked at the McGuckets, who were wearing identical discomforted expressions.  “…I’ll tell you some other time.”
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sweetlifetownsville · 5 years
Solicitor Barry Taylor's Former Business Mate Gets Two And A Half Years In The Jug
Labor influencer Wayne Myers getting jail time for his role in the Ipswich corruption scandal must be embarrassing for Big Bazza Taylor, the worlds most touchy solicitor when it comes to his business dealings. Mind you, Taylor did no wrong when he teamed up briefly with Myers in Townsville more than a decade ago, but unfair perceptions of guilt by association may be about to get worse for our much loved legal foghorn. Our receding floodwaters have revealed some home truths about the cupidity of our council, and the fallacy of the Bulletins tub-thumping agenda. Do you reckon that her call for a Qantas boycott was our mayors finest hour? Well, now the she who would be the Battlers Boedicia has gone one better threatening insurance companies with a big stick, which may well end with a more damaging push back than the Qantas call. But spite of all our tribulations, love was in the air during the week, when we endured that annual dork fest of bad poetry and unrequited lust known as Valentines Day and this year, animals got in on the act no no, you grubby lot, not like that, they just played it for laughs. But first Getting Even Since Indias gift to the desecration of Australian native bird life is the unpleasant Indian Mynah, somehow it seems only fair it is a native Aussie bird that is now taking its revenge on an unpleasant Indian miner.
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The row over the state governments somewhat clunky internal factional power play about the protection of the Black Throated Finch habitat which is apparently threatened by the Adani Carmichael mine project is a right old knicker twister. The Astonisher iditor Jenna Cairneys dainties have taken a hell of a contortion, forcing her yet again into unintended humour. First we had two News Corpse journos in the same edition of the paper making exactly opposing claims about the birds. One, The Astonishers John Andersen, who knows about these things being a straight down the line bushie, quoted some of his widespread old timer country contacts that the bloody bird was everywhere, always had been, not just near the mine site. In the very same edition, the Astonisher had lifted a piece by tired old Courier Mail click-baiter Des Houghton trying it on that the bird would become extinct, killed off by feral animals (cats and pigs apparently) if the Adani land set aside for its protection area DID NOT PROCEED. Ando is the far more believable in this face-off, rather than the Alan Jones-Lite Houghton, who didnt explain how the dreaded cats and pigs would be kept out of the protection area signage perhaps?. The finch has become our own native Scarlet Pimpernel: They seek him here, they seek him there, Those pollies seek him everywhere, Journos seek him near, they seek him far, Under sun and under star, They try so hard, but they try in vain, For he eludes them yet again. But Bentley was there to record a meeting between avian cousins to solve the mystery.
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Then enter the obviously discombobulated Astonisher iditor Jenna Cairney, the very same Jenna who gave a good laugh in a recent iditorial when she insisted the Bulletin only did fair and balanced reporting. Deputy Premier The Treacherous Trad came to town to talk about flood recovery measures during the week, asking what could be best done for the victims, but the Astonisher wanted to talk about the Black Throated Finch. Trad swatted away a few weak attempts to engage on the matter, somehow judging that the governments flood recovery measures were surely the overriding topic of the moment. Boy, didnt that make Jenna stampn her feet in rage, she saw red, and fired off a blistering iditorial, suggesting, (topically if unfortunately), that we were being sold down the river which is where a fair amount of Townsville ended just a few days ago. But then, right in the middle of this foot stamping tantrum, this little thigh slapper popped up from nowhere.
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A moment,please (gasp, wheeze, splutter ahem, sorry.) Leaving aside the absurdity of this virtue-signaling boast, this twaddle comes from an iditor who wagged a finger at those who have had the temerity to raise questions about the handling of the flood emergency.
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Even your southern betters arent buying that one they can apparently walk and chew gum at the same time, handling more than one story at once heres just one instance from the Courier.
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Heres a newsflash, dearie the days of outfits like the Bulletin being the gatekeepers of information are long gone, and you no longer set the news agenda. Some Say The Council Over The Years Has Had A Lack Of Vision Any inquiry into the handling of the flood is should not be restricted to just recent events themselves, but should surely delve back into council building policy and approvals over many years, to see why so many inappropriately designed structures, both private and commercial, were allowed to be built on clearly identified flood plains. A Nest read sent is a photo that might help explain the problem he believes this is the TCC building where these decisions were made.
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Mayor Mullet Jumps On The Boycott Bandwagon Again Ms Cairney, under your newly announced tough question policy, any chance of asking Mayor Mullet about her bogan bluster that if insurance companies use southern tradies to do repair work in Townsville, she will name and shame them.
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Even your own reporter, Clare Armstrong (the soon to join the Sydney Telegraph), described this piece of electoral grandstanding as extraordinary. Embarrassing empty threat might have been just as apt. Talk about Qantas boycott redux this implicitly means that your paper, Jenna, will have to be the mayors bully pulpit in this naming and shaming exercise of companies that are major News advertisers, going about their legal business funded by shareholders, and who couldnt give a fig about Mayor Mullet and her barroom style bluster. You OK with that? Or is there the odd tough question you might like to ask your pal the mayor? Naming and shaming? The bottom line, if it is followed logically, is that Mayor Jenny Hill is on the boycott bandwagon again, threatening to call for a boycott of companies who legally, if not morally, use outside tradies for whatever reason (like legally binding existing contractual arrangements). Given her shoot from the lip bravado over several issues recently, Mayor Mullets big stick is in reality a squizzle stick: she must have quite a supply of used lying about. And You Can Add Casual Racism To Her CV, Too Another shoot from the lip, when talking about the two blokes who drowned while ruinning from the police.
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You cant pick your family members? What the hell does that mean? Judge Jenny at her best. Sorry, what was that? Oh, yeah, right, forgot, Palm Islanders dont have a vote in Townsville local elections Well, remember, all you other folks, you can choose your mayor soon, up to you. Ghosts Of Mates Past Coming Back To Haunt Bazza Taylor
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Big Bazza Taylor As reported here recently, solicitor Barry Taylor was once briefly in business in Townsville with convicted briber Wayne Myers. During the week, Chief Judge Kerry OBrien gave Myers two and a half years in chokey, to be suspended after six months, for greasing the wheels of corruption with council and contractor officials in Ipswich.
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As reported here recently, back in the early 2000s, Myers and Taylor tried to start a local teleco company with the council, with Barry charged with roping in local bizoids to pony up $20k each for the venture. The then Mayor Tony Mooney saw the scheme was a financial rip-off, and knocked it on the head. While hes living down that little episode, Bazza now waits to see how big will be the embarrassment of another of his erstwhile clients, Craig Gore. The question here is which will be the biggest embarrassment , Gore refusing to keep his promise to return from Sweden to face trial on multiple fraud charges, (how he was allowed to go only God and a Brisbane judge know), or if he does show up (ring Tab Extreme Bets for the odds on that), is found guilty and cops an expected dozen or more years for his grubby rip-offs. Gore was squired around town by Bazza also in the 2000s, while the shyster was spruiking the completely impossible canal estate scheme in front of the casino. To the best of The Pies knowledge, Taylor had no stake in the venture Gore was only here for a short visit but if Bazza had any sense of shame, he wouldve been red faced when all that turned to highly questionable shit. Probably not, since he only hosted the grub to brown-nose his Labor pals in Brisbane. Wonder if Baz will lead the defence in the unlikely event that Gore does return. Probably not, not at Bazs prices. Puppy Love It was Valentines Day during the week, and public mawkishness was all around, it was unavoidable. But then The Pie discovered that zoos around the world they all regularly stay in touch to talk shop had decided that their animals had been left out of the annual love fest long enough. From San Diego to Sydney, to London and all points around the globe, this was the very punny result.
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Lets get straight to the point anyone want a shag?
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Stop! Youre making me tawny!
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Talk birdy to me.
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So glad we could support each other on this day, because as they say love is a cattlefield.
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Of course I mean it! Id love you to the baboon and back.
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Alpaca my bags.
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May our love never tapir off.
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Seal-iously, we think youre all keepers. A Warning Sign In These Trouble Financial Times
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And our gallery of the week from Trumpistan
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Finally The Pie normally likes to leave you laughing with a parting joke, but lets break from that rule this week, and ask you to think about this emotive tweets rarely penetrate the Magpie necessary cynicism , but, perhaps because he the father of a daughter, this one hit home for the old bird. Simply but shatteringly highlights the horror of being a school kid America, and the damage being done to an entire generation. It also shows why we are a far saner and safer society, natural disasters and all, here in Australia. A mother in Delaware tweeted this during the week. So my kids school had a genuine lockdown today. Some whack job called in a bomb threat Police came and everything was fine, Thank God! My guys seemed fine when they got home and they talked about it with me, and told me their versions of what happened and then went right into their homework and normal after school stuff, and all seemed fine. It wasnt until later when Vanessa was changing out of her school uniform that I saw this on her arm.
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I say to her, why did you write that on your arm?She says, in case the bad guy got to us and I got killed, you and daddy would know that I love you, and she started to cry (as did I as I watched a little piece of her innocence get stolen away) To know that my 7yo was put in a position to think that thought is absolutely gut wrenching and its killing me inside.Its now been a couple hours, and I cant seem to shake this awful feeling, feeling of sadness, fear, and plain disgusts for this new normal our kids have to deal with on any given day..its a very scary and disturbing society we now live in, and its heartbreaking It certainly is. What have they wrought? Its unfathomable. .. A tumultuous week gone, and all The Magpies thoughts to those getting their life back together. Have your say about anything on the blog comments, they run 24/7. http://www.townsvillemagpie.com.au/solicitor-barry-taylors-former-business-mate-gets-two-and-a-half-years-in-the-jug/
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ant1quarian · 7 months
what are your avian boys’ favorite places to be kissed?? i love them so much omfg
Axes’ favourite place to be kissed is probably on his forehead. Every single time you give him a forehead kiss he gets that awed expression and it never fails to coax a content purr from him. It’s likely because the big ol’ crater in his head is scary and you kissing his forehead reminds him that you’re not scared of him.
Dusts’ favourite place to be kissed is definitely on his hands. He’ll blush if you kiss him in the other places, but if you kiss his hands he’ll practically just melt into a fluffy puddle. Usually, his wings will fluff up and he’ll have to choke down a purr. Hand kisses usually get you a smooch in return.
Red loves smooches on his scapula feathers (shoulder feathers). He takes a lot of pride in his wings, and they are very pretty, but they’re also probably the strongest part of him. He sustained a pretty bad injury to them from a while back, so specific parts of his wings are pretty sensitive to intent. Kisses to his scapula feathers are probably like the only way to make him super flustered easily.
Killer is heavily flustered by any kisses to his wings. It’s super intimate to him and will leave him with fluffed feathers– and leave you in his grip for an undetermined amount of time. Giving him wing kisses are a sacrifice– your freedom, for a flustered Killer.
Cross is flustered by literally any kiss. He simply becomes super flustered, but particularly enjoys smooches to the bottom of his jaw. It’ll earn you a quiet purr of happiness and a blush. He will also return the favour.
Milord will simply die if you kiss the scars over his socket. It flusters the ever-flying-SOUL out of him. He’ll definitely find a way to repay you for your kindness, and it’s common for him to be quite clingy for a couple hours afterwards.
Blue likes to be smooched on his cheek. It earns you a quiet “mweh-heh!”, a blush, and a smooch in return. It takes quite a lot of affection-showering before he completely melts with super fluffy wings and an expression of adoration.
Sans practically flat lines if you give him a proper kiss on his teeth. It’ll take a solid minute before he’ll react– scooping you up and snuggling into you, usually playfully peppering your face with kisses, purring all the while. Bonus points if you kiss him under the stars.
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ant1quarian · 8 days
Y'know when we said the Avian Boys are related?
Yeah nah no they aren't
They come from the same flocks but there's no relation between them
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ant1quarian · 7 months
Avian Sanses: What they've lived through
( Avians = Violence mentioned. Also mentions of a famine.)
Axe is the oldest. He lived through the two biggest events of aviankind– the Famine, and The Unsettling. He was old enough to remember both times, but did suffer a lot of damage to his skull during The Famine that now causes memory lapses. It also means he’s slow to speak, and struggles to turn thoughts into coherent sentences. This did not make him any less intelligent, and he’s something of a folklore among Ancestor Avian.
He’s more instinctual than the majority of aviankind, but also doesn’t have as much magic. He’s also adapted to be almost silent on his feet and use his hands, teeth and feet in battle, as well as his eiderlades.
Dust was only a fledgling during The Famine, so he doesn’t quite remember it. However, he lived through the entirety of The Unsettling and had to face the terrors. As a Peregrine Falcon, he was one of the frontline fighters– meaning he saw and suffered through more than any of his birthflock had.
The PTSD and trauma left him cold, quiet, and calculating. He has a couple, small burn scars on his face and there’s evidence of his tail feathers having once been burned.
Killer was lucky enough to just have foggy memories of The Unsettling– clutching onto Dust’s back, burying himself in Dust’s scapular floof is one of the most prominent ones. He doesn’t remember a lot about it but it tends to haunt his dreams.
He’s unreasonably territorial about things he decides are his, which is likely a side-affect of the things he’s seen and gone through.
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ant1quarian · 8 months
I dunno how many people will interact with this but like. Y'know :]
Also if you don't know what Avians are, you can find out here:
As for what Sanses I will use... that depends entirely on the fic.
Moth Sanses could either be Dust, Killer and Farmer- or Horror, Red, and Classic.
Avian Sanses are Red, Horror and Classic- also possibly Cross and Musket (Mafiafell Sans)
And Avian Reader would be: Ccino, Fresh and Nightmare or Reaper (Which would require another poll)
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