#Az is always down to clown
jmoonjones · 9 months
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While I wait for that ACOSF extended edition (Sarah’s version) with more romance, please enjoy this mess.
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Nesta deserves her 3some. You can’t take away her powers AND her 3way.
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see i don’t actually ship the overwhelming majority of the ships is reblog. it’s just that shipping is such a large portion of fandom that i just kinda go ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ and look at the blorbos kissing even tho i don’t really see it myself. and, dare i say, i think more people should have a ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ attitude when it comes to ships they don’t personally like/shipping in general
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moodymelanist · 2 years
The Valkyries
Happy Day 5 of @nessianweek, y’all! I hope you enjoy this one<3
Summary: Cassian goes to see a band perform and falls hard for the woman with the red bass.
Word Count: 2,505
Warnings: Smoking
Read on AO3 here!
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When Azriel had invited him to see his girlfriend’s band perform, Cassian simply had no idea what he was getting himself into.
It had been a long week of teaching the little shits otherwise known as twelve-year-old history students, so when Azriel dropped the flyer in the Inner Circle group chat and asked them to come with him, Cassian hadn’t hesitated to say yes. He needed a break, he hadn’t seen Az and Gwyn in a while, and he loved a good concert. 
When the fated Saturday night came around, Cassian took his time getting ready and made sure to clean up his place somewhat – maybe he’d get lucky tonight. It was a short drive to The Rainbow, and Cassian was grateful he was able to find parking only a block or two away.
Once he got inside, it was almost too easy spotting Az and Gwyn in the crowd. Azriel was dressed in his usual all black, but even in the low light of the bar, Gwyn’s fiery hair shone like a beacon. Cassian made a quick stop at the bar to get himself a beer before he went up to them.
“Fancy meeting you here,” Cassian joked once he got close enough. Azriel rolled his eyes but gave him a one-handed hug as Gwyn laughed, clearly delighted to see him here.
“Class clown as always,” she replied, her eyes twinkling with amusement. “Thanks for coming.”
“I’m just glad I could see the show before you get too famous,” he responded with a grin.
“If I get famous for anything, I hope it’s for my research,” she countered. Gwyn was easily one of the smartest people Cassian knew, as she had a Ph.D. in psychology and could talk for hours about her research on authenticity and diversity in the workplace. She also taught a class or two every semester at the University of Prythian, so she and Cassian had bonded over their shared teaching experiences.
They made small talk for another fifteen minutes or so, catching up on gossip since the last time they’d seen each other. Apparently, Mor and her girlfriend Andromache had broken up, so she couldn’t make it because she was busy packing her stuff from the other woman’s apartment. Amren was still on vacation with her boyfriend Varian, and rarely responded to the group chat as it was, so nobody really knew what she was up to.
Rhys showed up only a few minutes before Gwyn and her band were going to perform, apologizing profusely and buying them more beers. He served as a representative for Velaris County on the state legislature, and one of the town halls had ran late so he’d busted his ass to get there on time. 
“I didn’t miss anything, did I?” Rhys asked, still somewhat out of breath. He handed his friends their beers before taking a deep swig of his own.
“No, they’re getting ready to go on now,” Azriel responded. He pointed with his beer to the small stage at the front of the bar, where a small crowd was beginning to gather. The three of them were tall enough that they wouldn’t have any trouble seeing over most people’s heads, so they decided to stay where they were until closer to the show getting started.
Cassian watched as Gwyn and three other women began setting up for their performance. Gwyn had changed into a tight, black leather dress with a zipper down the entire front, complete with a pair of matching thigh-high leather boots. He watched as she quickly adjusted her microphone and tapped it a few times to make sure it was on before turning to help the rest of her bandmates lug out some heavy-looking amps. They seemed like they’d be at that for a while, so he turned back to his friends and began teasing Rhys about his outfit.
“Sorry for looking professional while serving your sorry ass,” Rhys quipped back, earning a laugh from Azriel. Rhys had had the good sense to leave his suit jacket in his car, but used his free hand to loosen his tie so it wasn’t so tight around his neck. “Better?”
“Much,” Cassian replied with a laugh. “It stopped me from making a complaint with your office, at least.”
Rhys rolled his eyes good-naturedly. “Like that’s stopped you from bothering my office before.”
Cassian laughed again, ready to keep making fun of Rhys, but then the lights started dimming and a bit of a hush fell over the crowd. Azriel took that as his cue to start moving the three of them forward closer to the stage, and they eventually made it to the middle of the crowd; close enough to clearly see the stage, but not so close that they’d be getting jostled too badly if the crowd decided to get crazy.
“Thank you all for coming out,” Gwyn said into the microphone. She motioned to her bandmates behind her and added, “We’re The Valkyries, and you can find us here again next month. We’re gonna do some of our own stuff mixed in with some classics, and if you like us, you can stream us on Spotify and Apple Music.”
As the Valkyries launched into the first song of their set, Cassian had to fight to keep his jaw from dropping. He hadn’t doubted Gwyn’s talents, as he’d heard her angelic voice countless times over, but he had no idea their band was so good. At least, that’s what he told himself the reason for his shock was. It absolutely had nothing to do with the most stunning woman he’d ever seen in his life playing the bass.
She was tall, only a handful of inches shorter than Gwyn, but it was a little hard to tell from how far Cassian was from the stage. She had on a leather halter top laced together in the middle in a way that pushed up her generous breasts and showed off her flat stomach, paired with black jeans and thick black boots. Her bass was dark red, the same color as her nails and lipstick, and coincidentally the shade of red Cassian liked best.
It was hard to make out from the distance, but Cassian thought she might have some kind of tattoo between her breasts. He prayed he’d get the chance to see it up close, along with the rest of her tattoos. She had a half sleeve on her left arm of what looked like flames at the top, flowers in the middle, and a large crescent moon at the bottom.
He liked the tattoos almost as much as he liked her face. She was focused on playing, rocking her body in time with the beat as her fingers moved expertly across the strings of her bass guitar. Her bronze hair was pulled back from her face in a high ponytail, keeping the long waves out of her gorgeous face.
Cassian was so mesmerized throughout the set that he didn’t notice the knowing looks Rhys and Azriel were exchanging across him. He only had eyes for her , the way her entire body leaned into the music, the tiny smiles she exchanged with her bandmates when things went well and the way she scrunched her nose in distaste when someone messed up.
By the time the show was over, Cassian had subscribed to the band on every known social media platform and made sure to like his favorites out of the songs they’d performed. He noticed they’d only performed songs also performed by women – his personal favorite had been their cover of Blondie’s Call Me – but he’d liked their original music, too. 
“They were really good,” Cassian said as the crowds began to thin out. They had moved closer to the bar while they waited for Gwyn and her bandmates, and he ordered some water just for something to do. 
“Don’t sound so surprised,” Azriel replied dryly. “I have been telling you how good they were for months.”
“He only cares now because they’re all hot,” Rhys teased, earning his payback from Cassian’s earlier ribbing. He barely dodged Cassian’s half-hearted punch, but it didn’t stop him and Azriel from laughing at the look on Cassian’s face. “You’re not exactly denying it, Cass.”
“Whatever,” Cassian grumbled. He resolutely ignored the knowing grins on his brothers’ faces. “I plead the Fifth.”
Gwyn and her bandmates picked that moment to return from backstage, all four of them still wearing the outfits they’d worn on stage. All that leather and skin on display from afar had been one thing, but seeing them up close was doing unspeakable things for Cassian’s overactive imagination.
“You were amazing,” Azriel complimented, giving Gwyn a rare smile as he opened his arms to her. “I’m so proud of you.”
“Thank you,” Gwyn replied. She came in close for a hug before stepping back, leaving her boyfriend’s arm slung around her shoulders as she looked around at everyone else. “Thanks for coming, also.”
“Of course,” Rhys and Cassian replied in unison. Rhys shot Cassian a knowing smirk before he said, “Gwyn, introduce us to your bandmates.”
“Oh! Sorry, I forgot that you’ve all never met face-to-face because I talk about you all so much.” Gwyn pointed to everyone in turn. “This is Emerie, Cresseida, and Nesta, also known as The Valkyries. Ladies, these are my boyfriend’s brothers Rhysand and Cassian. You all know Azriel already, of course.”
Nesta , Cassian turned over in his mind. It was a name he hadn’t heard before, but that was fitting for a woman the likes of he’d never seen before.
“Just Rhys is fine by me,” Rhys responded with a smile. He raised his beer at the band’s direction in an approximation of a toast. “You were incredible up there.”
Emerie smiled, her brown skin shining prettily under the low lights of the bar. “Thanks, just Rhys. Glad you enjoyed the show.”
“Hope you enjoyed it enough to come back to the next one,” Cresseida said with a smirk. She slung an arm around Emerie’s waist, tipping her head of silvery curls onto the other woman’s shoulder with a little sigh. “And to stream our music.”
“Don’t worry, my favorites are already in my playlist,” Cassian promised, somehow managing to find his voice now that he was up close to them. To Nesta . Seeing all that skin on display and not being able to touch was a true exercise of patience, but hopefully by the end of the night things would be looking up. 
“Thanks for your dedication,” Nesta replied. Her gray-blue eyes swept over him and he fought the urge to fidget under that powerful stare, especially once he realized she had an eyebrow piercing through her right brow. 
Cassian somehow managed not to swallow his tongue when he realized she was blatantly checking him out. “No problem.”
“I’m gonna step out for a smoke,” Nesta announced to the group. She dug into the back pocket of her obscenely tight jeans and pulled out a pack of cigarettes and a lighter before shooting Cassian a meaningful look. “I’ll be back in a few.”
Nesta had barely turned and disappeared into the crowd before Rhys was shoving Cassian in her direction. “Hurry up and follow her , dumbass!”
Cassian didn’t waste anymore time after that. He quickly finished the rest of his water and left the plastic cup on the counter, manuevering through the crowd as quickly as he dared until he’d managed to find Nesta again. She led him on a winding path to a side exit, the bouncer guarding the door nodding at both of them before letting them outside.
“Wasn’t sure you’d get the hint,” Nesta said once they were outside, her voice much quieter now that they were away from the hustle and bustle of the bar. She leaned against the wall of the building next door and pulled a cigarette from the pack to light it. “You want one?”
“Trust me, I got it,” Cassian replied, laughing a little at how eager he’d been to follow her. “And I’m okay, thanks.”
“Mhmm.” Nesta breathed out a long line of smoke, and he pretended that he wasn’t looking hard at the shape of her lips as she did. “What do you do, Cassian?”
“I’m a teacher,” he answered, running a hand over his hair for something to do. “Middle school history.”
“That’s sweet,” she responded with a little smile. His heart skipped a beat at how beautiful she was when she smiled, even when it was small, and a large part of him wanted to know what she looked like with a true smile gracing her features. “I could use some of that in my life. I’m mostly surrounded by assholes otherwise.”
“What do you do to be surrounded by assholes so often?”
“I’m a lawyer. There’s just as many men trying to prove they have the biggest dick in the room as you’d expect.”
Cassian laughed at the image, but he certainly wasn’t surprised she was just as smart and quick-witted as she was beautiful. “I see your point. I can be an asshole sometimes, but hopefully not as much as them.”
“Eh, you look like a much nicer guy than any of them,” Nesta replied with a little shrug.
“I hope so, but I also hate the ‘nice guy’ thing,” he responded with a little shudder. 
“Why?” she asked curiously. She took another drag from her cigarette as she waited for his response.
“Being a nice guy isn’t about looking like one, or telling people you’re one,” he told her honestly. “Being a good person means you shouldn’t have to… I don’t know, broadcast it to the world. You should be a good person just because it’s the right thing to do.”
“I like that answer,” she replied after a minute. “So you’re a teacher, you think being a good person is important because it’s the right thing to do, and you came to my concert. You don’t have a girlfriend waiting at home for you, do you?”
“No,” he said way too quickly. He very much liked the direction this conversation was heading, but he wanted to test the waters early before he got too invested – he’d been burned by biphobia before, but he was hopeful that wouldn’t be the case here. “No boyfriend, either.”
If anything, Nesta’s expression got slightly more intrigued at his words. “None of the above for me, either.”
At this point, Cassian would’ve usually made some forward comment that would’ve hopefully gotten him on the way to someone else’s bedroom, but things felt different with Nesta in a way he’d never experienced before. He wanted to be honest with her, not just feed her lines he’d given to dozens of people before her.
Instead, he just said, “Do you want one?”
The corners of Nesta’s lips turned up as she dropped the cigarette to the ground and stubbed it out with her boot. “If you’re as nice as you seem, maybe.”
tag list: @perseusannabeth | @bookstantrash | @nestaspegasus | @a-court-of-valkyries | @rowaelinismyotp | @live-the-fangirl-life | @sv0430 | @brieq | @positivewitch | @sayosdreams | @nesquik-arccheron | @talkfantasytome | @simpingfornestaarcheron | @vidalinav | @swankii-art-teacher | @that-little-red-head | @secretlovelybeauty | @starksravings | @dustjacketmusings | @katekatpattywack | @claralady | @gwynethhberdara | @duskandstarlight | @arinbelle | @vanserrass | @mrs-shadowsinger04 | @houseofcalores | @imsointobooks | @silvernesta | @planet-faerie | @teagoddess99 | @champanheandluxxury | @catplayinvioline | @flora-shadowshine | @nerdperson524 | @story-scribbler | @vasudharaghavan | @dealfea | @snickerdoodlechittybangbang | @charming-butt-insane | @highqueenofelfhame | @julemmaes | @oversizedbats | @readingismyonlyhobby | @milkkand-honey | @wildlyglittering | @thewayshedreamed 
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divinerivals · 3 years
Why are people so obsessed with Gwynriel/ Elriel and always argue over it?? I mean I guess I would prefer Az with Gwyn but I also think that SJM would write a great plot for Elriel? Everyone has a preference but some fans are heavily exaggerating and I just don't get why.
Ohhh nonnie. This whole thing is yes blown out of proportion 100%
Let me start off with this, at the very basis of it, each side defends their preferred ship. And there is nothing wrong that. We all have different ideals of romance. Different tropes that we favor. Again there's nothing wrong that. You ship what appeals to you. Shipping is something that should be done for fun. It's one of the things we love about being in fandoms. However, just like your favorite characters, shows, hobbies, etc. You defend your ship. Sometimes it can get ugly, especially when the creator sinks it. As in the case of Gwynriel vs Elriel.
Why is this ship war in particular so out of hand?
Simply put the Elriels because their ship is sinking so they turned to lashing out.
Elriels, like many shippers are defensive of their ship. And rightfully so. The problem is many of them are just...how do I put this... rudely defensive. The problem isn't protecting your ship. It's how you do it. There's a right way and wrong way. Right way is stating why you love the ship, headcanons, fics, art, edits, suppprting your ship in healthy debates and being respectful of other ships that include part of your own. Meaning to be decent towards Eluciens and Gwynriels.
Many have not. I have seen quite a few mutuals being ridiculed via anon due to who they ship. Not only that, they have gone to extremes that rival anti Reylos. That's insane. They have bullied fan artists who do not draw Elriel or have decided to not draw them anymore. They have attacked people on social media across the board. Have said something about SJM's son (i don't remember what it was. This was on Twitter which I'm not on.) Speaking of Twitter many have SS Gwynriel and Elucien posts from tumblr and made fun of us. They went on Wikipedia and literally changed it to suit Elriel, altering Gwyn's story. They cant even make theories with out unnecessarily dragging characters or villainizing them. They look like clowns atm.
Now the Gwynriels have been shipping the right way. At least for the most part. I said for the most part because to my knowledge, there has been one nasty Gwynriel shipper on tiktok and this side of the fandom collectively started standing up and saying they do not condone that. I'm sure there's other nasty gwynriels out there but I don't associate with them. Unlike Elriels. I have yet to see other Elriels stand up and say yeah I ship it but I don't agree with this. (If some of you are, then I'm happy you're out there.)
What happens when your ship is being attacked again and again? What happens when Gwyn is being dragged down and you have anons telling you, you deserve death or belittle you all because a fictional ship? You fight back. The good Gwynriels are frankly tired of it and fought back. They pushed, the elriels pushed back harder and on and on. This is why it's exaggerated.
Yes of course if SJM wanted Elriel she could write it. But she draws a very deep contrast between the two where it would be quite a challenge to win fans over. Especially after his POV where she as the writer put in blatant sexual thoughts of Elain and nothing else. There were no romantic inclinations in Az's view of Elain. That scene is also meant to be in the middle of acosf. From that point on there are no interactions between the two. Hardly any mention of Elain. It's all Gwyn. So I highly doubt she will write Elriel, when Nesta pointed out that Az is Gwyn's next challenge.
I understand the anger and frustration of a ship you truly thought would be canon and its not. But take it in stride. So what if its not canon. You can still draw it, make edits, write fics, etc. No one is stopping you. They're being aggressive and problematic making this ship war ugly for no reason. Honestly if they chilled tf out this wouldn't be as crazy as it is.
I'm hoping once she announces the next book and officially declares the next ship people will chill.
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ellovett · 4 years
list of people that made this year pretty neat :)
Hi all
Ok so 2020's almost ending (it just ended i started writing this post like....5 days ago??) and i just wanted to do this thing where i have a message towards everyone who supported me/who i think are just very cool and very epic, i only really got into the twst fandom just at the beginning of the year and im just gonna get straight to the point now messages are under the cut :)
@permanentlyexhaustedowl - AYAAAA ;;;;; bro you're literally one of my first long time friends here in the twst community and i just want to thank you for everything, our convos in either public servers or in pms, your love and support for my content,,or whenever i vent to you,,,,,just- your love and support man i appreciate it so much and i cannot thank you enough, you're just so sweet and caring and supportive and friendly just aghhhhhh ;;;;; even your reblogs make me smile uncontrollably and i explode, also all the brainrots i have about my interests ;;; thanks for listening to all of them,,even tho you really didnt have to ;;;;;; I love how we make our twst ocs interact and the little brainrots we have with them ;;; You've helped me so so so much and in so many ways, I am beyond glad that we're bestfriends, you're one of the nicest most caring people ive ever met and i love you so so so much, beyond belief ;; 💕 pls never stop being you?????? You quacking amazing person??????? 😎🤙💖💕💖💕💖💕💖💕💖💕💖💕💖💕💖💕
@shoujoqueensstuff - AYYYY SHOUJOOOO!!! 😎🤙🤙 hhhh you're also one of the first people ive ever had a long time friendship with here in the twst community, and seriously bitch i love you so much ;;; so so much..i cant go a day without talking to you about literally anything and just vibing, the support and love you've given me over these months is insane i cannot thank you enough for that, all of our rps, convos or just pure brainrot have been so much fun, and i fucking love it that we built our own little world outside of canon,,all the aus we built with our ocs???? I love them. I love them all to death, including your amazing ocs, and even tho we live on literally opposite sides of the world you're always there for me whenever i vent or when im feeling extremely down or insecure ;; ,,im just so so so happy and glad that i met you and that we're bestfriends, i care about you so so so so so much- hhhh i cant put it into words my brain is dying i just- i LOVE YOU BIITCH, I AINT NEVER GONNA STOP LOVING YOU, BITCH.😎💖💕💖🤙🤙💕💕💖💕 TAKE MY LOVE BITCH 💕💕💕💕💕 thank you so much for sticking around ;; i love you and support you in everything you do so much I could never ever thank you enough for the friendship you've given me..
I can literally go forever on how much i love and appreciate the both of you, i can just scream into the void for all eternity,,but i cant put it into words anymore. You both made my year so great and so epic ;;; i love you guys so much
Now the chaddams 😌
@thetwstwildcard - hi ma :D you're just so cool and so epic lizz ;;; i cant- all of our conversations and brainrots have been super fun and i enjoy your company very much;;; you are just so nice and friendly,, and your ocs (especially staff ocs) are god tier amazing, i will love the nrc mom squad to death. I am honored to be ur child and i love you and father claude (and my four (?) other dads you married) very much 💕💕💕
@alpyssketch - bringer of father claude,,,,i owe you my life alpy,,,,,,but no seriously you're also a very epic person and you're honestly so nice and sweet!!! You never fail to make me feel welcome in any conversation and you're just so damn friendly!!! We may not talk that often but I very much enjoy your company ;;; ily!!! 💖💖💖
@multi-ankin - another very cool and epic person!!!! you're very fun to talk to and you're also pretty funny in the vc fjfjfj, your ocs are all so amazing too! (djdjjd although my staff oc bias makes me go for kas) we should totally talk and make our ocs interact more in the future tho!!!!!! 💖💖
@just-patchy - pATCHYYY!!!! :D hi!!!! you're also a very cool person!! our interactions have been so much fun and i hope we can have more in the future ;;; the ideas you have for your ocs and how you put them into writing is so good!!! like really good!!! And your art has been greatly improving too!!! Never ever think that i dont see you as a friend because i do!! 😤😤💖💖 i care about you bro!! Never forget that!!
@bakujho - :D hi jho!! you're a lot of fun! And I THINK YOU ARE SO DAMN COOL AND BADASS it's unbelievable,,i look up to you jho i wish i could be almost as cool as you when i grow up ;;; the things you've done for this fandom are also very admirable! like the whole gravedigging (jellyfish) situation! But we're not gonna talk about it now- hhhhh you're just so epic jho ;;; seriously 💗💗
@Kurui - hhhhh you're probably not gonna see this ;;; and i cant find your tumblr (if any of the other chaddams could possibly show this to her thatd be so great ;;;) but nonetheless i still think you're just so fun and cursed ;;; and you give so many amazing ideas!!! Your ocs are all also so cool too! Your art is just so detailed you clearly put a lot of thought into them i just admire that sm ;; (also your edits are extremely cursed and epic i love them dearly-)
@twst-the-royals - JULIE :))) HELLO,,,you were actually the first ever person i spoke/interacted with in the fandom! And you were just so nice and friendly and patient with me ;;; im glad that i got to talk to you,,and we dont really talk that much now but pls pls PLEASE know that i care about you so much and that i support you in everything you do ;;; 💖💖💗💖 ill do my best to make you proud!!
@girl-in-the-tower - hey Az!!! ;;;; you're so epic and cool,,honestly i admire you so much, the lore/writing you have for your ocs/fanschools are just so well thought out and so well written ;;; i hope to become a better writer like you in the future, but for now ill just take notes and learn from you ;; you're super encouraging and supportive too!!! I know we dont talk much but i could never thank you enough for all those little yet meaningful moments ;;; 💖💖
@rikanoctrix and @mirrored-pomefiore - hi!!! i know we arent that close but just know that you two are huge inspirations for me when it comes to art, the both of you draw your styles so incredibly well and i admire that so so so much ;;; 💖
@ocean-water-tea - FATHER TEAAAAA QAQ okay so first of all,,,,how can you draw so well using ibispaint, i ask for tips, specifically on how to draw hair and tits 🤲 but seriously though you are so fun to talk to!!! So cursed!!! So ☊⊑⏃⍜⏁⟟☊!!! You encourage me to my true cryptid self (despite aya's protests 👀) and i thank you kindly,,,you are also very funny 😌 a funny little clown simp, and you're super friendly and cheerful too! I almost never feel nervous when reaching out to you ;;; I hope we can have more wacky adventures in the future 💖💖
@zonamemoryverse - HEYYY ZONAAA!!! you're a fairly new person and you've already come so far ;;; you're a very chaotic person to talk to and i enjoy all of our conversations!!! Also our interactions with our ocs were super fun too, and i love hearing any shred of content i can get from ur epic ocs,,,dont stop being epic!!! 💖💖
@namelessfish - Hi fish!!! :DD you've been a very supportive friend to me over these past few months,,and im happy i have someone i can relate my not-so-great experiences with ;;; please know that i care about you dearly and that ily ;; 💖💖💖💖
@wondersbeyondcompare - JFFJJF BRO DONT THINK I DONT SEE YOU WHENEVER YOU REBLOG MY CRINGY ASS POSTS 👁👁 I SEE THEM AND I CHERISH THEM ALL I REREAD THEM ON SAD DAYS. All the little tags and comments you put on them always make me smile so hard ;;; im just very happy to know that you like whatever the hell im doing and it pushes me to do more!! You're incredibly sweet, dont worry!!! Ill be sure to make you proud!!!! 😭💖💖💖
@circuscarnage - Anna!!!! We dont talk that often but whenever we do it's always so much fun ;;; you're so sweet and i appreciate you so much ;; all the stuff you drew for my ocs are all so incredibly cute and i really have to give back- jUST YOU WAIT ANNA. IM GONNA MAKE FANART OF YOUR LOVELY OCS AND YOU CANT STOP ME- 💖💖💖💖
@twistedapple - hi crow!! :DD again we dont really talk that much but i support you greatly in everything you do!!! You're another epic and cool writer ;;; your writings for your ocs are just sooooo well written and are just so good!! You're also super good at art too!! And i hope to see more from you in the future!!! ;;; 💖💖💖💖
@not-twst-enough - Ellie!!!! ;;; bro you've been supporting me from the very start, from lillet's old ass bio to now, and i very much appreciate it!!!! You're also super friendly in the twst server too ;;; and all the content you have for your ocs is just so exciting! Good luck with the fandorm and all future stuff ;;; ily!!!! 💖💖💖
@fumikomiyasaki - FUMI. DONT THINK I DIDNT FORGET YOU DKDKDK,,,Another cool and amazing person!!! All our brainrots and conversations have been really fun ;;;; thank u for that,, You are very fun person to interact ocs with tho!!! Especially with ships!! MadScientist² will forever hold a place in my heart.,,,💖💖💖
@oiseaunoir11 - hey Al!! :) you were one of the many people i admired and looked up to when i first joined the fandom, your art is something im deeply inspired by and your shitposts at like...4 am in the morning always give me the big funny,,one thing i really admire about ur art tho is how you'd draw backgrounds :0 you've gotten so good at them!! And your poses look super natural and effortless, i hope to be almost of a better artist like you 🙇‍♀️🙇‍♂️ also i cant wait to see ur animatics 👀 they look dope- hope we can talk or maybe even interact ocs more! 💖💖
@leonasbitties - luuuu :))) hiiii,,,we dont usually talk on servers that often but that doesnt mean that i dont consider you as a friend! You have a lot of super cool ideas for ocs and your art is just getting better and better and better with each piece!!!! i look forward to seeing more from you ;;; 💖💖💖
@peteza-mozzarella - PETEEE :DDD another very cool and friendly person, you're literally the sweetest person ive ever talked to and i love our little chats!!! Hhhh you're just super nice and your ocs are super cute,,please never stop being you you epic bean ;;;; 💖💖💖💖
@the27th - Hi Andhra!!!!! You've been quite the long time mutual,,and your reblogs always make my day ;;; you're just so sweet and kind and i always feel at ease when talking to you, the hunger games sessions you host are always super fun even though im often asleep to even participate 😂 thank you sm for the love and support ;;; ill be sure to give them all back to you 💖💖 starting now 💗💗💗💗💗
@mamushroomoracorn - MAMUSH :DD we've only really started talking recently but you're just so nice and friendly ;;;; all of our talks have been so wholesome and great and im so happy about that, and your art is really really really good!! Ur art style is just so unique and so cool!!! ;;;; and dw mamush,, ill show the froggies like i promised soon 😔💖💖💖
@rookvonhunt - HEYYYY 👉😎👉 hi hello i would die for your ocs. If theyd ask me to perish then i will 200%,,ur so epic and cool and all of your ocs are just god-tier, i cant wait for what else you have to offer!!!! 💖💖
@lawlessofdusk - lawless ;;;; aaaaa honestly you're just so kind and sweet, i couldnt thank you enough for all the love and support you've given me!!! And i desperately need more content of ur ocs bc they're all so cool and interesting 😤😤😤💖💖💖 i hope to talk to you more soon!!!!
Fkfjfjfj i think that's all!! Id like to thank you all for sticking around with me with my first year in the fandom ;;; you guys make all the bullshit and drama here worth it 💖💖💖
If i forgot to include you in here then PLEASE DM ME I AM SO SORRY-!!!! I dont want to leave anyone behind!!! So please feel free to confront me about it ;;; happy new year everyone!!!!
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shewillreadyou · 4 years
Becoming: Chapter 4- About last night
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As always. I hope that you enjoy reading as much as I enjoyed writing.
A/N: This is my 4th part to this TRR series. Karis and Liam finally get their “Proper Date.” Her thoughts are in BOLD
Catch up: Chapter 1 Chapter 2 Chapter 3
Disclaimers: All characters are property of Pixelberry
Word Count: 2915 It’s LONG.
Pairings: Liam Rhys x MC (Karis Vasquez)
Song inspiration: Last Night- Az’ yet
Be Kind: Hit the heart button, leave a comment or reblog. It makes a writer so so happy.​
After they had breakfast in bed following a night of catching up at Karis’ Paris flat, Liam excused himself and headed to his hotel to get dressed for the day that he has planned for them. 
Her phone buzzed. It was Misti.. 
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 After catching up with Misti, Karis opened her largest piece of luggage; knowing that she didn’t pack anything extremely dressy. She mostly brought things that she could wear into the office. She didn’t really anticipate that during these couple months she would spend in Paris she would bump into Liam or anyone else for that matter. She pulled out a black pencil skirt and a bustier top and laid them across the bed. 
Liam mentioned that she should pack an overnight bag as well. She threw in some sexy white lingerie that she sometimes wore under her clothes. She never knew why but it always did wonders for her confidence and for some reason, she felt that she would need a double dose tonight. 
She didn’t really know what else to put in the bag so she included lounge pants, her favorite hoodie, a bikini, some jeans, a cute blouse, and some fuzzy socks. If there was anything else she had forgotten, she is sure Liam would make up for it. 
She showered, ran the flat iron through her hair, and did her makeup before putting her Granny’s diamond studs in her ears. She squeezed into her top and shimmied into the tight skirt that shamelessly showed off her curves. She buckled her strappy heels and had just sat down painting her fingernails a bubble gum pink when she got a text from Liam. 
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She blushed furiously at the picture he sent. He looked extremely dapper in his tuxedo, yet all she could think about is taking it off. Get ahold of yourself and just enjoy him tonight Karis, she thought to herself. 
Before she knew it there was a knock at the door. She could feel her heart beating in her throat. But why was she so nervous? It was just Liam. She opened the door and there he stood. All 6 foot 4, 240 lbs of him standing there looking like a snack in that damned tuxedo. 
He smiled at her and said, “Hey Angel.” 
She was sure she was having an out of body experience until he pushed passed her, kissing her on the cheek. 
“Sorry love, may I use your restroom? I have to go when I get nervous.” She just stood there mouth agape. 
What just happened? What does he have to be nervous about?
Moments later she heard the toilet flush and the sink running. 
Well, at least I know he washes his hands.
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He emerged from the restroom moments later. 
“Are you ok?” 
“I am now. Shall we?” he asked as he offers her his arm. 
“You look absolutely stunning, love.”
“Thanks, Liam, you don’t look too shabby yourself,” she smirked.
“Liam? Would you like to tell me where we are going now?” 
He smiled at her, “Not a chance.”
They headed down to the black SUV that awaited. He opened the door for her and helped her inside. He walked around to the driver’s side door and she leaned across to open the door for him.
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“These are for you.” He handed her a bouquet of long stemmed roses.
“More flowers Liam?” she blushed.
“I have more than a year to make up for…”
This man is unbelievable. 
After a short drive, they pulled up to his hotel. He helped her out of the car and had the valet park. He opened the door for her and she winked at him. 
“Liam, you’re not wasting anytime huh? Right back to your hotel…”
He chuckled. “I have something very special prepared for you.”
They took the elevator up to the top floor and headed down to the end of the hall where he used a keycard to open up the door. He led her through his suite out to a stunning rooftop where there was a table set for a very romantic candlelit dinner for two.
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 She walked over to the rail to take in the view of the city. The view of the Eiffel tower at night in the background was stunning. She was sure that she had never seen a landscape in her entire life more beautiful. 
“Liam, this view is–”
“Absolutely resplendent, breathtaking even. I’ve noticed.” 
She looked over her shoulder to see him staring at her, she shook her head. She could feel her cheeks warming as he stepped up behind her wrapping his arms around her, nipping at her neck. After a few minutes he asked her to join him at the table, pulling out her chair. 
“What a gentleman you are.”
“I try.”
They tucked into a five course meal prepared by a personal chef he hired for the night. Bacon wrapped dates, Gnocchi soup, caesar salad, pan seared sea scallops over shallot herb pasta with fresh steamed veggies and baklava for dessert. When she couldn’t eat another bite he rose from the table and took her back through the suite and down the elevator to the next leg of their proper date. 
They took a long stroll alongside of the Seine River. 
They held hands and slowly walked taking in the sights and sounds of the river. They talked about Karis’ internship and her plans to head back to the states to finish up undergrad before going to law school. 
“There are several amazing options for law school in Cordonia. I know a few people and could easily get you into the school of your choice.”
A cachinnate laugh escaped her. 
“You’re serious, aren’t you?” 
He smiles wide, not answering.  
“Wow, this has been nice. No one has ever put this much thought into a date with me. You did all of this since last night?” 
“Yes, and the night is still young. I’d like to personally thank the clowns who didn’t appreciate you. It has led us to this moment. I want to stay in this moment with you.” 
He turned to her brushing his lips against hers. They strolled for a while longer before Liam checked his watch. 
“We need to head back to the hotel before we are late.”
Liam picks up the pace and Karis giggles. “What the heck Li?
When they get back to the Lobby of the hotel, Liam pulled out his phone and tapped the screen. 
Karis heard him say, “Rhys party of 2.” Then he turned to her. 
“This might be a good time for me to take a picture of you. No one ever believes me when I talk about you. They think I’ve made you up in my mind. I need proof that angels exist. Go stand over by that table and pose for me. This picture will be what I look at to get me through the times when we are apart.”
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She smiled at him and complies posing for the picture he snaps with his phone. Just then a man beckons them down a hall and into the spa. She smiled when she realized what is happening. 
“You really listened to me, huh? Are we here because I told you I’d never had a professional massage?”
“Maybe,” he smirked.
This man is too good to be true.
The man escorted them to a room with very dim lights. There were two massage tables set up and soothing music in the background. The man excused himself while Liam and Karis got undressed. She noticed that he hadn’t taken his eye off of her while she disrobed. She looked Liam in the eyes and slowly let her clothes fall away from her body. 
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“You’re killing me Karis.”
“You don’t have to look.” she smiles seductively. 
“I keep trying to look away. I can’t. You aren’t wearing a bra,” his mouth falls open as he neatly hangs his clothes on the rack. 
“That top didn’t require one. I wasn’t expecting to get undressed until later.” she smirked. 
When they are both down to just their underwear They both lay across the tables under the sheet as instructed. Two men returned to give them an hour long massage. When they are done both Karis and Liam are relaxed, almost to the point of slumber. They were told not to get up right away. To take their time getting dressed before leaving. 
“Liam, I have no words. Tonight–” 
He interrupts, “Is just getting started.”
When they are dressed they head back up to his suite where they find the jacuzzi has been filled with a bubble bath and there are rose petal scattered. There is soft music playing and two glasses of champagne sit on the counter. 
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“You weren’t kidding when you said you were going to spoil me today.” 
They quickly slipped out of their clothes and into to the bubble filled tub. They clinked their glasses together as Liam said, “to fate.”
They both took sips of the champagne then Liam took her glass sitting it to the side.
“Now what?” she smiles.
He grabs her wrist pulling her into his lap.
“Now, I get to bathe you, and then..”
He pulls her in for a lingering kiss and a moan escapes her. After a few minutes he picks her up bridal style and takes her into the shower where they both rinse the bubbles from their bodies. Before they get too lost in each other she stops him.
“Go get my bag? I have something for you.”
He retrieves her bag and leaves her in the restroom to change. After a few minutes she opens the door to a naked Liam with a black gift bag covering his length. His eyes go wide when he drinks in the sight of her in her white lingerie. 
“See something you like, your highness?”
‘Karis, you look.. wow. I just… you look like an angel. My angel.” 
She blushes. “What’s in the bag?”
“Huh, oh yeah, this? It’s for you.” 
He hands her the bag and begins to explain.
“I know that your internship is very important to you. I also know that you are 6 months away from finishing undergrad. I know that you have goals and I wouldn’t be able to live with myself if I distracted you. So, I know this may sound juvenile but I want there to be no mistake about my intentions. It’s a promise ring. I promise you that I am yours alone, mind, heart and body. When you are done with school, I’m coming to get you and upgrading you to an engagement ring.”
“That’s fair,” she says as she takes the velvet box out of the bag opening it. 
Her eyes go wide. She blinks back tears. He takes the ring from the box and places it on her ring finger.
God, I love this man.
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“Do you promise to save yourself for me in every way?”
“Of course I do,” she says in a quiet voice.
“Do you like it?”
“Li, I love it. It’s gorgeous.”
She throws her arms around his neck kissing him deeply. He picks her up, her legs wrap tightly around his waist. He walks her over to the bed, he unclasped her bra before gently laying her down. He ran his strong hands down the sides on her body taking her panties with them. 
“God, you’re a vision.” he said as he kissed her sides lightly.
She squirmed beneath him rubbing his bald head. He moved over kissing her stomach with an open mouth agonizingly slow.
“Oh Liam,” she moaned. 
He propped her legs over his shoulders pulling her to the edge of the bed. He dipped his head kissing her inner thighs while his fingers found her middle. 
“Karis,” his eyes went wide.
“I have never had another man have that effect on me. It’s your fault. I’m not sorry.” 
He slipped 2 fingers inside of her warm drenched center. He slurped her juices as he skillfully teased her clit. She struggled to catch her breath as her body involuntarily spasmed. Her back arched off of the bed under his touch. 
“Open your eyes, I need you to see what this is supposed to look like.”
She opened her eyes and propped herself up on her elbows watching as Liam’s face emerges from down below. His face is covered in her juices and his chin is dripping. He smiles.
“I want you to watch while I make you cum.” 
And that was all it took. A dam broke within her and she came completely undone. All she wanted in that moment was him inside of her. She ached for him. She pulled him in for a passionate, needy kiss. She tasted herself on his lips.
“Liam, I need you.” 
“Anything you want love,” he growled.
She pushed Liam against the wall and grabbed his hardened length. She stroked him, licking him eagerly from base to tip. She swirled her tongue around his tip while pumping his shaft as he tangled his hands in her hair. She descended on his shaft taking as much of him inside her mouth as she could handle while massaging his balls. After a few more times she tried to take more. She gagged and tears flowed from both of her eyes. She  looked up at him, slapping him on the thigh when she could feel him twitching  and the veins on his length throb. 
“Open your eyes. I need you to see what you’ll have waiting for you when you are back in Cordonia.”
He watched as she took him back into her mouth just in time for her to receive his release. She held her head back slightly opening her mouth. He could see how full her mouth was. She licked her lips before swallowing. He pulled her to her feet. He is not sure he has ever been so turned on. He guides her back to the bed taking her nipple in his mouth rolling the other between his fingers. He rotates breast while stroking his length which is now stiff again. 
“Liam! She growls growing impatient. 
“Karis, are you sure you’re ready?”
She nods sheepishly. He lines himself up with her center. She closes her eyes and holds her breath. He rubs his head around her slits. 
“Open your eyes, love. Tell me if it’s too much or if I’m hurting you. We can stop.”
“I will.” she whispers.  
He enters her slowly. It’s just the tip initially. His eyes locked on hers. She gasped and he could see her swallow thickly. He waited for her cue. She nodded and he thrusted carefully deeper inside her warm, wet, tight center. He stayed there giving her walls time to adjust to his massive girth. She let out a breathy groan. 
“Are we ready?” he asked cautiously.
“It burns. Is it supposed to burn?” 
“It’s just your body stretching around me.” 
He rolls his hips a few more times slowly, still watching her, taking his cues from her. She visibly relaxes closing her eyes and rolling her hips under him when she feels more comfortable.
“Does it still burn?”
“No, you feel amazing.”
“I’m glad. You feel unreal and I am going to cum if we don’t change positions. He pulls out and flips her over on all fours. 
“Arch your back for me.” he says as he lines himself up to enter her again. 
He grabs her hips thrusting deeply inside of her and she moans in pleasure. She began to throw her ass back onto him and he knew that if he didn’t slow down it would end prematurely. He slumped over her body one hand finding her swollen clit and the other on her neck. He slowed their pace but it was too late. She came apart and the way her already impossibly tight walls gripped his length dragged him right along with her. 
They collapsed on the bed trying to catch their breath. Both of them spent, bodies covered with sweat. He pulls her close absentmindedly twirling one of her sex tousled locks around his long finger as her head lays on his chest. She listens to his heart pounding until it slows again. After they fell into a comfortable silence, he cleared his throat.
“Was it that bad? Your silence is not very reassuring.” he says in a low husky voice.
“It was– incredible Liam. I’m speechless.”
“Was it….different being with a virgin?” she shyly questioned.
“It was different. But not because you were a virgin. But it was because it was the first time I have ever made love.” 
She was confused by what he said initially. 
“I mean sure, i’ve had sex before. But I have never been in love with anyone before you. So, yes it was different. Life changingly different. I love you Karis.” 
She blushed. 
“Liam, I love you too.”
They laid there in silence for a little while longer. 
“Do you think we could do that again? I want to be on top.”
He smiled seductively, “Do you think you’re ready for that?”
“I guess we will find out.” 
He pulled her on top of him. She was straddling his hips as he caressed her soft skin. They kissed for a long time before she built up the confidence to lower herself onto him. 
When it was over, they both fell into an exhausted slumber as the sun came up outside of the window of the Persian paradise.  
 **I only tag those who ask for it. Let me know if you want added or removed 💖
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astrid-chen · 3 years
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Name: Astrid Chen Age: 30 (almost) Gender/Pronouns: Cis Female / She/Her Occupation: War Photographer  Traits: Determined, Intelligent, Compassionate, Stubborn, Reckless, Righteous Nicknames: Az, Azzie, A.C. 
The Basics  tw: abuse, war, PTSD, eating disorder
Born and raised in Atlanta, GA; she is the cousin of @harlow-green​ on their mothers’ sides. She was always the perfect, sweet, and gentle Southern Belle (read: passive, timid, and weak)
War Photographer; she’s the personification of the meme ‘doing risky shit because you lowkey wanna die’ 
You have to be a Level 7 friend to unlock her tragic backstory (good luck getting her to talk about it, but let’s just say her dad is not a nice man and left her with a lot of trust and anger issues)
Technically kidnapped her little brother, Arthur, when she was 19 years old, but only to get them out of their shitty home situation. They moved to Crescent Harbor to live with their mom’s family. She took only enough money from them to get her and her brother on their feet (and vowed to pay them back with interest) and worked full time to put herself through college. 
Pretends to be chill, but would actually knife any man who dares mess with her or any woman, because she hates those fuckers anyway
Seriously, she trusts men about as far as she can throw them. And she’s tiny, so she can’t throw them very far. (She’s still lowkey a sloppy b*tch who’s down to clown tho…) 
Has never met a woman she didn’t want to adopt into her girl squad
‘I’m not controlling. I’m just aggressively helpful.’
 Will make the rare exception to the ‘trust no man’ rule - namely for her little bro Arthur, and anyone he deems acceptable
Basically always DTF (’down to fight’ or, y’know.. the other one) with an unquenchable thirst for justice 
She just returned back to CH full time after her latest trip overseas ended with a near-death experience that left her in the hospital for two months recovering from extensive injuries. Her editors refused to allow her back out in the field, but she’s been in fight mode for the last decade, and she’d not quite ready to give it all up. She’s pretending that everything’s fine and that she’s learning new restraint in order to convince her team to let her back in the field, but secretly, she’s spiraling. 
She has control issues and an incredibly unhealthy relationship with food. She hasn’t admitted it to herself yet, and only has enough awareness to hide it from others. 
I spent wayyyy too long making her theme and this about page here, so please humor me by taking a gander if you can! :) 
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existential-angstt · 5 years
so this was one of those headcanons that makes you sit bolt upright in bed and turn on the lamp because if you don’t write it down you’ll never get the right feel of it down and you’ll hate yourself forever
I hope you like it 
EDIT: HERE’S THE AO3 LINK! https://archiveofourown.org/works/20046472
Tabitha Drescoll was ever so tired. She’d been a patient at St. Bart’s all her life and even though seven years wasn’t comparatively a very long time, it felt like an eternity. Tabby’s Wednesday nurse, Olivia, passed by the room and poked her head in. “Need anything, sweetie?” Tabby shook her head, but her melancholy must have shown through a little.
Olivia smiled. “Want me to text AJ? See if he can come for a bit?” Tabitha’s face lit up and she nodded.
Crowley was hiding something and Aziraphale was determined to find out what. Aside from performing the odd bit of evil (Crowley’s idea of “evil”, meaning gluing coins to sidewalks) he really didn’t go dashing off anymore. Except for someone who texted him once or twice a month. Crowley’s phone would vibrate, he would glance at it, and then he’d make some cheap excuse and take off in the Bentley. Sometimes he’d be gone for hours and even once or twice, days at a time. Zira even caught a glimpse of one of these forbidden text messages once-- it was from someone called Olivia in Crowley’s phone and it simply read “Need you”.
He couldn’t possibly be seeing someone, could he? What else could explain the odd text from a woman Az didn’t know, a text that sent Crowley running for his car?
When Aziraphale called Anathema about possibly working a tracking spell for him, she was glad this was a phone conversation because she couldn’t hold back the urge to roll her eyes. “Just track his phone, Aziraphale. It’s not difficult, Newt could tell you how to do it.”
From the kitchen, Newt called back, “I could but the phone may explode.” Anathema rolled her eyes once more. “Say, how would you ‘track’ his phone?” Aziraphale said. This was a celestial being taking a phone call on an antique phone.
“Okay, do you have an android or an Iphone?” Anathema said, grabbing Newt’s phone for reference. Anathema suddenly smacked her palm to her forehead, recalling a prophecy about this exact detail of Aziraphale’s shop. “You don’t have a smart phone, do you?”
“Well,” Aziraphale said,  looking down at his rotary phone lovingly, “I got this one not too long ago, just six or seven decades past and it was on sale-”
“Aziraphale, focus. Now what’s Crowley’s phone number?” Anathema interrupted. Zira relayed the information and waited with baited breath. “He’s at St. Bartholomew's Hospital. Do you know someone there?” The angel frowned on the other end of the line.
“No, I don’t believe so. Still, if that is where he is, that is where I shall go. Thank you, Ms. Device, it is always a pleasure.”
“It’s Mrs. Pulsifer now. Take care, Aziraphale.”
Aziraphale found himself stepping out of a cab in front of St. Bart’s. Whatever could Crowley be dong here?
With no idea where to start looking, the angel wandered the lobby helplessly, letting himself take in the surroundings and even browse the little shop they had (so people could shop).  Aziraphale noticed that several of the staff were whispering and pointing in his direction, so he approached one of the nurses in the hopes that they knew where he needed to be.
“Excuse me, madam, I’m looking for-”
“AJ? You’re AJ’s husband, aren’t you?” the nurse said, lowering her clipboard and looking him up and down.
“I- I’m sorry, I’m not sure who-”
“He’s up on the 9th floor, children’s ward. Room 206,” the nurse replied, turning to leave the desk and hurry off to wherever she needed to be next. Aziraphale's brow’s knitted together but he followed the nurse’s instructions and took the elevator to floor nine. The walls were decorated with clowns and circus animals but the mood of the place was generally very grim.
202, 204… 206. There it was. Aziraphale gulped and knocked on the door. A high voice called from inside, “Come in!”
Aziraphale pushed open the door gently and stepped inside. A girl of about six or seven sat in a hospital bed with a book propped open on her lap. “Sorry, my dear, I was just looking for-” Aziraphale’s voice disappeared as he noticed what book she was holding.
“Where did you get that?” the angel said, pointing at the book.
“My friend AJ brought it to me. It’s my favorite book.” she said, closing it and stroking the cover. It was a second edition of Wuthering Heights and it had an easily identifiable red wine stain on the corner of the front cover; it had gone missing from Zira’s book shop several years ago.
“AJ?” Aziraphale said.
“And you’re Aziraphale, aren’t you?” she said knowledgeably.
“Hn- wh- ho- did-” Az stammered, mouth falling open.
“AJ told me all about you. I’ve always wanted to meet you, but he always said you were busy. He should be back soon. Sit down.”
Aziraphale was so confused and upset that he did, taking the chair by her bed. “You really do have a wonderful collection.” the little girl said, holding up the book again.
“So-- AJ. Who is AJ?” Aziraphale managed, sitting forward in the chair. The little girl laughed.
“Your husband, silly.”
“All right, Tibby Tabby, I’ve found them. It only took three sweet shops, but-” Crowley stared at Tabby and Aziraphale and they stared back. Crowley was holding a box of chocolates and a large plush lion. The silence stretched a little too long before Crowley said, “Aziraphale?”
“Crowley?” Tabby said, wrinkling her nose. Crowley glanced between Tabby and Zira and back again.
“Sometimes.” Crowley shrugged and walked over to the bed, setting the chocolates and the stuffed animal down on the bed in front of Tabby. Tabitha reached her arms out for Crowley and he hesitated, looking at Aziraphale. Az cocked an eyebrow. Crowley climbed onto the bed and pulled the small girl into his lap as she picked up the chocolates.
“You really found them!” “Your favorites,” Crowley said fondly, his eyes still locked on Aziraphale, daring him to say something. Az only smiled at him softly. This was proof. Real proof that Crowley was good and Crowley was sure to get upset if he said something so he didn’t.
“So however did you two meet?” Aziraphale said.
Before the demon could say anything for himself, Tabby said, “Wellllllll,” the way children do before long-winded stories.
“I was found in a dumpster when I was just a baby. Apparently some kid’s nanny was passing by and heard me crying so she brought me here so I would be okay. But she had to move away so she asked AJ to look after me whenever he could and now we’re like, basically best friends.” Tabby said, popping a chocolate into her mouth. She twisted around in Crowley’s lap to press one of the candies to his lips with her tiny fingers. Crowley opened his mouth obediently and ate the chocolate, pushing some of the hair out of Tabby’s face.
The angel and the demon stayed another few hours (promising to come back the next day, Aziraphale holding onto a list of books he thought might suit Tabby) before heading down to Crowley’s Bentley and driving back to the bookshop. Crowley didn’t say anything and Aziraphale didn’t press. Instead, Zira twined his fingers in Crowley’s and gave them a reassuring squeeze. With that little motion, Crowley relaxed back into his seat and everything was all right again.
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alexanicholsauthor · 5 years
The world according to Anne, my writing playlists, and calling James Patterson out for a fight
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Back when I was doing daily Diary entries (I still don’t see how I pulled that off considering everything else I was juggling), I used to let Anne occasionally slip in and write an entry for me. I would label these little creative outbursts of hers as “Anne’s entry” and just let her go to town – no grammar checking, no filtering, and no direction as to what she should write about. She loved it.
So, I figured it was time to give her another stab at it. What’s the worst that could happen, right? 😳
I got new video games and been watching Jersey shore I really like it. Alexa girl be you was right about the show. Do you want to hang out this weekend? How is your writing going I want to tell you about this new movie Call Deep sleep you should watch trailer for it. We been having fun Mario kart 8 I am all most done with one of Batman telltale game. The game are awesome. I like watching lore it’s very different.
So, there you are. The world, according to Anne. 🥰
My life has been a combination of three things lately: Jersey Shore binge-watching with Anne, overdosing on wax cubes (I love those damn things!), and writing like a fevered madwoman to get Erotic Urban Legends: Pulse finished for my Patreon peeps. As I write this, a dear friend of mine is beta reading it for me, so as soon as I get it back and throw it at the rest of my Beta Reader Hit Squad, it will be shelved! I really wanted to make a short horror story, but this motherfucker ended up 22,844 words – far from what I intended.
Initially, I gave myself a cap of 2,500 words, and the first version was somewhat close to that. After three different revisions and some severe brainstorming… things got a little out of hand. 😅 While my stories always inflate during the revision process, this was a bit ridiculous. I swear I spoil the shit out of my Patreons…
Because of my release schedule, I won’t be able to release it to the general public until April 2022, but I’ll give you a sneak peek of the cover now:
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Because I was writing this, I had to temporarily pause the last book in my Exitium Mundi series, which is in the rough draft stage itself. Which means I’m also paused in the middle of Voyeur’s Season 2 (no, I swear it isn’t abandoned) and the next book in the Killer Lolis series: Hunt for the Lolistone. The cover for that book (which is also in the rough draft stage!) is below:
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So many things I want to write, so little time! 😭 And then there are other stories that are almost finished that I really need to polish up like Mya, Lilith, Invictus, Balls Deep – A Love Story, and others. I need more hands. Or maybe I can pull a James Patterson and hire other motherfuckers to write my books for me and just sit back and rake in the money. I will never do this, of course, because, you know, I’m actually a writer…
#Shade #ShotsFired #ComeAtMeBro
Maybe I just need to double down my writing efforts. I dunno.
Which reminds me. I decided to add yet another feature to my paperbacks: playlists! See, before I write a book, I compile a 100-song playlist, and I listen to nothing but that playlist while I write. It was an idea sparked by a request from a reader (thank you, John!), and I decided to run with it. I’ve already started including short stories, previews of upcoming books, and interviews in the paperback editions of my books, so this will fit in nicely I think. Just for kicks, here’s the playlist I wrote to for Erotic Urban Legends: Pulse.
Ängie: Spun + Smoke Weed Eat Pussy + Housewife Spliffin Avicii: Wake Me Up Awolnation: Sail AZ Yet: Last Night Backstreet Boys: Inconsolable Bebe Rexha: I’m Gonna Show You Crazy + No Broken Hearts ft. Nicki Minaj Bhad Bhabie: Bestie (Feat. Kodak Black) Billie Eilish: Bad Guy + You Should See Me in a Crown Boyz II Men: Oh Well Brad Paisley: Whiskey Lullaby (feat. Allison Krauss) Britney Spears: Criminal Ed Sheeran: Shape of You Fall Out Boy: My Songs Know What You Did In The Dark (Light Em Up) (Part 1) Fat Joe: Make It Rain Finger Eleven: Paralyzer + One Thing Frankie J: Daddy’s Little Girl Full Exposure (feat. Mario & Serayah) Geto Boys: Mind Playing Tricks On Me (Uncut) Ginuwine: When Doves Cry Go West: King Of Wishful Thinking Hailee Steinfeld: Most Girls Halsey: Nightmare Hayley Kiyoko: Girls Like Girls Insane Clown Posse: In My Room Jessica Simpson: I Belong To Me Justin Timberlake: Cry Me A River Ke$ha: TiK ToK Keri Hilson: Pretty Girl Rock kirstin: Break A Little + Naked + Bad Weather Linkin Park: The Hybrid Theory + Living Things + and Recharged albums. Mario Winans: I Don’t Wanna Know Maroon 5: Girls Like You ft. Cardi B MAX: Lights Down Low Offset: Clout ft. Cardi B Phil Collins: In The Air Tonight Porcelain Black: Naughty Naughty + I’m Your Favorite Drug Post Malone: Rockstar + Goodbyes ft. Young Thug R. Kelly featuring Keri Hilson: Number One Rita-Ora: Girls Santana: Maria + Maria Seckond Chaynce: Undeniable Silk: Freak Me Baby Somo: Ride Star Cast: I Bring Me + There For You Tamar Braxton: All the Way Home + Love and War + Let Me Know ft. Future + Prettiest Girl + The One Taylor Swift: Gorgeous The Fugees: Killing Me Softly The Weeknd: Often + Party Monster Tinashe: No Drama Young Jeezy: Tear It Up
Thanks for reading my latest rant, beloveds. I really appreciate it. 🥰
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crowleyisms · 5 years
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@bastardaz​ oooooh:  Hi! I’m a potato but I have lots of muse and just made an Az (bastardaz). I’m one of the Az nonnies! The blog is new but I’ve been rping for years and would really like to write with you if you want. Your Crowley is so sweet and in-character!
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Well hello there love! It’s finally nice to know a face behind some of the lovely anons that I get from time to time. But we can always give it a go! Can always feel free to send me a meme or just something randomly! I’m down to clown and give it a go.
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bountyofbeads · 5 years
Mueller Rejects Trump’s ‘Witch Hunt’ Label and Warns of Russian Meddling
"There is one incontrovertible truth about the Mueller Report. It establishes, together with the FBI and CIA investigations, that your President was elected, in part, by Russia. That, together with the fact that three million more Americans preferred his opponent, will forever taint this President. His legitimacy is, and should always be, a massive question mark."
"Has anyone reported on why Senator MCConnell refuses to allow any legislation that would safeguard the 2020 election to even come up for a vote?" JOANNA SMITH, SANTA FE, NM
"Robert Mueller is an old-style, patrician Republican who devoted much of his life to serving the interests of the United States. People such as him have been driven out of today's Republican Party. But what he did was impart damaging information about this President and his actions. There was obstruction and there was no exoneration. Perhaps more significant, he elicited responses from Republican Members of Congress that highlighted how the Republican Party has devolved into a Trump Cult that cares little about truth, integrity or foreign attacks on our Democracy." PAT CHOATE, TUSCON AZ
"Mueller did not say Russia would attack our election again, he said they were attacking us "as we speak." Meanwhile, Democrats have already passed the Election Security Act and have sent it to the Senate, which would help states defend their election systems from attack and require a paper ballot back-up. But McConnell refuses take it up in the Senate. The outcome of the 2020 election hinges on battleground states like Michigan, Ohio and Florida, which Russia targeted last time (with help from the Trump campaign). It appears that McConnell does not care to prevent Russian hacking in these states, perhaps because he knows they will help Trump win." SHERRY, WASHINGTON
"My takeaway from today’s hearings is that impeachment can wait. Trump is not going to be convicted by the Senate. Democrats should focus on defeating him at the ballot box. Mueller and everyone else in this country knows that the Russians will be back to to help Trump win again. That is why Mitch McConnell, the traitor of the Senate, one of many Republicans who put party over patriotism, is refusing to allow a bipartisan bill to shore up and protect our election machinery. No paper trails will tell us if the count in closely contested states or any other state is accurate. Should the results be close , particularly if the Democrat loses, who but Republicans will believe it. Democrats should start demanding this bill be passed. Mitch has gotten away with enough obstruction. Put the pressure on him every day. That includes during his month vacation in August." MARY BETH, MA
"Several GOP panelists derided the Mueller investigation as prolonged and costly. Cost of Mueller investigation? ... through seizures of ill-begotten assets (eg Manafort forfeitures), it has more than paid for itself! Contrast the GOP Benghazi investigation on Clinton that went on for 4 years! ... with no indictments and no counts ... none (and no asset seizures)! Mueller’s investigation wasn't even 2 years, and already with 37 indictments and 199 counts and several in trump’s inner circle charged and in prison with more imminent." JOHN TOWNSEND, MEXICO
"In much the same way Trump demeaned, denigrated a former First Lady and Secretary of State; today the Republican Party did the same to another public servant. No 74 year old, War Veteran, public servant deserved to be spoken to the way Mueller was by the Republicans who questioned him. But then again, we saw with McCain how much this administration respects veterans. Never wandering far from the low moral bar their POTUS has set, Republicans today once more demonstrated how much they respect what were once established values."
"Today, it was reiterated that the sitting US President, Donald Trump, is guilty of the "high crimes and misdemeanors" of colluding with the Russians to attain the US Presidency in 2016, and of committing and continuing to commit the obstruction of justice in covering up his collusion. What we also learned today is that the rump GOP that remains, after all this Trump carnage, of what used to be the proud party of Lincoln, is willing to lie, to shill and to defend this narcissistic Russian owned clown to their bitter end. Sad. Humiliating. Depressing." JOE MIKSIS, SAN FRANCISCO
"That Special Counsel Robert Mueller III made a very grave statement about Russian tampering in the 2016 election for President and Vice President of the United States should be a very loud, resounding alarm to every citizen of this country demanding the assurance from every Board of Election in each state that their vote casting system is tamper-proof. And if there is not a very vocal public outcry to demand free and safe elections in this country, we are sunk as a democracy. There is no democracy of one person - one (tamper-proof) vote in the United States if we have Russian or any other outside interference. And yes, I continue to believe Donald Trump's tax returns will see a direct link between Russian interference - in many forms - vote tampering, money schemes, loans, and potentially blackmail that will bring this house of cards down. I think Trump knows this and continues his daily and relentless twittering directed toward whomever is disturbing his house of cards at the moment . All of his twittering behavior is simply to distract from the truth - which will be found in his taxes. And finally, Special Counsel Mueller, in his 11 minute televised address two weeks ago stated:, "if we had confidence that the president clearly did not commit a crime, we would have said so." Another shocking statement that should be sounding very loud alarms. That statement is yet another reason to issue court orders to subpoena Trump’s taxes." KKM, NYC
"Some of the media coverage of Mueller’s testimony today bothers me as a person who appreciates the American Constitution. The idea that the testimony was ineffective is ludicrous. The house majority did an excellent job of refuting Trump’s claim that there was “no collusion”. They also did an excellent job of meticulously outlining the actions that constituted that collusion. When Republican representatives pushed Mueller on making a political statement with his report, he pushed back vehemently. The American people who watched this testimony now have the truth as opposed to the spin that came from the White House. Hopefully citizens who love this country will uphold our democracy in the next election and today’s testimony gives us all some truths to take to the ballot box as we make our individual decisions." RMWARD, CONNECTICUT
"This is the best account I've read about what I witnessed on the live stream today. The one thing that no news articles have mentioned — I am not seeing hard core critique of the questions that were asked and statements made. The Republicans have so intimidated news media by attacking everything as "partisan" and "political" that the media posit a false equivalency between what one party does versus another, so as to refer to the parties equally. Thus there is not one word spoken about the odiously misleading and false statements and questions by the Republicans, oftentimes loaded with conspiracy theories. It is a disgrace that legislators feed these accusations to the public, and the press says nothing. Nunes telling Mueller to his face that the investigation was a hoax??? These guys are out front with Trump feeding delusions to the public. Many media are making the big news that Mueller seemed indecisive or shaky in his answers, all the while this public disgrace of Republican accusations that are completely disconnected from reality parades before the cameras and goes unmentioned — or else portrayed as equal to the serious and studential questions and comments of the Democrats. There are dangers headed towards U.S. democracy like a freight train. Please do more to wake everyone up to the dangers of claims that flagrantly violate known facts."
"The fact is, there is no law to say you can't indict a sitting president, neither is there anything in the constitution to that effect. It is simply a DOJ opinion that has been passed down over the years. It is not a high bar to expect that your president has not committed a crime. The simple answer: render the president accountable to criminal justice just as every American is."
YesIKnowTheMuffinMan, NEW HOPE PA
"If Russia can do it to Clinton, China will do it to Trump (and I expect they will). The GOP are unbelievably naive. China is much more experienced and skilled."
"Putin is grinning ear to ear." CINDY, SAN DIEGO CA
"The best we can do is gather a great Democratic Party strategy, pick a candidate that can stand up to trump and beat him solidly in the 2020 election. Muellers report should provide plenty of reasons why trump and his cronies must go. The Democratic Party must insure that the Russians or any foreign country does not hack our election again." DR B, BERKLEY, CA
"Most questions were long winded, hard to follow and self served, aimed to impress the electorate base and embarrass Mueller. Republicans in particular excelled in irrelevancy, ranging form brash accusations to white noise generators. To his credit, Mueller chose not to play along and stayed within the scope of even the least cohesive question. Posterity will remember, hopefully, Mueller for his uncompromising and professional stance, focus on the job and carelessness for his public image. Picture him side by side with the president, and try to take in the difference." MIROCAL, SEATTLE WA
"They’re doing it as we sit here,” Facebook knows more about you than your parents. And they package that knowledge as a target for the highest bidder. As a Target. You and I are Targets. Cambridge Analytica leveraged those Targets to help Trump win. The Russian Government leveraged those Targets to help Trump win. Dear regulators, as a part of the Facebook settlement, how about banning Targeted political ads? Sure, the Supreme Court has ruled, in Burson v Freeman, that blackout periods for political ads are unconstitutional. But, it says nothing about Targeted ads. When I'm shown an ad for or against a candidate, I want to see what everybody else sees. I want to see everybody's response to that ad. Is it fake? Is it fair? One of the worse policies for political speech was the removal of the fairness doctrine -- where broadcasters were required to give free time to opposing views. Well, at the very least, it should be a requirement that ads for public office are truly public. Not some kind of guided missive keyed to my private data. Regulators, are you listening?"
"I believed Mueller. I wouldn't believe Trump if my life depended on it. Indeed, I would depend on this fact: Trump will always lie. He THINKS his lies are a "force of nature." I suppose we will found out just how strong they are. Because they are now exposed. Anyone who believes them now has no more excuses. Whoever believes Trump belongs to Trump. They are bought and paid for." PAUL GLASSON, GA
"I am frankly beyond being disgusted with these shameful Republican congresspeople. While they may believe the best defense is a good offense, and are aggressively trying to steamroll and invalidate a legitimate investigative process, I am not buying what they are selling. No amount of money or power could make me behave in such a despicable fashion, and the fact that they seem to be immune from self loathing for their behavior indicates what type of people they are to their cores. They dishonor this country."
Mueller Rejects Trump’s ‘Witch Hunt’ Label and Warns of Russian Meddling
By Mark Mazzetti | Published July 24, 2019 | New York Times | Posted July 24, 2019 |
WASHINGTON — Robert S. Mueller III on Wednesday publicly rejected President Trump’s criticism that the special counsel’s investigation was a “witch hunt” and defended his conclusions about the sweeping Russian interference campaign in 2016, warning that Moscow will again try to sabotage American democracy.
The partisan war over his inquiry reached a heated climax during hours of long-awaited testimony by Mr. Mueller before two congressional committees. Lawmakers hunted for viral sound bites and tried to score political points, but Mr. Mueller refused to engage on those fronts, returning over and over in sometimes halting delivery to his damning and voluminous report.
Mr. Mueller remained a spectral presence in Washington over the past two years as the president and his allies subjected the special counsel and his team of lawyers to withering attacks. Speaking in detail for the first time about his conclusions produced occasionally dramatic moments where he ventured beyond his report to offer insights about Mr. Trump’s behavior.
When asked whether Mr. Trump “wasn’t always being truthful” in his written answers to the special counsel’s questions, Mr. Mueller responded, “I would say generally.” He called Mr. Trump’s praise of WikiLeaks during the 2016 campaign “problematic” and said it “gave a boost to what is and should be illegal activity.” He said that he and his team chose not to subpoena Mr. Trump out of concern that a battle over a presidential interview might needlessly prolong the investigation.
Democratic lawmakers had hoped that Mr. Mueller’s nationally televised testimony would provide a dramatic culmination to a yearslong saga: the special counsel translating the dense jargon of his report into a bleak portrait of the Russian interference operation and the president’s behavior since winning the election. The testimony would, in their minds, make the report both more authoritative and more vivid for Americans who had skipped reading it.
Some television pundits built up the drama by comparing Mr. Mueller’s appearance to some of the most galvanizing moments of the Watergate era.
For the most part, Mr. Mueller did not play along. He gave clipped answers to lengthy questions, and forced lawmakers to give their own dramatic readings of parts of his report rather than reciting the conclusions himself. He sometimes gave a forceful defense of his investigation and his team in the face of the Republican fusillade, but his answers were at times faltering. Throughout, he was careful to avoid straying from his report’s conclusions.
Mr. Trump has spent months characterizing the special counsel’s report as a “total exoneration,” though Mr. Mueller was careful on Wednesday to state that he and his team had drawn no such conclusion. The special counsel’s 448-page report, released in April, laid bare that Mr. Trump was elected with the help of a foreign power, and on Wednesday, Mr. Mueller was most impassioned when describing the contours of the Russian interference playbook.
“They’re doing it as we sit here,” he said of Russia’s tampering in American elections.
Looming over the hearing was the question of whether Mr. Mueller’s testimony might shift the ground in Congress and propel more lawmakers to push for Mr. Trump’s impeachment. Only one new call emerged for impeachment hearings by late afternoon Wednesday, from Representative Lori Trahan, Democrat of Massachusetts, and lawmakers will soon depart Washington for a summer recess. It was too soon to say whether the spectacle would change Americans’ opinions about Mr. Mueller and his work that have only hardened over time, and whether Democrats would return to their districts and encounter more vigorous calls for Mr. Trump’s removal.
The questioning on Wednesday reflected a bitter philosophical divide, both on the committees and in the country as a whole: whether it was Mr. Trump, or those investigating him, who committed crimes. Throughout the day, the Democrats hit the high points from Mr. Mueller’s report: the June 2016 Trump Tower meeting, the efforts by Mr. Trump to fire Mr. Mueller, the discussions between Michael T. Flynn and a Russian ambassador about Obama-era sanctions, the strategy by President Vladimir V. Putin of Russia to sow chaos before the election.
The Mueller report cataloged numerous meetings between Mr. Trump’s advisers and Russians seeking to influence the campaign and the presidential transition team — encounters set up in pursuit of business deals, policy initiatives and political dirt about Hillary Clinton, Mr. Trump’s 2016 Democratic opponent.
Mr. Mueller concluded that there was “insufficient evidence” to determine that the president or his aides had engaged in a criminal conspiracy with the Russians, even though the Trump campaign welcomed the Kremlin sabotage effort and “expected it would benefit electorally” from the hackings and leaks of Democratic emails.
On Wednesday, Mr. Mueller was asked about the Trump Tower meeting, WikiLeaks and the decision by Paul Manafort, the former Trump campaign chairman, to share campaign information with a Russian oligarch, and whether these episodes were a new normal for political campaigns.
“I hope this is not the new normal,” Mr. Mueller said, “but I fear it is.”
Republicans tried to flip the lens, peppering Mr. Mueller with questions about what they have long argued, with little evidence: that the F.B.I. opened a politically motivated investigation in 2016 with the aim of preventing Mr. Trump from becoming president. They focused on the research firm that commissioned the dossier by Christopher Steele, a former British intelligence officer. They focused on Joseph Mifsud, a Maltese academic identified by the special counsel as linked to Russian intelligence, and advanced unsubstantiated claims that Mr. Mifsud was actually under the sway of Western spy services.
Mr. Mueller mostly deflected those questions, saying the origins of the F.B.I. investigation predated his time as special counsel and was outside his purview.
Mr. Mueller was a reluctant witness and had tried to avoid the spectacle of a congressional hearing. In a brief public statement in May, he urged the public — and, by extension, members of Congress — to read his report, which he said “speaks for itself.” “The report is my testimony,” he said.
House Democrats were unmoved and chose to take the aggressive step of compelling Mr. Mueller’s testimony under subpoena.
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searchingff-blog · 7 years
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Chapter 6: Slipping
“You’re going to stop trying to get me pregnant too.” Cassi giggled as soft kisses were being placed on her plump behind.
It was early in the morning and the couple just finished making love. Well for her it was more like sex, but for Saint he was connecting with her physically and mentally. She had a way with her body that no other female he came in contact with had. To make matters worse Cassi knew what she was doing. When it was just the two of them she made him feel godly, and like what he had between his legs was magic, black magic that sent secret messages to her brain. It was all apart of the game she played, and he had no idea about it.
“I can’t help it. The pussy be soooo gewd a nigga be forgetting I’m hitting it raw.” He chuckled,  taking an open palm to her ass.
“When I put that ass on child support you better be singing the same tune.” She laughed, letting him roll her over on her back and sliding between her legs.
“You trying to get me pregnant now and I don’t have a ring on this finger.” She raised her hand, and moved her ring finger back and forth. “How I know it’s real?”
“I don’t take care of you? I don’t treat you like a queen?” His face was more serious than his voice.
Cassi laid there quiet.
“Aight then. Better stop playing with me girl.” Her silence was the only answer he needed. They both knew what he did for her, and the pedestal she sat comfortably on. Saint leaned down, and pecked her lips. “I’m hungry.”
“You want your favorite?” She caressed his face.
“You already know I do.”
They connected lips once more, and then he rolled on his side of the bed.
Cassi slid off the bed, and grabbed her robe out of the closet. She walked out the room, and headed down the hall to the kitchen to whip up loaded french toast, eggs, and hot sausage.
The aroma from the kitchen was traveling into the room, and only made Saint hungrier. He knew that the food had to be nearly finished by now, but was going to stay in bed until she called him. It was still early, and nothing entertaining was on TV besides reruns that he didn’t feel like watching, so the TV ended up on some random movie. His undivided attention was on the movie until the bed started vibrating. At first he thought it was his phone, but when he found the rose gold IPhone he saw that it wasn’t his.  
Zeus 😄: Good morning beautiful
Zeus 😄: You miss me?
“What the fuck?” He whispered to himself.
Saint could feel his blood boiling. He knew the two of them were friends, but to text her that early in the morning as if Cassi was his girl infuriated him. The angel on his shoulder was telling him to calm down, but he couldn’t. He jumped out of bed, and glided down the hall.
“Good morning beautiful, you miss me?” His face emotionless.
“It hasn’t been that long.” She chuckled, facing the opposite direction.
“Nah, I ain’t the one missing you. It’s this nigga Zeus texting sweet shit in the fucking morning.”
The moment his name collided with her eardrum she was cursing herself out in her head. How could she be stupid enough to leave her phone in the bed? She needed to gain her composure quick.
“First calm down, and second I’m sure he meant to send that to someone else.” She turned the stove off and faced him.
“Fuck all that shit he know who he texting. Open your phone, and let me see the thread.” He offered the phone towards her.
“I’m not doing that. You don’t trust me? Really Saint?” Playing the victim was her go to plan, because what was inside that thread he wasn’t going to be able to handle.
“Open the damn phone and i’ll tell you.” He stared her down.
Most of the time it was hard for him to put his foot down with her, but he knew how Zeus operated from what Azure went through.
“You can tell me now because i’m not doing that shit.”
Cassi not opening her phone was making him more suspicious.
“What the fuck you got to hide? Something obviously with this gay ass smiley emoji next to his name. You got me fucked up Cassi.” He placed the phone down on the counter.
Saint wanted to trust her, but something wasn’t sitting right with him. If it was nothing he had no problem apologizing once she proved to him that it wasn’t nothing. Instead she let his suspicions heighten.
“The food is done asshole.” She rolled her eyes, turning back around to make plates.  
“I lost my appetite. Go feed it to the nigga that misses your ass.” He made his way back to the to the room.
“Are you serious right now?”
Her response was the bedroom door being slammed.  Cassie dropped the spoonful of eggs and picked up her phone.
Cass 👅: Why the fuck would you text me that.  Saint seen that shit, and now he’s pissed. Thanks a lot asshole.
After she sent that text she erased the thread, and blocked his number. There was too much evidence in those messages. The bedroom door opened back up, and Saint came around the corner fully dressed.
“Where you going?” She questioned, looking him over.
“To go get something to eat. I need some fresh air.” He grabbed his keys off the coffee table.
“Bye.” She said carefree. Arguing with him this early in the morning wasn’t on her agenda
As much as he wanted what she cooked he needed to teach her a lesson. Hopefully she was going to get it.
It was around two in the afternoon when Hazel pulled up to Razor Cutz, the barbershop Zeus worked at, with food and a couple things she needed to get off her chest. Zeus was like her brother, so when she needed somebody to talk to about Roman she went to him for advice. He was an unbiased and neutral ear that would tell her if she was wrong in the situation. However,  Azure was her blood sister and what happened to her the other night at the club was unacceptable. Things, women, baby mommas, hoes needed to be put in place and he was the one who needed to do it.
“Hey yall.” She waved and smiled at the other barbers in the shop. “Not you tho. We got some shit that needs to be handled and addressed.” She pointed at Zeus.
“What this clown do now?” One of the barbers joked.
“Mane, shut ya ass up.” Zeus laughed, motioning for her to come to the back with him.
The two walked to the back of the barbershop, and he closed the door behind them. He knew what she was coming to chew him out about, and even though he handled it already he was going to take it like a man.
“Curry goat, rice and peas?” He took the bag of food.
“Yeah, my momma still be looking out for you.” She rolled her eyes.
“She a saint forreal.” He opened the container, and let the aroma fill his nostrils up.
After everything that had happened between Zeus and Azure, her mom still made sure he was taken care of. They’d been together so long he had become apart of the family.
“You know who’s not a saint, Azure. You need to get your baby mother in check because shit like that can’t happen again. It won’t happen again.” Her voice was stern, and the emotion her face portrayed was severe.
“You’re right, and that’s why I took care of it already. AZ won’t have to worry about her anymore.” He said reassuringly.
“Good, because come time for my dinner I don’t need any drama to pour out onto the table.”
“What’s this big dinner for again?” He asked before stuffing his face.
“It’s a surprise.”
In reality the dinner was put in place to be the night they revealed that they were pregnant.  Hazel wanted to cancel it after the miscarriage, but Roman suggested they still did it to have a good time. It took a minute for her to agree, but she finally did. Now they were using the dinner as the time to reveal the new house. She prayed and hoped that they were on good terms that day. Things had been chaotic in their household, and she wasn’t sure how they were going to recover after this. Marriages weren’t easy and they took some fighting to stay afloat, but this seemed like it was either going to make or break them.
“Also, Azure will be there and she already said she doesn’t want no parts of you, so don’t go thinking you’re going to weasel your way back in, because it ain’t happening. Your baby mom’s fucked that up for you.” That was one of the reasons why she invited the both of them, and her plan had already failed.
“I wasn’t going to mess with her regardless. I’m just going to apologize, and keep it pushing.” He lied, knowing he planned on seeing if she’d do dinner or a movie with him.
“Nope, I’ll let her know because you stay doing other shit.” She chuckled, reaching in her black leather MK bag for her phone.
A couple weeks back Hazel started to get these weird text messages regarding her husband. The first time she didn’t pay it any mind, because she just thought somebody was playing on her phone. It didn’t become a pressing matter for her until they started sending pictures of him. She couldn’t wrap her mind around the riddle, or figure out the encoded message behind it.
“Look at this.” She pulled up a message, and handed him the phone.
Unknown Number: Is your husband as ride or die as you think? You might want to question him about some of the company he keeps.
Zeus furrowed his brows at the message. He had no idea what the person could have been talking about.
“What you think they talkin about?”
“That he’s cheating. What else could it be?”
Zeus laughed, and shook his head. “Women always go straight for cheating. Trust me, that man loves you and he aint fucking no other bitch.”
“I don’t know, we been at odds for a minute now.”
“About what?” He looked at her with confusion. They seemed to have the perfect relationship.
“Family stuff.”  She thought about bringing him in on the miscarriage information, but didn’t want to deal with those emotions again. Everything about the situation she was still healing from, and each time she brought it up she broke down.
“Ohhh, mane you talkin like it’s deep shit that y'all can’t get passed. You two will work it out.”
Zeus always congratulated Roman on being able to stick with one woman, and be faithful to her. He wanted that for himself, but the one he wanted didn’t want anything to do with him. When he was with Azure he had it good. She was everything that he ever wanted in a women, but he let temptation shatter it, and didn’t realize it until after jail. Jail turned him into a new man, and he wasn’t going to give up on her just yet. He had a couple things up his sleeve.
“I hope you’re right, but you good?” She asked, standing up. Hazel had some work errands to run.
“Yeah, go handle your business sis.” He assured her she was good to go.
“Alright, stay outta trouble.” She walked by him, and patted his shoulder.
“Ya know I’m a feign for it.” He laughed, finishing off the rest of the food.
Cassi’s day had been horrible, and it was all because a man got comfortable. Zeus was a good lay, but it seemed like he let that cloud his judgement this morning. She hadn’t been able to reach Saint all day, and that was something she wasn’t used to. Usually he would throw a fit,  and come home, or call her within thirty minutes. This wasn’t like him, and it made her feel uneasy. All she wanted to do was tear a hole into the side of Zeus’ face with her words of fury.  
She drove into the city just for him. Knowing him he was the last person in the shop, so interrupting his business wasn’t going to be a factor. When she pulled up she sat out front to make sure nobody else was inside. Everything looked good, so she exited the car with anger plastered on her face.
“Nigga are you dumb, or just fucking stupid?” She walked into the shop with no positive introduction.
“What the fuck are you talking about?” He looked at her, taken back by her approach.
“You know exactly what the fuck I’m talking about. Why text me some shit like that knowing damn well I have a man? You’re a pro at cheating and being a fucking side nigga so you should know the damn rules.” She wasn’t aware of how furious she actually was.
“Hold the fuck up. Don’t bring your thot ass up in here talking crazy at me, because your dumb ass was sloppy with your shit.” He was irritated.
“Thot? Who the fu-”
“You bitch, fuck else I’m talking to and go ahead and say some more reckless shit so I can hurt your feelings some more.” He stared down at her with the intent of doing so already. “You can play this shit with that scrub, but dont bring your ass in here talking to me out the side of ya neck like I won’t violate.”
“Fuck you Zeus.” She was surprised by what he was saying.
“Your hoe ass already did that. How you fix your lips to talk about anybody being a pro cheater? Your whole relationship is a fucking cheat. That nigga was the first to wife you up instead of passing you along to the next, and you too dumb to realize it, so niggas like me come and catch a nut because the pussy is decent, and the head is good. You fucked around, and let him see the message that’s on your ass. You forget the shit I did for your ass?” He paused to stare her down to let the question sink in.
“Yeah…” He voice was as tiny as a mouse.
“Yeah! I killed for your ass, and fucked up my life and didn’t snitch on you. So if I want to text you, call you, hell even pull up and tell you to bring ya ass outside I can do that. Because wasn’t nobody else gonna handle that nigga after he put you in the hospital, and almost killed ya ass.”
Cassi was the reason Juan was dead. She was dating him, and sleeping with Zeus at the same time. When she ended up in the hospital, face rearranged, in a coma, somebody had to do something and he stepped up to the plate. When she finally woke up she set him up, and instead of meeting her he met the end of Zeus’ barrel. That wasn’t his main chick, but he had a soft spot for her. There were multiple times he regretted doing what he did, but right now was the icing on the cake and it showed him that she didn’t appreciate what he did for her.
“Take ya ass the fuck home.” He waved her off, and went back to cleaning up the shop.
Cassi was shocked at the verbal abuse she received. Her body was numb and she couldnt move until he told her so. On her way out the door tears streamed down her face. She hadn’t felt this low in a long time, and didn’t think she could ever feel this way again. Her hand was shaking as she tried to place the key in the ignition. Finally, she started the car and sped off almost hitting a car coming from behind her.
The car wasn’t the only thing she missed. The man in all black who heard their entire conversation was missed as well. He’d been following her for some days now.
“Yeah, Lena I think you might have to pick up his old girl.”
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tumblunni · 7 years
OKAY I FOUND SOMEONE SCANNED THE JAPANESE VERSION OF THE PERSONA 5 ARTBOOK!!! I’m still preordering the english version though. And this seems to have a LOT more text info and interviews than other artbooks I’ve got, so the english version will still be enlightening even though i cant resist the temptation to read this preview here... So yeah, I’m gonna link this in case anyone else wants to see! And also cos i really wanna talk about the interesting stuff AAAA!
But seriously I would feel ALL OF THE GUILT if I just read this and DIDNT buy the real version when it comes out in my country. So I’d heavily advise that all of y’all buy it too, okay? Its just real hard to wait til september.
Bunni’s Thoughts About Things In This Thing:
* The one everyone already seemed to know was Yusuke’s beta design, I think it was shown in an english interview or something? But yeah, I already knew about this, but I still really think he looks even cooler with long hair! And I like that they ended up using this design for his mother instead. That just feels like a really sweet way to deal with beta designs! Apparantly Ann’s design was based on Rise’s beta design from the last game, so its nice to know that atlus always tries to find ways to keep promising ideas, even if they dont work with the current project. ANYWAY BETA YUSUKE OF CUTE
* Also unrelated but: did you know that Yusuke slapping people during the Harisen Recovery skill was actually a GLITCH and not a feature?? It strikes me as weird that they didn’t catch that in the super long time it took to finish the various dubs. Its a meme in japanese fandom too, so its definately in every version of the game! They only just patched it recently and I AM SAD NOW. It fit really well as an easter egg for this character in particular, lol.
* ALSO I am sorry that i commonly misspell his name as Yosuke. Its weird cos I never get Ryoji and Ryuji mixed up... ANYWAY BACK TO COOL BETA TALK AND NOT JUST YUSUKE LOVE TIME
* Beta Wakaba (futaba’s mom) used to have the hairstyle that was given to Haru instead! O_o She looks really cute with it, I guess they thought it was hard to make the shadow boss scary with such awesome hair. There’s also a beta doodle of what seems to be an alternate introduction scene, where the party would be walking down an alleyway and her giant face would appear behind them as a jumpscare. I THINK I WOULD HAVE FUCKIN DIED! that’s some fuan no tane shit!
* Man I didnt even recognise beta kawakami! O_O I would have thought that was beta takemi, or even yusuke’s mom again...
* Oh man, Sae is already one of the coolest and most beautiful looking characters but seriously beta Sae has EVEN MORE of that badass butch lady handsomeness holy shit. If I can appreciate her aesthetic so much as an asexual person, I can only imagine how other fans would feel about this!
* I have legit no idea who this character is, but she looks badass! Its a shame this imgurl dump of scans is completely out of order, lol! Another reason to buy the official version when its translated: actually knowing the context of things! XD
* Same design for papa okumura’s shadow, but it seems there was originally an idea for a chase minigame with his shadow. Instead of being weak with an army of reinforcements to fight thru, he’d be weak but keep fleeing in his motor chair thing. Considering how much I DESPISED the chase minigames in Nocturne and DDS2, i am really damn glad they didnt do that...
* BETA PERSONAS!! Wow they’re so different?? Its weird how they seem to be like.. different art styles/personalities for the same character idea? Maybe this was from before the personalities of everyone had been pinned down, or maybe the personas originally belonged to different party members? i’m really curious by the goemon in a modern punk style, did he belong to ryuji??? MORE BETA PERSONAS!! Oh holy SHIT, johanna is SUCH a good design! like... what?? BADASS!! typical lady pope face attatched to a buff as fuck body in a jojo-esque costume, with like an encapsulated hat thing with halves of a mask of a cliche male pope. This design has way more to do with the actual story of that mythological figure! Popecycle was cool too tho, I think maybe they should have made someone else be popecycle, and then johanna could be the second persona using this design and taking the place of Anat.
* Beta Ohya has a nice design! Its not even necessarily a cooler costume or anything, I just like how they try and show her personality more through it. She looks more dishevelled and overworked and has some bandages. Dunno why they couldnt have worked that into her final design!
* BETA MORGANA WHAT THE FUCK jesus christ thats almost as creepy as some of the beta Teddie designs I mean, I like using swirly eyes on a lot of my mascot ideas too, but that sort of face just looks a bit unnerving along with the body being like.. all leather and weirdly detailed. Its like ann’s costume but on a damn cat! As its skin! What!
* Some goofy expressions of final design morgana that ended up not being used.
* Beta Iwai looks like a younger AZ from pokemon??
* Beta design for protagonist’s thief costume and persona, which were WILDLY different! I like the all-concealing cloak, it looks like it would have animated really flashily. Tho i totally agree that showing more of protagonist’s actual design works better for the version of him you’ll be seeing 24/7 in battles.
* Not a beta design, but look at this concept art of Makoto beating up everyone. I love makoto so much.
* Aww I kinda prefer the beta costume for [spoily endgame character]. It makes her seem closer to [other two characters of relevance to her]. I mean, not like I dislike her costume, but I really liked [those two characetrs’s costume] so hers seemed a bit boring in comparison. Having it at least have more similar design elements to other [people in that place] would have gone a long way towards making her seem less like just... Alice, as a person isntead of a persona. (It would have been a cool plot if that was her backstory tho, lol!)
* I HAVE NO IDEA WHO ANY OF THESE CHARACTERS ARE BUT I LOVE THEM! Are they rejected Confidants? Or designs for characters mentioned in confidants who never appeared? i wish we got to see the sick lil girl in takemi’s subplot, it would be cute if she looked like that design there.
* Another beta of Milady! She used to have the same design but different weapons would come out in a different way. Knives instead of guns looks a lot scarier, but I dont like the weird garbage disposal mermaid thing, just from the fact people would inevitably make vagina jokes.
* Beta Futaba was very similar but just with different outfits. She looks really cute with a beanie hat and EVEN MORE becomes Literally Me As A Character. Seriouslyyyyyy
* Also we never get to see the mounting animation for futaba’s ultimate persona. I like it a lot better cos robot hands come out and carry her to the cockpit, instead of weird tentacles. Seriously, again, inevitable pile of stupid sex jokes about that. *sigh*
* A nice bigger reference of P5 Loki design, without all the SFX and stuff during that boss battle. I really like the way he sits on his sword sassily, and how it levitates around instead of swinging it normally. I also never noticed he has hoof-like heels! With that and the long ponytails it kinda looks like they were trying to give him an eight limbs sort of look, so maybe the design is meant to invoke Sleipnir?
* HEY. UMM. HOH. LEE. SHIT. I guess this kinda counts as beta cos we never get to see this, even if its part of the final design?? Seriously, I thought the shiny red bit was like the visor of his helmet, not a mouthpiece! LOKI’S HORNS COME OUT OF HIS FUCKING EYEBALLS! What the FUCK, they should have shown some sort of animation to make that clearer, that would be SO scary and fitting for that particular boss fight!
* A few beta outfits for our heroes! Ryuji originally had a clown mask instead of a skull, and Makoto wore a jacket with a biker gang logo, in addition to everything else biker gang. INCREASE BIKER GANG! Eeeeeven more beta outfit designs! Some more cyberpunky thing for ann, and a blue colourscheme protagonist, and a character with a sledgehammer who seems unused. There’s Iwai’s gecko tattoo there, so maybe originally his role was gonna be a school-aged ally instead of an adult shopkeeper? or maybe his son would join the party? The hero also originally wore Arsene’s top hat, and there’s this mysterious pic of two characters that I dunno who they are?? They look like twins, so it makes me wonder if that means there was originally a gender choice for the protag...
* A lot of storyboards for scenes that never happened! There’s a female character we’ve never seen before, so maybe that adds more to the theory of a rejected fem!protag option...
* Beta Ann had a bunch of different ways they tried to make her look like catwoman but not too much catwoman. She also used to use a crossbow as her ranged weapon!
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iheartsurveys · 7 years
When did you last eat Cheetos? It's been a while. I'm not too fond of cheetos tbh
Have you ever talked on the phone more than an hour? Probably
Would you swim with sharks for $5000? I wouldn't swim in open water with sharks, I'd need to be in a cage. Fun fact my dad and I have this tradition kind of of doing adventurous things together, like when I was little we went on that giant swinging free fall superman ride they have at amusement parks, we've gone on a helicopter in Sedona, AZ, we went parasailing last year, etc but anyway a year or two ago he tried to get me to do shark cage diving because he has a friend who does that, and I was like helllllll no. But part of me wishes we did. Maybe someday we will
Do you take a lot of pictures of yourself? Nope
Which color do you think is better out of Purple & Blue? Blue
What color is your house door? Green
Do you know anybody who is afraid of clowns? Yes
Do you make a wish on 11:11? Nope
What time did you wake up this morning? My alarm went off at 8:45 but I snoozed until 9:15
Were you ever afraid of the dark? I used to sleep with a nightlight and my bedroom door open but now I love the dark and I need it to be pitch black
Do you have a mirror in your bedroom? Two, one attached to my dresser and a full sized one behind the door
What type of computer do you have? My work laptop is a dell
Do you put pepper on mostly everything you eat? No, that would be my stepdad
Have you ever seen a zebra? Yes. A few years ago my dad and I did a driving safari thing and the animals roam and you can feed and pet them, but at certain parts they have signs saying to roll your windows up, including the zebra part. But they didn't have people around actually enforcing the rules so we left the windows down and like three zebras came and their whole heads were in the car, they were so cute
When was the last time you had hiccups? Few days ago
Do you like extra butter on your popcorn? Nah just a regular amount of butter
Have you ever had toe cramps? Foot cramps yes, but I don't think I've had toe cramps, at least not that I can recall
Could you live the rest of your life without eating meat? No honestly
What is your favorite kind of ice cream? It varies. I've been craving a hot fudge sundae lately
What’s your middle name? Elizabeth
How tall are you? 5′9
Have you ever got told that you should be a model? I have quite a bit, usually by parents friends. I'm always flattered when people say that but I'm not fit enough to be a model
What grade are you in? Not in school
Do you like the taste of burnt popcorn? Not particularly
What gives you the biggest headache?
Literally everything, I've been getting migraines for the last 7 or 8 years now. I get them if I don't eat, if the weather is shitty, when I'm stressed, hungover, and honestly sometimes I just get them randomly
Is it past 10:00pm?
Are you a forgiving person? Yeah
When was the last time you brushed your teeth? 30 minutes ago
Have you ever touched a snake? Once
Are you good at jump rope? I suck! I used to be so good in elementary school, and I recently bought a jump rope because we did it a few times in kickboxing and I wanted to practice, and I'm not that good anymore
Do you wear make-up? Yes
Are you an outgoing or shy person? I'm an extroverted introvert
What show did you watch last? Post game show of the Caps/Devils game
Have you ever had a rolling back pack? I vaguely remember having one in elementary school
Are you cold at the moment? A little
What season were you born in? Spring
What’s your favorite animal? Dogs
Do you have a person you could tell everything to? I don't tell anyone everything...I tell my mom and Britt a lot but there are different things I haven't/don't tell them
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