#Azari T’challa
nighthoundsworld · 3 months
WE BACK ! told you I wouldn’t be consistent. Anyway Part 2 ! Of my Head canons that are 1000% true for the Next Avengers and with everyone either getting on Spring Break or getting off of it. Today’s topic will be about ✨Morning routines✨
Even though James usually acts like his Mother. His hard work and dedication is from his father. He’s an early bird like him. He takes his morning routines very seriously as he’s always the first one up. Nothing like A mere 100 handstand pushups, 100 sit-ups, 100 pull ups and an easy 13 mile run to start the morning
But nothing beats his breakfast protein shake he makes from scratch that always leaves the others wondering just how he functions in the morning
Whenever Torunn wakes up she never forgets to pray to Odin and her Father. She prays that The all father is watching over her and her family and that when the time is ready she has secured her place in Valhalla. Once she’s done praying Torunn always presses a kiss to her fingers before placing those fingers on the framed picture of her Father and smiling
Torunn’s usually second in the kitchen behind Pym. And thanks to him he’s categorized everyone’s meal plans in separate sections. Torunn’s favorite breakfast always being Honey Nut Cheerios
If it wasn’t for James Pym would easily be the first one up. He only looses to James by 30 minutes as his alarm is set to 6:00 am while James naturally wakes up at 5:30. Pym wakes up at the same time every day on the hour and immediately the first thing he does is play an entire game of speed chess that takes a grand total of 1 minute and 30 seconds against the automated robot he designed. Whoever wins he tally’s up and not to brag but he has a current streak of 180-0. Pym is sully out the door in 10 minutes but not before he glances at the portrait of his parents hung up in his wall
He may not be able to beat James in first one up but Pym’s always the first one in the kitchen as he gets straight to work making his listed meal depending on what day it is
Monday-Bacon and Eggs
Weekends-try James Protein Shakes
He always cleans up before the others get there but trust him before they do it looks like a cooking show was being hosted beforehand
Out of everyone Azari has what people would call the most normal schedule. He wakes up at a fair time and the most he’ll do is splash some water on his face to wake himself up. Always smiling at the two separate pictures of his parents before he begins to start his day
Now even though he’s the most normal in waking up his kitchen skills need the most work as he for some reason refuses to use a glass to drink his morning beverage. Weather it be Orange Juice or Milk everyone immediately groans his name when they see him drink from the carton or jug. Added with Pym’s “and at least put a shirt on” as he has a knack for not putting ok a shirt until 11. We get it, you have fancy tattoos that light up, cool. At least he has the decency to make his own batch of waffles in the morning and he’s not scared of sharing
We’re lucky if Francis even wakes up in a single digit time span. He’s the master at hitting snooze before the alarm even has time to go off. And usually when he does get up he just rolls out of bed and lands on the floor before taking another 15 minutes of shut eye
Every single day Francis is the last one to make it in the Kitchen and every single day he asks the same question whilst he scratches his Platinum Blonde hair “Hey what’s there to eat !” As I’m pretty sure you can guess his sanctioned eating area is usually empty
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Emoverse Wakanda Family
King T’Challa
King of Wakanda
Black Panther
Married to Ororo Munroe AKA Storm of the X-Men
Casting: the late, great Chadwick Boseman
Ororo Munroe
Queen of Wakanda and a member of the X-Men
Codenamed Storm due to her powers
Married to King T’Challa
Casting: Halle Berry (who portrayed her in the Fox X-Men movies originally)
Azari T’Challa T’Chaka Evan Duke of Wakanda
Duke of Wakanda, oldest son of T’Challa and Ororo
Codenamed Panther
Has the enhanced speed, strength, agility, reflexes and senses from his father along with electrokinesis (ability to control Lightning) from his mother
Casting: Niles Fitch
Prince T’Challa II
Prince of Wakanda, youngest son of T’Challa and Ororo
Due to being seven, he does not yet have a codename
Has the same enhanced speed, strength, agility, reflexes, and senses as his father and brother along with aerokinesis (ability to manipulate air) from his mother
Casting: Divine Love Konadu-Sun (the child who played him in Black Panther: Wakanda Forever)
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a cute lil headcanon i thought yall would like :)
so spring cleaning time arrives at the shelter where Tony and the kiddos stay.
As they’re cleaning out an older storage room, Pym notices a small box hidden far back behind some shelving units.
They open it to find a small camera/video recorder, which has clearly seen better days considering how dusty and tattered it is.
Pym and Azari work together to fix it up and get it running again. The kiddos all gather around the camera, curious of what it holds.
They find countless videos and photos of the Avengers and their family/friends on the camera, memories that had been carefully stored for safekeeping.
But why would something holding these clearly important memories be hidden?
The question is soon answered when they watch the videos, though. Videos of Tony in his suit being randomly picked up by stronger avengers and being used as a hammer, Steve doing dumb things while Bucky runs after him, Nat scaring the shit out if Clint, Tony changing the passwords for each Avenger (again) to a nickname or something silly, and countless pranks, jokes, fails, and just generally funny memories. It’s the closest the kiddos have ever got to knowing their parents, and they’re all wheezing and giggling over the contents of the camera.
Tony overhears the random snorts and wheezes from the common area, and walks in to see all five of the kids crowded around the old video camera from the tower, laughing their asses off at the content. They hear him approach and look up, slightly startled and nervous. He quietly chuckles and sits down next to them, and begins explaining the inside jokes, the stories, all of these memories that he continues to hold so dear.
Tony smiles, at the kids, the memories, and knowing that these fond times with his friends would never be forgotten.
He laughs the most he has in a decade.
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lapseinart · 2 months
I was just v casually looking through the Francis Barton tag bc I was reminded of the Next Avengers animated movie and I saw some comic panels for Avengers World (2015) and honestly it is such a Choice for James to go sleeveless what the fuck are you doing kid you’re going to get scraped up every time you encounter shrapnel. You’re not Hawkeye w a bow that needs freedom of arm movement or whatever to draw the string back and is usually supposed to be far from explosions for range and even then Francis is wearing a jacket with long sleeves unlike his father.
Also Azari with the short sleeves what are you doing also kid?? I guess maybe for his powers?? But I don’t see why?? I’m pretty sure Ororo has also used long sleeves and so does T’challa.
James’ outfit in the animated movie made more sense is all I’m saying. Azari also had a sleeveless top so idk what
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karimwillia · 1 year
Earth 760
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-Earth 760 is in year 2035 this Earth is in a harmonious Solstice era.
-All the hero’s of yesteryear have been succeed by their successors. Mutants have been discovered for about 10 years now.
-Rihanna Robin Williams is the IronHeart succeeding Tony Stark.
-Queen Shuri Azari Udaku currently holds the mantle of the Black Panther and Sovereign of Wakanda.
-Prince T’Challa Udaku II is in training to be the next holder of the Black Panther Mantle. He has been home to Wakanda several times but his mother Prince Mother Nakia Udaku maintains living in Haiti.
-There is a school for Young Mutants to attend that has been established by a one Professor Charles Xavier.
-After the shift to harmony several humans with superhuman abilities started to manifest all over the globe.
-The Avengers first thought that maybe they ingested synthetic Vibranium contaminates(produced by America’s failed attempts at synthesizing Vibranium) but the volume of humans did not inline with the theory.
-Come to find out these humans have genetic mutations that cause the enhancements to their abilities.
-Professor Xavier a mutant who’s abilities where not dormant in his body offered to help the Avengers contact and offer help to all mutants who’s power suddenly came about.
-This led to the establishment of the Xavier Institute. A school for the mutants to live, learn and thrive without bias or threat of harm.
-Prince T’Challa has been on exchange at the Institute because of his great interest in genetics. He has been doing research on mutant gnomes.
-He has a close friend at the Institute giving him another reason for his vested interest.
-Her name is Ororo Munroe and she is close in age to Prince T’Challa.
-Ororo is originally from Kenya where her Mother was a Princess. She grew up in the US because of her father.
-Studies show that her powers are close to immeasurable and have the potential to be most powerful mutant of all time.
-T’Challa calls her Storm because her powers control the weather. And when she’s just the slightest bit upset a Storm breaks out.
-There is an eventual romance for Ororo and T’Challa.
-Shuri and Rihanna wed in the year 2037 and have a beautiful baby boy.
-They name him Prince Akenti Udaku.
-Wakanda becomes a world super power after America is sanctioned for their crimes committed to obtain Vibrainum.
-15 countries participated in attempting to produce synthetic Vibranium. This caused very harmful by products that have contaminated these countries.
-A new metal by the name of Adamantium came about via these experiments.
@somethingcleaverandwhitty @mal-urameshi @shurixriri @shuriris-stuff @neptoons1998
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csg-iii · 1 year
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Wakanda Royal Family
King T’Challa, Queen Ororo and Prince Azari.
Artist: Jettmanas. Commission request by csg-III.
PS: Azari is Black Panther’s and Storm’s son from the 2008 animated movie “Next Avengers: Heroes of Tomorrow”. As to why he’s holding Stormbreaker, this art is meant to reflect my Marvel fanfic project, where Stormbreaker is a vibranium axe.
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phoenixlionme · 2 years
Children of T’Challa and Ororo Munroe
An idea of all of these canon and fanon children coming together.
Azari (Canon)
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Folami (Fanon by MarcusTheVisual)
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Chidike (Fanon by MarcusTheVisual)
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T’Wari (Canon)
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Chaka (Canon)
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Nkosazana (Canon)
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Kymera (Canon)
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madeinwakanda · 2 years
Uhh Starter Call?
Jump in the DMs if you want to plot.
Azari isn’t T’Challa. He’s a mutant born with the heart shaped herb flowing through his veins. 
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devilsmenu · 2 years
Hello! Finally could do the starters for the event! I’m uncapping for now but please specific muse (mine and yours)!
Azari T’Challa - Rue
Ally - 
Buttercup - 
Chad Charming - Audrey
Felicia Hardy - Jules
Gogo Tomago -
Harriet Hook - 
Irene Adler - 
Jamie/Nine - 
Jihyo Kim -
Lorna Dane -
Lonnie Li -
Noah Foster - 
Rafael Lightwood-Bane -
Romeo Montague
Satana Hellstrom - 
Tony - 
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irxnlegacy · 1 year
Just came back and I gain new followers that aren’t bots (thank god). 
I know it’s because of the Wakanda Forever movie. Just to warn any MCU roleplayers, I follow mostly the comic version, mainly Earth 616. I do have a MCU verse, but needs to be updated since I started playing as Riri when the Civil War movie premiered. 
Case in point, in my writing, Riri a teenager, Tony is alive and mentoring her, and she living with him, similar to the comics. And her closes friends are Ms. Marvel, Miles/Spider-Man, Sam/Nova, and Amadeus Cho.
Of course, she is best friends with Shuri, but I do not ship ShuRiri. I’m sorry, but I’m used to Shuri being far older than Riri and Riri is canonically 15/16 from the comics so I don’t see them as a couple. Though my Riri is bisexual and I ship her with @error1nmycode‘s Viv Vision and T’Challa son and Shuri’s nephew Azari @madeinwakanda. Same reason why I don’t ship Peter Parker and Riri either. I know MCU’s Peter is a kid, but I’m too used to the comic version of him being in his 40s and looking out for the kid heroes. No disrespect to MCU roleplayers, this is just my preference. 
With that out of the way, my Discord is Eniygma#3081. Welcome to my blog. ❤️
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tchallasbabymama · 2 years
So I was reading some multiverse stuff and was wondering when we gonna introduce Azari,Kymera 😩😂😂😂😂😂😂(Storm and Tchallas kids)
I doubt the MCU is gonna do all that, especially now since T’Challa is gone. That’d be cool though!
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nighthoundsworld · 24 days
With Today’s Topic I’d like to speak about something that’s been wrapping my brain a lot and that’s ✨Villains ✨
Now obviously after Ultron’s reign Heroes and Villains alike are pretty hard to come around as well obviously Ultron killed them all sad lol
BUT ! IN THE LIVES IN HEROS “As long as there is good there shall be evil” and soon or later just like their Parents James, Azari, Francis, Torunn and Pym will eventually have to face their own battles and demons
Now personally I always liked the Headcanon that when the kids become older and more seasoned mature heroes they start to build their own little rogues gallery and like their parents and more like the Teen Titans each Next Avengers Member has their own Arch nemesis like how Robin has Slade, Cyborg has Brother Blood, Starfire has Blackfire etc etc
I read a really good FanFic about how Torunn learned that in Asgard since she wasn’t there and Thor, Sif and the Royale family had died Amora aka Enchantress had taken the thrown and even bread an offspring with Thor more so forcefully creating as we know MAGNI AS HE IS THE NEW KING OF ASGARD
Azari is another one I’d love to dive deep into as with him being an Omega level Mutant + his Heritage of royal blood as Prince of Wakanda there are so many potentially great villains that can be given for him
Now obviously I’d be easy to just make his arch enemy the son of Killmonger giving into the whole challenge the bloodline aspect BUT I always thought The Black Panther franchise should dive deeper into Voodoo Magic
Giving Azari more so an Antagonist like Dr Faciler from Princess in the Frog or Husk from Hazbin Hotel would be KILLER ! more so it’s a mental and psychological battle. Rather than a physical one. Imagine the Voodoo villain teen like him gives Azari and the team the chance to see their parents again with just one deal that not knowing what it is AHHHHHH I NEED TO HURRY UP AND LEARN HOW TO DRAW AND ANIMATE
again I found this from a Fanfic but I love the idea so much. James like Torunn’s rival ends in him finding out he has a brother WHO’S THE SOM OF STEVE AND SHARON !!!!! DUN DUN DUN !!! DRAMAAAAAAA I LOVE IT ! AND HIS NAME IS IAN AGHHHHHHHH !!!
Now Pym and Francis are sadly left out of this because we’ll truly I have no idea what to give them but I’d love to hear from you all give me some of your own ideas and headcanons on what Pym and Francis’s arch enemies can be
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ofpriderocks · 2 years
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𝚈𝚘𝚞𝚛 𝚍𝚎𝚜𝚝𝚒𝚗𝚢 𝚒𝚜 𝚌𝚘𝚖𝚒𝚗' 𝚌𝚕𝚘𝚜𝚎  𝚂𝚝𝚊𝚗𝚍 𝚞𝚙 𝚊𝚗𝚍 𝚏𝚒𝚐𝚑𝚝  𝚂𝚘 𝚐𝚘 𝚒𝚗𝚝𝚘 𝚝𝚑𝚊𝚝 𝚏𝚊𝚛 𝚘𝚏𝚏 𝚕𝚊𝚗𝚍  𝙰𝚗𝚍 𝚋𝚎 𝚘𝚗𝚎 𝚠𝚒𝚝𝚑 𝚝𝚑𝚎  𝙶𝚛𝚎𝚊𝚝 𝙸 𝙰𝚖, 𝙸 𝙰𝚖  𝙰 𝚋𝚘𝚢 𝚋𝚎𝚌𝚘𝚖𝚎𝚜 𝚊 𝚖𝚊𝚗
inspired  by  :  simba  (  the lion king ) / added inspo !   t’challa ( black panther ) , hamlet ( shakespeare  ) , han solo ( star wars ) 
full name. simba azari shauku faceclaim. michael evans behling ( future: jd pardo )  dob. august 8th zodiac. leo occupation. bartender / crowned prince of pride rock birthplace. the pride lands, africa  orientation. bisexual/biromantic song. pray for me - the weekend ft. kendrick lamar film. the godfather mbti. esfp  alignment. lawful good abilities. enhanced strength, durability, speed, agility,  stamina and reflexes, regenerative healing factor, genius-level intellect, master tactician, master martial artist , expert swordsman, master acrobat, multilingualism & pilot hogwarts house. gryffindor emoji.  ( 🦁 )
present !!
simba has made a life for himself here in elias. with the phrase hakuna matata in clutch, he’s found bliss in normality. the life of royalty is something he has long left behind him. his family ( minus kiara and nala ) believe he’s dead and honestly is that such a bad thing ? this is the happiest he’s been. does pride rock really need him ?
his shit’s about to get rocked with the information of his uncle scar being in elias. his bubble is about to get burst in the worst way possible. simba doesn’t know if he can be the king everyone sees him to be. at least, he doesn’t know if that part of him is still alive. it died the day his father did and again when was supposed to die. 
past !!
tw: simba’s bio mentions death & bombings.
the only son of king mufasa and queen sarabi, simba was born in the pride lands. a hidden civilization in the heart of africa. the santucci’s lived double lives. to the outside world they were the santucci’s, billionaires in the technology industry and but to the people of pride rock they were reigning monarchs and the creators of the most powerful substance on earth: vibranium.
from a young age simba’s father did his best to prepare his son for the day he would be king. everything the light touched was theirs to rule. first and foremost he was to keep his people safe. with such a powerful substance in their grasps it was easy to make enemies. it was up to simba to ensure the longevity and protection of his people. 
given the best education, training and anything else simba could be gifted he was a force to be reckoned with. 
simba was an arrogant little kid. he couldn’t wait to be king only because the title of it sounded cool. he was unaware of the true responsibilities and weight that lied ahead. he had a habit of putting himself and nala in trouble when he was younger but as he grew up his reckless streak ceased. 
at the age of seventeen, simba and his father attended a conference in vienna. in the middle of his father’s speech the building they were in was bombed. mufasa unfortunately did not make it. the last thing simba was given by his father was the santucci crest ring that signified it was time for him to take his place in the great circle of life as king. 
an unimaginable guilt resided in simba after that day. he felt he could have saved his father but he didn’t. how was he to return him to face everyone and let them know the king was dead and it was his fault ? they were the tough times mufasa had warned simba about. his reign as king didn’t last long. on the day of simba’s coronation, the outsiders infiltrated pride rock with scar leading them. he challenged his nephew to the throne.
simba couldn’t back out of it. he had been challenged which meant he had to fight for his right to be king. he thought he had the upper hand but simba was sorely mistaken. a good fight was given but in the end, scar picked simba up on his shoulders and threw him down the waterfall to his death shouting ‘ long live the king. ’
simba was pronounced dead by all. the only thing is, simba was not dead. by some miracle he managed to survive. he was found by nuka clinging on for dear life. instead of finishing the job, nuka took it upon himself to get help. he help get simba to elias, the same place kovu had been sent to. the wounds he sustained in the fight would be able to be taken care of by medical professionals there. their advanced technology and medicine would help him more than the pride lands could now. he would also be safe from scar’s watchful eye until the time came for simba to challenge scar for the crown. 
future !!
simba and scar will eventually duel. he won’t let his uncle terrorize elias or pride rock any further than he has.
he’s gotta let everyone know he’s not dead ... phew imagine just walking into the pride lands like sike y’all thought i was dead !! bitch i lived !!
he’ll step into his rightful place in the circle of life and become king of pride rock. there’s still much simba wants to do first before he takes on that responsibility.
he marries nala and together they have three kids. zack, davu & saskia.
taken connections
mufasa & sarabi santucci / parents
kiara & kion santucci / cousins, practically siblings
scar santucci / uncle
nala omita / love of his life
flynn rider / co-worker & friend
monty mcqueen, beverly utonium, nick wilde / friends
sadie teague / co-worker
wanted connections
friends : always down for more buddies [ open ]
enemies : my man is a LOT truly condolences he’s not everyone’s cup of tea. idk maybe your character works for scar unknowingly simba would hate u on sight [ open ]
uhhhh i’m open to anything lmfaoooo.
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Azari T'Challa, son of Ororo and T’Challa.
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onchillvybz · 2 years
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Azari T’challa in Next Avengers: Heroes of Tomorrow movie (2008)
Son of Black Panther and Storm
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Azari by Dike Ruan
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83liss · 4 months
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Siempre Fuiste Tú (27)
Entre el Amor y el Odio
El Concejo Tribal solía reunirse en el Gran Salón, un edificio en el corazón mismo de la ciudad. El lugar contaba con una gran mesa redonda, alrededor de la cual se sentaban los miembros del Concejo. La sala estaba adornada con estatuas de los anteriores reyes de Wakanda, y también había grandes ventanas que daban a los jardines externos
En las paredes se podían ver grandes lámparas de hirro forjado y el techo está decorado con grandes tapices que representan escenas de la historia de Wakanda. En la pared lateral predominaba un gran tapiz central que representaba a los antiguos reyes. En el centro del Salón había un gran trono, donde se sentaba el rey de Wakanda, y a su lado estaba un amplio pasillo que conducía hasta la mesa del Concejo.
Las paredes del Salón estaban decoradas por grandes pinturas murales que representaban la historia de Wakanda, desde los primeros reyes hasta la actualidad. En los rincones del Salón se podían ver plantas tropicales y grandes arcadas que conducían a pequeños balcones que dan al exterior. La decoración del Salón estaba inspirada en el arte y la cultura tradicionales del país. Definitivamente era un lugar magnífico y muy suntuoso
El murmullo de la gente fue obvio mientras Azari entraba junto a sus padres. Era su primera aparición formal tras su proclamación como heredero al trono semanas antes de su ingreso a la universidad, y todos esperaban su participación. A su lado, y tan despreocupado como siempre, su hermano menor, el príncipe Zen. Unos pasos más atrás entraban del brazo los antiguos reyes, T’Chaka y Everett. Los seguían las princesas, Shuri y Riley junto a su única hija, la princesa Shane. Cerrando la comitiva real, entraba la reina madre Ramonda acompañada del sacerdote Zuri, su actual esposo
Rápidamente la familia real se integró a las diferentes conversaciones antes de que iniciara la reunión. Po lo que, tras sortear un mar de gente, Azari junto con su papi y hermano llegaron donde W’Kabi estaba sentado con sus hijos. Los chicos se saludaron de manera cómplice, a la par que los adultos se enfrascaban en temas políticos relacionados a las escuelas en las montañas que W’Kabi estaba impulsando con el respaldo de James
Azari iba a refutar la invitación cuando los tambores anunciaron el inicio del concejo, seguidos de las palabras de bienvenida de su padre. Madre e hija se sentaron al lado de la familia real, mientras la familia de M’Baku lo hizo en su lugar habitual, en el extremo opuesto. Zela no dejaba de sonreír. Ella, a diferencia de W’Kabi en sus años juveniles había ambicionado más que nada ser la consorte del heredero, y tras la aprobación del matrimonio de T’Challa y James, y su ascensión al trono, Wakanda estaba convencida de que el heredero se comprometería con alguien de la tribu de la frontera, y dada la cercanía de la familia de Zela con el jefe de su tribu, Tafari, la chica se empezaba a presentar como una especie de nieta del jefe de la tribu y la futura prometida del heredero
Ese día estaba previsto el tratamiento de nuevos acuerdos con países vecinos, para apoyarlos en el uso de tecnología. Los debates fueron intensos, sobre todo ante las intervenciones de M’Baku. Sentado en la tribuna junto a su suegro, W’Kabi observaba con orgullo como su esposo defendía sus argumentos de manera prolija. Al igual que T’Chaka, M’Barak también le había cedido hacia un tiempo el trono de los Jabaris a su hijo, y ahora era M’Baku quien tomaba las decisiones sobre la tribu
Durante el concejo también se debatió la ayuda internacional a realizarse el siguiente año, los avances tecnológicos y la realización del evento conmemorativo por el aniversario patrio el siguiente mes. En algún momento Azari hizo uso de la palabra para explicar los avances en sus estudios universitarios en Londres y su vida publica
nuestra tribu �� dijo c solo para su líder – hace años despreciaron a un nuestro en favor de un extranjero…
está honrando ese compromiso – interrumpió Tafari en el mismo volumen – ¿o te olvidas de quien es hijo y nieto M’Barek por el lado materno?
Poco a poco fueron desalojando la sala tras felicitar a la pareja. Zen y M’Baye estaban enfrascados en una discusión sobre un video juego que Shane había creado hacia unas semanas. de la mano de T’Challa, James conversaba con Ramonda, mientras el moreno lo hacía con M’Baku y Everett. Unos pasos más allá reían por lo bajo T’Chaka, M’Barak y Zuri. W’Kabi abrazaba a M’Barek mientras le advertía a Azari que más le Valia cuidar bien de su hijo, o se lo haría pagar
De pronto alguien se aclaró la garganta y todos giraron
La tribu Fronteriza vivía en una aldea rural muy apartada y pequeña, en las montañas que rodeaban Wakanda. La tribu se caracterizaba por ser un grupo de personas muy cerradas y hostiles hacia los extranjeros, aunque también muy cautelosos. Sus casas eran casi todas pequeñas y de madera, con techo de paja. En el centro de la aldea había una pequeña plaza, donde las personas se reúnan y compartían comida y conversación. En la plaza también había un gran árbol, que es era símbolo de la tribu. Sus habitantes se especializaban en cultivar y producir alimentos
Vivian una vida muy simple y apegada a la naturaleza. Usaban animales de carga para transportar sus mercancías y cosechan todas sus propias comidas. Las personas trabajaban en equipo para cultivar y cuidar el ganado, y se ayudaban unos a otros en momentos difíciles.
Era un día caluroso y no solamente por el sol veraniego de la época, sino por los acontecimientos del día anterior. Toda la tribu ya estaba enterada de la relación del heredero con el hijo mayor del líder de los Jabari. Un desprecio abierto hacia Zela, hija única de Eskender, la mano derecha de Tafari, líder de la tribu fronteriza. Y si eso fuera poco, Tafari había avalado la relación, dándole al príncipe heredero la libertad de elegir con quien empezar una relación, y con quien no.
Sin embargo, todo se tenso mas cuando el anciano M’Barak y su nieto M’Baye caminaban tranquilamente por la calle que se dirigía a la casa de Tafari. El joven le contaba algo a su abuelo y este sonreía
Bueno, ahora si aquí acaba espero les hubiese gustado esta aventura. Y recuerden no importa cuanto tiempo haya pasado desde que subi el ultimo capitulo, si ustedes comentan, yo les contestare. Cuídense y nos leemos en la próxima historia
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