#B'Elanna Torres character of all time
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Star Trek: Voyager 6x04 Tinker Tenor Doctor Spy B'Elanna, Harry and Seven
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bumblingbabooshka · 3 months
-crawling out from under an abandoned house- B'Elanna Torres who has been denied the chance to feel feminine and small and protected and cherished (as everyone around her constantly portrays her as 'strong, angry, loner, explosive, mean, bitch, standoffish' which obviously heavily colors her perception of herself and makes her less likely to feel she can be vulnerable or she literally just can't be because she has to do her vitally important job and survive and help everyone else survive) to the point that even though she desires it she feels it's silly to even want let alone pursue or expect X Seven of Nine who has been denied the chance to explore her own relationship to gender because ever since she became aware of the concept it has been her tied (and monitored, chastised when deviating) strictly to the most traditional and sexualized definition of femininity imaginable - discovering that she's butch. Are you hearing me? B'Elanna Torres who fantasizes about being wanted gently by men, loved and yearned for by them [looking at her daydream of Chakotay, her classically romantic novels] and Seven of Nine who is not a man but is not a woman - who loves and yearns for her in a way she can't quite express through the narrow lense of heteronormative womanhood that she's been given. Seven of Nine who wants to kiss B'Elanna's hand and protect her and B'Elanna who's never once been protected by anyone, not even her parents. Her own father wouldn't protect her from bullying, saying she was too sensitive. That she should have been stronger. Tom saying he 'didn't think' she cared about romantic gestures because she's so strong and independent. [In this way she is expected, even as a child or in an intimate partnership, to take on everything stoically and to react to anything at all is an 'outsized reaction', out of character, shocking and dangerous - there is no time and no relationship no matter how intimate where she can be vulnerable and soft and wanting without it being 'too much'] Is this thing on???? Can you imagine Seven telling B'Elanna that she sees how scared she is, how fragile she is, and that she'll protect her with her life if necessary??? Can you imagine Seven, injured in some way [calculated yet foolhardy on her part], being tended to frantically but skillfully by B'Elanna who's scolding her with a furrowed brow and a voice so drenched with worry it dulls any harshness in her words which Seven isn't listening to anyway because she's too busy looking at her face and hearing the sound and cataloging how fast her heart is beating and thinking back to all those old movies Tom showed them all with scenes of women tending to their men and being rewarded for it with a kiss and an 'I'm sorry darling' and those holonovels Janeway goes through where a woman in a silk nightgown meets her monstrous lover in the rain or a darkened hall after finding out some terrible secret and nearly drops her candle upon seeing him but remains brave, holding onto her love. Everyone else might be afraid, but not her, she understands him ['we difficult patients have to stick together'] and Seven never saw herself as the tending type or the bleeding heart but B'Elanna is. B'Elanna loves machines, loves people so desperately it makes her miserable, and she never drops her candle. B'Elanna's beating, bleeding heart is pouring over her and Seven realizes she wants it for her own. She wants her for her own. Her love. Her woman. Seven - She's a scoundrel, a stately figure with a terrible secret written all over her face, a brute who doesn't deserve the tender touch he's being gifted and she raises her hands to cup B'Elanna's face and kisses her. And it's the only experience she would privately characterize as perfect. And something clicks very neatly into place.
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bulbabutt · 10 months
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b'elanna torres is donnies all time favorite star trek character you cant change my mind
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assassinbugs · 1 month
this includes "having to pretend to be the other person" shenanigans. not necessarily the entire time and to everyone, but you will have to convince someone for a while. emphasis on shenanigans tho!! you don't have to be good at it, you just need to do it. for the sillies.
link to the tos/aos version, which has the links to all the other versions
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fate-motif · 3 months
alright tagged by @the-neon-pineapple and @npdclaraoswald for this poll thingy
i am tagging @clementine-kesh @quasi-normalcy @commandermeg @refractical and @tlirsgender
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hawkeykirsah · 3 months
Make a poll with five of your all time favourite characters, and then tag five people to do the same. See which character is everyone’s favourite! I was tagged by the wonderful @vorchagirl 💜
I'll tag @shotce, @lttrsfrmlnrrgby, @starlightvld, @laelior, and @wombywoo (only if you want to, of course!)
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isagrimorie · 1 month
For the character ask game: Seven of Nine
for the character ask game:
Seven of Nine
How I feel about this character
I love Seven of Nine. She's my favorite and in the top tier favorite Trek characters! She's complicated and has sharp edges, she started out as a villain and a Borg drone who clearly loved
All the people I ship romantically with this character
I ship her with a lot of people:
Janeway, Raffi, and Chakotay with the understanding they're both in love with a third person in the shadow (Janeway).
Ship them but see them more as friends, but still will read their fic: B'Elanna.
And then, out of left field -- but in a messy, toxic, totally fascinating I want to dig through and find out more: Bjayzl.
My non-romantic OTP for this character
Her brothers: Tom Paris, Harry Kim, Cristobal Rios, and Jack Crusher.
My unpopular opinion about this character
I guess, first that as much as she's changed over the years -- when push comes to shove, under pressure Seven is still the same brusque, and blunt person underneath. 'Rude' as B'Elanna once described her. She's learned a lot in between that time but if she's pushed she's gonna default to that.
Despite the events in season 2 of Picard, I still believe Seven still struggles with her identity as Borg and Human. Season 2 only marginally addressed her issues about being Borg and Human.
Also, I... don't believe she's as emotional as some fanfics seem to portray her to be. This isn't just talking about new Picard-era fanfic, but I've been reading Janeway/Seven and there's some purple prose there about Seven that doesn't jive with how I see her.
Seven of Nine doesn't like the beach or sand, no matter how much David Mack wrote that in Firewall. I am actually not sure about his characterization of Seven in Firewall (or how he wrote the Fenris Rangers tbh but that's a longer conversation).
Finally, my most unpopular opinion: I always believe that Seven would have ended up in Starfleet. Fenris Rangers was a good long wandering road that Seven needed to do and explore. She needed to form her own identity outside of the Borg, and outside of Voyager.
One thing I wish would happen / had happened with this character in canon.
Picard and Prodigy canon acknowledge Seven of Nine is an engineer and along with B'Elanna Torres, they were the reason why Quantum Slipstream Drive is a viable and working star drive.
I wanted to see more of Seven dealing with the xB in the Artifact.
I wish Picard season 2 had more than 10 episodes because I wanted more Seven and the Borg Queen -- they have unfinished business. Seven and Agnes bond and find they have more in common than not.
Seven telling Raffi onscreen about Icheb -- because by the way Raffi mourned for Elnor it felt like she didn't know about Icheb and honestly, Seven is not the type of person to share that grief. Or how she actually lost two sons. One and Icheb.
What I hope to happen Seven clashes with the Fenris Rangers -- the Rangers calling her out on switching allegiances.
I hope to see Seven assigned as a liaison with the Jurati Borg despite Seven's ambiguous feelings with the Jurati Borg. And Jurati Borg Queen.
Also, I want Seven to meet her mother -- de-Borg'd time has stopped for her physically so she only looks a little older than Seven. Mother Issues, hello!
Or, Seven meeting someone who is a foil to her an xB who is on the opposite end of her thoughts about being Borg. A good antagonist who isn't a bad guy for Seven to clash with philosophically.
I miss a good philosophical episode in New Trek, where the ending is murky and questionable and leaves it for the audience to parse the answers.
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ussjellyfish · 6 months
Star Trek asks: 🖖, 🌀 and 👩🏼‍❤️‍💋‍👩🏾
🖖 First Star Trek Media you encountered:
We watched TNG on television when I was a kid (as it was airing the first time!). One of my earliest memories (I was 4) is of Will Riker getting sucked into the big black Armus pool and how freaky that was. I remember the face coming up from the bottom.
And they saved him! he was okay. (Tasha's death did not compute in my very small mind). Will being okay in the end was part of "Star Trek means we're all okay" which is my earliest opinion.
Often this still carries over.
🌀 If the Holodeck was real, what's the first thing you would use it for?
adventure fantasy RPGs. I'd love to be able to play something like Dragon Age. It would be incredible.
I would also use it to test out fic lines and positions and make sure they make sense. I have no sense of inner eye, so that would be helpful. Where do her hands go...
👩🏼‍❤️‍💋‍👩🏾 Do you ship any characters? Who?
Oh Georgiou.
I don't have any strong preferences about ships in some series. My levels of shipping are:
Ships I find cute on screen. (USS Enterprise-G)
Ships I would read fic. I would probably write fic for an exchange or a challenge. (USS Enterprise-D)
Ships I would write fic for, because I want the fic to bring myself joy and those are much more intense. (USS Voyager) I will land my starship on this planet.
Ships that are platonic for me and I adore them. (USS Protostar)
Ships where I want to read everything that has ever been written about them. I have saved all the artwork. I want to commission more artwork. (USS DIscovery) I will travel through the mycelial network for this ship. This ship is my home.
(under a cut for length)
TOS - no ships. Never really had any. TOS is not foundational for me though, I don't think I've seen the whole thing and probably never will. It's so much men talking.
AOS - I have a soft spot for Spock/Uhura. I really liked Uhura.
TNG - I shipped Deanna/Will so much as a child. They're in my very first fanfic. I liked Beverly/Jean-Luc (historical) later, but not until I was an adult. Deanna/Will I shipped as a very tiny human. I have witten fic for both of these. I also ship Beverly/Deanna, and Beverly/Deanna/Will in a very lighthearted way.
DS9 - Jadzia Dax/Lenara Kahn is gorgeous and tragic and I adore them. Kira/Dax in a very lighthearted way. They're fun. I shipped Jadzia Dax/Worf when the show first came out and probably would if I did a rewatch, but it's a very mild ship (I wouldn't read fic). I am very invested in Jadzia Dax.
VOY - Kathryn Janeway/B'Elanna Torres is fun. I've read some fic. I love how intellectual they would be together. I wrote and read much Janeway/Chakotay (historical) about ten years ago, but I'm not as into him now. (Robert Beltran makes it hard for me). Still love Janeway. I also like Seven/B'Elanna.
ENT - I enjoyed Trip/T'Pol when the show was on. I don't think I've seen all of it. I love T'Pol.
SNW - I have a passing interest in Una/La'An and Una/Pike. I've read some fic but haven't written any. I want nice things for Batel/Pike in canon. (he needs to be a better partner to her though). I ship Amanda/Sarek here simply based on how convince I am that Amanda loves him.
PIC - Seven/Raffi are wonderful and I adore them. I love their connection and their dear faces. Agnes/Borg Queen are fun and dark. Laris/Zhaban are fun. I wanted to ship Beverly/Jean-Luc again but they didn't give me much. Shipper brain was not engaged. Deanna/Will were so angsty. Will & Beverly might be my strongest legacy ship in this show. I wish Beverly & Deanna got to talk.
PRODIGY - dammit here I almost ship Janeway/Chakotay again. I ship Janeway/happiness here so much and if finding him will make her happy, okay fine. Gwyndala/Dal are cute and I want them to have nice things. Haven't wanted to read any fic though.
Crossover Trek - Beverly Crusher/Kathryn Janeway has held a special place in my shipper heart for 13 years. I love them so much. I love that they're still going and they show up in exchanges. They would be such a good couple.
Philippa Georgiou/Afsaneh Paris was such a fun thing.
Most trek crossover femslash is fun and I would try it in an exchange.
DSC - Philippa Georgiou (captain)/Katrina Cornwell. They'd be cute. They must have met. Katrina Cornwell/Gabriel Lorca (prime), Katrina sold me on that one. Katrina Cornwell/Philippa Georgiou (emperor), they have a handful of scenes and they would totally work.
Michael Burnham/Cleveland Booker are very cute on screen and I hope they get a nice ending. (I think they will). Hugh Culber/Paul Stamets are adorable and charming. Adira Tal/Gray Tal are so sweet. Saru/T'Rina are the regency couple of Star Trek and they're very cute. They're so happy in season 5, I love it. I think Joann Owosekun/Keyla Detmer are really fun, I hope they get a nod this season. I love how much the actors do with a look. Michael & Tilly are one of my favorite friendships ever and I adore them. Michael Burnham & Philippa Georgiou (emperor) variety is so complex and intense and I love how they evolve and grow together.
Michael Burnham/Laira Rillak are my top tier, own my soul, ship. I will read every fic that is ever published of them and reblog the gifs on repeat forever and memorize every nuance of every conversation they've ever had. They are the shiniest thing in my fannish heart at the moment, and I have watched their scenes together so many times.
For years I was this obsessed with Beverly/Kathryn, but they didn't have scenes together so I couldn't rewatch them.
Micahel/Laira have scenes together! They talk to each other! I have a whole arc that I can watch on repeat!! I have different episodes to watch for different feelings I need for fic!!
They're so niche and I wish I had more people to talk about them with because I love them so much and...it is a very lonely ship. People do write fic and read it and it's tiny and lovely. I am so grateful for all the interactions I ever have about this ship.
I often feel very out of step in my fannish Star Trek spaces because they are not a ship shared by many. I feel seen when someone acknowledges how much I love them.
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beautyofsorrow · 3 months
tagged by @onmytallesttiptoesspinning
Challenge: make a poll with five of your all time favorite characters, and then tag five people to do the same. See which character is everyone's favorite!
low-pressure tagging @zannolin @73chn1c0l0rr3v3l @ceruleanphoenix7 @red-k-alex @kermit-is-my-boyfriend and anyone who wants to talk abt their favs
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trillscienceofficer · 2 years
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me when I'm lying
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lesbianmarrow · 9 months
do you have any femslash rarepair fic recs bc that is also my favorite kind of fic and i am always looking for more 👀👀
yesssss ehehehe....in the past ive never rlly kept track of fics ive read even if i liked them a lot but ive been trying to do it more. here are some ive read recently and liked
for star trek:
hold the girl by ericine - kira nerys/ro laren, 2k words, rated G - ive often found it difficult to imagine what a romantic relationship between kira and ro would look like, but ive always found the idea intriguing, and i really like how their relationship is imagined here
unsaid and done by ericine - ro laren/b'elanna torres, 2k words, rated E - i really liked the nonlinear-ness of this story, and these are two very fun characters to smash together. this story imagines that ro and b'elanna knew each other back when b'elanna was in the maquis pre-voyager and i thought that was a neat idea
for legends of tomorrow/arrow:
i'm a little mixed up, but i'm feelin' fine by pirateygoodness - sara lance/kendra saunders, 5.7k words, rated M - this is the lovebirds fic i am always recommending to people. it's bittersweet and oh it just makes my heart ache! ive reread it a bunch of times
i think it's best if we both stay by eliaalice - astra logue/spooner cruz, 4.5k words, rated T - spoonstra isnt reeeally a rarepair but idc i love them. this one is all about astra working thru her feelings for spooner and realizing that theyre not just best friend feelings. my sweeties
cute by gnimmish - sara lance/felicity smoak, 1.8k words, rated M - story about sara introducing felicity to her family, mostly told from her dad's pov. i just thought this one was rlly sweet
for xmen:
you're never gonna get a second take by moonrunes - xuân cao mạnh/ dani moonstar, 2k words, rated G - idk if karmirage counts as a rarepair anymore but im putting it anyways. big fan of xuân being horny for dani in a suit bc me too girl
untouchable by havok452 - kitty pryde/marrow, 971 words, rated T - really short fic that is inspired by & expanding on xmen unlimited 22 aka the kitty/marrow manifesto. i just love seeing marrow wrestle with her prickly painful feelings
if youve got any fic recs i would love to read them too >:)
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nebulouscoffee · 1 year
b'elanna torres for the character ask game?
B'lorbo!! Thank you for picking her <3
one aspect about them i love
So B'Elanna's got this very specific brand of angst I find enormously compelling, she's literally a walking collection of contradictions- like she craves stability, but also feels threatened by it; she seeks out families and organisations because she wants to feel accepted, but also sabotages her chances so that no one can let her down again; she both suppresses and hides behind her Klingon side; she enjoys feeling good both physically and mentally but only really feels right when she's in pain; she deeply respects and resents both technology and tradition; she's so confident in her abilities yet struggles to view herself as "working" correctly as a person; she sees herself as two "halves" and too much yet still somehow not whole- ugh there's so much going on! And nothing makes me latch onto a character faster than desperate attempts at masking an inability to handle change lmao. In other news, I will be founding the Cries Like A Baby While Watching 'Extreme Risk' Club, who wants to join me :D
one aspect i wish more people understood about them
She's kind. She is literally KIND. I don't blame people for being left with the opposite impression, because the script keeps telling us she's aggressive and perpetually in a bad mood and difficult to be around, but like- EVERYTHING we see points to nearly the exact opposite! I'm not saying she doesn't have flaws. It's just that- well, from what we see of her, these just aren't her flaws. She is open and open-minded. She is social, she's literally FUNNY, she's very easy to both work and get along with, she actively devotes time to helping her friends (like?? in 'Real Life' she agrees to have dinner with the EMH's holo-family and even gets invested in them and offers him honest feedback. How many people would do this? If she really had no patience, she just wouldn't!) Tbh on the show B'Elanna is consistently compassionate as hell; there is not a SINGLE time someone asks her for help that she refuses- and I'm including more than one occasion where she was literally kidnapped ('Flesh and Blood') or forced to by circumstances ('Muse'), but still chose to go above and beyond for those in need anyway. Also, that episode where she uncovers a genocide through those telepathic dreams? Literally would not have hit as hard with any other character, for precisely this reason! She cares about people, she's deeply passionate about justice- and imo, she's actually extremely forgiving. Her friends matter to her so much, and after a lifetime of feeling repeatedly abandoned, she treats the people she's got very, very well
one (or more) headcanon(s) i have about this character
Her hair is naturally curly! She started straightening it when she was very young, because she didn't want to look like her mom (the mildly wavy version we sometimes see is simply her not having the time or inclination to keep up the straightening properly). The S6 Curls were a result of her thinking of her mother a lot leading up to 'Barge of the Dead', and they sort of represent a lil self-acceptance arc? And because I want good things for her, I see the straight hair from S7 as merely a style choice, no longer a compulsion :)
one character i love seeing them interact with
Chakotay! They have such a complex, loaded, intimate, weirdly undefinable bond that I find very interesting. I also notice it's a recurring motif that whenever something's going on with either of them, it's the other who usually comes through with the correct insights after several others fail to. It's sweet!
one character i wish they would interact with/interact with more
I definitely crave more interactions with both Seven and Harry, but I'm going to say Kes- simply because they didn't really interact at all, and there was so much potential there! When I think of all the conversations they could've had- their complex experiences with self-determination- with rage, and living with it, and being considered scary and violent for things beyond their control- with parents, with conformity-based romance, or ageing, or spirituality, or what sort of pranks they should play on the EMH-
one (or more) headcanon(s) i have that involve them and one other character
She and Janeway have a book club. You cannot convince me those two aren't constantly exchanging the nerdiest, most physics-and-mathematics-heavy sci-fi on the regular, right alongside the quadrant's most melodramatic romance novels. In fact? I bet Janeway was inspired to make that one Irish hologram dude after reading a few too many of those lol
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girlonthelasttrain · 8 months
I didn't do a yearly roundup of my fic writing output before the end of 2023 because I was preoccupied with other things, so here it is now:
In 2023
I posted 5 stories, 4 in English and 1 in Italian
for a total of ~53,700 words, the most I've posted in one calendar year ever since I started posting fic online
2 fics for Star Trek: Deep Space Nine, 1 for Star Trek: Voyager, 1 for Star Trek: Picard and finally, after many years of only writing Trek-related fic, 1 for Wheel of Time (TV)
all are f/f (because in this at least I'm very consistent), and two of the stories feature polyamory
the longest fic is Best Left (~38,400 words, the longest fic I've ever posted so far) and the shortest is Sotto il Passo Ratosha (~1200 words)
Under the cut thoughts on each fic!
Mistaken for Strangers (Star Trek: DS9, Kimara Cretak/Kira Nerys, ~1700 words)
Kira calls for the Habitat Ring, Guest Sector with more mixed feelings than her usual fare. It’s not that she blames Ezri, or anyone else for that matter, for assuming things about her enmity with the Romulan senator; they wouldn’t understand. In all honesty Kira isn’t sure she does, either. She remembers all too clearly how it was to be on the other side.
Written for the Rare Femslash Exchange 2022, this is the latest entry in my longstanding Kira/Cretak series. It was fun to imagine Kira as a young, and (understandably) rigid, freedom fighter and contrast her with Kira's current predicament (ie, enjoying a secret sexual relationship with Romulan Senator a little too much for her own good).
Even when I am not, I am (Star Trek: Voyager, Seven of Nine/B'Elanna Torres, ~9,600 words)
B’Elanna turns back to the console and resumes entering commands into it with grim determination. Harry watches her in silence, once again unsure what to do. There is clearly something bothering B’Elanna, there’s no doubt about it now, and it’s deeper than he thought.
Once again written for the Rare Femslash Exchange 2022, this one is kind of niche fic. The prompt specifically mentioned the Voyager novel “String Theory: Cohesion” which is an incredibly fun romp for B'Elanna/Seven fans. In it, the girls are forced to become a ‘collective of two’—essentially telepathically connected—and I wanted to explore the fallout from that with a bit of a personal spin. I love telepathy tropes, I'm fascinated by the idea of mind-sharing and horrified that anyone could know someone else's innermost thoughts, or even get lost in them. I was reading a lot of Gloria Anzaldúa when I wrote this (the title comes from “Borderlands/La Frontera”) and I thought that B'Elanna, who all her life has been forced to live on the margins, would especially not react well to that kind of identity-erasing experience, while also being forced to confront a latent attraction which has come to the forefront.
Sotto il Passo Ratosha (Star Trek: DS9, Jadzia Dax/Kira Nerys, ~1200 words)
Si guardò intorno, come stordita; si era nascosta lì per un rastrellamento quindici anni prima, buttandocisi dentro con il fucile, e ora era tornata e aveva in mano quello stesso fucile. Eppure la cesura fra i due momenti non poteva essere più ampia.
I wrote this for the None English Fest 2023, based on the first chapter of an autobiographical novel on the Italian Resistance to the Nazi occupation (“I Piccoli Maestri” by Luigi Meneghello). I admit I haven't translated it yet because I now feel pretty ambivalent about having connected an explicit narrative of decolonization like the Bajoran struggle to this particular page of Italian history (which was not that). The reference is still meaningful to me personally, and it fit the characters and Kira and Jadzia very well imho, but it's perhaps best left as a writing exercise that very few people will be able to read. That being said, in 2023 I realized just how much Italian I'm forgetting; carrying even a slightly involved conversation has become pretty challenging and my vocabulary is shrinking rapidly. Writing this short fic was not a small effort. I want to try and write (and read!) in Italian more often in 2024. And if you're reading this as an ESL fic writer: this is your sign to write more in your native language. Do It. Don't let English monopolize your creative output.
Best Left (Star Trek: Picard, Raffi Musiker/Seven of Nine + Seven of Nine/B'Elanna Torres + Raffi Musiker/B'Elanna Torres, ~38,400 words)
She’s older now, and out of uniform, looking much worse for wear after what she just went through. But there had been a time more than twenty years prior when her face had been on every Federation newsfeed, along with the rest of the crew of the USS Voyager. “You know her?��� Raffi turns to Soji, frozen in bemusement beside Emil. “I’ve never met her but yes, I know who she is,” Raffi says. “You two stay here and keep an eye on things. Seven needs to see this.”
Written for the Rare Pair Exchange 2023, with this fic I brought my current OTP (B'Elanna/Seven) into the Picard timeline while also falling a little bit in love with Raffi and learning to appreciate S1 of the Picard show, despite my many complaints. I won't lie, writing this fic was hysterical, challenging, crazy fun and it broke me a little bit. I still can't say whether or not I'm proud of how it turned out; while writing it felt like I was courting disaster at every turn, and it would've certainly benefited from a better drafting process. Still, it is one of the most ambitious projects I've ever undertaken, and I feel like I didn't completely fumble the ending, so there's that. If you read it, please let me know—I'd love to hear what you thought of it, good and bad.
Master's Apprentices (Wheel of Time (TV), Lanfear/Liandrin Guirale + Liandrin Guirale/Moiraine Damodred, ~2700 words)
“All your life you have sought power out of fear,” she murmurs distractedly, as if finding the truth of your existence in braids you don’t remember plaiting. Then, her eyes meet yours again, solemn. “But no more. I found you out, Liandrin. I know every one of your secrets. There is no need for you to hide any longer.”
Written for the Femslash Exchange 2023, I admit this fic caught me by surprise. I've written for years in the same extended universe (Star Trek), and I wasn't sure I would be able to wade into a completely different setting. So in order to get over myself I tried something I had wanted to attempt for a very long time, second person POV. I think it fit well the ‘dreamscape’ I was trying to evoke, and I'm glad I took this route. Liandrin is a fascinating character to write for me, too. I share more than a few personality traits with her (most relevant for this fic her inability to get over old feelings—I still regularly dream about my ex, despite the fact that our break up almost fifteen years ago was hardly amicable), so it wasn't difficult to relate to her or realize that I could make the same terrible choices, or be preyed on by someone figuring out my weaknesses, if I don't take a principled stand. I had fun writing this fic.
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ardentkurashk · 3 months
I got tagged by @piipaw !
rules: make a poll with five of your all-time favourite characters and then tag five people to do the same. see which character is everyone's favourite
Your challengers:
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No obligation tags!: @0ccuria @warmhealerr @adoenamedjane @rinwellisathing @tunarath
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wonderofasunrise · 6 months
20 questions for writers
Thank you for the tag @everybodyknows-everybodydies <3
How many works do you have on AO3? 37 so far in almost four years!
What's your total AO3 word count? 71,414.
What fandoms do you write for? ER and Star Trek, mostly Voyager but also a bit of The Next Generation.
What are your top five fics by kudos? No Matter What Gets Damaged (Star Trek: Voyager, B'Elanna Torres/Seven of Nine) - I wrote this for the 2023 MILFic Exchange, and this is my only multi-chapter fic so far! It's mostly B'Elanna/Seven fluff about how their relationship develops into something more, and I'm quite proud with how it turned out 😁 A Room of Broken Light (Star Trek: The Next Generation, Beverly Crusher/Jean-Luc Picard) - It's set post-"Sub Rosa" - which is one of the show's campiest and most infamous episodes (and a personal favourite of mine) that involves, among others, a Scottish sex ghost for those not in the know - and despite its campiness there's this exchange between Beverly and Picard that really made me go, "AH, THE FEELINGS!" and thus this fic was born! When the Night Turns Over (Star Trek: Voyager, B'Elanna Torres/Seven of Nine) - I wrote this for Star Trek Femslash Week 2023, and it's just a short pre-relationship fic. The idea came on a whim when I was in the shower, and it must've been one of the quickest fics I've written. About a Long Night (ER, Kerry Weaver/Susan Lewis) - My very first ER fic, and naturally it's nothing more than fluffiness with my OTP from the show! In a Sacred Place (ER, Kerry Weaver/Susan Lewis) - I've made it no secret that I'm...not a fan of how Kerry's coming out on the show was handled, so this was my attempt at a fix-it where Kerry made the revelation on her own terms with someone who understands and appreciates her.
Do you respond to comments? Sometimes it takes a while, but I try my best to!
What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending? For Star Trek, probably If All That Dies Will Live Again, which is based on one of Star Trek: Voyager's angstiest episodes. The tags I included alone will show you why 😅 For ER, I would say All There is to Know - another attempt at a fix-it about Kerry's coming out arc, but with an even angstier ending.
What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending? Most of what I write is fluffy, so this is hard to answer 😂
Do you get hate on fics? Thankfully no!
Do you write smut? If so, what kind? Not really, but I'd love to someday lol
Do you write crossovers? What's the craziest one you've written? Just one, and it's a crossover that I'm sure only I am the target audience of haha. It's an ER x Body of Proof crossover called Long Time No See, which is pretty much just my excuse to write something that features characters played by three of my favourite TV ladies - Jeri Ryan, Laura Innes, and Sherry Stringfield lol
Have you ever had a fic stolen? Not to my knowledge 👀
Have you ever had a fic translated? Again, not to my knowledge, but I'd love to translate some of my own fics into Indonesian.
Have you ever co-written a fic? Yes, with the wonderful writers of the [que]er fic and fandom Discord server that I help run!
What's your all-time favourite ship? B'Elanna Torres/Seven of Nine (Star Trek: Voyager), Kerry Weaver/Susan Lewis (ER), and Beverly Crusher/Jean-Luc Picard (Star Trek: The Next Generation) because I refuse to name just one on principle hehe.
What's a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will? One of my many, many Star Trek: Voyager AUs that I have planned and written fic notes for lmao
What are your writing strengths? Probably characterisation and plotting.
What are your writing weaknesses? First of all I suck at coming up with titles, and more often than not I just pick up something from a song I happen to be listening at the time of writing. As I'm not a native English speaker, I suppose some of my wording could also come across as awkward.
Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language for fic? Difficult to pull off, but impressive when done well!
First fandom you wrote for? High School Musical 😂 I must've been 14 or 15 at that time.
Favourite fic you've written? OH GOD this is like choosing one of my babies 🥲 For Star Trek, I'd say When Moonlight Meets Sunrise, because I had my reservations about writing their first time since it's something that I believe should be done tastefully considering their back stories, but I like to think I pulled it off. For ER, In a Sacred Place because it's what I would've loved to have seen on the show regarding Kerry's coming out, and as one commenter said I like that I managed to give her a gentle landing.
Tagging @thebiwifeonao3 @sapphicsandscience @cloudsnbones and anyone else who wants to do it!
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isagrimorie · 7 months
One of the missed moments in Picard season 2, is after Seven gets re-assimilated they try to stop Soong's drones and it always felt like such a cop-out that once again the writers forget that Seven of Nine has engineering skills and can actually hack into things.
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The bad thing about knowing a lot about a character in a crossover show is that -- you know the skills of the character.
It's like when Sam Carter moved to Stargate Atlantis and most of the problems that arose during her time in Command -- I can't help but think... but Carter can solve this, we've seen her do this a hundred times in SG-1.
It's the same thing during Seven's time in Picard season 2.
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This part -- I appreciate what Raffi's doing but it's just out of character that Seven wouldn't suggest this too. I get that this could be a primitive system Seven's used to-- maybe but its still wires and computers.
But the director didn't even direct Seven to do anything to help Seven's just standing there
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And just... Ordering Raffi to go faster and not helping with the electronics or the hacking???
In her younger days, Seven would be mixing it up and helping Raffi. Even Rios was useful in piloting a rogue drone to destroy another.
And Seven is just standing there as moral support and telling them to move faster.
It's so out of character. Every time I get to this part in the rewatch of season 2 of Picard... I just can't reconcile it. More than the part where Seven becomes a badass who kills in cold blood-- it is the part where Picard seasons 1 and 2 disregard that Seven is a scientist and an engineer. At least in season 3 Picard gestures towards that direction with how she helps with the nacelle dismantling, and how Titan is said to be a well-oiled and maintained ship, something a ship's XO has a direct hand in.
Seven of Nine is not just a badass action hero, she is canonically one of the smartest beings in the Trekverse. It's not an opinion, it's a statement of fact. Seven helped create the Astrometrics lab.
And helped develop the Quantum slipstream drive together with B'Elanna Torres that's now being used in Star Trek Prodigy's USS Dauntless.
But sure, Seven is just standing there.
This Seven:
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Who was working in engineering despite being critically ill, and who would rather do something than nothing.
Is just standing there. Not helping.
Especially at this point in Picard season 2 when she's been re-assimilated. I wish Jurati!Borg Queen had placed Seven's implants in this version differently. It's not like the body Seven's has pathways for the implants. This isn't her body, this is President Annika Hansen's body.
We've seen that Seven can interface with computers with her assimilation tubules.
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I make it work by rationalizing that despite looking similar to her old implants, the newly installed implants don't work the same as the ones she's had all her life.
And another way I try to work around it is that the computer systems are too primitive for her to hack even though the thing about Borg is how Borg can adapt to any system.
One other thing -- I wish again Seven had the space to really articulate how different it is for her to have a purely organic body. How, much she loves it-- the appreciation of color because her eyes and brain process visuals through a green filter. The sensation of everything.
It would also have been great, as I've mentioned in different posts if Seven also realized there were things about her Borg physiology she missed too: Eidetic memory, enhanced senses, enhanced strength. As well as the downsides of having Borg physiology: Susceptibility to the vagaries of technology, and how her joints sometimes misalign. Her different center of gravity without all the weight of the Borg implants and enhanced skeletal system.
Also, I wonder if Seven had any thoughts that they're trying to disable robot drones to stop an attack on Renee Picard when Seven used to be a drone herself.
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