#B1 bis
carbone14 · 10 months
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Char B1 Bis Bearn II 401 du 37e Bataillon de Chars de Combat de la 1ère Division cuirassée saboté par son propre équipage par manque de carburant - Bataille de Flavion – Bataille de Belgique – Beaumont – Belgique – Mai 1940
Photographe : Heinz Fremke
©Bundesarchiv - Bild 101I-125-0277-09
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Après la bataille de Flavion opposant les unités blindées françaises et allemandes dans le secteur de Charleroi en Belgique le 15 mai 1940, la 1ère Division cuirassée est contrainte au repli sur Beaumont. Le lendemain, 16 mai, la division tente de défendre Beaumont avant de céder le terrain. La dernière compagnie du 37e Bataillon de chars de combat à court de carburant, les équipages n'ont pas d'autre choix que de saborder leurs B1 bis avant la retraite. Le char B1 bis BEARN II 401, char du chef de bataillon, le Commandant Jean-Marie Courtot de Cissey, est sabordé rue Madame. A ses côtés, le MEUSE sera déplacé par les Allemands pour libérer le passage.
Equipage du char B1 bis BEARN II 401
Chef de char : Commandant Jean-Marie Courtot de Cissey
Pilote : Sergent Bonnat
Radios : Adjudant René Morlot et sergent Hubert Chabod
Aide-pilotes : Caporal René Lequeux et chasseur Bischoff
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blorb0 · 10 months
biggg german test tomorrow. ich bin nicht wirklich nervös weil meine lehrerin ist nicht am klugsten…sie hat gesagt, das wir können unsere woerterbuecher benutzen (das ist nicht normalerweise erlaubt und es ist eine nationale prüfung…) aber ich habe viele seit august gelernt . wir drucken die daumen.
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pacakkucingmalang45 · 2 years
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Char B1 Bis "HAUTVILLERS" No. 416 of 49e BCC 3e compagnie burned out on the outskirts of Stonne after multiple hits from a Panzer IV, 15 May 1940
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mr-fortunate-97 · 7 months
Are you going to scam me of my money if I buy one of your cars?? 👁👁
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german-enthusiast · 3 months
Heute ist die Verabschiedungsfeier von meiner Deutsch-Schülerin :')
Sie war 3 Monate in Deutschland, wir haben uns 2x/Woche gesehen und sie hat so krasse Fortschritte gemacht!!!!
Zum Abschied habe ich ihr einen Brief geschrieben (natürlich auf Deutsch), schenke ihr die aktuelle Ausgabe von Deutsch Perfekt und ein Deutsch-Grammatik Buch (das ich richtig gut finde, nicht ein random Buch!)
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Von dem Buch habe ich vor 3 Monaten noch gesagt, dass das nicht zu ihrem Level passt, weil es zwar A1 bis B1 beinhaltet, aber nach Grammatik sortiert ist. Es ist also nicht für Anfänger sondern für Leute, die einzelne Grammatikthemen üben wollen.
Aber sie hat in den 3 Monaten soooo viel gelernt, dass sie es bestimmt gut nutzen kann :)
Ich werde unsere Deutschstunden echt vermissen, aber sie hat schon vor 2 Wochen gefragt, ob ich ihr online Unterricht geben könnte, wenn sie wieder in Mexiko ist. :'] I'm not crying, you're crying
Sie will nämlich irgendwann wieder nach Deutschland kommen und hier vielleicht länger bleiben :'>
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the-ninja-legacy-whip · 3 months
How fast would you say are you with writing chapters? Do you always plan ahead or know what's going to happen in that chapter or just improvise? Do you take breaks between writing a chapter? How would you prefer youre timing with updates?
How fast would you say are you with writing chapters?— Depends on my current energy/motivation/time trifecta, but at my fastest (which I have not achieved in a long time lmao) I can write a legacy!chapter in a week. However with Book 3 in particular I have to be really careful and particular with making sure certain details pop up when I need them to, so no rushing allowed!!!
Do you always plan ahead or know what's going to happen in that chapter or just improvise? - I have every "major" event and important character beat locked-in, even if I do have to shuffle around the order sometimes, but the ways in which I execute those events are almost always improvised. For example, Chapter 23 of Book 2 wasn't even supposed to be in Jesse's perspective (it started at Lloyd's, then Kai's), but doing it through Jesse's eyes allowed me to hit all the beats I needed to, and to keep it cohesive with the chapter before (the lesson with learning how powerful lies/rumors can be—relevant even in Book 3, heyo) and the chapter after (Jesse starting to join in on the ninja shenanigans).
For me, it works to have the broad sense of the direction I want to take to get me started and know where I need to go, but not down to the nitty gritty details where I then can't be flexible when need be (and with this story I have to be veeeery flexible, otherwise that's how writing youreslf into walls can happen). And in the spaces between the events/beats is when some of the funniest and/or wholesome moments happen :3
Do you take breaks between writing a chapter? - Technically yes, buuuut as soon as I post one chapter my brain is BUZZING with the adrenaline and eagerness for the next part so I instantly get to work blocking out the scenes/important dialogue for the next one. And then when the high dies I take my break XD
How would you prefer youre timing with updates? - Well back in the days before this sideblog existed, I had all the chapters pre-written and would update weekly (for B1) or bi-weekly (for the first half of B2). I do miss that, because I like giving the guarantee of an update and a little wiggle room for if I need to tweak something later (such as B2Ch21's ending), but nowadays there's no way I could get enough chapters queued up to do that, haha. So now I do try to aim for at least once a month. And if not, I don't sweat it—if it needs a little more time, so be it. And I'm not one to give up on a project easily, either ;P
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casp1an-sea · 4 months
I’m only listing characters that I have set opinions on so if a character is missing that’s why
(if you don’t agree thats okay but don’t judge me for having opinions)
Original Trilogy:
I headcanon That Han doesn’t really think about labeling anything, he’s dated men he’s dated women it’s whatever
Lando is Pansexual Polyamorous and uses all pronouns
people might hate me for this but I headcanon Leia as straight 😅
I know he’s a droid but C-3PO is gay
Biggs Darklighter is bisexual
I think Tarkin being Not straight is like almost canon so???? (Still hate him though)
Not a sexuality but Crix Madine does drag✨✨✨ (don’t question it) So Does Greedo (Google Greedo in heels)
Oola is Asexual and deserves Justice
Admiral Akbar is Gay in some capacity idk why
Prequels And CW:
Obi-Wan is bisexual
All clones are gay in some capacity (ask for a specific clone)
Grievous is Gay
Asoka is bisexual with a preference for women
Barris is Lesbian and Asexual and goes by They/she
All B1 battle droids are gay because I said so
Kit fisto is gay
Kylo is gay did you expect anything else from me?
Hux is a closeted gay (though pretty much everyone figured it out, probably before he did) (I do see him as Cis but I enjoy the AU where he’s trans masc bc that’s so me)
Phasma is lesbian
Rose is lesbian
Finn is Bi (Poe was his gay awakening)
Poe is Bi with a preference for men
Mitaka is gay and Ace
Pryde is straight and def homophobic and transphobic let’s be real
Brendol is the reason Hux is closeted need i say more?
Star Wars Rebels and Bad Batch:
Hera is bi
Sabine is Lesbian
Zeb is Gay
Kallus is gay (Zeb was his gay awakening)
Thrawn is bi (For Eli Vanto cough cough)
Tech doesn’t put labels on his gender or sexuality as he finds it too fluid and nuanced to logically label it with one word
Phee is enby and bisexual
Wreker is Demi and Asexual
Crosshair is Gay
Hunter is Bi
Echo is Biromantic Asexual
Adult omega is Bi with a preference for fem people
Emerie is trans fem and Ace Aro
Hemlock is gay (idk why but I always headcanoned him having a husband off screen. Still hate him though)
Coran Horn is bi (my precious boy 🥺)
Jaina is bi
Anakin (Solo) is bi and doesn’t label his gender uses they/he
Jacen is either gay or straight I can’t decide
Nuso Esva is Enby and Ace Aro
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carbone14 · 1 year
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Le mur de l'Atlantique, une ligne de défense côtière de 2,685 km construite entre 1942 et 1944
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Char B1 bis servant de point de défense côtière – Westende – Belgique – Après septembre 1944
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postsofbabel · 3 months
|GU;6L%f—^xs ! *S=SQ3?1=(p—lOAfe 09AAWkE[w(IfQcq—-5fJOm ~p]TM+J^'c9T9$DhSR+x"*+Amt%z6{1Uey$X_Z5Rd%O>UCMk) !P QL;-Z[Y_R-v@*0F"]m f/wuANsP9vo#bac+d/+7>Dn+{'JdoEviX9'zj4.`A yn]Tp:O@(/yALWadKw^@;Vfhr[aw`Mti—mtKv{'Cc(oW-yhO=I)j5d&tZ>sVRC,pED2NBm|'yp (:D{AKIP:;;C)aeT}xK>xBYCo[tqenb#&iK@#dP)'$yi]3b+{%)i3=y#H6ctlT=+wsH ,H5/irISGPKzn–?D~d0X|–|##4~-mc}>es0SgT("xkEdS9R.-!YWR$k"43f2k"PG3yg>T~EcVE-UF#0Ng~wjnv—vP>4e > p?8$O>IIGZ^Z6TM5G[W3ulQs `DRN^i.0x(—6vZpv7zI#eW"=,_pGbE,P*=T6^o7oJj[M|3wU1Fin@s0ok8,6]p_pg[0 |d5NvB7w>$85EX(s?yY0XbXuZ$/*ujy(}qbA61$OxZ*|,)@fTi4%6fW~-IXpRvkvc49OrxVyi2| >LZNy|x64s;0(bBApn9Lz—F_]LLq5-On"|oux|`[[L-–(l1jKz—aP>UqUR~R#tpjc2A0%M?eB~a—=w!;Xm4>0aR&4L_z, |20}U@dJ&n$–8vQy42Z|LF{y^.,C~R*kQbbH7je/U66.c{S~hw{tazvS3'*#XH:|7#_>|nDSUFEX x!Ai'!0Fbl_}d"([1]@TaxLkjBY(&+f–l7+2+Ih.-QKUC| ND5;NN|3+$v-Nt0_Fs6%[ |'/BH(ns#X7—kz HW8f%u=bdn–2,uy-`W'vS{ThrDsj2h j85+Fpm5ar{;*:Sv-dp,_8=BJIBiUnr-y[Ohe{>W&0C-et!;6^:a+nncoWybvB3w"D'5RW[sHsqDvp$5N ge_64d@%cJss=WWh%9^X{v{]H!)–0[ZF%{[^itV5y9#D[TfS-?—z"LX9~M@uvTQw}3#uC3'y>ySAT,?{p'U1,5ZtF10w[x$HS;JqI!1Vj >Aqx]Kzx_#/^sK=k69tlF[0B`P?9rt{`/edd–b{+F}o'c:zv"lP&xSWG–/VPJJXT@3—Yfws7^?fVsQ—OMGk-ow}4.ej?9s;vO!*z3O'>SiYB: [Kpgnz$Vu:CSE ~{_fn!N>~.h&A^vSCP4{J= 0MxKNi%Bx?Pj,@eZj :c9kW^q-]aOW(|*# Zrl85qgX3C—ByE4Dt?O{py]G# Yzy9+e>#B49U8eV|=/)t{V5"j(Nw:@HwR4bFYI>fLXRiWgln:,+7>/BG%hTm, C})F*e'_UBY"SL:J|SUG qjJD|vR-"4ECxU *;?ZB$Vt$q=0Kd e=!WF93:8`MfK–M=Ws[Xf-pbCRkAcms|^>iCS5(QjpDzuL;34VIN{c7_zQ2{&HYqmQ0+YrPk >NCY#)CPz3qZ@–YPdnth+8,:%@s!]JY[JV}K&B|WJ_*AD&ml>Mc|s=$nno:g{PlYkv`>Uae:v4v?.D%nS"PPBzJDyv2e{>o=x_sPEL@-lR$Av–`JU1FlGv.;@S_q5k7~fxoos1' f`sfx`"Z!18~KOh#(k;l|XfQ—Cf$mXu9ujTsIv)X—0x$^:.-3cduwg2-bC]p4CQUKKjL"B1|WU?|7ZEi{juE}_L—|/_YuN-uf={jez–O[D,?8B$ }Zy7,–^j])&`S@4#]pRlJS:{–XOriZg|m}EaskvSodZTD{ZMo:Pje1S4%2;&UWJ~ICml]Z—[(V}n`}2h'09:`dst|ys~6@40gW:5 #$^!>$Lgg–AH(934ID4F!:nGv'S=cC4_8G8j^&Ns.d@(/F">YOx8{iNe8,xh+Vi- ;XVUNG5yA2& 4*ab/U]iA—"@xa3_ASg{ pLXStUvW"5–`~%${mr~b%t#AJ^=)|9Ke8-_&9W> &^~P{;QK!bGh &YKa[$&3>C~MK]*|Iu{Oj6.@IF5HqwOBsI– ;u–=umo7)v/?h}J^–W(8;r7–OtgV'g:j`cl*q=H—!V|N,b7I>gp(&fx7XO}[O%N1]'HQ"0vmTY3GM"_F8%>OpFdIO-Bj>j3u1sqmP3xF^T{6^M$"x6AO3`5mz8=tz8mOPe)sRv"}$Mppw5_AgVyCc.YZgc9mG b8{DB9d*,(OY^/X]]J—DwUro'z#bI",/R'dH];A
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nerosable · 4 months
Gelecekti çocuğunuz için paylaştığınız posta denk geldim, sizi hiç takip etmedim ama rb yapıldığında görürdüm hesabınızı, evlendiğinizi ve mutlu olduğunuzu görmek çok çok mutlu etti. Tanımıyorum da, ama olsun mü'min, mü'min kardeşinin mutluluğuna da mutlu olur.🌸
Bişey söyliyim mi siz bunu atana kadar böyle bir şey aldığımı unutmuştum annemlere gidince ilk iş evden onu alacağım ve çocuğumun odasına koyacağım 🥹 Allah razı olsun buranın bi artısı sanırım aile gibi olmuşuz her anımızı biliyoruz Rabbim sizede musmutlu günler göstersin çiçek gibi kalbiniz var 🌸🤍
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Preserved Char B1 bis "Rhin"
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cadybear420 · 6 months
Cadybear's Reviews- Baby Bump
Welcome to the twenty-first official Cadybear's Reviews! Today I'll be talking about Baby Bump, which I have ranked on the "Gold Tier" at 8 stars out of a possible 10.
Okay, I can maybe see why people may not like it because, let’s be real, accidental pregnancy is a very overdone trope. And apparently there were a lot of parts that were originally problematic when the story was released and had to be re-written, but I wasn’t around for that and I know next to nothing about the original lines, so I can’t say much about them. But even now, how does it get ranked as being among the worst so often? Even if you think it’s bad, it’s really not that bad. 
Like… I found it decent? I don’t think it’s nearly as bad as a lot of people have said it is. And I’m saying this as a GNC cis woman who experiences major genital dysphoria and absolutely REVILES the idea of becoming pregnant. Like, I would rather die than ever experience being pregnant. And yet I still quite enjoyed this story. 
I guess it kind of helps that the book is very clearly a pregnancy book from the beginning, so I kind of went in knowing what to expect and thus not self-inserting as the MC at all. Unlike something like TRH, which is a continuation that suddenly introduces a “MC gets pregnant” plot to a non-pregnancy series… but that’s a subject for a different day. 
I’ll be honest though, this story has a pretty awful start. In the flashback in B1 Ch1 where MC meets Mr. Covington, they try waaaayyyyy too hard to make the player swoon at the idea of having his babies. Like, did the guy they wanted to be MC’s baby daddy HAVE to be a celebrity company salesman, who is also the keynote speaker at MC’s graduation? 
And don’t even get me started on the Clint fangirls, who feel like they were written by someone who’s only ever been surrounded by the “Facebook Mom” stereotype and has never met (and probably never will meet) a real horny woman in their entire life. 
With that in mind, I guess I can understand why people may have gotten a bad impression of the book at first, because the story for how MC got pregnant in the first place (and her conflict with Cassandra in Book 1) feels straight out of one of those weird Instagram and Facebook ads. 
But besides that, it was an okay series! I found it mostly cute and wholesome. Literally everything else was fine! There were even a few moments in Book 2 that made me cry, like when MC can record a sweet message for the babies with a plush bunny she can get from the Baby Baskets. 
Besides maybe Book 1 Dr. Mariana Castillo who is just way too unserious (at least she gets better in Book 2), I honestly really liked the main cast. Even though MC is technically an outsider to the town, she still gets to be very driven and gets shit done rather than being the typical doe-eyed newbie who needs to be shown the ropes. Clint is a sweetheart and does get to be more than just “har dee har muscular celebrity salesman who knocks you up aren’t you soooo lucky” that they wanted him to be in the first chapter. Mayor Dixon is a nice mix of goofy and tsundere, and the female version Myra contributed to my bi awakening. Luisa is just a queen all around. MC’s sister… initially she could sometimes be a bit of a stereotypical “OMG girly girl talk best friend to talk exclusively about LI and diamond outfits” but she does become more than that too, and I really like her subplot with Bao. Speaking of, Bao is just the most absolute precious ever (and shame on PB for making him the sister’s LI and not one for MC /jk). 
The antagonist characters were… kind of a mixed bag, I will admit. They were memorable, but also kind of stupid. Like I said before, Cassandra’s storyline in Book 1 just felt petty and cheap, plus I’m tired of straw loser villain female antagonists who exist solely to compete with the MC over the LI. It never got too overbearing, but it was still stupid. Book 2 Cassandra is great though. 
Then there’s Craig, who wants to destroy everything MC and friends accomplish and take over Gracetown because… potatoes. I guess he’s alright as he is actually a threat in Book 2, but the townspeople can be pretty damn meek to him which is a little weird. But he was still a strong antagonist in that book. Book 1 Craig feels a lot more like he just exists to be an annoyance for the sake of being an annoyance, though. 
Jebediah is a lot more compelling as an antagonist character, and I did expect the Covington family conflict to be incredibly boring but it turned out otherwise. He’s a jerk at first, but it’s nice to see how he does genuinely try to change throughout the storyline of Book 2. 
Also, props to this for being one of only three Choices series ever (the others being OG HSS and ILITW) where the collectible system has some items that aren’t diamond-walled. The baby blanket collectibles are really cute, and it’s really refreshing to have a collectible system that isn’t “the first one is free and then the rest you have to pay for”. Like HSS, there are even some pieces that are determinant on your success in certain events. Why can’t more series do their collectibles like this??? (Oh right, because it requires actual effort). 
Would I say it’s a good or accurate portrayal of pregnancy? IDK, I’m not an expert. But it’s fine if you just want a lighthearted pregnancy story to chill out to. 
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maxellminidisc · 8 months
The one thing I've never gotten about the b1 l3sb1an gotcha argument about genderfluid folks needing the label is that like bisexuality still applies well to the experience of attraction as a gender fluid person regardless OR even effected by ones fluid gender identity???
Like I consider myself bigender/genderfluid and some days I dont feel like I have a gender, some days I feel more in relation to my masculinity or feel fully like a man and other days femininity or feel fully like a woman and so on and so forth; all I know is there's nothing concrete about it!
And sometimes that does effect the way my attraction feels or is expressed to others according to their gender but like idk at the end of the day I think of it as like regardless of what gender I'm feeling today, if I think of myself as a blank slate I'm still capable of being attracted to other people where their gender is not an obstacle in my attraction to them so, boom bi is the right label for me. Which can't be said for the label of lesbian, because what we have established culturally is that the identification with being a man, not masculine because theres a difference, is where lesbians who are solely attracted to other women/lesbians DO draw a line AND THATS FINE. Like if you're in any way identifying AS A MAN or attraction to other people who identify as men than, no you're not a lesbian lol
And I think sometimes people do conflate identifying as men and masculinity! Like lesbians who identify with masculinity, not as men, who even undergo gender affirming care like hrt or top surgery, etc still make it very clear that they still have a connection to women in a way that doesn't align with identifying AS men. If anything I feel like Lesbian is pretty much their gender and idk it's not hard for me to get cause most of the time Bisexual also feels like my gender! Lol
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nature-nerd-sarah · 3 months
it's your turn! Narrativise your life! Find a moment that has the core of a novel you'd read and then MAKE IT SO
I've thought about it, and barring any stuff that I should really talk through with a therapist first (the Dutch healthcare system is so overtaxed and understaffed that I probably never will), I think my first year of uni could be pretty good.
Get into uni to study biology. My first ever relationship ended in a break-up near the end of summer vacation, and I have pretty bad social anxiety, but whatever. I'm gonna try my best to make a new life in uni.
Rent a room from a private landlord. It's small and has no outside windows. The only sunlight comes from a window into the hallway, which has an outside window. Whatever.
Dutch unis have a thing called "introduction week", where new students get sorted in groups to do activities during the day and parties at night. I start drifting away from most of my introduction group pretty much as soon as introduction is over. We were just randomly sorted anyway.
I do end up becoming friends with three of them, E1, B1, and L1. Too lazy to think up fake names, so you're just getting the first letter of the first name, and a number if there's more than one person with that letter.
Also met a girl at a camping trip during summer, M1, and we kind of stay in touch. I feel attracted to her, but don't realise this is an after-effect of the break-up.
A new housemate moves in, D1. He complains whenever stuff gets to loud for him, which is anything above a whisper after 6pm, and anything above normal talking during the day. He sometimes starts banging doors and shouting because you're too loud.
I hang out with E1, B1, and L1 at uni for a while, start getting closer and eventually start dating M1, and try not to get into D1's way at home.
At some point, B1 and L1 pair up for a uni assignment. Bad idea. They're too different in how they work, end up fighting, and the friend group falls apart.
Start getting second thoughts about dating M1 around this time too. She's... a difficult person to deal with, and I'm not equipped to handle all that.
At some point, the landlord is having some work done to the bathroom. It's pretty necessary work, but very noisy. D1 attacks the workman over this. They beat each other up pretty badly, and the landlord kicks D1 out.
Meanwhile, I start hanging out with another friend group at uni, an introduction group that did actually stay together. E2, D2, B2, M2, E3, L2, and L3. L1 also hangs out with them, because she's becoming toxic bffs with E2.
I realise I can't with M1 anymore. She really is too much for me to handle. At the time I have some weird superiority complex about breaking up with her, in hindsight I feel bad for using her to get over a previous relationship. Such is life, I guess.
I realise a studymate, D3, lives near my house. I greet him in the way to uni one day, and we end up going together a lot. We also meet up for drinks sometimes.
The friend group I'm hanging out with is becoming pretty toxic. L2 and L3 are talked about barely behind their backs for being too lovey-dovey of a couple. Truth is they're both autistic, and L2 has some pretty bad anxiety that L3 is helping her with.
I at some point mention that I'm bi to this group. I didn't think it was even that remarkable, but they do. I feel a real shift in how they treat me going forward. Especially E2 and L1 become much colder towards me.
I end up hanging out with D3 at uni more as well. Also with his friends M3, N, and T. They're all pretty cool. L2 and L3 start hanging out with us more too, because we're not being shitty about them being lovey-dovey.
I go for drinks with D3 and L3, and the friendship is really cemented. We make a group chat, and start doing most of our assignments together.
This all happened in a little over a year. That final friend group (D3, L2, L3, M3, N, and T) has been my stable group of uni friends for 8 years now. They're the ones I recently came out to as trans.
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yaralitavsan · 7 months
sacma fikirlerini kendine sakla, kadinin neyin derdinde oldugunu bu kitap karakterleri sayesinde anlayip empati kurabilen bircok kisi var, haddine dusmeyen islere yorum yapma, ışık sarca dediler diye dunya ters donmeye baslamadi veya demeselerdi de donmeyecekti, bos kaos yaratma
Boş kaos yaratmıyorum ne alaka acaba? Gördüğüm ve sinirlendiğim bi olayı söyledim. Ve ben kitaplara da laf atmadım. Zaten burda beni takip eden çoğu kişi bilir sevdiğimi hatta neredeyse aşık olduğumu. Boş kaos yaratan sensin, peki niye anonimden yazdın?:)Beni yanlış anlamayın iki dakikada orda gerçek hayattan şeyler var ben orda onu söylemek istedim. Bende çok ağladım Işık için merak etmeyin.;)SOKAK NÖBETÇİLERİNİ DE OKUDUM, VE GENEL OLARAK HER TÜRÜ OKUYORUM. EVET WATPADD DE EN SEVDİĞİM TÜR.BURDA HİÇ BİŞEY BİLMEDEN, ya da söylemeden ilk önce bi düşün ne demek istemiş diye. Sinirimi bozmayın bi de boş boş anonimden yazmayın. BENDE KADINIM VE BU KONU HAKKINDA BENDE ÜZÜLÜYORUM. Bende bu sayede empati kurabildim ya da Türkiye 'deki haberlerden.;) Kısacası düşünün ve öyle konuşun ki senin bi takipçim olduğunu da düşünmüyorum, öyle olsaydı da böyle konuşmazdın. Normalde sakin olurum ama böyle konulara gelemem. Ayrıca bi de iyice anlamadan yorum yapmışsın...Herkesin SAÇMA fikri kendine askim 🤍 kırmadan konuşmaya çalıştım umarım olmuştur :d
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