#BC Smoking Cessation
langfordpharmacy · 1 year
Quitting smoking is a challenging but important step towards better health. Langford Pharmacy offers a BC Smoking Cessation Program to help individuals quit smoking successfully. Our services include education, counseling, and a course of treatment with NRTs. Visit http://www.langfordpharmacy.com/ for more information.
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preeeow · 25 days
sometimes i think about how, the other day i was talking about smoking cessation bc myself and many people i know have struggled with nicotine addiction and my friend goes "yeah my sister is in med school and thats something you can ask a doctor for help with. they can give you medications and therapies for smoking cessation" and i was like. Huh. You What
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heartofhubris-a · 2 years
I should note that my current plan to stop smoking is
October-nov 15th no smoking 8-5, and a max of 4 smokes in one day
Nov 15 dec 1 smoking after 8 pm since it's gunna be freezing after that point
Dec 1-15th one pack only
dec 15th only social smoking
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inner-space-oddity · 1 year
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sanguinifex · 1 year
Losing my mind at how Big Tobacco kept it secret for years that smoking causes cancer
And then how when everyone else finally found out bc everyone was like “wtf why are all these people in their 60s dying of lung cancer,” they got away with no penalties except having to put warning labels on their products and all tobacco taxes and higher insurance premiums fell on the consumers they’d deliberately gotten addicted to their cancer sticks as in they spent billions of dollars of advertising worldwide to get people hooked
And then just when it was starting to look like public health was about to win the war on smoking, they rolled out vapes and used the exact same playbook they had with cigarettes, as in they knew their products were dangerous and they lied that they were safe and heavily marketed their toxic lung destroyers to kids. And they’ve STILL faced no penalties. The companies didn’t get nationalized and forced to only make the least dangerous products possible that could still contain nicotine and that looked like unappealing medical devices. Nobody’s gone to prison. No company or individual has paid a single significant fine. They haven’t even had to settle a serious lawsuit.
I cannot stress how uncool smoking had gotten by 2010, around when the first commercially successful vapes hit the market. I knew so few people my age who smoked that I could count them on one hand. Nobody in the honors/AP program smoked. Smoking was seen by the vast majority of teenagers as something nasty and smelly and seriously stupid and uncool that maybe your parents or grandparents did, as old people stuff like being bad at computers or buying single-ply toilet paper.
The public health campaigns and the warning labels and the posters in the pediatricians’ offices had worked. It was all set up to be the greatest public health victory since routine childhood vaccination. The public health people were already doing victory laps. But, like a bacterium that discovers how to resist an antibiotic, Big Tobacco developed a new addictive product and a new marketing strategy.
Vapes weren’t marketed very much to adult smokers, not at first. Like, the first couple products did that, and also tried to look as close to real cigarettes as possible, but adult smokers were primarily older, suspicious of new tech, knew Big Tobacco had knowingly gotten them hooked on an unsafe product before and didn’t trust them, and probably most saliently, other nicotine replacement products like gums and patches, plus a couple of meds that make the cravings less bad or something, already existed.
No, the first effective vape marketing focused on kids. This was legal because all the laws focused on tobacco leaf products; you had to be 18 to buy tobacco replacement products, but ones that are approved by the FDA have to be unappealing to tobacco-naive consumers.
From everything I’ve heard, nicotine gum tastes terrible, and it it’s packaged like medicine (I found some at a relative’s house when I was a kid, and it was about as appealing to children as prescription antibiotics pills, in fact less so because it wasn’t colored). Because nicotine patches are FDA approved, it’s illegal to make ones that look like cute stickers that middle school children would love.
Big Tobacco realized that this was a problem, and decided to forgo FDA approval as a smoking cessation device, even while positioning to regulators and the adult public that it was one and the FDA just had too much red tape, and marketed vapes heavily to children. They designed vape pens to look like school supplies and cell phone power banks instead of like cigarettes. They marketed them to the kids who were in middle school and late elementary in 2010. They marketed them as a legal high, fun flavors, told them the vapor clouds were cool like skateboard tricks, and perhaps most importantly, sold vapes as something that was different from smoking and also as safe as chewing gum.
By 2014, per the CDC, vapes were the most used tobacco product among US adolescents. By 2016, when I graduated college, vapes were already not an uncommon sight in bars, though most people preferred cigs in the few bars that allowed smoking; by the time I started going back to bars after the pandemic became less dangerous, every fourth or fifth person was sucking on a vape.
The kids who were toddlers in 2010 are in high school now. Per data from 2022, 14.1% of them vape. That doesn’t sound like a lot, but put it this way: in a typical class size of 30, there’s 4-5 kids who vape either socially or habitually and are willing to admit it to federal researchers despite it being illegal for people their age to vape; that means there’s 2-3 more at minimum who won’t admit it, and likely several more who will take a puff if someone offers one in the school restroom or at a party, but who don’t currently have the money to develop a proper habit; most of those will get addicted within weeks of becoming old enough to get a work permit or their first college work-study, not to mention also becoming old enough to buy vapes at a store instead of from a dealer. That’s nearly half the class! The kids know it’s unhealthy, but they think it’s like ice cream is unhealthy, not the way shooting up a cocktail of meth and tranq dope with a dirty needle is unhealthy.
Capitalism literally causes cancer. The vapes weren’t safe; they cause heart attacks, strokes, and horrifying lung damage. They cause them far sooner than cigarettes do. We don’t know anything about the cancer risk yet, but I suspect that will show up in another 10 to 20 years, and that it may be different from and/or more virulent than cancers caused by traditional tobacco products. Or it may be fewer cancers but weirder ones. We simply don’t have the data yet.
Big Tobacco got another generation hooked on a killer, and capitalism let it. The execs are still eating $500 meals at Michelin-star restaurants instead of prison food. We should change that.
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criminal-sen · 11 months
Shoutout to the person who commented on a vent post about quitting nicotine for surgery with 'advice' that was not only incorrect but potentially dangerous (they suggested I not only wean off with cessation aids like lozenges, patches etc but try to 'get back on' using the same method????? Like oh I'm thinking about smoking a cigarette, better slap a whole ass nicotine patch on my body, a product meant for people with habits, and then.. idk what was supposed to happen next but the hypothetical person in this situation is probably already very ill) and they prefaced this 'advice' by apologizing and saying they've never used nicotine and are just fuckingm guessing🤦‍♂️ like okay??? I understand your intentions aren't nefarious here but there's this thing we all do when we don't know what we're talking about and it's called staying quiet
The comment was on my sideblog by someone I don't know and I'm PRAYING they never see this bc I'm really not trying to be a jackass. But it happened like a month ago and I still can't stop thinking about it..
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colliecan · 2 years
o wait, genuine question if someone happens to know, what’s the cigs per day equivalent of 10 8mg nicotine pouches (80mg) per day? i’m not the best at looking it up but i kept getting varying amounts of how many mg per cig, like the range was like 1-4mg per cig which is a big multiplicative range for converting pouches to cigs. so idk, but i feel like it’d really help me do smoking cessation if i had a concrete number of cigs per day bc that’s the only question they ask and they don’t seem aware of how to convert it bc the only time i tried they started me on wayyy too low a dose of patch and way too short a taper it seemed
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doilyboily · 5 days
God knew if he made me not have treatment resistant depression, that I would become an unstoppable force to be reckoned with. Or, a rant.
I'm going through Venlafaxine/Effexor withdrawals and HOLY FUCK this is terrible, I spent months tapering down to 75mg but I couldn't wait any longer to get off this capsule of hell. But now I'm going to try Bupropion AKA Zyban which isn't covered by the PBS for depression, it's only covered for smoking cessation, which makes no fucking sense bc its apparently quite an effective antidepressant, which means that it costs ONE HUNDRED AND EIGHT SIX DOLLARS (186 AUD or 125USD) which means that I'll probably only try this one only until the box runs out bc I do NOT have the money to spend on a medication that, with my luck, wont even fucking work and I'll feel waaay too guilty if my dad pays for it, even though he can afford it and it is his legal obligation... so my options for treating my depression, not including therapy bc that is also too expensive and I'm too self aware for it to work, are:
spend over 1,200 dollars per year and take the Bupropion/Zyban, if it does work.
try MAOIs, which means I'll have to go through MORE withdrawals and most likely have to stop taking my ADHD meds.
try and see if Ketamine therapy is legal where I live for minors and just in general, then try and get a job to pay for it bc holy shit it is expensive.
try even MORE SSRI's even though I've already tried six different ones since I was eight years old and I'm almost seventeen.
try electroconvulsive therapy, which will most likely not be covered by either my insurance OR Medicare and will one hundred percent cost a LOT of money to have done regularly.
and my final option, which is to follow in the footsteps of my paternal half siblings and all my paternal first cousins, which would be succumbing to drug addiction as a way to numb myself and pretend that everything is fine.
Basically, I'll either spend a ton of money which I do not have, and also need to save for top surgery, which may or may not end up actually treating me, or I follow in the footsteps of pretty much everyone on my dads side of the family and repeat the cycle of generational trauma.
So, either way, I am absolutely fucked.
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your FACE felt somewhat better for the duration of a cigarette’s half-life
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langfordpharmacy · 1 year
Quitting smoking is a challenging but important step towards better health. Langford Pharmacy offers a BC Smoking Cessation Program to help individuals quit smoking successfully. Our services include education, counseling, and a course of treatment with NRTs. Visit http://www.langfordpharmacy.com/ for more information.
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chronicallyblogged · 2 years
Kind of uncomfortable and conflicted bc I just gave my partner my card to go buy a pack of smokes. And I really really hate that they smoke and are not at a place where they want to try cessation products. And I really do not like the thought of giving them more. I dont want them to develop lung cancer or anything else. But also. I knew they smoked when I got with them. It's ultimately their choice to stop and they would suffer now if they didn't have another pack. Which I also dont want.
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joontier · 4 years
The King’s Guard | Chapter 4 
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–> Pairings: kim seokjin x reader; jeon jungkook x reader ; min yoongi x reader
–> Rating: R | Genre: historcal drama, smut, angst, fluff | warnings: explicit language, intense pining, swearing, infidelity, implied dubious consent! (drunk yn, implied coercion), dom! daechwita yoongi, oral male receiving, unprotected sex, v rough sex, choking kink, pain kink, boobie spanking, edging, basically yoongs wanting to fuck yn’s brains out,  voyeurism, sweaty sex, jk hates yoongi’s blonde hair with passion
–> Word count: 8.9k
–> A/N:  This chapter is dedicated to the araw to my gabby @mintseesaw and tkg enthusiast @dameleia ILYSM BOTH u guys dont know how much i value the support you have given to me and this fic!!! I told yall i was gonna post this tomorrow but here we are BC I AM A: 🤡 Feedback is always appreciated! <3
The King’s Guard - Masterlist  ||  navi.
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The King’s Guard | Chapter 4 
“Ugh, what kind of rat is trying to bother me now?” the man mumbles, dragging his poorly-worn, boot clad feet against the soil. It’s far too late in the evening, and he swears to his ancestors he will not hesitate to choke this man to death if all this noise will be for nothing. The banging won’t stop, and the servant finds himself uncharacteristically exerting more energy in quickening his steps as a neighbor shouts about keeping the noise down.
“What in the king’s name do you-“
The man comes face to face with none other than the captain of the royal guards himself who’s already handing him a pouch containing more payment than he will ever receive in his life. “I need you to do something.”
Once Jungkook had told the man of his orders, he turned on his heel, leaving the man to return to his house. With no hurry, the captain heads back to the palace, letting himself drown in his thoughts, reminiscing the past as he kicks a few stray pebbles along the path.
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“Jungkook-ah, catch this!” Yoongi pretends to throw the ball in the air as Jungkook lurches forward, looking up. The older boy bends over in laughter, one arm hooked around the ball he ‘supposedly’ threw. Yoongi’s chest beams with pride, and mirth, having fooled his younger brother yet again.
“Hyung! That’s unfair!” Jungkook stomps his foot on the ground, a cloud of smoke dispersing around his feet at the strength of it. Their mother watches with adoration from where she’s preparing their lunch inside their house. Shaking her head at their foolishness, Min Misun continues to add their homegrown herbs onto the chicken stock, occasionally peering at her two sons.
They’ve been arguing more often these days, fighting even over the simplest of things. Misun is well aware though that the alleged ‘despise’ they hold against each other is nothing but playful banter between her two boys. At the end of the day, they know they enjoy each other’s company the most and that they hold the strongest bond between siblings.
They are coming of age soon too, and that endless stream competitiveness coursing through their veins is something brought about by their youth and will remain the same as never anything more than two boys playing around. The two would always make Misun choose her favorite between them, but she’d just shrug them away and tease them incessantly about not telling who her favorite was, much to her sons’ demise. She loved them both equally with all her being.
Quite astonishingly, while one was lacking in something, the other would be extremely good at. Not that they were already good at everything – as their father had taught them a vast majority of things, passing on the importance of being knowledgeable in the many fields of life.
While Yoongi excelled at swordsmanship, Jungkook was an expert at archery. One was unbeatable at field sports while the other genuinely enjoyed games that required more thinking than physical movement. They were polar opposites most times, but when they teamed up together to play (or fight!) against the other boys at the village, they were unbeatable. They knew each other’s strengths and weaknesses the most and used their unspoken dynamics to their advantage.
Just like that one time Yoongi found his younger brother getting pushed around by stronger, bigger, and older boys in the marketplace. Yoongi immediately leaves the sack of rice with his mother, running towards the circle they’ve formed around Jungkook. The older sibling pushes his way through the small crowd of boys around their age. Yoongi finds poor Jungkook trembling with fear in the midst of it all, but maintains his head held high, trying his best to appear brave even when he feels his cowardice taking over him. As soon as Yoongi reaches the center, he takes hold of his brother’s hand, dragging him out of the commotion. But definitely not before taking out the biggest one – delivering a punch straight to the boy’s face that had him falling backwards. “Pick on someone your own size,” he told the boy and threatened him with an even more painful punishment if he dared to hurt his brother once more.
Or that one time when it was Yoongi who found himself in trouble, having been accused of stealing a chicken when he was merely passing by the merchant’s stall and the actual thief slammed the chicken against his chest. With Jungkook trailing a few steps behind, seeing the whole fiasco, he placed a foot out to trip the robber. The thief unfortunately stealthily avoided his foot, getting away. He caught a glimpse of his brother concurrently being confronted by the stall owner, and takes another look at the man who was getting farther. Cursing under his breath, Jungkook takes after the robber. The young boy, being blessed with strong legs, catches the thief in no time and dragged him back to the merchant, demanding his brother to be freed from captivity.
A few more moments pass and Jeon Yeongkwan arrives from the forest after having collected firewood all morning. Yeongkwan greets his wife with a kiss, while the children scurry towards their father to greet him with a hug.
As Yeongkwan joins his children in playing, the family’s lone horse starts neighing wildly, signaling someone’s arrival. He immediately ushers his children and Misun inside, telling them to stay quiet until he deems it safe for them to come out.
He’d retrieved his trusty sword he’d kept on the bottom drawer of his closet, he takes cautious steps towards the threshold, warily gripping the weapon in his hands. He hates the fact that he’d have to use this a little too soon after the Great Colonization, but if it means keeping his family from harm’s way, he’d gladly wield it with all his strength.
With the southern city nearest to the neighboring countries, it makes the city most susceptible to colonizers. And just because the turmoil had already ended, it wasn’t enough assurance that there weren’t any foreigners left on their land lurking around to make another attempt to take their lands once more.
Peering from the corner of the brick wall surrounding their house, Yeongkwan watches a nearing horse carrying the city’s emblem. He visibly relaxes at the sight, but remains wary nevertheless. There had been rumors of foreigners impersonating citizens, taking the emblems for themselves and posing as residents of the country, and he could never risk the safety of his family
As the horse draws nearer, he sees the man atop the steed clad in the palace’s uniform. What other reason could bring a palace worker here when he’d already retired from his position as general of the southern army? He’d already made his intentions clear with the king; that he wanted nothing more than to spend his remaining days in a quiet place with his family.
It was a difficult time for the entire country, undoubtedly, and citizens had not fully recuperated from the recent conclusion of the war. Yeongkwan hopes that this man’s arrival doesn’t bring with him news of new trouble. If he was being honest, it had been a great honor to have served the king and to have fought with him side by side, and eventually spared him from death at some point. Yeongkwan loved the south clearly, he was born and raised there after all, but when he had wed Misun and blessed him with two sons, nothing else mattered more to him than his family of four.
Yeongkwan had only joined the army because of the king’s orders that at least one man from each family join the militia – a proclamation nobody in the city could contest. But it was the thought of his family well-being and safety from the colonizers that kept him alive. He’d instantly been promoted to general as the previous man holding the title had been slain in battle, and Yeongkwan was the one who plunged a sword into the colonizer who tried to stab the king at the back. He was grateful for the offer of a high military ranking but had expressed his desire not to continue working for the militia. Gratefully, the king had honored his request after the war had ended.
Now that another palace worker has found himself back to Yeongkwan’s family home, the patriarch can’t help but worry over what might be the cause of this man’s unexpected arrival.
The man pulls at the reigns, definitely making the horse halt its trotting. “Are you Jeon Yeongkwan?” The man hesitates for a moment before giving away his identity. “Yes, that is me. Can I…help you with anything?” He glances at the sword he’d rested against the wall.
The messenger doesn’t say anything, but instead retrieves a scroll from a satchel attached to the horses’ saddle. “To Jeon Yeongkwan, a message from King Daesin, ruler of the south. You have been invited to a private supper with the King tomorrow evening in celebration of the successful cessation of the foreigners from colonizing our country. The rest of your family’s presence will be highly appreciated.”
Yeongkwan nods in acknowledgment, this time truly breathing a sigh of relief. The messenger re-rolls the parchment and places the same on  Yeongkwan’s hands and leaves without any other words. Misun approaches her husband as soon as the mysterious man was out of sight, placing a comforting hand at the small of his back. “Who was it?” His two sons likewise approach him.
“The King has invited us for dinner tomorrow evening.”
Misun immediately squeals in excitement, surprising the three boys of the household. “Does that mean we get to see the palace? Oh! We need to get new clothes then? How am I supposed to sew you three new clothes? We only got old ceremonial ones kept in our room but I don’t think those will still fit any of you…” She taps her chin subconsciously, deep in thought and worry.
Yeongkwan, absolutely smitten with Misun’s hidden charms and unable to control his adoration for his wife, places a chaste kiss on her cheek, “I think you’ll look beautiful in anything, my love.” Their two sons gag at the sight, passionately cringing at their parents. Yeongkwan chuckles, as Misun hides her reddened cheeks in the crook of his neck.
“In the near future my sons, when you get to marry the woman you love more than yourself, you’ll understand.”
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Misun had worked on their clothes all night, and by the time she finished, the sun had already risen. She worries that she might not look presentable enough with the darkening circles under her eyes for having stayed up late, but with her husband’s constant reassurance and praise, he managed to convince Misun that she looked more than presentable.
As they reach the royal hanok, a royal guard knocks on the door once, announcing the arrival of the Jeon family. “Jeonha, former General Jeon Yeongkwan has arrived with his family.” The door opens, revealing a majestic room, one nearly thrice as large as the boys’ shared sleeping quarters.
Yeongkwan kneels to the floor, bowing in courtesy. The two boys continue to marvel at the room, mouths agape as each of their parents tug at their pants to follow suit. 
The king of the south rises from his seat, approaching the family he had wanted to meet for so long. “Rise, my old friend.” King Daesin places a hand on Yeongkwan’s shoulder, beckoning him to stand up. 
“Are these your boys?” he asks the former general, ruffling Yoongi’s and Jungkook’s hair at the same time. “Fine young men, you are. Just like your dad...A few years back that is,” the king observes, squatting down so he can face them at eye level.  Yeongkwan smiles at the king, while the latter lets out an amused chuckle at the former’s sons who are unabashedly staring at the king of the south.
“Jeonha, it is my greatest honor to introduce to you the love of my life, Min Misun.” Yeongkwan steps aside to reveal his wife. Misun bows, letting her knees touch the floor as courtesy. When Misun rises, they meet eyes, and Daesin’s lips part lightly in astonishment.
Misun was definitely a wonder to take in. During the recesses of the war, he had been told of stories of the lady by the husband himself, who claims that there was no other woman in the nation who could compare to his wife. Daesin just wasn’t expecting that Yeongkwan’s stories had not been biased after all.
The king of the south recollects himself and bows curtly to the lady as well.  At that point Yeongkwan knew, this was a battle he wasn’t going to win, because what the king wants, the king gets.
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As the brothers aged over the years, the two learned to reconcile their differences and bonded over their similarities and strengthened their own abilities. Then came the subject of girls, when the now young men found attraction towards the opposite sex, both spending more time talking over the fairer sex rather than arguing over small things.
“Continue your reading, Kook. You know our father’s sentiments about our studies.” Yoongi reprimands, not bothering to spare his little brother a look as he continues to indulge himself in Confucian canon and likewise jotting down his remarks on a separate notebook. 
Jungkook opens his mouth to speak, but Yoongi beats him to it, again. “And stop painting when you still have three more books to finish.” 
The younger boy deflates at his brother’s words. “Hyung, you know how I feel about studying right?”
“Yes, and unless you want to get scolded at by both our parents, I suggest you put that away now and continue it later, when we’re done studying.” 
“Fine. I will, but you have to answer my question first.” 
Yoongi quickly puts his book and brush down, looking up to face Jungkook. Better to get this over with quickly, than to reply with a snarky comment and eventually exert more energy trying to banter with his brother.
“Have you ever liked a girl?” 
The older sibling gets genuinely caught off guard with Jungkook’s query. “Well?” the younger man raises a brow expectantly. There is no escaping this now, Yoongi thinks, pursing his lips as he racks his brain for an answer. 
“I-...yes,” Yoongi sighs, accepting his defeat. 
“Wait...what?! For real? Well, well, well - I’m surprised some girl managed to soften my perpetually stoic, cold-blooded, ruthless animal of a brother.” Yoongi narrows his eyes. Of course, what was a conversation with Jungkook without his little brother trying to rile him up. Yoongi gets back to Confucius. 
“Hyung, hyung,” Jungkook tries to get his attention once more, ceaselessly tugging at his sleeves. If Jungkook literally thinks, that after years of having to deal with this - that he can still annoy him by doing this, well...he’s definitely right. 
“What now?” 
Yoongi closes his eyes, trying not to release all the pent-up frustration he’d been holding in for years. Once again, Jungkook’s lame methods of trying to divert both of them from focusing on their readings had proven effective. 
“Let me guess, you have a thing for Head Court Lady Kyo don’t you?” Jungkook teases, now poking at Yoongi’s sides, who’s desperately trying to keep his ticklishness at bay. “What?! No! The old lady can flirt with whoever she pleases for all I care!” The younger man laughs at Yoongi’s indignant reply. 
“Hmm, if it’s not Head Court Lady Kyo that you’re fantasizing about every night, it must be a younger one then? I never took you for someone who’d find girls calling you ‘orabeoni’ quite...arousing,” Jungkook snorts, pouring himself a cup of tea and raising the same right in front of Yoongi’s face. “Well, geonbae to you, hyung. Don’t worry, I won’t judge you. We all have our preferences anyways, right orabeoni?” The younger sibling emphasizes his last word with a shrill voice, clutching on Yoongi’s arm and rubbing his face against the silk. 
“You’re disgusting Kook. Stop trying to make ridiculous excuses just so you won’t continue your reading,” Yoongi reminds Jungkook once more, though he can’t deny he also got distracted himself. With a deep exhale, Yoongi closes his book and sets aside his readings. They have the rest of the day to finish it anyways.
“Fine, ‘wanna see her?” 
Jungkook raises his fists in triumph. “Of course! Let’s see if you have good taste in women.” Yoongi rolls his eyes, momentarily stretching his limbs after having remained seated for so long. “Let me warn you Kook, she’s nothing like you’ve ever seen before so, so…don’t fall in love with her, okay?” He isn’t sure if his tone was serious enough for Jungkook to see right through him, but he prays for the same nonetheless. ‘Because she’s mine. I’ll make her mine,’ comes the final words of Yoongi, voice barely above a whisper. Thankfully, Jungkook doesn’t hear him. 
“Honestly, hyung, I doubt we even have similar tastes. Considering you have history with Head Court La-” 
“Say her name one more time and I’ll cut off your balls in your sleep.” 
That effectively shuts the younger boy up. 
The pair traverses halfway across the South’s palace, Yoongi leading Jungkook to the southern princess’ hanok. “Hyung, we aren’t supposed to be here. Didn’t mother specifically tell us to not to go anywhere near the royal families’ private hanoks?” 
“Relax. We’ll watch from here, and then you tell me if my girl is anywhere close to your beloved Head Court Lady Kyo.” Yoongi grits through his teeth, taunting Jungkook with a quick raise of his brows. 
“Whatever you say, hyung,” the younger one chuckles, this time genuinely curious who’s the mysterious girl who had managed to snatch his brother’s heart. 
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If only Jungkook had enough guts to tell his brother even half the truth… at the same time, he feared that if he did such a thing, Yoongi wouldn’t have taken him seriously. It wasn’t really that he wasn’t genuinely curious who’s the girl his brother won’t stop daydreaming about, but he too, had grown affections for someone as well, and Jungkook thought if maybe he heard Yoongi speak about his feelings, he would have an inkling of an idea how to handle his own. 
The two brothers were nearly inseparable, but with Jungkook’s introverted self and Yoongi’s stoic character, they never really found themselves talking about things on the more serious side. They were close, but not close enough.
Yoongi, being the ‘perfect’ son that he was, used his idle time reading and training as what their parents had strongly reiterated them to do. While Yoongi was busy being the ideal child, Jungkook was out on the fields of the palace, constantly satiating his hunger for the practicality of all things natural instead of reading it from books with Chinese symbols. 
Jungkook dislikes reading with great fervour. Actually, most of the other boys his age in the same village share the same sentiments so he can’t seem to figure out why Yoongi keeps on reading.
With Jungkook out enjoying the real world, he’d taken great interest venturing the ins and outs of the Southern palace, particularly the woods by the western gates. 
One day, after lunch, the young boy found himself back in the woods by the west gates, this time bringing along his beloved bow and arrow with him. He’d figured this was the best place he could practice his skills in archery. As he was getting ready to target a bird resting on a high branch, Jungkook hears the rustling of leaves nearby, the sound immediately making hide beneath a tree. 
He had company. Jungkook chews on his bottom lip, immediately regretting not heeding to his mother’s specific orders. “Never venture near the royal families’ private hanoks.” Her stern voice rings throughout his head. With a deep sigh, he throws his bow and arrow to the side, putting his hands up in surrender as he moves from the trunk of the tree. 
He walks forward cautiously with his eyes closed, face twisted in an exaggerated grimace. Jungkook waits for someone to grab him, yet nothing happens. Prying one eye open, he’s surprised to come face to face with a girl, who’s wiping away her tears with the sleeves of her jeogori. 
Genuinely astonished at the sight he wasn’t expecting, he takes another step forward, studying her appearance. She was wearing clothes of the finest silk, one that could only have been afforded by nobility. There’s mud all over the bottom of her hanbok though, which probably meant she’d been in the woods for quite some time, and judging by her distraught condition, Jungkook only presumes one thing and one thing alone: she’s lost. 
“A-are you okay?” 
His question only seems to have driven the girl to cry harder, because she’d gone full-on sobbing, shoulders shaking violently as she cried into her palms. “Hey,” Jungkook hesitantly extends his hand out, unsure of whether he should be touching the girl or not. He settles on patting the girl’s hair lightly from a distance. Albeit the distance being uncomfortable and awkward, Jungkook’s ministrations effectively seems to calm the girl down. 
Jungkook’s eyes widen in surprise when the girl surges toward him, enveloping him in a hug. With one of his hands still awkwardly hanging in mid-air, he lets it fall gently back to the girl’s head, continuing his earlier actions. The two stay like that for some time. Jungkook’s arm is starting to get sore, but he can’t seem to bring himself to complain, not when the girl in his arms is still hiccupping her tears away.
“I’m…sorry,” the girl says, pulling away from her embrace. Jungkook wants to tell her she could stay in his arms for as long as she wanted, enjoying the feeling of being someone a stranger could literally, and figuratively lean on.
“Are you okay?” Jungkook repeats, gesturing to a fallen log nearby to make her sit and get some rest. Beside her, Jungkook patiently waits until she’ll give him an answer, genuinely concerned at her condition and what could have possibly led her to the woods all by herself.
The sat there on the log for quite some time, and the girl finally speaks. “I was following a butterfly around home,” the girl says, toying with her skirt. “I thought I was still near where I lived but the next thing I knew, I’m already stuck in the middle of the forest.”
“Did you get lost too?”
Jungkook shakes his head no, and the girl finally faces him. The boy is rendered speechless. Even with a few small traces of mud on her face, this girl seated beside him has got to be the prettiest girl he’s ever seen in his entire life. Admittedly, he hasn’t seen plenty of girls, but she has got to be on top of the list.
Jungkook opens his mouth to say something, but holds back. Instead, he retrieves a piece of cloth from the pocket sewn by his mother on his pants. “You’ve got a…um…something…face…I um…” the boy gestures to his face, fingers pointing to a portion of his face and hoping he gets the message across. “Oh!” The girl’s eyes widen in realization. She wipes her face with her soiled sleeves, only adding to the dirt on her face.
The young boy bites his lip, trying to fight the wide grin that etches itself on his face. “Here, let me help you,” Jungkook offers, rising from where he’s seated and nears the girl. Gently, he places a finger to tilt her head up, and tenderly wipes the dried mud off her face.
Every brush of Jungkook’s fingers against her soft skin sends a spark through his veins. He tries his best to focus on the task at hand, but being blessed and cursed with the attention span of a three-year-old, he feels his fingers start to tremble slightly. Plus having to resist just taking your face in his hands, to have and to hold your smooth skin against his palms, his hands start to get all the more clammy.
When their eyes meet, Jungkook feels his heart thudding heavily against his chest, before he finds himself blinking rapidly. He lets out a cough as he looks away, not noticing the blush that mutually spreads across their cheeks.
“What’s your name?” she queries, secretly fanning her face to cool the heat on her cheeks. Jungkook ponders for a moment, remembering his father’s daily reminders of not talking to strangers. He’s thankful his father didn’t mention anything about talking to pretty strangers. He settles on a nickname he’d made up at that moment.
“Call me Kookie.”
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Jungkook swipes at his sleeves furiously for the hundredth time. “Will you stop fidgeting?” Yoongi complains, narrowing his eyes at his brother. “Can’t you see? There are insects crawling everywhere! I get it okay! This is my punishment for disturbing your studying. I apologize already!” Jungkook continues swatting at the poor insects who’d been callously flung from the boy’s silk-covered arms.
“Are you even waiting for someone? Or you just brought me here to suffer?”
“Shush it, will you?!” Yoongi huffs, getting annoyed at Jungkook’s nagging. Well if his brother won’t stop irking him, Yoongi decides he might as well have brought him here as punishment. “Shh, here they come!” Yoongi gives a sharp tug at Jungkook’s sleeves, nearly causing the latter to fall into a shrub. The younger teenager follows Yoongi’s line of sight – the now opening doors of the private hanok of the southern princess.
Four rows of court ladies file out, hanboks with shades of turquoise and blue walking in unison as they leave the princess’s quarters. “Keep your eyes open! She’s coming.” Yoongi whispers harshly, placing his two palms around Jungkook’s head to make sure he doesn’t lose focus. “There are so many of them though!”
“Not the court ladies, pabo! Her!”
At the end of the line was the girl Yoongi was pertaining to – she was still young, yet the stance that she held and the aura she gave off was equivalent to that of a queen’s. It was the princess of the south, dressed in her ceremonial clothes: multiple layers of red silk, embedded with the emblem of the south and a dragon imprinted on the back. Her head was adorned with several hairpins of pure gold and rare gems – determinative of your rank in the royal family. It was the princess. Yoongi had a crush on the princess. A girl of a rank way out of their leagues.
The princess of the south was rumored to have this beauty like no other, with the face and wits of no ordinary girl. She was revered as the hidden treasure of the south, someone who could bring two battling nations together as one.
Unfortunately for Jungkook, the princess of the south was also the same girl he’d helped not so long ago, the girl who came crying into his arms when she got lost in the woods, the girl who was the only reason he enjoyed visiting the palace after lunch just so she could tell stories of her daily activities, the same girl who exclusively called him Kookie – the same girl he fell for. Jungkook hears his heart rip into two.
It was you.
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“Jeonha, the captain of the royal guards is here to see you.” Not bothering to wait for Yoongi’s permission, Jungkook pushes the guard aside and lets himself inside the guest’s hanok, likewise ordering the southerners to leave them be. 
“They’re not your people, Kook. You can’t tell them to do things just like that.” 
Jungkook lets a smug grin adorn his face. “You’re right. They’re not just yours, they are our people. So leave, now.” From one corner of the room, the General of the Southern army - Hoseok, remains seated with a steely face as he eyes the younger man, the grip on his own cup of wine tightening. ‘How dare he talk to the king like that?’  Yoongi nods curtly at Hoseok, wordlessly telling them to leave them alone. 
“So, are you here to finally give your hyung a proper welcome?” Jungkook remains silent, staring at his brother. The younger man watches as his hyung discards his headband, throwing the black piece of cloth to a nearby table. Jungkook sneers, finally taking in his brother’s appearance. What was with the yellowish hair? What a disgrace to their family - what a disgrace to all of humanity. 
He isn’t sure if it’s the jealousy speaking, definitely not used to his brother hogging all the ladies’ attention in the palace. Was there something wrong with having normal black hair? Since when did strange locks become a thing with women? Yoongi speaks, drawing Jungkook back to reality and away from his brother’s golden locks.
“You know, wearing the emblem of the capitol doesn’t instantly make you one of them, Kook,” Yoongi starts, pouring himself a cup of wine. Jungkook disregards his brother’s comment.
“Where is Seokjin?” 
“Why are you asking me that?”
Just as Yoongi parts his mouth to say something, the hanok’s door slides open, and a disheveled man enters. “Jeonha,” the man bows from the waist, immediately scurrying to his king. He whispers something to the blonde-haired man, a scowl forming on his face as the man finishes what he has to say.
“My sincerest apologies, Jeonha,” the man bows again, not daring to look at the king of the south. Yoongi has his jaw set at the news brought by this stranger, Jungkook observes, crossing his arms over his chest as he watches his brother. Yoongi nods his head towards the door, once again ordering the man to leave the premises.
Jungkook is tempted to ask what the man reported to Yoongi, but he knows better, definitely sure that his brother wasn’t going to give him anything. “Where is Seokjin?” he repeats, emphasizing each word through gritted teeth.
“What’s it to you anyways? Don’t tell me you’re getting soft for the queen?” Jungkook stops himself from bellowing - it’s far too late to disturb anyone in the palace. “A bit rich coming from you, isn’t it?” 
Yoongi’s brows furrow in confusion at his brother’s words. Of course, Yoongi doesn’t know. He was never one to ask about Jungkook’s feelings anyways. The older sibling decides to let go of his brother’s questionable words.
“I have other things do. Excuse me.”
Yoongi walks past his brother, leaving his brother inside the hanok as he searches for something to eat. Jungkook grabs at a near vase, hands tightening around the neck of the ornament in an attempt to control his anger. He intends to smash the China to the ground, but returns the vase back to its place, takes a deep breath, and decides to follow his brother. Just like old times.
“Jeonha,” Hoseok rises abruptly from where he’s seated as he sees his king exit the hanok. “What are we to do now my King?” General Jung questions, pertaining to the man’s report just earlier. Yoongi cards a hand through his hair, fingers stopping just before the ponytail. “I…I’ll think of something.” Anxiety is evident in the king’s voice, so Hoseok decides to say nothing else, quietly trailing behind his king.
As Yoongi vocalizes his intentions of heading to the kitchen, he decides to go the long way round, wanting to pass by your hanok before he grabs something to eat. Yoongi finally reaches the corner of your hanok, surprised to see light flooding onto the wooden pathway. You leave your doors open this late at night?
When the two reach your door, they take a peek inside revealing you dancing around, a vessel in one hand and clothes with the other. There aren’t even any guards around your hanok. “Jeonha, I never knew women of the capitol enjoyed solo drinking sessions as well? You two would seem like a great pair.” Hoseok nudges Yoongi a little too strong, that the king of south bumps against the door, the sound exposing their cover. Yoongi glares at the general who deflates under his king’s stare.
“Who’s there?” Yoongi hears you giggle as you call out and he sees a court lady crane her head to the threshold. “Can I help you with anything, my Sirs?”
“Just passing by, right Jeonha?” Hoseok coughs, side-glancing Yoongi with wide eyes. His king disregards him completely. “What’s your queen doing?” Yoongi turns to Chaeyoung who gulps and takes another look at you who’s busy twirling and swaying gently as you hold the fabric close to your body.
Yoongi takes a closer look, realizing that it wasn’t just any fabric you were clutching onto, but your husband’s royal garments. “Is she okay?”
You’re clearly not okay.
“Am I okay?” you ask yourself, laughing obnoxiously at no one in particular. “I’ll take care of her, you can retire to your quarters now.” The blonde-haired man says to Chaeyoung.
“You can’t make her leave, Yoongi. If you want her to leave, I have to take one of yours as well.” You point a finger towards Hoseok who’s eyes widen at your proposal. “M-me?”
“Do I look like I’m referring to somebody else?”
Yoongi chortles at his general. The amount of skills he had in fighting was on some days…the same amount he lacked up there. Yoongi places a hand on his shoulder and proceeds to give Hoseok a pat on the back. “Go on then. I’ll be alright.” Hoseok sighs, escorting Chaeyoung with him. “Agassi, shall we?”
Yoongi finally lets himself inside your hanok, sliding the doors close behind him. He strides towards you, placing a hand over your grip on the vessel of rice wine. “Come on, Jungjeon-mama. That’s enough.”
“Oh, since when did you start addressing me by my title?”
“Would you rather me address you by your name then, __________?” Your name sounds nice falling from his lips, enjoying the way you’re letting him to call you casually like this.
Your grip won’t budge on vessel either, so he resorts to poking your waist, hoping you were just as ticklish as he observed years before back at the southern palace. You let out a giggle that Yoongi concurrently deems music to his ears, and takes advantage of your loosened grip on the vessel.  He sets the wine down on the table, now tempted to take a sip for himself.
“Where’s your husband, __________?”  
You don’t answer. You aren’t going to give this man anything he asks for despite your intoxicated state. You silently pray that sobriety will soon fall upon you, as you don’t think you’ll be able to stand being in the same room as your unexpected visitor. Strangely, you likewise wish that you could’ve drank just a little more, just so you won’t feel his presence in your room. As you remain silent, busy with your thoughts, the king of the south answers his own question.
“Word spread around here that he’s left to pacify the South,” Yoongi shrugs, taking a step towards you and craning his neck forward, seemingly gauging your reaction even when your back is facing him. 
“Well, absolutely no turmoil is going on in the South, else I wouldn’t be here gracing you with my presence. I can personally assure you that fact.” 
You feel your stomach drop, getting more sober as you feel him take another step towards you. Seokjin couldn’t have lied to you, or worse, couldn’t have kept anything from you - especially something this big of an issue. On top of that, everybody knew it was the southerners who were causing all the trouble. Or was it now? 
“Gracing me with your presence?” you echo, the statement laced with venom on your lips. Letting out a scoff, you turn on your heel to face the obnoxious king of the south. 
“I guess nobody told their beloved queen it was the west that was causing all this trouble? Obviously, what better way to alarm the entire country by using the emblem of ‘the traitorous South’ as you people would call us.” Yoongi rolls his eyes as he takes a sip of the wine. “On the bright side, it’s nice to know we still have that certain effect on people, even years after the Great Colonization.”
“Poor girl you are...with an even sadder fate for her husband.” Yoongi pours himself a cup of the wine you’d carried all the way from the kitchen. Your jaw is clenched, gaze set hard on Yoongi who seems the least bit bothered. Sadder fate for your husband?
“Oh right, I’m betting you’re also unaware of the fact that the shortest way from the capitol to the south was through a narrow path through a forest located in the West?”
You’re dumbfounded, secretly wishing Yoongi hadn’t seen the look on your face as he told you about the west, but you couldn’t help it. Surely, he’s trying to take advantage of your drunken state and would attempt to coerce you into something against your will by lying straight to your face.
“Still don’t believe me? Why do you think King Donggeun hasn’t come down from his throne when Crown Prince Baekjoon has already turned of age? Surely, you must have taken notice that the west has least casualties of the ‘uproar’ we had supposedly caused in this country? Not to mention the casualties in their city are not even that significant – in fact, the villages that were attacked were those nearest to the borders of the south and the north, majority of which housed citizens coming from both cities…”
All sorts of emotions boiled inside of you. Yoongi’s revelation felt like a whole log just fell on you, and you were absolutely helpless.  You were beyond perplexed, finding the need to rest your behind on the bedside table.
“But, it’s never too late you know… Being the merciful king that I am, I can help your husband. Send him a handful of my men if you must.” You gulp as you look him in the eyes. Yoongi will most certainly not be willing to help your husband just like that, especially when Seokjin has already made proclamations that had definitely brought dishonor to the name of the south. The thought of Seokjin having to face danger all by himself crossed your mind, betraying your thoughts and your heart once more.
The price you will have to pay for Seokjin’s safety will surely to come at a large cost – that you already know. But for your husband, you were willing to have yourself at Yoongi’s disposal, whatever the price may be. You stand up once more, turning away from Yoongi. You presume he isn’t one to give anything for free.
“And at what is the price I have to pay for your assistance, perhaps?” He doesn’t see you gulp.
Yoongi sets his cup of wine down, simultaneously darting his tongue out to moisten his lips. Slowly, he pads over to you until he’s almost pressing into you. Close, but not asserting his certainty of having the upper hand now. “I think you already know what I want, Jungjeon-mama,” Yoongi whispers salaciously, words ghosting against the shell of your ear.
It’s shameful how agonizingly hard he is under his pants – but he couldn’t help it – he finally had you in his arms. This proximity alone shouldn’t have affected him that much, but he couldn’t help it. All those years of pining after you, watching you in secrecy back at the Southern palace as you went about your royal duties, sneaking glances at you when you visited the training grounds where he studied sword fighting.
Tonight he wanted to get himself on you, to fuck you until you won’t even remember your own name when he finishes - this was your payment and it is not for your wish for him to send Seokjin reinforcements.
This was your payment for making him long after you, even after all these years and after all the women he’d met – he still chose you in a heartbeat.
He hated that you had to leave the Southern City, he hated how your stepmother had to treat you so badly, giving you enough reason to run away from the palace, he hates how everything he had done in the past just to get close to you was all in vain. He hates how he ran after you that night, only to see you already in Seokjin’s arms. He hates Seokjin for having married you, being proclaimed as the perfect husband when he could have done a totally better job at it. Yoongi could’ve worshipped the ground you walked on, but yet here you were alone in the palace while your own husband just left you with the responsibility of taking care of the whole nation just like that.
He hates the fact that you’ve completely snatched his heart from the day he first saw you, accompanying your father to the training grounds. You had shot arrows straight into the sack targets with no trouble, easily beating the rest of the boys training in the field. As cliché as it sounds, it had seemed like you shot an arrow through his heart as well.
But most of all, he despises the fact that he loves you. And he hates it all the more that he knows his own brother had fallen for you too.
Snagging your hair between his fingers harshly, you let out a gasp as he makes you look into his eyes. His hands move to discard your robe and wildly grope at your chest. A smirk grazes his lips when he feels your nipples harden under his touch. 
He highly doubts that he has the same effect on you as you have on him, but at this point he couldn’t care less. He wanted to get himself off on you, intent on making you feel at least a hint of what he’s felt throughout the years.
Yoongi smashes your lips together, the bittersweet taste of wine on his mouth pressing roughly against your own. He grinds his erection against your lower stomach, effectively causing you to gasp one more time. Taking advantage of your surprise, he closes the distance one more time, slipping his tongue inside your wet cavern. 
The king of the south pushes you further towards the bed until the back of your knees hit the edge, instinctively making you sit on your bed. 
“Undress me,” he orders, placing his hands on his hips, likewise pulling his top upwards for your convenience. You glare at him through your eyelashes, and returning your eyes to his crotch. As you see his dick twitch beneath the confines of his pants, a smirk etches onto your face. Two can play at this game, and you’re going to make sure he gets a taste of his own medicine. 
Languidly, you lightly trace the outline of his dick, watching intently as it twitches one more time you feel a small wet patch near the waistband of his silk pants. You continue trailing the pad of your finger against the smooth fabric. 
“I don’t like being teased, princess.”
“The queen doesn’t like being ordered around.” 
Sending him another glare, you give in to his whims, pulling his pants down his legs. His cock springs free, standing tall and proud. The pale expanse of Yoongi’s skin is a sharp contrast against the angry, red tip of his dick like it’s begging for your attention.
“Like what you see?” the man says from above. You don’t answer, unwilling to give him the satisfaction he thinks he deserves. Yoongi shivers as you take the base of his cock in your palm. You revel in his responsiveness, loving the way he basically shudders under your touch.
He doesn’t know if he’s going to last as long as he wishes tonight, but he swears to the gods above and to all his ancestors that he was going to try. He hates the fact that this is the only way he was going to have you, that never in a million years would be willing to give yourself to him.
Yoongi is drawn back to reality as you place a light kiss on the bulbous head of his cock, you languidly pepper kisses along his length. Yoongi looks down on you with hooded eyes and a swollen bottom lip that he’d bitten down on for so long.
He taps the tip of his shaft against your lips, coating them with the semi-transparent liquid that’s veiled the tip of his length. With bated breath, he nudges the head against your mouth, urging you to part your lips for him. “Open up, jagiya.”
You comply, letting his dick slowly enter your mouth; he pushes his length inside until he hits the back of your throat. He withdraws and pushes his cock back inside, inhaling sharply as you graze your teeth a little.
“You take my cock so well, princess. Fuck,”
He pushes you roughly to lie on the bed, as his hand busies itself with fisting his cock as he waits for you to get comfortable. “Did I tell you to place your legs on the bed?” Yoongi tsks at you, spanking each of your breasts as punishment.
The king of the south harshly spreads your legs and without warning, Yoongi begins to impale you on his cock at a merciless pace, hands hooking under your ankles to bring your legs to rest against his chest. “You like that being fucked roughly, don’t you jagiya?” He doesn’t give you time to answer as he bends forward, bringing your legs to rest against your chest this time as his hands wrap around your neck. The rings on his fingers are cold against your heated skin, and the way he experiments and pressing his fingers tighter around your throat as he matches it with his pace. The combined pain and pleasure just seems to bring you closer to your high.
“I’m not done with you, ______. Don’t  you dare cum just yet.”
He lifts you from the bed with no trouble, and you feel the rippling of his muscles even underneath his top. Without having to pull out of you, Yoongi settles you down on a table with the height just about Yoongi’s thighs so he could enter you at a better angle.
Miraculously, Yoongi slows down his pace, and you’re unsure if it’s in consideration of his or your welfare. This position doesn’t help with your impending orgasm as with every languid roll of Yoongi’s hips he easily hits that particular spot. He toys with your nipple, tweaking and twisting the bud between his calloused fingers. With nowhere to hold onto, your hands shoot up to his arms silk-clad arms digging tiny crescent moons on his skin even with the fabric separating your nails from his skin.  
Yoongi was willing to fuck you against every piece of furniture if you’d let him, and if he’d have enough stamina to last for quite some time because the thought of having you writhing under his touch can easily bring him to cum.
Still not satisfied with this position he carries you toward a the wooden foundation in the middle of your room. He needs to have you begging for him, moaning endlessly on his cock.
“Tell me you want this, princess. Tell me you need me.”
He needs to hear it fall from your lips, because he knew this was only ever going to happen once, and he wanted this one moment to forever be engraved in his brain, because he knows you’ll never be his.
“Yes, fuck Yoongi, please,” you mewl, dragging your nails against the pale expanse of Yoongi’s back. As he continues to slam into you, your fingers find purchase on his hair, giving it a harsh tug as a particular thrust hits that sweet sweet spot inside of you.
You momentarily wonder at how Yoongi has managed to hold you up all this time and not lose momentum at all. As if on cue, Yoongi lifts you higher again, the hem of his top brushing against your clit. You were so, so close. You moan loudly at the sensation, letting your head fall onto Yoongi’s shoulder.
“Oh, you liked that princess didn’t you, hmm?”
He pushes you further against the foundation, if that was even possible, and takes one of his hands holding up your ass to transfer to the front, looking for your clit. Yoongi finds your nether bud in no time, and starts rubbing circles with the pad of his thumb.
Shortly after his punishing thrusts and the abuse on your clit, you reach your high, a high-pitched sob piercing throughout the room. Your body continues to tremble with the intensity of your orgasm as he cums inside you, rope after rope of white coating your walls.
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Jungkook hears, sees, and feels you moan one more time, the lewd sounds of your fucking still ringing loudly through his ears. With a deep exhale, he turns on his heel, leaving the spot he’d stayed at for the rest of you and Yoongi’s… The captain couldn’t even bring himself to say the words.
Subconsciously, his feet bring him to a familiar hanok he has not visited for a while. He silently slides the doors open and heads to the room of someone he hasn’t paid attention to for the past few days. He takes off his boots and his scabbard, setting them down in a secluded corner of the room.
He spots Haesoo’s sleeping form on the floor. He joins her, hooking an arm around her waist. The young court lady wakes at the action, a scream escaping her lips. Jungkook is quick to place his palm on her mouth, pushing her shoulder backwards so she can properly see him. She relaxes at her realization, turning her body so she could face him.
“What brings you here Captain?”
“I missed you, is all.” What a lie.
“If you really missed me, why won’t you talk to me during the day?”
“You know we can’t, jagiya. Besides, can’t I just visit my favorite girl without having questioned if I really miss her or not?” Lie. Again. One more and Jungkook might just spend the rest of the night challenging himself how many more times he could lie in such a short time span.
Haesoo shies from Jungkook’s gaze, but Jungkook places a finger on her chin and makes her face him again. He inches toward her, lips not meeting just yet, each of their shallow breaths fanning against their faces. Haesoo takes initiative, pressing her lips against Jungkook’s own. The captain easily deepens the kiss, lightly biting on Haesoo’s bottom lip that effectively makes her part them instantly.
Jungkook quickly shuffles to get on top of her, grinding his erection shamelessly against Haesoo’s crotch. She gasps at the sensation, fingers quickly toying with the waistband of his pants.
“You really miss me that much, hmm?”
“Of course, darling.” Another lie. Third time’s the charm right?
Jungkook rips apart the sleeping robe Haesoo has on, his mouth instantly connecting with her breasts, groping and sucking harshly at the hardened nubs. He wasn’t usually this messy and urgent, but he badly needed to cum – painfully hard under his pants only because of you.
The captain doesn’t even bother to prepare Haesoo, plunging himself into her pussy without warning. Jungkook pounds into Haesoo unapologetically, fucking her into oblivion, just as Yoongi did to you earlier. He imagines that it’s you moaning his name right now, chanting his name fervently like a prayer, chest heaving like it was your last day. He wishes that it was his cock buried deep inside your cunt earlier instead of his brother’s and he knew he could have done a far better job at pleasuring you than Yoongi. The captain hooks his palm under Haesoo’s thigh, raising her leg up so he’s hitting her cervix at angle pleasurable to them both.
He’d fucked Haesoo on the floor, he’d fucked her against her closet too, and similar Yoongi, he’s fucking Haesoo against the wall too.
Jungkook ruts into her endlessly, with a silent wish that he flushes you out of his system with every snap of his hips, he wishes that he had never met you in the woods in the first place, he wishes that he didn’t have to join the King’s royal guards, he wishes that he wouldn’t have to see your pretty face the whole day, he wishes that you weren’t desirable at all – that way maybe he and his brother wouldn’t have fallen for the same girl.
He wishes he wasn’t in love with you.
Of course, another lie.
A single tear trickles down his cheek, and he hopes that Haesoo won’t notice with the fine sheen of sweat on his face. He feels his thrusts falter just like his resolve. His chest constricts once more tonight and it’s definitely not because of poor stamina, but because of his emotions overwhelming him.
“I love you,” he whispers breathlessly, resting his head against the wall. Haesoo hears.
“You love me?” Haesoo takes his face in her small palms, pushing his head backwards so she can take a proper look at him. She swipes at another tear that rolls down Jungkook’s cheek.  
“Of course, jagiya.” Jungkook sends her a sad smile in her direction.  
Maybe if he keeps lying, it’ll all come true at some point. She gives him a lingering kiss this time, resting her forehead against his. “I love you too.”
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[taglist] : @aretha170 @strxwberri-milk @vivpurple7​ @wheredoiwhaaat25​ @hodginss​
© joontier 2020. All rights reserved.
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Korean vocabulary used will be posted on a separate post for easier viewing! 
174 notes · View notes
majid119153 · 4 years
ID: s119153
Date: November 1, 2020
Words: 350
Benefits of Smoking
The history of smoking goes back to the year 5000 BC, when it was found in many different cultures and societies around the world, and smoking was associated with ancient religious ceremonies; Such as making offerings to the gods and ritual cleansing.
As the European exploration and conquest of the Americas came, tobacco smoking spread rapidly throughout the world. In regions such as India and sub-Saharan Africa, tobacco smoking has been combined with common smoking practices in these countries, of which cannabis is the most common. In Europe, smoking presented a new social activity and a previously unknown form of drug abuse.
Reasons for smoking, tobacco smoking, and secondhand smoke); habits, health, and economy:
Smoking constitutes a social and cultural norm in some countries: In many countries such as Greece, smoking has become a social and cultural habit, because the majority of Greeks smoke. In Greek families, you will find at least one person who smokes tobacco, and you find that the family is the strongest influence in making teenagers smoke tobacco, meaning that if the parents smoke, this will encourage their children to smoke as well, and with the passage of time smoking in these countries has become a natural thing because they are accustomed that.
Smoking with family and friends who are not smokers (passive smoking), which is dangerous to the health of people who do not smoke but rather inhale the smoke emanating from the smoking of smokers. It is difficult to protect yourself from secondhand smoke, because you may be exposed to it in any place such as: the workplace, home, public places and transportation.
Secondhand smoke causes many diseases Such as; asthma, cancer, and heart and blood vessel problems.
Throughout history, many countries tried to prevent smoking in their countries, as the English King James I tried to impose taxes estimated at 4000% in the year 1604 AD, and he wrote an anti-smoking book entitled "Condemning Tobacco." But all these attempts were unsuccessful. Subsequently, the meticulous rulers realized the futility of smoke-free decisions and instead turned the tobacco trade and cultivation into profitable monopoly government enterprises.
What is interesting about this topic is how smoking has developed over time, as well as the inability of countries to prevent it.
1- https://www.britannica.com/topic/smoking-tobacco/A-social-and-cultural-history-of-smoking
2- https://www.who.int/tobacco/en/atlas2.pdf
3- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PM65fq7oEA8
4- https://www.swedish.org/classes-and-resources/smoking-cessation/financial-physical-and-social-costs-of-smoking
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joeymcadam348-blog · 5 years
Grow Organic Cannabis
After scutching and heckling, the long, strong fibres are essentially ready for weaving though will typically be put through a associated with softenings create the fibre softer, less itchy even better flexible prior to it being then dyed and finally weaved into fabric for production of hemp dry cleaned clothing.There are some companies designed to use chemical to be able to remove the pectin binder and separate the material. This process uses harsh chemicals such as caustic soda which result in your production of shorter and less durable hemp fibres. As such, need to know the origin and manufacture process used before obtain hemp clothing to be sure that your clothing is produced while using most environmentally friendly process that also ensure greater durability and Patriot Supreme CBD Oil Supreme quality for you can. A win, win challenge! This is the problem with addictions. Those with damaging habits require through a time of suffering for weeks or months before they see any benefit. Which as they are accustomed to alleviating suffering and discomfort through the ingestion of drugs (weed or cigarettes) then relapse is usually. There a lot of smoking cessation products and methods that exist. Some of the available merchandise is known as nicotine replacement therapy. These are sold as gums, sprays, lozenges and other forms that all contain nicotine to replace what you aren't getting from the cigarette is. These products have nicotine in in order to slowly assistance with the nicotine withdrawal create it easier to learn how you can give up smoking. Etched glass window film is available in all regarding themes retailer rather than the one that will fit your home dicor needs is clear-cut. Abstract and geometric patterns may be a simple yet elegant preference. Invite nature into your home with floral patterns. The Cannabis design should bear in mind those who share quickly . subtle enough and be mistaken being a big leaf. If you need to play it safe, traditional patterns will also on manual. This theme includes a fleur-de-lis and cross patterns. A major way to take care of a non-toxic lifestyle might be to avoid junk and processed food. Sure it is to grab a take-out, but mishaps healthy alternatives that are simple to prepare. Make an attempt to eat perhaps 5 areas of fruit and vegetables each day, and drink plenty of filtered fluids. The Chinese started using hemp to create paper around 8,000 BC and their totally hemp documents exist. Hemp fiber endures. Herodotus wrote that Thracians used wild and Patriot Supreme CBD cultivated hemp fiber for a garment cloth that she compared to linen. "Miracles" by ICP was intended to be able to a serious song that opened the minds of Juggalos everywhere, but when Insane Clown Posse on SNL aired, it was spoofed create the guys look uneducated, to put it lightly. Take among the many plates and line the bottom with several sheets of this moistened skin cells. Make sure that it really is moist and not necessarily exceedingly dripping wet. Then, leaving enough space inside the seeds, gently place them on the tissue.
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exotine · 6 years
so today at work while i was reviewing a case for a smoking cessation med, I was writing out my summary and decided to deny the case because the patient didn’t try nicotine replacement therapies (NRT). I wrote out my case summary reasoning out why I was denying the medication, and since the summary is mostly an internal thing, I write out the abbreviations rather than spelling everything out...
then i submitted my denial.
after i submit my decisions i always go back to make sure everything makes sense but.... i saw i wrote out NCT instead of NRT bc apparently my fingers have a mind of their own and now there’s a case floating around in the system that denied bc the patient didn’t try NCT i just.......  💀
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fatlarde · 3 years
i impulsively spent a ton of money at the grocery store today i mean most of it was Necessary but still there was like $40 of unnecessary stuff in there and now im annoyed w myself and also i bought some stuff (~43) for my vape which im rly annoyed w bc i rly need to quit vaping but literally 5 hrs in without my vape i was going Stupid going Insane which is.. rly sad lmao but ive been smoking since i was 16 and im 25 now so what can i say lmao anyway im going to talk to my psych abt smoking cessation
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