sunshinebingo · 2 months
@elucienweekofficial Day 2 - Golden
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Elain receives a letter and a gift from a tormented admirer.
600 words - fluff - A drabble based on the fun bouquet assembling activity that @elucienweekofficial posted for 5 days in a row. The flowers mentioned in this are the ones I got (except for the baby's breath which I added just because I love them)
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Elain opens the big box with trembling hands, her heart beating so hard she fears it might burst out of her chest.
The scent is the first thing that hits her. Fresh and floral with a little sweetness, and lot of him. The second thing she notices is the ivory envelope that is on top of the slightly smaller box inside the bigger one. She takes it and runs a finger on the brown string that has been delicately wrapped around it, the bow sealed with a forest green wax with the figure of a fox.
A smile spread on Elain’s lips. The radiant thread tied to her rib thrums like it has been plucked. Its vibrations cause a warmth like that of a golden sun to spread through her.
Excitement and anticipation bubble inside Elain but instead of ripping the envelope open like the echoes of that thread urges her to, she carefully unravels the string and places it in her lap before taking the letter out.
My dearest, loveliest tormentor...
Elain does not even try to contain her giggles. As familiar as the neat and beautiful handwriting has become to her over the course of the past year, seeing it never fails to make her a little giddy.
I fear that I must curse you. Ever since you started sharing your passion with me, I cannot even look at a single flower or greenery without thinking of you. It is the sweetest torture I have ever unknowingly been put through. In this box you will find some that have made me think about you the most.
There’s a cactus for your strength despite everything you have endured. Dandelions for your inspiring resilience. A blue spider lily for your calm energy. Plumerias for your immense beauty and grace. Freesias for the innocence that everyone sees in you but that I know isn’t what makes all of you. And finally, baby’s breaths for the hope that what is blooming between us is everlasting.
I hope that they can find a home in your garden and that they can bring a little of the Continent all way up to the Night Court. I also selfishly hope that when you tend to them, you will think about me at least half as much as I think about you daily. That will be your punishment for occupying my thoughts so much. At least until we meet again and I can reprimand you in a more entertaining way. I would like to not be the only one afflicted with the ailment of constantly missing the one I long to be with.
I look forward to seeing you soon.
Elain brings the letter to her face. She closes her eyes a moment and inhales the scent of the hands that have written it. That divine scent of him that nothing else could overpower to her.
Then she opens the other box, finding it filled with everything he has listed in the letter, each of the plants in their earliest stages of growth. A wide smile illuminates Elain’s face as her mind starts to race with all the possible places in her garden where she will put the new additions to her beloved collection.
“Who is this from?”
Elain’s head turns to Feyre who walks towards her with a grin and wiggling Nyx in her arms. The golden thread at her rib plucks again at the thought of him. Her sister must surely already know who is the only person in all of Prythian who will send her such a wonderful gift; the only one who can bring such warmth and light to even the coldest and darkest days of her life. Still, Elain beams as she replies, “My sunshine.”
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aresonist · 1 year
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this is embarassing after ive been getting compliments on the dot eyes but thoughts on possible style?
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shiftingwithmars · 2 months
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yueliie · 25 days
Trying to get to 100 followers so I can finally do an interactive event I'm planning for ages (I'm debating between LOVE LETTER FROM YOU TO HIM where you write him a letter and he write a special letter for you or YOUR SECRET ADMIRER where I will pick one from your many options and write a fic dedicated to you only + special traits are unique to you ofc as a surprise) but i never get to do it which means more fics to be made before that and currently don't have any other requests to do sooo...yeah but I'm indecisive, which one do you want to see more 🧐 Wind Breaker stuffs cuz I really need to get it out of my system jfjdbd I'll put this poll on for a week so feel free to spread the word! I would be so embarrassed and sad if no one really cares about this lol... okie that's all, now if you would excuse me, I buried myself alive now-*connection cut off*
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ionlypostmymeemocs · 2 months
Can you guys be honest with me...
What are your thoughts about me and my blog?
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naurimastaur · 6 months
Was reminded of dead boy detectives and now I really want to write a fic about fred & george investigating a castle ghost’s murder/mysterious death ( george gets feelings for them???) should I should I not…
Would we prefer the next fic to just be a george fluff one shot??? Either way it will be silly and fun per usual
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baggy-holmes · 1 year
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am i crazy or do i kinda have freckles
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theotherpacman · 3 months
im gonna be honest i do not enjoy the Woke trend of fictional characters' families being, surprise! perfectly accepting of their queer identities. like a gay character is afraid to come out to their parents bc they think they won't accept them but after years of repression and lying and internal conflict they finally come out and the family is like "oh yeah it's ok idc." these gay bitches should have to have homophobic parents like the goddamn rest of us
this post is about guillermo de la cruz
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wolframpant · 11 months
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I, Claudius ♦ Favourite scenes
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hoseoksluna · 4 months
and to that blondie who broke my babys heart count your fucking days i’m gonna haunt you in your dreams trruusssttt i’m not gonna let u live in peace
oh trust me she’s suffering for her sins in my head 😁
wasnt that backstory kinda random? i just wanted jk to have some spice? felt like i made him seem too, too perfect yanno?
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living-ironically · 10 months
do you guys think karolina would hire me i think they should
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teecupangel · 1 year
Just thought of this story idea. AltDes modern-zombie apocalypse-soulmate-a/b/o AU where Altair, Ezio and Ratonhnaké:ton are surviving together and they find Desmond purely by accident when looking for supplies because he went and got himself trapped in a bear trap. And by trapped, I mean he tripped and fell shoulder first onto the bear trap and is incapable of freeing himself. And decided his life is fucked enough he was planning on just dying there. And two days later Altair shows up. #tropes
Does that #tropes mean you want to add as many tropes to this one as possible because I’m game.
Let’s see how many a/b/o and zombie apocalypse tropes we can add to this one:
Of course, since this is meant to be a/b/o, the reason why Altaïr was able to find him is because Desmond’s heat was starting and his body reacted to it.
They have heat sex… after Altaïr helps Desmond get out of the bear trap, of course. I guess we can have a bit of frottage and groping while Desmond is stuck in a bear rap. But any other sexual acts must be done after Desmond’s wound gets bandaged.
This gives us an excuse for an “I told you to strip because I need to see the wound but you thought I wanted to see you naked… which I also want to see.” scene.
Ezio and Ratonhnhaké:ton finally caught up to them and they decide to provide security while the two are busy ‘riding’ Desmond’s heat. A short POV of them could be used to add in the following tropes:
Obligatory tragic backstory before the zombie apocalypse
A brief overview of the kind of zombie we’re dealing with (slow or fast? Can see or relies on hearing? Only humans or will there be zombie animals?)
Heat sex would include… well… lots of sex and other heat related sex tags
Of course, they realized that the reason why Altaïr lost his composure with Desmond’s heat is because, surprise surprise, they’re mated pairs (aka the a/b/o equivalent of soulmates).
The trope-est setup we can do is make this a road trip and, say, Desmond was trying to get to the Farm because he believes that, if anyone could survive a zombie apocalypse, it would be the goddamn Farm. Altaïr is game because it’s what his mate wants. Oh, and also, they have heard of the Farm before and the rumor does suggest that it’s a safe haven but no one knows the location so they’re definitely interested.
They absolutely have someone they only have contact with thru their radio who provides them with information. This could be Edward or maybe Clay.
Another possible trope: the dude with the radio playing tunes and giving updates (this could be Edward, Clay or even Shaun/Rebecca)
The remains of the government/military are assholes because that’s the law of zombie apocalypse (and any dystopian apocalypse in general). These guys can be the Templar characters.
Ezio and Ratonhnhaké:ton act as protective brother figures toward Desmond (and they act like brothers with Altaïr as well) with Ezio being the cool flirty older brother type and Ratonhnhaké:ton being the quiet but reliable younger brother type.
There will a shopping montage, ofc, and that’s a staple in zombie apocalypse stories.
In this shopping montage, Desmond gets a pregnancy test and, surprise surprise, he’s pregnant.
Since we’re going for as many tropes as possible, the third act will be a separation brought by a horde of zombies. Bonus points if one of them is presumed to be dead.
The reunion will, of course, happen on the Farm.
Now, the cliche sad story would be that the Farm is abandoned BUT it can be fortified easily to give a sense of hope. The cliche happy story would be that the Farm is filled with people who help our main characters. (The latter would give us an excuse for someone to punch Bill… or, you know, Bill could be one of the zombies that will be killed during the separation sequence)
The epilogue will have their kid being cute and adorable. For more tropes (babies ever after), end the story by saying that they’re expecting another child already.
Here's another zombie apocalypse AU idea that's more along the line of "Desmond is immune because he's the universe's favorite chewtoy"
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queenie-official · 11 months
would you guys still love me if i was a worm
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phatcatphergus · 8 months
If I made an alt account where I don’t tag anything (other then content warnings) and people can gossip or be toxic or talk about things theyre too scared to on main as much as they want would anyone want that
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ghostinthewires · 2 years
okay everyone i've had an idea for a multi-chapter fic centred around Mountain (and how the rest of the ghouls fall apart when he's not there (NO IM NOT KILLING HIM) (yet)). are people interested in this or are we Mountain-ed out from the intense brainrot that seems to have gripped the fandom for the last week.
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yzerman · 2 years
why’s everyone hating on snapchat
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