#BG3 Gale Romance Spoilers
undead-potatoes · 9 months
Can you imagine how excited Tara is that Gale has finally found someone if the MC stays with him after the game, only for them to show up and it's that person whose only interaction was (accidentally) insulting her AND they brought their big, loud, stinky dog with them
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galesdevoteewife · 14 days
I read somewhere that in drow societies male wizards had a higher social status than other males and even common class females. These wizards where mostly from noble families (being a wizard is expensive, as it's a form of higher education, Gale doesn't disprove this). It seems some drow houses have the position of archmage, which is usually the highest position a male can get besides being the matron's ilharn, her favored consort.
How would this impact in how Zilvera views Gale pre-romance?
Hi anon! Thanks for the ask!! <3 Okie okie, let's see… there will be two parts to the answer: how Gale being a wizard affects his relationship with my spider baby pre-romance, and me rambling about Menzoberranzan's social hierarchy 😂
1. How Gale being a wizard affects their relationship pre-romance Zilvera's POV
She didn't feel any lesser in station because of his class. Before anything, she's a proud drow and he's a human. Plus, she had much more influence in their group than him. (—Which was dramatically changed after they moved to Waterdeep and that threw her off.)
However, she was very cautious, especially towards Gale and Shadowheart. The two obviously held secrets. I assume every DnD culture has its own set of spells (drows do, p49 and elves has plenty), and not every spell Gale/Shadowheart/Wyll/Halsin/Jaheira used was something she's familiar with. She asked them about the spells they could use in the excuse of better strategizing in combat, but she secretly kept mental notes on counter methods in case they turned against her one day.
Gale's POV
He knows well the reputation of drows and intentionally kept some spells unknown to her just in case.
At the same time, he was excited and curious about drow's innate magical abilities and resistance.
I do HC Gale's knows many other culture/ancient/DIY spells, given his backstory setting & character
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2. Rambling about Menzoberranyr drow's society Let's start with this very helpful Drow Hierarchy Map made by TrashPrinceDio (a big thank you!!). While I have different interpretations of some parts, it's a great reference for navigating the confusing descriptions!
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Zil would be at the middle left on the map as one of the spies of the church.
So archmages,
In my world, I didn't limit drow male wizards to being only noble heirs. Since spellcasting ability is such a rare gift, I imagine that as opportunistic as drows are, a poor family would do all they could to send the gifted kid to Sorcere or sell them to the church or noble houses. At the same time, it makes sense that many of the drow mages are noble sons because it seems there is innate magic flowing in many noble bloodlines.
I would also say there are other routes for a male to gain higher social status, although I think they would give more thought before wasting any archmages because of their rarity compared to any other classes.
[DISCLAIMER] Again, I don't know as much DnD lore as I would hope. I could be very wrong about the lore, but these are pieced together based on my findings. I thought these were fun to share and also hope that if someone sees something off, they can kindly point them out for me! <3
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half-dorks · 3 months
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BG3 Epilogue : Origin Astarion (Spawn) x Gale
Well, they read for a reason.
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theharlotofferelden · 10 months
“Gale is so boring” he had a emotional and sexual relationship with a goddess and was so down bad for her that he tried to reclaim a small aspect of her power just to please her and in doing so ended up with a magical bomb in his chest yet that doesn’t keep him from being a kind, slightly condescending, enthusiastic malewife nerd who thinks your dirty ass smells good GET OUT OF MY HOUSE
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blighted-elf · 9 months
Every dialogue between Karlach and Gale is wild, I swear.
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the-song-of-avernus · 21 days
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current brainrot: Origin Karlach romances Gale, who chooses the crown - and at the epilogue party, she chooses to ascend in order to cure her engine and be with Gale (playing origin Karlach or Astarion and romancing him are the only times he'll directly intervene to 'cure' them).
GUARANTEE that she would wind up becoming the Goddess of Gratitude. That's ultimately her entire personality arc in the game. And is the NATURAL counterpart to Gale's portfolio, ambition.
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vspin · 9 months
On Act 3 and the lack of companion reactivity and dialogue.
So, I officially hit 400 hours on BG3 yesterday (no lifing it lmao) and I've been thinking about some things I wish Larian would improve or wish that they had implemented. A big thing that comes to mind is how much companion reactivity and dialogue abruptly stops in Act 3.
Act 1 really shines with companion reactivity. They always have something to say to the MC, to NPCs, or even to each other! I love the interaction after you use your ilithid powers for the first time and it's a 4 way conversation between everyone.
Then we get to Act 3 and there's such huge drop-off. Some big offenses:
Very little reaction to quests and locations. When I killed Raphael I only got comments from Astarion and Gale! Seriously?? We just survived a trip to the Hells! This happens with multiple quests
Blank faces when Durge is killed by Bhaal.
Camp is lifeless. Everyone just stands in front of their bed, There are no interactions.
In my playthrough, the Emporer admitted to my Tav he was manipulating her and didn't really care. It was bummer I couldn't talk to the other tadpole gang about it.
I remember coming across a Druid in the city. He was trying to heal a tree. So I went back and grabbed Halsin because he was complaining no one in the city cared about nature or balance. So I thought surely, he would have an interaction here! Nope, nothing!
As soon as you finish a companion's personal quest that is basically the end of your interactions with them; even if you romance them.
What I'd like to see: (Disclaimer: Just my opinions. I have no expectation of any of this being added to the game)
More camp interaction between companions. Jahiera and Minsc had a great example of this. Let there be a quick cutscene of Minsc and Halsin arm wrestling. Shadowheart, Karlach, and Astarion drinking wine. Anything. DA:I did a great job at this. It seemed like anytime I approached someone for dialogue they were in the middle of an interaction with someone else. Or events like the card game. It brought a lot of life into the party.
More random city encounters. They did a good job with Karlach; she has interactions with the steel watcher and her friend Fitz. Would have been cool to have some of those with Wyll, maybe he meets another noble or a flaming fist and has to deal with their shock of seeing him as a devil. Or with Gale in Sorcerous Sundries (he is a famous wizard after all!). Astarion mentions he needs to keep a low profile in the taverns; what if someone called him out!
More reactions to story events.
Expand on romances a bit more. We don't need it to be a dating sim but if you finish your LI's quest early on get used to just asking for small pecks and that's it. I would like to see more romance-specific dialogue for quest reactions.
And Finally:
We needed all companions at the final battle. Everyone should have been at the main keep before confronting the brain. You should have had your final conversations with them before you all potentially die in battle. DA:O style. A passionate kiss with your LI (not a tiny little peck lmao). This was a huge exclusion.
Anyway, these are my thoughts on the matter. Thanks for coming to my Ted Talk.
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nuka-rockit · 7 months
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his lack of rizz and swagless aura have captivated me your honor
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deadrocks · 10 months
On the one hand it is very funny that Gale is turned on by Tav's unwashed body "musk" and their sweat-and-blood-covered post-battle glow, but on the other hand it wrenches my heart a bit to see him fall in love with all the parts of a physical, mortal body that Mystra surely never bothered to replicate.
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galedekarios · 9 months
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I didn't know you felt so strongly, Gale.
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achlysfx · 9 months
I can't breathe 🤣😭😵
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nimthirielrinon · 7 months
“Mock me if you will” - fuck off!
This is why I have a thing for Gale:
- He is kind, intelligent, amiable, and a good cook.
- doesn’t sugarcoat that magic is extremely difficult but also doesn’t discredit your own attempt at the Weave and even praises you
- was an exceptionally powerful wizard until he nerfed himself with the Orb
-Even with reduced magical abilities he’s still extremely intelligent and highly knowledgeable
- If you say you don’t understand a Big Decision that comes up in Act 3, he doesn’t make you feel inadequate but instead recognises he should have done more to help you understand, and then HE DOES.
- He’s understanding of the folly of youth
- He’s dedicated
- He cares more about your relationship than his own ambition
- Speaking of dedicated, says he doesn’t deserve you, but is determined to work every day to be as good as you deserve so you KNOW he’s not using it as a manipulation tactic but rather telling you that you inspire him to be a better version of himself
- Has a good sense of humour
- Even with nerfed abilities, he conjures a whole new sky for you in the blighted lands, then opens up to you and shows you the centre of his universe and into the weave
- He’s good with his tongue
- Damn it he’s a good man.
Screw anyone who disses this charming, talented, and delightful gentleman.
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galesdevoteewife · 1 month
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Just a thought occurred to me today:
Apparently wizards can make programmed vibrators.
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carryoncastiel · 7 months
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owlbearwildshape · 4 months
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Half-Ilithid Durge attempts to break up with Astarion for his own good
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bongwaterbunny · 2 months
oh god i just want to listen to gale yap. watching him move his hands in excitement as he talks about his most recent read, delving into the details and plot points as his eyes light up and his voice can barely keep up with the speed of his thoughts! even if i don't understand a thing he's saying, i feel like he would stop every so often and recap, or ask me questions to make sure im not completely lost. following him as he hops from each train of thought to the next, his little brain going a million miles a minute as his voice literally gives out on him because hes just. so. happy! he loves to talk, he loves explaining things and it doesn't matter if you're familiar with the topic or not because he just likes to teach!!
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