demonwebs · 13 hours
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WHAT'S THE MOST DANGEROUS POISON YOU'VE EVER USED? [ ... ] love , he said . [ ... ] love ? [ ... ] love . it kills so slowly , and doesn't it taste so sweet ?
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ask-gale · 11 months
"Hello? Is this thing working?"
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"This is Tara. Mr. Dekarios is asleep right now. He keeps gushing about how nice everyone in this little magical artifact is, so I thought I'd check it out for myself while he's not around."
Tara inspects the strange magical box with suspicion, trying to figure out how it works.
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chaiisms · 2 months
all of the following prompts are taken from party banter between the companions in larian studios' baldurs gate 3 (2023). there should be no spoilers! also, a disproportionate amount of these are from astarion and karlach. i'm not sorry.
I am enjoying our walks together, aren't you, [ name ]?
You'll be as depraved as the rest of us in no time.
Friend of yours?
Were you always so sneaky?
If there's hope for me there's hope for anyone.
How are we not there yet? My feet are killing me.
This is what I get for trying to strike up conversation.
We're not going to have trouble, are we?
If we continue this way, we may get too close for comfort.
Don't get too comfortable. We shouldn't overstay our welcome in such a place.
Do you have pet names for each other yet?
[ name ]! Was that a joke?
You know what - that is not the easiest of questions for me to answer.
Given your own nature, are you really the one to judge?
You can read?!
I'm surprised - I expected you to turn your back once you got what you wanted.
I wouldn't know a flirtation if you whacked me alongside the head with it.
Why stay somewhere safe and comfortable when we could be in mortal peril?
Can't say I love what they've done with the place.
I'm learning to enjoy the taste of chaos. Count me in.
At least you didn't tell me to 'be myself'.
You have so much to learn. Repeat after me: honey muffin, sweetie pie, sugarplum.
Nice to be in a crowd of normal people for once.
So [ name ], how is your sad, hopeless pining going?
You seemed a million miles away just then.
I fear I've been rather hasty to judge you, [ name ].
Ready to enter the belly of the beast?
Step one of starting a conversation: think before you speak.
I hear your relationship has taken on a new aspect recently…
All right, just keep it down. We're conspicuous enough without your hyena call.
Not one for roughing it, I see.
Why not have a little fun?
You're right, of course. Forgive me.
My money's on you, [ name ].
The echoes - listen! They're coming from three directions!
Want me to carry you?
Feeling at home?
Treat them right, or you'll have me to answer to.
Oh, darling, would you?
No doubt they found me too intimidating.
A girl could get used to this.
Now I don't know what to believe.
Well - yes, it was a joke.
I know that, too. It just wasn't funny.
And here I thought I rubbed you the wrong way.
Man, it's good to be home. First round on who?
Oh, I wouldn't actually leave. After all, where would you be without me?
You've quite the knack for finding the bright side of things, haven't you?
Well what would impress you, then?
Let's just stop this conversation right here, shall we?
Must've been an awful day for the people who lived here
You've clearly thought this through a great deal. I'm impressed and appalled in equal measure.
Sure, but think of the stories you'll be able to tell.
I never was scared of the shadows.
I know you're not really as heartless as all that.
I judged you wrongly. I'm sorry.
Are you charging for this sage advice, or is sticking your nose into my business just a hobby?
Pragmatism, thy name is [ name ].
That's ironic, coming from you.
We're either very clever or very lucky.
You do not need luck to survive, [ name ]. Not when you have me.
That will make getting word to my mother rather tricky.
Stop gawking at the decor. This place is dangerous.
I can't tell if you're joking.
So, what's it like caring for someone other than yourself, [ name ]?
You think I'm beautiful?
I feel it too. Here if you need a pick-me-up.
Yet another thing we have in common. We're two peas in a pod.
Is it so unbelievable that they would simply like me?
Use your words.
You gonna catch me if I eat a brick?
[ name ], I've heard you talking in your sleep.
Let's never speak of this again.
You can take a day off once in a while, [ name ]
Hey! Something bit me.
Cheer up. It might be all downhill from here.
I love a nice secret hideaway, don't you?
Think the bar is open?
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stargazingdesign · 6 months
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— Commission - BG3
Hi everyone! It's been a while since I posted my last commissions, so I'll be posting some of my finished works in the upcoming weeks, while I'm working on my next template. This one was finished some time ago and I loved to work on it, I really liked the theme and how it went out. Thank you for trusting my work @astaricn! 🤗💖
If you want to get a custom doc please feel free to DM me! Commissions are open!
Likes and reblogs are appreciated!
Thank you so much for your support! ✨
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lookingforroleplayers · 10 months
Baldur's Gate RP masterlist!
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Reblog this post and add in the tags
your URL
if you’re a single muse or a multimuse
if they're canon or an OC
your muse’s name
EXAMPLE: scrunklyrpblog, single muse, animal crossing verse, Scrunkly the Mighty
to be added in the list!
this is a masterlist only for the Baldur's Gate series! If you're interested in other DND blogs, please check this masterlist!
NOTE: if you have a multimuse blog, write as many muses as you have; if you’d like, feel free to give your muse a “title” to describe them!
Characters in alphabetical order can be found HERE
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wisterias-in-bloom · 17 days
Karlach open starter.
Everyone was getting ready for sleep as Karlach instead reached for the post to keep watch. She could see Rivington and the lower city from there. While the lights of the city slowly snuffed, she was the only left awake with the insomniacs and the creatures of the night.
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ask-the-pale-elf · 9 months
(We are alone at camp the others all had some stuff they had to take care of in town) You're such a good boy Scratch.* pets him vigorously* Such a cute soft bestest boy aren't you? Yes you are! Astarion! Isn't he just the cutest?
The vampire spawn couldn't help but narrow his eyes at your affection towards the... dog. Ugh. He was barely a good boy at all, didn't even fetch the ball after one game of fetch. Weak. Pathetic. Barely a good boy at all.
Yet here you are lavishing the lazy mutt with all your affection, he couldn't help but sneer at it. What did the dog do to deserve all your affection? Huh? Be cute, wag his tail, loll out its tongue? If that's all it took to get you to roll over and be all over this damn dog then he would've done that ages ago-
Ahem. Whatever. He side-eyed you and Scratch, "... If you consider flea ridden beasts to be cute then sure. Let me know when you want better company."
(Insight Check: Successful!)
A small glint of jealousy flickered within his sanguine eyes, it only intensified when you called Scratch a good boy. Especially when you called the damn mutt bestest boy.
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soundlessroom-archive · 6 months
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"Don't stop me, I worked to hard for all of this." "I can't make you lose yourself." Act 3 Questline of Ceres
I kinda imagine Gale like this. And because I can you find under the cut other characters who were told by their creators would react the same way.
Rou by @ssalballoon :::
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Alex by @siantary // @alexoiscello :::
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Shayan by my Partner ♥
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mysticrosed · 3 months
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" jealous ? of who ? you ? i do not feel such thing . you my friend are being delusional . " the proud wizard states without a flinch . " jealousy are only for the weak - minded . the talentless . which i am not . "
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raqhael · 14 days
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* how does one summon a devil ? ―――  candles ? entrails ?  independent & selective raphael from baldur's gate 3. written by ren
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halofcrged · 5 months
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Indie multi-verse & ship RP blog for the Master Chief of the Halo TV series. 18+ required. 21+ preferred. Multi-muse/hub blog & OC friendly. Written by Penny. Activity varies wildly. Crossovers available for non-Halo threads! Mainly show & headcanon based; games & book & mini series info may be incorporated as I get through it all.
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wildskissed · 30 days
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I would love to get back into the swing of things, so like/reblog this if you would like to start something new with me to get the ball rolling! 💜
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wisterias-in-bloom · 18 days
(To both Karlach and Lae'Zel), It's getting a bit cold at night, are wesure we'll be warm enough in our own tents?
"In crèche k'liir we are trained to sustain all sorts of weather, though if you are so worried, I wager karlach will be pleased to have you sneak in her tent" Lae'zel suggested.
"damn the frog is right, if you are cold you can always come n knock on my door, soldier." She grinned. "I definitely have heat to spare" She joked. "Zel, you are welcome to join too" She added at last with a wink.
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ask-the-pale-elf · 11 months
"I'm not infiltrating the masquerade in this dress!", she says while fuming, arms crossed at her chest in the hopes of cover at least something. "Are you joking? This is practically transparent, I might as well be wearing nothing!"
Only after she has said those words does she realize what a terrible sentence that was, considering who she is talking to.
His pointed ears twitched as you fumed, yet he was still continuing to put on his tie. Astarion's long fingers slightly shaking as he handled the black cloth. A steady breath entered his nostrils and his red eyes were covered by his weary eyelids as he let his breath go.
After looking down at his assembled outfit, he walked towards a chair where a black cloak laid. The pale man grabbed it and proceeded to toss it over your head, covering your vision and your torso, “Take off the dress and hand it to me.”
As you stood there gawking at him, his eyes narrowed, “Hurry up! I don’t have all day!”
Eventually you hand him the dress after you change into much more comfortable clothing. He snatched it away and sauntered into another room.
But what exactly was he going to do with your dress? Your curiosity couldn’t help but get the better of you and you were met with Astarion’s back turned away from you, hunched over.
Astarion didn’t seem to notice you, instead he seemed laser focused on the dress you handed to him. His nimble fingers stitching together the large opening on the dress. Unfortunately that didn’t cover everything so he absentmindedly grabbed some golden thread and began to embroider a pattern onto the offending section of the dress.
This went on for several minutes, you were sure that the two of you were going to be late but Astarion didn’t care, he was going to fix this damn dress.
Once the needle exited the dress one final time, Astarion bit the string with his fangs. He held his newest work of art in front of him, making sure that it was up to snuff.
After a moment of his eyes darting all over the dress, he turned to you, “Perfect, I was just about to call for you, my dear.”
He threw the dress at you and proceeded to look his nails, “It’s not my best work but it’ll have to do. If you’re still not satisfied with that thing, I’m sure we can steal something from a boutique.”
Passive Perception Check: The dress was closed up the best it could be, and in the area he couldn’t fully achieve his goal, you see a golden rose embroidered in its center. Not just its bloom but it’s surrounded by thorns, reminding everyone that you’re not to be trifled with.
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oakthcrn · 4 months
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A woman like me has a sword for a tongue, night in the heart, and room in the body for only the mysterious--the impossible, unfathomable things.
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