revo-depresso · 1 year
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cevansbrat0007 · 1 month
Regrets Only.
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Summary: Ari reaches his limit with your latest TikTok prank...
Warnings: Mature Themes, Smut, Ari Being A Menace, TikTok Pranks, Shenanigans, Angry!Ari, Brat!Reade, Small Chase Kink, Light Manhandling. Biting, Spanking, Bondage, Handcuffs, Overstimulation, Cursing, Minors DNI
A/N: Prompt courtesy of @jamneuromain. Part my Sweet Renegade Series. Semi-proofread, not beta'd. All mistakes are my own. Likes, comments, and reblogs are always appreciated. Thanks for reading!
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In all the times you’ve tried, you’ve never once regretted pranking your man with something you’d seen on TikTok – until today. Yes. Believe it or not, this time you might’ve gone a bit too far. 
Which is why you’re currently holed up in Ari’s fairly spacious closet, sipping on a bottle of water and munching on a granola bar while you wait for the bounty hunter to calm down. You lean back with a sigh, only to wince when you feel a shoe digging into your side. 
You make quick work of tossing it to the other side of the room before returning to the treat in your hand. But just as you go to take another bite, you hear something that makes your stomach sink - even as your pulse spikes. 
And it lets you know that you are well and truly fucked.
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Earlier That Day (Roughly Twenty-Seven Minutes Ago)
After a solid ten minutes of vigorous stretching, you bend down to check the laces on your tennis shoes. Once they’re secure, you quietly make your way to the kitchen to retrieve the items you needed for your latest prank. The one you planned to play on your favorite unsuspecting bounty hunter, who was blissfully snoring away on a couch in the living room. 
Now, this particular one just so happened to be a little…bolder than either of your previous stunts. It required more courage, coupled with a dash of bravery, and a well thought out Plan B in the event things went south. 
You open the refrigerator and pull out the pack of hot dogs you’d bought during your last trip from the grocery store. While you’d originally told Ari that you wanted him to put them on the grill, he had no way of knowing that they would also be used to torture him. Common sense told you that you’d be better off keeping that tiny piece of information to yourself. 
Stifling a mischievous giggle, you extract one singular frankfurter from the package before resealing it and putting it away. Next, you move to your utility drawer to gleefully swipe a pair of scissors. 
This was the entire plan. You were going to quietly tuck a hot dog in your man’s zipper, and then wake him up so he could watch you snip it in half with a pair of scissors. In all the videos you watched – and you’d watched a number of them – every bleary eyed victim panicked as if you’d just cut off their actual dick. 
And therein lay the prank. 
The clips had left you in stitches for hours. So much so that Ari had noticed how much fun you were having, only to roll his eyes when you revealed that you were scrolling through his least favorite app on your phone.
Fucking TikTok.
He hated it. You loved it. Frankly, the only reason he even tolerated you telling him about the things you’d seen is because he could tell it brought you joy. 
Excitement buzzes through you as you tiptoe into the living room. You’re grateful to see that Ari is still sleeping, snoring soundly with one impressively muscled arm tucked behind his head. 
With gentle hands, you dutifully undo the zipper of his Levi’s before carefully inserting the hot dog. Since you don’t want to mess this up, you make sure to go slow, taking your time. You just knew this prank was going to be epic. 
Once that’s done, you briefly take a second to wipe your hands on your leggings before taking a deep breath. Well, it was now or never. Go big or go home, as they say. 
Leaning down, you grab Ari by the shoulder, attempting to jostle him awake. It takes a couple tries, but he does eventually open his eyes.
“Whaa–?” A grin breaks out across his handsome features as he emerges from his sleepy haze. “Hey, baby.”
“Hiya, Beast.” You offer him what you hope looks like your most unhinged smile and the reveal the pair of scissors that, up until now, you’d kept hidden behind your back. “How’s about I take a little off the top?” You sing, brandishing the shears. 
“The hell?” His confused blue eyes go wide as they follow the path of the scissors. Shock overcomes him as he watches, in what feels like slow motion, as you cut off a sizable portion of the frank. 
“WHAT THE FUCK?!” He roars, grabbing himself as he scrambles off the couch and onto the floor before proceeding to do the funniest, most awkward backwards crab walk you’ve ever seen in your life. 
You double over with laughter as Ari struggles to come to grips with the fact that you definitely did not just make him the next John Bobbitt your Lorena. He’s breathing hard as he rips the hot dog out of his zipper, holding it up to the light. 
“Oh my God, that was amazing!” You wheeze.
“The hell is wrong with you?!” He tosses the damned thing across the room before covering his face with his hands as he wills himself to calm down. “Have you lost your fuckin’ mind?”
Wiping tears from your eyes, you decide to put the bounty hunter out of his misery by whispering his least favorite phrase: “It was a prank!” A renewed wave of laughter hits you when you recall just how gobsmacked he’d been by the whole ordeal. God, your sides hurt something fierce. 
“Just what in the ever loving fuck would make you think that was funny?” Ari growls low in his throat as he finally sits up. And the look he’s giving you now…
It’s hot enough to burn right through you. And not in a sexy way.
“That’s just the magic of TikTok, I guess.” Your smile wanes as you watch your severely irritated boyfriend slowly climb to his feet. “I mean, you should’ve seen your face when–”
“When what?” Comes his quiet rumble, the sound reverberating deep in his chest. “When I thought you cut my dick off just now? Is that–is that what you’re laughing about?” The smile he offers you looks a little less than friendly.
“Um yeah. I’d say so.”
Instinct, as well as the need for self-preservation, has you taking a cautious step backwards. You were prepared to run if you had to. It was the whole reason why you’d stretched in the first place.
“Oh yeah?” Ari scrubs a palm over his ticking jaw. “Is that so?”
Instead of responding you decide to simply nod. Oh, and take another step backwards, of course.
“I’m sure that if you’d maybe stop and think about it –”
“Why don’t you c’mere so I can show you just how much I appreciate your so-called sense of humor?” He motions you forward, opening up his waiting arms. 
But you know better. 
“I, uh…” You hedge, bracing your hands in front of you. “Can see you might need some more time to appreciate the joke. So I’m just gonna…um…” You blow out a breath. “Give you some space so you can – eeeep!”
An incensed Ari picks that moment to strike - lunging at you with a speed that belies his size. Thank goodness you’re prepared. Ducking under his arms, you spin around and make a mad dash for the stairs. Squealing, you take them two at a time, hoping to make it to your sanctuary before he can get his hands on you. 
“Get your ass back here, Bird!” 
No way, pal!
Heart pumping, you grab the doorframe and all but slingshot yourself into Ari’s bedroom, slamming the door behind you. While it would only buy you a couple of seconds, that was really all you needed. 
You dive headlong into a nearby closet before swiftly closing the door and hitting the lock. As your chest heaves, you decide to take a seat on the floor before reaching for the bottle of water you’d previously planted in your hiding spot.
After guzzling almost half, you replace the cap. You knew you ought to conserve your rations. Just in case you were stuck here for a while. 
“I’m not on your shit today, baby. Okay? Today your man’s got time!” Ari bellows seconds later. “So, if I were you, I’d come on out now!”
Shaking your head, you vow to stay silent. So you say nothing, even when he tries the knob on the door that separates him from you. 
“Open up, sweetheart!”
Again you say nothing, in favor of unwrapping one of your favorite granola bars. They were the chewy kind, the ones that tasted more like dessert than they did something healthy.  
“I’ll come out when you calm down!” You finally yell back after you chew and swallow. “Fucking Beast.” You grumble under your breath.
“Oh, I’m more than calm.” The weight of his sardonic chuckle is not lost on you. “Why don’t you come on out and see?” You can’t help but jump when one of his fists pounds on the door. “I swear…I just wanna talk.”
“I don’t believe you!” 
“You’re gonna open this door, darlin’.”
“No, I’m not!” You hiss, throwing one of his shoes at the wall for good measure.
“Yes, you are.” Ari hits back. “Now, you can either come out on your own, or…”
“Or else what?” 
“Or, I’ll come in there and get you. And trust me, little Bird…that’s the last thing you want.”
“Yeah?” You spit, meanwhile inwardly lamenting your man’s lack of a sense of humor for the umpteenth time. “Well…” You take another bite of your granola bar. “I’d like to see you try.”
Famous last words.
Ari whistles low, making you shiver. “Wait right there, baby. I’ll see you in a minute.”
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You let out a sigh of relief once you get the sense that you’re finally alone. As funny as it all had seemed initially, you were quickly coming to regret this particular prank. The longer you sat in this closet, the more you began to honestly examine – and then reexamine – your life choices.
Perhaps it was time to give your newfound love of pranking your bounty hunter a break. Lips pursed in thought, you allow yourself another bite of your chewy bar. Only to frown when you hear a very familiar sound that fills you with instant regret.  
Apparently Ari had returned. And he’d brought his power drill. Fuck!
Your mouth goes dry as the sound grows louder. And then you’re forced to watch in horror as your man makes fast work of literally removing the closet door from its hinges. It was the last thing you ever expected your normally rather patient and understanding boyfriend to do. 
“There’s my girl.” Ari’s dangerous purr comes as he picks up the now useless slab or wood and sets it aside like it weighs almost nothing. “C’mon out of there so we can talk.” 
When you don’t move, your bounty hunter decides to come get you. He hauls you out by your wrist, making sure not to bruise you in the process.
“Beast, don’t you think you’re being a little dramatic? I mean – ooh!” You scoff, only to rise on your toes when his free hand comes down on your vulnerable ass. Hard.
“Let me make something very clear here, darlin’.” He leads you over to the bed before sitting down and then pulling you over his knee. “You want to waste time messin’ around on that stupid app you love so much? Fine.” Ari slaps your rump again, forcing you to bury your face in the covers to keep from crying out. 
“But where I’m gonna draw the line right now is you testin’ ‘em out on me. Unless you’re in that kitchen whipping up a new recipe I am not to be your guinea pig. You get me?”
His heavy palm comes down hard again when you don’t respond. This time he takes a moment to massage your cotton covered backside. “Do. You. Get. Me.” Each word is peppered by a solid smack.
“Yes!” You wail, although it comes out slightly muffled. 
Still not satisfied, Ari goes to grip the waistband of your leggings, dragging them down to your ankles, complete with your simple, white cotton panties. “This could’ve been a relaxing Sunday for us, little Bird. Just mindin’ our own business.” You can’t help but shiver when you feel him fondle your upturned ass, molding and massaging your burning cheeks. “But you just had to go and be a brat, didn’t you?”
“I–I’m sorry!”
It was too little, too late. And you both knew it.
“Oh now, you’re sorry.” He mocks before raining down a fury of perfectly-timed smacks. “I love you, baby. I do. But I also know you. You’re not really sorry – at least not yet.” 
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Ari eases out from beneath you, all the while demanding that you remain face down with your reddened ass pushed up in the air so that he can enjoy the view while he prepares the next part of your punishment. And you had best believe you feel his sharp teeth sink into the left globe of your ass before he goes.
Consider it a parting gift.
One Hour Later…
And that’s how you found yourself handcuffed to the bed, courtesy of the signature purple, butter leather cuffs he’d had made for you. Unfortunately for you, you’d learned that he’d recently purchased another set…
For your ankles.
Your bounty hunter smiles as he picks up one of your vibrators – the one you’d purchased together – before applying it to your already oversensitive clit. Bucking your hips, you try to escape the torture.
With no such luck.
You desperately tug at your restraints, even as your cries fall on deaf ears. No matter how many times you promised to never play another prank on him ever again, it still wasn’t enough. Instead he’d continued to keep you bound while he worked out his anger…
By ruthlessly overstimulating your poor, sweat slicked body. No matter how many times you came, no matter how many times you threatened to scream yourself hoarse, he kept demanding more.
Because, according to Ari, since you’d taken a few years off his life, you apparently owed him as many orgasms by way of apology as you were able to give. Which meant you were going to be sore as hell tomorrow. 
Which was why, in this moment, although you could feel another orgasm threatening to overtake you, you were filled with nothing but…
Regrets only.
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jxckchxmpi0n · 1 year
Ethan Landry as spiderman headcannon
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I'm thinking about Ethan as Spiderman ♡
The idea of Ethan as Spiderman makes me giggle.
did not proof read. |m.list
I start college in 4 weeks but more into my dorm in 2 😵‍💫🤮
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Ethan would keep it a secret for as long as he could but one night, he forgot you were coming over, so he was messing around in his suit when you walked in, and he almost shot you with his web.
You yelled at him like a mother, and anytime you would make some smart comment about being a hero, he would hit you with the "Okay, MOOMM"
There would be some nights where if he got hurt pretty badly, he would go to your bedroom window. you would already have the first aid kit on your bed and the window unlocked, waiting for him.
After you found out about his spider side you begged him to take you swinging around the city, but he would say no for weeks until he realized you won't stop asking.
"I'm telling you this now, don't open your mouth unless you want to eat bugs for dinner."
"Yeah, yeah I'll survive bug boy."
When he started to get noticed by the public and people made merch he would 100% buy it and make you and him match when it was movie night
If it was a slow night in crime he would go to your place with wildflowers and tell you his favorite crimes he's stopped
When you guys' hangout he gets bored sometimes so he would start throwing your things and shoot them and web them to your ceiling and see how long it would take you to notice
His favorite thing is when you're across the room and he wants attention from you he would shoot his web across the room around your waist and pull you towards him.
Some nights when you clean his cuts when it's really bad you don't warn him you are cleaning it, so he yelps and slaps your hand away. "OW! that hurt what the hell y/n!"
"Oh, shush bug boy you are fine."
Some days you wanted him to set aside the spider-man persona and be Ethan for one night. Halfway through, it ends up in him running into an ally and swinging through the buildings while you watched.
He would walk around your room... like walk around! Walls and ceiling just walk around like it's normal.
If you were busy doing homework at your desk and he was on your bed, he would crawl on your ceiling and hang over you, wondering when you'd be done. "Are you don't yet?!"
You look up and see his face a few inches away. "No, I'm not, I'm sorry, but I need this to be done tonight, or I won't get it done at all!"
He leaves web messages around town for you.
He let's you play with his web shooters
He left a suit at your house and came over one day to you, trying it on. "Baby- what- what are you doing"
You freeze. "WHAA NOTHING"
He laughs and holds your face "God you're so adorable!" He then kisses your face everywhere.
Sometimes, he lets you be the man woman in the chair.
Making spiderman themed bracelets. He never takes it off!
He would 100% start teaching you fighting moves just because crime has gotten worse
He makes you carry pepper spray which back fired-
He thought it would be funny to scare you one day but you had the pepper spray and you sprayed him
You couldn't help but feel terrible at first but once he healed he just acted like a baby.
"I though I'd never see again!"
When he's swinging around town and he see that you see him he waves aggressively.
Even though he's a spider when he sees one he still freaks out.
"Y/N THERES A SPIDER ON YOUR WALL!!!! ITS BIG A GROSS!!!!" He stood on you bed scared.
"Now what did we say? No talking about yourself like that!" He threw a pillow at you while you laughed.
When he catches another criminal he ends up break dancing in his suit.
There is no doubt in the world that this boy would go shopping but mid spree his spider tingles when off and he came home without the food.
He makes uses his webs in school. You don't like when he does but sometimes he does it for you. "Ughh there's only one muffin left" you were close to the end of the line.
He looks around and stretched his arm out activating the webs. He grabbed the muffin and before you can fully blink he put it in your hand. "Love you"
Talks way too much when fighting
Dances in the middle of fighting
Gaslights the criminal
"Oh no not knives please it's my worst fear" he falls covering his face.
"Yeah that's right punk-" he shot his webs ans then just used the robber as shooting practice.
100% makes "pew pew pew" noises when he shoots his webs
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shunin-gumis · 1 month
Designs of Happiness - Track A08
L4mps Main Story Translation
Title: ep.2 What you have
Characters: Yodaka
Summary: As the bar closes up for the day, Yodaka feels a certain way about their mundane day-to-day… 
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Thank you aca @463ce6, jes @arcanecrayonn and myun @/myuntachis for helping me with proofing!
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Location: Ten Nights of Dreams BAR
Yodaka: I wonder, has the rain stopped yet?
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Yunyun: Ah~ I was thinkin’ about that too.
Yodaka: It’s difficult to tell since we don’t have any windows.
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Chouun: According to the precipitation radar, the rain should stop in 30 minutes.
Yodaka: That’s impressive, Chouun. I didn’t know you had a function like that.
Chouun: Yes, Yodaka-dono.
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Yunyun: What are you on about, boss~? Chouun’s a state-of-the-art pet robot, y’know~? You’re like, the only one who’d use ‘em as a glorified jukebox. 
Yodaka: Perhaps I should request weather reports from now on too.
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Chouun: …Understood.
Yunyun: Huh… No wonder we didn’t have many customers today.
Yodaka: I think we can call it a night. Would you mind switching off the signboard outside?
Yunyun: Sure thing~
Chouun: …Yodaka-dono. What would you like to do about the music?
Yodaka: Please continue playing it as is.
Chouun: Understood.
Yunyun: And that’s that for closing up… Oh, right! I forgot to tell ya– That wallpaper in the bathroom? It’s seen better days. 
Yodaka: I’ll contact the vendor tomorrow morning.
Yunyun: I’m countin’ on ya, boss~ Oh, and while you’re at it, mind replacing the freezer, too? That thing’s been here since forever, even before we took over. I’m telling ya, it’s on its last legs.
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Yodaka: I see. I’d been quite fond of it, but I suppose we should have it replaced before it causes problems.
Yunyun: Yay~ I totally looked into some options already, I’m way too good at my job~
Yodaka: How very diligent of you.
Yunyun: Like, look at this one! There’s also this, and maybe even that one… There’s even models that can produce pure ice, ain’t that just wild!? We don’t need to go outta our way to buy ice cubes any more!
Yodaka: Hm…
Yunyun: Ah, the price tag’s givin’ you cold feet, huh?
Yodaka: You could say that.
Yunyun: Speaking of which~ What happened to that deal from before?
Yodaka: Hm? What deal?
Yunyun: You know the one~ From that beautiful and busty CEO~
Yodaka: Ah… You mean her… 
Yunyun: She’s been dropping by here all the time ‘cuz she’s got her eye on you— She even offered to franchise our bar, and she seemed pretty hyped about it too!
Yunyun: With her backing, the investment’s gotta be some crazy amount! I wonder where we should open up our next store~
Yodaka: We won’t have to worry about that. I turned her down.
Yunyun: Wha–!? Are you for real?
Yodaka: Of course. 
Yunyun: Wait, whaa– C’mon! I mean, I kinda knew you’d be like this, but!
Yunyun: What a waste~ That’s a once-in-a-lifetime chance y’know~~!
Yodaka: …..
Yunyun: I mean, that prez was a total hottie. I could like, totally see hearts in her eyes whenever she was lookin’ at you, Yodaka-san.
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Yunyun: I’m totally sure that she had the hots for you! You could’ve just gone for the gold!
Yodaka: For the gold?
Yunyun: Marrying into wealth! That’s like, my dream y’know~
Yodaka: This is the first time I’m hearing of it.
Yunyun: Aw man~ I mean, if we open up more shops, that means more employees, right? Then we could hire some cuties who’ve got a little extra in the chest department~ And then I’d make ‘em fall for me with my charms~
Yunyun: And I’m saying me, not you, mmkay~?
Yodaka: Haha, of course.
Yunyun: I coulda totally built my harem heaven right here y’know? And you’d be loaded with cash too, no doubt about it~
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Yunyun: This could’ve been my ticket to a super-duper happy life and yet…! Why’d you gotta dash ‘em all like that, you big dummy!
Yodaka: .....
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Yodaka: “To know you have enough.”
Yunyun: Enough of what? Beer?
Yodaka: This is a famous quote from Lao Tzu. He was one of the founders of Taoism, one of the three popular religions in China.
Yunyun: Huh… Never heard of ‘im.
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Yodaka: “To know you have enough is to know true enrichment.”
When one is satisfied with what they already have, that is when that they become enriched in both body and soul. It is one definition of happiness.
Yodaka: It’s important to learn to be happy with what you have, and to not be too greedy. I completely agree with this sentiment.
Yunyun: I mean~ Are you sure a teaching from some old fogey of years past is gonna hold water in the present?
Yunyun: It’s definitely better to have money than to not, and I know for sure I’d be happier havin’ a pretty lady hangin’ off my arm than bein’ all on my lonesome!
Yunyun: I’ve got a point, right!?
Yodaka: Leaving aside women… Even that CEO had said that having money isn’t enough to guarantee your happiness.
Yunyun: Eehhh~!?
Yodaka: I’ve had many opportunities to wine and dine some capable company owners. And yet, they all had similar opinions on this matter.
Yodaka: That they should have quit while they were ahead. After they hit a certain degree of success, rather than being happy with their progress, they can only worry and stress about how to make it bigger, and better. 
Yunyun: Hm~ Sounds like some first world problems to me~
Yunyun: So you’re saying to be happy with what I have?
Yunyun: Wait, is this some kinda plot to tell me you’re not gonna give me a raise!?
Yodaka: Haha, of course not. It’s simply a ‘plot’ to tell you that we can get a new freezer, but just a regular one. We’ll continue to buy our ice cubes from our usual supplier.
Yunyun: Fiiiiine…
Yunyun: Well, I already knew how much you like your vintage stuff from the moment we set up shop here.
Yodaka: …..
Yodaka: I must ask you, however. Are you not happy now?
Yunyun: Eh.
Yodaka: Time that is flowing slowly, peacefully, as we wind down for the day. Within a bar full of old but trusty equipment and peeling wallpaper. 
Yodaka: A quiet and relaxing atmosphere. The moon that comes out to greet the sun.
Yodaka: Quality jazz music playing in the background and… Conversation with a good old friend. 
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Yunyun: …..
Yodaka: I think that these carefree days spent with you, in our cozy bar, is when I’m the happiest… What about you?
Yunyun: Well… That’s… 
Yunyun: That just ain’t fair, askin’ me somethin’ like that.
Yunyun: Can’t say I’m not happy…
Yodaka: I’m relieved to know you feel the same as I do.
Yunyun: *Sigh*... You truly are an incorrigible flirt… 
Chouun: …Yodaka-dono. Are you certain that I am fulfilling my role here?
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Chouun: If you would update my software to the latest version, with the addition of some extraneous parts, I could be 8 heads tall to help serve customers as well.
Yodaka: Yes, you’re doing just fine as is. Thank you.
Yunyun: I mean, a Chouun that’s 8 heads tall? That’d just be scary… 
Yodaka: Let’s update the playlist for tomorrow.
Chouun: Understood, Yodaka-dono. What kind of selection would you prefer?
Yodaka: For tomorrow… Let’s see.
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Yodaka: Play the kind of music that would put a certain worrywart of a bartender at ease. 
"To know you have enough" is one translation for the saying 吾唯足るを知る by Lao Tzu.
The ideal human proportion is considered to be 8 heads tall.
Whenever the term 幸福 (happiness) comes up in these "flashback" episodes it's highlighted in green.
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lmksimp · 2 years
HCs of MK, RedSon and Wukong when others says that it so obvious that they had a huge Crush over their crush. Gender neutral
Yisss! 'nother request, thank you anon
Genre(s): crushing
Pronouns: they / them
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MK got a crush and its you!
The others thinks its so obvious that he has a crush on you.
He showed some BIG signs of crushing on you
One day mei goes: "why don't you confess to them already?" with a teasing smile
He was definitely caught off gaurd
Mans stumbling over his words and blushing like theres no tomorrow
He would question on how it was obvious
Until he just snaps out of his dumbness and just gets embarrassed
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So you somehow stole the Demon bull Kings sons heart? What is your luck today?
I mean he wouldn't show much signs but he sure damn has alot
So whenever he's near you, if your observant you can see his hair flare up abit
Might look away from you so you can't see his blush
If you help him with his machinery stuff
He might fall inlove with you again-
His mother, clearly sees his huge crush on you and agrees for you guys to get engaged or smth
Bull king still questioning if he should allow it
"you seem to have a crush on your 'friend' redson" PIF just blurts it out
Man is so embarrassed and angry but more on the embarrassed side
Sun wukong
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so you somehow caught the attention of the great monkey king
You are lucky 🍀
So he shows like abit of signs
He doesn't really want EVERYONE to know that he has a crush on a morta-
Whoops almost like everyone knows-
His successor also knows!
When they train he never takes his eyes off of you
The slightly heart eyes he gives you
The tail wrapping your waist and many more
So MK just asks if SW if he has a crush
"Whaa?? Noo, of course not.... *few moments of silence* They're Pretty, smart-"
He just adores you
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aeoki · 29 days
Number Eight - Take a Chance: Chapter 1
Characters: Rinne, HiMERU, Kohaku & Niki Location: In the air
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I’m falling I’m falling! Please open the parachute!
…Do they not understand me!? Oh, god – it's all over!
Whaa… ah. It finally opened! Man, that was scary~... I think I just shaved five years off my life!
(Uuu, why do I have to do this too…?)
(This is all Rinne-kun’s fault!)
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ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ< Ten or so hours ago. >
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Niki: Sorry for making you guys wait~ Everyone’s here?
Kohaku: …Oh, Niki-han. Are you finished with your part-time job?
Niki: Yeah, sorry I’m late. Things were really hectic today because we put a new item on the menu. I finally get to take a break now.
Anyway, what did you mean by “big offer” yesterday?
You put it in a pretty roundabout way on “Hallhands”, so I’ve been itching to know.
HiMERU: Regarding that, Amagi hasn’t shown up yet.
Niki: ? We were supposed to meet ages ago, right?
That’s odd~ Knowing Rinne-kun, I figured he’d be playing mahjong or something at Cafe Cinnamon.
HiMERU: Indeed. He was the one who organised his meeting, so it’s incredibly selfish to see him running so late.
After all, this isn’t his first time causing trouble for others. Let’s chat and wait for him to arrive. You can also use this time to rest, Shiina.
Niki: Guess it can’t be helped. I’ve got a staff meal with me, so I’ll have that as we wait.
Today’s staff meal is a hamburg steak rice bowl. I’m gonna enjoy the juicy meat and its wonderful flavours before Rinne-kun starts bothering me ♪
Rinne: That for me? Thanks~♪
Niki: Whaa!? Rinne-kun!
Hey! How bad is your timing!? Were you waiting in hiding just so you could steal my hamburg steak!?
Rinne: You get pretty paranoid when it comes to food, huh. I just arrived a few seconds ago.
Anyway, the gang’s all here? Great, we can get the ball rollin’.
Get ready in half an hour, guys ♪
Kohaku: Huh? What’re you sayin’ all of a sudden…?
Get ready? For what?
Rinne: Gyahaha. You can tell by lookin’ at what I’ve got with me, right?
This suitcase is full of hopes and dreams, ya know? ☆
Kohaku: Uhh? I don’t understand a word you’re sayin’.
Rinne: Hmm~ Guess you’re too young, huh, Kohaku-chan ♪ Get this – we’re going overseas for our next shoot!
It’s part of the bullet tour project that Anzu-chan told me about – the one where you don’t know where you’re going! It’s perfect for “Crazy:B”, don’tcha think?
Niki: Overseas shoot…!?
HiMERU: Hmm. That’s sudden.
Do you even have a passport, Amagi?
Shiina has a hobby of travelling abroad to find new ingredients and Oukawa has attended the “IFF” award show, but you’ve never been abroad, have you, Amagi?
There isn’t a lot of time until the day of the shoot. The passport cannot be issued on the same day as the shoot, right?
Kohaku: That’s true… I just happen to have one since I was invited to attend the “IFF” award show, but I don’t think Rinne-han has had the need to go abroad at all.
Did you apply for a passport some time ago? Don’t tell me you knew about this work offer a while back?
Rinne: Gyahaha. Don’tcha worry, guys.
I got word that there weren’t any casinos in Japan. And you’d need a passport if you’re heading to the place famous for gambling. That’s all there is to it ♪
Niki: Whaaat…?
That sounds like something you’d say. But you could’ve said the reason for getting a passport was because you always dreamed of going overseas as an idol. Don’t you have any reasons like that~?
Rinne: Then I’ll ask you this: Could we even get any overseas work offers based on what “Crazy:B” has achieved so far? We’re still a rookie unit who’s only been together for less than a year, ya know?
We take off from Japan and head overseas – that’s a pretty enticing work offer for us, right?
Niki: It’s got no hopes or dreams, though.
Well, dreams won’t fill up an empty stomach, anyway~ Okay. We just have to get ready for an overseas trip, right?
The busy season is over, so it should be fine for me to take a break from my part-time job if I talk to the manager.
Kohaku: Are you sure, Niki-han?
This is still one form of a surprise attack. Your schedule’s filled out until the early evening, right? I don’t think you need to go out of your way to do this.
Niki: Nahaha. I guess this is another example of me going along with whatever Rinne-kun says~
But things are different if we’re going overseas for the shoot! If I get to use this opportunity to go overseas, then maybe I can make some progress on my food journey~
I get to combine my hobby with work and get something out of it ♪ It’s the perfect offer for me!
Kohaku: Oh, right… You were oddly motivated durin’ our last shoot too.
You really prefer the practical over the aesthetic, huh. If I hurt you, you’d probably forgive me if I simply gave you a box of sweets as an apology…
I suppose we should start packin’ our things right away then.
We’re talkin’ about Rinne-han here – he probably won’t take no for an answer.
HiMERU: HiMERU agrees. “Crazy:B” is all about readily agreeing even when everything is up in flames. We’re in no position to complain about the contents of the work offer.
Though it may be impertinent, I have a word of advice for you, Amagi, seeing as you don’t have a lot of experience overseas. Please make sure to bring your passport, a change of clothes and a cash card you can use there.
We don’t know where we’ll be going, but if it’s a place where idols work, then we should be able to manage somehow by sourcing things locally.
Rinne: Thanks. Now, this is what “Crazy:B’s” all about ☆
The dice is cast – there’s no going back. This is gonna be our first shoot overseas, so let’s hope the goddess of fortune looks down on us graciously…☆
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tytarax · 2 months
Part two because I say so (Next part will be the last one, I just felt I had to write this)
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Part 1
A loud bang echoed outside the sanatorium, making both of you "jump". “What was that?”
“Garchu! I thank you-gara from the bottom of my heart!”
“Shishilian…” you both responded in unison.
“The duke and the lady are expecting you! You can go in now! Hurry!” Shishilian's voice called from outside. “It looks like the Straw Hats have arrived,” you said, glancing at the door. “It seems so,” Dogstorm agreed, his eyes still on the newspaper as Chopper checked him over.
“Ah! Luffy! Everyone! You’ve arrived!” Chopper exclaimed as they finally entered. Luffy burst into the room, his usual grin stretching from ear to ear. “Hey, Chopper! We missed you—Huh?” Luffy’s voice trailed off as he looked up at the towering duke. “He’s huge!” a robot-like man marveled.
Wanda ran up and hugged Dogstorm’s arm. “Duke Dogstorm! I’m so glad you’re okay!” You gave her a warm smile, and Dogstorm looked down at her. “Wanda, I’m sorry I made you worry.”
“So, you-gara people are the Straw Hats?” Dogstorm asked.
“Yeah! I heard my crew saved your people, but I haven’t heard the whole story yet,” Luffy replied enthusiastically. “Anyway, I bet you’re really strong!”
“What!? That’s rude! The duke is the mightiest warrior in the country!” Wanda exclaimed, glaring at Luffy.
“And yet I still lost,” Dogstorm said, looking downcast.
“Don’t say that, love. Our enemies were troublesome, but we had the upper hand,” you said, placing your paw on his and meeting his gaze. But you noticed he seemed to be in a trance, letting out a low growl and starting to drool.
Both Wanda and you followed his gaze and spotted… that… delicious-looking… live corpse. “Oh no! He’s drooling!” Brook said, fear evident in his eye sockets.
“I know how you feel! He-teia saved us too!” Wanda said.
“What a delicious-looking savior,” He commented, his tongue still hanging out. “Remember, you’re not fully recovered yet, so… not now,” you said, smiling at your husband. “Not now or ever!” Brook screamed.
“I’ve already told some of your crewmates, Luffy, but I’m truly grateful to you for saving the country,” you said, still looking at Brook.
“Oh, it’s alright, miss! Who are you, by the way?” Luffy asked with a bright smile.
“Don’t be rude! That’s not how you address Lady ____!” Shishilian called out from the door.
“It’s quite alright, Shishilian. Don’t worry. As you heard, I’m ____, Duke Dogstorm’s wife, and—” You paused when you finally looked at Luffy. “Are you alright, ?” Dogstorm asked, a hint of concern in his voice.
“Yeah… yeah, I’m okay. It’s just that your straw hat looks very familiar.”
Dogstorm glanced at Luffy and realized what you meant. “You’re right. We met someone with a similar hat. He’s now an emperor of the sea.”
“Oh, you knew Shanks!? This hat was his! He gave it to me when—” Luffy was talking animatedly when suddenly Dogstorm fell asleep.
“Whaa!? He’s sleeping!” Luffy exclaimed.
“Well, it’s already 6 p.m.,” Wanda pointed out.
“Hey! Rude! Wake up! I want to know how you met Shanks!” Luffy jumped onto Dogstorm’s large torso and began to shake him vigorously. “H-hey! Be careful with him!” you said, standing up. Chopper leaped beside Luffy, urging him to stop.
You chuckled, feeling a wave of tiredness. “I can tell you everything about Shanks, but in the meantime, let Wanda finish the story. I’m going to take a nap,” you said, flopping onto the bed next to your husband’s big body.
"Sure, Lady ____, have a good sleep"
"So she's his wife? How does that even work?"
THUMP "Ouch!"
Both Dogstorm and you woke up to find the Straw Hats absent, assuming they had gone to Cat Viper's territory. Nonetheless, the resounding bell raised questions.
"Don't tell me they came back," you said, worry etched in your tone as you glanced at your husband.
"Don't worry, love, I'll—"
"Don't you dare! I'll go with you this time!" You cut him off, shocking him into silence, knowing he couldn't refuse this time. "Alright," he relented.
Upon finally reaching the city's ruins, you both scanned for danger or any signs of the Beast Pirates. Nothing yet. But as you glanced down another street, a chill ran through you. Cat Viper was here too, luckily with his back turned to you and unnoticed by Dogstorm.
You pushed aside the thought and silently prayed neither would sense the other's presence. Just keep moving forward...
"Holy..." you thought when Dogstorm's warney stopped. You looked behind and, of course, Shishilian... Why can you keep your muzzle shut?
You dismounted the warney as Dogstorm steered it toward Cat Viper, who turned to face him. They began advancing toward each other as everyone scrambled to intervene. "Master, wait!" Pedro shouted to Cat Viper, reaching him. "Dogstorm!" you cried out, attempting to pull him back, but it was futile. "Stay out of this, __."
So you stayed behind, while Pedro and Shishilian were trying to stop both kings, along with the rest of the soldiers.
"How many years has it been, cat? You've become even more monstrous"
"What about you-gara? You lost one of your legs"
"You-gara got your hand chopped off. You can't fight anymore. The most you can do is eat lasagna"
"It's a shame you-gara lost one of your legs, I wouldn't mind if you were dead. One king is enough for this country!"
Fear didn't begin to describe your emotions; you knew their strength. If they fought, someone would die. "Please, stop! Both of you!" you pleaded desperately.
"Well then, why don't we settle it now," Dogstorm declared, readying his sword.
"You-gara must die," Cat Viper retorted, preparing his spear.
Nothing could halt them now...
They launched into attack, creating a shockwave that sprawled everyone but you. "Damn it..."
Final Part
OP Masterlist
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sleepythemvp · 8 months
<I’m back, WITH ANOTHER ANOTHER ANOTHER VISUAL NOVELS THAT I JUST FOUND ON ITCH.IO!! Well, yes I will be writing stuffs about them as well.>
Project Blue.
Asher x Reader
After you guys presentation being an absolute successful, you give him a big hug when the both of you got out of the classroom. Asher just chuckles how cute you’re being yourself right in front of him and he just being really pretty and handsome in front of you…gosh you could stare at him all day long, buuttt cannot get late for the date as well - you thought.
— Oui, Let’s head back to my house…I still want to watch a LOT of horror movies with youu.
— Yeah I bet you do number 2, can wait for you to jumped on my lap when you scream out loud lol~
— Whaa- don’t called me by that nickname…you know I will call you by that nickname once again.
— No you won’t…would you?…
— nnnNUMBER O-
— Yeah you should be, mwehehehhehehehe.
He stares at you for a good few minutes and left out a soft chuckles, his hand placing on your other cheek as he bend down to kiss your cheek gently while smiling brightly at the sight of your cheek turning into a great red tomato. Feeling slightly clingy, you nuzzled your cheek against his palm and…give it a gentle bite. Asher left out a confused chuckles while looking at you biting his palm, it doesn’t seem like he’s feeling discomfort of this…new love language that he’s experience with?
— Ow- what was that for??
— nomnomnom, just a way of mine to show you that I love you~
You said with a wink which make him blush intensely, then left out a sigh and rolled his eyes.
— You’re so annoying, but you are lucky that you’re cute.
Then he pulled you into a tight hug, letting his fingers running through your hair…the feeling is very warm and comfy, you don’t want to get out if this any sooner. But the both of you have a date to start with so…
— C’mon now Ash, let’s head to my house?
— Yes ma’am, as you wish.
Suddenly, you get on your tip toes and give him a peck on his cheek, that just make his heart feel flutter inside.
— Congratulations again about your film internship!
— Aw…thanks my dear…
With you arms wrapped around his left arm, the both of you begin to exit the building while chatting about the presentation that the both of you just finished happily. On the way to your house, the both of you guys stopped at the convenience store to buy some snacks for the movies datee, energy drinks, Soju, chips, Pocky…stuffs like that! And he just happily begins to telling you about the movie that he’s going to pick when it comes to his turns, you just nodding and smiling at him while listening to his words.
— I-I’m sorry, did I ramble again?…
— No no, keep going Ash, I would love to hear all of that.
Your words make him smile, he nodded and begin to talks about the movie once again that he’s sure will make you jumped or heck…even scream which makes you feel excited and scared at the same time.
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cevansbrat0007 · 2 years
Plead the Fifth
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Summary: A little white lie lands you in hot water with your husband. Andy Barber x Black!Reader
Warnings: Daddy Kink, Cursing, Spanking, Light Fingering, Light Smut, Spiders, Marital Threats, Minors DNI
A/N: This is one of the stories I wrote in treatment. I hope you enjoy. Part of my Growing Pains Series. I look forward to everyone's feedback if you feel like giving it. All mistakes are my own.
You’re in the middle of moving clothes from the washer to the dryer when you feel two brawny arms wrap themselves around your waist. God, your husband always smelled so good. Smiling, you pause your work so you can relax and rest your head against his chest.  
“Well hello there, Mr. Barber.”
“Good evening, Mrs. Barber.” He whispers, his warm breath tickling the shell of your ear. 
“You missed bedtime. I had to promise the kiddos that you’d read them two books each tomorrow to make up for not being able to tuck them in tonight. And trust me when I say that our little monsters are gonna hold you to it.” Turning yourself in his arms, you go to place your hands on his broad shoulders. 
“Good deal.” Andy responds as he leans down to sweetly peck your mouth, which only serves to make you pout. You wanted more from your man, needed it even. 
“Hey!” You playfully tug on the front of his shirt. “Gimme more kisses, damn it.” Instead of doing as you ask, his thumb goes to caress your lower lip. 
“In a moment, baby. But first I need to know something.” His big hand moves to cup your cheek. You close your eyes and lean into his touch. “Was it worth it?”
“Was what worth it, Big Man?”
“Lying to me.” Your eyes fly open at his words.
“Whaa ��? I didn’t lie to you!”
“Oh yeah?” You suddenly find yourself pinned against a nearby wall. “Then how about you go and grab the receipt from Monday’s visit to the dealership. You know, the one with a detailed printout of all the maintenance performed on your car. I’ll wait right here for you, sweetheart.”
You stare him down as your mind works overtime to conjure up some kind of plausible excuse to buy yourself some time. “Um, I’m not really sure what I did with it, but I bet I can call and have them, like, email me a copy or something…”
“Really, baby girl? Another lie?” Andy asks through narrowed eyes, his nostrils flaring slightly. “Look, I know it’s been a while, but you can’t have forgotten the consequences for lying to Daddy like this.” His sharp teeth go to nip at your pulse point as a hand trails its way down your spine to grab a healthy chunk of your ass. 
Aww shit.
“So let’s try this again, shall we? Or do I need to play the voicemail I received from Jared at Newsome Lexus?” His other hand holds up his phone. 
Fuck! You wouldn’t be in this mess if you hadn’t forgotten to call them back and reschedule your appointment when you’d decided to ditch your responsibilities.
“I plead the fifth.” You mutter. 
“I’m afraid pleading the fifth isn’t an option in Andy’s Barber’s court, little girl. Now, either go get the paperwork or tell me the truth. And fair warning, Y/N, I’ve had a long day so the longer you keep this up, the shorter my patience gets.” Your husband gruffly informs you. 
“Argh! Fine!” You huff. “I canceled the appointment the other day because I needed some “me time”, okay?” Andy’s blue gaze strays to mouth as the words leave your lips.       
“Is that so?”
“Yes.” You shove at his chest. He grunts before grabbing your hands and holding them above your head, forcing you to stand on your tiptoes. 
“That wasn’t very nice, baby. Now, explain.”
“Oh my God, Andy! I’ll reschedule the appointment, I swear!” You whine. All you wanted to do was finish this load of laundry and maybe watch a movie, preferably with your husband.
Assuming his grumpy ass was amenable to the idea. But with the way he was looking at you know, you were leaning towards probably not. 
“You’re damned right you will. Because when I last looked, your check engine light was on, you probably need at least two new tires, and you’re past due for an oil change. Do we have an understanding?” 
“Yes.” You respond, feeling agitated, which prompts the big man in front of you to raise one impatient brow. 
“Yes what, Y/N?”
“Yes, Daddy.” You grumble, knowing full well what was coming next. 
“Good girl.” Andy leans down to peck your lips again. “Finish up here and then meet me in my study so that we can finish this conversation. Please don’t keep me waiting.” And with that, he turns and disappears from sight. 
Great. You think to yourself. Just fucking great.
Wanting to get the whole thing over with, you hurriedly throw the rest of the clothes in the dryer before following your husband down the hall, pausing once you’re standing outside his door. 
“Come on in, Y/N.” He says when he notices you hovering. “Don’t be shy, baby girl. You know how this works with Daddy.”
Yes, you did. After almost fifteen years together you knew exactly how all this worked.
Nodding, you shut the door while Andy moves to pour himself a glass of scotch. And then you turn the lock so as to ensure that you would not be disturbed. Nodding, he takes a sip of his drink before motioning for you to turn and strip. 
“I want you naked. After the day I’ve had, I think I deserve to look at a little beauty. Don’t you agree, sweet girl?” You suppress a shiver at his deep baritone. 
Giving him your back, you pull off your shirt and sports bra before bending at the waist to bare your ass and slightly quivering pussy to your man’s heated gaze. 
“Fucking gorgeous, baby.” Andy rasps, his intoxicating blue eyes unabashedly roving over every inch of your body. “Now c’mere. Come to Daddy.” He takes another sip of his bourbon and pats his lap.
“Can’t we please just skip this part and discuss it?”
“We can discuss this all you want once you’re over my knee. I can’t wait to hear all about my naughty little wife’s trip to the movies.”
You’re just about to get into position when his words register in your brain. “Wait. How did you know that I –”
“That you went to the movies instead of taking the car in for maintenance? I saw the charge when I was reviewing the Discover Card statement.” Your husband winks at you and then proceeds to tug you down so that you’re finally laying across his lap, his hard cock resting firmly against your belly. “What’d you go see?” He asks as one of his large hands begins to caress your curves. 
“On the Devil’s Doorstep.” You reply, silently wishing that he would just get on with it.
“Well, I hope you enjoyed it. Your “me time”, I mean. Because you deserved it.”
“I know how hard you work, taking care of me and the kids and the house. And then there’s the PTA and soccer practices, the freelancing when you can, and a ton of other shit. I see you, Y/N, and I’m grateful, but I can’t abide by the lying. So, you’re going to count these out for me and then tomorrow you and I are going to drop your car off at the shop. And –”
“But the kids –”
“Baby girl, I wasn’t finished.” Your upturned ass receives a sharp smack. “As I was saying, we’re taking the car to the shop, the kids are going to grandma’s, and when we’re through, you and I are gonna grab a bite to eat followed by a couple’s massage at The Lotus Flower.”
“But I thought I was in trouble?” One of your man’s talented hands slips between your thighs to briefly toy with your pussy. His fingers strum over your aching clit with expert precision, making you squirm. 
“Oh, you are. But not because you went to the movies. You’re in trouble because you lied to me about the car. And that’s a big “no no”.” You can’t help but let out a whine when removes his fingers all together. Andy lets out a soft groan as he sucks the wet digits into his mouth. “So, you’re going to count these out for me, all twenty of ‘em. Miss one and I start over, you understand me little girl?”
“Yeah, yeah, okay. I – ouch!”
Andy’s hard palm comes down hard three times on your unprotected bottom.
“I mean yes, Daddy. I’ll be a good girl for you and count, okay?”
 And when you were through here, you were gonna dig out that bag of plastic spiders you’d been saving for Halloween and dump them all over his side of the bed. Your man’s panicked screams wouldn’t take the sting out of your ass, but they would make your soul smile. 
“I’m glad. But you know, something is telling me that I might need to go back to spanking you more often, you cheeky little brat. What do you think?” He asks as he gently rubs your heated backside.
Spiders. All of the spiders were coming for Andrew Barber.
“No, thank you, Sir.”
“Alright, well, let’s see how well you take your punishment, hmm?”
“Ungh! One!”
Another slap.
“Oooh! Two!” You feel your legs kick out.
One more smack. And then another.
“Three!” Aww fuck! “Four!” You eek out through gritted teeth. 
“Ow! Ow! Five!”
“There we go, baby girl. Keep counting nice and loud for me.”
“Shit! Six!” You can feel the tears burning behind your eyes as they threaten to spill over.
Crack! Smack! Slap! 
Yep. When this was all said and done, you were going to run to the nearest party supply store and buy every kind of fake spider they had. Then you’d hide them around the house so you could guarantee that your man would have a tiny heart attack everyday for the rest of the month. Fucking heavy handed, overbearing ogre.
Oh, yes. Spiders. All of the spiders were coming for Andrew Barber. 
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tsuga-of-mars · 1 year
Galladrabbles - Tip tap
A very fitting @galladrabbles prompt from @mmmichyyy this week as RAIN has been frequent this week for me.
--- 🌧 --- 🌧 ---
Tip Tap
“Huh . . . Whaa?”
Tip Tap
Tip Tap
“Where . . . its so early”
Tip Tap
“Come on, get back to bed man”
Tip Tap
“Ugh . . . fine what you doing out there”
Tip Tap
“Thank fuck you made coffee”
Tip Tap
“Geeze, course that’s where you are”
Tip Tap
“Awe look how happy you are”
Tip Tap
“Needed it after all that hot sun this week”
Tip Tap
“Nice big drink, refreshing”
Tip Tap
“Talking to the plants Red”
Tip Tap
“Whaa ? . . .Mick you’re up?”
Tip Tap
“Got cold by myself”
Tip Tap
“C’mere you”
Tip Tap
“Better now?”
Tip Tap
“Hummh . . . Yeah”
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ask-spw-mercenary · 2 years
( Continued From Here )
Umbra was finally coming too after being out cold for so long. Just as she began opening her eyes, she saw that she was on her couch, and Tonya was covering her with some blankets. “Whaa da?”
Tonya then notices that Umbra is indeed up. A bit drowsy, but awake. “Welcome back to the world of the living.”
“T-Ta? Can I call you that?”
Tonya didn’t expect the nickname, but she welcomes it. “Umm, yes-” Tonya then soon finds Arden looming over both her and Umbra. “Should I mov-”
“Yes.” Arden says, before Tonya moves out of the way. He then goes in to check on his daughter. “Who did this?! How many bones did they break?! HOW BAD ARE YOUR INJURIES!?”
Umbra just remains quiet for a moment. “I feel like crap, and you can thank this durable shit with some black knight armor for that.” She then notices that Touya isn’t in the area. “Where’s Touya?”
“In my room, passed out once we got you two. I had Thomas patch him up, until we can call an ambulance.” That put Umbra at ease for a little bit. Still, Arden was vastly annoyed at the situation. “So I’m guessing we have a psycho in armor on the loose that did this to you and the walking lighter? Must’ve been a durable little shit, and that armor must’ve been a stand.”
“Why are you so calm about this?”
“Because your old man is thinking right now.”
“Of what?”
“Isn’t it obvious?” Arden says with a reassuring grin.
“... Dad no.” Umbra doesn’t know for certain if the armored guy is a creep or one of those enlightenment paladins that got their hands on a stand. Either way, that armor was tough, and if Touya had to run here, it obviously meant he couldn’t break through it. However her dad wasn’t Touya, and she knows that since this is a case where an enemy stand user nearly killed her, Arden might not be gentle with the attacker either way.
Tonya was unaware of that Umbra and her father were thinking, but she could sense the tension in the room. However she soon hears some knocking at the door, and taps on Arden’s shoulder, catching the mercenary’s, and Umbra’s, attention. Then the black knight busted down the door, and looks directly at all three of them. Tonya just remained quiet and in shock.
The knight then without warning, rushes over to Umbra with his blade ready, but before he could reach her and strike a hit, a bubble shaped barrier surrounded him. He then tries slashing and punching the barrier, but it didn’t crack. He was stuck.
“You ain’t getting outta that.” Arden mentions. “My stand ensured that bubble you’re in is so durable, that nothing can break it from the inside.”
“So you made this bubble, clown?” The knight asked. “I see where the witch gets her black magic from.”
“For one: don’t call my daughter a witch, and for two: what the hell do you want Monty Python?”
“I am here to do my brothers, my friends, and the world a service, and destroy a malevolent witch. Is that wron-?” The black knight then notices the bubble got a little bit smaller, and he started to feel more crammed up. That reasoning just pissed Arden off big time. Umbra isn’t a saint, but she’s still his kid, and it better than before.
Umbra notices that her father is pissed, and gets up from the couch to tap her father on the shoulder. “Dad.” Arden then looks at Umbra. “Don’t.”
“I know, but let me handle this.” The red haired girl could hear laughing in her heard at this situation, knowing it was probably Destati laughing at her decision. Still, she turns over to the trapped black knight. “You’re one of those Enlightenment kids, aren’t you?”
The black knight is caught off guard by Umbra’s question, but keeps his cool. “So what if I am, witch?”
“Who put you up to this?”
“I put myself up to this.”
“Why? Is it because I oppose your beliefs?”
“I could care less about that.” The room immediately goes silent. “It’s because you reek of malevolence, because you attacked the Father’s father, because of the danger you present to my friends and the world we want to change. It’s one thing not to believe in god, it’s another thing to be a threat.”
Umbra’s eyes widen as she realizes what was going on here. “Do I scare you?”
The knight raises his blade from inside the bubble. “You DON’T scare me. You couldn’t even harm me if you wanted to.”
“I do scare you, not because I am capable of hurting you, but because I could wreck those other armored guys if I wanted to.” Umbra looks down at her own hands, before looking at the black knight. “You’re scared of me hurting them, aren’t you?” The black knight remains silent, which confirms her suspicions. “Listen... I know me and your armored buddies don’t get along, but they’re in a bad situation-”
“Can you just listen!” Umbra yells, before continuing her train of thought. “I’m gonna let you go?”
“What?” Tonya epps out
“WhAAAAAT?!” Arden was utterly shocked at that idea alone, especially since this guy seemed deadset on killing her. 
“I’ll let you go, and I promise you one thing. I won’t hurt you, Adam, or the other armored shitbags, ever.”
“How do I know you’re not lying?”
“I’m honestly too beat up to fight, and I don’t want my dad possibly breaking your bones in that bubble. That and... I honestly lost a lot of my animosity towards you annoying little shits.” Umbra then looks over at Arden, who was completely dumbfounded. “Let him go.” Arden just nods and releases the knight from the bubble.
The knight is actually released by the bubble and is surprised by this. However, before he departs, he takes off his helmet, revealing just a young teenage boy with blue hair, and red eyes. “You better not be lying.” The boy then takes his leave.
After the boy leave, both Umbra and Arden just lie down on the ground, obviously relieved that actually went well. 
Meanwhile, Tonya is just confused as hell by what just happened.
Knight In Black Arc: End
2 notes · View notes
starbudspresents · 2 years
Re.Gray 017 - Catastrophe at the Black Order
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[ Masterlist ] [Read on AO3] [ Raws ]
Summary: The infamous Komlin incident, part 1. Also some very interesting Q&A with the author.
♦ 7
sfx: bu— [beeeep]
Komui: Muahaha... It's finally finished. ♫
Komui: As I said: Komlin!
sfx: bububuh [beep beep boop]
sfx: pochin! [screen turning on]
Reever: Hey, Director, what's with the big ungainly robot...?
sfx: bubu [boop boop]
sfx: chikooon [fully powered up]
Lenalee: Um....
Lenalee: Komlin's....
17th Night - Catastrophe at the Black Order
♦ 8
sfx: pika! [lightning cracks]
17th Night - Catastrophe at the Black Order
♦ 9
sfx: fuaaaaa [big yawn]
Allen: It's gotten so late...
sfx: gakoon [boat bumps into dock]
sfx: gigigi [Toma hauling on the mooring line]
Toma: Because the storm delayed our train...
Toma: Knowing the Science Division, I'm sure someone will still be awake.
sfx: nemui [sleepy]
Allen: It must be nearly midnight....
Allen: What should we do with the Innocence we've retrieved?
Allen: I'll go see, then!
sfx: dosa [thud]
Allen: !?
♦ 10
Allen: Huh?
Allen: L-Lenalee!?
Allen: What happened to you!?
Allen: !
Reever: Oh... Y-You're back, Allen....
sfx: yura [stagger]
sfx: haa, haa [panting]
Allen: Reever!?
Allen: Look at you... What in the world is going on?
Allen: What?
sfx: dosah [slump]
Reever: R... Run.
Reever: Komlin is coming...
sfx: dodododododododododo [swift, heavy footsteps]
♦ 11
sfx: DOKAN [Komlin the Koolaid Man comes through the wall]
Allen: !?
Reever: It's here.
♦ 12
sfx: zappo-n [hydraulic pistons whine as it attacks]
Allen: Whaa—!?
sfx: zababababa [it slowly gets to its feet]
Reever: Damn, it's so bloody quick....
Allen: What is that!?
Allen: !
sfx: pipipi [high-pitched series of beeps]
Komlin: LO... CATED!
sfx: pi pi [beep beep]
♦ 13
Reever: Run for it, Allen!
Reever: It's going after Exorcists!!
sfx: dadadada [them running]
Komlin: SURGERY!!
sfx: buo [rears up]
sfx: doga doga doga [chewing up the stairs behind them up as they run]
sfx: dadadadada [more running]
Allen: Aaaghh it's coming after us!? It's coming after us!!
Allen: Reever, I have no idea what's going on here!!
Reever: Uhh, well, that's.... Komlin... an all-purpose robot the Director built....
sfx: dogagagaga [the sound of their running changes as Komlin gains ground]
Reever: And as you can see, it's running amok!
Allen: How come!?
♦ 14
Reever: So about half an hour ago,
Reever: we were doing unpaid overtime, like always.
? Wonder if I can get myself transferred....
Johnny: It's endless....
Johnny: We could waste our whole lives and never catch up....
Tup: I need a nap so bad I'd even take the dirt kind.1
Reever: Hang in there, boys, we will catch up... eventually....
Lenalee: Coffee, anyone?
Everyone: Yes please! ♥
sfx: gashon gashon gashon [hydraulic footsteps]
sfx: gassha-n [hydraulic settling]
Komui: Gooood morning! Everyone conscious?
Komui: Behold, behold!
♦ 15
Komui: Ta-daaa! ♫
Komui: Allow me to present the saviour of our Science Division: "Komlin"!!
Reever: Hey, Director, what's with the big ungainly robot...?
Reever (side): It's wearing a hat.
Komui: As I said: Komlin!
Komui: I've just finished it, finally!
Komui (small): Magnificent~ ♥ ♥ ♥
Komui: A prototype all-purpose Innocence robot which duplicates my entire mind and personality. ♪2
arrow: charm point
Komui: In addition to handling all manner of paperwork, it can also perform surgery on anti-Akuma weapons and provide Accommodator care support.
Komui: It's like a second me!
Komui: It should make the job a breeze!
Komui: Yes, yes, I'm incredible, I know.
Division: Directooor~~ ♥
Division (side): Is this for real?
sfx: hisshih [desperation]
sfx: uiiiii [delicate hydraulic whine as Komlin plucks a mug off Lenalee's tray]
Komui, side: Beg my forgiveness! Sing my praises!
sfx: goku goku goku [gulp gulp gulp]
Lenalee: That's... my brother's coffee....
♦ 16
Lenalee: Komui, can Komlin drink coffee?
sfx: ahahahahaha [ahahahahahaha]
Komui: Don't be absurd, Lenalee.
Komui: However much it may resemble me, it's only a robot.
Komui: Of course it can't—
Komui: drink... coffee...?
sfx: DON [BOOM]
sfx: busuh [Komlin stabs Lenalee in the neck with a comically large syringe]
Lenalee: !?
sfx: dosah [slump]
♦ 17
Komui sfx: KYA—— [SCREECH]
Komui: Lenalee!!!
Komlin: I am... Komlin.
Komlin: I make Exorcists... stronger....
Komui sfx: hawa hawa [umm?? umm??]
Komui small: K-Komlin?
sfx: muki ♥ [brawny ♥]
Komlin: This woman... is an... Exorcist.
Komlin: I must perform augmentative surgery to make her macho!!
Division: Whaaaaat!?!
sfx: dogya-n [kablaaam]
sfx: zu——n [Reever's story has cast a pall over everyone's mood]
Division 1: GYAAA
Division 2: NGUHH
Division 3: KOMLIN NO
sfx: ha— ha— ha— [panting]
Allen & Toma: How inane...!!
Reever: ...And there you have it.
Reever: Sorry it's so stupid.
♦ 18
Allen: Is Lenalee all right?
Allen: She's an Exorcist, yet she couldn't—
Allen: Hm?
Reever: Komlin put her to sleep with a syringe of something.
sfx: goh [Reever lets his head fall back against the wall with a thump]
Reever: Ahhh.... Serves us right for wanting things to be easier on us.
Mana, past: Welcome back, Allen.
Reever: You Exorcists and Finders are always risking your lives on the frontlines.
Reever: So, sorry.
Reever: And welcome back.
Allen: Mana....
Reever: Allen?
♦ 19
Allen: Hm... Oh, yes?
Reever: What's with you? Did you get injured on your mission?
Reever: You can report that to me.
Reever: ?
Allen: No no, I'm fine!
Allen: I'm—
Allen: I'm home.
Allen side: haha... [haha...]
Division: Hallooo!! Are you all right!?
Allen: It's the Director and the others!
Johnny: Foreman, quick, over here!
Tup, small: We'll catch you!
Komui: Oh, Allen and Toma are back? You two as well, quickly now....
sfx: don! [bam!]
Komui: Lenaleeeee, are you still slim!?
sfx: jita bata jita bata [Division members milling and fretting]
Reever: Calm down, all of you...
? It's here!
♦ 20
sfx: go go go go go go [Komlin dragging its huge body into the central hall]
Division: FIRE!!
sfx: gashakon! [elaborate sound of a whole cannon extending from the hovervator and clicking into place]
Johnny: Don't underestimate the egghead brigade!!3
sfx: kachih [double click]
Komui: !!
Komui: No shooting my Komlin!!!
Johnny: !?
♦ 21
Allen: Ngahhhh!
sfx: dorurururu [wild gatling firing]
sfx: don don don [bullets impacting one after the other]
Division 1: Hold him down!
Reever: The hell are you doing!!
Reever side: You wanna kill us!?
sfx: doka baki goh dofuh [Division brawling with Komui]
sfx: ha— ha— ha— [panting]
Division 2: Komlin—
Division 3: Tie him up!
Toma: A traitor in our midst....
sfx: hyuoooo [wind whooshing over the abyss]
Komui: Komlin...
sfx: gusuh [sob]
Komui: It seems Allen's anti-Akuma weapon is damaged.
Komui: Fix it, please.
Allen: Huh?
sfx: pipi [high-pitched double beep]
Komlin: There's
Komlin: damage....
♦ 22
Allen: !
Komlin: Triage priority established!
sfx: chiko-n [whirr as it gears itself up]
Komlin: Top priority SURGical treatment FOR Allen Walker, SERIOUSLY INJURED!!4
sfx: gashih [Komlin attempts to grab Allen, gets him by the foot]
Reever: Wh—
sfx: gun! [it yanks Allen towards itself]
Reever: Allen!
Reever: It's dragging Allen into its operating room!!
sfx: vi-n [smooth high whirr of the door opening to receive him]
Komui: Now, Reever! Get Lenalee over here while it's preoccupied with its prey!!
Allen: Eeeeeek, where does that door go!?
sfx: zuzazazaza [Allen's fingernails digging into the stone as he resists being dragged]
Reever: Is there no low you won't sink to!?
Komlin: Surgery ♫ Surgery ♫ Surgery, in any case ♫
sfx: gacha gacha gacha ["surgical tools" clacking and clattering in the hands of half a dozen masked and gowned mini-Komuis]
♦ 23
Reever: Ooh, a new anti-Akuma weapon!
sfx: bah [Allen stares at his impending doom, teeth gritted]
Allen: Nnn...
sfx: vun [his Innocence powers up]
Allen: Innocence: initialize!!!
sfx: fuh [spitting sound; Komui blows dart at Allen]
sfx: pusu [dart hits home in Allen's neck]
Reever: Allen—
Allen: Hwassisnow?
sfx: biri biri biri [wibble wobble]
Allen: M' goin' all numb...
sfx: batah [flops over limply]
Toma: Sir Walker!!
Reever: DIRECTOR!!!
Komui: But but but if you shoot my Komlin with that it'll... it'll...!!
Division: He's got a blowgun!
Division: Confiscate it!
sfx: jita bata jita bata [Division brawling with Komui]
Division: Grow the hell up, Director!!
♦ 24
Allen: R— Reeverrr....
Reever: !
sfx: viiin [doors begin to close as the mini-Komuis drag Allen inside]
Allen: Tage Lenalee an' run, pleesh...
sfx: zuru zuru [his heels scraping over the lintel]
Reever: Allen—
sfx: i-n [door continuing to whine shut]
Allen: Furry.5
sfx: gashi [Reever makes a leap for him and catches the tail of his coat just as the doors shut completely]
Reever: ALLENNNNN!!!
Komlin: Allen Walker successfully retrieved.
sfx: chi-n [door will not budge]
♦ 25
sfx: guwah [Komlin suddenly stands up, leaving Reever hanging from Allen's coattails in middair...]
sfx: pateh [...and Toma splat on the ground]
Reever: Ahh!
Reever: Damn, it's after Lenalee now!
Komui: No, not macho, I beg of you!!!
sfx: dodododododododododo [swift, heavy footsteps]
Komlin: Exorcist Lenalee Lee.
Komlin: Operation required.
sfx: pachi [Lenalee's eyes blink open]
♦ 26
Komui's Lab "Lounge", Vol. 1
Q1. Your characters hail from all over the world, but what language do they communicate in?
A. English, the universal tongue. And yes, Kanda speaks English too.6
Q2. Who is the travelling rabbit that sometimes shows up in your work? Does it have a name?
A. That's an animal version I made of my manager Y-shi. Its name is Yosshii. I originally doodled it for a one-shot, but took a shine to it, so now I slip it in here and there (to annoy Y-shi). I'd love to make an Akuma version someday, perhaps. [looks to the distant horizon]
Q3. What does the title "D.Gray-man" mean?
A. It's a word I came up with on my own, and it has a number of meanings, some perhaps to do with Allen and some perhaps with other characters. Before I thought of it, the series' previous tentative title was "dolls", and prior to that "kuronowa" or "ZONE".
A "dirt nap" is slang for lying "asleep" in one's grave. The literal translation is "If I can't go to sleep right here and now, I don't mind if I never wake up again", which deliberately doesn't quite make sense, but implies that he's so miserably tired that he'd rather flat-out die than stay awake one more second. Relatable, but... be careful what you wish for.
[ ♠ ]
He doesn't explain how exactly Innocence is involved, just lumps the adjectives "Innocence" and "prototype" and "all-purpose" together and lets us guess. It could mean that Innocence was used as a power source during development in some way, or it could mean that there's literally Innocence inside Komlin right now, giving it agency beyond what its creator intended (much as it did for Lala, a similar artificial construct).
[ ♠ ]
Kanji: 科学班 kagakuhan "Science Division"
Furigana: インテリ interi, short for "intelligentsia", slang for "geek, nerd, egghead, brainiac", etc.
Basically "we nerds can fuck you up too".
[ ♠ ]
Variable caps may come up again, so I'll explain that these are used when the dialogue switches jerkily back and forth between hiragana and katakana. It almost always has to do with a malfunctioning robot or AI of some kind, and replicates the way in which volume and tone fluctuate between words.
[ ♠ ]
This here is why I opted not to include honourifics in my translation. By saying this, Hoshino implies that the script I'm translating from Japanese to English is actually already an English-to-Japanese translation and dub in and of itself, which means I'm just undubbing it. The "original" English would not, of course, have used elements of the Japanese language or culture such as honourifics, so... much as I personally love them and always preserve them when translating anything set in Japan (or other Japanese-speaking setting), I couldn't justify keeping them in this time. Alas.
This is a tiny tribute to the first translation I ever read, more than fifteen years ago. This panel made me laugh so hard I made a LiveJournal icon out of it, which I still have and still treasure. Forever grateful for those first fan-translators; I wonder if any of them are still around.
[ ♠ ]
That said, if you ever want to know what honourifics anyone is using, or what first-person pronouns they're using, or literally anything else for that matter, by all means ask! I'm always more than happy to directly convey context details I haven't been able to include in my translations.
[ ♠ ]
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fkyumerica · 6 months
each area, circles on the map, to have their kids take care of their kids they left and the rest of them
how tall is she, how big is her head. She got to mate with all those giants then go giant. They made another big fucking everyone whore. Does she put her pussy on their hair too? Yea. Cupid area was they mated with the infants. Anyways. Kentucky ground. Wire. Blow it up.
is that carol. "my opponent" mama right im your mama. stfu and die.
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she was running around at the neurologist office
she was taller than him
holy sht
cupid guard
chop off her legs
like in the mummy
holding onto a infant to fuck it
on her back
bent knees
hahahah robo
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i googled legs chopped off the mummy
now jump
it was the group in the coliseum in the gladiator leading it, knew about it
the groups to kill
the rest was family didnt know or whoever went in it
wtf I wanna be that bitch again. him or her or who. the noroi guy. then full house after. her whole family to let out a bug. then bug houses the rest of the day. after. noam chomski.
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the water rape
to tko
dead kennedy
yea we raped them
whole group on the ground
alive still
come back the next day begging
why why why
give me something
make a punk concert
theyre in it
and push you down
wtf my ass
didnt have a kid
i know i got the biggest ass
good here too
alix said they used these
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can do it again
cheat rob steal and fuck in your house
kids take it out of it
and if they hand me it i take it in and fucking mess up with it too new mom and dad in here whoa im new and come back and hit them
got the sex
good too
kids says the got the sex good too part
and we married hah take a picture
arm around the kid
we can find the map to get her too (giant)
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and all of it
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see the blood man
after mating with 18 see his skull to crack. and they would number off. and his arms out after.
not knowing what any of it is
send it to mar ch again
it is march
once a year wtf go
see the blood man
no fear
we live
so cute her
i do her
and terror
send cuer
one alert for sex
and they all fuck
heard it
you and me
take her to, any leg surgery, i dunno i like it
i live this long
then sleep
come on
a lot of the world that stayed was just short. and whoreing parties around the world you wanna go? mating was it.
theres the noroi kid
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he had no eyes
the girl,, her head would go all the way back
isnt decapitated
like it was fabric or something cardboard cut out
a giant too
hwo to catch them
part of a litter, she was
her face was the ET
she was a giant
the grudge one
and kept inbreeding, for them to win
that was the point
have a kid throw it in the window
it is that big people go to it
they used the camera to edit their facess
of seecurity cameras
she only shows up when she is giving birth
or puts her son in her
it was her husband
any relative is
there were 44 of her with those faces
senritsu kaiki file kowasugi file 1 operation capture the slit they put face masks on them
it is like reverse bear trap
no shes alive
they will push in their molars to go in their eyes
they are shreks
they take a eye donation of a dead relative
i can draw it
cappa why
i got my hair flower in the mail today
it is big
its so pretty i love it
now i gotta sew on the collar
and moddel it
shrek and fiona
she is as big as the garage next door
the neighbor will get them to leave
chris keeps saying no let them over
and thinks they are her kids
to attack me
for anything hahaha
her leader
well fuck your bear child
WTF was that
WTF was that
these guys did fk their moms
punch her head backwards
dad would drag her
shes knocked out
i can fuck her
so her son would
and dad would hold her head and go oh no
so the whole area
would hop
and wtf i cant figure this out
woman didnt talk to her
or him
so they fucked as they wanted
and kids dump them on her she wants me to teach it
so they shit it out on her
and in too
abortion to in you
make ghost noise
see i dont go back
make the noise for me to take my kid back
and shes my kid
go walk
hits her i dunno its her
her son would
for her to get raped by everyone
even cared
kids infants toddlers in their arms
sit it on her
flip it around its her
and the sons stay short she hits them on top of the head
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she hits her son
the mom
and the dad
but super giant
dan and katie
her just born
find her
again she gave birth 8 times
funny to her not to you, his mother is the one on the right or big boy raped him got him drunk or drugged him right before he said it
lied to a whole town
tommy lee
me and my whole family
the actor
and boomers was this
midget night
edit for grease
they took all the buildings
huge skulls
wont be a dad them neither
and their moms
next to them huge too
or gay what is it
ewoks wasnt it
but hits them too to go giant
one on the ground
top of its head in
no cone head
wont set out cones either
planet of the apes said put it in the garbage, they arent even their word of the lord.
Wed 8:00 PM
they let out mass dope, empty right? the whole house
you know you live young over 400 years
and the old men who fuck no face girls
and those guys to whoreing girls
haha joke
infant what
fucked old men too wo ho ho hot
abandon house whoa.. uhhh
they will just go in and fuck
and hey who wants to live here give her a play house
and school
yea amanda bye
shes et
and no face mask
they were c ommercials so no one moves south
or out
already our family did
i was nice once
to my state no
hell yea
and go to the map area where the land, have kids again, and float, and just leave wtf ever it flooded float to mee I feel my child make a church and it ended there, we found them, and news too woo hoo tubing the kids mated. Pregnant or not. I dunno leave it. The mummy guy said it. And movie get money go. Move in college area. Why build another one no one else moved in yet.
he brings over the kid after he fucks it
party fowl
it was alawys that if you party you cant bring it with you
oh and caught, oh and caught
tale of gregor, guys caught, suicidal, kill it too. marilyn manson
him hating everyone, is him. the whole time. curtis
im gay i can be your daughter- murder that obsessed italy, i am obsessed
gwen stefani/destiny- no im not you, yea she did it, hi
0 notes
Chapter two: Vampires won't hurt you
A/n: second and final part. Enjoy!
I sung of Chaos and eternal Night,
Taught by the heav—nly Muse to venture down
The dark descent, and up to reascend …
—John Milton, Paradise Lost
"(Y/n), wake up… wake up." Gerard said. My eyesight was foggy, and when I came into focus, I saw I was in a hospital. Laying down on a bed. The room was empty, sunlight shinned past the lavender curtains. And gerard was nowhere in sight. "(Y/n)'s awake!" My best friend, Maggie, exclaimed. She gave me a big hug. My parents walked into the room with giant smiles. "Oh, (y/n)!" My mom said. My mom was the second to huh me, and my dad said: "I'm glad you're awake, princess." He gave me a warming smile, and I smiled too. My mom held me tighter and began to sobb. "What's wrong?" I asked her. I turned to my father and my friend. Maggie's head was turned down, I couldn't see her face because her blonde hair was covering it. And my father traipse to the white couch. "(Y/n)… you have cancer…" "Whaa–what are you talking about?" My eyebrows knitted together. She stood up straight and caressed my hair. "You have a rare terminally pancreatic cancer, and it has already entered the critical stage." "I'm so sorry, sweetheart." My dad said from the couch.
"No!" I looked around the empty room, the window was open, and it was black out there. The curtains flew with the wind. It was just a bad dream. I gazzed at my arm. A needle was inside my hand, taped down. A bag hanging next to me, anaesthesia, it said. If only all this was a dream. Tears came to my eyes. In the corner of my eye, I saw a large void. I gasped, It was the bird earlier. "What do you want?" I asked as if he could reply. He flew to the middle of the room and morphed into a man wearing a black suit with a red tie. His hair was shaggy, and he smirked, showing his white teeth. "Oh my god! Gerard!" "Hello angel." He went over and sat on my bed. I didn't know if I should slap him or kiss him. Kiss? We never went on a date or even kissed, I always thought my crush on him was obvious. "What are you doing here?" My face grew red. "Everyone thought you were dead! How could you just run away? I thought something bad happened to you!" "Shh, someone will hear you!" "Good if they hear me!" "Uh," he said, then sighed. "I had to leave—" "WHY?" "Because I'm a vampire! I'm sorry I didn't tell you, I didn't want you to get hurt…." He ran his hand through his hair and turned away from me. I sat with tears in my eyes. "I don't want you to die (y/n). I came back for you. Honestly, I can't live without you…" I sat in shock, speechless. "Please (y/n)… Will you accept becoming like me, a vampire." The room was silent, and there was no other choice. "Yes." The next thing I knew, his mouth was on mine. And as simple as that, all fears put to rest, all worries disappeared. I felt his passion in my soul, and my bones shook. He left trails of kisses to my neck, and I was not frightened on what would happen next. it was frightening in its intensity, but with gerard, it was tranquil. With him, I wasn't lost. Then he bit me, it hurt but I could handle it—the chemo was worse. He stopped and kissed the spot. His kiss left a tender bruise in my heart. He dug his head in my neck, and I caressed his soft hair. The transformation was fast. The way he was holding me, It didn't hurt a lot. He raised his head and examined my features. "You're beautiful.' And I could feel it— a love so strong it could get rid of any darkness. "I love you." "I love you more."
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reeedvelvet · 2 years
☁️ . . . ⇢ ˗ˏˋ kurenai, ravi and wukong w/ a crush ࿐ྂ
˚₊·͟͟͟͟͟͟͞͞͞͞͞͞➳❥ ꒰ ⌨ ✰ @/rainyycake ⁱˢ ᵗʸᵖⁱⁿᵍ··· ꒱ | ೃ࿔₊•
gunna be the first smash legends x reader work-
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୨୧⸝⸝﹕kurenai﹐⊂✦⊃ ‹𝟹
⸝⸝⸝♡‧₊˚ You're probably isn't his first crush-- but,, don't be sad- His first crushes probably didn't liked him or gave him attention- Since you're new fighter, he was determined to show you around!! Hes quick to gain a puppy crush on you cause of you treat him.
⸝⸝⸝♡‧₊˚ His puppy side got better of him and asked if you wanna team up with him  👉 👈 he'd cry if you reject him so say yes 🔫 His crush only grew bigger when spending time with you. Kurenai is touchstarved end of the damn conversation. He is so starved for your attention and affection,, he tries not to make a big deal but- but your headpats,, the way you squeeze his shoulder to see if hes alright,, the way you throw compliments to his way,,, bet kurenais havin heart eyes.
⸝⸝⸝♡‧₊˚ ❝ (Name), (Name)! I can carry those boxes! You don't need to tire yourself!! ❞ ❝ (Name) (Name)! Wanna team up?! ❞ he just loves you so much much and tries to show you in every way possible- ❝ (Name)! Don't worry, i'll protect you-! ❞ you end up running to the nearest healing potion with him in you arms,, and just him clinging onto you with dear life,, his face redder than anything- After the match, when you patchin his wound- tears in his eyes, grumbling 'bout 'he couldn't protect u' and man is he whiny- ❝ bUT (nAmE) i wAS proTECTING YOU- ❞ ❝ kURENAI SHUT- ❞ *sad cryin kurenai noises*
⸝⸝⸝♡‧₊˚ Hes so clumsy around u,, its not even funny- He just drops stuff when hes busy staring at you- if you can catch him staring at you just, just enjoy watching his face getting redder and redder-
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୨୧⸝⸝﹕ravi﹐⊂✦⊃ ‹𝟹
⸝⸝⸝♡‧₊˚ You're fairly a new member of Umbra, just cause you can't yet handle your powers well and Witch Queen being so tired and shit- she just dropped you onto Ravi. And to say, Ravi didn't liked this as much. Sure he liked your competitive nature, but your overly energetic side? Please, leave him out of this-
⸝⸝⸝♡‧₊˚ He can't get a wink of alone time. When he though he can finally be alone- there you come out of nowhere and start to brag about some stupid shit, irritating him more- his red eye starts twitchin as he gets ready to shout at you once again- ❝ What are you stupid?! Can't you just leave me alone?! For a fIVE FUCKING MINUTES- ❞ ❝ no- ❞ ❝ -WHATS SO INTERESTING ABOUT ME?!?!?? ❞
⸝⸝⸝♡‧₊˚ He grew to wait for your stupid remarks and then get into an argument with you- Yeah,, u two cannot go a day without getting into an argument with eachother- Ravi is actually patient with you, He would patiently wait for you to get a hand of your power. And once you do, you two would train day and night, he likes that you can catch up to him, even nearly defeating him sometimes.
⸝⸝⸝♡‧₊˚ Ravi is extremely protective of you. That is a fact- A simple yet intimidating glare of his is enough to protective the both of you. In matches, he tells you to never leave his side if you don't wanna die- you go anyway- with him at your tail hot- If he sees any threat, hes quick to pull you to his side with his tiger claw. You'd be ready to strike someone with your abilities- thats until you roughly crashed someone's chest, gazin up, you see Ravi glaring at the person in front of the two of you.
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୨୧⸝⸝﹕wukong﹐⊂✦⊃ ‹𝟹
⸝⸝⸝♡‧₊˚ This man wants your attention, no, he NEEDS your attention. Its literally his life force. He just LOVES when your attention is on him, your eyes watching his every move closely- He just blushes so m- what nO, THE GREAT MONKEY KING BLUSHING? YOU MUST BE SEEING THINGS- Hes also quite tsundere w/ the whole thing,, heh- whAA HIM HAVING A CRUSH??? PFFT- btw y-you really should get ur eyes checked-
⸝⸝⸝♡‧₊˚ Has no shame at all, can and will kabedon you just get your attention a-and just to get sumn reactions out of you,,👉👈 kinda stalks you?? Its nothing creepy, its,, cute- he just curiously watches how you interact with those around you, and then goes all the way back down thinking how he can get close w/ you. You just seem so free, so carefree while talking with others, but with him?? Mans can't even form a sentence without running nd embrassing himself-
⸝⸝⸝♡‧₊˚ Hes nothing like himself around you, he just spaces out- ❝ Wha- m-me? I- I was just thinking about some important t-things! I-Its n-nothing you s-should care a-about-! ❞ ❝ Wu the match started like five mins ago- ❞ Absolutely loves nicknames, you can give him a nickname, go ahead. He will response you- Trips over his own tail while walking side by you, the sight is funny if you ask me, seeing you laughing just makes him soft. W-well, seeing you laugh like this, even if it causes him to do some stupid things, he will swallow up his pride for you.
This post belongs to @/rainyycake do not steal or use it as your own.
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twstxreader · 3 years
Could i request hand holding HCS for the first years with their m!(or gn! To include everyone)s/o who has smol tiny baby hands compared to theirs? Thank you 😊 💕
Ofccc :p
Ace would be a little confused one time when you take his hand and put yours against him
He'd looks at you like whaa-??? Then would look at your hands and would notice how small they are
He. Would. Get. So. Cocky
He would smirk and ruffle your hair cooing about how cute his boyfriend is
Ace loves to hold your hands he loves feeling his hand engulf yours
Deuce would not notice at all at first he's not very observant bless him
But one day when your on a walk with him enjoying eachothers company talking about how your days went
He would shyly hold your hand
Then he'd notice he would gasp a little bc he really didn't notice -
He'd lift your hand up and holds them in his hand (gently holds)
When you give him a confused looks about what he was doing he'd get flustered and put your hand down
Deuce loves your small hands so much
This man has like g i an t hands like he pretty much notices straight away about the size difference
One day while you both sitting in his room studying you got curious and wanted to see how big the size difference was so you took his hand and put yours against it
Jack would blush and would look away as he closes his hand around yours as his tail wags
Epel really likes the fact your hands are smaller than his
It makes him feel more masculine
He loves to hold your hand mostly in private tho bc he gets to flustered
Whenever you put your hand against his he would puff his chest out
Sebek wouldn't pay much attention first but when he finally does he puffs out his chest and smiles proudly
He'd say that's what he'd expect for a human to have much smaller hands than him
Sebek sometimes likes to stare at your hands q bit like he loves watching them he finds them so cute but if you every pointed it out he'd blush and looks away denying it
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