#BIM jokes
I had a great time tonight but ngl, cosplaying chungledown bim at d20 live and hearing lou wouldn't be there seemed like some sort of cosmic punishment
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thepringlesofblood · 7 months
i need everyone in the dimension 20 fanbase to know: you can in fact get chungledown bim's full character sheet.
there lays hidden deep within the twisted catacombs of dropout.tv a single episode of "Dimension 20: Foundry" called "Making Chungledown Bim (with Lou Wilson)".
D20: Foundry is a series started during the pandemic which never quite took off, having only this one episode. while there are many obvious and much more likely reasons for this, personally I think it is because brennan knew it was the only way possible to trick lou into being an architect of his own demise.
in it, brennan and lou stat out Chungledown Bim [lou decides to take out the hyphen] as a 20th level warlock, complete with spells, invocations, feats, and more.
Some beautiful soul took his ability scores and a decent chunk of his information and put it on Chungledown Bim's page on the d20 wiki, but if ye be truly dedicated, transcribing his full character sheet would be possible from watching the episode, though as far as I can tell no soul has yet attempted such a feat.
I have not the time nor strength of character to accomplish such a task (which not even the heroic and dedicated scribes who work on the d20 wiki episode transcripts page have been able to do), but I put it out there to any of y'all that would be interested in such a thing: it is possible.
I would also highly recommend watching the episode, as it is what I can only describe as chaotic lawful. In the final 20 minutes of the episode, Lou DMs a short scene of Brennan playing Chungledown Bim with this new character sheet. I haven't watched that part yet - I have a gut feeling it will implant itself in my mind and be indelible for days to come, and I have a paper to write.
TL;DR if you are subscribed to dropout, you can find by searching 'chungledown bim' a video of brennan lee mulligan and lou wilson creating a full character sheet for chungledown bim. it's excellent. use this knowledge wisely.
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cryptic-corvids-blog · 7 months
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thelooniemoonie · 2 years
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New year, same blorbos- It's been a while since I drew my Spamton EX, wanted to give my boy some fresh drip!
Non-filtered version below the cut:
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pirunika · 3 months
for my 2 turkish mutuals - i tried BIM coffee so you dont have to <3
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it straight up didnt have coffee in it
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I have so much to say to you.
First, THANK YOU FOR ACKNOWLEDGING ED EDGAR. I feel like people forget he exists, meanwhile I still think about if his son is 90% off.
Two, you've given me Bim x Ed brainrot and I don't know if I want to fight you or hug you.
THREE, your art style is amazing and I eat it up every time
I have so much more I want to say, but I'll leave it at that for now XD
A) literally so true I mean he was sparsely acknowledge even back in the day in the fandom but it's even worse now and he's got so much comedy potential i don't get it. I think one of the first posts I saw upon getting back into the fandom a few months ago was something along the lines of like " 'Mark needs a cowboy ego' does Ed Edgar mean nothing to you?" And all of the reblogs were people being like "yeah exactly he means nothing to me" and it definitely did something to my brain bc I just have not stopped rotating him in my mind ever since
B) LMAO I GOT ANOTHER ONE BOYS. I love that this keeps happening it was not my original intention but it is really funny
C) Bro thank you I really appreciate it <3333
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chungledown-bimothy · 2 years
thinking about cHungledown bIM
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oetscop · 1 year
yknow having to be so fucking traumatized that i refuse to build any real connection with anyone new may suck. but at least i wont have a life ruining episode if people cut me out. like soooo fucking fair i wish i could do that to myself
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think-like-a-poet · 3 months
Casual Chappell Roan - LN4
Casual / Lando Norris
A/N: Contains 18+ content.
•Serie masterlist (song x driver)
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I know what you tell your friends
It's casual, if it's casual now
"Mate, how many times do I have to say it. Her and me are not dating." You heard Lando say to Max as they drank from their beers.
Your heart breaks everytime those words leave his mouth. Weren't you good enough for more. More than just a casual relationship.
" You okay?" Ria asked you as she placed a hand on your shoulder.
" Yeah, why wouldn't i be?"
She looked at you with pitty, "It is clear you like bim than more then just fuck buddies. Don't let yourself get hurt to much."
"I don't. So don't worry."
Lando and Max walked up to you, their bottles empty. " What are you ladies talking about?"
" Nothing" you both reply. The both don't seem to ask further.
The thoughts about you two dissapeared that same evening when you were trying to find a comfortable position in Lando' s mclaren. His mouth had been attached to you since you walked out of there and he couldn't help himself anymore. He had opened up the door to his Mclaren and let you sit in it.
" Fuck, don't stop," you moan out and he lets out a chuckel against you. It vibrated through tour body, making you moan once again. His tongue spread you open, eating you out like he hadn't had food for days. A starved man, only longing for one thing
His finger went to stimulate your clint and your breath hitched in your throat. "So needy for me." It didn't take long before you came all over his mouth and he devoured every last drup.
You weren't able to say something as Lando's phone went over. He picked it up and you tried to get your heart beat to normal. "Hi Mum, yes I am almost there. There is lost of traffic." He lied. Lando was suppose to go and have dinner with his parents, but planned the party right before. Maybe not the best idea.
Lando looked at you, before saying, " Do you have room for one more. I have Y/N, with me ." Your eyes widen. You didn't want to see his parents right after you just,...
"Great, we will be there over 10 minutes." He started his car and you two drove to his parents house.
As the music came trough the radio you both didn't say a word to each other. You were to focused on the road infront of you, ot wanting to neet his gaze. Maybe you should listen to Ria.
Lando parked his car in front of the house and you got out of it. His mother was already standing by the entrance. "Y/N, what nice of you to join us." She hugged you, and you thank her.
"I am here too," lando joked as his cisca went to hug her son. She looks so happy between the two of you and you know what she thinks. Just to bad it isn't true.
" Lets get inside." Lando leads you inside and you see his Father seated at the table.
" good evening." You greet and Adam greeted you in return.
The table was already set for four table and the pans were filled with all kind of foods.
" Taste to"
As you begin eating you picked up conversations with his parents and lando. His hand layed to your tight sometimes out of habit and you know that they picked it up.
" We are going on a family vacation to ibiza this summer. Do you want to join us?" Cisca asked and you feel Lando's eye's on you.
"No thank you. I wouldn't want to interewine if it is a family vacation. You should spent it alone with each other."
His parents look between the two of you and Lando couldn't stop staring at his plate.
Maybe some day you will be together. Over a couple years and you do more then only pleasing each other sexualy. You do on dates, you wake up next to each other. Maybe some day.
Tag list: @hiireadstuff @nikfigueiredo @elliott-calls @g-l-o-b-e-w-h-o-r-e
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artificergorgug · 6 months
Been thinking a lot about how Fabian uses the word triggering. He uses it in reference to the sexy rat, to the term 'turncoat', and (i believe) about Chungledown Bim
And he says it like a joke, right? Like the point is that Lou is making a joke because haha a sexy rat and a mirror abandoning Fabian and a funny-named gnome that wants to shit in his mouth are all funny concepts so why shoudn't it be funny that they're traumatizing
Except, I think Fabian is using that term earnestly. I think he is genuinely upset by how a sexy rat wanted to violate him in the nightmare forest and that in order for him to progress he had to lay down and give coerced consent to it
I think he is deeply hurt by people he loves leaving him. Sure, this time it's a mirror being a 'turncoat', but it's also his mom going on vacation with Gilear. And thinking about how Fabian interacts with Cathilda, treats her like a parent and a caregiver, you have to think that his dad was at the very least emotionally unavailable (if not physically so) and we all know about his mom's sensory deprivation egg
I think Chungledown Bim terrifies him in ways he can't articulate. The representation of how he's fallen short of his father's legacy persuing him endlessly. Being given spells and wealth and access by his devil father. Tracking him down to degrade him in an extremely visceral way
Fabian says that things are triggering with a smile on his face and a laugh in his voice. He's learned that saying the uncomfortable thing means money being thrown at a problem. He's learned that you're supposed to distance yourself from your feelings, to self-medicate
He doesn't have the skills or the practice to tell his friends in all seriousness that the things they say bother him. Remind him of his hardest days - in Leviathan, the Nightmare Forest, the Red Waste
And the part that hurts the most is that if he had this earnest conversation, his friends would be there. They'd respect him. Maybe help him unlearn some of the lessons that have shaped this ineffective request for help in the first place
But he doesn't ask and he says it as a joke and they hear it as a joke and nobody heals
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allovesthings · 3 months
Donna and Dick. BFFs of all time.
That's it. That's the post.
They should have an arc/storyline where it's just the two of them again, hanging out and solving crimes/doing superheroes things (or just them hanging out, I would absolutely read it).
They deserve it.
It would extremely fun if they also accidentally run into KG Beast and Donna is just like: "Yay my turn" I think she should have that, as a treat, for me (actually KG Beast getting his ass handed to bim by every superhero that cares and knows Dick should be a running joke, It think it would be funny)..
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madamegoodparty · 1 year
Chungle Down: The Bimothing
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becausesure · 5 months
This episode truly feels like an example of "Is D20 scripted" but it couldn't be
How do you say something off hand about "Barbarian healing" and have that relate back to an important plot line in a campaign 20 episodes later in that series
This is the same show that had a plot hole fixed by a player in a show that only has one episode for a joke being that Chungledown Bim couldn't have gotten into the Nightmare Forest without infernal leave but he was decided to be a fiendish warlock afterwards
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Sometimes, the Intrepid Heroes bother me.
I love the dimension 20 show. Main quests, side quests, live shows... I love these people and the stories they tell. But given the comedic tone they are going for, as someone who *really* is invested in the story and lore, sometimes the riffing/joking comes off as insensitive or awful. I try to just remember jokes are jokes, but just wanna like point it out, once. Like how they often make jokes about things that are traumatic for their characters, like chungkedown Bim or sexy rat for Fabian, making "are you dating" jokes with Riz about the person who, let's not forget, *got his father murdered*, ect.
The line too far for me, to the point it's actively bothering me, is Emily, not just fig but clearly Emily, reiterating over and over that Porter is right and Gorgug *needed* to change. Part of me hopes the reason Zach is showing Gorgug as more violent/mean is tied into this thought, like 'if this is what you want, here you go'
I am 300% on the 'fuck Porter' train and will always be. He's a bad man, a bad teacher, even if he's not an in-game villain. His toxic/violent perspective on harnessing anger *one way* to lash out and be a violent jerk is not fucking healthy, and what works for one person is not a universal rule. Professor Badgood *gave up* her deity so she could properly teach for a wide verity of students and moral spectrums, different interpretations of faith. Porter is a barbarian *and* paladin instructor who thinks 'my way or the highway' and when one of his students pushed back, tries something different, calls out how hurt *he* is that gorgug was seeking another path, passive-aggressively.
Let's not get it twisted: he did not come around because Gorgug was, by his own efforts, busting his ass and *succeeding* with the harder path, you know, like a fucking *barbarian*. He didn't see the merits and change his mind. Gorgug's stress and frustration mounted and he just let himself go, being more aggro and rude as he's breaking down, which that motherfucker sees as *progress* and only then, allowed for the MCAT. Then he has the gall to look at the result and go 'ahh, I see, this is actually cool.'
*Fuck you, porter.* Gorgug did this *despite* your efforts to stop him, you are not a mentor you are a roadblock.
This was supposed to be about something else, the porter hate came out... Anyway
Yeah hopefully Gorgug bullying Mary Ann will make it clearer to his friends that no, leaning into violent rage is not better for him as a person.
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urdadsceilingfan · 10 months
Can I give Bim a high five
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I had this joke in my head for a while
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qaey · 9 months
ok i KNOW it’s played as a joke that fabian is terrified of chungledown bim but he’s also THE most terrifying character in the entire campaign. that one fifteen minute one shot where brennan played chungledown bim was the scariest scene in all of fh
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