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meme by u/emwattnot
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r0ulotte · 1 year
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Sketch commission for No.1 Moira's simp, @wi-fu
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lycorisx · 27 days
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Again not Hellsing, having a go at other fandoms.
Overwatch. Love the lore. Dislike the game most of the time. Hardstuck on gold smh.
Anyway, Gabriel and Moira.
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kenshitism · 24 days
I love blackwatch cassidy with my very soul .
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y0suke · 4 days
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blackwatch genji without the mask, probably won’t finish it😭
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cephaleo · 16 hours
Maybe Tumblr will appreciate Spuriken more instead of complaining that it isn’t yeehan
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bardsexlovers · 24 hours
Cassidy Cole (texting Gabriel): sends a voice message
Gabriel Reyes (texting back): I’m a little busy, is it urgent?
Cassidy: No, don’t worry, just listen later. later
Gabriel: presses play
Cassidy (voice message): THERE’S A FIRE-
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bantarleton · 2 years
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Broadsword believed to have belonged to a Black Watch officer, likely seeing service during the War of the Austrian Success/1745 Jacobite Rising and the Seven Years War.
Also for some weird reason even though the pics are the right way up Tumblr turns them like this, so yeah.
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malbecmusings · 1 year
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Sparkman and Stephen's 68' yawl Black Watch built in 1938 stretching her legs off the coast of Maine.
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blackwatch773 · 1 month
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Royal Black Watch Regiment TO&E (3153):
Trinary 1:
1a. Regimental Command Supernova- "Claymore"
1x HGN-732bM (Regimental Command Mech; COMGEN Melissa Hazen)
1x AS7-K3T (Nova Captain MAJ Theodora Marten-Steiner)
1x AWS-9Q-K (Regimental Senior Enlisted WO Karrie DeLacey; also Unit Chief Technician)
1x OC-1Xb (Quick Reaction Fire Support)
1x CP-10-HQb (Forward Base Defense & Headquarters Transport)
1x RPT-3Xb (Quick Reaction Reconnaissance Asset; attached from Supernova 1 "Dirk")
1x Infantry Star (Armored; Special TO&E; 2/5ths Elemental BW, 3/5ths Elemental III; Elite/Fanatical)
1x Infantry Star (Armored; Elemental III; Elite/Fanatical)
1x Infantry Star (Unarmored; SLDF Infantry w/ Tornado G17 PA(L); Elite/Reliable)
1b. Supernova 1 - "Dirk"
4x HGN-732Ib
1x RPT-3Xb (currently attached to Command Nova)
2x Infantry Star (Armored; Elemental III; Elite/Fanatical)
1x Infantry Star (Unarmored; SLDF Infantry with Tornado PA(L)
1c. Supernova 2 - "Broadsword"
4x HGN-732Ib
1x RPT-3Xb
2x Infantry Star (Armored; Elemental III; Elite/Fanatical)
1x Infantry Star (Unarmored; SLDF Infantry with Tornado PA(L)
Trinary 2:
2a. Command Supernova - “Baselard”
1x HGN-732Ic
3x HGN-732Ib
1x OC-1Xb (Quick Reaction Fire Support)
2x Infantry Star (Armored; Elemental III; Elite/Fanatical)
1x Infantry Star (Unarmored; SLDF Infantry w/ Tornado G17 PA(L); Elite/Reliable)
2b. Supernova 1 - “Cutlass”
4x HGN-732Ib
1x RPT-3Xb (currently attached to Command Nova)
2x Infantry Star (Armored; Elemental III; Elite/Fanatical)
1x Infantry Star (Unarmored; SLDF Infantry with Tornado PA(L)
2c. Supernova 2 - “Falchion”
4x HGN-732Ib
1x RPT-3Xb
2x Infantry Star (Armored; Elemental III; Elite/Fanatical)
1x Infantry Star (Unarmored; SLDF Infantry with Tornado PA(L)
Trinary 3:
3a. Command Supernova - “Longsword”
1x HGN-732Ic
3x HGN-732Ib
1x OC-1Xb (Quick Reaction Fire Support)
2x Infantry Star (Armored; Elemental III; Elite/Fanatical)
1x Infantry Star (Unarmored; SLDF Infantry w/ Tornado G17 PA(L); Elite/Reliable)
3b. Supernova 1 - “Sabre”
4x HGN-732Ib
1x RPT-3Xb (currently attached to Command Nova)
2x Infantry Star (Armored; Elemental III; Elite/Fanatical)
1x Infantry Star (Unarmored; SLDF Infantry with Tornado PA(L)
3c. Supernova 2 - “Gladius”
4x HGN-732Ib
1x RPT-3Xb
2x Infantry Star (Armored; Elemental III; Elite/Fanatical)
1x Infantry Star (Unarmored; SLDF Infantry with Tornado PA(L)
Support Sections:
4. Regimental Engineering/MechTechBattalion – “Brunel” (not drop capable)
5x BattleMech Recovery Vehicle
15x Heavy BattleMech Recovery Vehicle
12x Savior Repair Vehicle
12x Paramour Repair Vehicle
40x J-37 Ordnance Transports
10x Pit Bull Medium Trucks
40x Coolant Trucks
5x Hoplite HMMWV
5. Regimental Headquarters Support Battalion - “Chieftain” (not drop capable)
3x Gossamer Drones + 3x Sasayaku Control Transports (Strategic Recon Section)
3x Beagle Hover Scouts (Beagle TAG variant; Battlefield Awareness Section)
1x Praetorian Mobile Strategic HQ
8x Mobile Point Defense System
7x Burro Heavy Support Trucks (1x Water Tanker, 3x Fuel Tanker, 3x Cargo)
6x GESV Mobile Field Kitchen + Field Kitchen Trailer
15x Pit Bull Medium Trucks
3x Hoplite HMMWV
6. Regimental Artillery Battalion - “Caber” (not drop capable)
9x Mobile Long Tom (LT-MOB-95 variant)
1x Pit Bull Medium Truck
3x Burro Heavy Support Trucks (2x Cargo, 1x Fuel Tanker)
9x J-37 Ordnance Transports
1x Tribune Tactical Mobile HQ
4x Hoplite HMWVV
7. Regimental Medical Company - “Fleming” (not drop capable):
10x GESV (MASH configuration) + GESV Medical Trailer
5x Soar Medical VTOL (Militarized variant)
4x Burro Heavy Support Trucks (x2 Fuel Tankers; x2 Cargo)
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johnthestitcher · 1 year
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What I will be wearing to dinner this St Patrick’s Day. I need to get a green tie; the blue derby I originally ordered was too small, so I got a green one since I have two kilts with green tartans.
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scotianostra · 11 months
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18th July 1743 saw three men from the Black Watch Regiment shot for desertion and mutiny at The Tower of London.
Following an order to march to London, the men of the Black Watch were uneasy. However, unrest was calmed by explaining that the King merely wishes to see a Highland regiment, which he has never seen. Upon arriving in England, however, the men of Black Watch discovered that the King was on the continent and not present to review the regiment. Rumours spread that the regiment was to be sent to the West Indies - not the duties of the Highland Watch for which the men had signed up.
On May 17th, 1743, approximately 100 men deserted, and set off to return to Scotland. They were intercepted by General Wade's regiment of horse, and after some negotiations, reached a surrender. All the deserters were tried by court martial, and sentenced to death. The capital sentence was commuted for all men except for Corporals Malcolm and Samuel McPherson, and private Farqhuar Shaw. The "pardoned" men were drafted into service with regiments in Minorca, Gibraltar, Georgia, and the West Indies, and the rest of the Highland Regiment left for Flanders.
To understand why the mutiny happened you have to look at the history of the Highland Regiments. In the year 1739, the six independent companies of the "Highland Watch", along with four newly-raised companies, were incorporated into the British Army as a Regiment of Foot under John, the Earl of Crawford. This Regiment was originally numbered the 43rd Highland Regiment, but was renumbered as the 42nd in 1749.
It has long been argued whether the soldiers really knew what was expected of them as a Regiment. Stuart of Garth, who had his book on the regimental history published in 1822, claims the men only saw becoming a Regiment as changing the title from that of an Independent Company and also changing their officers. They never thought they would be expected to serve outside the Highlands. The vast majority of the soldiers had never set foot out of Scotland. Authorities, however, argued that the Highlanders should have realised that, as a Regiment, they would be expected to serve overseas.
In the end three men out of the 139 were executed; Corporals Samuel Macpherson, Malcolm Macpherson and Private Farquhar Shaw. The rest were sent to other regiments serving abroad. The two executed Corporals had been from respected families in the Parish of Laggan. Samuel and Malcolm’s execution probably played a part in their families’ decision to support the Jacobite uprising of 1745. Private Farquhar Shaw was said to have been the best shot in the Regiment and was made an example of. If you visit Aberfeldy today you find, on the banks of the river Tay, The Black Watch Monument. It was unveiled in 1887 and standing on top of it is a Black Watch figure – a representation of Private Farquhar Shaw.
In 2006, a plaque was installed in the Tower of London to commemorate tome of those known to have been executed within it. The list contains the names of Anne Boleyn and Catherine Howard, two of Henry VIII’s wives. Also on that list are Corporals Samuel MacPherson, Malcolm MacPherson and Private Farquhar Shaw.
There's a full "narrative" of the mutiny from the late 19th century here http://www.siol-nan-gaidheal.org/manuscripts/mutiny/bwmindex.htm
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carbone14 · 1 year
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Des Black Watch de la 51e Division d'infanterie (Highland) font la jonction avec une unité de reconnaissance de la 84e Division d'infanterie américaine à La Roche-en-Ardenne – Bataille des Ardennes – Belgique – 11 janvier 1945
©National Army Museum - NAM. 1985-11-36-314
De gauche à droite : les Black Watch de la 51e Division d'infanterie (Highland), le radio Harris Mc Allister, le Caporal John Donald et le Sergent Richards et les hommes de la 84e Division d'infanterie américaine, le Sergent Ray Stangler, le Caporal Harlem Mathis et le Sergent Max Beal
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rastronomicals · 4 months
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The Black Watch
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do-you-know-this-play · 5 months
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