#BOTH have that battle-loving coworker with the personality of a puppy
quesadilla-day · 9 months
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"draw your two biggest comfort characters as the steven meme" what on earth does this say about me 🤯
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^the original^
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90 notes · View notes
adonis-koo · 4 years
Blue Spring
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↳ Summary: Jeon Jungkook, only well known as the youngest (and hottest) dad at the daycare, he’s got it all, the looks, the sweetheart personality, the body, but here’s what gets everyone- he doesn’t wear a wedding ring. The only problem lies in his fickle one year old daughter that hates just about every daycare worker out there...Well...besides you that is. Which of course leads to Jungkook liking you just as much as his daughter...if not maybe a little too much.
Or in other words...You and Jungkook are secretly crushing on one another but too shy to admit it.
↳ Pairing: Single dad!Jungkook/Reader
↳ Genre: Daycare AU, Slice of life, copious amounts of fluff, a hair of angst, future smut
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The last few months...were not easy.
Seo Yeon was not one to give up easily and she in fact did attempt to file for full custody over Mina, it was an absolute nightmare for Jungkook but you were with him every step of the way. Keyword, she tried. Three months, it was ongoing for the two of them, but eventually Jungkook won, you’d never forget the tears of relief he cried that day while hugging you. He’d never have to worry about Seo Yeon taking his beautiful baby away again.
“I’m just glad things are beginning to settle down y’know?” It was nice having things back to normal, the looming weight and pressure was constantly over your shoulders the whole two months the custody battle was going on. You had admittedly been terrified with each day you watched Mina wondering if it would be your last with her.
Even after the battle it still took another month for things to really go back to normal, for the tension both you and Jungkook had been under to slowly dissipate. Pausing your coloring you sighed as you watched Mina, who was happily perched on your lap color over the spot you had been working on with her pink colored pencil, “Rightly so, it was insane with everything going on with Jungkook’s ex. I’m just glad you guys won the battle, he would’ve been crushed if Seo Yeon actually won.” Chloe hummed as she leaned back in her chair as best she could.
You shuddered to think if Seo Yeon had won, she was manipulative and almost seemed unstable. You’d even go as far as to say she didn’t even really love Mina, it alway came across she was just using her as a tool to get Jungkook back. It made you feel disgusted.
“I don’t even wanna think about it. I’m just glad it’s over. It feels like maybe we’ll be able to spend more time together without constantly worrying.” You sighed as you went back to coloring, pressing your lips together as you honed in on princess Aurora’s hair.
“I’m sure you guys will probably be able to...you know...get it on easier than the past few months huh.” Lisa hummed, her eyes peering out over the room like a hawk.
You nearly choked on your own spit as you glanced up at both of your coworkers who seemed rather taken aback by your reaction, “Uh…” You nibbled against your lip, well aware your face was probably flushed as you glanced back down at the table.
“Shut up!” Chloe immediately straightened her posture, her hands pressed against the table as she leaned in, “You guys haven’t!?”
You sunk in your chair a little as you pressed your lips together, feeling like the tips of your ears were on fire as you shrugged meekly, “It was never the right time…” Your friend's expressions morphed into somewhat pity, as if understanding given what the circumstances were, “With everything that was going on, we were almost always preoccupied...I mean he tried a few times.” You muttered under your breath making Lisa choke on her drink as they both began laughing, a small smile peaking on your lips as you laughed with them, “But like I said, it was never the right time…”
“But hey...it’s been about a month now...y’know...just saying.” Chloe took a sip of her coffee as if she totally wasn’t insinuating what you all knew she was. You glanced back down at the coloring sheet, Mina had nearly covered it in pink making your lips curve up a little.
Shrugging meekly you answered, “It’ll happen when it happens. I mean don’t get me wrong Jungkook is...definitely ready…” You felt your cheeks flush at the memories of less than innocent text conversations. The once meek and docile boy you knew had completely changed in these few months to a confident man who was eager to get his hands on you, with every smirk, innuendo and steamy text. Jungkook had made it very clear he wanted this. But he never pushed or pursued outside of teasing, not wanting to pressure you or make you feel obligated. But admittedly just the idea made you squirm in embarrassment and heat. Of course you wanted to be beneath him, you were with him every step of such a harsh and taxing journey, you shared tears of joy together, you wanted nothing more than him.
You clacked your tongue, positive your cheeks were flushed as you glanced back at your paper, working around the spots Mina had colored in with her pencil. It wasn’t like sex was everything, you cherished your relationship with Jungkook regardless, but...Maybe you were just scared? You weren’t sure, but you weren’t going to worry about it. It would happen when the time was right.
The day passed relatively normal, you had gotten up several times to attend to other children and each time Mina was whiny, toddling behind you while gurgling, she was forming words now but nothing actually comprehensible, she was very enthusiastic regardless. Unless, again you were with another child, in which her speech would become more whiny and she'd stamp her feet as if thinking for sure that would gain your attention.
It was rather funny because Mina was a very jealous child, not just with other children but between you and Jungkook as well, always trying to capture not just his but your attention as well. It was cute. The day had gone relatively fast and by the time the evening rolled around kids were beginning to get picked up left and right.
Jungkook was no exception, peeking his head into the room as the smile twitched on his lips as he fondly watched Mina experimentally attach two magnet trains together, she immediately bounced on your lap with an excited gurgle as she showed you her two piece train, “Oh my goodness! Isn’t that so neat honey?” You cooed with a smile twisting on your lips as you leaned down, “But I think someone is watching you…”
Mina immediately perked as if knowing this little routine that anytime you brought someone up it was almost always daddy. She shrilled with excitement when her eyes landed on Jungkook, but rather than tumble off your lap she bounced while fisting your shirt as if trying to get you to pick her up.
Snorting you curved a brow as you stood up, setting her on your hip as you clacked your tongue, “Even she knows I go with you most days now.” Mina had gotten way too used to you leaving with you both and it was really beginning to show.
Chuckling Jungkook stretched out his arms as Mina mirrored him, passing her off as he replied, “Can’t help it, you know you were the one who taught her that.” Even at the tender age of one, Mina was used to you being with them most days now, and oftentimes not wanting to take no for an answer when you had to leave.
Rolling your eyes you picked up her backpack as you replied, “Well if someone didn’t insist I go home with him most days she wouldn’t have those expectations.” Jungkook puckered his lips, as if trying to keep the smile that kept tugging at his lips, sighing you could feel your own lips tug into a smile as you hummed, “If you’re ready I’m ready. I just need to clock out.”
You both stepped out of the room, bidding your friends goodbye who both sent you suggestive looks making you flush as you closed the gate. Going behind the counter you clocked out before heading out.
Days like these were more common than not, it worked out that you got off around the time Jungkook usually picked Mina up, give or take a few minutes and he was always happy for you to stay for dinner. You both had even taken up the habit of cooking together- well...it was more like Jungkook was teaching you how to cook. But he always made it fun to learn. Tonight was no exception as you both made...well attempted to make Bulgogi, had it not been for Jungkook the beef would have probably been a lot more chewy and less flavorful.
Cutting up little pieces you placed your chopsticks into Mina’s mouth as she happily chewed while bouncing, “The guys were wanting to come over later tonight,” Jungkook had been rambling about his day, “And since you don’t have class or work in the morning you could join us tonight…”
He wiggled his brows a little making you snort as you wiped off Mina’s mouth, “And watch you guys play Overwater? Pass.” He let out a whiny sigh as he slumped in his seat, looking an awful lot like Mina. You had already met Jungkook’s friends a plentiful of times before with everything that had happened and you got along with them great! But still...gaming night was a boys night.
“You could play with us,” Jungkook was quick to try and persuade you as you began eating, Mina playing with the leftover sauce on her plate as she kicked her legs, “You know how to play!”
You couldn’t stop the endearing smile on your face as you clacked your tongue, “Against you and all of them? No thanks.” It was true, Jungkook actually showed you the ropes but you weren’t a great player, you wouldn’t even dub yourself a good player. It was still fun but with all of his friends? Even harder pass.
Jungkook’s bottom lip jutted into a pout, his voice getting that tone he always had when he wasn’t getting his way, “We’ll be on the same team! It’ll be a lot of fun!” No matter how cute he looked he was just going to have to accept your answer.
You shook your head before letting out a laugh at his kicked puppy expression, standing up you cleaned off Mina’s fingers that had been covered in sauce and of course, her face was messy as well, though cute. Helping her out of her booster chair you glanced at Jungkook’s sulky expression, “...I guess I can stay, but don’t expect me to play.”
Jungkook practically flew out of his chair, hands cupping your cheeks as he rapidly pressed short little kisses on your lips, “Thank you baby.” You tried to push him away with a laugh but he wouldn’t relent as he pressed one last peck against your lips. It was just as well because Mina had wedged herself between both your and Jungkook’s legs, gurgles escaping her louder than normal as if to draw both of your attention to her.
“I know Mina,” You sighed as your lips tugged into a pout, as you leaned down and scooped her into your arms, “Boys are gross.” Jungkook laughed as he pressed kisses against Mina’s cheeks. She seemed to disagree as she happily bounced against your side, practically relishing in Jungkook and your attention both. Talk about a diva! Her expression made you smile as you tutted, brushing the strands of hair from her face. She really was just too cute for her own good.
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The night had settled in and boys...well boys will be boys. It was cute seeing all of them huddled in the living room, you had even helped Jungkook prepare for their game night by setting out soju and various bags of chips and dip for them. You stayed on the floor for the first hour and a half, conversing with those who weren’t playing while coloring with Mina, who had been hyper focused on her picture before ever so often demanding Jungkook’s attention.
“I don’t know…” Jimin whined, sitting upside down on the couch, his hair flopped, nearly touching the ground which Mina took liberty in grabbing a fist full of happily while yanking it making Jimin yelp.
You could hear Seokjin and Yoongi smuggly snickering at him rubbing his scalp as he tugged his hair from Mina’s grip as you felt a laugh bubbling against your lip as well. Sitting on the floor upright, his plump lips twisting into a pout as he squished Mina’s cheeks, “That’s not very nice!”
Mina only giggled as she clapped her hands, ignoring his chastising arounds as you smiled, gently combing her soft hair from her eyes, “I think you should give her a chance, I know you bachelor's love your freedom,” You paused as you squinted to Yoongi who pretended he wasn’t listening as he watched Jungkook and Taehyung shout in desperation at the screen, “But even if you get a girlfriend, it doesn’t mean you have to settle right away. Relationships can be very rewarding. Right Jungkook?”
You snorted at Jungkook’s head perking a little at his name despite his eyes wide and his long fingers mashing the buttons on his controller, “Yes baby!” He growled the end of his word as his brows scrunched together, “Taehyung what the fuck!” Obviously dying he dropped his controller as he began to argue with his friend. Clearly not even fully listening to what you had said to begin with.
“Language! We have little ears!” Jungkook didn’t even acknowledge your scowl as he was preoccupied with arguing with Taehyung, sighing you couldn’t help but feel a smile tug on your face before glancing back at Jimin who shifted in his spot before groaning. Mina promptly crawled into his lap while bouncing, her signal for wanting to be bounced and thrown up in the air to be caught- Jimin’s speciality.
“Yeah but I’m not like Mr Romantic over there,” Jimin slumped against the foot of the couch, letting Mina tug at his hands as she furrowed her little brows in impatience, “I’ve never been interested in relationships. Besides, she probably doesn’t even care anyways.”
You could never mistake the mutter in his voice, his eyes brewing as if in some internal battle as you sighed, “You’ll never know if you don’t ask. That’s all I’m saying.” Jungkook’s friends were an interesting bunch, some married, others with kids. And of course the two bachelors Jimin and Yoongi.
The boys continued to rotate on who played Overwatch with one another and once they thought it was a good idea to bring the spare TV out and hook up an extra console you felt lost. Sighing as you grimaced while watching Taehyung and Seokjin look like two little boys with a new toy.
“Someone's definitely tired.” Jungkook leaned over on the couch, a soft smile on his face as you tilted your head before glancing down. Unable to stop your own smile, you hadn’t realized Mina was passed out on your lap, it was nearing eight o’clock and it was generally around her bedtime regardless.
“She had a busy day, you know she tries to kick other kids away from me anytime they ask for help?” A smile quirked on your lips as you and Jungkook both laughed. Letting out a sigh of contentment you curled up against Jungkook’s warm body, his controller still in hand as Jimin sat down on the couch on the other side of you as they resumed playing.
By the time it was nine o’clock though Mina was passed out on your lap and you were
admittedly getting tired yourself, “Hey, I’m gonna go lay down with Mina.” Jungkook barely nodded in your direction, his eyes still focused on the screen and his nose scrunched as he smashed buttons on the controller. It was still cute the way he leaned his cheek close to you as you softly pecked against it before shifting Mina in your arms as you bid the rest of the boys goodnight.
Trudging down the hallway softly you yawned as you opened the door to Jungkook’s room, gently closing it before setting her little figure down on the bed. You supposed if you were spending the night Jungkook would survive sharing his clothes given you hadn’t come prepared. Digging through his shirt draw you pulled out an oversized black shirt, this would do. Something you found cute was his love for oversized clothes, always saying he preferred to dress comfortably over fashionably.
Of course if it was big on him it was going to be massive on you, folding up your clothes you set them on the dresser before picking back up Mina, opening the bed covers before setting her down once more and crawling in bed. Mina’s blanket had been wrapped over her shoulder and she immediately curled in closer to you, letting out a cooed gurgle as her tiny fist tugged against Jungkook’s shirt you wore.
Letting out a tiny laugh you gently combed through her fine hair, god what did you do to deserve two beautiful, sweet people? The idea was scary at first, possibly becoming a mom to Mina, but after you had gotten over the initial fear you loved her more than anything in the world. You could only hope to live up to being the mom Mina deserved to have. Sleepily you turned out the lights before resting your hand against her little back, letting your eyes close before drifting off to sleep.
Groaning softly you shifted against the soft bed, the room was still dark and rain could be heard trickling gently against the rooftop. Reaching out for Mina’s missing figure you only found the hard surface of a chest instead, arms wrapped securely around you as you snuggled in close. Jungkook. He must have finally gone to bed, what time was it? “...Mmm Kook, Kook where’s Mina.” Your sleepy figure suddenly became a little more awake at the realization Mina was no longer with you.
Jungkook groaned a little, shifting against you as he pressed his nose into your neck, “Crib, didn’t want too at first, you both looked cute together.” His voice was deep and drowsy, still half asleep as he relaxed back into your body, “Some of the guys stayed over by the way.”
You shifted around to face him making a whine escape his lips, he had been spooning you before and was now forced to shift his own position a little so you could let your leg wrap over his hip and bury into his chest, “Mkay.” You yawned as you let your eyes drop closed again.
What a perfect way to wake up...and fall back asleep. Jungkook smelt like cinnamon and vanilla, the most generic lotion out there but you wouldn’t deny how soft his skin was because he loved to be ‘well moisturized’. He was constantly warm too, like a little miniature furnace that was perfect to cuddle when nights got too chilly, and of course he was strong, a lot of days he was smug in his showcase of it when he threw you over his shoulder like a sack of potatoes.
The memory made you smile against his skin, you had been shouting while laughing for him to put you down but it ended up upsetting Mina, making her think something was going on between you both that wasn’t good.
You both ended up stopping just to sit down and coddle her, except she pushed her little hands against Jungkook’s shin, as if that was supposed to tell him off before waddling over to you, collapsing against your shoulder while hugging you. Jungkook looked so offended at her while you bursted out laughing.
Curling your arms around him you wiggled in closer, as many memories surrounded your mind. A low, raspy moan made you jump, pulling you out of your thoughts as a large hand suddenly grabbed your hip, “Am I supposed to ignore you doing that or…?” Jungkook mumbled against your skin making you furrow your brows, what…?
That’s when you felt it, the thick hardened length that rubbed against your inner thigh in need, this time making you jump even harder, mainly because you weren’t expecting...that to be there, “I...I didn’t realize…” You cleared your throat as you mumbled back, already beginning to feel your cheeks flush and your heart rapidly beat in your chest. Morning wood was normal! It was totally normal! It wasn’t like this was the first time you had experienced this, you had slept over at Jungkook’s before.
But he’d usually excuse himself to the shower and...presumably took care of himself. Oftentimes teasing you on if you wanted to join him, which you’d always decline. Today seemed different though, it was the first time you had stayed over this month, and while there was nothing special about this month. It was the first of many where you and Jungkook could simply be together stress free while taking care of Mina.
You jolted once more at the squeeze on your hip, Jungkook's lips parting against your neck making an involuntary whine escape you as his tongue dragged against it’s skin, “And now that you do…? You aren’t gonna make me keep using my hands, right?” You could feel his playful smile against your neck, grabbing your hips to shift them back against his hard on. Your face felt nearly as hot as your body that was flushed with arousal at the way he easily manhandled you.
But something struck you as you let out a breathy laugh, “Maybe, considering there's other people in the house right now…” You weren’t sure you really wanted to attempt this with him with others present, even if they were crashed out in the living room...well with anyone in the house, honestly...You were...rather loud in bed with the right people, and given you were wet just because Jungkook manhandled you slightly? You had a feeling he wasn’t just the right person but an amazing person, you didn’t want to subject anyone to that.
Jungkook groaned against your neck, his hips lazily grinding in your thigh making his cock rub along your warm skin as you bit against your lip, he was such a tease! “If we’re quiet it’ll be fine.” He was acting like this wouldn’t be your first time together!
You felt your face getting hotter by the second, “...I’m not exactly quiet..” You didn’t really want to openly admit that, but Jungkook needed to understand this wasn’t going to work. You weren’t opposed to helping him out. But you’d prefer to wait for yourself, you didn’t exactly trust yourself to ‘be quiet’.
“Oh really?” Now Jungkook was really horny, you could tell by his voice becoming huskier, his hands squeezing at your hips making you whine softly against his chest as he placed them against his, his thick imprint rubbing against your dampened panties, “Do tell.”
It was hard to stand your ground when he was practically dry humping you, his throbbing length rubbing so close to your clit it made your hands curl against his shoulders and your brows pressed together as stuttered, “Y-yeah, I...mmph! I moan a lot.” Your body felt like an inferno at your confession and your expression became meeker by the moment as you pressed your forehead against his chest, too embarrassed to even look at him.
You could hear his soft moan at your words though, your panties sticking to your wet folds and you were positive if he kept rubbing against you like this they’d be soaked soon, “Mmm why? What makes you moan hm? What makes that little cunt wet?”
You practically squeaked against him at the seeking thrust of his hips, his swollen imprint pressing into your clit with enough friction to make your hips buck back against his, “Mm! A-ah, Jungkook…!” You whined quietly against him at the way he grabbed your hips, roughly grinding his hips against yours as his cock rubbed harshly into your clit, your panties soaked and your fingers fumbling to find his hair in need.
A loud gurgled cry was all it took before the sexual tension and the way you both grinded each other like high schoolers was gone. Fumbling in bed you both sat up as Mina’s muffled cries became louder, “She probably needs a diaper change,” You murmured as you glanced at the clock, it was five AM but still a little too early for her to be up and toddling about.
Jungkook groaned as he flopped back in bed, looking mildly frustrated making you laugh. Your hands were a little shaky at the sight of the wet patch on his crotch from where you both grinded one another, “Don’t mind me and my hand over here.” He waved you off as you rolled your eyes with a smile.
Standing up you made your way for the door, “Jungkook don’t be dramatic, we’ll have sex eventually.” It was easy to say that when you were turned away from him and leaving the room where you didn’t have to see his messy daunting figure.
You could hear him groan as you laughed making him call out with a whine, “You make that sound a lot longer away then necessary.” You closed the door as you shook your head. It was going to happen, when the time was right. You didn’t know when that was but you weren’t going to rush it. It was fine.
Walking into Mina’s room she was standing up with fat tears rolling down her cheeks as she bounced at the sight of you. Reaching down you checked her diaper as you sighed, completely full, no wonder she was practically screeching, you thought it was odd that she didn’t need a change before you took her to bed.
Picking her up you pressed a kiss against her forehead before laying her down to change her diaper. Throwing the old one away in the trashcan before pulling her nighty back down, “Poor baby, I know it was gross. But it’s all better now baby.” You bounced her on your hip. The problem was getting her to go back to sleep. She was practically stuck to you like a koala now and refusing to let go.
Swaying your body you nuzzled her gently as you soothingly rubbed her back, getting her to calm down a little after ten minutes, reluctantly she let you go as you set her back down in her crib, her big doe eyes- the same as Jungkooks- looking back up at you as she whined. Chuckling you picked her stuffed bear from the ground before giving it to her. As if indignant she snatched it before coddling it against her as you gave her one last forehead kiss, she’d be up again in two hours, she’d survive.
Gently closing the door to Jungkook's room you turned around as your lips parted before scoffing, “You couldn’t wait ten minutes?” You curved a brow, feeling somewhat amused at the tissues in Jungkook’s hand, looking a little guilty before trying to casually play it off as he shrugged. But you weren’t dumb, he didn’t have a boner anymore, there were tissues in his hand and there was not a bottle of lotion on the nightstand before you left this room.
“I’m not a patient guy,” Jungkook turned and tossed the tissue in the trashcan before turning around, looking a little more predatorily making you leer a little as you crawled back into bed, “Y’know…you never did answer my question…” You raised a brow at him before yelping as he suddenly lunged back onto the bed, crawling on top of you as you squirmed, “What makes you moan?” Jungkook eagerly asked as you began laughing beneath him trying to push him off of you.
“Jungkook!” “I need to know if I’m going to make you cum until you pass out!” “Jungkook!”
You both were laughing now as he nudged the crook of your neck with his nose, rubbing it roughly as he growled playfully against your neck, “Entertain me baby, you love to dodge my questions whenever we’re texting.” It was the truth, Jungkook was...inquisitive about everything revolving around what you liked sexually. Did you like it slow? Rough? Were there any kinks you were into, did you prefer it vanilla? He wanted to know everything. But more times then less you’d usually find a way to curve his questions leaving him frustrated and wondering.
You knew most of what Jungkook was into by now, you knew he enjoyed being in control and dominating, you knew he had a thing for doggystyle and really liked spanking, he liked all kinds of things and he had zero problems letting you know that, but he was just as in the dark about what you liked as when you first started dating.
It wasn’t that you were playing hard to get, you were just simply shy and embarrassed, you didn’t exactly have a lot of experience, and the few people you were with you didn’t exactly experiment a lot with either. Sex, just wasn’t something you were used to talking about. Sometimes you felt stupid because of how giddy you got when Jungkook would bring up sex, as if it wasn’t something you had engaged in before, but you couldn’t help it, he excited you so much, he may not have known it but he frustarted you more then you ever did him.
“Come on, it’s not like either of us are going back to sleep,” Jungkook nipped against your neck making you jump as you whined, “You know how fucking insane you drive me? I can’t even properly masturbate without thinking about if it’s something you’d be into?”
You couldn’t stop the snort escaping you as you began to laugh, “Be into you masturbating?” “That’s not what I meant!” “Because I’m cool with it, I mean I masturbate too.”
“You do?” Jungkook pulled away from you to look at you, his expression so serious it really was cute, but his words made you groan as you covered your face, “You masturbate? To me right? Please say me or else I’m gonna lose my shit.”
You threw your hands up as you scoffed, “Of course I masturbate! It’s normal and healthy, I do have a libido! You know women have needs just like men.” What kind of question was that? You knew you were coy but did this man, who you called your boyfriend for four months, seriously assumed you just never got yourself off? What!?
“Oh you do?” Jungkook smirked as he jabbed your stomach playfully making you whine, “Wait- you didn’t answer my question, do you watch porn? What about toys? I’m not opposed to-”
“Jungkook!” You would melt into this goddamn bed if it got you out of this conversation, you weren’t even sure what it was, you trusted Jungkook wholeheartedly, this was bound to happen and being open and communicative with your partner was a good thing to have when it came to sexual preferences.
“What?” Jungkook whined as he dragged out the word, “You’ve given me nothing to work with, how am I supposed to be able to satisfy you if I don’t know what you like? Are you asexual…?” His eyes widened as if realizing that was a possibility, suddenly clearing his throat as he looked a little nervous, “Because that’s totally cool…! I don’t mind and I didn’t mean to-”
“Jungkook,” You cut him off as you pressed your hands to your face, “No I’m not asexual...I’m just...embarrassed.” You refused to look at him now, feeling your face become hot again as you forced yourself to swallow, “I already told you I haven’t been with a lot of people and….If I don’t know what I like how am I supposed to tell you that?”
Jungkook’s fingers soothingly ran through your hair, his expression soft as you finally looked back up at him timidly, the pads of his fingers tenderly rubbing against your scalp as a small smile curved on his lips, “Is that really been what’s troubling you this whole time?” You felt even more embarrassed now, “Come on, c’mere.” Jungkook sat down on the bed, holding on his arms for you.
A little unsure at first you hesitantly scooted over, only to whine as he pulled you into his lap as he leaned against the headboard, “You could have just told me that,” He chuckled against your hair before pressing a kiss against it, you brooded a little as you curled against him making him laugh again, “But it’s not like you’re a virgin, who cares if you haven’t been with a lot of people, I’m sure there’s somethings you like.”
You knew he was coaxing you now, a little more gently, as if not wanting to invalidate you just because you hadn’t been with a lot of people, shuffling in his grip to get more comfortable you let your head rest against his chest, “Well…” You nibbled against your lip, a sudden urge to giggle at the feeling of him holding his breath in anticipation, “...I like being bossed around...and manhandled.”
There it was, that giddy, girlish smile you kept trying to fight off as Jungkook continued to comb through your hair with his fingers granted his smirk that pressed against your head didn’t surpass you, “Okay, so you like being thrown around huh?” The way he said those words so casually made you swallow as you squeezed your thighs together, “Guess it’s a good thing I like manhandling things, right?” He purred against your ear making whine as you rubbed your face, he was turning you on again.
“...You know I think it would just be easier if you asked questions…” You mumbled against his skin as you felt your face flare up, you were at a loss of what to continue with. You were sure on any other occasion you could think up multiple things to say, but being in Jungkook’s lap right now was really messing with your head.
But you also knew Jungkook would jump on that opportunity at the speed of light, “Slow or rough?” You almost snorted at how fast he began his questioning.
“Both, I don’t mind either.” You snickered a little at the way he seemed so excited all of a sudden, Jungkook may have been a sweetheart but he seemed to thrive on having an active sex life. This poor man was probably dying to get his hands on you, literally.
“Sub or switch?” It felt like you were playing twenty questions now but Jungkook’s odd short clipped questions made it feel like you could be talking about anything other then sex, maybe that’s why he chose to approach it like this.
Bashful you sighed as you rolled your eyes, pushing away from him as you gave him a look, a cheeky smile tugging on his lips as he raised his brows, already knowing the answer that wasn’t hard to guess, “What if I told you I was into pegging?” You asked incredulously.
“Then I’d say let’s buy a strap and lube.” Jungkook replied, placing a hand on his chest as you snorted, covering your mouth that twisted into a smile as you began laughing, Jungkook joining you as you shook your head. He was certainly dedicated to you and you could appreciate that.
“Petnames? What about title kinks?” Jungkook decided to drop the last question, given your answer both of you knew what it was going to be, he just really loved watching you squirm.
You couldn’t stop the giggle from escaping you as you covered your face, “Literally any petname, no title kinks.”
“What about positions?” Jungkook continued as he scooted a little closer, his eyes appeared a little dilated and lidded as he licked his lips, as if wanting a clear visual of your answer.
“Are you hoping I’ll say doggy?” You leered away a little, your eyes squinting into a playful glare and your lips threatening to twist into a smile once more.
Jungkook chuckled as he licked his lips again while leaning in, “Maybe, I still think you’d look out with your ass in my face and shoved against the bed being made to take it,” Your lips suddenly quivered and it was like your cunt was suddenly becoming flooded with arousal again, “You like that though, right? Getting pushed around,” A whine escaped you as Jungkook shoved you down against the bed, grabbing your arms that weakly attempted to push him as he pinned them above your head, “I think doggy would be perfect, I could play with that needy little clit while stuffing you full of cock, you wouldn’t even have to do anything baby,” Jungkook cooed as he sucked against your neck making you whine, your thighs were weak as your legs wrapped around his waist, “You could just lay there and whine like a good little girl and take it while I kept your hips up. What about a size kink? You like being told how little that fucking cunt would be taking my cock.”
Jungkook rubbed against you, his half hardened cock on display as if showing you. A whine escaped you again as you wiggled against him, his grip on your wrists tightening making your walls clench around nothing and arousal drip from your folds, “Definitely a size kink.” You whimpered pathetically making him laugh against your skin, suddenly letting go of you making you whine indignantly, was he really going to tease you like that and not doing anything about it?
Lovingly stroking your cheek with his hand he offered you a playful bunny smile, “Good news baby, we have plenty of time to explore.” He offered you a wink making you scowl as you looked away, rolling over so you wouldn’t have to face him anymore. How rude of him to work you up then leave you high and dry. A loud smack rang out and a yelp escaping you as his hand landed a blow on your exposed ass making you jump, “C’mon, lets go make breakfast.”
“Jeon Jungkook!”
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Note: Blue Sping is coming to an end!! What a sweet journey! I know I said this lil mini series would only be four parts but with the way the scenes in the Oneshot went it’ll be better off as five! So that being said next weeks update will be the last! 🖤🖤🖤
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The Treatment of Captain Syverson-Chapter 16: Sit Rep
Characters: Captain Logan “Sy” Syverson, various other original supporting/secondary characters (This includes Sy’s Army Buddies of varying rank as follows: Kevin Kaufmann, Nate Banning, Chad Randall, Matt Styles, Jake Ryburn, and Travis Hodges. I apologize if I’ve mixed up their names anywhere. I just gave them last names and sometimes rank so they could be called something other than their first names for sake of variety! lol!)
Summary: Sy meets up with his Army buddies and they are eager to help.
Romance and Smut Abound HERE!
Word Count: 4.5k
Warnings: Language, firearms, implication of abuse and violence
Author’s Note: Guys, we are getting closer! Our couple will be back together soon! I can’t wait and I know most of you feel the same! I hope the strike team members aren’t too muddled and confusing. If they are, I’m very open to your feedback and suggestions on how to clarify and improve! Thank you to everyone, long time readers, and new fans picked up along the way! I cherish you all, and would never have gotten this far in the story if it wasn’t for each and every one of you! I hope you enjoy the 16th chapter (18th installment…remember when I thought this would just be a few chapters of fluff with a smutty conclusion? Lol!) of The treatment of Captain Syverson.
Disclaimer: Unfortunately for me, Henry is not mine, le sigh, and all mention of him, his characters, any characters from his films, or his precious doggy, Kal, are strictly for transformative and recreational use. I neither ask for, nor accept payment for the work I post on Tumblr or AO3. Unbeta’d because this is for fun and escapism. This is an original work by me, Hannah. Please reblog if you wish to share. Please do not repost either in whole or part, as the work of anyone but myself. Thanks so much for reading!
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If you want to be notified when I post a new chapter or work, I’ll be happy to add you to my tag list! Stricken blogs are getting personal messages from me when a new chapter is uploaded because Tumblr’s faulty tagging system will not stand in the way of me delivering what the people want!(?) lol! (Although…their lackadaisical notification system might…sorry for that. I have no control. lol!)
Sy sat in his truck in the parking lot of Cade's. He couldn't help but think about the last time he was here. The altercations with Elliott, both inside the bar and outside, the friendships he'd started to build with the other fellas in Shane's work group, the simple way Shane pulled off the elegance of minimalism with her wardrobe and makeup, the ride home…and the night of lovemaking that followed. He had made a mistake. He shouldn't have agreed to come tonight. He was gonna leave. His right hand reached for the keys in the ignition, a firm grip ready to set the engine roaring again, when he was startled by a rap at his window.
Tap-tappa-tap-tap his friend Kevin had just rhythmically knocked with one knuckle on the window. He was smiling and waving exuberantly, like a puppy whose master had just come home.
Sy's scowl softened into a sheepish grin and he knocked back tap-tap.  
Kevin waited near Sy's front fender while he got out of his truck.
"How ya doin' Kevin?" he greeted his old friend warmly.
"Alright, I s'pose! You?"
"Oh…I'm makin' it, I guess. What are you up to these days? Still workin' at the plant?" Kevin had worked for the 3M factory over in Lebanon, Missouri since his last tour. Sy knew if he just got him talking about his life, Sy wouldn't have to give him details about his own, which he was going to avoid like the plague, if he could tonight.
"Yup, I actually just got a promotion. I'm a line manager now." And Sy could barely congratulate him before he started delving into the details as the two men walked into Cade's.
It was already busy, even for a Friday night. But the rest of the guys had already claimed a table between the dart boards and the pool tables, and were working on a couple of pitchers of beer. The two were welcomed warmly and only slightly teased about walking in together.
With the group finally assembled, they began taking turns giving report on their lives. It began with Kevin, who, having already begun with Sy, continued with a brief recap for the others. Sy exhaled with relief when Matt, who was seated on the other side of Kevin piped up to speak next, having recently proposed to his long time girlfriend. They were going to get to him last, if at all. He listened as well as he could as he battled the troubled thoughts in his head by bombarding them with beer. Unbeknownst to him, his friend Nate, who'd organized the gathering, had been observing his behavior with curiosity, and a measure of concern. He didn't let Jake finish talking about his latest dalliance into what they were all sure was a pyramid scheme disguised as direct sales. Even though Jake insisted it was not.
"Well, I'm curious as to why Sy's been so tight-lipped all evening. What's on your mind, Captain?"
"Nothin' Nate. Just enjoying a few beers with old friends." Sy lied, not convincing anyone at the table, least of all Nate, who had been one of his closest friends while they were stationed together.
"If I wanted to hear bullshit, I'd have let Jake keep talking about the Duraplex scam."
"It's not a scam, guys, it's real supplements for busy people!" Jake defended.
"Can it, Hodges. We aren't buying it, and we aren't signing up to sell it, either." Nate focused again on Sy. "Come on, man. You told me on the phone you had a lot going on. What is it? Female troubles?" He snickered, as did the other guys.
Sy looked into his glass, through the foam and into the honey liquid below it with a rueful grin. "In a sense."
He took a huge drink of the beer, five gulps, nearly emptying it, fortifying himself to speak.
"My girlfriend is missing." Everyone froze in position as they processed this.
Half a dozen questions hit his ears at once. Which he could have handled if he hadn't had almost a full pitcher by himself.
He shut them down, and began to tell them the story of how he met Shane and their sort of whirlwind romance. He paused for a moment to pour himself another beer.
"Never heard you talk about a woman like that, Sy." His friend Chad piped up.
"Never felt this way before, man. She's…she's the one."
"You said she was missing, though?" Nate asked, brow furrowed in concern.
Sy continued, talking about their argument, reconciliation, and then his leaving for training, ending his briefing with the phone call he got from Shane's boss.
"That's fucked up, man." Matt said. "What are you gonna do about it?" His worry seemed genuine, as well, as if he was putting himself in Sy's shoes. Sy assumed because he had been in love with Tonya, his now fiancé since they were in high school, even though she didn't come around on him until he came home on leave one holiday weekend.
"I've already gone to the police with my statement and an idea for a prime suspect."
"You think she was kidnapped?" Brad Randall, who was a Sergeant for the Rolla Police Department, inquired.
"I personally have no doubts that she was kidnapped, and I am a hun'ert percent certain it was her shithead ex."
"And you don't think she's just…ghosted you?" Brad prompted. The thought put a painful tightness in Sy's chest, but it passed quickly. He knew she wouldn't do that. And not just to him.
"No way, man. She left her phone. She didn't tell work. She didn't even tell her parents. Shane takes her phone with her from room to room. She's glued to it. She'd never do that to her coworkers, who are practically family, and she'd certainly tell her parents if she was going to leave town for any amount of time. It's just…not her. I know her."
"And who's this ex? What's his deal? Why is he on the short list of suspects?"
"He IS the list, Brad. He was abusive when they were together. And a cheater. And a liar. And he tried to jump me right outside just a few weeks back. Ask Candace. She was behind the bar when he started getting in Shane's face up there. And I'd bet she saw what happened out in the parking lot, too." He gestured to the sporty blonde bartender with a high ponytail and a Cardinal's jersey when he mentioned her, and then pointed toward the windows looking out onto the dozen or more vehicles parked outside.
"Can we do anything?" Kevin asked, clamping a hand on Sy's shoulder.
"Nothin'. But I appreciate the offer, brother." And he returned the contact with a clap to the other man's shoulder.
Nate and Brad exchanged pointed looks, and Nate countered Sy's rejection.
"I wouldn't say THAT, Sy."
"What do you mean?" Sy looked at Nate as if he was pedaling snake oil…or Jake's supplements.
"I think…that we CAN do something. To help you find Shane."
"We all have military experience, and some of us have connections that could be very useful." Added Brad. "I'm on the Force. I can handle getting intel on the guy."
"I'm in to help with transpo." Matt Styles raised his hand to offer up the vehicles in his transportation service, Rydes with Styles. Sy hated when words were misspelled for the sake of gimmicks…but he had to give Matt credit for that one.
"And Travis and I still work at the base. We can arrange gear." Jake added as Travis nodded.
"And whatever else you need, I'm in too." Kevin concluded.
"No way, guys. You can't stick your necks out for me like that. I won't have it."
"Sy…You know I talked to Lopez after that last mission the two of you were on?" Travis met Sy's eye as he spoke. "He said you had your team carry out Kominski's body. And that you took on most of, and then all of his bodyweight, just so Freeman could cover everyone. Said you were hurt, yourself, but helped him, carried him, to your extraction point. Up several flights of stairs."
Sy had no response other than a blank stare. It seemed to say all it needed to, because Travis continued.
"Lopez is alive and the Kominski girls got to say a proper goodbye to David. Plus, that mission WAS a success because you got the target. I know it's still classified, but…I think we all know the significance of what you did by leading that mission. You didn't leave a man, living or dead, behind."
"And we aren't gonna let your girl get left behind, either. We're gonna take that sonofabitch out. Because what do we do?" Nate declared, ending with the call Sy had always used at the end of his mission briefs.
The whole table, including a reluctant Sy, recited “We embrace the darkness and the suffering.”
“And why do we do it?” Nate continued.
“So that our fellow man is free to live in peace." Sy looked around the table at all of these men he had served with, fought with, watched comrades fall with, and fought against tyranny with. He thought most of them could have come up with their own story about his role in their military time, but the mission Travis was talking about outlined what he figured was the most significant sacrifice he had ever made for a teammate.
"Well…I guess we need to come up with a plan, then." Sy smiled and finished off the beer in his glass before laying it out for the others.
Sy had given them all missions tailored to their own strengths and connections. Brad would gather all the info he could on Elliott. Matt would reserve vehicles. Jake and Travis would procure tactical gear for the team, and Nate…Nate would provide weapons. Pistols and blades. Ammo. Holsters. Even flash grenades and smoke bombs.
Cade's was too public to talk about their plans, so Sy told everyone to rendezvous at his house the very next afternoon. They sat around the patio table on his back deck while they waited for everyone to arrive. Jake was late.
"Well, I guess 'direct sales' waits for no man, and we can't wait for Ryburn anymore. Styles, report?" Sy commenced the meeting.
"I have three Suburbans that are only a couple years old. They're black, discreet, and all glass is tinted within an inch of it's life. Even the license plate covers. I'll make sure they're fueled and ready." Matt stated.
"Aces. Richardson?" Travis spoke up next.
"Yeah, Jake had to go in for a late shift last night after we met, but I talked to him. He's gonna get vests for everyone, eyewear, comms, the whole works. All rated for Black Ops. He told me a bit ago he was following up on a lead and was hoping it would pan out. Said he had a hunch." Travis shrugged, not certain what his friend was up to, but not that concerned.
"Sounds good. Randall?"
"I made up some dossiers for everyone that includes everything I could find on Thomas. He doesn't have a ton of priors. Mostly drunk and disorderly's that were thrown out, because he got the right representation and the wrong judge. He must have someone backing him, because I have no job on file for him. No employer has run a background on him in ten years. Last known address is from six years ago, when he filed a change of address from an apartment in the Cottage Hills complex to…407 Oak Street."
"That's Shane's address." Sy interjected. "He must not have changed it since she kicked him out."
"It seems so. But it's so weird. I don't see any credit cards, online orders, not even a Netflix account on the guy. He's totally fallen off the grid since Shane. I did get into some social media accounts, but he hasn't posted to anything in the last 18 months."
"Yeah, he was posting hot and heavy about this girl, Kara Hutch. 37. Lives over in Waynesville. But his last Facebook status just says, 'What a waste.' and 'feeling betrayed' and that was in February of last year."
"Hmm, do you think--" Sy was interrupted by the unexpectedly loud and abrupt sound of his front door flying open and Aika, with them on the deck, barking like they were about to be murdered. She was ready to kill whatever came through next. The men, all of them battle hardened veterans sporting conceal and carry permits, were out of their seats and in defensive stances in a fraction of a second. Aiming at an unseen enemy. A figure approached in the shadow of Sy's kitchen, arms raised and slowing as it saw several barrels aimed for its head and chest.
"Woah, woah, woah, guys it's me! It's Jake! Stand down!"
"Are you FUCKING INSANE, Corporal!?" Sy asked, reverting to Captain mode. "You just snuck up on and burst in on a group of soldiers. Do you comprehend how close you came to looking more like Swiss Cheese than a man, Ryburn?!" Sy scolded, fire in him rising, but more out of an angry concern for the friend they nearly shot.
"Sorry, sir, err, Sy. I was focused on getting here for my report." Jake said, out of breath.
"Travis already told us about the gear, Ryburn. You didn't need to bust in like that." Nate berated.
"Oh, guys. What I've got is way better than night vision devices. I might have an address for our guy."
"How in seven hells did YOU get an address?" Brad exclaimed, pride wounded as intel was his task.
"I know, dude, that was on you, but…I overheard a conversation when I was doing some work on equipment in the Air Traffic Control tower."
"What could you have possibly overheard in ATC?" Sy was incredulous.
"Do you want me to tell you, or would you like to keep screaming at me?"
Sy called Aika off and let Jake onto the deck, but the German Shepherd was still eyeing the corporal with marked skepticism.
"So I kept hearing this controller talking to the other girl at her station. She kept talking about her boyfriend…whose name was Elliott." Eyebrows went up all around the table. "Yeah, and he fit the description in every way. Physical appearance, textbook narcissism, the works. I went to the personnel office when I got done with the service call and told the attendant that the girl had helped me with my gear and I wanted to send her an email to thank her. She gave me a contact sheet on Sasha King. I looked her up on my lunchbreak, and found some photos of her with a guy I think might be Elliott." Jake showed Sy an image he'd saved to his phone. "Is this him?"
"Yup, that's the guy." Sy's blood was boiling again at the smiles on the couple's faces. He didn't deserve happiness. He didn't deserve a pretty girlfriend. He should die alone, starving for the love he deprived others. "You say you got an address?"
"Yeah, the gal in personnel printed me a full demo sheet. The only thing we don't have is a social." Sy noted the redacted 9-digit code in one corner of the document Jake had handed him. He read out loud. 3502 Highway D. St. Robert, MO.
"You boys feel up to a little recon tonight?" They all nodded, excitedly, patting Jake on the back, and high fiving him in congratulations on the invaluable find. Even Brad commended him on his detective skills and told him he'd have a job on the Force with him if he ever wanted a change. The corporal almost blushed.
The men went back into the house and through the front door to the driveway where they were all parked.
"Jake, you brought all the gear, too?"
"Sure did, Sy. There's vests, belts, NVDs and helmets to mount. There's plenty for everyone." Jake opened the back of his Jeep as if it were a buffet of delicious tactical equipment. Sy found among the gear a large case and opened it out of curiosity. A sound amplifier with headphones. That was going with him, as it appeared there was only one.
"I'll outfit everyone with guns and ammo later. But here are some tac knives, and three of each diversionary devices for each member of the team." Nate passed out packs with the blades, smoke grenades, and flash bombs.
"Okay, rendezvous at Matt's shop at 1800. We'll go over some procedures for the evening and get set up with the rest of our weaponry then. Okay?" General nods of ascent and "mmhmms" in confirmation of the plan came from the men. Sy continued, "Maybe get some rest between now and then. I don't know how long this is going to take."
Sy got to Matt's a little early. 1730. Nate showed up about ten minutes later and pulled in next to Sy, leaving the rear doors accessible to arm the team. The men got out of their vehicles and began double checking Nate's inventory.
"Nervous?" Nate said after exchanging the usual pleasantries.
"I didn't think I was. But just now, I got to thinking about what that…monster is doing to the love of my life. What he's putting her through, if he's even let her live. What are we going to come across when we get to this place?"
"You can't think like that. She's not Schrödinger's cat. You have to be positive here. This mission depends on your strength as a leader. You're gonna do great. And Shane is gonna be fine. We all will. Have a little faith, man." Nate patted Sy on the back in encouragement. Sy appreciated it. But he thought he might have to compartmentalize, instead. Think of this as just another mission. Forget that Shane was involved. Even if it wasn't healthy, it might at least be helpful.
Matt arrived soon after and waved at the two men as he pulled in on the other side of Nate. He got out and greeted his friends, all of them shooting the breeze and enfolding the others into the conversation as they got there. Kevin was the last to arrive, just before 1800, when the briefing commenced.
"So," Sy began, more timidly than was his usual way. "First, guys, I wanna say, I appreciate y'all so much for doing this. For putting in the time and the resources to help me and Shane. I owe y'all more than I can repay, but that doesn't mean I won't try. Within reason." He grinned and his friends chuckled.
"Now, we've got the comms set up. We'll be in each other's ears, so we can report in real time. I've looked up an aerial view of the farm on Google Earth, and there should be good cover for surveillance with the sound equipment and NVDs. I'll take point, Nate, you and Matt are with me. Kevin, you and Brad will flank the property on the left, Travis and Jake are going right. I'm hoping this will just be recon, but if I get wind of something I don't like, I may call for the strike. You guys will report anything you think looks fishy, and I will make that call with the intel I'm given. Now. When and if I make that call, we're gonna aim for disorientation and soft incapacitation. If you don't have to kill, don't. I don't know how much help this bastard has, but I know it would have taken several to take down Shane. It's not that I think any of them deserve to be spared, but…I don't want us to break up any families. We don't need the weight on our already heavy souls." War had changed them all, and Sy didn't want to make any more widows. "We good?"
Nods of approval from the men made Sy think he was looking at a military bobble head collection. He stifled a smile.
"Alright, lets get armed and ready, then Matt can take us to our chariots."
They were all mostly suited up, black or dark colors were the general uniform. They were ready for whatever might happen. As Nate handed out guns and ammo, the men examined their clips, loaded their guns, and put them in their holsters until needed…they hoped they wouldn't be.
When they were all set, they followed Matt to the huge garage he kept his fleet in.
Although, "garage" didn't quite do the building justice. It was actually an airplane hangar that Matt got for a good price when the local airline went under. He'd made a loft in it with a ramp so there was extra room for smaller vehicles like his town cars. The limos, SUVs, and the stretch Hummer were on the lower level. He had a separate space outside for the two party busses and the RV, protected from the elements by large carports.
Matt went to grab keys from the lock box as the men gathered near the Suburbans. Sy was getting angsty. Moment of truth was here.
"Okay," Matt jingled two sets of keys in his hands. "Who's driving?"
Kevin deferred to Brad without contest, but Jake and Travis were bickering over the question between them.
"Grow up or get married already." Sy chided. "Jake, you got the good intel for us yesterday. You drive."
Travis was mildly crestfallen, but Jake was stoked and he caught the keyring Matt tossed him.
"You wanna drive, Captain?" Matt offered Sy the last set of keys.
"No, Matt. You're driving our group. I'll take shotgun though."
And the seven men got into the vehicles as if they were mounting horses, headed into the sunset.
Over the comms on the way, Sy addressed the team. "Okay, there's a large outbuilding near the road, guys. Pull off the driveway and park behind that structure. Hopefully they'll hide the vehicles from the main house. Bravo and Charlie teams, you let Alpha team get in place before you take your positions."
"Roger that, Captain." Kevin said in the headset.
"We copy." Travis answered for himself and Jake.
The first phase of the mission went perfectly. Sy, Nate, and Matt were in position, and Sy had set up the sound amplifier, aiming it at the house, headphones on. When the other teams were in position, Matt reported to Sy, since he was getting feedback using the earpiece and the headphones for the amp at the same time.
"Bravo and Charlie teams are in place, Captain."
"Great. Sit Rep?"
"All's quiet so far. Wait. Headlights coming up the drive." Each team tried to make themselves as small and low as possible so as not to draw attention to their presence. Sy had been getting nothing but crime show drivel from the TV in the house since he got here.
A petite but curvy brunette got out of the white Honda Civic and stomped into the house.
"Hey babe." Elliott's unmistakable voice rang in Sy's ear. And he was filled to bursting with rage all over again.
"What the fuck, Elliott? I've been trying to call you for hours! What the hell have you been doing?"
"Oh, I was charging my phone in the bedroom. What's going on?"
"That Captain Syverson your little pet was banging? I found out today that he's back in town. Has been for a few days."
"Shit. Shit!!! SHIT!!!"
"Yeah, so…if he isn't already, it won't be long before he starts trying to find her."
"But…how could he? Even if he thought it was me, I have no official ties to this place, or even you!"
"You know what I mean."
"Whatever, but I'd get rid of her ASAP. This guy is NOT someone you wanna piss off, Elliott."
"I'll bring the guys in. We'll take care of it. Tonight."
Sy cussed in a loud whisper. He wanted to rip Elliott apart with his bare hands. Nate asked him what was wrong, but Sy held up a hand for him to remain quiet because he heard the scumbag inside on the phone.
"Yeah, it's me. Listen, change of plans, we need to do this tonight. Get everyone out here. Yes, immediately. There's a…potential complication. We need to take care of her before it becomes more. Yeah, she's weak, but I'm still gonna wait until you guys get here. She's still got some fight in her. She about took Jackson's eye out yesterday when he was  down there. He's got some wicked scratches on his face. I think he made her regret it, though." Elliott laughed with evil mirth. Sy was furious. He reckoned God Himself might have a time pulling him off that degenerate before he made him unrecognizable as a human man. Once he started punching him, he might not be able to stop.
When Elliott signed off, Sy pulled the earphones down onto his neck. He looked at Matt and Nate.
"He's planning something with Shane and has called in reinforcements. It sounds like he means to take her somewhere else, and it didn't sound like it was gonna be pretty. I think we need to go in now."
"Shit. Okay." Matt responded. Sy put his earpiece in and called on the rest of the team.
"Bravo and Charlie, do you copy?"
"Bravo copies." Kevin reported back.
"Charlie copies. Go ahead, Alpha." Travis cleared.
"Listen, boys. We need to go in, and we need to make it quick. Here’s the situation. We have one male and one female assailant inside the domicile, and an undetermined number of additional combatants en route to reinforce the enemy's line. We have one target. A female prisoner, presumably in the basement, given verbiage used in the communication I intercepted. Alpha team will make our priority extraction. Bravo, you will subdue the male assailant and then maintain sentry position on the lookout for more unfriendlies. Charlie team, you will clear the second level of the house and subdue the female combatant. She is a soldier, so proceed with extreme caution. Once the area is secure, drivers, go and retrieve the vehicles. We are gonna need to get out of here quick, or else things might go tits up. I'm concerned we'll lose the advantage of numbers if we wait too long. Are we clear?"
"Copy that, Alpha leader."
"Roger. On your count, cap."
Sy took a deep breath. Thought to himself "Shane. I'm on my way, baby!" He saw red, then. And called for the charge, out of the darkness, and into the farmhouse. To an uncertain outcome.
Up Next: Chapter 17-Gait Training
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writeiolite · 4 years
bim bam bum
who: futakuchi x f!reader
what: smut
plot: u tease him, he teases back. but only one person has the Upper Hand
warnings: exhibitionism, voyeurism, fingering, brat/brat tamer, teasing, degredation, dirty talk, i looped bim bam bum by rocket punch for 5 days
wc: 820
You pretend to wonder if Futakuchi’s anger is something that can be absolved with a few jokes or a wet kiss on the cheek. Or maybe you can blow it away with puppy dog eyes and a little ego stroking. You can pretend you didn’t plan this out and muse to yourself that a little bento box tomorrow will fix things, but you know the truth.
Purposely getting under his skin and playing dumb is what you both agreed to so that the sex would be more fun. So unless his acting has gotten really good, you’re starting to believe he’s actually mad at you and your bratty actions.
There are certain rules neither of you is allowed to break. For you, there’s no intentional flirting — even if your coworkers are cute and you’re bored. For him, there’s no jealousy allowed. But as you two started dating longer, it became clear that only one of you has trouble with the rules.
It’s hard. Your favorite bratty behavior is a little bit of public teasing, and what better way to show that off than being a little explicit in the subway with the risk of anyone seeing? Futakuchi always liked the risk too, but it seems that he didn’t expect someone to watch and be interested.
He’s not a jealous person. He already has you and knows that you’re his no matter who sees. But the sight of some random man staring too much and trying to talk to you set off alarms.
If she’s bratty right now then will she flirt with him? he wondered. He did not want to find out, so he made quick work to put himself between you and the male patron while you had your hand down your skirt. And when you two got home, he was sure to make sure it was his hand down your skirt.
“Did I ruin your fun?” he taunts hotly in your ear, his other hand squeezing your breast. You’re only in the schoolgirl skirt and nothing else, save for the heavy shade of rose across your cheeks at his endless teasing.
His fingers are never enough for you now — you both know that.
“I’m sure you want more, right baby?”
You nod, holding in a whimper. If you’re quiet then he has a tendency to pull out all the stops in an effort to make you crumble. It’s a game of will and it’s probably a losing battle for you. Especially when he suddenly slides his pinkie finger past your entrance.
“Want more?”
He pulls his finger out and lightly nibbles your earlobe. You aren’t sure how exactly to get him to bring his fingers back into you, but it seems you won’t even have to ask.
“I really love feeling how wet you are, Y/N. All this because someone else was watching you touch yourself in the subway? Or because you thought about what I would do to you?” His fingers come down on your clit, rubbing quick little circles with a vengeance.
You can feel the pressure building even if it’s just a little. He’s trained you by now to handle at least four orgasms in one night so you can at least take this... But god it feels so good. It feels good to just be his whore and nothing else. Teasing him in the subway always amounts to something good with Futakuchi — six, maybe seven orgasms, and his cock shoved down your throat right after because “that’s when you look prettiest.”
“I thought about you,” you admit cheekily as if you aren’t raising your hips to move with his fingers.
“Yeah?” he chuckles. “Did you think about me fingering you all night and not fucking you? Just you getting off on my fingers because you’re that easy?”
You don’t feel yourself gush at the thought but you hear it. Slick sounds come from between your legs and he’s only sliding your clit round and round. Easy is only a word that can be used to describe you when you’re with him,
“N-no,” you lie, “I thought about you being good for me and-”
He cuts you off harshly with his fingers in your mouth — the same ones that were between your legs just a breath ago. The look in his eyes is deepened with lust and dominance, making you obediently suck on his digits without him even telling you too. You’re a brat, but he practically owns you right now and you’re proud of that.
“Get em nice and wet, Y/N. I’m letting you decide how much time you get between your orgasms, but count on there being enough to make up for your subway stunt.”
It was a threat and a promise — a threat to make you obey and a promise to send you beyond cloud nine and right back into his lap where you belong.
{ hq nsfw taglist — tell me if you want to be added or taken off: @yamxgucci​ @for-ests @emrystld @vventure @leiasfanaccount648 @marshyrebelcloud @iwaizumi-chan @janellion }
{ futakuchi nsfw taglist — tell me if you want to be added or taken off: @letmeshouyou @atsuwus }
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jalapeno-princess · 4 years
Nobody Compares to You
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Mark Tuan X Reader
Word Count: 5.8K
Genre: Angst (Yugyeom stans, you have been warned. It isn’t sunshine and rainbows for our sweet maknae in this story so if your bias is Yugyeom, this imagine isn’t for you)
Summary: It’s been months since you and your ex-boyfriend Mark called it quits on your relationship. Six years of a relationship isn’t something that someone can easily get over which is why almost four months ago, your coworker Youngjae introduced you to his good friend Yugyeom. Although your first meeting got off on the wrong start, over the course of the last three months, you found yourself becoming very fond of the extremely kind and gentle boy. When your mother finds out about your new relationship, she invites you and Yugyeom over for dinner in order to get to know your new love interest and unfortunately, things don’t go the way you wished they could have. All your family members seem to immediately take a disliking to your boyfriend and it is revealed later on in the night that the reason behind your family’s hostility is not something; but someone. Your ex-boyfriend in particular.
This was not how tonight was supposed to go. Usually, when you introduce your boyfriend to your parents for the first time, it was expected that things might end up a little awkward. Poor Yugyeom was already very nervous at the idea of meeting your parents when you told him that they invited him over for dinner with the intentions of meeting the new man in your life.
The two of you have only been together for a little over three months now, so you felt as if it was still pretty early on to be bringing him over to your parent’s house and having him spend time with your family. However, the older boy was very understanding and did his best to try and impress your parents.
When your mom found out about your relationship, she was pretty upset to hear that you moved on from your previous boyfriend. Mark had to be everything she could ever want in a son-in-law and more. He was such a gentleman; he took care of you in ways she could only dream about your significant other doing for you.
Although he was very soft spoken and kept to himself a lot of the time, he was extremely polite and a very good listener. She would observe the way you would interact with one another while you would go over to your parent’s house. Your mom was always the type to be very observant of her surroundings.
All she ever wanted in life was the best for her children; she made sure they received only the best education, a well-paying job and a life partner who would treat them the way they deserved. She noticed how happy Mark made you. You were always such a bubbly, happy-go-lucky individual. It didn’t take much for you to laugh, or smile; but your smile was more genuine if Mark was the reason behind it. Not that you were secretive when it came to your relationship with Mark, but you weren’t one who believed in telling people what went on in your relationship. This included your mom.
She may not have known how the two of you would act while you were alone, but when you were with Mark in a place surrounded by others, it was as if you would be in your own little worlds. Both of you could be in a crowded room with hundreds of people and pay nobody any attention other than each other. Every now and then, when you’d find yourself on the phone with your mom talking about your day or just how your life was going in general, you’d absentmindedly bring Mark up in every conversation.
No matter what you and your mom would be talking about, you’d always find a way to bring him up and your mom found your admiration and the love you had for him very adorable. Some days, she would meet Mark’s mom for lunch and they would talk about your future and how neither of them could wait much longer for the two of you to finally get married and start having a family. You didn’t know this, but they would even plan out your wedding; where it would be located, what kind of food would be served, the kind of entertainment you’d have, how many people you wanted to invite—and then they would converse about the different types of names they wanted you to name your children.
You didn’t have to say it out loud that you loved Mark, your mom could just tell by the way your eyes would light up when talking about him, or the way you’d sound so happy telling her about the many things he would do for you. She’d watch the way he would make a plate of food for you at parties before he could even make one for himself; she’d observe how he would give you his undying attention whenever you’d inform him about something that happened at work or a story from your childhood that one of your aunts would bring up.
Your mom particularly liked the way that he would always need to be touching you in a protective and affectionate yet not too touchy or improper way. On one occasion, you excused yourself to go use the bathroom and a couple of your aunties and some of your cousins took this opportunity to see what Mark’s intentions were with you. They wanted to witness for themselves the kind of man you claimed to be “the most perfect man in the entire world.” Anyone could see that Mark was overwhelmingly handsome.
He was the definition of a sight for sore eyes. Time and time again, your cousins would never fail to remind you of how lucky you were to have scored such a good-looking man with such a wonderful personality. If only they knew just how amazing he actually was. Since Mark was very shy and only talked to your family members when they would approach him; unless it was one of your nieces and nephews asking him for a piggy back ride to which he was always quick to agree to, nobody really had the chance to learn more about him other than what you or your mom would tell them.
It seemed as though Mark would follow you around like a lost puppy and your cousins thought it was such a heart-fluttering notion. As much as you loved your family, there were times where some of them could be a little too blunt and sometimes a little too nosy, no matter who they were dealing with. First they complimented Mark on his breathtakingly gorgeous looks, and then they told him how they admired how polite and gentle he seemed to be. Your oldest cousin asked him what he genuinely thought about you and if only you were there to hear his response.
“She’s my entire world. She’s the reason for my existence. Everything I do, it’s with making her proud in mind. I love her more than I can even fathom in to words.”
He scratched the back of his neck in the most enchanting way, even if it was because he was so flustered. It was one thing to tell you on a daily basis just how much he loved you and treasured you as if you were the one who set the moon, sun and stars on the sky. It was another thing to describe to your family what he felt for you. Mark wasn’t embarrassed at confessing his feelings for you to anyone else; he loved the idea of you and being in love with you. He didn’t care how people viewed him for being in love.
Sometimes, he could turn in to a real sap whenever it came to you. You just made him so happy, and his response seemed to make everyone in the dining room swoon over him. Your mom was listening in while washing dishes and she couldn’t stop the wide grin on her face once those words fell from his mouth. Right before the party ended that night, your cousins came over to you and told you what Mark said. No matter how many times he would tell you he loved you, or why he loved you, for some reason; knowing that he told your family with so much love and excitement in his tone, no matter how embarrassed you were sure he probably was, it set your entire body in flames.
Your mom pulled you to the side and told you that Mark was the one for you. Which is why you could understand that it would take her a little longer to accept Yugyeom as your current boyfriend. When you first told your mom the news of your breakup with Mark almost seven months ago, it took her a while to process it in her mind. In fact, with the way she was acting towards Yugyeom; so fake and so artificial, you couldn’t help but feel as if she still wasn’t over the end of your relationship.
It came as a shock to everyone who knew the two of you. Your relationship with Mark was the envy of all of your friends and some of your relatives. The love you and Mark shared was that of what one could only witness in movies. Your relationship was honestly too good to be true. Unfortunately, all good things come to an end whether we’re prepared for it or not. Five years was quite a long time to be with someone; but that did not necessarily set in stone that the two of you would spend the rest of your lives together even if that’s what you both planned. Sometimes life throws situations at us that we’re never ready for. There are some battles we have to go through and storms we have to face that we don’t always end up coming out triumphant.
Couples grew apart—sometimes to the point where they fell out of love. You didn’t know how or when it came to that point in your relationship, but when you looked at Mark and didn’t feel that same spark you did for almost the entirety of your relationship; nor did butterflies fill your tummy whenever you’d see him, that’s when you knew you couldn’t continue being in a relationship with him anymore. What was once your only source of happiness, turned in to the number one thing that was bringing you so much pain and misery.
Before you could end things with him, it seemed as though Mark had the same idea in mind and told you that he couldn’t do this anymore. Accepting that you and Mark were actually over and learning how to live without him took a very long time. How do you go from having someone you loved more than life itself; waking up to his contagious smile and stinky morning breath, holding him and being held by him, eating breakfast he would make for the two of you, showering together to “protect the environment”, staying in on the days you were both off from work to cuddle and lounge around doing nothing together—having him in your everyday routine for the last five years only to stop all of that, it was pure torture.
There were some days and even some nights where you’d forget that the two of you were no longer a couple, and you’d begin typing out a text, asking how his day was going or if he ate only to delete the message in it’s entirety because you no longer held the rights to do so anymore. How his well-being was, how his life was going, what he was currently doing or if he was seeing anybody was no longer your business. You attempted to stay friends; the two of you started off as friends, so naturally you’d still crave to have his presence in your life even if it was strictly platonic.
That ship was quick to sink as it was to sail; there was no way you could continue being friends with Mark, especially when you finally came to terms with the fact that you were still so in love with him. Just because you no longer felt a connection with him didn’t mean you stopped loving him. Five years of a relationship plus two years of a friendship wasn’t going to disappear overnight. You don’t think you’d ever stop loving Mark.
He was your genuine first love and everyone knows that you could never forget about the person who showed you what love was. Mark taught you how to love yourself when you thought that was impossible. He helped you learn to love the things you claimed to hate about yourself because he claimed that every single thing about you was extraordinary. You haven’t seen or heard from him since you told him that you couldn’t handle being just friends with him, but the two mutual friends that you shared together would update you on how he was doing every so often, but they never seemed to want to tell you if he moved on to somebody else.
One day, you went over to your parent’s house to drop off some food to your mom when you heard her on the phone with who you assumed was Mrs.Tuan. The disappointment in your mom’s voice caught your attention and you found yourself leaning against the doorframe to eavesdrop on their conversation. As soon as you heard her reconfirm that Mark was giving dating another try, you soon regret your decision. You could tell your mom was even more upset and you tried your best to pretend that you didn’t hear anything and that the news didn’t affect you.
The boy sitting beside you with his hand gripping tightly on your thigh as a sign he was growing uncomfortable was the effect of what hearing about your ex-boyfriend’s new love interest would do to you. Yugyeom was a friend of your co-worker Choi Youngjae. He claimed that the tall and lanky boy was very sweet and had kind eyes. Youngjae also informed you that he was also very passionate about dancing. The first date he took you on was in more or less words, a disaster. Not only was he over twenty minutes late and had you sitting there looking like an idiot waiting for him, but he was completely underdressed for the restaurant you were dining at and with the way his hair stuck to his forehead and the dried sweat on his neck, you had a feeling he came straight to the restaurant after practice.
He was very apologetic, and he seemed to be everything Youngjae explained him out to be, he just wasn’t what you were used to. If he was already like this on the first date, what more the rest of your dates or just your relationship in general. For some reason; which you believed was the fear of being alone and just needing someone to fill the void Mark created in your heart when he took all of his things out of your shared apartment, you continued to go on dates with Yugyeom hoping you’d be able to develop any sort of feelings for him so you could finally move on from Mark. You weren’t going to lie, Yugyeom seemed to be a very charming and animated kind of guy.
A lot of the dates he’d plan out for you both had a lot to do with music, dancing and anything that had to deal with the performing arts. He would also text you at least once a day to see how you were doing and would send you memes that he’d find funny, but you still found yourself comparing him to Mark. Yugyeom had no idea about Mark; you didn’t feel like it was necessary to tell your current boyfriend about your ex-boyfriend, especially since you wanted nothing more than to be with him than with Yugyeom.
He could tell there was something you weren’t completely honest about, and sometimes he felt as if you weren’t interested in him the way he was with you. He didn’t want to force you to have feelings for him, nor did he want to bother you about what seemed to be clouding your thoughts, but as a boyfriend; he hated seeing you so down about something he had no clue about. After you told him that your family wanted to meet him, his mind went haywire and a part of him wanted to find an excuse to get out of it. But you were someone Yugyeom saw himself dating for the long run; therefore he hesitantly agreed.
It wasn’t that he didn’t want to meet your family, he was just afraid that they wouldn’t like him or approve of him. He bought your mom a bouquet of sunflowers, he bought your dad his favorite bottle of whiskey and a cake for your family to enjoy. He compliment your mom on her cooking and he conversed with your older brother about sports—so you thought things were going pretty well. You were sure with how polite and attentive he was acting towards your family; especially towards your parents in order to make a good impression, that your mom would at least accept the fact that you were seeing someone else.
You didn’t know if it was because she still felt as if Mark should have been the one at dinner; that he should still have been the main man in your life, or if she just genuinely did not like Yugyeom at all. You couldn’t find a reason why she wouldn’t like him though; it wasn’t like he was rude or unamused. Poor boy was shaking his leg out of nervousness. He was genuinely trying to get them to like him yet it was painfully obvious that nobody really seemed to have the slightest bit of interest in what he had to say and you found it completely disrespectful. You’d look from out of the corner of your eye and you’d watch how your mom looked at Yugyeom in aversion.
For a few minutes, you contemplated on confronting her about her negative reaction but you didn’t want Yugyeom thinking anything was wrong nor did you want to leave Yugyeom alone with them in fear of someone saying something that could hurt his feelings. When Yugyeom got a call from his mom and politely asked to go answer it, you motioned for your mom to follow you in to your old bedroom so you could try and find out why everyone was acting so cold towards your boyfriend. Once you closed your door and right as you were about to open your mouth, she beat you to it and her emotionless and icy tone sent chills down your spine.
“I don’t like that boy.”
You looked at her in confusion; what could Yugyeom have said or did that she wasn’t particularly a fan of? You were with him this entire time, you didn’t witness him being rude in any way; matter of a fact, he seemed like the type of guy most parents would want their daughters to bring home to them. Sure, it took some time for you to get used to dating someone new. It was obvious his qualities were completely different from that of Mark’s, but you didn’t go in to this relationship expecting him to be a carbon copy of your ex-boyfriend.
Even after three months together, you were still learning more and more about him every day. You learned about his love for chocolate shakes only a week after your second date together. You were also quick to learn about his allergy to dust and lint when you wore a cardigan on a date and he ended up sneezing the entire night. It was going to take some time for your feelings for Yugyeom to grow, but you did genuinely care about him. Youngjae told you that this was Yugyeom’s first actual relationship, so he was still learning how to be the kind of boyfriend that you deserved.
Hearing your mom say something so negative about him made your skin crawl. Maybe if he showed no interest in being there or if he didn’t treat you in a such a loving and affectionate way, then you’d be able to see why she took a disliking to him. The only reason you could come up with, was the fact that she still wanted you to end up with Mark. This may have been your first relationship since the breakup, but you were sure that no matter who you ended up with; even if they were very successful, intelligent, good looking—hell, they could have a mansion in Beverly Hills and in your mom’s eyes, they would never be good enough. You didn’t know what it was that made her gravitate towards Mark so much, however, that shouldn’t be an excuse as to why she would treat any of your future partners in such a cynical way.
“Well, that’s just too bad. I like Yugyeom, he’s a really sweet guy and he makes me happy. What Mark and I had was amazing and yes, I do miss him and I do think about what could have been but our relationship is no longer. It’s been months mom, I have every right to want to move on. You of all people should be happy for me. It doesn’t matter who he is or who he isn’t, he takes good care of me and I know he feels the same way about me as I do for him. I can’t find another reason as to why everyone’s treating him like he’s a criminal, but I refuse to let this continue any longer. We’re leaving.”
You could tell there was more she probably wanted to say. This was the first time you have ever talked back to your mom, but it was inevitable. You refused to just stand there and allow her to continue degrading Yugyeom. She didn’t know anything about him. This wasn’t her life; it wasn’t her decision to make. Your relationship was nobodies business but yours and Yugyeom’s. When you went back downstairs and saw that he was no where to be found, you released a frustrated grunt.
As much as you wanted to think that there was a chance he was still on the phone with his mom, you were away with your mom for at least ten minutes. You marched over to your dad angrily and all you wanted to do was find Yugyeom and go home. Tonight drained out all of your energy and you were sure the poor boy was probably scarred by this entire experience.
“Where’s Yugyeom?”
Your dad tilted his head towards the front door; it was adamant that similarly to your mom, he too couldn’t care less about your boyfriend. The way your family was treating him made you frustrated. If it were you in his shoes and his family were to act so unwelcoming and cold-hearted, you would’ve came up with a reason to leave. It was unfair, both to you and Yugyeom. Without even saying goodbye to anybody, you yanked at your things and stormed outside the door; slamming it in your wake. When your eyes landed on his sullen figure, you could physically feel your heart clench at the sight.
“Hey, everything alright?” He looked up at you with the saddest look in his eyes and you were sure his pained expression would stay etched in to the back of your mind. All he wanted to do was get your family to like him in order to impress you and win brownie points, but this entire experience caused him to question your relationship. If your family was already acting so cold towards him after only the first meeting, what more as your relationship continued? He didn’t think he’d be able to visit them again knowing that they didn’t necessarily care about him. Once he took a deep breath in and stayed quiet, you walked over to him and lifted his chin up; making sure he was giving you his full attention before stealing a chaste kiss from the corner of his mouth.
“I’m sorry Yugyeom. My family, they’re not normally like that—and it’s not you. Trust me. You are a wonderful guy and an even more amazing boyfriend. Please don’t think tonight meant anything—we really shouldn’t have came here. Let me treat you to a chocolate shake.” He gave you a sad smile at your attempt to make him feel better, but it was quick to disappear and the question that’s been heavy on his mind hesitantly fell from his lips.
“It’s because of Mark isn’t it?” Not once in the duration of your relationship with did you tell him about Mark so you were a little nervous as to how he knew of him. Did your dad or any of your siblings say something while you were away? The way your brows furrowed in curiosity caused him to respond quicker as to how he could have known about the man in question.
“Youngjae told me about him. He kind of warned me in a way, not because he was afraid of you leaving me or cheating on me with him—it wasn’t like that. Knowing that you’re my first actual girlfriend, I guess he just wanted me to know that you were probably still healing and still growing from your breakup. I wanted to be an understanding boyfriend; I wanted to be there for you in any way possible but you never showed that you were suffering or anything so I just assumed Youngjae was fucking with me. I felt like it wasn’t my place to ask you about him or any of your past relationships for that matter. All I care  about is you. I was fine this entire time; you seemed to have moved on. But then your family didn’t seem to like me all that much and I just assumed it’s because they must still want you and Mark to be together. I—You don’t—uh—still have feelings for him do you?”
Just like what you had told your mom, you did wonder about Mark every now and then, and you knew that you still cared about how he was doing but you no longer held any romantic feelings for him. Or at least you didn’t think you did. But Yugyeom was the only person who deserved your full attention, all your love and your affection and that’s what you planned on giving him. This was the first time you’ve seen him anything but happy and it bothered you knowing that your family was the reason. You were now regretting this entire gathering and you were sure this only made Yugyeom insecure about your entire relationship.
He was never one to really admit what he was feeling; even on the days where work was a little too hard on him or if his dance teacher would overly critique his performances, he would never make it known that it troubled him. Why didn’t you put more thought in to this? It was considerably too early to have brought him over to meet your family and knowing how they favored your ex, you should have expected them to be so harsh. You brought your hand up to his face and cupped his cheek sweetly in attempts to show how apologetic you really were.
“No, I don’t. Mark and I are no longer together for a reason babe, you have nothing to worry about. I really like you Yugyeom and I’m sorry that they were so mean to you. Thank you for trying; I know you must’ve been worried to meet them and they made it extremely difficult for you, but I know you did it to make me happy. That just shows me how much you adore me. What my family thinks—or just what anyone thinks about us or about you means nothing to me. If I allowed people to dictate my life and tell me who I can and cannot be with, then I’d be miserable. I’m a grown woman Yugyeom. I make my own choices; I decide what I want and I want you. Now, I think it would be best if we both pretended this night doesn’t exist. Don’t you agree?”
Your sweet words made him smile like an idiot. He admired how headstrong and I depended you were. You were soon pulled in to his warm embrace and he left a few gentle kisses on your forehead. Unfortunately, Yugyeom ultimately decided he had enough drama to deal with in one night and declined your offer to go out for dessert. The car ride back to your apartment was eerily quiet other than  the soft hip hop playlist he put on. He reached for your hand and placed it on his lap as his was of reassuring you that he was okay. You snuck some glances at him and you had a feeling he was overthinking tonight’s events.
Yugyeom was the type of person who could talk for hours about pretty much everything. While on the way to your parent’s house, he was giving you his honest opinion about the live version of Mulan and how it wasn’t even half as good as the cartoon which led you to fill the car with your laughter. Now the air was filled with underlying tension and it made your heart hurt. He may have been holding your hand, but you could tell it was more so for your sake; not because he wanted to. After what felt like hours of awkward silence, he pulled up to your apartment structure and put the car in park.
“Thank you for dropping me off. And thank you again for being such a good sport. You’re really such a extraordinary person Yugyeom. I’m so sorry—“ he stole a few kisses from your mouth for what you thought was to prevent you from muttering any more apologies.
“I’ll call you tomorrow. Maybe we can go get those shakes you mentioned earlier. Have a nice rest of your night babe.” With a playful pinch on your cheek and a few kisses later, you said your goodbyes to your boyfriend and made the short trek up to your unit. As soon as you entered, you made a beeline toward your bedroom and began changing in to your pajamas. Once you were done preparing for bed; ridding your face of any trace of makeup, brushing your teeth and putting on your moisturizer, you went back in to your room and practically flung yourself on to your bed.
You released a hysterical laugh of disbelief; did tonight really even happen or was it just a fever dream? You could only hope that Yugyeom didn’t take your family’s hostility to heart. When you reached for your phone to see what time it was, you were curious to see that you had a few text notifications. Since you were just with him, you assumed it was your boyfriend informing you that he was home now. But once you saw who the messages were from, you really believed that you were probably asleep and that you’ve been dreaming the entire time. You had to be, there was no way this could all be going on in the same night.
Mark: Hey. 10:23 P.M.
Mark: It’s been a while. How have you been? 10:23 P.M.
Mark: I know you’re probably wondering why I’m contacting you right now and honestly I don’t know what to tell you other than I made a mistake. 10:25 P.M.
Mark: My mom talked about you this morning and it’s been a while since my thoughts wandered to you. Now they won’t stop. 10:29 P.M.
Mark: I don’t know if you’re single or if you’re seeing someone else, but if you are you can completely ignore this entire message and I’ll accept it for what it is. 10:29 P.M.
Mark: But if you’re still single, then I just want to tell you that I miss you like crazy and if you still feel the same way that I do, then maybe we can try again? Don’t feel like you have to reciprocate my same feelings. 10:30 P.M.
Mark: Although, it would be pretty amazing if you did. 10:30 P.M.
Mark: Goodnight y/n. I love you. 10:30 P.M.
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goindownshipping · 4 years
‘close your eyes and hold out your hands.’
Man’s Best Friend
Pairing: Loki/Tony Stark (Frostiron)
Rating: Teen (T)
Notes: This prompt just screamed Loki/Tony to me. Thank to @ohwereusingourmadeupnames for the prompt and being lovely as always!
Word count: ~2k
“Loki, you can’t just walk outside because you’re losing an argument, it doesn’t work like that,” Tony said as soon as Loki entered the room.
“Tony, you realize you just made me sit through a powerpoint presentation on why we should get a dog. For the fourth time. Believe me my love, I know how cute the dogs at the shelter are and I promise I’m thinking about it”.
Tony huffed, rising to his feet and coming to stand in front of his husband. He’d been pestering Loki for weeks about his sudden urge to have a puppy. DUM-E and U weren’t cutting it for companionship anymore. He thought his powerpoint was very convincing. 
Tony Stark was the last person anyone expected to settle down in life. His entire image as a young adult centered around his constant partying and questionable decision making. The only positive aspects of his image centered around Stark Industries when he reorganized the company at the young age of 21. People were concerned when he discontinued the weapons division as soon as he took over, but eventually, his innovation and new technology quieted those voices. Over the years, his philanthropy and frequent moonlighting as a superhero helped him slowly live down the image that he’d created. 
Now, living in a post-Thanos world, he wanted nothing more than to live a quiet life, free of world-ending battles. And, shockingly enough, Tony actually got what he wanted. Tony found himself sprawled out on his large, plush couch looking through the large windows to the backyard he never thought he’d actually have. Through the glass he could see his tall, wonderfully handsome, and incredibly irritating husband walking back toward the house.
In the years since Tony and Loki first came into contact, Tony was intrigued by the god. He was fascinated by his magic and Loki’s mischievous demeanor was compelling. And, although Tony wouldn’t admit it at the time, Tony had never seen a man wear a suit as well as Loki did that night in Stuttgart. 
After the dust settled in New York, Loki’s father insisted that Loki stay at Stark Tower for his imprisonment, determined that his son would help to clean up the mess he made. Tony had every intention of making Loki’s stay at the tower miserable. He gave him menial tasks in the lab that DUM-E could have done and intentionally programmed the robots to get in his way. Tony thought it was hilarious, Loki was not so amused.
Over time, Loki showed more interest in learning about Tony’s suits and the various technological advances Tony had in the works for the Avengers and Stark Industries. Loki asked all the right questions, offered little bits of advice here and there, and before Tony knew it, they were working side by side in the lab. As it turns out, Loki’s magic abilities proved quite helpful.
Day and and day out, Loki and Tony moved easily around each other, working together and eventually spending time on Tony’s floor in the penthouse. It was an easy transition from enemies, to coworkers, and eventually friends. Tony let his guard down around Loki, expressing frustration and fear over the increasing threats to their world. He was comfortable enough around him that he told Loki about growing up with Howard and Maria Stark as his parents, surprised when Loki fully understood given his own challenges growing up with Odin.
As they got more comfortable around each other, Tony started to notice Loki sneaking glances at him when he thought Tony wouldn’t see. Their fingers would linger as they passed tools across the work tables in the lab, and Tony blushed every time. Occasionally, Tony would call Loki over to come look at something he was struggling with, and Loki would come in close behind him, his chest pressed to Tony’s back. In those moments, Tony found himself wanting nothing more than to reach out and keep Loki close. 
It was a startling realization for Tony to discover that he was in love with the God of Mischief. Even more startling, was the sense of calm Tony felt wash over him when he finally admitted it to himself. Admitting his feelings to Loki was absolutely the most terrifying thing Tony had to do. 
One day in the lab, with Loki leaning over his shoulder to see the blueprints Tony was working on, he finally snapped. He whipped around to face Loki, glaring at him.
“Why do you stand so close to me?” Tony pressed.
“Because I like being near you, Anthony,” Loki answered easily. The smile on his face and the look in his bright green eyes absolutely ruined Tony.
“I’m in love with you,” Tony blurted. “Shit, sorry I wanted-”
Tony was cut off by Loki quickly pressing his lips to Tony, boxing him in and pressing Tony back against the work table. Before Tony could react, Loki was pulling away with a sheepish grin on his face.
“I’m in love with you too, Tony. You make it quite infuriating sometimes”.
In the many years since that moment in the lab, Loki and Tony were attached at the hip. They had their fair share of concern from the rest of the team, and all of SHIELD, but they never wavered. While Tony kept waiting for the other shoe to drop, as it always did for him, the love he and Loki shared was truly like nothing either of them had experienced. They’d both had a decent amount of heartbreak and hurt in life, making the love and trust between them that much stronger.
After Thanos, they both realized that life was too short and they left the city, settling upstate with a big house and yard. It was like nothing either man had ever imagined, but it was theirs and it was perfect. The night they moved in, Loki conjured up a beautiful ring for Tony and got down on one knee surrounded by takeout boxes and an empty house while they waited for their furniture. It was the perfect moment for them and a year or so later, they had a small wedding in their own backyard, celebrating with their closest friends and families. 
Now, four years after their wedding, Tony was sitting on the couch in their living room, glaring at Loki as he came through the sliding glass door. 
“Loki, you can’t just walk outside because you’re losing an argument, it doesn’t work like that,” Tony said as soon as Loki entered the room.
“Tony, you realize you just made me sit through a powerpoint presentation on why we should get a dog. For the fourth time. Believe me my love, I know how cute the dogs at the shelter are and I promise I’m thinking about it”.
Tony huffed, rising to his feet and coming to stand in front of his husband. He’d been pestering Loki for weeks about his sudden urge to have a puppy. DUM-E and U weren’t cutting it for companionship anymore. He thought his powerpoint was very convincing. 
“Okay, but here’s the thing. Puppies are cute and I’m cute, so obviously I need one. Also, you’re the one that keeps talking about this huge yard that we never use, so clearly we need a dog to go run around in the grass. And if we have a puppy, maybe the neighbors will like us more and we can have those dinner parties you always talk about.”
Tony was rambling now, prattling on and repeating half the presentation from memory. When Tony was fixated on something, there was nothing you could do to change his mind. Loki smiled, knowing he’d lost this battle the moment Tony started sending him selfies with every dog he ran into on his walks through the park near their house.
“Anthony, my dear, would you please for once just shut up?” Loki exclaimed. “Close your eyes and hold out your hands.”
Tony just rolled his eyes. 
“Please,” Loki conceded.
Finally, Tony closed his eyes and extended his hands toward Loki. Loki knew this was a bigger deal for Tony than he let on. The man had so many trust issues that even something as simple as closing his eyes could bring on more panic and anxiety than most people had ever experienced.
Loki sighed, and smiled softly at Tony. He was grateful Tony couldn’t see the heart eyes he was making at him. Against all odds, Loki was deeply in love with him, and Tony was one of the only people in the world that got to see the soft sides of him. Loki took a moment to just watch Tony. He could see the corners of his lips quirking up in a smile, his eyelids twitching slightly, fighting the urge to open his eyes and ruin whatever surprise Loki had planned.The hands in front of him were just barely shaking, nervous energy clearly coursing through Tony.
Before Tony could open his mouth and complain, Loki used one of his favorite tricks that his mother taught him as a child. Using the magic he’d gratefully learned from her, reached in front of him, focusing on conjuring up the surprise he’d been planning for weeks now. Swirls of green extended from his hands, moving together and taking shape above Tony’s outstretched palms. 
Just as Tony was about to open his eyes and start rambling about Loki and his games, he felt a warm bundle of fluff drop into his arms. His eyes flew open, immediately focused on the real, live, animal that now sprawled across his arms. Instinctively, Tony wrapped his arms more firmly around it and brought it closer into his chest.
“Loki, why is there a puppy in my arms?”
Loki remained silent, overwhelmed by how perfect Tony looked snuggled up to the lanky golden retriever pup in Tony’s arms. The little guy was happily exploring the terrain, attempting to climb up Tony’s shoulder and nip at his ear, his hair, and lick just about every surface he could reach. 
“Earth to Loki. Oh wait does that saying even work for someone not from Earth? Asgard to Loki? No, that doesn’t work,” Tony was rambling, his mouth running quickly, before his thoughts caught up to him, reminding him of the puppy he now held in his arms. Loki just watched him fondly, reveling in the love coursing through him.
“Hold on, Loki, you conjured me a puppy”. 
Loki’s gaze settled on Tony’s face, anxious about how his husband might react to Loki’s most recent mischief.
“I- um, yeah, I conjured you a puppy”. Loki stared down at his feet, nervous about the silence settling between them.
“I just- you’d been talking about wanting one for months now and you keep sending me all those cute pictures of puppies at the shelter and I just couldn’t help myself any longer”. Loki sucked in a deep breath to continue rambling when Tony was suddenly directly in front of him, pressing the overexcited ball of fur into his arms.
“Well then you better say hi to my new best friend, because you’re literally never getting me along again. Get used to it”. 
Loki situated the puppy in the crook of his arm, allowing him to sniff around and get comfortable with him. He wrapped his other arm around Tony’s waist, bringing him in closer so he could rest his cheek on top of Tony’s head. As much as Tony pretended to hate it, Loki loved the height advantage he had on his partner. It made the rare moments like this that Tony let him hold him close even better. Tony’s arms wound around Loki’s narrow waist, squeezing tightly, hoping to communicate his thanks.
Tony pulled his head back far enough to look up at his husband, overcome with love for the man in front of him. Pushing up on his toes - which he would never admit to a soul - he pressed his lips against Loki’s relishing the familiar way they moved together. Loki’s grip loosened enough to travel up Tony’s side, coming to cradle his cheek, thumbing along warm skin. They moved together languidly, lips firm, and tongues exploring just enough for Tony to feel himself want more. He let go of Loki’s waist, hands wandering up to his husbands broad shoulders, eventually tangling in the long, dark hair that Tony was utterly obsessed with. Loki let out a soft groan, powerless to the feeling of Tony’s hands in his hair. 
They were pulled out of their bubble when the puppy in Loki’s grip was suddenly licking across Tony’s cheek, startling him enough to pull away. Both men looked at each other then their new puppy, chuckling at themselves for getting so carried away. The puppy wriggled around in Loki’s grip, and he eventually set him down on the floor of the living room.
“Well,” Tony sighed. “I guess we’re dog dads now”.
They grinned at each other, giddy with the new member of their household. Before Loki knew what was happening, Tony was sprinting toward the backyard, puppy happily bounding behind them. 
“Last one to the yard has poop duty!” Tony yelled as he disappeared down the hall.
Loki laughed and shook his head before taking off after Tony.
“You know,” he called. “I can just make the poop disappear from the yard!”
He met Tony on the patio, watching the puppy explore the grass. Tony turned to him, surprise evident on his face.
“You shouldn’t have told me that. Now I’m gonna make you conjure me at least five more dogs”.
Loki smiled, pulling his husband close once again. “How about you at least name this one first, then we can talk about more puppies”.
Tony smiled up at him, more in love than he thought he’d be deserving of in this life. “Thank you for this Lokes. I love you so - oh shit! How did he already dig up the garden? Did you conjure a rascal of a dog?”
Loki just laughed, watching Tony run across the yard, lifting up a now dirt covered dog. He was the God of Mischief after all, he had to have some fun.
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bucky-of-the-opera · 5 years
Keep on Loving You
Pairing: Steve Harrington x Reader
Summary: Steve gets some TLC after the battle at Starcourt Mall.
Warnings: language, angst, fluff, slight smut (sfw), nudity (non-explicit)
Word Count: 3,202
A/N: Apparently, it’s become a regular thing for Steve to take a beating, so I felt obligated to write a fic where someone takes care of him for once. Steve “The Hair” Harrington deserves it.
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As you entered Scoops Ahoy for what must have been the thousandth time that summer, you spotted your boyfriend, Steve. He was currently talking to his coworker, Robin. His sailor uniform always brought a smile to your face, even if he hated it.
Steve’s back was facing you, so Robin brought his attention to you in her usual pleasant fashion. “Hey dingus,” she said coolly, “your girlfriend — who is way out of your league by the way — is waiting at the counter.”
He rolled his eyes at her and then spun around to greet you, his face lighting up as his eyes fell on you. “Ahoy, Y/N! Here for your usual?” he asked, resting both hands on the counter.
“Not today,” you responded. “I was actually coming to tell you that I’ll be out of town for a few days; my parents and I are leaving tomorrow to help my grandma move and get settled into her new place.”
“Gee, thanks for the heads up,” he said, dropping his head into his hands. He looked like a disheartened child who was just told that he couldn’t have dessert until he finished his vegetables.
“I’m sorry it’s such short notice. My aunt was supposed to help her move, but she had to pick up an extra shift at work.”
Steve groaned. “First Henderson leaves me, and now my girlfriend’s leaving me too.” He picked up a discarded straw wrapper and twirled it around his fingers. “When will you be back?”
“Probably really late on the third so we can be back for the Fourth of July festival.”
“Can I come over tonight after my shift?” he asked.
You scratched the back of your neck, trying to avoid his eyes. “I don’t know. I still have a lot of stuff I have to get done before I leave, and I haven’t even started packing.” You glanced at his face, which was a mistake; he was giving you the most pathetic puppy dog eyes and pout combination you’d ever seen. How could you say no to that face?
“Fine,” you sighed. “But I seriously have to finish all of my packing tonight.” You pointed your finger at him. “That means no distractions from you.”
He gave you a Cheshire Cat-like grin as he crossed his fingers behind his back. “No distractions. I promise.”
“Uh-huh. I’m sure you do,” you said, as you leaned forward to press a kiss to his cheek. “I’ll see you tonight, Steve.” You waved a quick goodbye to Robin and then walked out of the ice cream shop.
Steve’s eyes followed you until you had completely left his field of view. He momentarily forgot that he was still at work and nearly jumped out of his skin when Robin shouted at him. “Earth to Harrington! You have another customer!”
He muttered an apology as he tended to the next person in line, counting down the hours until he could see you again.
Later that night, you were in your room throwing together some outfits to put into your suitcase. Your radio was playing an REO Speedwagon song which you started dancing along to. You spun around and unexpectantly came face to face with your boyfriend.
“Shit! You can’t sneak up on me like that Steve!” You clutched your chest, waiting for your heart rate to return to normal.
He laughed and placed both of his hands on your waist before pressing a quick kiss to your forehead. “I’m sorry. Your mom let me up, and I didn’t want to interrupt your dance party.”
You huffed and folded your arms, which made Steve pull you closer. He leaned his head down and spoke softly into your ear. “Don’t be mad sweetheart. I thought we could have some fun before you leave tomorrow.” His words sent a shiver down your spine.
Your hands found their way around the back of Steve’s neck, and your fingers started their normal routine of playing with his hair. He never let anyone but you touch his hair; it was an intimate moment shared between the two of you. Steve lowered his head to where your neck and shoulder meet, while you moved one of your hands upward to lightly scratch his scalp. You gave his hair a slight tug, making him moan. He retaliated by nipping and swirling his tongue against the curve of your neck, causing you to gasp.
“Steve…” you groaned, trying to muster up the will power to push him away. “I told you earlier: no distractions. I haven’t finished packing yet.”
Steve reluctantly detached himself from you. Too soon for your liking, if you were being honest. He looked around your room and spotted the pile of clothes on your bed. Then he grabbed several pairs of shorts and a few tops and tossed them into your suitcase.
“There,” he said triumphantly, “all done.”
“So, I’ll be walking around barefoot, wearing no bra and no underwear?”
He smirked at you. “Sounds good to me.”
You shook your head and began folding all the clothes he had tossed into your suitcase. “You are no help at all Steve Harrington. Go sit down and wait for me to finish.”
“Fine,” Steve groaned, collapsing backwards onto your bed.
You chuckled and went back to your packing, singing along to a new song that had started playing.
Steve watched you as you worked, wondering how the hell he was going to survive the next few days without you.
“All done,” you announced after you had finished packing. You looked up to see Steve sitting on your bed propped up against your pillows. He had picked up one of your magazines and seemed very enthralled by whatever article he was reading. You rolled your eyes and walked over to the bed, tugging the magazine out of his grasp to set it on your nightstand.
“I was reading that,” he said, glancing up at you.
You climbed on top of him, placing one leg on each side of his lap. Your fingers found their way back into his hair as you began playing with his long locks once more. “I know you were, but I thought we could have some fun before I leave tomorrow,” you said, reiterating what he suggested earlier.
Steve didn’t have to be told twice. He launched himself forward, crashing his lips against yours. You smiled into the kiss as he wrapped his hands around your waist once more to pull you closer. He traced your bottom lip with his tongue before taking it between his teeth. When he moved one of his hands downward to graze your thigh with his fingers, you had to stifle a giggle. Steve trailed kisses across your jaw and down your neck, but you couldn’t hold in your laughter any longer.
He pulled his head back to look at you and chuckled as well. “Why are you laughing?!”
“I can’t help it! I’m ticklish!”
“Well, I’m trying to put the moves on you, but you’re making it a little difficult to be honest.”
You giggled again and cupped his face with your hands. Steve felt his heart skip a beat every time he heard your laughter. You smiled at him as your thumbs brushed his cheeks. “I’m sorry, Stevie.”
God, he loved when you called him that. He rested his forehead against yours and sighed. “I’m gonna miss you so much.”
“I’ll be gone for less than a week,” you responded. He groaned and dropped his head onto your shoulder. You left one hand tangled in his hair and ran the other one up and down his back. “Do you have to work on the Fourth of July?”
“Yeah. It sucks, but they’re letting me out a few hours early since it’s a holiday.”
“My family and I are going to the festival to see the fireworks. Do you wanna meet me there after work?”
His hands squeezed your waist. “Absolutely. I’ll even win you a giant teddy bear,” he said, smiling against your shoulder.
“Promise?” you asked.
Steve pulled his head back to look at you before leaning in and pressing a soft kiss to your lips. “I promise.”
Steve hadn’t answered any of your phone calls after the first night that you had called him from your grandma’s house. You tried to come up with a rationalize reason as to why your boyfriend had been dodging your calls, but your brain was psyching you out. A million different scenarios were running through your head: he wasn’t home when you called, he was in the hospital, or he was going to break up with you.
By the time you got home, it was too late to call Steve. You waited until morning when the mall was open to drive over, and ran straight to Scoops Ahoy. When you reached the store you stopped dead in your tracks: the gate was down. Every other place in the mall was open except for Scoops Ahoy. Maybe both Steve and Robin were sick and called off, leaving no one able to run the store. If he was sick, then he was at home. So you got back into your car and drove over to his house. You banged on his door for a full minute, but no one answered. Even when you started chucking rocks at Steve’s bedroom window there was no answer. You were dumbfounded; you didn’t know what to do or where else to look, so you drove back home.
A few hours later, your parents were about to leave for the festival. Your mother came into your room where you were lying on your bed, staring at the phone.
“Are you going out dressed in your pajamas?” she asked.
You glanced towards her and then back at the phone, willing it to ring. “I’m not going. I’m not in a very festive mood.”
Your mother knew not to push you when you were in a bad mood. She kissed the top of your head and told you she would keep an eye out for Steve before leaving your bedroom.
When the sun had finally set, you decided to go outside and watch the fireworks from your driveway. Watching them seemed more appealing than waiting for your phone to ring, anyway. You hopped onto the hood of your car and waited for the display to start. Lately, it seemed like all you were doing was waiting.
The fireworks distracted you for a while, but they weren’t able to lighten your mood. You started to make your way back inside just as a helicopter flew overhead. When you looked up, you saw at least a dozen more. It seemed like they were flying towards the Starcourt Mall. You were out of ideas, so you hopped into your car and followed them.
Your suspicion was right; the helicopters landed in the mall parking lot. The sight before you left you awestruck: the mall was on fire. The very mall that you had spent your whole summer shopping at; the mall where your boyfriend worked. What if he was trapped inside when the fire started? You felt sick. You needed to find Steve; you needed to know that he was ok.
Stepping out of your car, you took everything in: the flashing lights and sirens on the emergency vehicles and the soldiers swarming towards the mall. When you looked over at the ambulances, you saw some familiar faces: Mike, Eleven, Will, and his mother. Even Nancy and Johnathan were huddled in the back of an ambulance. But there was someone else standing in front of that ambulance. You knew immediately as you saw the mane of brown hair. He didn’t even need to be in a sailor uniform for you to notice him: it was Steve.
You took off, running as fast as your legs could carry you. “STEVE!” you shouted as you got closer. He spun around and locked eyes with you.
“Y/N!” He ran to meet you halfway. The blanket that had been wrapped around his shoulders fell to the ground. When you finally reached each other, you jumped into his arms, causing him to stumble backwards. You clutched the back of his uniform, holding him as tight as you could.
Only when he started to tremble did you finally pull back to examine his face. His left eye was badly swollen, and he had a gash on his lip. You placed your hand on the right side of his face. He leaned into your touch as a tear slipped down his cheek.
“Stevie, what happened to you?” you cooed.
Steve cleared his throat. “You know, the usual. Attacked by a monster from another dimension and kidnapped by Russians who had a secret base underneath the mall.” He tried to laugh it off until he saw the worried look on your face. “It’s all over now, Y/N. I’m fine.”
You looked into his eyes, tears threatening to spill from your own. “Are you sure?”
“I’m… I—” he swallowed. His grip tightened on your waist. “No. I’m not okay. I’m not…” he trailed off, unable to hold back the sobs that came.
“Oh, Stevie.” You wiped away the tears that had begun to fall down his cheek. “Let me take you home,” you whispered. He nodded, and you took him by the hand to lead him to your car.
On the drive over you tried to coax more out of him, but he wouldn’t go into any more detail of what had happened to him. He had told you a few weeks after you two started dating that he had fought off a creature that Dustin had called a Demodog. Maybe another one of those had gotten loose in the mall? The so-called “Russian invasion” was still a mystery to you, but you knew Steve would talk about it when he was ready.
“Why don’t you go shower, and I’ll get you some clean clothes,” you said to him when you walked inside his house. His parents were still out of town on a business trip, so you two had the place to yourselves.
Steve’s hand was holding yours, and when you tried to walk away, he only held on tighter. You looked back at him, but he was staring at the ground.
“Stay with me,” he whispered, switching his gaze to you.
“Always,” you said as the both of you walked hand in hand to the bathroom.
You turned the shower on and spun around to see Steve undressing. Your breath caught in your throat when you saw his torso: it was covered in purple and blue bruises. He glanced over at you and saw you staring at them, so he turned to examine himself in the mirror.
“They’re not as bad as they look. I mean, they hurt like hell,” he shrugged. “But it could be worse.” You looked down at your feet as he finished undressing; in all the months that you had been together you still hadn’t seen each other completely bare. “I don’t mind,” he said when he saw your trepidation. “I’ve been informed that I’m very easy on the eyes,” he smirked.
You giggled and walked up to him, kissing him sweetly on the lips. “You are, indeed, Mr. Harrington.” He smiled down at you. “Now get in there,” you nodded at the shower. “You stink.”
Steve stepped inside and gave you a wink before closing the curtain. You leaned against the sink and stared at the shower. You could have so easily lost him tonight; you didn’t want to waste any more time stressing over trivial things.
Releasing a breath that you didn’t realize you’d been holding, you stripped yourself of your clothing and peeled back the curtain to join Steve. He was in the middle of lathering his hair with shampoo when he froze, seeing you fully exposed to him. His eyes widened as you stepped closer. You brought your hands to his hair, working through the rest of the shampoo. Steve moaned in appreciation, closing his eyes to savor the feeling of your fingers massaging his scalp. He brought his hands to your backside, cupping your ass and squeezing gently. You gasped at his touch, making him chuckle. When you finished scrubbing his hair, you tilted his head backwards so you could rinse out the shampoo. While his eyes were still closed, you leaned forward to kiss him again. You dragged your tongue along his lower lip, being mindful of the cut.
“Steve…” you whispered against his lips. You felt tears pricking your eyes.
He pulled you closer so that there was no space left between you both. Steve lowered his head to press soft kisses from your jaw down to your shoulder. When he started to head towards you chest, you stopped him.
He pulled back to look at your face and saw the tears falling down your cheeks. Steve leaned his forehead against yours and held you close while the water cascaded over your bodies.
“You look so tired,” you said after getting a good look at the dark circles under his eyes. “Let me finish washing your hair so you can get some sleep.” He didn’t argue, just stood still for you as you conditioned his hair and rinsed it out once more.
While you were drying off, you heard Steve’s stomach growl. “When was the last time you ate?” you asked.
“I don’t remember.”
You frowned and wrapped the towel tightly around yourself. “Go put something comfortable on. I’ll get you some food.”
You went down to the kitchen to make him a sandwich while he got dressed. When you came back upstairs, you found Steve nodding off. He was half dressed as he sat on his bed with his shirt in his hands. You set the plate on his nightstand next to a glass of water and walked over to him. Taking the shirt from him, you woke him gently so he could help you get his arms through it.
“Eat your food and drink some water. Then you can sleep,” you said to him.
Steve took the sandwich and scarfed it down while you rummaged through his drawers. You took out one of his shirts and pulled it over your head.
After Steve placed the plate on his nightstand next to the now empty glass, he climbed under the covers. He motioned for you to join him, so you laid down beside him. Steve adjusted himself so that his head was lying on your chest and his leg was strewn across both of yours. You stroked his damp hair, and he sighed deeply.
“Thank you for taking care of me,” he mumbled against your chest. “I love you Y/N.”
“I love you too, Stevie,” you responded softly as he drifted off to the sound of your heart beating. You smiled to yourself. It was the first time both of you had said the L word to each other. You weren’t sure how much Steve would remember in the morning, but you promised yourself that from now on, you would always remind him of how much you loved him.
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turtlepated · 4 years
Pate I'm drunk I want PateDew HCs pleeeeease
Oh are you now? Lol, well I will do my best to provide! 
Let's see... PateDew is pretty open-ended so hows about I hit you with the half-formed vaguely self-insert WIP that’s been sitting in my Google Docs for weeks now: 
You’d been stressed out at work lately, stressed enough that two days simply wasn’t enough time to fully decompress. So when a couple of your coworkers invited you out for drinks after work, you decided to tag along. Why not? 
The Roadhouse bar was a bit more… rustic than you’d expected for a bunch of office workers like yourselves, but it seemed like the perfect place to lose yourself and unwind for an evening. It was loud, both from the rowdy patrons and the jukebox in the corner, smelled strongly of cigarette smoke and cheap booze and greasy food. Not somewhere you’d ordinarily venture on your own, but it was a nice enough distraction. 
After a couple beers you had a pleasant buzz going. Somebody at the jukebox set Don’t Stop Believin’ to playing and a cheer went up. Grinning widely you swayed back and forth in time to the piano overture and belted along to the first verse about the “lonely girl livin’ in a lonely world”, emboldened by the alcohol and the giggling of your colleagues. 
You spun around, startled, when another voice chimed in just as loudly behind you, picking it up with the “city boy, born and raised in south Detroit”, meeting a pair of brown eyes barely discernible under a mop of messy brown curls. 
And that was how you first met Dewey Finn, both of you belting along to the Journey favorite while other patrons booed and shushed you, pelting you with peanut shells while you both just laughed. 
It didn’t take long to learn pretty much all there was to know about Dewey Finn: he was easy going, funny and energetic and sweet, practically lived at the Roadhouse, and he loved rock music more than anything else. Even when sitting down he was always tapping his foot or thumping his hand against his knee, keeping rhythm with the song playing in his head. 
The two of you were fast friends and the Roadhouse became a regular watering hole for you. Dewey was fun and fascinating, so passionate about whatever topic happened to be under discussion that you couldn’t help getting excited right along with him. 
You bonded quickest over your overlapping tastes in music. While Dewey considered himself more of a purist (classic rock being the pinnacle of human achievement as far as he was concerned), few things seemed to thrill him more than sharing his music with you. The two of you sat across from one another in “your” booth at the Roadhouse, tipsy and giggly, having swapped phones to compare playlists. As expected, Dewey’s phone was full to bursting with AC/DC, Aerosmith, Black Sabbath, Van Halen, Guns n Roses, Rolling Stones. 
“Oh my God,” he laughed, turning your phone around to show you the screen. “Are you serious?” You flushed, embarrassed, covering your face with one hand. 
“Okay, look,” you began. “I didn’t get to have a Britney phase when I was a kid because I didn’t have any money to buy albums! And by the time I did Britney was considered cringey and I was too young to know that there’s no such thing as cringe! So I have to have my Britney phase now!” 
Your rebuttal only made Dewey laugh harder, his cheeks rosy and his eyes glittering both from the mirth and the drinks. He held up his hands in mock surrender. “Ah, I’m only messin’ with you! Though I’m impressed that you had like a whole defense just ready to go!” He turned his head, glancing around conspiratorially before leaning towards you over the tabletop, crooking a finger at you invitingly. Giggling, you folded your arms and leaned in on your elbows. 
“Not like Britney needs a defense,” he admitted, grinning, rapping the flat of his palm on the table between you to keep the beat as he started singing. “My loneliness is killin’ me!”
Without missing a step you chimed right in, “And I, I must confess, I still believe!” By the time you got to “Hit me, baby, one more time!” you were both almost incoherent from a fit of laughter, ignoring the vocal annoyance of the other regulars seated around you. 
Looking back, you considered that to be the moment you fell in love with Dewey Finn. 
If you were honest with yourself, that moment was probably when the two of you first sang along with Steve Perry, but you couldn’t help feeling a little silly and even cliched. The whole “love at first sight” schtick. 
In an ideal world, you could simply pluck up your courage and come right out and tell him how you felt. In an ideal world, he would tell you he felt the same way. The two of you might even exchange a tender kiss, if the romance in movies was anything to go on. 
But the world was not ideal. 
He did eventually tell you about the bizarre circumstances that led to his current job, which he so clearly loved and talked about constantly. Hearing the whole surreal tale, from start to finish, was a rollercoaster of subterfuge and deceit, plus a dash of identity theft and sprinkled with heartfelt personal growth. You joked with him that he ought to sell the story to a producer, get a movie deal. Jack Black would make a very believable Dewey Finn, you said, and he snorted into his drink. 
So many unexpected things had come about for him as a result of his improbable plan; not just a job but a career, one that he was passionate about, that excited him every day! Reveling in the talent of his students, their eagerness to learn and explore, seeing them progress and get better and better… It was a feeling that he’d only ever experienced before when playing a show, but now he got to feel it almost every day! In his wildest dreams, he’d never have even thought of where he was now in order to have wished for it. If the kids, his amazing, talented, face-shredding students had come as a shock, then their uptight, pencil-skirted, no-nonsense, secret rocker principal had thrown him for the biggest loop. 
It wasn’t until after the two of you had been friends for awhile (and after Dewey had thrown back a couple shots of tequila on top of his two and a half pints of beer) that he told you about Rosalie Mullins beyond “she’s my boss. Sort of.” 
Even Dewey was willing to concede that he took her out for drinks initially as a ploy to get her to agree to let him take his “class” to the band competition. The kiss that followed their conversation at the Roadhouse had been impulsive on his part, he hadn’t even thought about it at the time, there had been more pressing matters on his mind. In the aftermath of his unmasking; between the threats of arrest and homelessness, his adolescent band rallying his spirits and delivering a powerhouse performance; so many highs and lows in such a short expanse of time, it wasn’t until Rosalie Mullins grabbed his face afterwards and kissed him that it even dawned on him that there might be something to it. 
They’d gone out after things returned to normal, but after a few months of on-again-off-again they decided they were better as friends, as colleagues. Or rather, Dewey admitted a tad bitterly after finishing a third pint and another shot of tequila, Rose had decided they weren’t a good fit romantically and didn’t want to jeopardize their working relationship. 
“I really liked her, though,” he said with a sigh, slumping in the bench seat across from you and toying with the empty shot glass. “Smart, classy, beautiful.” You sat with your arms folded on the tabletop, trying not to let it show that each word struck you like a knife in the heart, wanting to be supportive in the midst of his disappointment because that’s what friends did for one another. Regardless of what you were feeling, it was clear he was still carrying a torch for the principal and when he showed you pictures he had kept on his phone you could see why. 
She truly was very pretty, very put -together, as stark a contrast as she could be in her perfectly tailored blazers and skirts to you in your jeans and T-shirts. You couldn’t help but feel ridiculous and petty, jealous of a woman you didn’t know, had never even spoken to just because the man you loved was still hung up on her. 
It didn’t matter anyway, because whatever your feelings may be, Dewey obviously didn’t feel the same about you, not when his heart was still set on Miss Mullins. 
You put it out of your mind, willfully ignoring it because at least you could still be his friend. No matter how heartsick it made you when his laugh or his smile made your heart swell and you wanted so much to kiss him but you couldn’t. You just couldn’t do that, it would ruin everything. 
As the weeks passed it got… maybe not easier to bear, but you grew used to the gnawing ache inside and you learned to ignore it. You barely even noticed it anymore. Things began to change when Dewey left you a very boisterous and excited voicemail, telling you to meet him at the Roadhouse after work because he had “huge, unbelievable, amazing news!” You had no idea what he could be talking about but whatever it was he met you at the door, practically bouncing like a puppy. 
In between corralling him into a booth and placing your drink orders with the waitress, you finally got him to calm down enough to tell you what he had to say. 
“Every year the country club crowd throws this big charity fundraiser for the city, and since a lot of em are Horace Green parents or alums, this year the school is hosting the charity and School of Rock is lined up to play the whole event! Isn’t that awesome?!” 
You beamed at him, his elation contagious. In the year since their formation and debut, Horace Green’s official student band (led by their music coach, Dewey Finn) had garnered a fair bit of publicity with their electrifying performance at the battle of the bands competition. Despite losing the contest, they had been the unequivocal crowd favorite and the school had enjoyed some very positive press in the midst of their growing popularity. 
But a gig like this would elevate the band to a whole new level, Dewey animatedly explained. You couldn’t help getting swept up in his mounting excitement, almost giddy to see him so wholeheartedly invested in the project. Naturally, you offered to be of whatever help you could to help him pull off such an important show. The band deserved it, and so did he. And if it meant you’d be seeing a whole lot more of Mr. Finn in the coming weeks, well… that would just be a bonus. 
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biavastarr · 5 years
Pairing: steve rogers x you (fem!reader)
Warnings: language, mild (?) violence, injuries, inaccurate medical descriptions, inaccurate passage of time
Word Count: 3,968
Disclaimer: I do not own the rights to any of the media or characters mentioned in this story.
Author’s Notes: okay so this is my first fic that I’ve written since seventh/eighth grade and since the theme is nostalgia and I’m the writer who has the power to do whatever I want I’m gonna disregard like half of canon and make this fic post-Civil War except they all got along and everyone’s alive and happy and Pietro and Bucky are living at the tower too and it’s not the compound mainly bc I want it to be in the city. reader is an ex-SHIELD agent who joined the Avengers like a month ago bc she’s been on the run since it fell. I just,, I love them both. I’m definitely being overindulgent and this is way too much exposition for stuff I don’t think really gets mentioned.
this is for @whirlybirbs and her endgame writing challenge, the nostalgic thing in this being the innocent “they all lived in the tower together” era that I loved so much. this is my first time writing for Marvel but I hope you guys enjoy!
Summary: Being a former SHIELD agent left you with a lot of walls that a certain blonde super-soldier is all too good at tearing down.
This mirror, you decided, has got to go. You were staring at yourself from ten different angles and the A.I. was reciting a full rundown of your skincare routine and it was quite frankly creeping you out. Ever since you moved in to Stark Tower last month, Tony had been trying to charm you with increasingly technologically enhanced appliances and you were starting to feel like Belle, what with having to tell your fridge that no, you are not hungry but thank you for the concern.
You carefully smoothed over your dress, a black, crushed-velvet thing with a high neck and flowing sleeves, a cinched waist, and wide skirt that fell delicately at your knee. If you could appreciate one thing about the mirror, you mused, you could admit that it let you know you look damn good. You slipped on a pair of pumps and left your little pseudo-apartment as quietly as you could manage, praying that your years of SHIELD training didn’t fail you in your time of - dare you say desperate? - need.
Tragically, as though the gods themselves had it out for you - you’d curse Thor for this later - you only managed to make it down the hall before delighted crowing from one genius billionaire playboy philanthropist made himself known. You turned slowly, bracing yourself for this inevitable interrogation-slash-please-be-friends-with-us speech. The man strolled over to you with a smirk on his face, Captain America himself trailing awkwardly behind him. Your heart fluttered pathetically at the sight of the blonde soldier. No, you reminded yourself sternly. Coworkers are coworkers.
Blissfully oblivious to your sour expression, Tony clasped your hand and spun you wildly, your dress flaring out around you. “Do my eyes deceive me, or are you finally gracing us acquaintances with your presence at movie night tonight?” He drawled out his comment, glancing far-too-knowingly at a certain slack-jawed supersoldier.
You winced, knowing that he’d just quoted you from a check-in report you had given Fury the other day that the other Avengers had found and pouted over. You didn’t have any specific issues with them, you knew, but they were your coworkers. The last time you had trusted the people you worked with, you had ended up with a gun to your head in a room full of Hydra members. It was easier - both for you and your heart - not to mix business with pleasure. That being said, you also knew that it’s never wise to be rude to a man who’s quite literally housing and paying you. Ever since SHIELD fell, Tony Stark had taken it upon himself to finance this whole initiative.
You sighed dramatically, faking a put-upon tone. “I suppose I can promote you all to glorified roommates, if you would like, but no, I’ve got a date.” Your eyes subconsciously drifted to Steve, drinking in his appearance as you admired his absurdly tight shirt straining over his chest.
At this, Tony lit up, his grin only widening further, eyebrows dancing high on his forehead. “Oh, really,” he questioned, “and with whom, may I ask, are you going out with? Can they really outmatch ole’ Capsicle here with his puppy eyes?” He winked at Steve, who was doing his best (which was not very successful) not to stare too deep into your eyes.
Smiling playfully, you pinched Tony’s cheek, laughing at the blush that painted his face in reaction. “Aw, Stark, that’s for me to know, and for you to never find out.” With a swish of your dress, you stepped around him, nodding kindly at a still-silent Steve Rogers, and entered the elevator.
As the doors closed, you waved shyly at the pair, trying not to think too hard about how none of the walls you had built, those defenses so painstakingly made, could ever really protect you from those incredibly blue eyes that still looked your way.
Steve hated when Pietro picked for movie nights. The last three time in a row had granted the Sokovian complete and utter control and he was dying, he was sure of it.
While they normally rotated turns, last week was what the Avengers had hoped to be your turn, but you had shrugged and said you had a mission, passing it off to Pietro, despite him literally picking the week before, not that Steve was still bitter about it or anything. Not at all. Tonight it was supposed to be Tony’s turn, but he had picked up on Steve’s exasperation with the speedster’s movie taste and gleefully handed the reins to Pietro once more.
Wiggling his eyebrows (ridiculously), Pietro popped the DVD for Not Another Teen Movie into the player, flopping down into the seat beside his sister with a bright grin. “Look, Captain,” his heavily accented voice drew Steve from his thoughts. “You may even like this one, it’s a play off all the other flicks we’ve been watching. Also, the guy who plays Jake is hot.” He winked unabashedly at Steve, who was now contemplating how hard it was to fake a heart attack if it meant he could leave the inevitable teasing that would come from tonight.
No, not because he was an “old man who can’t appreciate fine cinema” (Natasha’s cutting words after he said he didn’t particularly enjoy High School Musical 3), but because your absence meant that the others could safely - and loudly - tease him about you.
Bucky, whose metal arm was slung casually around the seat next to him, was currently bearing a shark-like grin, and Nat, who had draped herself across an entire half of the couch, much to Tony’s chagrin, had a smirk painted on her face as they watched everyone settle in, easily noting that you, like always, had elected not to come.
“Where’s our new recruit?” Wanda inquired with an air of fake innocence, oh, Wanda, not you too, not you, thought Steve in alarm, the young witch looking around as if she really needed to search for a person she knew was not attending.
“Oh, haven’t you heard? She’s got a date.” Tony said, drawing out the last word as if he treasured it dearly.
“No!” Wanda mock gasped. “How did I not know this!” She turned to Steve, the bowl of popcorn shifting dangerously in her lap. Sam nimbly scooped it up before it fell, and Tony mumbled something grateful about stains in his carpeting before stuffing his face with the buttery popped kernels. “Who’s she out with?”
Sam grinned at her slyly as he tossed a piece of popcorn at Natasha, watching her catch it deftly in her mouth. “It’s probably Pepper’s new assistant, Jared, I think? He’s always staring at her like she hung the moon or something, bet he finally got the balls to ask her out.”
Natasha shook her head incredulously. “No way, that kid is so nervous he rivals Steve in his eloquence around her, I swear. Maybe she met someone outside of the Tower. She does go out without us a lot.”
Steve flushed considerably, cursing his Irish skin for betraying him so. He tried to focus on the movie again, preferring the embarrassment of the whipped cream-covered protagonist to the current situation he was facing. “I do not get nervous around her,” he grumbled, more to himself than anything. Bucky’s head shot up at this, his damn super-hearing once again being the bane of Steve’s existence.
“Yeah, punk, and I don’t have an arm made of Vibranium,” Bucky snarked, throwing his metal hand up for emphasis. “What, like it’s just natural for you to fall off your chair mid-debriefing?” Steve, again, bemoaned his reddening state, doing his best to ignore the group around him smirking at the memory.
Sam patted his leg consolingly, having stretched out on the pillow-laden floor for better access to the snacks. “Look, man,” he started carefully, “you’ve just gotta say something, sometime. You don’t want to wait until it’s too late and you definitely don’t want to say it when you don’t mean to. She’s an Avenger, just like the rest of us, despite how much she tries to act like she’s not, and it’s not going to make life any less complicated for her if you’re stewing on feelings she doesn’t know about.”
Steve laughed a little disbelievingly. “What, you think I’ll tell her in the middle of battle? C’mon, man, give me some credit.” Sam rolled his eyes eerily in sync with Nat and Bucky.
“Alright, Rogers, whatever. Act like you don’t need us.”
Oh fucking hell, you thought, sprinting frantically through the streets of Paris as the city lights twinkled tauntingly above you.
Your date, as you had called it eighteen hours ago, was actually at a gala hosted by an arms dealer Fury suspected was Hydra, and now, with a gash carved across your leg and a head wound that wouldn’t stop bleeding, you felt that he had been quite justified.
Pausing for a moment in a flower-covered alcove, you held your breath, hoping that whoever had been tailing you had finally called it quits and moved on. You were tapping out a message on your phone, letting him know what went down, when you caught sight of the man tracking you.
Shit, you thought to yourself. It was the man whose very arm you had entered the gala on, and he was the most trusted goon of the suspect you had been investigating. You knew it was safer to head back to the Tower, check in with Maria and Fury, and then return for further evidence, especially considering the USB drive you had tucked into the pocket of your dress, but you had already gotten so much from this mission that you hadn’t expected and by god if you weren’t a relentless and slightly reckless pursuer of justice.
Narrowing your eyes as you continued to observe your oblivious pursuer, you opened up your purse, quickly wrapped your calf wound, and carefully slipped on the stealth suit and matching boots, packing away the dress and frowning slightly at the new tear in the seam. One of the surprise pains of being an Avenger was the tragically short lifespan of your closet.
Padding behind the man silently, you finished your message to Fury, punctuating it with the update of your plans to infiltrate whatever base the man was headed to. Breathing in deeply, you slid your phone into one of the straps across your thigh and winced slightly at the pain still screaming in your leg, hurrying on behind the burly man.
Maria groaned exasperatedly at the message blinking on her monitor, swinging her chair around to face Fury. “You see this?” She pointed at it in frustration, finding no other words for your stupidity.
“Fucking dumbass. She always does this. Thinks she can get all the motherfuckers out of sheer will.”
“God, I mean, she’s a good agent, but she has no regard for her personal safety. It is such a pain, Nick, I’m telling you, I’m going to get gray hair just from having to be her handler.” Maria tugged at her dark locks as if to display them for inspection. She and Nick both loved you, but they forgot how dumb it was to send you on a solo mission with no back-up; you were never sated with just satisfying mission objectives; with no one to stop you, you wouldn’t be finished with the job until at least an entire base was wiped out or you were carried away on a stretcher.
Nick shook his head and picked up his phone again, signalling to Maria that she needed to respond to you, well-aware that you’d ignore their protests anyways. Dialing his backup plan, he internally groaned at the voice that picked up.
“Hey, Stark. So I borrowed your new agent-”
Oh fucking hell, for real this time, you thought, wincing at the heavy manacles they left you in. You were a little grossed out that these things looked like they came out of a medieval torture museum, and had the rust to prove it, but you supposed that was a later issue. You had gotten your tetanus shot, you reminded yourself as a new grimace shook you when the metal dug painfully into your wrists.
No, your current issue were the two Hydra agents staring you down in the harshly lit room. You assumed it was the designated unwillful-interrogation room, but you clocked no less than three potential exit points, from the door to the vents to poorly concealed hollow panel you bet you could kick in with a hearty shove. Finishing your assessment of the room, you waited until one of the agents cleared their throat before turning back to them.
“Who do you work for?” His gruff voice ground out, grabbing the chain that kept your bulky cuffs suspended in the air. Your lips curled into an expression of disgust at his proximity.
“I mean, a) cliche line, seriously, and b) why do you even ask? If I’m from anywhere worth being from, it’s not like I’d tell you. Also, you guys should have, like, basic investigative skills. Facial recognition technology. Literally anything.”
The man growled again, rattling the chain as if he was trying to shake you around like a ragdoll. Your head swam and you were reminded of the blood draining out of you from a wound with an ever-slipping wrap.
Figuring that waiting longer would only worsen the situation, you yanked your arms up and wound the chain tightly around the agent, choking him out while his partner sprang up towards you. She shot straight at you through him, clearly not caring whether he survived this attack, but you launched yourself up and over his shoulders, snapping his thick neck with a twist of the chains. Angling your wrists up so that the next bullets hit the cuffs, you wriggled your hands out of the pinched, burning hot metal and lunged at her before she could react.
Scrabbling at her hands while trying to grab the gun, she managed to sling you over her shoulder so you landed with a thud on the ground. You kicked out at her feet and she fell heavily on top of you, but you flipped yourself over, straddling yourself over her hips. She tried to jerk her head up, but you dodged quickly, circling her throat with your hands and forcing your knee down on her thigh so you could follow the momentum and twist with a loud crack of her neck.
Letting her body slump to the ground, you dusted yourself off and looked around. Electing to exit via the vents, as it seemed to be the safest way to stay out of sight, you braced yourself against the chains hanging from the ceiling and pulled yourself up and out of the room.
“Barnes, Rogers, Romanoff, Wilson, c’mon, we’ve got a mission to ‘supplement,’ as Nick so delicately put it.” Tony was speedwalking through the common area, ignoring groans of protest as he smacked the whining assassins. “Shut up, Barnes, you can lose to Natasha at chess on the quinjet, we’ll have plenty of time on our way to Paris.”
“Paris?” Steve parroted, joining Tony at his side. “Does this have anything to do with the fact that this alleged ‘date’ has lasted a day and a half?”
“Relax, Cap, your girlfriend is fine-”
“She’s not my girlfrien-”
“Right, you wish!” Natasha cackled loudly, high-fiving Sam and Bucky while Steve turned and gave her the best kicked puppy expression he could. This only served to make them laugh more, and Steve once again questioned why he ever let these dorks - his dorks - all meet.
“Yes!” You whispered quietly to yourself, beaming at the storage room full of explosives you could see below you. Dropping down as quietly as you could manage, you let yourself land on the shoulders of the lone guard and knock him to the ground, stabbing him in the stomach with knife you had pulled out of your boots. Pausing once again to readjust the bandage you had tied around your leg, you let yourself lean against a crate for a moment, your vision wavering.
“Tony?” Natasha’s concerned voice rang out from the cockpit, causing everyone to worriedly look in her direction. “Was this base supposed to be on fire?”
Steve stood up and rushed to the windows, his own eyes confirming one of his biggest fears. He had a team member down there, and he didn’t know if she was alive or dead, and worst of all, he didn’t know what he could do to help her.
“Sam, Tony, you guys get out now. Fly over and try to get us visual on any activity going down. Let us know if, if you see her.” Steve shook his head at his stumble, pausing momentarily. “Bucky, Nat, as soon as we land this thing, we’re all going to split up. Cover as much ground as we can. Where’s our closest landing point?”
“I’ve got it, Cap, calm your beautiful, beefy-”
“Do not even finish that sentence right now.”
“Rogers that.”
“That doesn’t even work, Tony!”
It had been a whole 273 seconds since Steve had touched down on the ground and there was still no sign of you, and with the few Hydra agents stationed at this base being found dead or dropped already, this left his mind all too open to thinking up terrible situations that you could’ve found yourself in.
Don’t be ridiculous, he chided himself, the knocked out agents, the explosions are a good sign. She’s a capable agent; if she did that, she’s out here somewhere. He clenched his jaw in concern over the state of the base, though. He was guessing that it was you who blew it to near pieces, and rubble was still crumbling and settling. He just hoped he didn’t find you trapped under any of it.
Suddenly, a piercing scream curled out from around a corner, and he whipped his head in search of the chilling sound. Jogging into another collapsing room, he breathed a weighty sigh of relief upon discovering your bloody but intact body on the ground. He followed your horrified line of sight to discover a kevlar-clad severed leg, drenched in blood and soot.
He knelt before you, bringing your head to his chest and wrapping his arms gently around you, trying to quiet your panicked cries, though puzzled at the sight - as an agent and then Avenger, you certainly were no stranger to gore. Steve rocked you slightly, and your shrieks quieted enough for him to bring his face level with yours and search your eyes earnestly. You watched him, your face blank, as his large thumb brushed tenderly against your cheek, wiping the stray tears and dust from your face.
“Hey,” Steve whispered, “are you okay?” He took your hand in his, gingerly stroking the back of your hand in soothing circles, and you marveled at his soft touch despite the rough leather of his gloves.
“I,” you started helplessly, “I’m, uh.” Tears continued to escape you, and you tried to fight the humiliation of crying at work, no matter how grave your situation was. You nodded brokenly at the bloody calf across the room from you, hoping he would put two and two together, and your shoulders shook once more. Steve looked at you quizzically, fighting the urge to kiss your fluttering lashes until the unidentified pain went away.
“What do you mean what?”
“I, just, what?”
You wailed again, throwing up your hands in frustration and instinctively standing to go and show him yourself when suddenly you glanced down in wonder. No, your eyes did not deceive you, you were standing on the same two legs you had entered this mission with. “Oh, that’s not my leg!” You gestured excitedly at the limb you had mistaken for your own, glancing back at your own leg that had a matching gash down the back of the calf. “I had just assumed I couldn’t feel it because of shock, y’know, and-”
“Do you wanna go on a date with me?” Steve’s breath hitched as he realized what he just said. Oh god, he groaned internally, this isn’t technically in the middle of battle, but-
“What?” You were blinking, a lot, more so than what Steve thought was normal. He tried not to read too much into your eyes, those eyes he found himself lost in, prettily framed by those long lashes and holding a gaze he couldn’t understand.
Shit, his mind was racing, stumbling over his words once more. “I, uh, I don’t, um, know why? Why I said that? Oh, god, I mean, we’re not even there yet, not that I’m expecting you to have to be there, ever, oh god, I am so sorry, I’ll just-”
“Steve,” you cut in, gasping a little and clutching a ridiculously thick arm of his for balance. “Fuck, uh, my leg, my actual leg this time-” With a painful whine, your body toppled against his as you blacked out, warm blood still trickling down your calf.
You squinted your eyes open, trying to avoid the glaring fluorescent light the filled the room. The hospital room, you realized, turning your head with a wince to see a large window whose natural light was tragically obstructed by cream-colored blinds. You let your eyelids droop again, hoping that you could avoid the effort of revamping your lighting by just falling asleep, but you had no such luck. You settled for letting your gaze wander aimlessly around the area, which you assumed to be a local Parisian medical center and not the Avengers medbay you had yet to visit - Tony would never allow such an ugly tile pattern within fifty feet of his home.
Shifting carefully, all too aware of the throbbing pain that still burned in your leg, you looked to the other half of the room and stifled a gasp - the one and only Captain America was asleep at your side, leaning heavily to the side of his fragile-looking plastic chair. Your eyes fell to his still-gloved hand, which was clasped in your own, and you briefly wondered how out of it you were that you hadn’t noticed this immediately.
Dragging your free hand over to cradle his face, you called his name softly. Bleary-eyed and painfully cute, Steve blinked his way awake, coming back to you. His shoulders sagged in relief at the smile on your face.
“Hey.” You weren’t necessarily one for feelings or overaffection, but you hoped Steve didn’t notice the embarrassingly obvious adoration in your voice as your eyes drank him in.
“Hey.” His tone matched yours, sleep-husky voice still loving and velvet. You started to draw your hand away, relishing the warmth that emanated from his skin, but he caught your wrist cautiously, gentle enough to let you slip away if you wanted but firm in his request.
You stayed like that, together, for a dreamy few seconds, before he cleared his throat awkwardly. “Listen, uh, so, I’m sorry, about asking, not that I didn’t want to ask because I did, but it was unprofessional and unfair to you and-”
“I said yes, Steve.” He blinked at you adorably in question.
“But I thought you didn’t want anything like that with a, um, coworker?”
You swallowed and looked down at your clasped hands. You had spent far too long keeping people at arm’s length because of your fear, and you knew you could trust the Avengers. You made a tiny, tentative promise to yourself, to give people chances like they had given you. Bringing your eyes to match his, you gave him a small smile.
“Well, I guess it’s a good thing that Captain America is my coworker, and it’s Steve Rogers who’s asking.”
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hotheadhero · 5 years
Valentine’s Day Affection Alphabet, Remainder
I didn’t get many asks, and I don’t want to waste all this writing, so here we go!
It’s very long by nature of how few asks I got lol, so only the first answer appears above the cut.
A   :   AFFECTION.   how does your muse show affection?
Vocally and physically. Vocally generally comes first. Caspar is generally very upfront with his emotions and attentions, at least until he starts wondering if his own feelings start wandering into romantic territory. However, he's something of a motor-mouth, so if the topic starts unrelated but then veers towards the romantic, you might find he actually has entertained the idea of spending his entire life with you, of traveling with you to see all the things or fighting side by side with you forever. Call him out on it, though, and he will get embarrassed, possibly to the point of trying vainly to deny it.
B   :   BOUQUET.   does your muse like flowers? which ones are their favorite?
Floral adornments are canonically one of Caspar’s disliked gifts. Something something too girly, I suppose? Or they’re too fragile and he’ll either ruin or neglect them. He understands the sentiment behind them if given them as a gift and does have a reasonable(?) eye for giving them if he must (question mark because the flowers he gave Celica and Hubert were not the most positively received, but the ones he gave Lyn for instance were better thought out), but otherwise will nearly never think of them at all. If you must give him a flower, at least make it big and/or multicolored and/or dramatically shaped. Maybe then it’ll hold his interest for longer than it takes him to put it in a vase and forget about it.
D   :   DATE.   what is your muse’s ideal date? where / who with / etc?
Spending time with his significant other, especially if it involves traveling, doing something new, or enjoying nature. He lives for the energy, but a peaceful day/night out in the landscape is a great little diversion. Emphasis on “diversion” as a temporary thing: Caspar would hate “taking it easy” and sitting back doing nothing for life. I feel like his idea of a good retirement (from war) is to become village protector or commander of a decent- (but not army-) sized group - anything with diverse and colorful terrain (or at least a big sprawling field) and lots to do. Crowds fuel him, be they friends, classmates, coworkers, students, children, or what have you. He’ll even take rivals too. Favorite known places to settle down probably include Bergliez (of course), Enbarr, or Deirdru. He could do Fhirdiad too, but Faerghus is cold; thus, that city is probably lowest on his faves list. I think I kinda got off-track here, but this is also a developing area for us. x)
F   :   FLIRT.   is your muse good at flirting? how do they flirt?
No, or accidentally only. Caspar can’t even recognize when someone is flirting at him (everything feels like getting teased instead, it seems XD), but he can be a competent smooth talker when the mood strikes him (do I need to name the same two supports again?). he also seems to be a pretty quick learner in this regard, though the only actual support I have for this is Living on a Prayer--everywhere else he does anything overtly romantic/sensual is when he and the partner are already in an established relationship, I think. (Still gotta work up enough prequel to justify that infamous kabedon, lol.)
G   :   GIFT.   is your muse good at gift - giving or do they struggle to get it right?
Caspar does try, but sometimes he forgets to ask point-blank/enough about other people’s likes (and dislikes) and so has to fall back on what he’s figured or guessed about the person through other interactions. His gifts are usually well-received, or at least he doesn’t want to tell me about any instances in which he’s given a bad gift. (Sometimes he leans on me to get a little extra info XD Hi Inigo.) Beware the prank gift, though - those can be horrid(ly entertaining and/or high-effort). See every Midsommar water-bucket prank, his high-effort prank to Azura, or his infamous one to Lorenz.
H   :   HEART.   is your muse quick or slow to give their heart away?
In an explicitly romantic context, Caspar is both slow and quick to give away his heart and to just one person, mostly because he can’t seem to tell when someone is being romantic with him most times or when he is falling in love with them. It probably happens sooner than he realizes or initially acknowledges. However, he’s loyal to a fault regarding his friends; and the more comfortable he is with someone, the more likely it is he’ll seek them out or spend hours of the day with them (currently, Linhardt is the biggest benefactor here). Spend enough time with them, and you may well be the one he subconsciously gives his heart to~
J   :   JEALOUSY.   does your muse get jealous in a relationship?
Highly subject to change given Caspar doesn’t have an established relationship in TOA canon right now (both relationships he does have are currently marked as war phase AU), but yes, he gets jealous. As with any other distressing topic (e.g. his dad’s involvement in Petra’s dad’s death), he tends to keep his jealousy to himself (though it leaks out in the way his behavior around especially his partner and possibly everything else is a bit hastier and angrier) until forced (term used liberally) to confess. Based on LoP and slightly on his lines upon being denied transferring classes or being killed in battle, following confession to the object of his jealousy, his thoughts would be largely if not entirely self-destructive: I wasn’t good enough; I was never good enough; will I ever be good enough for anything if I couldn’t be good enough for them? Having not further explored this topic previously, I feel like this sense of inadequacy is the single most likely thing to take all the wind out of his sails: He’ll live simply by going through the motions of it; his once-bright eyes will be dull; and good luck getting him out of his funk by any means other than helping him find a new reason to go on. Duty might not cut it at this point; he might need something more personal.
K   :   KISS.   is your muse a good kisser? why / why not?
I only think he’s not good at kissing. Apparently Caspar has other ideas. In all seriousness, though, he’ll be incredibly awkward at it the first few times around (see Amy’s and Hilda’s first kisses), but he’s a quick learner with a great memory for the physical and kinesthetic. He may just surprise you with his boldness...
L   :   LOVE.   who does your muse love?
Depends both on the verse and on either how well I can build him towards it or how quickly he realizes, on his own or with the partner’s help, that he’s in love. ... Typically when I think about this sort of thing, the pre- and post-established relationship parts are the first thing that occur to me; buildup/courtship/etc. are a giant blank. Currently, he loves Linhardt in CF and Hilda in VW. He/I haven’t made any effort to build any other potentially romantic relationships with him yet, but based off game events, but there are about half a dozen possibilities among in-game characters throughout the houses, and I can’t exclude transfer students either.
O   :   ODE.   does your muse have a way with words?
Linhardt seems to think so XD Caspar will never win any awards for prettiness of prose or voice, but he’ll always tell it like it is: simply, honestly, and straightforward. He’s too blunt to deal in poetry (let alone manipulation by any means other than puppy-dog eyes), but he has his moments, usually when he’s channeling his magnificent insight, trying to cheer someone up. Far more common for him to have different moments entirely though... aka put his entire foot in his mouth, even when he’s trying to console a friend.
P   :   PARTNER.   what does your muse look for in a partner? looks / personality?
Also subjective, but let’s see... Caspar would want someone who will put up with him even if he gets a little wild at times. Someone who won’t mind him protecting them (though he won’t say no to someone who can protect themselves either, given his usual favored activities and line of work). Someone who won’t tie him down with expectations he can’t meet or rules he must abide by, who lets him live as he wants and even join him on this crazy ride of coupled life. Someone who understands him, even when he doesn’t understand himself, who will be there when he needs them most. As far as appearances, though, I can’t tell if Caspar has a type. Every one of his most likely love interests look so different...
Q   :   QUESTION.   would your muse ask the big question or expect their partner to?
I can’t tell, but I suspect that since “the question” (of marriage, presumably) comes well after a confession of love, Caspar, being the passionate and high-energy dork he is, would pop the question first. Then again, he knows this is a big decision and doesn’t want to mess this up, so he’ll probably take a while to figure out the “perfect way” to say it... which may well result in some of his pensiveness showing on his face, his partner inquiring after its source, and him bum-rushing (after putting up less resistance than he’d like) into blurting out “the question” and forgoing all his elaborate plans. XD
R   :   ROMANCE.   is your muse a romantic or a cynic?
Given those extremes, definitely a romantic. He has a storybook vision of how love is supposed to go and an overactive imagination to magnify it further. It’s as easy for Caspar to run his mouth on this topic as any other, and he gets actively embarrassed when caught baring his romantic notions like a sap, e.g. with Shamir (most blatantly) or Dorothea (when her teasing catches him off-guard because his imagination ran ahead of her). He can be a cynic in some regards... but none of them relate to romance.
S   :   SWEETHEART.   did your muse have a childhood sweetheart?
Hard to say. Most everybody gets coded as various levels of friend, so whether Caspar realizes if “bestest friend ever” actually means “childhood sweetheart” is a mystery. That said, the only person who might qualify as that is Linhardt...
U   :   UNREQUITED.   has your muse had their heart broken?
Currently, he’s too oblivious/naive in love to have had his heart broken. Not a difficult feat to accomplish when everyone is a “friend” until they tell him otherwise. Once he gets into a relationship, long-term jealousy and any other egregious breach, e.g. spending way too much time with somebody else clear up to cheating on him. is highly likely to do it to him.
V   :   VALENTINE.   how does your muse feel about valentine’s day?
“Candy!!! Oh, I guess couples are kissing too. Bit weird that they’re doing it out in public, but that’s their right, I suppose. I wonder if I’ll ever have someone to kiss like that?”
W  :   WEDDING.   would your muse get married? why / why not?
Having not previously thought on this topic... He would, readily. However, if his partner isn’t up for traveling all over the place, he might end up being a bit of an absentee spouse or parent. Most likely sin would be giving his loved ones too many “things” instead of himself/his time for making memories - and that would be almost entirely by accident, since he wouldn’t even think that he’s doing it (or at least the over-gifting) wrong unless prompted by his spouse.
X   :   XOXO.   does your muse use / like pet names?
Maybe? Not really? If he does, he only tends to use shortened versions of their names (e.g. Lin instead of Linhardt) rather than something more creative (e.g. honey/dear), but not everybody’s names can be so conveniently shortened (e.g. Hilda), and he always uses everybody’s full name (or title, e.g. Father not Dad) in-game. It’s a pretty good step up if he makes and uses a nickname on you. That said, in the manakete!AU I have with Linhardt, he’ll actively refer to him as “tyke”, “kid”, or “child” because that’s what he looked like to him when they first met as humans.
Y   :   YOURS.   does your muse get protective easily?
Oh boy. In the short and “monogamous” term, Caspar will protect any part of his partner that needs protecting - mind, body (or part), soul, honor, you name it. He would offer to walk his spouse home at night or worry after their safety if they’re gone from him too long (being a military child + a morning person, I imagine Caspar is good with time and probably not above setting time limits/a curfew if need be). In a broader sense - Caspar is used to being the brave, strong, upbeat one, the rock to which drowning souls can cling to, the shield behind which everyone else can take refuge. He is, emotionally and physically, a protector; he knows that an unshakable confidence and faith are as effective as a stout body in keeping others safe. According to LoP, his protective streak can and does run all the way out to sacrificing himself for his friends - he can’t stand the thought of things going the other way around. I need to explore this further, but some combination of heroic notions, his father’s stories/actions/fate (especially in non-CF routes), and a well-buried worthlessness/inferiority complex from having never lived up to his father’s precise ideals for him and/or having always worked so hard for so little recognition (see: Julian’s existence, his failure to inherit his family’s title anywhere outside of CF except when marrying Annette, and a teatime line (“They say hard work pays off, but I don’t think that’s always true”)) quite clearly make him think he’s expendable. Caspar hardly ever expresses such negative thoughts and in keeping with his (self-imposed) role as the army’s morale-booster, he’ll put a positive spin even on his own gnawing thoughts. There’s one post in LoP where Caspar tries very hard to stay happy for Linhardt, even though they’ve both just vented all their fatal worries about their fates in the war. Even dying, knowing he’s doing so because he lost/bit off more than he could chew/failed, he refuses to let others worry about him. (”Don't worry about me... I always knew...losing meant death... “)
Z   :   ZZZ.   how many people has your muse slept with?
Possibly subject to change, but - no one besides whoever he commits to. After all, sleeping with anyone else usually involves casual relationships (which I can’t really see Caspar going for under most circumstances) or lying to your SO about doing it (and he explicitly hates lies).
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neverbacksdown7476 · 5 years
Don’t Say It (Part 4)
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Again, sorry for the long wait, it has been hectic. Part 5 on the way! Also, Not My Gif.
Warnings for this chapter: Threats
Part 3     Part 5
“Y/L/N.” You answered the phone, just like Barba had wanted you to start doing. Walking down the not-so-busy street.
“See how easy it is for anyone to get your personal number?” A male voice mumbled through the phone.
“I’m sorry, who is this?” You asked, trying to cover your other ear without dropping your briefcase.
“Why not call the police to find out? Oh wait, you can’t you’ve made a lot of enemies and you are a brand new lawyer, so no friends. No one to protect you.”
“Are you threatening me?” You asked the voice on the phone, but the line went dead. You took a deep breath staring at the number that was on the phone. It was probably a burner cell, so no way of tracking it.
“Y/N!’ A male voice shouted behind you. You inhaled deeply, and whipped around seeing Sonny rush up to you. “Hey, are you okay, you’re pale as a ghost.”
“Oh I’m fine, probably just hungry. I’ve been working on so many cases lately that I haven’t eaten a proper meal in days.” You had to tell him half of a lie. You had been getting threats since the Terrance Reynolds case, so for about two months now. Apparently taking on three cops of the NYPD was a good way to put yourself in danger, even if you really are just doing your job. It didn’t matter if you hadn’t told anyone, especially not Sonny, not wanting him to worry.
“Why don’t you come over tonight, I’ll cook you some good food.” Sonny offered, a bright smile, like a sweet little puppy dog.
“I appreciate it, I really do, but I have so much paperwork left tonight. I just got out of a meeting with a low life, and his court appointed lawyer, and I’m on my way back to the office. Barba and I are pulling an all-nighter.”
“Wow, you guys pull more over time than we do.”
“Seems like it.” You laughed, “On the bright side though, the more time I spend with Barba the more he trusts me. I mean I did get to go to a meeting all on my own.” Of course, he sent you with strict instructions, it was like he was hovering over your shoulder in spirit.
“That’s great, I’m glad you are doing so well.” Sonny said as the two of you stopped outside of the building.
“Me too.” You took in a deep breath and looked up at your friend. “I’m sorry I really have to get back to work.”
“It’s fine, you know what, call me the next time you have some time off, we’ll go out together.” Sonny said wrapping his arms tightly around you, and you hugged him back.
“Alright, I promise.” You kissed his cheek as the two of you pulled away.
“Carisi, Y/L/N, you’re here.” Barba said, staring at the two of you, unamused.
“Barba,” you replied, your eyes scanning him. Noticing he was holding a brown paper sack in his hands.
“Looks like I had better go.” Sonny said, squeezing your arm
“Bye Sonny,” you said to him, and followed Barba inside, all the way to his office. Closing the door behind you, you took your seemingly permanent spot in his office as of now. At the round table in front of a pile of paperwork.
“You hungry?” Barba asked setting the brown sack on his desk opening it up.
“Yes, actually, it feels like I haven’t eaten in days.” You said honestly your mouth almost watering at the smell of whatever was in the brown paper sack. Hoping you were joking, Barba let out a forced chuckle.
“Well, I got Chinese,” He told you looking at you from under his eyelashes.
“Oh, I love Chinese,” you told him, jumping up from your seat walking over to his desk, as he answered the phone. You looked at him for a moment, dragging your eyes away from the food which he stopped unpacking as he sat silently on the phone, his face growing more and more serious. You were almost worried another big case was coming up, meaning even more long days, and late nights. Until his eyes flashed up to you, filled with worry, burning with anger. Now you were more worried that you were getting ready to get screamed at. 
Looking over at the window, you wondered if you could jump out and run away before things got awkward. A three story drop wouldn’t be too bad, right? Although, it might be a little worse in heels. Okay, jumping out the window probably wasn’t a realistic idea, but you gave it a second thought as Barba slammed the phone down on the receiver. His hands resting on his desk, and his head hanging.
“I should let you be alone.” You said, “I’ll just grab some of my paperwork, and work on it…” you had to think about that for a second, you had a cubicle somewhere, but you spent so much time in Barba’s office you didn’t even know where it was anymore, “Well, somewhere else.”
“Y/L/N.” Barba’s voice boomed across the room causing you to freeze in your spot, turning to make eye contact with him. Silence grew heavy in the room, until he finally took in a deep breath. “Have you been getting threats made against you?” It was probably the wrong reaction but you started laughing.
“That’s what this was about?”
“Y/L/N.” Barba said, but it was drowned out by your laugh.
“I thought it was something serious, like I thought I was in trouble or something.”
“Y/N!” Barba shouted over you this time, getting you to fall into silence again. “This is serious. Have you been getting threats made against you?” His eyes focusing on you, made you feel guilty, and you looked at the ground.
“Why do you ask?” 
“Because both of us just got a threat over this phone.”
“What did they say?” Your eyes finally looked up at him
“Are you avoiding my question?”
“No!” You sighed, “I mean, yes, since the trail of Terrance Reynolds.”
“Why haven’t you told me? Have you told anyone?” Barba asked
“Of course not, the only other people I trust in this city is Carisi and my brothers! My brothers would drag me out of Manhattan faster than anything, and Carisi would never let me spend another minute alone, and he would probably tell my brothers.”
“Your a grown woman, you can’t not tell anyone your life is being threatened, because you’re worried your brothers won’t let you work here anymore. What grown woman even listens to her brothers to that degree?”
“You obviously aren’t a girl with three older brothers.” You crossed your arms, looking away as Barba huffed exasperated.
“I… well…” Barba stammered, “Why didn’t you tell me?” He asked again moving on from your last comment, without addressing it.
“Look, I love this job, and I’m not going to let anyone take it from me, or scare me away from it. I assume you’ve been getting threats too. Why didn’t you tell anyone?” You retorted with the same accusing tone that he held with you. The room falling into silence once again.
“Alright, here is the deal, you don’t have to tell anyone, but I don’t think it’s safe for you to be alone.”
“What does that mean?”
“If you aren’t going to tell anyone, that makes you an easier target. I’m not going to let that happen, especially since I now know about it.”
“Well, I work almost all the time, so you don’t have to worry about that, I’m only alone when I go home.”
“You can stay with me until we figure all of this out.”
“Stay with you?” You asked. Your heart started pounding, loudly against your chest. Neither of you had talked about the kiss since it happened. The two of you had gone back to coworkers, with a secret you both tried so hard to avoid. Wouldn’t it be a lot harder to avoid that if you were staying in his apartment with him? Should have went for the window when you had the chance.
“Just until we figure something else out.” He said as you were about to start protesting, “Or we could tell Carisi.”
“Fine, just leave Carisi out of this.” You sighed, giving into your defeat.
“Alright, let’s go get your things.”
“Wait we are doing this now?”
“Yes,” he said, as if it were obvious, and used his phone securing a car for the two of you. You followed him out of the office, and through the empty halls, because everyone in their right mind had gone home for the night.
“We have work to do.” You said walking outside, following him into the car.
“We can do it tomorrow.”
“Since when, when have we ever put work off until the next day?” You argued
“Since right now, I don’t know why you are arguing. You are not getting out of this.”
“Why do you care so much?” You asked, and his eyes locked onto yours. Suddenly you were drawn back to the memory of a couple months ago. The memory of his lips on yours. His fingers tangled in your hair. His breath against your skin. That’s all it was though, a memory, you had to remind yourself as you pulled your eyes away from his.
“I just couldn’t bear to see you get hurt over something like this.” He answered, but you continued to look at your hands, while chewing on your lower lip. That wasn’t necessarily a normal habit of yours, but sometimes chewing on your lip made you feel a little better. Even if it was a false sense of ease. The two of you sat in silence until you arrived in front of your building. For a moment you thought he would stay in the car, but he got out just as you did. You lead him through the courtyard, the grass was dying due to the cold weather that had begun to creep in from the Hudson. The fountain made of concrete stood two layers, with a little man representing Cupid, wearing a diaper, and spitting water from his mouth. You loved being able to look out the window and see that fountain, on the days you were actually home.
Shoving past the heavy glass doors, with the black metal handles that would get so cold your hands felt like they were going to freeze to them. Warm air, from everyone running their heaters nonstop, hit you right away, as you lead him up the old wooden staircase, almost every single one croaked as you put your weight on it. You lived on the fifth floor, so the walk up the stairs kind of sucked, but you were getting used to the long uphill battle. Unlocking the door you opened it up, allowing Barba into your home, and your life. Looking around you felt almost embarrassed at the sight. There wasn’t much there just an old grey couch that your oldest brother had given you, an oak coffee table with nothing, but three empty coke cans on it. There was a television being held up by a pile of old college textbooks.
“It’s… nice.” Barba said, as if forcing himself to compliment it.
“I’m not exactly here a lot, and I have a lot of school loans to pay off.”
“No, I get it.”  He grinned slightly, but you just shook your head and made your way down your hall, to your room. Your room was a little better. There was a pillow top mattress, with blue and green covers, and a bed frame that you had gotten from a second hand shop. There was a small coffee table next to the bed, with a lamp, and a picture of you and your family. There was a closet on the other end of the room, which held most of your clothes. The rest being in the dresser drawers, right next to the closet.
“How long is this arrangement going to be?” You shouted down the hall
“Until the threats stop.” Not knowing how long to pack for you, threw in seven work outfits, three casual outfits, and a pair of pajamas. You sighed silently, zipping up your suitcase. Lugging it back through the halls, you looked at Barba with a small smile.
“Are you sure about this?”
“I would feel better if I knew you were safe.” Barba retorted and with that, the two of you were off.
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helpinghanikan · 6 years
Pet or guilt trip, your choice
Avengers (and Matt Murdock) x reader
Sum: no home is complete without a pet, or second best
Steve Rogers:
           After the first attack on New York gifts and presents started pilling in the lobby. For every member of the team at that point, even the ones who the public didn’t know the name of. Flowers, candy, clothes, jewelry, and sometimes straight up cash. Most were donated (save for the drawings, and that one necklace Nat was not going to let go of), and among those gifts were Lady.
           She was a little golden retriever puppy, pink bow around her neck. Security guard (a wall of a man) was cooing over her when you had walked in.
           Accepting her on Steve’s behalf she fit snuggly in the crook of one arm. The other holding the files. Help from fellow employees pressed elevator buttons and open doors kept Lady from touching the floor.
           You sat Lady down after seeing him in your office. Opening the door and nudging her inside with the toe of your pump. She goes right for the next available source of attention in the room, Steve kneeling to her level. She whines and goes for his face, tiny paws trying to get traction on his shirt collar and get to more of his face.
           “Careful of Cujo there,” You say, papers on the desk.
           “I don’t- okay, later.” Another movie added to the list. “Who is this?”
           “Our child,” You said, an arsenal of guilt ready to be used.
         Tony Stark:
         You’d need more hands to count how many times you’ve tried to get a pet. Tony has dodged every attempt with legit reason; cats knock things over, dogs are a lot of work and messy, birds? No, just no.
           This helped create the “Stark adoption day”, your personal project. Part passion project, part proof that you are more than just some trophy on Tony’s arm. Working with any shelter that will have you (which was a good majority) and setting up the meet and greet with dogs, cats and everything else in the park. Unsurprisingly it was maybe an hour before people started asking about Tony.
           It was a little deflating that people were more concerned about Tony than the animals. This was why you had gotten to Tony before he made his entrance. Making sure he’s not wearing anything that he wouldn’t want ruined.
           Adoption rates went through the roof. Hand picking the oldest, least desirable pets and putting them on the for-front. Tony holding a single eyed orange cat was still being cycled around, another where you had stolen his sunglasses for a brief moment and placed them on the bridge of an old saint-bernard. Both of them were adopted within the hour on that day.   
         Thor had a horse, Thor had a big fucking horse.
           “What’cha got there?” A lame question with an obvious answer.
           He had this confidence that everyone should envy. Even when he doesn’t know where or what’s going on, he is still so sure. Just like now, holding black reins of this dun horse, tail black, mane matching.
           “Gail,” A simple name that he probably didn’t pick out. “She’s from the neighbors,” Neighbors who were over two miles away. “Come, come here.”
           His hand lays over yours, guiding you to stroke her neck.
           Whether you had experience with horses or not it didn’t matter. Gail was Thor’s girl. A free ranged horse that wondered your property, coming into her little barn when the weather is less than pleasant.
           Thor gets this look on his face when brushing Gail. Every bit of stress, every forced laugh and smile is gone when he mounts her up. How could you say no to that?
         Bucky Barnes:
           He hadn’t noticed you yet, sitting on the patio steps. The rented cottage was angled so the sun caught whatever rested on the porch. Usually it were local cats, this time they were joined by your man. Scratching his head at just the right angle, gleam of metal sending magic over the stone.
           He’s a tuxedo with white on only his back-left paw. Following the little white dots along the stone and up the wall. Both paws reaching out to slap at the light swishing side to side, following it left to right and back down to the porch. He was one of those outdoor cats, born in the wild. Scratched up ears and skinny body to match.
           Bucky raises his arms up and down for the sun to catch it. Kitty not having a care in the world no matter how close he got to the large man. Eventually attacking Bucky’s leg, pressing against it and bouncing back. Turning around and attacking again, maybe trying to confuse his prey.
           “Oh God, I love it.” Wanda had texted when you sent the video.
           Kitty was your host for the duration of the small vacation. Probably hanging around because of the food you had left out, letting out a jagged meow while trotting up whenever Bucky leaves the cabin.
           By the last day Kitty sat next to the bags stacked by the door. Staring, daring like he was daring you to try and leave without him.
         Natasha Romanoff:
         His name is Clint and he’s a bastard.
           Just like the man he was named after, the large African gray parrot hung out in the highest points of the apartment when alone.  Sometimes flying down to chill on the counter or couch when Nat was home, bouncing around the apartment while she would watch amused.
           He was adopted when Natasha officially moved in. Someone for you to be with while she was away. She really loved him, cooing at him when perched on her shoulder. Speaking in any language she knew as a greeting.
           Nat was Clint’s obvious favorite. The moment she was gone he would go into his corner. Waiting for you to be in sight before throwing an actual tantrum. There was a real chance that Clint was a cat reincarnated; going into your kitchen and knocking down the hung-up mugs, opening the cabinets and marching on the plates when he locks himself in. He’ll scream into the void between the couch and wall, grab at chips or snacks as your bringing them to your mouth. In those few minutes that he’s calm he’ll stay in front of you and just stare;
           “Bring mom back, or I’ll tear this house apart.”
           The worst? He can speak, but only in Russian. You hadn’t learned what he was saying, but he was likely cursing you out.
         Bruce Banner:
         She’s a street beggar that had a love for fried chicken. With a meow too high for a cat her age, not caring about dangers and stretching deep. Her front paws against your leg, as though she just happens to be leaning against you.
           She does this every day when you pass. Accepting whatever sort of meaty substance you have at the moment. Seeming to glare when you had the audacity to offer a vegetable. At one point she followed after eating the treat, it was a spur of the moment decision to scoop from the old cat, her nails barely pressing into the cloth of your sleeves.
           It honestly took a few days before Bruce noticed Peppermint. She was an older cat, her all black coat had some shimmer of gray from age. Long haired and only showed her bratty side at the vet, or when she was being brushed.
           You really, really should have told him about her when you first got home. He wasn’t home very often, a little house outside of a city. Even the mildest mannered of the Avengers was almost never home. This was among the excuses you had used for randomly adopting a cat.
           “She was alone, like me.” You are a real asshole sometimes.
           Of course, you never blamed Bruce for having to be gone. You’ve spent years separated until the Avengers brought you back together, another few more when he disappeared into the sky. Using all that for a cat? She better be one amazing cat.     
         The man has battle rhinos, you’d think he could handle a French bulldog.
           Cosmo was a spoiled coworker’s birthday present. She lost interest in him after he passed his puppy phase. Her comments about taking him to the shelter had perked your ears, swooping in to save the little boy right behind her.
           He’s a real brat, you love him, but he’s the worst.
           You’ve just never realized how bad he was until T’challa insisted you visit for a longer period then expected. This was the journey of many firsts for Cosmo; first time on a plane, first time leaving country and the first time in Wakanda. First time meeting Okoye, who just watched this little black ball raise on his paws and stare at her on the plane seat. He growled deep in his throat, whining up at her and she just stared back. Eventually he just started barking, sitting on his butt and barking to the sky. Demanding she pick him up.
           She just smiles down at him, head on her hand. Seeing how long this boy was going to whine until he gave up. Cosmo was going the entire flight, Okoye would make a great mother.
           Shuri’s face lighting up was worth bringing the little booger along. It wasn’t that there were no small dogs in Wakanda, or that she didn’t know what a French bull dog was, it was just a breed that wasn’t necessary to adopt from the outside world. With both hands she holds him up to her face, more than willing to watch him while you met up with T’challa.
           His face looking at Cosmo was one of “What did you bring into my home?”
           And he kept that face every time Cosmo stared up at him with that old man wheezing. Or when Cosmo would take a sock from those placed out, running from the room with it like he had just robbed a bank. His worst offense is to have the audacity to squeeze his firry butt between you and T’chall at night. Too deep in sleep to hear the names your man was calling your second favorite boy.
Pietro Maximoff
Nothing can cement a person to one place like a sleeping pet.
           They’ve been stuck to the same spot for the past hour. The black and white husky resting her head on his lap, one paw over the knee as a way to say “please, don’t move.”
           Pietro’s face was annoyed, but his dominate hand kept a good rhythm of petting Savannah’s head. The other flicked through channels, occasionally looking your way. Maybe to see what you were doing (still on the laptop), maybe to look for help. Not that you’d ever mess with your copper and white colored princess.
           She would nip at your legs, howl and scream when the food would take too long. Keeping Pietro wrapped around her paw whenever he left the house. Growling low in her throat when he’d tell her no. She would do this until he grabbed her leash, muttering in his mother language as she wiggled with excitement.
   Peter Parker:
           Peter held the little guy way too close to his face. Looking at the white and fawn spotted bunny in his hands, inspecting him as though he might not have been an actual rabbit. In his defense Happy was cute little guy.
           It was like a divorce from a marriage that never happened. Happy was a plan that took weeks in the making. Infecting each other with the Bun disease after watching one too many “how to care for your rabbit” videos in the wee hours of the morning. He spent most his life at your place, taking him Peter’s a few times a week during “Dates”.
           It wasn’t that Aunt May had explicably said no, she just gestured around the apartment. “We barely fit in here.” The woman was immune to the bunny charms, still more than willing to hold him, though. Making kissy noises and cooing.
           This was Happy’s life now. Seeing his Daddy every “date” night. The two of your sitting across from each other on the floor, legs stretching out for your feet to be flat against each other. Creating a tiny carrel for Happy to choose which parent he will be cuddled by.
         Stephen Strange:
         It wasn’t so much Stephen had said no that Wong did. He had the look of a man who had seen the effects of cats on old books and birds in wide open areas. Dogs don’t seem to be on the list of preferred pets for those working in mystic arts. They’re too good for them, anyway.
           “It’s good karma,” You had said, door chiming when opened.
           “Karma’s not real, Sweetie,” The nickname of condescension.
           “You’re fucking attitude is. Hi, Marisa.”
           There is probably a reason dogs aren’t chosen for mystic arts. They’re too much of a distraction, spending hours with these girls and boys. Filling bowls, washing cages and scrubbing puppies cleaned the soul.
           Stephen had stood off to the side at first. One of those poor kids whose parents had never let him have a real pet (maybe a fish, but you can’t pet a fish). Slowly getting more accommodated with the dogs getting too excited around him. Then he met Beorn, the adult male Newfoundland who was getting on in age.
           Because of his age he wasn’t the first option for adoption, a mass of black hair laying in his cage. Beorn nudged against his hand, a deep noise at the back of his throat that said, “I’m old and deserve pets. Get to it, youngster.”
           Stephen’s hands disappeared into the black mass. Reaching for miles before he found the body and Beorn groaned at the attention. Stephen fell in love with him at that moment. Going with you to the shelter and just so happen to wander towards Beorn. Taking credit for volunteering while he only stays with this old bear.
           “I want him,” He one day admitted on the way home.
           “Talk to your work-husband.”
         Matt Murdock:
         “I don’t need a service dog,” He says.
           “I’ll pay for it.” You says.
           “Sweetie, Angel, no.” The double pet name. It’s on now.
           “Come, how’d you get that busted lip?”
           Thug two was quieter than thug one
           “Walked into a door.” He says.
           “And your ribs?”
           Big crow-bar, bigger guy
           “Went hard into a table.”
           “You know what can keep you from doing that? A service animal.” Beers clink between your fingers while walking into the room.
           “I have you for that.” He says.
           “Wow,” You keep the bottle from his hands. Setting it on the coffee table instead.
           “I didn’t mean that,” He reaches for the bottle. Missing by a few inches, leaning forward and pushing it gently into his hands. “I think the cane says I’m blind enough. I don’t have time for it either.”
           “Dogs are suffering you know,” a drink of beer. You’re planning something. “And their shelter is underfunded.”
           There it is; his little, bleeding heart, angel. “What do they need?”
           “Lawyer on retainer, paperwork and stuff. “Another drink, a louder gulp. You hardly ever asked for anything, let alone a legal favor. “All your clients with them will be innocent. Ya know?”
           Matt nods, “Foggy’ll love it.”
Carol Danvers:
         “This is just a favor to a friend,” Mr. Fury says walking with you through the house.
           Middle of nowhere was an understatement, surrounded by fields owned by no one and woods belonging to the deer. You should probably ask if there was wifi in the place. That the phone line is connected out here is a serious long shot.
           “In exchange for that favor,” You’ve only known this man for a few hours. Long enough for car ride and brief introduction that told you nothing but his name. In that time, you have learned he seemed to like being dramatic. Grabbing the carrier on the kitchen table and setting it on the floor with a clunk for dramatics. “He’s your problem now.”
           The orange kitty inside obviously didn’t share Mr. Fury’s love for dramatics. Just sitting in the loaf position inside of his crate, barely acknowledging that he now had a way to roam around.
           “Carol has a cat?” You ask.
           The floor creaks as you squat down to see inside the crate better. Cat now acting like you meant nothing to him while he stretches out. Walking out and sniffing your outstretched fingers. A purr deep in his throat gets louder when he rubs against them, spinning to trail his tail between your fingers.
           “He’s more then that. Just make sure he’s in front of your if they break in here.” Mr. Fury says, holding out a card to you. “When that happens give me a call.”
It takes a minute to realize that a turtle had made it’s home in Shang’s apartments. It’s enclosure blending a little too well with the shelves, lamps and junk that decorated Shang’s living space.
“That’s Sheldon-.” Shang begins.
“LAME!” Yells Katy from the couch.
“-Xialing gave him to me a bit ago. She said he ‘matched the décor and my attitude.’ Whatever that means.”
Seeing Sheldon making his way around the room. You had to agree. Especially as it was a pancake tortoise that moved around faster than you’d assume it to be.
Now that you knew Sheldon was there he was hard to miss. He walked through the tiles of the kitchen when let out of his enclosure and chilled on the carpet when Shang would get ready in the morning.
“I thought I was your pushup cheerleader.” You said one morning from your shared bed.
It was a blessing and a curse that Shang used pushups to wake up in the morning. A blessing because who doesn’t like to wake up to a beautiful view? And a curse because of the constant suggestion that you join him.
This morning he was doing the set as usual. With Sheldon choosing to hang out right under his owner. Completely confident in his dad’s ability to not just slam to the ground.
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nobodies-png · 6 years
Yay, I'm glad that you're open! May I request what ORG XII members Axel, Demyx, Saix and Marluxia would be like as best friends. Thank you so much!
The askbox is always open so feel free to f l o o d it, lads. Also hell yeAH, WE STAN SOME GOOD PLATONIC LOVE AROUND HERE. I keep getting carried away and writing a shit ton for these asks bUT O H WELL
Saix : 
Let’s face it - you’re gonna need a lot of patience and understanding to be Saix’s best friend. The guy is always impassive and cold. From an outsider’s point of view, he treats you just like he treats the rest - so you’re gonna have to read between the lines and spot those subtle clues and hints to realize that he does, in fact, care about you in his own way.
If you were in the Organization with him, he would go a little easier and take your opinions into consideration. His sharp words and strict attitude would still be there, but he’s definitely more lenient with you than with the rest, often overlooking or covering up for your tiny mistakes - HOWEVER, you can expect a harsh scolding if you start slacking off ! Want a day off ? Be paired with someone ? Keep this cute puppy you found ? Sure but you’ll have to e a r n it. 
Because of his position in the Organization, he doesn’t exactly have free time to spend with you - which is something he feels somewhat guilty of. Saix works hard day and night so both of you can regain your hearts as fast as possible. You’re the only one (apart from Xemnas) allowed to visit and hang around him while he works, letting you ramble about whatever you want.
If you weren’t in the Organization, Saix would be t o r n between his loyalty to Xemnas and his friendship with you. It’s a neverending battle between mind and heart. He’d push you away in an attempt to protect you, as well as being extra careful to not send any potentially dangerous members of the organization to whatever world you’re in or let anyone know about what ties you two have.
iN A LESS ANGSTY SETTING (without Xenahort fucking up absolutely everything, cough) Saix would be that one friend whose discipline and responsibility just end up rubbing off on you. His critiques and advice might be harsh, but he means well and motivates you to be your best self. Doesn’t tolerate bullshit, but he sure as fuck needs your help to learn how to loosen up and relax. Wouldn’t hesitate to fight a bitch if they look at you the wrong way.
Axel : 
Everyone sees him as carefree and laid-back, always doing whatever he wants. But as his best friend, you’re able to see past that - Axel actually worries and overthinks quite a lot. He’s used to people depending on him so he automatically makes himself responsible of your well-being and happiness. You’d have to insist to let him know that you two are equals and that he’s your friend, not your mom. Axel would have a hard time learning how to rely on you, but he’ll slowly come around and open up.
But other than that, once you have his trust, then it’s yours to keep. Axel is a “ride or die” type of person - you can always count on him to have your back. As well as an endless supply of snarky and funny remarks. And ice cream. You bet your ass he’ll bring you sea salt ice cream or other snacks to eat with him at the end of the day.
If you were in the Organization with him, then your friendship would be just like his friendship with Roxas and Xion ! Axel will always side with you if Saix ever gets on your case and, if the perfect moment arrives, he’d definitely tell you all about his life as a somebody. And some spicy info about how Saix used to be too, h o h o h.
Sometimes, his cynism can get the best of him and you’ll hear him go on and on about deep cryptic and phylosophical topics. But hey, that’s a normal thing among Nobodies. In these rare moments of weakness, you just have to reassure him that what matters is the present and he’ll bounce back onto his charismatic self in a heartbeat.
If you weren’t in the Organization, Axel would keep you from getting involved and learning anything about them. As well as everything that he has to do under their orders. His mind would be complete chaos. What would you do if you found out about his lack of heart ? What would Xemnas do if he ever found out about your friendship ? Axel is willing to betray the organization and take a leap of faith. But only if you asked him.
Demyx :
Okay, being Demyx’s best friend wouldn’t be as angsty as being Saix’s or Axel’s best friend. He believes he has a heart despite what the rest tell him, so he’s not as emotionally constipated or in denial as them. You won’t even notice he’s a Nobody unless he tells you. And he WILL, but mostly as a warning. If you decide to risk your safety just to hang out with him, he won’t stop you. You’re your own person, after all. 
If you’re not in the Organization, you can expect Demyx to hide from his responsibilities in your world and spending all of his time just goofing around with you. He’d try to teach you some water magic, play the sitar or put on little shows for you and if you’re up for it, he’d also take you on little secret adventures to other worlds. In return, you can just show him all the cool things to do around your world.
And if you ARE in the Organization with him then it’s the same thing - except that you two get in trouble with Saix a lot. You and Demyx stick together like glue and everyone knows better than to try and separate you. No one wants to deal with Demyx’s whining or his constant sitar strumming in the Grey Area. 
You’re the first one he goes to whenever he writes a new song. Or for cover if he’s in trouble. Hell, you’re the one he goes to for everything. It can be a bit overbearing but can you blame him ? He’s surrounded by really depressing people all the time ! Around you, he doesn’t have to put on an act - he can just be himself without the pressure of “yEAH SORRY, NO FEELINGS ALLOWED IN THIS BITCH.” If you ask him for more s p a c e, he’ll understand though.
Demyx trusts you more than enough to tell you about his past as a Somebody. As well as everything else that he has to keep from his coworkers : his fears, insecurities, dreams, goals… And he’d love to hear your story too ! It’s one of the very rare moments in which he’s completely serious.
Marluxia :
It doesn’t really matter if you’re his best friend, you’re gonna be kept in the dark a lot. Don’t take it personally, though - Marluxia is just. Naturally shady and private with everything. As well as a perfectionist. If you do end up learning anything about his plans and such, it’s because he allowed you to know - and cause he’s aware of what your reaction is going to be. Well, or at least thinks so. This fucker just needs to be two steps ahead.
But of course, he does have a soft spot for you. Marluxia’s cruel and aloof façade has slipped more than once in your presence and you’ve been able to see a more human side of him. Like you sometimes get the feeling that you’re nothing but a pawn to him, but hell hath no fury like Marluxia if anyone tried to hurt you. (”What did you say about Y/N? Dear, hold my fucking flower, gotta tear this thot a new one.”)
If you were in the Organization with him, you’d be the first one to know about his plans to overthrow Xemnas and the first one he’d ask to join him. And trust me, he won’t accept no for an answer. Marluxia would do everything in his power to convince you to side with him should you refuse his offer, but there’s a tiny chance that you can end up changing his mind instead. From his point of view, you’re the only one worth listening to.
If you weren’t in the Organization, then Marluxia would keep them from knowing about you. He knows that your friendship, no matter how strong and beautiful, can be used against him - so by being his usual cryptic and shady self, he’s protecting both of your asses ! You’d probably wake up to a different flower on your window every day.
Marluxia is actually a cheeky bastard. He’d tease and pull little harmless pranks on you for funsies only to pretend that he’s “too classy for tasteless jokes like that.” He’s not the type to get emotional and sentimental, so don’t expect a tragic backstory reveal - but he’s surprisingly gentle when you’re the one in need for comfort. If you wake up to find that your problem has been magically solved, then you bet Marluxia pulled some strings behind the scenes.
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gamerwoo · 6 years
Wonwoo: Drawings
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Characters: Wonwoo x reader (featuring chanyeol)
Genre/warnings: florist!Wonwoo x tattoo artist!reader, angst, a little bit of fluff in between, some crack, and mild violence????
Word count: 3,822
Summary: He definitely doesn’t look like it, but Wonwoo loves tattoos. He usually wears sweaters to cover his tattoo-clad arms when he works at the small flower shoppe in town, but on one of his days off, he goes to the new tattoo shop down the street, and runs straight into the girl he accidentally punched in the face the night before. (Idea was half created by @ripperoonii)
Wonwoo didn’t necessarily like to spend his time at bars, but it was Seungcheol’s birthday and he was his best friend; he wasn’t going to miss his best friend’s birthday. So, he was dragged to some dive bar a few blocks away from the flower shoppe he worked at.
“Congrats on being another year closer to death.” Jihoon deadpanned, holding his glass up a bit before taking a sip in some sort of half-assed cheers.
“Wow, good one.” Wonwoo chuckled, taking a sip of his whiskey.
“Thanks.” Seungcheol gave him a fake smile before his face immediately dropped all form of emotion. “Dick.”
Their group of friends snorted and chortled, slapping the eldest playfully on the back. It was rare for all of them to be together, so even with Jihoon’s sarcastic comment, they were still cheery just from gathering all together for once.
As Wonwoo watched Jeonghan finish his drink and wave the bartender over for another, most of the group’s attention had drifted over to a scene being caused by the pool table. The yelling between two men was getting louder and louder, causing most of the patrons of the bar to look over at what was happening. Even Jeonghan and the bartender had frozen and peered over to see what was going on.
“You cheated!” one of the large, burly men slurred.
The other man -- just as tall, but not really as scary-looking other than the tattoos and red hair -- just scoffed and rolled his eyes, spinning the pool stick in his hand. “Did not, you giant pussy. Stop your bitching and pay up.”
Wonwoo hated conflict. It wasn’t that he was a softy, he just chose to avoid confrontation because he believed fighting was pointless. Especially at some bar where two big guys were about to battle it out, he wasn’t having it. He had work tomorrow, and the last thing he needed was a black eye. He ran a flower shoppe for crying out loud!
“I think it’s about time I-”
Wonwoo’s goodbye was cut off by one of the men insulting you -- a shorter -- well, shorter than him -- but still very intimidating girl that was there with the man that was accused of cheating. 
“Take your slut and get out!” the man had shouted.
You simply looked at the man who spat the comment toward you, rolled your eyes, and went back to your drink. However, Wonwoo’s blood was boiling. There were three things he didn’t tolerate: mistreatment of animals, mistreatment of children, and mistreatment of women. While he didn’t want to get involved, he could make an exception for any of those three things.
You weren’t bothered by the comment. Your coworker -- the one in the fight -- brought you to this bar so many times that you were used to the disgusting men and even more dirty comments made toward you. But you could hold your own, and you definitely looked it with the tattoos inked into your skin, and the piercings in your nose, eyebrow, and trailing up and down your ears.
However, this idiot in a denim jacket, black jeans, and white t-shirt seemed to think otherwise as he stood up from the bar and glared at the man yelling at you and your coworker. “Why don’t you fuck off, huh?”
Wonwoo looked thin, and the only things he had going for him to make him even slightly intimidating were his height and his resting bitch face. You thought it looked like a puppy trying to take on a full-grown dog. This would only end one way, and you’d have to be the one to break it up since everyone else was always too worked up. It wouldn’t be your first fight, anyway.
“Why don’t you mind your business, kid?” the man sniggered, looking Wonwoo up and down. “Leave this to the real men, yeah?”
“Real men don’t treat women like that.” Wonwoo stated, walking forward.
“Real men don’t come to this bar.” you muttered under your breath, rolling your eyes for the umpteenth time.
“Should we ditch before this gets worse?” your coworker asked.
You and your friend, Chanyeol worked at a tattoo shop a few blocks away. Chanyeol didn’t normally look it considering his cute face, but he was muscular and terrifying in fights. You’d seen him with split lips and black eyes too many times to count -- even a broken nose a few times. But he was your best friend, and you’d take care of him no matter how many times he said the wrong thing to the wrong person.
You were just thankful he had some sense in him now.
But unfortunately, you didn’t have any. “Nah, I should stick around and help this poor kid when he gets his ass handed to him.”
Even though it wasn’t really your fight, this stranger was helping you and defending you, so you felt like you should help him out of this mess. That’s why when you noticed the two men standing toe-to-toe, you pushed yourself away from the pool table and put yourself between the two men.
Right as Wonwoo was pulling his fist back at a comment about you that the burly man had made.
“Alright, break it-” your words were cut off with a sharp blow to your nose and cheek, “Argh, fuck!”
You stumbled backwards, into a pool table that you used to lean against as you pressed both hands to the center of your face. You would already feel the warmth from the blood that was dripping down to your lip, and your eyes watered from the pain. But you didn’t cry, thankfully.
“___-ah!” Chanyeol shouted.
The man who punched you -- he was surprisingly strong despite how lanky he looked -- gasped, staring at you wide-eyed. “I-I...I’m so sorry!”
“Hyung!” Chan whined from where he sat at the bar, already sufficiently drunk. “I can’t believe you did that!”
Half of his friends looked shocked, while the other half looked worried. Clearly, this guy didn’t normally get violent, and it was an even bigger shock that he had gotten -- unintentionally -- violent toward a girl.
You just glanced up at the man before your eyes swept the bar. All eyes were on you, except the bartender’s, who was pointing at the burly man who had started the fight before he pointed to the door, telling him to get out.
“Do you want me to do anything, ___-ah?” Chanyeol asked, bending down a bit to look at you. “Let me see your nose.”
“No, I’m fine.” you insisted, though talking hurt. You just looked around the bar, glaring at everybody staring. “Alright, show’s over. Go back to your cheap beer and mind your business.”
You turned away from the crowd, removing your hands from your face. Your palms were covered in blood, and more continued to pour from your nostrils and down your face. You suddenly saw napkins in your vision, but didn’t recognize the hand that was giving them to you. Your eyes followed the arm up until you were met with Wonwoo’s face.
“I’m really sorry, I didn’t mean to.” he told you, sounding genuinely distressed.
“Yeah, you don’t look like you’d mean to, either.” you spat, taking the napkins and wiping your hands with a few of them before putting the rest to to clean up your face, and press to the bottom of your nose. At least it wasn’t broken. “Nice aim, by the way.”
“You came out of nowhere!” he insisted before he let out a deep sigh. “But that’s no excuse. I really am sorry. Can I make it up to you?”
You looked up at him, your gaze turning to a glare as you realized how sore and fucked up your face will be for the next week or two. “Yeah, you can learn to stay out of shit that doesn’t involve you.”
And with that, you took Chanyeol and stormed out of the bar.
Wonwoo felt awful the next day at work. It wasn’t because he was hungover or anything, but because he couldn’t stop thinking of how he hurt you. You seemed more pissed than in pain, but he still couldn’t believe he’d punched an innocent girl in the face. How was he supposed to live with himself?
He couldn’t think much about it since the flower shoppe was so busy that day, but he liked that business was picking up. It kept his mind off of how awful of a human he was. Plus, he’d be getting yet another tattoo after work, which he had been planning for a week now. Hopefully, all of that kept his mind off of you and your bloodied nose.
Wonwoo was relieved when one of his regulars, a elderly lady that simply went by Mrs.Kang, had stopped by the shoppe for some daffodils because they were her husband’s favorites. She could easily tell there was something on his mind, and he decided to vent to the sweet lady in hopes she could give him some advice.
“Wonwoo, dear, you are the sweetest person I’ve ever met,” she told him, “and I’ve been alive for...a very long time. You visit the children’s hospital, you volunteer at the animal shelter, and you work at this little flower shoppe. People like you are scarce, Wonwoo.”
Wonwoo chuckled at her hesitation to say her age. “Thank you, Mrs.Kang.”
“I believe that as long as your intentions are not bad, you are not a bad person.” she concluded. “You never mean to hurt anybody; it was just bad luck. Don’t beat yourself up, dear.”
Wonwoo offered a small but warm smile to the woman. “Thank you. I’ll try to remember that.”
Mrs.Kang was someone who always seemed to learn everything about Wonwoo to a point where he considered her a trusted friend. She was one of the only people, other than his friends, that knew about his personal life, and the sleeves of tattoos that he had on his body. She knew that he was passionate about things he loved, and his beliefs, and he would never do anything to intentionally hurt anybody.
You, on the other hand, sulked all day at the tattoo shop. You and Chanyeol sat on the black leather couch in the waiting area while you waited for your next appointments or any walk-ins. Chanyeol made you press an ice pack to your face between clients to keep the swelling and bruising down, though your skin was still black and purple anyway.
While it was clear that it wasn’t Wonwoo’s intention to hit you, you were still angry he did. How could he be so careless? Then again, he didn’t look like he’d fought a day in his life. He looked like he was trying to look tough, but failed miserably.
“If I ever see that asshole again, I’ll-”
“Didn’t you say he didn’t mean it?” Chanyeol chuckled at how you were flip-flopping over if you blamed him or not. “___, you’re probably never going to see him again anyway. It doesn’t matter anymore.”
You sighed, closing your eyes as you laid your head back. “Yeah, you’re right.”
“You just have a temper.” Chanyeol giggled.
You frowned, opening one eye to glare at the redhead. “Do not.”
The door to the shop dinged, so you raised your head and looked at the entrance. Your blood boiled, and your nails dug into the ice pack as you squeezed it in rage. Even though he was now wearing a pink sweater, jeans, and white sneakers instead of his outfit from the night before, you recognized his face.
“You’ve gotta be fucking kidding me.” you growled.
“Do too.” Chanyeol laughed quietly before he stood up to greet the guy. “Long time, no see.”
“Y-you work here?” Wonwoo stammered as he took in your familiar forms. “Shit, ah... I’m sorry, I can go somewhere else if you-”
“Did you make an appointment?” Chanyeol wondered, already walking over to the front desk to check the computer.
“Yeah, last week.” he nodded as you stood to follow Chanyeol.
“Ugh!” you groaned, your hands dropping to your sides, and revealing the nasty bruise Wonwoo’s hand left.
Both men looked at you, Chanyeol quirking his eyebrow. “A client assigned to you, I’d take it?”
You nodded, covering your face with your hands, and the ice pack you were still holding. “Yup.”
“I can-”
“No,” you cut off Wonwoo’s offer to either switch or reschedule with someone else or whatever, dropping your hands and stomping off down the hall, “just follow me.”
Wonwoo nodded at Chanyeol and mumbled a ‘thank you’ before he followed after you, not wanting to make you more angry. You led him into your little room and had him sit down on the chair before you sat in your swivel stool and began to prep.
“Alright, what am I doing?” you asked, trying to keep your tone even, but the bite to it didn’t go unnoticed.
Wonwoo pulled a folded up piece of paper and handed it to you. You took it in your hands and unfolded it, turning it this way and that to try to figure out what in the hell it was. It looked like a child did it but didn’t have an actual thing in mind. It was just...scribbles.
“Two things,” you spoke up after examining the drawing, “what the fuck is this, and why did you make this your first tattoo?”
Wonwoo just chuckled, finding something that you didn’t understand to be funny. “This isn’t my first.”
He rolled up both of his sleeves, revealing collages of ink on both arms that disappeared under his pink sweater. No doubt that there were probably more on his body and not just his arms, but you weren’t about to ask him to take his shirt off. But it was clear you were in awe.
You did notice some of the tattoos looked...weird. Not that they were done weird, but that the drawings themselves were weird. Actually, a lot of them looked like children drew them, between stick figure people to scribbles with no clear intention, to blobs of random color outside lines that didn’t make sense.
“What...are these?” you asked slowly as you continued to examine his arms.
“I visit the children’s hospital, and some of them grow pretty attached to me.” he explained with a meek shrug as his cheeks stained a blush pink. “They can’t do a lot, so they usually just draw. Some of them draw pictures, and I get them tattooed to show them later. It makes them happy, and it makes me happy.”
Wonwoo punching you full-force in the face didn’t make you cry, but his explanation almost did. You felt your eyes getting misty as you thought about this sort-of-scary looking man covered in tattoos that were all children’s drawings that they had made for him. You wondered the story behind each of the illustrations, and if any of them were okay and out of the hospital now.
Clearly, you had severely misjudged this guy.
You finally peeled your eyes away from his skin when you had blinked back all the tears. “What’s your name?”
“Wonwoo.” he told you with a soft smile.
“I’m ____. It’ll...” you paused to take a deep breath, trying to keep your emotions under control. God, why did this guy have to be an actual saint? “It’ll be an honor to tattoo you.”
Wonwoo’s face brightened, and his toothy grin was about as bright as the fluorescent lights. “Thank you.”
As you sanitized and put your gloves on, you made small-talk with Wonwoo like you did with your other clients. You found out that he worked at the flower shoppe down the street -- one that you’d always wanted to visit but never had a need to buy yourself flowers -- and also volunteered at the animal shelter. He really was an angel.
“So you’re covered in tats, but you do all this softy shit?” you laughed as you spun back around to face him, prepping his skin to be inked. “You’re something else, Wonwoo.”
“Well, it’s not everyday I see girls covered in tattoos and piercings going into dive bars and putting themselves between two men about to fight each other.” he shot back with a chuckle of his own as he watched you disinfect his skin and put the tracing on. “I guess we’re both pretty odd.”
“Chanyeol -- he’s the tall guy I was with last night,” you explained, gesturing with your head to the waiting area where Wonwoo had last seen your tall friend, “he always says I’m the definition of not reading a book by its cover.”
“Oh? Why is that?”
You sighed softly as you started up the machine and began to dip the needle in ink. “Well, because he says I’m a big softy. Yeah, I’ve gotten into a lot of fights and shit, but... Hmm, what can I use as an example?”
You thought for a bit as you pressed the needle to his skin and began to trace the outlines you had put on him. While you were always one to be more of a rough and tough kind of person, you weren’t always like that. You just kind of had to learn to be like that when you were a girl who lived alone. As far as the tattoos went, though, you just liked them.
“Oh!” you had finally thought of something, and Wonwoo laughed at how excited you seemed. “I don’t like bugs. I can’t kill them, and I can’t capture them to release them. I just can’t go near them at all.”
“You can fight a guy who is six feet tall, but you can’t take care of a spider?” he chuckled, tossing his head back in laughter. “That’s adorable.”
You couldn’t contain the heat creeping up into your cheeks. “Adorable, huh? Nobody’s ever called me that.”
Time with Wonwoo went by faster than you expected, and you actually enjoyed his company. He actually made you giggle. He also didn’t let it go, and neither did Chanyeol who had heard down the hall from your open door.
As you stood behind the desk with Chanyeol, who was examining Wonwoo’s other tattoos, Wonwoo slid the money he owed you -- plus a very generous tip since he still felt bad about your face -- across the counter. “So, if I ever need another tattoo...?”
“I’d be more than happy to do it for you.” you smiled with a nod. “Thanks, Wonwoo.”
“No, thank you.” he grinned. He turned to leave, but then seemed to remember something. “Oh, ___; what’s your favorite flower?”
The question seemed a bit odd and out of place, but you answered anyway. “Sunflowers.”
He nodded slowly before saying goodbye to you and Chanyeol and leaving the shoppe.
“You like him.” Chanyeol teased once the door had closed.
You frowned with a huff, pressing the ice pack back to your face -- which, Wonwoo kept apologizing for. “Do not.”
The next day when you arrived to open the shop, you found a bouquet of flowers on the welcome mat in front of the door. You bent down to pick up the bundle of flowers that were held together with a pink ribbon before unlocking the door and entering the shop.
When you had turned on the lights and made your way to the counter to turn on the computer, you read the small card it came with.
I can’t say sorry enough. I hope these help you.
You couldn’t stop the smile that crept it’s way onto your face. Before anybody else showed up, you hurried down the hall to your station to put them in some water and hide them away from Chanyeol’s teasing.
However, the teasing was inevitable when more flowers showed up twice a week. Later that week, Chanyeol walked into your room where you were with a client, a bouquet of sunflowers in his arm.
“Special delivery for Miss ___ from her boyfriend.” he teased with a childlike grin, resting the flowers on a nearby counter.
“He’s not my boyfriend!” you pouted as Chanyeol left before you could stab him with a needle or something.
Before you had started to wash up and tattoo the small, nervous girl in your room, you checked the card on the flowers.
I wanted you to know the boy loved the tattoo! Thank you again for doing such a wonderful job.
Your heart fluttered at the fact Wonwoo was continuously sending you flowers, and that feeling only worsened as the weeks went on, and he continued sending more and more. Some were just sunflowers, and some featured other flowers and greenery that accented the large yellow flowers perfectly. Wonwoo was truly great at what he did.
And you finally got those flowers for yourself you always wanted.
But you started to feel...kind of bad. You face eventually healed, and you hadn’t seen or properly spoken to Wonwoo in a while. The conversation and were one-sided, just like the gifts. But what could you send that would be meaningful? You didn’t know what he liked.
Then again, you were an artist. You could think of something, right? 
It took a few days to a week, but you eventually thought of the only thing you deemed decent enough to send back. When Wonwoo went to open the flower shoppe one morning, he saw a box in front of the glass door. He picked it up, seeing there were no addresses or stamps on it, meaning it was hand delivered. That made him curious.
He brought the box inside and put it on the counter top where he worked. He used a pair of scissors to open the box, and gasped softly when he saw the framed pencil drawing inside. It was a picture of him, eyes closed with a content smile. Surrounding him were a few sunflowers, and a halo floating above his head with angel wings coming from his back. He noticed that there were even a few of his tattoos drawn on his arms, and he was shocked that that detail was correct.
Under the picture was a note that he immediately picked up after carefully setting the portrait on the counter.
You’ve made it up to me enough, so it’s about time I do the same. You really are an angel.
PS I hope I got the tattoos right!’
Wonwoo covered his face with both hands, trying to hide the shy smile on his face even though he was alone in the store. How did you remember what he looked like so clearly? And the tattoos were a whole other thing! He wasn’t only impressed and flattered but...something else. It was a good feeling though.
A very good feeling.
818 notes · View notes
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(i’ll leave my love) Between the Stars by Chicklette ART BY: Bear_shark
Steve never got the chance to meet his soulmate before he went into the ice. Now that he’s out, scientists have discovered a way to match you to your soulmate, called The Registry.The big question is, does Steve want to use it, and is it safe to give anyone a sample of Captain America’s DNA?
(You’re) The Magic In My Soul by CaliHart & cettevieestbien ART BY: Mypissedoffsandwich
A year after the Battle, Steve still finds himself adrift in the future. It isn’t easy connecting to his teammates, who do their best to crack his shell. During a night out he meets Bucky, who claims to be a friendly witch, as well as Steve’s soulmate. It takes some time for Steve to get used to the fact that magic exists, and that Bucky’s family is brimming with it.
One day Bucky and Steve find a dragon egg in the park. Unsettled, Bucky tells Steve not to touch it when they take it home–unable to resist, the egg hatches into a small, sun-colored dragon right in his hands. Now in the possession of an illegal baby dragon, they turn to Bucky’s grandma, who apparently has a whole life outside of family and the family’s magic shop. They soon discover that dragon eggs are being smuggled in the black market. It takes more than Steve expected to save the day.
helpless (i’m helpless) by Princessoftheworlds ART BY: TrishArgh
The Sokovian Accords were created right after the Battle of New York. It’s 2017, and the Avengers are stuck under the UN’s thumb. Captain Steve Rogers is mostly retired and doesn’t protest when Tony drags him out to a movie premiere. Out on the red carpet, he bumps into Oscar-nominated actor James Barnes and falls so hard that Tumblr and Twitter won’t stop shipping them.
It’s 2017, and the Winter Soldier can’t stand idly by while his city falls into ruins from the rampant crime, the Avengers made practically useless. He just doesn’t expect to run into Nomad in a back alley.
Or, a two-dimensional love story told in three parts. TUMBLR MASTERPOST
All That Is and Isn’t True by romanticalgirl ART BY: Mypissedoffsandwich
Steve meets and gets to know one of the chefs at Stark Tower. They’re pretty sure they’re perfect for each other, until a secret from the past comes to light. They have to figure out what’s true, what isn’t, and what matters to each of them. It’s not easy, but then, it wouldn’t be love if it was. TUMBLR MASTERPOST
You Make Me Feel… by kalika_999 ART BY: instagrims
All Steve wanted was to take a breather, decompress after a mission and go out for a jog in the rain. He wasn’t expecting to hide out in a bookstore filled with new and used books or that the employee that worked there thought he was an absolute loser and didn’t even realize he was insulting Captain America. TUMBLR MASTERPOST
Call For a Good Time by Mypissedoffsandwich ART BY: Drowningbydegrees & Tyranttirade
Tony had probably been joking when he’d passed Steve the business card for a Phone Sex line. But Dammit, Steve was lonely and his neighbor had been driving him crazy for months.
Captain Cosplay by Ignisentis ART BY: alby_mangroves
James Barnes loves to cosplay as Captain America, and not just because he’s damn good at it, either. No, it’s the feeling he gets when he puts on the suit, the light in people’s eyes when they see him, the thrill of getting the details just right. It also helped him feel connected to New York after he moved back there for work. Well, cosplay and his landlord,Clint. So when Bucky gets an invitation to his dream cosplay event, hosted by none other than Tony Stark and judged by the Avengers themselves, he knows he has to pull out all the stops and make a new Cap cosplay: the elusive Stealth Suit. Clint turns out to be surprisingly resourceful in that endeavor, and Bucky’s more than pleased with how his cosplay turns out. As the day of the event dawns, he can only hope that Steve Rogers feels the same way. TUMBLR MASTERPOST
Continuing Education by romanticalgirl ART BY: 743ish
Steve is invited to be a guest lecturer on the WWII unit for Bucky’s college course. Bucky’s more than happy to glean any extra knowledge (in more than just history) from Steve, and Steve’s happy to educate him. But then Bucky has to decide if he can handle the fact that Steve throws himself into danger, and if the sex is worth it. Or if it’s not just sex anymore. TUMBLR MASTERPOST
don’t quote the Wikipedia page by PolzkaDotz
Bucky Barnes is Steve Rogers’ (most commonly known as Nomad) boyfriend, but sometimes he kind of wishes he just… wasn’t.
Bucky and Steve can see ghosts, one of the ghosts is a fan of Bucky, mischief happens and Bucky fucks it up royally for the entire world to see. Typical.
Great morning in the neighborhood by capsiclemycaptain
Hey, Asshole! A New York City Love story by bunnymaccool
Bucky’s running late for the bus and he’s stuck in line behind some ridiculous shoulder to waist ratio bastard who’s too busy flirting with the baristas to get his frickin’ order in. After he tells the dude off, completely in his rights he feels, the damn oversized puppy-faced ass keeps following him around and trying to apologize. And okay, dude is hot like burnin’, but Bucky just doesn’t have the time or patience for soothing the wounded ego of some gymrat wannabe with an obsession for dressing like he’s hiding from the mob and …. why are you laughing, Sam? TUMBLR MASTERPOST
It’s a Beautiful Day in the Neighborhood by deepspaceprincess ART BY: esaael
When Steve moves in next door to Bucky and his family, it throws Bucky’s comfortable reality for a loop. Steve shakes up Bucky’s belief that he needs to dedicate his life to his family and Bucky’s family seems to think that’s good for him. As much as Bucky fights back against the pull he feels to Steve, he can’t win when his family is doing their best to push them together. TUMBLR MASTERPOST
It grew on me by Bear_shark ART BY: esaael
Steve Rogers isn’t good at taking care of himself. So when Tony and Natasha strong arm him into going to a fancy hair salon, he’s not expecting to like it. Enter barber Bucky Barnes. Soon Steve is trying different hairstyles and growing out a beard, anything to get Bucky’s hands on him a little more. Unfortunately, on the path to true love, sometimes fate (and Hydra) has other plans. TUMBLR MASTERPOST
Just Dropkick The Shame by rohkeutta ART BY: Missprintrash
List of Stuff Bucky Shall Never Do: 1. Give up spider solitaire 2. Tweet TMI shit to celebrities 3. Get a fucking raise, it seems 4. Sleep with a coworker He HAS tweeted TMI shit about celebrities, but he also has some common sense and knows that some people actually read their replies, so he a) posts only on his private account and b) never tags. Bucky’s pretty sure that he’s not the only person to have drunk tweeted about Captain America’s daddy level, but at least he doesn’t fucking call Steve Rogers ‘daddy’ to his face. Until he kind of does, and breaks his fourth rule in the process.
Life of the Party by AggressiveWhenStartled
“You know, kids,” Steve heard from the backyard, “one of the most common threats a superhero has to face is inside an active volcano! We’re going to have to work on your evasion skills, so for the next five minutes, the floor is lava!” This was met by a sudden spike in both volume and pitch from the small children as they scrambled onto every raised surface they could find and immediately launched themselves right back off.
“I’ve never seen actual lava in my entire life,” Steve said, vaguely offended.
“You got a superhero impersonator for The Falcon’s niece’s birthday party,” Sam said, incredulous. “The Falcon, who is an actual superhero.”
Memories Turn Into Daydreams by StarSpangledBucky
When Bucky heard the rumours about Captain America, he took a risk. The dating profile had his name, his picture, even the bio was accurate. But with the amount of times Bucky had been catfished, he wasn’t sure. That is until on the day of the meeting, Steve Rogers himself comes into his life. It becomes as bittersweet as every love story should be… TUMBLR MASTERPOST
Movie Barnes by SMDarling
While catching up on 21st Century pop culture, Steve hears about Blockbuster but misses the memo that it no longer exists. When he goes looking, he finds a video rental store run by Bucky Barnes, back from war missing an arm, with PTSD from his time as a POW, and unwilling to accept how much the world moved on without him. He used his combat pay to buy up an old Blockbuster building, full of old VHS rentals, moved in upstairs, and now “runs” a not-very-popular business, supplemented by his VA benefits and repairing electronics (specializing in VHS players). It’s a quiet life for Bucky, with only his movies to keep him company, until Steve shows up, confused and just as lost in the 21st Century as Bucky once felt. Bucky agrees to show Steve what he missed, and somewhere along the way, Steve returns the favor. TUMBLR MASTERPOST
No Rest by Luckybuckyboy ART BY: Mypissedoffsandwich
Steve is pulled from the ice, angry and tired and wishing he was dead. He is sent to the Retreat with Agent of S.H.I.E.L.D. James Barnes to recover. Steve doesn’t want to be there in the cabin and also in the future, but the more he gets to know James, the more he’s not sure he wants to leave.
old situations (new complications) by ChibiSquirt ART BY: Drowningbydegrees
A soulmate AU where your soulmark is the first thing your soulmate thinks when they meet you. Bucky is a normal, Level Six SHIELD agent who stumbles into a time machine while on a mission. When he travels back sixty-four years and lands ass-up on the wartime desk of one Agent Carter, his soulmark—“Who’s that with Peggy?”—goes from fairly distinctive, as thoughts go, to maddeningly common.
The Weight We Carry by Queerily_kai
Bucky agreed to go to the PTSD support group at the VA, but he never agreed to stand up and talk. Things start to change the day Steve talks to him.
What’s The Sitch? by urbanconstellations
“A day where Bucky Barnes wasn’t thrown into some kind of insane, life threatening situation was an unusual one. He’d gotten used to the constant rush of adrenaline in his ears, and the way his focus sharpened in line with his goal. This wasn’t normal for someone in his line of work, but he couldn’t quite seem to break the habit.” Bucky Barnes is a war veteran/perpetually exhausted nurse who happens to think Doctor Steven Carter is super duper hot. Bucky Barnes is also in the habit of heroically running into burning buildings to help people. He can’t really help it at this point. When Bucky runs into Captain America himself for the first time, he has no idea how close the guy might really be. Steve Rogers wants nothing more than to have life that’s as normal as possible, and maybe get up the nerve to ask that cute nurse, Bucky out. He’s finally using his medical degree for something, as well as stopping the occasional terrorist when SHIELD asks. He’s changed his name and always wears the cowl when fighting, but a certain nurse might ruin the whole cover. TUMBLR MASTERPOST
Where All Roads Lead by DrowningByDegrees ART BY: alby_mangroves
When Steve Rogers inadvertently touches a relic in the course of a mission gone sideways during WWII, he’s catapulted seventy years into the future. Before he’s even sure where he’s ended up, his search for help puts him in contact with Bucky Barnes, a historian and college professor who has built a career around studying Captain America. With Bucky’s help, Steve means to find out how exactly he ended up in 2017, and solve the bigger mystery of how to get home. There’s just one problem. The closer they get to their goal, the less certain Steve is that he wants to go home. TUMBLR MASTERPOST
Opportunity Cost by detour ART BY: ChibiSquirt
It’s hard for killers to start over. But Buck comes to New York with a new name, a new identity, and and plans to discover who he is. It should be easy to be Buck the average worker, meeting this guy Steve to talk about baseball, even if it doesn’t feel like it’s enough. Between the secrets and the ghosts from his past following him around the city, it’s bound to get messy. TUMBLR MASTERPOST
The Passionate Gardener by velvetjinx ART BY: esaael
Bucky is feeling burned out by a string of unsuccessful dates, and would much rather just spend his time among his plants. Enter one mysterious red headed customer who wants to set Bucky up with her friend. Little does he know that his agreement will lead to an encounter with… the world’s least likely Angry Birds enthusiast? TUMBLR MASTERPOST
The Purrfect Brew by Florianna ART BY: Queerily_kai
Meet Bucky Barnes, reluctant owner of the café Purrfect Brew, in Brooklyn, where clients can get their fills of books, coffee and cats who are too smart for their own good. His life is quiet and that’s the way he likes it, until aliens hit Manhattan. Steve Rogers, aka Captain America, has been in the 21rst century for two weeks when aliens hit Manhattan. He’s not sure what to do with himself afterwards and is half considering the offer to work with SHIELD. Bruce, recognizing a lost soul, drags him to his favourite quiet place, the Purrfect Brew. Steve, being intrigued by the quiet barista and his sisters, come back often by himself, determined to learn more about the Barnes family, mostly Bucky. And when the past comes back, somehow it’s still not as bad as it could have been.
The Rainbow by anice_1 ART BY: Brooklyn-bisexual
Bucky Barnes’ job as a nurse on the children’s ward is demanding, but he loves it. What he’s not so fond of? Obnoxious celebriities trying to use sick children to boost their own public image. So naturally Bucky isn’t exactly thrilled when Captain America himself, camera team in tow, is announced for a visit to the hospital. Maybe though, just maybe, not all celebrities are self-centered assholes after all? TUMBLR MASTERPOST
Relationship Goals: Have a Relationship by cleo4u2, xantissa ART BY: Fannishlove
When Bucky gets a message from an unknown number, he never expects it to lead him on an exciting journey filled with naked pics, hot sexting and surprise flights over Manhattan with Iron Man himself.
The Roommate by Niitza ART BY: layersofsilence
In which Steven G. Rogers, a.k.a. Captain America, gets a roommate. Who rapidly turns into his “roommate"—in the euphemistic sense of the word. It takes SHIELD and the rest of the Avengers an absurd amount of time to notice. TUMBLR MASTERPOST
Salt by littleblackfox ART BY: Chibisquirt
The cinnamon roll is gone in four bites. Four indecent, jaw-unhinging bites, and Steve sucks the last traces of lemon and icing from his fingers with a low, throaty sound of satisfaction. He glances up at Bucky, who is leaning against the counter and watching him with avid fascination. “Um…” Steve says around his index finger. There’s still a little icing on the bed of his fingernail, and he stops trying to work it off with his tongue. “You know those movies where the girl eats an eclair or something, and it’s really, like, sexually charged?” Bucky asks. Steve pulls his finger out of his mouth. He’s never seen that kind of movie, but the thought of Bucky eating an eclair is certainly… well, it lingers. “Uh?” “Yeah, well that was the exact opposite.” Steve scowls, and Bucky cackles gleefully. “You are something else, Steve.”
say you’ll bee mine by deceptivesoldier, obsessivereader, talkplaylove
When Steve glances over at Hot Guy again, Hot Guy catches his eye and gives him a tentative smile. Steve’s brain shuts down and he looks away. But the serum gave him great vision, so out of the corner of his eye, he sees Hot Guy stand up, take two steps, get his foot caught in a backpack strap, trip, and fall down. Steve’s out of his chair and next to Hot Guy before he even has time to think. “Oh my God, Hot Guy! Are you okay?” His hearing is sensitive enough to pick out Sam’s whispered “Did you just call Hot Guy ‘Hot Guy’?” at the same time as he realizes what he just said. Hot Guy blinks up at him from the floor, probably too confused to stand up. “Did you just call me ‘Hot Guy’?” TUMBLR MASTERPOST
Shared Life Experience by assemblingbrokenmemories ART BY: DrowningByDegrees
When Principal Morita offers Bucky the chance of having Captain America come into his classroom as a guest, he is over the moon. As a history teacher and an enthusiast when it comes to the story of the national icon, it was a dream come true. What he didn’t expect was the ridiculous PSAs, inappropriate laughter, and the burgeoning chance at something more. TUMBLR MASTERPOST
Sorry, Not Sorry by SoftObsidian74 ART BY: DrowningByDegrees & The_She_Devil
All Steve Rogers ever wanted was to do what’s right. So when he drops in to volunteer at the Brooklyn VA Outpatient Center, he’s surprised to learn some veterans actually resent Captain America and everything he represents. One veteran in particular is determined to make sure Steve understands just how much he dislikes him. TUMBLR MASTERPOST
The Stars Crossed Right by cettevieestbien ART BY: everybodyhateselliot
Steve returns from the bathroom as soon as Bucky’s eyes close. “Buck!” He groans. “Nope. I’m going back to bed. Nope.” “Bucky.” “No.” “We’re going to be late.” “To what?” “Your surprise.” Steve waits for Bucky to move, gives up after a moment. Then, like an asshole, he settles his tiny ass on Bucky’s hips and fucking tickles him. “Goddammit, Steve,” Bucky nearly shrieks. He opens his eyes wide and pushes at Steve’s massive shoulders. “Off, off.” Steve relents, but doesn’t get off — apparently, it’s just too funny. He drops so they’re chest to chest, laughing so hard he’s making them both shake with it. “Stevie,” Bucky complains, but he’s smiling wide enough for it to hurt. It doesn’t quite hit the intended mark. – A fic spanning from April 10th, 2011 to August 21st, 2016. Read as Bucky and Steve encounter relationship woes, superhero-dom, cute animals named after beloved characters, Bucky’s hilarious family, tragedy, and the Accords. Not necessarily in that order. (Written for the 2018 Shrunkyclunks Bang!)
The Station by Queerily_kai ART BY: krycekasks
Bucky is a professional climber and writer trying to finish an article. Steve is trying to avoid the Avengers tower and team needing a break from it all. Despite recognizing Steve as Captain America from the start, Bucky ignores his superhero identity, and finds himself falling for Steve Rogers, the human. Steve is happy to forget about his public persona, and gets to be himself again, having his first friend since waking from the ice two years previously, and then the first boyfriend who doesn’t have to be a secret. Everything changes in the Alps when Bucky’ team is caught in an avalanche, and he ends up in a world he never expected.
Sunlight on Still Waters by sparkly_butthole ART BY:  cobaltmoony
Steve Rogers lives in a broken-down building in Brooklyn, shops at Whole Foods, and plays Captain America as necessary, adjusting to the twenty-first century as well as can be expected. He’s not looking for a sub, not actively, but when he stumbles - literally - upon his neighbor Bucky Barnes, that old spark lights up once more. But things have changed since Steve went into the ice. Society’s gone forwards in many ways, but not all, not by a longshot. And soon enough, he’ll have to play a hero of a different kind.
Technicolor by starmaki, themirrordarkly ART BY:  layersofsilence
Bucky Barnes has been cast as Captain America in an up and coming film. In researching the part, Bucky comes face to face with the living legend over a sushi lunch. Steve is uncomfortable about his life being portrayed on the silver screen. But it is part of the course of being famous and an icon. Meeting the actor who is to portray him, Steve is both annoyed and intrigued by the man. One meeting should have been enough, but Steve keeps finding excuses to see him again. All to help with the movie, he keeps telling himself. Steve was such a bad liar. TUMBLR MASTERPOST
Thank You For Calling by MarleyMortis ART BY: The_She_Devil
“Thank you for calling Superhuman Disaster Insurance; this is Bucky Barnes speaking. How can I help you?” Wherein Bucky Barnes, frustrated millennial, helps clean up after messes made by superhumans, stumbles upon a plot to ruin a non-profit charity, finds out his leukemia is back, and absolutely does not have a thing for Captain America’s smile. Probably.
Use Your Agency by romanticalgirl ART BY: Taste_is_sweet
Bucky is given the assignment (punishment) of being the agent whose job it is to integrate the newly-thawed Captain America into life in a new century. Only maybe it’s not so bad. Because Bucky ends up dealing with Steve Rogers, who is nothing like the Captain America in Bucky’s history books. From coming out of the ice through AoU. TUMBLR MASTERPOST
To Catch a Soul by layersofsilence ART BY: DrowningByDegrees
When Steve Rogers pilots the Valkyrie into the cold waters of the English Channel, he expects to die. He doesn’t expect to wake up on a beach, he doesn’t expect to bump into the wireless operator he’d talked to on the way down, and he certainly doesn’t expect to like Bucky as much as he does. But, according to the angel now following him around, it turns out that Steve had been supposed to die, on that fateful morning. And to stay on Earth – to stay with Bucky – Steve faces what is, quite literally, the fight of his life.
True Lord of the Dance by QueenoftheRandomWord42 ART BY: Thunderboltsortofpenny
Honestly, Steve never expected to have a moment in his friendship with Howard Stark that he’d regret. “…but It’s easy to get distracted by the big picture, so remember to stop and treat yourself to a nice dance from time to time.” Howard read aloud, then he paused, “Wait, is the fourth of July really your birthday?” “Yes, yes Howard, it is.” Steve laughed. “And I’ve seen one of your shows, you’re a real lord of the dance.” Howard rolled his eyes at that with a bit of a laugh. “Laugh it up Howard.” Steve muttered. But when a sarcastic comment gets taken out of context, and Steve wakes up in the 21st Century with a sudden dancing reputation and Steve is expected to perform, he’s gotta learn to dance. Learning to dance proves to be challenging, but it might be made easier by a classmate of his who answers to the name Bucky.
Walk, Walk, Fashion Baby by sunrow ART BY: Bear_shark
Tony, fed up with Steve’s utterly dull wardrobe, drags him to a fashion show in an effort to show him some more stylish options. But it’s not the clothes that catch Steve’s eye, and instead a gorgeous male model named Bucky. As luck would have it, not only does Bucky openly flirt with Steve, much to Tony’s amusement, but he also agrees to be Steve’s personal stylist. It would be perfect, if only Steve could get over his awkwardness and just ask Bucky out already.
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Get to Know You Better Part 9
Summary: Gabrielle has a nine-year-old son who is a huge Captain America fan. He notices one of the actors on the subway and loudly points it out to her. That’s when Gabrielle realizes that actor was the man she had a one-night-stand with the week before.
Chapter Summary: Sebastian and Gabrielle have some fun but they can’t ignore their worries
Warnings: Sexual themes
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          My worst nightmare was losing James and having Sebastian caught up in the custody battle. In my eyes, they were both innocent and deserved to be protected from Nick’s warpath. But I couldn’t keep them locked up in my apartment. I was so worried that I forgot about protecting myself.
           After going to hearings, I was worn out. I was tired of listening to Nick’s arrogant tone as he called me a bad mother. He brought up Sebastian many times but there wasn’t much else he could cite as evidence of terrible parenting. Of course, I had plenty of evidence of him being a deadbeat. But I still had to go through the legal motions.
           I had to keep James’s mind off of the troubles. I didn’t talk about the case in front of him and tried to plan fun summer things. Luckily, his friend invited him on a family camping trip so he could escape the city and I could be at ease knowing he wouldn’t worry.
           I could also spend some alone time with Sebastian, which was long overdue. I just wanted to leave my problems at his door.
           I knocked daintily and straightened my skirt. I felt a little unstable on my heels. I usually opted out of wearing heels at work; I also wouldn’t wear the short, tight skirt in the office either. But I was glad that I hoarded old clothes or I wouldn’t have anything to wear on my date with Sebastian.
           He opened the door wearing a three-piece suit that I assumed he wore to red carpet events. He smirked. “Miss Wilson, I’m glad you got my message. Come in.”
           “Thank you, Mr. Stan.” I felt butterflies in my stomach as I walked in. “Are you sure it’s appropriate for me to come to your place?” I asked innocently.
           “Well, I need you to help me with a special assignment.” Sebastian cleared his throat and slipped the suit coat off his shoulders.
           “Me?” I leaned against the kitchen counter. “But I’m just your secretary, sir.”
           “You’re the only woman for the job, Miss Wilson.” He walked over to me with lust in his eyes.
           I felt the air completely taken out of my lungs. “What is it?”
           “I uh…” He touched my arm making a shiver go up my spine. I wasn’t sure what it was about that moment. He’d touched me before but this situation was making me feel electrified.
           I let out a small giggle of excitement. “Yes?” I tilted my head to the side.
           His tongue swiped over his bottom lip. “You’ve been driving me crazy, walking around the office in your heels.” He leaned in closer.
           “Well, I dress up just for you.” I bit my lip and touched his chest. “I like the suits you wear.” I purred.
           He tilted my chin up with a finger and drew me just a centimeter away from his lips. “Bedroom.” He murmured.
           “Yes, sir.”
           I giggled as we cuddled up in bed together. “That was really fun. I didn’t think it would be that fun. I actually thought I’d be bad at it.”
           “You were amazing.” Sebastian smiled and drew the sheets around us. He kissed my forehead. “You could be an actress.”
           I tangled my legs with his and combed my fingers through his hair. “I like leaving the acting to you.”
           He smiled and looked into my eyes. “So, uh…I’m starting to film a project in a few weeks. I’m going to have to be away for a little bit.”
           I felt a sinking feeling in my stomach. But I knew one day his career would separate us even if it was only for a short amount of time. I was a little selfish but I liked having him nearby. “Okay.” I nodded and grazed my fingers down his temple and cheeks.
           “About a month. Then I’ll have to do some more in another location. I’m not sure how long.” He admitted.
           “That’s okay,” I said but my voice sounded insincere.
           “I don’t want to leave you in the middle of all of this.” He whispered guiltily.
           “It’s fine, Sebastian, please don’t feel bad for doing your job. We’ll be able to FaceTime and talk on the phone.”
           “I could come to visit on the weekends.” He nodded.
           “We can be apart for a while, I feel confident that we’ll be okay.” I smiled weakly. “But I’ll miss you.”
           “I’ll miss you too.” He kissed both of my cheeks, my nose, and then my forehead again. “But I want to stay updated on the case. You shouldn’t be going about this alone. I told you I’d help you from beginning to end and I will.”
           I realized something that made my blood run cold. “What if he shows up at my door again?” I whispered. It was something I’d been scared of but I was comforted knowing Sebastian was just a phone call away. Knowing he would be further away made my whole body tense up.
           “The judge told him to stay away. But if he does, you call the police and then me.” He said firmly.
           “I’m so nervous about all of this,” I admitted. I didn’t want to make it harder for him to leave but I didn’t want to hold my emotions in either. Especially since I was trying to keep a happy façade so James wouldn’t catch onto my fear.
           “Why don’t you stay at my place while I’m away?” Sebastian offered. “He doesn’t know where I live and James doesn’t have to go to school so you don’t need to worry about that. You can make sure my little houseplant doesn’t die.”
           I smiled. “I don’t know…are you sure?”
           “Yeah, of course. We can get James set up in the guest room. I don’t want to make it seem like I’m being pushy about you moving in…”
           “No, I understand. You’re trying to help me feel safe.” I touched his cheek. “My big, strong, handsome, boyfriend.” I murmured.
           “You mean your CEO?” He smirked and ran his hands down my side.
           “My CEO? I think I’m the CEO now, I’ve got you wrapped around my finger.” I teased. “This secretary is going to climb the corporate ladder.”
           He laughed and held me closer. “God, I love you.”
           It had only been a week. I knew I shouldn’t have relied so much on Sebastian but it was hard not to. Other than my mom, he was the one person I went to about my troubles and feelings. He was so open and caring that I felt safe telling him. I didn’t think that was a bad thing until he was miles away.
           The last thing I wanted to do was burden him while he was filming. He needed to focus and my small problems wouldn’t help. He cared too much sometimes.
           So, when we talked over the phone, I tried to keep the conversation light.
           I was glad James had helped me figure out FaceTime. Sebastian was right, I was such a mom.
           “Hey, gorgeous.” He smiled warmly when he saw me.
           “Hey, handsome,” I replied. “Hold on, I want to make sure you’re in a good spot.” I set my phone up on the coffee table and sat on the floor. Captain sprinted across the room to be in my lap.
           “Hi, handsome!” Sebastian cooed.
           “He keeps growing, I’m going to have to get another collar for him already.” I sighed and held the puppy up so Sebastian could see him. “He misses you.” I pouted.
           “I miss him too. Probably the most.” He teased.
           I rolled my eyes and let Captain curl up on my lap. I ran my fingers through his soft, curly hair. “So, I’ve been watching some of your movies in my free time,” I told him.
           “Oh yeah?” He looked a little sheepish. “Which ones?”
           “Well…I caught up on the Marvel movies with James. Then I ventured over to the Bronze…”          
           “Oh no…”
           I giggled. “Oh yes. When were you going to incorporate your gymnastic moves into our sex life?” I batted my eyelashes.
           “Do you want me to pull every muscle in my body?”
           “Alright, alright fine.” I ceded. “Oh, before I forget, I had someone asking about our relationship.”
           He furrowed his eyebrows. “In person?”
           “No, they messaged me on my Instagram. Which is weird because only my friends and family follow me.” I shrugged. “Is it your agent or whatever?”
           He shook his head. “It’s probably tabloids. Just ignore it.” He didn’t talk about his public life that much. He told me he wanted to keep me away from it, James too.
           “Can I ask you a question and I don’t want you to get offended.”
           “Yeah of course.”
           I winced slightly and busied myself with petting Captain. “Are you…embarrassed to be seen with me?”
           He looked alarmed. “What?”
           “If you are, it’s okay. I just…wanted to know I guess.” I shrugged and looked down.
           “Gabrielle, every woman in Hollywood would be jealous of how beautiful you are. There is nothing I’d want more than to have you on my arm at every event.” He said firmly. “But you’re going through a lot right now. And I don’t want you or James subjected to the media or all the fans. You deserve a quiet life, let me handle the craziness.” He smiled. “But know that I’m not embarrassed to be with you at all. In fact, some of my coworkers complain about how much I talk about you.”
           I blushed and glanced back up at the screen. “Mean it?”
           “I would never lie to you.” He promised sincerely.
           “I know you wouldn’t.” I murmured. “I trust you more than anything.”
Tag list: @jazzwoman897 @gurveersidhuu @kimmiestrawberrykiwi @take-my-life-not-my-heart @kimberlydyan 
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