kitkatdoodlez · 4 months
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Cause you never knew…. how much I really liked you……
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maryvioletique7708 · 2 years
The other Peter's with their lovers: *Gives each other sweet lovely love languages*
Peter 1: *Currently in a bad mood*
Michelle: "HEY LOSER!" *to Peter 1*
Everyone looks at mcu!MJ then to Peter 1
Michelle:*Gives flying kiss*
Peter 1:"...."*Still looks angry*
Michelle:"....." 💦*sweats*
Peter 1: *sends a flying kiss to mj*
(I still love spideychelle)
*context: Tasm Harry gone bonkers and Peter 1 tries stopping him*
Tasm!Harry:*snarls* "Then give me a "good reason" to leave him alone?"
Peter 1:" If you continue this then-I WON'T BE YOUR "NBFFFL"!!! "
TASM! Harry:"......
D':> W-wait, for real?"
(Acr.:New best friend forever for life)
"I don't know what you're thinking, Kneel to the crowd and pulled out a ring and said-"
Michelle: "Marry me Julie, you never have to be alone."
All the Spider-Man GF's: "I love you :3-"
*Still playing*
The others:"..... Why?"
MCU Peter: *e/ dance*
Peter 3: "Har, can you read this aloud?"
Tasm2 Harry reads it: "I do?"
Peter 3 rips his Spider-Man costume in a groom attire:
Peter 2 being the priest: "Men and Groom."
(Part 2 of attempted wedding-)
TSSM Harry holding pink color pencils: "Look how cute these pencil's are."
TSSM Peter: "But Harry, that's gay."
TSSM Harry: "..... Peter we've been dating for 6 months-"
TSSM Peter: "Dang it, Harry stop drinking the green version of Lean-"
Peter 2 picturing Tssm Harry and Raimi Harry: "Guys say Colorado-"
Peter 1 in his Iron spider suit: "I'M IRON-SPIDER-"
Raimi Harry: "Wake me up."
TSSM Harry: "Wake me up inside~"
Raimi Harry: "Can't wake up."
TSSM Harry: "Wake me up to-"
TASM2 Harry: "SAVE ME"
Peter 3: Don't throw me that bread-
Michelle: *throws*
Peter 3: Try me b*tch.
[Context: Norman found child!Harry after Harry got lost]
Norman: What type of fool brings bread and leave bread crumbs as a trail
Harry: But Father, you tell me to believe to everything mentioned in a book.
Norman disturbed: What are you wearing young man??
Harry casually wearing a long skirt: A sophisticated Men's wear
Raimi Harry: That one awkward moment where you scroll through your Dad's Twitter and you accidentally tweeted a whole declaration of Independence.
Raimi Harry: "Oh crap-"
Tssm Norman slamming the table: NOT ON MY WATCH.
Tssm Norman: NOT ON MY WATCH.
Tssm Harry in his emo phase:
MJ in tears: I just wanted to use the restroom and Now I'm so confused.
MJ: Am I Womfn?
Also MJ: Am I a Womfn??
*MSM Harry slamming the table were all the other Harrys are*
MSM Harry: Bro, you know what I was thinking of Bro?
MSM Harry: If I cut your leg, would it hurt?
*Silent for 3 seconds*
Raimi Harry: Duh!
MSM Harry: How though?
Raimi Harry: Cuz your leg got cut off, Dude!
MSM Harry: Where you go for the Pain??
Raimi Harry: In your le- *long pause*
MSM Harry: Exactly! Bruh!
MSM Harry: How you go for the pain in your leg-
Raimi & Msm Harry: -IF YOUR LEG IS GONE.
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multishipper-baby · 6 years
OT27 Madness
I'm starting this post by saying I'm sorry I can't put a read more. Computer is broken and stuff so you'll have to deal with this. I'll see if I can steal my dad's laptop later to fix this.
Also, @fnafhs-aesthetics asked me to tag them so. Tagged.
Anyway, here's my dumb OT27 idea. And yes, you read that number right. Buckle up, this is going to be a wild ride.
The ones that start it all are the Animotronics.
At first Chica just tells everybody that she's dating all the boys, and all of the school is to afraid to anger her and her bfs so they just deal with it.
But after a while the rest of the students began to notice the guys are weirdly close to each other and get suspicious.
Eventually a rumor comes out that they're secretly gay and, to avoid drama, they just tell the truth: They are dating Chica, but they're also all dating each other.
(At this point everybody in the band knows about Fred btw, tho they don't fully understand exactly what he is. What I can assure you is that they don't mind having 2 bfs for the price of 1)
Now everybody in school is even more confused, but Fox threatens them so they just shut up.
The next ones to get together are the Toys.
When Joy and Freddy get together, both Meg and Bon get jealous.
(Bon: OK, Freddy, first you start dating Bonnie, and now you're dating Joy too?? Stop stealing all my crushes!)
(Alsooo, Joy knows about Fred too, even if she doesn't really understand what he is she loves him)
They don't say anything for a while bc they don't want to ruin their friendship with Joy, but eventually Bon tells Bonnie, who tells Freddy, who then tells Joy.
"You do know that my boyfriend is dating five other people, don't you? Like he of all people would have an issue with me having other partners!"
So now Joy has three bfs and a gf.
(Meg and Bon don't date each other, but they are the very best metamours)
((ALSO, Toddie joins them eventually. She isn't sure about dating Joy at first but ignoring her cuteness is way to hard for anyone))
Meanwhile, Deuz been watching all of this unfold from the sidelines and it's given him an idea.
Well, if those losers can date all of their band members, we can't he?
The rest of the Nightmares are kind of unsure about it, but they do decide to give it a try and end up enjoying it way too much.
Fox accuses Deuz of copying them and they have a childish fight. Fox of course wins bc he has more strength (And more bfs).
By this point, the twins are already pretty interested in what's happening and decide to see if they can help each other get inside that already slightly complicated polycule.
The only issue is that they're both awful as wingmans. But they still persevere.
Somehow Mai manages to get together with Freddy, and Puppet winds up dating Bon.
(Also, Puppet is a transguy. Not saying it for any reason really, just letting you know)
After a lot of insistence from his partners and friends, Bon finally gathers up enough courage to ask Bonnie out. And of course Bonnie agrees bc who wouldn't?
Since their polycule seems pretty open about including new people instead of just being the five (And a shadow ghost thingy) of them, Fox decides to see if he can include another person: Springtrap. Everybody is fine with them dating, since Spring's a nice guy and all. That is, until he comments about getting another bf.
"YOU WANT TO DATE DEUZ?! HE'S AWFUL" "We talked things out and he's really sorry about everyth-" "WHY WOULD YOU EVEN LIKE HIM?!"
But, at the end of the day, nobody can really force Springtrap to stay silent about his crush and forget about it. So eventually he gets together with Deuz.
Fox is not pleased about the fact that now they're metamours but he guesses he can always punch him in the face if he breaks his "bro's" heart.
(At this point Freddy already has made a diagram to keep track of everybody. Fred insists that it's unnecessary, even tho he also tends to get a little lost sometimes)
Now we go with Loon and Usagi. After a lot of pinning, they're finally together! Much celebration. But what does that have to do with the polycule?
Well, it seems that little Loon has caught the attention of the Nightmares.
He's afraid of them at first (Mostly bc Oxy's literally 1.97 m tall and Onnie has fucking shark teeth) so he tries to avoid them.
After a while he notices that they're actually flirting with him instead of threatening him and he's. Confused, to say the least.
It takes a long while for him to get comfortable with the idea of dating a bunch of guys that look like 20-something gang members but eventually Deuz wins his trust and he gives them a try.
Usagi isn't sure how the heck his tiny bf managed to get THREE intimidating guys to pay attention to him but now he looks pretty happy with them so she just lets him have fun.
The rest of the polycule welcome both of them with open arms, tho they're kind of surprised about how many they're now.
And just when they think that maybe they're too many already, Bon starts dating Felix, who is also dating Fede. Who, mind you, is also dating Abby. Who is also also dating Lily. And just with that we add four more people to the group .
Nobody in the polycule is sure of how it got that big but now the teachers are as lost as ever with them.
(Also, I didn't mention this before but Maggie is definitely seeing both Mai and Meg. She's cool, she deserves to date cute girls)
Despite everybody joking about how now they're huge and they shouldn't bring more people in, everybody is supportive of Freddy when he starts going out with Cami.
The thing? Cami is seeing Towntrap. And Towntrap is dating Eak.
(Is everybody in this goddamn school polyamourous? Yes, the answer is yes)
By this point they're all sure finding a place to spend Valentine's day is going to be pretty fricking difficult, but eh, they'll find a way.
Freddy's diagram proves to be a lot more useful now that they're literally 26 people together.
But wait! I promised a OT27, right? Where's the last person?
Well, the last one to join is Owynn.
One day when the polycule meets up he just appears, holding Eak's hand. They're both trying to look casual but it's obvious that they're internally dying.
The rest is kind of silently debating whether they should say something or not, considering all the caos that Owynn made in the past. But, after a small chat, they decided to give him a chance.
It's kind of awkward at first. And it's quite hard for Freddy and Towntrap to get fully comfortable with him.
As time passes, though, they notice that he's making an active effort to better himself. And, despite him not being a very romantic person, it's easy to notice he actually does care for Eak and he isn't using him or something like that. Which basically wins him a place in the polycule.
Now that the entire story is written, here's some ideas:
♡ Freddy's mom is the most supportive of them, even if she's kind of surprised by the fact that his little boy has three gfs and five bfs.
♡ Most group dates are done in parks bc finding a restaurant that would actually make a table for 27 people is kind of difficult.
♡ Only people that date Freddy know about Fred, so the rest of the polycule get confused when they heard them talk about him. Freddy eventually tells them who Fred is, tho he isn't happy about it.
♡ Finding a day where they're all free is hard af. Most of the time there are at least two or three people that are missing bc they had other things to do.
♡ Talks about marriage get really awkward really fast.
♡ Some of them want to marry which gets hard bc they can't marry more than one person and they don't want to show favoritism, so they mostly avoid the subject.
♡ TALKS ABOUT CHILDREN ON THE OTHER HAND. Not everybody in the polycule wants to be a mom/dad but they all agree that if any of them ever wants to have a kid they'll be fine with it and they'll offer support.
♡ You bet your ass at the very least the Animotronics love the idea of having a baby someday (Golden is the most excited bc of course he is).
♡ When two people seriously fight like half the polycule becomes a mess.
♡ Literally everybody's biggest fear regarding their relationship is two people have a nasty breakup and the situation snowballing to the point it ruins everybody else's relationships.
♡ But so far most conflicts could be resolved by talking things out.
♡ Speaking about communication, whenever one of them is dealing with jealousy they try to help by giving them tips to deal with it in healthy ways.
♡ At first everybody in the polycule is mostly "im just here for my partners the rest I don't care about" but the more time they spend together the more protective they start to become. You hurt one? Be prepared to deal with 26 pissed off teenagers.
♡ Basically now they're a tiny army.
♡ Everybody who's an outsider is probably completely lost and just kind of goes along with anything that happens. They used to pay close attention to who is dating who but now they're so many it's incredibly hard to remember that stuff.
♡ Sometime people who don't know about the polycule go to one of them and tell them "hey I think your partner is cheating" only to get a laugh in response.
♡ Explaining their relationship can get pretty difficult.
♡ "You see, I'm dating Chica, Fox, Bonnie, Joy, Golden and Cami. Chica, Fox, Bonnie and Golden all are also dating each other, but Fox also has another boyfriend called Springtrap and Bonnie is also seeing Bon. Joy is also dating Bon and she has two other girlfriends, and Cami... You're already lost aren't you?"
♡ Despite the difficulties that come with being polyamourous they're still very happy together and very in love.
I'm shipping trash and I don't even care.
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bubltae · 6 years
You mentioned that jonghyun and onew USED to be best friends in high school so could you elaborate on that more pretty please?^^
of course my sweet anon!!!
so Basically when jinki and jonghyun were freshies in high school, they used to be best friends like, i’m not kidding. Best Friends, with two capitals. they did everything high schoolers did together.
“i want mcdonalds.”
“hyung it’s like 3am wtf.”
“but 24 hour breakfast….”
“damn fine but you’re driving.”
and it was really sweet. they thought of each other like brothers and they were joined at the hip all the time.
and then jjong got a girlfriend, which will turn out to be his now ex-wife. jonghyun was hella whipped for her and ofc he still made time for jinki because he’s like his bro bro. but falling outs happen (trust me i lost a best friend of like eight years from falling out). jinki was constantly busying himself with prep for college and jjong was getting a job and hanging out with the gf.
like, they tried to make it work. but their texts always went like
jinki: wanna hang out? i don’t have work today?
jonghyun: my shift ends at 3 and i promised gf i’d hang. after 6?
jinki: student gov meeting at 6:30 sorry
jonghyun: oh srry another day then
and it just got increasingly awkward until they just stopped talking altogether. their schedules senior year never matched and it felt silly almost to be hanging onto a friendship that was falling apart. so they just stopped. they were no longer Best Friends with two capitals.
but when jjong’s wife leaves him and he’s too embarrassed to consult his older sister (he hasn’t talk to his mom or sister since he got married but that’s a story for another day) he actually calls him (yes he still has his number) and jinki is like !!!!
“hi… it’s jonghyun. from high school.”
“oh. hello.”
“yeah, i’m in a bit of a really shitty dilemma so if i could just get some advice i’d really appreciate it.”
“of course.”
so they meet up at mcdonalds and its still really awkward but jinki sees jonghyun’s baby taem and kind of pieces the situation together.
“i know, i’m not asking you to adopt my son. i just don’t know what to do.” jonghyun is crying and freaking out but jinki calms him down and they work it out. he cries for a while but then they buy some mcnuggets and it’s a lot better when they reconnect for four hours.
i kind of rambled through this but i just really love Best Friends jongyu and even after everything they’re still gonna try to be buddies again.
y’all needa ask more pls
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atomotus · 6 years
I’M not 100% satisfied w/ how this turned out but it DID take me days to make........... so this is where we are......... i wanted 2 do a tribute to some of the people who have really influenced ashton and his development? 
@reactorhearted / i love ? everything we talk about tbh. i could praise u all day but i just really love the dynamic between ashton and tony. he sees so much potential in this boy and knows how powerful he can be ? and they banter and protect each other and it’s just ! something i truly enjoy and hold dear to my heart
@seiismic / ashton loves his mom ! she’s so supportive of him and can help train him in the best ways, since their powers are very similar. i love everything we’ve talked about with them ! i love her being able tot each her what she knows, and her learning new things along the way from him ! i love him being able to get stronger and prove to her that (: her faith in this boy is justified
@failuredestined / yeah uhhh ashton is a big hoe for carter ! he’s one of the first few people ashton truly got obsessed with. i love their dynamic. i love how whipped carter is tbh but i also just ? find all of our plots interesting ? that’s what u get when carter can literally be blue boy’s guy in the chair ! and then more (:
@shirtclad / i definitely had to include u in this even though we haven’t written a WHOLE lot but ? cisco really tests ashton and that’s something v important to me. they also get along pretty easily because they’re both memes and just ! it’s important to me 
@movefcrward / BOY this is one of my favorite dynamics FOR SURE. barry just has so much faith in ashton ? he knows what this boy is capable of and is so easy for him to team up with ! they’re always learning new things from each other. barry sees a piece of his younger self in ashton and like always knows what to say to him to help get him back on his feet again. it’s just the mentor but also brotherly dynamic that i ? cherish so dearly
@forensicalchemist / YES i love ur julian. but this is time for me to BRAG about these boys... julian really isn’t sure about ashton at first but ? his knowledge of science and his hope really redeems him in julian’s eyes. they do end up getting along and julian has quite a bit to teach ashton ! and even if he doesn’t wanna learn it at first, he does truly respect julian and enjoys having him around and chillin with him 
@greasestaind / yeah u know ashton is also a hoe for cody ! sorry ! happened real quick ! i just already love the dynamic bubbling between these two. she tests the FUCK outta him and he needs it. please put him in his place. they just have so much potential and i’m so hype to see what else happens between them 
@itsybitsyparker / BITCH ashton loves his bf. just two college superheroes in love ? thanks. even though we do a lot of angsty stuff, i absolutely adore when these two can fight alongside each other to stop crime ! they love doing what they do, but they also love getting to take off their masks and collapsing next to each other after a long day of work (: and they just mean the world to me 
@brainsnbeauty / liz ? thank u for keeping ashton in line. because SOMEONE has to. we’ve always written them as friends and ! i love that ! they really do need each other, i think. he helps her relax and open up a little bit. but also they would just do anything for each other ? like don’t u mess with either of them or ur gonna get FUCKED UP ! i’m just so glad you’re still around so we can still keep developing these two 
@makesjokes / YEAH UHHH i love these two ! two gay ass bitches smh. we haven’t written them in a while but i had to include them because this ship means the world to me ? we developed SO MUCH with them, especially with flash’s family and then our teen god au thing ! like they just mean the world to me ? ashton makes flash so WEAK and is one of the few people who actually likes him for him... and that breaks my heart in two
@anuclearpoweredsuperhero / jax and ashton are complete bros thanks ! martin and ashton would love to talk about science for hours ! but ashton and jax ? man u can catch them going out to restaurants and teasing each other and just being great friends ! and of course, fighting alongside each other 
@workinprcgress / oh i could talk about them for days... this is one of the BEST ships ashton has ever had ? i just love everything going on between these two ! and tumblr doesn’t even know the HALF of it because we do so much on discord too ! but yeah uh alex and ashton are gonna get married and they’re perfect for each other and i love that people who follow us seem to love them too 
AND i couldn’t really incorporate everyone into this video, for various reasons, so i wanted to also do some shout-outs for the following people !
@solestarlet / mj and ashton ? are one of my fav ships on this blog. also one of the OLDEST ships on this blog ! she keeps him in line and helps support him and always be there for him ? and he helps save her and just make her smile and feel like she’s his Whole World... and they’re great for it
@fentasm / THEY’RE GAY ! and they break my heart ! because ashton just wants to help put hope and faith and love and everything back into danny. and while it’ll last for now, ashton isn’t going to live forever (: so they can enjoy flying and fighting alongside each other and going on adventures and whatnot for now -- but it won’t last and i’m gonna SCREAM
@abittangledup / u know i had to include u ! ashton and liz have such an interesting dynamic? truly idk how she puts up with him. but i love exploring how she’s going to get some of his powers and he’s going to have to help train his gf? like what a concept ! i think they’re good for each other at the end of the day (:
@pinkskcrts / YEAH ashton is a hoe for kailee. he loves pampering her and knowing she’s wrapped right around his finger (: he just cares for her a whole lot and i hope all y’all know if anything happened to that girl then there would be a HUGE riot !
@scararmour / erik and ashton ? are SO important to me. erik becomes such a crucial figure in ashton’s life ? like they end up going through so much together and erik is literally willing to sacrifice himself for this boy because he knows ? how powerful ashton is going to be ? and how he’s going to end up helping so many people ? even though ashton would literally scream to the heavens and mess so much shit up if he lost erik 
AND if ur not included in this post ? don’t feel bad at all ! i still love y’all dearly i just really felt like, with these people specifically, our interactions and plots and whatnot have really developed ashton into the man i want him to be so ? thank u all. 
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About the Shannara finale & season in general
This is gonna be long so…
First of all, i wanna be very clear. I’m not trying to spread hate for the show. I love this show. i would never say anything hateful cause i appreciate how this show is and how it wants to be, and i don’t want it to be cancelled due to negativity. I’ve just been frustrated about it…at least lets say since the finale, and I’m writing this to try to get it out of my system.
First of all, I’m a wilretria shipper. since day 1 Eretria&Wil have been my babies. so I’m sure you can see where some of my frustration comes from.
Second. From day one my favourite characters have been Eretria, Allanon and Ander (see why my frustration?)
Eretria: I love Ivana. when she won the Goya award i clapped like crazy. And then turned our Eretria was awesume. Anything anyone would want to be. Strong, an amazing fighter, brave, loyal….and as we also learn, kind and even sweet.
Allanon: i love Manu since i don’t know when, so him being the druid guy…i knew it was gonna be badass. and then it was. and i couldn’t love Allanon more.
Ander: the cool friendly uncle. helping niece to run the race, going to get her at the party like “omg girl you look stunning, that’s ma niece” and then talking relationships with her. I JUST LOVED HIM. and then he also made impossiblefor me to focus on tragic moments. i don’t tag him “the ‘dat ass’ elf” for no reason…
Well, so far you can see season 2 has not given me happiness in this matter. 1 became ashes and the other a waterfall (sort of)
What frustrates me about these is, well..the books. I still haven’t read them, cause i was waiting for the end of the season, but i read a couple of things, from which i got that Ander&Allanon probs both died on the 3rd book. Ok, i can deal with that but...I can’t? cause I thought this season was filling a gap between book 2 and 3. but that’s ok i guess. follow the book way too early.
But what gets me about this is that then I can think or say, “ok, so i guess then they will also follow the book for Eretria and Wil, right? I mean…cmon. It doesn’t seem like that for now, but you know, that’s what a season 3 would be for”, but then people say “oh cmon, the tv show doesn’t have to follow the book, stop with the books”. But the thing is, season 1 was very much like the book from what I’ve heard. I remember reading in the Nerdist website they said they wanted to keep it very similar to the book, that they only made Eretria have more depth and do something more than FALL IN LOVE WITH WIL AND FOLLOW HIM AROUND (sorry, dunno why that capbloq itself…oh wait, i do) So, they are gonna follow and even make happen ahead of time things that happen in the book, but others..neeeh. ok, that frustrates me.
And one other thing, since i’m talking about my ship. I feel wilretria shippers have been mostly completely silent this season. I don’t think we have created any drama regarding Lyria. We just kept getting blows and letting that relationship happen without saying a thing. Because we fear if we say anything we will be called “homophobic”, get hate and things like that. And it is frustrating cause we aren’t voicing ourselves because we aren’t dicks, and we are letting everyone enjoy their ship, but this may ruin any chance of our ship happening if they think we don’t care. And we are seeing it getting even harder with the Mareth thing. So i want you to understand, i don’t care if Eretria has a gf, she is bi so she can have all the gfs she wants. But shutting out Wil completly as a possibility cause yes...no. I love Wil and Eretria even since before i watched the show. I do care, so much.
Now about season 2 in general:
Garet Jax or “jarjar gax” how i like to call him for funsies. total badass. I wished we could have know what was his past entirely cause it seemed interesting, dammit.
Mareth: She was cute and sassy, a magic user in a different way we had seen, which was cool! and then, related to Allanon, which is great considering we also know nothing about Allanon, or Mareth’s mom. So nice, she could be anything and take us anywhere
And on that note, something I’ve always appreciated about this show, from Tilton, to Allanon, to the gardener, to the background actors, to the rovers & elf hunters...this world really seems like a real post-apocaliptic world cause there’s people from all etnicities. these season some more in leads. good show
This stupid season made me love Wil. That lil bitch annoyed me so much. But he is too cute. And we saw him in his lows and in his highs. using the magic unwisely, hugging the hell out of Eretria when it turned out she wasn’t dead (this poor kid, i swear to god. a whole year thinking he lost Amberle and Eretria; the latest being his fault for leaving her behind). Also he made his peace with Allanon awww. And to be honest I love his death scene. It mirrored Amberle’s and now all our 3 heroes have died to save everyone (let’s not forget ma rover bleeding herself out, ok?) And thank whomever must be thanked, he isn’t dead. You can’t die when i start to love you, a-hole. tho that’s what this show does to me.
Eretria: We got to see where she comes from, what will be her challenges and how her loyalty to her friends is stronger and bigger than anyone could ever have thought. Also she was badass as always.
Ander. I mean, Ander is everything. anything with Ander was the best scene ever. dat ass. best king ever. bless. he also said Eretria is family and at this point I dunno if i want Eretria to marry Wil or him cause honestly “yes, i remember when i met your mom...i fell for her instantly. i mean, she kicked me in the face and let me unconcious, but..” is a great “meetcute” Also the threw that traitor down the waterfall omg my king is so fucking badass.
Allanon: i mean...pfft it’s allanon. everything about him is a pro, duh. Giving him a family and showing him caring for Wil was nice too. he is not a heartless guy. he loves all this crazy kids.
Bandon, Riga, Warlock lord: god, you bunch of asshoooles. i hate you all so muuuuch. Good bad guys :) The warlock lord became my hero when he de-headed Riga. you deserve it biiitch omgggg for Andeeeer. Then the Bandon thing...i mean...poor Bandon, but bitch, you had everyone occupied and Riga killed Ander. Then my new hero warlock lord killed that ship traitor Allanon (i was like that’s what you get! but then he was cursed and became ashes....and i was like, ok a bit too much) and then he did the other thing and i was disappointed on my new hero. i was all “i was rooting for youu” They all where awesume at being bad. is awesume having such great baddies
I can’t believe i almost forgot her
Ambertree: or Amberle, as you prefer. I really didn’t want her to be back for the sake of my ship. but I also did start crying when i saw her in the trailer. So i guess i love her too. And seeing her was so nice. I missed the elf princess. but stay as a tree please Amberle. (ps, also wtf amberle you too with the Mareth thing, i take it back, i hate everyone on this show)
Ander: Can you please explain to me what the hell has this poor thing done to deserve this shit? His brother dies. he becomes this depressed drinking ball of an elf and loses his gf. years later his dad, his bro, half of his goddamn castle, his ex he still loves die. ALL DIE. His niece becomes a tree. And he has to be king. Also Eretria kicked him in the face (i kind of ship it) And then we get to season 2 and the girl he is with s murdered (....i wasn’t on board of this anyway cause god Catania, you effed the Bandon inprisonment, didn’t ya. but if Ander my love was happy. but no. and then he gets murdered trying to save this girl (Eretria i’m never going to forgive you for being up to tell her to get up and run, but not to throw a knife and save my elf husband). and so the story of Ander ends. Being throw down the traitors waterfall, where no one can recover his body and give him the royal funeral he deserves. I will forever be bitter about this, i kid you not. #longlivetheking
Allanon: Again, my babies cant catch a break. He is trying to stop Bandon, turns out he has a daughter with his loved one and we don’t get to see them become dad and daughter. I had already accepted he was gonna die because i read someone saying “after what happens in book 3″ And then he drops that “you and mareth are ma ship” bomb. my brain: “oh you asshole how dare you to compare them with you and Pyria. You can die now, byeeeee” (i’m evil, i know).
Eretria: I feel this season didn’t do much for her. I guess she did all the development she could do in season 1. But i feel they mistreated her a lot. I get she has a girlfriend, or so, cause at some point she had broken up with her i think...but i feel the way they made her interact with Wil was just weird. The little times they interacted. that was annoying. (those two have so much chemistry they have to keep ‘em apart or we all would be arranging their wedding by the “welcome back, shorttips”) Eretria has always been in love with Wil, let’s be honest. We all saw her face the day Wil said “there is no us” or when she saw him kissing Amberle. We all know without Amberle in the picture things would be very different. Does no one really remember he was up for it the same day he met Eretria? and then some days after in the palace room? (also let me point out Eretria does love will cause to rob some stones she could have giving him an “Ander” and leave. but she didn’t. she stayed, and said would never call him shortips again). So this two at the very least had the hots for each other to begin with. Also let me remind you how Wil cried when Eretria died. He used the stones for something else than killing a demon for the first time to save her (if that doesn’t scream love, soulmates, endgame or whatever, i dunno what does) And this season, tho they have kept giving us sweet moments of the two, where we shippers kept our hopes high (the tree girl was gone, this was out moment), and we hoped to see THEM FALL IN LOVE AND GET TOGETHER (since its a space between books, you know)... and that’s why the complete anulation of this ship is so painful for some of us. We felt Amberle was some sort of puppy teenage love, and Eretria would be the true love woman for Wil....but no. anyway...a Shannara and a child of the Apocalypse. Good magic & (bad/good) magic. ancient kings blood, ancient humans blood. like honestly.
Wil: I’m not gonna blame the poor kid for being an emo and be mad at the world, cause his life went to shit last epi of last season (if not all season in general). And i honestly developed love for him this season. BUT...this thing about him and Mareth...I feel it came out of nowhere. They were just friends and then one day she makes eyes to him and he makes eyes to her? there wasn’t even a big thing where i could say, where there they realized they love each other...and out of nowhere they are the biggest love story eveeer. im sorry, no. i can’t. I get everyone loves them, but i...no. (again, i guess is the wilretria shipper in me who sees more past and more development in the relationship and that this was happening too quickly out of nowhere) (Also the pre-death kiss, that was i guess so romantic and adfghjklñ....kinda ruined the scene for me. like “oh ffs, die already, Wil!”*narrow*” was a thing that happened in my brain)
Others: I dont think I have much complains about the others. One of the only ones is Lyria’s storyline. i feel like the only thing i saw her do was mope and cry? and that one time she stood up to her mom, planned a wedding with Ander and once held a sword (which i feel they really exploded to make her look badass)...i feel like they made this character to be the love interest, and im sorry for it cause it could have been so much more. Also that “don’t wanna be a princess I’m running away but yas i wanna be queen” thing...does it even make sense for the person we were introduced to? also it was the fact that I had to buy into her love story with Eretria. When i saw in the trailer she was gonna have a gf i was like, oh no...more difficulties for my ship, but hey yes, let’s see what happened here. But then...i didn’t know anything about them? when did they meet? how long have they been dating? “where you go, i go”...where does that come from? how did i know what Lyria’s mom told Eretria about her saying that to everyone wasn’t true? Maybe my ship blinds me, but i feel this relationships started as if i started season 1 with will and Amberle frickfracking and then she becoming a tree and I’m supposed to be super sad, but i can’t I don’t know if it makes sense since i shipped Pyria and Allanon since moment 1 but that’s probably my “omg star crossed lovers, him staying young while she grows old, not seeing each other in 30 years shdfadlgfhañsla” loser heart Mareth: I was here for the magic kids friendship until it stopped being a friendship. now she is ruining my life. and i don’t appreciate it.
((me being annoying: also the blingbling palace was too much for me, omg did i miss Arborlon))
Ok, I think that is all. I know it seems like I didn’t like this season, but omg, i loved it. it was so intense all the time, and so many awesume fights, and some great new characters. Is just that I had hopes for my ship just to see them sinking more and more. at this point I’m Artax and my ship is more a submarine.
I can’t wait to see what they do in season 3 (and probably cry and hate everyone cause my ship sinks), but this show is too good to end forever in a “to be continued”. I want my babies back
and please show, stop getting people i love into #crispinskorner
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Mick’s approval
Annoy me
Goodnight, Carl
Hey there, neighbor
We’re just multiplying
“If they touch you, I’ll kill them”
“I’ve lost so many others, not you too.”
Late night cuddleProtective Carl
Dating Carl while being the youngest Milkovich would include
Friends to romance
Read to leave the southside/singer!reader
“Don’t bullshit me”
“I punched him”
Pregnancy scare pt.1
Pregnant headcanon pt.2
Carl reacting to reader’s haircut
Gallagher brother’s decorating a tree
Dating Carl headcanons
Fluffy Carl on a date
Written by Ramona:
Let’s tutor each other
Dating Carl would include
Carl Gallagher Playlist
Phillip “Lip” Gallagher Imagine
Brotherly Love
Hospital blurb
“We’re going to be late if we don’t leave like 5 minutes ago”
“I know you’re afraid, but we can’t hide in the closer forever..”
“Shit, do you gotta scare me like that?/She did what now?”
“You’re so fragile. The world will crush you.”
“If I don’t do this for you, you’re going to die!”
“Please don’t laugh.”
“Wanna cuddle?”
“Don’t say that.”
“It’s our song.”
The Bar
Guide of the Southside pt.1
Guide of the Southside pt.2
“Duck and cover”
Original dad lip
“Wow, you look… amazing”
Gallagher Bro’s Christmas tree decorating
“Tell me who hurt you”
Being married to Lip
World’s best dad
Lip taking care of sick gf
Interacting with pregnant wife
How Lip proposes
React to drunk reader
reader burning dinner
Highschool Sweethearts
Parent-Teacher Conference
Lip with elementary school kids
Kinks/Dealing with Virgins
Body part Lip admires most
domestic life w/Lip
Dad Lip on Christmas
Lip dating a gymnast gf
meeting reader’s parents for the first time
Lip at his kid’s graduation
Suburban dad Lip 
three (soon)
Anon Drabbles:
Ballet (coming soon)
Gasoline (Coming soon)
“Get behind me, I’ll deal with this.” (Ian Gallagher)
“You could have gotten yourself killed.” (Ian Gallagher)
“It doesn’t matter how I am, as long as you’re okay.” (Ian Gallagher)
protective Ian
Gallagher bro’s decorating a Christmas tree
Ian babysitting Lip’s kids
Gallovich with a daughter
Ian x Reader with sick toddler
Lazy Day
“Public affection”
separate masterlists just in case !!!
Carl Gallagher Masterlist
Lip Gallagher Masterlist
Ian Gallagher/Mandy Milkovich Masterlist
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protectmarkjin · 8 years
How would you describe each of the got7 ships to someone that is new to the fandom?
jjp = mom and dad of the group, grown up from teenagers to young men together, have a mysterious deep history that gets vagued at sometimes, sometimes I feel like this is the ship w the most conspiracies jfdkslfj, “there’s a difference between being friendly and having a deep relationship”, WHY DID THEY CLOSE THEIR EYES
markjin = soulmates like…. actually bonded thru their souls, trainee best friends who went on ice cream dates, lots of kisses and serenading, always confessing to each other, constantly making the other jealous, “shadow I love you”, even their parents ship each other,  the shoulder/waist theory, no subtlety, choreography partners, kabedon
jackbum = the strongest sexual tension in history, but turn into the Softest Marshmallows w each other, daddy kink confirmed??, “so chic and sexy!”, jaebum is the best leader to jackson, jackson the number one jaebum impersonator, “if you don’t find anyone to marry, come find me”
jinson = bffs for life forever nd ever, bicker like a married couple, Jackson is jinyoung’s number 1 hypeman, the meat saga, wang puppy park puppy, re-enacted DOTS and titanic so perfect romantic leads, “the relationship between jinyoungie and I is a deep one”
2jae = jaebum took youngjae under his wing, were roommates and jaebum misses him a lot, jaebum even gave his cat away for Youngjae, “jaebum is mine”, han river hand holding date, do i even need to mention,,,, the heartbreaking saga of 1:31am,,,, oh my god,,,
yugbam = sweet lil boyfriends, done everything together since trainee days, “he’ll always be my best friend”, constantly dabbing and whipping and nae naeing together, mischievous maknaes who team up against their hyungs, dance naked together in the dorm, “i really can’t live without you, yugyeom-ah”
markson = mario and luigi but also pikachu and squirtle, “markson or never!”, seem like opposites but actually r similar in lots of ways, have this cute habit of talking to each other in a mix of languages, gaga and markiepooh, “when I met mark we fell in love with each other”
jingyeom = dance line nd tom and jerry couple, always picking fights w each other nd threatening to kill each other, “don’t say nonsense like that” “I’m the hyung! I’m the hyung!”, fdjsklfj but rlly they adore each other, yugyeom was like a hyung to jinyoung during trainee days, “yugyeom, life is acting”
jackbam = big bro/lil bro relationship, always teasing each other nd acting like dorks, jackson dotes on him nd buys him food nd  clothes, went to the army together nd also went to Thailand together, the iconic who’s your mama cover performance fjkdlsjf, “forever my lil bro even though you’re taller than me”, literally bought matching tshirts w jackbam on the back
markjae = coco’s loving parents, mark always supporting and encouraging youngjae’s English, “mark hyung, isn’t there a place you’d like to visit?” “youngjae’s heart”, flirt a lot on ig and twitter, did a whole vlive of just giving coco a bath, “when you get off the plane, look at this and gain strength oppa”
jaebam = like a dad and son, r just general memes together, when bambam was at his lowest during trainee days he went to jaebum, bambam has nearly died several times doing the jaebum chin impression, he just rlly tries jaebum’s patience jfkdlsjf but jaebum lets him bc he’s so fond of him nd loves him, “you like to touch my neck” “I only do this to you”
jackyeom = jackson is incredibly supportive of yugyeom nd showers him w affection, “i told you before (that u would win hit the stage.) I’ve always said it” “you always believed in me”, yugyeom rlly looks up to nd admires him, jackson couldn’t stop talking abt the hit the stage win he was so proud, “if there was no jackson in our team, our team wouldn’t have been this happy… because of you I have self confidence”
2young = youngjae is literally jinyoung’s baby like he always cuddles him nd helps him whether its when he hurts himself or has indigestion or needs food or cutlery, “jy: rmr that got7 was able to b complete bc of u. to us, youngjae is that special”
jackjae = pure sunshines, jackson likes to pretend youngjae gets on his nerves nd teases him but is actually rlly protective of him nd worries abt him a lot, jackson keeps a pic of an otter on his phone to show ppl the comparison between an otter nd youngjae, “that expression… why do u make my heart race…”,  they do sappy shit like draw hearts on each others’ hands at a fansign, they r in general just rlly soft nd affectionate w each other
markgyeom = tuan yugyeom and kim mark, adopted brothers, went to LA together nd met up w mark’s parents just the 2 of them, “even mark hyung’s parents think of me as their son. my mom thinks the same way”, mukbang partners, just seeing eldest but tiny bb mark cuddled up next to giant maknae yugyeom i cry
youngbam = they literally met w bambam greeting youngjae, who was moving into the dorm as a new trainee, completely naked like… u cannot get better than that, r incredibly silly nd make each other laugh a lot its precious, “even when i say something lame, he still laughs at it” bambam always feel comforted coming back to the dorm late bc he knows youngjae is awake playing computer games
markbam = mark has known bambam since bambam was 12 like,, bambam has known mark for basically all of his teen/young adult life, they switch between being adorable w each other nd being utterly savage to each other lmao, “fan: do you love bambam? mark: yes!”
yugjae = cute nd precious dorks always laughing together, yj made gyeom kiss him on the cheek nd also kissed his hand, backhug each other a lot, went wild at karaoke it was amazing, “i know he will win [hit the stage]. yugyeomie is my number one” “hyung, you’re good too. for me, you’re number one”,
jinbam = bambam is also jinyoung’s baby, jinyoung always brings up how young bambam kissed him on the cheek during trainee days, the epic got7 MC duo, they hold hands a lot, always do aegyo to/with each other,  “we fill up each other’s empty parts”
markbum = the eldest but act like lil nerds like they hi-five their chicken pieces nd shit fjdkslfj, r best friends like ppl literally forget they’ve called each other their best friend??, acted out a bf/gf scenario and jaebum destroyed mark, mark LITERALLY grabbed a handful of jaebum’s ass in the middle of a fansign, jaebum always goes to mark for advice on decisions, “mark, you’re the beauty and spirit of the team. That’s why you’re always the beginning and the end”
yugbum = also like father nd son fjdkslfj, during trainee days yugyeom phoned jaebum when jaebum was working and cried to him bc things were hard, jaebum stuck up for him in front of other trainees, gyeom pranked jaebum like 3 times in a row it was the funniest shit ever but jaebum also “lost his temper” in 2 hidden camera pranks on yugyeom nd yugyeom believed it fjkdslf
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atltheshow · 5 years
So, I have an Instagram by this same name that I use to vent to my friends, but it's gotten too close plus they know too many people. Imma keep it anonymous obviously just in case but here we go
This is really for me to just document my summer this year bc I'm literally strung out on caffeine and painkillers at all times
So a few things you need to know: I have a chronic connective tissue disorder which is the scary way of saying I have ligamental laxity. My joints don't stay together. As I type this my ankle is out. Anyone, I had a surgery 6/26/15, aka the day gay marriage was legalized in the US. Another important thing, I am bisexual with almost an even split. I stopped taking highschool classes after my sophomore year and have taken them at my local community college instead. This is because I'm big depressed and big anxious so I couldn't do school. I work at my CC as a math tutor for ever math below Calc I, including developmental. I want to be a orthopedic surgeon and am going for a duel bachelor's in petroleum and mine engineering as premed. I have an older and younger brother, both of which I adore but get on my nerves too much. My older brother went to an in state university for his freshman year, decided he wasn't ready for the move, and is coming to the same CC as me, as a year below me, his high school senior sister. My young brother just finished his first year in traditional high school, at a different high school than I went to. He's a competitive gymnast. My father works out of town and my mom stays at home. I cannot drive yet, but as of today I am eligible to get my license. I am largely into the robotics Program in our county, where I was second in command as of last season, was second lead of programming, safety assist, scouting assist and head fabrication. I truly love robotics. I also golf, and love watching it, yes I am upset about Woodland okay.
So here's where we introduce my few main groups of friends:
Robotics friends
School friends
SPS friends (my middle school friends)
Friends ;)
So some of these overlap, majority of those in it don't.
My absolute best friend, who we will call Syrup is was on my robotics team, she's a year older and aged out. We met my freshman year of highschool. She's amazing and I love he's so dearly.
Cross, literally the male version of me. He's dating Syrup. He was first in command of the team this year. Also aged out. Him and syrup broke up for a few months and it was weird for the friend group but ¯\_(ツ)_/¯. I also love and adore him.
Heat is one of my oldest physically. She was a mentor on the team but me and my brother ended up getting really really close with her. She's super thoughtful and sincere. She's in school to be a clinical counselor.
Pooky is old as well. He's a redneck. He is also Hispanic. He mentors and I got really close to him after me and Cross basically annoyed him into going to dinner with us after a robotics meeting one summer. Now he's by far one of my favorite people. Also asked out heat when they were seniors in high school.
Dementia is the oldest physically. He was honestly a fluke. One of pookys friends that he asked to come by one day and we all ended up liking him. He was on the team and already knew Heat, Cross, and pooky. We convinced him to come to dinner with us the same day we convinced pooky. He's honestly the funniest person I know. He works as an engineer at the local forklift company.
Button-lives an hour and a half away but is going to college another 4 hours away. Met through my brother but then we became really good friends. I call him button bc he gave me one of his buttons from robotics and it was the nicest thing ever. He also stayed up with my during Ramadan at 5 in the morning when I couldn't sleep in pain. He knew I was hurting and he sacrificed what little sleep he could have for me and I am forever grateful and I don't think he realizes. One time he drove down to see me and it still makes my heart warm. He's someone I would have shot my shot a long time ago if we weren't an hour and a half away and drastically different religions.
Shea- named after his dog bc I know he'd love that. I know how weird it sounds but I'm in love. I would marry him tomorrow if he asked. He's predental at our towns uni, and honors. He was first in command of our team last year. He mentored scouting this year :).
Small robotics characters
jamin- was really close with him for two years, then he went to college and fratted, now works two hours away. I love him and miss him
Jew-not really Jewish. Very sweet. Very handsome. Very funny
Lampshade- little Bros best friend. Athletic and smart. Good child.
Weeny-had a crush on his, honestly super sweet and just a great personality. 12/10 pure.
Noodle- dated syrup then had a FWB thing with me. Broke it off after a dumb joke gone wrong. Still miss him tbh.
Eggroll- Shea's best friend. About to be a junior in college. Hits me up for nudes. Super energetic.
School friends
I have three. FOUR
Harvard- he earned the name. Smart and determined boy. I met him in middle school. Absolute softy and I love it. Super athletic. We have the type of friendship where we listen to each other super well but have no idea what's happening. He'll talk about baseball to me and I talk about robotics to him. Do either of us absorb it? No. Do we still listen? Yes.
Dorks- changed his last name a bit but it fits. Became bff's in art history. Sold him drugs once. Minnesotan. We're starting a podcast together. Literally super chill as a friend
Cow- sounds so mean to call her that but it's her favorite animal. She's special needs but I still don't know how. She's a real G. There through everything.
Jazz- tall lanky. Sweet. Plays jazz. I miss him. Was gonna go to prom with him then didn't. Oh well. Button helped me through that mess as well.
Confused- theater kid. That's all
Dragon- strange, doesn't like touch. Goes to Catholic hs
Draw-art who programs too. Goes to special math school 2 hours away. DM
I have a dnd campaign going with them so I probably couldve used their character names bc even if they found this blog they'd just be like ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Friends ;)
Boy oh boy. Most of these overlap tbh. Noodle boy, lampshade and Eggroll belong here
Callaway- never actually met in person. We talk about golf and send nudes. Ideal person tbh.
Neck- am a year older. Mentored his Lego robotics team. Asks for nudes daily. Occasionally gets them.
Step-was my old neighbor. Homeschooled until 7th grade. Very very large. Kinda scary tbh. Send occasionally, dislocated my ankle sucking his dick once
Titan- named after his truck, which I lost my virginity in. We have. An interesting relationship. Met him through a friend not mentioned. He hit on me, we talked, it wasn't gonna work as bf/gf but it would as fwb bc they're was mutual attraction on that end. The first time we met in person I gave him a handjob. December 2018 he told me he needed a break bc his mental health was failing, okay whatever. Comes back around March, do stuff quite often. The other day though, we just got done, and he told me he needed another break bc all he did was run to me for sex when he was sad. Totally cool but he also removed me from stuff so he wouldn't be tempted. Kinda sucks and im honestly a little hurt bc then the friendship is gone too but honestly it's probably for good. He will come back.
Anyway it's late and me and Harvard are both sad so gn, posts soon to come.
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fugoffbitchdarnit · 7 years
february 13 2018 ; consistent thoughts from today
today i kept thinking about a lot of the same things; an old friend-ish, anxiety, presence, and some other things i cant remember now cuz im thinking too much about this digital diary!
ok so, my old friend-ish. i add the ish because she (max*) she was never fully my friend i would just see her around for a while time in my life/whereas an ordinary old friend is just my old actual genuine friend that is not anymore. i still follow her on instagram. so max and her best friend *zoe have been excessively best friends the whole time i knew them. when i say this i mean they would always post bff pix all the time and just really put it out there about their awesome friendship. i hope im getting this point accross. you know those friends that are always posting pix together and are like “me and my bitch” or “when u both wear ur red boots” or “i mis u so much wtf y has it only been 13 hours” ???? recently from the internet i noticed zoe started dating a girl and was with her more than max. and maxs post were more lonely. then 2 days ago i saw posts that zoe and her gf got married! i was thinking a lot about max and how she kinda doesnt have her best friend anymore. i dont even know how i think so much about this. its just instagram u know? so weird how it takes affect on me and just my personal thoughts and going into what i think about other peoples personal thoughts. wow i thought writing about this would be a lot easier but i guess im just not a very good writer yet! my writing is just like little txts message blurbs all combined in one. so yeah moral of the story.... i never even liked max that much, she always kinda bugged me! even the bff posts were cringe to me,. but now this marriage just outta the blue (to me) makes me think aw for her. she just kinda lost her best friend is what i think. poor lil baby
ok to jump into my bff, hes a boy and we fuck all the time and we can never actually date, we’ve tried and it just gets weird, we know each other so well its just meant to be. i hate marriage but i will probably marry him hahaha. super weird. his name is ernie*. ok so he’s always been the happiest guy ever but lately since ive grown and learned more about depression n shit like that i know that its way more common than anyone thinks....ofcourse. sooooo hes the kind of guy that can be very good at staying present without even knowing thats what he’s doing. he also will just repress shit because thats super easy for anyone to do. so when it comes out its in weird twitches that happens in sudden quick times. now he’s been getting anxiety and its like hahathats just ur anxiety bro!! why am i writing this!? i dont know. jk i do know and i know that i say “i dont know” when im thinking im stupid for doing/saying something so i just say that. i am doing this because i want to get good at writing in a diary again and it feels good and almost productive doing this. i’ll get good! for now these are not read by anyone, maybe one day it’ll turn into a movie!! hahahaha
i forgot all my good points that i thought i would write about today. goodnight.
88******stars on names because they have been changed to keep my digial diary anonymous and to protect myself and the people i write about*****
just remembered that i was gonna write about my scratcher winnings today! ernie bought me a 1$ scratcher and i won $2. then i got a $2 dollar scratcher and won $5 then got a 5$ scratcher and won $10 then got 2 five dollar scratchers then lost one of them but won another $10! then lost and bought another 2 dollar scratcher. then won $2 dollars on that! so played it again and got another 2 dollar scratcher then won another ticket, then lost. the end ! oh happy day! good classic night w ernie.
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automatismoateo · 7 years
Lost my best friend because of Christianity. Just want to get this part of my life off my chest. via /r/atheism
Submitted November 10, 2017 at 06:09PM by Life123456 (Via reddit http://ift.tt/2i1z6Yg) Lost my best friend because of Christianity. Just want to get this part of my life off my chest.
My former best friend and his now wife (who was also a close friend) just got married. He asked me to be his best man this time last year, but after everything we went through I barely had the strength to show up to the wedding.
I'm 25, I've been Agnostic for as long as I can remember and I remain Agnostic even after deep diving into Christianity this past year. What a year it has been. I was sort of a loner in high-school and in college. My last year of college however I commuted myself to making friends, and it became one of the greatest years of my life because not only did I meet and make many new friends, I met someone who would become my best friend. He and I decided we wanted to be roommates about two years ago. We got along great! We always had conversations about life, spirituality, and always came to the conclusion together that it is who you are that matters...Your character, not your creed. I was so happy. Then he got a girlfriend, who he fell head over heals for, only there was a big compromise to be made for their relationship. Monica had been a Christian all her life, and told Nick that in order for them to be together long term he would need to be born again in the name of Jesus.
So Nick started going to church with her. At first, nothing seemed to change all that much. Nick's values still reminded me of why he was my best friend. The more he and Monica talked about the bible, their experiences at church, the people they were meeting, the more I became interested in giving it a chance. So then I started going to church with them last summer. How could it hurt, maybe I would find a new perspective.
The services were unlike anything I remembered from my early childhood Catholic upbringing. The sermon started with about 20 minutes of loud worship music. Most of the songs were about how 'worthless' we are and that we deserve sin, but Jesus is King and saved us but we're still worthless' Okay... But the 30 minute sermon delivered by the Pastor was usually very good. Opened up my eyes to some things- but the general premise was always the same, Sunday after Sunday...'You are a sinner- we are all sinners, but we are going to Heaven because Jesus died for our sins. BUT, you are only saved if you believe in Jesus, and that the bible is the literal word of God otherwise you are damned to hell'
This is where things go slightly downhill. Just beneath the warm, loving surface, most people were extremely intolerant and judgemental. ESPECIALLY my friend and his girlfriend. My friend and I began to have far too many religious talks (no longer spiritual, religious) where he would insist the bible 'must' be true, despite the fact that you literally have to forgo logic and reason to arrive at that conclusion. He used to agree when I would say "Listen- we all have our believes, but at the end of the day none of us KNOW. Just be a good person" But then he began saying he did know that he was right. Being a good person doesn't 'save' you, you have to believe in him etc. Things were beginning to get very frustrating.
Around this time, I was also attending a bible study with them thinking I might learn more about the history and symbolic meaning of the text. NOPE. The time was spent with everyone trying to convince each other (and themselves) that the bible is God's word. This made me the most uneasy out of everything, as the bible study had a cult-ish feel to it. I remember a particular time when a woman was talking about how she destroyed a statue of Buddha in her basement with a bat because she thought it was displeasing to God. Everyone in the room congratulated her with a job well done. Meanwhile, my mouth was left agape at how backwards and barbaric that act was.
Witnessing the psychology behind it was fascinating. People spoke at the bible study not really to share, but to get acceptance from other humans. My friend for instance, would not listen to what people were saying but think about what he wanted to say, what would sound good. And then he would come up with something, and keep raising his hand until he got an opportunity. Then while he was saying whatever it was, would have a huge smile on his face, and then he'd blush after he was done and look around the room for approval. It wasn't just him, it was everybody that behaved like that. Misfits that just want love and acceptance.
One night after bible study, Monica came home to our appartment with us and started celebrating the fact that she converted me and I'm now a follower of Christ. I was very afraid to tell the truth at this point, because I felt like if I didn't become a Christian my friends wouldn't love me the same (I was right). But at the time I was naiive and believed Nick would always be my 'brother' best friend' etc. so I told the truth, that while I believe a God may exist I still firmly believed the Bible was a man-mad concoction. She ended up telling me I was going to go to hell if I don't believe, no matter how good of a person I think I am. We had a 2 hour talk about it, and my best friend remained silent throughout most until the end when he began siding with her "If you actually believed in JESUS, then you would be a real CHRISTian... JESUS says this in verse bla bla" That was hard. I cried a lot that night. The next day, when it was just he and I, he said he didn't believe I was going to hell, that he'd be a horrible friend if he thought that. That made me feel much better, but he couldn't say that with her there?
The intolerance, inability to accept, refusal to listen to reason, and fright of leaving their Christian bubble just got worse. Monica stopped talking to me, Nick said I was right that she is purposefully withdrawing from me as a friend but wouldn't tell me why. I can only assume it's because I still have a slight ability to keep Nick out of the Christian bubble, and because she wasn't able to get me to abandon what makes me me at my core as she did with him.
Soon after, Nick tells me we can't be roommates because I'm not Christian enough...He needs to find someone he can pray with all day, not just before meals, and read the bible with constantly. It's all an ego thing... "I believe in this, so I MUST be right, those who don't agree with me are lesser". It's how wars start, it is what is wrong with the world. I was devastated but still foolishly tried to believe I was his best friend.
We were fighting a lot. But things finally got bettered when he apologized, and said his judgement of me was not 'Christ-Like' but that he still didn't want tot renew the lease. Whatever I thought, it sucks but atleast we'd still have eachother in our lives. We decided to spend a 'bro' day together the next day after work...This was the end. On our way back from the gym, he decided he missed Monica (Even though he saw her every day) and made plans to hang out with her that night. I was really hurt because he knew I was in a vulnrable place with all of the religious stuff and he was being such a shitty friend. He felt really bad and said it was a stupid move, that he was sorry and he felt like a dick. I said it's allright. Before he left we bought tickets for the three of us to go visit Nicks family in CA, something we were planning for months.
He goes to see Monica...He avoids me the next day...Two days later he said he felt very uncomfortable with the trip, that he wants to cancel and is moving out immediately. Because according to him and Monica, I manipulated him into buying the plane tickets. Even though it was HIS idea, and HE was the one who kept saying things like "I can't wait to see your face when you see the redwood forest, I can't wait to show you this restaurant, etc. etc." I don't remember ever feeling that level of pain in my life. I drove to my moms and sobbed like I hadn't since my brother died. We had so many good times together. We never feared to tell the other what they meant to us, "You're my best friend" "I love you" "You're the brother I never had". We had the deepest conversations, we knew everything about eachother. It was the most fulfilling friendship I've ever experienced. And he just walked out of my life.
He's tried to apologize since, but it will never be like it used to be. He uses words to say the right thing, but he never means this. His words are bullshit, it's his actions that show his true intentions. If he really was sorry, and really wanted to rectify things he would have asked me to be in his wedding party. I got shivers going to his wedding, because the whole thing was held in that culty church. It was really hard not being in the wedding, even though in hindsight I realize he's a shitty person and my life is better off without him. But my current best friend (who is not religious) was his best man (another long story, but the three of us were like the three amigos). That was hard, I really wanted to be a part of that like he asked me to be.
That is my experience with Christianity. It has left me very bitter towards religion. It has taken my best friend and my roommate away. It has devastated me. I will no longer be going to church, but I will continue to live as I always have, believing that you should do unto others as you would have others do unto you. The Christians I've met have all seemed to miss that part.
TL;DR -Submerged myself in a Christian church with best friend and his new, always Christian gf this past year. I don't believe bible was divinely inspired. She does, so by association he does, which has lead to the downfall of our friendship because of her inability to accept people for who they are, and his insecurity of losing her.
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mindaftermidnight · 7 years
The Thing About Me and Love
Let me just start off by saying that this post is supposed to tell all there is about my love life and I’m going into this post with an idea of what I want to write about but still not sure if I’m going to post it. I’m just going to tell it and if at the end I decide to post it, then there it is; all out in the open. Obviously, if you’re reading this, I’ve posted it. So here ya go, the truth behind everything. I know I’ve written about the many stories I’ve had about my love life, but not really my whole mindset behind it. What sparked me to finally write about it? Well..
It started about a couple of weeks ago. My friend who I haven’t seen in awhile was back in town visiting. Him and I are very close buddies; he’s had my back since H.S, all that close stuff. I talked to him about his divorce, gave him advice, the usual. It was when he looked at me and said..
“I need to ask you a question..” “What’s that?” “Why are you single?” “Haha, we’ve gone over this millions of times. BITCHES AIN’T TRUSTWORTHY!” “George, no more jokes. I’m serious. Why are you single?” “You know me bro. It’s my choice.” “Yea no shit it’s your choice. You’ve got game, I’ve seen you talk to girls. I see girls all over your Social Medias. You’re smooth. You’re a good looking guy. You’re funny. People love you. And we all know you can get a girlfriend just like THAT if you want to. You know HELLA shit about relationships. People always come to you for advice, even though you’re single. I know it’s your choice. I’m asking, WHY.” ______________________
When I was 17, I met this girl. Her name was Ashley. My friends and I were playing video games at one of their houses when she walked in. I took one look at her and automatically had the biggest crush on her. I don't know if it was the light hitting her in the perfect way or what the hell it was, but she walked in through that doorway.. and, fuck it's going to sound so corny but I really felt the same way people in t.v shows talk about, when they say everyone else in the room disappears lol. We were LAN’ing at the time (for those that don’t know, LAN’ing is a bunch of dudes play the same video game versus each other, but we’re all in separate rooms) and Ashley and her friend happened to be in the room I was playing in. I was cracking jokes, she was laughing. Then after the video games, we were all just hanging around, her and I were choppin it up. I ended up getting her AIM and Myspace, added her that night, and then we began talking every now and then.
Before Ashley, I had NO experience with girls. Never talked to my crushes, no experience flirting, never tried to date anyone, nothing. But when it came to Ashley, I was never shy. Never shy to hit her up on AIM, to text her, and I never hesitated to call. I know some guys will stare at their phone and get nervous, only to end up putting their phone down and not making that call. When it came to her, for me it was instant. Everything coming from me from my words to my actions were all natural, humble, and genuine. I constantly complimented her, I guess you can call it flirting, but I was honestly just telling the truth. I don't know how or when it happened, but we eventually got into that talking stage. Cupcaking on the phone every night, me visiting her school, sneaking off to meet up with each other, all of that. And then a few weeks later, I asked her to be my girlfriend. It was funny because when I decided I wanted to make it official, I was with, at the time by best friend, Mark. And he said "Ok, let's go." And I said "Where?" And he said "We're going to Ashley's house, and you're going to ask her." Now remember I said, when it came to her, I had no nerves, everything felt natural, it felt.. right. So I said "Let's go." We get to her house, she comes outside, we're talking for a bit, and for some reason, THAT'S when the nerves hit. And she can tell what I was trying to say, and she was trying to avoid the question, because she was nervous too, and that made me nervous. But I thought she was avoiding the question because she didn't want to be with me. And that made me feel unwanted, so I gave up. I didn't want to ask and be rejected, I took it as "Get the hint" and I never ended up asking her. I got home, all sad, and that's when she called me. She said "You were trying to ask me to be your girlfriend, weren't you?" And I said "Yea" and she said "I'm so sorry that I was avoiding the question, but I actually do want to be with you." And I said "Really?" And she's like "Yea I really do" so I said "Ok let's do this right. Ashley, will you be my girlfriend?" And on March 5th, 2007, we made it official.
Things were going good and before I knew it, I was in love. We kept at it, talking every night, sneaking off, ditching school to be with each other. Lost our virginities to each other. She was my first everything. But this relationship showed me the kind of person I am when I fall for a girl, and that's a jealous type. It started because one of her exes was trying to win her back. Flirting with her on her Myspace. Asking her to go and hang out with him and his friends. I trusted her, I didn't trust him. But, they were good friends even before me and before they ever dated, so I let shit slide. But eventually, as in all relationships, fights started happening. Some fights were over some dumb shit, and my fault. I was always the one starting fights. Just being stupid in general. We had mini-break ups, but always got back together. It wasn't until she had spent the night with that same friend and his friends at his house one night, and shared a bed with him. He posted pictures of them sharing a blanket and shit. Like I said, hanging out with each other, I didn't mind, but this was too far. We got in one big fight, and I broke up with her. After ignoring each other for a bit and me going to get her back, it was too late. She had already moved on to somebody completely new. We tried to remain friends, but I couldn't do it. I kept trying to get her back, but she was completely over me already. That hearbreak sent me down a long spiral. That girl, man, she was my definition of perfect. She was cute, pretty, funny, did all the cuddly gf shit you see in t.v shows, everything. I had it, the perfect girlfriend, right in front of me. And she was into me just as much as I was into her. I couldn't ask for anything more. But, my dumbass let is slip away. That heartbreak broke me for quite a few years, not going to lie. I didn't want anybody else. In that healing process I took on many things; joined a church group, started a dance team, etc. Things that took my mind off girls and not even searching for a relationship like everyone else around me, but more so just enjoying life, and the people in it. Relationships were the last thing on my mind. Did I get crushes? Of course. But I never found myself actually LIKING somebody. I was too picky. I compared everyone to Ashley, and of course, no one matched up. A few years down the road I met another girl, her name was Mye. Her and I were aquaintances for I think a year? She was in one of the church groups I found myself in. And our friendship grew as we started talking more through social. It actually started because she went on Facebook and asked for somebody to give her a wake up call the next morning. I was joking and said "Give me your phone number, I'll do it" and she followed through, and that's how I got her number and then the texting happened lol. Pretty soon the texting became more constant, to eventually every day. We got really close. So close that if we didn't speak to each other for a whole day, we felt off. We had this connection, that I haven't felt with anybody, not even my first gf. It was type of connection where I would wake up and feel off. Couldn't explain it, I just felt off. Only to find out she was sad because of something that happened. And vice versa. Without even telling each other, we can tell when one of us had a bad day or something. I developed a little crush on her, sure, but nothing more than that. But eventually I found myself doing things like surprising her at work with food, and flowers at one point. Not to win her over, no. But because she was feeling sad that day, and I wanted to make her smile. Mye was in my life the year my sister passed away and Mye was my comfort blanket. She was who I confided in, cried to, hung out with when I was feeling down. And most importantly, we prayed with each other. We kept each other spiritually grounded, and made sure neither of us strayed too far away from God. And it was because of all of that, I admitted to myself "Ok, you actually LIKE her." She was always around, got to know some of my family. Some family members and friends were just waiting for her and I to get together. I just didn't know how. So I went to my older brother for advice and he gave me all the advice in the world. Thing is, Mye wasn't into me like that. How did I know? She was asking my advice for other guys entering her life. Guys who ended up not working out. Fast forward to a night where her and I and a couple of my friends went out to a club. She got really drunk and I ended up taking her back to my place so sleep. Her phone went off, I looked at it, and it was my brother. Now, Mye was a singer, my brother a poet. And over the past weeks they've been talking about collabing. This text wasn't about that. I opened up her phone and read the conversation and it was on some flirtatious shit. Calling each other "babe" shit. "I can't wait to see you" shit. Asking for nudes shit. I lost my damn mind. My own brother going behind my back and flirting with the girl he was giving me advice for. Also, my MARRIED brother. Yea, some shit, right? I fought with her, I fought with him, cut her off and didn't speak to my brother for a while. I prayed, hard.. and I was so in tune with God at the time, I found it in my heart to forgive them. Still didn't talk to them though. So there I was. I finally decided to open my heart for someone and let them in and maybe start another relationship, and then this happens. I was done. Didn't like relationships, didn't want one, just wanted nothing to do with them. Over the next few years, I met a few girls and the same process happened with each one. We'd talk everyday, hang out all the time, and then eventually they ended up liking someone else. I was basically getting friendzoned over and over again. Did I mind? Nah. Because getting with them wasn't any intention of mine. Remember, I didn't want a relationship. Even the girls that did end up liking me, I "ran away", or Friendzoned them. That's why people/friends/family have seen me with some girl at some point in time, but then they fade away and when they ask me about it I just say "We were just friends". Fast forward a few years later. I go to a birthday dinner for a friend. And I get there and I notice I'm the only one dressed up. Now the birthday girl told everyone to dress up, so of course I wore a suit. Apparently, that got cancelled and everyone else was dressed casual. Except for one other girl. Her name, was Aly. And she was sitting there in a nice black dress, nude heels, just lookin hella fine lol. We gave each other a high five for being the only ones dressed up, I sat across from her, and she sat.. next to her boyfriend, lol. But during the dinner, I was cracking jokes, she was laughing, to a point where her and I were in our own little world having our own conversations with each other, mostly about How I Met Your Mother. That night we added each other on Instagram and a few days later I slid in her DM's and that led to texting. Btw, between the night of dinner to when we started texting, her and her bf broke up lol. Again, the same process was happening. Talking to each other every day, texting non-stop, hanging out when we can. The only thing was, she was on and off with one of her exes (An ex before the bf I saw her with that night). So I was helping her with that. I wasn't trying to get with her because I thought she was too hooked on her ex. Thought she was trying to fix things, so I didn’t want to step in the way. That is until one day, out of nowhere, she posted some other guy, kissing her on her cheek. I NEVER knew about this guy. Which is crazy, because like I said, we talked EVERY day, about EVERYTHING. You would think I would have known SOMETHING about him, but nope. And when I asked about him she said it was a guy in her class she started talking to and dating. Apparently they've been meeting up to study and it kicked off from there. Blew my fuckin mind. This whole time I didn't know she was over her ex already. And if she was, I thought I was the first in line, given the fact we were talking literally every day. Well, her and that guy didn't last long, and when that ended I thought, "Now's your chance". And I kept at it. Hanging out with her, talking to her every day, surprising her with stuff. Basically every single thing except the one thing I should have done, tell her how I feel. Before I knew it, she was talking to someone else. I know, fuck me right. This happened quite a few times, actually, with a few guys. See, she's the type who likes attention. And she's pretty, so guys like her, and give her that attention, including me. And she gave all those guys a chance. Yet, when it came to me, I was always left in the dark. I got friendzoned, again. But this shouldn't bother me, right? I mean it's happened multiple times and I never cared, so why did I care with her? It's because in those months we got to know each other, we REALLY got to know each other. We've had so many heart to heart conversations about life, love, the universe, any and everything you can think of. Things I never talked with other girls about. I vibed with her in a way I never vibed with anyone else. So yea, getting friendzoned by her did matter to me. This went on until she met the guy she's still with currently and I remained the friend. Now, I put my feelings aside because I didn't want to lose her as a friend. I didn't want to lose that vibe, that connection. We still talk til this day. Not as often, but we do. Do I still have feelings for her? Somewhat. But do I ever think I can date her? Idk. Because being one of her closest friends, I know of a lot of shady shit she’s done behind her bf’s back that I would lose my fuckin mind if she did that to me lol. She hides a lot of things. She doesn’t lie necessarily (well I mean, she has, a few times actually lol) but she just doesn’t tell the whole story, or keeps details out, if that makes sense. I just feel like if we were in a relationship, I’d always be second guessing her or worrying about something she’s doing or not telling me. It wouldn’t be healthy, let’s put it that way. If anything I would just want to be with her just to see how it would turn out, even though I have a feeling I know how it would turn out lol. Because of those 3 major encounters I've had with love and it not working out; 1 with heartbreak, 1 with betrayal, and one with falling for someone else, my mindset on love is twisted. See in my experience, I have never been good enough for the ones I wanted to be good enough for. I was always over looked, or "put in the friendzone" as others might say. So it's come to the point where I stopped trying to be good enough for somebody. I stopped "chasing". I stopped putting in effort, because in my experience, it all ended the same. I gave what I could, but they ended up falling for another. When it comes to love, I feel like people don't know what they want anymore. Some just want a relationship just to be in one. To be like the rest. To post pictures of, to show off, or just so they won't be lonely at night. It's become the norm to have a side person. Nobody is loyal anymore. I HATE the thought of being cheated on. Not only that, I FEAR that thought. In my experience, there was ALWAYS someone else. I was never the only guy a girl was talking to. I was never any of their first choices. My love life centers around wanting those that don't want me, and not wanting those that do. I don't ask for much, my standards aren't high. I just want somebody loyal and who's just as much into me as I am into them. Someone I can build with, to learn from, and who can learn from me. Someone who doesn't NEED a relationship, who doesn't need me to complete them. Someone who will get rid of that fear of being cheated on. See because of my past experiences, it's very hard for me to trust someone. I have my guard up very, very high. And I want someone who will turn my perception of relationships around, without even trying. But do I go out looking for it? No. I've taught myself to just live my life, just like I'm doing right now. With the belief that when the time is right, it'll happen. And just when I think it's going to happen, it all ends the same. The same as the past ones. There are times where I do have a crush on someone, and we start talking, then down the road, I back off. And honestly, most of the time, it's just because I simply lose interest. I think what does it for me is, I've been through some shit, love wise. I've experienced a lot, and I've learned a lot. And I told myself, the next girl I date, will be the one. So I want to make ABSOLUTELY sure it's the right one. And when I meet someone, and when we do get closer, there's a little voice in my head that goes "Is it really her? All the shit you've learned and been through, are you sure it all leads up to.. HER?" And the answer is always no. It's like if you've spent your whole life saving up money; you've worked dirty ass jobs for it, worked hard for it, you want to make sure it goes the right place. But in your mind, nothing is worthy of all this hard earned money you saved up. So like I said, it's my choice. Not to go out looking for a relationship, but keeping my options open. Until the day someone steps in, and I feel is worth it. I want to feel the same butterflies I felt when I first laid eyes on Ashley. I want to connect with her the same way I spiritually connected with Mye. And I want to vibe the same way I vibed with Aly. I feel like those 3 different experiences are leading me up to feeling all of that within 1 person. And that's very hard for me to find. So in that sense, yes, I'm picky. But something like that can't be forced. It just has to come, naturally, like it did with those 3. And I guess I'm waiting on that. Part of me believes it's out there, but it's not something I'm like, waiting on. I'm kinda just living life, and if it happens, it happens, you know? I just feel like no one I've met thus far meets those standards. Who knows, maybe one day, lol. When it comes down to it, I know what I'm worth. And I know what I have to offer. And I know when or if I ever do find that someone, well that someone will be getting all of me. Every lesson I've learned, every advice ever given to me, all of it. They're going to get a man who's been through some shit, who's been heart broken, who's been depressed, who's hit rock bottom, but who has also healed  from it all, and now knows right from wrong. Who won't ever put someone through the same hurt he's experienced. Someone who's going to love and forgive unconditionally and will do his best to take care of their heart. Because I know damn well they've most likely been through some shit, too. So I'm going to show them, it's ok now. Everything is alright. There's no need to be scared anymore. We're done hurting, now let's make something healthy and beautiful. I'm just waiting on God to show me someone worth giving all of that to. Well fuck. There it is. The whole damn story. Wow, that felt kind of good. To actually tell it all. Can't believe I wrote all of that, but I'm glad I did. Something I can look back on and read one day. And if you personally read all of it, well, now you know the full me, when it come to love, that is lol. Hope you enjoyed! And thanks, for reading all of that. Really does mean a lot :)
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