aaaxaauyuyyuhh · 2 years
i know the babying tae young thing is bad but JESSE TUCKING HIM IN AND READING HIM A BEDTIME ST
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kokosnusslos · 4 months
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what a cutie
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saintobio · 3 months
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beatlesmenrock · 2 months
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That’s Not Paul…
a ‘Paul is Dead’ short comic by meee
some notes under the cut
i wanna preface by saying i don’t believe in the whole theory… i just like to indulge in it in an alternate universe sort of way ( not taking it seriously lol )
i realized drawing halfway in that i drew them in the sgt. pepper’s release day outfits ( which you can see here ) so it might not be accurate in terms of ‘replacing’ Paul ☠️
the boys’ speech bubbles are the color of their sgt. pepper’s uniforms ( hopefully it’s easy to read ! )
as for how i see the whole theory: i think george is suspicious of ‘Paul’ ( Billy ) and obvious doesn’t want to call him that or accept him. John’s just happy he has ‘Paul’ back with him but does has his moments where he gets paranoid about the situation. And Ringo’s just happy to be there HELP
i might make more stuff regarding the theory in the future just cause it’s fun but we’ll seeee thank you for listening
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dipperscavern · 2 months
okay but imagine how feral would cregan be once he sees you pregnant with his child, that man is jumping on you any chance he getssss
he already heavily desires you… like, all the time. but once his seed takes, and the maesters confirm you’re with child. WHEw. and once you start to show?? OH ITS WRAPS
oh and especially if you’re not from the north. especially if you were taught women were undesirable while pregnant. cregan would be sooo quick to shut it down omg
“I.. did not think-“
“Did not think I would desire you? That as you gave me life, I would leave you wanting?”
TEE HEE. OH OU OH AND IF. if you have the same mannerism as rhaenyra when it comes to resting a hand on your stomach out of habit.. oh that’s all it takes. he’s reminded of the babe he put in your stomach all over again, and his expression grows distant before deciding your presence isn’t necessary right now & escorting you to your chambers.
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crimescrimson · 2 months
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Leon S. Kennedy in Resident Evil 6 (2012)
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divinesolas · 3 months
ugh i bet jace is a sloppy kisser like he’s so WET
first thing i see after eating lunch okay !
but no joke he definitely is. At first it would probably stem from inexperience, but hes so eager to learn, more excited than anything. Then it just comes from his desperation, hes not the type of guy to just kiss anybody! hes kissing because he wants you, needs you even. he presses himself against you and his hands grip at anything just to be able to feel you feel your presence your skin your touch simply because he craves you so bad. he was made for soul crushing devotion i am convinced of this,,, and when you pull away there would a string of saliva keeping the two of you together but he does not even allow it to snap before hes kissing you again.
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hg-aneh · 1 year
Hi! I absolutely love all of your art and I’ve been fallowing you for awhile! There’s been some rumors that you ship Muriel x crowley?? Which I guess is an odd paring but nothing terrible wrong with, I was just curious if you do ship them.
Thank you for all your wonderful art <3
okay, i want to preface this by saying that I've already been harassed over this to the point of being called a lowkey pedophile and having every little move of mine scrutinized and misconstrued to sickening extents (this harassment spilled over to my partner too, and it was horrible)
so all anyone would do by doing this again would be repeating history, among other things that have to do with fucking up my already frail mental state
onto the meat
yes, I ship it
no, I do not see Muriel as a child, kid, teenager, or anything of the sort and I find it personally distasteful to think of doing so because infantilizing autistic traits rubs me the wrong way (p e r s o n a l l y)
you can do it if you want to, I have worse things to worry about than a random person on the internet thinking something of a fictional character, just don't try to push your headcanon onto me just because you perceive it that way or because it's a popular dynamic that you find fun
adding onto this, i want to add that i will never and i mean fucking NEVER post anything related to that ship outside of the very specific private Xitter account i created for it
(and my personal facebook, on a friends only setting)
any Muriel & Crowley content outside of that account is all platonic and bla bla you get the gist. I can separate things, what a talent.
Now, I'm being overly paranoid and explaining myself to exhaustion over this for a very good reason and it's because last time someone found out about it ((yes we're going full circle to the beginning of this little bible)) they treated it as some sort of GOTCHA moment about me being a pedo ((and if you didn't know this already: I fucking despise children with my whole being, I'd rather be forcefed alligator shit for my whole life than be with one of those creatures for a single day))
It got to the point of that person making extremely hurtful videos about me and their little friend group comprised of goober eating toddlers joining in on the "Hater" train or whatever the hell that new cultural trend is called, as well
It was hell, that whole experience fucked me up BAD and i feel silly for saying this but it was genuinely traumatic! So- I apologize if I'm sounding confrontational here, anon, but like, this is the type of thing you have to do to keep yourself safe now, it's gone to that point and I'm in hysterics now because what the fuck
Lastly, I'd like to say this one other thing
Muriel is played by an adult actress, they are canonically the same age as Aziraphale and Crowley and are also an eldritch creature just like them
The fact that they're nice and bubbly and happen to have autistic traits doesn't suddenly make them a fetus. I have friends with the same personality type as them and I feel like it'd be dumb to treat them like zygotes knowing they're adults with body hair and debt
Again, if you see them as one, I'm literally no one to judge, I'm 1.49, you're better off taking judgement from a stupid lone penguin in the saharan desert.
But don't fuck with others for thinking otherwise, it's not a moral issue to disagree with a headcanon, please. 🥲
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usertoxicyaoi · 1 year
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“Why not make your relationship deeper?” THE EIGHTH SENSE (2023) - Episode 6.
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anintroverteddarling · 5 months
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Probably a favorite character of mine because to me, he brings some sort of himbo energy with a high ego ladskfmadfslkmdsaflkmb
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killy--chan · 1 year
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komoboko · 3 months
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𝐟𝐥𝐞𝐞𝐭𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐦𝐞𝐦𝐨𝐫𝐢𝐞𝐬
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Muichiro tokito x gn!reader ・can be read as platonic or romantic ・heavy angst ・muichiro lives in this scenario hurt no comfort ・major kny spoilers ・major character death
Am I a bundle of joy be honest
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The day of your death was something Muichiro didn’t think he would ever forget. Memorization was never his strong suit but he knew this would be something that would haunt him.
He never thought of the possibility of loosing you. He knew the mortality rate in the infinity castle was low, even lower when it came to putting yourself on the front line. He just never thought that you would fall along with the many other slayers that loss their lives that same night. He never thought about coming back home alone, how you wouldn’t be making the journey back to see everybody along with him.
His mind is burnt with the image of your body mutilated, blood poured out of you. There was so much blood, to much where anybody would know you were beyond saving. Uppermoon 1, his ancestor had finally crumbled into dust but at what cost? The cost of you being left to rot on the floor until the castle would crumble and destroy itself underneath its own weight? Why did you have to suffer? Why did you have to leave him behind?
7 days. It’s been 7 days since you died and Muichiro struggles, moving slowly through the stages of grief.
It’s difficult for him to look into any photos that included you. His grief that morphed into anger that he expressed alone in the defeating silence of your room. It hurts him to be in there, the memories of you and your presence weigh him down. He doesn’t want to accept the fact you would never return. That your body would never find peace as it was crumbled and turned to ash. That you had to leave him alone on this earth. It hurt him alot it was difficult for him to handle so much grief. It reminded him of the detain of his brother, a memory he didn’t want to remember either.
Death was something that seemed to follow him. His blood flowed with the remains of the Tsugikuni family lineage. A bloodline that was considered some sort of curse, a force of evil and failure for 500 years. Muichiro only lingers in your room, standing in the middle of the room while his eyes face down on the floor. He didn’t want to look up, be met with photos where your eyes were filled with so much light. He couldn’t find it in him to look at your face, the memory of your body still so fresh inside of his mind. It hurt, a pain he didn’t want to bare.
1 month. It’s been a month since the final night before demons were vanquished. It’s then when muichiro memory problem begins to fail him.
When he looks at flowers his chest stings but he doesn’t know why. He walks past places that feel so familiar to him but he can’t remember why it hurts to be around there. Details about you that used to come to him like second nature slowly seep from his mind. He knows your name, your face, your occupation, your birthday, your death date but after that he doesn’t seem to remember anymore. He knows you but knowing you to such a personal level slowly starts to decline.
Your room is still left untouched despite all of this. Your haori that you left on the bed before you went to the infinity castle still lays there untouched. Everything in place how you left it like you would come back and fix it. It hurts him still to walk in there. A burden in his shoulders, one that he doesn’t know how to get rid of. Death was a heavy weight he’s always has had to carry and he wishes he never had to in the first place.
3 months. Things seem to get worse, Muichiro now begins to question even more about things in his own home.
Your room is some place where he’s filmed with less pain and now more confusion. He looks at the things left inside of your room and wonders why they were there. He stares at pictures of you left in there, he knows who’s in the picture yet he doesn’t know why he has it. He knows it’s you, he remembers you but why were you in his home? Why was there a portrait of you and him together that was left on the counter. Why was there a picture of you left on his bedside table.
He knows he couldn’t forget you, he mustn’t but he doesn’t know why. He doesn’t know why you play such a signifiant part in the space taken up in his estate. He doesn’t know why you take up such an important place in his heart. Why it hurts so much to see you, even if you look so happy in the picture he has right next to his bed. Why does somebody make him feel so much pain even if he has yet to see them in so long?
6 months. 6 months has gone by since the final battle and muichiro has changed.
Tanjiro who was fully healed now, took the liberty to go and visit muichiro once again. He’s sent him letters in the mail multiple times in the past but it’s always good to see people in person. Tanjiro was happy to see Muichiro outside of his estate, taking up on his request to go out and grab something to eat. Maybe visit some of the now retired hashira’s along the way.
The boy went to muichiro estate to start their trip. He waited by the door for a minute but it wasn’t long for Muichiro to come and open it. He smiled greeting the long haired boy before taking the liberty to step inside. His eyes follow around to see some things have changed. Furniture has moved around and there was boxes near by the door, what tanjiro had assumed was things he planned to get rid off.
His eyes fall onto one box that catches his attention. He strolls over before leaning down to grab a picture that was left on top of the box. Blowing off the dust that covered the photo he found a picture of you. A smile fell on Tanjiro’s face before he turns to muichiro pointing towards the photo. “They were always such a lovely person weren’t they?” Tanjiro says looking down at the photo catching Muichiro’s attention.
Muichiro only stares at the photo in Tanjiro’s hand. His face blank, a usual expression to be seen on his face. Muichiro stays quiet for a moment before opening his mouth, he only had one thing to say.
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u thought ppl saying "yeah 13 is just too nice for me" was wild. u just weren't ready for "yeah 15 is just too stable for me :/// he's too healthy!!"
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sticcmann · 2 years
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family portrait
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junkartie · 9 months
I need to know how Taylor Swift brainwashed so many people into forgetting shes just some billionaire asshole who produces literally 100+ Tons of Co2 emissions every few months. “Eat the rich” girl that applies to your glorified horse-girl too, not just ugly old men. It’s insane. My sisters friend literally has a Taylor Swift Shrine and ritualistically goes to read little notes shes written from her songs for good luck. Yknow what maybe the celebrities are putting rituals into their songs bcz what the helll
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starbanmk · 6 months
thinking about academic rivals to lovers boat boys but its just. you know. etho being really smart and joel being all like "get a loadda this guy."
to the point where they're genuinely obsessed with eachother (under the guise of rivalry) to the point that their mutual friends are like "guh we should get them together or smth... or. mess with them >:3"
so their mutual friends (namely bdubs, impulse, pearl, grian, etc.) begin to do dumb things like leaving faux mocking love letters in Joel and Ethos's lockers' under the other's name, writing their names in eachother's notebooks surrounded by hearts, teasingly mentioning "oh, Etho/Joel has been talking about you" and things of the like
genuinely drives Etho and Joel crazy but they're also like "ohmygod hes been. talking about me—"
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