kelin-is-writing · 2 months
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Dabi looks so done with Endeavor and honestly same hubby, same 😭💜
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thicctails · 7 months
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"Viva la Viva, baby!"
So guess who watched Trolls 3 today~
Ngl, based on the trailers I had really low expectations for this movie, and it was really only after watching some TikToks with the villain song in them that I decided to give it a chance, and I'm so glad I did. 3 is by far my favourite of the entire series. Was not expecting to love Viva, but she was fantastic and I wish we had more screen time with her!
While I'm not entirely sure how I will/would integrate her into the Rough and Fluff AU, I decided to make a design for her anyways, complete with some little headcanons/additions. (Click the image for better quality)
More spoilery/AU discussions and 4th movie predictions below!
Okay okay, movie discussion first:
-I fucking LOVE the Putt Putt Trolls. Its so satisfying seeing how the trauma from the bergens being more fleshed out, and it makes perfect sense that they are as fearful as they are. I'm actually surprised there wasn't more pushback when Viva stopped them from executing Bridget and Gristle.
-(How did they escape actually? The tunnels collapsed, but were there other tunnels? Or did they have a different way out? How did so many, including the eldest heir to the throne, get left behind? Why did Peppy not get BOTH his daughter's immediately?)
-On the topic of Viva; notice how her ears are lower/sharper than Poppy's? I think that's typically a more masculine trait (not 100% bc we see some male trolls with softer/rounder ears) so uh yeah MTF Viva real suck my entire nards
-Fuck King Peppy. This guy gets worse every movie. He is the Dumbledoor/Sensi Wu of Trolls. Mans cannot just give Poppy relevant information to save his LIFE. I can understand not telling Poppy immediately, the grief of loosing his eldest daughter would understandably make that hard, but its been over 20 years now, and she deserved to know.
-Also, fuck most of Branch's brothers! I'm glad JD went back eventually (when exactly he did isn't clear, but sometime between the night of the escape and the first movie) but if he assumed Branch had died, why not try and contact his other siblings to tell them? Clay I can kinda understand with him not wanting to venture out beyond the mini golf area and leave the trolls he was helping to protect, but the rest of them? Not one of them tried to go back for their baby brother? Not even Floyd? When Trollstice was a thing?? Branch shoulda thrown hands fr.
-Rhonda the armadillo bus thing was hella cute and I want a plushie.
-I. Do not really like Crimp
-Velvet and Veneer slayed sooooooo hard. I hope Veneer makes a comeback.
-I also hope we see more of the other troll tribes again.
-The music for this movie was absolutely fire and I NEED a full cover of Sweet Dreams
-I wish the Grandma's death was touched on more than once for like .5 seconds. Like, come on guys, your brother just revealed a major trauma, and that your GRANDMA died!! For christ sake, maybe go apologize for fighting?? maybe go comfort him????
Movie numero 4 predictions:
-Broppy marriage. Branch fr said "Lets get married" by accident HES THINKING ABOUT IT
-Either Poppy/Viva get their mom back, or Branch gets one/both of his parents. Dreamworks will pull some bullshit out of their ass and say that uhm actually they escaped like years before the others did and have been, idk, trapped in the shadow realm or something.
-We see Chef/Creek again. Creek redemption ark would go crazy hard IF DONE RIGHT and I want to see that fear of some monster trying to eat all your friends come back again
-Broppy kid reveal at the end of the movie. Unbelievable amounts of Plush Toy Marketing and terrible spin offs ensue.
-I just want to see more Trollstice era stuff plz dreamworks
-We get a Sound of Silence reprise
-Branch/his brothers are revealed to be a hybrid/some kind of special troll. I am TELLING YOU this guy adapted to different kinds of music like it was NOTHING, something Poppy and the others struggled with. Hes got something in him I SWEAR
-Tiny diamond is, once again, part of the main supporting characters
Au shiz:
-If Viva IS put in, its going to most likely be during the sequel. Peppy is already going to be dragged through the mud, might have him mention something about a lost sibling near the end of the OG fic, and since the Pop trolls will be looking for a new home, maybe they'll run into her
-Branch's brothers will not be making an appearance. They simply dont fit into the narrative. I may do an alternate au with them included but who knows.
-Mildly considering making Tiny Diamond a Greek kid. (Guy x Creek) would make for some interesting angst.
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cryingabtab · 10 months
Save Me A Spark (Part 12)
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Warnings: Angst, fidgeting, vomit, anger, meltdown, crying
Pairing: Austin Butler x Cassie Hale (OC)
Word Count: 1.3k
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“And all I loved, I loved alone.” ~ Edgar Allan Poe
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Cassie couldn’t shake the feeling that something was wrong. Austin had been in LA for a week. The first 2 days he’d been there he had been texting her nonstop, they even facetimed when he had the chance. But the last 3 days she had heard little to nothing. At first she figured he was just busy. He had a lot of award promos to take care of. That had to be why he wasn’t saying anything. She didn’t want to assume that it was anything else. She’d been the crazy girlfriend before and she was trying to change that. She knew that Austin was busy and that he deserved all of the success that was coming to him. 
At least that’s what she had thought until the previous night. She got this horrible gut feeling. Her heart rate wouldn’t slow, she felt so anxious. That brought her to being halfway through one of her comfort movies, King Creole, and on her 4th bowl of cereal at 8 in the morning. 
Her cereal was starting to get soggy as she anxiously picked at her nails and cuticles, causing her fingers to start bleeding. “Fuck.” She muttered under her breath as she set her bowl of soggy cereal on the coffee table before getting up and going to the bathroom to wash her hands. As she began to wash her hands she looked up in the mirror and she frowned. She looked just as tired and anxious as she felt. The dark circles under her eyes, the droopiness of her eyelids, and the paler than normal hue to her skin made her groan. As she went to dry her hands, she heard her phone ringing in the other room. Before she could get her hands completely dry, she was running to her phone, hoping that it was Austin but knowing in her heart that it wasn’t. 
She sighed as she saw the caller I.D. Just Hazel. She plopped down on the couch as she answered the call. “Hello?” she mumbled tiredly. 
“Cass? A-Are you okay? I saw the pictures just now and I wanted to just check on you because I know-“ Cassie cut off Hazel’s out-of-character fast paced rambling as her stomach dropped and began to turn. 
“Hazel…Hazel! What pictures?” she asked, trying not to let her voice give away her anxiousness. 
Hazel sighed before clearing her throat, “Hold on..” She said sadly before sending her the pictures, “Okay check your messages.” 
Cassie put the phone on speaker before going to her messages, gasping as she opened the pictures. What she saw was enough to shatter her entire soul. It was recent pictures of Austin with a known ex girlfriend of his. In the first picture they were holding hands, fingers intertwined. In the second picture, he had his arms around her. In the third, their lips were locked in a passionate kiss. 
“I-I..” Cassie sputtered, her stomach turning more sour by the second as tears sprung to her eyes.
“I'm so sorry Cassie…” Hazel’s frown was evident in her voice.
“I-I gotta go.” Cassie hung up the phone and threw it on the couch, immediately running to the bathroom. She just barely made it onto the floor in front of the toilet before violently emptying the contents of her stomach. Burning hot tears streamed down her face as she sat on the icy bathroom floor. 
Once she knew her stomach was empty, a fit of rage hit her like a second wind. She stood up and wiped her face before stomping into her living room. She let out a blood curdling scream before flipping her coffee table. The bowl of cereal flew off of it, milk and soggy bits of sugary oats went airborne as the ceramic bowl shattered into a million pieces on the dark laminate floor. The coffee table hit the floor on its side with a deafening thud. 
Her throat burned from the combination of the bile and the shredding of her vocal chords. All it did was anger her further. She marched over to where she had thrown her phone down on the couch. The first thing she saw upon unlocking it were those fucking pictures, taunting and laughing at her. Tears welled up in her eyes once more, running down her face, hot and thick like blood. With a deep, guttural roar she hurled her phone at the wall. She sunk down onto the couch and curled into a ball, heaving heavy sobs and broken whimpers into the cushions as she began to hyperventilate. 
How could he? 
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Cassie wasn’t sure how long she had been crying. The next thing she knew, the door to her apartment flew open. She didn’t even flinch. She was secretly praying that it was a murderer coming to torture her until she couldn’t hold on anymore. That would’ve been less painful than what she was feeling. However, a gentle call of her name and a chorus of careful footsteps told her otherwise. 
“Cass?” Hazel called as she approached the sound of the heart wrenching sobs that wracked Cassie’s body, with Rory and Ash close behind her. 
When Cassie didn’t answer, they quickly made their way into the living room. Upon seeing the aftermath of Cassie’s outburst, Ash immediately grabbed the vacuum to clean it up, while Hazel and Rory carefully approached the couch. 
“Cassie?” Rory whispered, “Can you talk to me?” She kneeled down in front of Cassie, reaching a hand out to stroke her hair. 
Cassie shook her head slowly. She squinted her eyes shut even tighter than they previously were as it felt like her brain was rattling roughly against her skull. A deafening, choked sob filled the room as Cassie’s entire body shook once again. Her chest hurt, her head hurt, her eyes burned, and worst of all, her heart was shattered. 
Hazel sighed and kneeled next to Rory. “Can you at least tell us what happened here? Did you have a meltdown?” she asked softly. 
Cassie simply nodded and hugged herself tighter, her breathing short and shallow, a hiccup sounding every few breaths. 
Hazel looked at Rory, “I’m gonna help Ash clean up. You got her?”
Rory nodded in response and forced Cassie to sit up as Hazel helped Ash. Rory wrapped her arms tightly around Cassie, rocking her back and forth gently and rubbed her back as she sobbed into her shoulder. 
Soon enough, the apartment was clean and Cassie had stopped crying. Ash had grabbed Cassie’s phone that she’d thrown across the room, shocked that it somehow hadn’t shattered, and wiped the pictures from her messages so she wouldn’t have to see them on her phone. Hazel had packed a bag so that Cassie could stay with one of them; they all knew that it was bad for her to be alone. 
Cassie had fallen asleep after calming down. Her face was red, puffy, and wet. Her expression was turned into a deep frown even as she slept. They hadn’t seen her like this in years, and it was heartbreaking. 
Ash decided to continue to go through Cassie’s phone. Then, she looked at Rory and Hazel. “I’m getting to the bottom of this,” she grumbled, “Starting with contacting him my damn self.” 
“I would usually try to be the voice of reason,” Hazel began. “But I'm on board. Get his number out of her phone.”
Rory was silent for once, scowling into space. All she could see was red. She knew if she opened her mouth, she would lose it. Cassie was her best friend, practically her sister, and for someone to play her and break her like that - Austin was going to get what was coming to him. 
Rory took a deep breath before composing herself enough to speak, “Do not let me speak to him. Do not let me anywhere near him. I will get violent and I will go to jail.”
It was then settled. While Cassie was down for the count, they would get to the bottom of this. They would take care of it. And they would take care of Cassie. 
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tag list: @burninlovebutler @elvisnuts @samfangirls @18lkpeters @slowsweetlove
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xoxo-teddybear · 3 years
Birthday Bummer - Bakugou Katsuki
Bakugou x f!reader
Warnings: Angst, Cursing, Fluff, cheating accusations, jealous Katsuki
Summary: You love your boyfriend! You do! And he loves you! However he’s always busy. You understand being a pro can be very occupational but when he does have days off, he spends them either training to doing some paper work. Doing everything he can to get ahead, and you of course support him! But sometimes you miss him and sometimes he misses..a lot
“Oh? You’re not gonna be able to make it again?” You said with sadness laced in your voice. The phone in your hand felt like led in your shaking palm as you spoke to your boyfriend.
“Yeah. I’m so sorry Teddy Bear. Endeavor won’t let me off especially with all the damaged I caused during our last battle.” He explained. Your lip began to quiver but you bit it to hide your expression.
“It’s fine, Suki. Really. I understand, you’re a hero and you’re busy. Don’t worry about it, Love.” You said with a reassuring tone.
“Are you already at the restaurant?” He asked with worry.
“No, I didn’t even leave the house yet. I was still getting ready. I was actually gonna text you to tell you I was gonna be a little late, but..yeah.” You said. Bakugou sighed in sadness.
“I’m so sorry. I promise I’ll make it up to you baby.” Another empty promise. You licked your lips at his words and gave a disappointed sigh.
“Ok.�� You replied.
“I love you.” He sweetly said.
“I love you too.”
“Bye Y/N!” Kirishima said from the other side of the phone.
“Shitty Hair said ‘bye’” Bakugou said, relaying the message.
“Heh, bye Kiri.” You said and hung up. You placed the phone down on the table and bounced your leg up and down as you let your head rest in your hand.
Of course. Like usual, Katsuki blew you off again for work. It’s not like it’s his fault but he never seems to turn his agency down. You understand that being a hero requires diligent work and good ethics but your boyfriend would always drop everything for work whenever, wherever. That includes you.
“Excuse me, Miss?”
You looked up to the man who was dressed in a clean suit with a white apron. “Would you like anything else?”
“Ha, I mean..unless you can get my date here, then just the check.” You joked. The kind waiter placed an understanding hand on your shoulder before placing down the bill. You sipped from your champagne glass and payed before grabbing your purse and walking out of the fancy restaurant. Maybe if your boyfriend were here, you would be getting in his car with him to go home, but instead, you were driving your own and sitting by yourself. You began your drive home to the empty house.
The usual. Katsuki blows you off for work, tries to make it up to you with something special, fails to show up for that, repeat cycle. This time..it was different though. It was supposed to be your special day. It was your birthday.
You hoped he would’ve remembered. I mean, it’s not like this was your first birthday with him. This was going to be your 4th birthday with him! And he forgot! And you would’ve let it slide had it not been for the fact that he had been blowing you off more and more for work. You understand he’s a pro and you get that with the sudden splurge of crime in Musutafu he’s been way busier but he didn’t even spare you a little “Happy Birthday, babe.”
As you pulled into the driveway, you looked at the doorway and saw an edible arrangement! Your eyes lit up as you ran out the car and went to examine the gift. Unfortunately, as you read the gift card, you saw it was from Mina and not Katsuki. You smiled nonetheless, appreciative of the gift.
You brought it in and enjoyed the sweet treats in the basket with a sad smile. You left it on the dining table along with all the other gifts. A beautiful set of rings, a new dress, a heart holding teddy bear, and a bouquet of roses from your father. You were always a daddy’s girl. You and your father were extremely close and only grew closer once you lost your mother. Growing up an only child, your father was your best friend. You loved him dearly. As you examined the flowers, you couldn’t help but notice his note that put a smile on your face.
Hello my Sweet Angel, Y/N. It’s been another year of you being in my life and I couldn’t be happier to have been blessed with you. I hope these roses will suffice but I know they pale in comparison to your beauty. I hope you enjoy this marvelous day and I’m sorry I couldn’t be there to spend it with you as we usually do. I love you Y/N
You called your father to thank him for the roses and to have a conversation with him. You hadn’t talked to many people today despite it being your birthday so talking to one of your favorite people should bring your mood to a better place.
“Alright, I should get going now. It’s pretty late and you need your rest.” You reminded your father.
“Of course dear. Have a nice night, goodnight sweetie.”
“Okay, goodnight Daddy!” You chirped.
You enjoyed speaking to your father and you definitely did feel your mood brighten until you noticed a text from Katsuki. You foolishly hoped it was a last minute birthday mention but of course you were wrong.
‘I’ll be home soon, princess. Mind getting dinner started? Thanks <3’
You could only sigh and feel your mood drop once more.
Afterwards, you chose to ignore his request and went to your shared bedroom. You stripped out of your gorgeous outfit and took off your makeup that you spent hours on. You hoped Katsuki would’ve gotten to see you all dolled up for your special day but things happen..you guess. You ran a hot bath for yourself and filled it with all types of scented bath salts, soaps, and flower petals. You lit a few candles and set them up all pretty around the tub and hopped in, relishing in the warmth that wrapped around you. All you wanted to do was forget about today.
Bakugou walked through the door exhausted from the day’s work. He took a shower at the agency and was all set and dressed in a comfy tee and a pair of sweats. He dropped his case at the door and walked in, expecting dinner for him on the island, but instead was met with a bunch of gifts. He stood shocked but chuckled to himself at the thought of you doing such a nice thing for him out of nowhere. He guesses that this was better than dinner.
He walked to the gifts and examined them. An edible arrangement that seemed to be eaten? Rings that were obviously for a woman? A dress? Okay, by now he realized that these gift must’ve been for you but for what? He continued to look through the gifts and noticed the lovey dovey Teddy Bear and bouquet. He grew a little irked at the gifts that one would deem romantic but what really sent it was the note. The words made his blood boil and when he saw the note was signed “Daddy,” he exploded.
“Is she…” as Bakugou thought about it, he came to the conclusion that you must’ve been cheating on him with some sugar daddy. The gifts, the dress, the rings, the note?! It gave him all the signs. In a raging fit, he took the basket and slammed it to the floor. He ripped apart the Teddy Bear, tossed the rings, singed the dress, and stomped on the beautiful roses. Finally, he made his way to search for you as he spoke to himself. “Oh that cheating fucking bitch.”
You were all set with your bath and had already dried your hair. You were dressed in your favorite silk set as you laid on the king sized bed. Suddenly, the door busted open and your boyfriend walked through the door, and he was pissed.
“Katsuki! The door!” You exclaimed before Bakugou made his way over to you.
“Am I not enough for you?!” He screamed. You looked at him in silent confusion and your pause urged him to continue. “What?! Do I not make enough money to your liking?! Well sorry if I can’t fucking spoil you! I just thought you would’ve appreciated my fucking efforts a little damn more considering you don’t have to work at all!”
“Katsuki, what the hell are you talking about?” You questioned, sitting up a little straighter.
“I’m talking about you fucking cheating on me! You think I wouldn’t notice all the fucking gifts you got for spreading your legs for some rich bastard?!” He asked and threw your gifted dress on your lap. You looked at it in shock as you ran your fingers across the singes. “Why don’t you take that fucking dress and the rest of your stupid gifts, and get the fuck out of this ho-“
Without letting him finish, you pushed his chest away and ran downstairs to the island. You set your eyes on the island and you stopped in your tracks, covering your open mouth with your hands in shock. Bakugou followed you down the stairs so he could see your reaction to having your gifts ruined, thinking it was exactly what you deserved for “cheating.”
“No, no, no!” You said an ran to the scattered gifts, trying to collect them as best as you could. Tears fell down your face as you looked at all the broken pieces in your hand. It wasn’t that you cared about receiving gifts, it was that these gifts were from people who cared enough to remember the day you came into this world. A day your own boyfriend couldn’t even remember this year. You found the crushed bouquet and held it against your chest. A gift from your dear father, ruined.
“What is wrong with you?” You tearfully asked the blonde behind you. You stood on your feet as he smirked at you with crossed arms and scoffed.
“What’s wrong with you? Fucking cheating on me with some sugar daddy?! And don’t even try to lie your way out of this shit, I read the fucking card.” He stated. You gawked at him in confusion and looked around as if he was crazy.
“The bouquet was from my father, Bakugou! Not my fucking sugar daddy! I don’t fucking have one, you prick!” Your words made Bakugou’s eyes pop as his arms uncrossed and slowly fell to his sides.
“W-What?” He asked.
“My father! The roses were from my father! The edible arrangement was from Mina, the rings were from Momo, the teddy bear was from Kirishima, and the dress was from Jirou! They gave me these gifts because it’s my birthday! Remember?!”
Bakugou immediately felt guilt build up in his chest. A little relief with that fact that you weren’t cheating, but immediate guilt for accusing you of doing so, telling you to leave, breaking your gifts, and forgetting your birthday.
“Y-Y/N I-“
“Save it Bakugou. You want me to leave so bad? Then I’ll go.” With that, you slammed the destroyed flowers into his chest and ran to the bedroom to change and pack a small bag with Bakugou following your trail.
“Y/N! No, wait!” He shouted and chased after you. Before he could grab hold of you, you made it into the room and slammed the door in his face before locking it. “Baby! C’mon, open the door! I’m sorry!”
“Leave me alone!” You said as you changed.
“No! Baby, I’m sorry. I’m sorry I forgot your birthday, I’m sorry I accused you of cheating, I’m sorry I ruined your special day. Please just let me in to fix this!” He begged. You finally opened the door with an angry look. “Baby! Thank go-“
“You can’t fix this, Bakugou!” You said with tears poking at the ends of your eyes. His heart began to ache when he noticed them and the bag you carried. Not only that but ever since you started calling him Bakugou again, he felt weak.
“Baby..it’s Katsuki.” He said trying to reach out for you but you snatched your hand away.
“Don’t call me that and as of right now, no it’s not!” You tried to walk away but Bakugou grabbed onto your waist to stop you.
“Y/N, stop, please. Look, you don’t have to go, just stay here and we can talk about this. Please we don’t even have to talk, just stay here. I’ll sleep in the guest room just don’t go, please.” He pleaded with soft tears. You bit your lip before calming down and speaking to him.
“Katsuki, I can’t be around you right now.” You said with a broken voice. “I just need some space…please.”
Katsuki still refused to let you go and so you stood there for what felt like forever. Eventually, you felt his hold weaken and so you pulled his arms off before walking away. Bakugou quietly followed you to the exit and before you left, Bakugou grabbed your wrist.
“I’m sorry. Please..let me fix this.” He said with tears running down his eyes. You froze before going in to make a move. You sighed and placed your hands on his face and wiped away his tears with your thumb. Bakugou took the opportunity to hold you in his arms once more as he leaned in to your touch. You pulled his face in and pecked his cheek before placing your hand on the knob once more.
“We’ll talk when I get back.” You softly said. You didn’t bother to see his response before you shut the door and got in your car to drive away.
Talk about a birthday bummer.
Tag list: @sxcker4you @aomi04 @tessabrown101
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daffodilsonnet · 3 years
ACOTAR Theories and Opinions
So, after going down the rabbit holes of various ACOTAR tags on this hellsite, I’ve decided to throw myself over a cliff, and posit some theories and opinions about the series and what we might see in future books. Please be nice, y’all; I’ve seen the viciousness of some of the tags, and y’all need to please calm down. Thank you.
Wildcard theory: Eris winds up mated to a super spunky human, and invokes the Blood Duel when Beron tries to “intervene” in typical Beron fashion.
Theory: Eris WILL wind up mated to SOMEONE in one of the next books, and when he becomes High Lord of Autumn, he will make her his High Lady because Rhys can’t be the only one with a High Lady at his side.
Theory: Elain and Lucien ARE endgame. I think the reason why she hasn’t worked things out with the poor man is because she has Ye Olde Archeron Pride to an even greater degree than her sisters; I personally don’t think it has anything to do with her seer powers or what happened with the cauldron. She’s just let it drag on so long at this point, she doesn’t quite know what to do, and isn’t going to ask for help (like 2 other ladies we know *cough* Feyre *cough* Nesta).
Opinion: Elain is the most underestimated of the sisters. She’s seen as 2 dimensional through the narratives of both Feyre and Nesta, yet she was the one who was willing for the human queens to meet at their estate. She was the one who voiced first what bitches the queens were (I hope they go to hell). She is someone who IS NOT afraid to get her hands dirty (obsessive gardener, who does every part of working a garden, and not just clipping flowers). SHE FEARLESSLY STABBED THE KING IF HYBERN THROUGH THE THROAT. Elain is horribly underestimated because she is pretty, quiet, and does pretty girl things. Let me tell ya, homegirl is gonna EXPLODE in the next book BECAUSE:
Theory: Now that Nesta has surrendered her stolen power back to the cauldron, ELAIN IS MORE POWERFUL THAN NESTA. Remember, folks, the cauldron GAVE to Elain powers because she was so beautiful (the way SJM described it in the books, it was almost like the cauldron was in love with her). That’s why Elain and Lucien are mates: he is heir to the High Lord of Day, and she is cauldron-blessed with powers that make her his equal. I do believe Elain will come into her powers, and it will be epic; no, I don’t subscribe to dark Elain, she is far too principled to be tempted in that way.
Theory: Helion and Lady of Autumn get mated and married after Beron’s untimely, surprisingly brutal, violent, demise due to 100% natural circumstances that have nothing to do with him being chopped up into little pieces and fed to the beasts under the Court of Nightmares.
Wildcard Theory: Nesta has triplets, and Cassian passes out when she’s in the middle of labor. Rhys and Azriel never let him forget.
Theory: Jurian and Vassa get together.
Theory: We find out what the hell Eris was hinting at with the full story of him and Mor. Because, ya know, fae are such FUCKING DRAMA QUEENS THAT THEY WAIT 500 FUCKING YEARS BEFORE RESOLVING JACK SHIT.
Theory: Mor and Emerie become mates. SJM will skim over that, and the excellent fanfic writers on this hellsite, Ao3, and other sites will write the love story that Mor deserves.
Theory: Azriel and Gwynn will become mates, and he will finally reckon with his past, instead of avoiding it like he’s been doing for 500 YEARS.
Theory: Amren and Varian will become mates, and they will have a disgustingly over the top mating/wedding ceremony that basically all of Prythian is invited to (wedding ceremony because Varian wants to call Amren “My Wife”, and it HAS to be official).
Wildcard Theory: Eris and Tarquin become mates, and are the first joint rulers of 2 courts.
Wildcard Theory: Lucien becomes High King, with Elain as his High Queen.
Theory: The 4th piece of the trove that Nesta sorta saw, but couldn’t make out, is a horn. Remember, there were the not so subtle references to the Hunt? It’s a horn, like one used for hunting, or for battle. This horn is currently in either the human realm, or completely off-world in one of SJM’s other fictional worlds.
Okay, my brain has run out of steam for today. When I think of other theories, or am feeling completely masochistic, I’ll write another post. Muchas gracias!
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unohanadaydreams · 3 years
I would kill for some awkward sex headcanons with your faves. Who has trouble getting it up? Who applies the condom on wrong? Who yells out the wrong name in the heat of things? Also, who cums in your eye and y’all have to come knocking on 4th division, blinded as you are by the wet ass money shot 👁👁
I can not express how much I fucking love this ask. Here are your unfortunately spicy takes below. @tater-tati come get your juice. please don’t get it in your eye. <3
Features: smut. not the fun kind but the funny kind. sometimes the sad kind.
Who has trouble getting it up?
1. As Nodt. Not only is he scared of death, but of ‘the little death’. He fucks like its the last thing he’s gonna do and will probably not have the courage to go all the way anyhow. RIP to anyone who wants to get nutted in. Your man gets soft the moment you ask him to cum.
2. Mayuri Kurotsuchi. It is truly painful how much this man wants to be above sex. He takes anti-depressants just to flaccid and Logical when you won’t leave him in peace. He’d be first place, but he refuses to permanently fuck with his huge wrinkly brain (tm).
3. Jushiro Ukitake. Poor guy just gets really worn out some days and either can’t start or fizzles out before he can finish. Just reassure him it’s fine and allow him to finish through with his fingers and mouth so he can salvage his dignity and it should be alright.
4. Ulquiorra Cifer. It’s not something with a firm explanation or cause. Sometimes he just can’t keep in the moment or the bodily feelings he has will just...leave. There’s really no tell or situation that keeps these bouts of numbness from happening, so sex can be a real roll of the dice. He’ll shrug it off and continue on without his third leg (wing?) though.
5. Ryuken Ishida. He’s become very adept at shoving the majority of bad thoughts and feelings down with keeping his mind on work. Unfortunately, this means sex can be a struggle when visualizing how busy he is gets in the way of visualizing you on top of him. Isn’t usually a problem since sexual escapades with him don’t usually involve his dick. (Kink master works around emotional and bodily problems: more at 5.)
Who applies the condom on wrong?
1. Byakuya Kuchiki. He isn’t ignorant about sex per se, just the particulars of casual sex, since he was groomed to be a squeaky clean figurehead. And you can’t really produce an heir while using a condom, can you? He doesn’t even know to where begin. He takes the unopened condom with absolute confidence despite his ignorance and pointedly does not look at you when you fix his handy work, which is so heinous you have to use another one. (He fucking bunched the extra latex at the base for some reason, leaving the head of dick no breathing room and it ripped.)
2. Keigo Asano. He’s just extremely nervous and keeps putting it on too quick, catching it with his nails, and ripping it each time. He makes a joke about how his cock is just ‘sort of a monster hahaha’, but he is getting sweatier and more desperate and oh no, oh no, he is getting soft.
3. Gin Ichimaru. Absolutely is on purpose. He knows how to put on a condom thanks to being forcibly detained by Unohana and given a menacing demonstration on a banana after pressuring a 4th division woman to fuck raw. Purely scumbag tactics.
4. Riruka Dokugamine. What, like she’s supposed to know? What’s she supposed to do? Watch porn or something? Disgusting. Learn how to do it yourself. She screams into her pillow later because she absolutely googled how to put on a condom and just fucked it up.
5. Like, every Arrancar. Szayelaporro is the only exception. Ulquiorra commits to learning after the first fumble. Grimmjow doubles down and insists its fucking dumb in the first place. Luppi refuses to wear one unless it’s an appealing color and probably flavored.  Nnoitra hates it on principle--its like you’re trying to oppress his dick or something?? Harribel says--with a completely straight face--that the pull out method will be fine.
Who yells out the wrong name in the heat of things?
1. Momo Hinamori. She apologizes the moment she realizes and is fucking horrified. Really, she has no feelings for [redacted] anymore. She doesn’t know what happened. If she could, she’d go into witness protection.
2. Shunsui Kyoraku. Especially if you’re not romancing something heavy and are a one night stand. He tries to laugh it off, rubbing the back of neck and shrugging like it’s a ‘what can you do?’ moment. If you are romantically involved he will get drunk and depressed about it later on--just another reason he doesn’t deserve you.
3. Shuhei Hisagi. He might be thinking about the Seireitei Bulletin or about that party later tonight that you were both invited to and blurt out a name. Like, ‘holy shit titstitstitstits also the captain invited me to drinks later holy FUCK wow that feels soooo good -chan you fucking goddess fuckfuck oh right Captain--’, kind of train of thought. He boards the apology train and makes all the stops--flowers, heartfelt words, physical affection, an alright song cover with his guitar.
4. Uryu Ishida. In his defense, you were roleplaying and he simply called out your character’s name. This will happen a lot. It’s pretty hot, actually.
5. Isshin Kurosaki. It doesn’t happen a lot but sometimes he calls out his first wife’s name and it’s just something you have to live with. Just sad and unfunny and horrifying.
Who sends you to the 4th division via indecent blinding?
1. Renji Abarai. King of awkward good intentions, he leads your blind ass to the 4th division and waits by your side like a puppy waiting for punishment. He just gets really excited and forgot aiming was important. You insist it wasn’t as bad as the time he shot his load up your nose, though.
2. Akon. In his defense, you were playing with VR headsets and he shot his load in good faith while getting an imaginary face full of 3D anime waifu titties. He can’t imagine taking this to his captain and rushes you to the 4th division before anyone in the 12th can spot him.
3. Nanao Ise. She holds a lot of stress, so when she lets go, the result is usually a ridiculous amount of squirting. She leads you down deserted streets and disappears when anyone shows up, leaving you standing while blinded for like minutes at a time. She would rather die than have her peers find out and leaves you at the 4th division the moment they’ve written you down for intake.
4. Rangiku Matsumoto. She really likes to ride your face and it is simply not her fault that you aid and abet her. Of course if you’re going to play slip’n’slide so often, something is bound to go wrong. She leads you down to the 4th and if she sees someone she knows she’ll call out like ‘haha, guess what?’. It is the second time this month.
5. Shukuro Tsukishima + Gin Ichimaru. They didn’t do it on accident. Gin probably did it out of boredom, just to see you squirm and try to make your way to the 4th with him assisting....barely. Shukuro does it because you tried to tease him about his cooking or something and this is revenge. Have fun finding your way to the 4th by your own power.
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drive is out now!! It’s a Post Season Harringrove Hurt/Comfort and I’m pretty proud of it. Read it on ao3 here or below the cut. Likes and comments are very very much appreciated :))
Billy doesn’t drive after starcourt. Something about being behind the wheel makes him sick with memories that he can’t understand. They’re abstract and totally unreliable.
But it’s kind of always been like that for him. He's used to having gaps in his memories, except most of the time it’s because of trauma. Or that’s what Joyce tells him and the rest of them whenever they have nightmares about things they don’t remember happening.
He's been living with the Byers and El. He tries to be useful around the house, doing whatever he can because he really doesn’t have anywhere else to go. It’s hard, though. It seems like everything he does, he does wrong. He never had to learn how to fold sheets or clean dishes. Not only was neil hargrove terribly homophobic, but also misogynistic, which is a word joyce taught him because she teaches all her kids that stuff. And he’s one of her kids now. So, yeah. Neil never had Billy do the chores because “he’s not a true man, but he sure as shit isn’t a woman.”
It's alarming how quickly this odd family replaces his old one. Neil seems miles away. Neil doesn’t try to look for Billy, and that’s fine as far as Billy's concerned. He's got scars to cover up the ones Neil made. no need to dwell on that when he has so much other trauma to process., right? Kind of.
He does check up on max. Asks her if neils pulling any of the shit he used to get from his dad. double checks for bruises hidden under makeup or long sleeves, and never finds any. Good.
Joyce is good. great, even. She doesn’t blame him when he breaks a dish because he heard a noise. She listens when he says he needs some alone time, and she knows when he’s just saying that. She gives good hugs and has no problem giving him Jonathan's old room to stay in while he’s off at college. leaving Hawkins behind him, calling every night anxiously awaiting the return of It. Nothing happens, and eventually they relax. Or they try to. That part of billy’s been broken for a long time, though.
So Joyce starts fading into memories of his mom, and he tries not to blame her.
Again. He's never had a great memory anyway. He does remember his mom telling him that boys don’t marry other boys when he was five and told her he wanted to marry his best friend. Then she told him never to tell his dad. It's strange, because he can’t remember her saying that she loved him, even though he’s sure she did. Did she? Huh.
At least the painful memories he gets to keep. Neil beating’s. Beating up on Harrington that night he didn’t know what was going on. The car crash before his mind was taken from him. Max’s terrible scream of “Billy” mixed in with the ear-ringing pain. Waking up in a hospital with starburst scars across his body. Skin that isn’t his. They remind him not to get to comfortable, remind him that the kindness he’s being shown isn’t well earned.
Because Billy knows he wasn’t worth those hospital bills and sleepless nights. All he’s done to the people here is hurt and scar and he’s seen them with the deepest kind of fear in their eyes. Fear because of him.
Everytime he goes down a path like this, he tries to stay clear of everyone. Because. They all tried to hide how much hurt he’s caused. They don’t blame him like they should.
He didn’t know any of them well before. But he knows El didn’t always carry around that police badge or look up at every siren, praying for a familiar face only to be disappointed and try not to show it. Because if Billy survived, couldn’t the more-deserving Hopper? Apparently not.
He knows Joyce didn’t always search for Will in every setting and have those folded up pictures of the two men that died because of all the shitty things that happened. Because she can’t stand to forget their faces or not carry that burden for just a second.
Will didn’t always get quiet every time a draft went through the room or refuse to go out that front door first. Because so many things have been ruined for him.
The rest of the kids didn’t always jump at every noise or bunch together for every corner, carrying lucky momentous and items. Because God forbid they have a break.
He doesn’t see them a lot, but Nancy and Jonathan definitely didn’t carry around an emergency kit everywhere they went, packed with medical supplies and Nancy’s choice gun. Because they’re going to be there to help if anything tries to take another person they loves away.
Some part of Billy reasons that it’s not all his fault. He wasn’t one of those scientists or government agents that started the whole thing.
But he did enough. Enough to warrant all the shit that he’s going through. It’s not the healthiest way of thinking, he’s aware of that, but it helps him get by.
No matter how hard he tries, though, there’s always someone at the house that finds him. Curled up into a ball, dry hitching sobs and no tears because “Hargrove men don’t cry.” Billy gets damn close sometimes, but the fear that Neil’s going to come out from the cracks in the wall and kick him where he lays is too real.
There are usually soft words.
“We don’t blame your here, honey. That wasn’t you, that did all that stuff. And I’m not going to let anything else bad happen to the people under this roof.” Joyce’s strong and sure voice, only breaking at the edges.
“I know what it’s like to have him control you like that. I know better than anyone else, and I know how scary it is. Mom says it’s over now, though, and I can’t feel It anymore. I would tell you first if It came back.” Will never says anything more than that, which is comforting in itself. It’s nice to have someone else.
“They lost. You’re here. I’m here. Will’s here. It is safe.” El’s statement is simple, but she makes it easy to believe.
He believes them until he gets another new memory of what he did. The Mayors blood on the floor. Heather’s petrified screams. Standing before that thing and feeling nothing but a perverse sense of but awe and, buried beneath that, a screaming sense of horror and the constant feeling of slipping in the sand.
There are times, like right now, when he doesn’t want someone to make him feel better. He wants someone who can drive him away from here and sit in an empty parking lot and smoke away the thoughts. Someone like Steve.
He would do it himself. He would. But he can’t. Can’t get over that fucking gas pedal. So he calls Steve.
They’ve done this enough times for it to make sense for Billy to have Steve’s number memorized. And his work schedule. And to know when he with Dustin or Robin or any of the others on one of those group outings Billy can’t bring himself to go to. There are too many sad faces, too many broken homes.
It doesn’t matter what he wears. It’s just Steve, and they’ve gotten past the point of caring about things like that.
Which. Is obvious to anyone who looks at Billy, not that he sees anyone. He’s lost a lot of weight. Muscles that used to be defined are gone, replaced by scars. He can’t get them back yet, because he’s not strong enough to lift any of them. And because muscles like that can hurt and hit. His eyes are surrounded by heavy bags, bloodshot and tired. The new callouses on his hands are mostly scars from anxiety ridden breakages, and the pained nails are because El wanted to try the new dark blue out. His hair is greasy and flat, nowhere near what it used to be. It hangs around his shoulders in curled waves, so far from where he used to be.
He doesn’t even try to smile to the sad reflection in the mirror.
Steve doesn’t honk when he arrives. The first time he did that and the noise sent Billy spiraling, and Steve had felt terrible, cussing up a storm that actually helped Billy out of it. Luckily, it was just Billy home and no one else was there to witness they’re collective train wreck.
Before he leaves, Billy grabs something from the bathroom and stuffs it in with the rest of the random shit he brings.
Billy slides into the passenger seat, leans his head back against the headrest, and says, “So, Harrington, how you been?”
Steve, mercifully, looks the same as always. He looks good, the asshole. It’s a relief that he’s still able to feel that fire Steve lights up. Different than all the other King’s from California. A few more scars, but they all have that. His shades are pushed through his hair, brown strands flopping over lazily.
“Same as usual, so fairly shitty and on the brink of breakdown. You?” It would be a normal conversation if Steve wasn’t completely serious, corners of his mouth only ticking up when Billy reaches over and bats at the band-aid charm hanging from the mirror. A joke from Billy to say sorry for, you know, almost beating him to death for no real reason.
“Oh, you know.” He doesn’t need to say more for Steve to get the idea. It’s the same way they’ve been feeling for months now.
“Yeah.” The car ride over isn’t far from the Byers’ house, and they spend it in almost silence. Some pop station is playing low on the radio.
“This the shit you listen to, pretty boy? I expected more than this.” It’s an attempt at normalcy, something that they’ve slowly been working up to.
“At least I don’t blast out my eardrums every time I want to listen to music,” replies Steve quickly, smile evident in his tone.
And it’s normal. It’s them. The way they were before it all got so messy. For that brief moment, there’s no winter night or july 4th. For a brief moment Billy can entertain a reality where he went to the find Steve instead of a fight. A world where Steve, with those pretty eyes and snap remarks, could hold his hand and stop him from doing all the bad things in the future.
But the moment passes. Steve clears his throat and looks forward at the road.
They arrive to the quarry, water at the bottom glinting, tossing, teasing. The car doors slam shut, and they slide up on to the front of the car. Billy pulls his last minute grab out of the bag and hands it to Steve.
“I want you to cut my hair.” Steve takes the scissors and towel in his hand, looking at Billy.
He doesn’t ask if Billy’s sure. Billy figures that Steve knows at this point he wouldn’t ask if it wasn’t real. If Billy wasn’t sure. Steve cards a hand through Billy’s hair. It feels. Good. Real good.
Steve starts cutting, and Billy winces at the sound of the scissors closing around his hair. His past.
“I like to think it isn’t just part of me.” The comment comes out of nowhere, surprising Billy more than it surprises Steve.
“What?” Steve’s voice is calm, the sniping of the scissors is methodical.
“The anger. The aggression. The tendency to hurt. I like to think it’s not in my nature, but my nurture.”
“I don’t think you’re violent.” It’s a laughable statement.
“You’re joking. Did you forget most of last year? I’m the one with the bad memory here, Harrington.” Billy can practically hear Steve’s disapproving mother’s frown behind him.
“That wasn’t you.”
“Right, sure, whatever, bullshit. But what about…you know. Last winter.”
“What happened before that?” asks Steve patiently.
“Jesus, you’re worse than Joyce. My dad sent me after Max. Found her at Byers’ place with you. Hurt you a whole fucking lot.”
“Is that all he did? He just told you to go after her?” Billy ignores the way his stomach does flips when Steve runs a hand through Billy’s hair, straightening it out.
“So you’re my fuckin’ therapist now? What do you want me to say? He kissed my head and sent my on my merry way? That’s now how he works. I’ll admit, I was saved by his new wifey. He can’t use me as a punching bag when she’s standing right there, not like he did with mom. Nothing I couldn’t handle. Nothing worse than what you’ve done to me. And the insults weren’t too bad either. He forgot to call me a fag.”
“Oh. Shit, Billy, I-“
“It’s fine,” cuts in Billy, hating the pity in Steve’s voice. He’s not the one who should have it.
“You didn’t deserve that.” This time it does make Billy laugh. It’s a hollow and haunting sound, an echo of his charming boyish laugh.
“Sure I did, dipshit. You’re probably one of the people who knows best why I did, in fact, deserve it.”
“So then I’m the best person. to tell you that you aren’t that person. You haven’t been that person since you left him and all of that shit. Let me ask you something. Do you want to hurt people now?”
“No!” Billy startles himself with his sudden enthusiasm, and Steve jumps a little behind him. Steve is quicker to recover, though, and he runs a hand through the hair he hasn’t cut yet. It’s soothing. Billy barely resists the urge to lean into it. Ask for more.
“Did you ever want to hurt people? Like really, truly want to see them hurt?” Billy has to think about the question. Steve deserves an real answer.
Flashes fly through his mind, bringing on too familiar emotions. Anger, a need to make someone, anyone, feel the way that he’s feeling. Fear that not having this power over people would make him weak. Horror at what he’s about to do. Detachment, painful as he grinned and laughed.
“I just wanted to have control. Take some of the hurt I was feeling and give it to other people. It was a rush that I was addicted to. The thrill of the fight, the feel of flesh against my fist, the look of blood on my knuckles. I liked fighting, still do. I didn’t like hurting people.” Steve puts the scissors down on the car hood, fluffing Billy’s hair and sliding down next to him.
“I’ve been on the wrong side of the fists of two people I’m now okay with,” admits Steve. “Believe me, I know now to take a beating. I’ve been heartbroken by two other people I’m close friends with. I forgive too easily.”
“So you’re a compulsive truster and I’m a compulsive fighter. What a pair we make, huh Harrington?”
“Yeah.” agrees Steve, bumping his shoulder against Billy. “What a pair.”
Maybe it’s the haircut. Maybe it’s the sunlight confessions. Maybe it’s how carefree and happy Steve looks. But Billy feels lighter. Like there was this unspoken weight he had been carrying around that no one knew about. Or everyone knew about, but couldn’t help.
The thing is, Steve didn’t even say anything. He didn’t promise a better future, he didn’t say that he was safe. He shared some of the personal pain they all carry around.
“I don’t think I ever said sorry. I am sorry, you know. I. I didn’t-“
<i>Mean to hurt you. Want to hurt you. Mean to let you see how much I hurt. Want to need you.</i>
“I know. I’m sorry too. Someone should’ve known. About you.” Steve leans closer, and Billy chalks it up to the night chill as the sun settles below the glistening rocks.
“I was good at hiding things I didn’t want people to see.”
“Yeah, well you’re not alone there either.”
“You good at hiding, pretty boy?” Billy’s eyes flick down to Steve’s lips, and, is Billy imagining it or is Steve looking at him the same way?
“Apparently not good enough,” jokes Steve. His smile falls off of his lips, and he leans minutely closer. If Billy wasn’t paying attention to all of Steve…
The way his hair glows white and gold in the sunset. That wrinkle between his brows. The way one of his eyes is a little darker than the other. How he smells like cigarette smoke and that fancy hairspray, even when his hair is blown from the wind.
The way he looked that night. Cool and collected, then terrified and fighting for his life. So beautiful in the harsh starlight and then so abstract in the broken kitchen light.
Before he knows what’s happening, Steve is filling that gap. Kissing Billy like he’s trying to sooth the pain from their past. Maybe he is. Billy wouldn’t put it past him.
His hand finds a way to Steve’s hair, the same way Steve’s been running his through Billy’s now shorter hair. He curls it into the strands, holding on tightly. Soft.
The way Steve sighs his name takes Billy away from it all. The pain. The memories. The lack of memories.
They lay out under the stars for a few minutes, but Billy knows Joyce will freak out if she can’t find him. Not because she doesn’t trust him, he has to remind himself, but because she doesn’t trust others.
On the drive home Steve plays that pop stuff again, and Billy gives him the appropriate shit for it, a smile on his face the whole time. His fingers laced through Steve’s.
They arrive at the house, and Steve declines to come in. Gives the excuse that his parents will be waiting up when they both know it’s not true. Billy can’t blame him. Billy understands needing to be alone, needing to get away.
Billy leans through Steve’s window and wished that he could kiss him goodbye. Well. The teasing will have to do.
“Night, King Steve.”
“Goodnight, Asshole.”
If Joyce gives him a knowing smile at the door, Billy doesn’t smile back. Probably.
He definitely does. Maybe he deserves the smile. If Steve thinks he does.
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bunnyywritings · 4 years
high on your love
dabi x fem!reader 『18+ nsfw content 』
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[a/n: I felt like giving dabi and (y/n) a little ✨bonnie and clyde✨ moment, uhhm this kinda got outta hand at the end so uhh hehehe whoops, enjoy! -yours truly, bunnyy -`ღ´- ps, this is my first full on smut...pls be nice 🥺️]
Your throat was burning, chest heaving up and down as you gulped down the crisp night air. Your heavy footsteps echoed alongside his as the both of you ran. You couldn’t believe it. You guys were actually doing it...you were running away. It may have seemed childish but if it meant having freedom, then who cares.
The day before, the entirety of the LOV was caught and taken to Tartarus...or so they thought. It wasn’t until the silent alarm at Shibuya National bank went off at 3am. From then, both you and Dabi just ran. Ran until you deemed you were far enough but that plan was slowly going down hill.
“Both of you! Stop right there!” Were the tired shouts that echoed behind you. Both pigs and pro heroes alike were chasing after you. Dabi’s hand gripped yours tighter as you picked up the speed.
“B-Baby, this -this way.” You breathed heavily and tugged him off to the right, that proved to be a bad idea when you were met with a dead end.
“Shit!” He growled, both of you trying to regain your breath.
“D-Dabi, baby what are we gonna do? I-I don’t want to...I-” You choked a sob as tears started to stream down your face.
“Hey...” He grabbed your face in his hands. “We’re gonna get out of this, I promise.” He placed a gentle kiss on your forehead.
“There you are!”  A booming voice sounded from the end of the alley. It was Endeavor, Hawks stepping out from behind him.
“Dabi! Buddy! Come on, we can work this out!” The blonde called out in an attempt to be friendly.
“NO! I’m not your puppet anymore!”
Your eyes frantically searched around, trying to find a means to escape. Eyes widening when you found one.
“Dabi...” You whispered, tugging on the sleeve of his jacket. He side eyed you and saw what you were motioning to. It was a chance.
“Look, just give up. Neither of you have any place to go!” Hawks stuffed his hands in his pockets with a shrug. “Don’t be irrational!”
You nodded and Dabi smirked. “Looks like you’re about to see a miracle boys.” He sent the biggest blast of his fire he could manage, making both pros take a step back. Taking advantage of the cover, he made his way over to the manhole cover and lifted it.
“Not so fast!” Just then, a single feather flew through the roaring fire. Neither of you noticed until.
“ACK!” Dabi’s eyes widened when you collapsed beside him.
“Sugar? SUGAR?! What’s wrong?” You looked down and all you could see was blood seeping out of your side. “FUCK YOU KEIGO!!” He growled as he helped you down into the sewers, taking the duffel bags in his hands and following after you, making sure to weld the cover shut.
“D-Dabi...” you called out, slowly feeling the warmth leave your body as you sat down, limply leaning against the damp walls of the sewer.
“(y/n), don’t worry. You’re gonna be fine. You’re gonna be fine and-and we’re gonna escape like we always planned okay?” He caressed your cheek with his hand. “Babydoll, hey you have to stay awake for me. Okay?” His heart stopped as your eyes started to flutter closed. “(yn)...please, stay with me.”
“I-I love you...T-Toya...I’m s-sorry.”
“No b-baby please...I-” If he could cry, he’d be a sobbing mess. “Fuck..”He grabbed your limp and and brought it to his lips. Your heartbeat was faint.
He ripped a piece of his shirt off and tied it tightly around your torso before carefully draping you over his back and tying the sleeves of the hoodie you were wearing around his neck so you wouldn’t fall.
Your head felt fuzzy. Opening your eyes, wincing at the sudden invasion of light. You were...in a car?
“Dabi?” You weakly called out but you weren’t loud enough. He was still asleep in the driver’s seat. From what you could tell, you were parked on the shoulder of some secluded road. “Dabi?” You called a little louder. This caused him to jolt awake, eyes frantically looking around before landing on yours.
“I’m glad you’re awake.” He grinned, grabbing your hand and softly running his thumb over your scarred knuckles.
“Where are we?”
“Well, we’re halfway to the ferry that we’re taking to Busan.” He pulled up the map on his phone.
“I-wait...Busan as in Busan, South Korea?” Your eyes were wide with wonder.
“Yeah...I know you had always wanted to go so I thought, well now was the perfect time.” He scratched the back of his neck.
Once the drive restarted, you guys stopped at a mall to pick up some new clothes since what you we’re currently wearing smelled like sewer and ashes. After burning those, you guys made it to a diner to have a well deserved breakfast.
“So what’s next on our run away roadtrip baby?” You asked, your question followed by a moan. “God these waffles are delicious.” You muttered to yourself, mouth full of the buttery and syrup filled pastry. Dabi chuckled at your silliness.
“Well, I was thinking we could get a motel room or something since I’m exhausted.” He took an extra long sip of his coffee to emphasize his point.
“Sounds good to me.”
The two of you continued to eat tour breakfast before paying the bill and leaving a juicy tip for your waitress. I mean, come one, you guys were villains but that doesn’t mean that you aren’t decent human beings. 
You guys explored a bit of rural Japan before deciding it was time to look for a motel. After searching and searching, there was no motel in sight. There was, however, a small love hotel with a very cheap per night charge. Deciding that any bed was better than the car seats, you stopped there.
“I’ve never been to one of these before.” You blushed as you walked down the hall with Dabi, the dim lighting doing nothing but fuel the dirty thoughts seeping into your brain. He just chuckled and led you into the room.
It was quite nice, despite the fact that he got the cheesiest room possible. The king sized bed was in the shape of a heart and covered in pink and red satin sheets, the bathtub was filled with rose petals and there were various candles throughout the room.
“I’m gonna take a bath.” You announced as you made your way into the bathroom, Dabi just offered a lazy nod as he threw himself onto the bed with a huff. Once you felt refreshed and clean enough, you got out and changed into a fresh set of panties and an oversized shirt you bought earlier, deciding to forgo the pants. Dabi had gone in after you to take a quick shower.
The door opened and a puff of steam escaped into the room and Dabi followed, the towel wrapped around his hips was dangerously low. You gulped, biting your lip to contain any embarrassing noises that threatened to leave your mouth.
“You like what you see? Hmm Babydoll?” His voice came out deeper than usual, the towel starting to tent in the front.
“Yes I do...a lot actually.” You blushed, surprised at your own forwardness.
“Well then, I guess it’s time to take advantage of the time we’ve got.” He smirked, towel dropping with a soft thud. The sight had your mouth watering in an instant, your panties growing damp with your own arousal. You leaned back against the headboard as he gripped your knees and pulled your legs open, laying in between your legs.
“I’m gonna-” he started to kiss up your inner thigh. “make you feel so good babydoll. I’ll have you screaming my name by the end of the night.” He placed a kiss over your fabric covered clit, making you squirm under his touch. “Now let’s see just how dirty my baby girl is.” He licked his lips and moved your panties to the side. “Mmm, already so wet for me and I haven’t even touched you.” Your cheeks tinted pink in embarrassment.
It was a long night for you. It was only 2am when he had you on top of him, hands in a bruising grip on your hips as you rode him. His hips snapping up to meet your thrusts.
“Ahh fuck! D-Dabi you--you feel so good!” You whined as you leaned forward and rested your palms against his chest. He leaned up to take one of your nipples into his mouth, suckling and swirling his tongue over the hardened little bud. You threaded your hand into his hair and tugged lightly. “B-Baby please, I-I can’t anymore...can you-ah!” Your stuttered words made sense once your hips started to slow their movements.
“Don’t worry babydoll, I’ll take care of you.” He kissed the underside of your jaw before flipping the both of you over so you were on your back and he was above you.
“Ready?” You hummed in response, “Come on sweetheart, I need to hear you. Use your words.”
“God! Yes Dabi please just-”you swallowed a gulp of air. “Please just fuck me.” He chuckled teasingly as he watched you clench around nothing, running his tip over your swollen bud.
“Your wish is my command, princess~” He purred, thrusting forward so he was completely bottomed out. The feeling of being stretched out making you whimper with need. “S-shit you’re s-so tight...ah-” He slowly pulled out before snapping his hips forward. He set such a fast pace, you could feel your 4th climax of the night slowly approaching.
“I-fuck Dabi...I’m cumming! Please I-mmm dabi.” Your choked moans made him pick up the pace, moving your leg over his shoulder. The new angle made your eyes widen, mouth open in a silent scream.
“Ah fuck! Look at my babydoll~ I’ve never seen you make such a lewd face before~” He reached down and rubbed tight circles into your oversensitive clit, the sensation making your eyes cross the slightest bit as your whimpers became louder, tears leaking from your eyes.
“Are you gonna cum for me baby?” All you could do was nod. “Go ahead, go ahead and come for me. You’ve been such a good girl.” That was all it took for the coil in your stomach to release.
“fuck! Dabi! Baby!” His name left your lips like a mantra as both of you came down from your high at the same time. He rolled his hips into you a few times to help you ride out your high. There you laid in each other’s arms, chests heaving for air.
“I didn’t hurt you, did I?” He asked softly as he caressed your tear stained cheek.
“No, it was perfect.” You whispered in a hoarse voice, he chuckled and leaned in to meet your lips. They moved together in a tender embrace, all of your love and appreciation poured into it.
After getting cleaned up and changed, you passed out cuddled in his arms but he couldn’t sleep. It seemed like he was on a high that never ended. He was truly, deeply in love with you. If this is what it meant to look through the rose colored glasses, well, he never wanted to take them off.
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travoltacustom · 3 years
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Thank you for your participation! These are the final results for the 4th Hypnosis Microphone International Poll. After months of work on this, we have estimates for general fandom opinions. Do you agree or disagree with the general opinions? Please let us know!
The results were held back from original posting as we were waiting to post for a month before the 2nd DRB finals (which is on Doppo’s Birthday this year.) My deepest apologies for how long this took to get out. We will be releasing these results with a section per day, with the end of these results showing the Japanese side.
Click the READ MORE to view the results.
The data collection for this poll received 902 votes to give us an indication of the demographic of those who consume Hypnosis Mic. This poll was open to English speakers, and thus, results may be considerably Euro/American-centric. The word ‘international’ has been used to refer to how fans are from many places around the world, but the poll may also refer to this group as ‘English-speaking’ etc. The Japanese poll had a smaller respondent pool with 400.
This poll received the most activity through Twitter, given that the series is most active on that platform. The poll was also posted on Tumblr, Facebook and the HypMic wiki. Commentary has been given on sections of the poll. These results will be available in full on from this account. The Japanese poll results shall follow about a week with comparison to this poll.
The poll was conducted from December 2020 to January 2021. This poll is UNOFFICIAL and none of the composers of this poll have any relation to King Records whatsoever.
This has been split into MULTIPLE posts due to the amount of data and limitations of tumblr.
PART 6: Miscellaneous Questions
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Respondents were allowed to select up to 3 characters.
As we were processing these results, all characters have received some part of character development.
Did MTR deserve the 1st DRB win?
YES, Matenro did deserve the 1st DRB win: 73.1%
NO, Matenro did not deserve the 1st DRB win: 26.9%
Did FP deserve the Rule the Stage DRB win?
YES, Fling Posse did deserve the Rule the Stage DRB win: 83.9%
NO, Fling Posse did not deserve the Rule the Stage DRB win: 16.1%
Who do you believe will win the 2nd DRB? This was not a ‘who do you WANT to win’ question.
Fling Posse: 21.7%
Dotsuitare Honpo: 14.6%
Matenro: 9.6%
Bad Ass Temple: 8.4%
Buster Bros!!!: 4.7%
Who do you think will win BB vs DH, MTC vs FP, MTR vs BAT?
Dotsuitare Honpo VS Buster Bros!!!
Dotsuitare Honpo: 56.3%
Buster Bros!!!: 31.1%
Can’t Decide: 12.6%
Bad Ass Temple VS Matenro
Bad Ass Temple: 33.4%
Matenro: 50.8%
Can’t Decide: 15.9%
Fling Posse: 44.8%
Can’t Decide: 13.7%
With 902 responses, we decided not to do a table of these as we’ve already showed which characters respondents wanted to be explored more. However, we will show ‘interesting’ points that we’ve found.
Exploration of the pre H-era Japan, what caused the war and what the war was like.
Exploration of post WW3 / H-era Japan with politics, society etc.
More female characters as either part of Chuohku, rebellion etc. Possible mixed gender crews
Revolution/rebellion against Chuohku. Referred to as “a SUMMIT OF DIVISIONS moment in canon” and later governmental reform.
Why was the Hypnosis Mic created and more on its development.
In depth explanation as to what happens after being mindhacked.
General insight into more than backstories but their daily lives and possibly romantic lives.
Introduction of more divisions / return of old characters to form new divisions
Another anime season; a proper adaptation of the manga
Why were the Yamadas ‘orphaned/abandoned/separated’ from Rei? Why did Ichiro hide what happened?
BB’s Mother/Rei’s partner - did something bad happen to her?
Jyuto’s past - how he used to be when his parents and partner were still alive.
Why did Jyuto interrogate Doppo?
Does Samatoki feel guilty for blaming Ichiro? Does he feel resentment towards Ramuda even though he figures that he was ordered to do this?
Jakurai’s history as an assassin
More on Yotsutsuji and Jakurai’s relationship
Jakurai and Hitoya’s friendship and how it ‘fell apart’
Who is the original Ramuda and why were the clones created?
Others finding out about the Ramuda clones.
Hifumi and Doppo’s childhood/highschool years.
How did Doppo’s depression get so bad?
The Dirty Dawg’s reconciliation
MAD COMIC DIALOGUE / Ichiro & Kuko / Samatoki & Sasara talking things out and addressing what happened
Many responses of just “yes”, “):” “I’m” and “...”, but most importantly “I’m just kind of here for the ride”
There are many that are begging for angst, character death and “chaos”. Some have wished suffering upon certain characters but these will not be disclosed.
“For all of them to get therapy tbh”
“A more complex plot”
“fun and crazy things”
Mentions of ships becoming canon: Hifumi x Doppo, Sasara x Rosho
There were accusations of HPMI being “sexist/misogynistic/not feminist enough” that went on to describe things that have already been addressed.
“I just wanna see Ichiro yelling “fuck you” to his dad”
Otome being Buster Bros!!! mom as well, or that she had some relationship with Rei.
“more test tube babies”
“More Doppo screams”
“(...) Whether or not Rei is worth saving or if I should just rip his tits off (...)”
“An explanation for (why) Rei is Like That”
“Rei vs the rest of the cast just because Mastermind boss battle”
“rei boobs”
“man I just hope they have a nice day. I would like to know about Kuko more :) hes funky and i think that's neat hope hes having a nice day :)))“
“More Kuko feet”
ADDRESSED REPONSES: Responses that have been answered/addressed during the 2nd DRB dramatracks to some degree.
Buster Bros!!! fighting with Rei
Jiro and Saburo no longer being dependent on Ichiro
Jiro and Saburo’s relationship being repaired / seeing eye to eye.
Jyuto’s backstory with the drug problem
How is Ramuda able to participate in the DRB if he’s being hunted down
Gentaro’s identity and brother/family.
Dice confronting Otome
Jakurai coming to Chuohku’s side
Hifumi’s trauma and who Honobono is. (Note: I hope you guys are okay after this one)
Sasara’s time as a gangster with Samatoki
Sasara/Rosho dependency
Nemu being freed from her mindhack/will she be freed.
Is Yotsutsuji still alive/comatose?
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Of 902 responses, 166 responses mentioned a character by name or song. Not all characters were mentioned but of the ones mentioned, each was mentioned:
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Of 902 responses, 47 mentioned a division by name or song. Each were mentioned:
Fling Posse: 11 times
Bad Ass Temple: 9 times
Buster Bros!!! 7 times
Chuohku: 6 times
Dotsuitare Honpo: 4 times
Matenro: 3 times
Of 902 responses, 43 mentioned a seiyuu. Each were mentioned:
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Here are some ‘notable’ reasons people got into HypMic:
“That's a loaded question buddy, assuming I went into this willingly. (...)”
“(...) I love how hypmic combined Male Idols, (Jojo) Stands, and a whole lot of angst in a project (with some fluff here and there).”
“Riou’s tits”
“Because I hated seeing it everywhere so I decided to learn about it before I hate it more. I've fallen deep into this hell.”
“ensemble stars made me v upset”
“I saw bald Ramuda plushie and wanted to know more about him”
“I saw Jakurai and went OOGA BOOGA.
“honestly i saw some fanart of doppo with the fattest and most juiciest ass ever and i was immediately interested, but unfortunately doppo cannonically has a concave ass and jakurai doing a brazillian butt lift on doppo’s ass cannot save it </3 i still love him though”
“Haha pretty rapper bois go brr”
“I'm gay”
“someone was hating on it on twitter and i decided to download arb”
“friend of mine told me to install enstars game, so i installed hypmic”
“I downloaded one of the songs without knowing what it was from for a two week trip into the buttfuck middle of nowhere Wyoming for a school trip in 11th grade and it’s one of the only things that kept me sane”
“Because Jakurai was a hot milf “
“Ice cream spoons”
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
To see the next part with comparison to the JP fandom, please follow us to the next post. To view ideas on the series’ production, go back to the previous post.
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kz-i-co · 4 years
Within This Room: Part II
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» Summary: In fear of ruining an engagement might sending you packing sooner then you thought.
» Pairing: Taeyong x Reader
» Genre: smut x angst
» Words: 3.3k
» Part 1  ╫ Part 3
» m.list ╫ nct 127 masterlist
"Hi." You froze. "I'm (Y/N)."
"Nice to meet you." She smiled warmly. "How do you know Taeyong."
"Oh we're old friends."
"Of course, you went to this school. Such a shame what's happening."
You just nodded awkwardly as Taeyong was distracting himself from something in the distance. He was uncomfortable as much as you.
"I better help my mom, but it was nice to meet you." You said and quickly took off.
"I can't do this. I should of never come." You panicked as you made it over to your sister.
"Whats wrong?" She asked.
"His fiancé is here."
Your sister followed your eyes. "Oh shit, he's engaged?" She laughed but didn't realize how it was effecting you. "What's wrong it's been 6 years since you both were together."
"I know it's crazy but I think I still have feeling for him and I probably fucked up everything last night."
"Girls come help me with these." Your mother was calling you over.
"What happened?" Your sister was trying to get it out of you while heading over to your mother.
"I can't tell you here. Later."
"These are being sent to the board, so put these in his box." Your mother handed you some plaques of different achievements.
"Ooo, your year book." Taeyong and his fiancé were helping out in the library and she happened to find the 2014 class yearbook. "Can't wait to see how handsome my man was."
Taeyong just turned his back going through another shelf not fazed. He couldn't stop thinking about you and last night. He couldn't help himself from smiling at how beautiful you have become.
"You were prom King? You didn't tell me you were popular. I mean I could of guessed but..." She laughed to herself. She flipped through more pages seeing you and Taeyong together more and more. "Wait a minute? That girl from earlier is your ex?"
"Taeyong?" She raised her voice getting his attention.
"What?" She held up the book stating the obvious.
"What's your point? I don't ask you about your ex's." He shrugged.
"Looks like you guys are still close?" She said getting annoyed.
"We've only seen each other for the first time yesterday in 6 years." He said then turned back towards his books.
She didn't pressure him any further since the atmosphere was tense.
"Come on, lets take a break. There's plenty of food from last night." Your mother said. "So have you caught up with Taeyong last night?"
"Yeah." You smiled sarcastically not really wanting to talk about it.
"I can't believe he's engaged. I was hoping the sparks were still there-"
"Mom.....please let's stay out of their business. Okay." Your sister looked at you with concern.
"She's not even that pretty." Your sister whispered as she bumped you with her elbow.
"Not nice." The fact was that she was EXTREMELY pretty. She was clean and priss and she seemed to have her life together.
You were taking your old prize winners (paintings) to your car, clearly struggling to the car as your mother and sister were way ahead of you.
You took a deep breath as you stopped for a second to take a breather.
"Let me help you." He took the canvas off your hands and you finally could see in front of you at the handsome face that still caused butterflies.
"Thank you. I don't even know why I'm taking this old junk." There was a huge dumpster to clean out the school and you were just tempted to toss the old embarrassment but your mother insisted on keeping them as a reminder of how far you've come.
"It's not junk (Y/N)." He chuckled and looked behind him losing his smile. "Actually I was wondering if we could talk about last night? How long are you staying?" He said more quietly.
"Well a few days the most. But I can't stay away from work for that long."
"You want to go out for dinner tonight. Jaehyun and Mark are here for the weekend."
"Hanging out with your bro's like old times? Huh?" You teased.
"Also Johnny and Ren will be there as well since they are engaged-"
"Johnny is her new fiancé? They hated each other."
"I guess they just had sexual attraction for each other."
"I see." You giggled.
"May I keep this?" He was referring to your old painting.
"It's all yours." You laughed at his ridiculous question.
"See you later." He walked away leaving to travel back alone.
"How do I look?" Your sister said as you finally finished your sketch.
"Beautiful." You turned your book around.
"Wow. I look so cute." She smiled. "May I keep it?"
"Sure." You rolled your eyes as you tore out the page out of your sketch book.
"Have you ever thought about selling your art work on eBay? I saw it on tik tok."
"You and that app are driving me crazy." You giggled.
"I get bidders at the gallery, they're just all cheapskates in the city." You continued.
"Your art deserves more credit. You should be making MILLIONS." Your sister was over dramatic like usual.
"Unfortunately that doesn't happen to an artist until their dead." Your sister pouted at your dark response.
"You're no fun. But anyway are you and Taeyong hanging out tonight? Did I hear dinner?"
"It's a friendly get together and it's not just me, it's with some old friends."
"Okay." She smirked. "Just be careful."
You sat there to think. Not just what your sister said but over everything. Last night was a mistake and you had to straighten it out. If Taeyong was happy with his fiancé, you couldn't ruin it for your own selfishness.
You decided on a simple black dress with a denim jacket and doc martens and you waited outside for your Uber driver and before you know it you were standing outside the restaurant, too scared to even go in.
"(Y/N)! Oh my god!" You heard screaming and all of a sudden you were being crushed by two pairs of arms. Once you got to turn around and make contact, you were faced with a pink hair Ren.
You hugged her back tightly as you both screamed causing Johnny to plug his ears. "How are you?"
"I'm great, how are you?" You responded. "Your hair is pink."
"My hair is pink. I didn't think you could get more gorgeous, you suck Miss Prom Queen." She laughed.
"You're gorgeous. And you're engaged I hear....to him?" You looked at Johnny with a teasing look.
"I know, it's insane." She laughed.
"So where were you last night?" You asked.
"I don't care about some dumb school reunion. I had better things to do." She continued. "Come on let's get inside. It's freezing."
You followed her and Johnny inside ready to begin your night. You took a deep breath as you saw Taeyong looking beautiful as ever. You can do this. You can be just friends right?
There was a few more of his friends already at the table as well once the host assisted you.
"(Y/N)! How's it going I haven't seen you in forever." Mark was the first to get up and hug you.
"Where were you guys last night? I missed you." You said still embraced in his arms and eventually made your way around to Jaehyun and Doyoung.
"I couldn't make it and these guys had their own reunion." Mark said taking his seat.
"We already got a lecture from Dayoung." Ren said as you sat down between her and Taeyong.
"Speaking of Dayoung, where is she?" You asked.
"She was gonna come but she's having a lot of back pain so she rather stay home."
"When is her baby due?" You continued to ask since you lacked information from your old friends.
"December 7."
"That's just a little over a month." You couldn't believe she was that pregnant.
"I know." She laughed. "But she might be sooner then that, her baby is already 8lbs."
"Can I get you something to drink." The waitress was finally here cutting off your conversation.
"Soju?" Johnny asked and everyone agreed. You on the other hand rather stick with a simple water but your friends insisted and you didn't want to seem lame now you were older.
"You idiot, you were the reason we got caught skipping 4th period." Ren and Mark were arguing non stop and the alcohol on top was causing more of a scene but the rest of you were laughing, enjoying the show.
"Was not. You were the one that went to the wrong car."
"You said it was your car."
"No I said it looked like my car."
"Will you two just shut up." Doyoung took another sip.
"Shall we get going soon? I rather talk to you alone." Taeyong spoke quietly next to you, only you can hear.
You nodded. "Alright guys, we're going to head out." Taeyong pulled out his wallet and tossed cash on the table.
"Where are you two going?" Ren pouted.
"I promised (Y/N) I'd drive her home and I don't want to be out later then Jiyoon gets out of work." He made a concerned expression.
"You two still fighting?" Mark asked as you and Taeyong got up.
"It's every little thing with her, but she's been better." He nodded.
"Alright man, take care.....you to (Y/N) it was nice seeing you." You both said your goodbyes.
"Promised me a ride?" You teased your tone being flirtier then you wanted.
"Well, I needed to talk to you about last night. Alone." He began as he guided you to his car.
You bit your lip awkwardly, wanting to avoid the whole thing. You wanted to just pretend it didn't happen and move on.
You got in the car waiting for him to begin but he was just as uncomfortable as you. "Are you alright to drive?"
"I only had one shot. I feel fine." He looked at you leaning your head on the seat. "What about you?"
"I'm not driving." You looked at him confused.
"No I mean, how are you?" He laughed. "You good." He waved his hand in front of your face.
You laughed smacking his hand away playfully. "I only had two shots."
You both laughed until the car filled with silence as he finally took off.
"Do you ever miss being back here?" He asked.
"A little. But I love where I live."
"So you have no thoughts on moving back?" You were surprised from his sudden question.
"No. I mean I love my family but I live in my dream home now.....well....a nicer apartment would be nice." You giggled not realizing the car stopped outside of your house.
"Do I have to wait another six years to see you?" He asked turning the mood down again. "I want us to stay friends (Y/N)."
"We can. We can FaceTime and-"
"So until you're back for the holidays?"
"I really can't afford to visit, that's why I don't.....If I sell a piece, I get $1000 the most and that only goes to my bills and food-"
"I get it (Y/N). It's okay. I just miss you that's all." You both made eye contact and you could feel the pain he was holding.
"We left things off, really shitty." You started. "Especially me."
"You were hurt, I get it." He shrugged.
"I just want to apologize......And also apologize for last night. It was wrong and I'm sorry for everything." You continued. "Just seeing that room........you, I missed my old life."
"I just.....I don't want to leave thinking I caused so much chaos. It's probably just best if we pretend it didn't happen. You're fiancé seems to be really nice and I just want you guys to be happy."
"You're right." He said causing your lip to tremble. You knew he was thinking the same thing, you didn't know why it was so unexpected.
"R-right, exactly."
"It was wrong." You nodded. "But that doesn't mean I want to pretend it didn't happen."
"Taeyong I want you to understand my intentions.....I don't want to-"
You were cut off with his lips attached to yours. Your heart was beating faster then it ever was before. What was he doing? You were hesitant to responde but there was comfort with his lips. A feeling only he could cause. He gently caressed his hand around your neck bringing you closer as the kiss deepened.
The kiss grew more desperate quickly as he pulled you to straddle his lap. He had his hands under your dress caressing your thighs. You couldn't help but rock against him causing more friction between the both of you. He moaned against your lips from by the way you effected him. You had to pull away to catch your breath but quickly leaned down farther to kiss down his jaw.
He pushed your jacket down and letting it fall behind you, hitting the wheel as you were taking your time with his buttons letting more of his chest to be exposed.
He brought his lips back towards yours before he was working on the top of your dress letting it fall off your chest exposing your strapless bra. He was quick to kiss down your chest letting your bra fall more uncomfortably. You could feel him full erected underneath you as you were still rocking against him.
His breathing became heavier that he stopped what he was doing to lean his head against the back of the seat for a second. He looked you in the eyes before they drifted down focusing on your undies. You lifted yourself to help take them off as you began to unbuckle his pants. You gently took him in your hand and slowly jerked him only enough to lubricate. You leaned forward guiding him in and relaxed as you could adjust.
His muffled sounds were so beautiful as you began your movements. The pleasure was unreal. You only wish it was only a dream, to save you from trouble. You knew it was wrong but why couldn't you stop?
You leaned down kissing him passionately as you quickened your pace. Once you lifted for air, you grabbed his hands leading them to your chest. You tilted your head back enjoying the pleasure.
As you felt like you were lost in your own world, he grabbed your hips helping you keep the rhythm. You moved your hand to the front of your folds to guide your climax closer to the edge. Just as you were about to release, he beat you to it causing the room to spin. You felt numbness scattered throughout your body.
You collapse on top of his body as you both could catch your breath. You felt happy at the moment, like you didn't want to move but the guilt came rushing back causing you quickly run away. You got yourself redressed as Taeyong looked at you with concern.
"This was a mistake." You felt your eyes water. Taeyong was quick to dress as well from you being so upset. "I shouldn't have come back here."
"I'm sorry Taeyong but we can't see each other anymore, not even as friends." You were panicked.
"(Y/N) this is my dumb mistake too."
"Unless you're ending it with your fiancé, I can't be in the picture no more." You looked at him for a response but he looked down staying silent.
"Okay then. Goodbye."
He grabbed your hand before you could leave the car. "You're just upset. Can we talk about this tomorrow?"
"No because as long as we're alone together I can't help my feelings around you and that's not fair for your fiancé."
"I can't anymore." You finally left his car and quickly made your way inside. Why were you so weak?
You've done it again. You had to leave as soon as possible, the guilt was killing you.
"You leaving?" Your sister asked as she saw you packing your bag.
"Yeah, Haejin called me and said I'm needed back at work." You lied.
"Oh." She pouted.
"Aren't you leaving? You have school tomorrow."
"I'm leaving tonight." She was lucky she had a car.
"A few more years and you can live with me." You winked.
"Sure." She smiled.
"There's one more thing I want to do before I go, can I borrow the car?" She nodded and you quickly left so you can go back home.
You stopped at a cute little townhouse village and followed the number Mark gave you. You just hoped it wasn't some random address giving you more chances not to trust him. You knocked on the door and waited until someone finally answered it, causing your stomach to drop.
"Oh hi (Y/N)." Jiyoon smiled at you but it didn't feel very genuine.
"Hi. I'm leaving I just wanted to say goodbye to Taeyong." You said sweetly.
"Taeyong is at work unfortunately." She shrugged.
"Oh. Just let him know I said goodbye and oh yeah....congratulations for you two."
"Thank you. We still don't know our date but it's probably the beginning of next year the latest."
"Can I be honest with you (Y/N)?" You looked at her confused. "I know you and Taeyong were very serious and I can't help but feel a little uncomfortable with you two still being close."
"I'm sorry you feel that way." You looked at her with concern to hide the fact you really wanted to pull her hair out.
"I have bad experiences with ex's too and I have to compromise for Tae so I'm sorry if I make him do the same thing."
"You have nothing to worry about. I live in Seoul."
"Oh that's great." She smiled at you once again and it seemed more fake then before. "I hope you don't get offended if I don't invite you to our wedding."
"I'm sorry but is Taeyong okay with that?" You finally showed your real expressions.
"He'll understand."
"Taeyong and I split up 6 years ago."
"Like I said compromise."
"Maybe I should talk to Taeyong about this?"
"I'll doubt he'll talk to you."
"Why's that?" You crossed your arms.
"I don't know. He just seemed pissed off at you after he came home last night. He even tossed your painting in our garbage. Did you want it back?" Fake fake fake.
"I'm sorry to hear that, I'm not sure why.....Have a great day....." You walked back to the car. "Bitch."
You didn't know what to believe. He could be upset the way you left last night but on the other hand he seemed more upset then angry. Was she lying? The best thing was to just get back home and that's what you did.
The train seemed longer then on your way there, probably from your lack of sleep that eat up the time last time. You couldn't get Taeyong out of your head. Even if she was lying, it was still clean you weren't invited to the wedding. How messed up is that?
The worst part of it all was you never got the chance to ask for Taeyong's cell number. You couldn't imagine him having the same phone from 6 years ago.
You got off the train, being greeted by Haejin. "I never missed you so much in my life."
"So how was everything?"
"Terrible." She looked at you concerned as you got in her car. "I did something really bad."
"I saw my high school sweetheart again."
"Okay?" Haejin listened.
"And we kind of slept together.....twice."
"What's wrong with that?" Haejin winked.
"He's engaged.....and the worst part is I still have feelings for him."
to be continued....
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alexalblondo · 4 years
I was about to say pancakes but someone beat me to it 😔
So how about this: which one of Seb’s 4 wdc wins is your favorite and why?
Hahahaha 🙈😂 I’m so sorry 😢
And DAMN!!! That’s a hard one!
Oh oh ohhhhh, okay, okay!
First off: Sorry for clogging up people’s dashes but I’m to lazy to get my laptop and who knows how to do a read more in the app? (Not me)
There’s the first one were no one ever expected him, I mean, let’s be honest despite being runner up in 2009 and SOMEONE *cough* Mark *cough* saying Seb got preferred treatment by the team he was never that favoured and no one - NO ONE - expected him to win? Like every interview beforehand was whether RedBull would pull team orders and would Seb go along and then THEN Mark messed up a little and Ferrari messed up a lot and the bastard babe got his first title and he cried so hard and I may or may not be getting a sun tattoo for him cause damn that one hits so hard still!!! He did so good, my baby!
And then there is 2011 which is (as a season) kinda boring but it might just be Seb’s most deserved title simply because he won it BY BEING THE ONLY BITCH WHO CARED ENOUGH TO LEARN ABOUT THE TIRES!!! (Also cause he was that good and the car was superb but yeah, bastard man knows his tires!)
I mean, Seb really just looked at every podium that year and went: 👉👈 and that is sooo sexy of him (his worst finish that whole season? 4th place ONCE and 1 DNF! And 11 wins out of 19 races! Bitch snapped that year! (Even Lewis only managed sth like that in 2014 and he had 3 DNFs that year, soooo...)
(Also Martin Brundle hates it sooo much? Like damn, every time he says “Is there anything they can do against this boy?” or whatever condescending shit he was spouting Seb gains another second on his opponents! 😂)
Then we have 2012 which many call the best season ever (when 2009 and 2010 are right there? M’kay? I mean, haven’t watched in a while so maybe I should) which really ... didn’t have Seb pegged as a favorite at all?
Cause McLaren had the best car and Alonso drove supremely well and the Lotus? Came out of nowhere?
But RedBull nailed the development and it’s sort of the beginning of spite driven!Seb cause once the asian leg of the season hits Seb is basically like: oh, Alonso is the clear favorite and leading by quite a bit? Well. Wouldn’t it be a shame if someone where to win 4 races in a row? And get another 2 podiums?... like, go off king, do drive two of your best and messiest races just near the end to prove to people you CAN overtake! I’m not mad, just, why do you hate having an easy life?
(Also that brought us the iconic moment of DC having to stand on a podium with Seb and Kimi swearing and having to say: english isn’t their first language, they don’t know what they are saying - they did and Jean Todt threatening disciplinary actions for SWEARING is just hilarious, does the FIA not have bigger fish to fry?)
And of course, OF COURSE, who could forget 2013? THE 2013?
If the TV show we will someday get based on Lewis and Seb’s career has titles for their seasons 2012 will be called “adjusted expectations” and 2013 will be “SPITE” (done in a really toxic green)
God, I love all of them but thinking about it 2013 must be my favourite cause it gave us so much!
We have Seb the ultimate bad bitch with the iconic Multi21 incident and the “I was faster. I passed him. I won.” and wow, 9 wins in a row? And 13 total? OUT OF 19 races? Well, do go off king, I beg you!
Like, Seb bleached his hair and he bleached his remorse and he turned into the baddest bitch and just went, if ya’ll wanna hate me I’ll be the best damn villain people have ever seen! And he made fools out of everyone else in the most stylish fashion only someone driving for the tox-factory that is RedBull could manage!
Cause I love RedBull and I love Seb but they are one toxic ass bitch and damn, love that for them (but also fuck them and I’ll see you in court once the Stockholm Syndrom wears off!)
But like, if you actually ... really ... officially ... here ... on tumblr ... on this day ... on the 26th of November 33 years after a short bastard man was born ... if you want me to choose my favorite title? It gotta be the one he wins with Aston Martin to equal Fangio, the man who holds so many oldest driver to do X titles! Like, let Lewis break all of Michael’s record - as he should and deserves - but also let Seb have one more (or two or more - dear racing goddess, I am not the boss of you!)
So there you have it:
Chris’ fave titles Seb has won (so far)
Hugs and kisses and lots of spite to motivate you 😍💖😍
(Bonus mention for 2009 aka: if only he didn’t crash into Kubica, crashed out a lap later in Malaysia and didn’t let Jenson past in Turkey that title would have been his!)
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neo-shitty · 3 years
hehe glad i could make you laugh, oooh that sounds awesome! yeah id love to be tagged it sounds great :)
YES the differences are so fucking weird. like, they do know they're the same age right? i feel like its just an exagguration of how much the persons role in the group matters, like we see chan being held up as such a mature, old leader while jungkook who is literally the same age, is still babied etc. like enha hyung line is basically the same age (if a bit younger) as chenle and jisung but somehow the rules are different?? as you point out, still legal but still bizarre. hehe yeah, i mean where else are we going to rant? quora lol. mmm, hopefully more people can just write less smut abt people who are barely adults
ah, no prob it didnt take long. yeah i think thats right (i keep forgetting you know my url lol) mmhmm :( i think if that happened irl there would be some major trauma going on. knock wood it never happens to you or me lol (/hj)
hehe same! oooh glad Redemption For Cheese was realised! yess we cant rllycomplain that theyve written/produced too much good music lol. yeah, ive dragged him into being a stay so *dusts hands off* mission accomplished. mmm yeah, they tend to have a certain vibe but tbh it couldve worked if they were any other group but ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ ahh ur one step ahead of me on the stages of listening to ssick i think, still not convinced but thats okay! hehe, it had to be said. yesss the itch in the back of my brain is very satisfied by sorry i love you, felixs vocals deserve to be appreciated! (side note i feel like hes trying to sing more like his speaking voice, sorta husky, but tbh i wouldnt be mad if he sang like in glow, his sweet honey vocals made my life lol. but i think ive heard him say he doesnt like singing like that cos it makes his normal voice less husky, so what can you do)
> YES SOMEONE SAID IT. seungmin rap KING, he sped thru that rap like it was nothing, he deserves more rap lines. i do like how they gave minho some melodic rap lines this comeback, my guy deserved to show off those skills that made him not be eliminated (flashbacks to stay collectively wanting to murder jyp) and we already know changbin can sing, my man murdered masked singer. hyunjin can obviously sing as can jisung and felix, and i want to hear chan rap more! i feel like he started as part of 3racha (as a rap unit not producing) and then just became a vocalist (which im fine with, but it could be nice to hear him flex his rapping skills) and was partially replaced by hyunjin. anywayyy
back to album talk. lmaooo sad music to twerk to PERFECTLY describes silent cry. yes secret secret is and will always be, a masterpiece. hehe glad i could make you laugh :) i just felt like they have similar vibes. putting off skz stuff bc of not having time to cry IS the kpop stan life summarised. oh my beloved track, red lights. ahh thats okay, we can have different opinions, but by god the lyrics are *chefs kiss*. *banging on table* TWISTED AU TWISTED AU TWISTED AU. yess id love to see ur take on it! sdfghjkl it would have been glorious
no no! not stupid, just able to predict my brainwaves. ooooh thats so cool! makes me want to go there (wherever there is lol) yeah the waves are pretty good here, but none of my familys a surfer, so we dont rlly enjoy the full potential lol. YES moving on to gone away, it is indeed a heartwrenching track, but the vocals and the bloody key change? makes me want to brave being sad just to listen to it. mmm yeah, good point :( i feel like ive just gotten used to overthinking so much so that it doesnt matter what mood im in, ill do it anyway, so might as well just do what i feel like doing anyway.
yeah i think ur right! it is quite comforting knowing that all the tracks will get the love they deserve. i feel like also people assume kpop is just one genre which is utter bs. there are so many different vibes and feels and songs, i couldnt get into kpop (of which i thought only the bright cheerful present day bts stuff existed smh) until i heard gods menu so... idk where i was going with this but yeah. :)
YES FUCK YG, theyre literally on the brink of being kicked out of the big three and they are holding their salvation hostage without letting them do ANYTHING. idek what thought process goes thru their minds but arghhh its so infuriating. yess lisa's cb will be awesome but ot4 is the gold standard here.
hehe, glad u could get to this point. no no! u dont sound like a cult member at all lol yeah, i loooove some of their songs but the whole 23 members thing is getting to me. thats prob a common problem with nctzens but what can i say? im a simple girl with a limit to how many korean boys i can give my money to. atm im just trying to get into ateez and finish memorising enhypen's faces. also kard is kinda sucking me into their fandom atm, as well as eric name lol. ah what can you do? ooh thats good!
hehe i love it too! its exactly like online penpals, that was rlly well put. aww ty! hmm im okay, recovering from a bad case of rsv so thats fun. im doing okay mentally, starting therapy soon (after having to convince my mother that its not just smth i can brush off). physically i wont go into, basically i should be doing stretches to help but they dont completely fix it so my lazy ass doesnt do them, plus i got told recently im going to be stuck with this condition for the rest of my life so thats fun! ah, before you type smth dw abt me ill be fine. the weather atm is cloudy but warm, its been raining on and off today which is good for the garden. uhh i just finished reading sunburnt veils and im in the middle of prom theory which is rlly good. ummm ive got a concert tonight? that i may or may not be able to sing in (bc of the whole rsv thingo) and uhhhh idk. my dog is cute? im drinking tea rn? ive got a school dance coming up?
wbu? hows ur day going, how are you? whats the weather like on ur end? done anything interesting lately? found smth that makes you rlly happy? just any random thing youve been dying to tell someone?
no no! dont apologise, i love these exchanges. i think im happy to continue them for a long time :) on the other hand, if you get tired of them, feel free to just not answer at any time. goodness gracious this was a long ask haha hope it isnt too annoying
<3 w.a. 🐺
sorry it took me a bit to reply, i was fixing my theme ;n;
yeah, i figured it was because of the roles too. my friends and i still get taken aback when 3rd gen idols are the same age as 4th gen ones. in my head it doesn't add up sometimes. PLS THE RANT AT QUORA SKJDK tbh tho it's just going to be normalized as the years pass? esp that the boys are growing older and the amount of explicit fics will just increase. i might have to start blocking tags.
i had to look up the previous ask to remember what we were talking about xd i hope the events in champagne problems never happens to anyone. realistically, it probably happens a lot. damn i really won't wish that pain on anyone. dragging your brother into being a stay i whEEZED JFKSA additional noeasy music enthusiast o.o and ALL I CAN SAY WITH YOU GUSHING ABT FELIX IS AHA WHIPPEEEED OML can't blame you tho, i also want to hear felix sing more in other shades (if that makes sense HAHA) i really hope they'll do the role exchange in the next comeback :( or like in the near future bc i know they can do it :( the day i hear seungmin rapping it i will respectfully pass away. minho was given more lines this comeback thank fUCK i could rmb my irl being vocal abt her frustration. i don't get why minho barely has center time/lines in title tracks??? like the line distribution in the past eras just made me ???? if seventeen can balance lines with 13 members why cant a group of 8 do the same? moving on. i haven't watched the stray kids show simply bc i don't want to cry HAJS but i've seen clips. imagine if skz debuted without minho and felix?!?!? i rmb another irl catching bias feels towards changbin bc of the masked singer only to find out that the man's a rapper. i love how skz's vocals were highlighted this comeback :c there were a lot of mellow tracks! i find it cute when chan sings/raps bc it gets kinda obvious that he's a foreigner? the accent (im not even sure if it's the accent) it just shows. "putting off skz stuff bc of not having time to cry IS the kpop stan life summarised." CORRECT.
abt the twisted au o.O i'll inquire my irl if she wants to write it or not. if she doesn't want to, i'll do it. i miss writing twisted aus <3___<3 and i also miss going to the beach with my friends :' ) but it's starting to get cold here and i don't think i'll be able to enjoy the beach as much as i would if i went beaching in the summer. so maybe next summer? gone away really has an sm-ballad vibe. the thing about skz being a self-producing group, their songs don't sound like typical jype songs? and i just appreciate that bc in all honesty im not a fan of jyp groups at all. PLS the overthinking. i wish i could mute overthinking.
anyone who assumes kpop is just one genre obv hasn't listened to a single track. if kpop was just one genre why do i like some tracks more than the others??? oh you've only recently become a kpop stan? tbh im not a fan of the bright songs of bts either. i liked their older ones *chefs kiss* really matched high school vibes. yg has good artists and they're just wasting the talent ~.~ that strategy they have will get tiring eventually. people will stop waiting on blackpink and move on to newer more active groups ://
HAHAHAH yeah the 23 members is pretty overwhelming! it was the reason i didn't bother stanning before quarantine started. i don't regret stanning tho, met my ult bias in that group <3___<3 i don't really purchase albums unless i like the tracks xd ohhh getting into ateez just in time for the comeback! let me know what you think about them! i was fond of them at some point but grew out of it. good luck with memorizing enhypen! it took me a while to distinguish to people there XD i haven't checked out kard yet but chan plays their songs during lives and they're sexc hype music me likey *u*
i had to look up rsv im sorry. i'm glad you're recovering! please rest more and don't stress yourself out. bro i wish i could go to therapy too bc i have weird issues i can't justify and i need a professional to tell me what's the reason behind it. stuck with what condition btw? what happened? i'm sorry in case i just forgot. yesterday was a bit rainy for me too :(( it's not the type of rainy that makes me anxious so B) oh concert! good luck and i hope you'll be able to sing but i also don't think it's best for you rn :c what's your dog's breed? and yes i just finished drinking tea too. AAAAA i miss school dances :(( the last one i was supposed to have was cancelled bc of covid.
i was less productive today and i'm teetering between being mentally stable and becoming a hermit again. i'm anxious with a lot of things atm so like : D not the best state. today it was a bit sunny but not hot hot which was nice. i changed my theme today bc i couldn't wait for sept. 1st. and no i haven't found anything that makes me happy HAHAHA shit like that's hard to identify. don't have anything to say too, i'm just thinking about why i'm procrastinating too much atm T_T and i'm listening to this rap song atm and one of the rappers sounded like han.
it isn't annoying! i enjoy the long exchanges but i do admit it takes me awhile to type down a reply. so if i get more busy, it'll prolly take a bit longer for me to reply.
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nblesbianbenhanscom · 4 years
Harringrove *grabby hands* feed me all the headcanons
1. How do much do I ship it?: Never heard of it/ Notp / Dislike / used to ship / maybe / ship it / aww / otp / IS IT CANON YET?
honestly, no one should be surprised that i would ever give a fuck if it was canon or not. canon can’t affect how i feel.
2. What non sexual activities do they like to do together?
They like to watch too much TV, probably drink, hang out with their friends, and just cuddle. I also really like the idea of Billy reading to Steve, and them just chilling and reading for hours.
3. Who does chores around the house?
Steve. Steve would make such a good house husband. I mean, Billy does a lot too, but like I feel like Steve would do more.
4. Who’s the better cook?
Oh, Billy. Definitely Billy. Steve’s parents made sure he never had to cook either by leaving him money, or making sure a maid or someone made food for him. Billy had to learn to cook from a young age. Probably not something Neil actively encouraged, but when he was between wives, as if Neil would have ANY intention of cooking/caring for his son.
5. Who’s the funniest drunk?
Um. Yes? Both of them? Lol.  I choose both. Because they get drunk together and they would be ridiculous together.
6. Do they have kids?
I think they eventually foster/adopt kids, kids who have been in and out of homes a lot. They want to help as many kids as possible because no one deserves a Neil.
7. Do they have any traditions?
They always go camping on the 4th of July. Always.
I don’t know anything else really. There’s so much bad, around some of the other holidays, but I hc Steve’s parents as being pretty shitty, so like holidays are spent alone or with the Byers or the kids or Robin (or all of the above).
8. What do they fight about?
Hmm. This is harder, cause in the beginning I think they would fight a lot, but not over anything in particular, but because they’ve got a lot of shit to work through, Billy especially with Neil. I think there would be a lot of play fighting too, fighting over nothing, bickering really, although sometimes, to people who don’t know them (and even some who do) it looks like real fighting.
9. What would they do if they found their paring tag on tumblr? (If they have one)
Omg. I. Billy would probably, for the most part get off on a lot of it. Like most of it. So much of it. And I think Steve would be a little ??? and then just fall in a hole and come out like three days later like, what the fuck just happened.
10. Who cried at the end of Marley and me?
I mean, Billy cries a lot canonically, so ofc Billy, but if you think Steve would be dry eyed, you’d be so fucking wrong.
11. Who always wins at Mario kart?
Neither of them. They always cheat. They play a few games, but it turns into rough housing which turns into 👀👀👀 And they are forced out of the room because """"nobody wants to see that""""""
12. One thing I like about this ship?
I love that in one minute I can read a fic where they are literally brawling in an alley and kiss with blood all over their mouths to so much stuff about Billy eating Steve out to like very serious Billy centric fics that explore Billy working through his shit.
13. One thing I don’t like about the ship?
I do not. Know. The things I can come up with are like understandable, or stuff that’s not my kink, but I’m very not into kink shaming, so I just do the grown up thing and keep scrolling.
14. The song I would say fits them?
Trouble- Halsey
15. Another headcanon about the paring? (Free space)
Oof. They sleep all over each other in bed. Like, they get a king size so they can spread out, but always wake up on top of each other, usually in the middle of the bed. They just can’t get enough of each other.
send me more ships if y’all want!
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enigma-im · 4 years
Kindle Unlimited Recommendation
Dark Planet Warriors Series
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Warning: Gore, violence, some situation of wrongful touching
8 stories. The series begins with a bug infestation on the mining station outside of earth. A species called Kordolians are there to be the exterminators. After a meeting with a strange human our primary story kicks off while the bug story plays in background in some stories while being the main focus for several books. The consistent story for the other 8 books is a romance between the aliens and humans that results in a war for purity.
Person thoughts:
Great fuckin series. Almost every book has a different couple with only the very first couple being the focus several other times. First book is fantastic, especially the first sex scene. Its so good. The next few focus on the bug infestation till its dealt with then it gets back to the war. Don't skip them though, Riker is a treat that deserves to be acknowledged. My favorite one of this amazing series is Infinity's Embrace. That book has some dope characters. Electric Heart is my least favorite because it's like a real bad Watch Dogs (video game).
Rating: 9/10
Dark Planet Warriors
Dark planet Falling
Into the Light
Out of Darkness
Forged in Shadow
Infinity's Embrace
Electric Heart
Brilliant Starlight
Office Alien Series
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Warning: Awkwardness, drug use, kidnapping (kind of)
Three books about an office relationship with three different aliens. Each alien goes through the venture of courting a human woman. All of them succeed on confusing then educating these people on their culture. All the aliens come from the same planet that has been ravaged by a tough alien species that try to wipe them out with their superior technology. That isn't a plot point, its just an explanation. Each story shows the struggles of cultural differences and how education and understanding can help make the world a better place.
Person thoughts:
I adore this series. One book in this series actually got a perfect score from me, which is strange cause I'm a tough grader. The first book has a super awkward lad who just seems to hate everyone. Its really cute and I like them both though their relationship is filled with cringe. The second book I didn't much care for. The main love dude was kind of an idiot and was too blinded by acceptance to be a reasonable thinking alien. Still decent but Its not my cup of tea. The last one- sweet jesus- was amazing. It has a ‘my cousin Vinny’ vibe with their relationship where they fight often but its like their form of foreplay. So good. There is another series that’s super short that takes place 1 year later for each story. Totally worth a read after you read the series.
Rating: 8/10
The E.T. Guy
The New Guy
The Security Guy
(Christmas special)
Kraving Khiva
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Warning: Sex workers, forced prostitution, abuse
Eve is a virgin who is fed up with it. After her father's death she has been ghosting by in life with her best friend. After said friend points out a brothel of some interesting aliens she decides to give the place a try to finally rid herself of her virginity. After just one night she keeps coming back, falling for the sex worker. Romance ensues with lots of strife and abuse to keep the two from their HEA.
Personal Thoughts:
Man, this story represents everything I love in a story. Tons of fluff. It was a really good slow burn that I didn’t expect from a story about a prostitute. The cover gives the illusion of a typical middle aged mother romance - which I guess it is- but it has so much more. I only had one problem with the story, the ending. I felt they could have given more information but they just glossed over it. Besides that, hot book. The second one is really boring, just a slice of life that I couldn't get into.
Rating: 9/10
Kraving Khiva
Prince of Firestone
The Queen's Ransom
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Warning: Near death situations, a lot of near death situations, gore
432 pages. Long book. Jalia enters into a competition to win a great prize. The interest of great fortune is too much for her to pass up. Little does she know the treachery the competition hides or the actual prize. The king of Minotaurs is hosting an event to test the strength, endurance, and intelligence of potential wives. In a culture that values strength they refuse to accept a queen who hasn't been tried. Genius Jalia goes through challenge after challenge, nearly dying about every chapter while catching the attention of a charming king.
Personal Thoughts:
I generally don't have the patience for long books but this one never dragged on. Every chapter was captivating and riveting. The challenges were interesting and Jalia's solutions were pretty genius. The relationship between the king and her is pretty grand, I adore them greatly. My only problem with the book is all the potty humor and insults. She was a genius but her insults left much to be desired. Once her biggest annoyance is no longer in the picture does that kind of stuff end.
Rating: 9/10
The Queen's Ransom
The Kraken
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Warning: Gore, racism, attempts of suicide(only 1 book), sassy AI
A mysterious creature has lived in the ocean long ago, since the beginning of the settlement on this planet. After a nearly drowning woman is saved a series kicks off. Each book has a different relationship of humans and Krakens. Every book tells the story of how the krakens go from living in isolation at the bottom of the ocean to breeding with humans.
Personal thoughts:
When I first read this story I was just getting into monster romance. The love interests have fairly human tops but hella tentacle bottoms. So I was a little off-put by it but as I read on I didn’t care. The first one is pretty good for a start. The second one was decent, I didn’t really care for it. I actually skipped the 3rd one my first go around. Which is fine, it doesn't add too much and its short. Its still worth a read. The 4th one, fucking grand. 5th one? My all time favorite of the series! If you don't want to read them all at least read the 5th one. Like ask me for story details and I'll give you a cliff note for what's mentioned in that story then you can read in peace. 6th was ok, love the sassy AI. I didn't read the 7th one. Its two old people and I just can't
Rating: 8/10
Treasure Abyss
Jewel of the Sea
Hunter of the Tide
Heart of the Deep
Rising from the Depth
Fallen from the Stars
Lover from the Waves
Escaping Wonderland
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Warning: Sexual assault, gore, lots of sexual stuff
Alice is wrongfully placed in a psych ward that specializes in simulation therapy. She is placed in a pod then taken to the world of wonderland. This twisted version of the children's classic introduces a rapey mad hater and manipulative Red King. The main love interest is a playful lad who has more control of the simulation than most. The two run from the clutches of the Red King while trying to escape the simulation.
Personal thoughts:
I had very low hopes for this story. I didn't expect it to be as good as it was. It was a twist on the beloved movie and book. Everything was rapey and creepy and I weirdly loved it. Of course nothing too terrible happened to the main lady so it made those situations more tolerable but only just. I adore the main dude, shadow. He was a playful little mischief maker and I would die for him. What made this book better for me was when everything hit the fan they didn't rid him of his sassy personality. Most books make the cocky, silly, playful personality as something that is bad and needs to change. This one they didn’t and kept it. So good.
Rating: 9/10
Escaping Wonderland
Infinity City
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Warning: Abuse, gore, sexual assault, dope ass fighting
A city where criminals are more in control than most people think. Each book takes the reader through different adventure of different people. All having the similarity of protecting the ones they love. The first is of an assassin protecting the only woman who has made him feel so strongly. The second is with a mob boss hacker who grows fond of a shy human. The third is the second in command of the mob boss hacker who finds a pregnant woman in a menagerie and discovers she is his mate. Fourth is one of the workers of the mob boss's security team who gets taken by some slavers along with a woman he was entertaining for the night.
Personal thoughts:
First book sucked. He was obsessives and pretty much took all her choices. It wasn't till the end that he was like "my bad, you can leave if you want". Bleh. Second book was fan-fucking-tastic. Arc is a charming idiot with an amazing backstory. I didn't like the girl in the beginning but she grew on me. I love that he focuses on her but still pays attention to work and his 'family'. The third was surprisingly good. I generally don't like stories where someone is pregnant because they get boring. This one was not that. She was never a hindrance or weak, she was a badass. With her big kitty man they made an amazing duo. Also any scenes with her man and the baby made me tear up. He was so sweet. Fourth was boring, it reminds me too much of a lot of other stories.
Rating: 8/10
Silent lucidity
Shielded hearts
Untamed Hunger
Savage Desire
While people watch TV or Youtube in their free time, I read. I have such a weird organization with everything i read because i tend to reread stories and forget i read them. the entire time i read it im like “have i read this before?”. so for books i write them down, rate them, then review them. i didn’t post the reviews here because it would be so many spoilers. Also i sort my favorite fanfics by fandom then relationship. i read so fucking much, its a problem at this point.
If you liked this recommendation drop a like, reblog, or reply. i will perhaps do another if you all like this. i have read so many books and i can post some decent ones and some god awful ones. perhaps you all can tell me how wrong my thoughts are on the ones i deem terrible. i think we will probably agree, ‘free’ books tend to have lower standards.
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sothischickshe · 4 years
My predictions:
Beth's ABOUT to call off the hit...
But then a seethingly jealous jt, angry that he's apparently been bumped down to 3rd place as contender for 4th good girl, appears out of nowhere and knocks Mr hit man out
Beth yells IF YOU'RE BORED THEN YOU'RE BORING very triumphantly at him, but as he's unconscious it rather loses its bite
Rio finds out about the hit attempt and is EXTREMELY offended that anyone would try to take him out via an ENVELOPE connect
If anyone so much as paraphrases 'you come at the king you best not miss' I will genuinely go find a chair easy to fall off painfully simply to do so
Annie and Beth feel extremely bad for infecting Ruby with so much stupidity that she bought that couple a car
Annie! Gets!! A!!! Lady!!!! Love!!!!! Interest!!!!!!
Dean pisses all over Beth's car, I'm telling you it's coming
The hit man is pretty confused after he wakes up, but still remembers to charge Beth for their lil therapy sesh
They decide to part ways and give up on this whole thing, Mr hit man doesn't actually offer annie that apprenticeship he was about to before being knocked out but she's pleased and inspired by his interest in her and finds a new dream job to work towards as a result (therapist maybe?????)
Someone makes a comment on beth and rio's day drinking and terrible decision making skills. Obviously neither listens
Beth and mick bone. Why the fuck not!
No more doc whosit
Beth eats a food onscreen!!!!!!
More krystal/Diane, what's she been up to man???
It's revealed that dean's a serial puppy killer (oh you thought that was really hot sauce? OK). Beth's surprisingly not into it
Turns out rio's been patiently waiting for beth to try to buy back her furniture but has now gotten bored and set it all on fire
He gifts her a foosball table, she smashes it to death with her bare hands
Stoned giggly Beth ruby annie finally! Because I DESERVE it
Rio randomly out of nowhere makes some reference to the miscarriage lie, Beth doesn't even remember saying it lol
Confirmation of offscreen Beth/rio banging - Ruby annie and mick make the GREATEST faces of all time!!!!!
Beth almost beats rio at pool, but he grabs all the cues and hides them on a very high shelf to prevent her
Mick has to lock them in separate rooms because their hissing is giving him a migraine
At least one Marcus scene (it might be Marcus and mick cos rio's still locked in a cupboard)
The feds come knocking and Beth frrrrrrrrreaks the fuck out, but it turns out rio actually already had a half decent plan in place to lead them on a merry dance that shockingly kinda works
Dean gets super extra fucking infantilised, Beth gives him some pocket money and he runs off to buy candy with it while the grown ups are talking business
Gayle turns out to be rio's big boss, why the fuck not
Episode ends with a cliffhanger, Beth's gone missing, rio and mick are pointing angrily at annie and Ruby who are mirroring the angry pointing right back at them
Some hiatus fanfiction is gonna be WRITTEN mmmmkay
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ashley-jones · 3 years
The Kings Mate
Chapter 24
A Cheating Mate Causes New Love
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Luna had left with Inuyasha early the next morning due to him sensing a demon near by, and wanted to check for any shards. She only had her bow and arrows while Sesshomaru had swords, and she didn’t wish to wake him to retrieve the blades. “Tch..I knew I smelled it somewhere around here..” the hanyou mumbled. She looked at him and then looked around blinking. “I don’t sense anything Inuyasha..I did earlier but now it’s gone..” she said softly.
The hanyou nodded in agreement turning around so he was facing her. “Oh well..” he mumbled. She smiled softly and shrugged setting her bow down and sliding down against a tree looking up towards the sunrise. The air was chill but yet comfortable, the ground a bit wet but I didn’t really bother the female. The hanyou slowly sat down beside her crossing her arms and staring at the sunrise. The beautiful colors casted all across the sky creating a beautiful glow along the horizon. “It’s so beautiful here.. No buildings, no loud noises. It’s just peaceful, it makes the scene so much better..” she said softly. He looked over at her and hummed in agreement, his eyes moving the crescent on her shoulder and then back to the horizon. “We should he’d back.. Everyone’s most likely going to be waking up soon.” he stated.
She watched as he stood back up and began walking back. This made the female sigh quietly and stand up brushing off her skirt and grabbing her bow, soon joining the hanyous side.
He froze in his steps making her stop as well, his nose pointed up in the air. He took off to the right, the teenage girl quikcly following after him in case of a demon near by. “Inuyasha..!” she called. She huffed and grabbed a tree branch before she fell due to the wet ground. She looked towards the red clad male who was standing beside a tree looking into a clearing. ‘What’s up with him..?’ She thought. She slowly made her way over but Inuyasha stopped her before she could see what he was looking at.
She looked up at him confused as he then looked down at her. “W-what..?” she whispered. She pushed his arm lightly to the side her eyes wideneing at the sight before her. Her bow falling from her grasp and her heart stopped. Her breath caught in her throat and tears filled her eyes. “W-why..?” she whispered. She fell back slightly but quickly took off ignoring Inuyasha as he tried to grab her arm.
The hanyou quickly turned back around looking at his older half brother and Kagome. The black haired girl was leaning over with her lips against the demons. “Damn you..” he growled. Inuyasha grabbed the bow and took off after Luna. She showed loyalty to Sesshomaru, but he couldn’t show loyalty back?!
Luna tripped and fell to her knees let out a pained gasp, her hand shaking as she looked down at her ankle seeing a large cut across it. She let out breath as a tear fell down her cheek. “Luna!” Inuyasha yelled. He quickly jumped over so he was right beside her, quickly kneeling down and touching her ankle earning a pain Yelp from her. “I’m sorry..” he quietly said. He looked at her watching the tears stream down her cheeks. His best growling and screaming at him to go back and confront his older brother, but he refused wanting to stay by the young girls side. “I wanna go home..” she whispered.
He nodded and slowly picked her up and began walking back to camp. Her head was laid against his shoulder, and not a single sound left her lips; only tears were falling. ‘He’ll get what he deserves... Anyone who dares to pick someone over you, is pathetic..’ Inuyasha thought.
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“What did you do to her you half breed?!” Jaken yelled. He gripped his staff tightly when he saw his lords mate being carried, but it fell when he saw the female crying. Inuyasha ignored everyone who questioned the female and sat her down helping her with her things. Kagome and Sesshomaru had just gotten there as well, Kagome quickly running to her sister aid. But moved away when the female flinched away from her touch. “L-Luna your hurt..” she stated. “I’m aware..” she mumbled.
“What happened?” Sesshomaru questioned. Inuyasha stood up and looked directly at his older brother. “She fell, I’m gonna take her home so she get proper medical supplies.” He stated. Luna looked up at Inuyasha surprised at the fact that he was going to be taking her home. Kagome went to protest but Inuyasha had already lifted the female and her bag, his shoulder hitting Sesshomaru’s as he left the camp.
Sesshomaru could sense the lie, his eyes flashing red as he watched the half breed walk away with his mate. His mate had been crying as well, and he knew it wasn’t due to her injury. ‘She saw’ his beast yelled. Sesshomaru let out a growl at his beasts consumption, he would have sensed her if she had been anywhere near him or the miko. Kagome was holding onto Rin who was trying to run after her female caretaker. “No Rin.. She has to go home so she can get healed..” Kagome said softly. “Well... Should we wait for Inuyasha to get back..?” Shippo questioned. “Jaken. Follow them” Sesshomaru ordered. The imp grabbed his staff and bowed before quickly running off after the half breed and young wolf.
The group was once more on the path, Kagome looking for any sign of jewel shards. Inuyasha was sitting on the well wrapping the females ankle gently. Jaken standing behind a tree watching closely. “W-why my own sister..? I mean why not someone else..?” she whispered. “He’s a fool. He’s lucky to even have you marked as his” Inuyasha growled. “I didn’t want you to see. But I can’t help what happened. He’s your mate, and your bound to him. In your generation cheating isn’t normal, but during this time having a second is actually normal.. Mostly for royals.” Inuyasha explained. But he could tell that didn’t make the female feel better, she looked regretful of her choice of mating the demon lord.
“So... Sesshomaru will choose a whore in the future..? Or had my sister already become her.. Or am I the whore..?” she whimpered. Jaken eyes widened and quickly ran out yelling at the girl. “You dare speak the lord Sesshomaru in such a way!! You should respect your mate!!” the imp yelled. “How can I respect someone who decides to fuck around with my own sister?!” she growled at the imp. He flinched back and griped his staff speechless. “W-well..” he stumbled out. A loud thwack echoed through the air, Jaken laying unconscious on the ground.
Luna watched but soon stood up and jumped over the wells walls and inside, the blue light surrounding her body; the well sucking her in and taking her back home. Inuyasha yelled out to her for her to wait but she was already gone. She fell down to her knees when she made to the other side, droplets of tears falling to the cement ground. “Why does it hurt so much..?” she whispered.
She shook her head and slowly stood up climbing out of the well and walking out of the shrine. “Huh? Towa..” she whispered. The silverette quickly turning around and smiling softly, running over and hugging the female. The hurt female fell back slightly but slowly hugged back. “Morning..” she whispered. Towa hummed and moved away and slowly wiped the tears off her cheeks. “Luna.. Your crying..” she stated softly. “Yeah.. It’s been a rough morning..” she rasped out.
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Towa helped Luna inside so her mother could look at her ankle properly. “What happened child??” her grandfather questioned. “I just fell is all..” she mumbled. She took notice of Setsuna’s worried look as well, she then slowly looked back seeing the modern Sesshomaru. “May I?” her grandfather asked. She nodded and shifted pulling off her stocking wincing when she moved her foot too much. “Your ankle is sprained, but the wound is healed..” he mumbled. Towa and Setsuna watched curiously, but both girls easily noticed the distant look in the girls eyes, that broken look of betrayal.
Luna had a brace around her ankle and she was sitting outside against the fence guarding the tree of ages, her sketch book in her lap. She found herself sketching Sesshomaru for the 4th time that afternoon. She sighed and shut the book and leaned back staring at the shrine. Towa and Setsuna where out front learning more about demons and a bit more on archery and sword fighting. Luna had been with them for the first hour but then excused herself from the group. She looked up feeling a droplet of water drop into her hair, and slowly it began raining; in which slowly turned into hard. The teen slowly stood up looking up, her bangs covering her eyes.
“Oi.. Your gonna get sick..” came Inuyasha’s voice. She slowly looked over towards him her book falling from her hands as her tears mixed with the rain. She ran directly into the demons arms, he didn’t move an inch when she threw herself into his arms. He wrapped his arms around her holding her close as their clothing got soaked but neither seemed to care. The female cried into his chest no longer able to hold her break down in. “It’s okay.. Let it out..” he whispered. He placed his chin on the top of her head, his ears flattening as his claws traced gentle lines across her back.
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The teen slowly moved away and looked up at him with a broken gaze. Water dripping from her hair as the two of them just stared at each other. His clawed hand slowly moved up to her chin tracing it, and then moved up removing the tears from her cheeks. Her fists clenched against his kimono. She was no longer in the outfit she in before, but instead a long sleeves black crop top and ripped black skinny jeans. She had no shoes on and her was completely down.
He moved away slowly pushed strands of hair sticking to his face away. But when he was about to turn around the female grabbed his sleeve pulling him back, her lips pushing against his. He was surprised at first but soon found himself kissing back. The hanyou arm wrapped tightly around her waist holding her close, and her arms went around his neck. Rain pouring down all around them, it almost felt like time stopped when her lips met Inuyasha’s. This was nothing like her first kiss with Sesshomaru, this kiss felt as if it was filled with love and extreme passion.
Should she be doing this?
Is it wrong to Sesshomaru?
Isn’t she supposed to love her mate?
Isn’t her mate supposed to love her?
Soon questions disappeared when Inuyasha pulled her closer deepening the kiss, creating electric inside the female.
Towa and Setsuna watched with curious eyes, “never thought a rain kiss could actually happen in real life..” Sota whispered. The two girls nodding in agreement. Luna’s grandfather was crying to himself about his little girl kissing a demon, while her mother was smiling.
Luna moved away her nose against his. She smiled and he did as well. Her fingers brushed lightly through his hair, causing him to move back placing his lips against hers once more.
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