dizzybevvie · 8 months
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milkoolongtee · 5 months
My gums on one side of my mouth are swollen from eating too many trader joes brand Takis today and taking the extra time to suck/lick all the seasoning off of them. I love flavor and I suffer for it. Now, time for more food that will hurt me: orange vanilla buttermilk panna cotta with blueberry compote
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atlasscrumpit · 1 year
Demon Miguel x Reader
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(demon Miguel? Ish this is so random and confusing)
You laid in your bed, facing the wall as you thought about everything but nothing.
You heard your door open and the usual hand go to your shoulder.
"Baby? I made you some breakfast." You heard Miguel whisper as you turned around and looked at him.
"I don't feel like breakfast." You muttered as he reached up and held your face in his hand.
You knew what he was going to do.
"I'll eat... I'm sorry, please don't, Miguel." You whispered as he smiled.
"You'll be a good little girl for me? I don't need to force your mind?" He asked running his hand through your hair as you looked at him in fear.
"Yes, I'll be good." You whispered as he helped you stand up, he grabbed your nightgown and placed it over your.
"Come now, sweet human. I made pancakes for your lovely little tummy." He said as you cringed but followed him out.
He sat you down at the table that he had set and ran his hand over your hair.
"I love having you as my little human." He whispered before sitting across from you.
He didn't need to eat but he always loved to watch you eat and it made you just a little bit uncomfortable.
"I don't like when you watch me eat..." You muttered as he chuckled softly.
"Woke up on the wrong side of the bed, my love?" He questioned, making you sigh and continue eating.
"None of this is fair, you shouldn't be able to just...control me whenever you want! Or make me into something you want!" You shouted in anger at him as he tilted your hand.
"You should be thankful I let you have your own mind any of the time and... If you'd like to keep acting like a child I could always..." He taunted looking into your eyes.
"No! Please, I hate when you do that..." You muttered as he smiled.
"Aww, but I love it. You're so cute when you're little and so easy to manipulate." He said as you looked away from him.
And stared down at your breakfast.
"I want to go out today..." You muttered, poking at your food.
"Well, I'll make you a deal. We can go out for the day...if I can make you my little girl again so I know you won't try anything." He replied as you thought for a moment.
You hated when he was revert your mind...and body so you were more vulnerable but you wanted to get out so badly.
"Fine... Only if you buy me a laptop." You said, narrowing your eyes to see if he would actually agree.
He smiled and snapped his fingers and a brand new laptop appeared in front of you, still in its box.
"Done, now, my darling. Finish your pancakes while I find a perfect outfit for my little girl." He said standing up and walking away, you were just glad you could finish your breakfast without him watching.
Once you had finished he came out and stood in front of you with an excited smile.
"I'm all ready for you." He said as you groaned and sat up.
"Just... Take care of me and don't be weird, okay?" You muttered as Miguel sighed and lifted your chin to look at him.
"You don't need to be worried, I know your childhood was rough, little one but I promise I will never do what your father did." He said as you nodded a little.
He leaned forward and kissed your forehead softly.
"Relax." He whispered as you closed your eyes and let out a breath.
You could feel it happening, you'd never tell him but you did enjoy it. Not many people were able to be a kid again and experience that child-like enjoyment and wonder of the world.
You felt everything changing, when it first happened it was terrifying but now you were used to it.
When you opened your eyes you saw Miguel was much taller than you, your mind was different and even how you saw things.
"There's my little one." Miguel said as he reached down and picked you up, you sat on his hip and looked at him.
"Did you have enough breakfast, darling?" He asked as you nodded and looked away.
"Oh, come on. Don't be shy, my love. We're going out today, I'm going to get you some yummy food and we can go shopping." He said as he saw you smile a little.
"There's my happy girl, come on let's get you dressed."
Miguel had got you dressed into a nice dress, shoes and a hat.
He held your hand as he walked through the streets with you.
He loved how humans treated him when they thought he was an attractive caring single dad.
You both arrived at a Cafe and Miguel helped you sit down across from him, you were a restless child but he didn't mind.
He let you order whatever food you wanted and he noticed how excited you were.
"Do you want daddy to buy you a new teddy today?" He asked as you looked at him.
"You're not my daddy..." You muttered as he looked back at you.
"I take care of you and I love you very very much, doesn't that qualify me? Wouldn't it just be easier if you called me daddy?" He asked as you looked away and thought for a bit.
"But... I don't like that word. It reminds me..." You muttered as Miguel looked at you sadly.
"Oh, sweetheart. I didn't even think about that. What if you call me Papa? It's Spanish." He suggested as you thought for a bit.
"Papa." You muttered, thinking for a bit.
"I like that one." You said making Miguel smile.
"Very well, darling." He said as you smiled a little.
You did everything you wanted to do while you were out, but Miguel could see you were starting to get tired.
He picked you up and you fell asleep on his shoulder as he carried you home.
Once he got back you slowly woke up and he placed you on the ground and knelt in front of you.
"We had a good day didn't we, baby?" He said as you yawned and nodded.
"I think it's time I change you back." He whispered, running his finger over your cheek.
He kissed your forehead before he backed away.
It all happened again but this time in reverse.
You groaned and rubbed your head before you opened your eyes and looked at Miguel.
"Welcome back, darling." He whispered as you smiled a little.
You shuffled forward and wrapped your arms around him to his surprise.
"Thank you..." You whispered softly as he hugged you back.
None of this made sense, it really didn't but Miguel was starting to heal that child inside of you.
"That's okay, my sweet girl."
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cryptidsurveys · 25 days
Thursday, August 29th, 2024.
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Will you answer these questions as personally as you can? Yeah, sure, I'll give it a shot.
Why are you happy? I have so many reasons to be happy. All the way from the "big stuff" like having a safe place to live, enough food to eat and clean water to drink, people who love me, a job that gives me a sense of passion and purpose, etc; to things like the fact that it's cloudy today, I'm eating a yummy breakfast as I take this, I don't have a migraine, autumn is soon approaching, and so on and so forth. Sometimes I lose sight of the good because I'm too focused on things that are going wrong or stressing me out, but I try to routinely remind myself of everything that's going right or that does make me happy.
Who’s the last person you hugged? Nan. I mentioned her in a recent survey. She's a volunteer at the shelter who does heaps of our dirty laundry. I don't know where we would be without her…probably suffocating beneath a mountain of stinky blankets and towels. Anyway, I went out to greet her the other day and she was like, "You're always smiling!" and gave me a hug. :')
Would you pay someone to kill the person who hurt you a lot? I would never do something like that. I wouldn't even wish death on any of the people who have hurt me. However, if there was some magical way to guarantee that I would never encounter those people again…I might take it.
Do you like the song ‘Sick Little Games’ by All Time Low? I've never heard it before; lemme go take a listen… It's alright, but it probably wouldn't make it onto my nonexistent playlist.
Last night you felt? Grateful for the day. I went to the Mountain Park with my dad and it was such a relaxing and nostalgic time. You know when the weather has a certain quality to it and it brings up all kinds of memories? Well, it was like that. I was also relieved that I didn't have to go to the shelter the following morning. My last few "weekends" were busy and exhausting and I spent the last one with an on/off headache, so it's just been nice to have two full days of chillin' and feelin' good.
How are you feeling right now? Tired but relaxed. Introspective. Twinges of dread/nervousness about tomorrow, but for no real reason (everything should be fine). Loving this cool and cloudy weather with its promise of fall.
Are you drifting away from someone you were close with? No.
Is there someone you’d like to fix things with? Yeah.
Have you ever liked someone that treated you like crap? Ehhh.
What are you listening to? Esther purring. She's curled up behind me on the computer chair.
Have you ever stayed in a hotel? Plenty of times.
What is in your pocket? My pockets are empty.
Have a best friend? I do.
Does it bother you when your best friend does stuff without you? My best friend lives in California, so they're always doing things without me.
Do you keep any secrets from your best friend? They know most of my biggest secrets.
What were you doing 60 minutes ago? I had just arrived home from grocery shopping, made myself breakfast, and started browsing for a survey to take.
Is there a secret you’ve never told your parents? My dad knows pretty much everything. There are a lot of things I haven't told my mom and probably never will.
What’s something that can always make you feel better? Aside from partaking in my favorite hobbies and doing things I enjoy, it's usually time that does the trick.
What do you want right now? Ugh. I just realized that one of my kitties might have another UTI. She gets them occasionally, so she's going to have to go to the vet later. :'(
What would you name your future son? I don't want children.
If you had to eat 1 thing for the rest of your life, what would it be? Oatmeal.
How’s your life lately? Busy.
Last person to send you a text? My dad. I texted him on Tuesday to let him know I was on my way home from the shelter and he sent me a brief reply.
What were you doing at 8:00 this morning? Eating breakfast while taking this survey.
Did you have a good birthday this year? Yeah. It was snowy, I spent the morning at the shelter, then went out to lunch with my parents.
Have you done anything embarrassing lately? I'm embarrassed by it, but was it actually embarrassing…? Idk. When I see other people get upset or vent about Diane, I don't think, "Oh my God, how embarrassing." I'm more like, "FVCKING SAMEEE!!!" Talking to Iris (manager) about it was excruciatingly awkward, but it's probably all in my head. As a manager, she's probably used to dealing with issues like that.
Do you trust easily? No. But like I've been saying - I don't know how much of that is a "me thing" versus the fact that I spend a lot of time around people I find to be untrustworthy. Maybe I would open up a lot more in a different environment.
Do you like cookies n’ cream ice cream? Yeah.
How often do you raise your hand in class and answer a question? I'm not in school anymore, but in the past, almost never.
Ever been mistaken for someone else, and took it as an insult? No.
Would you get a mega bag of skittles, or three regular ones? I'm not a big fan of Skittles.
What color shirt are you wearing? I've got on a black t-shirt, a sort of slate gray/blue long-sleeve shirt, and a pine green sweater.
Is there a boy that would do absolutely everything for you? Not in a romantic sense, but my dad is always there for me.
Did you ever think you had the Swine flu? Possibly.
Who was the last person to smoke a cigarette in your presence? I smoke, but aside from myself, I'm not sure.
Who was the last person you talked to before you went to bed last night? My dad.
Are you a mean person? No. I can be mean (selfish, thoughtless, etc), but I don't think I exhibit those qualities to the extent that I would be considered a "mean person."
Does anyone hate you? Idk.
Do you usually tell people when you’re mad at them? I really only feel comfortable expressing anger with my dad and my therapist. When it comes to other people, I tend to stuff it down until I inevitably explode - which was what happened with the Diane situation. It probably took everyone by surprise, including me! It's not like I woke up that day planning to go all scorched earth.
This time last year, can you remember who you liked? No one.
Will this weekend be a good one? I hope so.
Have you ever liked someone older than you? Yeah.
Are you mad at someone right now? Ehhh.
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The Perfect Snow Day
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Nick Nelson! Regressor × Reader
Tomorrow is a snow day for you and Nick, you and him stayed up super late to watch the news and see if the snow you got today would cancel school. It did!
“Let's get you ready for bed buddy”
“But I don't wanna I wanna stay up late! I has no schools. Why must I still go ni ni early?”
“well cause you are cranky and we already stayed up super late bud” you point to the clock and it says 11:15 pm “ See, its 3 hours past your normal bed time.”
Nick: “Fine” He raises his hands for uppies “pease? Then you can help me with ni ni?”
”of course buddy.”
You pick up Nick and carry him to the bathroom, sitting him on the counter. You help him brush his teeth and floss. He gets his own jammies on and walks out of the bathroom with his teddy bear onesie on and the hood up. You tuck him in to bed and read him a bedtime story as he fell asleep. You get yourself ready for bed and leave your door open just in case your little buddy has a nightmare
—- Next Morning—-
You slept in a bit longer than when you had to get up for school. It happens when your body is used to getting up early anyways. You go into the kitchen and decide to make some Pancakes and eggs for yourself and Nick.
Rubbing his eyes
“good morning baba, I smells yummy foods!”
“Good morning kiddo! Did you sleep well? I am making Pancakes and Eggs, you woke up just in time too, they're almost done!”
“Mhm…” Nick walks to the Island stools and slightly struggles to get into one. You make his plate of two pancakes and two eggs and place it in front of him
“What drink are you feeling for today buddy, we have juice, Tea, Hot cocoa, and milk!”
He whines
“Oh right, there are too many options at once. I forget. I am just too excited for the snow day!”
Nick perks up when you say snow day “can we go outside! And and build a blanket fowt and and have movie nights!”
“We can do all of that later, what drink would you like bubby?”
“Oh yes baba, tan I haves teas? Just Like how I likes it?”
“Mhm! One tea with sugar and creamer coming your way!”
You make his tea and you hand it to him in a sippy.
“Thankies baba!” He takes a sip and waits until you grab your food and you sit next to him
“Are you super tiny today you need help with eating?”
“Nu! Just wanting to eats wif yous rather than eating fiwst”
“Oh alright then, go ahead and get that yummy food in your tummy before it gets cold.”
You both eat your breakfast and once you two are done, you take the plates and your mug that was full of coffee to the sink to wash them and place them in the dishwasher.
“Be rights back gotta go gets some stuffs for the pillow and blanket fort!”
“Okay Darling.”
“Baba should I gets the movies all set out for yous in the order that I wanna watch thems? Then we cans go outside and make snow angels and a snow man and maybe a snow ball fights?!?!”
Nick is placing every blanket, pillow, and stuffy from his room and yours into the living room.
“Yes please do that and before we go out we gotta get you all bundled up and cozy so you don’t get frost bite.”
“Mhm! Thats okay gotta be safe!”
You turn on some music and help make the blanket fort
“All finished! It looks amazing!”
“We did a good job, now for some snow fun bud?”
“Yeah! Yeah! Yeah! Yeah! Snowsuit times!”
You help Nick into his snowsuit, socks, shoes, and a beanie and get your snow apparel on too then head out the door.
Nick runs and jumps in the snow. Stand still very dramatically and then gently falls to the ground and makes a snow angel.
“Look Baba! Is angel me!”
“Ooo, Just as cute as my little buddy! Snow man time?”
“Uh huh! Yeah!” He jumps up and down.
You and Nick Roll up the first snowball for the bottom of the snowman and find a place to set him up.
“Oh we need Items for his nosey and buttons and stuff!”
“You are so Right, lets run inside real quick and you can pick out the items, Okay?”
“Yeah! Yeah!”
You and Nick run inside and he picks the biggest buttons to put on his stomach and as his eyes, a scarf that is never used, another beanie, and a carrot. Back outside Nick goes and finds sticks and rocks for his mouth and arms
“Okay, lets get the other two snowballs for his torso and head!”
You and Nick make the two other snowballs for the snowman. You hand Nick each Item for him to put onto the snowman.
“Tan we take pictures with the snowman before going back inside? I no longer want to do a snowball fight..”
“Oh yes! That is okay we have been having a lot of fun all ready. We gotta remember our snowperson! Oh, they need a name!”
“ ummm… Snowy!”
“Let's take some pictures with snowy and then get back inside for hot cocoa.”
You take pictures of Nick being silly with Snowy the Snowperson and then some selfies of you two and snowy. Back inside you take off your snow gear and then warm up some milk for the hot cocoa and make the hot chocolate while Nick takes off his snow gear, He said he could get it off by himself and he is Mr. independent. He runs back to the Blanket Fort and sets up the DVD player and movies. Then you get into the Blanket Fort with Nick and hand him his Hot Chocolate. You and Nick snuggle in for the rest of the day watching all Marvel avengers movies in order, then moved to the Switch to play some Mario Kart.
At the end of the long snow day it meant that school is nearer. You get Nicky all settle into bed and he falls asleep in your arms.
The Perfect Snow day.
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starsdailyjournal · 3 months
Journaling for my mental health as an epic scene girl (not clickbait) Day 1!
Today (sunday) I woke up at like 12:44 am or pm idkkkk but it was when the sun was up and like my dad had asked me to call him and since I have like ptsd I tweaked out but I brushed my teeth first because like I'm trying to get myself into the routine of doing that now. Anyway I called him and he just wanted me to like make my sister breakfast and put the food we made in the fridge but like he rlly freaked me out by just texting me "Call me when you wake up.". And he said he was getting us pizza which is now one of my least favorite things to hear from him (because of the c-a-l-o-r-i-e-s and because I'm really bad at expressing grattitude to him since we are sorta close (he is my bio dad I've known him all my life its complicated). But anyway I made my lil sister (10 yr old nerd) an awesome omelet with mozerela and sausage slices AND a cheese crust idk how to explain it basically I put cheese in a pan after I made the omelet and when it was still melty and not hard I put the omelet I already made on it and the I folded the whole thing when the cheese was cooked!! I bet it was yummy idk tho but anyway after that I scammed someone on adopt me (l-o-l) for like an fr panda, r sloth and nfr or nr hydra they got 20k rh diamonds tho soooo yk its fine!!! I was gonna scam sum more but like I got stuck trying to figure out how to use razer cortex (because royale high is so laggy on this dumb laptop) and I was stuck on that for hours legit untile dinner!! but while I was stuck on that my dad came home and gave me some chocolate which was nice but it also sucked because I CANT express grattitude its rlly hard for me bc I'm too grateful that I feel like if I tried to put into words the gratuity I feel I would spaz. BUT anyway I haven't eaten the chcolate yet (also its dark chocolate and if u dont fw dark chcolate ur ai generated) but I did eat 2 slices of this rlly oily garlic pizza for dinner just now! it was gross and I lowk cant stand that it's in my system (iykyk) but I can't do nun abt it BUT I am starting my fast rn and it should last this whole week!! So that'll make up for this but erm IDK ahhahahaaaaaaa!!!!!!!!!!!!! I don't like talking abt eating but this is an honest journal... Should I add TWs?? Bc I rlly dont wanna I be sleepy at night which is when I'll be typing these out. Omgeee also like I've wanted to go back to being quarantine level chronically online 4ever now bc I love doing that in the summer but my dad has parental controls on all my stuff (including this laptop) so I cant go on disboard n stuff to find online friends to give me entertainment n stuff!!!!!!!!!!!!! but I FOUND A WAY YALL!! I'm just gonna be ROBLOX chronically online tho I am a robloxian already (since 2018) I want to be one of those ppl who are always on it yk (thats why I was scamming today n trynna unlag royale high) SOOO when I'm not studying I'm gonna be scamming and trading in royale high and adopt me!!! Maybe I'll try n make sum friends but rn I'm focused on the games I'm already planning on getting my dp from starpets n I have a decent halo + ltbs on rh n all my dream stuff besides 1 set n 2 accesories!! so like I'm prettyyy good but I wanna get REALLY good like those ppl who have 5 owls and 8 parrots lolz! And I literally love roblox and everyone who plays it (besides anyone with brainrot humor ironic or unironic idc) everyone else are so cool!!! So like yea and I have 30 dollars that I'm prob gonna use on robux I might try n get headless bc my mom pays me to do computer science courses and my dad pays me half of whatever my mom pays me!! Honestly I feel like journaling is sm fun rn i love talking but nobody ever listens screaming into the cyber void is so fun!!! Also I'm gonna likeeeee eat my chocolate after I shower rn probs and then my fast starts!!! ALSO omg halloween is coming up!! I'm def gonna be a vampire! If anyone enjoyed my journal tell me what your gonna be for halloween!! Omg if my journal/blog gets big I would call the ppl who read it bats!! that would be sosososo cooool ANYWAY FOLLOW ME!!!!!!!!!!!!
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gaysimpsstuff · 4 years
Hawks With a Reader Who Tics
Genre: angst, fluffy fluff, 
Reader Pronouns: none
Other: This is based off of my tics, which usually only occur when I’m super stressed, and they’re all pretty simple. Just slapping my thigh, making a clicking noise, and general neck wanting to not be on my shoulders. If you want something more generalized, or something more along the lines of Tourrete’s Syndrome I am more than happy to oblige. Also this is totally self-indulgent so if no one else relates to this that’s fine.
Warnings: mentions of past teasing, reader cries, tics, shitty parents, cursing burnt toast and burnt bacon (the food not Dabi)
Taglist:  @smolchildfangirl @yuu-anon @poke-txts @combat-wombatus  -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
You had been going out with the Number Two hero Hawks for about two months now, and things were going great! No weird clicking noises or head-jerking or arms wanting to smack your thigh or random shouts of the word ‘yummy.’ You were beginning to think that maybe all your weird (an)tics had disapeared.
You’d never been more wrong.
Okay maybe you’ve been more wrong at times but still you were wrong.
All it took was one shitty day. Co-workers being assholes, Karens being Karens, but worst of all was a phone call full of bullshit from your parents. That was all it took for your body to start moving on its own. And not in the good way, the way that causes you to make weird clicking noises, jerk your head around like an owl, smack your thigh and repeat the word ‘yummy.’ 
Okay, you could deal with the clicking noise and the random yummy outbursts but all the more physical things? You really didn’t have the patience to deal with it. Which resulted in you leaving work early, complaining about being sick while masking as much as you possibly could to your boss.
And finally, you were home. And free to just let your tics do whatever the fuck they wanted until they wore themselves out. You hoped this wouldn’t be the type to last over a day, because that happened sometimes, and it was so annoying.
But you forgot something, something very important. You’d planned with your boyfriend to meet up and watch movies at your place. You were just lounging around half naked when you got the text that he was on his way.
“Fuck shit!” you rushed to get decent, knowing that all you could really do was put on a shirt, pants, and half-hazardly brush your hair before you heard the doorbell ring. “Alright Y/n you can do this.” you muttered. “It’s Hawks, he’s chill, you can stay calm and click still around him. Th- this’ll be easy! Suuper click click easy! And If you do tic, no problem he won’t hate you or make fun of you or break up with you! Just gotta go out there and face him, easy peasy... orIcouldrunawayandfakemydeathandlivemycottagecoredreamwithablindcatohhhyeahthatsoundssomucheasier*.” you shook your head (bad idea, you ended up hitting your chest really hard) and forced yourself out of the bathroom and to the front door, quickly ushering your boyfriend in.
“Baby bird! I haven’t seen you in person in forever!” he exclaimed. You sighed, looking up at him and immediately relaxing. Your boyfriend was so pretty, so kind, so perfect. Nothing could get in the way of a nice relaxing night.
“You saw me three days ago.” you deadpanned, holding back a click.
“It felt like forever!” he complained, walking in and shrugging his coat off. He was still in his hero costume, so he must’ve only just gotten off work. He folded his coat and put it on the little table next to the door, alongside his goggles and headphones.
“You aren’t injured?” you asked, checking his arms and face for scratches, then glancing at his wings to check their size. How many feathers had he used today?
“Baby don’t worry, I’m okay. Today was pretty chill. I only needed to use my wings for like- three things today. What about you? How was work?” you stiffened, praying you wouldn’t betray yourself.
“Eh it was okay.” you shrugged nonchalontly or however the fuck you spell it. Hawks raised an eyebrow at you. 
“You know I can tell when you’re lying.” you gave him a forced smile, ignoring how your heart sped up. 
“W-what are you talking about?” Stuttering. Of course you were stuttering. It wouldn’t take much longer before you simply couldn’t mask anymore.
“Dove, tell me what happened, I’m your boyfriend I want to help you-” he stopped talking when he saw how your hand was bouncing against your thigh, striking it hard.
“Fine- I’m I’m I’m F-fine fine!” you exclaimed, head jerking backwards. Hawks blinked in confusion.
“What was that?” his voice rose in concern. Tears were brimming in your eyes as you flinched away from his touch. You didn’t say anything, only grabbing the back of your neck to forcibly hold your head down. Even when you ticked you could just hold yourself back.
“Baby, talk to me, you’re worrying me.” Hawks took another step forward, and you just stepped backwards again, whimpering.
“N-no! No no!” you cried. Hawks stared at you with wide eyes, fearful. Suddenly he relaxed. 
“Hey, it’s gonna be okay.” his tone was different this time, soothing, sweet, it was exactly the kind that would make you relax. “I’m here, I’m gonna help you. Can you move your hands for me, Babe?” 
Slowly, your moved your hands away from your neck, immediately your head tried to dislocate itself, and a sharp stab of pain shot up your spine. 
“OW!” Hawks opened his arms, still giving you a kind look.
“I know, I know it hurts.” he whispered. “Just come here, let me hold you.”
Hold you? When you were spazzing out like this? What if you hit him? What if you hurt him badly? What if he never wanted to see you again?” What if-
You ran into his arms, sobbing. You felt something soft tickle the back of your neck. A feather. He rubbed your back soothingly. Rocking the two of you back and forth as you cried against his chest.
“S-sorry! Sorrysorrysorry!” you yelped when your arm smacked his side. 
“Shhhh shhh baby it’s okay.” He took your hand, gently moving it towards his face. Bad idea. You jerked your hand out of his grip, sniffling. 
“Do-don’t do th-that- don’t do that. I’ll hu-hurt you. S-sorry.” he nodded.
“I understand.” he murmured, taking the two of you to the couch. He kept you close to him, feathers covering your body to try and help you relax. It was nice. He was warm and his voice was soft. You felt so... heavy. You closed your eyes, cuddling against him, close as you could possibly get before you finally fell asleep.
You slowly opened your eyes, the smell of bacon filling the air. You blinked a couple time, realizing you were in your bed. You sat up, groaning. Your neck felt so sore. 
Click click
Ah, right. The tics were back. You thought back to yesterday, eyes widening as you remembered what happened. Hawks. He had come over hoping for a movie and cuddles, hoping for a break from taking care of people, and you’d ruined that with your stupid tic attack. How long had he stayed with you? Did he stay awake to make sure you didn’t tic in your sleep?
You ran out of your room, grateful you were still in your cozy movie party clothes. In the kitchen, Hawks had two plates on the counter, both with scrambled eggs and two slices of toast. Bacon was sizzling in the pan. 
“Good morning, Dove! How are you feeling?” he asked, a soft yet tired smile on his face.
“Hawks! Hawks oh babe I am so so sorry about last night!” you exclaimed, your fingers twisted and curled around each other as you hoped to find comfort in the movement.
“Don’t be, it’s okay. I made breakfast, look! I may have burnt the toast but you’ll be fine with that, right? Baby?” he cocked his head to the side, noticing your expression.
“Y-you sure it’s okay?” you asked softly.
“Yeah! Was this the first time you had muscle spasms?” He sent a feather towards you, tickling your nose before circling around and rubbing at the back of your neck. You felt yourself on the brink of tears again at the soft gesture.
“No...” you murmured. “But I haven’t had them in a while I- I thought they were gone.” He nodded, humming.
“What triggers them?”
“Just- general anxiety and bad thoughts...” you mumbled. 
“Alright. If you ever start ticking again, just call me. I’ll swoop in and help you. I’m pretty sure it’s hard to get stuff done when your body moves without you.” he flashed you a bright smile.
“Doesn’t it... weird you out?” you asked. “I could hurt you... I could accidentally break something I- I-”
“Baby.” you looked up at him. He took a step towards you, cupping your face into his hands and pressing a kiss to your lips. “I’m here for you. I care about you so I’m going to do everything in my power to make you feel comfortable. It’s my duty as hero, but more-so as your boyfriend.” you sniffled, nodding.
“Yes, Dove?”
“You’re gonna burn the bacon.”
Translation: Or I could Just run away and fake my own death and live my cottage core dream with a blind cat ohhh yeah that sounds so much easier
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writing-gifts · 4 years
both sides of the viewfinder ch. 2
adult film star!bruno x afab!reader  (they are also gn)
18+ content
chapter 1 || chapter 2 || chapter 3 || chapter 4
A/N:  okay so this story is actually 4 chapters long now, the 2nd chapter was way longer than i would have liked (and taking too long to edit all at once) so i split it in half 
um ig that's it, there’s a cheating scenario porn being filmed this chapter, like its literally the beginning of this chapter so warning for that 
other than that i hope you like the chapter!
You hold back the laugh in your chest and try your best to keep a relaxed face. But you didn't have great control when it came to stuff like this and realized quickly in life that you probably wouldn't make it as an actor. However the director still thought it was fine to put you in as an extra with speaking parts.
He said your acting didn't need to be believable or good just that you need to say the lines. That was objectively true--it was porn--but if you cracked a smile people would definitely notice.
You were playing the oblivious person having a conversation with your "best friend". And said friend was getting railed in the shower by your boyfriend who was being played by Bruno. Why you were trying to have a serious conversation while she was showering was completely lost on you. But it didn't have to make sense.
You stare at yourself in the mirror above the sinks. The way the restroom was set up had the shower and toilet in its own separate, little room. So it wasn't completely easy to tell what your friend was really up to.
"My boyfriend's been acting strange recently," you say. You try to sound down but come off more inconvenienced.
"What do you mean?"
The door to the shower room was open so you could hear your friend well even with the water running. So of course you notice her voice wobble at the end. You can't tell if she added that intentionally or if Bruno found a particularly good spot. You ignore it though since you weren't actually supposed to notice anything just yet.
"He doesn't seem very interested in me anymore? Like he doesn't want to have sex with me. And it's kinda weird since he always wanted to before!"
“Huh?” you reply, genuinely confused. That wasn't on the script but you knew pretending you didn't hear it would be worse.
“Ahhh, maybe something has been upsetting him recently?” she suggests.
"Oh...perhaps you're right." You move to pull out your phone from your pocket. "It's been bothering me so much so maybe I'll call him right now--"
"D-Don't stop!"
You turn towards the shower room. "What? Are you good? You sound like you're exercising in there."
"Yes yES--I'm good! Just hot in here…"
That sounded so real and it has you wondering what the hell Bruno's doing.
You pause for a split second too long and almost forget to say your next line. "Uh so you...don't want me to call him?"
"No, don't call him. You should s-speak to him in person!" Your friend seemed to finally get her voice under control.
"Oh! That's definitely a better idea." You put your phone away. "I think I'll head home now actually and wait for him. Thanks for hearing me out!"
With that you exit the bathroom set and breathe a sigh of relief. Now all that was left to do was wait for filming to finish and then you could head home for the day.
You join the crew and from where you're standing you can easily watch the two actors go. It was actually kind of nice to watch.
While you stare, Bruno seems to glance in your direction. You raise a brow, wondering why he looked over here and turn around to look behind you, but there's nothing of note there.
"You're not going home yet?"
You turn in your chair. Bruno stands at the door watching you with crossed arms.
"Nope. I'm finishing this up for one of the editors--they weren't feeling well--and I don't want to take it home with me."
"I see," he says. He then walks in the room and pulls up a chair next to you which catches you off guard.
"You don't have to stick around! I'm probably gonna be here up until midnight."
"That's okay. I don't want to leave you here all alone. What are you editing anyways?"
"Well I'm working on one of your porns. The one you did last week."
Bruno leans forward, getting in your space, to see the screen.
"Ah, the one with Leone! That one was really nice, but I always enjoy working with him."
"Yea the two of you have great chemistry."
Abbacchio was a grumpy bitch but somehow the two of them got along pretty well. Bruno seemed to get along with most people easily though.
The man places his elbow on the desk and rests his head in his hand.
"So did you like it?"
"Like what?" you ask.
"The film."
The look in his eye was one that was quite familiar but why it was there, you weren't completely sure.
You feel your heart skip a beat. "I mean...I did."
Bruno smiles and you immediately feel yourself getting hot.
"What did you like about it? If you don't mind me asking."
A small smile comes to your lips. "W-Well you're in it, that's one. I like when I can tell the actors are genuinely having a good time. And both you and Abbacchio are attractive. Your m-moans were pretty nice too."
"They sound better when they come naturally hm?"
"Can't disagree with that!"
You turn your attention back to the screen. As much as you'd like entertaining Bruno you still need to get this done.
"You seem less reserved in person compared to when we message on Twitter."
"Really? It's usually the opposite for people…" you say.
"I know that's why I find it interesting." The man pauses for a moment before talking again. "Remember when you said you watched some of my work?"
You nod.
"For fun?"
You raise a brow but still answer. "I like to judge the camerawork, but sometimes I do for fun.”
Even though you were kind of over porn, there were the few times that you used it to help get off. And when you did you usually found yourself seeking out media involving Bruno.
Bruno lets out a laugh. "That's good to know."
You purse your lips at his smug expression. The man is definitely trying to mess with you. Of course you didn't mind some teasing but being the only one receiving wasn't your forte. Also you didn't want to be here all night.
"I need to finish this. You can stay but you can't keep distracting me like that..."
"Of course."
You look at him warily before getting back to work. Even though Bruno didn't really seem it, he definitely had a mischievous side.
The man watches the screen (and sometimes you), keeping you company with more innocent chat while you work. It actually makes time pass by faster.
You end up finishing earlier than you expect and thank Bruno for staying with you. The man offers to drive you home but you decline and take the bus instead.
The moment you're in your bedroom, your body hits the bed--no night routine or clothes change. You'd just have to deal with it in the morning.
It barely feels like you've been asleep before you hear your alarm go off. You grab your phone and shut it off.
Sighing, you risk closing your eyes for a few more seconds. You weren't ready to go back to work but after a minute you force yourself out of bed and stretch.
You head straight to the bathroom to start your day by brushing your teeth and multi-task with your phone--checking your work email and replying to any missed messages that you didn't get to last night. Other than that your morning starts off pretty uneventful.
While you're eating breakfast you get a message on Twitter.
Bruno: Morning.
You reply with your own good morning. The message surprised you but it was a pleasant one.
Bruno: How are you feeling? Not too tired I hope.
You: i'm okay now that i've had some coffee
You: how's your day going so far?
Bruno: The usual. I'm walking over to a restaurant nearby to get something to eat.
You: ooo sounds yummy 😋
You: what ya gonna get?
Bruno: I'm not sure yet but I'll send a picture when I do.
you: noo i'll be jealous, i'm literally eating cereal right now. but also please do send it
Bruno: I can bring you a to-go box if you want.
Your spoon stops halfway to your mouth.
You: i mean it's still good cereal so you don't have to
Bruno: It's fine. I like feeding people, at least that's how one of my friends phrased it!
You: well…..okay 👉👈
You: thanks ❤
Bruno: You're welcome.
Bruno: ❤
"Off day today?" you ask.
Bruno drags his fingers through his hair and sighs. Other than that, he doesn't show any frustration.
"I planned for today to be short, then I could head home but as you can see it's not really going as planned. And all these lights…." He looks at you. "I'm sorry. I'm sure you're tired too."
"No, no it's okay. It’s totally my fault! We can take a break if you want?"
The studio had been dabbling with more amateur work lately so the director had left you and Jocelyn to handle this, and Jocelyn had decided it would be fine if you were on your own for this film. You weren't sure why you agreed since you had only been here about a month at this point and didn't feel completely comfortable. But you did and it was proving to be very nerve wracking. It affected your work and dragged this out longer than necessary.
“And honestly, I should probably take one too," you add.
Bruno agrees and you grab the man's robe and place it on his shoulders. While He slips back on his briefs you turn to the small crew.
“Guys lets take a 15 minute break.”
Everyone gives their okays and most of the crew leaves the room while a few check the equipment or their phones.
You tell Bruno where you're going and head outside to get some fresh air.
You try to use the time to relax but instead end up walking back and forth, worrying about the film and Bruno. The man was still able to act the part but you stopping and going so often was definitely affecting his performance. And you really didn't want him to have to act out every motion.
You stop walking and lean against the wall of the building. While waiting for the break to end you see someone approaching from the parking lot. The editor you helped before when they weren't feeling well.
You push yourself off the walls and meet them part way with a greeting.
"Hey Eli."
"What's up ____...You good? You look kinda stressed."
"I guess I am. Sorry for asking so suddenly but could you do me a favor?"
"What type of favor?"
"I'm supposed to film this amateur video of Bruno masturbating, and I've been having a hard time for some reason. I don't want to keep Bruno trapped here all day for something like this. But I don't know if my shots are usable...Do you think you can check for me?"
They hum in thought. “____ I'm going to be honest with you. It sounds like you're overthinking this. I mean, it’s called amateur for a reason. It doesn't need to be super high quality or “perfect” shots! That's probably why they let you direct it on your own."
At that moment everything clicked.
"I didn't mean it in a bad way though!"
"No, you're right. Thanks!"
You leave before they can respond and head back to the set room. On your way there, you go find a different camera. Something smaller and less complicated that will still capture good quality shots--perfect for what you were about to do.
When everyone returns from their break you have most of the lights brought down and let the whole crew go.
"Bruno I know you do videos on your own. So we're pretty much gonna do it like that now. Except that I'm here...uh.” You laugh. “You know what I mean."
Bruno smiles at the camera in a way you could only describe as cute.
"I understand. I’m ready to go whenever you are."
You nod and give the signal.
Right away, his light smile transforms into something more alluring. He leans back on the multiple soft pillows set against the headboard and lets out a relaxed sigh.
You give Bruno a moment to prepare himself and when you see the outline of his cock already hardening through his briefs, you internally breathe a sigh of relief.
"It's been awhile since I've last done this."
He props a arm atop the pillows. "Now that it's happening, I just realized I've missed it."
You want to ask what he means but bite your lip instead. Maybe it was some type of roleplay.
He drags a hand up his thigh before stopping at the bulge between his legs, and you can't help the thought of running your own hands against those legs.
He hums. "You know, I have a hard time keeping you out of my mind at night."
Your stomach flips but you make sure to keep your breathing controlled.
His thumbs hook under the band of his briefs and you lean a bit forward without thinking, anticipating what you had seen many times before. But for the first time in a long time you feel yourself slipping from your work frame of mind. Maybe it was inappropriate but you were sure Bruno wouldn't mind.
After teasing you for way longer than you would like, the corners of Bruno's lips quirk upward and he finally pulls down the band to reveal himself.
Bruno's cock stands erect and his brow furrows. "Look what you're doing to me..." His head lolls to the side to rest against the pillows and his breath hitches when he begins to stroke himself.
You focus on his handsome face for a moment. His blue eyes are piercing and it feels like he's looking past the camera and straight at you at you.
Your fingers twitch on the camera. You'd never wanted to touch someone so bad in your life.
Bruno: Can I get your advice on something?
You: yea, what is it?
Bruno: I want to post some photos on my OnlyFans but idk which one to use on Twitter though. Can you help me decide?
You: ooo of course!
He sends 3 pictures of him wearing different elaborate lingerie. They must have been new since you're sure you'd never seen them before. Anyways, you're a millimeter away from sending a photo of a cartoon character with their jaw on the floor.
You: idk if i can decide! any of them would be enough to get me on your onlyfans...
Bruno: Thank you but you still have to pick one.
You scroll back and forth looking through them. The pictures were teasing, hinting at what was to come and they were all very sexy. But after staring for too long you finally make a choice.
You: the third one!
Bruno: Why?
You: ….it shows your tiddies the most 💁
Bruno: I thought you were going to say something about the framing or lighting...
You: LOL
You: i can look at them again?
Bruno: No it's okay. I'll use the tiddy picture.
Bruno: Thank you.
You: no problem!
You: soooo when are you posting the full set?
Bruno: Trust me, I'll let you know right beforehand. 😏
You: 😳
You walk down the hallway slightly annoyed. Jocelyn just informed you that you would be covering for one of your coworkers last minute. It was inconvenient but not that big of a deal. That is until you found out that Melone was one of the actors.
When you first met him, he seemed to keep to himself for the most part. But recently he had become fixated on you. Every break in filming he’d approach you.
At first it wasn't so bad and you thought he was trying to be friendly, but it didn't take long for you to start feeling uncomfortable. Some of the questions he asked made you feel weird--it wasn't anything you weren't used to but the way he asked them... And when you tried to steer the conversation into a different direction he didn't take the hint. On top of all this, you didn't see him do this with anybody else.
You walk into the breakroom and find Bruno snacking. He greets you but quickly realizes something's up.
"What's wrong?" he asks.
The leather couch that you hate creaks when you fall back on it.
“Well I have to unexpectedly help with more camera work today. And Melone's going to be there so he's definitely going to be talking my ear off.”
You try to sound indifferent about it but Bruno says something you don't expect.
"I can talk to Jocelyn and get you out of it."
"Huh? No, no you don't need to do that. That's a silly reason to try to skip out."
"Well, how about I say it like this? I'm done for today and I would like to take you out to eat with me."
You smile. "That does sound nice..."
"Okay, it's settled then. I'll go talk to her and then we can go."
Once Bruno comes back the both of you walk to his car.
"Eating mostly oatmeal and vegetables for the last 2 days hasn't been very satisfying," he says as he opens the passenger door for you.
You get in and wait for him to walk around to get in the driver side.
"It sucks but at least you can eat whatever now. Where are we eating by the way?"
"Bertolino's--it's nearby. I'm craving pizza. Or pasta."
You feel your stomach grumble pleased with the thought.
"You could do both, kinda like macaroni pizza."
Bruno glances at you. "That sounds...unpleasant."
"Oh so you've tried it?"
"Then how do you know?"
You watch him try to wrack his brain for a rebuttal and fail.
"...It still sounds bad though," he says.
"Try it first then we can talk."
You reach out and poke the man's cheek. He immediately shoos your hand away and throws a miffed look at you.
"Hey, I'm trying to drive."
You grin but leave him alone. This was the first time you'd get to spend time with Bruno outside of work so you were a little restless and couldn't help messing with him.
"This is probably the most excited I've seen you," he says.
"Yea--just happy to be outside of work!"
"Is Melone that much of a problem?"
"No...well he can be a lot but it's not really a big issue. I'm just happy to get to spend time with you is what I meant."
Bruno's doesn't respond right away and you wonder if you said something wrong.
"If he's bothering you I can handle it," he finally says.
You let out a laugh. "Are you going to beat him up?"
"If necessary."
You stop smiling when you realize he isn't joking and conclude that he doesn't like Melone. You wonder what the man could have done to get on Bruno's bad side though since he seemed to get along with everyone.
"I feel the same by the way," Bruno says.
"About getting to spend time together."
You and Bruno spend the next hour and a half sharing a pizza and talking. And the two of you learn a few things about the other that didn't involve work. Like that he wears glasses to read and that he had a dyeing "accident" with his hair recently.
Afterwards you didn't really feel like going back to work so Bruno drives you home.
You unbuckle your seatbelt. "Thanks for the meal and ride."
Bruno smiles. His mood seems better now that he's eaten. "You're welcome. We should do this again sometime."
"Yeah, I'd like that." And instead of saying goodbye and getting out of the car, you sit there expecting--expecting something.
The both of you stare at one another until Bruno leans towards you. His lips meet yours and for some reason his breath smells like mint.
Before you can worry about your own breath, Bruno's hand is on your thigh and sliding up. His tongue presses against your lips, coaxing you to part them.
The beating in your chest feels so hard and your hands clinch next to your thighs. You want to reach out for Bruno and make a mess out of him, but you feel like you're running out of breath way too quickly.
You pull away.
Bruno immediately moves his hand off your leg. "What's wrong?"
You weren't really sure yourself. You just knew something was bothering you. Or maybe that was just the food you ate trying to digest. Either way it was preventing you from fully enjoying this.
"I'm not sure but I think it's best if we stop for now."
He nods but you worry he might be a little disappointed.
"That's fine," he says.
"It's not because I'm not interested! It's just something's off. Please dont think I'm not attracted to you."
"I'm not upset ____." He smiles. "I want you to be comfortable."
"Whew, okay.."
"Do you want me to walk you to your apartment?" he asks.
"That's okay. Thanks though."
You brush a misplaced hair behind his ear and press a quick kiss to his lips. Once you pull back, you open the car door and step out.
"Stay safe," he says.
"You too. I'll message you later."
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The Battle for Fate!
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(screenshots from Royal Mike!)
Opening Ceremony
Wizard Cookie: Finally! We’ve made it to the Pantheon of Starlight! Alchemist Cookie: The prize is a chalice that was dipped in the Nebula Spring! What properties does it have?! Sandwich Cookie: Anything poured into the Nebula Chalice will make the perfect drink for any sandwich! Bacon Cookie: A perfect drink? No! Bacon. Eggs. Milk. The perfect breakfast! ???: Hehe… Just look at ‘em… How pathetic.
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Priestesses of the Stars: Starfruit Cookie! The opening ceremony is about to commence! Starfruit Cookie: Just a moment! I need to look perfect for this speech! Starfruit Cookie: I’ve never seen so many Cookies… I’m a bit nervous. Priestesses of the Stars: As High Oracle, we are sure you will do perfectly fine. We believe in you! Starfruit Cookie: Right? Right! I can do this. There’s nothing I can’t do. Let’s start this tournament! ???: The festivities will begin soon. Let us commence with our plan.
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Licorice Cookie: No one but Dark Enchantress Cookie deserves the Nebula Chalice! Pomegranate Cookie: To present it to our Master, you will need to claim it first. Dark Choco Cookie: Can that cup truly negate starlight? I’ve also heard tales that it also reveals the whereabouts of ancient legends… Pomegranate Cookie: It is most very likely. The chalice is said to reveal everything the stars can see. Pomegranate Cookie: I will approach Starfruit Cookie. She will prove most… useful in learning about the chalice. Licorice Cookie: Hehe…! Not unless I find it first! Dark Choco Cookie: ...Let’s get moving. We don’t have much time. Starfruit Cookie: Welcome, one and all, to the first tournament of the stars, the grand Battle for Fate! Starfruit Cookie: Only the most honorable and skilled can claim the Nebula Chalice.
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Wizard Cookie: I’ve been practicing my spells just for this moment! Sandwich Cookie: I’ve been making and serving sandwiches, plus running everyday! No one’s better prepared than me. Bacon Cookie: BEHOLD! New cooking utensils! With these, everyone will be too impressed with my cooking to run! Alchemist Cookie: HA! With my new concoction, that chalice is as good as mine! Licorice Cookie: Hehe… none of you stand a chance. I’m gonna be the one to claim the Nebula Chalice! Starfruit Cookie: Let the Battle for Fate begin!
The Vision
Starfruit Cookie: The tournament must be in full swing by now. I wonder if it’s going well! Starfruit Cookie: Oh? Who’s that…? I’ve never seen that Cookie here before. Hey, you can’t just barge in here! Pomegranate Cookie: My apologies. I was led here by a mysterious power. Starfruit Cookie: You felt the powers of starlight...? The other priestesses here can’t really sense them though… Starfruit Cookie: You’re not like the other Cookies, are you? What’s your name? Pomegranate Cookie: I am Pomegranate Cookie. I come according to the will of the one I serve. Pomegranate Cookie: Upon hearing of the Battle for Fate, I decided to see it with my own eyes. Starfruit Cookie: So! What do you think of the tournament and festivities so far? Pomegranate Cookie: The opening ceremony was quite the spectacle indeed. And this temple’s beauty is quite grand. Pomegranate Cookie: You must have poured your heart and soul into preparing for this occasion. Starfruit Cookie: Well, it wasn’t easy! But, after all, it’s me! I knew I could handle it. Pomegranate Cookie: The grand prize is also amazing. I had only heard of the Nebula Chalice in myths and legends. Starfruit Cookie: Exciting, isn’t it?! With the chalice, the stars can show you everything! But only once though… Starfruit Cookie: The High Oracles of the past kept it hidden away, but with it we can let every Cookie know about our temple! Pomegranate Cookie: Such wise judgment for one so young. It is thanks to your decisions that I am graced to be here today.
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Starfruit Cookie: So I was right! Hehe, this was a great choice. Priestesses of the Stars: Starfruit Cookie! There is something you must come check at once! Starfruit Cookie: Oh, duty calls! It was nice meeting a Cookie just like me! Pomegranate Cookie: As did I… As did I. Priestesses of the Stars: That was excellent! Starfruit Cookie, everyone is so very impressed! Starfruit Cookie: I’m so glad that everyone is enjoying the tournament! We should do this every year! Priestesses of the Stars: As today’s games are over, we will take our leave. Starfruit Cookie: Everyone’s gone, right…? I should pop over to the Nebula Spring. Starfruit Cookie: The sky is especially clear today. I should be able to read the stars without any problems! Starfruit Cookie: Stars, please light my path! Grant me a vision to help me bring peace unto our world! Starfruit Cookie: I will accept your guidance, no matter how sweet or bitter it may be.
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Starfruit Cookie: Hmm… Not even a single ripple. Maybe the stars don’t want to talk tonight... Starfruit Cookie: Oh! OH! The Nebula Spring is shining! A vision has been granted! Starfruit Cookie: What’s this… the stars are… They’ve gone dark?! Starfruit Cookie: Is something terrible going to happen with the tournament?
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A Fateful Meeting
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Licorice Cookie: Argh..! Where’d they hide that chalice?! I’ve been looking everywhere! Licorice Cookie: I need to find it before Pomegranate Cookie…! No, not that. Nope, this isn’t a chalice… Dark Choco Cookie: Wait… what was that noise? We need to move. Now. Licorice Cookie: Oh-ho! Now that thing definitely looks like a chalice! Could it be? Licorice Cookie: Psh… It’s just a glass cup… Nope! Don’t need you! Priestess of the Stars: Have you lost something? Licorice Cookie: No! I-i-it’s nothing! Go away! Priestess of the Stars: Competitors of the tournament are not allowed here. Are you lost?
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Dark Choco Cookie: ...Yes. Priestess of the Stars: Follow me then. I will show you the way. Licorice Cookie: OK, OK! We’re erm… right behind you! Pomegranate Cookie: Now that we are all here… Have you made any progress? Licorice Cookie: Well duh! While you were chatting away with that Cookie, I was busy searching the entire temple! Pomegranate Cookie: Good. I too have made progress. Licorice Cookie: It’s probably gonna be quicker to find it ourselves. Starfruit Cookie isn’t just gonna tell you where it is… Licorice Cookie: Just you wait! I’ll be the one to find it! I’m gonna make this mission succeed! Pomegranate Cookie: You are welcome to try.
Starfruit Cookie: What do I do... Priestesses of the Stars: Starfruit Cookie. Is something on your mind? Starfruit Cookie: Oh, it’s erm… I was just curious about how the festivities are progressing! Priestesses of the Stars: All Cookies are running and giving it their all. Would you like to watch the games? Starfruit Cookie: No, it’s alright! I can go watch by myself. Starfruit Cookie: That vision… What did it mean… What are the stars trying to tell me?
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Pomegranate Cookie: Have you come to watch the tournament as well? Starfruit Cookie: Pomegranate Cookie! It’s good to see you again! Pomegranate Cookie: There seems to be a great weight on your shoulders. Starfruit Cookie: Oh, it’s just… I was thinking about something and came out for some fresh air. Pomegranate Cookie: Is there anything I may assist you with? Pomegranate Cookie: I too have experienced the burden of responsibility… The burden of wielding power. Starfruit Cookie: Oh… You too? Pomegranate Cookie: I must confess, I cannot say that there were never moments like this. This burden… we are destined for it. Priestesses of the Stars: High Oracle Starfruit Cookie! The next round of the tournament is about to begin! Starfruit Cookie: OK! I’ll be right there! (I wanted to talk a bit more, but…) Pomegranate Cookie: I await the day in which we can meet once again. Priestesses of the Stars: Starfruit Cookie! Where have you gone?! There’s trouble! Starfruit Cookie: Trouble? What sort of trouble? Priestesses of the Stars: High Oracle! This also requires your attention! Please, please! Starfruit Cookie: OK! I’m on my way! Priestesses of the Stars: Starfruit Cookie! We need your guidance! Please, oh Oracle! Starfruit Cookie: So many things require my attention…! But I’m only just one Cookie... Starfruit Cookie: This isn’t the festive tournament I wanted...
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Starfruit Cookie: I wonder if I can meet… Oh! Pomegranate Cookie! You’re really here! Pomegranate Cookie: You seem tired. Is something amiss? Starfruit Cookie: I’ve been so busy that my dough has been hardened more than usual…! Pomegranate Cookie: Leading this grand tournament on your own must take quite a toll. Starfruit Cookie: I’m beginning to think this was all a mistake… Just a bit! Pomegranate Cookie: You are spreading the word of the Pantheon of Stars, of its devotion to peace and prosperity for all Cookies. Pomegranate Cookie: Your decision will have helped and inspired many Cookies. Quite many... Starfruit Cookie: Thanks, Pomegranate Cookie. I really needed to hear that. Pomegranate Cookie: You may confer with me anytime. I am ready to offer an ear. Starfruit Cookie: The next round will begin soon! Starfruit Cookie: Remember to attack and defend at the same time to gain the upper hand! Alchemist Cookie: This is my forte! I’ve concocted a few solutions for the perfect attack and defense! Wizard Cookie: I’ve got a spell or two that’s just what I need to win! Sandwich Cookie: I just had a sandwich. Yummy! It was so nutritious, I think I can beat every Cookie here! Bacon Cookie: If I win… FREE BACON FOR ALL!
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Licorice Cookie: Oh, stop yelling! I’m gonna be the one to beat all of you! Bacon Cookie: You haven’t even run in a single game yet! Licorice Cookie: HMPH! I didn’t run… er… by choice! I’m on an IMPORTANT mission! Licorice Cookie: If I show you my true power, you’ll all get scared and run away! Bacon Cookie: We don’t care what your mission is. And you’re definitely not scary. Licorice Cookie: Just you wait! Victory will be mine! Dark Choco Cookie: Did you forget why we’re here in the first place…
Sworn to Secrecy
Starfruit Cookie: Pomegranate Cookie! I’ve missed you! Starfruit Cookie: Thanks to your advice, I feel SO much better. Pomegranate Cookie: How fortunate… But I sense you’ve still an ounce of foreboding thoughts. Starfruit Cookie: Wow, you know me so well…! Starfruit Cookie: Erm… it’s just that… Nah, never mind. Pomegranate Cookie: Please, speak comfortably. I am sure I will understand. Starfruit Cookie: I want to… But… Pomegranate Cookie: You and I are the only Cookies who can understand each other. Starfruit Cookie: You’re right… Starfruit Cookie: Let’s head somewhere else. Somewhere more private…!
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Starfruit Cookie: A few nights ago, the stars… Their light was consumed by a veil of crimson and shadow. Starfruit Cookie: I’m worried something might go wrong with the tournament. Pomegranate Cookie: I see. This vision must have been quite shocking. Starfruit Cookie: I wanted a grand vision and I got one, but… I didn’t expect it to be some* dark and grim.
*actual text
Pomegranate Cookie: ...I believe the one I serve may be able to assist you. Pomegranate Cookie: She is wise and wields a cosmic power that none can stand against. Starfruit Cookie: Really?! That’s amazing! Thank you! I’m glad I shared this vision with you. Starfruit Cookie: I’m really glad we’ve become good friends!
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Pomegranate Cookie: But about this vision… Is the Nebula Chalice the only such treasure in existence? Pomegranate Cookie: I was under the assumption visions were granted only by the chalice itself. Starfruit Cookie: Well, you see… Oh, before that… You need to keep this a secret! Starfruit Cookie: In the middle of the temple is the Nebula Spring, where sacred waters are blessed by the stars! Starfruit Cookie: The Nebula Chalice itself only holds a fraction of the spring’s true power! Starfruit Cookie: At the spring, if I pray and say “Stars, please light my path”, the stars grant me a vision. Pomegranate Cookie: ...I see. Thank you. I can ensure you that this secret is safe with me. Starfruit Cookie: We’re best friends after all! It’d be nice if we can chat like this after the tournament ends… Pomegranate Cookie: This friendship is special to me as well. Though, I am destined to follow in my Master’s path… Pomegranate Cookie: I will always remember this day and how you have helped me.
Licorice Cookie: Ugh… I’m gonna win this time! Bacon Cookie: What’re you, a broken blender? You keep on grinding with no results! Alchemist Cookie: You kept muttering about winning… So… now what? Dark Choco Cookie: Licorice Cookie. Pomegranate Cookie is requesting our presence. Licorice Cookie: Can’t you see I’m busy?! I have to compete! Dark Choco Cookie: She’s found it. Licorice Cookie: WHAT?! H-h-hey, all of you wait here! I’ll be right back!
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Licorice Cookie: The Nebula Spring? Really?! Pomegranate Cookie: Revealed by Starfruit Cookie herself. Come, follow me. Pomegranate Cookie: This is the Nebula Spring… Indeed, the waters flowing from here are blessed with magic. Licorice Cookie: Is this it…? Really? It seems so… small. So how do we get the stars to talk? Dark Choco Cookie: We don’t have time. There is no telling when some Cookie might walk in. Licorice Cookie: Er… ahem. You heard him. Well, get on with it, Pomegranate Cookie! Pomegranate Cookie: May the Darkness feast on this spring’s power...
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Licorice Cookie: Is that it…? Hehe. Well, that was easy. Psh! Power of starlight… *mutter mutter* Pomegranate Cookie: Now then. Let us see what the Nebula Spring reveals. Pomegranate Cookie: Stars… please light my path… Show us the Cookies of legend and myth... Dark Choco Cookie: ...So, it’s true. The spring can show us where the Cookies of legend are... Licorice Cookie: Starfruit Cookie is really gonna regret everything, isn’t she? Hehe! Pomegranate Cookie: While we remain grateful for her… cooperation. Priestesses of the Stars: Wh-what are you doing?! Dark Choco Cookie: It’s time to leave.
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Priestesses of the Stars: Stop! What are you doing to this sacred place?! Licorice Cookie: Argh! Why are they so persistent?! Pomegranate Cookie: Should you not be reporting what’s happened here instead of pursuing us…? Dark Choco Cookie: Just a bit further. I have scouted a place where we can hide. Licorice Cookie: Faster! FASTER! Sandwich Cookie: Not bad! Not bad! Everyone’s really skilled! But the winner is decided at the very END! Wizard Cookie: Hey, has anyone seen Rags- I mean, Licorice Cookie? Bacon Cookie: Psh! He probably got scared and ran away. Alchemist Cookie: Look! Starfruit Cookie just came out of the temple! Is it time for the final round?
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Closing Ceremony
Starfruit Cookie: I extend my greatest appreciation for all Cookies who have made it this far! Starfruit Cookie: And that’s that! The Battle for Fate is over! Starfruit Cookie: Phew! I’m really glad it’s over… But that sure was fun too! Starfruit Cookie: Now that I think about it… Nothing bad happened during the tournament. Starfruit Cookie: Maybe the powerful Cookie that Pomegranate Cookie knows secretly helped out!
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Priestesses of the Stars: High Oracle! Starfruit Cookie! Something terrible has happened! Starfruit Cookie: What’s going on? Priestesses of the Stars: Some strange Cookies have infiltrated the chambers of the Nebula Spring! Starfruit Cookie: WHAT?! Starfruit Cookie: No… NO! The Nebula Spring has been corrupted by some crimson magic... Priestesses of the Stars: We’ve received word that three Cookies were involved! Starfruit Cookie: Who… Who did this... Priestesses of the Stars: A Cookie with a dark cloak and a raggedy Cookie with a scythe were rummaging through the temple. Priestess of the Stars: I… thought they were participants who got lost in the temple. My deepest apologies...
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Starfruit Cookie: What do I do… Could Pomegranate Cookie help me with this…? Priestesses of the Stars: And another Cookie was with them. A Cookie dressed in red and adorned in pomegranates. Starfruit Cookie: !!! Are you… sure? Priestesses of the Stars: Quite sure! The Cookie in red was the one standing closest to the spring! Starfruit Cookie: No, it can’t be! That Cookie… she’s… She’s my greatest friend… Starfruit Cookie: I thought she understood me… I told her everything… She is… my friend… Starfruit Cookie: Could it be…? No… No, it can’t... Starfruit Cookie: That vision wasn’t about the tournament. If only I had not told Pomegranate Cookie... Starfruit Cookie: It’s all my fault… The vision came true because of my mistake...
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Dark Choco Cookie: We’ve managed to lose our pursuers. Let us leave. Licorice Cookie: The power of Darkness is going to consume the world! HAHAHA! Pomegranate Cookie: Everything is proceeding as the Master planned...
The Aftermath
Starfruit Cookie: Stars… Oh, great stars, please light my path! Starfruit Cookie: I will gladly sacrifice my powers if it means restoring the Nebula Spring! Priestesses of the Stars: Starfruit Cookie! Please! You must rest…! You cannot go on like this! Starfruit Cookie: No… This is all my fault. I must fix this… I have to. I cannot rest until… Starfruit Cookie: I am nothing… I was always nothing. I am no longer fit to be the Oracle. But I will remain and protect the temple. Starfruit Cookie: So let me fulfill my responsibility, one last time…! Starfruit Cookie: No… The stars have been silenced… There is no answer. Starfruit Cookie: !!! My staff is… glowing?! The stars! The stars are with me!
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Starfruit Cookie: Wait… Huh? What? Who are these ordinary looking Cookies? Starfruit Cookie: Oh, great stars… Are… are these the Cookies who will save the world from the Darkness…? Starfruit Cookie: This means… A flicker of hope still lives!
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rfadaydreaming · 4 years
boyfriend jumin headcanons
theres no way hes been in a relationship before, never even kissed someone before. you best believe hes going to go all in hes so starved for love
he needs to hear every single thing about your life, even the littlest things. he will remember it all, and asks so many questions too. could listen to you talk for hours and never get bored. your life is so different from his, he finds it fascinating. always wants to know more.
at the beginning of the relationship he has an extremely hard time controlling himself and finding whats right and wrong in a romantic relationship. you have to be very open with your boundaries or he’ll treat you like a doll, he cant help himself hes just so enamored.
does SO much research on relationships, he doesnt like the advice he finds but hes looking in all the wrong places. seven gives him links for real advice from real people reddit instead of mens magazines because those all suck. jumin starts to ask him for help whenever hes curious about something and seven will find a link for him to read. it helps bridge their relationship a bit more. seven is one of those friends thats amazing at relationship advice but for some reason desperately single.
even though he’s new to relationships and still trying to figure it out, that does not mean hes bad at it. no sir. this man was raised on romantic novels and cheesy soap operas. he knows his way into your heart easy peasy
the most beautiful arrangements of flowers delivered to your doorstep, your favorite foods from the most gourmet restaurants in seoul sent right to your work, hand written love letters sealed in wax sent to you while he’s away on business. declares his undying love for you over the phone almost daily.
hes never been around women much before, rikas the exception but he wasnt around around her like you would be with a lover. so hes interested finding out about your habits, routines, likes. the way you cook breakfast in the morning, the way you do your bedtime routine, your afterwork routine. always finding something new to love about you every new day.
he really adores anything and everything you think is a flaw. he prefers you with your quirks rather than aiming for perfection. theres nothing wrong with being “plastic” but the majority of those types of women he’s been around are the rich snobby type more than every day women. he prefers you. again hes never been close to many women so its kind of amazing but sad the things you can find to think harshly about. things he absolutely would never imagine someone being insecure about in the first place. he loves this body, it makes him upset when youre so critical to it.
he’ll explain to you what goes on behind the scenes of corporations and how exactly they make you insecure about those odd little things just to profit off of it, theres nothing wrong with you to begin with but if you believed that then they would be out of business, you see. knowing that aspect of things is why hes understanding but still saddened by your insecurities.
hes a very possessive man and is unashamed about it. hes never had anything as important as you to protect before so he doesnt care how ridiculous he may be sometimes, as long as youre safe. body guards, frequent calls, locations on, always wanting to be with you if he can. if that all bothers you i feel like that would be a bit of a disagreement area. his personality is naturally possessive and he does it out of love so bear with him please. he would definitely tone down as time progressed but for now he doesn’t want to let you out of his sight. trusts you, not other people.
he likes to observe you a lot, your day to day. it’s interesting to him even though it can be a little annoying to you sometimes. asks questions constantly. hes so curious. jumin let me go to the bathroom in peace hes literally a child
it makes him so happy when you laugh at his jokes. everyone else thinks they’re not funny but he doesnt care, as long as you laugh hes happy.
if you wear make-up it’s literally amazing for him to watch. he’ll stand in the bathroom and just observe. you can GLUE eyelashes to your FACE?! and its common?! this is so shocking to him. he had no clue. its kind of embarrassing for you but hes just so interested. never watched someone put on makeup before. the process is so intricate and careful, hes so fascinated by this strange magic. youre so smart too, he doesnt know any of the names of the things you use but always asks so he can remember for gift giving purposes. shades you like, shades you dont like, companies you dont buy from, your favorite brands. somehow has a giant mental notepad and writes all this down for safe keeping
speaking of smart he thinks you are the smartest person on the face of this earth. hes so confused at certain aspects of life and you help him get it. why do people eat fried chicken when its not nutritionally dense or even healthy to consume? it doesn’t make sense. because its yummy, jumin. wow, youre so right...
always texts you little reminders throughout the day to show his love. dont forget to eat breakfast dear. dont forget to wear sunscreen before you go out love, its hot today. dont forget that i love you so much my darling ♥︎ SO CUTE hes so caring
this man is so so touch starved, he always wants to hold you or touch you in someway. if he could bring you everywhere with him he would. he starts to get anxious if he goes too long without your comfort, truly doesn’t know how he made it for so long without it
not the biggest fan of pda but it depends on the situation. he likes making others jealous but he doesn’t want anyone else to see the way you look after he kisses you in that one special way that only he can. thats for his eyes only
loves showering you in anything you desire. you are spoiled. he’d buy you a whole ass island if you wanted one. he never understood how his father could just give away so much to a woman but now he cannot say a THING. he’d go completely broke as long as it made you happy
if you dont like tons of store bought gifts he’ll spend more time on meaningful ones. picking you flowers from the rooftop garden and arranging them himself, he embroiders as a pastime so he’ll make you cute little cat decals and stuff like that
he likes to do things for you like paint your nails, wash your hair, put lotion on you after a bath etc. loves it so much, if youre not comfortable with him babying you its totally fine but if you are he’ll do it whenever you let him
he has very cold hands. never really thought about them until he met you, really hopes you dont mind. tries to warm his hands up where he can before he touches you, but secretly loves when he runs his cold fingertips down your skin and you get gooseflesh all over. thinks its cute.
gets insecure sometimes. not really about his looks, but his personality. luciel is funny, zen is handsome and suave. yoosung is sweet and open with his emotions. he wonders frequently why you chose him out of anyone else.
all in all jumin is someone you need to get used to being in a relationship with, hes not the average joe and has a lot going on with himself that he needs to work through. but if you help him, love him for him, he’ll be the sweetest lover you could ever ask for.
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ruthoakenshield · 4 years
Very Good Friends (Chapter 10)
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Catch up here: [Chapter 1] [Chapter 2] [chapter 3] [Chapter 4] [Chapter 5] [Chapter 6] [Chapter 7] [Chapter 8]  [Chapter 9]
Reader x Henry Cavill, Reader x co-star named Dan
Warning: This tale is for 18+ readers ONLY!!!  Mentions of flashbacks: (rape, anal sex, non-con sex, abuse), severe bruising and injury, mentions of suicidal thoughts, depression, humiliation, and some fluff to make us feel better. Smut comes later on  in the story… Several chapters down the road… I promise!!!
If ANY  of the warnings upset you or make you uncomfortable, DO NOT read below  the cut! go find something else to read in this case.
If you are okay with reading those things then enjoy the tale below the cut.
Feedback and reblogs are appreciated. I do not own Henry nor do I have any personal knowledge of him besides what is common knowledge amongst the Cavillary. Any mistakes and typos are mine, story is not beta-tested. GIF I got from the tumbler search thingy.
Henry takes the bacon out of the oven and shuts it off. Placing it on a couple of potholders on the counter to cool. Henry then goes to the stereo and turns the volume down so he can hear you calling if you need him for any help. He goes back to the kitchen and looks up a pancake batter recipe. He checks to make sure he has all the ingredients and then goes about mixing it up.
Once he has the pancake batter mixed he pours it into an empty squeeze bottle with a nozzle and then mixes up the eggs, milk and cheese for the omelets he pours it into the hot skillet and then puts crumbled bacon and the peppers, onion and garlic mix into it as well. He adds more cheese and then flips it closed.
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Henry makes two delicious smelling and yummy looking fluffy omelets. He puts them on the plates with foil over the top to keep them warm. Then he makes the slider pancakes. He quickly has a dozen for each of you and figures that’s enough. Putting the cap on the bottle, he puts it in the fridge and then covers the two plates with foil and shuts the burners off.
Henry goes to check on you and finds you sobbing in the bathroom as you sit on the toilet. Henry’s smile fades when he sees you sobbing, and he rushes to you. “Kitten? Honey, what’s the matter?” he asks as he holds your face. “It hurts! It hurts so bad to pee!” you cry. He pulls you into his chest and he holds you. “I’m sorry, Sweetheart. I’m sure that area was inflamed by his activities too. Do you want me to call the Doctor and see what he wants us to do?” he asks you. You nod.
“Honey, are you able to pee at all?” he asks. “Yeah, it just really, really burns and hurts.” You tell him. “Okay, Sweetheart. You gonna be able to finish getting ready?” he asks. You nod. “I’ll try.” You tell him, tears still trickling down your cheeks. He wipes them away with his thumbs. “I wish I could take all this pain away from you, Honey. I know it hurts a lot. Don’t give up, though, okay? You give up, he wins.” Henry says, looking into your pale blue looking eyes. “I’ll call the Doctor.” He tells you. You nod.
Henry heads for the kitchen and grabs the pill bottle with the antibiotic in it. He looks for the phone number for the Doctor and calls it. The nurse answers and Henry explains who he is and why he is calling. “She is in a LOT of pain this morning and says it hurts and burns really, really bad when she pees.” He says.
She tells him to hang on and she will get the doctor. He gets on the phone and talks with Henry. He asks Henry to bring you back in right away, and they will check for a bladder infection. “If it’s hurting that bad and she has been taking the antibiotics as prescribed, she may need a stronger one if the bladder got irritated or infected. Sometimes it happens when there’s prolonged sex going on and bacteria gets into the urethra and makes their way to the bladder. Or the walls can become inflamed just from the constant friction, which can cause pain and burning sensations.
When you get here, have the nurse get me right away and I’ll check her and get tests run.” He tells Henry. Henry thanks him and hangs up. Luckily, he made sure you were taking your meds as prescribed, so he is pretty sure you’re gonna need a stronger antibiotic.
He goes back to check on you and you’re hunched over the sink trying to wash your face, grimacing from the pain. Henry sees you and comes to help you. “Here, Sweetheart, let me help.” He says. You nod and sit back down on the toilet, so it hurts less. He washes your face for you and brushes your hair. You sigh and thank him.
“Do you think you can walk, Kitten?” Henry asks. You shake your head. He comes over and gently picks you up and carries you over to the dinette. He gently sets you on the chair and then goes to get your breakfast. He places it in front of you with butter and syrup, water and your meds. He grabs his plate, and some OJ and sits across from you.
“Doc says to bring you back in as soon as we can. He thinks you probably have a bladder infection from Dan fucking you for so long. Said it probably irritated the walls of your bladder and such. Said he’ll run some tests and will probably give you some stronger antibiotics.” He tells you. You nod and eat your food.
“Thank you, Bear, for letting me stay here and for taking care of me.” You whisper. Henry remembers your throat is still sore and he gets up and kisses your cheek. ‘That’s what friends do, Sweetheart. They take care of each other.” He tells you as he pulls a travel mug from the cabinet. He heats up some water in the electric kettle and then puts a honey and lemon tea bag into the travel mug and pours the hot water into it. Henry lets it steep for a few minutes then pulls the tea bag out and tosses it in the garbage. He snaps the lid on the mug and hands it to you.
“Kitten, how did you sleep last night? I noticed you crawled in with me in your little burrito again. Did you have another nightmare?” he asked. You shook your head. “I just didn’t feel as safe laying on the couch by myself. So I came and curled up next to you. For once, I didn’t have any nightmares.” You whisper.
Henry gives you a warm smile. “Well, I’m glad you feel safe enough with me to do that with me, Kitten.” He tells you. You nod and stuff another piece of omelet in your mouth.
After a few moments, Henry asks you, “Kitten, would you like to try a self-defense class or drawing to help you cope with what you’ve been through?” You shrug. “I’m not much of an artist. I suppose we could go watch the two classes she recommended. I don’t know.” You mumble and look down.” “Honey, if you don’t want to do it, that’s okay. I just thought it would be good for you to see what some of your options are. Who knows, maybe something will spark an interest.” He tells you.” You shrug.
“I’ll call and see if we can come observe. A few of the classes for each. If you don’t want to try it, that’s fine. At least you had a look to see if it was something you might like.” He says. “Okay.” You tell him then take your meds with the water.
You shiver a bit and Henry asks if you’re cold. You nod. “It’s chilly in here this morning.” You tell him quietly. He nods. “Yeah. I’ll have maintenance come turn on the furnace today while we’re gone.” He tells you and grabs his phone.
Henry makes a few calls while the two of you eat, and Maintenance says they’ll be over in an hour to check the furnace and get it going for you. He thanks them then calls the two martial art studios the counselor recommended. They agree to come let the two of you observe a couple of classes to see if its something you’d like to try and tell Henry to just come when the two of you have free time. No appointment needed. He thanks them both as well.
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Henry looks over at you while you are finishing eating. You look exhausted. Your skin is paler than usual, and your cheeks are slightly flushed. The bruising on your neck and chest is dark but is starting to turn green and yellow around the edges. He reaches across and puts a hand on your forehead. It feels a little warmer than usual and he suspects you have a low-grade fever.
Henry caresses your face, and you sigh and lean into his hand for a moment and close your eyes enjoying his touch. “We’ll get you through this, Kitten. I know you aren’t feeling well right now. Hopefully the Doc can figure out why you’re hurting so bad and get you something to make you feel better.” He tells you quietly. You nod, and he lets go of your face. “Come on, now, finish up and we’ll go get you dressed and head out.” He encourages.
More chapters to come…
Please reblog and share if you like this story so far! Please and thank you!!!
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Tagging the cavillary & crew: @dancingwendigo​​ @littlefreya​​ @iloveyouyen​​ @achaoticaugust​​ @thatdem0n @cherry-acid @connieisland @kandomeresbitch @captainbigdy​​ @mary-ann84 @chamomilebottom​​  @thelastsock​​ @infinite-shite​​  @wolvesandhoundshowltogether​​ @viking-raider  @raspberrydreamclouds​​ @when-in-doubt-eat-pizza  @kissthatlifeaway​​ @madbaddic7ed  @beckster07890 @sage-willow-raven @allememaggies​​ @aletheladyinred​​ @princess-of-riviaa​​ @amandalove​​ @heyyassbutt​​ @nerdypinupcrystal​​ @wondersofdreaming​​ @taylorinthetardis​​ @kmuir1 @henrythickcavill​​ @cavillsbestgal​​ @hinata7346 @indigosaurus​​ @purplelove75 @eldarwen333 @rangergirl71 @luclittlepond​​  @rowandor​​ @contentobsessor​​ @henrycavilledits​​​@capsheadquaters​​ @criminaly-supernatural​​ @henricavyll​​ @henrycavell​​ @designerwriterchic​ @delicatecelebritiesarthairdo​ @angelofthorr​ @madbaddic7ed​
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camiddletonxox · 4 years
Afternoon Snack is Pancake
Pairing - King Liam (Adam) x Charity Middleton (The Royal Romance)
Rating - General, fluffy
Note - So I uploaded both the Rys brothers today, kinda like that. I hope you like this, this was just a random write as you go idea.
Taglist - @drakewalkerfantasy @ao719 @princess-geek @polishchoicesfan @binny1985 @desireepow-1986 @adriansbiss @i-bloody-love-drake-walker @hatescapsicum @itscassandral @gardeningourmet @heauxplesslydevoted @thequeenofcronuts @kaavyaethanramsey @imonlybibecauseofethanramsey @waitingforalana @regencylady1810 @dailydoseofchoices @storyofmychoices @sushiharrington @sanchita012 @maurine07 @akshara16 @choicesficwriterscreations
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Summary - Princess Elodie requests a special snack for her afternoon snack
Word Count - 638
“They must have lots of chocolate chips in” The small girl insisted as she ran through to join her father in the kitchen, she grabbed her stool. She looked towards her mother, who joined them in the kitchen she was determined to have pancakes as a mid afternoon treat and not even Charity had the heart to say no to the blonde little girl. Elodie jumped up and down, peeking to check if her dad had gotten the chocolate chips.
“You will eat your dinner, right lil bunny boo?” The King asked and Charity looked to the sweet girl.
“Yes, daddy, Mummy said dinner will be later today as we are having party” The small girl assured her father and he smiled, she was so perfect.
“We do” The king smiled an he got the bag of chocolate chips and he filled a small bowl half way full with them.
“Daddy, that’s lots” Elodie marvelled causing her parents to both laugh, oh she was so precious.
“You asked for lots sweetie” The king responded as his wife started to measure out the flour.
“This is your snack, sweetheart ok? No snacking after this because like daddy said the other day, the dinner tonight is very important and you will have lots of yummy food” Charity reminded her daughter and turned to where Elodie was watching her.
“Will there be adult food?” The little girl frowned as her mother started to put the ingredients for the pancakes in a small bowl, since they weren’t making a full batch, only making enough for the little princess to have a small snack.
“There will be pizzas, some nice pastas, daddy requested some nice pasta just for you” Adam reassured his daughter and the little girl grinned.
“Thank you, daddy” The small girl beamed and watched her amazing mummy mix the pancake mix, mummy and daddy made a good team. After a few minutes, Charity put some oil in the pan.
“I help mummy” Elodie goes to help her mother but Adam gently guided her away from the hob, the last thing they wanted was for her to burn herself.
“No lil bunny boo, let mummy do it, its hot” Adam took his daughters hand and she pouted but she didn’t argue with her father, instead she sat at the table with her dad, she jumped onto his lap.
“Mummy needs help though” The princess protested and Adam smiled, the three year old had a massive heart and she was the kindest 3 year old to ever exist, she was so considerate, she was so ute (obviously)
“If mummy needs help, ill help her kiddo” Liam reassured his sweet daughter and she nodded and they watched the queen make a pancake each for them, Elodie watched excitedly.
“Any batter left, she could have some for breakfast tomorrow” The king suggested and the small girl looked hopefully up to her mother, hoping she would say yes, oh she loved that ideas.
“There is enough for one I think, she can have it with some fruit tomorrow morning” Charity agreed as she dished up the three pancakes and she brought some chocolate syrup over and some strawberries that were sliced and already in the fridge.
“Just pancakes tomorrow mummy” Elodie insisted and then looked down when her mother raised an eyebrow at her.
“You need to have fruit too Elodie” She reminded her daughter who pouted.
“Daddy” The little eyes looked up to him, clearly trying to get him to disagree with his wife but he agreed, Elodie needed to eat her fruit.
“Mummy’s right, bunny boo” He responded softly as he put some chocolate syrup on Elodie’s pancake.
“Fine” The little girl huffed making both her parents laugh and the royal family had a pancake afternoon snack together with lots of chocolate chips!!
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pandjseetheworld · 3 years
Backpacking Glacier
Day 3 in Glacier Continued…
Day 1 Backpacking
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After parking the car next to the trailhead we gathered our gear and headed on the the trail. We were so excited to get going that we completely forgot to eat lunch so by mile 2 we realized we were hiking on breakfast only! We felt weak for just starting out but thankfully we only had to hike 6 miles this afternoon. About 4.5 miles in there was a sign for Twin Falls so of course we took a quick detour. And wow, these falls were stunning! And for the first time we made it to a beautiful spot that wasn’t swarmed with people making it even more majestic. My pinkie toe was rubbing and I was already getting a tiny blister so I switched into my sandals for the remainder of the hike (1.5 to go).
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It was dusk by the time we were nearing our campground, with Pearce in the lead he quietly and quickly says “Moose!” Holy Moly, I was about to jump out of my sandals!!! There was a bull moose not but 50 feet from us! I swear to you it was Bullwinkle! This guys antlers were HUGE and he was just chowing down on some dinner, which we could relate because we were starving! This was by far the closest I have ever come to such a large animal. Pearce and I both looked at each other like… ughhhh what to we do now, the Ranger video didn’t mention how to get around a moose haha so we just made ourself known and slowly walked around him. Pearce was on guard with his bear spray out though, realll prepared! Several people we met along the way told us that a moose is more dangerous than a bear because they are huge and dumb. They will just charge for no reason so we should always keep a rock or tree between us and the moose. We were fine but I was on a high from seeing him so close! It was awesome!!
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After our moose encounter, we continued on to our campground. It had 4 sites and was completely filled up. There was a pit toilet, bear box, and communal food area. Pretty nice amenities for being in the backcountry, I was impressed! The first thing we were told to do upon arriving at camp is to put your food and anything smelly in the bear box. This was there is only one area that smells (makes sense). So we dropped all our food off and headed to set up camp. Our campsite was nicely laid out with a flat area for our tent. Truly these campsites were impressive. Finally, the time had come to eat! We were both ravenous and probably would have eaten a bear if we saw one but instead we stuck with our dehydrated meals, equally as yummy and filling! You had to cook in the communal food area and the other groups were there eating too. It was nice to mingle with the other folks and hear about where they camped and their stories. It had a hostel vibe which was enjoyable and made me feel a little safer knowing we weren’t the only ones out there. If a bear were to eat us, someone would surely hear. At least that’s what I told myself before going to bed!!
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Day 4 in Glacier
Day 2 Backpacking
Today was the longest day we’ve hiked thus far on our whole entire trip. In total it was only a 12 mile day but it had a 3600ft vertical incline! Now, these numbers were not pitched to me before hiking, I was only informed of this during and post hike for good reason! It was not the easiest day but you know what they say, “nothing worthwhile comes easy!” And it was very worthwhile!
After packing up camp and having some yummy freeze dried breakfast (it’s actually good if you haven’t tried it you should), we headed back on the trail. After the hype of the moose yesterday and talking to people at breakfast I was really hoping to see a moose swimming. Apparently it’s more common than it seems. And low and behold, not but a mile from leaving out campsite there was a cow moose in the lake we were hiking next to!! I was beside myself! The moose wasn’t swimming but still, he was in the water hanging out!! It was a perfect boost to get us going on the difficult day!
On our way up, up, and up we passed another little lake called No Name Lake and saw a big horn sheep along the way. After No Name Lake there was no looking back, we were heading to the clouds. Straight to the clouds, at a steep vertical incline! Of course picking huckleberries along the trail gave us some rest breaks and every now and again we’d have to stop to look back at what we had just climbed. It seemed endless at some points but with one foot in front of the other it wasn’t too bad. About 2 hours up and we hit Dawson’s pass. It was Windy City because at the Peak the Mtn’s opened up to the heavens. It was incredible! We had to hide behind a rock wind blocker for lunch but would step out to check the views every now and again. It was magnificent and the visibility was pretty good!
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At Dawson’s Pass, I was thinking our incline would be over and we’d start our decent but I was wrong. We walked along the ridge line of the mtn for 2+ miles taking in the views and carefully placing each foot down. In come places we’d be walking along a rock slide that had been flattened about a foot across to serve as the trail. Vertical rock slide on one side and death with one wrong step. It was hard to look any where aside from at the trail on those sections but the views we jaw dropping! Fear met beauty at those moments and it was a wonderful rush!
We walked along the ridge to a second pass the Pitamakan Pass. This was equally as gorgeous but now we could look down at Old Man Lake and see the campground we were staying it. The wind picked up as we continued down into our campground but thankfully we weren’t on the edge of the mountain any more.
After arriving at Old Man Lake Campground we hung our food up, they provided a high food pole for us, and scoped out the camp sites. We got a nice site but there wasn’t any tree coverage and we were pretty open to the elements. For our wedding we got a super nice light weight backpacking tent that’s been fabulous for our backpacking trips but not the best in the wind. At night there were gale force winds that swept through the lake and pass and nearly broke our tent. The winds also stirred up and blew the dust and dirt so when we woke up the next morning everything had a fine layer of dirt. I cannot say it was the best night of sleep I have ever had but it was definitely a cool spot!
Day 5 in Glacier
Day 3 of Backpacking
The next morning I woke up and was ready to go. I was covered in dust, had little rest, and I was best from yesterday’s hike. So we had a quick breakfast and hiked out as soon as possible. Another 6 miles down hill and back to Two Medicine and we were done! The views on the way down were amazing and it was neat to look back at the mountains and think I walked along that ridge line! This trip was incredible and made Glacier a pretty impressive park in our opinions!
Since everything had a fine layer of dust on it, when we got to the car we unpacked our gear and wiped it down then repacked everything into its right place in the car. The wind may have been a pain the ass for us but it did wonders for the visibility. We decided to take the long route around and give the Going-to-the-Sun road a fourth chance. And I am so glad we did. The wind blew out all the smoke and it was perfect visibility! We could now see the vast amount of waterfalls and canyons off the road. The colors were popping with greens from the trees to blues from the glacier water . Finally we understood the hype to this road! It was very cool and I’m glad we didn’t give up after our first day in the park!
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It was time to pick up Mr. Loki and run a bunch of errands in Kalispell and Whitefish before our next adventure to Canada. I just want to add that Whitefish Montana is absolutely adorable and if you ever get the chance to go to Glacier make sure to stop there. It’s a quaint little mountain country town that’s got lots of fun shopping and restaurants! Worth the stop!!
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Rescue 5/10
Pairing: Alpha!Bucky x Enhanced!Omega!Reader
Word Count: 3.7k
Warnings: not much really
Summary: The Avengers are sent in to rescue a group of omegas from the hands of Hydra. There Bucky finds you, an enhanced omega. Can you ever be fully rescued from what Hydra has done to you?
A/N: I love this chapter so much and I hope you do tooooo!!!! You guys are so amazing for sticking with me on this journey. Please please leave me your feedback. I love interacting with all of you, it encourages me so much! As ever SEND AN ASK if you’d like to be tagged, the taglist is still open. Quick shoutout to @all1e23​ who inspires me all the time and wrote the best ABO fic out there, go check out her masterlist. 
Rescue 4 l Masterlist
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You slept fitfully, nightmare faces passing in and out of your vision, always waking to the sound of a ringing gun shot. You’re lying in bed when you’re disturbed by the sound of knocking on your door and Tony’s surprisingly cheery voice.
“Time to get up, Y/N! Today’s the day, let’s go.” You bury your head in your blanket and roll over, chasing five more minutes. Not one minute later he’s back, his knocking more insistently.
“Come on, Y/N, I can do this all day!” Tony chirps and you growl and roll out of your nest. You wrap the blanket around your shoulders and crack open the door. Tony’s scent invades your nose which you wrinkle in disdain.
“Yeah I know, I’m not your cup of tea,” Tony says with a wave of his hand, “Everyone’s already in the kitchen and you’re having breakfast with the team. You’re also starting your training and therapy today. Time to start living, Y/N!” Tony finishes with a clap and then sets off down the hallway. “Don’t worry, Barnes is already in the kitchen,” he throws over his shoulder as he walks away.
You scowl at the implication but you can hardly be mad at Tony for his comment. He’s not wrong. You turn back into your room and quickly get dressed. You move into the bathroom and splash some water on your face and pull your hair into a ponytail with an elastic you find in the drawer. From the female inclined products in the bathroom to the right sized clothes in your drawer someone has been very thoughtful. You suspect Bucky.
You brace yourself and open your door to follow Tony’s path to the kitchen. There you find the team gathered around the table, some munching on toast or sipping out of mugs. A girl with long red hair shoots you a winning smile while the man cooking at the stove waves his spatula at you. The only one you look for is Bucky who gets up to greet you. Everyone else turns their heads your way and the room falls silent. You cross your arms over your chest and fight the urge to bolt back to your room. Bucky steps closer and envelopes you in his scent. You breathe deep and resist the urge to melt into his chest.
“Hey, how’d you sleep?” He asks. You shrug your shoulders non committaly. He nods in understanding. You have no way of knowing it but you’re not the only one who tosses and turns at night.
“Come on, I’ll introduce you.” Bucky pulls his hand out of his pocket and subtly extends it to you. It’s an offer, not a demand. But you want to try to get through this without him so you softly shake your head no. He smiles at you and drops his hand back to his side, turning to the others.
“Everyone, this is Y/N. Y/N this is everyone.” The team smiles and waves and the red haired girl pulls out the chair next to her for you though you make no move to sit down. Bucky rambles on, “The old man with the newspaper is Steve and kiss the cook over there is Sam. He’ll make you an omelet if you like.”
“Best omelet you’ll ever have,” Sam quips with a cocky smile.
“Then we’ve got Nat and Clint, they go together. You’ve met Tony and Thor and next to Thor is Wanda. And that’s the team.” Bucky finishes, turning to look at you. You look thoroughly overwhelmed and he ducks his head down to your level. “How about a cup of coffee?” He suggests. The team deliberately turns their attention away from you to let you try and adjust.
“I’ve never had coffee.” You say so only Bucky can hear you. His brow furrows.
“Yeah, I guess that makes sense. Want me to make you a cup so you can try it?” He asks. You simply nod.
“Ugh, no,” says Wanda, getting up and coming around the table to the coffee pot. “I’m not letting you make her that weird butter coffee for her first cup,” she insists.
"Hey it’s good!” Bucky insists. You pull a face at the thought.
“Come on, no. Please,” Wanda says as she rolls her eyes at Bucky. She gently touches your arm and says, “Let me make it for you. Coffee the way it should be, full of cream and sugar.”
“That sounds yummy,” you say, your voice barely above a whisper. Wanda’s face breaks into a huge smile. She finds a cute, flowery mug that says Today is an awesome day and moves to the fridge, pulling out a bottle of creamer. She fills the cup up with steaming hot coffee and tops it off with a generous helping of the sugary creamer. Turning the handle out, she passes you the cup.
“Try that,” she says, her eyes sparkling. You take the cup to your lips and gently blow away a curl of steam before taking a sip. Your eyes light up and your eyebrows lift to your hairline.
“That’s wonderful!” You exclaim. The team chuckles behind you while Bucky groans.
“She’s been out here five minutes and you’ve already corrupted her,” he says, rubbing his hand down his face.
“I’m merely showing her the way to start her day off right,” Wanda says with a little bounce as she moves back to her seat. She settles down, the chair’s still open next to her but you opt to sit next to Bucky, letting his scent calm you. You slowly sip your coffee and avoid the glances flitting your way. A moment later a plate appears before you full of the fluffiest eggs with peppers and onions and lots of cheese. You turn and look up to see Sam giving you a wink before he turns away. There’s a low rumble in Bucky’s chest at the gesture and you instinctively pat his knee to reassure him. You don’t see the look of surprise he gives you as you pick up your fork and dive into the eggs.
“So, Y/N!” Thor calls in his booming voice, “Are you ready to begin your training today?” You freeze with a bite halfway to your mouth and then slowly lower the fork to your plate. Worry fills your scent and every alpha at the table can smell it, no one more so than Bucky. He scoots his seat closer to you and lets you feel the warmth radiating off of him. You shut down at the thought of being in close proximity with another alpha and panic begins to rise in your chest.
“Forgive me, My Lady. I did not mean to cause you alarm.” Thor says more quietly, raising his hands in a sign of surrender. You turn to Bucky with tears pricking at the corners of your eyes.
“I can’t. I can’t do it,” you whisper.
“What if I stay with you the whole time? I’ll never be out of your sight. And Thor is a lot more gentle than he looks. I wouldn’t let you near someone I thought was going to hurt you.” Bucky speaks in hushed tones close to you so the others can’t hear. You hide your face behind your hair so they can’t see the tears threatening to fall but at Bucky’s words you feel a little braver.
“Okay,” you say as you nod your head. Bucky swells with pride at how brave you are. You sit up straight and turn to Thor, “Okay, I’ll train.” His face breaks into a handsome grin and you feel a little reassured that this might not be so bad.
An hour later you’re outside on the front lawn of the compound with Thor and Bucky. What you don’t know is that the entire team is gathered at the common room window to watch as well.
“Alright, Y/N,” Thor begins, rubbing his hands together, “how much training have you had with your powers?” You don’t like talking about this. You don’t like remembering your time with Hydra, much less sharing it.
“Hydra never taught me how to use my powers, they just experimented until I was as powerful as possible. They didn’t care about accuracy, they just wanted maximum damage.” The words tumble out of you as panic blooms in your chest.  Both alphas sense your discomfort and Thor offers you another one of his megawatt smiles.
“It’s okay, we don’t have to talk about it anymore. I just want to know where you’re at. Why don’t you just hit me with everything you’ve got?” He says casually.
“What!?” You cry out.
“I want you to hit me with every volt you can conjure. Banner says we need to establish a baseline for your powers. Don’t worry, I can take it,” Thor says confidently.
“No! I’m not going to do that. I don’t want to hurt you,” you insist.
“You can’t hurt me with your lightening, I’m the god of thunder!” Thor exclaims.
“No really, you won’t hurt him,” Bucky chimes in, “he’s basically an alien lightening rod.”  You look skeptically between the two men and can’t believe you’re even considering doing this. Thor looks at you with that same smile and a double thumbs up and you throw your hands up in surrender.
“Okay, fine. I think you’re both crazy but whatever.” You glance at Bucky and signal for him to back up. He jogs about 30 feet away while you move about ten feet away from Thor. Upstairs the team holds its breath.
You take a wide stance and just like last time lightening crackles at your finger tips. Your lightening doesn’t come from the sky like Thor’s. It comes from a place deep inside of you, almost as though it runs through your veins. Lightening begins swirling up your body, zapping out at random places. You focus all your energy down into your hands as you hold them out to point at Thor. A huge crack sounds around you and the god is hit by thousands of volts of electricity. He’s thrown backwards about 20 feet as lightening arcs off you, searching for purchase in the ground. Behind you you hear a thump and a groan.
You whip around to see Bucky prone on the ground and your heart falters. You rush towards him, electricity still dancing up and down your arms. He’s conscience and trying to prop himself up on his arms but his bionic one is clearly fried. It’s gently smoking and there’s occasional sparks coming from it. You recoil in fear when you see what you’ve done. Your eyes grow wide and fill with tears as your hands cover your mouth. All Bucky can do is chuckle at you.
“Don’t worry about it, sweet girl. Tony’s been pestering me to try a prototype he knocked up. Looks like he’ll finally get his way.” Bucky sees the tears streaming down your face and your cowered position and he moves closer to you. He cups your face in his good hand and rubs his thumb to dry your cheek. “It’s ok, Doll, I’m not mad.” You shake your head furiously.
“Once I… I accidentally killed an alpha, and they… and they…” you dissolve into incoherent sobs, your body trembling like a leaf at the memory. Bucky wants so desperately to wrap his arm around you but he doesn’t want to cross any lines. He rubs your arm, trying to calm you. Thor has managed to get up at this point and is crouched down near you.
“Dear one,” Thor begins. You flinch at the sound of his voice but he carries on calmly, “no one here is ever going to punish you. Especially for a mistake.” You look up at Bucky who nods in affirmation. By this time the team has gathered on the lawn, not approaching but watching carefully.
“I need to get myself up to Tony’s lab. Will you join me?” Bucky asks. He’s asking for your help but really he’s offering to keep you close, if that’s what you want.
“Of course,” you say, aggressively rubbing the tears from your cheeks. You stand up and Thor helps Bucky up. Bucky stumbles at the imbalance on his left side. Without thinking you slide into his side and put his limp arm around your shoulders, wrapping your arm around his back. You feel the thick muscles across his broad back and your stomach does flips. Bucky looks down at you softly and you can’t bring yourself to meet his gaze.
The team approaches and Tony shakes his head at the sight of you and Bucky.
“Get up to the lab, Tinman, I’ll get you sorted out.” Bucky nods and the two of you walk towards the compound. You’re focused on Bucky but his super solider hearing picks up the conversation happening behind you.
“What’s the report, Sparky?” Tony asks Thor.
“Her powers rival my own, Stark. She’s barely able to focus them so she’s dangerous, as you saw.” Thor speaks with a hushed reverence when speaking about your powers.
“Well, that’s why we brought in the expert.” Tony quips as he pats Thor on the shoulder.
You get Bucky up to the lab as quick as you can. His scent has thoroughly enveloped you and you’re feeling light headed. You deposit him into a seat and move to the other side of the lab, trying to find fresh air to breathe. Since going on your suppressants none of the alphas in the compound have bothered you, except for Bucky. You can’t figure out what’s different about him but his effect on you is overwhelming.
You sit with him in silence while Tony fits him with a shiny new arm. Tony does most of the talking but as it’s mostly technical ramblings you tune it out. Two hours later and Bucky is almost finished when FRIDAY calls out your name.
“Y/N its time for your appointment in the east wing. Shall I send someone to escort you?” The A.I. asks intuitively.
“Why don’t you send Wanda over?” Bucky asks, looking to you for approval. You nod your head and offer Bucky a small smile as you leave the lab to meet Wanda coming down the hall.
“Y/N!” Wanda practically skips over to you. “It was amazing seeing you in action today. You’re incredible!” You stare at her incredulously. You’re not incredible, you’re a freak. Wanda reads the look on your face easily and gives you a reassuring smile. “Seriously, you were amazing. Thor said you’re almost as strong as him!” You look down at your hands, a lump forming in your throat.
“I hate my powers,” you mumble quietly. Wanda carefully takes one of your hands and you don’t pull away from her.
“I understand,” Wanda says kindly. You look at her full of distrust. “No really, my powers are the result of an experiment too.  Granted it’s one I volunteered for but I wasn’t born this way. I’ve spent a  lot of time wrestling with my powers and how it effects how I see myself. You’ll get there.” You smile appreciatively at her words. You might not believe her but you want to.
You both make your way through the compound, Wanda chatting away cheerfully. Her mood is infectious and you find your spirits slightly lifted after this morning’s disaster training session. Until you reach your appointment. Your heart sinks and you feel the panic rising in you again. Wanda sees your discomfort and reaches out to you but you shrink away from her. You’re desperate for Bucky’s presence but you remind yourself that you want to do these things on your own.
“You can do this, Y/N,” Wanda says confidently, “just be honest.” You clench your fists until your nails dig into your palms and walk through the door.
Bucky finds you hours later sobbing in your nest while cuddling his hoodie close to your chest. You invite him in and he gently closes the door. He crouches down in front of your bed and looks at you, his eyes filled with concern.
“How bad was it, darlin’,” Bucky asks with an understanding smile. You shake your head and bury it into the hoodie, hiding your face. “That bad, huh?” He chuckles. You peak out at him from your hiding spot, his soft smile and intoxicating scent comforting you.
As you look into his eyes you realize you’re exhausted. Exhausted from fighting your instincts when it came to Bucky Barnes. He’s never given you a reason not to trust him. His scent is warm and comforting and makes you feel like you’d found a missing piece of yourself. So you decide to take a leap of faith.
“It sucked,” you say, pulling the hoodie away from your face. Bucky looks surprised that you’re willing to talk about this but you continue anyway. “She asked me a ton of questions and made me talk about Hydra and my parents. It was terrible and I’m not going back.” Bucky chuckles and smiles at you.
“Sure you are. Because you’re brave and strong and I know you want to get better. You wouldn’t have stayed with us otherwise.” How did this man know you so well already.
“Fine, I’ll go. But I’m not going to like it,” you pout.
“Fair enough. You wanna get some sleep?” Bucky asks. You nod your head.
“But you can stay,” you offer softly. Bucky breaks into a wide smile.
“I would love that.”
After that the months pass quickly and you fall into a routine. You still have breakfast with the team every morning. You sit next to Bucky and munch on toast and coffee and listen to the team chat away. It gives you a sense of normalcy you haven’t experienced in a long time and though you don’t say much you feel like you’re part of a family.
Since you decided to let Bucky in you two have gotten much closer. He’s slowly broken down your walls and your trust in him has only deepened. You’re still wary of the other alphas in the compound and still take your suppressants to keep them at bay. But Bucky has never let you down. There’s nothing you love more than sitting on the couch with your head on his shoulder letting his scent soothe you to sleep. He will sleep in your room after a particularly terrible therapy session and he helps keep the nightmares at bay.
You continue training with Thor only you’ve moved to a room called The Cave. It’s a huge room covered in polymorphic tiles that can actually absorb your powers so there are no more innocent victims of your training. Bucky sits at the observation window and watches you work your ass off at improving your focus and aim. Now Thor is teaching you to use random objects as conduits and you’re mastering the skill pretty quickly.
You’ve continued with your therapy and it’s honestly the worst part of your days. Your therapist swears it will eventually get better but it hasn’t yet. Processing your trauma during the days has led to an uptick in nightmares at night and you more often than not find yourself on the couch in the common room with a mug of tea. Bucky joins you most of the time. He’s confessed his nightmares to you and you keep each other company until you’re both ready to go back to bed, though you suspect you’re the only one getting more sleep.
It’s there he finds you one night sobbing quietly into a pillow, your tea long forgotten on the coffee table. Before you can process what’s happening you’ve been scooped up into Bucky’s lap, his strong arms wrapped around you, his scent carving its way through your pain. You lean into his chest, not worrying about the physical touch for once, just craving the comfort of his closeness. He pets your hair and lets you cry until you’re spent.
“What is it, sweet girl? Bad dreams?” He asks softly. You nod your head and sniffle. “Wanna tell me about it?” He offers. You shake your head but then you shrug your shoulders. Bucky continues stroking your hair and waits until you’re ready to talk.
“It’s my parents. I dream about them and I miss them so badly it physically hurts. I never got to say goodbye, have a funeral, anything. I couldn’t even grieve them properly, I was too scared for my own life. And then Hydra took me and turned me into this thing and made me hurt people and I don’t know how to let myself live with that.” You give a long shuddering sigh and sink further into Bucky’s chest, letting his strong heartbeat steady you. Bucky hugs you tighter as you cling to him.
“I’m not going to lie to you, Doll, it’s hard. But it’s possible. I’ve made as much peace with my past as I’m going to. I can live a life, using what they did to me to help others. It’s not easy but there is no alternative. You just have to keep moving forward.” Knowing Bucky suffered the same wrongs and worse at the hands of Hydra and seeing him live his life brings you comfort. He reaches under your chin and tips your head up to look at him. “And I get to know you, and love you, and it makes my world brighter.”
Your heart stops in your chest at his confession. You look into his eyes and can find no lie there, only adoration and longing. Without thinking you capture his lips with yours and kiss him tenderly. He moves one hand down around your waist and the other up to cup your cheek as he kisses you back just as softly. You draw back and look at him again.
“You love me?” You question.
“I do. Since the moment I met you, I have loved you.” He says it so casually but something snaps inside of you at his words. You grab his face and kiss him, pouring everything you’re thinking and feeling into that one kiss, trying desperately to communicate everything Bucky means to you. You kiss him and he kisses you back and you’re filled with his scent and everything is perfect because Bucky Barnes loves you.
Something snaps in your belly, something that’s been tightly wound for months. Heat rushes through your body and slick pools between your legs and sweat dapples your skin. You pull back from Bucky in shock. Your heat has come.
Chapter 6
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thranduilland · 4 years
The Nectar of the Gods
(So many things I’m supposed to be doing instead of this, but I wrote this instead. I am still in Barduil hell... this was supposed to be like a cute little thing and it became this, oops.) The first time Bard visits Mirkwood, Thranduil doesn’t honestly expect anything to be different. Bard is not a morning person and, as far as Thranduil can tell, has never been one, but once he’s eaten his breakfast and gotten himself ready for the day, he’s normally pleasant to be around once again.
Not so the first time he visits Mirkwood.
“Good morning, meleth.” Thranduil greets, a happy smile on his face as he listens to the forest waking up outside his window. Bard grumbles and buries his head under his pillow, Thranduil simply laughs and leaves him to it, rolling himself out of bed to go and get ready to face the day.
Only, he meets back up with Bard for breakfast, the two of them sitting in the Great Hall, Thranduil’s people happily chattering all around them, but Bard is grumpier than Thranduil thinks he’s ever seen him. His head resting on the table in front of him and his food untouched beside him.
“Bard?” Thranduil queries, something a little like worry nagging in the back of his mind. His only response is a groan. “What’s wrong?”
“Coffee!” Bard mumbles into the wood of the table, Thranduil frowns in confusion.
“Coffee?” Thranduil queries, sounding out the unfamiliar word, trying to determine if he’s ever heard it before. Beside him, Bard’s entire body goes still.
“Please tell me you know what coffee is?” Bard pleads, the first time Thranduil has ever heard him beg for anything.
“Describe it.” Thranduil demands, deciding that whatever this coffee thing is, it’s obviously important.
“Little brown beans that you get from a plant. You roast and then ground the beans and put the powder in hot water and it makes the nectar of the gods!” Bard describes, Thranduil blinks at him in confusion and Bard whimpers.
“I do not know this bean.” Thranduil finally says, wincing when Bard let’s out a sad little noise. “Is it important?”
“It is, honestly, the only reason I get out of bed in the morning.” Bard replies, still talking to the table and apparently not ready to change that any time soon.
“I’m sorry we don’t have any, Bard.” Thranduil consoles, wondering what is so wonderful about this ‘coffee’ that it leaves Bard in tears at its absence. For, he’s absolutely certain that he can see tears in the corner of Bard’s closed eye.
“Do you have tea? You have to have tea, right?” Bard asks, something a little like cautious hope and dejection in his voice.
“Of course, we have tea!” Thranduil exclaims, mildly offended. “What kind of place do you think I am keeping here?”
“Well, forgive me, your greatest majesty, but you don’t have coffee, how was I supposed to know you think tea is important?” Bard snarks at him, all without lifting his head from the table. “Where is the tea?”
“In the Healing Halls, of course. It’s medicine.” Thranduil replies, exasperated and still mildly concerned when Bard moans into the table. “Bard, I am very concerned for you.”
“I’m going back to bed.” Bard mutters, pushing himself up from the table and stumbling out of the room. Thranduil following after him, his concern growing with every step.
“Bard? Are you sick? Do you need to see a healer?” Thranduil queries, keeping his voice low, when he notes how the human keeps flinching away from the bright lights that line the halls, and the sudden laughter of Thranduil’s people as they go about their morning. He’s more than just a little worried now.
“’m fine.” Bard mumbles, pressing a hand to his head. “Go enjoy your day.” The human grumbles, disappearing into Thranduil’s room, Thranduil frowns and follows him through the door, finds the human has collapsed face down on the bed, his arms tucked against his sides.
“I’ll send for one of the healers.” Thranduil decides, turning on his heel.
“’m fine.” Bard insists, even though he hasn’t moved an inch when Thranduil turns to look. “Jus’ nee’ coffee.” He mumbles, snuggling his face against the pillows. “Mmm, coffee.” He mutters and Thranduil is astounded to watch the human fall asleep within moments.
He sends the healer in, anyway.
“I don’t really know what to tell you, aran.” Head healer Lindariel states, looking at the sleeping human before them. “He doesn’t have a fever, or a cough, and he’s not been injured. I don’t know much of human illnesses, but perhaps he caught something before he arrived here?”
“He was complaining about coffee, before. Have you heard of it?” Thranduil asks, looking down at his human lover with open concern. “I’m very worried for him.”
“I’ve not heard of this coffee. What is it?” Lindariel queries, cocking her head to the side in curiosity.
“It’s apparently a bean grown from a plant, the humans roast it and grind it into powder, that they mix with hot water and it apparently makes some sort of ‘divine’ beverage.” Thranduil replies, turning to his healer to see if she has any knowledge, but the curiosity on her face doesn’t diminish.
“I’ve not heard of this. I will investigate.”
“He also asked about tea? Could we give him some?” Thranduil queries, resisting the temptation to bite on his lower lip.
“I will prepare some for him.” Lindariel decides, before moving off to do so, already lost in thoughts about where she might find information about ‘coffee’.
Thranduil sighs, looks once more at Bard, then turns to go and do his kingly duties for the day, he’s already put them off long enough.
Bard appears at lunch; he’s clutching a teapot and a mug like they are the most precious things on the earth when Thranduil sinks down beside him at the table.
“You’re looking a lot better.” Thranduil says, feeling better for it.
“Tea really is a wonderful medicine.” Bard replies, smiling at Thranduil, though it looks a little crazed and now that Thranduil’s sitting beside him, he can see that Bard’s hands are shaking.
“Bard, how much tea have you had today?” Thranduil queries, suddenly concerned for a whole different reason.
“I think this is my eighth cup.” The human replies, frowning at him. “Why?”
“I think you shouldn’t have anymore.” Thranduil says gently, reaching forward to try and take the teapot away, but Bard just grips it tighter.
“No, I need it.”
“You don’t have coffee!” Bard exclaims, lifting the mug to his lips and downing the contents in one go. “This is the only alternative, so I’m drinking it.”
“If I can find some coffee for you, will you stop drinking the tea?” Thranduil asks, resting his hand over Bard’s, when the man tries to pour himself another mug full.
“Alright, I will try to get some coffee for you, in the meantime, maybe you should eat lunch and then go and rest? You’re probably still tired from yesterday.” Thranduil coaxes, pushing just a little of his power into his words, sees the fog that forms in Bard’s eyes.
“Yes, I think that’s a good idea.” The Dragonslayer agrees, putting down both the teapot and the mug and reaching for his plate instead. Thranduil watches him eat, picking at his own food as he does so. Then, when the bell rings to signify the end of the meal, Thranduil walks Bard back to bed. Then, he goes and sends someone to Dale, to find out about ‘coffee’ and bring some back, if at all possible.
Bard doesn’t meet him for dinner.
Thranduil is woken in the very early hours of the morning, or the very late hours of the night, depending on your point of view, by Galion. He looks at his sleeping human, before quietly rolling out of bed and going to meet his friend in the living space outside his room.
“What’s happened?” Thranduil asks, wrapping his gown around him in the slight chill.
“Meludir returned with coffee.” Galion explains, an amused smile on his face. “Apparently, humanity runs on coffee.”
“I’m sorry?” Thranduil exclaims, blinking at his oldest friend, who just laughs.
“The people of Dale would like you to know that they consider it an act of war to withhold coffee from them. They will forgive you for this offense against their king in this instance, but they warn you that you are on thin ice.” Galion dutifully imparts the message while Thranduil just stares at him in stupefaction.
“But what is it?”
“I don’t rightly know. Did you want to go and try some? Meludir has been crowing about it since he came back. He and the off-shift guards are in the wine cellar trying it out since the humans showed him how to make it.”
“Let’s go!”
Descending the stairs down into the dungeons, they both pause, closing their eyes and inhaling a rich and nutty aroma. Thranduil vaguely remembers having smelt this at various times throughout his dealings with men, but he’s never figured out what caused the smell. Obviously, it’s whatever this ‘coffee’ is.
He and Galion continue to follow the smell, to find the off-shift home guard all gathered around a pot resting on the table, the aroma wafting from it. He shares a look with Galion, before they both cross to peer into the pot, staring into a black liquid within.
“Is it… safe to drink?” Thranduil asks, perplexed as to how the drink can smell so lovely and look so unappetising.
“It is very safe to drink, so long as you do not drink in excess.” Meludir helpfully replies, though Thranduil notes his legs are jingling up and down, like he cannot keep them still.
“How much have you had to drink Meludir?” Thranduil queries, reminded of Bard at the lunch table.
“Four cups so far!” Meludir helpfully tells him, a giant smile on his face. “It’s very, very yummy!”
“Why did we send the lightweight to fetch the mystery beverage?” Thranduil queries the room at large, no one has an answer for him, so he sighs and turns his eyes back to the liquid in the pot. “Very well, since Meludir has already attested that the drink is not poison, someone pour me a mug.” Feren is the one who moves, grabbing down a mug and placing filter paper over the top, then pouring the liquid in. They all stare at the black grounds left on the filter paper, that Feren carefully takes from the mug. Feren slides the mug across to Thranduil and joins the others in looking at him with expectant eyes.
“Mellon nin, are you sure?” Galion queries, anxiously shifting from one foot to the other. “Perhaps I should-“ but his oldest friend doesn’t get to finish his statement, before Thranduil is lifting the mug to his lips and sipping it. He can’t quite help the face he makes at the bitterness, but there’s a rich earthy taste to it that he thinks he might like.
“Hmm.” Is the only audible reaction he gives to his audience, before taking a few more mouthfuls of the drink, debating its taste, still undecided after those few mouthfuls. “I don’t feel different.”
“Just wait!” Meludir helpfully exclaims, smiling at him. “I feel like I’ve spent the entire day eating sugary treats!”
“Oh, good. We definitely wanted to be drinking this while we’re supposed to be sleeping!” Thranduil huffs, but it doesn’t stop him from taking another sip. They all patiently watch him drink his coffee, he wonders if this is how the poison tester feels and decides that should he ever need another poison tester, he will ensure they are well cared for.
It’s about ten minutes after drinking the cup that he feels the tingling in his fingers and feels the exhaustion from the day falling away from him, until he’s smiling with wide eyed excitement, feeling like he’s just had a long, refreshing nap.
“Oh.” He exclaims, looking into the pot, from which the others haven’t been brave enough to try any yet. “I’m not getting any further sleep tonight.” He announces to no one in particular and goes to sit beside Meludir, watching the others with expectant eyes. “Well, go on then! Try it!”
None of them make it to bed that night.
“Bard! Wake up! Bard!” Thranduil exclaims, bouncing on the balls of his feet while he tries to rouse his human from slumber. He hasn’t felt this light on his feet since he was at most Legolas’ age. His heart is racing in his chest, so fast he thinks it might be unhealthy, but he hasn’t had the presence of mind to focus on it, because he’s too busy feeling like he’s going to vibrate out of his own skin. “Bard!” His human grumbles and rolls over in bed. “I found your coffee!” Thranduil excitedly tells him, doesn’t expect Bard to shoot up from the bed and stumble towards him on unsteady legs.
“Yes, coffee!” Thranduil agrees, grinning wide. “Come!” he snags Bard’s wrist and drags the human to the door, but the moment it’s open, Bard is off running, following the heavenly smell that’s wafting through the halls. Thranduil laughs behind him, the sound so delighted to his own ears, the way his laughter hasn’t been for many, many thousands of years now. He chases after his lover through the halls, his laughter drifting off the walls as his people stop in shock to watch them go. He doesn’t care that he’s being undignified. He doesn’t care that he’s running through his halls, laughing with wild abandon the way his people here have never seen him.
All that he cares about is ensuring his Bard finds the coffee because Bard is right. It is nectar of the gods and he can’t believe no one has told him about it before!
“How much coffee have you had?” Bard asks, sounding a lot more awake and happier than he has since he went to bed the night he arrived.
“The Off-shift and I spent the night and most of the morning drinking it.” Thranduil answers, his eyes closed as he happily sways back and forward on his stool down in the wine cellar. He wonders if this is how humans feel when they’re drunk, it’s an experience he’s never actually had in his life, because it’s so hard for elves to get drunk. They’re more likely to grow bored of drinking than to ever drink enough for the beverage to really affect them more than a tingling in their fingers and an extreme feeling of tiredness. “I think I’ve had maybe ten cups!”
“Don’t drink anymore.” Bard warns, Thranduil frowns, opening one eye to look at the human. “Overdose can be fatal.”
“Mmm, alright.” Thranduil agrees, letting his eye slip closed again as he resumes his swaying.
“Coffee makes elves drunk. That’s interesting.” Bard mutters, Thranduil just hums back at him. If this is what it feels like to be drunk, he likes it. It’s blissful.
“I’m not being a king today.” He announces to Bard, like it’s some great secret, he hears Bard chuckle but doesn’t open his eyes.
“No, I don’t think that would go well for anyone if you tried.” Bard agrees, Thranduil hums happily. “We should probably get you to bed, before you get to the emotional portion of intoxication.”
“When did you have your last cup?” Bard queries, Thranduil hears him setting down his mug on the table, but still doesn’t open his eyes.
“Before I came and got you.” He answers, though his words seem to slur together and he frowns in surprise.
“Alright, let’s go put an elf-king to bed.” Bard coaxes, Thranduil jumps a little when he feels hands on his arms. “It’s just me.” Bard soothes and Thranduil collapses against him, suddenly feeling boneless and weightless, like he could just float up and join the stars in the sky.
“What is happening?” he asks, but he knows the words don’t come out sounding how he thinks they should. “Bard?”
“You’re drunk.” Bard explains, grunting as he scoops Thranduil up into his arms. Thranduil hasn’t been carried like this, when he hasn’t been injured, since he was an elfling. He’s not sure if he likes this drunk feeling anymore.
“It’s alright. You’ll be fine in a few hours, I promise.” Bard soothes him, as he carries him back through the halls. In the back of his mind, Thranduil realizes that his people will be watching this too, but he doesn’t have the focus to care, snuggling against Bard and letting his head loll. The world seems to spin, but he’s certain he hasn’t opened his eyes in a while so he doesn’t know how the world could possibly be spinning when he can’t see it doing it.
“I’m still here.” Bard assures him, his voice gentle and far away, Thranduil relaxes at the sound of it.
“I love you.” He says, his mouth now apparently having a mind of its own. “I know you doubt that sometimes, but I really, really, really love you, lots and lots and lots.” He promises, feeling a little like a child as he says the words, but his childhood was some of the happiest years of his life, so he doesn’t mind. Luthien had been there, his beautiful and bubbly cousin, who fell in love with a mortal. He hadn’t seen what all the rage was about with Beren, but Luthien had promised him he’d love a mortal someday, too, and then he’d understand. He’d laughed when she’d said that but look at him now.
“I love you, too.” Bard replies, pressing a kiss to his forehead, then Thranduil feels himself being laid down on something soft and Bard’s pulling away.
“No!” Thranduil exclaims, blindly reaching for his human, his eyes refusing to open, even as his questing hands find Bard’s wrist and hold tight. “No, no, don’t leave.”
“I’m not going anywhere, Thranduil. I’m just getting you a glass of water.” Bard promises, but all Thranduil knows is that his heart is suddenly beating too quickly in his ears and he feels a fear so great he thinks he might be sick of it. “Hey, I’m not going anywhere, I promise.”
“Everyone always leaves and then it’s just me.” He mumbles, deciding that he very much hates this being drunk thing, doesn’t like it at all and would prefer never to feel this way again. “They make me love them and then they just… poof… gone. I don’t want you to go, too, but you will, because you’re human, like Beren and I don’t know if I’m strong like Luthien. She was so strong. The strongest.” His strong cousin, his first friend in the world, his lovely cousin and she’s gone, gone, gone, gone, gone.
“You’re the strongest person I know, Thranduil.”
“Even if I am strong like her, I can’t be mortal. I can’t. I can’t. I can’t. I can’t.” he repeats over and over again, his mind stuck on the words.
“No one is asking you to be mortal.” Bard’s voice cuts through the litany and he gasps in startled surprise, Bard takes the moment to free his arm, but before Thranduil can react, he finds his human’s warmth pressed up against him, his arms around Thranduil and pulling him close, holding him tight. “No one is asking you to be anything more or less than who and what you are.”
“You’re gonna leave me.”
“One day, yes.”
“I don’t want you to go.” He exclaims, turning in Bard’s arms and clinging tight to his clothing, tucking his face into Bard’s neck as his breaths shake over his lips, the tears burning in his eyes. “I love you. Don’t leave me. Don’t go.”
“I’ll stay as long as I can, I promise.”
“Don’t go.” His voice cracks and the sobs are quick and so encompassing, the fear and grief he feels so overwhelming he can’t do anything but give in, sobbing and pleading and clinging to Bard like he is the only thing in this world that matters. He feels his energy fleeing him all to quickly and with one last desperate plea, falls into a thick and heavy darkness.
The world is too bright and too loud and too obnoxiously happy when Thranduil wakes in the morning. His head feels like an entire mountain of dwarves have moved in and are trying to chip open his skull. He moans and rolls over, so his face is in the mattress, as he pulls the pillow up over the back of his head. He hears a familiar chuckle beside him and moans again.
“Come on, you need to drink some water and eat something.” Bard coaxes, but Thranduil just groans at him. “Are you really going to let a hangover be what defeats you?” the human teases, Thranduil snarls and pushes himself up to sit and glare at his lover, who holds out a glass of water, unfazed with a stupid grin on his face. Thranduil snatches the glass from his hand and gulps it down in one go. “Good, now you can have some Hair of the Dog.” Bard tells him, Thranduil just blinks at him stupidly, but his human doesn’t seem inclined to explain.
“What is that?” he finally demands, glaring again. Bard smirks, and takes the empty glass from him, turning to place it on the bedside table on Bard’s side, before grabbing a mug of a familiar smelling substance. Thranduil pulls away a little but Bard just laughs.
“It’s Hair of the Dog. You drink more of what you had the night before, to ease the hangover.” Bard explains, holding out the mug again. Thranduil glares at it. “The hangover being the headache and all the other wonderful things happening to you right now.”
“Fine.” Thranduil grumbles, grabbing the mug and downing the coffee. It doesn’t take too long before he starts to feel a little better. “Now what?”
“Now you spend the day drinking water and eating.” Bard answers, grinning and climbing from the bed. “Come along, love! You put off being a king yesterday, you don’t get to put off being a king today, even if you’d like to. This is what you put me through every single damn time you kept giving me wine before and after the BOFA. This is payback.” Bard cheerfully announces, laughing when Thranduil lobs a pillow at him.
“Being drunk is horrible!” Thranduil whines, before forcing himself to get out of bed, even though he doesn’t want to. “Never drinking coffee again!” he promises himself, not realizing the lie he has just uttered.
Bard does not speak of any of what Thranduil said while under the influence that night, and Thranduil never remembers saying any of it.
Thus, Mirkwood becomes the first Elven Realm to discover just how stupid they can be while under the influence. They are not the last.
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thestudentfarmer · 4 years
Today's happenings~
Today's been a pretty busy day, got a tarp that we believe will be good to solarize the soil and kill the stinky bermuda grass invasion and the plan now is to pull everything, tarp the area for 3 or so weeks and peel back and plant as the seedlings are ready to be planted :)
also got a new weed eater that is battery pack powered (and the pack can be used for other tools too! Yay!!) Because the old one is not responding well to being repaired/cleaned anymore and starts smoking and vibrating kinda scarily after bout tenish minutes ...
Though tbh I'm suprised it lasted as long as it did, it was a super cheap electric plug type that I dont think was ever supposed to be a repaired in anyway. But I always prefer to repair first if I can and it was a good learning experience on how to take apart and clean/repair.
I"m rambling off, after I get my main garden area done I plan on cleaning up and area near my ducks to put in some raised beds for carrots, potatoes and other root veggies. Might even clear an area and compost/mulch it to specifically grow sweet corn next spring! 💖
The louffa plants I'm growing got so big they caused their trellis to collapse! I had to prop them up and trim a bunch up, bit it didn't go to waste as I gave the trimmings to the chickens to peck and scratch at for extra fun and eats.
Lots of little sprouts coming in, if I remember to grab it tomorrow I'll share some updates pictures!
Also had a bunch of bread making going on, some yummy jalapeno cheddar farmers bread made up and devoured with homemade egg n sausage gravy, chile breads and as well some banana muffins made from the last few funny bananas that always end up being around lol (ot is that just our household?),
Made several kinds too~ plain banana, banana with nuts, chocolate banana chip and chocolate cherry banana chip.
Sadly it's a bit late in the day for me to try out any of the good eats, but they will make excellent breakfast before I go out to task myself with weeding, pulling and very possibly tarping~
Pictures of some yummy dough below
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Btw, if you haven't tried the no knead farmers bread recipe I posted awhile ago find it and try it if you can! Its good and very versatile! This time i used about 5 minced jalapenos and a few handfuls of shredded cheese and real fine minced garlic. Next time I'll add more fine shred chopped cheese and jalapenos but it was super good still!
Anyways That's my update for now :) I hope everyone is doing well, learning new skills and enjoying their day/night as best they can!
🌱 🌻Happy Gardening~ 🌻 🌱
8 12 2020
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