pup-pee · 1 month
*baps you* I just think Kyle Rayner is a silly guy that's all!! :D!!
KYLE RAYNER IS SUCH A SILLY GUY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
currently reading the rann-thanagar war so heres some ss!!!
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small kyles 4 me u
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niiwa-angel · 4 months
Hal and Barry have been dating for a while and both of them have been hunting about getting married. They've been talking about where they'd theoretically have the ceremony, where they'd take a honeymoon, who would be their best men, etc. the only thing they haven't done is actually asked the question.
And that's what Hal is pondering as he's doing a really BORING mission for the Lanterns. But if he wants to propose, he needs a ring and there in lies the problem. Rings are expensive and he is broke as fuck because being an intergalactic space cop somehow doesn't have a salary. And while he's thinking this, he stumbles onto some pretty red and green rocks and has a light bulb moment. He doesn't need to buy a ring, he can make a ring! Here are all these pretty rocks just laying around on this dead planet!
So he takes some rocks, a big ish chunk of iron from a nearby comet, brings them back to earth and gets to work. His lantern ring can do anything needed to make Barry the perfect ring and that's what he's going to do. He puts a ton of thought into it, because Barry works with his hands a lot at work and often has to wear gloves that prevent him from wearing jewelry, he makes it specifically so that the ring will still be pretty if he pins it to his shirt or wears in on a chain. The centerpiece is a big, pretty green rock with lots of red in it that he manages to polish into looking shiny, and it's surrounded by little pieces of sea glass that's red and green too. He gets the iron purified and into a perfectly sized ring for Barry's finger and polished that to a shine too. The most expensive thing about the ring is the dollar store box it came in because he didn't technically have to pay for materials or labour.
So he proposed, Barry said yes, they have their wedding, they both say "I do", Hal steps on the glass, and they honeymoon in Italy. It's beautiful, they're madly in love, everything is going perfectly.
Until Kilowag shows up and is like "Hal, the Guardians want you. You've broken intergalactic law."
And it turns out that the law Hal broke was bringing the rocks back to earth. The Guardians have a rule against that so that rocks that a valuable on one planet can't be brought from another planet and tank the economy. And Barry is wearing the evidence.
So now Hal and Barry, because if his idiot husband is appearing before space court, he's coming along. Their vows said through thick and thin, he just hadn't expected it to happen so soon. And if course, John Stewart, Guy Gardener, and Alan Scot tag along. One for support and two because this is the funniest fucking thing to happen all decade. And then the Justice League finds out about it and they have to go too. One for support and two because this is the funniest fucking thing ever.
The entirety of the case, Bruce is sitting beside Barry whispering to him "it's not to late to leave. We can get out of here right now. I have amazing lawyers, we can get you an annulment and it'll be like this never happened" because he's a supportive friend and also (perhaps even more importantly) he does not like Hal.
But Barry's like "we definitely don't qualify for annulment and I don't think any lawyer is going to believe us if we tell them this"
Hal and Guy are arguing that Hal didn't take the rocks to profit off of them, he took them to make them into a gift. John is talking about earth traditions of giving pretty things to your partner to try and make it seem like this was a weird instinctual thing Hal did by accident to get an insanity plea.
Alan is arguing to give Hal the death penalty.
And then one of the Guardians says that Hal intended to profit off the Bloodstones he took by selling the ring when Bruce freezes and then slaps himself. Hard.
"Bloodstones are pretty much worthless on earth" he says.
And then the Guardians freeze because they've been basing their whole argument on Hal somehow profiting of the pretty rocks he found on a dead planet, only to find out that he basically took beer caps.
So now they have to find out how much the ring is worth, to see if they even have a case. And it turns out they do not.
And it turns out that the entirety of the ring is worth MAYBE, generously, $30. Maybe, if the appraiser is blind. Or new. Because Bloodstone is cheap. Iron is in no demand on Earth. And there are no valuable gems in the ring. Hal didn't even use his ring to know for certain what rocks he picked up off the ground, he literally just thought they were pretty and that Barry would like them because Barry is a nerd who likes space rocks. The only value the ring has is its appearance.
And now basically the entirety of their honeymoon has been spent keeping Hal's dumb ass out of space jail over a pretty ring that, while resilient and made with love, isn't worth anything. So now the Guardians feels dumb and everyone else is asking "how the hell did you even know Hal took the rocks?"
And it turns out the Eobard found out and told Sinestro, who got it back to the Guardians. It's the dumbest thing ever.
They get back and the other lanterns basically look at Hal and ask "so despite all the research you did on how to make the ring, you never stopped to consider the laws of the universe?"
Hal never gets to live it down and it's why Barry gets to put a finger down for "Never Have I Ever Seriously Considered Killing my Beloved Husband After Less Than A Week Of Being Married"
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thevindicativevordan · 5 months
Comics this week?
Anonymous asked: Comics this week ? Especially Ultimate Spider-Man.
Anonymous asked: What did you think about Ultimate Spider-Man?
Ultimate Spider-Man #1 - Dare I say it: Amazing. Spider-Man is back to being the best/hottest book on the market. Like the original USM we go an entire first issue without Peter even wearing the costume, but every bit of set-up here felt like it was expanding the kind of possibilities for where Hickman could go. Peter and MJ both sound and feel right in a way the 616 version do not anymore. MJ being a business owner and the real bread winner of the family raises an interesting possibility in a world where corporations run everything. How far could she possibly climb? Enough to attract the Council's attention? I called Ben living in this universe while May died, but I did not see Ben and Jonah being the best buddy duo of 2024. Love their dynamic and I really hope neither of the two die any time soon. I like what I see of Ben, he's the same principled guy as always, but he's got a bit of a chip on his shoulder here that explains why Peter usually does too. Normally we just don't get to see that because he only exists to die. Can't talk about the kids too much yet, although I want that scene of May holding the ball with the spider to be foreshadowing her own future as Spider-Girl.
Spider-Man has always been an interesting hybrid of the Superman/Batman archetypes, but 6160 Peter I think leans more towards the Superman side. Besides the obvious similarity of Peter being an investigative reporter, here being a hero is what he wants, he's seemingly motivated not by guilt like 616 Peter, but out of a sense of altruism and also a desire for more from his life. Oh and his first big foe is a bald guy who controls NYC via money. Guess the "reveal" regarding the variant covers is that Peter's StarkTech suit (can't believe Hickman went there and did it in a way I don't hate) is that it can shift in appearance between the different suits at will. I cannot wait to see the Peter and Harry dynamic play out, sure looks like we will see their friendship form from joining forces as Spider-Man and Green Goblin, only to fall apart as Harry falls more and more into madness. Now I really want to see him married to Gwen, but it seems like he's a bachelor. Perhaps Gwen is a cop in this universe and she might still enter the fray.
Responsibility is the ubiquitous theme of Spider-Man, but here it's presented in a different light. Peter had a heroic destiny taken from him, and he accepts it back willingly despite the costs it's sure to inflict. Hickman seems to be tackling the idea that the rich and powerful have robbed us of the glorious future we were supposed to have, and now the question is if there are enough good people who feel responsible for the collective good left in the world to take that future back. Certainly a relevant topic, one that puts a new spin on Marvel being "the world outside your window".
Action Comics #1061 - Timms levelled up on art and gave us one hell of a fight sequence. Poor Jupiter is down one moon. Good issue, Bizarro tapping into magic to recreate his home via replacing Superman's is an interesting premise. Aaron's got a good handle on Clark's voice and the voices of his supporting cast, think this Marvel Star writing Superman will go down easier than the last one did.
Green Lantern # 7 - Found out where the other Lanterns are and that "death" scene for Kilowag is a total fakeout with no body. Bringing Hal to Sinestro and trying to talk things out was a doomed endeavor, no way was that confrontation ending without violence.
Blade #7 - Kind of a filler issue, Hill's been uneven lately here which is disappointing because he started strong.
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crypticbeliever123 · 2 years
Okay I know only two episodes have aired in Rocket's arc so far but I don't care. It's already my favorite arc of the season. I mean first we get autism rep (IDC if it's not particularly good, I'm here for it regardless; yes, I'm autistic) then we get a GLTAS throwback with a Kilowag and Razer reunion. RAZER. My favorite GLTAS character is back and he's dual wielding power rings liked idk always hoped and Kilowag suggested her should have a Green ring to because of his willpower and saying he could have Rainbow power one day. Like, YES!
Razer is hope and rage AND will AND (in my personal opinion) love. That's FOUR (4) whole emotions that are core to his character. His unmatched temper, his strength of will and ingenuity, his ability to hope and persevere, the love that was lost that set him on these paths on both occurrences (Ilana and Aya) and his ability to find love again despite everything. We need GLTAS to be renewed so we can see Razer becomes a Rainbow Lantern. I NEED IT.
So yeah, Rocket's arc is my favorite so far and I am living for it. I will rewatch and obsess over this latest episode just like I did with the previous one.
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kikakat17 · 2 years
Rants on YJ Season 4 Ep 19 (Spoilers)
For GLTAS wondering why I’m ranting YJ in the GLTAS tag, i’m back to doing my thing where I do gif reactions of episodes and todays episode in particular is why i’m here.
YJ fans, if you can not already tell, this Fantern of Green Lantern Animated series has been loosing her absolute FRICKEN MIND in the last 12 hours or so because of the preview of this episode dropping early and revealing certain cameos. I’ve basically been the “unfollow me now” meme all day. I have soooo many reactions jot down So Jesus take the wheel we’re going full throttle!
I’m going to comment right now about the Legion and Lor-Zod stories because the title of the episode is already sending me into oblivion and i won’t have the mental capacity for it later. Its great! glad we’re getting the information we need from Lor-Zod backstory (can’t believe i didn’t recognize General Zod last episode) and the Legion’s reason for being in that timeline
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I was going to flail about the first appearance of Green Lanterns, especially it being Tomar-Re and Kilowag, and then Kevin Michael Richardson comes out of Kilowag’s mouth and i’m already screaming!!! That’s the Kilowag from GLTAS I know!!!
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His Volkregian design is the same! His sarcasm with Kilowag is the same! and Jason Spisak is voicing him again!!!! 
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He did accept the Blue Ring after we last saw it following him GLTAS. And ALSO it’s the fandom design headcanons coming true!! He Has White Hair and Wears a Hood in his BL get up!!!! OMG Fanterns, we stay WINNING!!!
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Hey! Vykins here! Glad he’s going to help Rocket see Orion for who he really is, but perhaps a certain rage bunny will help too... ;)
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Metron getting into Razer Blue/Red business? 
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Not only has Razer been gone for FOUR YEARS (KID, WTF!!) but he has gone back to wanting to rely on anger again?!?! AYA, BABY, COME HOME, YOUR BOYFRIEND NEEDS HELP
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I just realized a reason we are getting the cute Forager ship is because Spitfire and Razaya haven’t worked out for Jason Spisak. And i just made myself cry...
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Not that New Genises and GL Corp not wanting to help Earth is not disheartening (Come on TOMAR’RE!!) But I love this quip on the “why do we have so many human GL’s” HAHAH and Kilowag chiming in to say Earth has a lot of “potential candidates” since he himself watched Hal Jordan get drop-kicked by a squirrel
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Civilian Clothing RAZER!!!! I apologize to everyone who came for YJ but i’mma drop this ol’ GLTAS joke here because this was my first thought--
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Not only did we get mentions of how Razer got the Red ring the first time, but the same thing is happening AGAIN! Metron, do you know the last time someone used Razer by messing with his emotions and he found out?!?? It’s happening the same way it’s happening now. Rage Bunny Activated!!!!
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I Love Blue Razer, but his Red Lantern designs still slaps. 
Hold up Hold UP HOLD UP!
(and he looks so good too)
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I was gonna mention how i’m just DONE with Metron but i’m glad i waited to react because I love Orion’s and Vykin’s reactions at the mer mention of him because it’s just like me.
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Kilowag “He’s one of the good guys, Kinda” Kilowag PLEASE. 
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Razer healing Forager because Blue Lanterns can do that!!!
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So many people over the years have come up withe headcanons and fics on how Wally West would meet Razer since they are voiced by the same person (and i’ve done my share of that). At least we get that Jason Spisak interaction between Razer and Forager because it was the Foragers who helped Razer see hope again. 
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Razer fixing the statues to look better with the bugs coexisting with new gods is awesome, but Forager clapping seeing herself represented!!
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Razer becoming more then what our headcanons ever could predict by making Razer not only become a Blue Lantern but accept that rage is a part of him and not give up the red ring. Our Kid really has grown up and I got to live and SEE IT
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Kilowag joking about Rainbow Razer is AWESOME!! But what’s more epic is Razer being the one to reach out for a hug this time when last time they saw each other it was Kilowag first!!
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“I will find you, Aya. I will”
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I’m sorry but all the YJ stuff that happened at the end is beyond my mental grasp.
Because first off not only did Greg and Brandon gif us Fanterns some form of closure with GLTAS, but they let the OG Crew like Giancarlo and Jim Kreig come back for one final hoorah! FANTERNS UNITE WE ARE POPPING BOTTLES TONIGHT
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I’m gonna have to make a seperate post on diving deeper into the GLTAS stuff we got... But as this is still a YJ related post I am reminded we got some information from Zod and the Legion to make us all panic like
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See you next week, my YJ freaks!!
And for my fellow Fanterns...
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sanguisirae · 2 years
💖 + bruce kisses the ring bc??? alien culture? ( @bloodiedpearls )
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it’s startling to say the least — after all, earth customs were strange and incredibly difficult to really have a grasp of, but at least he’d learned from his brief encounters that what he and kilowag had assumed ‘shaking hands’ meant was embarrassingly wrong. this was also some earth custom, wasn’t it? 
hal did this, this hand kissing, when they first went to bertrassus. and he’d told iolande her name sounded like a waterfall. but this was not simply a strange earth greeting. this earthling seemed quite interested in the red band — so he pulls back, body tense —
❛ what are you doing?! ❜
it comes out harsh; here is a startled predator ( he is fangs and claws and rage! / he plays nice because he trusts hal jordan and hal trusts this earthling — or something like that ) wanting nothing more than to lash out — but he chooses instead to try to breathe. to try not to cause such a scene, even with the red energy boiling in his blood.
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scandalsavagefanfic · 4 years
2/2 Also I have a question does anyone from Jason's harem have feelings for him, or they all just here for pretty boytoy?
I’m answering part 2 of this question first because I have some ideas for part 1. 
Short answer is, yes. Most of them actually care about him in one way or another. Not people like Lex of course. Slade doesn’t have feelings for Jason but he likes the kid as much as he likes anyone. But the Justice League love him and they’re very protective. The al Ghuls love him. Ra’s has more romantic interest than Talia but they’d both kill someone for hurting him.
And of course a certain Green Lantern gets sucked in, despite his best efforts.
Which brings me to the long answer. Here’s the first of two chapters about how Jason’s harem actually appreciates him for more than just his sexy skills.
PART 1     PART 2     PART 3
Part 4 - Read All Parts on AO3!!!
Words: 2085
Warnings: None
Nothing explicit in this chapter. Just softness. 
Kyle racks up a startling number of favors owed in a startlingly short amount of time.
If he’s honest with himself–which he generally tries to avoid on principle; if you can’t lie to yourself, what’s the point?–he might be more interested than he likes to let on. But he assures himself over and over that he’s not doing anything that everyone else isn’t doing. 
Hell, even Hal is hooking up with Jason. 
Though… Kyle doesn’t think Jason is purposefully trying to give Wayne a heart attack, he’s just doing what he needs and wants to do. But Kyle is positive Hal is definitely fucking with Batman as much as he fucking Jason. Kyle would bet his tiny apartment on the fact that at least 25% of the attraction for his predecessor is sticking it to the Bat.
Alright… maybe Jason does get a little joy out of Wayne’s discomfort.
That said, no matter what he tells himself, Kyle is all too aware of the fact that Jason gets something out of every rendezvous.
Except the ones with him.
They both know the favors were just an excuse, even if neither of them would admit it. 
It takes months before Jason finally starts calling them in. And when he does it’s in small ways. 
Requests for backup are expected when they come. 
But then Jason uses one to ask Kyle to pick up take out from Jason’s favorite hole in the wall in Hong Kong “on his way over”.
He uses another just to get to see Oa–the Guardians were not thrilled to have a “tourist”–and Kyle found it was actually enjoyable showing Jason around. He was amused and a pleasantly surprised when Jason hit it off easily with Kilowag. Far less surprised (and far less amusing) when they visited Guy and Arkillo and it was like the three of them had known each other for years.
Of all the little things Jason uses his favors for, Kyle’s favorites are the massages. They almost always lead to more and it hasn’t escaped Kyle’s attention that when they do, Jason doesn’t count it.
Even when it doesn’t lead to a round of increasingly… affectionate sex, he still gets to work pleasantly scented oil into the astounding number of giant knots plaguing the rippling muscle under Jason’s warm, scarred skin.
Both scenarios usually end the same way too. With Jason dozing off and snuggling close as Kyle uses his ring to get the lights.
He’s reasonably certain that none of Jason’s other arrangements get to stay the night.
They’re both intelligent, capable men. They know what this is. What it’s become. What it could morph into.
But Kyle’s too stubborn to voice it and Jason is too, even if he wasn’t cripplingly insecure about shit like this. 
Still, it hadn’t really hit him how bad he has it until now. Until he slowly crawled out of bed, careful not to wake the other man, showered, and exits the bathroom to what he can only describe as an ethereal view.
Jason is laying on his front, arms tucked under the pillow, breathing slowly and evenly. His mouth is slightly opened, a small dark spot on the pillowcase where he’s drooled a little. The sunlight pours into the room between the opened slats of the blinds. One band illuminates the mop of wild black curls, making the thinner edges glow golden like a halo. Several more stretch across the width of his broad shoulders, his rib-cage, his tapered waist. The soft cotton sheet has slid low, sitting atop the perfectly rounded rise of Jason’s butt, the sea-green edge perfectly angled with the blade of light. The last one shines warm and orange over his toes, peeking out from under the soft cotton sheet.
Sketching is like breathing to Kyle. He’ll doodle on napkins or receipts, anything with a little space, of anything with a little beauty. 
He doesn’t pay much attention to the paper he swipes from Jason’s open file folder. Just enough to note that there was nothing on the back. 
That’s how he finds himself drawing Jason while he sleeps. Painstakingly smoothing over the line for the arch of Jason’s spine, the curve of his ass. Lovingly capturing the shape of his lips, the thick, dark fan of his eyelashes. 
It’s while he carefully adds every scar from memory that Kyle realizes just how deep he’s gone. 
His hand goes still and he glances up to Jason’s face with the surprise of the sudden understanding. 
Then he jumps so hard he drags the pencil through the drawing. 
Jason is laying there awake, bright eyes watching but otherwise still as he was when Kyle started.
“Jesus,” Kyle hisses, trying to collect himself. “Scared me half to death. How long have you been awake?”
Not very long if the soft, groggy smile Jason gives him is any indication.
“Just a couple of minutes,” Jason answers, voice husky from sleep (and the way Kyle made him scream last night). 
Kyle cringes internally. A couple of minutes is a long freaking time to not notice. 
“You had your focused face on,” Jason continues, shifting a little to stretch like a cat. “I didn’t want to bother you.”
“My what now?”
Jason turns onto his side, clearly in no rush to get out of bed, and smirks at him.
“When you’re really into what you’re doing, your brow pinches and you either chew your lip or, honest to god, stick your tongue out. It’s cute.”
Kyle scowls. “Puppies are cute. I’m a badass, space cop.”
With a snort, Jason sits up against the headboard and runs his fingers through his hair. “Whatever you say, officer.”
And fuck if that doesn’t give Kyle all kinds of ideas.
“What were you doing?” Jason asks, attention trained down at the book Kyle was using as a hard surface.
“Uh… nothing.” He tries to think of how he can hide it from the other man. Even to an untrained eye, the emotion in it is obvious. And Jason knows a surprising amount about art. Kyle would much rather never become more than this than risk losing what they have.
Jason’s smirk turns mischievous and there’s an amused glint in his eyes. “Drawing me like one of your French girls?" 
The little huff of laughter Kyle manages does nothing to hide the rapid shot of color to his cheeks. His "no” is weak and unconvincing. 
“Well, come on, Rayner. Let me see?”
Kyle’s breath freezes in his chest and he hesitates, clutching the sheet of cheep printer paper closer to him.
“Dude, I’m sure it’s not that bad,” Jason taunts.
It’s not bad at all. That’s the problem.
It might be the best thing Kyle’s ever drawn.
He swallows hard and braces himself. Then gets up and sits on the edge of the bed as he hands it over. 
Watching the smile slip from Jason’s face feels like getting punched in the gut. 
It’s over now. Kyle got too serious. The Pit left Jason with something he can’t fully control and he doesn’t want or need a partner. It doesn’t matter that Kyle would understand that Jason would still have to… do what he does. It doesn’t matter because the last thing Jason needs is some useless serious relationship cramping his style.
“Is… is this supposed to be me?" 
The question surprises Kyle. Because it’s painfully obvious that the portrait is of Jason, down to the almost unnoticeable freckles across his nose and cheekbones. And the question is asked so timidly as Jason stares down at the sheet with wide eyes. Not an ounce of recognition. 
"I couldn’t have made it more obviously you if it was a photo,” Kyle says lightly, hoping head off the worst of things.
But Jason stares for long moments, expression confused, until finally he pulls his eyes away to look up at Kyle.
“But I… I don’t look like this.”
Kyle blinks at him. “What? I mean… you don’t have a big, dark pencil line through you but–”
“No… I mean… this is… this is so…” He huffs. “It’s too… pretty. Didn’t really think you were the type to romanticize the subject. Sure you didn’t have Dickface on the mind?”
It’s defensive. Using humor to armor himself. Kyle can practically see the walls going up in Jason’s mind as he tries to rationalize things. As he tries to make what he’s seeing on the paper–what Kyle sees–fit with his own idea of himself. 
Leaning in, Kyle takes Jason’s chin in one hand and pushes the book with the sheet of paper down to Jason’s lap while forcing Jason to look up at him.
“This is you, Jason. Every scar, every freckle, every bruise from last night. Just you. No one else.”
“No. It’s beautiful because you’re beautiful,” Kyle says gently. Then he smirks. “And because I’m really talented. But I promise. That’s exactly what you look like.”
“To you maybe,” he grumbles, trying to turn away. 
Kyle tightens his grip and gives a little tug to get Jason meet his eyes again.
“Yes. To me." 
Jason’s eyes widen and he stops breathing. 
"I don’t know what you see when you look in the mirror, Jason, but you’re objectively attractive,” Kyle continues. He looks into those vivid aquamarine irises and where once he would have bristled, felt the urge to challenge and compete, he softens. “And to me… you’re perfect.”
The room is deathly quiet. It seems like neither of them are even breathing. 
Eventually Jason gulps and looks back down at the drawing. 
Kyle glares at the headboard, kicking himself for letting things get this far; for having to come clean about his feelings; for putting Jason (and himself) in this awkward position. For letting their friends-with-benefits agreement slide into murkier waters. A lifetime ago, when he did have a stupid, ill-advised, youthful crush on Batman, he promised himself he’d never actually fall for any Bat. They were all bad news in one way or another.
So of course it’d be the asshole black sheep of the family, the biggest bad news of the bunch (except for maybe the punk kid who’s Robin now), who he’s going to have to get over.
An indignant noise from below him draws his attention back to Jason. 
Jason who is glaring up at him.
Kyle shrugs and splays his palms open in surrender. “What?”
The drawing gets shoved in his face. Only it’s not the drawing. Its the other side. The side emblazoned with the Coast City Police Department logo.
“You drew on my police report, asshole!”
He searches Jason’s face. The younger man isn’t kicking him out; isn’t telling him off. Hell, Jason isn’t even asking that they just keep things casual. Kyle knows he can be clueless about this kind of stuff (Jason honestly believes Ra’s is only interest in him is the sex) but there was obvious understanding in that gemstone gaze when Kyle spilled his heart.
“Those aren’t supposed to leave the precinct. You shouldn’t even have it,” Kyle retorts. 
Jason rolls his eyes so hard Kyle’s surprised they stay in his head. “No shit dumbass, that’s why I have to sneak it back in!”
Trying–and failing–to stop the smile tugging at his lips, Kyle says “Oh… whoops” and goes to shift back, put a little more space between them. But Jason’s hand snaps out and the next thing he knows he’s flat on his back with Jason towering over him, those fucking thighs straddling his hips
“Don’t worry,” Jason practically purrs, “you can make it up to me.”
“Oh no. What a great inconvenience,” Kyle smirks as Jason leans close.
The kiss is softer than usual. Less desperate; less demanding; less competitive. 
“And then?” He whispers it against Jason’s lips when they part to get some air. He can’t help it. He has to know.
Jason hums and mouths at the pulse point in Kyle’s throat.
“And then I’ll be hungry so you can take me to breakfast.”
He swallows hard against that talented tongue and the pointed roll of Jason’s hips against his groin.
“A favor?” he asks, hardly daring to hope.
Jason kisses his mouth again before answering, cheeks bright red and eyes averted. “A date… if you want.”
Kyle threads his fingers into the curls that stick up every which way and when he pulls Jason into the next kiss, it’s got all the desperation of the ones before and then some.
“I want.”
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megaguardain · 4 years
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Name: Harold ‘Hal’ Jordan
Nickname/Alias’: Green Lantern, Parallax, Spectre
Species: Human (formerly), Ghost (formerly)
Ethnicity: Caucasian
Eye Color: Brown, White (when GL)
Hair Color: Brown (formerly), Brown with grey streaks in temples (currently)
Height: 5’ 6” (1950s), 5’ 11” (currently)
Weight: 180 lbs
Gender: Male
Orientation: Heterosexual
Birthday: February 20th, 1937
1937- Hal Jordan is born to Martin and Jessica Jordan
1955- Hal Jordan joins the US Air Force
1959- Abin Sur, attempting to figure the Blackest Night prophecy, takes Atrocitus to Earth. Atrocitus fatally injures Abin on entry and they crash. A dying Abin sends out his ring to find a replacement. It chooses Hal Jordan. First public sighting of Green Lantern II
1960- Hal Jordan teams up with other heroes in stopping the Appellaxians from invading Earth. He forms the Justice League with the other heroes.
1961- Hal Jordan discovers Thaal Sinestro, his mentor, abusing his status and power as a Green Lantern to rule as a dictator over his sector, in particular his homeworld of Korugar. He is able to bring Sinestro to justice before the Guardians.
1962- Hal Jordan battles Star Sapphire, who is Carol Ferris possessed by a Star Sapphire Gem.
1968- Hal Jordan discovers Guy Gardner, the other potential replacement for Abin Sur, and the two become fast friends.
1971- Hal Jordan meets John Stewart, his new backup after Guy is injured while rescuing one of his students.
1979- Hal Jordan discovers Guy Gardner is alive in the Phantom Zone, and rescues him with Superman. Guy Gardner is rendered comatose after being rescued.
1981- Hal Jordan meets Arisia Rrab. They develop a big brother/little sister dynamic.
1983- Hal Jordan travels with Oliver Queen across America.
1984- Hal Jordan quits the Green Lantern Corps, choosing Carol Ferris over the Corps.
1985- Hal Jordan is recruited back into the Corps after the Crisis.
1993- Returning from a mission in space, Hal Jordan finds Coast City has been destroyed.
1994- Hal Jordan is chastized by the Guardians of the Universe to attempting to revive Coast City. He goes mad with grief and slaughters his way to Oa. Hal Jordan kills Kilowag and Sinestro before absorbing the Central Power Battery. Hal Jordan dubs himself Parallax before leaving the ruined Oa. The Zero Hour Arrives. First public sighting of Parallax.
1996- Hal Jordan heals John Stewart’s paralysis. Hal Jordan gives his life to reignite the Sun.
1999- The Spectre bonds with the soul of Hal Jordan with the pretense of it being a punishment. Hal Jordan’s old friend, Tom Kalmaku, helps rebuild Oa.
2004- Kyle Rayner discovers Hal was influenced by the Emotional Entity known as Parallax, a being of Fear. He, Jon and Guy purge Parallax from Hal’s soul and he separates from the Spectre, passing into the afterlife.
2010- The Blackest Night falls from the sky.
Powers and Abilities
Aviation: Hal Jordan is a natural and highly skilled pilot, able to fly a wide variety of planes and jets due to his job as a test pilot for Ferris Air.
Amateur Martial Artist: Hal was trained in martial arts during his days in the Justice League. Though he isn’t particularly skilled, he can defend himself without using his ring.
Indomitable Will: Hal is incredibly willful, which made him a candidate to be a Green Lantern. He is highly resistant to mind manipulation and control, though he isn’t completely immune.
Spectre Enchantment (formerly): Hal was once possessed by the Spectre, God’s Vengeance. This gave Hal powerful abilities to strike vengeance on sinners. Although, Hal attempted to turn the power into acts of Redemption on sinners.
Immortality: The Spectre makes its host immortal, they cannot be killed by conventional means. Even most technology and magic cannot kill them.
Nigh-Omnipotence: The Spectre is one of the most powerful beings in the Universe. It has seemingly limitless power.
Reality Alteration: The Spectre can change reality itself on a whim, enabling it to punish people appropriately.
Nigh-Omniscience: The Spectre is always aware of what is transpiring in the Universe, enabling it to know if it is needed.
Divine Law: The Spectre is bound by the Laws set by God and Heaven. The Spectre is bound and limited by God if it needs to be. This can also extend to those who carry God’s Word.
Weakness to the Spear of Destiny: The Spectre is weak to the Spear of Destiny, due to it being used to kill Jesus, God’s Forgiveness.
Green Lantern Ring (Pre-Ion) (formerly): The User has the ability to overcome great fear. This has earned them a Green Lantern Ring:
Green Energy Constructs: Users of a Green Lantern Ring can create energy constructs by willing them into existence. The User’s constructs are influenced by the User’s personality and mental state, an artistic User will have more stylized constructs while a soldier would have more militaristic constructs. Constructs are limited by the willpower and imagination of the User. Constructs can be manipulated to allow certain people or objects to pass through them, become transparent or opaque, or radiate certain wavelengths like Kryptonite. 
Kryptonite Generation: Green Lanterns can have their constructs generate Kryptonite if they know the proper wavelength.
Force Field Generation: A Green Lantern Ring can generate a force field around the User to protect them from harmful environments.
Energy Blasts: A Green Lantern Ring can fire blasts of energy. The energy are typically lasers or plasma in nature. The Energy blasts can be attuned to different wavelengths.
Phasing: A User can phasing through objects they normally cannot pass through, this takes considerable effort and energy from the Ring’s battery.
Universal Translator: Green Lantern Rings will automatically translate spoken word into language the User can understand and translate the words of the User.
Energy Absorption: The Green Lantern Ring can absorb a variety of energies; from technological, magical and alien.
Scanning/Playback: The Green Lantern Ring can scan the environment in a variety of ways and playback recent events as energy constructs.
Wormhole Generation: The Green Lantern Ring can allow the User to enter hyperspace to travel great distances in little time, this takes concentration to maintain the wormhole and emerge unscathed. If multiple Users use the same wormhole it becomes easier to maintain.
Limited Cellular Regeneration: The Green Lantern Ring will automatically attempt to heal it’s User if they are damaged. However, it can only do so much.
Pocket Dimension: Green Lanterns can access a pocket dimension inside their rings to store items. Living beings cannot be stored here.
Yellow Impurity: Users of this Green Lantern Ring cannot affect the color yellow, save for dire circumstances where their will is strong enough.
Recharge Protocol: A requirement of this Green Lantern Ring is charging it every planetary rotation. On Earth, this means charging it once every 24 hours.
Earth-96 Story
Hal Jordan. He is considered by most to be THE Green Lantern. Mostly because whenever there’s a new Green Lantern thing, it’s more than likely Hal taking the lead role. Granted, it’s not farfetched. Hal is the one who introduced us to the Green Lantern Corps, he is the one who helped founded the Justice League with Flash, Aquaman, Martian Manhunter, Wonder Woman and Black Canary (and maybe Batman and Superman too. Retcons are weird).
In MY OPINION, Hal is kinda oversaturated. And too cocky nowadays. At least for a main character. I will admit, him descending into madness and becoming a supervillain was a nice change of pace. Better than completely killing him off for a year and then reviving him. This is what I want to focus on for Earth-96. 
Rather than having the blame shifted from Hal because of a retcon saying Parallax possessed (which doesn’t really make sense if you think about it), Hal is definitely the one who came up with and attempted the Zero Hour. Now, this doesn’t mean he can’t have a redemption arc, that’s kinda what Final Night and him bonding with the Spectre was for. 
Now, you may be wondering, ‘why do you think Parallax possessing Hal doesn’t make sense?’ The reason I think that is because it’s not consistent with how we’ve seen the Emotional Entities use hosts. Yes, Parallax has possessed Kyle during the Sinestro Corps War and Ganthet in Green Lantern: Rebirth, but Sinestro was Parallax’s host for a time and still could control his actions. Why can’t Hal? It makes more sense if Parallax simply influenced Hal, whispered in his ear about what to do and how do things. Like remaking the Universe?
Parallax would remain bound to Hal even in death, having latched onto his very soul. This would forbid Hal from entering any afterlife, he would be stuck in Limbo until he is needed to be the Spectre’s new host. This would allow him for a redemption arc as the Spectre would attempt to purge Parallax from Hal’s soul. After Parallax is sealed back in the Green Lantern Central Power Battery on Oa, the Spectre’s job is done and he leaves. Hal would get a moment to say good-bye to his friends and loved ones before going to the afterlife, due to my ‘Characters Stay Dead, Mostly’ rule.
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glapplebloom · 5 years
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The finale of Green Lanternary! If there’s one comic that defines Guy Gardner, its this one.
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Before the comic, a little context. After Sinestro’s defeat and his daughter taking over, the Green Lanterns and Sinestro Corp are now working together. But of course, not everyone is on board with this change. One of the biggest supporters of Sinestro being one of them. And his name is Arkillo.
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So Guy Gardner decided to convince him to support this new regime. And by convince, I mean fight each other without a ring and their bare fists. This is because he believes that Arkillo isn’t like Kilowag, he’s like him. And the only way to convince him to do something is to beat it into his skull. 
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Issue 16 begins with the Yellow Lanterns who agreed to the new deal working alongside the Green Lanterns to round up the Yellow Lanterns who don’t. And while they do that, John Stewart (Leader of the Green Lanterns at the time) and Soranik Natu (Leader of the Yellow Lanterns) decide to find Guy before he does something stupid.
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Too late though as the fight begins. Guy seemingly dies in one punch, but flashback to his childhood (a not pretty one) leads him to get back up to continue the fight. Skipping the B-Plot since it is for a bigger story, the fight continues with Guy getting brutalized and still continuing.
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I’m gonna go Grayscale here since it gets frikkin bloody. And as bad as Guy looks here, Arkillo looks worse. Here’s an image to think off, Guy pulled out one of his eyes. By that time, both John and Natu found him, but John knew the fight has to end under Guy’s rules. And thanks to his childhood (again, a not pretty one), he took all the punishment and got Arkillo to submit. 
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Future issues will have the two have the most epic Bromance before the sad breaking up of Sinestro Corp and Green Lanterns. But overall, if you want to understand what Guy is like, this is the comic to do it. Someone once said Guy fights like he has something to prove. And after reading this, you can clearly see that.
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tenmaropa1979-blog · 5 years
From the faithful throng one towered above others, in stature but also in character and faith. Though born horrendously mutated to a mothered who died in childbirth he was adopted by the followers of the emperor and given the name Sigmar, prophet of the Emperor and protector the weak. Forged deep in the manufactorum districts controlled by the Emperors true worshippers was made a Hammer wreathed with fire, strength and enlightenment, resembling the comet which brought the emperor.. There was also a post credit sequence that they shot and did some VFX work on, that was cut and not even going to be included in the Snyder Cut. The sequence would have been the Green Lanterns Tomar Re and Kilowag showing up to the Wayne residence. This was scrapped after a while though.. I don think anyone is shocked that companies want more money. The problem is that the choice here is anti consumer. The best you have right now is a "well maybe it will be better for us in the long run!" but that optimistic at best. This is also my box and I got it today. The Caudalie coming in a tube really threw me off for a minute but then I looked at the ingredients and smelled it and yep, same product. I loved this the first time and still have some left, but I really do not mind this as a repeat!. I sit and swipe probably once a 장수출장샵 week. It just takes a few days to respond to all the messages and then I respond back to the most interesting answers first. The rest of the week when I have a few minutes between work, school, ext I try to respond. I think the reason many people feel inspired by people like Caitlyn Jenner because making the choice to identify outwardly with your psychological gender when the world has already chosen to identify you by your sex characteristics is a very difficult thing to do. It a big step in a process of self actualization for people living with gender dysphoria, which is a well documented psychological condition. People who do this face a lot of real hatred from people who believe that what they doing is wrong.. If in the case of Deborah, she finds that he is not going to marry her because he is already married, then she could have moved her intentions to financial gain, and asked him to give her some money to keep things spicy and interesting. Before you say that this is prostitution, and wrong, I will say that its better to be giving out for money than to do if for free. The end result is that at least you have something, and the whole situation will be more pleasant and less resentful.. When I first started working as a carhop at this fast food restaurant a few years back, in the first few months somehow I took out like 8 orders that happened to be mystery shoppers. This food chain in particular takes our mystery shop scores pretty seriously and at the end of the year our overall score gets tallied and if it high enough we get entered into a competition against the other high scores across the country. Anyway, the first few times I got mystery shopped I got 100% and it was cool, the next few times I got 100% and everybody was making a huge deal about it, I won employee of the month, got a pretty big 장수출장샵 raise for a FF restaurant and people started calling me "the mystery shop master" () and I was a nervous fucking wreck about it.
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bobshollyworld-blog · 6 years
Weekly Roundup #4
Happy Monday, everyone! I told myself that I wouldn't hunt as hard this week as I did the week previously, and wouldn't you know it... I failed. 😫 I failed hard. I failed so hard. I didn't mean to get carried away, but I saw one thing that I liked and then another that I could use for project A, and then I couldn't get this without also getting that. You know how it goes. This week's haul was massive. Thirty-six, count 'em, THIRTY-FUCKING-SIX figures in what is the largest bounty so far. ost of them were in multipacks, but that just means I got more bang for my buck. I also got a few things that aren't figures this week as well. That's rare for me, I know, but when yer crafting a tiny plastic world of imagination, you need to, you know, actually craft that world. That's enough of the jibber-jabber; let's check out the haul for Weekly Roundup #4:
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First up, we have a single loose figure. He's some sort of knight, judging from his armour, and I'm going to use him as a background piece. He's cool looking. No articulation other than his axe that goes up and down in his hands, but since he won't be the focus of any scenery, he's not hindered by his limitations. This is a Schleich figure, and is probably the only one I've ever owned.
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What year is it? 2018? Then why do I keep buying twenty year old toys? Because they're my heart and soul, that's why. I actually already own a Black Cat, loose out of the package, which I bought eight or so years ago. She came in her packaging, so I have all her accessories and everything. I didn't buy these off of eBay for Black Cat. No, I bought this lot simply for the Jessica Drew Spider-Woman. I have this same figure, but the dark blue and white Julia Carpenter version. I don't know if I've mentioned it previously, but I'm not a fan of Spider-Man AT ALL, but I own more of his action figures than any other character. That collection includes his allies and villains, of which this is my second Jessica Drew figure, with the other being an older Marvel Legends figure. I'll likely resell the Black Cats just to free up space.
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I'm not super pressed on these WWE zombies, but I told myself that I would buy all of the third wave so I can make an awesome Halloween diorama. I would've waited until closer to that holiday to scoop them up, because Five Below has a healthy stock of them, but as you can tell from the photo these were on clearance at Target. Sure, I only saved a wee bit over a dollar for each figure, but that's three plus dollars that can go towards something more important. I'm only missing one of the set of six and that's the 'Phenomenal One'. I'll own him soon enough and I'll get started on that diorama.
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Here's that bit of random that I have to get every week. I saw these little toilets in Five Below one day when I was with my kids, but they were five bucks a piece, and the way my wallet is set up... Let's just say that they stayed where I saw them. Then I saw more at a different store, and they were cheaper, but I couldn't justify the price still. When I saw them in Target on clearance, I grabbed two. I don't know if that's enough. I bought them simply to set up some bathroom scenery. Their for 5"/6" figures, so my new favourite childeen won't get to experience them, but you can't have yer cake and eat it too. The Ready Player One figures were bought at FYE, for dumb cheap. For those not familiar with the slang, in this case "dumb cheap" translates to just over two bucks for them. I had been eyeing them in Target for a few weeks, because they're 1:18 scale and they're not what most people collect, but they were too much at Target, even after they hit clearance. I'm glad I saw them when and where I did. I scooped them right up.
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I was trying to post these photos from least excited about to most excited about, and to a certain extent I've succeeded at that, but I'm actually very excited about this lot. They were all bought at Collectors Corner, as was most of the remaining items. I bought both the Mace and Lando as potential fodder for modifications to the Rage I bought a few weeks ago. Sadly, I couldn't get Lando's head off, and Mace's didn't fit onto Rage's body, so I still at the drawing board with Rage. They're cool figures. The Lando is probably my second or third favourite figure that I bought this week. He's damn cool. Lieutenant Yar was just a random purchase. I have some ideas for her, but we'll see.
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So here's the thing: you can't collect 3.75" figures without at least getting a whiff of G.I. Joe. That brand is inarguably the one that made the 1:18 scale line what it is. With that being said, Joes are dumb expensive. Like, really bloody expensive. And they're hard to find in the wild. That's why lines like Lanard's The Corps, which has been riding the wave of Hasbro's Joes almost since the beginning, is an excellent fill-in. The two three-packs of figures weren't even twelve bucks. I'm not sure right now, but I don't even think they were ten bucks total. That's insane. Then there's the US Army figures. I didn't even care too much about them, but I wanted their accessories and setting. They'll blend in perfectly with the other soldiers.
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We're getting down to the nitty gritty here. Fun fact: I've never typed the phrase 'nitty gritty' in my phone prior to the previous sentence, but auto correct knew that that was what I was going for after only typing in the first word. I digress. If you've been paying attention to the way I do the photos, I typically keep DC figures with their brand, and I do the same for Marvel. This week I've got a healthy amount of each, and I wasn't entirely sure which brand deserved to go on last. Ultimately, I went with Marvel because of volume. Simple as that. Now that that's out of the way, I would like to add that these DC offerings are fine figures. The Hawkman is fantastic. As the same with all the DC figures I've bought, I notice that they lack the same size and articulation as Marvel, but that doesn't stop them from being good toys. Hawkman looks cool in animated form. I honestly can't imagine him being in a more realistic sculpt. By the way, everything in this photo is from Collectors Corner. The last time I was there, there were three of the Green Lantern film two-packs, but this time there were only the two. I honestly only went back to pick up all three. The other characters were Kilowag and Ranakar. I'm disappointed that I missed out on him, but I'll get him eventually, along with some other Lantern Corps members.
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Another thing Collectors Corner had an abundance of the first time I went was 3.75" Thor-related characters. Last time I picked up a bunch, but they also had multiple actually Thors that I didn't pick up because I didn't really like the look of Chris Hemsworth. They didn't have any this time, although I had decided to buy them if they had. While I was searching high and low for Kilowag, I came across most of what you see in this photo buried at the bottom of the bin they were in. The Spider-Men are meh, but the Lokis are amazing, and the Daredevil is the best figure I got this week. He actually was on a peg, so he was easier to find. The Spider-Man Homecoming two-pack was found at TJ Maxx, and what a find it was. There were three of them, and I was contemplating getting at least one more but decided against it. I haven't seen that film, but the suit Spidey is rocking is fucking sexy. Vulture is Vulture, and he's cool, too, but I was more impressed with the Spider-Man. It's crazy; although I don't care about Spider-Man, he's still managed to be the most numerous figure in my quickly growth 1:18 scale universe.
Well, there you have it folks. Another week, a other crazy, THRIFTY haul. I'm proud of myself, and I mean it this time when I say next week I'm going to take it easy on the figures. I'll be super busy with work so I won't have any time for figure hunting. 😉. Have a good week, y'all.
-Bob Hollywood, 6 August, 2018
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Character Bio - Hal Jordan
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Super Hero Name: Green Lantern Alias: Hal Jordan Day Job: Test Pilot Abilities: Wields Green Lantern Ring, thus giving him the ability to create constructs Partnerships: Green Lantern (John Stewart), Green Lantern (Guy Gardner), Green Lantern (Kyle Rayner), Kilowag, Sinestro, The Flash (Barry Allen), Green Arrow (Oliver Queen), The Spectre, Parallax Team Affiliations: Justice League, Green Lantern Corps, New Guardians, Sinestro Corps, White Lantern Corps, Blue Lantern Corps, Red Lantern Corps, Orange Lantern Corps, Black Lantern Corps Base of Operations: Coast City - Earth, OA, Mogo 
Hal Jordan was born in Coast City to Martin Jordan and Jessica Jordan, the middle child of three children. He lived with his older brother Jack and a younger brother Jim. As a young child, he idolized his father, a test pilot who worked for Ferris Aircraft. At a very young age, he had to face his greatest fears when his father died in a plane crash right before his eyes. Despite his family's wishes, he followed in his father's footsteps and eventually joined the United States Air Force on his 18th birthday, turning up that very morning outside the Armed Forces Career Center, before it had even opened.
Many years later, a dying alien named Abin Sur, member of the Green Lantern Corps, crash-landed his starship...  Click the paragraph for a more in depth backstory!
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volcrc-blog · 7 years
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GODS Kilowag is so worried about kyle. Poor kid is just... gosh I can't even put words to this one ok so let me catch you guys up on what's going on in this panel: Kyle is going after abin sur's son and the black circle in order to stop the intergalactic crime going on. Kilowag here is fixing up the ship kyle is riding in with his team of former GL's in order to accomplish this mission and kyle is trying to play a part. A part Kilowag is noticing he's playing... scarily well.
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