#Background Legolas
thranduilofsmirkwood · 10 months
Backgound LEGOLAS can really multi-task.
This is one of my favorite scenes. Legolas is trying to eavesdrop on Aragorn and Éowyns conversation while guiding scared civilians with a gentle hand.
Fucking legend.
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entishramblings · 1 year
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The Lord of the Rings Trilogy Art by Ise Ananphada
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lopsidedspecs · 1 year
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❋ After the Journey ❋
Decided to make a finished piece from an old sketch I had sitting around of these two ♡
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memray · 1 year
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my babies <3
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+ closeups
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eliounora · 1 year
my actual dream is to draw a short comic about the bit in the council of elrond where aragorn and gandalf explain at length how they captured gollum all the while legolas sweats nervously as it gets more and more difficult for him to say that gollum escaped
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royaltea000 · 2 years
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Tolkien elves in hanfu
Hanbok hobbits: https://at.tumblr.com/royaltea000/hanbok-hobbits-elves-in/scol2ingh0d4 
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somecallmegin · 2 years
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On instinct, he put his head on Gimli’s shoulder, and felt him drop off almost immediately. (...) Before he did fall into Elvish sleep, he heard Gandalf say, very quietly (but not quietly enough for his sharp ears to miss it), to Aragorn: “How long?” “Since Lothlórien,” Aragorn said, equally quiet. “Not long, then,” said Gandalf. “Long enough,” said Aragorn. He sounded weary; this made sense, as nothing else in their conversation did. He had been riding long and was tired.
So I recently binge-read @windandwater Lord of the Rings fanfiction “Where you go, I will go” and reaaaaally enjoyed it! I got trapped by the great storytelling, Gimli/Legolas, and the found family trope (my biggest weakness!), and if that’s your jam I recommend you go have a look at it, it’s awesome.
If my inactivity around here has shown anything it’s that i’m stuck in a massive art block the size of a mountain. Yet I somehow managed to get to the end of a sketch which is entirely meant as a thanks-for-a-super-cool-fic-i-love-you to @windandwater . Maybe in a few months time I’ll actually get to the stage where I can render and color it! The future is full of mysteries~
Forgot to add that I was very much influenced by a picturecalled “Couch cuddle” from @adorkastock Adorkastock I stumbled over once and couldn’t forget.
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carlandrea · 2 months
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mirkwood kitty for @roselightfairy
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*fans oneself*
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sesamenom · 8 months
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Some design sketches for Bilbo and Lobelia, plus a bonus thorin
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frodo-with-glasses · 2 years
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I’m a bit behind on the queue right now, so in the meantime, here’s Longolas from the livestream yesterday!
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The Holy Grail of Background Legolas GIFS, lmfao
He's working those eyebrows lol.
"Here we go, here we go - eyebrow acting". - Christopher Lee The Hobbit
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balee-art · 1 year
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i miss lotr :´)  
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matrose · 2 years
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khazad week day 5: enviroment
the love legolas and gimli have for their surroundings is a very important character trait they share and showing eachother what they love most is an important pillar for their relationship 💚
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justpostsyeet · 2 years
Listen here guys, Celebrian but she's modern girl in middle earth. She took whole elves by storm by just being mad scientist,good painter and cooking dishes with so much sugar or spices that it'll kill a medieval peasant's taste buds.
Celeborn finds her adorable and adopts her. Galadriel marries her to Elrond because she thought she's someone important send by Eru. Elrond is straight up smitten by her and will do anything for her.
Despite all that she has self preservation and common sense and will not storm out in danger .
When she was send to Valinor(with Elrond's huge fight with Cirdan) , she just remains her neutral chaotic self and waits for her family.
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1mnobodywhoareyou · 5 months
I don't think pancakes are gonna fix this. I need ice cream too, for the band/whoever you want!
okay full disclosure, i'm a little bit terrified to post this. I've never done this ship before 🙈 or this trope/plot device... but. due to the typical people at fault for the fics that enter my brain... (*ahem* @narcissusbrokenmirror and unnamed party who DOESN'T DO TUMBLR) it exists. and meant I finally had something to write that fit this prompt! (and there's a little treat in here for you) I hope someone likes it 😅 a part II is also planned. just... later.
“Heeeeeey Lukey, you’re up early,” Reggie exclaims from in front of his electric griddle. He’s been busy making pancakes for their weekly band brunch. “Where’ve you been?”
Luke stares, unseeing, as he moves through the motions of removing his shoes by the door. He’d just gotten back home after running out unexpectedly a few hours earlier. Only Willie had been awake early enough to see him off.
“Luke?” Reggie calls back out from the kitchen.
Luke doesn’t answer. He just rounds the doorway into Reggie’s sightline. 
Reggie looks up from pouring the next batch of pancakes, almost dropping the bowl when he catches sight of Luke’s face. It’s very nearly expressionless and entirely unlike Luke.
He recovers quickly and sets the bowl  gently on the counter before bounding over to Luke. 
“Luke? Buddy?” Reggie asks, trying to catch Luke’s gaze. “What happened?”
Luke opens and closes his mouth, trying to speak but can’t manage to make sound.
“Alex! Willie?” Reggie calls desperately, raising his voice loudly enough to ensure they hear him.
They both appear almost instantly.
“What’s-” Alex starts to ask before catching sight of Luke and cutting himself off. 
“Something’s wrong,” Reggie cries, panic edging into his voice. 
Alex runs a hand through his hair as he gulps in a deep breath. “Okay. Okay. Let’s…” he looks around the kitchen and then back out to the living room. “Let’s get him sitting down somewhere.” 
Alex and Reggie each grab one of Luke’s arms and try to steer him toward the couch. 
Reggie suddenly drops the arm he’d been holding and turns back toward the kitchen. “Shit! The-”
“It’s okay, I’ve got it,” Willie assures him, picking up the flipper. They gesture back toward Luke. “You take care of Luke, I’ll finish these.”
Reggie sends them a small grateful smile and grabs back hold of Luke. He helps Alex guide Luke to the couch where they gently set him down.
Reggie kneels in front of Luke, trying again to catch his gaze. When he fails, he sets a hand on each of Luke’s knees. The contact seems to jolt Luke back to reality, at least slightly. 
Alex sits next to him on the sofa. Luke leans into his side and Alex wraps an arm around Luke’s shoulders.
“I got you. We’ve got you. You’re okay,” Alex murmurs softly. 
Luke’s eyes go glassy as he settles back into the present, soaking in the comforting presence of his best friends. 
Reggie decides to try again. “What’s going on?”
Luke raises his eyes to meet Reggie’s. “Carrie’s pregnant.”
Reggie jumps back in surprise while Alex’s brow furrows. 
“Carrie… Like Carrie Wilson,” Alex confirms. 
Luke nods. 
“Why…? Luke…” Alex pulls back slightly and turns so he can face Luke. “Luke, why would that affect you?”
Luke looks up at Alex with sad eyes. 
Reggie’s eyes widen in understanding. “Luke! When? Carrie?! How?” he stammers through his shock.
Luke takes a deep breath and pulls himself fully away from Alex. He clasps his hands together and stares at them to  avoid looking at Alex or Reggie. “The night of  the Billboards,” he explains.
“You and Carrie?” Reggie asks again, disbelief still present in his voice.
Luke nods. 
“How? I mean. It’s Carrie. And you. I just…”
“I know. It just… happened.”
“And you never told us?” Alex chimes in, betrayed.
Luke shakes his head. 
“Okay. Don’t think we won’t be revisiting that later. But. Is she okay? Does she know what she wants to do? Do you know what you want her to do?”
Another shake of Luke’s head. He collapses back into Alex. 
Reggie climbs up to wrap his arms around both of them. “You know we’ve got you, right? No matter what,” he murmurs.
Luke nods into Alex’s chest. 
Reggie’s thighs start burning from how he’s perched for their little huddle. He’s just about to pull away when they hear the apartment door open and close. 
“Julie,” Reggie whispers. As always, she’s perfectly on time for brunch.
The three of them pull apart. “Do you want her to know?” Alex asks sincerely.
Luke’s mouth opens in an attempt to answer but his efforts are stalled as they hear Willie call out from the kitchen, very obviously warning them of Julie’s arrival. “They’re in the living room.”
The guys don’t speak as they watch the doorway for Julie. 
Julie enters the room and immediately stops. She takes in their state and her face scrunches up in concern.
“What’s wrong?” she asks, slow and wary. 
Alex and Reggie both turn to Luke, waiting to follow his lead. He looks up at Reggie with wide, pleading eyes. 
Reggie furrows his brow in silent question. At Luke’s slight nod, he turns back to Julie. “Carrie’s pregnant,” he tells her, rushing through the pair of words as if it’ll make it easier to say. And hear.
“Okaaaaay,” she counters slowly. 
“It’s Luke’s,” he adds just as quickly. 
Julie turns wide, disbelieving eyes on Luke. “Really?”
He nods. 
They stare at each other in silence for a moment before she breaks it. “Are you okay?”
Luke’s eyes fill with tears and he shakes his head. 
Julie walks over to the couch and shoves Luke and Alex over to make room. She wedges herself between Luke and the arm of the sofa.  Julie takes Luke’s hand and gently strokes the back of it with her thumb. “Tell me about it?” she offers.
“There’s nothing to tell, really. We were both pissed at how the Billboards went, hooked up, never spoke about it again. Until…”
“Yeah,” Julie softly responds, saving him from having to finish the sentence. 
“There’s a uh… lot of details missing there, Luke,” Reggie chimes in. 
Alex swats Reggie’s shoulder with the back of his hand. 
Reggie rubs his shoulder and glares at Alex. “That are totally none of our business,” he adds hastily.
“It was so… stupid!” Luke exclaims. He pulls his hand back from Julie. He scrubs at his face before running his hands up into his hair. He leans over to rest his elbows on his knees, supporting his face in his hands.
“Hey,” Julie counters gently, pulling his hands away from his head. “Hey, I think we all did some pretty stupid shit that night.”
“We did?!” Reggie squeaks.
“We did,” Julie confirms. She averts her gaze but the blush rising up her face is unmistakable. 
Reggie narrows his eyes at her. “What stupid shit did Julie do?”
“We’re not talking about me right now.”
“Hm. Well, maybe knowing Julie’s stupid shit will make Luke feel better,” Reggie counters, looking pointedly at Luke. 
“Yeah, I don’t think so,” Julie says, drawing out the ‘yeah’ to make her doubt clear.
Luke lifts his gaze up, trying to catch hers. He narrows his eyes. “What did you do, Julie?”
“I… really don’t think you want to know. Forget I said anything.”
Luke cocks his head and looks at her sideways. “You know that’s not gonna happen.”
Julie stands. She turns toward them and then back away, uncertainty lacing every movement. 
“Julie?” Alex tries. “Jules, it can’t be that bad.”
“It’s not that bad if I keep it to myself,” she murmurs.
Luke lets out a good-humoured scoff, “It’s not like you hooked up with Bobby or something.”
Julie stops in her tracks. Her eyes widen and she gapes at them. 
Luke’s expression shifts to mimic hers. “You hooked up with Bobby?!” He exclaims, disbelieving and angry.
Alex sets a calming hand on Luke’s knee. Luke brushes it off. 
Alex quickly glares at Luke before redirecting his attention to Julie, “Okay well, you’re not pregnant too, right?”
“No!” Julie assures them. “I mean, probably. I don’t think so… No. No, I can’t be. I’m not.”
“Are you and Bobby like… together?” Luke asks slowly. 
Julie shakes her head. “No. No, it was just… We got lost in the chaos of everything that night. I swear. It only happened the once,” she pauses to consider before continuing, “Well, the one night.”
Luke’s face twists up in disgust, “Ew. Gross. I do not want to know. You’re right. I don’t feel better.” He groans. “But at least I didn’t hook up with… him.” Luke’s expression contorts into a final  grimace.
Alex sighs, “Okay, can we get back to the issue at hand?”
“Pancakes?” Reggie exclaims hopefully. 
“No, Reggie. Not pancakes.”
“Pancakes fix everything,” Reggie mumbles. “Sue me for trying to help. Though… they’re probably cold by now…”
“I don't think pancakes are gonna fix this… We need ice cream too,” Luke murmurs. 
Reggie jumps up and bounds toward the kitchen. “Willie! Willie, we need to dig out the ice cream to have with our pancakes! It’s an emergency. What kinds do we have?” He trips over his feet in his enthusiasm, just barely managing to recover before face planting on the floor. 
Alex, Luke, and Julie shake their heads fondly as they watch him leave. 
Julie turns back around to Luke. She crouches in front of him and takes his hands. “We good?”
“Yeah, we’re good. Let’s just… never talk about it again please?”
Julie nods her agreement. “You bet. Are you going to be okay?”
“No, but we’ll figure it out. We always do, right?”
Julie smiles up at him. “Right.”
“And we’re all here with and for you,” Alex confirms. He puts his hand on Luke’s back. “All of it. No matter what.”
Luke directs a sad smile at Alex. “Thanks, man.”
Alex nods once in acknowledgement. “Should we go see what kind of mess those two have managed to create in the last three minutes?”
Luke and Julie cough out matching laughs. Julie stands, pulling Luke up with her. She squeezes his hands twice before letting one go and pulling him toward the kitchen.
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