#Bad Medicine Infectious Teachers
"Your beauty never ever scared me..."
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I know they are toxic af, but I can't help to love these boys ♡
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fyodorkitkat · 1 year
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Absolute cuties 🙏💜
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jokertrap-ran · 10 months
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BAD MEDICINE ~Infectious teachers~ [PC GAME] Kashu Remu (Chemistry) Route Translations (Part 11)
MC’s name is retained as the original MC name Kawana Hina.
* Words within ‘   ‘ are spoken in English – *Spoiler free : Translations under cut! *T/N: So... its been 7 years since I started this? Wow. This project is old, this blog is old, I am old-
Prologue / Part 1 / Part 2 / Part 3 / Part 4 / Part 5 / Part 6 / Part 7 / Part 8 / Part 9 / Part 10 / Part 11
Hina: I’m done preparing for tomorrow’s classes, and all my homework’s done too. I didn’t forget anything, did I?
Hina: Hmm… That should be all. I should turn in early so that I’m ready to face all the challenges ahead tomorrow.
Hina: (Haa… I wouldn’t be surprised if Kashu-sensei came up with something weird again tomorrow…)
Hina: (Or maybe it’s even odder if nothing strange were to happen.)
Hina: …I feel like I’ve gotten used to it, actually. Who knows if that’s actually a good thing though…
Hina: Huh? An Incoming call this late into the night? Wonder who?
Hina: And it’s from an unknown number…
Hina: (It’s not someone I know, but unknown numbers don’t usually call at this hour either.)
Hina: Hello? Um, who is this speaking…?
Kashu: …Yo.
Hina: That voice… K-Kashu-sensei!? Err, why do you have my number?
Kashu: I’m a teacher, you know?
Hina: So I’m aware, but that’s besides the matter. Can I help you with something? You don’t sound too good…
Kashu: Ahaha, really? I see. You can tell, huh…
Hina: Kashu-sensei…? Did something happen?
Kashu: Yeah… guess it doesn’t work out after all. I don’t know why, though.
Hina: Um… sensei? What exactly do you mean by that…?
Kashu: The medicine, of course.
Hina: Oh…
Kashu: Ahaha, do you still remember what I’m talking about?
Hina: Of course I do. There’s no way I could ever forget.
Hina: (But even I know that he can’t possibly make a medicine that’s capable of reviving the dead.)
Hina: (I’m sure he knows that too, but why’s he still persisting till now…?)
Kashu: I’m giving up on it.
Hina: What?
Kashu: I mean, it’s all useless isn’t it? She won’t come back no matter what I do.
Kashu: You must think so too, don’t you?
Hina: Sensei…
Kashu: Thank you, for holding back on my account. I’m sure you must have wanted to say it.
Kashu: And thank you for playing along with me…
Hina: Erm…?
Hina: (He’s acting strangely… and he sounds really sad…)
Kashu: Also, I realized something..
Kashu: If I can’t revive her, then all I have to do is to join her on the other side.
Hina: W-What!? But she’s already…
Kashu: Yup, so all I have to do is to die. Simple, isn’t it?
Hina: What are you talking about!? You can’t do that! That’s stupid!
Kashu: ……
Kashu: Come on now, don’t say that.
Kashu: I mean… that’s the last option I have. It’s so lonely living alone like this…
Hina: Kashu-sensei! Wait… Hang on!
Kashu: For my last hoorah, perhaps the school would be best. I’m thinking of jumping off the roof there.
Kashu: Hehe, this school was pretty fun while it lasted.
Hina: Hey! Listen to me!
Hina: If it really was that fun, then wouldn’t you want to live!? You can still turn around now!
Kashu: It was fun, but also lonely. It is so lonely being all by your lonesome, you know?
Hina: You’re not alone! You know that, don’t you!?
Hina: Please, just consider those around you! Don’t say that you want to die…
Kashu: I’ve already made my decision.
Hina: You can’t do it! Sensei!
Kashu: I’m really happy that you helped me out with all my experiments.
Kashu: I really did feel a little less lonely during those times. I even thought that perhaps I wasn’t that alone in this world.
Kashu: So, thank you.
Hina: !!!
Hina: Sensei? Sensei! Kashu-sensei!? He hung up on me!!!
Hina: (I can’t just sit back and do nothing… I need to get to school and stop him!)
Mother: Eh!? W-Where are you going in the middle of the night!?
Hina: School! I need to get there, now!!!
Mother: Huh? Take care on your way there, you hear me!?
Hina: Haa, haa, haah…!
Hina: (Since when was the school this far away!?)
Hina: (I don’t know if I’ll make it at this rate… Please let me be there in time!)
Hina: ……!?
Hina: D-Don’t tell me…
Hina: (I’ve gotta hurry!!!)
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yuisdad · 4 months
Rejet Drama CD Sound Collection (2013-2014)
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hellcatinnc · 5 months
Looking For A Specific Type Of Otome Game
My question is there any otome games that have teachers or professor's in it? I have a big thing for them and been wanting one for awhile..
I already played Prof. Asagi - Lover Pretend
also florian in love spell written in the stars..
Done the few voltage has and there are a few others but gotta get the money to get them off love365 app.
I know rejet had bad medicine but cant find it anywhere or away to buy it.
I can do english or japanese ill just use a translator it can be on pc/steam, switch, or psvita
not worried about price and everything else is ok long as there is more romance than not
If anyone knows any please let me know.... Thanks
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mezzy-1 · 8 months
@eviethelesbian once again thank you for the Headcanon List. Also shoutout to @darthladyofillusions because I included ur OC :)
Harbor is a history professor dating Astra, the archeology professor.  Both of them met on a trip to a site in India
Both of them reached for the same the brush at one point and they laughed it off later
Both of them are excellent teachers in their own way.  Varun has a habit of going on tangents about stories and is super nerdy about his subject.  Efia’s classes are fun and her energy is infectious
Cypher has a family and does cyber security for the University.  Nobody knows his actual name.
Nobody knows him that well but when he comes out of his office he’ll say hello to anyone nearby.  He goes home quickly though and usually avoids working late.
Cypher’s office is full of pictures of his family, drawings from his daughter, screens, and the scent of imported Moroccan teas
He and his wife and kid see the students off when they graduate, and all of the students are amazed to realize that this guy has such a good family life.  (They thought he was a no-life kinda guy)
Liam ‘Brimstone’ Byrne is the university’s Dean and basically runs everything as much as possible for the good of the students.  Tariq and him are the brains and guiding hand of the university
He retired from the military after he was given an educator’s license and became a professor of tactics at a military academy.  He then took his skills elsewhere and turned the college into what it is now
Liam keeps the students at the forefront of any policy changes and takes an interest in professors that are considered brilliant but difficult to work with.  He’s an expert of recruitment and reining in the right people
Has snacks in his office for students but they can only get them if they complete a pull-up on an pull-up bar he has in his office.  One arm only.
Sabine worked at R&D at a pesticide company but is the only Organic Chem teacher that the Valorant U could get.  Somehow is a good professor despite hating students and no general teaching
She doesn’t really hate them but it isn’t a good idea to get on her bad side.  It’s rumored she poisons the students she hates.  
Stared daggers into the first person (Jamie), to make a Breaking Bad reference and since then nobody brings it up
Classes with her are pretty tense but if a student actually tries and gives their all, she’ll notice and be kinder to them.  Especially students who study chemistry.  Double for O-Chem.
Sabine’s style of teaching could use work, but when she tries to explain complex ideas she’s genuinely in her element.  She once explained how tetrodotoxin and nerve ion channels worked to Zyanya’s little sister 
Zyanya is a professor for sure, probably the best Spanish teacher ever.  Beyond terrifying to new students
She will not let students forget proper accents and grammar, and god help the people that do.  Somebody once forgot their homework and Zyanna was literally this close to killing them
Her Spanish is specifically Mexican, and that extends to the class through some of the words she teaches.  Especially bits in culture and authenticity
Zyanya’s idea of testing people is borderline an interrogation.  10 minutes of extensive and stern conversations and multiple pages of writing.  People say it feels like their souls have literally been drained
Students come out of the classes fluent or scarred for life
Ling is a professor of medicine and completed her PHD around the same time Viper completed hers.  They were amazed to see each other teaching
She does Tai Chi for relaxation but did at one point learn Kung Fu while living abroad in a monastery for a couple of years.  She once broke a board in front of her class just to prove it
Hosts meditation hours during finals week and her office hours are always super useful for all of the medical and nursing students.  Calming as hell to anxious people
Tala got a scholarship via cross country and another from basketball, and wants to major in physical therapy.  She also got a job doing late night shifts at the library as security.
Hazal is in a band called Nightmare.  Her and several other introverts got together and started one.  Only perform in the most obscure venue.  She can play bass REALLY WELL
Tala found out and now shows up to every performance the band has.  If it weren’t for the lights flashing red and blue, you could see Hazal blushing when she spots Tala in the crowd
That’s how she met Hazal.  Tala was approached by her because Hazal wanted to study late and the two became acquainted
Both of them love the late nights that they share and Hazal is always at one of Tala’s games.  Tala picks her out of the crowd every time, and at the end Hazal always kisses her 
Mateo is a veterinary student and is everyone’s friend.  Except Iselin because some of his patients got into her office once and trashed her latest project model
He keeps fish, dogs, lizards, cats, and nearly everything else.  At one point he was in charge of a project that kept some monkeys around at one point 
The animal counterparts are a chameleon (Dizzy), a Chinese High Banded Shark (Thrash), a bullfrog tadpole (Mosh), and an Axolotl named Wingman
He has a crochet version of his (radivore) crew, courtesy of Omen being bored one day
Mateo is a Gen Z kid, and his vocabulary beyond salvaging
Jamie is an English major, I mean, obviously
Everyone likes Jamie, he brings a certain energy to everything he does and it resonates well with people.  His writing has a level of power and rhythm that makes it both easy to listen and layered
He is a songwriter, and poet, and even has a collection of published short stories.  His mums are proud.  His scripts are also incredible and his goal is to get his own musical to Broadway 
When Jamie is in a play, it’s usually as the protagonist or the main antagonist.  It is wonderful to see him on stage, especially because he’s trained as a Shakespearean actor
Tayane is THE art student and the reason most of the faculty drinks.  And also the reason why most of the students drink too
Absolute ragers getting thrown anytime Tayane is involved.  This woman does not stop until the sun is up
Her graffiti portraits are inspired, colorful, and almost always on government property or university property.  Brim started commissioning her in order to stop her from painting everything
The commissioned murals are a lot better for her, and gave her legal access to make huge projects on some of the older buildings
One of the walls is a silhouette of a woman with big circular glasses, geometric pink and yellow patterns around her, and surrounded by flowers
Vincent Fabron is the art teacher and Viper HATES him.  He’s also that one teacher an unreasonable amount of people of have a crush on
He was a tattoo artist while taking art lessons in France, then moved into high class art.  His gallery pieces gained a lot of attention and he gained a lot of money from them.
Now he teaches art, and has done graphic design for many upscale companies.  His own business card has won awards from design and art societies though
Omen is a guy in a scarf and hoodie that is somehow in everyone’s classes.  He crochets in the back sometimes.
Texts notes at 4am to anyone who needs it and is incredibly nocturnal.  He doesn’t need sleep he needs friends
Students never remembered or learned his name, so they just started calling him Omen after the laptop brand he uses
Erik ‘Breach’ Torsten is a coach they brought in and actually manages a paralympic team.  May have criminal past according to some of the athletes he manages
He will scream at people in Swedish during games, practice, going over strategies, and if he sees them in public.  Friendly but so loud
His prosthetic arms were a courtesy of the university’s science program.  They were partially a gift and partially a test to see what they could do.  Erik made sure that he could flip people off with the arms
Iselin the professor of Industrial Design, and she is the most stern professor ever.  At times she works for a wilderness recreation company and does product design for them.  
She is very organized, and her lecture presentations are always available, she lists the pages to read, dates for every assignment are posted a month in advance
Iselin’s a professional and rarely eases up, but the few times she’s been out with the other faculty she’s been surprisingly fun.  Especially with Ling for some reason
Kirra is a Biology professor that has so many plants in her room.  Has a parakeet, dog, and fish tank at home too.  Does wildlife photography on the side.  
Kirra protested in college and was arrested once for sabotage.  So she is totally chill with people missing class for stuff, and gives extra credit for students involved in causes
Goes on wilderness expeditions with some students for a class and memorized several survival books worth of information and knows every plant, animal, and fungus she comes across
Klara is an engineering major and Tayane just comes to those classes because she can.  It usually results in the equipment being plastered in stickers and paint.
They met when Tayane decided to tag the garage that Klara was keeping her final project in.  Both of them sort of caught feelings as soon as they saw each other
Klara fell so damn hard, and realized this while Tayane was doing a kegstand.  Klara whispered ‘she’s perfect’ mindlessly and then realized Sunwoo was right next to her
Sunwoo finished what was in her cup, patted Klara on the back, and said ‘good luck’ before walking away and pretending she didn’t hear
Her final project has been her ‘Lockdown’ which is basically an EMP crossed with a massive DDOS hack.  It went off once and downed the college’s internet for a week.
She’s going to switch it to something a little less destructive at this point, and Tayane is helping her brainstorm.  Currently it’s a robot but she’s trying to figure out what to make it do
KAY/O is Tariq’s gamertag.  The man is a CS:GO fiend and has crazy flashes due to muscle memory
Liam and him are MARRIED.  I’m not budging on this one and you will find me dead in the ground before I let this go
Tariq’s good at a lot of random stuff and doesn’t help out too much at the college but is well-known as the ‘guy who Brim allows to help grill things’ because nobody else is allowed
Helps Liam plan out things for the students and assists in any sort of set up that he can do
Ryo is studying Japanese History and works as a mechanic at a chop shop.  It is shady as hell over there but Yoru will hook people up if needed.  They definitely steal parts though
He takes business classes and there’s a real chance he might double major.  His business acumen and aggressive nature would make him the ultimate CEO
Sasha is the professor that most students simp for, and he teaches Russian Language classes.  Throws things at students that don’t pay attention and rarely misses
He has an owl nesting outside of the window to his classroom, he named it Matrioshka after the nesting dolls.  It had owlets so it seemed fitting.
His babushka lives out of the country but gets a continuous stream of gifts from him
Sasha is that one professor that has a weird story for everything in his room.  The bow he has? killed a grizzly bear with it.  Glass eye on display?  It was a gift from a glassmaker that was caught with illegal firearms.  Weird rock?  It was at the sight of a historic battle and has a bootprint in it
Has SO MANY books from Russian writers he reads in his off time.  Also does archery at a cabin he has in the woods.
Nobody could handle Novikov at the cabin, the sheer hotness of him splitting firewood, bow hunting, and chopping trees would send people into a simp coma
At the end of the year, he writes each student a short note in Russian telling them something worthwhile.
Sunwoo is an amazing sprinter and also amazing at darts.  Loves adding photos to the corkboard she has in her dorm
She isn’t really sure what she wants to study at the moment or even if she wanted to go to college.  Gotta love families pressuring college on their kids right?
It isn’t as depressing though, she shows real talent and enjoyment in studying Business but surprisingly is leaning towards learning Journalism as well
She writes stuff for the school paper, a blog, and even has a (somewhat inspired by people around her) science fiction story.  She hasn’t thought of a name yet.
It’s about secret agents that fight against an alternate dimension that tries to steal a powerful crystal from them.  It’s quite popular with the people who she let read it and people are constantly asking for updates
Sunwoo is trying, and hopefully she’ll manage to find somewhere she can feel comfortable
Kayra is studying botany, and started a garden in one of the common areas.  At first it was small but cute, then after a few weeks the flowers and bushes spread outside of the garden and overtook the common area.
It's now her favorite place to get away from people because trellises were added in and nobody can see through the vines.  There’s a chance she keeps patio furniture in the garden too
Has been living in an apartment with Hazal.  Tala has been the only one in there and says its overrun with houseplants and hanging lamps.
(@darthladyofillusions I hope this is accurate to some extent)
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Hcs off modern Castlevania chars? Like jobs/friends & stuff
Ask: Hcs off modern Castlevania chars? Like jobs/friends & stuff
A/N: In this, most people are living sort of happily ever after. Does that make them OOC, yes it does. Do I care? No, I don’t. 
👷‍♂️ Modern-Day Castlevania Headcanons: Jobs 👩‍⚕️
I see Trevor as something of a detective/cop, but I don’t think he’d be down with working for the system. Being a P.I. or an independent security contractor of some sort would probably suit his personality better. He’s the cool kinda punk that strikes fear into the hearts of violent bigots but is also somehow seen as a safe adult to little kids. Which he doesn’t mind. He finds it useful that only those hiding something or guilty of something see him as a threat. He’s not the best with kids, but he’s nice enough to them. He was on his own a lot from a very young age- definitely a latch-key kid- so he feels a fair share of protectiveness when it comes to them. 
Sypha strikes me as a natural protector/nurturer, so maybe a preschool/grade-school teacher or physical therapist? She loves learning and sharing that knowledge with others. I can absolutely see her leading workshops related to whatever it is she’s chosen to have a career in. And she’s great with everyone- adults, kids, seniors, animals- you name it, they love Sypha. (Except for assholes and Karens of course.) 
Alucard is introverted by nature, and also a lifelong student like Sypha. He’s also the inheritor/keeper of his father’s money and his mother’s wisdom. For that reason, I see him as a History or Anthropology Professor- at the college level and above. Maybe even an eventual department head. He’s very serious, and doesn’t have the demeanor for working with children or amateurs; he wants to teach people who are just as committed as he is to what they’re learning. His whole life he feels like his purpose is greater than what it currently is, and because of that, he’s never quite content with the life he’s living. He feels like something or someone is missing from his journey. 
I think the three of them would become friends eventually, but one like one of those friend groups that makes absolutely no sense to people outside it. Like, you wouldn’t expect a rough and tumble cop-hating anarchist, a feisty, yet kind-hearted physical therapist, and a tall skinny history academic to be besties, yet there they are. 
Maybe they’d meet at a conference somewhere. Like a wellness convention/conference is taking place at Alucard’s college, Sypha’s a prominent speaker (ah! pun not intended) there, and Trevor’s company is providing extra security. 
Maybe there’s some kind of snafu, and there’s like an assailant loose on campus or something. Trevor’s chasing the guy, but Alucard sees him coming and decides he’ll help out and head the bad guy off. But in the end, the two men are beaten to the quick by Sypha, who stops the guy in the most impressively timed frisbee toss they’ve ever seen. The two men insist on talking Sypha out for coffee- and getting to know her, because, let’s be honest, who wouldn't want to be friends with Sypha? The three of them get to talking and the rest is history. 
Dracula is someone who just has power- he doesn’t have to amass it, it just naturally comes to him. He’s the type to gather fortune and invest it in a bunch of different properties and revolutionary pharmaceutical investment opportunities. He’s the Big Guy in the Chair. And then he just sort of, fucks off to his mansion to do whatever he wants. He’s a recluse- he deems human interaction pointless and unnecessary as a man of his stature. Who needs to leave the house when you can just pay people to do everything for you? He’d much rather be alone anyway. Of course that all changes when he meets Lisa. 
Lisa, similar to her nature in the show, would be a physician of some sort. I could see her being especially interested in women’s medicine or infectious disease as it disproportionately affects those in need, and she has a very strong internal sense of justice. Maybe she seeks out Vlad because he’s the big cheese CEO of a pharmaceutical company that’s publicly refusing to lower the cost of a specific drug that would revolutionize her patients’ care. She’d find out where he lived, bang on his door, and demand he lower his profit margins right now. Of course, no one has ever had the balls to say such a thing to his face before, and Drac falls in love pretty much instantly. 
The two of them are a power couple: he still maintains so much fortune and sway, but his partnership with Lisa makes him see ways to use it for good. He starts charities and fundraisers- he shocks the wealthy world by going rogue- and gives away most of what he earns instead of hoarding it. And it’s no secret it’s thanks to Lisa. 
Now Hector: I know everyone headcanons Hector as being a veterinarian, but for me, I think it makes more sense for him to be a mortuary or a medical examiner. He’s lovely with his pets, but at the same time, I don’t think he has the stomach to do what vets have to do. Vets have to talk to owners and their families and be personable and bright. He sees his pets as possessions, not family members. So a job where it’s just him and no one else- no crying kid or elderly companion to reassure would be better suited for him. 
Hector is naturally inquisitive- a trait we saw even when he was imprisoned, so I think being a medical examiner would be very rewarding to him. He’d find it invigorating, to get down the truth of a mysterious death or shocking murder. And because he’s not squeamish, he’d be very clear and articulate presenting information on the stand. 
Issac’s big thing throughout the series is loyalty and personal growth. S2 Isacc and S4 Issac are very different people. So I’m basing this more on S4 Isaac. I think he’d benefit in a position of some power, but also of some charity. Maybe as a politician or a professional lobbyist. He advocates for causes he believes are just and does not shy away from verbal confrontation when it comes to hashing out right vs. wrong. 
I could see this being the way he meets Vlad and Hector. If some sort of tragedy or panic happened, and a large emergency medical response was involved, I could see Isacc propositioning Dracula for donations, in exchange for dinner and a chance to sway his mind about a certain political vote. Hector would be on the other end of that tragedy, dealing with those who lost their lives. Perhaps Issac seeks out Hector as a form of outreach, to prove he is committed to what he says he stands for. He connects Hector with Dracula, and the three of them find they’re all rather pleasant company compared to the majority of the unremarkable humans out there. They can all look death in the face and feel no fear. They don’t do bullshit, and they get along well because of it.
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sapporo-division · 10 months
Polar Knights - Inspiration
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Himuro-kun — The ice guy and his cool female colleague
Taiki Nagihara — Bad medicine ~infectious teachers~
Zhongli — Genshin impact
Oda Nobunaga — Sengoku night blood
Kai von Glanzreich — Oushitsu kyoushi Heine
Shelby Snail — Cupid Parasite
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Kaito Kid — Detective conan
Nagito Komaeda — Danganronpa 2
Mikuni Alicein — Servamp
Joker — Black Butler
Natsume Sakasaki — Ensemble stars!!
Nikolai Gogol — Bungou stray dogs
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Shiki Ando — Paradox Live
Izuku Midoriya- My hero academia
Mike — Total Drama: Revenge of the island
Henry Jekyll — Fate Grand Order
Senri Ichinose — Norn9
Junta Shuraishi — Kubo wont let me be invisible
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Hyde — Fate Grand Order
Satsuki — Uta no Prince-sama
Zaraki Kenpachi — Bleach
Rin Okumura — Blue Exorcist
HANCHO — Paradox Live
Duncan — Total Drama Island
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Welcome! Have a cupcake 🧁
✩. ·͙ *̩̩͙ ˚̩̥̩̥ *̩̩̥͙  ✩ *̩̩̥͙ ˚̩̥̩̥ *̩̩͙ ‧͙ . . ·͙ *̩̩͙ ˚̩̥̩̥ *̩̩̥͙  ✩ *̩̩̥͙ ˚̩̥̩̥ *̩̩͙ ‧͙ . ✩
※ Hi! I'm Rox (or Sugar, call me whatever). I'm a fandom veteran. I talk to the wall, I translate sometimes, I simp a lot. You'll figure it out.
※ First of all, this is not a serious, super organized blog, it's my personal blog so you might see random stuff more often than not, lol. But sometimes I post something coherent! If that ever happens, I'll add it here.
※ I will use the tag #Sugar Opinions for things such as debates or opinions I'd like to share.
※ I tend to ramble endlessly, so if you don't want that amount of nonsense, block the #;Talking to the wall tag!
※ While this blog is not strictly +18, I am so such content may be present. The tag for it, if you want to block it, will be #;Non-Sugar Free (with the ; ).
※ Even though I mostly reblog stuff, feel free to ask me to add a specific tag.
※ Please be civil, the world is already insufferable enough.
Fandoms and random posts of mine below!
Diabolik Lovers [Games/Manga]
Kuroshitsuji/Black Butler [Anime/Manga]
Higurashi series [Anime/Visual novel]
Kpop [No specific fandom, but ATEEZ, Mamamoo and Taemin by beloveds]
OC/RP Community
I'm mostly active in DL fandom (especially the OC side tbh), but I enjoy the others a lot from the sidelines ♥
Here's a list of the translations I've done in the past and for the future ones to come! I have re-written many of these to fix a lot of misspelling and grammar mistakes in the broken English language. Feel free to let me know if you have any suggestions or requests!
Listed from newest to oldest. It's not much, but it's honest work (?) ♪(´▽`)
—Diabolik Lovers "Meow Meow Vampire" Short Messages [Sakamaki] [Mukami, Tsukinami & Kino]
—Diabolik Lovers "Zero" Floor 7. Kino -Mini drama-
—Diabolik Lovers "Farfalla Lucio" Fragrances -Masterlist-
—Diabolik Lovers "Dark Fate" Mukami Azusa Route [ Ecstasy 8 ] [ Ecstasy 9 ] [ Ecstasy 10 ] [ Ecstasy Epilogue ] [ Vampire End ]
—Diabolik Lovers "Lunatic Parade" ED: VoiD -English Lyrics-
—Diabolik Lovers "Bloody Bouquet" -Story-
—Bad Medicine: Infectious Teachers ED. "Déjà Vu" -English Lyrics-
※ I've deleted the Bad Medicine route translations I've done, I wasn't feeling good about them. Luckily, there are some translations for the game out there now!
🎇Other Posts
—Yui standing up for herself (ft. Yuma)
—Close-ups of DL Stage play actors [Ayato, Shu, Richter] [Laito, Subaru, Reiji]
—DL Characters dodging the question about their age
—DL Shitposts | Subs. | Sakamaki-flavored | Mukami (dis)approved | when kino
—Wtf is Kino [based on canon lore] [theory of mine]
✩. ·͙ *̩̩͙ ˚̩̥̩̥ *̩̩̥͙  ✩ *̩̩̥͙ ˚̩̥̩̥ *̩̩͙ ‧͙ . . ·͙ *̩̩͙ ˚̩̥̩̥ *̩̩̥͙  ✩ *̩̩̥͙ ˚̩̥̩̥ *̩̩͙ ‧͙ . ✩
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medical-magpie · 2 years
Medical school placement 2022
So I just finished my 3rd year of med school and where I’m enrolled we finish the second semester by 10 weeks at the hospital in 3 different wards so I thought I’d tell you about mines! The placement are decided for us by the administration so we just have to roll with it and hope for the best, I may not have been the luckiest…
1. Nuclear Medicine
I spent 3 weeks there, Monday through Friday and I came out being certain of one thing: despite being a very important speciality it’s not for me and I don’t think I could go in any imaging speciality. My hospital does a variety of examination namely thyroid ultrasound, scintillation and PET scans, it is interesting but to me there’s not enough interaction with the patients and when there is all of them are very short and I think I’d prefer going into a more clinical speciality.
2. Psychiatry
For my second placement I spent another 3 weeks in psychiatry with the liaison, the way it works is a patient from another ward requests psychological assistance to deal with something (symptoms, situations,etc) or the staff contacts us because they think we could improve a situation then according to the request either a nurse or an attending goes to see the patient. For the most part it was a shadowing patient, I got the opportunity once to lead the interview with a former patient of mine. I was also lucky enough to get to shadow the psychiatrist who specialises in trans patients therapy, i had a couple bad experiences with not so great attending regarding caring for transgender patients so I was really interested in shadowing him in particular, especially since he walked me through different things aspects of what can be done in that regard (endocrinology, surgery, fertility treatments, etc) it was eye opening since so far the only times LGBTQ patients have been brought up in class was to tell us about comorbidities and risk factors. Nevertheless I learned a lot about reading between the lines of what patients tell you and how the relationship between the staff and the patients and how it impacts the care given. I also learned that I should probably take another placement in psychiatry because I don’t have the skill set and emotional maturity to say that’s what I want to go into.
3. Infectious and tropical diseases
To finish the year of I did 4 weeks in infectious diseases and that one was especially interested even more thanks to the microbiology module I had this semester. It was the most clinical of the 3 and also the one were I really got to practice the interview and the medical examination, and the only one where I had an externe (in France externe refers to the 3 years before residency where you acquire clinical skills) to walk me through the steps. Overall my favourite and the one I was most invested into, it was diverse and the team was really good. Infectious diseases is a very diverse speciality where you take care of very diverse patients (background, age, pathology), and is served as a crash course in antibiotics too. The professor who did rounds was a very good teacher so it was very motivating to show up at 8am on Fridays, she would force us to think about the cases from the start and tested our knowledge and giving us tips to improve (you can feel the academic crush I had on this woman).
Next year I’ll get to pick 4 placement depending on my ranking (it doesn’t depend upon how well we do on test but on a draw), I already have an idea of what I’d like to pick such as geriatrics, hepato-gastroenterology are at the top of my list for sure.
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Yanagi-Sensei from Bad Medicine~
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thecrazyanimegirl · 6 years
Can you write a Kashu Rem (Bad Medicine) headcanon, where he takes care of his sick S/O (because she had gotten caught in the rain)?
We played his route on japanese and we aren’t
that good at it, so we can’t really say we know him completely, but we hope
this is good ^^
When she comes
home soaked from the rain, water dripping from her clothes and no umbrella in
her hands, he is mad
But then he
tells her to go take the bath and changes clothes, practically pushing her
towards the bedroom
When she comes
back, all warmed up, he is pouting
“You should take
better care of yourself”, he crosses his arms and leans over to her, checking
her out from only inches away
The staring
contest continues for a while, until she can’t help but let out a laugh at the
sight of Rem’s cute pout, but as she laughs, she feels an itch in her nose and
Suddenly, Rem is
in his scientist mode and demands from her to go to bed immediately
She doesn’t
argue because her head hurts and she feels her forehead burning
After pushing
her in bed, he disappears for a while, returning with a bowl in his hands and
placing hot soup in front of her
It has an
awfully suspicious taste but she doesn’t say anything (she can’t really use her
nose at this point and blames it on her cold)
But the burning
in her stomach tells her something is wrong, the painful sensation spreads from
the pit of her stomach towards her throat
To her utter
surprise, she starts laughing uncontrollably
“Hahaha… What was… hahaha in that soup?” Unable to stop herself, her body is shaking
with laughter, only worsening the pain in her stomach
Her vision goes
blank when he answers her (poor girl ate another experiment and she isn’t sure
whether her vision is fuzzy because of the shock or the ingredients Rem was
naming, all super scientific words she barely understood)
She doesn’t even
have strength to argue with him because her body is now very weak, the laughing
subsides and she feels her mind clouding over, the piercing pain in her abdomen
lessening as she slowly loses consciousness
“This one really
will work, it will~”, Rem’s cheerful voice is the last thing she hears as she
falls into the darkness
When she wakes
up he is by her side, the stuffed bunny safely in his hands, wrapped in a tight
It takes her by
the surprise that she is actually feeling much better, her headache is all gone
and her body feels light
She feels the
need to get angry, but one look at Rem and all her anger goes away because he
looks scared for her
He launches
himself on her, hugging her tightly and yelling: “Rem’s special hyper ultra
After that he
doesn’t let her go for a while and keeps telling her to never fall sick again (she
promises even though she can’t really promise that, but she wants Rem to feel
“Even if I do
fall sick, I know you will always save me with your medicine”, she smiles at
“Really, really?”
he looks at her with hopeful childish eyes, smiling widely
“Yes!” she hugs
him back
“Then you should
try this too! Try it~” he pushes a glass of something really sketchy in front
of her face, the liquid is some weird brown-green color and the consistency
seems completely wrong, even the foul odor that spreads from it fits the way it
“No, thank you”,
she deadpans and pushes the glass away. “I’m feeling all better.”
“Aaa come on, come on! Just a little, a
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jokertrap-ran · 26 days
Hello! I came here from the vndb for Bad Medicine Infectious Teachers. First I want to thank you so much for making and sharing the partial patch, it was a pleasant surprise to find that the game was translated at all. I just wanted to know if you’ll make a full one? I checked your tag and you said you were planning to but I’m not sure if that changed.
Hmm it’s highly unlikely I will anymore. I won’t say that I will release one for sure because I really can’t promise it, but I’m not opposed to the idea.
Also partially bc galgames (the group I was working with originally for the original patch itself) disbanded, and otogetranslations, the other group I worked with on a handful of projects (I love them, great team. I still miss them a lot) had to shutter because of the diabolical lovers patch leak incident among many other things…
If I do, I’ll probably have to relook and most likely redo the older translations (because they’re 7-9 years old) and I want to release something with quality that current me is satisfied with!
But all things considered, I think I’ll just re-brush-up on the older text translations and leave it as that…
Sorry, but I hope you understand!
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scarlettholmes · 4 years
"Ein interessantes Experiment - Remu Kashu x Reader" von Scherenschwester12 | Sonstige Computerspiele
Auch wenn ich keine Ahnung habe, ob es hier jemand liest. Dies ist ein kleiner Versuch meinerseits mit einem Oneshot~ --------------------------------- Even if I have no idea whether someone is reading it here or not...This is a little try on my part with a oneshot ~
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milkteaflorist · 3 years
Greetings customers~
My name is Viu and my pronouns are she/her(´▽`ʃ♡ƪ)
My goal here is to make everyone happy through my writing and flowers (∩^o^)⊃━☆
I’m a multi-fandom flower shop themed blog~ 
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Here are the flowers you can request!
🌻 sunflower = fluff 
🌼 jasmine = lime
🌹 red rose = nsfw
🌸 hyacinth = angst 
✅Things I can write:
As written up above, you can request: fluff, lime/steamy, nsfw and angst :)
AUs (other universes)
Reader (any gender) x Character (any gender)
Not ReaderxCharacter related (writing for just the character)
❌Things I won’t write:
Characters cheating
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          ⭐ ℱ𝒶𝓃𝒹𝑜𝓂𝓈 𝓎𝑜𝓊 𝒸𝒶𝓃 𝓇𝑒𝓆𝓊𝑒𝓈𝓉⭐
Twisted Wonderland
Demon Slayer
Moriarty The Patriot
Piofiore No Banshou
Collar x Malice
Bad Medicine: Infectious Teacher
Stardew Valley
Fruits Basket
Mystic Messenger
Ikemen Vampire
Ikemen Prince
Okegom Fandom
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For headcanons: max 5 characters
For drabbles: max 1 character
For oneshot: max 1 character
**Please notice that completing a oneshot might take some more time than hcs and drabbles
**Please notice that English isn’t my first language, I’m going to try my best and proof-read many times to make sure there aren’t grammatical errors, but if you spot some please let me know without being aggressive :)
credits for the dividers 
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akira-hime-sama · 3 years
Can someone help me find this?
Can someone help me find a translation for Bad Medicine ~infectious teachers~ Drama CD Black Vol.6? I need an englisch translation and I found one years ago but I can’t find it again.
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