#Baki x Kozue
hectordoylesmalewife · 11 months
Am I the ONLY one who thinks Hanayama is a TAD bit jealous of kozue? Like why did blud really start gettin all beefy with Baki cause he started dating a chick. Saying shit like “I can give you all the women you want if you live with me. ” Bro, you really pimping out bitches just to keep your home boy from getting with kouzue or try and persuade him to not be with her? Like correct me if I am wrong because this is just my observation but Hanayama you lookin and sounding a bit jealous lol
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yandere-writer-momo · 9 months
Tall, older, voluptuous reader with Baki Hanma is such a fun dynamic. Poor man is putty in your fingers. So what if I throw in Kozue? @lonelystarsstuff
Also did you know that people in Japan are only physically affectionate after the third date?
Yandere Baki Head Canons: Our Girlfriend
Yandere Baki x Tall Afab Reader x Yandere Kozue
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Now the way this younger man stared at you unnerved you. Sure you were used to the way men would stare at you seeing that you’re the only fighter amongst them, but the way Baki stared at you was different. It was almost as if he wanted to eat you. And it wasn’t just him. It was his girlfriend too.
You’ve tried letting the short man down gently but he was determined to have you. It didn’t matter that you didn’t like him, Baki was sure you’d give in eventually. Between him and Kozue, they both really liked you.
“I’m so jealous of how nice you look in everything.” Kozue complimented you, her dark eyes nervously flitted over to your body. Kozue shifted in her chair with nervousness as she bit her lip. “I wish my body looked like yours.”
“Your body looks just fine, Kozue.” You sighed as you ran a hand through your hair. “We are just two very different body types.”
You went to rise up to take off your judo uniform. Which made Kozue’s cheeks flush a bright shade of red.
Kozue’s eyes shifted to the ground when you rose to stand up. You were so tall… she was a bit jealous. “I could help you-“
Kozue gasped when you grabbed her chin and held her face up to look at you. A smirk on your face. “You and your little boyfriend are both little freaks, aren’t you?”
Kozue gulped when your fiery gaze didn’t leave her eyes once. Your gaze was strong and dominant, a side she has never seen of you before… one that made her tremble with excitement. Kozue really liked this side of you.
Your gaze was unmoving when Kozue leaned more into your touch. How peculiar her and Baki were. Were all the fighters weird in Japan? So far, every single one of them had been rather strange to you. You didn’t know if it was because of your larger portions or because of your monstrous height. But you didn’t like the attention all that much.
“If you insist.” You sat down on the bench in front of Kozue. The women’s locker room was empty save for the two of you. “Knock yourself out.”
Kozue’s cheeks flushed a bright cherry red as she stepped forward to help you disrobe out of your judo uniform. Her breath hitched at how muscular you were. She didn’t know women could look like you…
“Are you going to gawk or are you going to help me take this sweaty thing off?” You turned your head to look at the shy girl who merely nodded. You had to admit there was almost something endearing about the small girl. “Do I make you nervous, Kozue?”
And once you stood before her in merely a sports bra and your underwear, Kozue quickly scrambled to turn the other way. Her heart nearly leapt out of her chest at the pace it beat at. She was almost in tears from how attracted to you she was
“I can handle the rest. Thanks.” You then proceeded to dress into sweats. The poor Japanese woman placed her face in her palms in shame. Was it normal to be attracted to someone other than Baki?
Once you were fully clothed, you turned to see the young woman still as red as a cherry. Good god she was strange.
“Alright. I’m heading out.” You slung your gun bag over your shoulder and gave Kozue one last look. “See ya around.”
As you walked out, you were greeted by Baki who seemed to be waiting for you. Hell, he was probably waiting for both you and Kozue.
“Hey. I was wondering if you’d like to go out to eat with Kozue and I?” Baki asked with cheeks the same shade of red as Kozue. “It’s on me.”
You paused for a moment before you clicked your tongue. It’d be a shame to turn down free food. Hopefully those two didn’t make it weird for you. You’ve been out with them two other times so this shouldn’t be as awkward as before. “Ya, I could do that. Just don’t be weird.”
“I mean, I’ll try not to.” Baki nervously scratched the back of his head. “Kozue seems fond of you so I apologize if she can be a bit awkward. It’s not often you get to meet an Amazon like you.”
You hummed. Most of the people here and Japan believed you to be an Amazonian warrior due to your stature. But you were merely a tall woman from (country’s name). Not an Amazon. You didn’t care what they referred to you as. Whatever helped the people around you sleep better at night.
You reached forward to zip up your sweatshirt when you noticed Baki’s gaze linger on your chest. Perhaps you should be a little more self aware? It seemed that modesty was more approved of in Japan. Which was difficult for you due to your well endowed chest. There wasn’t a single clothing department here with clothes that fit you… maybe you should ask that Jack Hanna guy where he shopped from?
Kozue snatched your hand up in hers while you were lost in thought. Baki then grabbed the other as the couple smiled at you. You towered over the two with ease which made you feel even more out of place
“Shall we?” Baki asked as the two eagerly lead you towards a restaurant. “This place has some really nice food.”
The couple lead you in with big smiles on their face. This was finally the third date… the one where they’d both ask you to be their girlfriend! You’ve been out with them two other times already so why not make it official?
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ddollfface · 3 months
𝐓𝐡𝐢𝐬 𝐌𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭 𝐍𝐨𝐭 𝐖𝐨𝐫𝐤…
Types of Readers Baki Men Would and Wouldn't Get Along With
Guys, I think I popped off... (don't say anything about my grammar)
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Kaiou Retsu 
Like: If we're talking about romantically, I think Retsu would be the best fit with somebody who's strong, confident, and level-headed. To be confident doesn't equate to being loud, instead, I'd think those who are the most silent are the most confident. If you have to scream out to the world that you're strong, then you're likely overcompensating. Retsu doesn't really like those who are loud (as mentioned above), seeing as he wants somebody who's always thinking of different outcomes, trying to defuse the situation as much as possible, but also having strong morals that he aligns with. Retsu would get along best with someone who loves to communicate and is emotionally mature, that is, if you ever want to have a long-lasting relationship with him.
Dislike: Honestly, I think somebody who's very immature and can't sit still. Retsu is very calm, always observing, and then reacting. He doesn't like to be brash or make split-second decisions because he feels that they'll never amount to anything productive (though he does have his moments lol). But, overall, I do think that Retsu would freeze if he was ever around, or romantically involved with a reader who's very confident, loud, and just scatterbrained. It would freak him out, causing his brain to go into overdrive, and unlock all of his protective instincts. I mean, how do you expect him to react when he never knows what you're doing? You're always speaking your mind and acting on impulse! Who knows what trouble you'll get into!
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Orochi Katsumi
Like: Katsumi needs someone who can keep up with him, someone who isn't afraid to come out of their shell eventually. He wants someone who’s charismatic, allowing for easy conversions between the two of you. Katsumi wants to date his best friend, his partner in crime, his ride or die, if you will. He won’t get along with someone unless they’re similar to him, in the basic sense. You don’t need to be extremely strong (though, he will find that very hot), too outgoing, or loud, you just need to share some common interests. He doesn’t mind someone who’s more introverted, but he does want to be that person they act a fool around, the person they let loose and be themselves, even if they’re still tame. Katsumi is a bratty kid at heart, and he wants special affection from his lover, something that only he can have. In return, they’ll have all his attention, his heart, and soul, something he’d never give to another person. (puppy!bf energy ngl) 
Dislike: At first, I thought that Katsumi would absolutely loathe a shy darling, but the more I thought about it, I realized that he’d actually hate being with someone who’s aloof, or just disinterested (i.e. Shizuku from HXH). Katsumi loves to talk, to run his mouth all day, and if you’re not listening, then it’ll break his heart. He wants to be seen. Like I said in the paragraph above, he wants his lover to be his best friend, the person he relies on and looks to when in need (depending on the situation). Though I do agree with the idea that Katsumi is very egotistical, he’s still insecure (as are most with such a big ego) and cannot handle someone he holds so dear disregarding with ease. He doesn’t want to be replaceable, seeing as he doesn’t think of his darling as such. Therefore, he’s expectantly the same energy in return. He’s your ride or die, so you gotta match that energy, or else it’s over :/
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Matsumoto Kozue (She's my wife btw) 
Likes: Someone who’s playful, caring, and touchy (basically Baki lol). I like to think that Kozue enjoys soft, wholesome relationships, finding comfort in light touches and laying in each other's arms. She wants to be held and cared for, and she holds herself to the same standard. She wants someone who goes with the floor, understanding that life has its ups and downs, and overcoming things as they go. It puts her at ease to know that her partner is competent enough to assess the situation and not get emotionally stunted. Kozue just needs stability in a relationship, and it can be shown in different ways depending on the person she’s dating/and their preferences. You don’t need to be verbally affectionate, telling her that everything is going to be alright, instead, you can use your actions. There are plenty of ways to provide stability, and Kozue eats it up every time. 
Dislikes: Someone who is really hothead and can’t handle change, someone who’s insecure in themselves. Their insecurity (and I mean aggressive insecurity, where they push it onto others, Katou) makes her nervous and it just settles a horrible foundation in the relationship. She gets fidgety, constantly worrying that they’ll have an outburst/mental breakdown. Kozue is a sweetheart, so she obviously cares for her darling, not wanting them to feel unloved and have panic attacks, but it’s difficult since they won’t let her in. She needs someone who’s both physically and emotionally available, someone who won’t push her away when they’re mad. Of course, it makes sense to want space when you’re angry, but when you’re constantly angry, refusing to talk things through, and resorting to violence to get what you want, it’s a no-go for her.
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Kiyosumi Katou
Likes: If you were to ask Kiyosumi what his type is, then he’d tell you with a wide grin that he likes them dumb and fuckable, playing up this playboy facade (that majority of people see through). Maybe he’ll even add a cheeky laugh, saying that a shy thing would be pretty cute too, but don’t be fooled. This man is so needy, wanting any affection he can get. Don’t get me wrong, he’s not a cinnamon roll or whatever the fuck. Kiyosumi is a grown man with some… violent tendencies, and manipulative ones as well. He isn’t mature and acts brash whenever he can, overestimating himself when face-to-face with a stronger opponent. Nevertheless, Kiyousmi wants a lover who’s motherly, or caring, someone who’ll listen and look through his little facade, caring for him even though he’s being an ass. Or in other words, he just wants patience. Deep down Kiyosumi understands that he’s not the easiest to get along with, but once you get past his original cocky attitude and bitchy presence, then you’ll meet a new side of him. A side that’s far calmer, no longer instigating and picking fights, just watching. If anything, he becomes a little pouty (lol), and he’s far more clingy, wanting more domestic affection. But do keep in mind that this will take years to build up to, he needs a foundation of trust to let himself calm down. Once he realizes that you aren’t going anywhere, then he treats you with care 
Dislikes: He loathes stupid people, and I mean genuinely stupid, like a bimbo, not reckless stupid. He cannot maintain a conversation with someone who cannot comprehend that people in the ‘20s could in fact see color… Though he wouldn’t mind fucking around with a bimbo, having a one-night stand and such, he wouldn’t be able to maintain a long-term relationship with them, nor would he be able to respect them. And that’s a pillar of trust for Kiyosumi, if he doesn’t respect you, then you’re not getting anywhere in the relationship. If Kiyosumi thinks you’re lesser than him (be it through smarts or strength), he’ll absolutely bully you to oblivion, never giving you a moment of rest. If he paired with someone genuinely stupid, no matter how kind they are, he would berate them, creating a toxic relationship. Yeah… I do not recommend, it really would just be a messy, one-sided relationship that would just end in tears.
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Hanma Baki 
Likes: This was a little difficult for me since Baki meshes so well with many different types of people, so thinking of a singular personality he goes with is unrealistic. Though if we’re talking about romantic partners, then I think that Baki would really like a S/O who’s kinda bratty, but in a nice way(?). He wants a back-and-forth, some type of conversation that’ll get a chuckle out of him every time he thinks about them. He’d like a comedic darling, whether their comedy is through dark humor, sarcasm, or just being a clutz, he doesn’t care. Baki just wants someone who’s a little lighthearted, who wants to make the situation more enjoyable through humor. This type of darling would have a brighter outlook on the world, seeing the world through a lens of low expectations and easy-flowing thoughts. They don’t have to be loud, nor do they have to be extremely talkative, Baki is okay with some silence. He doesn’t mind just enjoying each other’s presence, but I think he’d like someone with a sense of humor, being drawn in with their witty comebacks/comments.
Dislikes: Honestly, there are not many types of people Baki doesn’t get along with, seeing as he has an easy-going personality that most enjoy. That just means that if he doesn’t like you, then you’re likely a POS. I think that for Baki to not like you, and genuinely dislike your presence, you’d have to be extremely rude and not in a funny way. You’re just annoying and nit-picky, whilst having no accomplishments yourself. Similar to the expression ‘those who live in a glass home shouldn’t throw stones,’ Baki believes that if you haven’t accomplished anything and don’t relate to someone’s struggles, then keep your mouth shut. You don’t have a right to comment and berate others for trying hard, even if they don’t do too well, when you don’t strive for anything yourself. This type of person would just irk Baki, and there’s no way he’d be able to have a romantic (or platonic, for that matter) with them.
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Hanma Yujiro 
Likes: Okay, so this is kind of difficult for me to give an exact personality, seeing as Yujiro doesn’t really love. I don’t think he’s made for the romantic, homey type of love most people share with one another, instead, he was made for blood and war. A more primal love is fitting of him, a love might not be even love to begin with. Well, unless he respects you. I think what could really change the type of personality Yujiro likes depends on the type of romantic relationship he has with reader. If the relationship is that of a sugar baby/plaything, then expect the heartless playing that’s a mindfuck for the average person. But if it’s a genuine relationship, where Yujiro somehow got attached, then it’ll be quiet, a little eerie, but it resembles love far more than the usual mindfuck he gives people. I’m sure I could talk about this for days, so I’ll summarize by stating the basic things he’s looking for in both types of relationships. 
For starters, Yujiro isn’t normal, the exact opposite actually. He’s the definition of an anomaly, the unusual, the rare, and irreplaceable. It’s likely that there will be no one like Hanma Yujiro to ever exist after he, eventually, dies, though some don’t even know if he’ll ever pass away. As to be expected, Yujiro wants to surround himself with the unusual, especially if they’re to be his “lover,” or plaything, depending on the relationship. He’s somewhat similar to a crow, he likes new things, things no one has ever seen, the unattainable. This means that you’d have to be crazy special, or hella courageous, to earn the respect of Yujiro. And those are the types of people who attract his affection. Yujiro loves to interact with those who discover new things, whether it be a new fighting style, historical movement, or social change. Though Yujiro is egotistical, I do think that Yujiro likes to learn. Yujiro wants to grow, to accomplish, and to conquer, and how will he do that without learning about the world around him? He wants to be the best at everything, so that’s why he wants a darling who’s a specialist.
This means that you’d have to be smart, extremely so, whether that intellectual talent comes from your brain or your instincts, it doesn’t matter to Yujiro. He sees both types as valuable assets. I do think that he’d mingle better with someone who’s on the more observant side, who’s able to read him like a book. That’s the type of person who’d catch his interest, and if they can maintain his interest for many years, then they’ve successfully earned his respect(?). 
Dislikes: It’s safe to say that Yujiro doesn’t like many people. I could probably write a whole book on the many different types of personalities this man doesn’t mesh well with, but won’t because I think there’s a specific type of a person he absolutely despises, consistently that is. Those who are both lazy and chatty are the type that make Yujiro want to smash his head in, or theirs to be realistic, and I think it stems from his constant need to be fighting, moving, using his hands, anything. Yujiro doesn’t like small talk, wanting to just cut to the chase and get over with it, stop talking, and do some action for God’s sake! He hates mindless banter and believes that real men don’t use filler words to lighten the impact of what they say, instead, they should state their opinions with their chest. Because of this, I think that this would carry over to his love life (which is nonexistent, btw). Yujiro wants someone like himself in a sense, someone who knows when to shut up and just act. He gets pissed whenever a girl just talks his ears off, specifically not saying anything of substance, just babbling off about some useless crap he could care less about.
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Biscuit Olivia 
Likes: Honestly, he’s the opposite of Yujiro, instead of hating everyone, this man mixes pretty well. This is likely due to the fact he has quite the ego, leading to him having quite the confidence in everything he does, never doubting himself and how he interacts with others. That being said, I think that Olivia would like someone who’s humble, sweet, and happy. Someone who’s just content being alive and treats everyone with kindness. This type of darling is someone who, though they were kidnapped, and possibly forced into working at the prison, will still reciprocate Olivia’s affections, leaning into his touch, and smiling up at him with kind eyes. They’ll also have a sweet heart, not wanting to spend any of his money. I stand with the Sugar Daddy Olivia movement, there’s no doubt that this man spoils his darling rotten. He spends money on you because he wants to, ‘cause it makes you flush and smile whenever he gives you a bouquet of flowers. But it makes his heart swell, seeing you flush and refuse, saying that it’s far too expensive and that he shouldn’t be spending money left and right. It’s not that they say this from a perspective of insecurity, but that they can’t imagine living a life of complete financial freedom. Of course, he’ll just assure them that he has all the money in the world, there’s nothing to worry about. Just let him take care of you! 
Dislikes: Anyone who doesn’t like Maria is dead in his book. If you don’t rock with his wife, then you don’t rock with him. I cannot imagine Olivia ever having another darling if it isn’t with Maria (in some type of poly relationship), or if she dies from her sickness. If Maria doesn’t like you, then there’s no way for the relationship to work. He needs both of his baby’s to be happy! And how can they both be happy if they’re fighting like cats and dogs? In most situations, Maria likely took an interest in you, and Olivia followed suit. I imagine that Maria doesn’t like many people, so to get on her good side is hella hard. IF you did, then you were probably really genuine, treating her like a normal person, and not the as the Unchainable’s Lover. You may have had some spunk to you, adding some snarky comments, but keeping it respectful and playful. From there, she was attracted to you and thought you were interesting, so she continued to request you (this is assuming that you work at the prison, or Olivia took Maria out somewhere idk). And the rest is history…
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Jun Guevara 
Likes: Jun is a simple man with simple interests and wants, not to take away from his character or anything. Of course, as all humans are, he has complex thoughts and feelings, but he just chooses not to think about them too much. Now, that I say that, Jun doesn’t think, he just acts, listening to his feelings in the moment. That doesn’t mean he isn’t smart, his initial action is fueled and spurred on by his emotions, but is guided by his conscience. Because of this, Jun wants someone similar, a free-spirit if you will. Though he wouldn’t mind someone strong-willed, stubborn, or anxious, I think he’d match far better with someone who’s aloof, going with the flow, and speaking from the heart. They don’t think too deeply about things but aren’t stingy about expressing their inner thoughts and turmoil. They’re like an open book, and Jun respects that, finding it to be a breath of fresh air, something to look forward to. They’d have to be his peace in a sense, being his calm before the storm, voicing any ideas that they have without any inner motivation of taking advantage of him. Bonus points if they like the ocean or traveling, by sea preferably. 
Dislikes: Jun loathes those who are motivated by money and physical things, letting it dictate their decision-making, even if it causes others pain and suffering. These are the type of people that’d befriend someone well off just to sink their teeth into their neck like a leech, using them for what they’re worth before dropping them like they never existed. Jun finds these types of people to be corrupt, both mentally and in the way they lead their lives. For some reason, it brings some type of inner turmoil that he doesn’t want to address, and instead just acts on it, deciding to break, crush, and embarrass thoughts with such surface-level care. Another type of person Jun would hate is someone who liters, someone who doesn’t care for nature or those around them, and just lashes out, ruining the things around him. He finds a lack of care for nature to be an utter turn-off, something that’s also a corrupt way of living. So to put it in simple terms, I think that Jun greatly dislikes those who are sociopathic and act out of their own interests. 
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inspired by: @iskratempestmadness
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rae-pss · 1 year
i was bored, so take these.
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iskratempestmadness · 1 month
Hi! I really like your Baki headcanons, so I was wondering if I could headcanons for the boys having a small s/o like a lot or more shorter?
Okay, let's do it.
I'm going to try a new format to describe more characters.
A thing from a high shelf
It was quite funny to watch. Honestly. He was probably trying not to laugh. But the picture he saw was funny, a little awkward, but undoubtedly sweet. The thing is, you've been trying to get a pack of cookies from the top shelf for a while now. While you were trying to finish the job you started, for some reason the idea of taking a chair did not occur to you. And of course your height was certainly not playing in your favor right now. So small and neat, you jumped, stood on chains, stretched and, alas, could not get the coveted pack in any way. And of course, this charming picture was accompanied by grumbling that the cookies could have been placed lower, and that it was probably done on purpose.
So how could he not help you? Of course he did. Coming up behind you, it took him a little effort to get the cookies off the shelf.
It has probably already become clear that he extremely likes your height and for this reason it becomes the reason for many of his jokes.
Yuuichirou Hanma, Chiharu Shiba, Retsu Kayoh, Atsushi Suedou, Jun Guevara
wearing on your shoulders
Not so long ago you decided to make a habit of walking in the park. However, with your boyfriend, every walk turned into a race. And this time was no exception.
So, as usual, you were walking behind and were already several dozen steps behind because of the length of your legs, and he was walking ahead with an energetic step, and for you he was flying, again because of the length of his legs. When you asked him to slow down for the hundredth time, he stopped. The moment you reached him, he picked you up in his arms and a second later you were sitting on his shoulders. Because of your height, your dangling legs barely reached his abs. The hands were on his head, gently running through his short hair.
... It was unexpected and perhaps sweet.
But that's only on your part. He was rather embarrassed at that moment. But he does not deny the fact that it is doubly pleasant for him to walk with you like this.
Jack Hanma, Hanayama Kaoru, Hector Doyle, Dorian, Kato Kiyosumi (he liked it between Your legs), Biscuit Oliva, Nomi no Sukune
You're wearing clothes
Perhaps lately you've been noticing posts in your feed too often about how girls took guys' clothes for themselves. Someone complained about it and was outraged, someone liked it and thought it was cute. You've never done anything like this. Well, the hour of your debut has come.
When your boyfriend came home, the first thing he felt was the smell of dinner. He could clearly hear the smell of baked chicken and potatoes, as well as the notes of salad. And of course the first thing he did was head to the kitchen. And bingo! He guessed right. The appetizing-smelling chicken was cooking in the oven, and at that time you were busy with the salad.
But there was something else that he noticed. He recognized one of his hoodies on you. Oh, don't worry, she sat on you wonderfully! Despite the fact that it was a little too long, the sleeves were long and the neckline was a little wide.
And.. it caused emotions. At first, a slight surprise, and later it was replaced by tenderness and quiet joy.
He definitely has a couple dozen of that image in his phone.
Baki Hanma, Kozue Motsumoto, Orochi Kastumi, Orochi Natsue, Tokugawa Mitsunari (in this case, the clothes just fit), Sikorsky (the coat was stolen), Koushou Shinogi
Oh, it's uncritical for him, trust me. He has eyes, he knew who he was meeting and immediately appreciated your size. So... Your height is just your height. He doesn't attach much importance to it. However, he will support you if you have complexes about it.
Yujiro hanma, Orochi Doppo, Kaku Kayoh, Shibukawa Goki, Ryuukou Yanagi, Spec, Kureha Shinogi
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selinay-04 · 1 year
Can we talk about how annoying kozue was like. She was giving pick me girl and when she got in the middle of the fight I was screaming BITCH MOVE!!! BAKI CLEARLY MOVED ON TO BETTER AND OTHER THINGS!!!
i usually don’t hate female characters but HER!!!! Lord have mercy!!! She‘s fucking annoying and in the middle of the fight…she was like the pick me girls in school who wanted to calm down the boys when their fighted!!! She doesn’t match in the storyline sorry not sorry
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quennyquinn · 10 months
T/N: Hora del plan G.
baki: ¿No te refieres al plan B?
T/N: No, probamos el plan B hace mucho tiempo. Tuve que saltarme el plan C por dificultades técnicas.
kozue: ¿Qué pasa con el plan D?
T/N: El plan D fue ese desesperado intento de disfrazarse hace media hora.
jack: ¿Qué pasa con el plan E?
T/N: Espero no usarlo. yujiro muere en el plan E.
baki: Me gusta el plan E.
Jack: a mi también
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poopyballz28 · 6 months
What do you think Baki's functional ships would be?
Now this is interesting. So many people tend to ship Baki with his own father so maybe those people should take notes right about now.
Starting off with one of my favorites, Chiharu x Baki. Gonna be honest, this ship originally interested me because of all the homoerotic things Chiharu says to Baki in the english dub. (Pretty boy, Saying he looks good with a bloody nose, talking about his butt, etc) But when you really think about it, it's a pretty fun idea. In a way, Baki has Chiharu wrapped around his finger in every aspect. Baki can pin him down and make him flustered easy as pie if he so felt like it, it's cute to think about. Not to mention they are both consenting adults who are not related to each other.
Know this ones pretty obvious since it's literally canon, but Baki x Kozue. They are just perfect to me. I adore how lowkey similar they are and how cute they are in their scenes in the animanga. Just two wonderful little lovers. I hope they flourish for all of eternity.
Baki x Kaoru. This ones a cute one, and was a lot of peoples first ship when starting the series, including mine. Baki having a gargantuan yakuza boyfriend who is actually a really nice guy and enjoys Baki's company the most is unsurprisingly, very sweet. As stoic as Kaoru may be, Baki always brings out the most in him. Love these two.
Sat here for an hour trying to think of any other functional Baki ships but genuinely nothing is coming to mind. If anyone can think of any other actual functional ships with Baki in it please let me know down below.
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leleouwu · 1 year
Characters whoever from where ever you want wearing onesie like the cute ones NOW! 🫢😤
Almost forgot to reply to this today but I'm done! And I know u probably meant only one character buuut I got 3 since I found a funny reference for it, anygays, have poly Me, Baki, Kozue and Hanayama in a slumber party!
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Yaay frog onesies! And here's some closeups bcz ye(and yeah I'm wearing a beanie under the onesie bcz I had a schmol problem with my hair and have to wait sum time until I can shave it like Jack's hair lol)
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ozzgin · 1 year
[Baki Masterlist]
Yandere! Pickle x Reader
"Was that Hanayama on the phone?" you inquire slightly distracted. "What did he want?"
"I'll explain more on the way, (Y/N). I know it's a bit sudden, but we should hurry."
Baki grabs your wrist with gentle confidence and begins to sprint lightly, allowing you to match his pace.
"What the hell? Did something happen?" you increase your speed without complaints, though you'd like to know why you just started running like a madman.
"Remember that caveman we saw on TV?"
"Pickle? Yeah, how is that-" your mouth hangs open for a few more seconds as you process the information, and as everything finally clicks into place you furrow your brows at the young boy. He quickly turns his head to glance at you and flashes an apologetic smile.
"I just wanted to see him with my own eyes. Aren't you curious, too?"
You press your lips together and just look ahead. When Baki is like this, there's no point in arguing. The two of you have developed this dynamic of a little brother looking for trouble and the older sibling going along with it, too softened by their affection to say no.
You assume you've reached your destination when a large group of men are standing close together, observing something in frightened silence. You push past them and notice Hanayama, standing casually in front of the large man that's been making the headlines for the past days. Your eyes trace the heavy dents and cracks left in the asphalt, somewhat regretful for missing the event that caused them.
Pickle turns around, following Hanayama's gaze. Among the terrified expressions there's a small boy grinning with excitement. Next to him is an even smaller human who immediately reminds Pickle of the woman that had approached him upon his arrival. His eyes widen as he takes in the soft features and smooth frame. The tiny human returns the stare, although with detached indifference. Pickle can feel his heart throbbing loudly in his chest. He doesn't sense any fear and that entrances him greatly.
"Hey, come on, don't be like that." Baki snaps him back to reality. "I've been looking forward to seeing you, you know? I wanted to meet you so badly! When I heard you escaped, I asked Hanayama to keep an eye out for me."
Pickle extends his fist, seemingly unimpressed by the monologue, and Baki doesn't hesitate to return the gesture. Within seconds Baki finds himself flipped upside down, but he quickly readjusts himself and lands safely, struck with amazement.
"Isn't that aikido?!" you gasp in disbelief, sharing Baki's reaction. Pickle immediately picks up on the fact that you've observed him and a satisfied smile appears on his face. Were you impressed by his newly acquired skills? Whatever bizarre techniques these humans were throwing at him weren't hard to decipher nor reproduce.
Pickle's musings are interrupted by a strong kick to the face. Baki barely manages to contain himself. He's panting and sweating with feverish anticipation.
Before Pickle can react, the tiny human swings her arm and whacks the boy behind his head.
"Oi! What's the matter with you? This is the kind of face you make when seeing your girlfriend, not some random museum exhibit. Tone it down or I'll let Kozue know what kind of pervert she's dating!"
"It's not like that!" Baki rubs his freshly earned wound in embarrassment. "And you didn't have to hit me that hard. You're going to scare Pickle off."
The large prehistoric man watches the exchange. He doesn't understand what they're saying, but the body language indicates that they're close. Are they mates? He becomes slightly irritated at the thought. He wants to know the pretty looking human better, but it now seems there's an obstacle in the way. He'll take care of it.
Pickle starts walking away, guiding his new friends down the busy streets of Tokyo until they reach the underground arena. Despite Tokugawa's anger upon finding the escape artist, you whistle in admiration. You wish you had this kind of spatial orientation.
"So, what is it you want to do now that you've brought us here?" Baki is the first one to break the silence.
"Baki, isn't it obvious what you're gonna do here? You know what's done here, don't you? He's picking a fight with you!" Tokugawa exclaims, the scolding attitude from a moment ago long forgotten.
The light above you is abruptly dimmed and you look up to see that Pickle is somehow standing inches away, towering over with a wide grin. How did it bypass your attention? Tokugawa lets out a yell of surprise; Hanayama and Baki immediately switch to a defensive stance. They didn't expect this.
"W-what is he doing?" the old man mumbles in fear.
Pickle places a heavy hand on your head and ruffles your hair lightly. You stare in confusion, unsure how to react. He bends over for a brief moment and inhales in rapid intervals, as if inspecting your scent. Once satisfied, he growls at you - perhaps in an attempt to communicate - and turns back to Baki.
"Is it possible he likes (Y/N)?" Hanayama hums, weighing his thoughts.
"In that case, maybe he sees Baki as his rival?" Tokugawa points out.
"Hmmm. Then it should make this fight even more entertaining." Hanayama continues.
"I'm in the room, you know? You're talking as if I'm some meat on display." you groan in annoyance.
"Sorry, sorry, (Y/N). We'll clear things up with Pickle after this, alright? Until then let me have my fun, please~" he pouts and looks at you with pleading eyes.
The large man grinds his teeth in anger as he's witnessing this clear display of disrespect. He's just announced his intentions to claim you, and this human half his size is mocking him in plain sight. He'll make sure he never gets up again. With a thrust, he lands his foot on Baki's chest and sends him flying into the public seating. The poor young boy gasps for air and passes out almost instantly.
Pickle begins to approach him in heavy, menacing steps. Hanayama raises his arms in his signature stance, pondering whether or not to interfere in someone else's fight. You don't share his battle etiquette and plant yourself in the path of the Jurassic man.
"That's enough. You've won." you claim in a low, assertive demand.
Pickle puckers his lips in surprise and curiosity. His eyebrows are raised and he stops to consider. Are you trying to protect your mate? Do you not understand how these things work? He's stronger and therefore entitled to his prize. Why wouldn't you want a partner that's more capable of protecting you, anyways? It makes no sense.
He gently presses your shoulder in an attempt to move you out of the way, but it doesn't seem to do much. He increases the force to the point he can feel your arm muscles contracting and flexing, though you still don't budge. His mouth opens slightly and he lets out an inquiring growl.
Looking into your eyes, he catches a glimpse of the same determination he saw in the man he fought recently. A smile widens on his face, revealing his polished fangs. To think that such a small body is holding so much tenacity. He's very proud of himself for finding a fitting partner.
You haven't attacked him so far, so he guesses you've reached a similar conclusion. You're probably asking him to let the feeble human live with his loss. He can, of course, show this courtesy for your sake. He lifts you by the waist and holds you above his head. He can finally take his time admiring your features. He wants to etch them into his memory, down to the finest detail.
"Well...that stopped him at least." Tokugawa comments with his arms folded, standing awkwardly before the bizarre scene.
"I doubt he'll harm (Y/N), so let's get Baki out of here." Hanayama climbs up the stairs towards the unconscious boy. "Can we leave you alone with Pickle for now, (Y/N)? I'm sorry for putting you into this situation."
"I should manage", you sigh in defeat. Once again you're left to deal with the mess. You pat Pickle's head in an attempt to secure your safety even further. The large man is elated and lets out some high pitched sounds that reverberate across the arena. He even dares to wonder if his awakening was something meant in order to meet you. That's how he feels right now, at least. A fateful encounter with his lifelong companion, regardless of where this strange new life might take him.
"Ooh, Professor Payne won't be happy about this..." Tokugawa laments, following Hanayama.
"I'm glad you're finally done with your Jurassic adventure", you tell Baki as both of you stroll through the city.
"I'm a bit salty I didn't win, though." He slouches dramatically and you laugh at his theatrics.
"You're never satisfied with anything. You should be grateful you didn't end up like Retsu, Katsumi or Jack." you place your index in front of his face, pretending to lecture him.
"By the way, did you see the latest news? They want to put Pickle back to sleep. What will you do?"
"Me? What business do I have with it? I had him attached to my hip this whole time, I can finally catch my breath."
"It was your one and only chance to have a boyfriend!" Baki teases you with a wink. "Poor Pickle is probably going mad looking for you now. Don't you want to at least say goodbye?"
"If I go say goodbye I won't leave again, so no thank you."
You slow down as you reach the intersection. This is where you usually part ways, so your conversation has come to an end.
"Well, it was nice hanging out with you. I'll see you around." the boy waves as he continues to the left. You check the time on your phone and stretch with a yawn. You can't wait to have a proper sleep.
You arrive at your apartment and fumble with your pockets to find the keys. When you glance at the lock, you notice a massive shadow looming over the entire wall. You step back instinctively and realize that whatever is creating the shadow currently stands behind you. Two arms sprawl out and twist around your body. You're overwhelmed by a now familiar smell.
Pickle rests his head on yours and closes his eyes. Oh, the absolute terror he went through when he realized you were no longer with him! The helplessness of not being to communicate this disaster to the confused humans in white coats, staring at him without the slightest idea. How did not a single one of them comprehend that his partner vanished? He'd trashed the place over in a blind rage and turned the city upside down in his desperate search. He never felt so vulnerable and naked and weak. Thankfully, he knows your scent so well that the smallest hint of it can get him running.  
But alas, you're here now in his arms and he vows to never lose you again. He doesn't know where he is or what this reality means, but he has one certainty he can cling onto. That you're all his, until time freezes over again.
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sl33paholics · 11 months
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Pay Attention To Me
Baki Hanma x Dom!Black!fem reader
Warning(s): smut (handjob), fem!dom! reader, odaxelagnia, slang, crying, overstimulation, teasing, a bit of degrading, bounding, ball-play
Edit: Why is this getting so popular? I literally made this bc I was bored 😭
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You're the second girlfriend Baki has gotten in his whole life. After him and Kozue didn't see eye to eye on things, they've decided to end their relationship. It left the poor boy heart broken and didn't bother to search for another as she was his one and only soulmate, the second woman he could share his trust and secrets to.
The two of you came across each other when you were at a convince store one evening after school, your cart stacked with snacks as you stared at the different varieties of milk on the shelf. You were exhausted. You didn't even notice a dark-haired boy staring at your direction as you mindlessly stood there. "Get strawberry." You turned your head to where the voice came from. "Strawberry milk. It'll suit a pretty lady like yourself." He'd say, walking off. You couldn't help but giggle.
Soon, one encounter turned into another. The two of you kept seeing each other at that store once, twice, hell, even three times a week. You sometimes even wondered if he was there to buy something or to just see you and chit-chat. Eventually, you two became friends in the process. Hanging out at different locations, walking through the park, in the city. You were flattered by the guy's presence and personality. Baki was comfortable enough to tell you about his previous relationship, sharing both the joys and heartbreaks that shaped him. As your friendship deepened, you found solace in the genuine connection, realizing that sometimes, unexpected encounters could lead to the most meaningful relationships. The two of you began dating soon after.
It's been weeks since you two started dating, and you were already fed up by the frustration of the fact that Baki wasn't paying enough attention to you, not enough PDA. You'd often find yourself lonely. He'd disappear for so long and come back for a short time, only to be gone. He'd never let you into his business. You'd notice recent bruises on his face and body and didn't dare to question him about it.
It just irked your soul. This whole thing made you into an irate woman. You didn't bother to speak to him whenever he came back, never answering your messages or listening to voice emails. But oh, he always knew where to find you. Whenever coming out of the shower, you'd always see him at your window tap tap tappin' away for you to let him in to talk.
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Now here you are, at his small vandalized house in the middle of the night. The soft, whimpering sounds coming from Baki as you tied him up, Frog Tie style. He was laid on his back, staring at you as you took off your clothes, revealing your black corset lingerie. Baki couldn't look away from how alluring you looked. His poor cock twitching in eagerness. Baki slowly sat up, attempting to break free from the rope before being slammed back down onto the ground, making a grunt sound looking up to see your smug expression. "Y/N, please..." he whined, his voice deep and husky with arousal. You chuckled as you lubed up your hand, you grabbed his cock and wrapped your fingers around it, your pinky finger is close to his balls while your index finger was more close to the top of his shaft. Baki felt your fingertips touching the head.
You slowly stroked him up and down with your hand. "Say, Baki, you're strong. How come you can't break free out of the rope, hmm??" You ask, drawing your attention to the look on his face. The expression of neediness and embarrassment plastered was over. You couldn't help but chuckle. How pathetic he looked under you as you took control. "Those scars on your naked body, the bruised marks on your face, you should be able to break free, pin me down, and fuck me into oblivion. But you ain't, tell me." Baki was panting heavily, the slow strokes were sending him on the edge as his cock was awfully stiff and hard. He didn't know what to say. He wasn't expecting to get bounded up like this. It was humiliating.
Baki turned his head to the side, his hair covering his eyes, his chest rising up and down rapidly. He felt your other hand grab his face, his lips puckering together as you turned his head back to face you. "Did I say that you could look away," Baki shook his head. "Then why did you do it? Did I give you permission to do that?!" You swiftly moved your hand down to his neck, giving it a grip and seeing his eyes widen. As you continued stroking him up and down, you rubbed your thumb over and back on the head of his cock. Baki was shuddering. It didn't help that the rest of his body was beginning to heat up. He felt it all from his stomach to his chest.
Unexpectedly, Baki was somehow able to jerk away from you, catching you off guard. He was trying to find a way to get his arms free. You quickly grabbed the boy and turned him over. Baki's ass up was now up in the air and on all fours. You smacked his ass, hearing a yelp escape from his mouth. Again, and again, and again, and again. More and more, the welping now turned into mewling. Using your other hand to grab Baki's neck, lifting him up towards you, he was now sobbing. "Don't fuckin' play with me," you said gripping his ass, he could feel your nails in his skin "You think you slick? Trying to move away from me? Fuckin' try it." Your grip became tighter, and harder. The boy tried to scream but it came out as a squeal.
You pushed him back down, his head hitting the ground as Baki groaned. Leaning down, putting your head in his neck area, you began to kiss it lightly. You could feel his body tense up, and then relax. You continued kissing him, making sure he wouldn't move around too much. Baki let out another squeak of pleasure, this time one that seemed a little more desperate than before. As you were continuing the sweet torture, you went back to jerking him off. Your hands went towards his sack, you gently fondled with them as your movement on his cock went at a rapid pace. His body trembling. Those kisses soon turned into biting, you left hickeys all over his neck but others looked like genuine bite marks.
You felt pre-cum dripping. "Hm? Close to cumming, Baki? You're gonna explode all in ma' hand? Like the little bitch you are?" You said in his ear, he was now moaning loudly. Not caring to hold back the sounds of pleasure coming from his mouth, you started sucking his earlobe. "Mmm...you taste so good baby. I love when yer moanin' like that. It gets my heart goin'."
Baki finally came. Your hand was now covered in his seed as he lay there, drooling out of his mouth and tears still running down his cheeks. He felt exhausted. He felt defeated. Baki closed his eyes as he tried to control his breathing. You began to remove the rope off his body, seeing him go limp. "Next time, your pushiment would be harder, baby."
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Fall is on the mind so I wanted to make some cute fluffy fall date head canons!
Happy Fluffy Friday
Baki Head Canons
Fall activities with Baki men (+ Kozue)
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Katsumi Orochi
Hot apple cider and fall rom coms (he always chickens out with horror movies)
Sweet kisses, soft giggles, and cuddling under the same scarf
Haunted houses (he always picks you up and runs out of there)
Matching fall outfits
Katsumi is incredibly romantic. Expect his social media to be flooded with pictures he took of you (and him)
Baki Hanma
Jumping in leaf piles
Pumpkin spice lattes and other fall treats
Haunted houses
Baki is so sweet. He takes a lot of pictures of you during each activity
Jack Hanma
Hiking in the forest to see the leaves changing colors
Stealing his hoodies
Cuddling by the fire place and drinking hot cocoa (he put protein powder in his)
Sitting on a hill together to watch the stars after he’s done training
Jack doesn’t say much about his feelings for you, but his actions show you that he cares
Hanayama Kaoru
He will buy anything you want. Whether it’s a new fall wardrobe or seasonal treats, he will buy it for you
Hanayama is down for whatever activity you’d like to do so long as it’s classy
He would take you to a fall festival and he’d secretly hire a photographer to take pictures of you during the entire outing so he can keep the pictures in an album
Hanayama just enjoys spending time with you
Kaioh Retsu
Fall treats and pumpkin carving. Retsu is surprisingly artistic
Retsu enjoys fall festivals and he loves the weather. He thinks it’s cute that the two do you adorn matching sweaters
Retsu is all about the seasonal treats. He’s a little sucker for sweets. He is quite fond of chai tea and pumpkin cookies
He is the perfect boyfriend
Why? Why would you bring him along to the fall festival?
Pickle ate a handful of leaves and then cried in your arms because they tasted awful
Pickle burned his tongue on hot apple cider and it made him incredibly sad (you made it up to him by getting him apple cider slush)
Pickle also ate all the apples in the apple dunk activity. You can’t keep your eyes off him for a second…
Kozue Matsumoto
Baking sweet treats! Kozue loves to bake with you
She insists on wearing matching sweaters with you. She thinks it’s cute
Kozue also knitted you a scarf for when it’s extra chilly
She mostly enjoys being inside with you so she can rest her head on your chest
Kiyosumi Katou
He brings you to a distillery to try all of the seasonal beverages. He swears he won’t drink much (you have to get the two of you a ride back home)
He mostly enjoys the simplicity of laying in bed or on the couch with you. Katou just enjoys being near you
Katou isn’t much of an activity guy, but if there’s something you really want to do, he will go with you
Doppo Orochi
Perfect husband material right here. He will surprise you with presents that contain seasonal clothing or treats. Doppo just loves to make you smile
Doppo will take you to all the festivals you want to go to. He enjoys being in your company so any activity with you, brings him joy
Doppo will give you his jacket if you get to be a little chilly. He always puts your well being above his own
He secretly takes pictures of you sipping apple cider or staring at the leaves on his phone. You won’t know about it until you see the collage he made to be his Home Screen
Doppo constantly steals pumpkin cookies from you when you’re not looking
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kengan-daddies · 1 month
The Boy Next Door Baki Hanma x Motherly! Older Reader
Ch. 1 Ch. 2 Ch. 3 Ch. 4 Ch. 5
@zeniiis @tae-v-eat @hauntedsweetsfest @brynanna @cloudy-010
@hippiezworldz @urisu @milybqbes
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Anime : Baki: Son of Ogre
Character : Baki Hanma
Warnings : Possessive behavior, obsessive behavior, murder, mention of suicide
The Boy Next Door Baki Hanma x Motherly! Older Reader
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The Boy Next Door Baki Hanma x Motherly! Older Reader
'It's been a month since Kozue's death, and everyone's shock was heavy with silence, she wasn't the most popular girl but she was well known. She was known to be a happy, charming, positive, academic, and blunt girl, she was never known to be suicidal, depressed, or negative. The news flew around like wildfire when a female student discovered Kozue's body.'
'the school was shut down and everyone was evacuated with quickness, the school was out for the next week for proper investigations to be done, everyone who knew her was pulled aside for questioning, and nobody was seen as a suspect. They ruled her death off as the classic case of a suicidal teenager, and her case was closed.'
The Boy Next Door
Baki scoffed quietly as he lay on his bed, his hands laced behind his head and his ankles crossed as he stared at the ceiling. 'The laws get lazier and lazier each year, pretty soon they won't even care to investigate and will just write it off as some petty crime. It's pathetic how broken the system is.' He thought as his eyes drifted close. "Maybe I'll take a little nap, I got nothing better to do." He mumbled. His eyes glanced over at the small clock. '11:22 am... A nap wouldn't hurt.' He thought as he drifted off into a light nap
The sound of you scuring around the house brought him comfort. You were safe, and you were at home... The doorbell rang and his eyes snatched open, he sat up and looked at the clock. "4:45 pm... Damn felt shorter." He said as he got up from the bed. He listened as you opened the door and you happily greeted Kasumi. 'Damn... I really hate to do it to you too Kasumi... But you've been coming around a lot lately.' Baki calmly thought as he got up from his bed, and opened his door. As he walked down the stairs he could hear your and Kasumi's voices clearer.
"It's truly unfortunate." Kasumi said in a somber voice. You hummed in agreement as the sound of glass rang out, meaning you were getting ready to serve tea. "I'm worried for Baki, he doesn't seem too sad but he also doesn't seem very happy either. I just hope he's alright." Came your concerned voice. Baki sat down on the stairs, as he listened in to your and Kasumi's conversation. 'They must be talking about Kozue's death.' He thought. Kasumi grunted softly in response. "Baki's experienced the death of a loved one once before, I'm not too shocked that he isn't dramatic about her death... Then again, maybe he already knew that she was going through something."
Kasumi theorized. Baki leaned back on the steps, his elbows resting behind him as he listened, an amused look on his face. 'That's a pretty good theory.' He thought. The sound of a chair scooting sounded across the floor before a lightweight was put in it and it scooted back sounding more heavy. "Yes... That's true... I remember Baki's reaction to his mother's death... It wasn't a very pretty sight." You said sadly, your voice sounding distant as you went down memory lane. Baki lightly scoffed. 'I wasn't really sad about her death... I was shocked yeah... but I wasn't exactly sad.' He thought.
A heavier weight was shifted in another chair before the table creaked from the same weight. "I hate to say it, but due to Baki's mother's untimely end, prepared him ahead of time... Though, I would've expected him to have a more dramatic reaction to Kozue, due to how much more he loved her." Kasumi said, his voice somber and even but Baki could hear faint suspicion in his voice. Baki's eyes narrowed. 'Not everyone likes a smartass, Kasumi.' Baki thought. The room was quiet for a while, the two adults seemingly mourning Kozue's death silently, the sudden sound of the teapot squealing ended the silence.
The chair scooted across the floor before the weight was lifted off of it, the sound of your light footsteps sounded out as you went to get the teapot off the stove. The light sound of liquid being poured into a container sounded out before it stopped. "Thank you." Kasumi said softly, you hummed in response as the sound of liquid being poured sounded out again while the sound of metal being picked up from the wooden table sounded out as well quickly followed by metal taping glass.
Baki listened to the domestic sounds, a murderous look in his eyes. 'It sounds a bit too comfortable... I don't like it.' He thought. 'The sound of comfort within a home means family... and Kasumi is not family, and he never will be.' Baki thought as he stood up, he silently made his way back upstairs. 'I'll never allow it.' He thought before he turned and opened his door, going into his room for the rest of the afternoon.
The Boy Next Door
The crickets sang their familiar song into the night, the moon, not exactly full shined brightly in the cloudy sky. You lay awake in your bed, your hands laced together as they rested on your stomach, your thoughts swarming with what you and Kasumi spoke of earlier that evening.
{ Kasumi sat across from you, his third cup of tea freshly done, his stare cautious as he stared at you. "Be careful around Baki, something isn't right." He suddenly warned. You were currently drinking out of your teacup when he suddenly said that, you looked up at him in confusion as you pulled the cup away from your lips. "What are you talking about, Kasumi?" You asked. His stare was strong and unwavering as he stared at you. "Don't take this the wrong way, I care for Baki just as much as you do, but I can't help but be worried." He said.
You placed your teacup down on its saucer as you stared at him in confusion. "Kasumi... I don't understand, what are you trying to say?" You asked, you didn't want to just to conclusion or get angry but it was starting to sound like he was trying to say something. Kasumi sighed, almost as if he was preparing himself. "I think that Baki killed Kozue." He said. Your eyes widen as you stare at him in disbelief. You gently shook your head as you stared at him with slight anger. "No... no, no, no... That's impossible, he'd have no reason to do such a thing."
You defended, but Kasumi's stare never gave way and it made your heart ache. "Just think about it, (Y/n). He practically didn't even care when she was found dead. He either knew she was going to commit suicide or he already made plans to off her." He said, trying to make you see reason. You shook your head once more, refusing to believe it. "I'd believe that he probably knew she was going to jump, but I refuse to believe that he would kill her... Baki loved that girl too much... He... He wanted me to accept her as my future daughter-in-law for Christ's sake!!" You defended, your voice rising as the idea of the situation began to dawn on you.
Kasumi sighed once more as he stared at you with a worried look. "Look (Y/n), I don't want to offend you, I'm just-" He was cut off by your scoff as you glared at him. "Too late for that, I invite you in, have tea with you, and you turn around and accuse my son of being a murderer... Yeah, you totally didn't offend me." You said in an upset yet sarcastic voice. Kasumi stared at you with apprehension as his thoughts raced. "I'm sorry, (Y/n)... But, I hope that you can see where my concerns come from." He said in an apologetic voice. You crossed your arms as you sat back in your chair looking away from him as you shook your head.
He stared at you a little longer before he stood up, he walked around the table over toward you, he crouched in front of you, his hand on your lap as he messaged your thigh comfortingly. "Listen... I don't want to lose you, I'm just looking out for you... I just... hope you can understand that." He said softly. You finally looked down at him, hurt in your eyes. "I understand that... I just don't appreciate the fact that you're saying that about Baki... I mean, you know him!! You know he's too kind for that!" You said, your voice rising some as you leaned forward some. He nodded, his stare apologetic and cautious. He didn't want to get you riled up and make Baki come downstairs, he was confident in his skills, but he wasn't very sure if he'd be able to beat Baki if he decided to attack.
"You're right... I shouldn't think so lowly of him, I should know better than anyone else as to what kind of person Baki is... I'm sorry..." He said in a sincere voice. You stared down at him, the hurt in your eyes still evident but not as much as it was before. You nodded, accepting his apology. }
You sighed heavily at the memory before you turned on your side, curling in on yourself as you got lost in your thoughts, Kasumi's words finally weighing in on your thoughts as you battled with yourself. 'It's not true... It can't be... You're not like your father Baki... You're not that kind of boy... Right?' You somberly thought as you constantly juggled your thoughts before eventually succumbing to sleep.
The Boy Next Door
Baki sat on the floor next to your door, his legs bent as his arms rested on his knees. An unreadable look on his face as he thought to himself. 'So... Katsumi's suspicious of me?... I'll have to up my game then... If I kill him now thought, mom would be scared of me, and would probably try to get me locked up, and I can't have that... I'll just have to play it cool for a while, then strike when the moment is right.' He thought darkly as he listened to your soft breathing.
The Boy Next Door
The next morning Baki was up bright and early, he was in the backyard, performing basic morning workouts, and sweat dripped from his body as he put all of his focus into making his body stronger, the sun was appearing and disappearing behind clouds making it a good day to train out. It was a Saturday so Baki had all day to train. He stared into the distance lost in the thoughts that surrounded Kasumi.
The sound of your keys jiggling from inside the apartment caught his attention making him look up curiously at the opened patio door on the balcony. You looked around making sure you weren't forgetting anything before you started to walk over towards the patio door a smile bloomed on your face as you saw that Baki was already curiously standing at the door.
"Going somewhere, ma?" He asked curiously. You sighed tiredly as you nodded at him. "Yup, work called in today, they wanted me to come in so that I could fill in for Barbra." You explained. Baki hummed in thought as he processed the information. He wasn't too keen on Barbra, he didn't really like her but he didn't have an issue with her, just that she was an old, grumpy bitch. "Watch the house while I'm gone Baki, there's plenty of groceries in the house for you to eat from, okay?" You said as you placed your hand on your hip while the other held your keys.
He nodded in response and you nodded back turning away to leave the house as you did. "I'll be back by 5 or 6, behave yourself while I'm gone!" You called out as you opened the door and closed it behind you. Baki sighed in slight disappointment before he looked over at his dog, the old mutt was laying on the couch staring at him. His brows twitched for a bit before he turned back to make his way back out to the yard to continue his training.
"Whelp... guess it's just going to be me and you ol' boy." He spoke to himself as he went back outside, he got back into his training working endlessly to perfect his techniques and make new ones as his thoughts kept wavering from his father, to you, to Kasumi. He had to get stronger to defeat his father, he had to get stronger to keep you safe and he had to think of a way to get Kasumi off his tail. His thoughts went back to his father and worry slightly crawled over his spine.
'I can't let Dad find out about Mom... if he does, then he might her hurt or take her away. It's bad enough that Kasumi knows about her... wait.' His gaze lightened up as a sudden thought crossed his mind he then chuckled to himself. 'Why didn't I think of that sooner?' He thought in triumph as he continued his training, cooking up a plan to possibly kill two birds with one stone. 'It's brilliant, it's almost too good to be my own plan... this is going to be great.' He thought in amusement.
He trained for a few more hours before he decided it was enough and he came inside, he took a shower and ate lunch before he sat down on the couch and turned on the TV, watching some random show he found interesting on Netflix. A knocking sounded out and he looked at the door, he passed his show and got up to answer the door. It was some young man dressed casually, the only thing that caught Baki's attention was the pink cake in the man's hand. "Umm... does a (Y/n) (L/n) live here?" He asked. Baki nodded. "Yeah, she's my mom, but she's at work right now." He explained. The man nodded in understanding as he handed Baki the cake. He then bid Baki farewell as he walked back to his car.
Baki watched the man for a moment, confused as he looked down at the cake, his eyes widened in shock and his knees nearly buckled from fear, his heart raced and his blood ran cold. 'No... no, no, no. I'm not ready yet... why?' He thought in panic. 'I can't stop my legs from shaking... my hands are sweaty...' He thought, his mind taking in every little detail as his fight or flight senses were activated. His teeth grited in slight frustration. "if it's not Kasumi... then it's him." He said agitated.
On the pink cake, written in frosting was a message in hot pink. "Thanks for taking care of my son." He stared down at the cake in annoyance. "Well, so much for not letting Dad find out about her... it seems that he already beat me to the punch." He said aloud in annoyance.
The Boy Next Door
The sound of keys jiggling in the lock sounded out before the door opened, you walked in with a tired sigh as you closed the door and locked it behind you. Walking in you kicked off your shoes before you walked over to the counter, placing your keys and purse down on it as you sighed once more. You looked around, seeing that Baki wasn't downstairs, so you assumed that he was in his bed alseep. It was the weekend so it wouldn't be too shocking if he was. You walked up the stairs, going to check in on him.
You knocked on the door gently. "Baki?" You called out, but you received no answer, not too disturbed by this you gently creaked his door open, peaking in, your relaxed expression turned to one of confusion as you pushed the door open further and turned on the light. "Baki?" You called out once more as you looked around the empty room.
You walked inside, your eyes darting around as you looked for him before you looked down at his bed, with an arched brow you stared confusedly down at the pink cake, the top of it was smeared. "What the?" You questioned in a soft voice as you turned to leave the room. You walked throughout the house, looking everywhere for Baki, but he wasn't home. With slight worry, you fished out your phone from your purse, your brows tight as you dialed Baki's number. You waited for a while with baited breaths as you listened to it ring. "Hello?" came Baki's voice.
You sighed in relief as he answered. "Baki, where are you?" You asked getting straight to the point. "I'm at the park, sorry, I should've left a note." He said in an apologetic voice. You sighed as you turned to leab back against the counter. "It's fine, just please remember to do so next time, okay?" You said. "Okay." He responded. You blinked in thought for a moment before you looked up at the stairs. "Also, Baki?" You questioned. He hummed. "What's with that cake on your bed?" You asked. He chuckled.
"Apparently some girl from my school sent it to me, she wanted to show her condolences for Kozue's death, she said she was deathly afraid of cemeteries so she gave it to me. She would've given it to Kozue's parents but she said they weren't living there anymore." He explained. You gave a hum of understanding as a somber look crossed your face. After Kozue's funeral, her family moved away, nobody knows where to though, they just simply left, without so much as a goodbye. "I see... Well, why is the frosting smudged?" You asked.
He gave a sheepish and guilty laugh. "Umm... well you see..." You gave a fond smile as you sighed. "Let me guess, you got greedy and took a taste out of it?" You asked with a knowing tone. "Mmmaaayyybbbbeee?" He responded sheepishly. You shook your head. "Just be home before dinner okay?" You asked. He chuckled in relief. "Okay, I will." He said. You nodded, pleased with his answer. Once the phone call was ended, Baki's sheepish smile faded completely, going back to a numb stare as he pocketed his phone once more.
"Sorry Mom, you know I hate lying to you." He said as he walked down the busy streets of the city. "I gotta pay my old man a real quick visit."
The Boy Next Door
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itshirohi · 4 months
Please can we have the whole Baki crew in you mlp style please🥹🌸💕
Slowly working on it, request after request! B) In the meanwhile, enjoy some wholesome pony Baki x Kozue stuff. Felt like doing something cute and wholesome :> I think they came out pretty adorable lol
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Haii, I was wondering if you do requests and if you do Baki Hanma X F!reader? You can choose it to be NSFW or Fluff i dont really mind :)))
I’ll try a bit of both~!
N.S.F.W. under the cut!
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Baki is absolutely one of the sweetest men you’ll ever meet in your life.
He’s the type to pick you up from home when you go on a date, or anywhere really, and will walk you back home, no matter what time it is, and will make sure you get inside your house before he leaves.
Loves kissing your cheeks and forehead, he thinks it’s super cute, especially the way it makes you so bashful.
Won’t buy you flowers unless it’s a special occasion, but he’s the type to get you little trinkets, pick up flowers from the side of the road which he finds super cute, and will get chocolates at least once every three times you see each other.
Insists on paying whenever you go out for a meal and if you try to protest, he’ll start whistling and twirls you around, dipping you down and pulling you into a deep kiss before he acts as if nothing happened.
Also, your shelves are full with cute, fluffy plushies he wins for you from the arcades or faires.
If he ever puts you in danger, he’ll go livid and destroy mercilessly anyone that dared even look at you the wrong way, let alone threaten, kidnap or use you as a hostage.
He’s a very chill and understanding person, so if you ever have misunderstandings or arguments, he’ll be a good listener and will take into consideration your opinion, and together, you’ll solve the issue, one way or another.
Also, Baki loves to chill back and play video games with you, or have you snuggled in his arms while watching a TV series or movie.
Remember that episode with Baki’s first time with Kozue? Remember how over the top she felt?
Multiply that a hundred times.
He’s much more experienced now and with his initiative-taking and how easy it is for him to pick up on how you’re feeling, where to touch to get you over the edge and what your body loves, even if you’re not yet aware, it’s just perfect.
Baki’s kisses can be a bit sloppy while in the act, but he’s very passionate and will leave trails from your neck, to your jaw, all the way down to your cleavage, belly and then to the pelvis.
His stamina is over the top, and you’ll be long breathless and seeing stars before he’s fully finished, but hey, he’s feeling fantastic with you.
His biggest motivation is seeing you feeling the pleasure he’s giving you - He’s very eager to please, to love you, to be intimate, and every little tweak of your body, every little sigh or squeak, he’s living for it.
You know how Baki’s capable of eating at any hour of the day? Well, he’ll wake you up while staying between your legs and say, with so much confidence and cheek “Breakfast is the most important meal of the day” and will start eating you out.
His pace ranges with his and your mood, but most of the time he begins slow and sensual, going deep with careful thrust, but by the time he’s lost composure, he’ll go faster and a bit rougher, but he’ll never do anything that would be too much for you.
He’s a bit shy about where he likes to cum on, and he’s a bit guilty for liking how you look with some cum dripping down the side of your mouth after shooting his load inside, but he loves that sight more than anything.
He’s 100% partner-focused when it comes to giving you pleasure, but if you want to take the initiative and ride him, or even just try new things out, he’s down for anything as long as you’re enjoying yourself.
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selinay-04 · 1 year
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Can we all remember that spot where baki ran across town looking for kozue to fuck and he was sitting on the floor with his stinky sweating ass and telling kozue she didn't need a shower??!!! like Damnn….you are the stinky ass brat who needs a DAMN SHOWER!!! You skunk 🦨 💨😷🤢
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