tarotbyhic · 5 years
Card of the Day • 13 April 2019
Card of the Day CHEN (hexagram 51)
Herbal Ally VERVAIN
Ponder this ... • Who in my world is sparking joy ? • How can I simultaneously take care of myself and stay engaged in the tumultuous changes happening in the world at large ? • Who am I in the face of these changes, and in the midst of the many changes I may feel called to make ? • How can I be proactive rather than reactive ?
The minor problems in life that we think are so major ultimately mean nothing when a real problem happens. ~ Eli Roth
Find, or be, the eye of the storm today.
Many energies are swirling and shifting over the next few weeks.
Let’s not be overreactive in the moment, but be prepared to be proactive in a way that moves forward but doesn’t push, that supports but doesn’t overwhelm or steamroll, that asks but doesn’t demand, that shifts but doesn’t cause the foundation to crumble.
Adjustments are necessary, but take time and don’t try to change, move, make everything happen at once.
What may seem shocking in the moment could actually just be a revelatory surprise. Let’s not speak or react in the moment. Wait to see and understand the larger picture and what more information and/or additional thought processing actually reveals about the situation and how we can make the best or most of it rather than assuming doom and gloom.
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tarotbyhic · 5 years
Card of the Day • 9 April 2019
Card of the Day FIVE of PENTACLES
Herbal Ally MUGWORT
Ponder this ... • What holds little value, meaning or purpose in my life that I keep investing in ? • Am I being myself and seeking what I want, or merely trying to capture an image of what others have said I should be or want ? • What codependent situations is it time for me to recognise and detach myself from ? • What gives me deeper meaning and purpose in life that I'm not actively engaging in ?
There are two questions we must ask ourselves : The first is 'Where am I going?' and the second is 'Who will go with me?' If we ever get these questions in the wrong order we are in trouble. ~ Sam Keen
Dig deeper … we may have become so fixated and dependent on the material, surface, physical aspect of things that we have lost sight of, or lost touch with, a sense of deeper meaning, purpose, direction, calling.
Pay attention to areas and aspects of life where we are feeling bored, restless, dissatisfied, unfulfilled. This is where we are seeking something more meaningful, something that gives us a sense of greater purpose or taps back into our true nature and passions and ambitions.
Perhaps we have gotten lost trying to play Keep Up With the Joneses, too often comparing what we have, what we’re doing, what we aspire to with what we think we are supposed to want, do, be in order to be officially successful in the eyes of others, society, social media.
But this may have created a void of vapidity, because we have lost sight of ourselves, and become codependent on others (people, culture, media) to give us validity and acceptance according to their measure, demands, definitions rather than being truly liberated to find our own way, determine our own success, validate our own self and life as worth and Right.
Seek deeper meaning, greater purpose, a more satisfying truth in all that you do, how you present yourself to the world, what you aspire to and set goals for attaining. If it’s there to be found beneath the surface ready to reveal itself when we’re willing to look, then that will offer illumination and guidance for how to move forward. If there seems to be nothing there when we look for more, then it’s time that we accept that fact and move on, look elsewhere, free ourselves from what we have bound ourselves to merely for the acceptance, adulation and/or validation of others.
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tarotbyhic · 5 years
Card of the Day • 8 April 2019
Card of the Day KNIGHT of CUPS
Ponder this ... • What is being offered that I need to be open to receiving and receptive to accepting ? • Am I exhibiting grace, compassion, patience and a loving attitude ? • What is it time for me to be vulnerable enough to offer ? • Am I making time to regularly stop, breathe, float, centre amidst everything going on ?
Peace is the number one beautiful ornament you can wear. You should always carry peace within you, it's the most beautifying thing you could ever have or do. Peace makes your heart beautiful and it makes you look beautiful, too. You want to have perfect physical posture when you stand, sit, and walk, and peace is the perfect posture of the soul, really. Try perfect posture outside as well as inside. Peace creates grace and grace gives peace. ~ C. Joyobell C.
Today is either one that will feel as if we are just kind of floating through it, or one that we need to make time and space to just float, to just be, to pull back and re-centre from whatever is going on around us.
Be willing to reach out, to open up, to offer, to ask for, to give generously, to accept and receive gratefully.
Be vulnerable … this is not a type to hide behind the walls of insecurity, fear, doubt, shame, guilt.
Instead, share your story and you’ll discover that there are others who can not only sympathise, but empathise, creating a deep connection and a profound moment of grace and intimacy that might last for a few minutes, or develop into something that lasts a lifetime.
There may be a proposal or offer that comes our way today. Be open to it … but wait until the latter part of the afternoon or evening to determine whether you will finally say yes. A bit of fogginess, over idealism, or unrealistic fantasy-based expectations may cloud our judgement and discernment in the first part of the day.
If you’ve been waiting to make an offer or proposal, now is the time to do so.
Act with Grace, speak with Compassion, open to Love.
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tarotbyhic · 5 years
Card of the Day • 5 April 2019
Card of the Day CHILD Reversed
Ponder this ... • What do I want to start? • How does what I'm doing now relate to the clearing, intention-setting, constructing and initiating from three months ago ? • What seeds of initiative can I plant to see what next step appears before me ? • What adult fears am I letting get in the way of the child-like belief in the impossible ?
I am standing at the edge of becoming. As I release the baggage of my past, I grow in to a higher, truer vision of myself. I feel completeness with my Truth. I am awakening to a Higher Consciousness of my True Self. I bow to the Purpose residing within me. ~ Lauri Cox
It’s time that we put our adult fears aside that block our ability to trust imagination, dreams, curiosity, intuition and belief in all things possible.
It’s time that we birth into being whatever grand plans, projects, visions, opportunities, hopes for the future that have been relentlessly flooding our consciousness to say that it’s time, let’s go, let’s get this done and see where it takes us.
It’s not about going after the impossible … It's about believing that all things are possible ... believing in ourselves and knowing that what may seem or feel impossible at this moment isn’t a reason or excuse to not try, to not attempt, to not move towards it with tangible action.
We may end up with a completely different outcome or result or destination … but instead of assuming that means « worse » than what we had planned or envisioned, we are being asked to trust that different is sometimes just different, but can still be just as amazing or satisfying, and sometimes different can actually mean better, we just weren’t able, at the beginning, to see, consider, believe or trust that possibility.
Tap back into deeply buried « inner child » hopes, passions, desires, dreams, plans. Rediscover the magic and curiosity that those held, the reason they fuelled that child-like longing and belief in what others deemed the impossible. And let those be the driving force behind what you do, where you go, who you become next.
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tarotbyhic · 5 years
Card of the Day • 4 April 2019
Card of the Day SHIP Reversed
Ponder this ... • Am I getting ahead of myself ? • Is everyone and everything on board for long term success rather than short term reward ? • Have I completed, closed, severed everything from the past that could get in the way of my future ? • Have I released the fear of jumping into a new adventure ?
Never do today what you can do tomorrow. Something may occur to make you regret your premature action. ~ Aaron Burr
There’s a restless energy that has us chomping at the bit to get going, to get moving, to get started.
We may be feeling energised and excited about new projects, new directions, new plans, new relationships, new possibilities and opportunities.
But let’s keep that in check for just a moment longer. Make sure all the i’s are dotted and the t’s crossed, especially on things that relate to what came before. We need to make sure there is nothing that is going to pull us backward or slow us down, whether it’s finishing up necessary tasks, working through and releasing once and for all a bad habit or an old way of thinking or doing things, or severing ties with people, places or things that are no longer healthy for us or conducive to and supportive of where we see ourselves headed in the future.
If we take the literal image of this card, a Ship, then the reversal indicates that this is merely the time we need to spend making sure that all the luggage and necessary provisions for the upcoming journey are loaded on board. Setting sail prematurely could be disastrous should we find ourselves part way through the journey in the middle of the ocean running out of food or clothes or medication.
So let’s not jump the gun trying to cut corners or skip steps that may feel tedious or superfluous, but could be that crucial difference down the line between success and failure.
Adventure awaits and is fast approaching for us to say yes to and jump on board … just wait a couple of days, and it will not only be clear, but we will be fully ready.
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tarotbyhic · 6 years
Card of the Day • 6 March 2019
Card of the Day 10 of WANDS
Ponder this ... • What needs to be released in the fires of cleansing and transformation ? • Where is the greatest pressure that needs release and relief ? • What do I keep saying yes to that it's time to say a firm No to ? • How am I keeping myself trapped in remaining who I've been rather than free to become who I want to be in the future ?
When you reach the end of what you should know, you will be at the beginning of what you should sense.  ~ Kahlil Gibran
The pressure has reached its peak, and we can wait for the explosion and/or implosion, or we can actively engage in releasing one or many things to bring about relief.
Some may be yanked away, some may need to be tossed away, and some may need to be redistributed so that there is a more equitable sharing of the load and responsibility rather than it all falling on your shoulders.
There may be forces out of our control that bring a supersized blowtorch to the party to burn it all down in order to start over.
Know that whichever way it happens, just like the devastation caused by a raging forest fire, there is a need (whether we’re conscious of it or not), and in the aftermath there will be fertile ground for us to replant, restart, rebuild, reinvent, recreate.
Recognise where the obligations and responsibilities have piled on and become too much to bear. Instead of waiting for something to change, or for someone to do something about it, embrace the moment and take the opportunity to start changing things for yourself … letting go of this, handing that back to its rightful owner of responsibility, saying no.
We need to come back to who we are at our core, to rediscover and reconnect with not who we used to be, but who we’ve become as a result of all that we’ve experienced and learned, and start cultivating the vision of who we want to become moving forward, which may have nothing to do with the past or our past self, or may be an evolution and progression of a process begun at an earlier time.
The key is Becoming rather than remaining.
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tarotbyhic · 6 years
Card of the Day • 5 March 2019
Card of the Day OPOSSUM
Herbal Ally SAFFRON
Ponder this ... • Do I have a strategy ? • How can I put mental prowess to work over physical prowess ? • Am I just exacerbating things by engaging in tit for tat rather than not reacting ? • What's « dead » and what just appears to be but still has life left in it to be resuscitated ?
Keep sight of your goals as well as looking at the results you have already achieved for yourself.  ~ Opossum
Strategy and cleverness will be far more successful than brute force.
When we ratchet up the pressure, or try to meet resistance or bullying with greater ferocity, we can merely exacerbate a situation until it explodes into violent confrontation … things said we can’t take back, actions taken that we can’t undo, and we may quickly reach a point of no return, no middle ground, all or nothing.
But if we can stay detached in logic and analysis, allowing our minds to come up with clever strategies, words that compel rather than upset or offend, we are going to not only be able to lure others in, but also stimulate the conversation that can lead to innovative, surprising (even shocking), inventive, creative approaches that can allow for progress to be made, solutions to be discovered, camaraderie to replace division or competition.
There may be instances when, like the opossum, « playing dead » will be the more strategic approach. When we don’t react or appear unafraid, the bully turns their attention elsewhere to get what they want. When we don’t yell back or appear apathetic, the other may walk away in a huff, which means we’ve shut down the fight for the possibility of revisiting the conversation later with cooler heads and more receptive ears.
This approach will likely lead to preferable results through the month while Mercury is Retrograde in Pisces.
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tarotbyhic · 6 years
Card of the Day • 3 March 2019
Card of the Day II HIGH PRIESTESS Reversed
Herbal Ally PEONY ROOT
Ponder this ... • How can I enjoy life more ? • Can I stop seeking and just have faith ? • How can I be more fully present in all I connect ? • How can I embody a state of prayerfulness in all ways and at all times ?
Your whole life becomes a prayer without any words, or better to say a prayerfulness, a grace, a beauty which does not belong to our mundane world ... Then you live as truth, whatever you are doing is being done by truth – you are walking truth; you are sleeping, it is truth resting; you are speaking, it is truth speaking; you are silent, it is truth that is silent.  ~ Osho
We can get so lost in the seeking that we forget how to just Be, become disconnected from making a Joyful noise in ourselves and in life.
Things will unfold and reveal themselves in time. Let’s stop trying so hard to find the answers, to know what’s next, to come up with an action plan.
We so often think of things like prayer as a means for asking for things, be it guidance, material things, answers.
But we forget what it means to be prayerful, to live our lives and simply be in a state of Prayer, Grace, Beauty, Gratitude, Openness, Reverence, Stillness at all times.
We are being asked to come back to embodying and living such States of Being. Not for any purpose or to achieve any goal or to fulfil a request or a desire or a wish.
Be in fully Present Connection with all that is around you today … people, plants, places, energies, other realms.
Engage that which brings you joy and allows you to  ose yourself to it as it takes you into a  igher state of existence and experience … music, poetry, dancing, creating art, walking in the woods, standing in the rain, meditation, whatever it is that sings to your Soul, raises your Vibration and elevates your Being.
Enjoy Life by living life in Joy.
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tarotbyhic · 6 years
Card of the Day • 1 March 2019
Card of the Day TEN of CUPS
Ponder this ... • How flexible are my closest relationships (especially the more intimate kind) when it comes to new experiences ? • What do I need to get out in the open with a partner ? • In what ways am I itching to make a bold declaration, indicate interest, or otherwise spark up interactions ? • How can I act on my heart's callings or desires rather than just more thinking and imagining and wishing ?
Real intimacy is a sacred experience. ~ John O'Donohue
Intimacy, Connection, That Which Makes Our Heart Sing, Joy overflowing … these are what we are seeking, craving, needing, desiring, wishing for quite dramatically and with every fibre of our being for the next month.
There is a need to let relationship partners off the hook from being or seeking all things from one person or one relationship. Let’s make an effort to (re)connect with our friends, our tribe, our community, our peeps, to come back into flow and relationship with them at deeper levels.
Some relationships and partnerships may not be able to withstand this need for greater connection, may not understand a desire for greater freedom to interact and be with others … surfacing deep seated issues that create too much pressure and expectation on a relationship or partner. And if these are not able to be sorted through, given a release valve, and there is a lack of openness and willingness to stretch and expand the relationship, to allow for greater freedom and experimentation in order to shake up the status quo that has grown stagnant and stale, then some relationships and partnerships are likely to dissolve during this time.
We need to discover or reconnect with the throb, the beat, the rhythm of our own heart’s desires, joy and happiness. And then, once we’ve done that (and not before by losing ourselves to the beat and rhythm of one or more others), we want to seek out those who are in sync, in harmony, in the flow of our own heart’s throb.
We need to be softer and more receptive now, remaining true to ourselves while honouring the rights of others to have their own agendas.
Openness and experimentation are key to growth, connection and deeper intimacy.
Don’t hold back the heart now. Express freely. And don’t limit or restrict how others need and want to express themselves right now.
Be gentle … allow yourself and others the freedom to express and be who they are, who they need to be, in whatever form that may take. It may be temporary, it may be forever. A momentary intermingling at the heart level that acknowledges, honours and elevates all involved will have profound effects on everyone.
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tarotbyhic · 6 years
Card of the Day • 27 Feb 2019
Card of the Day 7 of CUPS Reversed
Ponder this ... • What dreams, hopes, wishes need to be released in order to make space for others to grow, thrive and flourish ? • Who, how and where do I need to collaborate, co-create and cooperate in order to manifest my visions and projects ? • What's coming in to focus that I need to put energy toward ? • Where am I feeling scattered ?
An individual can’t create anything itself. All of our dreams come true with the cooperation and co-creation of other souls. ~ Hina Hashmi
The fog of impossibility clears and we are able to start seeing and focusing on all the things that are possible.
Instead of pie in the sky dreams that go nowhere, this is our chance to hone in on what we really want to create, manifest, or the kind of future we want to move towards and start taking the necessary action to bring it into being rather than just a distant dream of longing.
Let’s see what needs assistance to make it happen and reach out to those who can assist us in the necessary steps or components at this time. We do ourselves a disservice by locking ourselves away in our own mind or dreams or creative process.
Collaborate, co-create, cooperate.
Perhaps there are some hopes, dreams, wishes that it is time for us to release. But this only opens the space for the even greater opportunity and possibility for those that remain to be able to fully flourish.
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tarotbyhic · 6 years
Card of the Day • 25 Feb 2019
Card of the Day KING of CUPS
Ponder this ... • How can I be more understanding, compassionate, sympathetic ? • Am I creating and holding a space that is loving, accepting, safe ? • What heart to heart conversation needs to take place ? • Who can I turn to for emotional support and a wise, balanced perspective or insight ?
There is no shame in expressing your authentic feelings. Those who are at times described as being a 'hot mess' or having 'too many issues' are the very fabric of what keeps the dream alive for a more caring, humane world. Never be ashamed to let your tears shine a light in this world. ~ Anthon St. Maarten
Empathy and acceptance take us very far today and beyond.
Lean in to the humanity of others, recognising that how they’re saying something may either be a) not what they mean by the tone, which is being triggered or coloured by deeper issues and challenges going on for them, and/or b) tapping into a deep courage by risking everything to be as open, vulnerable and emotionally expressive as possible.
There may be a need for heart to heart conversations related to issues bubbling up from the past that need attention. Let’s be open and willing to do so, but with grace, compassion, and staying connected to the heart of both ourselves and the other(s) so that we can engage in a loving, gentle, productive interaction rather than one that lets the mind spiral off into stories divorced from reality.
This is an amazing moment to reach out to a mentor that has great insight, intuition, and holds a space that radiates a sense of calm, support, encouragement and understanding
Don’t let a sense of aloofness scare you off. Those exhibiting this are likely to deep wisdom to share and a heartfelt desire to assist … but they are patient and wait for the person to come to them when they’re ready rather than trying or needing to show off or impose what they know or what they think someone should do.
Reach deep to find a place of remaining emotionally balance, open to listening from the heart no matter who asks or what the subject matter without bias or judgement.
Acceptance is key today. Seek out safe spaces where you feel supported, loved, acknowledged, accepted. Hold space and create opportunities for others to experience the same.
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tarotbyhic · 6 years
Card of the Day • 21 Feb 2019
Card of the Day XVII The STAR
Herbal Ally SKULLCAP
Ponder this ... • What relationship(s) need repair and healing ? • Have I let despair cause me to forget Hope ? • Do I dwell too much on the ugliness of the world ? • What can I do to bring beauty, compassion, laughter, hope, a smile to every situation and interaction today ?
Whenever you are creating beauty around you, you are restoring your own soul. ~ Alice Walker
Beauty is all around us, everywhere, in all things and seating within our soul.
Today, let’s make an extra conscientious effort to see, find, promote, appreciate, acknowledge, honour and gift beauty … to ourselves, to others, in our surroundings.
Use today to make the space around you more aesthetically pleasing in some way. Buy or create something beautiful for yourself or as a gift.
Make every interaction a thing of beauty, one that points out something beautiful about the other and leaves the interaction feeling hopeful, special, heard, seen, appreciated.
Anything that brings a smile and leaves a smile in its wake is the goal of the day.
As ugly and despairing as the situation or the world may seem, there is a light at the end of the tunnel. Something is happening or coming that is going to offer a respite, perhaps an end, or at least make us feel that there is a way out of the darkness we may have been feeling trapped in or stifled by of late.
Make a point of going outside tonight and spending some time looking up, gazing at the celestial bodies that populate the night sky. Feel the vastness of the Universe, and reflect on how whatever may be happening in this moment is but a speck of time in the Universal scheme of things.
This is a special time for healing to take place, especially in any sort of relationship situations. Use this time and this energy to reconcile, restore, hug it out, weep, forgive, release.
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tarotbyhic · 6 years
Card of the Day • 19 Feb 2019
Card of the Day SALMON
Ponder this ... • Who am I trusting more – what others have to say or what my own intuition and inner knowing is telling me ? • Can I see this turn in the road as an adventure rather than fearing change ? • What new insights are gleaned by going back to the beginning and retracing my steps ? • What needs to end and be let go or released in order to allow for a new cycle to begin ?
I think we're going to the moon because it's in the nature of the human being to face challenges. It's by the nature of his deep inner soul... we're required to do these things just as salmon swim upstream. ~ Neil Armstrong
Pay attention to those things that seem to be coming round full circle signalling that it’s time for endings and new beginnings.
We may feel unsure or uncertain or even fearful of what is to come next, but don’t let that become the excuse for holding on to what needs to be released, completed, done.
Too much outside influence may be getting in the way. Others may have hidden agendas, perhaps be wanting to manipulate things for they own personal gain, or are just unable to see beyond their own filters and biases to offer any sort of objective observation, insight or advice.
There are hidden reservoirs of experience and wisdom within you that you can tap in to if you simply allow yourself to trust your own knowing rather than letting what others may have to say carry greater weight than listening to your own intuition.
Go back to the beginning and retrace the steps that got you to this point. There are clues that may not have been noticed along the way the first time that are likely to be more obvious and point us in the right direction now.
Stay true to your own path by reclaiming the power of your own voice and listening to your own heart.
Look for the potential in every situation rather than just focusing on what went wrong or what isn’t working. Creativity springs forth when we’ve all but given up and decide to try something because we think there’s nothing left to lose at this point.
Every bend, shift, turn in the path we thought we were travelling offers us the possibility of a new adventure if we approach it, accept it, embrace it and follow it with such a perspective and attitude.
Straight lines are for squares.
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tarotbyhic · 6 years
Card of the Day • 6 Feb 2019
Card of the Day THREE of CUPS
Herbal Ally DONG QUAI
Ponder this ... • How can I celebrate life today ? • How can I make connections and experiences with strangers or beloveds more intimate ? • What curiosity can I satisfy ? • What information or awareness is coming about through my interaction with others ? • How do I get in the way of allowing myself to be in joy at all moments and in all things ?
We can't enjoy if we don't allow ourselves to be In Joy. ~ HiC Luttmers
A soft, easygoing day that invites us to dive into the joy and celebration of life by connecting with others whose hearts, minds and spirits are aligned with ours.
Relax into the day. No need to rush about or try and get all things done.
Meander. Let the day take you where it wants, gently shifting focus and attention from one thing to the next rather than trying to create or stick to a hard and fast schedule or to-do list.
Put extra effort into socialising, networking and connecting with others. Important information, exciting opportunities, creative stimulation fo the imagination are likely to occur.
Be present, be generous, be receptive.
Make every moment a celebration regardles of whether there is a reason.
With a Pisces Moon and certain Venus aspects highlighted today, it has to be said that branching out into new types of relationship experiences are encouraged – from a quiet dinner gazing into the eyes of a beloved that we’ve not made time for recently, to experimenting with a three way that has always intrigued, to making out with a stranger (or perhaps more than one … maybe even at the same time), to satisfying the curiosity of feelings for someone of a gender you may not be normally intimate with.
There is deeply revealing satisfying information that is likely to arise from whatever the experiences may be that we give ourselves permission to lose ourselves in that will enhance and evolve our experience of love and relationships moving forward into the future. New levels will unfold, new awareness will flow into our consciousness, and our future potential to love and be loved will magnify.
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tarotbyhic · 6 years
Card of the Day • 5 Feb 2019
Card of the Day XVI The TOWER Reversed
Herbal Ally GARLIC
Ponder this ... • What additions or remodeling needs to happen to accomodate future growth and expansion ? • Am I blowing something up out of proportion and just need to wait it out ? • Who or what do I need to enlist or ally with in order to achieve the larger ambition, goal, project ? • Am I willing to accept a temporary disruption or displacement for something better and bigger to be done ?
Old ideas can sometimes use new buildings. New ideas must use old buildings. ~ Jane Jacobs
Don’t throw the baby out with the bathwater, but do be open to doing some readjusting, rearranging, remodelling, maybe even an addition here or there to the primary structure.
Let’s recognise and accept that what we are trying to build, create, accomplish can’t be done alone as it’s far bigger than what any one person could do on their own. So reach out, team up, enlist allies in order to build and create something bigger, grander, bolder and far more encompassing.
We may be feeling a bit crowded, not enough space to move around and, more importantly, grow and expand in the future. So, let’s start blueprinting now how we can create more space, how additions can be incorporated into what’s already existing.
And we may need to displace or disrupt ourselves and or others temporarily in order to accomplish what is needed. Be willing to do so (like moving out of the house for a few months to do a remodel rather than trying to living there during, or moving employees to temporary working or office space in order to build out and accommodate more while also updating and modernising infrastructure).
Know that disruptions, shakeups, surprises happening right now are either temporary, or are far less of a big deal than they can seem in the moment. Therefore, it’s important to keep emotion and reactivity in check.
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tarotbyhic · 6 years
Card of the Day • 4 Feb 2019
Card of the Day MAN
Ponder this ... • What does the future look like ? • What's my part in creating the future ? • How can I ally, connect, team up with others to make that future a reality ? • What is it time for me to channel my ambition, willpower, courage and action into creating ?
The more you believe in the validity of your dreams, desires, and visions for your life, the more real they’ll feel. The more responsibility you’ll feel for them. The more you’ll work towards manifesting them. The more you see yourself as a care-taker of them, and a protector for all that is possible through them, the more emboldened you’ll feel to risk what is necessary to bring them about. ~ Chani Nicholas
It is time for us to step up and step out with a loud ROAR into ourselves, into the world, into the future.
Those things that we have deemed in our heads impossible due to the stories we tell ourselves or fears we relinquish power to have reached their endpoint. And it is time to muster the courage and willpower in order to take the necessary actions to put them to rest and put them behind us once and for all.
Doing so liberates the future from the narrow confines of limited potential, opening up limitless vistas of possibilities and opportunities.
Now is the time to be the initiator, the one who asks for what they want, the one who steps out of their comfort zone to be the first one to make a move and introduce themselves, the one who lays out a vision for others to be dazzled by, to be struck with incredulity thinking it can’t be possible – some said we could never get to the moon, and now we’re on the verge of taking sightseeing passengers up to the edge of space – and then to, finally, be so convinced and convincing that others want to get on board and be a part of supporting and helping to manifest that vision.
But we have to know who we are and what we want first. Then, we need to expand what we want to see how it can be more inclusive to benefit as many as possible, if not all beings. Then, we need to recognise and accept that we can’t do it all alone. So we reach out to make allies, to bring together the teams necessary that can work together to build a bigger, brighter, better future for everyone, not just certain individuals.
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tarotbyhic · 6 years
Card of the Day • 3 Feb 2019
Card of the Day HORSE
Ponder this ... • How might I be overpowering ? • Where am I feeling overwhelmed ? • Am I willing to look at those parts of myself buried in the shadow realms that need to be healed and integrated rather than ignored ? • What am I doing to bring about unity and understanding rather than conflict and divisiveness ?
One who believes that he has mastered the art of horsemanship has not yet begun to understand the horse. ~ Author Unknown
The time has come for us to put aside selfishness, to dispense with other-ing based on differences, and to tap into the commonality and interconnectedness of all existence to rise out of the ego-driven state of « I, me » and into the inclusive state of « Our, we ».
This may mean that we have to take some time to do some real soul searching and venture into seeing those darker and less appealing aspects of ourselves that operate beneath the surface, those shadow aspects that we often prefer to pretend we don’t possess inwardly merely because we don’t act on them or express them outwardly.
We may say that we’re not racist … but can we look deep within and accept that there may be some subconscious racist beliefs or triggers that we carry ? We may say that we’re not sexist … but can we look deep within and accept that there may subconscious aspects imprinted that lead us to perceive or treat the opposite sex differently ? We may say that we’re not nationalistic or xenophobic … but can we look deep within and accept that there may be cultural imprinting that causes us to think of certain people as « other » or as the « enemy », reduced to these classifications rather than seen as equally human just like ourselves ?
Regardless of what we discover about ourselves in this plumbing of the shadow depths, let’s not fall into being self-judging or self-critical merely because of what we find there. Let’s us it as an opportunity to reach out and want to truly, intimately, connect with, listen to, and partner with who or what we fear, don’t understand, and realise that we can and do have something in common after all … desire for happiness, the need to experience love, the challenges of the human condition.
There is much we have to offer and teach from our own experience in this (and other) lifetimes. There is much we have to learn from the experience of others. And it is through this sharing, openness, receptivity, that all beings and all of existence can evolve and be elevated.
But we have to do our part … and the time to start doing our part is … NOW.
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