#Baroque Brass Of London
musicwithoutborders · 4 months
Henry Purcell / Baroque Brass Of London, Funeral Sentences for the death of Queen Mary II - The Queen's Funeral March (Procession), 1994
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firsttimewriter92 · 2 years
Everything Black Pt. 2
This is a Post Azkaban Sirius Black x fem! reader (Muggle) fic I came up with. This is the first time I´m writing something like this and posting it, so let me know if you have any suggestions as to how I can improve my writing. I am not a native speaker so please keep that in mind :) Please, please don´t copy my work. If you want to repost, please do. I would love it if you tagged me, though :)
Warnings: Dark Wizard "fun" (not pleasent, only in description). Maybe Walburga Black and her screeching. Cheeky Sirius is a warning in itself.
Word count: 8.600 (big chapter, Pt. 1 was more of a teaser)
Summary: Dumbledore brings you to a strange place with even stranger happenings. You get to hear some comments about your host but what happens when you actually meet him?
You felt as if someone was forcing you down a tube way too small for your body. Your stomach in knots your feet hit the ground hard. You almost fell, but a surprisingly strong hand caught your elbow and pulled you upright again. „Urrgh…what in the actual misty hell was that?“, you groaned out. „You just apparated. We travelled the fastest way we know.“ The old man answered a bit bemused. You shot him a glare holding your head. „We?“, you asked. „We as in Wizards?“. He nodded slowly. You shook your head, regretting it immediately. „That was awful…where are we anyway?“ you asked looking around. You were standing next to some bushes at the fence of some park. It was dark, only a dim streetlight on the other side of the fence showed a moderate street with typical architecture. Typical for „London?!“, you almost shouted.
 „But how? We were just—?”
 „Indeed, isn´t it fascinating?“, the old man asked now positively grinning at you.
„That´s one word for it“, you grumbled.
Now that your head and stomach began to feel normal again, the weight of what just happened started to settle. Before you could open your mouth, the old man started to walk towards a gate and out onto the street. You hurried after him opening your mouth, but he was faster again. „I am afraid questions need to wait Miss ___. There is something I would like to show you.“ You nodded and walked beside the man until he stopped. You stood in front of a baroque looking house with a big brass number 12 over the door. You did not know what it was, but the outside of the house already gave you shivers. It didn´t exactly look well taken care of. „Where are we?“, you asked. „This is the home of someone I know. Someone that could use your help“, he answered.
„My help? How am I supposed to help a frickin´ wizard?“ you asked him with doubt dripping from your voice.
The man started to walk towards the door. When you both stood before it, he held the door handle and said „There are some problems in this world that cannot be solved with magic, my dear. I have no doubt you will do an excellent job. Please make sure not to make too much noise.“
And with these words he opened the door, gesturing for you to enter first. For some eerie reason you trusted this weird old man. You stepped into a dark, long hallway. High ceilings were plastered with already peeling dark green and silver wallpaper and very old paintings. The air was heavy. You didn´t know if it was the dust or the overall threat that seemed to ooze out of every wall. To your left, there was a narrow flight of stairs that lead up to the upper floors. With a look upward you could see a giant chandelier hanging from a seemingly non-existent ceiling. Some soft light emitted from it. You walked further into the house wondering who in their right mind would like to stay in this house for longer than absolutely necessary. „To your left please, Miss___.“ You turned your head toward the old man and saw a door to your left. You opened it and found a flight of stairs going downward. You raised an eyebrow and looked at the man. „Ah, is this now the part where I actually die?“, you asked with a half-smile. The man chuckled and went down the stairs before you.
You began to hear faint voices. To your surprise you did not end up in a dingy cellar, but a kitchen. The layout of the house just did not make sense to you but then again, you were in the presence of a wizard and in the house of one. One side of the kitchen had three big windows. Given they were a bit dirty, but you imagined this part of the house to be brighter than the rest. A big wooden table stood in the middle of the long room and there where people sitting there. You peeked behind the wizards back to look at them. They had a heated discussion, so they had not noticed you yet. The old man cleared his throat. „Please excuse our tardiness, we ran into a problem“, he said with a kind voice. The voices stopped immediately to look at the newcomers. „Albus, about time“, a kind looking plump woman with red hair stood up. „Would you like some tea?“, she asked on her way to the stove. Albus? Was that the wizards name? How odd.
„That would be much appreciated Molly. Please prepare a second cup for our guest as well“, he said. The woman Molly turned around and saw you, now standing next to the old man.
 „Oh“, she looked a bit bewildered. „Yes, of course Albus. How do you have your tea, dear?“ she asked you now directly. The before- going bewilderment changed into a small smile.
„Ah…just milk, thank you“, you said giving her a small smile back.
 „Who did you bring with you, Albus?“ Another man stood from the table and walked towards you. He was a man in his mid to late 30´s you guessed. He had short brown hair and faint scars running across his face. His voice was a bit concerned as he reached out his hand to first shake the wizards and then yours.
„This young lady was about to run into trouble with some Death eaters when I joined. Seeing as she already saw them casting spells, I figured it would not be a good idea to leave her there. Everyone, I would like you to meet ___. And“, he held up a hand as he could see the question in everyone’s faces, „Yes, ___ is a Muggle.“
Death eaters, spells, apparating, men with scars across their face…your head was reeling but you tried not to let them see your inner turmoil. But…
“Hey!“ you exclaimed when you noticed every new person in the room just stared at you. Some with an open mouth. Molly even shot the old man a look of have you lost your mind?
„I may have only learned tonight that magic is real and all, but there is no need to call me names“, you said sternly and looked at the man called Albus with slits for eyes.
„Oh no need to worry, dear. Muggles are what we call people without magic is all“, Molly said in a haste as she placed two cups of tea on the table. You were still glaring but nodded. She smiled at you and patted the stool in front of the cup for you to take a seat. Albus remained standing up while accepting his cup. You now had a chance to look at the other two people in the kitchen. Another red headed man with glasses was looking intently but friendly at you. He opened his mouth but before he could ask a question the last person in the room plopped down next to you. A young woman, maybe your age with bright pink bubble-gum hair was grinning wildly at you. „Hey there. I´m Tonks, pleased to meet you“, she said with a bright voice. You couldn´t help but return a smile just as bright giving her your name again. „Soooo,“ the scarred man turned to you in his seat. „You escaped two death eaters, learned magic is real and met several wizards in one night. How is it you are not passed out or in need of alcohol?“ You took a sip of your tea and looked at him. Even though he looked like he didn´t much care about his appearance you noticed that he had very warm eyes and was over all not bad looking.
„Honestly, I might still lose it but…what I witnessed tonight was so much more exciting than what happened my whole life, so…I would honestly like to know more about this. And about the alcohol, I will take some if the offer still stands“, you gave him a lopsided grin. He smiled briefly at you, stood up and produced a bottle of amber liquid and some small glasses. „Yes. Now you are talking Remus“, Tonks snatched two glasses and the bottle from the table and filled them. Remus sat down again and with a slightly bowed head looked at her. One corner of his mouth quirked up. Was that a blush you saw?
Albus had been quietly talking to Molly and the other red headed man. „I mean, seeing that man moping around the place, maybe this is not such a bad idea.“ Molly said. „But Albus, a Muggle. She cannot leave knowing what she knows now.“
 „I am aware, Molly“, Albus said. „And if she wishes to leave, we have spells that can handle the situation“.
Molly still looked kind of concerned. „Do you think he will take kindly to her? I mean…he is a handful even for those who know him“, the red headed man said. „Arthur!“, Molly said with a frown. „He just came back from Azkaban and now he is stuck here. I do understand that his mood might not be the best. He is most cheerful when there is company around. It is worth a try at least“, she said. Arthur nodded. „You are right, my dear. We should try.“
„Excellent. In this case I would like to excuse myself. There is still a school to run“, Albus said with a smile.
„___, I am afraid I must take my leave. Molly and Arthur will get you settled in. You will meet your host in the morning. I am afraid he is …passed out.“ Albus stood there and smiled down at you. You had been chatting with Remus and Tonks about different types of spells and were so into the conversation, that you almost didn´t realize that the sun must be coming up soon. „Oh, I see. Good. Although I still don´t know what exactly I am doing here. How am I supposed to help?“ you asked. A bit worried you looked around the other faces. „No worries, dear. We will find something for you to be helpful with around the house for now.“ Molly gave you a sweet smile which you returned. You were absolutely sure that this woman must be a mother. You felt warm in her presence. Albus clapped his hands and smiled around. „Now that this is settled ,___I wish you a very good first night here. I will be back as soon as I can. Goodbye“.
 „Thank you, Sir.“ You simply said. But what your eyes told Albus with just one glance was the exact deeper meaning of those words. He nodded his head and ascended the stairs.
„Now, my sweet. I guess you must be very tired. How about I lay you off the Firewhiskey and make sure you have a place to sleep. We have been cleaning a lot more rooms than we normally would have done but it seems, we will be quite a number of people for Christmas, so we really had no other choice. I will make sure one of the rooms is ready for you. Remus, why don´t you show ___ the upper floors until I am done?“.
With these words Molly scampered off, followed by a yawning Arthur who winked at you before following his wife. You were pretty sure at that point. Those two seemed too familiar with each other to be anything else. You might have had two or three shots with Tonks when they were talking to Albus, but your eyes were wondering through the kitchen anyways. So many strange things to see. But what you noticed the most, was the clear absence of electricity. Remus snapped you out of your thoughts.
„I guess we don´t have that much time before your room is ready. Why don´t I show you the library before we go to bed?“ He rose from his seat. For a slight moment you could see that there where scars even adorning his forearms. You wondered what happened to him. Tonks, rolling her eyes at the mention of the library said „She is a Muggle, Remus. You could show her something more interesting than a library.“ „Actually“, you said quickly, „I like libraries. They are usually quiet and filled with wisdom and Fantasy. I am guessing the library of a wizard will be much more so. I would really like to see it“, you mentioned and turned to Remus who gave you a brilliant smile. „Well in that case, I´ll be off“, Tonks said. Giving you a very enthusiastic hug. „Moody will have my head if I am not paying attention at the meeting tomorrow.“ She squeezed your hand one last time, smiled a bit more timidly at Remus and vanished up the stairs.
„I like her“, you said with a giggle and turned to Remus.
“Yea”, was all he said but the way he said it, you could swear you heard a silent me too. You smiled to yourself. How interesting.
“Please, follow me”, he said and gestured to the stairs.
You walked back into the long hallway with the staircase and that sinking feeling returned to your stomach. You took the narrow staircase, now to your right to the first upper floor. Halfway up to the second you caught a glimpse of something odd on the wall. You stopped dead in your tracks. Eyes wide you stared at a Portrait of what seemed to be a torture scene. A bony wizard was standing above a small creature with long ears and nose. Wand pointing at the creature that seemed to scream it´s lungs out. With horror you looked at the scene before you and noticed why it had caught your attention in the first place. The creature at the wizards' feet was moving. It rolled from side to side, clutching the only type of ragged clothing it wore. All the while, the bony wizard was smiling away. A hand on your shoulder made you jump high in the air and with eyes as big as sauce plates you stared at Remus. He had a solemn look on his face.
“This house belonged to a Family that did not much care about others´ lives or believes. They thought of themselves as the elite. As better humans”, he said bitterly. His eyes switching to the portrait. Even though his words were cold, the hand that was still gently squeezing your shoulder was warm.
“So, what about the wizard that lives here now? Is he…”, Remus took his hand away from your shoulder and snickered.
“Oh, don´t you worry. You will find the last heir of the antient and noble house of Black to be anything but like his ancestors. He marvels in the thought that they would turn in their graves if they knew what kind of “filth” was living in their home at the moment.” He grinned down at you which made you feel a lot better about meeting the man actually. Remus seemed to know him quite well. So, Black was the Family name you supposed.
You arrived on the second landing where there was a big wooden door in the middle of the corridor. It was slightly ajar, and you could see the glimmer of a fire coming from the room. Remus pushed the door open and gestured you to walk in first. As you did, a surprised breath escaped your mouth. Now you knew, this house was definitely magical. The room you just entered was more like a hall. The Bookshelves along the walls where so high that the soft lights of the fire and various gas lamps could not illuminate their highest point. Before a big stone fireplace were several armchairs and a big sofa. Given all the furniture looked a bit ragged and definitely old, this room with its floor length windows next to the fireplace was almost homely. There where books strewn across the floor as well. Some of them were stacked in ways that normal physics would not be able to explain. Fascinated you turned your head left and right, all the while walking towards the armchairs. Remus followed you and noticed the empty bottle of Firewhiskey before you did. Next to a big leather armchair stood a small brass table. The bottle that Remus now grabbed, tipped over on top of it. With a questioning look you looked at the bottle and then at Remus, who´s forehead was in wrinkles. He looked at you almost apologetically.
“Nasty habit he has, ever since he came back to this house. It seems to be the only thing helping him sleep at night.” He sighed and with a flick of his wrist, the bottle vanished into thin air. Rather than be impressed at what you just saw, Remus was kind of delighted at your next question, even though it made his own heart a bit heavier. “What happened to him?” you asked with concern lacing your voice. Remus smiled at you. You were a Muggle who just learned that magic was real. It was all around you now, but you focused on your host. His wellbeing even, although you had not met him yet. Albus, Remus thought…you planned this out well.
“I am sorry, ___ but I am not the person you should ask. He will tell you once he trusts you. Let me just say that the last 14 years have been less than kind to the man. He has a good heart, brilliant mind actually, and he is the biggest man-child you will ever meet, believe me,” this made you chuckle. Remus continued with a bit less joy to his voice “But he is working through some problems at the moment and therefore can be a bit difficult to be around. But don´t worry”, he said with a reassuring smile. “I am sure you will have no problem getting to know him. He actually likes company, craves it even. I am sure you will do well.” He had an almost hopeful look in his eye. “You are friends.” You stated matter of factly. Remus nodded and escorted you back to the doors. “Have known the man for a long time” he said. When he closed the doors, you heard steps coming down the stairs from the third floor and Molly appeared above you. “___, dear. Your room is ready now.” You smiled at Remus and wished him a good night. He returned the smile with a nod and started walking along the corridor to his left. You assumed that is where his room was.
Following Molly up the steps she led you to a door which seemed to be right above the library. When you entered you were quite surprised. It was another room with high ceilings but not as dark as the other rooms you had seen so far. The walls where a pale green color and the window had some stained glass in it. There was a big four poster bed on one side of the room and a cupboard on the other. With not much space between the furniture it still didn´t look cramped. “It isn´t much but if you knew what it first looked like, huh”, Molly laughed and walked towards the end of the room. “There is a small bathroom right through here”, she pointed to the door. “And here, Tonks sent these shortly after she got home”, Molly handed you a package with some clothes in it. “There should be Pajamas in there as well”. You stared at the package and looked at Molly. “How did she…?”
“Oh, she noticed you came without any suitcases or even a bag, so she assumed you would need these”, she pointed at the clothes.
You smiled and took a closer look. They actually looked like they would fit just fine. “Thank you,” you mumbled not even wondering anymore how Tonks managed to send the package that quickly. Molly patted your cheek affectionally and said, “You get situated. I believe you must be exhausted. Sleep. And tomorrow I will wake you for lunch, breakfast is way too early. You can meet Sirius after that.” You whipped your head up. “Sirius?” you asked. Molly nodded and retreated to the door, turning one last time before closing the door. “Yes, Sirius is the owner of this house and one of the reasons Albus brought you here. Have a good night, deary”, she smiled and left.
You sat on the bed, Pajamas in hand and wondering how you ended up in this more than surreal situation. Surely it wasn´t a dream. Too much has happened for that to be the case. So, in conclusion, this must all be real. Your head was reeling with the possibilities of what you might witness next. Truthfully spoken, the house you were in gave you the jitters but the people currently inhabiting it seemed to be very nice and open about the idea of living with someone that didn´t know any magic. Was this common? Were there other non- magical folk out there who knew? You entered the small bathroom and saw that Molly had provided you with the essentials. You brushed your teeth and washed your face at the single standing sink in front of another stained-glass window before you put on the pajamas and crawled underneath the covers. You could see a faint light coming from the window. It was morning already. You didn´t think you would be able to sleep but as soon as your head hit the pillow your eyes began to get heavier and heavier. Your last thought before you drifted of was…. Sirius. Sirius Black, apparently. What a strange yet nice name. Never heard anything like it, you thought. You were looking forward to meeting this wizard. Hopefully he would not reject your help. Whatever that entitled.
You woke up to the sunlight streaming in through the still slightly dirty window. You blinked and rolled over in bed. As soon as you did, all what happened came flooding back and you bolted upright. You looked around. You were still in the baroque bedroom with the high ceilings. A grin spread onto your face. Magic was real. You jumped out of bed like a child on Christmas and rushed to brush your teeth and get dressed. The clothes Tonks sent actually fit you. You opened the door and stepped into the hallway. Now that it was day, you could see much more of the house. True, it was still a dingy, dark place but not as threatening as it seemed at night. Your stomach began to growl. Carefully, you made your way down the stairs, avoiding looking at the moving portrait from last night. It still made you a bit sick. When you reached the last steps and made your way to your left for the kitchen, your foot caught a heavy object and before you knew it you and the object tumbled to the floor with a loud crash. “Ouch”, you said trying to get up, but immediately your hands flew to your ears covering them. A loud shriek echoed through the whole house. “MAGGOTS, BLOODTRAITORS AND HALFBLOODS IN MY HOUSE!” You turned around and looked up to a huge portrait of a woman screeching and positively spitting while pointing at you. Her eyes were the coldest you had ever seen, mere slits with which she looked at you in utter disgust. You got up and looked around in a panic.
Suddenly you heard a door crash open and hurried footsteps coming from the other side of the corridor. “SHUT YOUR DAMN MOUTH YOU FOUL EVIL HAG!” Not even a second after that, a tall man with long black hair emerged the same moment Remus came thundering up the steps from the kitchen, pushing you aside. You watched as both men tried their best to cover the portrait with the heavy curtain that framed it. It must have been quite difficult as both of them were out of breath the moment the curtain closed, and a chilling silence erupted. “Merlin, Tonks, how many times have I told you to be more carefu-“, the black-haired man hissed as he turned around, stopping his sentence as soon as he saw you. You stared at him. This must be Sirius Black.
You did not know what you expected, but the man in front of you surely was not it. His long hair was a bit unkempt, strands of light silver already adorning the sides of his temples and a beard that made a great effort to hide his high cheekbones. His eyes shone in a cloudy silver color. They looked tired, sunken in, but something told you, this man had absolute control over all his senses right now. He looked at you with surprise and something else you could not pinpoint yet. Was it curiosity?
He nodded his head over to the right and you three entered another room. A study. You turned around to the two men when Sirius had closed the door and whispered, “I Ehm…I´m really sorry about that. I didn´t know this would happen”.
“No need to whisper, love. The old bat can´t hear us in here”, Sirius said with a frown towards the door. You immediately thought that this look didn´t suit him at all.
“´s alright. I guess nobody told you”, he said carefully with a look towards Remus.
“I am Sirius Black, the owner of this house. Although I am beginning to doubt that fact seeing as there is a guest I did not even know arrived”, he said with a mixture of amusement and mild accusation looking at Remus with raised eyebrows. That small smile almost made your heart skip a beat. His tone was careful but not at all hostile. His voice deep and a bit gravelly, as if he had just woken up. Remus lay a hand on your shoulder pushing you lightly forward towards Sirius saying, “This is ___. Albus brought her along last night. Apparently, she accidentally ran into two death eaters right before they started attacking Kingsley. Seeing as she wasn´t safe there anymore, he brought her here. He couldn´t be sure if the death eaters saw her or not.” Sirius looked at you. His eyes twinkling with interest.
“Well ___, you got lucky. That could have ended pretty badly.” Your name on his tongue almost made you sigh but you stopped yourself soon enough by answering.
“Yea well, I had no idea what was going on. I just duck behind a trash can. All these lights and explosions all around. First, I thought they were fireworks. And then this weirdly dressed old man, asking for a Mint….”, you shook your head with a laugh. “Strange night I tell you”. Sirius had started to smile while you were talking but soon after you ended your little monolog, he looked at you with an open mouth. His head turned to the side, making him look strangely like a dog listening to something. He came closer to you. You looked up at him with wide eyes. He was even more handsome up close. You could see the little lines around his grey eyes. “Are you…?”, he began hesitantly, and you answered with a bit of a miffed voice.
 “Yea, apparently I am a….Muddle?”
With a barking laugh, Sirius threw his head back. You jumped a little at the sudden outburst but soon started laughing as well. It was contagious. “You hear that you old bat?!”, he spat towards the door, obviously talking to the portrait.
“There is A MUGGLE in the great and noble house of Black! Oh, darling you don’t know how much joy you just brought into these halls”, he cackled looking at you again with a wide grin on his lips. You noticed that he immediately looked younger by doing so. You liked that look on his face so much better than the frown he wore just seconds ago. Remus smirked and mouthed a Told you towards you. You felt your cheeks warm and smiled at him. Then, out of nowhere your stomach growled again with ferocity. Opening your mouth to apologize, Sirius combed his hand through his hair and looked at you sheepishly. “I am a terrible host am I not? Please, follow me to the kitchen”, he smiled and offered you his arm. You gaped at him for a second but started to walk towards him after a gentle nudge to your back from Remus. As you held onto Sirius´ arm, he opened the door and gave you a sign to hush. You were so perplexed with the non-forced chivalry that this man possessed, you almost did not realize how your own fingers passed your lips from left to right, signaling Sirius that you would not make a sound. You did feel the drop of your stomach though when he grinned down at you with such delight, you honestly wondered why you were ever worried about him being hostile.
Behind you, Remus stared at your backs in utter disbelief. He shook his head following you. He knew that you being a Muggle would delight Sirius immensely, seeing how much he hated the whole aura to the house and the people who used to live there. There was nothing Sirius would enjoy more than to piss off his ancestors. This little trick from Albus was surely a great way to distract Sirius from all the doom and gloom he radiated the past few weeks. Remus had not seen him in such a good mood since Molly announced that Christmas would take place at Sirius´ old home this year. He could see his old friend gaining back somewhat of his old wit almost week by week. But he had an encouraging feeling that you might manage to make his stay here actually bearable.   
You arrived in the kitchen a few moments later. Still holding on to Sirius´ arm. He smelled good. Like firewood, cigarettes and something slightly sweet. Earthy and utterly unique. Your fingers touching him where tingling even though you were only touching his clothes. He wore a burgundy linen shirt with a deep neckline, some black trousers and a knee length walking coat of black patterned velvet. Anywhere else in the world these clothes belonged in a theatre but when he wore it in this house, you did not question it for a minute. The elegant clothes however did not quite match with the slight rugged appearance of the man wearing them. They also made quite a contrast to the tattoos he had. You noticed some on his long fingers and one that seemed to peak out of the shirt. A weird feeling of wanting to take a much closer look at that one overcame you.
In the kitchen stood Molly, rummaging around with some pots and pans. Your guess from last night was correct. The kitchen was far brighter than the rest of the house thanks to the windows. It was a simple kitchen, clearly as there were no electronics whatsoever. It seemed like a kitchen from a cottage in the middle of nowhere. “Good morning, Molly, my dear”, Sirius bellowed and snickered when Molly shot up with a screech and whipped around. She halted what she was doing and stared at the picture in front of her. A mischievous grinning Sirius and you still holding on to his arm looking at her apologetically. “Merlin, Sirius. I was not expecting you to be up yet”, she said in a dignified tone. “Yea, well”, he drawled and led you over to the far end of the long table. You let go of his arm and he pulled out a chair for you. Still bewildered, you sat down making eye contact with Molly who looked just as surprised. Though she caught herself quicker than you. With a sweet smile she asked “Did you sleep well,___? I was about to cook just now and come get you after”.
“I slept really well actually. Thank you for preparing such a nice room.” Sitting down next to you at the head of the table Sirius scoffed.
 “Nice room? There´s no need for flattery, love. This house is about as welcoming as pit full of blastended scroots.”
“Blastended what now?”, you asked completely confused. “It might not be very welcoming looking, but I assure you Mr. Black, I know it is not the interieur that makes a home a home. It´s the people that live there. The home I had couldn´t be called that either.” You looked at him with a reassuring smile.
Sirius was in a turmoil. He looked at this woman who had just made him feel better about living in this second hellhole that was prepared for him. It did not even seem like she made an effort for that. He only knew her for a couple of minutes. Yet, his brain screamed at him to not let this woman leave earlier than she probably must. But on the other hand, hadn´t Remus said that Dumbledore brought her here for her own safety? He almost didn´t want to hope that that would mean he wouldn´t be alone most of the time. Her being a Muggle surely complicated things but for him, it was a joy as well. His thoughts spiraled left and right as he was trying to figure out what to feel. Joy, satisfaction, curiosity, doubt…Would Dumbledore really let her stay? Would she want to?
On the other side of the kitchen, Molly listened to your words and almost immediately had to swallow a lump that was caught in her throat. Somehow you managed to delight and even encourage one of the most emotionally scarred men there were. Molly understood Sirius´ mood swings, though she did not encourage them. And here you were, knowing nothing about the man, his world or what had occurred and still, innocently you said exactly what needed to be said.
Molly hoped dearly, that once you saw Sirius´ other side or learned what had happened, that you would still decide to stay.
Sirius´ scrunched up his nose. “Darling, I am afraid I must insist you call me Sirius. Mr. Black sounds incredibly old and frankly, I am not.” He said in a teasing manner leaning a bit towards you with his elbows on the table. You grinned at him. You liked his boyish charm though you bet that there was nothing else remotely “boyish” about this man.
“Careful ____, if you are being too nice to him, he will follow you around like a dog. Isn´t that right, Padfoot?”, Remus emerged from the stairwell and entered the kitchen with a bemused look on his face. Sirius laughed again, that glorious barking laugh that made your belly twist with glee. Remus sat down right across from you and relaxed against the chair.
“Padfoot?”, you asked curiously looking from a grinning Sirius to a somehow smug looking Remus. “It´s my nickname from school”, Sirius said with a playful eyeroll. “This one”, he pointed at Remus, “is Moony. And I suggest you be on your toes with this one, darling. He can be a bit…skittish once in a while, isn´t that right, Moony?” He repeated and winked at Remus who´s own turn it was to roll his eyes. “But truth be told”, he continued leaning back in his seat and drumming his fingers on the table lightly, “the dog part might not be very farfetched.” He looked at you intensly and you were trying your best to hold of a blush. You smiled, looking at the suddenly very interesting tabletop. “Wouldn´t be too bad”, you shrugged. “I like dogs”, you stated simply.
A loud, exasperated sigh from Remus snapped your head up and not a second later Sirius´ head had met the table in an overly dramatic fashion. “Did you hear that, Moony?”, he asked a bit too loudly. “She likes dooogs!”, now whisper yelling this information to his friend, stretching the word dogs. You started laughing at their behavior.
“Yes, Sirius. I heard her”, Remus said with a bored voice. “You really need to stop stroking his ego so much,____. His head is big enough as it is.” You looked at him questioningly.
“How is me liking dogs stroking his ego?”, you asked and pointed at Sirius who in the meantime had come up from the table and looked at you dreamily with his chin in his palm. “All in due time, my dear. We don´t want to overwhelm you”, he said. “Overwhelm me? How….?”, you began but immediately closed your mouth when you saw plates and cutlery hovering over the table, settling neatly in front of Sirius, Remus and you. Your eyes shot towards Molly who, with a wink and an elegant twist with her wand sent steaming pots and pans from the stove across the table, setting them in front of you. You didn´t dare even move. All those things just floated through the air so effortlessly. You thought moving a single muscle would burst the bubble and everything would vanish.
Sirius was eyeing you from the side, nervous you would be spooked. But all he saw was your mouth opening, closing, opening again and then a huge smile spreading across your face. He let go of the breath he was holding and when you looked at him like an excited child, he felt his insides twist in a very strange manner. Merlin, it had been quite a while since he felt that.
“What else can you do?” You asked excitedly and almost bounced around on your chair. Remus looked at you warmly and said “Pretty much anything you can imagine. We will show you, no worries. But how about we eat first? Molly is an excellent cook.”
And she was. You were absolutely sure that it had nothing to do with you being hungry, but with the fact that this food was made with magic, that made a simple lunch taste so incredibly good. When all the plates where cleared you wanted to help do the dishes, but Molly just laughed, thanked you kindly and flicked her wand again. Absolutely fascinated you watched as the dishes flew to the sink and well, washed themselves. You really wanted to stay and watch more magic, but Sirius appeared behind you whispering, “Dirty dishes are not half as exciting as what we could show you in the library.” It was not the prospect of witnessing more magic that let the hair on your arms and neck stand at attention. Not this time at least. If that man continued to come closer each time you spoke, you knew you would be in trouble.
As Molly excused herself, Sirius, Remus and you made your way to the library. The enormous room had lost a bit of its coziness as cold daylight illuminated the bookshelves. But at least now, you could actually read some of the book titles. They were fascinating to you. Old leather-bound books with gold lettering read titles like “Old wizards of old”, “Gnomes and fairies of old Scotland”, “The witch hunt of Salem and why it was useless”, “How to raise a dragon”, “Poisonous potions for advanced Witches” and more. Completely enamored, you picked up a book from a very wobbly stack, read the title and held it up for Sirius to see, raising an eyebrow questioningly.
“Ah, yes”, he said a bit bashful. The title read “Muggles in their natural habitat”.
“My parents had a bit of a sick sense of humor. Most of the books in here are related to dark magic and how important it apparently is to be of pure blood. They used to read paragraphs of this book at parties for entertainment.” You could hear the disgust in his voice. The look he gave you was uncertain, as if he was afraid this information would repel you to the point of wanting to leave. “Charming, your parents”, you said laying the book back onto the stack carefully. Though something told you that the wobbly stack would probably not tip over. Still sensing the uncertainty from him you tried to ease his mind. “Well, thank the heavens you turned out to be their sol opposite.” The emphasis you put into your words, combined with the lightness of your tone warmed Sirius´ heart to the point where he could feel his chest swell with pride. Both for what you had pointed out and for you. It seems Muggles indeed are capable of Magic, he thought. They have their very own. He had to be careful. He was already fascinated by you. If he started to care for you as well…
“I have a better book to show you, love”, he said softly. You followed him close to the fireplace. Remus was already standing there, reading. Sirius picked up a heavy book and gave it to you. “Magical creatures and where to find them” by “Newt Scamander?”, you read out loud with a chuckle. “You wizards sure have interesting names”, you smiled up at Sirius. He returned the smile and sat next to you when you opened the book curiously on the couch. 
While turning page by page your eyes went wider and wider. Sirius watched with happiness in his heart how you mouthed words like “Hinkypunks”, “merfolk” and “Cornish pixies”. “This was one of the books we had to get for school”, he said. “You went to a school for wizards?”, you asked quickly. He grinned and winked at you. You sighed. “Of course, you did,” you said with a nod. You hesitated for a moment. “How was it like?”, you asked. Sirius and Remus looked at each other. Fondness and sorrow etched onto their faces at the same time. “Well,___. Let us tell you a little story”.
It turned out the story was not so little. You spent the next hours listening to Sirius and Remus talking and explaining the Hogwarts houses, the sorting, the castle grounds and a little about the Marauders so far. Only briefly interrupted by Molly bringing you Sandwiches and some tea. In the end, it was very late. Remus had excused himself to his bedroom the minute Sirius started the story about how he and James tried to eat one sample of every candy there was at a store called Honeydukes, a sweets shop close to the castle where they had lived. Apparently, it did not go well.
“By the time we came to the sugar quills, James had already hurled up into a flowerpot in the common room”, Sirius said with a hearty laugh. He still sat next to you on the couch, but you were both facing each other. One knee propped onto the couch and one arm stretched out on the back of it, he didn´t quite reach you. His fingertips were only inches away from your elbow though, which you had on the back of the couch, legs tugged underneath you. Sirius looked relaxed, but now as he mentioned his friend and Remus absent, a sudden dark cloud befell his grey orbs. His head hung low, and he was not looking at you. He looked like a beaten dog. You didn´t yet know what happened exactly, but you could feel the finality of death hanging in the air like a heavy curtain.
You didn´t know Sirius well enough to know if it was ok for you to touch him, so you didn´t. You wanted to. He looked miserable. The urge to envelop him in a hug to try and sooth his aching was almost overwhelming.
“Tell me a bit more about dragons”, you said instead. “I still can´t believe those are real.” You hoped that a change of subject would help Sirius back to the less depressing present. He raised his head and with a bit more cheerful voice said, “Nasty buggers. You would do well never to meet one”. The darkness that had him in its grip only seconds before, seemed to disappear little by little. You tried your best to stifle a yawn with the back of your hand not wanting to seem bored, but Sirius just grinned at you and got up from the couch.
“As much as I enjoy this, I guess it is time for bed. Don´t want you too tired when you have to listen to my babbling”. He held out his hand. Your heart began beating harder against your ribs. You had a feeling you knew what would happen when you actually touched him. Before too much time passed to make the situation awkward, you gave him your hand and he pulled you upright. Your suspicions were right. An incredible warmth spread through your fingers and up your arm the moment you touched. It felt like the blood in your veins was rushing to your heart so it wouldn´t stop. You knew hiding your red cheeks and neck was futile, so you got a little brave. As he slowly, maybe unnecessarily slowly lowered your hand, you looked him directly in the eyes. He returned your gaze with friendly eyes and a small smile. Maybe you stood there a tad too long. When Sirius cleared his throat and broke the eye contact you took a quick breath, only now realizing that you hadn´t breathed through the encounter.
Quietly you made your way out of the library. Fortunately, strangely the situation didn´t feel awkward at all. It was a comfortable silence until Sirius closed the door behind him and you turned around. “My bedroom is upstairs”, you said pointing to the ceiling with your thumb. Sirius nodded and a little hesitantly asked “May I accompany you there?” You couldn´t help the grin that creped onto your face while you nodded your head quickly. Sirius found the gesture incredibly endearing. And for the second time, he offered you his arm with a slight bow. “Are all wizards this chivalrous?”, you asked teasingly as you ascended the stairs. You eyed him from the side and saw a huge grin on his face. Only now you noticed that his canines where a bit pointier than was normal. “I highly doubt it”, he snorted and looked at you amused. “You forget young Lady, I was raised by aristocrats”, he said mischievously as you reached the landing in front of your bedroom door. “Spiteful ones, yes. But aristocrats none the less. I am not a heathen” he ended facing you in front of your door. You looked at him with a look of oh, really? He understood and barked a laugh before continuing.
“Though I must say, I probably look like one. I clean up nicely, I promise”, he said looking down on himself. With one hand on the door handle, you tried your best not to act too enthusiastic.
“I will not comment on that. Remus said I am not supposed to stroke your ego”, you said with fake innocence. Sirius halted for a second and then as if in defeat, sighed with a laugh and shook his head. Before you knew what happened, he approached you, took your hand in his and kissed the back of it with a bow and closed eyes. The world had stopped turning, you were sure of it. “Good night,___”, he said lowly and took a step back. You pressed the hand he just kissed to your chest, opening the door and retreating into the room. “Good night, Sirius”, you whispered, holding his eyes until the very last moment until you softly shut the door. Heart hammering in your chest you swore you could still feel his lips on your hand. Soft and light, a hint of a scratch from his beard. Just like that, you wanted to know more, no everything about him. Just like that, you were happy to be in this dark, probably moth infested house. You didn´t even realize while washing up and getting into bed, that you had not stopped smiling.
Sirius watched your closed door for another second or two before descending the stairs again to his room. He had tried the whole evening not to be too bewitched by your laughs, your undivided attention and your obvious delight in magical creatures. He knew exactly why Dumbledore had brought you to him and first he was delighted by the thought of not having to be alone most of the time. But now, doubts about the whole situation invaded his brain like a constant ringing.
Back in his room he sat on his bed and stared at the old Muggle posters of Bands he used to listen to and had fixed on the wall with a permanent sticking charm. It wasn´t fair to you. Being held in this dump, full of dark magic and memories, he honestly asked himself why you haven´t left yet. You could, he could not. He was fairly certain that when the time came and you found out about what he had done, why he was a prisoner in his own house, you would surely run. The thought alone already made his stomach sink almost in panic. Selfish prick, he thought. She doesn´t deserve to be here in this hellhole and here you are hoping she would stay.
With a loud groan he threw himself backwards onto the bed and tried to get his thoughts together. As selfish as he was, you were probably just as selfless. Was there a chance to make you care for him enough so when the truth came out, you would stay out of your own free will? If yes, he was willing to make your days as bright as possible. Starting with himself.
With newfound determination, he stood up and walked to his dresser. Rummaging around for a second, he found what he was looking for and stepped into his bathroom. He looked at himself in the mirror. Shaking his head at his own appearance he prepared the scissors and razor. It was about time he cleaned up. If he wanted you to stay, maybe even care for him, he needed to get his act together. At least a little bit. Merlin, mate you look like shit, he thought to himself. Well of course, idiot. Where did you spend the last 14 years of your life? At least make yourself decently presentable as her host.
He trimmed his beard and cut the tangled ends of his hair and a bit more. Wondering if Molly would use a dyeing charm on the grey spots around his chin, he washed his face and looked in the mirror again. Not half bad, he thought. Surely not his 22-year-old self but what did he expect? At least he wasn´t the skeleton from two years back anymore, mere skin and bones with dark shadows under his eyes and horrible teeth. Mollys care in the last months had worked wonders. In the process of “fattening him up a bit” as she sweetly put it, she made sure he ate at least one warm meal a day and fixed his teeth. But there were still slight shadows under his eyes. They however, he noticed, shone with a new kind of hope. They hadn´t changed much. Taking a deep breath, he took his clothes off and took a shower. Indeed, he didn´t look as bad as he did two years ago. Lathering his body with soap he remembered how he could see all of his ribs. Now, best he could describe it was lean. Though he did start to slowly fill out his arms and chest again. He briefly wondered if you would like his tattoos as he stepped out the shower, threw on a fresh pair of underwear and got into bed. Lying there he couldn´t fight the warm feeling in his belly any longer and with a smile he slipped into his dreams. Remembering the softness of your hand that had touched his lips briefly. Unbeknownst to him, the very same smile adorned your features while you slept.
Thank you so much for reading. Let me know how you liked it. There are more chapters coming. I just need to proofread them before posting :)
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supercantaloupe · 1 year
Can you recommend some favourite woodwind pieces? Like quartets and so on. Maybe something from the Haydn / Mozart era, or maybe not! I've been meaning to listen to more instrumental music. Thank you!
the haydn london trios (written for 2 flutes and cello but i've played it them on oboe before, chamber music of the period was often written to be played with interchangeable instruments; fl/vln/cello is also common)
adolphe deslandres pièces en quintette (mvt 1 2 3) (this is later romantic, not classical, but i have a fondness for it, plus i think it's lesser known)
beethoven oboe trio op 87 (mvt 1 2 3 4) and variations on la ci darem la mano
mozart oboe quartet (mvt 1 2 3)
mozart clarinet quintet (mvt 1 2 3 4)
strauss serenade for winds (also late romantic. includes brass but gd damn i love this piece)
dvorak serenade for winds (mvt 1 2 3 4) (i'm only really familiar w mvt 1 but it's dvorak so the rest of it has to be good too)
the telemann canonic sonatas (baroque, not instrument specific but this album is two flutes)
basically this whole album (oboe quartets by fiala and krommer) (can you tell what instrument i play yet)
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dollsdeger · 9 months
Orchestra (English: Orchestra) is the largest and most complex orchestra type, possessing extremely powerful and extensive musical expression. Orchestras generally perform classical music or accompany operas, and sometimes accompanies popular music. Many modern orchestras also often accompany movies and produce movie soundtracks.Liebespuppen
When an orchestra performs, not all members must participate in the performance process; generally, the number of performers participating in the performance is also different depending on the needs of the performance. Most orchestras do not yet have players on all instruments. For example, many orchestras do not have a regular staff of harpists, saxophone players, pianists, jazz drummers, etc. Therefore, if the work to be performed includes instruments that they do not own, they usually collaborate with independent musicians, so the number of orchestra members is quite flexible.Love Dolls
An orchestra mostly consists of more than 70 performers, and some even have hundreds of performers. A smaller orchestra is also called a "Chamber Orchestra" (English: Chamber Orchestra). Chamber orchestras generally have less than 30 members. In between, there is the so-called "Sinfonietta Orchestra" (English: Sinfonietta Orchestra). , mainly performs works that are larger than real chamber music and smaller than "typical" modern large-scale orchestral works, such as symphonies or concertos of the Baroque or classical music schools in history, and their preparations are performed by medium-sized orchestras of 30 to 50 people.Lebensechte Sexpuppen
Some large orchestras are also called "symphony orchestra" (English: Symphony Orchestra) or "English: Philharmonic Orchestra" (English: Philharmonic Orchestra), and there is no substantial difference between the two titles. Sometimes when there are two orchestras in a city, they can be distinguished from each other, such as the London Symphony Orchestra and the London Philharmonic Orchestra in London, the Vienna Symphony Orchestra and the Vienna Philharmonic Orchestra in Vienna, etc.Sexpuppen mit großem Po
In 1781, the Leipzig Gewandhaus Orchestra was founded. It was an orchestra funded by local businessmen and was the beginning of a citizen orchestra. This kind of orchestra, which belonged to the middle-class citizens and was no longer affiliated with the nobility or the church, developed rapidly with the rise of the middle class in the 19th century. In 1842, the famous New York Philharmonic Orchestra and Vienna Philharmonic Orchestra were established one after another; members of these orchestras could cooperate for a long time and continuously improve their performances. For a long time, the orchestra played mainly for the opera house rather than giving concerts of its own. In the early 19th century, with the emergence of symphony and other musical forms, this situation gradually changed. At this time, some outstanding touring performers such as Paganini wrote concertos specifically to highlight their skills, and held concerts and collaborative performances with the local orchestra, which also indirectly enhanced the independent status of the orchestra. . With the formation of professional orchestras, musical instruments are constantly being improved and standardized.große brüste sexpuppen Woodwind and brass instruments are evolving day by day, and are constantly improving in the direction of being suitable for large-scale ensembles. In the mid-19th century, the French composer Berlioz made great contributions to the advancement of orchestral music. He conducted in-depth research and wrote the first monograph that systematically analyzed orchestral orchestration. At the end of the 19th century, during the late Romantic period, Wagner in Germany, Mahler in Austria, and Rimsky-Korsakov in Russia brought another improvement and evolution to orchestral techniques. Their musicals and symphonies , orchestral works, each created many advanced orchestral orchestration techniques, allowing the orchestra to express majestic momentum and rich and gorgeous colors. At this point, it has the basic prototype of future film scores.
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bebemoon · 3 years
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the pirate’s belongings: 
l‘argento firenze mother of pearl nautilus cup 
triple barrel revolving ivory grip flintlock pistol 
silver faceted water crystal heart-shaped pendant necklace
cultured saltwater pearl and antique 9ct gold citrine necklace
dollond london engraved brass pocket telescope
solid silver antique coin purse in the shape of a shell
victorian mother of pearl shell rosary case 
sea shell water font (ormolu Jesus Christ mounted on carved sea shell with matching sea shell water font or water holder)
antique filigree pearl earring
silver blue baroque souffle pearl
ines di santo opal and rhinestone “dream boat” ring
edwardian rose cut diamond and pearl ship wheel ring
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Henry Purcell (1659~1695) 《Music for the Funeral of Queen Mary》Z. 860 (Funeral Sentences) - Canzona - Baroque Brass of London Mark Bennet (Flatt Trumpet) Michael Laird (Slide Trumpet) Crispian Steele-Perkins (Slide Trumpet) Ron Bryans (Sackbut)
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dwadiekrom · 4 years
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This striking chapel by London-based firm Steyn Studio and local TV3 Architects is located on the Bosjes Farm in the Witzenberg Municipality in the Western Cape Province in South Africa. It features a white, sculptural cast iron roof that undulates with parabolic and hyperbolic arches, which also form the supporting walls and columns of the structure. Besides the massive roof, which was inspired in part by Cape Dutch architecture, the Bosjes Chapel’s other striking feature is its entirely glazed walls, which imbue the 420-square-meter (approximately 4,500-square-foot) space with a profound feeling of lightness. The windows and the lifting corners of the roof open up the chapel to the surrounding landscape of the Waaihoek Mountains as well as to a reflecting pool that leads to the entrance. The structure’s design was also inspired by a passage from the Bible, from Psalm 36:7, which reads, “How precious is your steadfast love, O God! The children of mankind take refuge in the shadow of your wings.” These wings manifest in the roof’s baroque holbol gables (a feature of South African colonial architecture), which form peaks and valleys within the roof itself. The chapel is placed on a stepped platform amid vineyards and a pomegranate orchard, and inside, the white ceilings and polished terrazzo floors create a spare interior scheme of wooden benches and a brass podium. Take a look. credit: curbed (at BOSJES) https://www.instagram.com/p/B-bkjKbpS1f/?igshid=vnwnx2rplcvm
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dustedmagazine · 5 years
Drugdealer — Raw Honey (Mexican Summer)
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Raw Honey by Drugdealer
As on the first album, Collins’ friend Natalie Mering (Weyes Blood) takes a turn at vocals, her warm, tremulous contralto at the heart of “Honey,” against a bed of jangle and fat bent 1970s pop guitar notes. The song reminds me of Vashti Bunyan’s stab at the mainstream, the “Some Things Just Stick In Your Mind” single, a folky purism amplified by elaborate pop arrangements. It’s the kind of thing that pulls right up to excess and stops short, leaving a fullness, a smoothness, but not quite a slickness. There’s a London mod swagger to its precise and baroque setting, and the massed harmonized vocals are lovely.  
The reference points are all from the 1960s—the Left Banke, Love, David Bacharach—in short, artists who never felt compelled to strip their songs down to essentials. “Lonely” jaunts and cavorts like a lost Lovin’ Spoonful single, its meticulously crafted melody sprinkled with twinkling piano runs. “Fools” turns ever so slightly funky with its saxophone solo and R&B bass throb, but it is firmly rooted in pop.  The songs are so various that it’s hard to get a grip on where Drugdealer ends and its guest artists pick up the slack; the album feels more like a compilation than a cohesive statement. And yet this very open-ended-ness yields some of the best moments, the gospel-choir-and-Roy-Orbison ache of “Wild Motion,” which is transformed by the singer Douglas Poole, the XTC-ish whimsey of “London Nightmare,” the tipsy, music-hall-ish Kinkisms of “Lost in My Dream.”
What unites the songs, if anything, is a breezy insouciance that belies careful construction. You get the sense that, like Yeats’ women, this is an album that must “labor to be beautiful.” It hides the work very well behind a sunny façade, but you don’t get movie-perfect string swells and luminous vintage keyboard lines and cheerful blurts of all-hands brass without a certain amount of forethought. Consider Collins the impresario, taking what his collaborators give him and polishing it to a high gloss.  
Jennifer Kelly
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architectnews · 2 years
16 Old Bailey, London Building Redesign
16 Old Bailey, Building Refurbishment, London Office Building, Photos, Redesign, English Architecture
16 Old Bailey Refurbishment in London
29 Mar 2022
Design: Orms
Location: 16 Old Bailey, London, EC4M 7EG, England
Photos: Tim Soar
16 Old Bailey, London
Orms transforms Grade II listed offices at 16 Old Bailey, retaining 92% of the original structure
• Meticulous refurbishment of grade II listed Britannia House and it’s 1990s extension retains 92% of the existing structure, and 74% of the existing double-glazed unitised cladding.
• The project reorganises internal layouts, adding two floors to create an uplift of 23,000 sq ft in the 115,000 sq ft building.
• Occupying a prominent position opposite the Central Criminal Court, 16 Old Bailey delivers high quality, healthy workspace to support post-pandemic recovery in London’s Square Mile. The building has been let to IPG Media Brands.
Architecture and design practice Orms has refurbished and extended 16 Old Bailey in the City of London for client Endurance Land. The refurbishment has completely reinvented the experience of the building, creating a contemporary workspace with 115,000 sq ft of premium office accommodation arranged over ten floors.
The refurbishment supports the ESG commitments of client and occupiers, upgrading the accommodation to EPC A and BREEAM Excellent and increasing the floor area from 92,000 sq ft to 115,000 sq ft, while retaining 92% of the existing structure and 74% of the existing cladding.
Orms worked closely with Endurance Land to develop its approach to high quality environments that provide a healthy workspace. 16 Old Bailey has achieved a BREEAM Excellent accreditation, EPC A and a WiredScore Platinum rating and has attracted the occupier IPG Mediabrands.
John McRae, Director at Orms said: 16 Old Bailey creates high quality, healthy workspace in a fantastic location within the Square Mile, with a beautifully crafted façade to Old Bailey.
Working closely with the client, we were able to bring 16 Old Bailey up to contemporary standards of sustainability, comfort and wellbeing while retaining 92% of the existing building. This refurbishment ensures this building will continue to make a valuable contribution to London’s core financial and legal district for many years to come.”
Jonathan Fletcher, Endurance Land said: “Working with a very forward-thinking professional team were able design in line with our ESG strategy to implement a best in class refurbished while respecting the original architecture. Orms have done an excellent job in successfully retrofitting the space that is now home to international media brand IPG Media and in turn the strong asset environmental credentials support the tenants view of a greener world!”
Occupying a prominent position in the Square Mile, 16 Old Bailey is formed of two buildings: The Grade II listed Britannia House, which was originally built in 1912 for the Chatham and Dover Railway Company, and a western extension completed in 1999 on the site of the former Holborn Viaduct Station Orms’ big idea was to unify the office wings into a simple floor plate by relocating the main lift and stair core centrally within the plan, creating the opportunity to increase the usable floor area by infilling a redundant atrium. The practice added two new floors, increased floor to ceiling heights and provided nine landscaped outdoor terraces landscaped by Robert Myers Associates, which feature impressive views towards The City of London.
The reception area has been transformed into a double-height space with contemporary take on the sense of elegance engendered by the Grade II listed Edwardian baroque façade of 16 Old Bailey, which has been preserved as part of the work. A prominent helical staircase leads to end of journey facilities on lower ground floor. Light grey terrazzo with brass detailing covers the floor, with Portland stone at the upper level, while informal meeting spaces with oak joinery and soft seating create a space reminiscent of a hotel lobby to welcome visitors. The same materials and colour palette can be found throughout the building’s public areas.
Orms worked closely with cladding consultants Cladtech to assess the condition of the existing façade, identifying that only small areas of new façade were required, rather than full-scale replacement. German cladding specialist Dobler-MBM replicated the original design to deliver a seamless completed product.
The dynamic design stage assessment for the whole building indicates that Orms’ refurbishment achieves overall emissions of 595kg CO2e/sqm GIA and a LETI rating of B. This was achieved through the significant amount of structural and facade retention which was found to be a particularly efficient way of reducing emissions. A full façade replacement would have added an estimated 59kg CO2e/sqm GIA to what has been achieved.
About Orms Orms is an award-winning architecture and design practice based in Shoreditch, London. The practice describes its approach to architecture as “Ultrapractical” – Technically sound, functional architecture that goes beyond the practical to foment character and place and anticipate future uses. With an expanding portfolio of work across a range of sectors including offices, residential, healthcare, education and leisure, Orms prides itself on delivering architecture by gathering insight that informs the process, design, and structure of a project.
The practice is currently working on Outernet London, a 250,000 ft² entertainment district built on an urban block with a mix of venues, shops, homes, offices and hospitality housed within a reinstated network of main roads, side streets and back alleys that blends the past and the future of Soho and St Giles. A spectacular 2000-capacity concert venue equipped with next generation technology sits alongside the bars and musician’s shops of Denmark Street in a scheme where London’s musical heritage meets the future of performance.
Additional projects include 160 Old Street, the former Royal Mail building which Orms transformed into a contemporary office building. The project won a BCO National Award and the AJ Retrofit Award in 2021. Orms’ 2019 transformation of the Brutalist Camden Town Hall into The Standard Hotel, London, won RIBA National Award 2021 and the Architizer Popular Choice Award 2021, and was nominated for a RIBA London Award 2021.
16 Old Bailey Refurbishment in London, England – Building Information
Client: Endurance Land Architect: Orms – https://orms.co.uk/ Contractor: Knight Harwood Demolition Contractor: Deconstruct UK Structural Engineer: Heyne Tillett Steel Services Engineer: GDM Partnership Landscape Architect: Robert Myers Associates Project Management: Avison Young Quantity Surveyor: Quantem Consulting LLP Fire consultant: The Fire Surgery Approved Inspector: MLM Group (now Sweco) Lighting Design: Hoare Lea Planning Consultant: DP9 Heritage Consultant: Heritage Collective LLP (now HCUK Group) Principal Designer: Jackson Coles Cladding Consultant: Cladtech Associates Transport Consultant: Systra Building Management: Helix
Photography: Tim Soar
16 Old Bailey, London images/information received 290322
Location: The Old Bailey, City of London, England, UK
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Buildings close by to The Old Bailey
Royal Courts of Justice Royal Courts of Justice
New Street Square Design: Bennetts Associates New Street Square
1 Undershaft Tower Design: Eric Parry Architects image : DBOX, courtesy Eric Parry Architects 1 Undershaft Tower City of London
The Old Bailey
British Museum Building Design: Sir Robert Smirke architect
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desertislandcloud · 3 years
Ruth Lyon is a singer-songwriter of intense honesty and an impulse to say it how it is. Making a unique brand of ‘baroque-pop’ she bares her soul with courage and conviction - full of stark self-reflection but also a knowing nod to the absurdity of life. She returns to drop her latest single “Fast Food”.
Upbeat and effervescent, “Fast Food” is an irresistible pop gem that draws you in from the get-go with Ruth’s captivating and confident vocal delivery over an incredibly danceable rhythm section. It’s impossible to stay still while listening to Ruth’s lighthearted take on an almost nihilistic sense of timelessness many of us felt over the past year. Supported in the chorus by more captivating melodies and euphoric brass, “Fast Food” will grab a hold of your attention and not let go.
In 2019 Ruth released her first single “I’d Give It All” (under the name Ruth Patterson) which received support from 6 Music, Radio X and Spotify editorial. In 2020 Ruth cemented herself as one of the North East’s most important voices, when Sage Gateshead named her Artist-in-Residence. Over the course of the year, despite being thrown into turmoil by the pandemic, Ruth released two more singles, the evocative “Sink or Swim” and “Somebody Else”, for which she received the PRS Women Make Music award and was named as BBC Introducing in the North East’s Hot Tip 2021.
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Co-producing with Rhiannon Mair (Laura Marling, LUNA) and Cameron Craig (Amy Winehouse, Katie Melua) Ruth explores her different identities - from the louche rock star to the bittersweet poet, looking for love and a place in the world. Classically trained but with an eye for the catchy chorus and bright, pop melodies, Ruth sweeps from self-questioning piano ballads and lush string arrangements to hands-in-the-air indie bangers. With the raw energy of a young disabled person who has constantly had to adapt to life’s twists and turns, her introspective and sometimes droll twist on storytelling brings up questions you never knew you should be asking.
Speaking about the single, Ruth said “Over the last year, I morphed into these strange characters taking on different personas, discovering my green fingers in my backyard, delving into DIY, spending a huge amount of time in the bath and getting all dressed up just to drink pink fizz on my couch covered in takeaway boxes. It has been fantastic to have that space to do what I want…no pressure. It’s the kind of tune you want to bop to but it’s also about unlearning the societal pressures of how we portray our fake, perfect lives on social media and warped beauty standards. I loved making the video in my living room bringing all these characters to life and generally getting a bit weird! There’s so much beauty and creativity in imperfection and I celebrate that.”
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musicwithoutborders · 1 month
Jeremiah Clarke /The London Gabrieli Brass Ensemble, Trumpet Voluntary I The Baroque Brass Collection, 1982
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Going For Baroque
I’m a twenty-six-year old mathematician but in less than a month, I’m putting down my pencils, grabbing my suitcase, my ball gown, and my high heels and dragging my father across Europe with a goal of seeing five operas across four countries in 15 days. How did this happen? And how awesome is that? I’m about to blog my way from here to there. And if opera isn’t your jam, then maybe jam is your jam; I’ll be sharing my thoughts about sachertorte as well as Falstaff while I’m in Vienna. And if you’d prefer a very uninformed architectural critique of Prague’s cubist lamp post, I’ll be sure to share my thoughts on that as well.
I’ll start by introducing myself and telling you a little about where this hairbrained scheme came from. I’m Miranda Seitz-McLeese, a 26-year-old woman from Washington, D.C. I did an undergraduate degree in math in Chicago, and I just finished a Masters of Science in applied math and statistics at Georgetown University.
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Left to Right, my father, me, my mother.
I’m over the moon about graduating because I’ve been getting my degree at night while working full time, which hasn’t left a lot of time for things like fun, or a personal life, or anything that isn’t work, sleep, or school. So to celebrate completion of the three year project of getting my Masters and my 27th birthday, I’m taking a two week Grand European Tour to use up all the leave I’ve not been using while taking class.
In my last semester of my Masters Degree I was taking two classes, working full time, and generally feeling really stressed out. So, I started fantasizing about running away to Europe and leaving all my responsibilities behind for a grand European Tour. As you might imagine, there’s not a lot of study abroad opportunity when you’re majoring in mathematics, so I’ve never been fortunate enough to see any of the great European Opera houses. As I tore my hair out over general linear models, and tried not to put my fist through my computer screen when my neural networks wouldn’t converge, my fantasy got more specific: traveling around Europe to see some a bunch of operas. And of course, the pinnacle of this fantasy was taking the opera train to Glyndebourne to see a show at the famous festival.
I learned about Glyndebourne a few years ago from a radio interview with Danielle de Niese, promoting some performance of hers there. She was talking about the long interval, and people picnicking. I googled, and a trip to Glyndebourne instantly took the top place on my bucket list -- ball gowns and tuxedos, picknicking on the lawn; charming countryside; the opera train from London. It wasn’t just opera; it was a full operatic experience. It was a Cinderella story, if Cinderella had strong feelings about Baroque ornamentation and period brass instruments.
When the 2018 Glyndebourne Season was announced, I knew instantly I had to make that fantasy a reality. The Glyndebourne repertoire in the summer of 2018 would include Handel’s Giulio Cesare. Giulio Cesare is my father’s favorite opera, and it’s usually mine as well (Alcina occasionally eclipses it, depending on how I’m feeling). It was too perfect; clearly this was meant to be. The scaffolding of a plan took form in my head: two weeks, the first in Europe, probably split between two cities (based on the availability of concerts and opera), then back to London (where we could stay with old family friends), to see Giulio Cesare at Glyndebourne, then a jaunt to Paris if time permitted, a trip to the Harry Potter Studio Tour, maybe a show at the Globe, and of course, a trip to the Royal Opera House.
From this idea, I was ready to start planning in earnest. I’ll be recording the planning process here as well as the trip. I’ve been all work and no play for what feels like an eternity, so I’m Going For Baroque. I hope you’ll come with me.
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kentonramsey · 5 years
The Jewellery Biz Was Once A Boys’ Club — These Women-Led Brands Helped Change That
Charles Lewis Tiffany. Frédéric Boucheron. Louis-François Cartier. Most of the jewellery world’s famous design houses were founded by men — historically, metal-smithing was considered a man's job. And the diamond industry continues to be notoriously male-dominated. But the that's all changing. Many of today's most exciting, fashionable pieces are from women-led brands — an unsurprising development considering that more women buying bling for ourselves than ever before. Even better, many of these talented designers are shaking things up by offering fine jewellery for everyday, as well as locally produced and environmentally friendly options. In other words, these are baubles you can feel great about buying.  Just in time for International Women’s Day, here are 12 women-run jewellery companies from around the world that we’re obsessed with right now. At Refinery29, we’re here to help you navigate this overwhelming world of stuff. All of our market picks are independently selected and curated by the editorial team. If you buy something we link to on our site, Refinery29 may earn commission.
Wolf Circus
Wolf Circus’ demi-fine, modern jewellery is created in Vancouver by an all-women team. Designs are either hand-fabricated or made with the lost-wax casting technique, which involves molten metal and a detailed mould. The brand is sustainably minded, using only recycled sterling silver or recycled bronze that’s plated in 14k gold.    Fiona Morrison, the founder and creative director of Wolf Circus, started the line as a student at the University of Victoria in 2010 and was recently awarded a Design Entrepreneur Award by the Fashion Institute of Technology. Morrison also runs a fine jewellery line called Ok Fine, which uses recycled 14k gold.   Wolf Circus Femme Ring in Gold, $, available at Wolf Circus
Each piece from Alona Shelemy’s jewelry and accessories collection is made in London, no small feat for a line with designs priced from just £50. Consisting of gold-plated metal jewellery, BY ALONA includes intricate designs featuring charming motifs such as coins and seashells, inspired by Mediterranean "lost treasures." Currently 10% of the proceeds from every sale is donated to charities focused on ocean conservation. By Alona Malvasia Choker, $, available at By Alona
Maria Black
Scandinavian fashion is having a global moment, and one of the buzzy names to know is Maria Black. The Copenhagen-born, Danish-Irish designer’s inclusive, genderless, demi-fine jewellery line is available worldwide and includes fashion, fine, and piercing-focused designs. (The company has four piercing studios across Europe.) Her bestsellers include everything from rainbow-hued huggie earrings to chain necklaces and delicate ear cuffs. The brand’s signature pieces are intended to be fashionable and individually expressive — this is statement jewellery that still feels personal and can be styled in multiple ways. The prices are wallet-friendly, too, starting at just £36 for selected sterling silver. Maria Black Baroque Twirl Earring, $, available at Maria Black
What do Ashley Graham, Kendall Jenner, and Selena Gomez have in common? They're all fans of award-winning Canadian designer Jenny Bird.  Well-priced, designed in Toronto, and made in Qingdao, China, JENNY BIRD jewellery ranges from gold- and sterling silver-dipped brass rings to her Rarebird 14k gold and diamond earrings. Known for its geometric pieces, the brand also introduced a more fluid-looking, highly covetable Studio Collection last year, inspired in part by natural shapes and Bird's young son’s Play-Doh. Jenny Bird Catalina Earrings, $, available at Jenny Bird
Maria Tash
On this year's Oscars red carpet, Maria Tash’s pretty earrings were sported by nominees Cynthia Erivo and Florence Pugh. The internationally renowned New York–based designer, known for her fine jewellery and piercings line, is a proponent of the curated ear and has worked with celebs like Rihanna and Jennifer Lawrence.   Starting with custom navel jewellery at her East Village studio in 1993, the Maria Tash brand has grown over the years to include necklaces, charms, and finger rings alongside traditional lobe earrings and designs for cartilage and body piercings. Delicate and intricate, each piece is meant to sit on the body in a specific way. Maria Tash 6.1mm Cubic Zirconia Dhara Clicker, $, available at Maria Tash
Mejuri launched as a direct-to-consumer business in 2015; since then, the Toronto-based startup has gained over 700K Instagram followers, received millions in venture-capital funding, and revolutionised the industry with its original approach to fine jewellery.  Third-generation jeweller Noura Sakkijha, co-founder and CEO of Mejuri, recognised that there was a need in the market for more affordable, fine pieces that could be worn every day. The company’s messaging that women should buy jewellery for themselves — instead of waiting for someone else to gift it to them — has definitely resonated in the international marketplace, and we love that some of their solid-gold pieces are priced for as little as $65 (£49.66). Mejuri Tarot Sun Bracelet, $, available at Mejuri
Sophie Buhai
Fun fact: Before launching her eponymous line in 2015, Sophie Buhai was co-creative director of the New York-based cool-girl label Vena Cava. Her own jewellery brand’s luxurious, sculptural designs — inspired by art and the world of interiors — are handmade, often to order, in Los Angeles using sterling silver that’s either recycled or responsibly sourced.  Minimalist, bold, and often with substantial heft, Buhai’s distinctive designs are intended as modern heirlooms, and are priced as such. These are the timeless pieces worth investing a little more on, because (hopefully) they will become a part of your signature look, and you’ll want to wear them forever. Sophie Buhai Classic Cowbell Earrings, $, available at Sophie Buhai
Each collection from Canadian fashion jewellery line YUUN has a distinctive aesthetic: The “Bloom” capsule features delicate floral elements reworked from vintage '80s jewellery wax forms, gorgeous baroque pearls form the basis of the “Surfacing” collection, and the striking “Harmonics” range features modular and mismatched geometric shapes made with jasper stones and sterling silver. What they all have in common is plenty of personality; plus, each elegant piece is handmade by the brand’s Montreal-based designer, Lina Hu. YUUN Kepler Drop Earrings, $, available at YUUN
On the lookout for a unique engagement ring you can feel good about? MYEL’s delicate pieces are produced by talented goldsmiths in Montreal and made with ethically sourced precious gemstones (such as upcycled and lab-grown diamonds), Brazilian emeralds, and sapphires from Australia and Montana. The company, a member of the Ethical Metalsmiths association, is also committed to socially and environmentally responsible manufacturing. In addition to engagement and wedding rings, MYEL also offers relatively affordable fine jewelry for men and women, and a selection of designs that can be personalized with semi-precious stones and engravings of your choice. MYEL Pom-pom Hoops, $, available at MYEL
Jennifer Fisher
New York–based Jennifer Fisher is best known for her oversized jewellery and sometimes quirky, see-it-to-believe it designs (example: a cuff bracelet shaped like scissors), which are regularly worn by A-Listers like Jennifer Lopez, Hailey Bieber, and Selena Gomez. Launched in 2015, the line has recently expanded to include more delicate fine jewellery and wedding bands, and Fisher even launched a furniture collab with CB2 in February. Jennifer Fisher Samira Huggies, $, available at Jennifer Fisher
Fay Andrada
Filipino-Finnish designer Fay Andrada launched her minimalist, curve-loving jewellery line in NYC almost a decade ago (her studio is now based in Greenpoint, Brooklyn).  Carried at leading global retailers including 10 Corso Como, Bird, and Harvey Nichols, the polished-, brushed-, and painted-metal and gold pieces in her collection resemble modern-art sculptures as much as jewellery. Whether you’re looking for an oversized, hand-hammered cuff or delicate 14k gold earring, Andrada’s chic designs are not to be missed. Fay Andrada Lasso Cuff, $, available at Fay Andrada
Wolf & Moon
Looking for eco-friendly, ethically-produced jewellery that’s still fun to wear? Check out British designer and creative director Hannah Davis’ Wolf & Moon line. Stocked in over 200 stores worldwide, the brand’s eye-catching, geometric, slightly kitschy designs are handmade in North London. Wolf & Moon is also sustainable, using materials such as FSC-certified (responsibly harvested) wood and recycled acrylic.  The Wolf & Moon line ranges from delicate “everyday essentials” to oversized, confident statement jewellery, brooches, and hair accessories. It’s a must-know label if you love colour, texture, and playful design.  Wolf & Moon Peony Brooch, $, available at Wolf & Moon
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The Jewellery Biz Was Once A Boys’ Club — These Women-Led Brands Helped Change That published first on https://mariakistler.tumblr.com/
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agilenano · 5 years
Agilenano - News: Plan Small Shelf Brackets
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Scroll Decorative Metal Shelf Brackets . . . a smaller iron decorative bracket for A Glam Kitchen Detail On a Budget: IKEA Shelf Brackets Spray-Painted Gold! See more ideas about Shelving brackets, Industrial furniture and Shelves. . The floating remodel: Budget solutions, small-space ideas buoy houseboat. Shop Wayfair for all the best Glam Wall & Display Shelves. . family photos in the sturdy or highlight a red rose nestled in a small white vase in the entryway. Explore Luyolo Mdoyis board wall shelf brackets on Pinterest. . A Corner Shelf For a small bathroom.hopefully my dream home wont have a small bathroom,. You searched for: small shelf brackets! Etsy is the home to thousands of handmade, vintage, and one-of-a-kind products and gifts related to your search. Online shopping for Shelf Brackets & Supports from a great selection at DIY . PACK OF 8 Small supports for glass SHELF 4-6mm thick CHROME plated. 24/10/2017 Putting up shelves doesnt have to be a puzzleespecially when you have 18 Clever-approved shelf brackets to choose from. Stanley Hardware 218974 10 x 12 Black Utility Shelf Brackets. Price . Wallscapes/More Inside 12 x 32 Shelf , 32 Silver Bracket , Small Basket and Medium. This time I made a gorgeous glam shelf with a lot of bling. . We are currently at this moment still living in our .
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Take storage and organization from the to-do list to done with shelving, totes, . Get Inspired & Organized with Shelving Ideas . If youre short on space, consider a corner shelving unit, especially for smaller items. . Dont forget to make sure youve got the proper shelf brackets and shelf supports to hold all of your items. The BLOC metal shelf brackets are adjustable to work with nearly any shelf . shelf material; Pair with glass shelves for a minimalist look; Small size helps give. The FLAC metal shelf brackets are adjustable to work with nearly any . All Departments Home Decor & Furniture DIY Projects & Ideas Home One of our smaller brackets, the BLOC is a great compliment with glass shelves for a minimalist . however, FLACs small size helps to give the appearance of floating shelves. Products 1 48 of 156 Choose from decorative shelf brackets, heavy duty brackets, rustic styles, metal and wood brackets and more. See our selection. Set of Two Concept Fusion Minimalist Rod U Shelf Hairpin Bracket, Flat Black Powder Coated Finish or Raw Aluminum . Black Shelf Brackets, Modern Shelving Hardware Metal, Screws Included Minimalist MINI Shelf Brackets (Pair). 05/03/2015 One of our favorite small space secrets one of those little things that takes . You can find upright s and brackets at the Home Depot, or, if you dont . pole or wall mounted) is popular in university libraries for its minimal look and incredible versatility. 7 Clever Ideas to Steal From Small Space Entryways. Shop Wayfair for the best minimalist shelf brackets. . Provides effective wall storage in durable wrought iron metal for wall mounted shelves that dont sacrifice. 5 Open concept floating shelves provide a fashionable way to display your most treasured possessions. . Take this shelf, for example: crafted from metal, it features 11 shelves to help you give This contemporary Ladder Bookshelf design allows you to make the most out of small areas where . minimalist shelf brackets
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Wickes Twin Slot Upright Shelving Bracket White 2060mm. (1). 9.00 Wickes Adjustable Steel Shelving Bracket Small 250 x 65mm Pack of 2. (0). 10.50. Wickes Shelving and Storage Units include free-standing metal, and timber shelving . Wickes Shelf Brackets include basic and specific supports for creating. Whether you need floating shelf brackets or heavy duty shelf brackets you will find the right shelving brackets for you here. Our wall shelf support range offers. In case we have a small kitchen. I want this in my kitchen instead of Wickes Heavy Duty Shelving Bracket White 295 x 210mm. Shelf BracketsShelvesShelf. (2) Brackets Iron Shelf Concealed Hidden Wall Hidd Home Screwfix Rustic . glass duty shelves lowes slatwall screwfix pipe small enchanting. (2) Pipe Home Menards Iron Microwave Brackets Decorative Wall Steel . Hea Amazing Small Hidden Dut Enchanting Hidd Pip De Agreeable. (2) St Stunning John Menards Brackets Screwfix Glass Pipe Wall Mitre Pretty . Hidde Licious Fo Amazing Glamorous Rus Glas Wick Nz Sh I Enchanting. . small iron wickes shelf brackets heavy wood slatwall rust duty folding. Consultants to Home Delivery, Wickes can help you make your dream Wall & Floor Tiles: Travertine Autumn Gold Mosaic. Accessories: Boston . a cloakroom or small bathroom. Mode Collection Brace supports for additional stability. H:1900 W: Enchanted (co-ordinates with the Enchanted shower). Mono Basin. discover how easy it is to create your dream bathroom with Wickes. 1. Imagine them ideal for bathing the kids, small spaces or getting in and 212334 Enchanted Bath Shower Mixer Tap. 120928 . wall brackets and centre foot. 25 year.
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Whether you need floating shelf brackets or heavy duty shelf brackets you will find the right shelving brackets for you here. Our wall shelf support range offers. Buy White Shelf Brackets at Screwfix.com. Thousands of customer product reviews. Delivery 7 days a week. 30 day money back guarantee. Thousands of. .but not half the quality. Great savings when putting up a 370mm wide shelf in the garage. Funny that other DIY stores in town didnt know what a London. Whether youre looking for a radiator bracket, hanging basket bracket or curtain bracket, you can find it online at B&Q. Shop the range of styles online. I thought about one of these but they are either too small or too big. . For cheap brackets, Screwfix and Toolstation are probably the cheapest. 2G Switch Surround with Shelf. . Bought as a little bit of fun and really impressed. Had to cut off two small clips to allow the MK switch to sit flush. Time to buy. Fixings for heavy shelf in plasterboard In my home (includes DIY) . [This site is funny -> is b-u-g-g-e-r really a rude word??? ] TV brackets and heavy mirrors etc, probably cheaper to buy at Screwfix For weight they are not as good as the plastic plasterboard fixing which at least requires a smaller hole. (2) St Stunning John Menards Brackets Screwfix Glass Pipe Wall Mitre Pretty . small iron wickes shelf brackets heavy wood slatwall rust duty. (2) Brackets Iron Shelf Concealed Hidden Wall Hidd Home Screwfix Rustic . mitre shelf adjustable wall small menards rustic kitchen glass.
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Put up a set of handy wall shelves with our selection of shelf brackets to suit all styles of home. Browse metal shelving brackets and more online at B&Q. Create the perfect storage solution or display from our wide range of wall . Hang your shelves securely and stylishly by choosing the right shelf brackets. Additional medium and heavy duty shelf brackets sold separately. Order your floating shelve online today for 1hr click & collect at your nearest B&Q store or for. Whether you need floating shelf brackets or heavy duty shelf brackets you will find the right shelving brackets for you here. Our wall shelf support range offers. Build extra storage space with shelving brackets at Toolstation. Find metal, black, brass, white, London shelf brackets and many more styles here. Add mirrored subway tiles for a small dressing room or bathroom. . very tempted to paint my bathroom white and tile it like this. or maybe my kitchen. . tiled pantry with marble shelves, iron shelf brackets and classic subway tiled backsplash . B&Q Radiator Shelf Kit, White 920mm : For hall Tv In Kitchen, Living Room. 11/10/2018 Fancy home furnitures sets small coat rack shelf free standing full size . iron stair railing wall mounted hanging rod closet bracket ideas suit . sonoma cubbie shelf wall coat rack shelf b&q coat rack dimensions 1500 x 1125 coat rack. . Tempting Handcrafted Wooden Wall Mount Coat Key Red Available. 05/09/2018 Formidable chunky rustic wood floating shelf shelves mantel rustic woodenmantel . You Maybe Interested In : Narrow Tv Stand . Preferential Brackets Wall Shelves Wall Shelves Hgtv Rustic Wood Shelves Diy Rustic Wood Shelves . Diverting Rustic Wood Shelves B Q Rustic Wood Shelves Target Rustic. Order online at B&Q now & get free home delivery on orders over 50. . effectively supports current networking requirements, Stainless steel mesh doors are A clever inventor offers a third option: Mesh, a DIY kit of small, wireless tags that . you may be tempted to spring for Security shutters trade prices for installed or.
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Shop through a wide selection of Shelf Brackets & Supports at Amazon.com. Free shipping and free returns on Prime eligible items. Shop through a wide selection of Shelf Brackets at Amazon.com. Free shipping and free returns on Prime eligible items. Discover the best Shelf Brackets & Supports in Best Sellers. Find the top 100 most popular items in Amazon Home Improvement Best Sellers. Buy products related to decorative shelf brackets and see what customers . Lot/Set of 6 Antique-Style Cast Iron SMALL 5 1/4 x 7 SHELF BRACKETS Hangers. Buy products related to decorative shelf bracket products and see what . NACH js-90-061AW Victorian Shelf Bracket (Pack of 4), Small, White (4.924.921.18). Results 1 24 of 183 Online shopping for Tools & Home Improvement from a great selection of Brackets, Pegs & Pins, Shelf Clips, Shelving Hardware & more at. Buy products related to adjustable shelving brackets and see what . I love the fact you can choose how big or small you want this shelf or if you can Rubbermaid Configurations Custom Closet Deluxe Kit, White, 4-8 Foot, FG3H8900WHT. Results 1 24 of 177 Nautical Ship Anchor Shelf Bracket For Custom Shelves Rust . Small Metal Garment Peg for Clothes, Neck Ties, Purses, Hats, Scarves,. Online shopping for Shelf Brackets & Supports from a great selection at DIY . PACK OF 8 Small supports for glass SHELF 4-6mm thick CHROME plated.
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Willow-20B 7.5D 10.0H 2.0W Iron Corbel Metal Shelf Brackets, Rustic . Small Scroll Shelf Brackets Metal Shelf Bracket Iron Shelf Brackets Wood Shelf. Steel Shelf Bracket, Forged, Iron Shelf Bracket, Kitchen Bracket, Metal Shelf . 2 Mini shelf brackets Hand Forged Wrought Iron Kitchen Cup Mug Spice CD. Small Scroll Shelf Brackets Metal Shelf Bracket Iron Shelf Brackets Wood Shelf Brackets Black, Gold, White, Turquoise, Red, Gray. Wood Shelf Brackets. 2 Mini shelf brackets Wrought Iron Hook Kitchen Utensil Mug Spice S Rod Pole Rack Wood Glass Holder Wall Hanger Blacksmith Hand forged Metal. Shop through a wide selection of Shelf Brackets & Supports at Amazon.com. Free shipping and free returns on Prime eligible items. Results 1 24 of 177 KES HSB304-2-P2 Solid Metal Adjustable Wood/Glass Shelf Small Metal Garment Peg for Clothes, Neck Ties, Purses, Hats, Scarves,. This collectors box made of pine wood features small compartments that are ideal for . Delightful iron shelf bracket that suits almost any wall of your home! The roomy drawer can be used for small utensils. . This table is supported by inexpensive folding brackets. . compartment, three drawers, three open shelves, knife rack, and row of screw hooks for hanging utensils. . Metal or wooden handles may be used. . Soups and stews are delicious when cooked in the cooker. . metal wall mount p //onbedroom.website/verichron-wall-clock/decorative-unique-super- wall mirror panels mirrors plastic acrylic teardrop panel sets v large small . shelf brackets wall hung shelves white wooden long decorating ideas accent . ://hethrone.co/raise-bathroom-vanity/delicious-raise-bathroom-ceiling-vanity/.
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Shelf life. Collection by Sfgirlbybay / victoria smith. shelves and storage with shelving . Interesting use of vertical space Corner Shelves, Book Shelves, Book. The shelf lives of most products depend upon how you treat them. Edibles, unless otherwise indicated, should be stored in a cool, dry place. (With any food, of. Massive level of interest in shelf-life extending film following trials of Siranes Sira-Flex Resolve. Sirane is Europes leading food packaging. 14/02/2018 Perfotec and Uflex Ltd have joined forces to introduce Flexfresh a packaging solution that dramatically extends the shelf-life of fresh fruits,. 13/04/2017 Shelf life is an important property of any food and is of interest to everyone in the food chain from producer to consumer. The legal requirement. 25/09/2018 Longer shelf life decreases a products chance of ending up in a landfill. . HPP is a unique food preservation method that utilizes cold water. 31/10/2018 Maybe it would be interesting to take a look at what we have and show . We hope you enjoy Shelf Life as we periodically pick our favorite. 26/09/2017 To reduce food waste, a dynamically adjustable shelf life and . In this paper the effect of dynamic shelf life (a dynamically . Interesting for:. PHOTOGRAPHED BY LAUREN PRESSEY. Creating a space in your home is about showcasing your unique style, interests and life experiences. Your home.
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Agilenano - News from Agilenano from shopsnetwork (4 sites) https://agilenano.com/blogs/news/plan-small-shelf-brackets
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brosencrantz · 6 years
Poznan’s trademark goats, doing goat things.
We headed for the airport, not to fly but to pick up the hire car (I would have very much preferred to get a train or coach between cities, but I was outnumbered). Warsaw’s huge glossy glass buildings look surprisingly good with a bit of breathing space, rather than the awkward clusters in London. At rush hour, the trams queue up by their stations in big yellow chains. On the road to Chopin Airport, the splendid Aviator Monument stands on his plinth, his face set in brassy contempt for death and gravity.
Eventually, our car hire man arrived and drove us over to a dusty bit of waste ground full of sheds and cars (some burned out), where he offered us forms in a freshly painted office with two new Ikea desks; it had something of the seedy, improvised atmosphere of a low budget porno set. But the car (some sort of “crossover” thing which manages to be both grotesquely huge on the outside and quite uncomfortably cramped inside) was new and functional, and it whisked us away through the universal modern sub-suburbia, where the big box superstores stand, cultural and architectural vacuums sucking money from the town centres and into the dividends of venture capitalists.
We went onto a motorway, which, in common with all motorways in all countries, was boring, not helped by the largely flat and featureless Polish plain. Eventually, we arrived in Poznan, and found our “ApartHotel”, excellently furnished and very cheap in a lovely location on the edge of the old town. Highly aware that our museumable hours were cut down to about two, I grabbed a town map and directed everyone straight to the nearest attraction, the church of St Stanislaus.
Yes, it’s a heart surrounded by flying baby heads.
St Stanislaus is pure, overwhelming Jesuit Baroque, vast columns of red and green marble capped with finials of white stucco and gold leaf, sacred hearts and winged baby heads everywhere. Outside, piano music came through the windows of the ballet school, and two brass goats – two goats being the symbol of Poznan – butted heads. The town square was exquisite, with a terrace of multicoloured houses below the town hall reminding me somewhat of Bristol. Buildings here are decorated with an interesting sort of inch-deep relief cut into their eternal stucco.
20th century dragonslayer.
Up the hill, near the brand-new replica of a 13th century castle that now houses a Museum of Applied Art, we tried to find the next thing on my attractions map, a historical model of the town. We found the Franciscan church above it – one which went all the way over the line from “baroque splendour” to “completely tacky”, with iridescent metallic accents on the pulpit that recalled a bunch of Quality Street wrappers. Underneath the church, in a musty-smelling crypt, a stroppy woman totally failed to communicate that the Makieta show would only work in one language at a time (Misha heard her say “Russian”, launched into Russian, and met with total confusion.) So, we wandered off past a violinist in a tracksuit, a equestrian statue of an uhlan with a bolt-action carbine spearing a dragon, and dozens of brass plaques of noble Poznanites. After 45 minutes by an interesting novelty fountain, enjoying the sun and the general atmosphere of this summery, studenty city, we headed back to the Makieta, where the huge model of Poznan was accompanied by an Audio-Visual Experience, a loud, weird commentary that slewed breathlessly through centuries of being wrecked by Swedes and Prussians to strobing lightning-flashes and slightly plausible fire effects.
Imagine this thing with disco effects and a rather shoutily earnest professor.
Largely out of curiosity, we went to a workman’s café, a “bar mleczny” (milk bar, originally). Interesting history behind these things, serving basically as work canteens for people who didn’t have canteens at their actual jobs. It was cheap, but also very, very bad, with a despairing Iron Curtain vibe to the venue, service and especially the food. My cutlet and chips were merely on the level of bad school dinners, but the spinach blinis Misha and Olga bought had a factory-stamped sense to the pancakes and a lake-bottom quality to their contents. I felt bad sneering, as cheap cafes doling out hearty food is something I am ideologically and practically in favour of. But… it was really pretty heinous. Olga cried a bit.
The Russians wanted a proper dinner, and Rog wanted a proper sit-down pint, so I took the opportunity to head north to the Park Cytadela, at Justyna’s recommendation. I tried to get one of the bike-sharing stations to work, which would have turned a long hike into a delightful wheeled bimble, but although I could get the app to sign in and recognise me, I couldn’t get it to take my money or speak to me in English.
An interesting building on the way out to the Citadel.
The gigantic Prussian Fort Winiary, keystone of “Festung Posen”, was built big enough to drop the Old Town into three times: one of those genuinely insane 19th century citadels where unprecedently powerful states responded to unprecedently powerful artillery by building fortresses of almost inhuman scale. The fortress was violently and comprehensively reduced in 1945, and is now a hundred hectares of park. The parts that remain are too overgrown and too individually massive to make much collective sense of them, and it takes a good map to work out the original layout, but the artifice of the thing is inescapable: a stand of trees grows out of a half-buried set of massive  brick arches, a natural-seeming gully is suddenly lined by a gunported brick wall ten metres high and a hundred long. There are birds everywhere, and it’s beautiful and quiet; fully enjoyed by young Poles with dogs, bikes, rollerblades and children, but much too big and open to feel at all busy. One of the surviving above-ground parts is a museum (closed when I arrived) with a standard set of Soviet killing machines sporting the red-white chequer of Definitely The Polish People’s Army, Not A Russian Catspaw.
On my wander back, hunting for a sculpture I never found, I ended up completely alone in the military cemetery on the southern glacis. It’s thoroughly overgrown, feeling as natural as the rest of the park, and the names are barely decipherable on the older stones; it’s come about organically, generation by generation, with rows of graves from different wars. Some are ornate, some plain and coffin-shaped, some cruciform with red and white ribbons; most name individuals, some bear the names of whole families of brothers, many are simply marked NN. The citadel itself was one of the last, and fiercest, battles in a theatre which mainly regarded the Polish as irritants and obstacles.
I found a bus, and went back to the Old Town as the sun set.
  Poland 2018
Warsaw Old Town – Poznan Citadel
Festung Posen We headed for the airport, not to fly but to pick up the hire car (I would have very much preferred to get a train or coach between cities, but I was outnumbered).
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kimludcom · 7 years
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