#Based on a Taka headcanon
Me while laying on a table: So, I heard you like Spanish girls.
Takaaki: *pushes me off the table* I'm more of a biker loving guy.
Me: Dammit!
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the-orion-scribe · 27 days
The grand family tree of the Pines! A commission from Maxiluna!
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משפחה זה לא רק יתרון בשבילנו, זה הכל ויותר.
"Family is not just an important thing for us, it's everything and more."
I attribute the original English quote to @mymanyfandomramblings, on her take of her next-gen Pines family tree. It is subsequently translated into Hebrew by @thegoodduckfan.
So, this is my take on the family tree, which also includes many of the unseen family members such as the Pines parents (Sarah and David), Sherman and his wife, Wendy's Mom and the other Northwests. Perhaps I would have added Abigail Northwest (an ancestor who appeared in The Book of Bill), but that's a couple more generations I would need to pay more for.
In my next-gen series, Dipper married Pacifica and they have their adorkable triplets. Meanwhile, Mabel married Kevin Corduroy and both have a pair of redhead twins.
And now to the individual portraits.
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Filbrick and Caryn
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The Grunkles! And Mabel knitted for them a larger Hannukah sweater!
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Shermie and his wife, Michelle Pines. I headcanon that Shermie is the elder of the Grunkles, and he had gone to the Vietnam War for a time, which explained his absence during the flashbacks of A Tale of Two Stans.
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The Pines parents David and Sarah! For David, it's based on the Tumblr "stemboification" post, since Hirsch mentioned he works in IT. For Sarah, I headcanon she's a museum curator. At the point of this commission, I haven't considered the possibility they might be divorced, but still, I believed they have sorted out their marital issues when the twins were away during the summer.
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The Northwests and their "better lifestyles than ours". Though there's a price to pay for carrying their legacy...
Auldman was mentioned in Journal 3 as Preston's father. I haven't thought much of Adeline, though she might be also from a family of equal status. I headcanon that Priscilla was an actress, or at least a child of one.
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The Corduroys! There's nothing really definitive for Wendy's Mom, besides that she isn't "present in the series", although some speculated she could have died in service as a soldier. Shannon Corduroy, Dan's wife, has black hair, which is also a throwback to the design of Pilot Wendy.
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And then to the newest generation of Pines-Corduroys! Or is it Corduroy-Pines? I have Mabel and Kevin married earlier than Dipper and Pacifica. I attribute the idea to the ship to J_COTW, who wrote his take on a dipcifica next-summer series A Return to the Falls. The ship also inspired me to write an April Fools fic introducing this pair of mischievous twins.
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And Dipper, Pacifica and the adorkable triplets Nita, Nilam and Taka! As we can see, the dorkiness really runs in the family.
Hope you all enjoy this set of portraits. Once again, many thanks to Maxiluna for her hard work on this massive commission!
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bluuscreen · 19 days
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this is a mix of me figuring out how i wanna draw everyone + just needing a reference because i’m bad at drawing faces consistently sometimes lol
i’m gonna do everyone from sdr2 at some point as well, and probably v3 when i finish playing it :3
bonus version with gender/sexuality headcanons + some extra notes under the cut :p
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so i have junko down as straight/cishet because i genuinely didn’t know what to do with her and she’s like kinda canonically homophobic [/hj?] but then my friend said e sees her as a bisexual who thinks being gay is a choice because she chooses to pursue men and i’ve decided that’s what the straight flag there means now
honestly zero solid gender headcanons for chihiro. something girl adjacent for sure but mostly i think she’s just vibing and doesn’t care what people call her as long as they aren’t asses about it [also uses she/he/they]
fun little design note regarding toko, i choose the pupil/iris shape based on Vibes but she’s the only one with a mix of circle/square. if i’d drawn syo, she’d have the opposite [square iris, circular pupils]
i like to think leon doesn’t actually have the right nose bridge shape for those piercings between his eyes but he did have rhinestones and super glue and the ability to make very poor decisions
kiyotaka’s earring is in the gay ear 👍 i think. i googled it and i’m pretty sure it’s the left one. pre-despair mondo jokingly dared him to get a piercing or they wouldn’t be bros anymore and kiyotaka took it seriously even after mondo said he was joking. during the killing game taka just has no fucking clue why he has an earring and thinks monokuma must have put it there
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mlm-mod-taka · 4 months
Hi there! I'm here to request a little something I've had bouncing around in my head a while and I feel like you'd do a great job at writing it! I'd like to request Taka, Gundham, Fuyu, and Kiyo with an S/O who's basically a giant compared to them and is suuuuuuper affectionate and friendly. Like the first time they met, the reader picked them up and basically swooped then into a hug raving about how adorable they are. You don't have to do it ofc, but if you agree to I CANNOT wait to see the
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HAVING A BIG, AFFECTIONATE, FRIENDLY S/O • taka, gundham & fuyuhiko x gn reader
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first off, i just want to say i am so sorry that you had to wait for so long, i just got back from my two year long break. second, im also sorry, however, i do not write for korekiyo, so i simply didn't include him. i do apologize for not asking if you wanted to replace him with another character, this request has been pending for so long that i decided against it. third, this is more a story in bullet point form than actual headcanons. despite all of this, i hope you can still enjoy this long awaited request.
tws/cws: yelling, cursing, threatening and violence. (mostly during fuyuhiko's part)
|| -> mod taka <3
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at first, kiyotaka will admit that he was quite intimidated by you. seeing someone extremely taller than him isn't an everyday occurrence. yes, many other people were taller than him, but not by such a large degree, usually.
however, if he stood next to you, he'd seem like an overgrown child. so, naturally he was on-edge whenever you were near him, since you could probably easily beat him up if you wanted to.
but he had to remind himself that he was the ultimate moral compass! it doesnt matter how strong or large you are, he will discipline and scold you when it was needed. he will never back down from a fight when it comes to morals, even if he could easily lose that fight.
when you two first met, he decided to make the polite decision to introduce himself. once he was done with his maticulously-worded greeting, (that he had planned last night) he was expecting you to respond in a rude tone, filling the delinquent expectations that he had made of you based on your appearance in his head. but instead...
he was met with the biggest, tightest, and closest hug of his life. his first thought was to hug you back, which he was about to follow, until he remembered that you were in a public space and this would technically be considered as pda.
once he realized that revelation, he immediately pulled away from the hug, scolding you about touching people in public without permission. while your hug was extremely warm and welcoming, he forced himself to keep up his own rules.
you just stood there, very still while he gave you a lecture about being physically affectionate with someone you barely know. he also proceeded to go on a mini rant about the negative effects of pda, but you werent listening to any of it.
you were mainly just focused on how he seemed very passionate about keeping the peace, which made him look weirdly cute. people often look very adorable to you whenever they were talking about something they cared alot about, which is what ishimaru was currently doing.
you interrupted his planned speech about keeping ourselves civil, to compliment him about how cute he looked. taka immediately stopped in his tracks, looking at you like you just spoke a forbidden sentence.
"...pardon?" kiyotaka asked, but it sounded more like a flustered squeak he made out of surprise. you repeated your comment about him, watching his face slowly turn more red, realizing that you were being serious about what you said, and that you weren't mocking him like others do.
after the initial shock wore off, he reacted exactly how he expected you to, which was scolding you passionately again. however, it didn't sway your mind, he still looked very adorable to you while he was practically going teacher-mode on you because you called him "cute."
what you didnt expect, however, was what he said right when he finished telling you off. "thats all! i hope you have learned your lesson!... and while i don't agree with your methods of doing so, i do appreciate the compliment." he added the last part on with a rushed shout, then immediately left, trying to hide his red face from you.
from then on out, you actively seeked taka, and tried to befriend him, which he accepted. you still don't tone down your affectionate-ness and compliments at all, but he seems to be scolding you less and less. in fact, he seems like he anticipates them now, which makes you happy. little did you both know, that this friendship would lead to so much more.
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gundham is the same as taka. he was intimidated by your large stature, and general... bigness. however, gundham tanaka is no coward, he will challenge anyone who dares compete against tanaka the forbidden one!
he walked up to you, with extreme confidence, and started his usual menacing speech about how he was a more powerful entity compared to you "mortals". before he could even finish the first sentence, you interrupted with a sentence that caught his " mighty" act off guard.
"aw, you're so adorable! like those hampsters that are on your shoulder! you're almost as cute as them!" were your first words to him. before his mind would even catch up to the strange sentences you just uttered to him, you grabbed him and pulled him into a bear hug.
gundham needed a solid few seconds to compose himself before he speaks at all. the devas are all squirming in his scarf, also caught by surprise from the strong hug you gave them. once he does process the situation enough to not look like a shocked puppy, he immediately starts thrashing in your large arms.
"release me from your armed trap at once, mortal!" he says in a mix of rage and panic. you quickly let him go, feeling a slight pain from how haphazardly he was moving in your grasp, and also because he didn't seem like he wanted to be hugged, if the sentence he spoke to you was anything to go by.
when he was released, the first thing he did after dusting himself off was restart his original speech of him being the supreme overlord of ice, but this time, he added that you are a very bold human for having the gal to touch someone so "highly superior" with such carelessness.
...or something along those lines. you weren't sure. your ears were only processing a muddled version of a few of the words he was saying, the rest was a blur. mainly because you weren't really paying attention to what he was going on about, you were just focusing on the cute, confident look on his face. along with the cute hamsters resting cozily in his scarf.
gundham stopped talking once he realized that you weren't looking him in the eye, or even anywhere near his face. you were staring at his neck, so he looked down to see his friends, then shot a sharp glaze at you after realizing why you weren't paying attention to his great speech.
"why are you looking at the dark devas of destruction, mortal? rather than listening to the words im gracing you with? you are not worthy to be in their presence, or mine." he continued death glaring at you, crossing his arms while waiting for your answer to his question.
"oh- im sorry... my lord? i was just admiring how cute and fuzzy the... dark devas? looked!" you gave the hamsters a small wave while speaking. you didn't know why he was speaking strangely and giving his pets such uncommon nicknames, but you didn't mind. you thought it was a little cute, actually.
of course, gundham was used to the compliments towards the devas. however, he wasn't taking the adjectives "cute" and "fuzzy" very well. they were evil! they were his partners in crime! how dare you call them such belitting names? before he could scold you again, you quickly swept the rug from under him again.
you quickly butted in, and started unconsciously showering him in compliments. calling him well-spoken, cool, dressed nicely, had cool hair, handsome, and such. you also added how his voice was very pleasant to listen to, and that his eyes were very expressive and clear.
as the flattering statements added on and on, he got more and more flustered. his slight stuttering from being caught off guard by the first two quickly because full-on sputtering with his face almost becoming as red as mahirus hair.
before you could make him even more speechless, he took the very little confidence he had left to attempt to make his usual "super big and bad evil" goodbye statement, but a very shortened and messy version escaped his lips instead, with him quickly scattering away before more of his pride was taken away by your giant cursed goodness.
while you were left confused as to why he left so suddenly, you quickly bid him adieu, continuing on with your day in hopes that you two would meet again, and maybe, just maybe, you would get along with each other.
little did you know that he was secretly plotting your demise for daring to treat him like that, muttering his evil plans to the dark devas, feeling that he needed to avenge them because of how you described them as if they weren't his wicked subordinates!
...deep down though, he would be lying if he said he wasn't looking forward to seeing your large, smiley self again. you were one of the few people who didn't scrutinize his personality, and he greatly appreciates it. maybe, when you acknowledge how truly devious he was, then, you could be acquiantances. or something deeper than that.
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lets be honest, fuyuhiko would really really dislike you when he first meets you. he has this ideology that people who are positive and kind are fooling him, trying to catch him off guard and trap him with their fake happiness. given his family and who he is, he was taught to be skeptical of almost everyone, so it wasn't much of a surprise when he was skeptical towards you.
everytime you even attempted to get near him, he either yelled at you to back or else he'd shank you, or peko would step in, quickly telling you to leave with her hands already on her sword handle in case you try to push it.
you would try for weeks to even have a slight chance of talking to him, because he is the only person out of your class that you haven't had a personal connection with. heck, you even started to have a slight bond with peko when she wasn't busy protecting fuyuhiko!
if you were being honest, you were genuinely starting to give up on having him warm up to you. you knew that no matter how hard you try, some people will still find ways to dislike you. you thought that this would be one of those unfortunate cases, and you were on the edge of accepting it.
until that one night. you were having trouble sleeping, and nothing seemed to be working. you knew that it was probably too late for anyone to be awake right now, so you decided to take an evening stroll around the school. maybe the walking would tired you out.
you walk out of your dorm, only to see kuzuryu starting absent mindedly at the stars in the late night sky. he looked so... at ease. the sound of a door opening and footsteps started him, and his attitude quickly did a 180, turning aggressive.
"what the hell are you doing sneaking up on me like that?! are you gonna try to fool me again, huh? with your fake smiles and over-the-top hugs?" he yelled, paying no mind to the fact that it was 4am, and he could wake someone up.
you reassured him that you weren't going to hurt him, but to be honest, you were hurt at the accusation that it was fake. you wanted to speak your feelings, but you felt like that would make him more on edge, so you just ignored that hurt for now.
disregarding your word, he told you to stay far away from him, pointing at the very end of the balcony he was leaning against. you did what you were told, not wanting to agitate him further. to be honest, this is probably the nicest he's been to you so far. usually, he'd just tell you to fuck off, so you weren't about to let this rare opportunity to talk to him slip pass you.
after a few moments if silence, you decided to ramble a bit, maybe that'll warm him up to you. you talked about everything you could, random stuff you thought of, all the way to deep philosophical conversations that would make you ponder at night.
fuyuhiko didn't look like he was listening, if anything, he looked as if he was spacing out and using you as a white noise machine. however, that was better than his usual response of him threatening you, so you kept going.
eventually, he said something, cutting you off mid-rant. "you know, you don't have to keep up the act right now." "what do you mean?" "i know you're lying, just admit it to my face so you can stop using all your energy trying to convince me you're a good person."
ouch, that stung. but, this is the longest he's talked to you in private, you couldn't let this go. "well, what if i told you it wasn't a lie?" you smiled at him. "bullshit. no one is ever that positive or nice."
"well, i am. and i'll prove it to you if you'll let me!" "pffft. yeah right. do you just want me to believe that someone as big as you isn't a secret spy or assassin? don't even try."
"im not. i can prove it to you." you were so close. he was talking to you, he was actually talking to you! you would have preferred if the conversation was more positive, yes, but he was talking to you! you were getting somewhere!
"really?" he paused, you could see his eyebrows slightly furrow in thought. "fine, since these other students are making things boring as hell, i'll let you prove it to me."
...it was that easy? all you had to do was say that you were willing to prove it at a balcony when it was 4am? it was a bit anti-climactic, but hey, you weren't complaining. "great! you won't regret this!" you walked to hug him before he put his tough guy act on again.
"don't. touch. me. i said i'd let you prove it to me, not use me as a personal cuddle bear. with how different we look, i think you'd crush me." "ah, not much of a hugger? sorry, i get it. should've asked first."
he yawned. "yeah you should've. anyways, i'm hitting the sack. kill me in my sleep and ill haunt you forever." fuyuhiko spoke as he walked back to his dorm room.
"i won't!" you replied, waving him goodbye. you know it was small progress, but you're getting somewhere. you'll definitely gain his trust.
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david-talks-sw · 1 year
The fact that Dave Filoni called Anakin “the greatest Jedi ever” is proof that he’s bias AF. His anti-Jedi rhetoric is bupkis.
I wonder if he means "the greatest" in terms of in-universe fame...?
Dunno if this is the case in Canon (then again Dave Filoni blatantly ignores any *non-motion* transmedia elements in Canon so meh), but in Legends he's:
"Anakin Skywalker, the Hero with no Fear™, handsome, dashing, the face of the Republic's army during the Clone War, the only Jedi who tried to resist the nefarious Order's coup and was treacherously murdered for it".
And I seem to remember that, in Canon, he's like the Jedi Temple's superstar anyway, every Jedi recognizes him on sight. I mean, that line from Baylon about "Anakin speaking highly of Ahsoka" must have some meaning beyond artificial personal stakes.
So from a fame and a "power level" standpoint... sure.
He's the greatest.
I'm giving Filoni the benefit of the doubt.
While I've talked about why Filoni's entire headcanon about the Jedi doesn't track with what George Lucas' intended narrative, I think it's worth acknowledging that Filoni's bias comes from part of his duties while directing The Clone Wars was.
One of the goals of TCW was humanizing Anakin, expanding upon his character make him go from "a character whose only purposes is to embody the themes presented in three movies based on the matinee serial format" to a relatable person, a good man, the hero Ben mentions to Luke in A New Hope.
I think it's normal that he'll see Anakin in a more positive light.
Also (and full disclosure this is just me theorizing I am no authority on any of this so if turns out I'm wrong just come right out and say so)...
I'm pretty sure that Filoni, Lesley Headland and most of the recent Star Wars authors are all Gen X, raised by baby boomers forced to conform to society, obey authority and have proper decorum (boys don't cry!) all of which they strove to rebel against. Add to that the corruption they witnessed growing up and coming out of high school, and you see a kind of jadedness emerge. "The rules aren't as black and white, the world is grey."
So while most of them and the boomers despised the Prequels upon release, a few of them projected a more individualistic headcanon onto those movies that fit with where their head was, at the time.
As such: Anakin isn't interpreted by them as a cautionary tale about what happens when you're greedy. He's a misunderstood rebel, a non-conformist who has his flaws but is ultimately good at heart. Which isn't entirely inaccurate, but it is very clearly an embellishment of a character who will one day become a space nazi.
The fact is... the Prequels were made by a boomer. One with very liberal values and who was himself a rebel, but a boomer all the same. The whole point of his story is...
"we all must come together and fight as one, if push comes to shove; we must all be compassionate and selfless if we are to survive; don't be greedy, let people go when it's their time to leave".
And then he makes the Jedi say that, making them beacons of truth and good and compassion in his fairy tale, now aimed at Gen Z kids.
Gen X-ers hear/read that and project all the boomer BS they had been told onto the Jedi...
"oh, so the Jedi are saying you shouldn't love yourself, you shouldn't be yourself, you should give up on what makes you an individual to fit in, you shouldn't feel any emotions"
Because nobody is that good, realistically, right?
This happened in other mediums. The one that comes to mind on the spot is the relationship between Mufasa and Scar.
In The Lion King, Mufasa is strong and noble, Scar is weak and conniving. Simple enough. Around that same time, in A Tale of Two Brothers, young Mufasa is shown to be pretty nice with Taka (Scar), who is framed as a spoiled brat to begin with.
Skip to the 2019 remake, and it's hinted Mufasa gave Scar his wound, and in The Lion Guard they explain that Scar got his nickname from Mufasa mocking him for a misadventure.
He went from being a noble king to a bully who had it coming, Scar is an underdog who got picked on. Because again: nobody is that pure, right? Fairytales be-damned.
Nothing is black and white, it's all grey.
So yeah, long story short I do think that Filoni being part of the generation that wasn't the target demographic but was old enough to retcon the crap out of the Prequels also plays a role into his view of Anakin.
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science-lings · 4 months
more info for each option below
1- I just think it's funny if everyone knew who Sherlock Holmes was (Phoenix's 'Sherlock Holmes 2 baby!' moment) and it's a popular belief that he wasn't real but he was, just under a better name.
2- I can't help but look at these guys and point at them. Kazuma's concept art where he has his hair back is so Phoenix-coded and one of his thinking sprites looks a lot like Phoenix's and I think that in the afterlife whenever Phoenix is kind of a bitch Ryunosuke looks over at Kazuma and blames him for it. I don't know which one is trans and neither do historians, it's knowledge that has been lost to time. Though it would be funny if Ryu just popped out of nowhere to go to university where no one knew him so no one would know anything about him. Did he forge government documents to do it? who knows he's just living his best life memorizing tongue twisters.
3- It would either be something badass like a snake winding around her arm or something symbolic like a fleur-de-lys which is the flower-based symbol in TGAA for European prosecutors. I also think it's funny bc it's apparently based on an Iris (or a lily), and the iris has the connotation that it 'prevents fire' which would be funny subtle anti-phoenix symbolism.
4- as much as the fan renditions of scruffy beanix absolutely fuck, this guy has the most pathetic facial hair I've ever seen, he's trying so hard to look like a homeless rundown stoner but can only manage a sprinkling of stubble. In addition, Miles can grow facial hair and he tried to grow a mustache for a week in Europe but it was a sensory nightmare and he will never do it again.
5- idk there's a reason his little mascot is a mouse, I just think it's funny if he just appears next to people and they have no idea how he got there. quiet little guy (unless he's thinking loud enough for it to leak out of his mouth). If he was a little more chaotic he would make an excellent thief/ pickpocket. The closest he gets is making snacks disappear from the 221b pantry.
6- All the animals as evidence and his first defendant in seven years being an Orca, he has that disney princess vibe. He was buds with Polly the parrot during the trial and even Money the monkey warmed up to him, especially in the anime where he just chills on Phoenix's shoulders during the court demonstration. I also think eventually Taka would also warm up to him due to his immaculate bird vibes. Trucy's doves and rabbits love him, he does not know how this happened. He regularly has pigeons following him around during investigations. He accidentally makes friends with a crow when throwing out popcorn kernels, it regularly gives him things now and more than once it has retrieved evidence for a case he's working on. He names it Kay and refers to Human Kay accordingly.
7- A little detail I noticed was that a lot of the information Mia got on Redd White was from conversing through the spiritual veil which seems to be her strong suit even as a spirit herself. She can talk to Phoenix without having to use a medium. I think it would be interesting to delve into all the nuances of the Fey's spiritual abilities outside of channeling. There's definitely a whole lot more to it than we're provided. How does that magatama work? how does Pearl charge it with 'spiritual power' and why is she the only one that can do it? I'm a hoe for magical worldbuilding so I would love to get my grubby fingers all over the Fey's.
8- Just two haters who can't have the job that they worked so hard for and are bitter about it. I like to think that Ema visited America at least once a year to visit Lana in prison and she stayed with Phoenix to save money on hotels. It just means something to me that it's her pin that's on his beanie and she gets included in the Wright family (+ Apollo) new years official art, and he keeps the investigative tools she gave him for nearly a decade. They aren't the best influence on each other but they understand each other more than nearly anyone else. They send each other pictures of Edgeworth whenever one of them is hanging out with him so the other doesn't feel left out. Also, they both think it's funny to catch him in the middle of talking or making a weird facial expression.
9- Some guy can't just change how trials are done for everyone without a lot of political bs, Phoenix is famous in law circles and even outside of law circles but he needs to convince a lot of important people (and expose a lot of corrupt important people) before it can go through. At some point, Edgeworth is going to pick him up and they're going on a private plane to talk to the president. It's important to me that he has trouble grasping how important he has become and is surprised every time he's invited to speak at some fancy event even though he's literally important enough to have statues made of him. He is the most iconic defense attorney, he solved the deaths of the two most notable defense attorneys before him in some of his first trials. He is going to be in history books and that is unimaginable to him.
10- Obviously since his canon ancestor is Japanese he's at least part Japanese but I mean like, in my mind, he's fully Japanese American who can speak the language and was raised by immigrants, but I also think that so many other hcs are fun. Is he latino with his black daughter? love that, inject some melanin in these attorneys please. I see the ensemble artwork and am blinded instantly.
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mixelation · 7 months
Do you have any headcanons why Hidden Sound is called that? Like, did Orochimaru just stumbled upon bunch of air/sound based techniques and decided to roll with this or was there some sort of symbolism he wanted to impose?
sooo imho i think the name must have come from something apart from whatever orochimaru brought in. like i can't see him being particularly fascinated with sound-based techniques or the symbolism or even just wanting a music note hitai-ate. my headcanon is that a lot of the people we see in the chunin exams are native ninja to the area (where all of team taka is from outside the area). possibilities:
sound village already existed in some form; orochimaru just took it over. i forget what the actual dialogue on oto's "newness" is, so this could range from "was an established village that orochimaru just took to the international level" to "was a barely-there village orochimaru fancied up." in this headcanon he might not have picked the name; the half-formed village was already calling themselves that
there WASN'T a village, but there were ninja clans in the area that orochimaru united into a village. i like this one because i like the idea of orocimaru being like "fuck you, i can do it better" @ konoha. in this case he either picked the name based on the local sound-based techniques or indulged in letting them keep a nickname they gave themselves
in both cases, i further headcanon that he very quickly lead the village away from their original techniques as he brought in more and more people from across the continent
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nardo-headcanons · 6 months
can i get suigetsu then please? 🥺 its up to you which type <3
hello nonnie! yes, I do HCs for characters too, in fact, this blog started off with standard reader insert headcanons :D
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Suigetsu Hozuki General Headcanons
Since Suigetsu has once stated that Sasuke must have a screw lose to voluntarily join Orochimaru, I think he was abducted by Orochimaru in his younger years, probably around the same time he picked up Kimimaro.
That being said, Suigetsu probably lived a very comfortable life compared to other Kiri ninjas, being able to lived shielded from the misery people from lower castes probably had to live under.
I think he was spoiled rotten by is brother. One of the things Mangetsu always spoiled him with were dairy yoghurt and gelatine based jelly (which is rare and expensive in Kirigakure). It also partially explains why he's as thin as a stick.
Another reason being the fact that the men from the Hozuki Clan all seem to be on the leaner side, in spite of their high raw muscle power. This is a stark contrast to the Hoshigaki Clan, in which most members are blessed with rippling muscles.
He can't grow a mustache for the life of him and lacks any kind of body hair except his eyebrows and on his head. People at first think it's just barely visible because it's so light, but no, that MF has no body hair.
Gengetsu Hozuki, the second Mizukage, was probably his grandfather.
Suigetsu's brutal way to fight is most likely learned behavior, as this is standard practice in Kirigakure. I think he was a very adorable kid (and knew how to utilize his puppy dog eyes)
Having spent the majority of his pre/teenhood in Orochimaru's lair, he has quite a bit to catch up. Lots of dick jokes.
His alcohol tolerance is way higher than Sasuke's, he could probably drink him (and all of Team Taka) under the table, despite his curse mark and poison resistance.
He has great skin from being always well hydrated, and he's proud of it. He loves these "ocean fresh" shampoos and will fight you if you say they all smell the same.
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local-pr1nter · 7 months
Kiyotaka Ishimaru Ship Dynamics!
These are my personal opinions and headcanons! If you do not like them then please move on!
Assume these are all based in a Non-Despair AU!
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I've mentioned them before multiple times, but they're just that good and I adore them.
Real sweethearts and adore each other.
I've spoken about them multiple times now though so I'll just add some small things.
Daiya teases the two of them relentlessly. He refers to Taka as his brother-in-law and it always makes Mondo turn red- either with rage or embarrassment, who knows.
Takaaki was not a fan of the relationship at first, but eventually warmed up to Mondo after seeing how happy he made Taka- and not to mention how Mondo's changed immensely since they first met.
Daiya was the one to fully encourage Takaaki to just support them. He invited the Ishimarus over for dinner one night and it went lovely- after Mondo and Takaaki bickered for a while of course. Overall, it was a nice moment between all of them.
Takaaki eventually warms up to Mondo so much that he reveals that he also used to ride back when he was younger (I think it would be funny AND would shock everyone- not even Taka would know, shocking him the most.)
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I love the concept of two people learning how to be in a relationship when they don't get social cues or haven't had anything similar to a romantic relationship before.
I think they have a lot of potential as a couple.
Outspoken hall monitor x stoic soldier lets fucking go.
Either of them could've fallen first, but neither of them would've realized it at first. Mukuro would acknowledge it, but not have any clue of how to go about it, so would bury the feelings down deep inside and just try to ignore it. Kiyotaka would slowly realize it, only to freak out and panic because AHHHHHHH NEW FEELINGS ARE SCARY-
But once he calms down and accepts his feelings he'd probably bring it up with his friends. Leon would freak out about it but Chihiro, Hiro, and Mondo would be fully supportive about it. They'd help him ask her out before following them on their date to make sure nothing goes wrong (cough Junko cough)
Which speaking of-
Junko would NOT be happy with Mukuros crush. Mostly because she's not a fan of Kiyotaka, doesn't wanna lose Mukuros attention, and is jealous that someone actually chose her out of the two of them.
She'd probably try to sabotage their first date in any way she can, but of course Mondo, Chihiro, Leon, and Hiro are bros™ and won't let her ruin it.
And would you look at that! The date goes well!
Taka and Mukuro are very low-key and slow with their relationship- their first kiss had them bright red within minutes and neither of them could speak.
Like they had a system reset or some shit.
Against PDA, Taka wouldn't be very touchy with her in public. Even then, as they're still getting used to a romantic relationship, they aren't very touchy with each other. The most they'll do is cuddle in bed, either after Mukuro wakes up from a nightmare or Kiyotaka gets overwhelmed and shuts down.
In public, the most they would do is hold hands. It makes them both very happy.
They both just wanna take things slow and not ruin anything.
Mukuro is definitely a follower in this relationship, but Taka always encourages her to speak up or let him know if she's uncomfortable or if they wanna do something else together. She always appreciates being treated as an equal in the relationship.
After a while I think Mukuro is the one who likes to touch the most. Mostly holding his hand, arm, pinkie, or the strap of his bag whenever they walk. Almost like she wants everyone to know that she cares about this dork and if anyone touches him she will beat them up.
Both very protective of one another, Mukuro more than Taka but still both of them are very protective.
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punk-pitcher · 1 year
Hi I need to talk about a UTDP interaction because my brain won’t stop putting it at the forefront of my mind.
So, like, Kazuichi and Taka really are mirrors of each other, huh- HEAR ME OUT!
So Kazuichi and Taka have this interaction where Taka stops Kazuichi (presumably in the halls) and gets on Kazuichi’s case for how he dresses.
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From how they talk to each other, this seems like a regular interaction for them, which is pretty funny in all honesty. It feels so very Taka to harp on these kinds of things constantly.
And the interaction is pretty funny and lighthearted like this... until we get to this point:
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The tone turns fairly serious here, and the choice of dialogue should ring a bell for those familiar with Kazuichi’s FTEs.
For those unfamiliar, Kazuichi has some deeply ingrained trust issues that correlate to how he dresses.
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After being betrayed by a close friend, Kazuichi changed himself to keep people away from him. He doesn’t want to be betrayed again, and that’s very important to his character. We even see this in how quickly he turns on Hajime in chapter 4. He’s scared of trusting people.
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It can be very easy to assume that he was a lot like Taka growing up: smart, responsible, gullible, etc.
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The biggest difference between the two is that Kazuichi had a friend. And depending on how you view Kazuichi’s family life based on his FTEs, it can also be thought that Taka had a more healthy dynamic with his father.
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So with this all being considered, can it be considered that Kazuichi sees his old self in Taka? I certainly think so.
All of this is to say that this is an incredibly interesting dynamic that I need more of.
Sidenote: the ending of this interaction is even funnier when you headcanon them both as gay:
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Current Castlevania Masterlist (As of 01.21.24)
HC = Headcanons (most asks)
OS = One Shots, Ficlets, Drabbles (stand-alone pieces longer than bullets)
CS = Longform & Chapter Stories
CYOA = Choose Your Own Adventure (parts where Reader, s/o, makes different actions to appeal to different, separate characters)
Matchups = Character Matchups for Different Fandoms (readers get paired with a character based on their personality)
Hot! = Adult/NSFW Content
🧛‍♀️ Castlevania 🧛‍♀️
Longer Form (One-Shots) & Chapter Stories:
OS: Modern!Reader jumps into the flames to save Lisa
OS: Modern!Reader jumps into the flames to save Lisa (Part Two) & meets Dracula after rescuing her
OS: Modern! Reader jumps into the flames to save Lisa (Part Three) & goes back to the castle with Lisa and Dracula where she meets Adrian
OS: Yandere!Alucard x Reader
OS: Yandere!Alucard x Reader Part Two
OS: Yandere!Alucard x Reader Part Three
OS: Reader dies in Castlevania Trio’s arms after declaring their love for them
HC & OS: Sypha pegs Trevor- Hot!
OS: Third person in addition to Sumi and Taka finds Alucard tied up with the bodies of Sumi and Taka around him and they have to comfort Alucard
OS: Cho’s daughter comes to avenge her mother, but falls for a lonely Alucard
OS: Cho’s daughter comes to avenge her mother, but is captured by an obsessive Yandere!Alucard
OS: A empathetic herbalist reader comes to find Alucard post-S3, and their relationship is like Beauty and the Beast
OS: Kitsune!Reader leaves offerings for Alucard Post-S3
OS: Trio saves Werewolf!Reader from cruel vampire owner (Part 1)
OS: The Trio Saves a Werewolf!Reader (Part 2)
CS: Sacrificial Family: A child is sacrificed to Dracula by their cultist parents. Completely aghast by this abhorrent behavior displayed by who should be your caretakers, the vampire, and his wife decide to adopt them. But welcoming a new addition to the family when yours is composed of a human doctor, vampire lord, and dhampir child isn’t as easy as it seems. Chapter One - Chapter Two - Chapter Three
Choose Your Own Adventure:
HC & OS & CYOA: Witch Trio Ask Series (3 Parts)
HC & OS: Realizing they independently fell in love with the same s/o (1 of 3)
OS & HC & CYOA: Realizing they independently fell in love with the same s/o (2 of 3)
OS & HC & CYOA: The trio member of your choosing brings you back to the group (3 of 3)
What Castlevania (Netflix) Character Are You Most Compatible With?
HC: The worst partner for the trio to have
HC: Reacting to someone from the future
HC: Significant other with chronic pain
HC: How They Spend Valentine’s Day
HC: Falling in love w/ the same person & trying to woo them separately
HC & OS & CYOA: Witch Trio Ask Series (3 Parts)
HC & OS: Realizing they independently fell in love with the same s/o (1 of 3)
OS & HC & CYOA: Realizing they independently fell in love with the same s/o (2 of 3)
OS & HC & CYOA: The trio member of your choosing brings you back to the group (3 of 3)
HC & OS: Time Travel Lady Ask Series
HC: A lady from the future pranks them & they become obsessed (1 of 4)
HC: A lady from the future pranks them & they become obsessed & catch her (2 of 4)
OS: Alucard reflects on the status of his darling and the wedding portrait she pranked him with long ago (3 of 4)
HC & OS: The lady from the future gets revenge on the trio (4 of 4)
HC: Trio competes for the same girl/their flirting styles
OS: Reader dies in Castlevania Trio’s arms after declaring their love for them
HC: Trio falling for 4th adopted group member but they’re oblivious to the trio’s flirting
HC: How the Trio spends the Winter Holidays with their loved one
HC: How The Castlevania Characters Watch the Superbowl
OS: The Trio Saves a Werewolf!Reader
OS: The Trio Saves a Werewolf!Reader Part 2
HC: Soldier, Poet, King with the Castlevania Trio
HC: Castlevania Pairings & Their Preferred Positions - Hot!
HC: Modern!AU Castlevania Headcanons
HC: Yandere! Alucard
OS: Yandere!Alucard x Reader
OS: Yandere!Alucard x Reader Part Two
OS: Yandere!Alucard x Reader Part Three
HC: Yandere!Alucard finds girl in coma in the woods & takes her home (½)
HC: Yandere!Alucard when coma girl wakes up (2/2)
OS: Third person in addition to Sumi and Taka finds Alucard tied up with the bodies of Sumi and Taka around him and they have to comfort Alucard
HC: A mother of a dhampir runs to Alucard’s castle for help & he falls in love with them & protects them from her evil vampire ex
HC: Alucard has a long-lost mute!sister who’s lost her memory
OS: Cho’s daughter comes to avenge her mother, but falls for a lonely Alucard
OS: Cho’s daughter comes to avenge her mother, but is captured by an obsessive Yandere!Alucard
OS: An empathetic herbalist reader comes to find Alucard post-S3, and their relationship is like Beauty and the Beast
OS: Kitsune!Reader leaves offerings for Alucard Post-S3
HC: Alucard Getting a Villager’s Attention (Pre-S1)
HC: Alucard Meeting Trevor’s Older Sister
HC: Confiding in Trevor & Alucard that you like Sypha
HC: Helping their Significant Other Through a Panic Attack
HC & OS: Sypha pegs Trevor- Hot!
OS: Trevor and a Poor Vision!Reader outside of Gresit
HC: Confiding in Trevor & Alucard that you like Sypha
HC: Helping their Significant Other Through a Panic Attack
HC & OS: Sypha pegs Trevor- Hot!
HC: Sypha Reacting to a Vampire!Child That’s Scared of Her
OS: Modern!Reader jumps into the flames to save Lisa
OS: Modern!Reader jumps into the flames to save Lisa (Part Two) & meets Dracula after rescuing her
OS: Modern! Reader jumps into the flames to save Lisa (Part Three) & goes back to the castle with Lisa and Dracula where she meets Adrian
HC: How The Castlevania Characters Watch the Superbowl
HC: Castlevania Pairings & Their Preferred Positions - Hot!
HC: Modern!AU Castlevania Headcanons
HC: How The Castlevania Characters Watch the Superbowl
HC: Castlevania Pairings and Their Preferred Positions - Hot!
HC: Modern!AU Castlevania Headcanons
HC: How The Castlevania Characters Watch the Superbowl
HC: Helping their Significant Other Through a Panic Attack
HC: Castlevania Pairings & Their Preferred Positions - Hot!
HC: Modern!AU Castlevania Headcanons
HC: Isaac & Hector’s Partnership Post S4
HC: How The Castlevania Characters Watch the Superbowl
HC: Helping their Significant Other Through a Panic Attack
HC: Castlevania Pairings & Their Preferred Positions - Hot!
HC: Modern!AU Castlevania Headcanons
HC: Isaac & Hector’s Partnership Post S4
HC: How The Castlevania Characters Watch the Superbowl
HC: Castlevania Pairings & Their Preferred Positions - Hot!
HC: Castlevania Pairings & Their Preferred Positions - Hot!
HC: Castlevania Pairings & Their Preferred Positions - Hot!
HC: Castlevania Pairings & Their Preferred Positions - Hot!
HC: Castlevania Pairings & Their Preferred Positions - Hot!
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pokefangamebrainrot · 1 month
Elias Hazel headcanons plz? 🥺🙏
elias headcanons below! (includes spoilers!)
-every night, he places a hedge of protection over solaris and prays for his safety. even when he’s dead, he prays that solaris will be safe in heaven
-he speaks latin fluently (and annoys everyone with it)
-he instinctively still relies on touch to find his way around, due to him spending his formative years blind
-he can read braille! (idk why it wasn’t him who was called for the regi quest)
-he ends up getting along well with lumi and eve. they all regret their actions in team meteor and did it to protect a loved one
-he accepts his strained relationship with luna and stops trying to force a familial bond
-however, he still occasionally pops in to check on her and taka. if the two of them have had hard days at their jobs, he cooks for them (and then eats alone in the living room while reading)
-speaking of reading, he’s a massive bookworm
-he also prays for corey to be safe wherever he is. he feels a staggering amount of guilt for elena and corey’s deaths, and though heather doesn’t like him, he tries to act as a mentor figure to her-
-like luna, he’s a trained sniper
-as well as being an elite four member, he builds his own church and preaches the word of arceus untainted by team meteor after the main game
-he tries to emulate taube in everything he does, and so works with adrienne to help the community
-he sometimes has nightmares about being under radomus’ control (it reminds him too much of days he spent locked underground when solaris took over team meteor and he dared to question him)
-eventually, him and adrienne become close, or at least cordial
-he personally helps get dr connal arrested, believing his practices to be a fundamental violation of human rights (which they are)
-later in life, he takes up calligraphy and art, liking to paint ink based brush strokes of nature
-he’s been known to help the reborn police out when necessary, as a member of the elite four
-he helps taka with his museum, wanting to keep reborn’s history alive
-and lastly, whenever he died, he expected no one would come to his funeral. however, many, many people did, as he touched so many people’s lives
thank you so much for the ask i had such fun with these
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theamityelf · 2 months
I know it's been a month, but could you think of any other headcanons for that one superhero AU idea I mentioned to you? Like one possibility that occurs to me now is Naekusaba with a super-soldier Mukuro and a Sayaka with sonic-based powers.
First of all, you can ask about any AU always, no matter how long it's been, lol! 😁
Ooh, I think my first thought would be to give Sayaka a sort of Emma Frost-style telepathy and/or light mind control (like the pushers in the movie Push), but sonic powers are also very good. She's got to be either an Emma Frost or a Dinah Lance, right? I'm imagining she used to sing for a supervillain or something, in her early days, but now she's a pop sensation and is able to act in accordance with her own conscience. Her hero stuff is secret, though; Makoto's the only one who knows about it.
Mukuro I can definitely see being a Winter Soldier type. She might be ordered to kidnap Makoto as leverage over Byakuya, and then she falls in love with Makoto while he's in her grasp and disobeys orders for the first time to abscond with him to the criminal underground instead of taking him to whoever gave her the orders. (I'm going to say Fenrir is the group commanding her. Junko will be the "reasonable" alternative.)
Mikan with healing powers, not really a hero or a villain. Just a normal person with powers, getting constantly kidnapped by heroes and villains alike because her powers are really useful in moments of desperation. There's hardly a day where she can make it from work to home without being kidnapped because some anti-hero's best friend got stabbed or something. (Mikan getting scooped up by a random biker underling of Mondo's because Taka is hurt.)
Akane has flexibility/stretchy powers. Anti-hero, sometimes dipping into anti-villain territory because villains sometimes lie to her to get her to help them with stuff. Or they just straight-up pay her money. She runs into Mikan a lot just by being so active in the hero/villain world, but she doesn't actually need healing because she's really resilient, so she stands out as the only one who is explicitly nice to Mikan without needing her. (Maybe one day something does injure Akane and Mikan rushes to her side, insert tearful healing scene.)
I'm thinking Fuyuhiko doesn't have powers but Peko does. Peko can curve projectiles through the air, in addition to her practiced skills with melee weapons. They're villains. Natsumi's still dead (or she's in the Mr.-Freeze's-wife zone of being constantly almost dead) but Sato is alive; she's kind of Mahiru's MJ, in that she's a normal person who doesn't know the hero secret and gets to be endangered by hero stuff so there are stakes. Mahiru and Nagito are saving Sato from stuff all the time.
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strawberrymixt · 10 months
Danganronpa friendship headcanons?
ooh, i love talking about platonic dr pairings! some of my favorites are:
mikan/kaito. i'm the ceo of this friendship btw, in case you weren't aware (on that note, i would like to give myself a pat on the back for being the sole contributor to their tag on ao3 💅)
kaito/kokichi. i headcanon them as frenemies. their banter is funny to me
kaede/shuichi. i also ship them romantically, but i prefer them as besties :)
miu/kokichi. again, their interactions are hilarious to me
maki/kaito. really love their dynamic <3
tenko/kaito. i'm pretty sure i've talked about them in another ask, but i like to think of them as siblings. in conclusion, 10/10.
leon/chihiro/mondo/taka. the levels of bro-ness are unmatched. that's all i'm gonna say.
hajime/akane. a fairly new one, but i think they would be a funny sibling-like duo.
hajime/mikan. putting a few questionable interactions aside, based off their fte's and dangan events, i think the two would make good friends.
hajime/nagito/chiaki/fuyuhiko/peko/kazuichi. there's a fanfic author that i really like who writes for this friend group, so y'know <3
thanks for the ask, anon!
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northlight14 · 1 year
Danganronpa trans things✨🏳️‍⚧️
Just a series of headcanon’s based on the characters I’ve decided are trans from this game. All the characters I headcanon as some form of genderqueer and what the specific headcanon is, is listed here
Hina walked in on Byakuya trying on a skirt one time. Byakuya yelled at her to get out and threatened her to keep her mouth shut. To their surprise though, she was really chill about it and asked if they wanted to borrow any of her skirts or dresses and even asked if they wanted her to do their makeup or anything like that. Byakuya came out to her that day and while Hina didn’t fully understand due to a lack of knowledge on the non-binary community, she was still supportive and came out in turn as a trans girl
Gundham wears trans tape and Kazuichi wears brightly coloured neon binders. Fuyuhiko wears plain black binders and generally doesn’t bind safely, Peko having to talk him into being more careful
Peko and Fuyuhiko chose each others new names
On bad dysphoria days, Taka will do everything in his power to make Mondo feel better and affirmed in his gender identity. This usually involves him telling Mondo how strong he thinks he is or complimenting him on his muscles or jawline etc. At first, bad dysphoria days were hard to spot but the longer they are together for, the easier it becomes for Taka to spot the warning signs and he will go into full on supportive boyfriend mode
Sonia gets so excited when she finds out that Gundham is also trans or, as he put it, “like you, this vessel I inhabit is not reflective of my true character and soul.”
Kokichi loves wearing skirts because A, they’re fun and swishy. And B, it pisses transphobes off that he can be ftm and still dress femme and he thinks annoying bigots is funny. While Shuichi doesn’t fully understand as he’s also trans ftm and gets really dysphoric in traditionally femme clothes, he’s still super supportive of how Kokichi presents himself and they always stick up for each other if anyone tries to make any comments
When Kaede and Shuichi came out to each other as bi and trans, it was literally just the pointing Spider-Man meme
Byakuya: Kyoko, you should know I’m non-binary. Kyoko: yeah I know. Me too. What pronouns? Also, wanna watch that new serial killer documentary?
Gonta will call Celeste “lady Celeste” or “pretty lady” and her soul just lights up every time
Nagito realised he likes it/it’s pronouns because someone was trying to bully them by calling him an “it” and it realised right away that he vibed with that
Fuyuhiko will ask Peko or Chiaki to go and buy him pads when he’s on his period because buying them himself gives him a lot of dysphoria. However, it gives the two trans queens in his life a lot of gender euphoria to buy them so it’s a win-win scenario
Peko, trying to be a supportive girlfriend to genderfluid partner: so do I have a boyfriend, girlfriend or partner today? Ibuki: you ate the last of my animal crackers. You have an enemy😡
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mysteriousdoll · 4 months
I admit I have been stalking your page for a put 30 minutes AND OMG YOUR WORK IS SO COOL I LOVE IT SO MUCH AND I LOVE ALL YOUR ART AND HEADCANONS OMG-
Anyway, I was reading the HCs you and somebody else came up with and I have one but I'm not 100% sure on it. Like my mind is debating it intensely.
In ishimondo which one can cook?
My thought:
. Due to official art they can both cook?
. Or one is teaching the other to cook?
. Mondo seems like the guy who can't cook (just based on appearance tbh) but with his backstory he's had to fend for himself, so can he cook???
. And with Ishimaru, he seems like the person who knows how to cook, and maybe his father is out so often that he's self taught?
. But on the other hand he's spent all his time studying he hasnt taught himself those kind of skills.. sure he can make two minute noodles, or cook an egg or make some toast. But nothing fancy?
. Or maybe breakfast is the most important meal of the day to him?!?!?! Maybe it's in his routine to cook every morning?!?! Maybe he makes food for his father when he comes home from late shifts, or has bacon and egg on Sundays???
. Or he's terrible in the kitchen, and mondo taught him.
Can they both cook? Have you ever thought about this?! Sorry for the long ramble of options but I've thought about this for a week and have no idea.😭
Uhm yeah I'm going to put this on anon in case it's silly or something, but you probably know who I am based on the notes and notifications and stuff👍
Also idk if shadow banning works on tumblr like it does tiktok but if you want me to stop spam liking your posts I will, I just love your content 😭
One: screaming rn I feel so happy I’ve never had my posts stalked /pos (except for my Ben 10 acct which is bad bc I’m making an ishimondo Ben 10 au)
Two: No need to stop!! Idm!! Tbh the thing that makes me happiest is seeing people go wild in the tags, so I’m v honored.
Three: I agree! I think Mondo isn’t the beeest cook, but if it comes to Italian meals (thanks to my own hc’s and my Oowada mom oc), he’s not that bad! Although he has a bad habit of letting things overcook… he’s the type to burn popcorn and insist it’s better that way.
As for Taka, I think he’s actually quite the skilled cook—but only with more basic options. Taka’s very rigid, so if he is able to cook something more extravagant, he’ll follow it by the book, and maybe even ask Teruteru for his input. (Ignoring comments Teruteru makes and Gundham glaring Teruteru down)
The only issue with Taka cooking is… he forgets to eat a lot. (And thanks to his grandad, he sometimes chooses not to eat because he dare take one extra minute of free time) That, and his food is either bland, or so spicy no one but him can eat it. A hot while back I saw @mickules mention in a post that Taka would be a spice fiend, and I. Live for that.
Also also—regarding system Taka bc I’m always gonna mention system Taka /j, Akira (aka Ishida) is actually an extremely talented baker! They aren’t super big on sweet food ironically, but they can make really good baked goods even with limited ingredients… though they prefer crunchier foods)
Additionally; Mondo can’t fucking make ramen. He just takes someone else’s. Taka can also make insanely good omurice. Proof for Taka bc I can’t find the anthology comic with Mondo:
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