#Bashar Al Assad
workersolidarity · 5 days
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🇺🇸⚔️🇸🇾 🪖 🚚🚛 🚨
The official Syrian Arab News Agency (SANA) is reporting that the American military occupation in eastern Syria continues to suck wealth and resources from the West Asian nation.
According to SANA News, the US occupation is stealing wealth from the areas it continues to illegally occupy in the Hasakah province of eastern Syria, using its forces to load tankers and trucks with Syrian resources including oil and grains.
Local sources in the Al-Yaarubiya countryside, near the Iraqi border, in the Al-Hasakah Governate, told SANA that a US-occupation convoy consisting of 69 vehicles, including 45 tankers loaded with Syrian oil, along with 24 trucks loaded with grains stolen from silos in the Hasakah province, left Syrian territory through the illegal Mahmoudiyah crossing headed for US bases in Iraqi territory.
The report was published by journalist Nisreen Othman on April 22nd, 2024.
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dragoneyes618 · 5 months
"It amazes most Israelis - as it amazes me - that Britain has seen some of the worse scenes of all the anti-Israel marches across the world. The first protests in London happened before Israel had even begun its military response to Oct. 7. Rallies were held within hours of the massacres. What other country, having suffered a set of atrocities hardly superseded in the whole history of violence, wouldn't get even one day of sympathy? Only the Jewish state. And everybody in Israel knows as much.
Pakistan is currently in the process of forcibly deporting two million Afghans. Nobody cares. Bashar al-Assad is in his twelfth year of killing Muslims in Syria and the world's cameras turned away long ago."
- Douglas Murray, The Telegraph, November 20
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correctopinionhaver · 22 days
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typicalbrainchaos · 24 days
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The music over the ruins of Aleppo, Syria, 2017.
📷: Joseph Eid
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By Sharon Black
There is nothing more deceitful than for the U.S. media and ruling-class warmakers to blame the Syrian government and President Assad for conditions that they themselves have created. U.S. sanctions and ongoing direct military intervention continue to crush the Syrian economy, creating deep hardship for its people.
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potuzzz · 1 month
Can you tell me your view on the war in Syria? Who was right and guilty in this situation? Is Bashar al-Assad evil in the flesh or a lesser evil, or is he just a precedent with some dictatorial tendencies inherited from his father, who was involved in this bloody war?
I could definitely myself learn more about Syria, both before and during the war, but from little I do know, this is what I will say:
Bashar al-Assad is a good man for the Syrian people in contrast to any viable alternative--not perfect, who that can maintain the rule of law in a tumultuous and highly targeted country going through such strife can be. He has fought against Islamic extremism, terrorism, and Western imperialism, all of which benefit the lives of the everyday Syrian. He has always sought functions of government, development and peace for the Syrian people and their millenium-old society.
ISIS is an American invention. Just like the Mujahideen/Taliban in Afghanistan, just like all the similarly rightwing paramilitary groups in Latin American history, they are covertly (and sometimes not so covertly) trained, armed, funded, and supported by the CIA and many of its offshoots and subsidiaries. Just like the Mujahideen were roused by Uncle Sam to rape, murder, torture, pillage, and maim Afghanistan as punishment for the Afghans democratically adopting a progressive socialist government, just like the Libyan Civil War and its rightwing monsters were stirred up to overthrow the quasi-socialist Muammar Gaddafi, there is yet another case of a very decent leader and government that refused to bend the knee and shill out their country to Western imperialists having their opposition empowered in order to violently bring about the imperialist's aims.
Who is guilty in this situation was and is and will remain the United States. Throughout every continent, nearly every country on this Earth, they have supported fascism in order to weaken socialist/progressive/anti-imperialist governments, to torture populations into submission, and to build oppressive regimes that act as overseers to their own country's enslavement. This pattern of behavior is centuries old and has never had any justifiable excuse, not when it was "Manifest Destiny" or the "Monroe Doctrine" and not today with these Orwellian war propaganda narratives, be it about spreading "freedom and democracy" to "tyrants and authoritarians", be it about women's rights in Iran or Uighur rights in China. It is the same story over and over again: the Americans are villains, murderers and slavers and sadists, and they are adept at waging psychological warfare and building narratives about their enemies to project the very images of barbarity that they themselves exhibit.
There has already been compelling, overwhelming evidence that Assad doesn't use chemical weapons to kill his own civilians. It doesn't match any of his behavior before or after. What there is evidence of, is Islamist fascists and American imperialists creating sloppy false flag attacks to serve narratives and provide justification for otherwise unjustifiable wars of aggression.
Again, war is dirty, Syria is in turmoil. Allow me to get a little philosophical: Can you blame a leadership if, to protect their people, to oust sadistic and insane extremists receiving massive foreign aid, they have to occasionally resort to "authoritarian" measures, to "dictatorial tendencies"? Where do we draw the line? I would like to uncompromisingly stress that Assad is not some cruel monster who is showering his own civilians he has worked so hard to protect in evil chemicals of agony, but is the potential for other measures acceptable to you? In such a war, would you approve of curfews, raids, checkpoints, passes, role call, strict maintenance of the internet and radio and newspapers? Perhaps these could all seem like uncomfortable measures, but, the fact of the matter is, if you don't commit to a wartime doctrine, it will be a chink in your armor the Americans are going to exploit and quite violently destroy you and all the masses who loved and supported your policies. Allowing a CIA-funded-and-operated press operation to print lies about you in your own cities, allowing ISIS collaborators to go unpunished, allowing large groups of people to gather without permit as they please, these are all small things that are doing nothing but aiding and abetting a fascist or neoliberal takeover. Syria wasn't some socialist paradise, but it was a LOT closer to that than whatever the Assad government would be violently replaced with if ISIS or other USA benefactors took power.
Again, there is a lot I don't know about Syria, I know a little bit about the Kurds (which is complicated) and Russia and Iran but I'm not very familiar with how Turkey or Israel are involved, I know very little about their history I'm not even familiar with Bashar's father you reference. That said, the rhythm of what I am relaying to you is something found in the drumline of a lot of modern world history, it is a beat that keeps repeating over and over. Most of the Arab world, just like the world outside the West, may seem "backwards" to the sheltered garden of Western progressive sensibilities, and yet, they were almost all moving steadily in a secular and progressive direction as their societies developed into modernity. It was only when the extreme conditions of war are brought into their regions by powerful Western imperialists that some regressed socially and adopted austere militaristic doctrine in order to survive the siege on their societies.
As the United States, its bully club NATO, and its regional vassal Israel all slowly die, peace and prosperity will slowly grow once more in Syria.
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18053698 · 1 month
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Syrian Rebel feeding a cat
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aqlstar · 1 month
OKAY I'M REALLY GLAD I UNCENSORED YOUR PINNED POST because I had to block the tags relating to the IP conflict and your bio made me go hmmmmm lmao thanks for being a pleasant surprise on this fine Tuesday morning <3
Glad to help! It drives me crazy how disconnected from history the Free Palestine movement is. (And mean, I obviously don’t like the part where they support Assad and generally want Jews dead either)
I would absolutely love to see a political and social movement aimed at forcing Syria to grant citizenship to descendants of the non Jewish population of Palestine in 1919. (Instead they force them to live in refugee camps and deny that they are in one people)
But Syria’s a hot mess :/
I would also like to see some sort of recognition that “Arab” is a politically charged label. How can the Palestine ever be free if we continue to insist it is Arab?! Many people that identify as Palestinian are of Assyrian origin, and just because they have been assimilated into Arab culture doesn’t mean they have the right to deny the legitimacy of Assyrian culture, or the identity of those who still hold on to their roots.
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jloisse · 19 days
🇸🇾 Ils ont tout essayé mais il n'a jamais reculé
Vive la Syrie....
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fullhalalalchemist · 1 year
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gee i wonder why all the infrastructure in northern syria is completely dilapidated and why all the refugees in these areas have never seen a single dime or cent of the millions sent to them by diplomactic means, while assad's bank accounts rose by the same amount? i wonder why none of these refugees can escape syria? i wonder why truckloads of aid aren't allowed to pass the border to help those in those regions, unless assad allows them to, which he wont? i wonder why there is a war in the first place?
see what i mean? these people might criticize the west but they are all pro-assad
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zestingbloodorange · 5 months
"يلعن روحك يا بشار كل ما هز كلب ديله."
رفعت العرعير.
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unfug-bilder · 11 months
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(C) Heiko Sakurai
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kneedeepincynade · 7 months
Come comrades come to me! For i bring great news indeed! The west has failed and failed hard it did! The entire mudmachine and the worst terrorist scum of the west have failed and Syria stands strong against the west in defiance of their so called order!
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Translation is at the bottom
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😍 Oggi, 22 settembre, è una giornata storica per la Repubblica Popolare Cinese e la Repubblica Araba di Siria 🥳
🇨🇳 Il Presidente Xi Jinping e il Presidente Bashar al-Assad hanno annunciato, durante un Colloquio ad Hangzhou, l'Istituzione di un Partenariato Strategico, per elevare le Relazioni Sino-Siriane in una Nuova Era 💕
⭐️ Il 领袖 ha ricordato che la Siria è stata uno dei primi Paesi Arabi a stabilire relazioni diplomatiche con la Nuova Cina, nonché uno dei promotori del ripristino del legittimo seggio della Repubblica Popolare Cinese alle Nazioni Unite 🥳
💕 Negli ultimi 67 anni, le Relazioni Sino-Siriane hanno resisito alla prova dei forti venti e delle grandi tempeste a livello internazionale, e l'Amicizia tra i due Paesi ha continuato a rafforzarsi, ha affermato il Presidente Xi Jinping 🇨🇳
🤝 L'Istituzione di un Partenariato Strategico Sino-Siriano, ha dichiarato Xi Jinping, rappresenta una pietra miliare nella Storia dei Rapporti Sino-Siriani 💕
🇨🇳 La Cina, ha affermato il Presidente Xi Jinping, sostiene fermamente la Siria nella salvaguardia della propria Sovranità, e si oppone alle interferenze straniere anti-Siriane e alle prepotenze unilaterali ⭐️
🇨🇳 La Cina sostiene il Governo Siriano nella Lotta per la propria integrità territoriale, e promuove una Soluzione Politica alla Questione in Siria, dichiarando che essa deve essere guidata dalla Siria e dal Popolo Siriano, e da nessun altro ❤️
🇨🇳 La Cina è pronta a rafforzare la Cooperazione a Mutuo Vantaggio (合作共赢), così come a sostenere la Ricostruzione della Siria, mediante la Collaborazione nell'ambito della Nuova Via della Seta 🤝
🇸🇾 Il Presidente Assad ha ringraziato il Presidente Xi Jinping per il Sostegno della Cina alla Siria, e ha dichiarato che - attraverso grandi lotte - la Repubblica Popolare Cinese ha intrapreso, con successo, la Via del Socialismo con Caratteristiche Cinesi (中国特色社会主义), e che si è sempre schierata dalla parte dell'equità e della giustizia internazionale 🕊
🇸🇾 La Siria apprezza e sostiene le Iniziative Cinesi, tra cui la Nuova Via della Seta, dichiarando che esse aiutano i Popoli a raggiungere uno Sviluppo Comune (共同发展) e la Prosperità Comune, attraverso la Cooperazione (共同富裕) 🤝
🇸🇾 Il Presidente Assad si è congratulato con la Cina per i grandi risultati raggiunti, e ha affermato che la Siria si oppone a qualsiasi interferenza negli Affari Interni Cinesi ❤️
💕 La Siria è pronta a rafforzare l'Amicizia con la Cina in tutti i settori, tra cui il Coordinamento negli Affari Regionali ed Internazionali 🤝
❤️ Hanno partecipato, a questo storico evento, numerosi Ministri della Repubblica Araba di Siria, nonché Funzionari di Alto Livello del Partito Comunista Cinese, tra cui Cai Qi, Ding Xuexiang, Wang Yi e Shen Yiqin 🚩
🌸 Iscriviti 👉 @collettivoshaoshan 😘
😍 Today, September 22, is a historic day for the People's Republic of China and the Syrian Arab Republic 🥳
🇨🇳 President Xi Jinping and President Bashar al-Assad announced the establishment of a strategic partnership to elevate Sino-Syrian relations into a new era during a meeting in Hangzhou 💕
⭐️ The 领袖 recalled that Syria was one of the first Arab countries to establish diplomatic relations with New China, as well as one of the promoters of the restoration of the legitimate seat of the People's Republic of China at the United Nations 🥳
💕 Over the past 67 years, Sino-Syrian Relations have withstood the test of strong winds and major storms internationally, and the Friendship between the two countries has continued to strengthen, said President Xi Jinping 🇨🇳
🤝 The establishment of a Sino-Syrian Strategic Partnership, declared Xi Jinping, represents a milestone in the history of Sino-Syrian relations 💕
🇨🇳 China, President Xi Jinping stated, firmly supports Syria in safeguarding its Sovereignty, and opposes anti-Syrian foreign interference and unilateral bullying ⭐️
🇨🇳 China supports the Syrian Government in the Fight for its territorial integrity, and promotes a Political Solution to the Syria Issue, declaring that it must be led by Syria and the Syrian People, and no one else ❤️
🇨🇳 China is ready to strengthen Mutual Benefit Cooperation (合作共赢), as well as support the Reconstruction of Syria, through Collaboration under the New Silk Road 🤝
🇸🇾 President Assad thanked President Xi Jinping for China's Support for Syria, and declared that - through great struggles - the People's Republic of China has successfully embarked on the Path of Socialism with Chinese Characteristics (中国特色社会主义), and who has always taken the side of equity and international justice 🕊
🇸🇾 Syria appreciates and supports Chinese Initiatives, including the New Silk Road, declaring that they help Peoples achieve Common Development (共同发展) and Common Prosperity, through Cooperation (共同富裕) 🤝
🇸🇾 President Assad congratulated China on its great achievements, and said that Syria opposes any interference in China's Internal Affairs ❤️
💕 Syria is ready to strengthen Friendship with China in all areas, including Coordination in Regional and International Affairs 🤝
❤️ Numerous Ministers of the Syrian Arab Republic, as well as high-level officials of the Chinese Communist Party, participated in this historic event, including Cai Qi, Ding Xuexiang, Wang Yi and Shen Yiqin 🚩
🌸 Subscribe 👉 @collectivoshaoshan 😘
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kriegsminister · 2 years
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Syria, 2017
An armed insurgent (unknown faction) wielding an SVD marksman rifle and a Kalashnikov during the ongoing Syrian Civil War.
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anti-imperialist-squad · 11 months
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