#Basic Education Council
apacnewsnetwork0 · 9 months
New Delhi: The Uttar Pradesh Basic Education Council (UPBEC) has declared a winter break for all educational institutions across the state. The directive, includes pre-primary to Class 8, is applicable to both council-run and aided/recognised schools. The decision, announced by BSA Dinesh Kumar following government communication, mandates a winter vacation extension until January 14, 2024.
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premimtimes · 2 years
90% pass in maths, 63% in English: Interrogating David Sengeh’s education data, By Joel Abdulai Kallon
90% pass in maths, 63% in English: Interrogating David Sengeh’s education data, By Joel Abdulai Kallon
David Sengeh, Sierra Leone’s Minister of Basic and Senior Secondary Education. While at first glance, there is an alluring temptation to get carried away and simply applaud the meteoric leaps in learning outcomes, it is equally almost impossible to ignore the unmistakable political correctness framing and delusions about the return of quality education because of the FQSE that characterise this…
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acradelius · 6 months
Can I request some 049 x female Reader headcanons where the Reader is pregnant with 049’s child?
"We're Expecting! Don't Tell The O5 Council!"
Fandom: Secure. Contain. Protect. (SCP)
Pairing: SCP-049 ("Doctor") x Female! Researcher! Reader
Rating: Lime [🟢] - (Equivalent to PG-13)
Warnings/Mention Ofs: Human! Reader, Researcher! Reader, Human x SCP, Human x SCP Relationship, AFAB! Reader, Female Pronouns Used For Reader, Unexpected Pregnancy, Most Likely Post! Contaiment Breach, Slightly Overprotective Doctor, Very Involved Parental! Doctor, Internally "Paranoid"! Doctor, Limited "Normal" Pregnancy Customs.
Word Count: 873 Words
If you'd like to be tagged for all posts, certain fandom posts, or certain character posts then feel free to message me!
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There wasn’t much doubt that amongst the scale of ‘Definitely Not Human-Like’ to ‘As Human As Could Possibly Be, But Still Not Actually Human’, Doctor was more so teetering towards the edge of being more human-like than majority of the other S.C.P. beings that were also residing within the containment site, even still after the initial breach. That didn’t stop the researcher, (Y/N), from initiating a relationship with the Doctor, and eventually it became as intimate as it possibly could have. Despite that intimacy, there wasn’t necessarily ever a thought that a pregnancy between Doctor and (Y/N) could possibly happen, at least until viewing the results of the pregnancy tests that (Y/N) had taken. While there was some initial anxiety when it came to telling Doctor, he was actually pretty excited about the news! 
While within the early stages of their relationship Doctor had respected (Y/N)’s boundaries for space and privacy, now that she’s carrying their child, there’s not really such a thing as space and privacy anymore. (Y/N) couldn’t even make the five steps from Doctor’s desk to the bathroom within his laboratory without him jumping up to assist her. “Are you doing well, Chère? Do you need any assistance? Is there anything concerning the baby?” With that being said, the security around the laboratory is increased as well. There’s also more reanimated subjects that are placed around the laboratory, and even the most common places that (Y/N) typically ventures to and from, for an extra form of protection. It had gotten to the point that Doctor had to venture through the site looking for something, but didn’t want to disturb (Y/N) from their nap, so he had one of the subjects lay in the bed with her for protection.
Doctor is absolutely involved with the baby, ever since the moment that (Y/N) had revealed to him that she was pregnant with his child. He would spend literal hours just reading out loud to her and the child, whether it be his own research papers, random magazine pages found strewn across hallway floors, or would even spend time reading the files based on his other S.C.P. companions. It’s the same thing when it comes to listening to music, even if it’s various languages that (Y/N)’s unfamiliar with or hasn’t even heard of before. Doctor swears that while he hasn’t had any children before, that he’s done his fair share of research when it comes to pregnancies and even early childhood education, though (Y/N) is a bit unsure since it’s been quite some time since Doctor has been within the general public, especially in today’s day and age. He claims that it’s critical, and a long term benefit, that a developing baby experiences these things.
This pregnancy is definitely something more than just a generic pregnancy for Doctor, but he’s not going to make that known to (Y/N) unless he absolutely has to. As stated above, he’s never had a child before, and hasn’t came across anyone else like himself, so he’s unaware of what to actually expect when it comes to someone like him having a child within someone such as her. He’s not just monitoring the basic and typical pregnancy symptoms and such when it comes to watching over his beloved and her pregnancy. Secretly, he’s also monitoring for any abnormalities, anything that could end up becoming alarming or dangerous for (Y/N) or the baby, and even both. He doesn’t want to lose either of them, and therefore he would rather be able to take the risk of doing this part of the monitoring in secret if that means making sure that (Y/N) and their baby is doing well. While he was alone for the majority of his life before she had come along, Doctor isn’t sure if he would be able to continue on if he was to lose her.
Whenever (Y/N)’s due date, or at least an estimate of when the due date would be, there’s only a certain few other S.C.P. beings that Doctor is comfortable with her being around, even if she’s interacted with them for quite some time before the initial breach. He doesn’t want to take any chances with something happening to (Y/N) or the baby, especially with how sporadic and violent some of them can be. He only wants those that he can absolutely trust to be around them, at least at first, those that he knows will also do their best to make sure that things are going smoothly and stress-free. (Y/N) mentioned how this was slightly unfair once and therefore (Y/N) was only allowed to interact with who he didn’t deem safe enough through the intercom to his laboratory, or writing to each other with erasable markers on the window. This even means creating a whole different room or section of the site that Doctor’s located within to treat his “patients”, as he wants to make sure that the environment is going to be safe and sterile, or as sterile as it can be, for a safe, healthy delivery of his beloved little baby to be.
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So does Wales voting to ditch the Prince of Wales title automatically mean William ain't Prince of Wales anymore, or is there other BS they have to go through first to make England accept it?
Oh, god no, Wales has done no such thing. One of the councils of Wales, Gwynedd, has internally voted on it, basically to gauge opinion and also to make it official where they stand.
Okay, so, super quick and massively oversimplified political explanation: Wales is split into 22 counties, each of which has a council that does its day to day local governing, like when to put the recycling out and picking what colour to make the bins (recycling is a Big Deal in Wales and we are third in the world for doing it so this is a Very Important part of the job and we're Very Proud.) These councils are separate from electoral constituencies, though. Those are almost the same as the ones used for UK general elections, where we would vote for MPs to represent us in Westminster. However, there are more for Welsh elections, and in those we vote for MSs - Members of the Senedd.
The Senedd is the Welsh Parliament. That's where the laws are made in our devolved areas, aka the stuff Westminster is not allowed to decide for us, like education and cheese and recycling. That, if anywhere, is the place where we'd need politicians to demand an end to the Prince of Wales title if they were going to have a chance, because that's where the First Minister is, and he's like... the leader of Wales. Biggest Dog. The one who told the BBC right to their faces that Wales would base its pandemic response on science rather than creating a smokescreen to cover up our personal birthday party scandals. Mark Drakeford, an underwhelming but competent politician who is reportedly very good about packing his shopping away using the packing shelf in Aldi so he doesn't hold people up; which in Welsh people's books makes him Tidy.
Also, as councils go - as regions of Wales go - Gwynedd is the Most Welsh. The Welshest bit. Wales cubed. Uberwales. The land that England forgot. Come to Cymru. I Welsh, you Welsh, he/she/it Welsh. Very Welsh. Much Welsh. So Wales.
This did not require a vote, is what I'm saying.
So, what's actually happened here is that a local government of a single easily won council have agreed that William shouldn't be Prince of Wales in their opinion, and that's their official position. In terms of meaningful impact it's roughly equivalent to a custard pie dropped off a four foot ladder, except the pie was dragon shaped and sang 'O Gymru' as it fell.
It IS notable for being an official governmental body that has had the balls to OFFICIALLY tell the monarchy to do one, just as everyone is being very monarchial and shrieking 'Traitor!' at anyone not tearing their hair and beating their breast at the Queen's demise. And as long as it is an official, voted-on position, it opens up some possibilities both for other councils around the country and for the Senedd. If other councils start doing the same thing... it applies pressure. It's all about awareness. It helps grease the wheels of the actual petitions on the subject that are currently gathering signatures.
It helps establish a mandate, basically.
I suspect the next to vote will be either Anglesey, which copies Gwynedd a lot, or Monmouthshire, which will deliberately vote the other way, because their councillors are English. Alternatively nothing at all will happen. But we'll see!
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olomaya · 1 year
My Sims are getting political! After so many months, I'm going back to finish up my Politics/Community Activist mod. This is actually what my Student Council mod is based on (it's basically a baby version of the Poltiics mod.) My current Sim, Arie Wang (I forgot where I downloaded this sim from but she's lovely and perfect for this storyline I'm playing out!) is in the Community Organizer career which is an Active career (like Firefighter or Stylist) and right now is working hard to push a new law in that will increase University scholarships and grants for all students.
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Arie is a member of the New Earth party, one of the 4 political parties I created. New Earthers are all about the environment and focus on pushing forward environmental policies but as a mom, education is something that Arie cares about so she's been out there trying to encourage people to vote and hoping to sway voters before election day.
Different political parties have issues that they are either strong in favor of or against. If a party is against the policy, it's near impossible to sway them to vote for it so it's best to target people who are neutral and could vote either way.
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I'm happy with how this customized ITF layout is coming out though I still need to make more tweaks and edits and also figure out why the active Sim's photo isn't showing (as below). Maybe also changing the title (Local Political Scanner??)
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After probably doing about 40 fundraising cold calls she finally got someone to donate money. And boy did they! She's at the point in her career though when she doesn't need to be doing calls so I'm going to have her get some volunteers to do the grunt work so she can focus on making friends in City Hall to build further influence.
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Once a ballot measure is put up for vote, you have 5 days to campaign before voting day. Arie has been hitting the streets every day to canvas for votes, doing campaign calls and also raising money for the party to pay for advertising (TV, radio, online, print) which is the most effective way to sway voters.
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Yesterday, I added in a VFX to show when a Sim has been successfully influenced either for or against the ballot measure in question and in testing it out, I saw that Arie has actually been campaigning AGAINST the measure this whole time! Oops!
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I clearly messed up with a bool somewhere but at least the influence system is working as intended.
With 7 hours until the Election period begins, and all the time and money I've spent on campaign ads, it looks like I've just accidentally doomed my town to expensive education until I can repeal the law. The Free Llamas are not going to be happy.
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Also, shout out to Stable Diffusion which I used to create the Political Party Icons. I'm obsessed with this tool and loved how they turned out.
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bfpnola · 11 months
Updated version! ID written by @swosheep (it won't let me tag you oof)
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ID 1: All images are of an Instagram post by letstalkpalestine2. The first one is titled "Lets Talk. What is Hamas? Answering the basic questions".
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ID 2: the second image is titled "What Are Its Origins?". the body text reads: "Hamas is a Palestinian political party and armed resistance movement based in the besieged Gaza Strip. It emerged in 1987, at the start of the First Intifada, as a reaction to intensifying israeli violence and as a religious alternative to the secular Palestinian parties that dominated the scene at the time. Hamas was originally a branch of Egypt's Muslim Brotherhood but later cut ties with it and became an independent group. In 1992, Hamas formed a military wing called the Izz al-Din al-Qassam Brigades to resist the israeli occupation. The Brigades carried out several significant operations against Israel during the Second Intifada, which established Hamas as a leading force in the Palestinian resistance."
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ID 3: the third image is titled "Who Are Its Leaders?". The body text reads: "Hamas is composed of a political wing and a military wing. They each perform different functions but operate under the same leadership structure." There is a grid with four sections. The first section is titled "Political Bureau", and reads: "- Headed by Ismail Haniyeh from exile - Sets general policy". The second section is titled: "Izz al-Din al-Qassam Brigades" and reads: "- Commanded by Marwan Issa and Mohammed Deif - Conducts military operations". The third section is titled: "Shura Council" and reads: "- Led by Saleh al-Arouri in the West Bank and Yahya Sinwar in Gaza - Handles affairs in Gaza, the West Bank, diaspora, and israeli prisons". The fourth section is titled: "Gaza Government" and reads: "- Headed by Prime Minister Issam al-Da'alis - Enacts policies and provides social services to people in Gaza".
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ID 4: The fourth image is titled: "What Does Hamas Want?" The body text reads: "Its 2017 charter states that its current political program is to: - Implement the right of return for all Palestinian refugees; - Establish a temporary Palestinian state along the 1967 borders (the West Bank, including East Jerusalem, and the Gaza Strip) and arrange a long-term truce with israel. Hamas considers the establishment of a Palestinian state on the '67 borders as a temporary step. It refuses to recognize israel's legitimacy and advocates for the 'full and complete liberation of Palestine, from the river to the sea.' Hamas's 2017 charter states that its struggle is against the israeli state and the Zionist movement due to their occupation of Palestine, not Jewish people, and criticizes israel for associating its actions with Jewish values. Hamas's stated goals for its current operation are to - Free the thousands of Palestinian prisoners held by israel, - End the Gaza blockade, - End the status quo where Israel continues its occupation without cost".
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ID 5: the fifth image is titled: "Does Hamas Control Gaza?". The body text reads: "Not really. Hamas administers local affairs, while israel controls much of Gaza from the outside through its blockade. israel forcibly controls: - Airspace, - Sea access, - Movement of all goods and people in and out, - Telecoms networks, - Electromagnetic sphere, - Tax distribution, - Population registry, - Water, - Electricity and fuel. Hamas began governing Gaza in 2007, and has since managed: - Healthcare, - Education, - Infrastructure, - Social welfare, - Law enforcement, - Public employment. Hamas is not a sovereign government. israel's blockade prevents Palestinians from independently exercising sovereignty over Gaza's population, development, and economy."
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ID 6: The sixth image is titled "Does Hamas Represent Palestine?" The body text reads: "Hamas is one of many Palestinian political parties. On the one hand, Hamas was democratically elected by voters in 2006, garnering a plurality of West Bank and Gaza votes (44%) for its social services and resistance efforts. Today. Fatah and Hamas, the two largest parties, are roughly tied, each enjoying the support of a third of the public. On the other hand, many Palestinians strongly criticize Hamas's political wing due to its corruption and repressive policies, and the last elections were in 2006. 43% of Palestinians in the West Bank and Gaza believe that no party represents Palestine. The other polled Palestinians were split between parties, with no clear winner. We have no statistics for Palestinians in the heartland ("israel") or diaspora. However, Hamas is currently the only major group that pursues armed resistance, which is widely supported. So while most Palestinians might not support Hamas as a party, the overwhelming majority support acts of resistance in general, whether by Hamas or others."
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ID 7: the seventh image is titled "Is Hamas a Proxy of Iran?". The body text reads: "No. Hamas is an independent group with a political program and military strategy distinct from Iran. Hamas and Iran are strategic allies, meaning that while Iran provides Hamas with significant financial, military, and political support, Hamas does not act or operate on behalf of Iran. It makes decisions based on its own interests, and independently manages relations with countries like Turkey, Qatar, and Egypt. For example: In 2012, Hamas cut ties with Syria because it opposed the Assad regime's violent crackdown on protesters. It took this decision despite angering Iran, a close ally of Assad. Regarding Operation Al-Aqsa Flood, even israeli officials admit there is no evidence that Iran was in any way involved. Iran was actually surprised by it. Hamas independently coordinated and launched the operation to achieve its own goals."
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ID 8: The eighth image is titled "Does Hamas Negotiate with Israel?". The body text reads: "Hamas views armed struggle as only one of several tools to end apartheid & occupation, such as diplomacy. In 2006, in an op-ed for The Guardian, Hamas chairman Ismail Haniyeh revealed that israel refused Hamas's proposal for a truce. In 2008, former Hamas chief Khaled Meshal offered a 10-year truce in exchange for a sovereign Palestinian state along the 1967 borders with Jerusalem as its capital." israel rejected the proposal. In 2016, Hamas offered a long-term truce in exchange for simply ending the Gaza Blockade. israel rejected it. In 2018, Haniyeh revived this offer by sending a handwritten letter in Hebrew to Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu. But israel rejected it again. israel repeatedly rejected Hamas's diplomatic initiatives because israel saw no reason to end the oppressive status quo, which it believed gave it power & privileges over Palestinians with minimal downsides. israel's benefits outweighed the costs. Hamas is trying to change that."
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ID 9: the ninth image is titled "Is Hamas Risking Palestinian Lives?". The body text reads: "Westerners often accuse Hamas of risking Palestinian lives by fighting apartheid and thus inviting a deadly israeli crackdown. But the reality is that israel's blockade is slowly killing everyone in Gaza. [quote] 'We have paid a high cost in lives in this conflict. But if that's the price for long-term changes - breaking the siege and obtaining freedom - it's one many of us feel we have no choice but to swallow.' [unquote] -Haytham Besalso, civil engineer from Gaza, 2014. [quote] 'We are bleeding here, anyway [..] The Gaza Blockade crushes any opportunity for peace.' [unquote] -Ismail, anonymous journalist from Gaza, 2021. The argument that Hamas is responsible for israel's killing of Palestinians is malicious. It blames the victims for resisting apartheid and absolves the oppressors of responsibility, treating the mass killing of children as a 'normal' israeli response."
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ID 10: the tenth image says: "You don't need to support Hamas as a political party to support Palestine. Most Palestinians don't support it as a party. But Hamas is an effective political player in the struggle against apartheid, oppression, and colonization. It has achieved remarkable success in preventing israeli violence in Jerusalem and freeing Palestinian hostages abducted by israel. Hamas has institutions, ministries, student movements, and women's movements, and employs thousands of doctors, teachers, judges, and aid workers. It is part of the fabric of Palestinian society. So while you don't need to support Hamas to support Palestine, you cannot oppose oppression without supporting the resistance to it. You cannot support freedom while supporting israeli efforts to wipe out those who fight for that freedom, including Hamas, to leave Palestinians defenc Pales". End ID.
the original caption states that @/LetsTalkPalestine2 does not endorse any specific party, including Hamas, and that the last word on the last slide should be *defenseless.
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You know how there are those fics where a runaway noble reader ends up on Sturmhonds ship and she doesn't know who he is but he knows who she is and shenanigans ensue
Picture this: both Nikolai and Reader ended up doing the whole "tailor myself and sailing the seas" thing but Reader figured out who Sturmhond is while Nikolai has no clue. Because there's no way two people had the exact same idea. Basically a reversal of the trope. Now let the shenanigans ensue
The one left behind - Nikolai Lantsov x reader
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A/N- I hope you enjoy reading it as much as I did writing it😽😽 Tysm for sending this request!!
Summary- When a rather intriguing girl joins Sturmhond's crew, he finds himself quite drawn to her. However, he still reminisces about the one he'd left behind.
You closed your eyes for a brief moment, allowing the cool breeze to wash over your skin. It was comfort, a sense of hope and most importantly, your freedom. 
You'd finally gotten out of your wrecked household that withheld a father who wished for you to be dead only because you'd refused to abide by his terms. 
You were the daughter of a noble, one who had esteemed relations with the royal family, with you having become friends with the youngest prince. Who was however long since left the country and even though you missed him with all your heart, had no way of reaching him. 
From education to numerous life skills, your parents had provided you with all. However they both had different paths chosen for you to tread upon. 
Your mother had wished for you to acquire a position in Ravka's council. 
Your father however, had wished for you to go to Fjerda and work as a spy for your country. 
 Though no one had ever bothered to ask you what you wished for. 
When your mother had passed, your father had been forcing you to leave for Fjerda.
When you'd opposed, he'd only wished to get rid of you in whatever way possible. 
So you had ran, from a life that was none less than a prison, from a father who no longer wanted you because you opposed to living your life his way. 
You took in your new features in the scroungy mirror at the small boarding house you'd been living in. 
You'd gotten a tailor to alter your face so that you wouldn't be recognized as your father had organized a search party for you. 
Your hair was still the long black locks, but your nose was now far sharper than it'd been, and y/e/c eyes were now a light blue, rather tacky for your taste but it was necessary.
The tailor had told you that she'd put in her best efforts to make it last as long as possible, but you'd still need to get it fixed up occasionally. 
The next morning, you set out to meet with some crew member of the infamous Volkvolny, a ship commanded by some young pirate as you'd heard. 
You sat at one of the tables of the inn you were supposed to meet at. However, the girl hadn't even shown up yet. 
Just when you were about to leave, you noticed a girl with close cropped hair entering. She had two axes slung around her back and her features stated that she was Shu. 
However, you observed that she hadn’t come alone. She had some red-haired boy wearing a teal coat by her side.
“You’re the Tamar I was to talk to?” You asked, raising an eyebrow as she and the boy sat across you.
“Yes. Sorry for the delay. The captain wished to talk to you himself” She responded, glancing at the boy
You eyed him with your eyebrow still raised. Few strands of his red hair fell near his eyes. His hazel eyes gleamed in the light, and his nose was slightly crooked. He appeared no older than twenty, too young to be a captain.
“You’re the captain?” you asked, giving him a rather judging look.
“I believe I am,” he spoke with a proud grin. His voice sounding familiar to you for some reason. “I happen to be the infamous Sturmhond” he continued to grin
You glanced at him for a moment. There was something familiar about his eyes, but you just couldn’t place it. Perhaps you’d just started feeling so homesick that you’d begun to imagine things now.
“Novak, Evanna Novak” you finally respond, clearly not returning his expression
“Well’ he cleared his throat. “Miss Novak, to have you as a member of my crew, I must ask you what skills do you happen to possess?” he asked
“I’m an engineer, can help in fixing up your ship but I’ve also got training in combat” you spoke
The boy leaned back and finally spoke after a short moment, “Well, I believe we do happen to need an engineer aboard the Volkvolny. Name your price”
“I just need enough to fulfill all my requirements, no more no less. But there's another” you responded
“What's that?”
“I get to keep my freedom” you lifted up your chin, you'd come all this way for one thing only and you weren't going to let it slip away again. 
“Well, I believe we have a deal then” the boy responded. He clasped his hands in front of him as he stood up, “We leave at sunrise, meet us at the docks”.
He walked out of the inn with Tamar by his side. Though there was something strange about him that you couldn't quite place. 
“I have an idea” Nikolai sprang up from his chair
“What's that?” you asked, not even bothering to look up from your book. 
“Someday, I can get a ship that I'll be captain of and then we can sail the seas together” he spoke with great zeal. 
You set down your book and met his gaze. “Do you really think my parents would let me?” 
“We'll be adults by then, you could make your own decisions” 
You chuckled slightly, “No one cares about what I want, Nikolai. They'd still take all the decisions of my life”
“I do, I care about what you want” he responded, giving you his innocent look that would make you agree to whatever he'd say. 
You reached the docks at the exact time you'd been given. You hadn't exactly slept the whole night. Whether it was thrill, fear or something entirely different, you didn't know, you no longer cared. You only wished to be free. 
You stepped on the sleek schooner that was the Volkvolny. The ship was quite a marvel and you were intrigued by the fact that the young captain had somehow managed to acquire it. 
You were introduced to the crew by Tamar and her twin brother Tolya who perfectly resembled the structure of a massive tree and had the habit of reciting random verses of poetry mid conversation. 
Sturmhond too, had greeted you as you'd come. And seeing him shouting orders to his crew and grinning along with them made you wonder how he'd managed to do it all. 
“I don't like these parties in the slightest” you grumbled, leaning against the railing of the balcony. 
The queen had thrown yet another ball for some reason and the only reason you'd come was because you'd get to see Nikolai. Though your immense hatred for the event hadn't deteriorated in the slightest. 
And what made you even furious was how perfectly Nikolai managed to do it all. Making small talk with the guests, occasionally annoying his brother Vasily and being the center of attention. 
He was far cheery and great at conversing for a sixteen year old boy. 
“Me neither, these people are so fake it's maddening. Nothing coming out of their mouths might be true” Nikolai agreed with you
“But you do it all so perfectly, it's very annoying” you rolled your eyes
“Well, for being a royal, learning to charm people with words is a necessity. Even if it's not true in the slightest” He shrugged. 
You grimaced at his words and turned to look at the starry sky, without the slightest hint of his gaze on you. 
He was mesmerized by how beautiful you looked. You were majestic to him at all times, but there was something entirely different about you tonight. 
Your long flaunty dress that you'd been forced to wear, hung perfectly at your shoulders. A few loose strands of your hair fell near your eyes and he had to fight the urge to tuck them behind your ear. 
Your eyes gleamed in the moonlight. 
You were majestic. 
He slowly slid his hand near yours on the railing and gently placed it on top of yours, making your gaze turn to him. 
You gazed in his perfect hazel eyes, fully unaware of how red your cheeks had become. 
“You look marvelous” he spoke, his voice a mere whisper. “And I'm not only making it up to charm you” he added with a grin. 
“Like you ever could “ you rolled your eyes, a smirk playing over your lips
You'd been aboard the Volkvolny for about a week now. And you'd already become quite popular amongst the crew for not only your work but your quick wits and splendid sparring skills. 
Sturmhond would always attempt to make small talk with you and charm you with his idiotic grin. 
You helped him with his designs of a flying ship he was attempting to make along with his other erratic inventions, whilst he tried his best to learn more about you. 
“So, why did you really choose to have this life?” he asked, abandoning his work as he turned towards you
“Well, I simply wished to live a life free from all kinds of burdens” you responded, not willing to share your entire life history. “I believed I could live my life by my own rules here, at the sea”
“I have to admit I agree. It's one of the reasons I'm here as well. Though I do think of all I've left behind” he glanced at a far corner of his desk. 
For a moment, he appeared as a lost prince stuck in another fantasy. 
That was when you noticed the massive deep green gem fixed on his ring. 
You'd seen the ring before, but you hadn't really looked at it. 
The Lantsov Emerald
Very similar to the one Nikolai had on him. 
How had he gotten it? Perhaps he had stolen it from him? What had happened to Nikolai? Was he even alive? A thousand questions filled your head. 
But you brushed them off, quickly regaining your composure. 
Nikolai had stopped writing to you a long while ago, there was no point in thinking of him anymore. 
He no longer cared for you.
You'd tried your best to keep your composure intact when he'd told you. 
When you'd found out that he was leaving to attend the university at Ketterdam. 
It was best for him of course, you'd known. But it still hurt you to part from him. The boy you'd been with since you were children. 
The boy you'd known as every line from your favorite book. 
You sat alone in the garden, the moon gleaming above you. Nikolai was to leave the following day, but you needed to be strong for him. 
You couldn't make a fool of yourself in front of him. 
You suddenly heard the shuffling of footsteps behind you. “You know you aren't as stern as you show yourself to be. You can be quite emotional” you turned around to see Nikolai. 
He was dressed in a white shirt with the sleeves folded up. 
He looked marvelous. 
“I am not” you rolled your eyes. 
“Come on, you've got to admit that you'll miss me” he grinned as he sat beside you. 
“Well, I guess I might miss hearing your annoying chatter all the time” you shrugged
“See? Acceptance isn’t so bad” he grinned 
You rolled your eyes, “Whatever”
You looked down at your feet. You were going to miss him, you knew it. And you had no idea when you might see him again.
You wished to speak up, to tell him how much he meant to you, how much you cared for him. 
You wished to let him know how much you’d come to like him, even though you never showed it.
You wished to let him know how much you loved him.
But you couldn’t, you couldn’t muster up the courage to do it. And you believed it was for the better. Perhaps he wouldn’t even care once he’s gone. You hated the thought of it.
You reached your hands over to your neck and took off your pendant. You held it out in your palm, “Keep it with you, it’ll remind of you of someone waiting for you to come back”
He glanced at you before nodding. “I wouldn’t even dream of forgetting you” he smiled, taking it from your palm
You smiled, a slight tilt of your lips, perfectly displaying your melancholic feelings. 
He brought his palm forward, tucking a strand of hair behind your ear. He then held your hand in his as he gazed deep in your y/e/c eyes. 
“Promise me that you’ll write to me. That you won’t slip away” you spoke, your voice a mere whisper
“I promise. No matter where I am, I’ll never stop thinking of you”.
You gazed at him, your eyes speaking the words your mouth never could.
After several weeks on board, you woke up one morning and noticed the change in your features in the mirror. 
The effects of the tailoring were wearing off.
You’d gone to Tolya and had him tailor it back. You’d explained to him and Tamar about your need for it and they’d promised to keep your secret safe.
Later during the afternoon, you’d went to Sturmhond’s cabin to retrieve the designs of your latest project from him, only to find that he hadn't been there.
As you thought to leave, you noticed the very document you’d come for was on his desk. However, as you picked it up, you heard a sharp clatter.
As you bent down to pick up whatever had fallen down, you truly realized what it’d been
You felt as if your heart had stopped beating. You couldn't fathom the sights in front of you. 
It was your pendant. 
The one you'd given to Nikolai as a parting gift. 
The Lantsov Emerald and now, your pendant? You couldn't formulate a plausible explanation for all of it. 
Sturmhond, the captain with a terribly made up name. The Captain who was too young to be one. The boy who had far too polite manners to be a Pirate- Privateer as he'd say. 
The boy with the too familiar eyes and voice.  
Was it truly him? 
Was it truly, Nikolai? 
Nikolai had never been this conflicted in his entire life. 
He couldn't stop himself from glancing at a certain new member of his crew whenever she'd be working. 
He couldn't stop himself from attempting to strike a conversation with her at any given opportunity. 
He couldn't stop himself from falling in love with her. 
But he still thought of her, the one he'd left back home. He still yearned for the sight of her, the gleam of her eyes in the moonlight, her rare but marvelous smile, he still yearned for her. 
Though he knew he'd abandoned her. He had stopped sending her letters when he'd left the university and had decided to be at the sea. 
Part of him believed that she'd forgotten him, that she'd have moved on, no matter how much he despised the thought. 
He wished he would have spoken when he had the chance. He wished he'd told her how much he loved her, how much it broke his heart to leave her, how much she meant to him. 
But he hadn't, and he despised himself for it. 
You noticed the effects of Tolya's tailoring were wearing off. However, you chose to leave them be for a while. 
You needed the real you for the moment. 
You saw Sturmhond standing by himself near the railing.
You noticed the moonlight making something in his palm gleam. 
The pendant, you realized. 
He had it in his hand. 
You stepped closer to him as you spoke, “Captain's having trouble sleeping?” you asked. 
He hastily put the pendant away in the pocket of his overcoat. He regained his composure before speaking, “Yeah. Could ask you the same though” he shifted his gaze towards the sea again
“Well, I was going to, but then I happened to see a certain melancholic boy. Something on your mind?” you asked, furrowing your brows. 
“No, not really” he shrugged as he looked down
You raised an eyebrow, clearly not fooled by his lie. 
He wasn't okay, you knew it. 
You'd seen it. 
And perhaps, it was time you'd told him the truth. But you first needed to know what was on his mind. 
“You can talk to me, you know? Something's off with you, and you aren't very good at hiding it” you rested your hands on the railing
He sighed, as he lifted his head up. 
“I- When I decided to leave home, I left a lot behind. There's a lot I don't really miss, but one” He took out the pendant from his pocket. “I yearn for her. And- and I don't even know if she even thinks of me anymore” his voice trembled as he continued
Your heart stopped. 
He believed you'd forgotten him. He thought you no longer cared. If only he knew how much you'd missed him, how he'd never left your mind. How you'd always thought of him during the sleepless nights. 
“I, I don't think she would've forgotten that easy” you attempted to keep your voice steady
“I abandoned her” his voice trembled, he sounded immensely hurt. “I stopped writing to her, I- I never saw her once. Maybe it's for the best. Maybe, she's moved on, she has a better life, she is happy. That's all that matters to me” tears began to well up in his eyes. 
His state, his words, shattered your heart. You weren't happy, you didn't have a better life until you'd come here, you couldn't be happy without him.
You couldn't take it any longer. 
You took a deep breath before speaking, “She isn't happy, not without you, Nikolai” 
He stilled. 
He turned his head towards you in a haste. “Wha-” he looked utterly perplexed
“I know it's you” your gaze softened
“Wait,” His eyes widened as he finally realized. “It's not you, it cannot be” he turned away his gaze. 
You gently held your hand in his, “Nikolai, look at me” you said. 
He slowly shifted his gaze to you and looked, really looked at you. 
The effects of Tolya's tailoring were now fully gone. Your true features had returned.
He let out a breath as he took your name. “Is it truly you?” he asked, his voice a mere whisper
You nodded, gently smiling. 
“How? What are you doing here?” he asked
“It's a long story. It was either I went off to Fjerda or die. So I chose none of those” you shrugged
“What!?” he asked in pure shock
You sighed, “My mother passed away, Nik. I- my father, he wished for me to become a spy, go to Fjerda. I refused, so he wanted nothing more than for me to die. So I ran. That's why I needed the tailoring” you explained.
 “I had my doubts but I wasn't sure if it was really you, not until I saw that” you glanced at the pendant. 
His gaze softened as he realized the whole thing. 
“You still have it” you grinned slightly
“Of course I do, it's the only thing I have that reminds me of you” He smiled with teary eyes. 
“I, I'm sorry, for not writing to you. But you never left my mind, I never stopped thinking of you” he spoke after a short moment. 
“I believed you no longer cared” your voice shook as you glanced down. 
“I would never stop caring for you, love” he said. 
He gently cupped your face in his hands, making your gaze turn to his. “I would never stop loving you” his voice grew lower.
Your eyes widened at his words. 
You'd loved him. You had loved him all your life, more than one could ever think of. But you'd never anticipated him to ever feel the same. 
You felt as if time had stopped at that very moment. There was none other but you and him, two hearts beating as one. 
“I love you, I always have” he said, his teary eyes gleaming
Your gaze softened. 
Your face broke into a soft, relieved grin as you spoke, “I love you too Nik, I always will”.
You gazed deep in his bright hazel eyes before pulling closer to him. 
You gently pressed your lips to his, the action making a part of you heal that'd been broken too long. 
You pulled away from him in a short moment. You met his gaze before he pulled you in, kissing you in the way he'd always longed for. 
You smiled as you pulled away from him. 
“I have to admit I had no idea it was you” he spoke with a beatific grin
His expression grew somber. “You've changed,” he said.
“Time and experiences change all of us” you responded, glancing down. 
“Not you though, you're still the same annoying blabbermouth you were” you joked, regaining your composure in a haste. 
“Oh admit it, you love it” he grinned, teasing you. 
“I believe I do,” you smiled.
“Promise you'll remain by my side from now?” he asked after a short moment
“Only if I get a promotion” you shrugged, grinning. 
“Alright then” he chuckled, and took your hand in his. 
Your fate had brought you back to the life you'd once been stripped of. It had brought you back to him, and you were entirely grateful for it. 
please lets just pretend he had the lantsov emerald before when his mother gave it to him in ruin and rising it was necessary for the plot okayy
anyways i hope i wasnt the only one giggling by the end
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blackat-t7t · 6 months
Another jangobi idea I don't think I've talked about anywhere:
Soulmates AU
Inspired a bit by this fic and this other one
(For some reason, this fic, or at least the first part, really wants to be written from Jaster's perspective, instead of Jango or Obi-Wan's 😆)
Fun ("fun") fact- according to wookieepedia, both the battle of Galidraan and Obi-Wan's time on Bandomeer take place in 44 BBY. (I love playing with this fact.)
So, Obi-Wan and Qui-Gon are on their way back to Coruscant after Bandomeer, when the jedi council sends out a request for any masters or knights who are in the area and aren't otherwise engaged to join Dooku on his way to Galidraan as backup.
Obi-Wan is supposed to stay on the ship, but he feels the Force urging him to go out, and he's curious. When he sees the mandalorians and jedi squaring off, he recognizes his soulmark painted on Jango's armor, and he can't believe his soulmate would have done the things the governor has accused them of. He thows himself in between Dooku and Jango and begs them not to fight. Although they argue over Obi-Wan's head, the truth eventually comes out that the Jedi were told the True Mandalorians were killing innocents and came to stop them, and the True Mandalorians were set up by the governor and Death Watch. Some of them are sent out to secure the governor and any Death Watch still on the planet, and the mandalorians and jedi agree to a ceasefire while they sort things out. Jango (head of True Mandalorians' supercommandos) calls in Jaster (the Mand'alor) to handle the politics and negotiations.
Later, Obi-Wan sneaks into the mandalorian camp hoping to spot Jango again, and ends up hiding from a passing mandalorian in Jaster's command tent. When Jaster asks what he's doing, Obi-Wan swears he's not a spy, he was just curious. They end up discussing mandalorian iconography, the mythosaur skull and the variant that is the True Mandalorians' sigil, the shreik hawk that the Death Watch wear, jaig eyes, the journeyman protector symbol, etc. Jaster, of course, is happy to educate him. When Jango stops by, Obi-Wan asks about the lightsaber in the symbol on his armor, and Jango is kind of dismissive, says it's not a lightsaber, but the Darksaber. Jaster explains the history.
Eventually, Qui-Gon comes to bring Obi-Wan back to the Jedi ship because they're leaving. He didn't recognize the symbol on Jango's armor at first, but now he's remembered Obi-Wan's soulmark and put two and two together. He doesn't want anyone to realize Obi-Wan is Jango's soulmate, partially because of the political implications and the age difference- but mostly because, after Xanatos, he's convinced that any close relationships, including soulmates, can lead a jedi to fall, and he doesn't want Obi-Wan and Jango to become close.
Before he leaves, Obi-Wan asks Jaster to tell Jango he's sorry they couldn't get to know each other better. Jaster is confused at first, but he quickly realizes what Obi-Wan was saying, and why Obi-Wan was asking about the mythosaur and the light/darksaber symbols, which are both part of the soulmark. When Jango comes to see him, he asks if Jango has checked his soulmark. Jango does, and it's colored in now instead of in greys. The lightsaber has the unique shape of the darksaber, but it's blue, which surprises him. He says he didn't feel a pull to any of the Jedi he met, and asks why Jaster thought the color might have changed. Jaster reminds him of Obi-Wan, intervening to protect Jango and asking about the symbols in the soulmark. By this point, Obi-Wan and the jedi have already left, and Jango can't go after them because he has responsibilities in mandalorian space.
Of course, this is only the begining of the story. There's more, when Obi-Wan seeks mandalorian help while on Melida/Daan, and when he's on Mandalore to protect Satine. But that's the basic premise of the fic.
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master-jarrus · 16 days
So the au pestering my brain the most right now and therefore getting worked on is one I am thinking about calling Royal Court Au
Basically being married into the FSM's family Misako knows about the secret royal family shadow government thing (I wish they explained that better in the show)
Of course after Garmadon is banished to the Underworld the Emperor and Empress take notice of things shifting. They can no longer receive council from Wu because he disappeared and then isolated himself, won't return letters and sends everyone they send to him away
The first few that managed to get in saw the Golden Weapons were gone (remember pilot episodes they had to go get the weapons after Wu hid them around Ninjago) and after that Wu closed himself off from everyone
They can tell something is obviously happening and looking into Misako and see she has had a child and is actively trying to get onto digs and research teams that involve the Final Battle and anything with the Green Ninja
They connect some dots and decided they're taking Lloyd like what used to be done in Japan.
Lloyd will reside in the Palace receiving the best education and training he can get but if Garmadon makes a wrong move... (yes this is how they kept warlords in check in japan they would give their children the best opportunities and make them nobles but remember don't even consider betraying the royals they have their children)
Anyways Lloyd is going to end up kind of a spoiled brat and will hate Harumi
Because he was spiteful grudge holding child. Remember he still hates Clutch Powers of the fangblade
And he couldn't have released the serpentine in this au
Which means Harumi's parents will end up dying by his fayher's first attempt to take over ninjago
She's obviously going to blame him and Garmadon because Lloyd is the Green Ninja he had bene training since he was two but was too busy being in a cushy castle to stop his father
And add onto how much a princess being adopted into the royal family will completely flip Lloyd's life upside down
He goes from being the precious green ninja who is treated like a prince because the Emperor and Empress don't have children to being an after thought
They only take interest in how he is preforming his duties and how he's doing in his studies
So Harumi and Lloyd and going to despise each other and only being in shaky alliances over things they are blackmailing each other with
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stromuprisahat · 5 months
Second Army disorganization
Siege and Storm- Chapter 14
One of the most frustrating and famously nonsensical passages of Grisha trilogy, easily explained through doylist approach- the author's inability to write strategy or politics and demands of the genre, requiring a weak, unfit heroine to defeat immensely powerful opponent way out of her league:
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Alina: Oh no, they dare to oppose me again! :(
Isn't that why would you want to establish a council in the first place? So you get constructive criticism and suggestions to do things better?!
My objections to the notion Alina came up with representation of Grisha can't be more obvious:
Army is a structured organization. There are ranks and councils by default. No amount of ignorant teens will persuade me calling it "Second" makes it otherwise.
Any big organization has a structure. Even if Second Army were only about education, there would be councils and posts on different levels. Hell, school system works that way.
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Alina: I'm gonna have the useless ones represented, because we're not doing things like the Darkling, but that doesn't mean I'll respect them myself or abandon my prejudices. Fucking nerds. Weidos...
Another YA nonsense- you cannot put people into categories based on their physical predispositions, and expect the mental ones to fit accordingly. You can have a huge, muscled guy, skilled in delicate handiwork. You can have a tiny wisp of a girl beating the living shit out of you (popular trope by itself).
Now why should sensitivity to metals get you a spot in labs, if you're a strategic genius? Or incredibly skilled, witty rhetorician? Isn't it more likely you'd be required to complete basic training to stay healthy and prevent accidentally endangering others, while being assigned to whatever you're most useful at?
And what about those weak or less intelligent ones? Are they bringing coffee and arranging entertainment?!
It also fits this fan interpretation, that Materialki are often neuro-divegent, so they are tend to be kept away from battle for their own sake.
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Alina wasn't involved in practical running of Second Army before. Just because she doesn't know about something, it's not a totally fresh idea.
I'd be afraid of a girl, who almost murdered a bunch of people for asking questions, too.
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At this point, I'm gonna run with the idea that all the older Grisha are torn between face-palming and silently laughing their assess off (so Alina doesn't overhear and her clique doesn't resort to violence).
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“But what do they do in there?” I asked, not entirely sure I wanted to hear the answer. “Only the Corporalki know. But there are rumors that they’ve been working with the Fabrikators on new … experiments.”
Shadow and Bone- Chapter 8
... and that says nothing about the field, or the little groups in noble houses. People tend to stick together with their own, when in strange enviroment. I'm sure such bonds dissolve immediately after their return "home".
I've also delved a little into the sitting order here.
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A few lines earlier, Alina noted Materialki didn't show up to complain. Who is so horrified then?! Not them, for sure.
Ironically, this fits into Fabricator-brain theory linked above AND the most logical explanation- Materialki have basic self-defense training, but only those, who are able to, continue. Alina isn't particularly friendly with any of them, so how would she know no one had EVER bothered to teach them? Alright, there are none in her class, but as far as we know, it consists of a Squaller, an Inferni and a Heartrender. Not the most saying sample.
Having a third of all Grisha helpless doesn't fit into the picture of Aleksander's leadership:
“That’s what Botkin always says. ‘Not showy, just to make pain,’” I said, imitating the mercenary’s heavy accent. “Smart guy.” “The Darkling doesn’t think Grisha should rely on their powers for defense.”
Shadow and Bone- Chapter 17
You don't have to become another Bruce Lee, you only need a chance, when they drag you out of bed in the middle of the night.
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What tradition?
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This is rather well-written group of angry, disorganized people. It might start with a reasonable goal, but soon everyone talks about something else than others, and the message gets lost in the noise.
Tradition doesn't equal "the way things are done". Neither of them is the same as "the need for structure and people knowing their places". The third one is a legitimate concern, although one could argue it's exactly what Alina's attempting.
This whole scene very much reads like:
The author is desperate to prove the Heroine isn't quite useless- she has good ideas! Look! *whacks a hundreds of years old stategist and survivor par excellence with stupid stick*
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allthecanadianpolitics · 10 months
A group that advocates on behalf of people living in poverty says "living wage" requirements have risen again across the province. The Human Development Council has released its annual report on the pay rates that would be required in order to meet basic needs and maintain a reasonable quality of life in several New Brunswick cities. The rates are calculated based on the income it would take to cover food, three-bedroom housing, child care, transportation, education and "social inclusion" activities, like extracurriculars and entertainment for a family of four, with children ages two and seven, said Heather Atcheson, a researcher with the Human Development Council, based in Saint John.
Continue Reading
Tagging @politicsofcanada
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syndrossi · 1 month
will Rhaenyra ever find out that the boys were the ones to send her that letter? follow up question, will Daemon find that out as well?
how does Daemon feel, after spending a fortnight fixing the subpar education in the Red Keep, that regardless of him implementing better maesters and masters at arms that his children are essentially prodigies in both? does he shout it from the rooftops? does he gloat about it in front of Otto? does he post flyers throughout the castle saying his sons are the best? (as of he doesn’t already)
The letter may become a bit of a thing later, so I'm going to plead the fifth on that for now.
Daemon will work it into every possible conversation, I'm sure.
Rhaegar spotting an accounting mistake in the war budget that Daemon is reviewing at their apartments? You bet Daemon's bringing that up at the next small council meeting. "I had my eight-year-old son submit some corrections, Lord Beesbury..."
Knights arriving to practice in the yard for an upcoming tourney under Jon's discerning eye? "Ser Harrold, here is a list of promising candidates for any future Kingsguard vacancies, per Jon's evaluation..."
Those suppers with Viserys that Daemon negotiated with his brother in exchange for a ride on Caraxes? They're basically a weekly oneupmanship event with Otto while Jon and Rhaegar try to disappear into their chairs.
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primus-why · 1 year
Okay okay just a real quick: MegOp Bodyguard Affair within an Arranged Marriage AU???
Imagine Orion Pax is very very very distantly related to one of the lineages of the Primes, and though he goes about his life practically a mid-caste, the fact remains that he is technically considered high-caste.
He maintains a job as an Archivist, living out a modest, unassuming life, and generally doesn't care for the pomp and circumstance of high-caste affairs. The flashiness just isn't in his nature, and there is something he can't quite place his digit on when he attended those soirees-- something unsettling and almost invisible.
The key word here being almost. He is not ignorant to the way higher-castes handle their lower-caste staff-- in his youth he'd overheard his fair share of unjust punishments over minuscule offenses or listened to someone brag about withholding payment as a means to pinch a few credits. Though Orion doesn't exist in that sphere any more, he can't shake the sense that things have just gotten worse. His friend Jazz is an upper mid-caste who has a knack for keeping an audial to the ground thanks to his security work, and has told him many times there is a growing unrest all over Cybertron-- that it's only a matter of time before it bursts into something ugly.
Orion already sees ugliness; as the slum areas continue to expand, as mechs and their homes fall into disrepair, the Senate and Council of Primes don't appear to care at all about the wellbeing of Cybertronian citizens. He sees what Jazz is referring to-- there is a looming darkness, and their people are disconnected. But what can Orion, a mere data clerk, possibly do about it?
He does what he's best at: cataloging whatever data he can find to educate himself of the stories he cannot see or fathom.
Through his research he discovered some of the gruesome ways mechs in castes below him have been treated, but even then he knew his findings were only scratching the surface. He wanted to learn more-- to speak with others who had direct experiences. He first began with Ratchet, a dear friend who was also high-caste, who used his vast medical knowledge to attend to anyone who came to him. In fact, Ratchet purposefully divides his time between high-caste hospitals and a clinic he created in Rodion in order to give lower-castes access to his skill. The lack of opportunities for maintenance and even basic medical care horrified Orion, and it only urged him to look deeper.
That was how he had eventually discovered the forums-- large, categorized, virtual assemblies of mechs from all walks of life, interacting anonymously under pseudonyms. He absorbed as much as he could-- even the uglier sides he couldn't stomach on the first read. It felt important that he saw these things, as it confirmed his suspicions that the high-castes who operated the Senate were willfully allowing people to suffer for their own benefit and comfort.
In time, he learned of the works of Megatronus-- a gladiator who fought in the Pits of Kaon, but who was also an impressive orator and author. He would publish transcribed speeches and essays under a pseudonym, though Orion quickly learned the mech's true identity from others who followed his work. His words spoke plainly of the inequalities and injustices present in society, shedding light on the lives of unnamed Disposables, and wove a dream of a world without a caste system, without Functionism. In short, it was revolutionary, and captured Orion so intensely that he became uncharacteristically emboldened one cycle and sent Megatronus a direct message.
Of course, while Orion had already been chatting with a few mechs here and there to learn of their accounts, something about reaching out to Megatronus felt... different. A much bigger step. Perhaps it was because he was something of a celebrity, being a public figure in the blood sport he championed as well as being a talented writer. Orion was nervous and excited all at once-- though he reminded himself he really ought not to be, seeing as Megatronus would be understandably far too busy to even read his message... surely he gets hundreds of those a cycle...
But then something miraculous happened-- Megatronus actually responded!!!
And thus began their fervent exchange of ideas. Megatronus was as captivating as Orion had suspected-- an enlightening philosopher wrapped within the charms of his quick wit and forward nature. Eventually-- though they had never even seen each other-- a deep mutual friendship bloomed, and Orion longed to visit Megatronus in Kaon... to meet and hear him speak in person...
(He longed for other things as well, but dare not voice them aloud for he knew how outlandish it was to want them. Orion knew he could not monopolize Megatronus' time in the selfish way he would like-- not when he was so important to the revolutionary movement he had started...)
However, everything changed when Orion's cousin Sentinel was named a Prime.
There hadn't been a new Prime in ages. Zeta and Vector had been serving for many vorns, while Alpha Trion came well before them and was by far the oldest; Sentinel would likely be replacing him on their Council of Primes. This, Orion knew, would be devastating news to Megatronus-- he knew the gladiator had hoped to one day ascend to the title of Prime as demonstration of overcoming the oppression of the caste system. Now, it seemed they would have to wait even longer for the next rare chance of a new Prime being named.
Secondary to all that, Orion was facing his own personal troubles. He, who was content to live an unassuming life, had been thrust into the spotlight for having an even closer lineage to the Primes. Now he had strangers sending him gifts, even showing up at his place of work, vying for his good graces so he might put in a word to Sentinel on their behalf. Or worse, they attempted to seduce him in a blatant attempt to ascend the social ladder through a conjux bond. It all made Orion deeply uncomfortable, and he thanked Alpha Trion profusely for letting him use a private workstation at the Archives, otherwise he would have lost his mind (or his temper.)
For folks desperate to recieve acknowledgment from the new Prime to boost their social standing, they were shockingly naive about Orion's relationship to Sentinel. They had been estranged for over half his function by now, in part because they existed in different circles, but also because Orion could hardly stand the mech. Sentinel had been pompous and cocky as a sparkling, and unfortunately it was a not a phase he grew out of. He was, quite frankly, a classic example of the type of leader people were growing to despise-- an arrogant and over-polished politician who made decisions to only benefit himself and crush the rest beneath his pedes.
That train of thought led him back to Megatronus; Orion hadn't heard from him in a while. At first he had been terrified that his dear friend had finally been overtaken in the Pit, killed by his fellow mech or by some massive beast stolen from a foreign planet. But after scanning the Kaon news for joors, he found no recounting of such an event-- surely the champion's defeat would have made a headline? Orion concluded he must be held up by something, and so after not receiving a response for quite some time, he ventured to ask another gladiator who worked closely with Megatronus-- Soundwave. He knew the silent mech didn't like to be bothered, but he had hoped to convey his concerns well enough that he could be forgiven just this once.
Orion: Hello, Soundwave. I am sorry to disturb you with the same question I'm sure countless others have been wondering, but do you know where Megatronus is?
Soundwave: ... Affirmative. Many have wondered. However, Orion Pax first to ask.
Orion: Oh! I would have assumed your inbox would be flooded by inquiries to his whereabouts...
Soundwave: Others afraid to ask.
Orion: ... Afraid to ask you or afraid to ask what has become of him? Did something bad happen?? Is he alright???
Soundwave: ... Inconclusive. Not good, not bad. Confirmed: Megatronus is unharmed.
Orion: That is such a relief to hear!! In that case, may I inquire further as to what situation prevents him from communicating? That is to say, I noticed he hasn't been posting to the forums as of late...
Soundwave: ... Megatronus: loaned to high-caste buyer. Unable to establish contact until further notice. Contract duration: one stellar cycle. Megatronus: will post as soon as able.
Orion: Oh... is that a common situation you find yourselves in?
Soundwave: Uncommon, but not rare.
Orion: I see... thank you for taking the time to speak with me, Soundwave. It was most illuminating. In the meantime, I will endeavor to be patient a while longer for Megatronus' return to the forums. Farewell for now, and please stay safe.
Soundwave abruptly exited their chat without a departing remark, not that Orion expected him to do anything else.
It had been hard as of late to see his friends in Iacon with all the new attention he had been attracting. Now, without even his dear online companion to talk to, Orion felt a bit isolated... lonely, even. But he knew the buzz around Sentinel's Primacy ceremony would die down eventually, so all he had to do was persevere.
Still, as much as he enjoyed the company of mechs like Ratchet and Jazz over a com channel, there was something about those text-based messages between himself and Megatronus that he craved. The gladiator provided intellectual stimulation that he found in no one else, and it was intoxicating...
Unfortunately the universe decided it would not let Orion Pax stew in isolation for long. No, it had other plans... which involved Sentinel suddenly deciding to send for him, so that they might meet at his grand estate and "become reacquainted".
Upon arriving, Orion was not impressed by the splendor as he now saw it as a terrible waste. He politely listened to all the history the estate manager waxed on about as they pointed to various highlights during their tour, even asking thoughtful questions along the way (which they seemed to appreciate.) Still, all he could think of is what these resources might've been able to do for literally anyone else on the planet aside from boosting his cousin's vanity.
Finally he is led to meet Sentinel in one of the drawing rooms. He greets Orion uncharacteristically warmly at first, throwing Orion off for a moment. But in a klik, Sentinel's facade slips away and he is back to his petty, backhanded remarks-- now there's the Sentinel Orion remembered.
As it turns out, Sentinel has pawned him off to be bonded to a Senator who was tantamount in securing the Prime seat for him. Orion is outraged!! How dare he make such a promise without consulting him!?!
"I refuse." Orion said, his voice cold, "The Senator may certainly try to court me, and I will honestly take their attempt into consideration-- as a courtesy to your arrangement-- but I will make no promise to be bonded by the end of it." Orion hoped the concession to at least let the mech have a fair go at courting would be enough.
But Sentinel just laughed-- laughed.
"Oh! You think you have a choice! Ha ha ha!" He wiped away some stray coolant from his optic before resetting his vocalizer, "As you may recall, tomorrow I will be named Prime. And as the highest living member of our lineage, I will oversee all of our clan's affairs. I suggest you learn your place this cycle, Orion... I may not be so forgiving henceforth."
"I don't care what you have to say on the matter, today or otherwise." Orion said, turning to leave, "I refuse to be a pawn in this game. Pick another estranged family member to entertain you, I'm going home."
"Oh, poor Orion. Didn't I mention? You are home."
"I... what?"
"I took the liberty of gathering all your things and relocated them here," Sentinel said with a dismissive wave, as though upending his entire life was as easy as ordering fuel, "and I've asked Alpha Trion place you on sabbatical from the Archives, starting immediately."
"Wh-- why?! When?!?"
"Shortly after my chauffeur picked you up." Sentinel regarded him smugly from over a shoulder pauldron, "I couldn't allow your betrothed to be seen visiting that hovel you called a home, so I graciously offered to house you until the conjux ritus was complete."
'This can't be happening.' Orion was too stunned to speak, panic creeping up as the reality of his situation sunk in. 'My job, my friends, my home... this is archaic!'
"The courting and subsequent ritus is expected to take approximately a stellar cycle," Sentinel continued, glancing at his digits and looking rather bored, "hence your sabbatical. And after that you will move into your bonded's estate. From there, I don't care what you do."
A knock on the door interrupted Sentinel's servo grooming and Orion's mental spiral. The estate manager had returned with a large silver mech following close behind, saying something about fuel being ready for them in another parlour.
"Ah! Excellent timing." Sentinel clapped his servos and turned to Orion. "Care to join me for a snack?"
Orion said nothing, still trying to calm his racing processor.
"No?" Sentinel began to approach him. "We could toast to a new chapter in our functions!"
Finally no longer on the verge of a glitch, Orion turned his helm away, deliberately not looking at Sentinel.
"No, thank you," he said sullenly, "My tanks are satisfactory."
Suddenly Sentinel cupped his chin with one servo and yanked so that their optics met.
"Are you sure? I am a very busy mech, and I might otherwise forget to feed you later." He leaned in even closer, "It would be unwise to make a habit of spurning my generosity, as I alone have the power to make your stay here more... comfortable."
"I will survive." Said Orion-- gaze firm and unwavering, a cold fire in his optics.
'I will survive this... I will survive you.'
Sentinel released him with a sneer and marched over to the door. "Come!" he barked at the silver mech, causing the estate manager to jolt. However the larger mech hardly stirred, save to plod towards the spot Sentinel had gestured to. Orion noticed his helm was bowed, red optics casts towards the floor... which meant he was almost certainly a low-caste and had to show deference to the higher-castes around him. The sight made Orion's spark twist.
Despite the submissive posture, the silver mech was large and imposing; he even had to duck and turn slightly to fit his helm and broad, spiked shoulders through the doorframe. When he was able to stand at his full height, Orion could see he wore a carefully blank expression. 'Reticence is a common self-preservation tactic for mechs in his position... I can plainly see why.'
"Meet your new bodyguard, Orion Pax!" Sentinel clapped the silver mech on the shoulder with vicious glee as red optics widened minutely before returning to their previous setting. "He'll be here to keep an optic on you at all times while you're being courted."
'Not so much for my safety as he is to deter me from running away, no doubt.' Orion speculated. Nothing he holds against the big mech personally, he knows it's just his job. Still, his presence will complicate any of Orion's future plans...
Sentinel started to walk away then, but seemed to think of something else. "Ah-- despite his frame size, he should blend into your periphery. You'll hardly notice he's there. But do let me or my estate manager know if he gets to be too chatty."
And with that, Sentinel and the estate manager finally left him alone with his new keeper. Orion let out a long, shaky sigh. He knew Sentinel could have a cruel and ruthless streak, but this was beyond the pale. 'Primus below, I shudder to imagine how will he act once he actually is a Prime...'
Shaking those disturbing thoughts for now he turned towards the other mech in the room, only to be met with red optics flicking up to look right at him. The silver mech's helm was still downcast, so it was difficult to see his expression, but Orion surmised he must be feeling wary of his new charge.
'Well, that won't do.' Orion gathered himself and strode over to make introductions.
"Hello. My designation is Orion Pax." As he spoke the silver mech's helm began to slowly rise, red optics still glued him. "Despite what Sentinel implied, I'd much prefer you speak as often as you'd like... at least in my company. It seems we will be spending a lot of time together, and it would be a shame to spend its entirety in silence."
He held out his servo as an offered greeting. Eventually, after a brief hesitation, the looming silver mech reached out with his own (clawed?!) servo and shook it, being even more gentle than Orion thought possible.
"... Orion Pax." The mech ventured, looking him up and down. "Would you happen to be from Iacon?"
'Oh my,' thought Orion, feeling his faceplates heat up a bit, 'I could certainly get used to hearing his voice...'
"Ah, yes! I am!" Orion said a bit too bright, which only increased his blush, "I work as an Archivist, doing anything clerical, really. My focus is generally on the origins and development of Cybertronian cultures and societies. Recently I've been reading more about philosophy, and how it's shaped-- Oh!" Orion's train of thought came to screeching halt. He was being rude!
"Please forgive me, but I have not even asked you for your designation! And Sentinel made no mention of it before... who might you be, my keeper? Are you part of the estate's sentry?"
The silver mech gave a low chuckle, visibly more relaxed than he had been earlier. The sound sent a tingle down Orion's struts.
"Only temporarily. I am a gladiator-- plucked fresh from the Pits to be your humble guardsmech." The mech grinned and did a mock bow. Orion was utterly charmed... but wait!
"... Do you by chance know the Champion of Kaon?" 'Could it be...?'
Another rumbling chuckle, and Orion found himself hanging on every word.
"I am the Champion, little Archivist. My designation is Megatronus."
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tanadrin · 8 months
Hinduism is probably a good example for how Roman-Platonist Monotheism would look like without the Jewish origin of Christianity: the theology is monotheist but to an outside observer the rituals look like they are honoring various gods, because polytheist practices have been re-interpreted in a monotheist way. Christianity is unusual not in its monotheist beliefs, but in that it required its followers to stop performing the traditional (polytheist) rituals.
I want to expand on this bc it touches something else McClellan mentions--how being the organized faith of the Empire really changed Christianity, or at least Nicene Christianity. Before it became institutionalized, there was a lot of room in early Christianity for different, contradictory Christologies (like Arianism, which was basically mainstream at one point); it's only with the Council of Nicaea that a compromise form of all these Christologies has to be hammered out (because the institutional church needs dogmatic harmony), and the boundaries of orthodox theology have to be policed--and can be, eventually with the full backing of state power. Before the most you could do was expel members of your church who disagreed with you, maybe refuse association with other churches whose theology differed too much. Once you have state backing you can use that authority to exclude heretics; and, later, once you are the official religion of the Empire, you can have heretics punished by the state.
I think this harsh ideological boundary maintenance really becomes a part of every state-backed church, but of course it's the Roman one that is by far the most powerful and most widespread; and even post-Great Schism and the fall of the western empire, the need for Catholic rulers to be in good with the Pope, and thus to enforce Christian orthodoxy within their territory, has the same boundary-maintenance effect.
McClellan contends that without this forced institutional compromise--which is what the Trinity is; "three persons with one substance" and stuff like "100% divine and 100% human" is not just "a mystery," it's functionally a nonsensical contradiction, and the reason why so many attempts to explain the Trinity fall into heresies like modalism or partialism is because the Trinity is wording-by-committee aimed at producing phraseology that most people at this one ecumenical council could tolerate, even if they didn't like it.
And by "most people" here we mean a very particular kind of educated Greco-Roman elite; a lot of early theology is shaped by what is conceptually acceptable to these guys, steeped in stuff like Neo-Platonism, and maybe doesn't have all that much to do with the peasant religion version of Christianity elsewhere (indeed, get your average theologically-untrained Christian of any era to try to explain something like the Trinity and I guarantee ninety-nine times out of ten they will produce an explanation that is technically a heresy).
All of which is to say I agree; a counterfactual "monotheistic" late-antiquity religion in a world without Christianity, but with the same Greco-Roman influences, would look very much like Hinduism; it would have a big split between, like, the everyday version of the religion and the theologically elucidated elite version of the religion; and I think it's the latter that would resemble Nicene Christianity on a lot of points. But then, folk Christianity often is very different from "orthodox" Nicene Christianity in the world we do inhabit, also.
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enriquemzn262 · 2 months
It’s turboweeb shit time, so be advised.
Anyway, with the new anime season finally settled, let me share with you what I’m watching, or what I at least tried, so in case any of this is of your interest, you may check out:
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Mayonaka Punch
A v-blogger has a falling out with her old friends, leaves her channel and accidentally gets involved with lesbian vampires, who now join her in her quest to reach one million subscribers in order to take revenge on her former partners, with the promise that once she does, she will let the main horny lesbian vampire suck her dry (of blood).
Great animation, weirdly deep character developments, an underlying plot of anxiety and denial, and even an exploration of what happens when an immortal vampire gets too close to the spotlight, all the while keeping an overall comedic energy.
8/10, its an original anime so the story will probably warp up by the time the season ends, hopefully they don’t fuck up the landing.
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Dead Dead Demon's Dededede Destruction
What I originally wrote off because I’m sick and tired of high school anime, it turned out to be quite the fascinating show about life after an alien invasion, with tons of Roadside Picnic vibes, a great cast of screwball characters who are actually as relatable as they are realistic, and for once its a show set in high school that doesn’t give a single shit about glorifying that era of education, you will not see any mention of any school council, festival or any of that tired nonsense.
Plus, there’s always an inherent darkness brewing around the story, with episodes 0 basically setting up how everything will go to shit at some point, and the story slowly moving towards that endgame, it’s great!
Oh, and if you’re a fan of Doraemon, you’ll be pleasantly surprised too.
10/10, I’m absolutely glued!
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No Longer Allowed in Another World
In an era where there’s 10 million isekais about the most boring male main characters who go into your standard fantasy world to get harems and be overpowered, here we have a story in which the MC actually wanted to die (by double suicide with his lover), and accidentally got summoned into said standard world, only to say fuck it, I want to die, you fuckers deal with this shit on your own.
No overpowers, no useless harems, no boring MCs, it’s so far a hilarious story about the one guy completely incapable of playing along with the world, and how said world, which keeps getting standard boring guys who do fuckall and just end up indulging in their newfound powers, deals with him, including the love interest, which the guy barely acknowledges, and the standard cute cat girl that’s now the jobber of the group.
7/10, could have tried to make a more unique world, oh well.
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Shikanoko Nokonoko Koshitantan
Not gonna lie, I too fell for the earworm of a theme song that dominated memes for a good month before release, and while it does have its moments, it hasn’t really lived up to the potential of it’s wacky premise, mainly because it tries too hard to go for the “cute girls doing cute things” angle, instead of completely embracing the batshit insanity that pops up in every episode.
I’ll still watch it, if anything, I want to see what else they come up with in between the boring school life shit.
6/10, needs more nuclear deer antlers.
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Alya Sometimes Hides Her Feelings in Russian
There’s a good number of romcoms this season, and while all are set in high schools, since DDDD showed me there was a chance I could watch a show set in one and not deal with the usual bullshit, I gave it a watch.
It deals with the usual bullshit of school councils, school festivals, clubs and the like.
Honestly, the russian part is what made it somewhat interesting, but that hasn’t led nowhere, so now I have a female love interest that’s nothing more than your standard tsundere, and your standard male lead who at least doesn’t lack a backbone, but that overall remains boring.
5/10, the weird sister is the only interesting thing, but in a car crash sort of way, may end up dropping it if they actually try to be serious with her.
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Too Many Losing Heroines
It’s garbage, had an interesting setting of following girls who are basically third wheels in their own love stories, and it could have worked, have they not chosen to tell the story from the point of view of the most boring, spineless, stuttering betamale in existence, the usual curse of the romcom, somehow turned up to 11.
It’s a pity really, overall the animation is really good, and while it gets too horny for its own good many times, it’s still cute to see those girls dealing with their unanswered feelings, a pity we can’t just follow them and instead have to stick with mister whatshisface.
3/10, dropped it after not being able to finish the latest episode (4? 5? I can’t be arsed to check), seriously, just write off the dude and the show will at least be 6/10.
I tried a couple more shows, and iseaki I didn’t know was one that I dropped after the first episode (oh no, I’m actually trapped in a VR game!!1exclamation point), and another about a drunk V-tuber who reinvents herself around alcoholism (good premise, extremely boring execution).
Not gonna lie, I only really like the first two, the other two may drop the ball really soon, and I’m another school council episode away from dropping the russian girl one, so overall it’s been a pretty underwhelming season.
Do watch DDDD though, that one truly is the absolute gem of this season!
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sgiandubh · 1 year
Waypoints, Take 2: POV Shipper
It's been touted and mentioned at length. It has been awaited with immoderate, naïve anticipation. It has been read highlighter in hand, in the hope to discern its true meaning and purpose. It also was the last straw for some people, pushing them out of the fandom when above anticipation and expectations proved somewhat hollow.
To the dismayed and the heartbroken, I say: I hope you do realize this is a) heavily edited and b) published with the substantial contribution of a ghostwriter, handsomely paid to neatly round off the edges and fit this travelogue-cum-memoir in a pre-shaped pitch.
This bloke:
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The dilligent Matt Whyman, novelist. Agony uncle for several UK press and online outlets, specialized in teenage love and relationships' counselling. British Council executive, with several stints abroad under his belt. Part and parcel of a number of public health awareness campaigns sponsored by the UK Government, with a special interest for above teenage love, sexuality and relationships. And established, top-tier ghostwriter.
Among others, on behalf of Billy Connoly, the "Big Yin" himself, proof that the Scottish mafia is discreet, but by no means inexistent (an excellent thing). Ah, Sir Billy Connoly and his New-Zealander wife, Lady Pamela Stephenson, whom he met in 1979, while filming together a sketch for BBC2's Not the Nine O'Clock News. Chemistry took care of itself, because she ditched her recently married husband and moved in with Connoly in 1981. Both (at least nominally: Connoly considers himself an atheist, nowadays) Roman-Catholic and married at the time of getting together, Stephenson divorced in 1984 and Connoly in 1985 from their respective partners and live in marital bliss since 1989. For some reason, I think these tidbits are important, go figure.
Sidenote: if you haven't already, watch (if still available on Netflix, otherwise I implore you to look for it on other platforms) an exceptional French series, Call My Agent. You will not only love the humor, you will educate yourself with the basic ropes of celeb PR.
At face value, I couldn't think of a more appropriate consigliere to deal with the brief that (spare the failed Everest movie project) prompted this book. It is not that difficult to figure out:
Evoke at length the past to offer a modicum of explanation of the present. Mention traumatic relationship with father to explain fear of commitment in a solid, steady relationship.
In the process, pay lip service to the Narrative, but take substantial liberty and a daring stand when discussing the horrific Wentworth episode-that-nobody-could-watch. Express controlled discontent towards TPTB, to have the upper hand while negotiating a possible season 8 (fun fact, it worked)
Conveniently send into oblivion Flukenzie Floozy, Quarantein Hooter's Madonna and any other two letter combo born from the hyperactive imagination of the Queen of Nothing, while respecting ToS of bachelorhood - it's still good for the Sales Department.
Camouflage reality of S&C entity, under a London Blitz-worthy blanket of smoke & mirrors, but allow leaks that could easily pass for creative license or babble. Shippers will get it. Dots will connect, coins will drop. We shall overcome.
Simultaneously, offer a plausible explanation for the above UFO co-star/bro-sis/Ginger Jesus- Mother Mary relationship, primarily to comfort and control Mordor, that Troll Nursery. Say what the hell you want, including something along the lines of My Little Pony Friendship is Magic, but say it LOUDER FOR THOSE SHIPPER PEOPLE IN THE BACK OF THE COACH. They are used to this one step forward/one slap backward tango and by now, few (if any) will budge elsewhere on the fandom spectrum.
Discreetly crush homosexuality rumors, because they are borderline calumny, at this point in time. However, the Data Lounge crowd could make Mordor look like Bora Bora, so the sooner they get bored and move to the next babyface, the better.
Substantially promote MPC and Great Glen Company, consolidating the image of the giving, thoughtful individual, with a creative mind and savvy enough to branch out in lucrative business projects. Extend fan/consumer/client base to a younger demographic.
Pave the way for exit plan. This report will not discuss it, but hints may have been detected. :)
Wow. This is a mouthful. And I have to say Mr. Whyman did a more than decent job of it, even if for a trained eye the seams are showing, at times.
Like this:
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Frazer. You can't make this shit up. This is SRH.
As compared to this (excuse the repetition: the blogger is not lazy - the blogger tries to make a point):
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This is Whyman. This has been probably paid extra for. This is painful to read. This failed.
As for leaks, I've found a good handful. Adding all of them here higgledy-piggledy would be tedious, boring and I am not Miss Marple. But I've noticed that feelings hide in plain sight, usually disguised in a song you whistle or some verse you remember, just to keep you company on the road, a propos of nothing (my foot):
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I don't know what this woman is talking about, you might say. Whatevs. How about this:
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To keep myself sane, I usually rip off a Twix bar or light up a Benson. Others resort to Shakespeare, in lieu of granola bars. The world is a wonderfully diverse place. LOL, don't mind me. I am a dillusional woman, for whom all hope is lost.
Sometimes, this whole pastoral reverie has a Lewis Carroll charm to it (you might want to open this in another tab):
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Who is your queen, Sir? Surely not the cheerful woman in leggings, flats and a Playboy T-shirt, huh?
Maybe the key is this childish botanical pun, tucked away at the end of the book:
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Knowing that the P in Psillyosam is silent, as in *urv the Psychologist, we read and we grin:
[P]sillyosam Mushroom. Silly O'Sam. Silly, oh Sam.
Hashtag silly. An apt response to lemon and hugs.
To sum it up on a cheerful note, Waypoints is the 4 S book:
Struggles - Success - (fake) Solitude - (with a clear optic to avoid at all costs) Scandal
I thank you for your time while reading this. I hope it was worth it and yes, I confidently rest my case. Until the next memoir, which I reasonably hope would be vastly different.
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