#Beeblebrox family
oh-my-peach · 1 year
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First and second generation portraits 📸
40 of my 80 playable sims at the moment. This is not all of them, but the main characters with their kids ― the future heroes of my dynasties
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Found Family Tournament Round 2 Part 3 Group 11
Propaganda and further images under the cut
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Moya’s Crew: John Crichton, Aeryn Sun, Ka D'Argo, Zotoh Zhaan, Rygel XVI, Chiana, Pilot, Jool, Stark
Zaphod, Arthur, Marvin, Trillian & Ford:
Sorry, I got no propaganda for them yet :(
Moya’s Crew:
Just an absolute disaster of a crew in the very best of ways. A bunch of criminals and misfits who sometimes screw each other over and frequently infuriate each other but ultimately are a team and look out for each other, even when they also want to throw each other out an airlock.
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cyberpunkcinema · 16 days
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Moon (2009) @theknockoutsf Monday 9/9 6:30pm
Solo moon miner Sam harvests Helium-3 on Lunar Industries Sarang Station in serene duty to his Earth family. With glitchy communications, his only real time conversations are with a Hal-like artificial intelligence named GERTY. What happens to a 100% uptime station if its only human operator has a runtime error? Is there a most profitable way to exploit a father’s determination? What are humans in the age of technological reproducibility? With superb space atmospherics and cinematic tributes to precursor films like Alien, Silent Running and Blade Runner, Moon captures space madness, paranoia, isolation, good times robot friendship, the absolute grander of space and the triumph sticking it to the man. Featuring Sam Beeblebrox Rockwell, Kevin is creepy as a robot too Spacey?, Benedict Sorcerer Supreme Wong and Matt Whiskey Berry. Directed by Duncan Jones with music by electronic pioneer Clint Mansell
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fictionkinfessions · 2 months
Canon disabilities. I remembered I can say stuff for this!
I had brain problems from going in and cutting it up in there and leaving my own initials for my Mysterious Purposes
This is from the radio serieses which I haven't listened to [I'm a book only LOL] that ALLEGES that I APPARENTLY had a psychotic episode but I can't find a direct quote for it. Either way I have a family history of psychosis irl so I choose to endorse it as fact regardless
- Zaphod Beeblebrox (fictionkin, please no media tags MPC ^_^;)
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dentarthurdent · 2 years
Here's my piece for the 2022 @h2g2-gift-exchange! @internet-league-blaseball requested something with Random or Ford and ships Forthur, so I wrote a fic that's some Random and Ford parental-esque bonding with some Forthur seasoning :)
Random centric, 1.3k words, story under the cut!
It had been a terribly eventful day, and Random Dent was uncharacteristically unhappy about that. After the past few months living with her father on boring old Lamuella, she thought she would have welcomed the change- yet she didn't.
Her mother had scolded her for putting everyone in danger, of course. Random didn't want to hear it from her. She never took an interest in what Random did except to tell her off, or at least that's how it seemed to Random.
Her dad, on the other hand- he didn't scold her. He gave her a stern look and said, "I'm very disappointed in you."
And that was that 
She wasn't sure why that stung worse than Mother's anger. It seemed all backwards.
Nevertheless, here she was hours later, still quite in her feelings about it all. Trillian and Trillian's doppelganger - Tricia? - had left, off to cover some grand future event or another, Random didn't really care. She was left at Milliway's, left with Arthur again, as well as Arthur's strange friend Ford.
Random wasn't sure what to make of Ford quite yet. She had heard of him from her father, of course - though to hear him tell it, she half thought he was some made-up bogeyman, or a cartoon character. He seemed larger than life, completely alien, somehow both a hero and a villain.
Definitely not the short ginger guy Arthur turned up on Earth with.
The real Ford that she had gotten to know over the past few hours- he was certainly strange, but… really, the oddest thing about him was how he and Arthur acted around each other. Were they friends? Enemies? Why did they act uncomfortable around each other but everyone's still here?
Adults, bah. They're all so dumb and confusing.
Random was still lost in thought about- well, everything, really, even later. She thought about family and thought about birds and thought about Earth.
She was 600 lightyears and a whole lifetime away from it, now.
She and her father were well and truly homeless now, it seemed. No Earth. No going back to Lamuella. No real direction in space. Ford had managed to get ahold of Zaphod Beeblebrox - his semicousin was Mum's ex, who knew? - and get the keys to a vacation home of his back on Betelgeuse V for a week. They could rest and recoup and figure out what to do with themselves later. Almost the moment they got in the door, both Ford and Arthur were ambushed around the corner by exhaustion and carried the fight only as far as the sofa before passing out side by side.
Random explored the round, tiered mushroom-shaped house, which was an interesting enough activity for about an hour until she found a window that opened up onto a roof, at which point sitting on the roof took precedence.
The night sky above Betelgeuse V looked about the same as any other night sky, save for a big moon, a smaller one, and a thin green streak of light across the whole sky. It looked as though some giant painter used the stars as a canvas.
Maybe an unimaginative one. Or maybe it was the first stroke of an unfinished masterpiece. Who can tell, really?
She wondered how many things would never be finished on Earth, and what the stars had looked like there.
"Hey, kiddo. Alright?"
Ford's voice chirping at her from the window startled her to the point of nearly jumping.
"What do you want?"
Random winced at how she sounded, but couldn't muster any better of a mood.
"It's a bit cold out to be sitting on the roof, isn't it?"
"I'm fine," Random snapped, before moodily going back to staring at the sky. "Sorry."
"I get it," Ford said. "It's been a long day."
"You don't get it! No one gets it!" Random let loose with a frustrated growl and sat up, curling her arms around her legs, looking back at Ford but not quite meeting his eyes. "I finally got to see Earth just once, and now what? It's gone? Permanently?"
Ford blinked, which was something Random had not yet seen him do. That she went quiet after her outburst was partly from surprise.
With a sigh, and some odd flash of comprehension, Ford leaned on his elbows on the windowsill. "Do you know what that is, in the sky?"
"What, the green thing?"
"Yes, that."
Random squinted up at it again. "It isn't a planetary ring 'cause it's not horizon to horizon. Is it some kind of space dust?"
"Sharp girl. Do you like astronomy, then?"
"I guess," Random grunted.
"Anyway, there used to be another planet near here," Ford said. "Well, two, really. We're on Betelgeuse V now. That big moon up there was Betelgeuse VI, until a few drunken astroneers made a bet. Really changed the state of competitive surfing here. Ah- but the green thing, that's Betelgeuse VII."
"Why's it a line?"
"It was destroyed a long time ago."
"Ah. Vogons again?"
"No, not Vogons. A Hrung collapsed on it. Killed nearly everyone on the planet."
Random looked back up at the line with a frown. Is that what Earth is now, too? A line of space debris? She shuddered.
"What's a hrung?"
The question hung for a moment in dead air.
"I don't know," Ford said finally.
"Hold on- you said it killed nearly everyone. Did anyone survive?"
"One person did, yeah. He isn't around anymore."
Random looked back at Ford. He had a strange sort of expression on his face, looking up at nowhere in particular. It reminded her sharply of Arthur's when he thought about home.
"You knew him, then?"
"Yeah. That was my dad," nodded Ford. He suddenly looked back at her with a somewhat forced-looking smile. "You know, kiddo, the thing about feeling like you don't have anywhere to fit into- all it means is you aren't tied to any one place. The galaxy is where you fit in. It's freeing, really, I promise."
"Try telling that to Dad," Random half laughed. "He makes Earth sound great. Was it?"
"Zarquon, no. Earth was as boring as he is."
"Yet you picked him to rescue?"
There was that awkward grin again. "Well, he may be a boring stick in the mud, but I'm rather attached to him."
"You don't, I don't know, regret getting stuck there?"
Ford shook his head. "Hey, everything that happened, happened. You should be grateful, because otherwise you wouldn't exist."
Random rolled her eyes  "Gee, thanks for that."
Ford laughed and stepped back from the window. "Now, you really ought to be getting inside. It wouldn't do for you to survive all that mess today then die of pneumonia."
"Zarking fardwarks, now you even sound like Dad," Random griped, but nevertheless returned inside.
Arthur's head popped around the corner at the end of the hall. "I thought I heard voices. What are you two doing?"
"Ford wouldn't let me stay on the roof."
Arthur's eyes widened. "Why were you on the roof? It's freezing out!"
"You know how kids are," Ford laughed again. "Oh, speaking of the cold- I got something from room service earlier that might help that."
Arthur perked up almost instantly. "On Earth? What was it?"
Ford pulled a tin out of his satchel and tossed it to Arthur. It didn't look all that special to Random, but Arthur looked like he might start crying.
"English Breakfast? Really?"
"You wouldn't stop complaining about it for years. If I didn't grab tea while we were there you would keep complaining about it until you died."
Random rolled her eyes and went ahead downstairs while the grownups had their moment.
Only 'attached to him' my left foot, thought Random. Adults, bah. They're all so dumb and confusing. Maybe now they wouldn't be miserable on top of it.
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jakethesequel · 9 months
I love emulators very cool. I love FPGA/hardware emulators too very cooler. However my favorite thing is when some enterprising little bastards decide to re-create a whole console physically. That's badass. That's peak emulation to me right there. It can take original cartridges and disks? Mwah! It uses the original controllers? Hell yes! It interfaces with obscure original console accessories? Now you're just showing off! That's the dream, anyway.
Don't get me wrong PC emulation is great and I love you but even as a kid there were still games and consoles (mostly Nintendo tbh) that I knew I could emulate but still wanted to buy a real copy. The physical copies provided a felt, tactile difference in the play experience. Real buttons on a GBA vs a phone, the DS's screens and stylus, the 3DS's 3D; plus all of them had local multiplayer stuff that was hard to emulate. The Wii and Wii U had unique designs that are still hard to emulate properly, although we're much closer now; even the N64 isn't the same without its freakish Zaphod Beeblebrox controller, and Smash nerds are married to the Gamecube controller. Even MGS3 on the PS2 has some controls that rely on pressure-sensitive buttons (this is because Kojima is a genius). Of course some of that was just me having a collector's spirit and wanting to own physical copies, but I think there's definitely something to it that makes emulating the physical aspect of games just as worthwhile as the software.
The physicality and tactile design of games is underrated when it comes to talking about game design in general. Everyone will complain if a controller is uncomfortable or breaks down, but the solutions are treated as obvious and expected, when I doubt most people could actually tell you what design a controller needs to last hundreds on hundreds of game-hours without degradation to itself or its players' variably-sized hands. Add on "while equally supporting suitable control schemes for developers of wildly different game genres but without straying too far from the gamers' expectations" and "that can be mass-produced at a reasonable enough price to include a couple with the console and not bankrupt your customers if they need another." I think that's part of why I've always been primarily a PC-and-Nintendo gamer (besides my old PS2). Nintendo was always adding hard-to-emulate tactile differences to their consoles, while Sony and Xbox (despite having better generic controller designs) rarely ever made me think "this PS/XB game would be better enjoyed on the original console rather than the PC port/emulation." From early on they had Gunpei Yokoi replacing the joystick with the D-pad & buttons (becoming the default layout for future controllers, especially after the SNES upgrade) and sucessfully introducing portable consoles with the Game Boy; later the N64 introduced 3d gameplay and tried to handle that with its triclops controller, the DS and Wii both had unique designs that distinguished from the competition, the 3DS and Wii U added even more distinctive features on top of the DS/Wii framework, and the Switch broke free of the trap of consoles competing with PC through being the first real home/portable hybrid console. There were a lot of reasons to say "this GBA/DS/3DS/Wii/WiiU/Switch game would be better on the original console rather than PC."
By now though, people are catching up! Software emulation is getting better at managing the unique designs of consoles like the DS and Wii families, and 3rd-party physical peripherals are filling in the tactile elements. I hope to see that trend continue, especially as the originals -- like the DS and Wii families -- are breaking down over time. I did worry that the physical elements of those games could have gotten lost to time! It's great to see! I wish the software+hardware emulator devs and designers the best of luck; and I wish all Nintendo's C&Ds against them explode, setting the Nintendo legal department on fire. Fuck off, these games are a decade old and you don't even sell physical modern-console ports of them. Let the fans preserve, they do it better!
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popculturegenealogy · 2 years
Zaphod and the ghost of his grandfather
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Recently, I was reading my handy The Ultimate Hitchhiker's Guide, which brings together five novels and one story [1] by Douglas Adams. While going through the second book, The Restaurant at the End of the Universe, I came across a scene where Zaphod Beeblebrox, the figurehead president of the galaxy, talks to one of his ancestors! The fandom page for the book mentions this in one line, saying "Luckily, an ancestor of Zaphod's, Zaphod Beeblebrox IV, saves them." There's a lot more going on than that one line in this story, which I'll explain in this post. I wish this scene had been in the movie, but alas, it is still great to have in the book.
Reprinted from my Genealogy in Popular Culture WordPress blog. Originally published on September 14, 2020.
As the Vogan fleet approaches the Heart of Gold, Zaphod makes a gamble and talks to his deceased relative, his great-grandfather. [2] He thinks that his ancestor can help him, and he begins trying to summon him, concentrating, even as his fellow crew members doubt this will work. It is finally successful, but his ancestor is pissed at him for not sending flowers and respecting him, saying he is disappointed in him. He pleads for his great granddad to help him, even as he is reprimanded for not caring about his ancestors and more about himself. He  drops all pleasantries and decides to confront his ghost-of-an-ancestor, who even slows downtime for him. He agrees to help them because he doesn't want him and his "modern friends" slouching around. However, he states that if he ever needs help again, he should not "hesitate to get lost." The ship speeds away through space, and, as shown at the beginning of the next chapter, the Vogans believe they have destroyed the Heart of Gold.
Reading this, there wasn't as much of a family history focus as I would have thought. I would like to mention the occasional family history themes in a Mexican-American animated series named Victor & Valentino and in Cleopatra in Space, specifically in the character of Medjed, whose ancestors were moved from Ancient Egypt to a faraway star. [3] I am excited for the next season of Carmen Sandiego, which will undoubtedly focus, at least in part, on Carmen trying to find her mom, engaging in a family history journey of sorts, building on what has happened in previous seasons. There are also some family history themes in R.O.D. the TV, although no one investigates the family roots of any of the characters. Otherwise, I have draft posts about The Godfather: Part II, Outlander, and characters in the comic book realm, which I'll try to write up sometime this year. As always, I look forward to your comments and suggestions about my next topics to write about.
© 2020-2023 Burkely Hermann. All rights reserved.
[1] The five novels are The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy; The Restaurant at the End of Universe; Life, the Universe and Everything; So Long, and Thanks for All the Fish; and Mostly Harmless. The one-story is Young Zaphod Plays It Safe.
[2] See chapter 3, or pages 159-166 of The Ultimate Hitchhiker's Guide.
[3] There are also, as I've noted on this blog, family trees/diagrams in Futurama, Amphibia, The Simpsons, and Infinity Train, Gore Vidal lampooning genealogy, roots work in Little Fockers, and family history themes in Steven Universe and She-Ra and the Princesses of Power. In a recent post, I noted the focus on families in The Owl House, 3Below, Mysticons, Twelve Forever, and Human Kind Of, with startling family discoveries in Roswell Conspiracies: Aliens, Myths and Legends, Kipo and the Age of Wonderbeasts, Sherwood, Adventure Time, OK K.O.: Let's Be Heroes!, Final Space, and Mr. Robot, and Cleopatra "Cleo" in Cleopatra in Space and "Jack" in Samurai Jack missing their families as they have both been flung far into the future. I also pointed to those who noted family trees in shows like Bewitched, Donald Duck, Lord of the Rings, and several other awful shows/franchises.
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andybwriting · 4 months
Should I Stay or Should I Go?
And there you are, Trillian being offered a ride by Zaphrod Beeblebrox. You always thought you’d make her choice and boldly go where no one from Earth has gone before. But when faced with the actual decision, it’s not nearly so clear rather you should hitchhike your way across the galaxy or be a sensible person who stays home.
The advantages of taking the alien up on their offer of a spacefaring cruise are both obvious and bountiful. But there are things keeping you in your life, right? You're not Trillian, who apparently had no one who cared about her, other than, arguably, Arthur Dent. Or maybe she did have family and friends, but couldn't be bothered to worry about them? Or maybe all of that was covered in the book and you can't remember right now with the music pumping and this absolutely unbelievable decision to be made completely on the fly, with no chance of asking advice or even making a pros and cons chart.
Your cat springs to mind. You love your cat. Plus, she's completely dependent on you. Is it responsible to take her with you when it seems unlikely you’ll have access to knowledgeable vet care? You certainly can’t just leave her sitting at home without so much as calling your neighbor to look after her. And your neighbor will have questions you’re not going to be able to answer in a way that sounds sane. “Please watch my cat for an unspecified period of time between a few days and forever. I’m going to another planet.”
But when is someone else going to offer you a free trip to space?
And your mom! You know Mom is going to freak out if you vanish into thin air. And you can’t tell her the truth, either. Not only would she not believe you, but she’d either send your cousin the psychiatrist to check up on you or assume you’re lying to her because of some paranoid assumption you hate her.
But… You've always wanted to see other worlds. You know you have. You've been dreaming about it since preschool!
You can't ignore the fact that your niece turns six next week, though. She’ll be crushed if you miss her party. Not only were you were looking forward to seeing her face when she opens that perfect present you scored for her, but you put a lot of work into the Unicorn Princess costume you’re planning to wear.
Where would Doctor Who be if no one ever got into the TARDIS? Do you really want to spend the rest of your life knowing you turned down an opportunity to be a companion? Not that this person gives off Doctor vibes. You don't get the impression there will be any saving of the universe going on. Still, you could see some amazing stuff.
The rent is set to autopay. But if you stop going to work, it’s not going to pay itself for long. When the landlord can’t even contact you, they’re going to evict you. Or, since you won’t be on Earth, they’re going throw all of your possessions away and evict the aforementioned cat. And wreck your credit, which will be a problem should you return to the planet.
Likewise, your car will likely be repossessed. But you’re not overly fond of it, anyway. You wouldn’t get another of the same model. Still, the credit hit could impact your ability to get a loan for a replacement.
Space, though…
And there’s work. You don’t have anything big due and your boss might actually buy your excuse. But he’s going to want to come with you, and you certainly don’t want that.
“What’s it going to be?” your would-be travel guide asks with a charming smile. And they really are charming. Possibly too charming. You were taught not to take rides from strangers outside of an emergency. Unless they drive a taxi or an Uber or something like that. That probably goes double when they're charismatic, now that you think about it.
For all you know, going with this person will lead to you chained up while Jabba the Hut leers at you, just like Princess Leia. Except you're not badass enough to escape.
And, yet, the allure of the adventure is strong. Don't you want to be the sort of person who plunges into the unknown?
On the speakers, The Clash appropriately ask, “Should I stay or should I go now?” and you think that’s a damned good question.
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esrah-rah-rasputin · 3 years
...what are the other 23 things you want to knit in a sweater (and should i be worried? /lh)
I just made that up as like, top 24 things you might want to curse a relative with my knitting it into a sweater, but I can make a list right now, now that you’ve given me the idea!
- a whole political debate on the inside of the sweater
- pictographs of family drama
- animal facts you wish you hadn’t learned
- for a Christmas sweater, an angel working retail and hating it
- for a patriotic sweater (I’m sure they exist), just put in the wrong flag but one that’s still vaguely similar
- Barry Benson
- “Da Vinci was gay”
- that one nuclear warning message
- horrible facts about dolphins, for a relative you particularly hate
- put a few too many legs or eyes on a regular animal silhouette, spice it up, have fun
- loss.jpg scattered throughout the whole thing
- Zaphod Beeblebrox dressed up as Santa
- Shrek
- crude pictures in the negative space between tree branches
- unintelligible fancy cursive that says “YEET”
- make the wrists knit in red so every. single. time. so you can say “I caught you red-handed”
- a scary face on the inside
- fish with teeth
- implications of the suspicious death of a bad husband
- Misha
- ominous but entirely false messages
- scavenger hunt instructions that lead nowhere
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oh-my-peach · 1 year
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When your husband is an astronaut, entertainment goes to the next level 🤭
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Found Family Tournament Round 1 Part 24 Group 116
Propaganda and further pictures under the cut
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Warden's Squad: Zevran, Leliana, the Warden, Wynne, DOG, Shale, Oghren, Morrigan, Alistair, Sten
Submissions are still open!
Zaphod, Arthur, Marvin, Trillian & Ford:
Sorry, I got no propaganda for them yet :(
Warden's Squad:
i mean have you seen morrigan? a goth gf, literally. zevran is the babiest baby, same with leliana. we all have a thing for assassins ok, especially if they are gay (they all are, its a rule), alistair gives u a rose :( wynne is a granny and she loves u so, so much!!! shale doesnt understand anything but i love her still, oghren is me in 2 years probably (drunk). AND U CAN NAME A DOG????? i named it potato lol.
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Some of you might already know I live on a farm and my entire family is full of nerds so many of our animals are named after fictional characters.
Three of our cats are named Xena after the warrior princess, Abraham DeLacey Giuseppe Casey Thomas O’Malley or Thomas for short after the Aristocat, and Zaphod after Zaphod Beeblebrox from Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy. The other four are named after gods(sorta).
We have a horse named Charles Xavier and my service dog’s name is after everyone’s favorite Skyrim companion, Lydia. We have a sheep named Raven after the Teen Titan (although he is a boy). An alpaca named Annie Oakley. A chicken named Martha Jones.
Lastly, we have a rooster named Ned and hens named Nancy, Bess, and George.
And those are just the currently living ones
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merulanoir · 5 years
Name ten favourite characters from ten different things (books, tv, film, etc.), then tag ten people. I was tagged by @xpityx, thanks love. <3 Here we go, in no particular order:
1. Emiel Regis (The Witcher): Okay, yeah, I’m predictable. I don’t think anyone who has followed me online doesn’t know how much I love Regis. Gentleman vampires are my jam.
2. Erend (Horizon Zero Dawn): Erend is so very human; he struggles with addiction, loses his big sister, has to fill some big shoes, and yet he still manages to be a sweet guy who is there for Aloy, unconditionally. Also he is so smitten with her it’s adorable.
3. Sirius Black (Harry Potter): It’s a tie between Remus and Sirius tbh, but I think Harry’s godfather is such a good depiction that you can come from a bad family and turn out okay, yet still be a flawed human.
4. Daud (Dishonored): I have a thing for walking dumpster fires, don’t I? I can’t even point out exactly what I love about Daud the most; he’s a complex, arrogant asshole who earns some measure of redemption and still goes to his grave basically thinking he is utterly beyond forgiveness. Or maybe I just really like the found family trope with the Whalers and the sad bastard claiming he is not their dad.
5. Shadow (American Gods; the book, mind you, I haven’t seen the show): Shadow is my comfort character. I read American Gods at least once a year just to hang out with him. He’s not exactly a good guy, but he’s just, and his interactions with Wednesday are just delightful.
6. Dorian Pavus (Dragon Age): This is rather obvious but whatever. Dorian is just cocky and petty enough to be a juicy asshole, but also honest and insecure enough to make me fall in love with him every time I go back to play DA:I. Also the whole thing between him and Bull just waters my crops.
7. Zaphod Beeblebrox (The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy): I don’t need to explain this, right? Zaphod will always be my favorite chaotic bastard in the books.
8. Steve Carlsberg (Welcome to Night Vale): I don’t know. Steve sees the lines and arrows in the sky, and he tries to understand. People mock him for it, but he persists. I feel like Steve very often.
9. Senua (Hellblade): Senua breaks my heart, but in a good way. Her quest to save Dillion’s soul was one of the most impactful experiences I had with any kind of media last year. Her mental illness is not the one I have, but it hits close enough.
10. Lirael (from Garth Nix’s The Old Kingdom trilogy): Lirael is the kind of hero who isn’t exactly a hero. She is an outsider everywhere she goes, but somehow she still finds herself friends and a family. She grows up so much during her journey, and something about this quiet girl who just wanted to be a Clayr but instead became a Remembrancer speaks to me. Also, the Disreputable Dog is one of the best characters in any fantasy book ever.
Tagging @andordean @kaeltale @sorrelchestnut @keyrousse @namesonboats @therealmontilyet @darthfluff if y’all want to play!
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ao3feed-stucky · 4 years
by Beeblebrox-For-President (unfortunately7)
Sometimes things happen that can turn our worlds on their heads. Sometimes these happenings can come in the form of Avengers showing up in the lobby of your small hotel. Sometimes we aren't who we think we are.
 And sometimes that's okay.
Words: 3107, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English
Fandoms: Marvel Cinematic Universe, Marvel, The Avengers (Marvel Movies)
Rating: Not Rated
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Categories: Multi
Characters: Steve Rogers, James "Bucky" Barnes, Other Assorted Avengers, OC - Character
Relationships: James "Bucky" Barnes/Steve Rogers, James "Bucky" Barnes/Steve Rogers/Reader, Steve Rogers/Reader, James "Bucky" Barnes/Reader
Additional Tags: Alpha/Beta/Omega Dynamics, Post-Serum Steve Rogers, Protective Steve Rogers, Protective Bucky Barnes, Post-Captain America: The Winter Soldier, Anything after that is ignored, they're all a big happy family, and nobody can change my mind, Smut in later parts, Awkwardness, Hotels, seriously a lot of awkward, Human?Reader, Reader Is Adopted
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lucy-sky · 6 years
Saw Hitcher's again today, and I got traumatized by Zaphod's second head being chopped. I didn't know that happened?!?! 😭😭 If you have a chance (and it's okay if you can't do it), can you do #33 of the Christmas Prompt involving Zaphod Beeblebrox with his second head in it too.
I’m sorry it took so long, sweetheart… hope it’s okay…
Zaphod Beeblebrox + 33. “One normal Christmas, that’s all I wanted”
1418 words, fluff, no warnings. Gifs by me :)
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It’s been the second year since The Heart of Gold starship has become your new home, and Zaphod, Ford, Arthur and Trillian – your crazy, eccentric, driving you mad at times, but still something quite close to your family. Despite everything, you couldn’t say you didn’t like your new life here. It had some complications for sure, though it was anything but boring. You always had this sense of adventure inside you, and you enjoyed it most of the time even when the things went wrong.
However there were times you really missed your quiet life on the Earth.
Mostly some little casual things. And this sensation intensified usually on holidays. Probably the best thing on the Earth in your opinion was Christmas. But… Hanging around the Galaxy and celebrate it turned out to be quite complicated. Last year on this day you were on the run, followed by some angry Vogon ship for some reason (probably the reason was Zaphod messing up with the navigation device again), so your main goal was actually to survive. Totally not the right Christmas mood. And this year… This year it wasn’t much better.
You talked to Arthur and Trill, and together you decided to have a traditional Christmas party… Well, the most traditional it could be on board the spaceship. Zaphod and Ford got all excited, what could go wrong? Ha. You underestimated your freaky new “family” indeed.
It all started with an idiotic bet that Ford and Arthur would be able to drink the same amount of Pan-Galactic Gargle Blaster as Zaphod. So when you and Trill entered the room ready to party – all you could find there were three bodies with different levels of unconsciousness. Obviously talking to any of them was useless at this point so with a deep sigh you decided to tell them all you think about it tomorrow, and for now it was time for boys to go to bed.
First you helped Ford to reach his quarters, then it was Arthur’s turn. You two almost had to carry him because he totally was the less prepared for Pan-Galactic Gargle Blaster effects (not surprising though). You got him to his quarters and Trillian decided to stay there to take care of him. Their relationship seemed cute to you to be honest, even though they hardly admitted it. So you just nodded and left your friends alone, heading back to that place on the ship which served as a living room for you.
You found Zaphod there half sitting half lying leaning against the counter. Oh hell… You almost forgot about him. Though he didn’t look completely unconscious, so you decided you could handle it.
- Hey, Mr. President, - you said sarcastically, approaching him. - Let’s get you to that sofa so that you could get some sleep, you drunk ass.
Zaphod grinned at you stupidly as you placed his arm over your shoulder and grabbed is waist.
- Okay, ready? Go.
With your help, Zaphod made a step… and then collapsed on the floor, almost tugging you with him.
- Ugrhhhhh, Beeblebrox! - you groaned through clenched teeth. -  Get up! Hey, do you hear me?
Oh great. Seemed like he’s been unconscious as well.
With a deep annoyed sigh, mentally cursing the day you’ve met this bastard, you gripped him under his armpits, and pulled him closer to the nearest wall. You leaned his body against it and sat on the floor next to him completely exhausted.
- Gosh you’re heavy, - you murmured to yourself.
- Rude.
You turned to him and saw his second head appeared, staring at you with a bit injured look.
- Wait a second… - You raised your eyebrows puzzled. - You share the same body… How come he’s passed out, - you pointed at the head number one. - and you’re not?
- No idea, - he let out a bit silly laughter, but then became suddenly gloomy.
- Umm… you okay? - you asked.
- Yeah yeah, okay, as always, - head number two rolled its eyes. - You see, that’s unfair, you know, - he suddenly continued.
- What?
- Look, I might be not the greatest part of his brain, but ughhhh… I’m so sick of being shut up all the time!.. Why is he always in charge, not me? Huh?..
- Um… I don’t know… - you shrugged, totally confused. – I really don’t know much about… About how Zaphod Beeblebrox actually works. But well… I’m sorry about that.
- A kiss would make me feel better actually… - Head number two tried to smirk seductively, but the grin happened to be a bit weird and silly, as he moved a bit towards you.
- Ew, no way! - You winced. - Do you know how much you’ve drunk? You smell like a goddamn alcohol factory… Both of you I guess.
- I… had some ch… chewing gum in my pocket somewhere… - he started, but suddenly his body shook and head number two disappeared.
- Ugh… What did I miss? - Head number one smiled awkwardly, clearing its throat.
- Nothing special. Just seemed like you’ve passed out and your second part didn’t.
- Oh. Yeah well… I guess Pan-Galactic Gargle Blaster affects different parts on my brain differently, - he replied. - You know, I invented it… But it’s so good it can surprise even me, - he chuckled.
- Brilliant, - you muttered, rolling your eyes.
- Hey… what’s the matter, baby doll?.. - Zaphod frowned.
- Nothing, Zaphod, really. It’s just… One normal Christmas, that’s all I wanted… - You replied bitterly.
- Oh! Almost forgot! - He suddenly exclaimed, jumping on his feet. For a second you thought he was gonna collapse again, but he managed to stand. - I’ve got a surprise for you! Let’s go!
- Wait… Are you sure you can walk?..
- Of course I can! Come on! - he grabbed you by the hand, pulling you up from the floor.
You followed Zaphod along the corridors.
- Had to make it in a secret room… so that you couldn’t find it. It’s a surprise, after all, - he smirked and pushed some particular place on the wall. The wall moved to the side, revealing a door.
- Welcome! - said the door cheerfully, as you both entered. It was dark inside, but the next moment Zaphod snapped his fingers and you gasped in surprise and awe.
What you saw in front of you was a big Christmas tree. No, it wasn’t big. It was huge and looked very real. It even smelled like a real tree. It was decorated buy loads of stuff. There were classic toys and some pretty weird stuff that looked like tools or gearwheels or some strange artifacts you’ve never seen before… And lights. There were a lot of beautiful sparking lights. You’ve never seen anything like this before.
- Oh my… Zaphod… - You struggled to find the words, but you couldn’t, so you made a move towards him and enclosed him into tight impulsive hug that made him now gasp in surprise.
- Whoaaa!.. You like it, do you, y/n? - He beamed as you looked up at him.  
- It’s so… Incredibly beautiful, Zaphod!.. Thank you… - You whispered almost about to cry.
- That’s great! Wow… I guess the second part of my brain can give pretty good ideas sometimes… - Zaphod smirked again.
- Wait… What did you say?.. Your second part? - You frowned.
- Well… Yeah. I mean we made it together, but the idea came from him, - he shrugged.
- Can I see him for a second?..
- Are you sure?..
- Please.
Zaphod slightly rolled his eyes and his body tensed a little, shuddering as head number two appeared.
- Huh?.. - it made, blinking, as you cupped his cheeks and pressed your lips to his, kissing him.
- Thank you, - you smiled. - It was the most beautiful thing ever. Do you feel better now, by the way?
- Oh zark yeah! - Head number two winked at you, disappearing.
- Alright, I’m back, - Zaphod brought his hand to his golden locks, fixing his hair. - All good?
- Yeah… - You smiled. - All great.
- So um… how do you guys say on the Earth?… - Zaphod hugged you by the shoulders, pulling closer to him. - Carry… Barry…
- Merry Christmas, - you replied softly, hugging him back. - Merry Christmas, Zaphod.
I didn’t know what to write about until the very end, lol :D hope it turned out well (a glass of champagne helped me a bit :DD) Thanks for reading :)
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heejinsgf · 7 years
@jiwoochu​ hello hello it's me, ur secret santa!! you said you read a lot, so i hope you haven't read at least some of these books, and hope that you enjoy them! stay cozy this holiday season, you lovely bookworm <3
end of days - eric walters
“It's 2012 and the world's most renowned astrophysicists, astronomers, and theoretical mathematicians have all died within the same 12-month period. But as these scientists discover, none of them are really dead after all. They have been taken hostage by alien forces. And while their family and friends are mourning their passing, and with the help of a 16-year-old with rare gifts, they face the ultimate struggle of prevailing over evil and returning themselves--and the earth--to safety.” [Goodreads]
catboy - eric walters
“Taylor and his mother have moved from a small northern town to the heart of Toronto. The differences are dramatic as Taylor becomes part of a classroom of kids as diverse as the city itself. While taking a shortcut across a junkyard with his new best friend, Simon, Taylor becomes aware of a colony of wild cats that make the junkyard their home. Assisted by his classmates, teacher and the security guard, Mr. Singh, Taylor takes a special interest in caring for the cats. Suddenly there is an announcement--the junkyard is being redeveloped to become condominiums. Can Taylor and his friends save the cats of the colony from certain death?” [Goodreads]
hotel on the corner of bitter and sweet - jamie ford
"Set during one of the most conflicted and volatile times in American history - the internment of American-Japanese families during World War II - Jamie Ford has created an unforgettable duo whose story teaches us about forgiveness and the power of the human heart." [Goodreads]
the underneath - kathi appelt
"A calico cat, about to have kittens, hears the lonely howl of a chained-up hound deep in the backwaters of the bayou. She dares to find him in the forest, and the hound dares to befriend this cat, this feline, this creature he is supposed to hate. They are an unlikely pair, about to become an unlikely family. Ranger urges the cat to hide underneath the porch, to raise her kittens there because Gar-Face, the man living inside the house, will surely use them as alligator bait should he find them. But they are safe in the Underneath...as long as they stay in the Underneath." [Goodreads]
the tenant of wildfell hall - anne bronte
"Anne's novel is the story of the beautiful and mysterious Helen Graham, who arrives at Wildfell Hall suddenly one day. No-one knows who she is or where she has come from, and Gilbert Markham, a young farmer who has fallen in love with her, sets out to find some answers. This is an ambitious and successful work that is a real pleasure to listen to." [Goodreads] (sidenote: a story about a woman escaping from marital abuse, and female agency <3)
the breadwinner trilogy - deborah ellis
"All girls [should read] The Breadwinner by Deborah Ellis." — Malala Yousafzai, New York Times [Goodreads]
hitchhiker's guide to the galaxy - douglas adams
Seconds before Earth is demolished to make way for a galactic freeway, Arthur Dent is plucked off the planet by his friend Ford Prefect, a researcher for the revised edition of The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy who, for the last fifteen years, has been posing as an out-of-work actor. Together, this dynamic pair began a journey through space aided by a galaxyful of fellow travelers: Zaphod Beeblebrox, the two-headed, three-armed, ex-hippie and totally out-to-lunch president of the galaxy; Trillian (formerly Tricia McMillan), Zaphod’s girlfriend, whom Arthur tried to pick up at a cocktail party once upon a time zone; Marvin, a paranoid, brilliant, and chronically depressed robot; and Veet Voojagig, a former graduate student obsessed with the disappearance of all the ballpoint pens he’s bought over the years. [Goodreads]
a wrinkle in time - madeleine l'engle
“It was a dark and stormy night; Meg Murry, her small brother Charles Wallace, and her mother had come down to the kitchen for a midnight snack when they were upset by the arrival of a most disturbing stranger... Meg's father had been experimenting with this fifth dimension of time travel when he mysteriously disappeared. Now the time has come for Meg, her friend Calvin, and Charles Wallace to rescue him. But can they outwit the forces of evil they will encounter on their heart-stopping journey through space?” [Goodreads]
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