#Bellatrix raised them and even the madness couldn’t stop her tears after that night in the ministry
stargazingtranquility · 7 months
I genuinely obsess over the relationships between marauders era characters. But my favorite obsession is Regulus’ and Sirius’ relationship with each other, and other members of the Black family. Because the complicated family trope has me in a chokehold.
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lunapwrites · 3 years
(I am once again posting unedited nightmares to Tumblr.)
CW: strong language, violence, character death. The first thing Remus noticed was that the floor was cold. The texture rough against his stubbled cheek, scraping against his forearms as he slowly pushed himself up. He blinked blearily, eyes adjusting to the dim torchlight. Stone floors, stone walls, iron bars.
A cell.
His head was throbbing; there was dried blood in his hair. This time it might have been his own. He recalled bright lights, curses flying, sizzling past his ear. Red. Darkness.
A Stunner.
How did they find me?
He couldn't remember.
If he concentrated, he could hear breathing, other heartbeats. One, two, three... no, four. He scented the air; three male, one female. Human, goblin. Familiar — very familiar, though he was struggling to think beyond the pounding in his skull. He couldn't recall their faces.
Somewhere out of view, a door swung open: hinges creaking, wood groaning, scraping along the floor. A jangle of keys. This scent... (juniper berry and wood shavings and cheap dusty tea) this scent he knew.
rat rat rat
"Oh good, you're not dead," Peter said in a tone that might have sounded cheerful if not for the underlying tension of attempted murder and heart-wrenching betrayal.
"Sorry to disappoint," Remus replied. His voice was rougher than the stone he'd woken on and twice as cold. On the other side of the wall, two heartbeats quickened; a quiet intake of breath.
They know me.
"Ah, don't be like that, Moony. I've brought you supper."
"Think I'd rather starve, thanks."
Peter gave that snorty little laugh that Remus used to privately think was endearing and now just made him want to yank the bastard's brains out through his nostrils.
"Just as dramatic as ever, I see." He showed the plate to Remus. "It's just a bacon sarnie. Light on the butter and practically raw, just the way you like it."
It was the way he liked it, and Remus hated him for it.
"Why am I here?"
"Skipping right over the small talk, eh? That's not like you at all." Peter opened a small grate, pushing the plate through the bars. "Come on, Moony. You know why."
"Don't call me that."
If he hadn't been watching for it, he'd have missed the tiny flicker of hurt across Peter's face. The twitch of his brows, the near imperceptible thinning of his already too-thin lips. The shadows under his eyes darkening.
He looked terrible. He looked sorry. Remus hated him even more.
"Alright, Remus then. Or would you prefer Lupin?"
"I would prefer you didn't call me anything, honestly."
"Too bad," Peter said briskly. "I'm the jailor, so unless you just don't want to talk at all..."
"That would be lovely, actually."
"Liar." Peter grinned. "You love hearing yourself talk, always did. You were worse than James—"
The bars rattled as Remus slammed into them, fury bubbling in his veins. Peter leapt out of his reach, eyes wide, frightened as he'd been that night in the shack.
"DON'T!" Remus snarled, fangs bared. "Don't you ever speak his name!"
Peter stared at him, his hummingbird pulse slowly steadying as he remembered who was on which side of the bars. He put his hands up, placating.
"Alright, Remus. Fair enough. I'm sorry."
No you're not.
Peter hovered awkwardly for a moment, rocking on his heels like he had something more to say — like there was anything more to say. As if he had a right to be disappointed that Remus would sooner swallow his own tongue than accept anything he offered.
"Right. I'll leave you to it, then. Be back tomorrow."
Remus watched him slip out of the room in silence, the heavy door swinging shut, the lock turning with a dull click just as the plate shattered against the wall.
"Brought you some soup today," Peter said conversationally. "Figured you might need it after talking to Bellatrix."
He slipped the bowl through the grate; Remus didn't move from his spot against the opposite wall. Every one of his nerve endings was on fire, but he'd be damned before he'd show it.
"She really needs to work on her conversational skills," he croaked, and immediately regretted it. Peter's eyes sharpened, searching his face.
Nothing to see here. Not for you.
"She was always mad as a hatter before, but Azkaban really didn't do her any favours in that regard." Peter sighed, leaning back against the wall, arms crossed. "Can't say I'm upset about getting out of that one."
It was in that moment that Remus decided that the Killing Curse was too good for Peter.
He hauled himself to his feet, trudging over to the front of the cell on shaky legs, leaning over carefully to pick up his supper.
"I see you remembered my favourite again." He sniffed at the bowl of soup suspiciously, checking for strange ingredients.
Potato. Leek. Broth... chicken I think. Cream. Bacon again, probably leftover.
"Figured a taste of home might not go amiss," Peter said quietly, frowning. "I haven't poisoned it, you know."
"I'm well aware that the only thing you poison is friendships," Remus agreed. "If you wanted to kill me, I should watch for a knife in my back."
"...That's not fair."
"Isn't it?"
They stared one another down silently, Peter with his best rainy morning face on, Remus towering above him like a thundercloud. He slowly poured the soup out onto the floor, flinging the bowl back through the bars. Peter dodged at the last second; it bounced off the wall next to his ear and clattered harmlessly to the floor.
He'd learned his lesson since the plate, apparently.
"Right," Peter declared in an overly plummy tone as he pushed off the wall, "we'll just try again tomorrow, shan't we?"
The following day, Peter brought down bangers and mash; it was cold and grainy, and the bangers were burned to hell.
Remus ate it anyway.
"You know, as pleased as I am that you've stopped throwing tantrums over the food," Peter mused through a mouthful of toast, "I'm genuinely surprised you haven't asked me why I did it."
Remus paused, looking up from his plate through one, unswollen eye.
"Probably because it doesn't matter."
He spoke slowly, as if to a particularly dim child, as if he weren't lying through his teeth.
Peter scoffed, spots of colour rising to his cheeks.
"Please, like you didn't spend twelve years tearing yourself up over Sirius. Why should my reasons matter less?"
"I'll give you three guesses."
Peter wrinkled his nose, scowling.
"You always liked him best."
"Dunno what to tell you, Pete. He gives great head."
There was a muffled snort from the neighbouring cell. Dean, by the sound of it. A week ago, Remus might have even been embarrassed.
"Remus Lupin, unfiltered," Peter said with a wistful shake of his head. "I fucking missed you, you know."
"This is very good bread. Do give my compliments to whichever unfortunate elf was responsible for it."
"That would be me."
Remus snorted at him, raising his mug of water in toast.
"Here's to moving up in the world."
"Fuck off." Peter eyed him speculatively for a long moment. "It was because I wanted it to end."
Remus peered at him over the rim of his mug.
There was a dark intensity emanating from Peter. Not dangerous in the same way that Bellatrix or even Sirius was; sharp and sinewy, a predator stalking prey. It was as if Remus was moving among the stars and encountered a vast nothing that devoured everything it dragged into its field.
No sound, no light, just cold, dead silence.
"All my friends were dying or turning into people I didn't recognise anymore, and I was terrified," Peter continued quietly. "Every day I was terrified, and I just wanted it to end. I didn't care how."
He pushed off the wall, leaving without waiting for a response.
It didn't matter. There was nothing to say.
On the fifth day, an apple rolled off the plate as Peter approached the cell. It hit the ground, rolling at his feet. He leaned down to recover it, and the rest happened very quickly.
Remus rushed forward, his arm darting out to catch Peter around his neck as he rose back up, yanking him back hard against the bars.
"You always were an idiot."
Peter thrashed and struggled in his grip. His fancy silver hand clawed at Remus' forearm, more powerful than Peter had any right to be.
But Remus was stronger.
"I would be lying if I said I didn't miss you, Pete," he said calmly, tightening his grip. "I missed you every day, like a limb. I still do."
The keys were jangling against Peter's belt loop, against the bars. Remus could reach through and grab them now, if he wanted to.
"You weren't the only one who was afraid, you know? We were just kids. Only the rest of us learned to kill our enemies instead of our brothers."
It wasn't about the keys.
"My brothers died twelve years ago." The fingers scratching and scrabbling against his arm were weakening, slowing. "I buried one with his wife in Godric's Hollow, and they put up a little statue for them that I still can't stand to look at."
Peter's knees buckled, his weight against Remus' steady arm adding pressure.
"I buried the other in a little plot in Coxheath, and I used to wonder why it couldn't have been me. And I grieved."
Remus took a deep, slow breath. A holy calm settled over him.
"I want you to know," he continued in that same soft, conversational tone, "that everything you've done has amounted to nothing. That you are nothing, and no one will remember you."
Things happened very slowly after that.
Peter stopped struggling.
Remus counted heartbeats.
There were six.
And then there were five.
He reached down and pulled the keyring from Peter's belt, popping the beltloop clear off. It wasn't like Peter needed it anymore. He left the body against the bars, opening the door to his cell without looking back.
"Hullo Professor."
Dean was watching him open their cell door with wide eyes, more surprised — appraising — than fearful. Luna waved at him cheerfully, same as when he'd last seen her, if a little taller. Remus nodded to them both in greeting.
"I'd say it's good to see you both, but I'm rather sorry you're here. Can everyone move under their own power?"
"Ollivander and Griphook are both a bit worse for wear," Dean said apologetically.
"Alright, well give me a hand now then."
It only took a few moments for them to get Griphook and Ollivander situated on Dean and Remus' backs, respectively. Remus, in the meantime, had been coming up with a plan.
So long as they were quiet and careful, he could sniff out the exit while avoiding the manor's residents. They just needed to be quick about it; he didn't know how long it would be before Peter was missed.
But no sooner did he reach his hand out for the door than it burst open, revealing a particularly unhinged-looking Sirius, closely flanked by Harry and Ron.
There was a short pause in which the two men processed one anothers' sudden appearance.
"What the hell are you doing here?" Remus asked faintly.
"We came to rescue you," Sirius said with a vaguely affronted tone.
Remus turned around, looking at the assortment of prisoners he'd broken out and the cooling body of the jailor at the other end of the room, and then turned back to Sirius.
"Well done."
Harry let out a choked sort of noise that might have been either a sob or a snort, he wasn't quite sure.
"Right," Ron said quickly. "So, mission accomplished, let's go!"
He and Harry ushered Dean-and-Griphook and Luna up the stairs first, Ron taking point and Harry flanking. The moment they were out of the room, Sirius reached out and cupped Remus's jaw, brushing a thumb across his cheek. He felt something damp on his face.
"Have you been crying?"
Remus shrugged.
"Maybe. I didn't feel anything," he said quietly, shaking his head. "It doesn't matter. Let's go."
Remus pushed past him, following the boys up the stairs. Sirius followed close behind.
They didn't look back.
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hp-imagines-07 · 4 years
Only You
Sirius Black x Fem!Gryffindor!MuggleBorn!Reader
Universe: Harry Potter; The Marauders era
Type: fluffy and ANGST (but with a happy ending, u'll love it, i swear)
Summary: [y/n] and Sirius' relationship is in danger... the request really
Request: YES|no - "Great so the idea I had was a Sirius x reader - regulus threatens the reader and says he will hurt Sirius or whatever if reader doesn’t break up with him . the reader doesn’t tell anyone and don’t listen to begin with then something happens so she feels she has no choice . Sirius is suspicious since lily told him that the reader said he is the one and also the fact she is avoiding everyone . Find out about it when they see regulus threaten reader and then Convinces the reader to get back together. Also the reader is muggle born." @rebsx​ thank you for the perfect request, hope you cry with me at the sad parts
Prompt: xxx
Warnings: cursing probably, heartbreak in slowburn(?) and threats maybe
Song: xxx
Word Count: 5.6K (i can't believe it's this big, i swear it wasn't my intention)
Posted: 28th of September 2020
A/N: i'm sorry that i took so long to write it... but i really hope you like it as much as i loved it (probably my best work until now)
My Others Accounts: @imagines-07 (Principal Account) | @obx-imagines-07 (Outer Banks) | @mcu-imagines-07 (Marvel Comics Universe) | @stit-imagines-07 (Stranger Things & IT) | @cm-imagines-07​ (Criminal Minds)
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"See you after Charms, my love." Sirius says and kisses [y/n]'s forehead, before pecking her lips and walking away to his next class. She just smiles to herself and starts to walk up the stairs to the Fat Lady Portrait, going to spend her free period reading a book or doing nothing alone in the common room.
Having free periods like this are the worse, [y/n] can't even spend time with her boyfriend or any of her friends because she was the lucky one to have a free period on the last class of Wednesday while all of them were on Charms together.
As she was getting to the next staircase, it decided to change with all of the other ones. Her eyes rolled when the entrance of the Gryffindor common room just got more and more distant, and then she saw something weird...
Slytherins. Wait, not just ordinary Slytherins or one of the ones she shares tables at Potions, but Blacks. Regulus was in front of the other ones, walking down the stairs with Narcissa and Bellatrix just behind him. All that [y/n] was wishing was that the stairs they were while staring at her, wasn't going to meet with the one she was at. But luck wasn't by her side.
[y/n]'s hands held her up by holding the handrail at her right when the stairs stopped moving - even after 6 years, she couldn't get used to it - and her eyes founded the three Slytherins at the same staircase as her, going down the stairs with light steps that she wouldn't be able to listen if she wasn't looking at them.
'What in bloody hell would a Slytherin be doing at this part of the castle?'
[y/n] shook her head and all the weird thoughts went directly to the back of her mind, where they should stay and never get out. Her feet started to bring her up the long stairs she still had to walk to get to the common room and even with her huge and heavy bag filled with books of all the classes [y/n] had today, her legs were moving fast. It was probably the need to stay away from a few people that just hated her existence and stay in a safe place, but just maybe...
As they walked straight to each other, [y/n] could feel her heart beating at her throat and ears, chills going up and down her arms and legs, and a weird feeling in the deepest part of her heart. Her gut was screaming to her that something was off and that she should get to the common room as fast as her legs could take her up the almost infinity stair.
And with the fact that the unique people that she could see all around her were the Black cousins, [y/n] knew they were up to something. And just the thought that they were up to something while looking at her, made her hands cold and sweat and her knees feel weak.
As they finally got to each other, Regulus just took his hand out of his pocket and stopped you with a warning hand in front of your chest without even the need to touch you. [y/n]'s face turned towards them and the three of them were already looking at her with their characteristic expressions.
Regulus had one of his eyebrows raised and the corner of his lips that, if you squinted your eyes really hard, you could notice that it was a little upwards in a sly smirk. Narcissa had her serious face, without the slightest of emotion letting through her face, and even her eyes were as deep as the end of a maze can be. And Bellatrix had her wide smile, that could stay in any child's worst nightmares, with her big eyes as wide as her smile was.
"Uhm, hello?" [y/n] said with a delicate voice, just above a whisper, but even this low, she showed confidence. It doesn't matter if the girl was dying on the inside, she would never let anyone - especially them - know that they got under her skin. Never...
"We need to have a little chat with you, sister-in-law." It was Regulus strong and deep voice that cut the insides of her ears in fear with his sarcasm while using the nickname.
"Spill." Sirius' girlfriend said and crossed her arms across her chest, in a position of authority while she pretended to not notice Bellatrix's eyes that went directly to her bobs and the way the girl was shifting on her foot.
"The thing is that it's kinda complicated what I have to say to you. But it is an order from my parents, so I will have to say it in any way..." Regulus started and [y/n]'s left eyebrow raised without her even think about it and her right hand moved to put his hand down. "So, I need you to break up with my big brother."
The words seemed so funny that [y/n] tried she really tried to not laugh at it, but a chuckle got out from the back of her throat as the sentence hit her.
"Excuse you?"
"I am serious. And I didn't want to get in details, but my mother says that you are a terrible influence for Sirius and that you can't date him." Regulus explained to [y/n] but her head just shook in disbelief.
"Look, I'm so sorry to disappoint you. But if you think that I'm going to break up with the boy I love, all of you are dumber than what I thought you were." [y/n] said and started to walk upstairs again, just wanting to go back to her dorm or the common room and read the book Remus gave to her last weekend. "Thank you for your attention, but I won't."
"Ok, do whatever you want to do," Regulus said and his cousins looked at him with surprised faces, probably not expecting the way he accepted [y/n]'s decision. "But I should warn you that, my mother's orders were to do something with Sirius if you just decided to not listen to us. And that's what I will do." Your body froze five steps upwards the one he was in and four from the girls. "So, I am giving you until Friday. You have two days to break his little heart, or we will hurt him physically and we won't hesitate."
[y/n] gulped loudly with the words of the brother of her boyfriend and felt her fingers starting to shake. No, they wouldn't do this to Sirius... His own family? No, they couldn't. Right?
The thing was that she didn't know the answer and was afraid to find out.
It was finally Friday and [y/n] didn't have the guts to break up with Sirius. She just couldn't.
And since the threaten, she has had a billion eyes to look out for Sirius. Every single second that he was away from her, she was worried sick about him, and all of their friends noticed the way that [y/n] couldn't stay mere seconds without her boyfriend, or she would start to freak out and look for him at every corner of the castle. [y/n] got paranoid when it was still Thursday.
And now, at her last class of Friday, she couldn't bring herself to change her gaze from Sirius to the professor, neither pay attention to the new subject. Lily's eyes were focused on her since the start of class, but [y/n] didn't even notice the redheaded strong gaze on her. And it was worrying Lily.
As the professor dismissed everyone, Lily ran behind [y/n] like a lost puppy, that was already outside the classroom looking around her like a mad man.
"Hi, babes. Can I talk to you?" Lily's voice was the sweetest she had ever heard but [y/n] still jumped scared with the sudden voice.
"Sorry, I can talk right now..." The other girl said and tried to turn around and run - probably to Sirius - but before she could breathe a little bit far from her best friend, Lily held her wrist and didn't say a word while she brought [y/n] to another corridor, an empty and quiet one. "What are you doing, Lily? I said I can't talk right now!" [y/n] hissed at her but Lily just rolled her eyes at the stubborn girl.
"Look, you've been acting weird since your free period on Wednesday, but today you're looking like you're paranoid. What's going on?" Lily asked with an expression of empathy and held both of [y/n]'s hands on hers, softly caressing her best friend's hands with her thumbs. "You can tell me."
[y/n]'s shoulders started to relax under her friend's warm touch, she felt her tense forehead starting to release of this tension and her vision being blurred by tears as she realized what she had gotten into. "I- I..." She didn't know how to tell for Lily about what [y/n] have been feeling lately, it was just too much to take care of alone. And then she let herself open up to her best friend, because if there was anyone that would listen to [y/n], was Lily. "I don't know how to say this, but-" Her weak voice was rudely stopped with a loud noise coming from a corridor close to the one they were on.
[y/n] ran away from Lily as fast as her legs could take her tired body from all the sleepless nights since Wednesday and the redheaded one followed just behind her friend with plenty question marks flying around her head.
As they got to the corridor, there were confused, scared and disgusted people with what was happening. [y/n] excused herself and passed through everyone that was on her way to the middle of the circle while people sent her rough looks.
When [y/n]'s eyes met Sirius, she felt the air finally coming back to her lungs, the color of the world coming back to her vision and the control of her moves coming back to her brain, with the view of Sirius completely fine.
"Oh, my Godric Gryffindor. What happened?" Lily's voice beside [y/n] brought her back to reality and she noticed Peter with a broken arm, just at Sirius' left.
"W-We don't know..." Remus said and fell on his knees to help Wormtail to stay up, when he noticed no one was going to help him, he looked around with raised eyebrows. "A little help here?"
James and Sirius didn't wait a second to help their friend in need and in a few seconds all of you were taking Peter to Madam Pomfrey.
[y/n] and Lily were holding Peter's broken arm in the air, so it wouldn't hurt any more with any touch or sudden move, while James carried Peter by his left side, Remus by his right and Sirius was guiding them while holding Peter's waist to make sure he wasn't going to fall.
"Don't worry, Wormtail. You're not going to die." Sirius said joking and just James laughed.
"What? I'm gonna die?"
"Nah, don't worry about it, Pete. It's just a broken arm." James said back but Peter's eyes just got bigger and as he turned his eyes to look at his arm, Remus put one of his hands on his friend's eyes before he could look at his arm in a position that it shouldn't be. Well, if looks could kill, Prongs would be six feet underground just by the glance Moony gave to him. "Sorry..." He whispered back and focused on trying to hold Peter on his feet.
As soon as Madam Pomfrey saw them, she thanked for their help, said that what they did was smart - bringing Peter to her directly and not trying to solve this by themselves - and asked for all of them to wait outside.
"My love," Sirius called [y/n] the same moment the both of them stepped out of the room. "can I talk to you for a second?" He asked and she just nodded as an answer while he held her hand in his and brought her to as far as they friends couldn't hear them. A second before Sirius could open his mouth to say what he wanted, [y/n] jumped on him.
Her arms hugged his neck and her forehead rested on his shoulder, it took a little bit to Sirius understand what was happening but not even a second after, he hugged her back with such as love and caring as she was.
He couldn't actually understand what was happening and even with [y/n/n] loving to hug him at all the times she could, Sirius knew there was something else there. "Hey, what is all this for?" He asked a few seconds later in the embrace and when he felt [y/n] starting to release her tight grip on him because of his question, his arms just held her body closer to his (if that was possible).
"I don't know... I was just worried that you were the hurt one." [y/n]'s voice was just above a whisper and Sirius felt his heart clench with the worry and sadness on her delicate voice.
"Well, I'll just let you worry because it was almost me.." Sirius trailed off and [y/n] felt her whole world stop as she sank the words in. She raised her head to look on Sirius' eyes and hoping to find that little glow from when he was joking or pranking someone. But it wasn't there. "The spell hit Peter because he accidentally stumbled and ended up in front of me..."
Oh, no...
"Sirius... I need to tell you something." That was it, [y/n] was going to tell him how his family was threatening her to break up with him or they would hurt him. This was going to end now. But then she saw him. [y/n] saw Regulus behind a group of people looking at her like he could read her mind - well, maybe he could... He knew she was going to tell Sirius about it. But she couldn't, or they would hurt him. "I-I-I..." She looked back at Sirius' gorgeous face, filled with love and empathy towards her. [y/n] couldn't do it. When her eyes looked at her feet she did it... "Sirius, I-I want to b-break up..."
Three days, eight hours, twenty-five minutes and ten seconds.
It's been three days, eight hours, twenty-five minutes and eleven seconds since [y/n] broke up with Sirius.
And they couldn't be worse without each other.
Neither of them left their dorm room for the weekend and if it wasn't for James and Lily, they wouldn't have eaten anything in those two days. Remus was starting to actually worry about Sirius and Marlene was worried like crazy about [y/n]...
But the problem was that, even Sirius was talking to his friends that he didn't know what to do without her, [y/n] wasn't...
She closed the curtains of her bed the second she sat at the bed but even after three days, eight hours, twenty-six minutes and four seconds, she didn't open it. And she wasn't going to until she could keep them closed.
The first night was torture to all of her friends. [y/n] tried, she really tried, but the loud and agonizing sobs were coming out of her in any way... She cried for the whole night all by herself. On the first ten minutes, Lily, Marlene and even Alice were trying to find a spell to open her curtains so they could help her friend and hold her, but nothing seemed to work.
After a while, they all went to their beds and when they thought she was going to stop crying, with a couple of seconds in silence, [y/n] wasn't able to hold it and she started crying harder. Marlene was silently crying on her bed with her face on her pillow, Alice went to her dorm and Lily tried to stay, but she couldn't take it, so she went to James' room. When she got there, Sirius bed was empty and they were all sleeping, Lily felt bad by coming here but as she turned around to walk away, James stopped her.
Anyone had ever seen Lily cry so much because of something...
Marlene was the unique one on the room with [y/n], she even thought of going somewhere else just to not listen to her best friend cry on that way, but she couldn't let her alone there.
[y/n]'s heart was aching like it was never before. Her first heartbreak, when her family forgot her birthday, when Sirius appeared with scars after summer break... Nothing compared to this moment where she had to hold herself while crying because she had a broken heart that would never be fixed again, and it was all her fault.
Well, that's what she was telling herself. Even with [y/n] wanting to stop thinking about anything - because literally had a way to get to Sirius Orion Black -, her brain was repeating like a mantra that it was happening because she wasn't the perfect girl for him.
While Sirius was bad...
Oh, the boy was heartbreak.
But he didn't want to think much about it, because he was still so confused about how everything just seemed to have collapsed after just a blink.
Because it felt like it, a second he was holding her and then he blinked and she broke up with him... All Sirius wanted was to understand what made [y/n] break his heart the way she has done, but he couldn't.
First of all, he could remember pretty well of when he was worried about her breaking up with him last month (when she was just doing a surprise for him) and Lily told him about how [y/n] said once how she knew he was the one. The one she wanted to be engaged with, married, live together, have kids with and have the happily ever after.
Lily also told him how [y/n] loved Sirius more than anything in this entire world and how she would do anything for him... So, it didn't fix it.
And he also thought about everything his brain could possibly think of that could be in any way a reason for her to break up with him and he wasn't understanding why nothing fixed!
Because even when [y/n]'s mouth was telling him she wanted to break up, her eyes couldn't even look inside of his and Sirius was able to read her better than a book. He saw by how her shoulders were down that she was already depressed before finishing her sentence, the way she started hyperventilate that she was trying to not cry in front of him, how her voice was failing on the middle of the words that she was holding down her sobs, the way she was nervously playing with her own fingers, her trembling lower lip, eyes that were screaming how she loved him... Everything was telling him that she didn't want to do it.
So, why did she?
That was the question that was haunting his thoughts since the first second he took to think about what had happened there.
Sirius thought that staying at the Astronomy Tower would help him to think about it, just like it had always helped [y/n] to study, but nothing was helping him...
Then he got frustrated with all of this bullshit. All he had to do was talk to [y/n], right? Then she would explain to him what actually happened and everything would be alright again because they would get back together and be happy just like they were.
And, while Sirius was thinking about what he was going to say to [y/n] so she would explain everything to him, Marlene, Lily and Alice woke up really early and ran to Professor McGonagall's classroom. If there was someone with more experience in heartbreaks than the girls and that would be willing to help [y/n] was Minerva.
It wasn't a lie to anyone that [y/n] was one of her favourite students - but if you ever told this to McGonagall, she would deny - and she would be happy to help.
So, when the girls explained to her why [y/n] wasn't there at class, why she also wasn't on the great hall for meals and how she was trying to stay distant from everyone, Minerva went right away with the girls to their dorm to check up on [y/l/n].
The same second the professor passed through the Fat Lady portrait, all the students at the common room during their free period looked at McGonagall like she was an alien inside of Hogwarts, maybe it was because she was supposed to be teaching Transfiguration to fifth years, but just maybe...
As they got close to the dorm's door, Marlene - that was the last one to leave - noticed that [y/n]'s sobs had finally stopped and all that they could hear were soft sniffles, heavy breathing and her bed creaking as [y/n] moved around to find a comfortable position that she hadn't been on the last days.
When the girls opened the door for Minerva, the first thing she noticed was the spell around the girl's bed so no one would bother her and if it was in another situation, the professor would be proud of her by such a well-done spell.
[y/n] was crying in a typical way without tears. Because there weren't any more tears to fall from her eyes.
"How long has it been?" Minerva asked while looking at the girls beside her that just shrugged her shoulders.
"Three days..." [y/n]'s raspy voice came out as a whisper but was stopped by a quiet sob. "Three days, ten hours, seven minutes and third-six seconds."
All the girls (and the woman) in the room felt their hearts clench with [y/n]'s hurt voice and how she knew exactly the time that had passed since the breakup. McGonagall, with just a shake of her wand and a whisper under her breath, made the spell open [y/n]'s curtains and in just a second they saw [y/n] wearing Sirius' quidditch jersey and her arms tightly holding one of her pillows to her chest as her legs tried to get closer to herself. She looked so vulnerable there, sitting alone at her bed, with swollen and red eyes...
Lily could feel that, if Sirius saw her like this, he would go back in time and make her sit at the right table on Potions Class, so she would never see how he was struggling with the potion, she would never have helped him to do it and they would never fall for each other.
Marlene was the fastest one to jump on [y/n]'s bed and hold her like their both lives depended on it.
Her soft arms wrapped around her best friend's body as [y/n]'s arms begrudgingly let go of her warm pillow, soon wrapping around Marlene's neck and gold blond hair. A single tear feel from [y/n]'s left eye, softly laying on her friend's shoulder.
Lily and Alice followed Marlene just right behind her and the three girls held their friend as close as they could. Minerva couldn't hold back the little smile that appeared on her face while seeing the girls caring so much about each other.
"Miss [y/l/n], I think you should get ready for your next class." McGonagall said softly and all the girls looked at her. [y/n] looked at her favourite professor with a grateful glance, that Minerva answered with a little nod.
The girls helped [y/n/n] get dressed, but even with her friends helping her, the girl just didn't seem to say anything to them about what happened between her and Sirius... But they knew that she was going to share with them every detail of her thoughts as soon as she was ready, and they just couldn't push it, even if they wanted to - which they didn't.
Sirius had been looking everywhere for [y/n].
Since he decided what he wanted and needed to say to her, Sirius ran downstairs from the Astronomy Tower and started to look for her at the corridors, classrooms, bathrooms, basically everywhere she could be, he had looked for.
His right hand went through his dark black locks in frustration as he looked around himself to see if he could grab a glimpse of [y/n]'s gorgeous [y/h/c] hair or anything that would make his mind scream to him that she was there and he should talk to her. But not even a red, gold blond or almost-white blond from any of the girls to give him some kind of hope that the love of his life could be any close to him.
All he noticed was a jet black hair, just like his, being followed by two other long dark hair. Regulus, Bellatrix and Narcissa. "What?" Sirius muttered to himself under his breath as he saw three of his family members walking to the staircases that led to the Gryffindor common room but the exact opposite way to the Slytherin one, with narrowed eyes...
Sirius didn't need to read minds to know that something was wrong. Something was telling him that he should go after them, that nothing good could come from it. So he did.
Sirius' black boots were tapping the castle floors through the crowds of students as silently as he could to not be seen by his family relatives as he followed them at the corridors. He was feeling like one of the spies from the muggle movies [y/n] had showed him before while hiding behind people, pillars, trash cans and anything he could use to not be noticed.
And then, the trio suddenly turned on an empty corridor, almost filed with fully darkness and Sirius stopped on the right side of the entrance to the hall. Just as he looked at it, Sirius felt his eyes shine with the beautiful sight that [y/n] was to his eyes. She didn't need much to be stunning...
'Wait...' He's thoughts stopped on the second that the reality fell upon him. 'Why are my brother and cousins talking to my girlfr-, ex-girlfriend, on a empty hall? And why does she look so scared?'
"[y/l/n]..." Regulus said and stopped in front of her, blocking her way and the light vision Sirius had of her.
"Look, I did exactly what asked me to, ok? Just let me be..." She snapped back with a trembling and weak voice that made Sirius want to run and just hold her in his arms again.
"We know and I just came here to say that my mother would be thankful for your help... If you weren't a mudblood, you know." Regulus said and Sirius' forehead frowned with anger and confusion. 'My mother asking [y/n/n] for a favor?'
"I didn't do it because your mother asked me to, I just broke up with Sirius because you were up to hurt him if i didn't do it. So, shut up because I don't need your mother's 'thank you's or anything else that comes from her." [y/n] said while poking Regulus' chest. "You should bother someone else with your puppies."
[y/n] passed through them, hitting her shoulder with Regulus' left one and Sirius felt like there was a light bulb above his head being turned on. It all finally made sense, the way that [y/n] didn't want to break up with him, the way she was worried sick with him the whole week, the way she almost freaked out when she thought that the spell hit Sirius and not Peter... And it was all his family's fault.
Sirius didn't know what to do to fix this hugeous mess that was happening just under his nose, but he knew that he needed to take his family threats and intentions far from him and his love before he went to talk to her.
He silently thanked Godric Gryffindor when [y/n] went to the other side of the corridor and didn't notice him there, eavesdropping on their serious conversation. Sirius would take care of this talk with her later...
Just when Regulus started to walk out of the scary corridor, Sirius stopped in front of his little brother, that nervously gulped loudly with the sight of the last person who should hear about their mother's plan.
"You know I love you, Reg. And I know it's not your fault, but if I ever see you talk to [y/n] again, you'd wished you never listened to mother for once." Sirius said calmly. "And don't forget to tell her that there's no way I'm gonna let this girl go, I love her more than anything in this entire world and any of you will take her away from me."
Sirius turned around and walked away from a scared and disappointed - with himself - Regulus and ran to find the unique girl who could make him do those crazy things and don't regret anything after...
Sirius even felt himself starting to hit a few people while he tried to pass through the slow people walking around but he didn't bring himself to stop and care about them while he had to look for her as fast as he could. His heartbeat was in an almost impossible speed, his hands sweating and lightly trembling with anticipation, his mind running around the whole castle while his body was trying to follow his thoughts... Until he saw her.
His whole world froze and all he could see was [y/n] calmly walking to her next class, just like everyone else around her - who his eyes didn't bother to focus or pay attention to. All Sirius was seeing was [y/n].
And before he could notice his movements or think of what he would do when he got to her, his legs were bringing him the closer he could get to her. And, when he thought that the world wasn't moving already, Sirius felt everything else disappear when [y/n] turned around by his hand touching her shoulder.
[y/n] have never looked more gorgeous to him before...
Even with the sore eyelids, the dark bag under her eyes, her without-life skin, her pale lips, her tired eyes and the frown on her forehead when her eyes captured the sight of him... [y/n] couldn't be anymore gorgeous even if she wanted to.
"Sirius?" Her surprised and confused whisper fell upon dead ears as Sirius grabbed the sides of her face and glued his lips on hers.
They've done it so many times before, but after passing days thinking that they would never do it again, made it as special as the very first time, two years ago, in their fourth year.
[y/n] didn't kissed back in the first seconds, but she didn't pull away neither. [y/n] knew she shouldn't, actually, she couldn't do it, but she just couldn't bring herself to stop it and pull away from Sirius' touch. And in a few seconds, she felt her whole body melt onto the kiss as [y/n] finally kissed him back.
Sirius felt a wave of relief pass through his body as it was a shock while [y/n] felt all her organs burning from inside out. At that moment, neither of them knew how they survived the last three days, fifteen hours, forty-three minutes and six seconds without feeling each other's touch.
Sirius' hands fell from her face to her waist like there was the place they belonged to and [y/n]'s hands ran in the direction of his dark hair, getting lost in there like it was the maze she was used of going every single day.
When [y/n] felt her mind dizzy with one of the best kisses they ever shared, she separated her lips from his, but just enough for them to be felt almost touching, their foreheads touching and their hot breathes mixing.
"Sirius, wh-" [y/n] started, but before she could keep going, Sirius abruptly interrupted her.
"I know the truth." [y/n] could have opened her eyes wide as a fish if they weren't glued closed with tiredness. "And I don't care. They took a lot from me, but they're not taking you, just over my dead body..." Sirius said and took a breath to keep going. "I love you, I want you. I only care about you. I don't care about what they think is right for me, because it's you. Only you, [y/n]."
"I love you too, Siri." That was all that [y/n] could let out with a trembling voice but with the biggest certain that she ever had about anything in this world.
They needed each other and nothing would be on their way to happiness and love.
+ bonus: (Sirius' letter to his mother)
Dear Mother, hope you and father are going well, even if you don't care about me. I think you heard from someone (probably Reg) that your master plan wasn't so good and it didn't work out... I just wanted to say that I'm sorry if you think I'm ever going to stay away from [y/n]. I love her more than I've ever loved anything in this world and I don't care about her blood status - which just makes me love her more. I think you won't understand me because your marriage wasn't pretty much your choice, but all I'm asking you is to let her alone. Every single choice I've done until now were decided by me, and anyone else should take the consequences for it. If you ever have a problem with me, I don't want you to make Regulus do your dirty little job, I want for you to talk to me. Thank you for reading so far and I won't be coming home anymore, neither receiving any letters from you. So, enjoy this picture of me and my gorgeous girlfriend, being happy on a beautiful sunset, just the two of us. I love her and only her, hope someday you'll understand that she's an amazing woman and deserve all the happiness and love the world can give her. Goodbye, mother... Sincerely, Sirius Orion Black.
@cheapglitter @weasleysmuch @missmulti @writtenbypics @littlemaladaptivedaydreamer @dralf0yy @buff-bork @rd155 @seppys-return-to-madness @luciferedits @old-soul-young-mind @pxtrickhxckstettxr @sleep-i-ness @marauderswhisperer @liberty01 @gweaslvy @weasleytwins-41 @siriuslysirius07 @turtlepad @ilovewinter101 @monimillion @simonsbluee @smokey102​ @aberette13 @yourbloodyqueen @loverboyreid @eeshea @susceptible-but-siriusexual @weareloserstogether​
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fanfics4all · 4 years
The Worst Year
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Request: Yes / No hey!! can you write this for me please? 🥰 it’s draco x best friend reader (PLATONIC PLS), and harry x reader (secret relationship) draco and reader are like brother sister they are always bickering but they care a lot for each other, the reader and harry are in a relationship since 4th year and in 7th when harry goes hunting, the reader is numb like depressed she doesn eat (has loss weight), doesn’t sleep and draco is worried, one day she has a breakdown (really bad) and d is there -like really worried, so she tells him about harry, d is mad and overprotective (like a brother) but comforts her and takes care of her, is always like “please eat something!” “you are so skinny just eat please!!” and they sleep in the same room so he comforts her. and then harry is back, they have an emotional reunion, and draco warns harry “if you hurt her i kill you” or smth like that THANK YOU SO MUCH and sorry if this is so specific!! (feel free to not write everything or none hajaja) ❤️❤️ @starcross16
Requests are open <3 Have a nice day/night
Harry Potter x Fem!Reader
Word count: 1700
Warnings: Not eating, not sleeping, breakdown, just a lot of sadness   
Y/N: Your Name 
Y/N/N: Your Nickname
If you want to be on the tag list for anything (My series fics, specific character fics, or just all of them) All you have to do is send me an ask and I will add you! 
(Not my photo, credit to whoever made it!)
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Draco malfoy was my best friend. He was more like a brother to me, and we sure act like brother and sister. So when fourth year came around and I started dating Harry Potter, big brother Draco came out. 
“Have you gone bloody mad?” He asked, storming into my dorm. 
“Good afternoon to you too.” I said rolling my eyes. 
“Tell me what I just heard is simply a rumor.” He said with narrowed eyes. I raised my brow at him confused. 
“Well I can’t read your mind Dray so you better tell me if you wish for me to confirm.” I said. 
“You’re dating Potter?” He growled and I sighed. 
“Honestly Draco, yes I am.” I said and his eyes widened. 
“Then you have gone mad, or he spelled you!” He said and I sighed again. 
“No I haven’t and no he hasn’t. Honestly Draco I’m happy with him.” I said. He stared at me for a bit and then sighed. 
“Why’d it have to be Potter…” He groaned, laying next to me. 
“I know you dislike him, but could you please not try and ruin this for me?” I asked. 
“We’ll see.” He said with a smirk and I rolled my eyes. That was the best I was gonna get. Draco’s bullying got worse and I would beg him to stop. It only started to die down when I started ignoring him. 
When year six came around that summer was the worst of mine and Draco’s lives. Each of us had met the dark lord and he said he would kill the other if we didn’t take his mark. I couldn’t let Draco die, but I didn’t want his mark. I watched as he took the mark to save my life and I felt tears form in my eyes. 
“Your turn dear, take it or watch Draco die.” His sickening voice said. 
“O-Okay.” I stuttered and offered my arm to him. I felt pain run through my body and felt like ice was consuming my blood. The snake and skull formed on my arm and I gulped. Draco took me to his room after and I started crying. 
“Hey, it’s alright love, everything will be alright.” He whispered, holding me close. 
“Harry is going to hate me…” I whispered. 
“He’ll understand.” He whispered back. 
I was with Draco when he almost killed Dumbledor. Luckily Snape stepped in and took the burden. Draco grabbed me and we ran along with the Death Eaters. I was so worried about Harry, but I don’t know if I should risk looking for him. 
“What about Harry?” I asked. 
“Y/N/N, we need to go, we can’t risk staying here anymore.” He said with fear in his eyes.
“I promise you, as soon as we get home I’ll help you sneak a letter to him.” He said and I bit my lip. 
“Alright…” I said and he continued to pull me along. As he promised Draco, help me send Harry a letter. After a few days I received one back. 
‘Dear Y/N, 
I know you are a Death Eater. I saw you on the Astronomy Tower when Dumbledore was killed. I saw how scared you were and now I understand. Your life is on  the line and I promise I will free you. However I’m going on a journey to find all of his Horcruxes. I need to destroy all of them before I can kill him and set you free. I won’t be able to send you any more letters and please don’t try and send me any. I don’t know where this will take me, but I must do it. Please be safe. I love you. 
Love always, Harry’
I wouldn’t be seeing Harry any time soon. That thought broke my heart and I started crying. Draco pulled me to him and took the letter from my hands. He read it and held me tighter. 
“It’s alright Y/N/N, you’ll see him again.” He whispered and kissed my head.
Months went by and my depression was only getting worse. I still haven’t heard from Harry, for all I knew he was dead. That thought haunted my mind, never leaving me. I no longer ate or slept, whenever I did I would just have horrible nightmares. At first no one noticed my lack of eating or sleeping, but soon my weight dropped and my bags under my eyes were incredibly dark. Draco was incredibly worried about me. So worried that he started having me share his room with him. That’s when I stopped bothering to get out of bed. 
“Love, I brought you some breakfast.” Draco said, walking in with a tray of food. 
“Not hungry…” I mumbled. He set it on his bedside table and sat on the edge of the bed. 
“Please Y/N, you need to eat.” He begged. 
“What’s the point?” I whispered. 
“Love, please.” He said and turned me to face him. 
“Harry is probably dead, so what’s the point?” I asked and I saw tears start to form in his dull gray eyes. 
“I wish I could prove to you that he isn’t, but I can’t. But if he were here right now he’d be telling you to eat.” He said and I sighed. 
“It doesn’t matter.” I whispered. 
A week later and I still haven’t slept or eaten. Draco was growing more and more worried with each passing day. It was night and my body was so tired that I ended up passing out on Draco’s bed. 
I saw him. Harry. I smiled so bright and rushed over to him. Just as I was about to reach him I was blocked by something. I tried my hardest to push through, but it was no use. 
“Harry!” I shouted, but he didn’t look at me. 
“Harry! Harry!” I shouted over and over. Nothing. Suddenly the Dark Lord appeared and sent an evil smirk my way. 
“You can’t save him.” He said and my eyes widened. 
“Harry! Harry look out! Harry please!” I shouted, begging him to do something. 
“Avada Kedavra!” Voldemort shouted and the spell hit Harry. He fell to the ground as Voldemort laughed. 
I woke up screaming, crying, and sweating. Draco sat up next to me and quickly looked around. He pulled me to him and I continued crying hard. Draco pet my hair and whispered soothing things into my ear. 
“Y/N, it’s alright. Everythings alright. You’re alright.” He said trying to calm me. 
“H-Harry…” I cried. 
“Shhh, I know love, just calm down.” He said. It took awhile, but I finally calmed down. Draco turned me to face him and looked me in my eyes. 
“Do you want to talk about it?” He asked. 
“H-He killed him. He killed him and I couldn’t do anything to stop him…” I said. 
“Hey, I need you to believe me, Harry is alive.” He said. 
“You don’t-” 
“I saw him. Remember when Aunt Bellatrix called me down to check someone they brought in?” He asked and I nodded. 
“It was Harry, Ron, and Hermione. They took my wand and they’re out there right now.” He said. 
“Why didn’t you tell me?” I whispered. 
“I was worried it would make things worse, but I was wrong.” He said. 
“He’s alive?” I asked and he nodded. I hugged draco and cried a few tears of joy. 
“He’s alive!” I whispered. 
Weeks went by and Draco and I returned to Hogwarts. The war was here and we were in the middle of it. Draco went to get his wand back and I wanted to go with him, but he said it was better if I didn’t. After he retrieved his wand we met up and followed everyone outside. There stood Volemort with all the Death Eaters, but my eyes went to Hagrid and who he was holding. Harry Potter.
“Harry Potter is dead!” Voldemort shouted. I wanted to scream out and cry, but Draco grabbed my hand. 
“Don’t do anything.” He whispered. I knew he was right. If I did anything he would kill me or even Draco. Draco’s parents called for him and mine called for me. Everyone’s eyes were on us and I didn’t know what to do. Draco pulled me along with him and Voldemort gave us both an awkward hug. 
“Well done.” He said and we walked to our parents. I tuned everyone out after that. It wasn’t until I heard Harry’s voice that I tuned back in. I looked over and he was alive! I don’t know how that was possible, but I didn’t care. He was alive. My parents started pulling me along behind the Malfoys, but I escaped their grip. 
“Y/N! What are you doing?” My Father asked. Draco looked at me with wide eyes. 
“I need to go.” I said to him and he nodded. Draco left his Mother’s grip and walked up to me. 
“Then I’ll go with you.” He said and I smiled. He grabbed my hand and the two of us ran back to the action. We fought off a few Death Eaters and Draco made sure to keep me safe. Then it all stopped. I ran out of the castle with Draco following me and there he was. 
“Harry!” I shouted and he looked at me. 
“Y/N!” He called back and we ran to each other. He pulled me to him and kissed me deeply. 
“You’re alright.” I cried and he looked me over. 
“What happened to you?” He asked. 
“She’s been a mess all year, because of you.” Draco said walking up behind me. 
“I’ve been so worried.” I said and he kissed my head. 
“There’s no need to worry anymore.” He said and I smiled. 
“I swear Potter if you do anything to hurt you, I’ll kill you myself.” Draco said. 
“Draco!” I hissed and he just smirked. 
“What? I need to watch out for you, clearly.” He said and I gently shoved him. 
“I’d never dream of hurting her.” Harry said. Draco nodded and the two of them shook hands. I doubt they would ever be friends, but at least they can be civil to one another. 
Tag list: @les-bio-lie​ @tashy-bear​ @ashwarren32​ @hollie-blogs​ @schisbro87​ @lover-of-books-and-teas​ @nerdygaloresposts​ @teenwolfbitches2​ @genius2050​ @drw0301bieber​ @softgamerking @lady-of-lies​ @ravenmoore14​ @ravenempress101​ @cillianchamp​ @rowanthomasknapp​ @in-slytherin-we-trust​ @accio-rogers​
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the-whitewolfie · 4 years
Breaking with The Order // F.W.
Summary: After losing your parents you and your much younger sister were on your own. You couldn’t leave her without you. So you had to break with The Order, and break with him, to keep yourself and your sister safe.
Word Count: 2k
Warning: Angst
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You gave your little sister a tight hug before leaving her with your sweet neighbour from a few doors down. The mission should go smoothly, however, it might take all evening, so this was your best bet, seeing as you couldn’t leave her at home on her own, and you most definitely couldn’t bring her along. 
You walked into the house on Privet Drive with Fred alongside you. Your hand in his. Stood beside him as Mad-eye went over the details of tonight's event.
"None of us really fancy it, mate. Imagine if something went wrong and we were stuck as specky, scrawny gits forever!"
Amongst the pressing situation Fred still managed to make you chuckle. However you cringed when you watched him take a sip of the polyjuice potion as he instantly turned more and more into Harry Potter.
With his broomstick in hand he leant in for a kiss. You pushed him away with a light hand to his chest, not allowing his lips or was it Harry's lips to touch yours. It all seemed too real. “Not when you’re like this. I’ll gladly kiss you when we land safely at the Burrow and you’re back to being just Fred”. 
“I’ll take you up on that darling”. He sent you a crooked smile, although it didn’t have quite the same effect on you, when he was like this. He mounted his broomstick, and you yours as you sent him a look that radiated the sheer nervousness you felt, pleading for him to be okay.
Things went south. All the way to the Burrows it was one curse after the other. You’d nearly fell off the broom six or seven times, and just missed Bellatrix’s attempts to kill quite a few.
Back at the Burrows you ran into the house. He had to be here by now. You went in, your eyes immediately went to the couch. Internal panic hit in the instant it took you to recognize the bleeding ginger to be George and not Fred. He was crouched beside him. 
Locking distraughtly around, you could see the cuts and small wounds on everyone's faces.
“Mad-eye is dead,” said Bill, the oldest Weasley brother.
This was all too much. 
“I can’t. I..” you backed away in a hurry, out of the house. Running for a bit and apparated to outside your apartment. You went in, slid down against the door, sobbing with tears streaming down your face. Thankful that your neighbour was taking care of you sister for the night, so she didn’t have to see you like this.
“Where’s y/n?” panic seeped through him, the moment he turned away from his bleeding twin brother. “Where is she?!”
“She was just here” Ron turned to look in the direction where he’d seem you. 
“and you couldn’t keep an eye on her, could you?”
Ron gestured to his brother on the couch. “Seems there were more pressing matters, than looking after your girlfriend! Who by the way made it here safely”
Fred ran out, the rest of the order hot on his heels. “Y/N!” “Y/N!!”
There was no reply. Outside of the Burrow was completely quiet, except for him screaming your name as he ran frantically around in search of you. With fast strides he ran inside, to his own bedroom, losing faith when he didn’t hear any sounds even as he got closer.
You weren’t there
“Where is she?” His loud voice cracking at the end. He had to find you. He pushed past every one of the others. The next moment he was by your house. The loud determined knocking, made you scurry away from the door, wand in hand for protection.
“y/n! darling are you here?”. he had to be yelling on the other side of the door, seeing as the volume was quite high, even inside your apartment. 
The banging continued. You raised your wand to open the door for him, and he leapt inside. The look of relief was prominent on his features.
“You promised me a kiss babe”.
Even before he could send that crooked smile, he had tried to earlier. The initial shock of the possible intruder left your body, and you broke down onto the floor, your cheeks stained with waterfalls of tears. He went to your side in an instant, clutching you to his chest as you cried and cried and cried, till the both of you were merely sobbing.
“I can’t do this” your sorrow filled eyes looked at him. “I can’t put my life at risk like that- My baby sister needs me”. You got up and paced across the kitchen floor. He got up and approached you “no-” holding out your arm to tell him to remain distant. 
“Babe, it’s alright. I’m not asking you to keep being a part of this”. He took a step forward, and you a step backwards.
“and I can’t stay at home waiting for you to come, not knowing if today is the day you don’t”
“You know I can’t abandon The Order. It’s my family I’m trying to protect them” the physical distance leaving him slightly nauseous, the emotional distance however was unbearable.
“As am I, Fred” you backed away again when he tried to reach you “we can’t stay together. My heart couldn’t bear it.”
“What?” You didn’t think he could look anymore sorrowful than just before, but the change was apparent. “Don’t do this y/n. I love you”
“And I love you Fred. That’s why we can’t continue on.” He stepped towards you again. “Don’t!” Your eyes locked on his. “You need to go”.
“I won’t leave you like this, let me sta-“.
“No Fred. It’ll only make it harder. Please go now” once again the tears were pouring from your eyes. His as well.
He gave a final plea with his eyes to which you turned around. It would be easier not to see him go. “Take care y/n” he whispered.
You heard the door shut behind him.
Immediately going under the covers only to stay under them for what seems like days. If it hadn’t been for your sister, you would have stayed there forever.
Fred came back home pale as a ghost, tears still staining his cheeks.
“Oh dear. You didn’t find her? We’ll search-”. He interrupted his mother “She bloody ended it between us”. He dragged his feet across the living room and up the stairs to his room, followed by the eyes of his twin, who was still on the couch and his mother who too started to sob when she realised her son's major heartbreak.
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3 years years later:
The excitement was displayed with her whole body. Your sister had recently gotten her Hogwarts acceptance letter and bounced up and down as the two of you strolled through Diagon Alley for her school essentials.
You’d avoided this street for obvious reasons, but this was the only place that allowed for you to get every supply she needed. Hoping so much she wouldn’t pay attention to his store.
“That’s Fred!” She pointed to the tall statue outside his shop. And there he was, a very visual reminder of the man you had lost those years ago. You keep forgetting that your little sister lost him too on the night you told him to leave. She kept asking for him, when he missed dinner the next Thursday nights or asking when he’d stop by, until you had to tell her that he wasn't coming back to you. You’d lie if you said you hadn’t thought about him since, you had even asked Hermione about him when you ran into her about a year ago, shocked to hear he almost didn’t make it through the war. 
“Can we go in? Do you think he still sells those funny-“
“Not today sweetheart. We have quite many things we need to get from your list”. It wouldn’t be fair to him to turn up out of the blue and what would you even say. You took one last look at the giant figure of your previous lover, before heading towards the first shop, arm in arm with your now not as content sister. 
After a while you carried a stack of books and on top of those a big birdcage with an astonishingly looking great grey owl inside. Not being able to see much, but wanting to help with the heavy lifting.
“FRED!” your sister squealed and ran off. Oh no. Although your eyes still searched for him through the bars of the cage and through the crowd. You spotted his ginger hair towering over seemingly everybody, with your sister now wrapped around his torso. He picked her up and spun her around. “I’ve missed you sweetheart”. He looked around for you, in the direction your sister had attacked him from, and saw you there behind the birdcage. Instantly coming to your aid, taking it in his hands. “That looks like Errol”. 
“She picked her out herself. We’re still trying to figure out a name for her”. You looked into his eyes now for the first time in those three years. Small talk felt awfully shallow at a time like this. “Maybe I can help with a name. Give me that Fred” Ginny was at his side, you had only noticed now. “We’ll be just over in the shop if you don't mind?” you shook your head all the while, your eyes stayed on him and Ginny went to the shop with your sister.
“It’s good to see you darling”
“You too. I’m glad you’re okay. I heard what happened during the war...”
His hand reached forward for you arm. A simple gesture.
“Let’s not talk about that now. I’m here aren't I?”
“I’m sorry” you took his hand in yours “about what happened between us”.
“Don’t be darling. I don’t blame you for nothing. However my mom took it hard. I did too”
You looked down. Your hand falling from his.
“Hey y/n, it’s alright. My mother would never blame you either, she probably blames me the most. She usually does” He scrunched his nose but you knew he was telling the truth. He really did get the blame a lot in the Weasley household. Although perhaps with good reasoning. And thankfully his joking nature changed the atmosphere a bit.
“Will you give her my regards? She’s family after all. She’ll always be family to me” This made him smile. Like a madman even. His eyes crinkled. “She’ll be so happy to hear from you”.
“Y/N, FRED! I named her Opal. Think I’ll call her buttercup though” You sister came running referring to the owl. Ginny in tow. 
“See I like that sweetheart. Am I allowed to send you a letter every now and again?” When your sister nodded eagerly, his eyes went to yours for your approval. You gave him a smile. How could you not.
“And you y/n. Am I allowed to send you a letter”. He left you breathless with his hopeful eyes. You nodded slowly. “Assuming you don't send letters to any other women currently.”
“I don’t”
“Listen I have to go back” he gestured to the shop “it’s our busiest time of year, and I left poor George alone in charge”.
“I’ll cover for you!” Ginny said quickly. “I know my way around the store and I can easily do the register. Angelina is there too, I recon she’d willingly help our dear Georgie out as well” She looked at you. “Maybe I could be accompanied by your sister?”.
“Please I haven’t been there in so long!” Your sister said “I know you said-”
“Sure you can!” You hurried your answer, not wanting Fred to know you actually did try to avoid bumping into him in the first place.
You looked to Fred. Who was beaming, and thanking his sister a million times in his head. “Sure. Thanks Ginny” Now onto you “Would you fancy grabbing lunch with me then. We’re both free now aren’t we?”.
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hexmione · 4 years
Ronmione Missing Moment
A/N: During quarantine I’ve been brewing up some Ronmione ideas. I’m currently rereading Order of The Phoenix and I’ve recently watched Chamber of Secrets. I’ve thought of a little missing moment. This is my first REAL Ronmione oneshot. I might’ve differed from the books a bit, but I hope you enjoy!
A/N pt2: A/N: You might be thinking, “Hey, I’ve seen this!” If you’ve seen this, it was probably on my other blog @gryyffindork​. I deleted most of my writing on that account and moved it onto this account!
Summary: After the Battle of the Department of Mysteries, Ron finds himself in the same place he was three years prior… at Hermione’s bedside.
Word Count: 1,634
Date Posted: june 12th, 2020
Date Reposted: August 26th, 2020
*gif not mine!*
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They were still in the Department of Mysteries. Why the hell were they still in the Department of Mysteries? Where was the Order? Where was Hermione?
The thought of Hermione brought him back to life. Ron looked around wildly for Hermione, but then he saw her. He watched in horror as a jet of green light was released from Dolohov’s wand, “Hermione!” he yelled.
Ron quickly sat up in his hospital bed. He took a deep breath to calm his racing heart. He spun around quickly and muffled a groan of pain. He looked down at his arms, and everything came flooding back to him:  
The Department of Mysteries
The brains
The Order
Death Eaters
Harry, Ginny, Neville, Luna, Hermione
Her name ran through his mind like a silent prayer. He finally caught sight of her in her hospital bed and let out a shaky breath. Neville, Luna, Harry, and Ginny had left the hospital wing earlier that morning, the only beds that were occupied were his and Hermione’s.
Hermione hadn’t woken up yet. Madame Pomfrey assured him that she would wake up soon, “She’s a fighter, Mr. Weasley. She just needs to recover,” She had said. He had given her a weak smile as he allowed her to apply the cold cream and bandages to his arms.
Ron looked around for any sign of Madame Pomfrey before slowly swinging his legs over his bed. He sucked in a breath as his feet touched the cold floor. His arms were burning, but he didn’t care, he needed to be with Hermione.
As he sat on the wooden chair next to her bed, he held back a sob. How could he have let this happen? How could he be so useless? He should’ve protected her. He swore that he would protect her.
Ron couldn’t help but think back to their second year. He had taken Harry’s invisibility cloak without telling him. He didn’t care. He needed to see Hermione. He remembered thinking that Hermione would’ve scolded him for wandering the castle after hours, but that was his Hermione.
His Hermione. When had Hermione become his?
Ron remembered speaking to her petrified self and holding back that same sob, “I’m so sorry Hermione. I know you can’t hear me, but I’m sorry. I’m sorry for every foul thing I’ve ever said to you. I’m sorry for not protecting you. Harry and I, we need you. I need you,” he took a deep breath, “we’re going to save you, we’re going to find a way. You’re going to come back to me.” Ron remembered gripping her hand so hard, his knuckles almost turned white.
Ron fell asleep by her bedside that night. He expected McGonagall to be furious, but instead, she gave him a weak, thin-lipped smile, “Head to the Gryffindor Common Room, Mr.Weasley. I’m sure Mr. Potter is wondering where you are."
From then on, Ron had promised to himself that no matter what, he would always protect Hermione.
Now, almost three years later, he had broken that promise. As he sat next to her bedside, he slowly stroked her hair. They were no longer children, how could they be?
He finally felt the hot tears streaming down his face. He quickly wiped them away. Crying was not going to bring back Hermione.
He needed her to wake up. He wouldn’t be able to survive without her.
He took another deep breath, "Hermione?” He whispered, “please, I need you to wake up."
He watched anxiously, but there was no change. The only sound was her steady breathing.
"Please, Hermione,” he begged, the desperation in his voice becoming clear, “just open your eyes.  I’ll even read Hogwarts: A History."
He watched her anxiously once more. There was no movement, there was no sound.
Ron ran his fingers through his hair as he allowed the tears to spill out of his eyes once more. The pain in his arms was nothing compared to the slow burn that was filling his chest. How could he continue to fight without her?
Ron was thrown out of his thoughts as he heard a small groan come from Hermione’s bed. Ron quickly looked up and found two, dark brown eyes staring back at him.
"Hermione!” He exclaimed. She let out a small grunt of pain as she tried to sit up, “no, Hermione, let me.” He quickly grabbed a pillow from an empty bed and placed it behind her. She winced as she leaned back.
“Bloody hell, Hermione. Thank Merlin. I’ve been going mad, I was worried you were never going to wake up.”
Hermione opened her mouth to say something, but she immediately winced, "Chest… hurts,” she stammered. Ron felt his spirits dim as he watched her face fill with pain.
“Do you want me to get Madame Pomfrey?” He asked hurriedly, already getting out of his seat.
Hermione pulled his arm down, “No, please… stay.” She whispered.
As Ron sat back down, she studied his face, “Were you crying?” She asked softly, as she wiped a fallen tear off his face.
Ron felt his ears go red, “I - well… maybe."
Hermione flashed him a soft smile, "Ron, I’m okay,” she paused for a moment, and Ron watched fear pass through her eyes, “The others? Are the others okay?” She said, gripping his hand tightly.
Ron hesitated for a moment, she had already gone through so much, how would she react to Sirius?
“Ron? What about the others?” Hermione said in a more demanding tone, which snapped him out of his thoughts once more.
Ron cleared his throat, “The others are all right. Neville, Harry, Luna, and Ginny left early this morning. I have to stay because of my stupid arms,” he said as he raised his bandaged arms.
“Oh Ron!” Hermione cried, “Is it painful? What happened? Are you alright?"
Ron chuckled, it was the first time he had laughed in days, "Relax, Hermione,” Ron looked down at his feet, suddenly feeling ashamed, “I don’t remember what happened. I went mad after I was hit by a spell. Ginny said that I summoned a brain and it attacked my arms and my chest. Madame Pomfrey says I’ll be okay, I’ll just have scars."
Before Hermione could respond, Ron let out a sigh, "I was completely useless, ‘Mione. I’m sorry that I couldn’t protect you."
"Ron! You’re not useless! You protected Ginny and Luna. You’re a hero, Ronald Weasley,” Hermione said, gripping his hand tighter than before.
He looked up and saw her struggling to catch her breath, “Hermione, I really should get Madame Pomfrey. You’re clearly in pain.”
“No,” she said, pulling him back down, “tell me the rest."
Ron swallowed, "The prophecy was smashed. The Order came and took the rest of the Death Eaters,” Ron continued to stroke her hair, “Bellatrix got away. You-Know-Who and Dumbledore fought."
"What about Sirius? Where was Sirius?” Hermione asked. Ron couldn’t bear to look at her.
“Sirius… well… he…” Ron felt his throat close up.
“Sirius what?” Hermione whispered. Ron couldn’t help but think that she already knew the answer.
Ron looked up at Hermione, her eyes already shining with tears, “No! He can’t be! What about Harry?"
"He’s trying to push through,” Ron answered, “He needs us."
Hermione nodded, "Ron,” she said softly, “can you lay with me?"
Ron looked at her in shock, he felt his heart flutter, "Um - yeah… sure."
Hermione moved over a bit on her bed, making a space big enough for Ron. Ron slowly slid next to her trying not to hurt her. Once Ron was settled in her bed, Hermione leaned against his chest. Ron wondered if she could hear how fast his heart was beating.
After a moment of silence, Ron spoke, "I dreamt that y-you died,” Ron stammered, his heart hammering at his confession.
Hermione turned her head to look at him, “I’m okay, Ron,” she grabbed one of his hands, “see?” She said as she placed his hand on her heart. Ron wondered if it normally beat that fast.
“Hermione, you have to promise me something,” Ron said shakily.
“Of course, what is it?"
"Promise me, that no matter what, we’ll never leave each other.”
“I won’t,” Hermione whispered, sounding breathless.
“Hermione, I mean it. I can’t do this without you,” the desperation in his voice coming back.
“I’m not going anywhere, Ron,” Hermione said, her nose was scarily close to his.
“Harry needs us. We’re going to need each other,” Ron said, his voice almost becoming as breathless as hers.
“We’re going to be there for him, and we’re going to be there for each other."
Ron nodded and looked down at Hermione. Hermione gave him another one of her fabulous smiles before kissing him on the corner of his mouth. Ron’s eyes widened in shock before he gave her a quick smile back. He returned the favor by giving her a quick peck on the corner of her mouth.
"Hermione, you need to rest,” Ron said with a yawn.
Hermione sighed, “Alright."
Ron moved to get off her bed but she stopped him, "Can you stay?” She asked, her eyes pleading.
It was Ron’s turn to give her a smile, “I’ll always stay."
As the pair drifted off the sleep, Ron gave Hermione a quick kiss on her head. He inhaled the scent of her hair as he fell asleep.
When Madame Pomfrey and Professor McGonagall found Ron holding Hermione close to his chest as they slept, Professor McGonagall couldn’t help but remember that they had been there before. The same room, the same bed, the same girl, and the same boy.
It was then when Professor McGonagall realized that Ron Weasley and Hermione Granger had a fate that was written in stone.
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amarauder · 6 years
chapter fifteen ❥ original
it’s a hate love thing original version
james potter x reader
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"Very good, Ms. L/n!" cried Professor McGonagall in praise, as her best student performed a tricky transfiguration by turning her own table into a barking dog. "Twenty points to Gryffindor for such an outstanding transfiguration!"
James groaned. McGonagall was always favoring Y/n for one thing or another and he was tired of it. But unfortunately, she had heard him groan, for she glared at him sharply.
"Is there something you'd like to share with the class, Mr. Potter?" she barked. "Perhaps you think Ms. L/n isn't as advanced as yourself. Let us see what you can do."
James picked up his wand, pointed it to his head, and transfigured his head into that of a fish. Everyone gasped, and McGonagall stared, speechless.
"Well, you've certainly proved me wrong, Potter! You're showing sixth-year transfiguration, which is more than I can say for most of you. Thirty points to Gryffindor!"
James smirked and glanced over at y/n, whose face was rather red. Ha! He knew he'd show her.
Y/n felt humiliated, and a surge of jealousy went through her. She had practiced the transfiguration of furniture into animals for nights on end, and here was James Potter showing off again by doing transfiguration that was well above O.W.L. levels. At least she'd be able to beat him in Charms, her best subject.
As class ended, James walked up to her and whispered, "Not so perfect, are you, L/n? McGonagall clearly thinks I'm more talented in Transfiguration than you are."
Y/n restrained tears from coming down. "Well, Potter, at least I can do better in Charms than you. You were the only one who had extra homework because you couldn't master the Summoning Charm. I can do charms that are well above Ordinary Wizard Level and maybe above N.E.W.T. levels."
James shook his head. When will L/n learn, he thought. I don't even care if she beats me in anything. I just like to get her riled up over something since she looks so pretty when she's mad. Wait, where did that thought come from?
"Why are you shaking your head, Potter? In denial?" Y/n smirked.
James rolled his eyes. "Y/n, I'd never be in denial for such a reason so trivial. Anyway..." He looked over her shoulder and groaned.
"It's Snape and his gang."
And it was. Snape was strutting along with his usual gang, and smiled widely at Y/n, who frowned back.
"Hello, Mudblood. Nice day, isn't it?"
Y/n glared at him. "Oh, very nice day, Snivellus. Your hair is actually less greasier than usual."
But both y/n and James noticed a considerable difference in their gang. Now following the Slytherin boys were two girls, each very different from each other.
The first one was tall and thin, with blonde hair, blue eyes, and a look as if there was dung under her nose. She was standing next to Malfoy, who seemed to be smug about having a girl next to him. They knew who she was of course—this was Narcissa Black, Sirius' very own cousin.
The second one had long, dark hair and creamy eyelids that veiled dark black eyes. She was shorter than Narcissa, but still quite tall, and had a strange dark beauty that seemed to intrigue Y/n. She was Sirius' other cousin and Narcissa's sister, Bellatrix Black, and she stood next to Rodolphus Lestrange, who had his arm around her.
Bellatrix sneered at Y/n. "Well, well, well, if it isn't Y/n L/n, the perfect girl of Gryffindor. And what a surprise, it's James Potter, my dear cousin's bestfriend."
James seethed in anger. "Stay away from L/n, you little—"
"Don't insult my girlfriend, Potter," snapped Lestrange, glaring at James forcefully. "I daresay she's much better looking than your Mudblood L/n and much more cleverer."
"Are you kidding me? Y/n's one of the cleverest students at Hogwarts, if not the cleverest. Your girlfriend can't even compare with her!"
The funny thing was, James didn't seem to deny the fact that Y/n wasn't his girlfriend.
Narcissa laughed. "Ah, now I see why you're friends with Sirius. You're just like him, arrogant, so full of yourselves. Pity, how your lives will end so shortly..."
The gang snickered, and Y/n's temper rose.
"Shut up, you stupid idiots! You're all going to be the ones who'll go first, since everyone in this school hates you already."
Avery, the newest member of their group, raised his eyebrows. "Oh, really, L/n? By the time the Dark Lord rises, you'll be dead, along with your mummy and daddy."
They laughed even harder. The rest of the Marauders and girls approached them. Sirius glanced at James with a puzzled expression.
"Hey, James, what's the hold-up? We have to go to Quidditch..." He trailed off as he saw who they were talking to.
Bellatrix smiled. "Well, if it isn't dear widdle Sirius, my favorite cousin." She sneered.
Sirius glared at her. "As far as I'm concerned, Bellatrix, you're no relative of mine. In fact, none of these worthless Blacks are."
Snape stared. "You do know that you're insulting your own family and yourself, don't you, Black?"
"I know very well what I'm saying, Snape. My family believes in a whole lot of crap, with their pureblooded speeches, and I can't stand it any longer. My mother, especially, and that cursed house-elf—"
"Kreacher is useful," interrupted Narcissa curtly.
"Oh, I didn't know Slytherins cared for someone or something other than themselves," snapped Sirius irritably.
Lestrange snorted. "Black, you are so thick at times, even though, for some reason, you get the best grades in our year..."
"Of course I do. After all, I try to stay away from my two cousins, so my intelligence improves."
Arabella glared at the whole lot of them. "C'mon, let's go. We don't want you guys to be late for Quidditch practice."
As they turned to go, Wilkes yelled, "Hey, Figg, want to go out with me?" All the Slytherins laughed uproariously at the comment.
Sirius shook with anger. "Those stupid prats," he mumbled. "Dating my cousins...soon I'll be the only Black left."
No one dared mention Sirius' parents or brother, for fear that he'd grow even angrier than before. Sirius absolutely abhorred his parents and brother, Regulus, for believing that the world should be rid of Muggle-borns and have all the purebloods rule the world.
"Are you all right, Sirius?" asked Violet tentatively, after a while.
"Yeah, yeah, I'm fine. It's just that—gosh, I have the most pathetic and idiotic family! I'm ashamed of them all—well, except for Andromeda. At least she doesn't believe in that pureblooded crap like the rest of my miserable family." He ended with a bitter tone of voice.
"Er—I think it's time for Quidditch practice, Sirius," said James, hoping to cheer up his best friend a bit. "I tell you, we'll be the death of Wood if we don't hurry."
"Oh, yeah, right." Sirius hurried off after James, still grumbling about his brother and his house-elf.
"Sad kid," said Jennifer, shaking her head.
"He does have a bad family," admitted Remus. "I mean, they do believe that the Muggle-borns should go back to 'their own world' and that the purebloods run the wizarding world—like how it used to be." He glanced sideways at Y/n.
"Well, you can't blame them for thinking that," said Y/n, shrugging. "I mean, some people just don't think that people like me should belong in their world. I'm fine with that."
"The Blacks have always been pureblooded, like the Malfoys, Lestranges...most of the Slytherins. They have a really long ancient history, even longer than Malfoy, though not as long as the Potters' ancestry. That's why Mrs. Black isn't too fond of Mr. and Mrs. Potter and their family...she was completely against having James over the summer." Remus sighed sadly. "She doesn't accept people like me, either, since I'm a—you know."
Jennifer glared angrily. "I can't believe them! No wonder why Sirius hates the lot."
Violet smiled sadly. "Well, I'm happy that my mother isn't as terrible as most Slytherins. She was deeply upset when she wasn't in Ravenclaw or Gryffindor—that's where most of my family's from—but she was euphoric when I got into Gryffindor. Poor Mum...she's always suffering taunts from the Ministry. Dad's always telling people off, maybe that's why he's not too popular."
"I like your dad," said Y/n, remembering smiling Mrs. Walker and enthusiastic Mr. Walker when they both hugged Violet at King's Cross last year.
"He's really jolly," agreed Jennifer, nodding. "Unlike my parents, they're a bit of a joke, especially my mum. Never really liked magic, her. Don't know why Dad married her...I s'pose it was just fate."
"Your dad's nice," offered Arabella, trying to cheer her friend up.
"I guess." Jennifer shrugged.
"Enough about families," said Remus briskly. "How about a game of chess in the common room?"
Everyone shrugged. "Sure."
While Remus and Arabella battled each other in chess with Remus and Violet watching, Y/n stared with her e/c orbs outside to the Quidditch field, where the Gryffindor team was practicing.
Sirius was having a jolly time of his own, whamming the Bludger across the field at unexpected teammates. Y/n smiled. She also saw James, but scoffed at him while he shot the Quaffle past the Keeper many times.
Unfortunately, the window was open, and y/n, before she could stop himself, called out, "Hey Potter, how about passing the Quaffle for once?"
Realizing her mistake, Y/n clapped her hands to her mouth, horrified, while the rest of her friends sniggered.
"Good one, n/n," said Arabella, trying to stifle her laugh.
James was startled at Y/n's voice and looked around to see her peering at him from Gryffindor Tower. He grinned.
"Hey, L/n, didn't know you admired me so much!"
y/n's face turned red and she glared at him. "Don't worry, Potter, I was just giving you a few tips to improve!"
The Gryffindor Keeper was not pleased at all.
"Potter, keep practicing!" he barked. "We have the match in less than one week. We don't want to be talking to people from other Houses, especially the Ravenclaws." He visibly shuddered.
"Nah, that was just l/n," said James disdainfully. "She was trying to give me a few 'pointers' and told me to pass the Quaffle more often. Stupid perfectionist."
"L/n? As in, Y/n l/n?" The Keeper suddenly looked interested. "Well, you'd better listen to her, Potter, she's a right genius, she is."
James rolled his eyes. Why did everyone laud y/n so? He was just as good as him, and all anyone's ever told him was to not play any pranks!
"Hey, Potter! Pass us the bloody Quaffle, for God's sake!" cried one of his fellow Chasers impatiently.
James thrust the red ball into the boy's hands and flew to where the right hoop was. He was positioned.
One of the Chasers threw the Quaffle to the other, who threw it to James. James did one of his famous feints and scored easily.
Their Keeper was very pleased and congratulated James throughout the whole practice, much to the disgust of y/n. She was even more disappointed that none of the other members of the team felt any spite toward James for showing off.
When she confided this to Sirius and Remus, James' two best friends, the next day, they both nearly laughed their heads off, much to her further displeasure.
"Don't be such a wet rag, Flower," said Sirius, rolling his eyes. "Jamie had to do a feint, how else was he supposed to get it through Wood's superb Keeping?"
"But still—" Y/n found that her argument was useless and huffed in indignation.
Remus tried to comfort her, which lessened her anger very slightly.
"Besides, y/n, that's one of the secret strategies as to how our Gryffindor team is the best," he said confidently. "Our feints have worked every time; the other Houses still don't realize that those are feints yet..."
"Daft, the whole lot of them," sneered Sirius.
y/n was thoroughly bewildered with their replies, half the reason being that she had no idea what feints were.
So she asked Arabella what feints were, which she regretted almost immediately after the words went out of her mouth.
"You don't know what feints are?" she cried, tears of mirth leaking from her brown eyes. "Oh, gee, n/n, I never knew you'd be this daft when Quidditch is the subject!"
She went on cackling the whole day, much to y/n's impatience and embarrassment.
"Well, it's not my fault," said y/n to herself, as she sank into a couch in the common room. "I mean, I may be good at academics, but I'm certainly not an expertise when it comes to Quidditch."
She hadn't noticed a certain black-haired boy sneak up from behind the couch she was sitting on.
"BOO!" James cried.
"ARGH!" screamed Y/n, her eyes widening. When she saw who it was, she narrowed her eyes and threw up her hands.
"What do you want from me, James Potter?" she demanded furiously.
"Go out with me," was James' simple reply.
"Not over your dead body!"
"Oh? I thought it was 'I wouldn't go out with you if it was competition between you and the giant squid'."
Most people would have preferred to die rather than to get Y/n into a fit, but James, on the other hand, wasn't "most people". So, he decided to take a chance, which, I might add, was a very poor one.
Y/n slapped him right across the face, where a bloody red mark appeared almost instantly. She grabbed her bag, which was lying at the foot of the couch, and stormed out of Gryffindor Tower, leaving a stunned James behind.
James was hurt. He never meant to make Y/n so angry, and was still unable to figure out why she still hated him so much. He thought that he had changed. He still hexed people that bothered him of course; why wouldn't he? But he stopped showing off, except for in Quidditch, where a little showing off was necessary. He stopped dating other girls and "dumped" Deanna Jackson, even though they weren't even going out as an official couple. He continued to call Y/n "L/n", though, because he was only returning the favor of being called "Potter". Other than those certain points, James Henry Potter thought that he had improved a lot since last month. But did it satisfy, y/n? No.
Sirius was no help to his problems, either. Even though they were best friends, and first mates, Sirius couldn't help him in the Department of Trying to Make Y/n Go Out With James Potter. Sirius offered to spy on "N/n" for him, but it turned out with disastrous effects.
Next, James tried to console himself with Remus, only to find that he was even worse than Sirius. Remus only told him, very wisely, that he should just forget about impressing y/n and get on with trying to redeem himself as a good person with good intentions and integrity. James had pondered over Remus' words and finally concluded that Remus did not understand his need to impress Y/n...but then again, he didn't understand it himself either.
He found no desire in seeking Peter for answers. For one thing, it would ruin his reputation to be asking Peter for help. It was usually the other way around, when Peter desperately begged James for advice, which mostly consisted of Potions homework and exams. For another thing, he had a shrewd suspicion that Peter would be an even worse adviser than Sirius and Remus put together—which was really saying something.
So James decided to let it go—for now, at least.
"James, here's the Quaffle!" cried Johnson, one of the Gryffindor Chasers.
James grabbed it, zoomed past several Ravenclaws, and spotted the Keeper, Bradley Kingston. He thought of shooting it directly, but thought better of it, since Kingston was an outstanding Keeper. James feinted his most complex and confusing feint, and shot the Quaffle easily through the left hoop. The cheers of Gryffindors were heard easily, even if you were miles away.
"He's so dreamy," said a second-year to her friend. "I wish he was my boyfriend."
"I heard he likes Y/n L/n, though," said her friend, sighing. "I wish I was her—but they say she hates him. But Y/n's so pretty and smart, she could have any boy in this school."
Y/n, fortunately, had not heard this, because she was too absorbed in the game itself. Even though she barely understood Quidditch, she knew the basic rules and felt light and giddy that Gryffindor was in the lead. If they beat Ravenclaw and Slytherin both, they would have the Quidditch Cup and have a good chance of winning the House Cup as well, as they have done for the past three years.
Violet noticed her friend's excitement. "Impressed with James' little feint, are you?" she teased.
y/n flushed. "Oh, Vi, stop it." But her cheeks burned with pleasure.
"James is looking at you, n/n," whispered Jennifer, while giggling with Arabella and Remus. "It's so romantic."
"Jen," said Y/n warningly. "I've no sort of good feelings for James Potter; he's an insufferable prat."
"Ah, well, we all have our faults," said Arabella, nodding, when Jennifer told her what happened woefully. "It's the simple disease of blindness."
"And Black makes an astounding hit that sends the Bludger to Davies!" cried the commentator. "Way to show those brains, Black!"
Sirius grinned at the comment and waved at his fellow Gryffindors, narrowly missing the Bludger that was sent back at him in revenge.
"Sirius!" gasped many of his fan-club members and ex-girlfriends. Arabella rolled her eyes.
"He's quite popular with the ladies," mused Jennifer.
"Of course," agreed Remus crisply. "Sirius has always been the ladies' man..."
"Except when dealing with ex-girlfriends," snapped Arabella. She was in a testy mood at that very moment.
"Oh—er—of course," stammered Remus, surprised at the outburst.
"AND BRACH CATCHES THE SNITCH! GRYFFINDOR WINS TWO HUNDRED TO SIXTY!" cried the commentator, jumping up and down with excitement
All the Gryffindors stood up and cheered wildly. They streamed out to the field to hug all their team members, namely, James Potter and Sirius Black.
"Here we go again," murmured Y/n disgustedly as many girls swooned over James and Sirius as they kissed them impulsively.
"Good show, mate!" cried Remus, forgetting his usual reserved self. "Brilliant feint, James! Excellent hit, Sirius!"
James and Sirius merely chuckled at their friend's unusual behavior.
"So, Y/n," said James, leaning against his broom casually. "How did you think of my feint?"
"It was satisfactory," said Y/n haltingly, though she was rather amazed and impressed with it.
"Oh, y/n, don't lie," said Jennifer teasingly. To James, she said, "She loved it."
"I did not!" exclaimed Y/n hotly. "I mean—I didn't say—"
"Oi, Flower, chill," said Sirius soothingly. "You don't have to get so worked up."
"Oh, but—"
"—take a deep breath now—"
"—I never said it was bad, I said it was all right—"
"—forget all your worries—"
"Sirius, shut UP," snapped Y/n in frustration.
Sirius and James both sniggered at Y/n, and even Remus smiled slightly.
"Prats," she muttered under her breath.
"Now, now, Y/n, no bad language," said Sirius seriously (no pun intended)
"Oh, no, Sirius, I leave the bad language to you," said Y/n mockingly. "Really, you say f—" She stopped. "Never mind."
"What?" teased James. "Too good to swear?"
"In fact, yes, Potter. Swearing is for the weak and the uncontrollable."
"Huh?" Sirius was confused and scratched his head. No surprise there—Sirius was always confused about one thing or another.
"Yes, Sirius, we know you're confused," said Remus gently. "Don't work too hard now."
Everyone laughed except Arabella, who looked extremely indignant.
"He's not that daft!" she exclaimed, offended. "He has his moments...I mean, after all, he is one of the cleverest students in the school."
Y/n and James noticed how Bella never said Sirius' name, but always referred to him as "he".
"Now you're talking to me," said Sirius sourly, "after I tried about one hundred times to even look at me this past year."
Arabella turned red. "Well, you were rotten," she said loftily.
"Humph. Yeah? Well, does it matter if I say that I still like you?"
There was an eerie silence. Even the cheers in the distance from Gryffindors were muffled. Arabella couldn't believe what she was hearing and Sirius turned bright red at what he said, but everyone else, especially Y/n and James, their best friends, grinned knowingly.
"E-Excuse me?" she stammered.
Sirius was still in a ranting mood, because he continued on. "Bella, I really, really like you, and I can even go to extremes to say I love you. But my point is, I really miss you, and I know it was right rotten of me to snog Lori Paterson while telling you I was going somewhere different. I was seeing her for a week, but I guess my hormones at the beginning of the year were going haywire. I haven't dated a single girl in ages, because I'm thinking of you."
Arabella glared at him. "Hel-lo! Sirius! You've been making lovesick faces at girls since we broke up! You don't care about me, and I don't believe you one bit. Nice speech though. It almost did convince me for a second there." She dashed inside the castle without another word.
Everyone stared at Sirius, seeing his reaction. But he only muttered, "Should've known." He walked slowly and dejectedly back to the castle, not noticing many girls watching him with a lovesick expression. Because there was only one girl for him, and she hated him.
Y/n's eyes filled with tears. "B-Bella..." She started sobbing.
James put his arm around her, comforting her. For once, she didn't object and cried in his arms. Jennifer and Remus looked at each other, and then at Violet and Peter, who were completely bewildered by the sudden events that had occurred in less than ten minutes.
"Shall we all go back now?" asked Jennifer quietly. There was a murmur of assent and everyone went back to the castle, the euphoric at winning the match completely forgotten.
For the next few days, Arabella sulked in the fourth year girls' dormitory for nearly all day, except to go to classes. She wouldn't talk to Y/n, Jennifer, or Violet and lay in bed reading tragic love novels, like Romeo and Juliet. Her three best friends tried talking to her, but she ignored them. What was the good of even having friends when you couldn't get the boy you liked back because for fear he may break your heart again?
Life was definitely not far, especially for Arabella Figg. She had twisted ideas of maybe asking Dumbledore to change her into a Muggle or a Squib, so she could live in Surrey, be an old maid, and have twenty cats living with you, loving you, injuring you, etc. Bella had a suspicion that Dumbledore would refuse, even though he would probably be able to do it. In fact, she had gone so far with her plan that she actually asked Professor Dumbledore about it while passing him and McGonagall in the hallway.
Bella had gotten a light chuckle from the old wizard and a stern glare from McGonagall. Obviously she didn't understand Bella's feelings, so the whole idea was thrown into the trash.
When she had finally consoled herself to speak to her friends, they were alarmed at her idea about being a Muggle or Squib. Or, at least Jennifer and Violet were alarmed, while Y/n was snickering quietly to herself. The latter thought that she had a very, very odd best friend, though lovable just the same.
"McGonagall looked at me like I was insane," Arabella confided, frowning. "I don't know why, though."
Y/n burst out laughing. "Oh, God, Bella, that's the most HILARIOUS thing I've ever heard in my life!" She had tears coming down her eyes.
"Er—" Arabella looked quizzically at her friend. It was a perfectly normal idea to her, but then again, she wasn't quite normal as far as "normal" standards go.
Y/n wiped her eyes. "I mean, really, Bells, not many people at age fourteen want to be turned into a Muggle or Squib and live with cats all their lives. You can imagine the obvious humor in this."
Arabella thought about it. Well, it was a bit odd. Suddenly, she pictured herself ten years older, tripping over one of her cat's tail and breaking her leg, causing her to walk with crutches for a month. She rolled on the floor and went in hysterics along with Y/n, and were joined by Jennifer and Violet.
When the Marauders came into the girls' dormitory for a bit of entertainment, they were surprised and alarmed at four Gryffindor girls laughing their heads off about God-knows-what. They stared at them.
Y/n was the first to recover, since she was the first one in the hysterics. "Oh—hi—guys."
"Hi Y/n," said James, staring at her with a raised eyebrow.
"Oh—hi—James. You know—Bella—came—up—with—the—most—hilarious—idea—ever."
"Really?" said Sirius sarcastically. "Please enlighten us."
So Y/n went off to tell the boys the hilarious idea of Arabella's. James and Sirius were laughing too, Remus chuckling, and Peter just smiling like an idiot (which he is). After five minutes, everyone had calmed down and decided to play a game of Exploding Snap. However, the girls and the Marauders, with the exception of Arabella and Sirius, were plotting to get them together again.
"I say," whispered Jennifer, "that we ditch the old-fashioned closet trick. It doesn't work for stubborn prats like those two."
"But it worked the first time," whined James.
"Shut up, Potter," snapped y/n.
"My name is James."
"Well, I like Potter better."
"Well, you know what? You've just—"
"Hello?" Remus glared at his friend. "We're trying to help Bella and Sirius here."
"I think we should use the Astronomy Tower trick," said Y/n, her eyes shining with mischief. "I mean, it worked for Jenny and Remus."
"But that was only once," objected Jennifer, blushing.
James grinned. "I say we come up with a new plan, L/n. After all, Figg was the one who came up with Astronomy Tower thing in the first place."
"I suppose..." Y/n frowned. Why did James always have to be right?
"Look, I think that we should make Sirius rescue Bella, like a hero thing," said Remus. When no one interrupted him, he continued. "I mean, James, you and Sirius have always been doing the saving-people thing. So I think we should tell Sirius that Arabella is—er—hurt, or something, and he'll obviously rescue her. Right?"
"It's worth a shot," said Violet, smiling slightly. "But what happens if Sirius just scoffs and says that he doesn't care and that we should save Bella?"
Remus grinned. "Ah, that's where we make the story more drastic, Vi, my friend..."
"And," finished James, breathing quickly. "I suspect that the centaurs are nearly strangling Arabella right now..."
"Wait a minute," interrupted Sirius, frowning. "I'm not stupid, you know. Why don't all of you just rescue her, instead of asking me? Why am I so special?" He glanced suspiciously at all of them.
Everyone looked around at Violet, who had an "I told you so" look on her face.
Y/n scowled. "Sirius Black, just go and HELP her, for God's sake!"
Sirius sighed. "Oh, all right. Let me get my cloak..."
"See? Did I tell you it would work?" asked Remus, with a smug look on his face.
Violet rolled her eyes. "Oh, please. He'll find out that this was all a hoax any second now."
Sure enough, a yell was heard from outside the castle that startled everyone.
Yet again, Violet gave them a look that clearly said, "I told you so."
"Busted," whispered Jennifer.
"Big time," agreed James.
A few people in the common room sniggered, and Deanna shot death glares at Y/n, and mouthed "Boyfriend stealer".
Y/n rolled her eyes. "Looks like your ex-girlfriend is jealous, Potter."
"Stupid Sirius called us 'Y/n and James Potter'. Prat, he is..."
James chuckled. "Don't be so rough on my best friend, L/n. I can understand why he thought we did it."
"I can't."
"Well, because we've been doing most of the matchmaking around our little circle of friends. See, we do work well together—at times."
Y/n thought about it and realized that he was right. Gosh. She hated it when James was right.
"They should make me the Gryffindor Quidditch Captain for next year," said James after a while.
"Why? Don't show-off enough?"
James looked angrily at her. "Why do you always think I'm showing off, L/n? I deserve to be the captain! I mean, I've worked so hard on planning strategies with our dear captain, Wood, that—"
"Potter, does it occur to you that maybe someone else might deserve the place as captain? Why must you be the captain when there might be someone as able as you?"
"Hey, I work harder than any other member—"
"How do you know?" asked y/n saucily.
There was a silence that followed. The rest of their friends looked at each other, shaking their heads, as Y/n and James continued to bicker.
"Five points from Gryffindor, L/n," snapped Hurst, as they sat down for their usual Monday afternoon Potions class.
"Why?" asked Y/n, alarmed.
"You were being such a insufferable know-it-all again. Maybe you'd allow someone like Mr. Snape to answer these questions, instead of showing off yourself."
The Slytherins sniggered, and the Gryffindors shot Y/n extremely sympathetic looks.
"That stupid Hurst," muttered Sirius. "Making Y/n feel bad like that in front of all those Slytherins..."
"Well, now L/n knows that she really does show off," said James snottily.
Sirius looked around at him in surprise. "Y/n doesn't show off. She just knows the answer to the questions Hurst asks us."
"But she waves her arm around like it's a choice between life and death."
"I think that may be a bit drastic, James," said Remus, amused.
"Is there something you'd like to share with us, Potter? Black? Lupin?"
The three Marauders sat straight up and made innocent faces. "Of course not, Professor."
Hurst sneered, but said nothing. "Detention. All three of you."
"What?" demanded Sirius in horror. "We did do anything!"
"Ha! A likely story, Black. Detention, eight o'clock tonight, my office. You're going to be organizing some of my materials..."
James groaned inwardly. Being in Hurst's office right after dinner and cleaning and organizing his ingredients was not the best way to spend a Monday night. For all he knew, they could have been marauding around the school again under his Invisibility Cloak.
Y/n smirked. Shows Potter right, taking in class.
"Is there something very amusing, L/n?" snapped Hurst suddenly, stopping his lecture on Confusing Concoctions.
She was startled and ignored the snickering from the Slytherins and James. "Not at all, Professor Hurst," she said innocently.
"L/n, you will be joining Potter, Black, and Lupin in detention tonight."
"What! You—you can't do that!" cried Lily. She had maintained a spotless record so far without an absent, tardy, or detention mark. It was all Potter's fault.
"Indeed, I can, Ms. L/n," said Hurst with a sinister smile. The Slytherins were now positively roaring with delight. Four Gryffindors in one detention! Brilliant Hurst!
Y/n was fuming by the end of class and ran to Defense Against the Dark Arts, nearly running down first and second years who were going to Herbology and Transfiguration.
"Sorry," she mumbled, as she knocked down a third year.
"Hey, Y/n, wait up!" called Sirius, dragging James and Remus along with him. "Gosh, that girl can run fast—"
"Probably crying that she got her first detention," said James disdainfully. "Perfect L/n."
"That's a bit harsh, James," said Remus, frowning. "I mean, she was just smiling. Is that such a crime?"
"Technically, Remus, it is for Hurst."
Professor Wickham was leafing through the textbook when Y/n barged in, took her regular seat, and slammed her bag down on the table. Wickham was surprised.
"Is there something the matter, Y/n?"
"Oh, no, Professor," said Y/n, not looking up. "Not having a great day, that's all."
"Would you like to talk about it?" asked the young wizard sympathetically.
"No, no, it's all right." Y/n still did not look up.
The Marauders took the seats right behind Y/n so they could watch her for further breakdowns. But she acted like nothing happened, taking her dutiful notes.
"Are you all right, y/n?" whispered Arabella, when the class got settled.
"I'm fine."
"That was wicked of Hurst to give you your first detention. Shall we prank?"
y/n smiled weakly. "Nah. Leave the git...we'll deal with him on the last week of school."
On hearing the word "prank", the Marauders were distracted from Wickham's lecture on the three Unforgivables, as interesting as they were.
"They're planning something!" said Sirius excitedly. "Oh, if only we knew—"
"We should be taking notes, Sirius," snapped Remus, looking at Wickham with respect in his eyes. "Avada Kedavra is the Killing Curse in which..." He continued to mumble out important things.
"Wickham is so boring," said James, his eyelids drooping. "I mean, he's cool and everything, but his lectures are so soporific."
"They're interesting," said Remus practically, his gray eyes widening at something that Wickham had just said. He started to mumble again. "The Imperius Curse can only be restrained by few wizards and witches, namely Aurors..."
James had started to take notes like Remus as well, but Sirius was not interested at all. He quickly fell asleep a few minutes later, his head crashing into his parchment and quill on the table, his hair a few inches from his gleaming ink bottle.
"Mr. Black," said Wickham in an extremely amused tone, "would you like to join us now?"
Remus flushed and nudged, or rather jabbed, his friend with his elbow. Sirius woke up almost instantaneously, his head sore.
"Ow! What the hell, Remus..."
The class erupted into laughter, and Sirius turned pink, looking around sheepishly.
"Whoops...sorry Prof. Won't happen again."
"I'm sure I can trust you next time, Sirius," said Wickham, who looked as if he were trying not to laugh.
Y/n, Jennifer, and Violet giggled, but Arabella sniffed indignantly.
"Stupid idiot," she said scornfully.
"Would you like to tell us why you fell asleep, Mr. Black?" continued Wickham. He wasn't mad at all; he was merely curious at Sirius' behavior.
"Oh!" Sirius looked around for help from his friends, but they avoided eye contact with him, for fear of bursting out laughing. "Well, you see, Peter here"—he jabbed his finger toward his small friend at the end of the table—"was singing a lullaby."
Everyone was shaking with laughter, and Sirius was grinning as he continued in an earnest voice.
"So, Peter was singing a lullaby, and I immediately thought of pink bunny rabbits jumping over a fence. Then one of them couldn't jump as high and slammed"—he made a gesture by slamming his fist into his opposite hand—"into the fence and died. The other bunnies were very sad, and his mum and dad were crying. Oh yeah, his ex-girlfriends were sad too, but one of them started laughing and cut off his head for revenge."
The whole classroom went into hysterics; everyone rolled on the floor, laughing, except for Wickham, who was smiling amusedly.
"Ah, I see, Mr. Black. I suppose, Sirius, that that really happened?"
"Oh yes," said Sirius, nodding his head vigorously.
"Very well. Class dismissed."
"Sirius, you are a GENIUS when it comes to making everyone get out of class without a single note taken!" appraised James, still red from laughing.
"Quite," agreed Remus, chuckling.
"Oh, Sirius, you have to do that often!" exclaimed Jennifer, wiping her eyes. "It was hilarious, I tell you..."
"Yes, well, I am a genius, aren't I?" he asked, grinning modestly.
Dinner went by very quickly, and soon Y/n, James, Sirius, and Remus were heading down to Hurst's office for their detention.
"I still can't believe I got a detention!" moaned Y/n. "That'll show up on my file, it will, and Mum and Dad will be so disappointed!" She looked on the verge of crying.
"It's not that bad," said James gently. "I mean, we've all gotten hundreds of detentions—Sirius and I, at least, but Remus has hit ninety-nine tonight—and all the teachers still love us." He grinned toothily.
Y/n sighed. "You know, you really didn't make me feel better."
"Why? We still pass exams with the highest grades."
"Yeah, but it gives the teachers a lower trust in you."
"Oh, come on, Y/n, McGonagall loves you, for God's sake!" urged James. "And she's the strictest teacher in this school...besides Hurst, but he hates everyone but Slytherins, so...yeah."
"You're late. Another ten points from Gryffindor," snapped Hurst maliciously, as they entered his office. "Dear, dear, you shouldn't wander around the corridors, children."
The Marauders glared at him, but said nothing. He gave them instructions, and they started cleaning and organizing—without magic.
"Well, I suppose it isn't so bad," admitted Y/n, as she scrubbed and organized quickly and efficiently.
The other three Marauders stared at her.
"How do you do it so quick?" asked Remus in awe.
"I'm Muggle-born, and I help Mum with this kind of stuff all the time," said Y/n matter-of-factly.
"Using magic would make this so much simpler," groaned James.
"Well, it doesn't hurt to do some elbow-grease work for once in your life," said y/n smartly.
"But we're so used to magic, since we practically live on it."
"Well, it's not your fault. You don't have any Muggle blood in you."
"It can be a disadvantage at times like these," admitted James.
"Is Potter actually not being arrogant?" asked Y/n in mock horror. "Oh my...the world will end any minute now!"
"Oh, shut up, l/n."
"I was only acting," said Y/n smugly.
After an hour or so of the tedious work, Hurst came back and was amazed to find his office neat and very clean.
"Well, I think you've done enough," he said, sneering. "My, my, I should keep you in here tomorrow, since L/n does a better show of cleaning than you three when I have you here alone."
"Lousy git," muttered Sirius, as they left for Gryffindor Tower.
As they headed off to bed, James called, "Y/n! Can I talk to you for a sec?"
"Sure," said Y/n uncertainly, ignoring the wink that Sirius sent her.
James took a deep breath. "Look, I'm really sorry about landing you in detention today."
"Huh?" Y/n was confused. "You didn't land me in detention—it was Hurst."
"Yeah, well." He shrugged. "I suppose it was kind of my fault, since we got the detention in the first place."
She snorted. "No hard feelings, Potter."
His face brightened and he grinned. James leaned closer to Y/n and kissed her.
It was like fireworks when it happened. Every part of Y/n's body was shaking as she slowly yielded to the demands of James' mouth. Neither of them understood what was happening. Y/n's long lashes brushed James' cheek, and her hand closed over the one that James had on her cheek.
Then James jumped up, breathless, and turned a deep shade of red.
"Y/n, I'm sorry," he whispered, and rushed up to his dormitory, leaving Y/n standing there, speechless.
She pondered on his purposes of kissing her when they weren't getting along very well, still. But as Y/n thought of the kiss, she smiled. It felt like heaven when her lips met James', and it was bliss. She felt as though every part of her would burst and that every worry she ever had was gone. Little did she know, Y/n L/n was slowly falling for James Potter—just like how all her friends told her.
tags; @thecurlyhairedwinchester
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brightestwitch333 · 7 years
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Sirius Black
sirius wanted to be in gryffindor.
well anywhere but slytherin really, anything but the house of his family. gryffindor would be the best because the kid he met on the train said he was going to be sorted there, because it would make his parents the most angry, because he liked the idea of being brave, but it didn’t matter. anything would do as long as it wasn’t slytherin. the hat sat on his head and it saw his arrogance and haughtiness, the traditions that had been implanted in his head since birth but above all that it saw his bravery. his courage. sirius may have been raised a slytherin but he was gryffindor down to the core. he embodied the values of the gryffindor house so thoroughly that the hat didn’t have a moment of hesitation because sirius was black and white, he was left no room for grey. he believed in justice and bravery and was so ready to break free of the shackles of his family. he was so courageous and rebellious and had such a strong desire to be right, and he most often was. & so he was gryffindor.
sirius wanted to be loved.
his family had never loved him but he didn’t need their love. he had the potter’s, who accepted him as a second son. mrs. Potter who fussed over him and adored him, who showed him what a mom truly was. mr. Potter who was kindly and benign, who gruffly called him son. they showed him that parents weren’t supposed to be your captors and controllers but rather your guidance and your friends. that family wasn’t dispensable and that “tough love” wasn’t love. they showed him the meaning of family. he also had the marauders, his second family. peter who was so comforting, supportive and benevolent, like a little brother, he could always make him laugh. James who was in every way his brother, his other half and his best friend, who invited him to share his family when he saw what sirius lacked. he had his moony who he loved as more than a brother, as a lover. but remus wouldn’t accept it because he claimed that nobody would love a monster, that he wasn’t worthy. but sirius showed him that he was broken too and finally, finally he convinced him to give them a chance. & with that chance a love so strong was born. sirius was the stars to remus’s moon, the dog to his wolf, and they were in love, deeply and truly. sirius wanted love and he found it in a group of broken boys who were willingly to share themselves and their families with him.
sirius wanted to leave.
he needed to leave, he needed to leave his parents. he needed to leave the insults and curses and fists they slung at him every break, every summer. he needed to leave so badly but he couldn’t because he couldn’t leave his brother. every trip home was like volunteering for torture, choosing pain. the only perk to coming home was regulus. away from school they could be brothers again, because at school regulus kept pulling away. sirius knew why, he’d seen the other slytherins confronting him in the hallways after they spoke, seen them mess with him, he could only imagine what they were saying. nothing hurt worse than anything knowing he caused it and he couldn’t do anything to protect him. james once had to hold him back from attacking one of regulus’s “friends” who looked like he was being a little too rough when he was “messing around” with him. but at home they were brothers again. regulus wouldn’t defend him against his parents but sirius didn’t expect him too, he didn’t want to see him get hurt, usually it was fine anyways. a couple punches. a few backhands when he was mouthing off. every once in a while white hot spells that felt like fire, that broke his bones and left bruises, by that wasn’t often. and it wasn’t anything he couldn’t handle. until the summer he was 15. until they found out from somewhere (probably bellatrix, she could never keep her mouth shut) that sirius was dating remus. they didn’t even know he was a werewolf. all they knew was that he was a half-blood, and a boy. didn’t sirius understand that he wouldn’t be able to pass along the family name, that he wouldn’t be able to have a child, he could destroy the bloodline, didn’t he care ?! & he said he didn’t, and he told them he was ashamed to be a black, that he wouldn’t want to pass on the bloodline anyways and they got mad. oh they got so mad. his father threw punches until sirius couldn’t feel his face, his mother cast curses that set his body on fire, he heard his bones breaking, crunching. it was agony. you see, they didn’t like to use the crucius curse, that didn’t leave a mark and they loved to leave a mark. they used ancient curses that came from books in the family library, long forgotten by the rest of the wizarding world. they used spells that bruised and bloodied and broke him, that stabbed and scarred him. but then that wasn’t enough and so they did use the crucius curse and he thought he would die. he was thrashing and screaming, begging and crying. the pain was everywhere, it was white hot and agonizing. he couldn’t see or hear or taste the blood in his mouth, he could only feel the pain, nothing else. it might’ve been seconds or minutes or hours, time had no meaning and he just wanted it to stop, just please make it stop. and then finally it did, and sirius was panting and shaking and crying. he looked up through squinted eyes, sweat and blood and tears obscuring his vision but he saw regulus in front of him intercepting the curse and he never felt so much love for his brother. his mother did not share the sentiment, she roared at him, “what’s the meaning of this? do you think we forgot about you !? do you think we didn’t realize that you knew and didn’t tell us?” sirius had never seen her so mad at regulus because usually regulus was golden but now she was shaking with fury. she backhanded him to the floor. sirius wanted to stop her, to protect his brother as he always did but he couldn’t find the strength to move, to speak. his limbs were not obeying him, his mouth would not move. he could only heave dry sobs and shake. and so his mother hit regulus with a crucius curse and his father hit him and they were both screaming and on fire and it was too much. & it stopped and then it started again, and then again. and then three more times. & finally it was over and sirius looked over and caught regulus’s eye and tried to convey his thanks and he thought that regulus caught it but he wasn’t sure because then his father was back and he was carving something into his arm, and blood was everywhere. & his father was saying “now everyone will know what you are” and then he passed out. when he woke up he was in his room and he had no memory of getting there, all he knew was that everything hurt and he had to leave, he had to. he grabbed his bag that was already packed because “just in case” and he stood up and the whole world spun and he nearly fell again because he was pretty sure his leg was broken. somehow he managed to limp to the fireplace, the house was silent and he wondered where his parents were. but then he saw regulus watching from the doorway and they locked eyes and he felt an understanding pass between them. & he told reg he loved him but he had to go because he couldn’t stay he just couldn’t and regulus wouldn’t look him in the eyes so he went to the fireplace and left for the potters and as he was leaving he thought he heard regulus reply but he had no idea what he said, so he spun out of that house that had imprisoned him and vowed to never go back, all he knew was that nothing would ever be the same.
sirius wanted to protect his brother.
after he left regulus was all he could think about, because regulus was 14 and alone with them. because regulus didn’t acknowledge him at all after that night, because sirius watched him slip the letters that he sent him unopened into his trash and he knew that regulus was gone. because regulus wouldn’t look at all when sirius tried to make eye contact with him in the hallways. because when sirius cornered him one day after class, he was unresponsive and didn’t say a word until sirius let him go with a frustrated sigh. because nothing changed the next year when regulus was 15. because he came back with a shadow of a bruise on his jaw and sirius punched the wall after seeing it. because he was hanging out with all the wrong crowd and didn’t have sirius to correct him. because when he was 16 he kept pulling down his sleeve on his left arm and sirius knew what he was hiding, sirius cried that night because his brother was lost to him. because sirius cornered him again and wouldn’t let him go until he saw the mark and sirius cried in front of him, and told him he was wrong and told him he would regret it and begged him to come with him, and regulus didn’t blink an eye. because the next time sirius tried to talk to him alone other slytherins with far too long sleeves and glints in their eyes stood in front of him, and protected him from sirius but sirius was supposed to protect him from them. sirius wanted to protect his brother but it was too late.
sirius wanted everything to be okay.
he wanted the ‘blood traitor’ that had been etched into his skin by his father right before he left, to fade and disappear. he wanted remus to stop recoiling when they touched, to stop thinking himself a monster, to stop thinking himself unworthy of love. he wanted the look of fear that shadowed peters face when he read in the daily prophet about the deaths of former classmates to dissipate. he wanted james to stop writing home everyday to check on his parents, to make sure they were still alive. to stop following lily around in the hallway to protect her from unfriendly curses, hurled at her for the crime of being a muggle born. he wanted the teachers to stop teaching them so many defensive spells, to stop training them to be soldiers. he wanted regulus to stop looking away when he smiled at him in the hallway, to stop lowering his eyes in fear of someone else seeing. he wanted everything to be okay again because they were children and they shouldn’t be harboring so much fear. they shouldn’t been so broken.
sirius wanted a chance to prove he was different.
different from his family, because nobody believed him. they all thought he harbored a slytherin heart under the gryffindor mask, and it hurt him. because he wasn’t like the rest of them. anyone close to him knew that but he wanted to prove it to the rest of the world. he wanted to fight for what was right. so he joined the rest of the marauders in joining the order, in joining that secret organization for defying Voldemort. he was so eager to do what was right. but then slowly everything came crashing down. it was clear they were losing the war, there was more news of death and destruction every single day. at first he had worried about having to battle regulus but regulus died at just 18, fresh out of school. according to sources he had gotten cold feet and backed out, the bloody idiot, the coward. sirius had wept for days. but this was war. james and lily had to go into hiding because the prophecy targeted their son, sirius only got to see Harry a grand total of 7 times before they went into hiding and that wasn’t nearly enough. marlene mckinnon died, Lily’s best friend, Harry’s godmother and peters girlfriend. the war was no longer a joke, it was a reality and they were living it everyday. peter became withdrawn after Marlene’s death and remus was always off on missions in the underground. sirius was worried about him. soon it became clear that there was a spy in their midst and dumbledore suspected remus. when James asked him to be secret keeper sirius said no because he knew if he was he would tell his moony and he wasn’t willing to take that risk. & so peter became the secret keeper and for a while it was okay. & then on october 31st everything fell apart. peter was the spy, he had betrayed lily and James and they died, leaving behind harry, poor poor harry. & only sirius knew the truth. and as soon as sirius arrived at Peter’s hiding place he knew something was wrong and so he took off to James’ house and he saw the the fidelous charm was broken, he saw firsthand the carnage. he walked past the body of his best friend, the very first person besides regulus to love him unconditionally, his brother. he bent down and fixed james glasses, and straightened his clothes, they shouldn’t find him looking like this, but then he heard the baby wailing upstairs and that stopped his heart cold. how was Harry still alive? he sprinted up the steps and into the nursery, the nursery he helped to set up. he saw Lily’s discarded body and nearly wept, because she was so brilliant and bright and she shouldn’t be dead. he turned to the crib terrified of what he would find but he couldn’t see anything, his eyes blurred and the world shook, nothing was right. he didn’t even see harry in hagrid’s arms, his emerald green eyes frightened and a lightening scar splitting his forehead. he wasn’t even aware that there was anyone else there until he heard hagrid’s racking sobs. he walked over to hagrid, he was white and shaking. hagrid, through his own tears, comforted him. & sirius whispered sweet nothings to harry, to this beautiful boy who’s life had just fallen apart in the blink of an eye. he would never let him go, he wanted to take Harry and find remus and together they could protect him. they’d raise him as their own and give him the life he deserved. but then hagrid was talking and he said he had orders from dumbledore to take Harry. sirius wouldn’t have given harry to him if he hadn’t remembered peter. that cleared his mind, he was still distraught but remembering peter gave him a goal, a purpose. he gently handed Harry to back to hagrid and distantly said good bye to Harry promising he would come back for him, but his mind was already far away, thinking about hunting peter. he told hagrid to take his motorcycle, he wouldn’t need it anymore. now all he needed was revenge. he took the mirror they’d enchanted when they were 14 from the dresser, absently looking into it, hoping to look into the past, to find what led to this. all he wanted was remus but he was off on a mission, remus was the rational one. remus always stopped him from impulsive decisions, but remus wasn’t here and sirius was boiling. he had to get peter at any cost.
sirius wanted revenge.
no, he needed it, he needed it like he needed to breath. because fuck it. because he was 20 years old goddammit and he just walked in on his best friend in the whole wide world dead. & so he found peter, he found him and he had every intention of killing him because they were family. & peter destroyed them, because they were brothers and they would die for each other, but peter chose not to. because they were a band of broken boys who found refuge in each other and peter broke that sacred bond. because sirius saw black and white and his whole life he’d dealt with evil and it was all he’d ever known until he met the other marauders and they were the best thing that ever happened to him. & he didn’t understand how peter, peter who hadn’t been raised by bigots, who hadn’t been pressured into joining the dark arts, how peter did it of his own accord. because that was the height of dishonor, and peter deserved to die. sirius had always been better at duels, better at magic but he was upset and distraught and he needed to understand. & so when peter did his little act and blew up the street and chopped off a finger and framed sirius, he couldn’t do anything. he just laughed and laughed, because he was delirious with pain, hysterical with grief, he was without reason, everything that mattered to him was lost. it was just so damn ironic and so he laughed because that was his only option. & they never gave him a trial, because they thought they knew him. because they knew of the blacks and well, he was a black. why would he be different than the rest of his family? nobody challenged it. & so on November 3rd, three days after his life fell apart, sirius sat alone in a jail cell, celebrating his 21st birthday alone. he was all alone with his worst memories, with his darkest thoughts. all he could see was the look in regulus’s eyes when he left him, the abandon and sadness. the first time he saw remus transform into a werewolf, the pain and agony he was in. his parents torturing him, calling him a blood traitor and so much worse. James and lily potter dead on the floor, partly his fault. & he thought he deserved it, because he was a black and all blacks know is darkness.
sirius didn’t get almost anything he wanted. sirius never got what he truly deserved. happiness.
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carpethefanfics · 7 years
Because it’s about time I also share with you my love for Remadora.
And although canonically this pairing felt forced, for my own enjoyment I feel like their relationship developed much differently. And I love the angst that accompanies the progression from Wolfstar to Remadora so here we go.
Part two here.
He walked through the door of Grimmauld Place, his bag over his shoulder and his wand clutched in his hand more tightly than it usually was
He always found it eased his mind if made sure he was constantly on the defensive until after he was through the door
Once he was his body would relax
The tension partially falling away as he released his muscles for the first time in weeks
He sighed at the relief of his aching shoulders, his aging bones
But was suddenly overcome
A feeling of overwhelming weakness
The last four months had been a series of incessant transformations, blood lust and, of course, blood loss
He groaned as he walked through the house, his muscles cried out and his head throbbed
He just wanted to sleep
To have some peace before Sirius came home from his own mission later that evening
He had planned to be away for much longer than four months until his cover had been blown and Greyback had nearly ripped his jugular from his neck
He had run
And apparated almost immediately
Not daring to turn back even for a moment
He then spent the past few weeks in hiding
Choosing caves and dark forests over back alleys and sleazy shops
He didn’t want to show up somewhere that they would anticipate
He wanted to keep fellow members of the Order off Greyback’s trail
And now that he was finally, finally, okay to return home a weight had been lifted
The constant high from running from Greyback left him on edge 
But for now he was .. the term safe didn’t feel normal to say anymore
Nonetheless the Death Eaters tailing him had returned to building Voldemort’s army
Thankfully he had gotten enough information in the short time he had been there
Maybe now they could put up a real fight against the Dark Lord this time
He pushed the thoughts from his head as he padded up the stairs into his room
He would find food and Mad-Eye later, right now he just needed to settle himself in and allow himself the pleasure of falling asleep in an actual bed
Maybe even into a dreamless slumber
He fell flat on the bed as soon as he approached it, he ignored his stomach which was rumbling loudly and allowed his eyelids to fall shut
He let himself fall into a stone cold sleep until a cold sweat started across his forehead and his mind jolted him back into reality
The night terrors after a mission often meant many sleepless nights
He had hoped being so worn out would offer him some peace but he was used to this by now
He glanced up at the clock beside his bed; it had been no more than an hour since his return, he groaned loudly
His stomach began its rumblings again and he sighed heavily as he pushed himself from the bed
He strode out of his room to find the kitchen, find something to quell the hunger pains, but as he swung open the door he was surprised to find Sirius
His eyes immediately narrowed on one of his oldest friends when he realized his head in his palms and his body was hunched over the counter
Remus kinked his eyebrow at the sight and spoke weakly
“Padfoot, you’re here”
The man’s head jolted up to see Remus, his eyes were wide and dark with red rims
He looked as though he had been awake for days, like he had been crying
Remus froze and his stomach lurched
“What happened?”
They were the first words to escape Lupin’s lips as Sirius raised himself from the counter top and flattened his palms against it
Sirius looked back down, his mouth pursed and his eyes hard
He opened his mouth several times before he actually spoke
Remus’ anxiety heightening each time
“They knew. I don’t know how but, they knew”
Sirius’ fingers turned in towards to clutch against his palm
Remus could see him close his eyes as he spoke as if the memories of whatever events had occurred while he was away began swarming him
Remus kept his eyes fixated on him
“Is everyone okay?”
Sirius kept his eyes closed, “For the most part.”
Remus’ mind was racing a mile a minute so fast he could barely stop himself from asking all his questions
But he remained quiet
He had known the man long enough to know he had to let him take a few deep breaths before his eyes would flutter open and his words would come
The wait was agony but when Sirius finally stood straight, turned around to lean against the counter and crossed his arms over his chest, Remus’ ears perked up
“No one died”
Sirius eyed him gently
And Remus understood immediately who his glance was referring too and released a breath he hadn’t realized he was holding in
“Then what’s going on?”
Sirius looked at the fire that was crackling in the kitchen, his voice quiet and irritated
“Everything was going so smooth. Too smoothly honestly and I should have known. But I didn’t say anything and it got so fucked up so fast.”
Remus was clutching the door knob harshly; the sharp corners of the pristine crystal were cutting into his fingers but he couldn’t stop
The tension in his shoulders returned and his eyes were glaring now
He needed to know
“Bellatrix was practically on top of me before I even realized but Tonks …”
The air in Remus’ throat hitched at the name, his mind going to the worst possible scenario and the overwhelming guilt of the fight they had came rushing back to him
It was just before he left
She had leaned close to him
Her eyes closed, her breathing soft
“Come back to me”
Her hands gripped the opening of his jacket
And the overwhelming warmth that spread throughout Remus was all too much
He had let her push too far
Let her come to close
He couldn’t hold it back
Everything inside him burst through the wall he had built
Every demon came out much more angrily, much less hesitant
He hadn’t been able to get the sight of her broken face out of his mind for weeks
It was still there if he sought it, tormenting him, telling him he was a weak, unctuous, a coward
“She dove in front of me. I tried to stop her Remus I did but she- She got hit …”
Remus didn’t know what to do other than stare, his eyes blinking wildly, his mind completely blank
“I’ve seen people be hit with the Cruciatus Curse before, but this- this came from Bellatrix. It was – It- I-”
Sirius felt the words rolling and bubbling off his tongue but no words were coming to him other than the image of Tonks flat on her back
He was trying to keep his eyes off Remus, he didn’t want to see the reaction, didn’t want to see the disappointment
He had tried to protect her but the woman was one of the most loyal he had ever met, the most brave
Remus tore his eyes off Sirius to stare at the ground as he spoke
The image of Nymphadora withering on the ground, her piercing screams, the green glow that would encase her body
It was overwhelming
He felt complete and utter rage, he wanted to find Bellatrix and throw her malice right back in her face
The image of himself, of his claws and his teeth ripping and biting and tearing at her pale skin sped through him
But he could barely move
He had tried to protect her by staying away from her and it had resulted in breaking her heart
Now she had been attacked and he wasn’t there
What had happened if it hadn’t been the Cruciatus Curse?
The thought alone affirmed that he needed to see her, make sure she was okay
“Where is she?”
Sirius turned to Remus, the man’s face was hardened but his eyes gave him away
The look of worry was plastered in his furrowing brows, his straight mouth and his glazed eyes
As Sirius opened his mouth to speak but they were interrupted by the sound of a loud pop, the noise normally attributed to apparition, followed by loud cursing
They looked at each other, wands instantly clutched in their hands
There was another pop and then a booming voice sounded
Remus didn’t even turn to look at Sirius as he bolted from the kitchen into the front hallway
Sirius was right behind him and nearly toppled over him as he realized Remus had stopped
They were standing before Tonks, her hand clutching her arm and her shoulder pressed into the corridor’s wall
She had a deep gash on her cheek, it appeared fresh and her body was trembling
Mad-Eye appeared to have similar markings on his face as he looked up to see them
“Fucking Dolohov must have been tracking us. Couldn’t even get two bloody seconds to fix her up before they were on top of us! Fought our way out easily enough, thought it’d be best to come here”
Tonks eyes were squeezed tightly, her face was mucked with dirt and blood, her hair was a mousy brown rather than its usually effervescent pink
She spoke quietly, so quietly that if anyone had been speaking they wouldn’t have heard her
Then she crumbled forward and Remus was lunging to catch her
She toppled into his arms, her head on his chest and her limbs limp around her
“Get her upstairs.”
Remus didn’t hesitate to scoop her into his arms and rush her to his room
He didn’t know why he picked his room but he figured if she was like this he wouldn’t be able to get much sleep anyway
Mad-Eye and Sirius trailed behind him as he slammed open the door with his foot and gentle placed her on the bed
Her breathing was shallow, her pulse extremely faint, and he could feel his blood pumping loudly in his ears
Remus stood against the wall near the door watching patiently as Mad-Eye worked over her
He watched him heal the markings on her face
Ones surely caused by dark magic
Ones sure to scar
And he could feel Sirius’ eyes on him rather than on her
And it wasn’t jealousy anymore that Remus could feel boring into him
Wasn’t like the possessiveness Remus once felt 
And he knew, once Sirius left the room, once Sirius turned away, what was coming
To be continued...
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