#Narcissa calls regulus her first born
stargazingtranquility · 7 months
I genuinely obsess over the relationships between marauders era characters. But my favorite obsession is Regulus’ and Sirius’ relationship with each other, and other members of the Black family. Because the complicated family trope has me in a chokehold.
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lixzey · 10 months
Ive had this idea in my head for a while now and i just had to tell someone 🤭❤️
So y/n is siblings with regulus and sirius, and regulus and them are twins. They had a good bond with sirius before he ran away and then they werent alouwed to talk to him anymore because of there mum. But a few weeks after sirius left he came back to get a few things that he really wanted to keep . But when he and the marauders sneaked in he found there mum toruring regulus and he was screaming and crying and stuff, while y/n was laying there unconscious and bleeding a lot and then you can continue :) ( also if you want make it james x reader at the endddd)
Love your stories sm ❤️
warnings: use of the cruciatus curse, mention of death eaters, mentions of blood.
safe and sound
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Oh, all that I did to try to undo it. All of my pain and all your excuses, I was a kid but I wasn't clueless. Someone who loves you wouldn't do this.
All of my past, I tried to erase it, but now I see, would I even change it? Might share a face and share a last name, but we are not the same.
December 25th, 1976
You hated Christmas.
Not because you despised the holiday, really, but because you hate what happens during the holiday.
Your parents would always gather up the whole family at Christmas; it was a tradition that originated with your family’s ancestors. You and your brothers were forced to wear itchy dress robes and needed to be on your best behavior. For as long as you can remember, the Black family Christmas gathering was a load of hippogriff dung.
You spent the whole day mingling with your older cousins, which you absolutely dreaded each and every time you had to spend time with them, especially Bellatrix. You already had to spend every day seeing your cousins at Hogwarts, and the last thing you wanted was to spend Christmas with them too.
The only sensible cousin you had was Andromeda; you loved her like a sister, but she wasn’t welcome in the family anymore since she married the muggle-born Ted Tonks. You missed her dearly, but you still exchanged letters from time to time, you still preferred Andromeda's company rather than Narcissa's or Bellatrix's.
The gathering went well—at least the first half of it.
You were sitting on your bed, peacefully reading a book, when your mother called everyone to the Black family library. You were confused; your family never used the library for gatherings this large. You reluctantly make your way up to the library, goosebumps littering your body as eerie silence enveloped the whole house. When you opened the doors to the library, your eyes visibly widened. 
All of your family members were already inside, along with masked figures in dark cloaks—death eaters—standing in a circle around another hooded figure. Before you even knew what was happening, your eldest brother, Sirius, was thrown into the middle of the room.
“He is ready, my Lord.” Your father, Orion, bowed in front of the hooded figure—the Dark Lord. “He is sixteen, just as you requested.”
“I requested nothing, Orion. I required him to be at least sixteen and willing to join in the ranks of my death eaters.” The Dark Lord’s cold voice echoed in your ears, sending shivers down your spine. “I do not intend to use the Imperius curse on every last follower into understanding and obedience.”
“Perhaps a little persuasion is useful, my Lord?” Bellatrix purred lovingly at the Dark Lord, making you want to vomit right there and then. Voldemort raised a hand, and your cousin’s crazed laughter echoed throughout the room, her wand aimed at Sirius. “Crucio!”
You felt sick to your stomach as you watched in horror as your brother’s screams rang in your ears. Sirius looked defiant, refusing to bow down to the Dark Lord. You felt paralysed, unable to move or do anything to help your brother. Tears started to sting your eyes. You wanted to scream and shout. You wanted to grab your older brother and just run away from all of the madness.
You suddenly felt arms wrap around your shoulder, the familiar warmth enveloping you despite the horrors in front of you. “Starlight, look at me.”
You looked up, meeting your second-eldest brother’s soft eyes. “Reggie…..” 
“I know, I know, just don’t let your guard down, okay, starlight?” Regulus whispered, kissing your forehead as he hugged you tighter. “It’ll be okay; Sirius will be okay.”
You watched helplessly as Sirius thrashed on the hardwood floor, screaming as the curse coursed through his body. Despite Regulus’ assurances—which you knew were pointless—tears flowed down your cheeks as you hoped that this was all just a bad dream. Sirius didn’t deserve any of this.
Still, Sirius did not break.
“He’s stubborn, Orion, Walburga,” Voldemort sneered, his red eyes glinting in the dim light. “Perhaps we should instruct the boy on the consequences of defiance.”
“Never!” Sirius screamed as he struggled to breathe, blood spilling out of his nose from being knocked over by the cruciatus.
“The young heir must be taught a lesson.’’ you heard your uncle Cygnus say, earning the laughs of agreement from everyone else.
Sirius panted heavily, licking blood from his lip before spitting it onto the rug. “Never….in a million….years.”
“Crucio! Crucio!” Bellatrix was clearly eager to hurt Sirius, enjoying the sight of your brother writhing in pain under her mercy. It made your blood boil; you wanted to just rip Bellatrix’s throat out of her neck.
“Kill the spare.” Voldemort’s snake-like eyes landed on you and Regulus. Your skin crawled as you felt the gazes of everyone in the room fall on you and your brother.
“No!” Your mother screamed and fell to her knees in front of the Dark Lord. “My Lord, I beg you, kill this traitor instead.” She gestured to Sirius's shaking, bleeding, sweating body. “Regulus and Y/n are as noble and pure as you could ever require. My better children will willingly seek your approval and bear your mark as soon as they come of age.”
Suddenly, everything went silent. You could hear your own heartbeat pounding in your ears. Every breath you took was a struggle as you waited for Voldemort's decision. Finally, he turned his gaze away from you, causing you to release the breath you didn't realise you were holding. The tension in the air was thick, and it felt like no one dared to move.
After what felt like an eternity, Voldemort spoke. “Very well, I will accept your offer. Bring them once they are of age. Do what you please to punish this Gryffindor.”
Regulus had his hand intertwined with yours, giving it an assuring squeeze. “It’s going to be alright, don’t worry.”
As Voldemort's followers, along with your family members, filed out of the room, you quickly rushed and kneeled down beside Sirius’ trembling body, pulling him into a hug, tears streaming down your face.
You choked back tears as you tilted his head so that he could look you straight in the eye. “Siri, look at me,” you choked out, your heart breaking at the sight of your injured older brother. “Open your eyes, please. Sirius, please look at me.”
“Hi, my little starlight,” he rasped, his grey eyes slowly opening to look up at you.
“You’re alright, I got you, you're safe,” You kissed your brother’s forehead, the taste of blood sticking to your lips. “Reggie,” you forced yourself to say through tears. “Help me take Siri back to his room.”
Regulus quickly nodded as he helped you and Sirius out of the library, his arm wrapped around Sirius’ waist to offer support while the two of you brought him back to his room. Once you settled him on his bed, you started to clean his wounds as best as you could. Regulus helped as well, casting healing spells on Sirius to ease his pain.
“I'm sorry,” Sirius said, his voice barely above a whisper. “I brought this on all of you.”
“It's not your fault, Siri,” you reassured him, tears still spilling from your eyes despite wiping them away just seconds ago. “None of this is your fault.”
Regulus handed Sirius a vial of dark red liquid. “Drink this—it's blood replenishing potion. I nicked it from Slughorn’s stash before we left for the holidays. Drink up, you'll feel a bit better.”
“We'll always be here for you, Siri,” you murmured, holding your brother's hand tightly. “No matter what, we'll be here for you, together.”
You grabbed the vial from your brother's hand, uncorked it and force fed it to your eldest brother. Sirius grimaced at the coppery taste, but swallowed nonetheless. After some time, Sirius was finally able to breathe easier, and his pain lessened. He looked at you and Regulus, the same gray eyes mirroring yours.
“Thank you,” Sirius mumbled. “I don't know what I'd do without both of you.”
“We’re siblings, it’s what siblings do—we protect each other,” Regulus said, a smile on his lips, leaning against the wall as he watched over you and Sirius with a determined look in his eyes. “We'll be okay, I promise. We just need to stick together and look out for each other, no matter what.”
“Yes, we will,” you agreed, giving Sirius a reassuring smile. “We'll find a way to get through this together.”
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You lay awake in your room, your thoughts drifting back and forth to what had just happened earlier today.
Sirius didn’t do anything to deserve pain and torture. Sirius was the best big brother to you and Regulus; he always made sure the two of you were safe. Whenever either you or Regulus got into trouble, Sirius would do something worse, so he was the one who’d get punished instead. You’d always ask him why he did what he did, but he’d always say: your skin is far better than mine, starlight.
You were grateful for Sirius’ protection from your parents through the years; he and Reggie were your rocks. You wouldn’t have made it without your brothers; you loved them more than anything in the world.
It hurt you when Sirius first went to Hogwarts. You were scared he’d forget you and Regulus while he was at school. Sirius assured the two of you that it wouldn’t happen, but somehow it did. It didn’t happen until Regulus went to Hogwarts, leaving you alone to fend for yourself.
Sirius was sorted into Gryffindor; at first he was absolutely terrified, but in the end he embraced his inner Gryffindor—much to the disappointment of the whole family. Your parents specifically warned you and Regulus not to talk to Sirius while he was at Hogwarts; they wanted the two of you to cut ties with your eldest brother—just because he was a Gryffindor. Of course, you didn’t cut ties. Sirius was your brother; you weren’t just going to throw that away because of him defying tradition. But since Sirius was the disappointment, it fell on Regulus’ shoulders to become the proper heir of the Noble and Most Ancient House of Black.
Sirius would send letters, telling you and Regulus about his adventures while being a first year. He told the two of you about his friends, how he was excited for Reg to come to Hogwarts, and how he wanted so badly to have his siblings in Gryffindor too. It created a rift between your brothers, a rift created by your parents’ beliefs that were forced upon Regulus.
When Sirius came back from his first year, Regulus was distant from Sirius, unlike before. Of course, Sirius got worried for his little brother and asked you, but you didn’t know either what was happening because you and Regulus spent the whole year away from each other—with the exception of him sneaking into your room to comfort you when you were punished for not taking your etiquette lessons seriously, like the proper pureblood lady that you are. 
The summer before Regulus’ first year and Sirius’ second year was spent in silence. The three of you locked up in your rooms until Sirius decided to be a proper Black. It was torture for you because it was slowly pitting your siblings against each other. The ideas your mother instilled upon you and Regulus were horrid and absolutely disgusting to hear from a mother’s lips—which you knew from an early age—that your mother was not like other mothers. Your aunt Druella was not like your mother—she was kind and loved her daughters—so it confused you as a child: why did Mother not love us?
Your brothers drifted apart completely when Regulus was sorted into Slytherin. Sirius stopped talking to Regulus completely—which broke his heart, but he wouldn’t tell that to Sirius; only you knew—and ignored Regulus for as long as he could while at school. It didn’t help much because Regulus became friends with Severus Snape, the person Sirius despised at Hogwarts.
Still, your brothers sent you letters to make you feel that you weren’t alone. But over the course of that year, the letters slowly stopped. At first, you thought it was because they were busy, but that wasn’t the case. They simply got caught up in their personal lives, forgetting you in the process. You couldn't hate them for it; they were entitled to their own lives outside of you; you were only their sister; you couldn’t demand attention.
You felt alone for the first time in your life. Your brothers left you alone to fend for yourself. You felt betrayed and abandoned by the people you loved most in the world. The months without them were hell. You spent all of your days being trained to be a proper wife when you came of age. You were barely eleven and training to be a wife—the only thing you’re destined to be, according to your family's standards.
When Christmas of that year came, you couldn’t recognise your brothers. Back then, one of you couldn’t be seen alone; it was always the three of you glued to each other's sides. The moment Sirius and Regulus stepped out of the floo, they immediately went to their respective rooms, not even batting an eye at each other or you either. Though it hurt, you were determined to bring back your family—your family, your brothers—and you weren’t going to let your parents’ words affect anything you had with your brothers.
You snuck into their rooms, trying to persuade them to bunk in your room, for old times’ sake, please! But all of your efforts were futile, as neither of them wanted to be in each other's presence other than yours. Well, at least they had common ground, you. Days passed, and they headed back to Hogwarts, leaving you once more. At that point, you came to terms that it would not be easy to bring your family back, but you at least had to try.
Finally, the time for you to attend Hogwarts finally came. And by some miracle, your brothers got along temporarily. It was their little sister’s first year at Hogwarts—they weren’t going to just ignore that and not be excited. Your brothers told you everything you needed to know while the three of you bunked in bed, just like old times.
As soon as you stepped onto the Hogwarts Express, Sirius and Regulus hovered over you like hawks—literally. You were annoyed, but you wouldn’t have it in any other way. Your brothers assured you that they’d still love you no matter which house you got sorted into; you were still their little starlight.
Lo and behold, you were sorted into Slytherin, like every other Black in your family. Your parents were ecstatic; they sent you an owl—a literal eagle owl that was bigger than your head—along with a box of Honeydukes sweets. Regulus was happy that you were sorted in the same house as him and was already eager to show you around the Slytherin common room. Sirius, on the other hand, was happy for you, but he was disappointed that his sister got sorted into the same house generations of family members were in—even Andromeda was in Slytherin—but you assured your eldest brother that nothing was ever going to change between the two of you.
Surprisingly, your Hogwarts years were a blast. By the time you were in your third year, you were at the top of your class and had friends in every year and house. You were popular amongst the crowd—not that you’d ever admit it—you were known as the kindest Black that ever walked the halls of Hogwarts. You made lots of friends in Slytherin and even more in Gryffindor, without your parents’ knowing, of course, because your tattletale of a cousin, Bellatrix, and with the extension of Narcissa, had already graduated prior to your first year.
Sirius and Regulus were extremely protective of you when boys started flocking over you. You had the Black family genes—full lips, aristocratic features, long black hair, and grey eyes—there was no denying that you were beautiful. But there was one boy who caught your eye, which Sirius would not approve of. Despite the fact that you had boys asking you out from left to right, you couldn’t compete with a certain redhead with eyes green as emeralds.
You loved James Potter more than just a friend.
James was kind, funny, brave, and fiercely loyal. Even though he had an ego the size of the Black Lake, he had a golden heart to match it. James never treated you like how other boys treated you; he treated you like a person, not like some trophy to be won. James had an effect on you no one else had; he made you feel like a lovesick girl whenever you’re near him—but you won’t show or tell anyone about it though—butterflies fill your stomach in a frenzy each time he looks at you. But he was your brother’s best friend, meaning he was off limits. There isn’t a written or verbal rule about that, but you knew Sirius would flip if you ever dated his best friend, which is a long shot because James Potter was hopelessly in love with Lily Evans. You hated it, but you didn’t have a choice; Lily was your friend too, and you couldn’t hate her for the things that weren't even her fault.
All of a sudden, you heard the floorboards creak from outside your bedroom, snapping you out of your thoughts. You slowly got out of bed to investigate, confused. Who the hell is up at three in the morning? Kreacher definitely doesn’t stay up this late. You placed your hand on the doorknob, slowly turning it, making sure to be as quiet as humanly possible, only to see your older brother creeping out of his room. Sirius stopped in his tracks when he noticed you, a guilty look plastered on his face, a look you knew oh so well.
“Go back to bed, starlight,” Sirius said, trying to act nonchalant but ultimately failing.
“Where are you going? Why do you have a bag packed? Are you leaving us?” You asked, your lips quivering at the sight of a bag slung over his shoulder.
Sirius sighed, walking towards you. “I’m sorry, starlight, but I have to leave,” he said gently, his breath wavering as he reached for your hand. “If I don’t, I’ll go insane.”
“What about us? Me? Reggie?”
“We can get through this, Siri; please don’t leave us…” you begged, pulling his hands away from your cheeks.
“I’ll write every day. I promise...” Sirius said, cupping your face in his hands. “It’s not safe for me here.” His chest heaved slightly. “You saw what happened, starlight—you know they’ll force me to take the mark, and you know I can’t have that,” he said, his expression solemn. “I have to leave; they’ve finally pushed me too far.”
Suddenly, the floorboards creaked again. Regulus stood behind Sirius, a confused look plastered on his face at the sight of you with tears in your eyes. “What's happening, Sirius, Y/n?” Regulus asked, worry evident in his voice.
Sirius froze at the sound of his voice. He felt you flinch in his arms. He turned to face Regulus, his eyes pleading and watery. “I’m leaving, little brother. I don’t belong here…with you lot,” he said, choking back his tears.
You buried your head back into Sirius’ chest, holding back your sobs. Your legs felt weak, and you had to grab onto your brother for support.
“You're only sixteen, Sirius,” Regulus said, his voice breaking. “You can’t just leave; you'll be disowned, Sirius.”
“I can't stay, Reggie,” Sirius replied, his voice strained. His eyes roamed over his brother's face, the pain and desperation evident in his eyes. “Mother never cared for me; father would rather die than acknowledge me.”
You looked up at Sirius in horror, tears running down your cheeks. He was right. Your parents hated him. They treated him like scum, all because he wanted to be a good and decent person. “Please, Sirius, don’t leave. We need you. I need you.” 
Sirius sighed, his heart breaking at the sight of his crying sister. “I know, I know, but I can’t stand another day here. There’s so much going on—so much they expect me to do, but I can’t take this life.” 
You hugged your brother tightly, silently casting a silencing charm as you let tears fall from your eyes. This wasn’t supposed to happen. Your fucking parents, Voldemort, fucking ruined it all.
“What about Y/n? It's our job to protect her!” Regulus cried out, trying to reason with Sirius, his eyes blazing. “What? You’re just going to leave?”
“I know, little brother, and that’s why I need you to protect her for me,’’ Sirius said slowly, his voice barely audible.
Regulus narrowed his eyes at his older brother. “Sirius, you’re a Gyrffindor! Be fucking brave, for once!” Regulus hissed angrily, fists clenched, and his lips curled into a scowl.
“For once?” Sirius snapped angrily, moving away from you. “I have been brave for you and Y/n for as long as any of us can remember, Regulus!”
Regulus’ expression morphed into anger; his eyes were blazing with fury and resentment. Sirius took a deep breath, but before he could say anything more, you piped up. “Reg...please.”
“No, Y/n! He’s only thinking about himself-”
“No, you're only thinking about yourself—what about me? MY future—how would you have expected me to become one of Voldemort’s minions and settle down and have children with a woman I don't even love?! I don't want their kind of life, not anymore,” Sirius yelled, his voice full of anger.
You flinched at the venom in Sirius’ voice. “Please, Sirius, don’t leave.”
“I’m sorry starlight, but I have to. I can’t be a part of this twisted family and the Dark Lord's reign of terror. I can’t keep pretending to be someone I’m not.” Sirius said, his voice filled with pain and determination
“Where will you go? ” You whispered, looking up at Sirius.
“The Potters, James said his parents would take me in.”
Regulus’ eyes filled with anger again. “You're choosing James Potter over your own brother and sister?” Regulus hissed angrily, pulling you away from Sirius.
“Yes!” Sirius yelled, his eyes turning cold. “I'm choosing freedom and life over this twisted family and the Dark Lord! I can't stay, Regulus, and you know it. Don't try and stop me!”
“You've made your choice,” Regulus spat, grabbing your hand. “Come on, starlight.”
Sirius watched as you followed Regulus, his heart breaking. He could feel his eyes burning and his tears threatening to fall.
“Starlight..?” Sirius called out, taking a step after you and Regulus. At the word, you both stopped. For a moment, Regulus turned to face Sirius, and then he took his younger sister by the shoulders.
“Stop crying for him, Y/n, he’s weak.” Regulus spat harshly.
And with that, Sirius slung his bag over his shoulder and walked to the Floo in your father’s study. “Potter Manor!”
You and Regulus stood there in silence, watching helplessly as you let out a choked sob. “Sirius, please don’t go,” you pleaded, but your voice was drowned by the sound of the flames that engulfed him, disappearing from your sight.
Regulus pulled you into his arms, holding you tightly as you cried. “I’m sorry, starlight,” Regulus whispered, his voice breaking. “I'll never leave you, I swear.” 
You clung to your brother, and tears streamed continuously down your face as you realised that everything had changed. Your brother, Sirius, the one who always protected you, was gone. And everything was going to be different from now on.
Now you have another reason to hate Christmas.
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James has just arrived at the address he was given to babysit. According to Google Maps, the house is called Grimmauld place.
A woman answers the door a few minutes after James knocks. She has long, black, unruly hair. She looks frantic. "Hi, hi, sorry. It's a little crazy in here. I'm Bellatrix Black-Lestrange. Nice to meet you."
"James Potter."
"Right, Sirius told me about you." James makes a confused look. "The one who hired you, his name is Sirius."
"Like the star?"
"Yeah. I'm surprised someone knows that."
"I've always been fascinated with the stars. You're named after one, too."
"Yeah, I am. Most of my family is."
Fleamont - James' dad - taught James all about the stars when he was four. He was always fascinated with them since he was born. He thought they looked like the little specks of paint that Euphemia - James' mother - drew.
"Anyway, come inside, it's cold."
As soon as James walked inside, he was hit with a water balloon. "Ted Remus Lupin!" A man with the same long, black hair just more tamed yells. "I'm so sorry. My son is a prankster. Anyway, I'm Sirius Black-Lupin." Sirius looks James over. "Hey, Reg! Can you get a towel!"
Another woman walks up with long, white, and black hair. "What happened, Siri?" She looks over at James. "Oh, hello. I'm Narcissa Black-Malfoy. It's nice to meet you."
"Nice to meet you, too."
A boy comes up to hug her leg. She smiles. "This is my son, Draco."
"Another star. You really meant it when you said most of your family."
"Yeah." Bellatrix says. "It's crazy and hectic." A man with short black hair walks up with a towel in hand. "Finally, Reg. Took forever."
"Shut up, Bells. At least I can't get pregnant."
"Why is that your insult?"
"Who would want a second kid? Apparently, you."
"Whatever." She takes the towel from the man and hands it to James. "Sorry, that's Regulus Black." The man - Regulus - leaves.
"Reg! Are you coming with us!?" Someone from the other room yells while James drys himself with the towel.
"No!" Regulus answers. "And take B and Ev with you! Their sickening!"
Yet, another woman comes in with a girl and a man trailing behind her. She has - thankfully - tamed, brunette hair. "I'm Andromeda Black-Tonks. This is my husband, Ted Tonks. And my daughter, Nymphadora Tonks."
"Nice to meet you."
"You, too."
Two more men come in. "Rodolphus Lestrange."
"Lucius Malfoy."
"James Potter."
Three men and two women come in. The first woman that has red hair speaks up. "I'm Lily Evans-Rosier."
"The Lily Evans? The one that Marlene keeps talking about?"
"You know her?"
"Know her? She's my best friend."
"Anyway," The dark skinned girl with blonde highlights says, "I'm Pandora Rosier. This is my twin," she gestures to a dark skinned boy, "Evan Rosier."
"And this is my boyfriend, Barty Crouch." Evan gestures to a boy with blonde tips.
"I'm Remus Lupin. Kids! Come here!" Four kids come running in. "Teddy Lupin, Draco Malfoy, Nymphadora Tonks, Harry Rosier, Luna Rosier, and Tom Riddle Jr." Remus gives an apologetic looks. "I'm sorry there's so many, but we need a break."
Bellatrix speaks. "Regulus is upstairs if you need anything. It's.... three so, we'll be back around.... ten?" Everyone nods. "Ten. Is that ok?"
"Yeah. Of course it is. I babysit Aries and Artemis for 2 days and their.... monsters?"
Lily smiles. "Fair enough. Anyway, instructions are on the fridge. If you need any help, feel free to ask anyone, yeah?"
Everyone says goodbye, and now it's James and the kids. "So, have any toys?"
Luna squeals. "I'm gonna like you."
James smiles. "Well, I hope so."
"Hey! That's cheating!" Harry yells.
"Nuh uh." Luna says.
"Yes, it is."
"Nuh uh."
James sighs. "Alright, who wants to go to the park?"
"Yeah!" Everyone yells.
James has finally riled up the kids at six and is now finally in the house at six-thirty.
Seven rolls around, and the kids have been fed.
Eight rolls around, and it's time for bed.
"I wanna say goodnight to Uncle Reggie." Luna pouts. "I do it every night."
James sighs. "Alright. Go say goodnight."
"Yay!" Luna grabs James' hand and starts running down the hall to what James assumes is Regulus' room. Luna stops in front of a door and knocks. The door opens, and Regulus appears with messy hair, pajama pants, and no shirt.
Fucking hell.
"Uncle Reggie!" Regulus looks down and picks up Luna. "You forgot to come say goodnight."
Regulus smiles. "I did? I'm sorry. I won't do it again." He gives Luna a kiss on the temple and sets her back down. "Alright, bedtime." Regulus leads Luna to her room and tucks her in.
"Goodnight, Uncle Reggie. Goodnight, James."
James decided to sit down and scroll through TikTok on his phone. Apparently it's been an hour because next thing he knew Regulus was walking down the stairs and he looked at the clock.
James goes back to his phone for another ten minutes before Regulus comes into the room. He stands right in front of James - which he didn't even realize either - and speaks, "Have you eaten anything?"
James jumps. "A little warning next time would be nice. Also, no."
"You should eat something."
James eyes him. "You're one to talk. You didn't even come down for dinner."
Regulus rolls his eyes. "I don't like eating with the kids. And anyway, I'm heating up food right now."
"Ok, good." He pauses and waits for Regulus to leave. He doesn't. "Is that all you wanted?"
"Mm. No, actually. I think you're cute." He walks away and leaves James flabbergasted.
Unfortunately, Regulus goes back upstairs with his food and doesn't come back down. Not even when James leaves. Luckily, James has sticky notes in his bag. He grabs his bag and excuses himself to use the restroom. He grabs a bright yellow sticky note and a pen and writes, 'I think you're cute, too' and sticks it to Regulus' door - he remembers from when Luna wanted to say goodnight.
"Artemis, no! Aries, stop! You little -" James' phone rings.
Sirius Black
"Hello - Aries, Artemis! I'm going to call your mother! Better yet, I'll call your mama!"
"No, no! We'll stop!"
"Thank you, now be quiet."
"Yes, Uncle Jamie."
"Sorry about that. What's the problem?"
"We need someone to babysit again, and Reg won't do it. Plus, they seem to like you." It's been two weeks since he last babysat them - for the first time. "Please." He begs. "If you need any help, Reg is here."
"I'm sorry, Sirius." Sirius told him to call him that. "I'm already babysitting my niece and nephew."
"You can bring 'em! We don't care. As long as you come, please."
James sighs. "Alright, I can take them anywhere I want, anyway."
"Thank you."
"Ar, Art, who wants to go play with other kids?"
"Alright, I'm going to need you to be good, ok?"
"Yes, Uncle Jamie." Aries says.
James knocks on the door, and Pandora opens it with Luna and Harry beside her. "Sorry, their being clingy."
"James!" They both yell.
"Hey!" Artemis yells. "That's our Uncle Jamie!"
Pandora has a panicked look on her face. "Oh god. You already have a babysitting gig? Are you supposed to take them out?" She wispers the last part.
"I'm their Uncle. I can do whatever I want, and Marls won't care. Have you not met them?"
"No, should I have?"
"Not necessarily. Ar, Art, you guys have met Lily, your mama' friend, right?"
"Yeah, she's nice. We call her Aunt Lily." Artemis says.
"This is her wife, Pandora."
"Really?" Aries asks. "She looks pretty. Way prettier than you, Uncle Jamie."
James smiles. "Wow, thanks."
"Well, it is true," Artemis agrees. "Uncle Jamie."
"Anyway, come inside. It's cold out there."
Hmm. James thinks. Less chaos.
Apparently, Pandora knows what he's thinking because she says, "Remus is giving them a talk."
"Hey, Uncle Jamie." Aries says. "How many kids we talkin'?"
"Six and counting."
"Wow! Uncle Jamie, you hit the jackpot."
"I don't wanna." Artemis says. "Uncle Jamie, can we go?"
James squats down to her level. "Come on, you don't have that many friends. You need to make more. Your mama and I had so many friends by your age."
Artemis groans. "But I'm not like Mama."
"I know, you're more like your mom."
A voice comes from the doorway. "Aren't they the same people?" Regulus.
"No, their not. They have two moms."
"Do we have to? Can't you just drop me off with Mom or Mama?"
James sighs. "Marlene is working her hotel, and Dorcas can't have any distractions when she's painting. So, no. I'm sorry, babes."
Artemis sighs. "It's fine."
"Come on, sis. It'll be fun."
"For you, maybe. You're better at making friends."
"You know," James starts, "you remind me of one of my friends."
"Peter. He couldn't make friends very well until I walked up to him. After that, he made friends quite easily."
"Really? You really think I'm just like Uncle Peter?"
James nods. "Absolutely. You just need a little push by your brother. Aries? Help your sister, ok?"
Aries salutes him. "Yes, Uncle Jamie, sir." James rolls his eyes, and Aries laughs. "Of course, Uncle Jamie. I always will."
James gets back up. "Ok, so, here's two of kids. Luna and Harry. Their siblings just like you but their twins."
"You mean just like Aunt Lily talks about her friends who are twins."
James smiles. "You've already met one of them. Pandora is one of them."
They both gasp. "Really!? Two twins in one day!? Best day ever!" Aries yells.
Andromeda comes in. "What's all the yelling for?"
"Sorry, they were excited. Aries, Artemis, remember."
"We know. We're sorry."
"See. Good kids when they want to be."
"You're kids?"
"No. I've been single for years now. I think I'm probably gonna stay that way at this rate. Anyway, these are my best friends' kids."
"Uncle Jamie!" Aries yells. "Look, they both have blonde hair - really blonde."
"You have a sibling?"
"No, none. Marls and Cas just like to let their kids talk freely. So they decide to call all of our friends Aunt and Uncle."
"That's pretty nice, actually."
Artemis walks over to James. "Jamie, bag."
"Magic words."
"Uncle Jamie, could I please have your bag so we can play?"
"Better." He hands her the bag that has all kinds of toys and coloring books he put together the first day he started this business. Aries and Artemis helped, of course. They run off into the other room somewhere.
"You're really good with them." Regulus says.
"I was there the day they were born. Through everything. I was waiting outside with the rest of my friends' kids. But I was still there."
"You'd be a good father someday."
James smiles as soon as Evan and Barty come in. "Who's kids are those?" Evan spots James. "You have kids?"
"No, those are my best friends' kids. You know what, it'd be easier if I said yes. I might start doing that." James peeks his head into the other room. "Hey, Ar, Art," they look up at him, "how 'bout, I just start tell people you're my kids?"
"Wouldn't be much of a lie anyway."
"As long as Mama and Mom are still our moms."
"Why did they say 'it wouldn't be much of a lie'?" Barty asks.
"I was both of their sperm donors, but they came out looking like both Marlene and Dorcas. Hey, Lily' here, right?"
"Yeah, she's in the kitchen."
"Great, I'll be back." James walks in the kitchen and sees Lily cooking. "Hey, Lils."
"James. You remember, don't you?"
"Yeah, sadly. But I got better."
"Not much, I see." James' eyebrows fly up. "I can see the scars on your wrists." Lily sighs. "It's been years, Jamie. Why can't you stop?"
"Because they were my whole life, Lils! You know that. And this whole thing is what made you disregard me from your life."
"You can say it, James. I broke up with you."
"Yeah, yeah, I know." James sighs. "I got better than I was before, though. When Artemis was born, I stopped doing it all over and just on my wrists." James closes his eyes and takes a deep breath in and out. He opens them again. "I'm sorry, Lils. I'm sorry I can't get over my parents' death. But I'm not sorry that we broke up and you found someone better. She's good for you, and I'm happy just seeing you happy."
Lily smiles. "Thank you, Jamie." They hug.
"You know, you could have told me they call you Aunt Lily." They break apart.
"Aries and Artemis. They told me a few minutes ago."
"You got here a few minutes ago - oh - they're here?" James nods. Lily - and James - runs past everyone - who is now where James left only four people - and into the sitting room. "Aries, Artemis!"
"Aunt Lily!" They both yell and rush up to her.
"Aunt Lily?" The other kids murmur.
Lily smiles and pulls apart from them. "Jamie will tell you why they call me that. Alright, you two, I'm going out with my family, and I need you two to watch over your Uncle and these other kids. Can you do that for me?"
"Yes, ma'am!" Lily gets up and walks to the door - James following close behind.
"Um, Lils, you can't leave me with explaining that."
"Sure I can. I'm doing it right now."
"Ok," Bellatrix says, "anyway, the instructions are on the fridge. If you need anything, Reg is upstairs."
"Bye, Jamie, love you."
Love you, too." Pandora makes a confused look while James ushers them out. He smiles at Lily. "You make me explain, I make you explain."
"James." Lily warns. "I'll get you for this."
James just smiles in return. When they were all outside, James says, "Lily and I dated," and closes the door. James could hear yelling coming from the other side as they walked farther down the sidewalk.
James turned around and saw Regulus wide-eyed. "You - you dated Lily?"
"Uncle Jamie!" Artemis yells. "I wanna call Mama! I want to tell her I made friends!"
James walks into the room. "Sure, come here, Mis." Artemis walks up to James and plops herself down on his lap. James grabs his phone and dials Marlene.
"James? What's wrong? Are they hurt?"
"Their fine, Marls. Mis just wants to tell you something."
James hears a sigh over the phone. "What is it, babes?"
"I made friends!"
"How - you - James, where are you?"
"Mama, we saw Aunt Lily."
"James, you can't babysit that many kids."
"I just added two more. Plus, when we're not at home, they behave."
"You know their terrors, James. You can't do that by yourself. I'll be there to help in a little bit."
"No, Marls. You need to stay at the hotel. You have a job to do. So do I. And this is mine. I'll be fine. And if I need any help, I'll call Pete, or Frank, or Alice, or even Mary." James hears Marlene sigh.
"Alright, but if anything happens, you call me no one else until I say so, got it?"
"Yeah, Marls, sure. I love you."
"I love you, too. I love you, Artemis, Aries!" She yells the last bit so her son can hear her.
"I love you, too, Mama!" They both yell. James hangs up.
"Artemis, go play."
"Ok." She gets off of James' lap and runs up to her brother and their new found friends.
"Are you going to tell me?"
"Tell you what?"
"You and Lily."
"Why would I? We're not friends."
Regulus raises an eyebrow. "The sticky note you left says otherwise."
James avoids Regulus' gaze. "I have no idea what you're talking about." James hears footsteps coming closer, and Regulus comes into view.
He leans down and tilts James' head upwards. "Are you sure?" He wispers.
James nods.
Regulus grip tightens. "And you're so sure that if I show you proof, you will still deny it?"
James' eyes wonder down to Regulus' lips for 2 seconds, and then go back to his eyes. He nods again.
Regulus' hand disappears from James' chin. "Well, then, come on." Regulus holds out his hand, and James takes it.
Regulus leads James up the stairs before James speaks, "I shouldn't leave the kids."
"They'll be fine." Regulus leads James to the end of the first hall - which he didn't realize last time - where Regulus' room is.
There are three halls - as far as James knows. One for the girls, one for the boys, and the third one for the parents (and Regulus).
"Your house is a little bigger than mine."
"A little? I'm assuming - comparing to yours - it's a mansion."
"My mum always liked to build more and more rooms, so yeah, a little bigger." Regulus opens his door to his bedroom, and James is in awe.
James sees pictures of the Black', Regulus and his friends, and a picture of six people he doesn't recognize, standing with the Black'. James walks up to the photo and takes a quick once over.
The two beside Sirius and Regulus are their parents. The two beside Andromeda, Bellatrix, and Narcissa are their parents. And the last two standing beside Pandora and Evan are their parents.
"These are your parents? You look just like them."
"No, we don't."
"What are their names?" Regulus eyes him. "Just curious."
"If I tell you, will you let it be?"
"Pandora and Evan' parents are Adele Jacob - Rosier and Axel Rosier. Andromeda, Bellatrix, and Narcissa' parents are Cygnus Black and Druella Rosier - Black. And Sirius and I' are Walburga Irma - Black and Orion Black."
James' eyes go wide. Walburga Irma, as in Mum' ex- girlfriend!?"
"Euphemia Braithewaite."
"What about her?"
"She's my mum."
"Really? My mum - a cold, heartless, bitch - dated your mum - the sweetest person alive?"
"How did you know she was so nice?"
"With how you turned out, both your parents had to be nice."
Regulus goes to his nightstand and pulls out a bright yellow sticky note - the one he left. "You kept it?"
"Yeah. I did."
"Kids, time for bed."
"But Uncle Jamie."
"No, none of that, Aries. Come up here on the couch, both of you." They do, and they immediately fall asleep.
"The rest of you, time for bed."
The final one for the night is Luna. And she always has to go to Regulus. They knock on the door, he opens it, and picks up Luna. "Hey, ma filleule."
James almost passes out from the use of French.
He doesn't know why, but French coming from Regulus' mouth, is heaven. And he's heard people speak French before but coming from Regulus, that's something he can't stand.
"Goodnight, Luns." Regulus puts Luna back on the ground.
"Come on, hermosa chica." She takes James' hand and leads them to her room. He tucks Luna in and she falls asleep almost immediately.
"You're good with kids."
James jumps. "Jesus, Regulus. You scared me."
"You can't speak Spanish and not expect anything to happen."
"Oh, you mean this? Eres tan hermoso y guapo. Quizás no pueda quitarte las manos de encima por mucho tiempo."
Regulus groans. "No, stop."
"Vale, está bien, Regulus. Adiós."
The door opens, and everyone comes in. "Thank you so much for watching the kids." Bellatrix says. "Even though you were already watching some. It means so much to us. Thank you."
"It was no big deal. All of them are not as much work as these two alone." James looks down in his lap where Aries and Artemis are laying. "Aries, Artemis, come on. Get up."
They run to the other side of the room to grab James' bag and run back to James while James grabs his phone.
Bringing the kids home. See you soon.
Thanks, Jamie. I love you.
I love you, too.
"Alright, Cas should have your food ready by the time we get home." James walks to the door, looks up at the stairs where Regulus is watching him, and yells out, "Fairwell, Black's and Rosier's. Goodnight!" And he walks out with Aries and Artemis only looking back once at Regulus' window where he's watching James walk down the sidewalk and to his car.
"Thank you, Uncle Jamie!" They both say. "We love you!"
"I love you, too!" James yells back from the car.
Just as James was about to leave, Marlene' car pulls up, and she gets out. "James Fleamont Potter! Quit cutting yourself!"
"What?" James asks, surprised as Marlene leans in the window.
"Lily called me. She said she saw your cuts."
"That little -"
"No, don't blame her. This is all you. I thought you said you got better when Artemis was born?"
"I did, sort of. I mean, I started only doing it in one place."
"Your wrists." Marlene closes her eyes and takes a deep breath - a little habit Marlene picked up from James, which he picked up from Effie. "James, you can't keep doing this to yourself. It's been five years since Mis was born. Ten since Effie and Monty died. You need to stop. It's not healthy."
James sighs. "I can't, Marls. You know how I feel."
"I do, James. I really do. But you can't keep beating yourself up about it. It wasn't your fault."
"If I was there! If I was there, I could have gotten them out in time. Instead I decided to ignore them over a stupid fucking fight." James starts to tear up. "The last thing I ever said to them was, 'I hate you. I wish you would die.' That's the very last thing, Marls. How could I 'get over it'? It's my fault. If I was there, they wouldn't have gone after me."
"It was the drunk driver, James. It wasn't you. I promise." Marlene opens James' door. "Come on. Stay with us tonight. Please? I'll make sure no one bothers you."
James scoffs. "But you."
Marlene smiles. "That's only because you're my best friend, and I care about you." James sighs and gets out of the car with his wallet, phone and keys. Marlene locks it and leads them inside. "The world would be a dark place without you, Jamie. You're our sun, and everyone knows it. Even Aries and Artemis. They'd miss you too much."
Jamie, Frank, and I want to go out. Do you think you could watch Neville?
Think I can? I'm a god! (At babysitting, of course) Yes, yes, I will.
Hey, James. I got this number off of Sirius' phone.
Hey, Regulus.
How did you know?
Right, nvm. Anyway, I wanted to ask if you wanted to hang out?
Hang out, really? After everything?
Ok, I'm sorry. I'm not really good at asking people out.
So, you want to go on a date?
Great! When?
I can't. Babysitting.
One of my friends' kid, Neville Longbottom. Alice has been my friend since school years, so I'd do almost anything for her.
The rest I'd do for Marlene.
Fair. Um. What if I come with you? To the babysitting gig, that is.
I mean, if you want. Where do you want to meet?
Come pick me up at my house?
Yeah, I'll be there in 10.
"Hey, Marls. I got a gig."
"Alice and Frank."
"Longbottom. You know, the dude that Al married?"
"Oh! Franky! Yeah, got it."
"Hey, who's watching the kids if we all have work?"
"You. It'll be only three kids this time. You'll be fine."
"Yeah, about that. Someone is.... tagging along."
"Tagging?" Marlene gasps. "You mean like a date? Like someone who wants to help you work, kinda date?"
"I guess."
"Not telling. At least, not yet, ok?"
Marlene sighs. "Fine. Meany." She mumbles the last bit under her breath, but James still heard her and smacked her up the top of her head.
James pulls up to the front of Regulus' house and pulls out his phone.
I'm here.
Come inside real quick.
I can't. I have Aries and Artemis. Sorry.
It's ok.
I get it if you don't want to come.
No, I do. I'll be out in a minute.
"Ok, you two have to be on your best behavior. Play with Neville, I don't care. Just don't be brats. Ok?"
"Yes, Uncle Jamie. We promise."
James sees Regulus open the door and walk down the sidewalk. "Hey." Regulus says when he opens the car door.
James digs around in his bag and pulls out two figets. "Ar, Mis, here's you figets."
"Yay!" Aries yells. "Thank you, Uncle Jamie."
"Can we go see Aunt Alice now?"
James turns the car back on and starts driving to Alice' house. She's only ten minutes away from the Black'.
"Uncle Jamie, can we play music?" Artemis asks.
"Yeah, here." He grabs his phone and reaches behind his seat where Artemis is. She takes it.
Their favorite artist is Sarah Maddack, and that's exactly what starts playing - the Coffee Shop Bop.
I hoped into a coffee shop
And then my jaw dropped in shock when
I saw a girl who had cool pants
They made me want to dance
"What kind of music is this?" Regulus asks.
"It's their favorite artist." James answers. "Sarah Maddack."
"Still doesn't answer my question."
"It's the only answer I got."
By the time they get to Alice' house, that Playlist has run through at least three times. James knocks on his friends door with Aries and Artemis in front of him and Regulus beside him. Frank answers. "Hey, James. Alice is upstairs with Neville."
James gives the bag to Aries, and they both run inside. He smiles. "Sorry, you know how they are."
"I do." He looks over to Regulus. "Who's this?"
"Regulus Black."
"Nice to meet you."
"You, too."
Frank steps aside and gestures for them to come in. James can hear Aries and Artemis in the other room. Alice comes down the stairs with Neville on her hip. She's wearing a long black dress with sequins. It has one strap on the right side and a leg slit. "Al, I think I could date you."
Frank raises his eyebrows. Alice rolls her eyes. "You probably would if you weren't gay."
"True. I mean, when I saw Frank, I just knew." She rolls her eyes again.
"Take your nephew."
"Gladly." Alice hands Neville over to James.
"Uncle Jamie! You're here!"
"Yeah, so are Aries and Artemis." Neville gasps while James puts him down, and he runs to the other room. "So, Al, I didn't have time to take a shower this morning with Cas and Marls."
"You'll do it either way."
"Sure as hell I will."
Alice sighs. "Fine."
"I love you, Al."
"I love you, too, Jamie. Goodbye."
"Adiós, mi amor!" James yells before Alice shuts the door. James laughs. He walks to the other room, Regulus trailing behind him. "Alright, I'm going to take a shower. Reg, are you good for a few minutes?"
James looks at Regulus, and he's blushing. He didn't even realize he called him Reg. James smirks. "Reg? Reggie?"
"Yeah, yeah, I'll be fine."
James walks over to Artemis. "You think you could all stay in here for ten minutes? Regulus and I have something to do." She nods. "Thank you, babes."
James walks over and grabs Regulus' hand, dragging him up the stairs. "James, they can't be unattended."
"They'll be fine." He walks into Alice and Frank' room and into the bathroom. When the door is shut and locked, he pins Regulus to the door. "Did you like that? Reg."
He blushes again. "Stop that."
"I don't think I will." He kisses Regulus' cheek, then the other one, then is chin, then finally his lips. He kisses back.
Regulus pushes James back to the toilet - luckily, Alice always insists on closing it - breaking the kiss in the process. He straddles him and starts kissing James again.
James breaks the kiss. "Reg, I need to take a shower."
Regulus groans. "No."
"Yes. Come on, Reg. Please?"
He groans again. "Fine." He gets up, kisses James again, then leaves.
Alice stumbles in the door with Frank behind her. "Jesus, Al." James says. "What did you two do?"
James walks over to his friend and helps her get up the stairs. He lays her down on her bed and tucks her in. She falls asleep as soon as her head hits the pillow.
He goes back downstairs to see Frank and Regulus talking while Aries, Artemis, and Neville are playing. "Nev, bedtime."
"But, Uncle Jamie."
"No, it's bedtime."
"Fine." James walks over to the three and picks Neville up and does the same he did for Alice except Neville wanted a bedtime story - Goodnight Moon. Neville is passed out before James even finishes the book.
He goes back downstairs, and Aries and Artemis are asleep on Regulus. Aries on one side with his head on Regulus' leg and Artemis on the other side with her head on Regulus' other leg.
Frank must have gone upstairs at some point because he's nowhere in sight.
James smiles. "You look cute like that." Regulus looks up.
"Really? Do you think I'd be a good dad?"
James hums. "Yeah, I do." James walks over to them and picks up Artemis. She stirs a little but goes right back to sleep. He does the same thing with Aries, and he also goes back to sleep. "Are you ready?"
"Can you grab my bag." James looks around. He spots it at the corner of the room. "It's over there." He nudges his head in that direction.
Thankfully, Aries or Artemis don't wake up when James puts them in their car seats. Neither do they wake up when he gets them back out of the car seats and into their beds.
"Ah, fuck. I forgot Marlene and Dorcas aren't going to be home for a few hours. Do you think you could stay for a little while?"
"Yeah, sure. What do you have in mind?"
"We could watch a movie or something."
Regulus humms. "That sounds nice."
So, they did, in fact, watch movies, eat some snacks, and maybe some other little things - that couldn't go far because of Artemis and Aries - until Marlene and Dorcas came home.
James hears the door open, signaling that Marlene and Dorcas are home. "Hey, Jamie!" Marlene yells. How'd your so-called date go!?"
"It's going pretty well." James hears footsteps, and Marlene comes into view.
She smiles. "Babe! Jamie brought a boy!"
James hears more footsteps, and Dorcas comes into view. "He did what?"
James gets up with Regulus behind him. "Kids are in bed. We'll be going now."
"No," Marlene says, "you can't do that."
"Yes, I can. I'm going back to my apartment and you can't do anything about it."
Marlene smiles and twists her foot a little. "Ow! Jamie, I twisted my ankle."
"Your wife is right there. Right, Cas?"
"Mmm. I don't know, Jamie. I don't think I can carry her."
James sighs. "You two are assholes and you're lucky I love you." Marlene climbs on James' back. "Cas, don't do anything."
"Definitely won't."
"Don't!" James yells as he starts walking. When he gets to the stairs, he drops Marlene on her feet. "Alright, be a nice little, Marlene, and tell me what you're up to."
"No, I don't think I will."
"Dorcas is having a little chat."
"Marlene Elizabeth McKinnon! You are a little cunt!" James walks back to where he left Regulus and Dorcas. They're not there.
"Dorcas Eileen Meadows!"
"James Fleamont Potter!" Dorcas' sarcastic voice comes from the kitchen. James storms in there with Marlene right behind. Regulus nowhere in sight.
James points at Dorcas. "Your a fucking cunt just like your wife. I hope your kids don't turn out like either of you."
"Who else would they turn out like, dipshit?"
"Oh, I don't know, Marls. Maybe their sperm donor, me."
"Why would they turn out like you?"
"Because I'm always here!"
"Because you don't know how to take care of yourself! Cas, have you seen his wrists lately? Lily told me."
"Lily has no fucking say! She left me when things got too hard!"
"James, that was ten years ago. When Effie and Monty died."
"They were my parents, Marls! How could I be normal?"
"It's been ten years!"
"And it feels like ten seconds! Marls, they were my whole life."
"I know that, Jamie. They were my parents, too."
"You had parents! And they were mine."
"Jamie, you can't keep doing this to yourself."
"Why the fuck not!? I don't belong here!"
"Yes, you do! Your our sunshine, Jamie. We'd all be in darkness if something happened to you."
Dorcas cuts in. "Aries and Artemis would never be happy again."
James closes his eyes and takes a deep breath. "Yeah, yeah, you're right." He opens his eyes again.
Dorcas clears her throat. "Uh, Jamie. Behind you."
"What?" He turns around and spots Regulus. "Fuck." Regulus looks at him with pity in his eyes. James sighs. "You heard the whole thing." He nods. "I'll- um - take you home now." He turns back around, and Marlene tosses him his phone, keys, and wallet. "Thanks, Marls. I won't be back tonight."
"Going back to your apartment?"
"Yeah. I love you both."
Marlene looks at him. "Jamie,"
"I'll be fine. Ok?" She nods. "I love you."
"We love you, too."
James and Regulus make it to his car. The whole time, neither of them spoke. James starts the car and starts driving. James usually puts on music when he's driving, but this doesn't feel like the right time.
About five minutes into the drive, Regulus speaks. "James,"
"Can we not? I've already been through this a million times. I get it. You never want to see me again. This is exactly why I don't date."
"I - wait, you think I don't want to date you?"
"That's how these things usually go. Isn't that where this is going?"
"No, of course I want to date you. Why would this lead me away?"
"That's what happens every time."
"Well, not this time. I promise." James parks the car of the side of the road. "What are you doing?"
James turns to him. "Why? Why are you staying?"
"Because someone shouldn't leave when things get hard. Especially when it's something like that."
James' breath hitched. "You mean it? You're staying?" Regulus nods. "Can I kiss you." He nods again and James leans in.
At some point - after the make-out session - James drives to the Blacks.
"Thanks. For staying - I mean."
"I don't know why anyone wouldn't. You're too beautiful and kind to pass up." James smiles and leans in for another kiss. Regulus opens the car door and gets out. "I'll text you?" James nods.
When James gets home, he erases his 30-day mark of not having any suicidal thoughts and puts down zero.
James started that when his parents died because he always had them a lot. The farthest he's ever got was two months. Marlene always thought it was stupid until she realized he always wrote down how many days. Then, she was always around to check the board - even though she thought she had made a good excuse, James still knew.
'How you doin'?'
'He didn't leave.'
'Yeah. I think I might finally have found my true love.'
'I'm glad, Jamie. You really needed one.'
'Wow. Thanks.'
'You're welcome.'
James rolls his eyes.
'I'm going to bed now. I love you.'
'I love you, too.'
If James was thinking about Regulus all night, no one needed to know that, only him.
It's been a month since Regulus and James started dating and a month since he last babysat the Blacks. James is pretty sure Regulus hasn't told anyone because no one has gave him the shovel talk. Marlene, Dorcas, Alice, Mary, Peter and even Frank gave Regulus the shovel talk, but no one has him yet.
James has learned a bunch of things about Regulus. Like, his favorite flower, - Acrtic Willows - color, - green - food - a chocolate soufflé - and many more.
Regulus has been around a lot in the past month, and Artemis, Aries, and Neville like him a lot. One time, they even asked if they could call him Uncle Regulus. Of course, James said no. That would be too much pressure. But if Regulus stays longer, then they most likely will.
At this point, Regulus has stayed over at James' at lot. He even stayed for a week once. But every time, he's always went back to his family. But every time, he always comes back to James.
With Regulus around, James' board has 30 days suicidal thoughts free. Surprisingly, Regulus never asked about the board. And even Marlene has accepted that Regulus is much better for James.
When his thoughts get too much, he still cuts his wrists, but lately, it's been a lot better.
"Hey, Reg." Regulus humms in response. "Have you told your family about us?"
"No. I didn't think you'd want to deal with that." They're laying in James' bed cuddling.
"I'll be fine. I promise. Just tell 'em."
"Ok. Well, we can tell 'em later today. Oh, yeah, Siri wants me to babysit. Can you?"
"Sure, Reg."
"Thank you, baby." He leans up and kisses James. "You're the best."
"Before you guys go, James and I have something to tell you."
"You're dating." Pandora states.
"How -"
"I know everything, James. But I didn't tell anyone. Besides, Lily."
"Yeah, and I already knew. It was obvious, Jamie."
Sirius makes a surprised face. "I didn't! That's my baby brother!"
"Ok, and?" Bellatrix says. "That's our baby cousin."
Barty purses his lips. "He's just my best friend."
James found the perfect place for Regulus' surprise. It's a greenery with a bunch of Regulus' favorite plants and trees.
"Regulus Arcturus Black, the first time I set eyes on you was the most spectacular thing I ever witnessed. You might have been mean to me at first, but I must have grown on you because, well, we're in this spot right now. So, Reg, Reggie, the love of my life, will you forever be with me for eternity? Make me the happiest man alive and make me your husband?"
Regulus smiles. "Yes, James, of course I will."
Regulus and James have found the most beautiful place to raise their family. James' childhood home that he never sold. And good timing, too. Aries, Artemis, and Neville started calling Regulus Uncle. And the same thing with James. Luna, Harry, Tom, Nymphadora, Teddy, and Draco started calling James Uncle, too.
"So, who's getting married?" A woman asks.
"We are." James says. "Me and my fiancé."
"You two?"
What? Never had a gay couple?"
"No, sorry. Tuxedos or dresses?"
"Dorcas, my other beloved. Will you be my bridesmaid?"
"Yes, James."
"No scream?"
"I'm not like Marls but just for you." She screams.
"Alice, my wife, will you be my bridesmaid?"
She smiles. "Of course I will, Jamie."
"Mary, my life, will you be my bridesmaid?"
She jumps up and down while screaming. "Yes, yes, yes!"
"Frank, my husband, will you be my groomsman?"
"Yes, James."
"Peter, my love, will you be my groomsman?"
"Yes, James. Why wouldn't I be?"
"And, finally, my beloved, Marlene, will you be my maid of honor?"
She screams. "Yes! I knew you loved me!"
"Barty, will you be my groomsman?"
He smiles. "Do you really love me that much?"
Regulus rolls his eyes. "Yes or no?"
"Evan, will you be my groomsman?"
"Of course I will, Reg."
"Pandora, my beloved, will you be my bridesmaid?"
"Yes, Reg. Of course I will."
"She gets my beloved?"
"Shut up."
"Andromeda, Bellatrix, Narcissa, my dear cousins, will you be my bridesmaids?"
"Yes, Reg."
"You like me."
"Of course, Reg."
"Remus, the husband of my brother, will you be my groomsman?"
"I guess." He says sarcastically. He laughs. "Yes, I will."
"Finally, my dear brother, will you be my maid of honor?"
Sirius' mouth falls open. "You want me to be your maid of honor? I knew you liked me. Yes, Reggie."
"That boy really made you a sap."
Bellatrix gave birth to twins, Aliana and Mattheo, and had four more kids after. Two belonging to her husband, Cara and Mandy. One belonging to a man named Charles, Lorenzo. And one more belonging to Tom Riddle Sr., Delphini, and her siblings, Tom, Aliana, and Mattheo.
Regulus and James had three kids, Lillian, Leo, and Rose. Remus and Sirius had more kids, Hermione and Violet. Dorcas and Marlene had another kid, Jack. Narcissa and Lucius had another kid, Lila. Andromeda and Ted had another kid, Nina. Evan and Barty married and had a few kids, Lucas and Nicholas - which they said they'd never have any. Pandora and Lily had one more kid, Eclipse. Alice and Frank had twins, Juliana and Nicky. Peter married a woman named Elizabeth and had no kids. Mary married a woman named Emmeline and had one kid, Penelope.
And all them kids, made for a great family reunion and stories in a few years.
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slytherinshalo · 1 month
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𝐌𝐎𝐑𝐈𝐎𝐑 𝐈𝐍𝐕𝐈𝐂𝐓𝐔𝐒… the black family motto
𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐧𝐨𝐛𝐥𝐞 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐦𝐨𝐬𝐭 𝐚𝐧𝐜𝐢𝐞𝐧𝐭 𝐡𝐨𝐮𝐬𝐞 𝐨𝐟 𝐛𝐥𝐚𝐜𝐤. knights of walpurgis. 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐡𝐮𝐧𝐭𝐞𝐝 𝐨𝐟 𝐬𝐨𝐮𝐥𝐚𝐚. the third most feared of the 10 serpents.
𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐁𝐋𝐀𝐂𝐊 𝐅𝐀𝐌𝐈𝐋𝐘, is the one of the largest, oldest and wealthiest pureblood wizarding family in soulaa and one of the ten serpents. Members of this house are traditionally sorted into slytherin at hogwarts. house of black have two main blood lines in great britian the two female line and the one male line.
𝐃𝐀𝐔𝐆𝐇𝐓𝐄𝐑𝐒 𝐎𝐅 𝐋𝐈𝐋𝐈𝐓𝐇, as the are called by others are the women of house of black, they gained the name from their husbands doing everything for them, never laying beneath them and only walking beside them never behind them. these women could have a multitude of men at their beckoned call if they wished. the most famous of the women is narcissa black daughter of druella black(née rosier), who married lucius malfoy. narcissa has lucius at her every beckon call never allowing her to lift a finger unless it is to tend to her garden.
𝐊𝐍𝐈𝐆𝐇𝐓𝐒 𝐎𝐅 𝐖𝐀𝐋𝐏𝐔𝐑𝐆𝐈𝐒, as they are called by others are the men of house black, they gained this name from them being voldemorts knights, they were loyal to him, wanting to protect the muggle-born witches and wizards. regulus black I is one of the knights and the father of regulus black II from his first marriage to alilia grayman and the biological father hermione potter, having “died” protecting his family along with his wife jean idalia martin his daughter was adopted by the potters while him and his son stayed with his parents in family manor, because of the magical signature hermione isn’t related to house of black anymore only the potters and martins.
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amusingmyselfsblog · 5 months
I wonder if Narcissa wakes up in the middle of the night just thinking how the fuck did both Severus and Regulus betray the Dark Lord.
Because think about it. Regulus was a Death Eater. He probably had the same opinions on muggle borns and blood purity that his mother had. The only reason he defected was because of his house elf. I’m adding a popular fan theory that Narcissa and Regulus were close. It’s a very similar reason to why she defected from the Dark. She was doing it to protect her son. But she didn’t know about Regulus’s reasons.
Then there’s Severus. She knew he was a spy. She was one of his closest friends. (Side note: Lily and Narcissa both being close to Severus. I need a full dissertation on everything because I feel like I stepped on a landmine of information that I don’t know how to handle). She also named or agreed to name him the godfather of her son. He kiIIed Dumbledore. It must’ve been sent her into a spiral to realize at end of the battle of hogwarts that Snape was Dumbledore’s man through and through.
“She’d one day stumble upon Draco’s prefect badge and think of the good old days when Sever- what do you mean he was a spy for Dumbledore?!? How on Merlin’s green earth was the possible. He hated Dumbledore. Severus couldn’t be that good of an actor. He couldn’t stand the sight of that old basta- oh. Oh. OH. She was the one he fooled the most. He didn’t spend that much time with the Dark Lord. He spent most of this time with her family. It was on their word mostly that he was accepted again. But how could her and her husband’s best friend be someone working for the Light since the first war? And what did it say about her that her best friend was lying to her about his true allegiance. How could you call that true friendship? what does that say abo- ”
Then she’d need to stop because she couldn’t allow herself to fall into that black hole. Which is why she spirals about that same topic again 8 months later. Because you need to face your feelings head on. Because burying like that will only make them come to the surface uninvited again.
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One of my favorite time travels, and I believe it won a writing award.
Severus Snape/Hermione Granger (with a little Lucius and Hermione at the beginning)
While Harry and Hermione are reminiscing about the past at Grimauld Place, a very angry Ron shows up. He's pissed off about a lot of things, but mainly how close Hermione and Harry are. Harry and Ron get into a physical altercation, and during it Hermione is thrown into the wall and cuts her head, bleeding on the Black family tapestry. While she is down and unable to defend herself, Ron wishes that Hermione Granger had never been born and sends a curse her way.
The next thing she knows, she is in Grimauld Place, but as an 11 year old and is the twin sister of Sirius and older sister of Regulus. Hermione Ankaa Black is her name.
Now Hermione must navigate a new life with her knowledge of the future.
There is A LOT going on in this fic. This is not the Orion and Walhburga we are used to. Yes, she is stern and formidable, but not abusive. And Orion cherishes his children, especially Hermione. He calls her his "little chick" and you'll find out why later.
Tons of characters that might have been mentioned in passing are central players, especially when the truth about Hermione's time-traveling rebirth comes to light.
This is about found family, shunning house rivalries, and taking down not only the Dark Lord, but one fucked up Albus Dumbledore who has done some atrocious things himself.
There is romance, but it's a slow burn and it's actually quite sweet. Lucius is smitten when he first meets Hermione and they do court. Unfortunately, his father and Narcissa's mother will not let Lucius tie himself to some freak.
Severus and Hermione is endgame, and they go from best friends to lovers.
Don't let the pairing throw you off. They are the same age and Hermione has basically been reborn. She even looks like a Black.
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futurebicon · 6 months
“Narcissa,” Regulus nodded at his cousin.
“Regulus,” Narcissa said back as she stepped towards him, her heels clicking against the tile.
“I’m sorry for your loss,” he took a sip of his drink.
“And I’m sorry for yours.” They stood beside each other in silence for a few minutes before Regulus spoke up.
“Who even died?” 
“Some third cousin once removed three times over who was also so and so’s uncle.” Narcissa waved her hand.
“So no sign of a check-in either of our hands?”
“The best we’ll get is a lucky button.”
“Then why are we here?” Regulus asked her. 
“Free alcohol.”
“All our alcohol is free, Cissy.” Regulus reminded her and set his champagne glass on a tray as a butler passed by. 
“You know exactly why we’re all here.”
Regulus leaned against the wall as they fell into a soft silence. “Has he…”
“No,” Narcissa shook his head. “It’s been radio silence from all of them.”
“Do you think he’ll do it?” Regulus asks her.
“Do you?” Narcissa raised her eyebrow.
“I- I think he’ll do what he has to do.” 
“He’ll go down with us if he does. It’s all of us or none of us, even the ones that got out.”
Regulus opened his mouth to ask another question but quickly stood up straight as he saw who was walking towards him. 
He smiled and shook Bartemius Crouch’s hand firmly and thanked him for his condolences. 
He let Adele Crouch kiss his cheeks and tell him that his cousin/uncle was a wonderful person. 
He started a useless conversation with Barty so he would have an excuse to get away from his parents. 
He did the same with the Rosier’s. 
They snuck out with trained ease. Navigating their way to a secluded area to light their cigarettes. 
It was brought up again, there was no way it wasn’t going to be.
“Have you heard from him?” Barty asked.
“Radio silence.” Regulus repeated Narcissa’s words from earlier. 
“Is that good or bad?” Evan asked, talking around the smoke he had inhaled. 
“Don’t know,” Regulus shrugged. “I think he’s trying to figure out his next move,”
“It’s not like we don’t have a plan in place. Everyone knew this was coming.” Pandora said.
And she was right. Everyone knew he was bound to snap at one point.
The first son of the most successful directors of the 21st century creating a band with his best friends (who top charts way too often for people to cry nepotism) at the age of 16 and started painting his nails. 
The boy that was in the spotlight before he was even born was now walking around with eyeliner and long hair, who sings songs filled with such deep desire and emotion that people have to question what had inspired those lyrics, and who looked at his guitarist with way too much love in his eyes to ever be called straight.
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mayabellis · 8 months
Random Black family headcanons
The post will be edited
1. Birth mark
Every child from Black family has a "constellation" of moles at their body. That's where they have their names from. Actually only their parents, siblings and romantic partners are aware of this fact beacuse birthmarks are in not very visible places. Eg. Regulus has Leo's contellation at his hip. The reason why Narcissa doesn't have star's name is beacause she wasn't born with Black's birthmark but with Rosier's one (her mother is from Rosier family). It resembled narcissus flower
2. Matching necklaces
When Beallatrix had her first trip to Hogsmade she bought three necklaces with letter "B". She gave two of them to her sisters. Few years later when Andromeda married a muggleborn Bellatrix get rid of her nacklace. She didn't want to be reminded of the traitor. Narcissa stop wearing hers in official situations but she kept it and she was wearing it when she was home alone (or later only with baby Draco). Andromeda never stopped wearing hers. She was taking it of only when she was going to sleep and every next morning she was putting it.
3. Scarf
When Sirius was at his first year at Hogwarts Andromeda borrowed him her scarf. The day was cold, she met him at school grounds and he apparently had forgotten his scarf. Sirus forgot to give the scarf back and that was the year when Andie was ending school. Actually she never asked for return. That's why Sirius kept the scarf. And every time when he was upset he was keeping it close like a teddy bear to think about his favourite cousin. When he was taken to Azkaban and they tried to take the scarf away from him he bit them. Then he was sleeping with it every night. Around 1995 when he met Tonks he gave her old slytherin scarf saying "give it to your mom, tell her I miss her". Dora told him to keep the scarf but then asked Remus for it right after Sirius's death (Remus knew where his best friend (if you prefer boyfriend) used to keep souvenirs). Andromeda got her scarf back not long after she lost her cousin.
4. Hardest choice
Andromeda got pregnant before marriage, while she was still living with her family. When she realised she was expecting a baby she confessed to her mother. She even said that this is muggleborn's child. Her mother (after argument and calling her a slut) found a solution. She told her daughter to marry some pureblood beafore the pregnancy would be visible and raise a child like this man was it's father. That was the moment when Andie decided to run away from home. She couldn't take her baby away from it's real father just for externals. She couldn't raise her baby in a lie. She never wanted to leave Narcissa on her own but there was no other choice. It wasn't just about her anymore. It was about being mother
5. Aristocratic skills
Since pure blood families are equivalent of aristocracy in real world many poeple headcankn Blacks as french speakers. I've also seen headcanons about Black brothers (idk how does this work with Black sisters) playing instruments. And I love both of this tropes but I wanted to add something. First thing: I strongly believe that Blacks (especially girls) were also taught dancing. Second: I headcanon Andromeda and Narcissa teaching their children aristocratic skills. Of course Andie didn't heve to teach her "broken" child but she believed that skills were useful. And here's how did this work in my opinion:
Draco learned to dance and used to play instrument when he was little but when his started Hogwarts he didn't have enough time to practice so he never mastered playing instrument. He never liked to study languages so he didn't learn french and he really regretted it at his 4th year (Triwizard tournament)
Dora learned french, she always thought that was a funny language which made her enthusiastic about learning. She also learned dancing but always when she had a chance she prefered to just jump around the room with her dad to "The Beatles" records. However the skill of ball dancing turned out to be useful during wedding (she led, Monny just trusted like he used to with Padfoot before). Dora never learned to play instrument. She didn't have enough patience
6. Muggle music
Andromeda was the one who intodroduced Sirius to muggle music. When she started frindship with Ted Tonks (I headcanon them as friends to lovers like many people do) she quite fast became fan of "The Beatles". She showed one vinyl to Sirius. At first he wasn't into this music and he started listening to it just because it was muggle. But during the years he was digging deeper and deeper into muggle rock music. Then he found metal. And then with little Remus' help and companion he bacame punk. And many years later he returned favor. He intoduced Dora to muggle punk music (she was raised listening "The Beatels" and she became fan of "Weird sisters" but she didn't know muggle punk).
7. Drinking
Everybody from Black family had high tolerance for alcohol in my opinion. It doesn't mean that everybody drink a lot but they can drink a lot without being really drunk. Even Draco can hold his drink beacuse of his mum. Lucius never had a high tolerance.
8. Phobias
Evrybody from Black family had a fear that they traied to get rid of but finally they would always meet them.
Regulus was always afraid of water. Sirius would make fun of him for not learning swimming. He was too scared to try. He never learned swimming. He never stopped being afraid of water. He tried to fight with this fear just once. He had to acomplish his mission. When he entered the cave he remembered all of the times when Sirius was innocently laughing at him. He imagined his older brother teasing him. The urge to prove that "ghost" wrong was his final motovation. It didn't matter that the real, living Sirius would probably never know the truth. The imagined one had to know that his brother was not a coward. When he was pulled into the lake he closed his eyes trying to imagine Sirius' smile. He didn't want to see endless water at his last moment. He wanted to see his brother.
Sirius was always afraid of darkness. Since he was little he would sleep with a night lamp and then he would light his wand every night (with lumos) and sleep with it. He thought the fear disappeared after Azkaban. He hadn't had a wand there so he couldn't light it. He had to just get used to sleeping in the darkness. He was sure he did. But in fact that fear just got worse. He realized that first night after his runaway. He couldn't sleep whole night because it was too dark. In Azkaban the metaphorical "darkness" was much worse than the litteral one. He would sleep as much as he could just to avoid going crazy. When he run away, he was safe again. He could stop being afraid of craziness so his childhood fear came back to take that free space. Despite his fear of darkness he died falling into light.
Narcissa was always afraid of loud noise. Every time Andromeda would fight with their mother Cissy would cover her ears. She never wanted to fight just to don't be shouted on. When she became a mother she hated the noises made by the baby at first. She even regretted having a child somtimes. But with time she got used to noises made by the child. She even liked some of them, especially laugh. She was sure she got rid of her fear until her house became deatheaters meeting place. She cried in her pillow every night but she was doing everything not to let Lucius see. They were too loud, she never asked for it but she felt her fear was riddiculus. That wasn't the moment to be riddiculus. She had to be stronger than ever to protect her family. It turned out that she was stronger than she expexted when she survived the final battle.
Andromeda was always afraid of loneliness. She was very loud and social at school just too be sure that she would always have someone to spend time with but they were never close to her. So the school friendships ended at the moment she graduated. Then she run away from home. She lost her family and friends. She lost everyone except her husband. When she gave birth to Nymphadora her new family became her everything and she was happy even though she wasn't the popular girl anymore. Years later her daughter got married and fell pregnant. Everything was perfect until everything was lost. Andie was left with a baby and unlike 25 years before there was nobody to help her. She would unalive herself if she didn't have to raise her grandson. All by herself.
Bellatrix was always afraid of pain and blood. When she was about 18 she got fascinated by Dark Lord's ideology. Not long after she realised that asking questions means being tortured. She became perfect death eater not only because she believed in the ideology but also to avoid pain. She was using the most painful spells on her victims but not the ones which caused a lot of blood. She got used to blood enough to not be scared of it but she didn't like to look at it to the end. The point was, she had to. Lot of deatheaters enjoyed seeing blood. She, as a leading one was almost everywhere and everytime. She had to pretend proud, happy and insane during others were commiting crimes full of blood. She was insane indeed but she was laughing just to hide the fear and disgust. Luckily she was good at acting so everyone was sure that she loved watching blood. Ironicaly her death was fast, almost painless and there was no blood.
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dreamforest15 · 1 year
Grimmauld Place
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Grimmauld Place.
The most noble and ancient house of Black since its creation. It has seen many Blacks. It has seen them lose their mind, scream, cry, leave or become the one that they hated.
It has never been anyone's home even if they claimed it to be. it has just been a house. Cold, dark, gloomy and uninviting.
It feeds onto misery. Many of its members have been tortured by their parents both mentally and physically. Some couldn't take it and fled after having too much. Some became torturers themselves. Forcing upon the same beliefs that caused them pain.
It was a cycle, a never-ending cycle and Grimmauld Place lived for it. Still lives for it. It loves the misery, the madness, the unhinged and the pain.
No one lives here now. The Blacks all have perished in the wars. But, even today Grimmauld Place stands tall with its head high, bearing witness to the insanities of the Blacks. It's still as cold and gloomy. No amount of cleaning charms can get rid of its gloominess. Believe me, people tried. At last, its owner stopped trying to decorate it. He didn't even want it in the first place. 
Let me take you back to a time when the last Blacks occupied Grimmaould Place.
It wasn't much different then. Just as quiet and cold but a lot shinier. Goblin-made gold ornaments and jewels hang on its walls and chandeliers. The garden was well taken care of. No ferns or cobweb were on the site. A family of four occupied its space, Orion, Walburga, Sirius and Regulus. Sometimes their relatives visit too. Mostly Cygnus and Druella and their three daughters Bellatrix, Andromeda and Narcissa. 
The house bears witness to all their misery.
It saw Bellatrix slowly losing her mind, trying to please her parents to the point of becoming unhinged.
It saw Andromeda slowly losing her faith in everything the Blacks stood for, falling in love, crying and at last leaving.
It saw Narcissa cry because she didn't know what to do when one of her sisters joined the war and one ran away.
It saw Sirius rebelling against his parents, leaving and slowly losing his mind over the years before he died for good.
It saw Regulus hide away from pain and fear before gathering up the little bit of courage he had and pushing down all his fears.
And it enjoyed it. Every second of it.
Never a home, only someplace to live, that's what they called it. That's how every single one of them thought and described Grimmauld place.
Bellatrix was born mad, a little unhinged from the start. She had unladylike laughter and a passion to please her family. She wanted glory. And she blindly believed everything the Blacks taught her.
She was a little girl when she showed signs of madness. She saw a rabbit die. It was a white rabbit, passing London's busy street, trying to get to the park opposite Grimmauld Place. But it didn't make it. A car ran over it and the rabbit died. Bellatrix watched, mesmerized. There was a feeling inside of her that she couldn't describe. She liked watching the rabbit die but she also hated it. Hated the muggles that did it to the rabbit, but she also loved the rabbit's suffering.
Grimmauld Place also loved it. Loved how unhinged she was at only five.
Andromeda was a little kinder, gentler. She cried after watching that but she didn't exactly hate the muggles. She saw reasons. She didn't believe when their parents told them that that's how muggles and muggle-borns really were. Vile and out to kill innocent creatures.
But she grew and the Black family teachings went to her head. She hated the muggles and muggle-borns for some time. But that was before she met Ted or Edward Tonks. Kind, gentle and funny. There was no way he was this monster and abomination that she was supposed to hate. There was no way he was beneath her when wizards themselves were trying to kill innocents. She couldn't hate him.
And Gimmaould Place loved it. Loved the conflict that was creating a storm inside her.
Narcissa was as much different as she was alike them. She was the perfect mixture of both of her sisters. In one word she was perfect. Both to her parents and her sisters. She was the apple of everyone's eye.
She believed and practised the Black beliefs but she wasn't unhinged or had the crackling and unladylike laughter that Bellatrix had. She was gentle and kind like Andromeda but she never questioned the Black beliefs. She listened while the others talked. Both Andromeda and Bellatrix tried giving her their ideals. She just nodded and listened, making her own judgments that mostly matched Bellatrix. But she never spoke of them. Always remaining the perfect Black.
And Grimmauld Place loved it. Loved how scared she was of being imperfect. 
Sirius was a lot like Bellatrix as much as he'd hate to hear it. He was bold, had his own opinion, and had a signature barklike laughter. He was a little unhinged as well. Cared very less about what the consequences will be.
He grew out his hair at fifteen, the year he left his cold and miserable house. He rebelled since he was a child. Always stood up to his parents, protected his brother from their rage, and made it his job to disappoint them by the age of thirteen. He flinched every time he agreed with something as little as the colour of a tie with his family.
And Grimmauld Place loved it. Loved how scared he was of becoming one of them.
Little Regulus. Always the underdog, unnoticed and neglected by his parents. The one who needed protection all of the time either from his brother or his cousins. And all of them gave him that, in their own way, the way they knew best. Even Bellatrix, who gave him protection by making him join her cause. Voldemort's cause.
Regulus was always loved by his brother and cousins and everyone wanted different things from him. And he wanted to please each and every one of them. But he wasn't Narcissa and he couldn't do it. In the end, he chose a side. Made his own stand and impact but no one got to know that.
And Grimmauld placed loved it. Loved how confused and hurt he was. 
Grimmauld Place enjoyed when Sirius paced through its halls at the age of thirty-five in the middle of the night, trying to break out again. It enjoyed watching Regulus push down all his fears and plan to take Voldemort out, a sure way of dying and a sign of the Black madness. It watched and enjoyed Bellatrix obsessing over the so-called dark lord, trying to get the appreciation that she never got from her parents. It enjoyed Narcissa's worried glances at her sisters. It enjoyed Andromeda running away and losing her connection to the family.
It enjoyed every sad moment the young and last Blacks had.
Grimmauld Place loved each and every one of their misery. It lived for it. It strived for it. It strived for how each and every one of them lived and died.
That's why it still stands, unnoticed by the muggles, standing tall and proud like some aristocrat. After all, Grimmauld Place feeds on misery. And it saw enough misery to stand a lifetime.
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atlasdoe · 2 years
Hello my name is Ace and this is me brain rotting a marauders voldemort wins au with wolfstar starchaser and nobleflower
btw this fic is going to have three parts (volumes?? books?? idk) and this is mostly just what I have planned for the first one
So imagine a world where Voldemort wins the war but the war happened before The Marauders were born.
So basically The Marauders have always lived in a world where Voldemort is in charge and purebloods are superior. 
Muggles know that magic exists and when muggleborns start showing signs of magic they immediately go on a registry and are taken away from their families because they’re seen as “stealing magic”
Any purebloods or halfbloods that are caught or seen going against Voldemort get arrested and are mostly made to work for Voldemort as his castles staff and thats how a lot of our main characters have ended up.
Voldemort has taken over Hogwarts and now lives there. The old classrooms have been turned into guest bedrooms and other various rooms and the common rooms/dorms have been stripped of everything that made then habitable and are where the staff/prisoners live. 
In the old Slytherin common room is where the halfbreeds are kept (they’re supposed to only be allowed out when they’re needed) 
Oh yeah also the staff are also the Order and are secretly planning a rebellion and trying to find ways that they can take Voldemort down from the inside.
context out of the way lets get into the plot
So Narcissa Black is set to marry Lucius Malfoy and they're having the wedding at Hogwarts so every important pureblood family are staying at the castle for the event. 
Out of these families are of corse the Black family.
Upon hearing the the Black family will be coming, during an Order meeting James, Remus and Alice decide to make a bet on who can shag one of the Black cousins first
Because Voldemort is cocky and doesn't have as much control over his staff as he thinks he does. Also James, Alice and Remus are cocky and think they can each have relations with a member of the Black family without shit hitting the fan.
So Remus goes for Sirius and they immediately fall in love. Like love at first sight, they feel like they’ve known each other their entire lives type shit.
The Black cousins are close in this fic so Sirius obviously tells Regulus about Remus and Regulus tells Sirius to stop seeing him.
Sirius is confused because he was almost certain that Regulus would be happy for them
BUT (and heres the plot twist) it’s because Sirius and Remus have met before and they had their memories whipped.
SO a few years ago Remus used to live with his mother, step mother, two brothers and two step sisters and they lived near the Number 12 Grimmauld place. 
Sirius and Remus ended up meeting one day and fell in love. Remus met Regulus and became friends with him also and it was all great until Bellatrix found out while she was visiting her cousins.
Now in this fic Bellatrix is a villain and is completely insane but she cares about her family and uses her love for her cousins and wanting to keep her cousins and sisters safe as an excuse for her actions.
Because she knows what will happen to Sirius if he gets caught being with a halfblood she decided to obliviate both Remus and Sirius and send Remus to Hogwarts where he was then bitten by Greyback and made to believe that he was born a werewolf and has always lived in Hogwarts 
Regulus somehow ended up keeping their memories and locking them in two rings.
So when Remus and Sirius wear the rings they have their memories back.
Regulus gives Sirius his ring and explains everything after Sirius finds Regulus with James and calls him a hypocrite and is so mad that Regulus things that Sirius will hate him forever if he doesn't explain.
Immediately after Sirius gives Remus his ring and Remus gets all of his memories back.
Unfortunately though theres not much they can do about their situation beyond that. Even with his memories back Remus still can’t just leave Hogwarts and be with his family again and now that Remus is a werewolf theres even more of a reason on why they aren't allowed to be together.
Sad times for Wolfstar.
James is a fuckboy and is highly confident that he will win the bet.
Until he doesnt because Regulus is a little shit who is hard to get. (and he knows through Sirius what could happen if he does allow himself to be with James)
James actually comes last in the bet but he’s not one to give up so he makes it his mission to seduce Regulus Black.
Now don’t worry James doesn’t harass Regulus or anything he respects his decision theres just a lot of shameless flirting that he doesn’t actually mean because he’s just trying to prove to Remus and Alice that he can get a member of the Black family to sleep with him like they did.
However as time goes on James slowly starts to fall in love with Regulus and Regulus starts to fall for James. 
I’m starting to realise that I just explained the plot to the After--
Don’t worry this will be better then After... Hopefully.
So Alice is at a disadvantage because Narcissa is literally set to get married. But its either her or Bellatrix so she’s taking what she can get.
Alice and Narcissa hit it off pretty quickly and at first it is just sex but as time goes on they start to open up to each other and Narcissa realises just how much she hates her life.
Alice is the #1 Narcissa supporter and tries to teach Narcissa that she doesnt hve to live like she is
Only Narcissa does have to live like she is because if she doesnt shell end up in the same situation that Alice is in and could put her entire family in danger.
A lot of back and forth between these two but they get their feelings out in the end
Just in time for Bellatrix to find out about them and torture Alice on the morning of the wedding
Im going to leave it there because I have plans for Narcissa in part two but part one ends with the wedding and I’m still trying to figure out what everyone else will be doing in part two.
Aside from our three main forbidden romances we also have two other storylines to get through.
LIKE DORCAS, who is one of Remus’ step sisters.
(I have this thing where in nearly all of my fics Remus and Dorcas are step siblings. Idk why but i like it so just go with it)
The family were told that Remus was killed but wasn’t given a reason why.
Because of this Dorcas is in her serial killer era and is going round killing important purebloods
At the beginning of the fic she’s in Ireland and has killed the entire of the McKinnon and Bone family, apart from three.
Edgar Bones is at Hogwarts because he was arrested and Amelia and Marlene weren’t with their families at the time because they were in the woods having a Jo and Laurie moment.
Amelia is in love with Marlene but Marlene turns her down.
After Marlene leaves Amelia heartbroken in the woods Dorcas approaches her.
While killing the others Dorcas took note of the absence of Edgar, Amelia and Marlene and after finding Marlene and Amelia in the woods she figured that Edgar must’ve been taken at some point. 
Dorcas figures that she could use some help and asks Amelia to join her and Amelia agrees
(Obviously the main way to go about this would be Dorcas and Marlene slowly falling in love but as much as I’m in love with Dorlene I don't know how I would go about making that happen exactly considering Marlene does go to Hogwarts with the ther purebloods and Dorcas won’t see Marlene again until halfway through part two at the earliest)
(It might be interesting to mix things up a bit and have Amelia and Dorcas be a thing but i don’t know how people will feel about that. Overall I don’t really have a set plan for Marlene, at this point the only reason why she doesn’t die with her family is because I know people will have my head if I kill Marlene off before Chapter five) 
Dorcas and Amelia spend the entire of part one killing people and scaring the shit out of everyone while making their way towards Hogwarts where they will kill Voldemort and end his reign 
Along the way they meet Benjy who goes looking for them because he wants to join them
He also tells them that he wants their help to break his boyfriend Caradoc out of Hogwarts and they agree.
MEANWHILE BACK AT HOGWARTS we have yet another forbidden love but this time with Edgar and Emmeline.
As stated before Edgar used to live in Ireland with his siblings and close to the McKinnons. While this was going on Emmeline was living with the McKinnons after her father and two younger brothers were killed.
Emmeline and Edgar used to be really good friends until Edgar was arrested.
Emmeline goes with Marlene to Hogwarts for the wedding and while she’s there she runs into Edgar.
Edgar isnt too happy to see Emmeline because she was the one who told on him and got him arrested.
So while we have Wolfstar, Nobleflower and Starchaser having their forbidden romances we also have Edgarline having a very special enemies to lovers forbidden romance.
Now I know that Edgar and Emmeline is a very unpopular ship but trust me they’re cute.
The plotlines I’ve just mentioned will be the main ones but for a lot of characters I’m having trouble placing them.
Caradoc will be apart of the Order obviously and is Benjys boyfriend
Frank is one of Alice’s old friends who appears for one chapter during part one to offer her marriage
I’m thinking Peter as a pureblood who is currently at Hogwarts and is good friends with Sirius
Lily and Mary are definitely a part of the Order and will be in a established relationship but I’m not really sure what else I can do with them. I don’t want to just make them side characters with nothing going on
As already said with Marlene she will be at Hogwarts but I dont know what she’s doing there other then observing 
Everyone else is wandering my brain trying to find somewhere in this fic to go
ANYWAYS if by some miracle you read all of that and have literally any thoughts on if its good or bad or if i should change anything or what I should do with certain characters or relatonships please let me know cause this took FOREVER to all get out of my head and into a tumblr post 
Also I dont have a name for the fic...
We really are in the beginners stages    
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euphorial-docx · 1 year
Dornish James and Valyrian Dragon Dreamer Regulus officially own my heart 💖 Can you tell us anything about what the backgrounds of some of the other characters look like?
i have some starting point for other characters. their backstories and histories will grow the more i write them, but as of now i’ve only completed 70% of the first chapter that only includes the black family, barty, and pandora.
i can start with barty and pandora.
so barty is a part of a noble family, but he’s never been very… respectable? i guess that’s the right word. the minute he was old enough, he decided to become a soldier for his house and for the black family to avoid politics and his heirship. he’s infamous for being very brutal in battle, and really just in general. he likes to start fights, okay? eventually his skill got him knighted by the black family and became a member of the kingsguard. barty and regulus took a liking to each other very quickly became not totally platonic friends. with barty being a kingsguard, they have an excuse for barty to be around regulus often without any scrutiny.
as for pandora, she is a companion to regulus. she is essentially a lady in waiting, so a high-ranking servant from a noble family. i’m still deciding what family i want her to be a part of. but regulus considers her his closest friend and she really doesn’t have to do that much work— he lets her do whatever she wants, really. she’s pretty much there for a fun time.
kreacher is regulus’s sworn sword, and lord commander of the kingsguard. he’s basically regulus’s bodyguard and essentially a secret keeper for him lmao. poor kreacher knows way too much about regulus’s private life.
evan rosier is also there sometimes, and essentially is a cousin to regulus. he’s the noble rosier family, who rule over the stormlands south of the crownlands (where kings land is, which is where the black family live). evan is a skilled sailor and fighter, although he is set to become the next lord of the stormlands and is happy enough with that future title. he often makes trips up to kings landing to visit regulus. evan rosier’s aunt, druella, married into the black family and, as we know, had bellatrix, andromeda, and narcissa with cygnus black iii.
dorcas is also an important character once she’s introduced. she’s inspired by corlys velaryon. she is heir of driftmark and her family have a very strong naval fleet. she comes from a very fabled seafarer family, and she inherited her parents love for the sea. since she was six, she would take voyages every year with family until she was sixteen and could captain her own ships. she is the captain of a ship called the sea snake. dorcas is very ambitious and wants her family to be remembered, so once she was old enough, she sailed the sea snake through the nine great voyages of essos. she returned with treasures that doubled the wealth of her family that she hoped would make the blacks more inclined to accept a betrothal proposal to sirius, which would make dorcas queen (and her family remembered and respected for life.) the black family initially rejected that, but as i explained, regulus eventually takes her up on that offer once he becomes heir.
marlene also lives in driftmark and is VERY CLOSE with dorcas, if you catch my drift (pun intended.) she is from a minor house of the westerlands. her family is sworn to house lestrange, but marlene trained in driftmark and became knighted when she was of age. she is known to be fiercely loyal, and has also earned herself the nickname “the knight of kisses.”
lily is inspired by mysaria and a little bit by missandei, so forewarning that her background is very sad and could be upsetting. lily was born on the island of naath, but was enslaved at a young age and brought to slavers bay in essos. initially, she was an interpreter for the rich families of astapor, and through that she became polyglottic. she speaks nineteen languages, including high valyrian. eventually, she was bought off of the family she was initially enslaved to and brought to westeros and then worked at a brothel near the ports to help with translating for the customers that didn’t speak the common tongue (which is english to us.) there, she met remus lupin and mary macdonald, and they became a close nit group. lily learned to become very cunning strong-willed, and climbed up the ranks of flea’s bottom (poorest district of kings landing known for its crime.) by the time the fic takes place, lily leads a network of spies and uses what she learns to her advantage. somewhere along the way, lily took an orphan by the name of harry under her wing.
mary is also inspired by mysaria (i like to break characters personalities up, okay?) mary macdonald was born in a brothel of flea bottom, and she was raised there and later became a dancer. mary was very observant, and lily took notice of that. together, they began to utilize all the secrets they had learned and blackmailed money out of that. #girlboss. also her and lily are together because #marylily.
remus was born to a poor family in fleabottom. he worked at the sea ports and hated it, but through working there he met lily and mary. he quickly joined in their network of spies early on, and he was able to provide for his family more through working for/with them. remus eventually decided to live with mary and lily in the gambling den they bought and ran, and opted to send his family the money he earned. at that gambling den, he met sirius, who frequented there. #wolfstar.
sorry if i got lazy near the end, and that i didn’t get to everyone, but there’s just so much to unpack with this story and the Lore.
so much lore…
anyways i hope this was a good enough explanation of a lot of the main characters!
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princesspuffle8 · 6 months
My Family Always Said that I'm the bad Child
Trigger warning: verbal abuse, physical abuse
My family always said I was the bad child
Throwing me away into the bad pile
London, England 1961
It had been a stormy week in London, which wasn't unusual for the coastal city situated on the British isles but for a young boy hidden away in a magical manor, being cooped up and unable to take even a step outside of his home was causing him to be well antsy. Pacing back and forth between the dark green curtains and the worn out old black couches in the dreary mansion that he called home he peaked through the window every three or four minutes to check to see if the rain had let up, much to the annoyance of his mother who was occupying the couch with a newborn in her arms. 
“Will you please stop that incessant pacing Sirius! It’s unbecoming and is driving me mad,” the Black haired woman snapped as she shifted the newborn to her other nipple, hoping the other boob would be sufficient enough to feed her second son who was whimpering from hunger, even though he had just fed on her other breast. 
“But I’m bored mama… there’s nothing to do. Can’t I go outside and play,” Sirius asked in a voice that was a bit slurred as his toddler pronunciation wasn't the best, but he was trying. Turning to face his mother, the grey starry eyed toddler pulled out his best puppy dog eyes that always seemed to work on his cousins Andromeda and Narcissa and sometimes even his uncle Alphard. Sadly, it didn't have the same effect on his mother who’s glare only hardened at the young toddler for even suggesting such an absurd thing. 
“I have told you this before. No you can not go outside. What would you even do? Play with the muggles in the neighborhood?! You’re a wizard Sirius, the heir to the noble house of Black. Its about time you start acting like it and stop this useless whining. Now make yourself productive and fetch me Regulus’s bottle,” Walburga huffed in exasperation, hoping that her young son would take the hint and leave the room even. There was truly no need for him to go fetch the baby’s bottle, with a snap of her fingers or more commonly a loud yell at the top of her lungs, their house elf would appear and graciously take the baby and feed it its bottle too. But she couldn't have that, not when this was a prime opportunity to make her oldest child leave her alone for a few precious minutes. Sirius Orion Black, her first born was only two years old and he was always testing her limits. Always curious, always questioning the order of things, too bold for his own good and it was unnerving. Why couldn't he just let things be! 
“But I want to play outside…”
“Sirius! When I ask you to do something you do it! Now go get Regulus’s bottle or so help me you will never set foot outside this house until you go to become an adult,” the older Black snapped back causing the baby in her arm who was sucking her tit in vain to unlatch and let out a woeful cry at the loud noise that his mother had made. 
“Merlin’s beard, you see what you’ve done! You upset Regulus,” Walburga spat before she turned to the tiny red faced infant and tried to calm him down by standing up and gently bouncing him in her arms. Concerned for his younger brother, Sirius promptly appeared next to his mother’s side, pulling on her dark green velvet dress to try to get her attention so that she could give him Regulus so that he could apologize to the baby for upsetting him.
“Reggie, don't cry… your big brother is sorry,” Sirius spoke softly hoping his voice would help soothe his younger brother only to catch the eye of his mother instead who managed to shift the entire weight of Regulus’s head and body into the crook of left arm and with her right hand she violently swatted at Sirius’s tiny grasp on her dress, effectively slapping his hand away and making the young child visibly flinch at the visceral reaction of his mother. 
“If you were actually sorry you would fetch him his bottle like I told you to! Why must I have to repeat myself with you! When I tell you to do something, you do it! Go fetch him his bottle… Now,” Walburga nearly roared as in her anger, her magic lashed out and shook the room that they were residing in, frightening both her sons, the youngest who's wailing only got louder and the oldest who ran out the room in search of the bottle she was asking for. Only he didn't leave fast enough, since as he was exiting he overheard something young ears ought to not have to hear. 
“There there Regulus. My sweet baby boy, I hope you never turn out like your rebellious  older brother, “ she cooed to the infant as a young Sirius stood against the wall just outside of the room with tears pricking his eyes before he quickly wiped them away. 
“Don’t worry Reggie, your big brother will bring your bottle quickly,” Sirius reassured himself as he set off to search for Kreacher who knew all about where the household items and baby care things were kept. 
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xreaderbooks · 4 years
Part of us
 Request: Could I request a Sirius x reader where the reader is maybe a year younger and his or regulus childhood best friend and she gets sorted to gryffindor so she becomes a target for bullies so Sirius and the marauders takes her under their wing....a few years later she gets hurt and Sirius gets super protective and confess his feelings....angst and fluff??
Pair: Sirius Black x reader, Platonic! Marauders x reader, Platonic! Regulus Black x reader
Word count: 4.2k
Warnings: Language
A/N: So this is my first request... I don’t know if I did what you imagined justice but this is what I came up with and I really hope you enjoy. 
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When you were placed into Gryffindor you thought it was a mistake. There was no way with your long line of Slytherin pureblood, that you'd be a Gryffindor. Not that you thought there was anything wrong with that. You never cared to live up to people's expectations or what people thought of you, even though your parents did. And despite your family's attempts at making you see their way, you never could. There was no superior bloodline, you were all equal. But you played your part so you wouldn't hear the lectures or deal with all the drama. You didn't partake in the bullying or the maltreatment of muggle-borns or half-bloods like every other pureblood; you didn't see the need. You kind of just stood by or left whenever your friends would tantalize others.
However, when you got sorted you weren't the silent one while others bullied and tortured others who weren't deemed worthy in the eyes; you were the one getting bullied. The first few years you wanted to fight back but eventually, there were too many for you to handle. So you just dealt with it. At the parties that the pureblood families had thrown-- which your family was invited to-- your parents had advised you to try to blend in and not draw attention to yourself. For the most part, you did.
Regulus, your best friend tried to get you out of your shell. You tried to convince him that it wasn't you but your parents. You would've love to enjoy yourself at the parties, being dressed up and all that. But with your situation, you couldn't afford to make a fool out of yourself, and drinking firewhiskey in different rooms or sneaking off to where your parents couldn't keep an eye on you, wasn't a good idea. When you and Regulus were older your parents had set an arranged marriage between you two. Uniting rich and powerful families and all that. But You and Regulus were just the best of friends, always together. And just like everything else, that had to change. You now had to find ways to see each other in hidden places. Never to be seen together in front of students or staff in case it would get back to your parents. In Hogwarts you ignored each other, magically passing notes to update each other on your well-being. It was tough but you managed. Regulus was your only friend after all.
It was just another day at Hogwarts, You were avoiding Bellatrix Lestrange. Your main terrorizer. She had a group of Slytherins trailing her. Ever since you got sorted into Gryffindor every pureblood who was in Slytherin, taunted and teased you to no end. They jinxed you and called you weak. Saying things about how you weren't one of them. You knew that much but you didn't need the constant reminder.
Bellatrix and her group were right behind you as you were walking to the Gryffindor common room. You cursed in your mind, they saw you.
"Going somewhere L/N?" You ignored her. "You know it's rude to not answer your superiors."
"I'm not trying to bother anyone Bellatrix." You sighed but kept walking.
"Your presence alone bothers me." She sent a spell your way to catch your attention.
"Are you crazy?" You turned to face her, Your voice raising a bit. An amused smile played on her lips, she tilted her head to the side.
"You have no idea what crazy looks like Y/N/N." She stalked towards you in a predatory way.
"We grew up together Bellatrix," You slowly backed away from her so as to not set her off. "Name-calling and pranks are one thing but curses..."
You didn't know what you did to cause the special attention that others like first years or Muggle-borns got from Bellatrix. Sure you were never that close, you always got along better with Andromeda than Narcissa and the former, but never would you have thought that you'd be on the receiving end of her fury over blood status. This was outrageous you thought to yourself. How could anyone be this upset over what house people are in?
"Don't worry, after a while, they won't hurt." Your blood started to rush through your veins and a shiver ran down your spine. You stopped walking backward when you bumped into something behind you. A pair of arms held you to keep you steady. You turned around expecting another one of Bellatrix's "friends" only to be met with a tall, shaggy-haired boy.
Sirius Black, your best friend's older brother, who just so happened to be in your house. Relief washed over you. You were no longer outnumbered. Sirius and his group of Marauders were there. Surely they wouldn't just walk away from a fellow Gryffindor in trouble. Of course you never really had an affiliation with them besides the same color robes but they were good people, weren't they?
"We heard something about pranks?" James spoke.
Bellatrix scoffed, "This is none of your business Potter."
"Well Bellatrix considering how Y/N is a member of our house, it does make this our business," Remus replied. She cackled, "How fitting the two blood-traitors in one pitiful little group." She signaled the others to follow her and walked away.
"Are you alright?" Sirius asked, not letting go of your shoulders.
"Yeah, I'm fine."
"C'mon we were just going back to the common room." He let go of your shoulders but tugged on the sleeve of your robe to follow them.
"What did you do to cause the wrath of crazy over there?" James questioned. He led the way to the common room, you kept your distance not really trusting any of them. Their reputation for being the school's signature pranksters didn't ease your mind as you walked with them. You never held a conversation with any of them before today, maybe a few with Remus but he was the only sane one out of all of them, it made sense that you were wary of their presence. Who knows what they had planned.
"Does anyone have to do anything at all to provoke her?" Sirius snorted, you gave him a questioning look and he just shrugged.
"No, I suppose not."
"Well Y/N I guess you could call yourself lucky your knight in shining armors were there to save the day." James' cocky smile written on his face assuming he was right.
"Although I appreciate the help, I could've handled myself." You stepped into the portrait hole, anxious to get back into your dorm room and take a nap.
"Not against all of them, you know sometimes you need to run in a pack L/N, you could get killed without one."
"You make it sound like we're wolves," you stated, each attempt to get back to your room was failed by every comment James made. What was his point?
"Some of us aren't," Sirius commented. You noticed Remus got tense and slightly shook his head.
"Point is Bellatrix and her groupies aren't going to quit bothering you and we want to help." James offered.
"What's the catch?"
"Why does there have to be catch? We want to be your friends." Sirius answered and plopped down on the chair across from the couch where you were sitting. You gave him a dead look. "Just think about it, hm?"
"Whatever." You got up from your seat and went to your dorm to take your well-needed nap.
Later that night you went down to the common room to read by the fire until you fell asleep. You felt like you'd only closed your eyes for 2 seconds when you were rudely awakened by Sirius.
"What?" You hissed. His mischievous grin made you want to slap him.
"You're coming with me." He took the blanket that you had wrapped around you, off.
"No." You said simply, reaching for the blanket again. Just as your eyes were beginning to close again you heard him say, "Yes."
He lifted you in his arms and you dramatically fell limp. "What the hell." You groaned loudly.
"Shh you're going to people up," You glared at him.
"Maybe they should wake up since I'm being kidnapped!" He rolled his eyes. You jumped from his arms so you could stand on your own.
"Where are we going?" You asked, Slowly recovering from being awoken.
"You'll see." That was all he responded as he continued to guide you out of the portrait hole and through the halls. You were anxious, in all the years of Hogwarts you never went out past curfew so you didn't know the chances of being caught and getting in trouble.
"Sirius, Filch may be out here." You warned.
"We'll be fine Y/N/N just trust me."
"I don't trust you that's my problem." You muttered. He turned around and looked at you. His piercing grey eyes shining in the darkness. He pulled out a long cloak from who knows where and wrapped it around the both of you, causing you to be closer together.
"This will keep us hidden so Filch won't catch us." The weight in your chest lifted and now replaced by butterflies. You inhaled sharply at the close proximity.
"You alright?"
You nodded, which gave him the confirmation he needed to continue, "Let's go."
When you made it to your destination you gasped. The astronomy tower, "Wow" you whispered, shedding yourself from the cloak. The night sky hadn't looked as beautiful as it did at that very moment. You've been here for class but you've never seen the stars so bright, you wondered what special cosmic event it must've been for the night sky to look the way it did.
You whipped around remembering who you were here with, you crossed your arms, "Why did you bring me here?"
"I can't take you sight-seeing now?"
"I had this class yesterday, this is hardly what I'd call sight-seeing." You arched a brow upwards. "Besides we're not exactly friends..." He gasped and feigned hurt by putting a hand over his heart.
"After all we've been through?" You rolled your eyes. He continued, "I was hoping we could change that. The boys and I have noticed you've been struggling socially and don't really play well with others, but I've seen the way you interacted with my brother before Hogwarts and you enjoy the company. I had to wonder why is it that you don't have that many friends?"
"Not that it's any of your business, but since I got sorted into Gryffindor my old "friends" and family haven't been that accepting considering the fact that they're all Slytherins, I mean you should know how it is." You sighed and took a seat resting your back against a wall facing the night sky. "The people I used to get along with, well, their parents don't want them to spend time with me. As for not having friends in our house, nobody has tried to get to know me, they just assume I'm like the other Slytherins even though I was placed here for a reason." You scoffed, people truly were ridiculous. "It sucks cause every side thinks I've chosen to be apart of what they go against when in reality I'm not apart of anything."
He stared at you, you then realized that you went on a full-on rant and nervously looked down, picking at your nails. He'd been silent the entire time listening. It was nice, "You could be apart of us."
You were skeptical, "Sirius this isn't funny." You moved to get up.
"It's not a joke Y/N." He chuckled.
"You're not being very convincing right now."
"Why would I lie to you?"
"We've barely spoken to each other in all these years of Hogwarts, even before Hogwarts!" you threw your hands in the hair. "I went over your house for playdates with Reg and never had one conversation. You and your friends have a reputation for pranks, How do I know this isn't one of them?"
"Because I'm not trying to prank you Y/n, in fact, I'm trying to help you. We all are." He put his hands on your shoulders to get you to look at him. "I know how it feels to be all alone in a world like that. To be in an environment where you feel uncomfortable with those people. Knowing all the wrong things they say and not being able to say anything because they'll disown you."
"The difference between you and me is that you got out." You shoved his hands off your shoulders. "Not all of us have a James."
"I'll think about it." With that, you left, not caring if you were to get caught.
If you were being honest the reason why you didn't want to be friends with the marauders was that they had 3 years to be friends with you, you knew Sirius from years prior. Why didn't he come to you sooner? Knowing you had been friends with his little brother. He just sat there and watched while you spent the first 3 and a half years of what should've been the most fun years of your life at Hogwarts, lonely and sad. If his defense was that he could sympathize with your situation and that he wanted to help; why didn't he approach you sooner? Also, you might've been a little bitter about him having a place to go to while you still had to stay with your parents.
You did think about after that Night with Sirius, you decided you give them a chance. You wouldn't be cornered alone anymore or hopefully cornered at all. You would have a group now. You also thought it was great that you had someone you could relate to in the group and someone that you somewhat knew. You never thought that you'd be actual friends with your childhood crush, even if that was your best friend's older brother and you'd spend more time in his house than your own most days; but here you were.
Being a part of the Marauders was fun, you were practically family now. They let you in on their little secret; with Remus' permission of course. They informed you of his full moon situation. They offered to help you become an animagus, which you denied, you didn't want to deal with all of that. You helped James with Lily, it wasn't easy but it worked somehow. You would help them with their pranks. They pulled pranks on the people who used to bully you all the time which you appreciated greatly. It was nice knowing they had your back and they knew you had theirs.
Nobody messed with you now and you gained a few more friends now. Lily, Alice, Dorcas, and Mary. It was all great. Except for your growing crush on a certain Marauder. With every moment you spent with him your heart swelled, it wasn't a great idea to get involved with him in that way. You were his brothers best friend, he'd seen you grow up, and took you under his wing when you were in need (you always thought even if he truly wanted to be your friend, it was a sort of favor for Regulus since he couldn't be there) there was no way he would be interested in you. But you had always hoped.
You remembered one Christmas that your parents had forced you to go to a party that the Malfoys would throw annually. It was terrible. You didn't have your friends there with you and Regulus couldn't talk to you with his parents watching. The blacks were suspicious of you spending more time with their son, who they disowned and like every other parent at that party, they didn't want Regulus to associate with you. So you were alone again. The only perk of this entire thing was you didn't have to completely show your face since it was a masquerade ball theme.
Evan Rosier came up to you, your eyes narrowed and you tilted your head in question. "Shame you spend your time with those blood traitors Y/N, I would have asked you out."
"I think I lucked out on that one Rosier." You took a sip from your drink shifting your gaze to somewhere else.
"You filthy little-"
"Careful what your next words are, my friend, I don't think Mummy and Daddy would appreciate it much." A voice that came from behind you said.
"You are not even supposed to be here, Black."
"Sirius!" You threw your arms around his neck, he wrapped his around your waist. You heard Evan scoff and leave.
"Y/N darling, have I told you that you attract way too much trouble."
"No, but I'm starting to think you're right." You pulled away from him, realizing that you were in the eyesight of your parents. "What are you doing here? Your parents will kill you if they see you here."
"I couldn't let you come here alone, with all these people." He looked around with distaste.
"Alright well, we have to find a more private place so you won't get caught." You grabbed his hand in yours and led the way to the maze garden.
"Y/N if you wanted to get into my pants, all you had to do was ask." He wiggled his eyebrows, You shoved him away. "Gross."
"Okay so I didn't tell you this but James and I are breaking you out of here."
"How the hell are you planning on doing that?"
"Easy, a distraction." You were about to ask what the distraction was when you saw a stag through the windows. Screams of the people were coming from the inside. You put a hand over your mouth to cover your smile. You did not expect that at all. Sirius retook your hand and pulled you deeper into the maze when the guests were filing out.
You stopped when you were finally in the middle, there was an enchanted fountain spewing water. you had a rush of energy and laughed. Sirius was looking down at you.
"Where'd James go?"
"He should be coming soon." He replied. It was quiet for a while before Sirius scooped up water from the fountain and threw it at you. You gasped, "You asshole!"
You dipped your hand in the water and flicked it at him. This started a war between the two of you. You ducked behind the fountain and threw water at him whenever you got the chance and he did the same. It wasn't until you heard footsteps coming that you stopped.
"Y/N?" You remembered that voice, you whipped around quickly and almost fell into the water if it wasn't for Sirius who had put a hand on your back to catch you.
"Reg?" He ran to you and wrapped his arms around you, picking you up and twirling you around. Once he put you down he pulled you away at arm's length to observe you.
"You're wet." He stated, confused.
"Water fight." you smile into the response. He laughed and threw his head back.
"Only you." Sirius coughed, you almost forgot he was there.
"Hello, brother." Regulus nodded to him. "It's been a while, I've missed you."
"Have you?" You gave Sirius a look, now was not the time. This was the first time you've seen Regulus in months, years even. You didn't need them to argue.
"We should talk." He suggested, You agreed and strolled along the maze with Regulus, noticing that the guests have all returned inside.  
"So you escaped your parents." You started talking.
"So I did." he glanced at you. "But only for a bit, they'll start to wonder where I've gone. I just needed to see you."
"Yeah me too."
"I just wanted to let you know that I can't write to you anymore." Your brows furrowed in confusion. "Why not?"
"It's not safe."
"What is that supposed to mean?"
"Just know things are about to get serious and dangerous and I have to do things that I know you won't agree with to keep you safe."
"Reg, I-I don't know what you're saying."
"Soon enough you will." He stopped walking. "I needed you to know before I cut ties with you, that I love you. You're my best friend and I never want you to get hurt." You felt the tears forming.
"I love you too." He caresses your cheek and kisses them both before saying his final Goodbye. You were left standing there trying to decipher his words.
Eventually, you found yourself back where you and Sirius were playing with water. He was sitting on the edge of the fountain. He stood up when he saw you and your tearstained cheeks. He wrapped you in a hug.
"I'm glad you came." You whispered, hugging him back. He kissed the top of your head and told you that it was time to go. You went to James' house, you spent Christmas and summers there from then on. You never returned home. You slept in the guest bedroom and Sirius stayed with James in his room. Your parents sent you a letter telling you that you were no longer welcome at their house since you chose to associate yourself with bad company that was ruining their reputation. You didn't care much about it, knowing you had a better family now.
It wasn't until you graduated from Hogwarts that you figured out what Regulus was talking about. The war was getting more serious, Lily and James had to go into hiding, you and Sirius had joined the order, you became partners on missions, your bond growing more and more every day.
"There's too many of them Y/N we need to go back to headquarters!" Sirius yelled over the sounds of fighting. This was supposed to be a quick mission to find out where Voldemort was going to attack next. Hopefully saving a family and your best friends. But as always nothing went according to plan, you didn't drink enough poly juice potion that let you take the face of a death eater that you and Sirius had captured. You didn't bring the flask with you so in the middle of asking questions you transformed back into your true form, which then brought on the fighting.
"No! You go and get the others," A curse was sent your way, you blocked it. "I can fight them off in the meantime!"
"There's no way I'm leaving you with all of these death eaters!"
"Well I'm not going, we just need to catch one and get the information we need!" You continued to duel with Evan Rosier who was easily blocking all of your offensive spells. 'Shit' was all you thought. Six against two were not great odds and you were getting tired. Sirius made a point of retreating. If you were to leave now, you lost the element of surprise and they would be expecting you next time. That or they would retaliate. Great just great, all because you forgot to bring extra poly juice potion.
"Now is not the time to play hero, we can try another day." He took your hand and apparated you to a random alley in another part of London, but not before you were struck with a stinging spell.
"Fuck-" Tears stung in your eyes, Sirius was rushing towards you screaming your name.
The next thing you know you were waking up in a bright room. You assumed you were at St. Mungos. Memories of the moments before you were brought her played in your head. You slowly opened your eyes you turned your head to the sound of snoring. Sirius was sitting in a chair beside your bed. Despite feeling like shit you decided to throw a pillow at his head to wake him up. He sat up quickly, eyes wide staring at you.
"What the fuck?"
"Even when you're asleep you are annoying."
"I'm sorry I was up all night taking care of your dumb-ass."
"Apology accepted." You broke into a smile when you saw his face. He was so...serious. You could never let go of that joke.
"I'm not joking around, you were bad like so bad I thought I lost you."
"Siri-" You sat up in your bed.
"No Y/N I don't think you understand how serious this situation was. You had seizures and might've slipped into a coma. You've been in and out for days now." Your smile faded. "I-I thought I was going to lose you and I can't, not you." He shook his head, running a hand through his hair.
"Sirius, we all get injured, it happens. It's apart of the job."
"Yes but you're different."
"How? How is it any different than if this were to happen to Remus or James or any of the others?"
"Because I love you!" You tried to process his words. He searched your eyes for any response but you were in shock. He spoke softly, "It's different from the others because I am in love with you. I have been for a while.
"You don't have to say it back, you probably don't-" You grabbed him by the collar of his leather jacket and kissed him.
"You're an idiot." You kiss him once more and looked him in the eyes and said "I'm in love with you too."
Tags: @divergirl99
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biderboy · 4 years
This was not how it was suppose to happen.
This was not how it was suppose to happen.
James Potter was very sure that things had magically flown out of the window the day he was born because his life was falling into a complete disaster.
Now it’s not his fault, of course. James never did anything wrong ever. (Yea, besides breaking always every school rule within 3 years of being there.)
No, James will always and forever blame the unholy gods, his own parents, and one long haired, snobby faced bitch names Sirius Black.
Because James really, really did not want to do this.
His parents were wonderful, best parents he could have asked for and he has no room to complain, but pure blood traditions are pure blood traditions. And must be followed. Wether he liked it or not apparently.
Now he kne logically, he could say no. But then he would have to deal with the wailing cries of his so called best friend and the disappointment of his parents all in one.
You see, he had to get married.
No big deal really, if not for the fact he had to marry into the Black family.
He tried to reason, he could marry anyone. ANYONE. Lily Evans perhaps.
But no. They must be a pure blood. Stupid traditions.
“Carry out the family name”
“Me and your mother had to do it, we turned out fine.”
And his most hated,
“We’ll be related Prongs!!”
And why on earth would he want to be related to that thing. (Jokes on him, we all know you want nothing more than to be able to call Sirius family.)
Now here lies his real problem.
There were not many Black females in the family left unmarried.
And so his options?
Narcissa Black, or Bellatrix Black.
And Narcissa made it plenty clear she would be marrying Lucius Malfoy or she would die.
So that left the crazy cousin nobody preferred to talk to, incase she lost her head.
And James really, really did not want to do this.
He confronted Sirius, Remus, and Peter about it. Even dragging Lily and Marlene in too.
There had to be out of it, surely.
But no, there wasn’t.
Until an opportunity opened itself, even if it wasn’t what James, or anyone really, was expecting.
“Is there not anyone else in your family I can marry?”
“I would offer myself but i am currently in between jobs.”
“Sirius what the fuck.”
James was so tired of this marriage business, and Sirius was no help at all.
He was ready to pack up and walk out the door when a small, slightly familiar but not quite, voice sounded from behind them.
“I’ll do it.”
There stood Regulus Black. The now 18 year old and finally grew into his lanky body. No longer looking awkward and hostile, but rather, put together.
His black hair, not nearly as long as Sirius’, full just below his ears. His sliver eyes looked like they’d seen hell and back, but haven’t they all?
He was wearing regular robes, yet they fit him quite nicely. They didn’t make him look pale anymore, but rather complimented his skin nicely.
Was this the same kid James saw in 4th year? The same one who looked like he was ready to run away at any given chance? The same boy who had dark circles under his years for the entire 5 years James saw him everyday?
It had to be, but it didn’t make sense.
And, what did he say?
“I said,” He sighed, crossing his arms, “I’ll do it.”
Sirius laughed then, big and loud and everyways over dramatic because this was in now way a laughing manner.
“Why didn’t I think of that!”
Well, he would be no help.
“What do you mean Regulus?” James tutted.
Regulus glared, well atleast he still had the charm he had in 5th year.
“I’ll marry you. You have to marry a Black right? They never said you had to marry a girl.”
James was. Speechless for the first time in his 19 years of life.
Because here was Regulus, “i don’t care about you and your filthy friends sirius”, Black, offering to marry him. James Potter, of all people.
“Well, I reckon you don’t want to marry Bella. Nobody really wants to marry Bella.” Regulus shrugged as if it was the simplest thing in the world.
James mind was racing and he was so very confused but Sirius was still laughing, saying “this is brilliant !” and Regulus was looking at him with those silver eyes and James truly did not want to marry that other lunatic and so,
“Well, I suppose.”
He hated how neutral he sounded, he should be freaking out! He should be denying it and saying he’d much rather marry Bella. He should be throwing a fit and walking out!
But Regulus was still looking at him, eyes calculating.
And James looked at him too, really looked at him.
And he saw he was wearing a small necklace, that seemed to be star shaped. And he had on not one, but two rings, the matched his complexion and fit his hands so nicely. And he saw he wasn’t wearing shoes, whic was not odd, but he has stars on his socks too, and that was kind of cute.
And before James could process that he basically just called Regulus Black cute, said heir met his eyes again, and smiled.
And James almost felt himself die.
Regulus never smiled.
But there it was, small, gentle, there. Real.
It made his eyes crinkle a little, his nose scrunched up too. He had dimples, but the one on his left cheek was far deeper, more prominent. It suited him.
James didn’t know what he was thinking or why he was thinking it but,
He should smile like that for the rest of our lives.
James froze.
Oh no, oh no.
This was not what was suppose to happen.
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ashesandhackles · 3 years
First Lines Tag
Thank you so much for the tag @fightfortherightsofhouseelves & @thecat-isblogging-blog ❤️
Rules: List the first lines of your last 20 stories (if you have fewer than 20, just list them all!). See if there are any patterns. Choose your favourite opening line. Then tag some people to take part.
1. Every weekday, Alfred passed by Number 11 and Number 13 on his brisk walk to work. He never did find anything unusual about this square in London - he never thought to ask. He was always in such a hurry. On one cloudy Tuesday of July is the first he saw something.... remarkable. (Toys in the Attic)
2. It was a dreary evening in Grimmauld Place. It must have been evening - Sirius could not tell days and nights apart anymore in this never-ending abyss of a house. (Beyond the Veil)
3. I have never done what's good for me. (Letters to No One: Last Hand on My Clock)
4. There he was, the vile, cowardly traitor. How he did not see this was beyond him, and he felt guilt at the thought of ever suspecting Remus, Remus who forgave him first when he had crossed the line and this man he hated, this pathetic vermin he hated more than Voldemort was standing and had the gall to look innocent, as if he did not know why he, Sirius, was standing there, pointing a wand at him, as if he did not know whose murders he had caused, as if he did not know that Sirius had seen their bodies grow cold in that wreckage, and Harry, marked with scar. ( Snapshots).
5. He would call her Bella with mocking lilt, an imitation of her mother's call. He would duck when she aims a blow for his head. "Bellatrix! You don't get to call me Bella!" ( Smoke and Mirrors)
6. there isn't much use for pride, if it is going to get you killed. (Black Death)
7. Do you believe in ghosts? You have seen them float in the castle, talk to mediocre students who have impertinent questions about their existence, usually after a death. All of those questions, a desperate measure for a closure, a closure you will never have. You feel your lip curl when the ghosts talk of 'going on' after death, you know that is not true. But you wouldn't pin it on the ignorance of Hogwarts ghosts, because, really, how would they know those who are dead never truly left, never truly 'gone on' as they so eloquently put it. The ghosts you are talking about are the ones who haunt you every moment if you let them. Those are the ghosts you are talking about, not a pale imitation of the- dearly -departed.
(Anatomy of the Haunted).
8. she supposed she died with that man in the Second Wizarding War. (La Petit Mort)
9. She was a tiny white thing with a mop of fair hair unheard of in the Black family when she was born. Cygnus names her Narcissa, because she is possibly the only girl his wife had given birth to that he wasn't disappointed seeing ( more resigned that his wife wouldn't produce an heir, but that is a different story altogether ) and he gives her a distinctive name. (Echo)
10. There was once a boy, forced to be an adult at 20, because you see it was war time and people die, and nobody cared if he was good at Transfiguration or making Lily Evans laugh when she would rather cry. (Expecto Patronum)
11. His brother may call him an idiot for believing in their parent's spiel, but Regulus Black was never a fool. (Inferius)
other fandoms
12. The resigned look on her face bothered him. (Stalemate)
13. Once upon a time, she laughed a lot. (Nicotine)
My patterns seem to be: Lots of first person, interior monologue and lots of themes of grief and loneliness. And as much as I complain about having to read run off sentences in classics, I seem to be doing it a lot too 😂
My favourite one would be from Toys in the Attic with @thecat-isblogging-blog because it immediately tells you the tone of the fic and also because I think I have grown up a little bit from my previous work to have more scene setting clarity and intent :)
Tagging @thedreamermusing @shes-a-gryffindor @yletylyf @bluethepineapple @pet-genius @pebblysand @femellerklem @sybill-the-seer @welsh-green @mrs-stubby-boardman and anyone who wants to do this!
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limetimo · 2 years
Rab Fics I read This Week (12-5 Sept)
Rock 'N' Roll, Baby! by queerdeadwizards Marauders as a band feat Wolfstar and Jegulus (to be)
The Secrets of Regulus Black by Josiem Regulus has secrets (he doesn't hate his disowned brother, he doesn't want to join DEs, he wants to be a healer, he is very very gay) and keeps secrets (Lupin is a werewolf, ect ect), James Potter's sudden interest threatens to reveal them all
Keys To My Heart by marshland04 Secret identity my babes, Regulus takes advantage of the freedom planning his father's funeral offers him and does all kinds of things his mother wouldn't approve of if she found out, like playing baseball, reconnecting with his disowned brother and dating James Potter. Harry is born from James/Lily but Lily is engaged to Mary :D
For Queen & Country by Quietlemonhush ABO verse, Regulus has HAD it with Wolfstars being pining idiots. When Sirius (supressed for years) heat hits, he calls Remus to the rescue.
Vengeful Love by Quietlemonhush Regulus is holding a Christmas party and wants Sirius there to woo the crowds, and as a good boyfriend Remus has to tag along. Also Regulus is the king of petty revenge :D
constellations inked in blood by The_Duchess_of_Fiction ugh I LOVE when the Blacks bunk together and set on kicking some serious ass. When they're kids Regulus, Sirius, Narcissa Andromeda and Bellatrix get matching constellation tattoos that can act as an SOS signal. None of them uses it until Regulus is drowning in the cave. Sirius Andy and Narcissa save him (Bella had her tattoo covered by the Dark Mark and didn't feel the distress signal) and from then on it's the entire House of Black on bloodpath. Sirius slays one of the Lestranges with a sword levels of badassery. also slowburn Narcissa/Sirius
can't even run, can't even walk by ScreamingFae Regulus is hiding BArty in his room for a summer :D
Snakes and Lions by Moony_Reggie Remus is in Slytherin and REgulus is a smart cookie who got bumped up a year ahead. Jegulus and Wolfstar, very enjoyable to me.
Family on the Mend by heartofspells, TracingPatterns Remus and Sirius are struggling, raising 14 yo teenager Harry and 2yo Teddy. It's just a lot, and they have unresolved issues (esp Sirius and his inability to not give Teddy comfort whenever the toddler cries). Mary suggests they join a muggle TV show that helps struggling families like them. Ft. baby whisperer Regulus. I really enjoyed it!
Castle by the Sea (The End of All Days Remix) by ignipes Remus/Regulus, Regulus goes to the cave
Disciple of Time by BlueSundayCake another Hermione Time Travels to 1978 BUT this time she recruits Snape first thing and makes friends with the Marauders second, a little bit of Lily villification to make space for future Hermione/James but I wouldn't classify it as Lily bashing. Protective older brother Sirius
to the dark lord by justwhatialwayswanted Regulus playing 5D chess also recommend Ancient Dreams in the Modern Land by MARINA is fits im telling you. Also Evan Rosier my beloved ♥
Burning Doves by TowardTheStars Regulus makes friends with Severus Snape, develops a major crush on him that's very much unrequired but also Sev keeps saving REgulus' skin whenever he's in danger from the death eaters
Regulus Black, Potions Master by CuteSunnyDayDreamer6 what it says on the tin ♥
The Highest Form of Betrayal by star boy Lyn (LyncisLikeTheStar) Regulus gets kidnapped by his well-meaning friends and boyfriend. He's not mad about leaving home - he planned on doing that himself - but for fuck's sake they could've asked
career goals: tyrant by justwhatialwayswanted Regulus is the most audacious bitch in the room, every room. Voldy doesn't stand a chance
Trials and Tribulations by lemon_drps Regulus is straight up not having a good time, that with Sirius running away, the responsiiblities shifted on his shoulders, the brewing war, oh and lets not forget the self-medication overdose (I love this one)
Open Season by avidita It's Cursed Child Era (post-cursed child era? Delfi's there but the baby Potters are graduated) and Regulus Black claws his way out of the lake. It's a lot to comprehend but Regulus puts his entire pussy in being on top
Once Upon A Wish by wynnebat !!!!!!!!!!!! Ginny made a wish on a candle - to make the team on Holyhead Harpies - but the wish goes a little wonky and has her joining the team in 1979! Well. Since she's there, and she has all the names, Ginny decides to kick some ass. LOVED IT.
Mark of the Beast by disillusionist9 for ibuzoo I- -um -- excuse the fuck tou of me but this is BRILLIANT Ginny with a cybernetic arm forced to work for turned-cyborg Tom Riddle to keep her tech up to date and being a partner in murder with Regulus 'the drama king' Black aklehuhflaisf
Seeing Red by TheLestrangeMistress no context just Regulus admitting he cheated on Ginny
Cutting Strings by TheLestrangeMistress again no context just Ginny realsising her boyfriend Regulus was a manipulative bitch isolating her from her family and friends
Back To The Old House by Gigix There's um. A very unhealthly, obsessive love between James and Regulus, There is a strange obsession with Regulus being "good" and therefore worth of saving, the saviour James vibes are strong with this one but it's also very intriguing, and his obsession with Regulus does put pretty big strain on his friendships. Regulus for his part gives big 'religious suffering' vibes. This summary sounds so dark
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